#OOC; Mun blabbers
melpcmene · 1 year
Also, it is so obvious-- if I remember correctly, Leander's inner wrist is quite sensitive.
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myrwild · 1 year
lowkey excited to wake up with 6 whole threads to respond to in my drafts.. it's not much but it's all mine~
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prof-oleander · 1 year
So that's what Chestnut looks like! Very cute! Kinda wondering what was the idea behind her and when you started to put her in your canon. Also I like how her face goes :> in a front angle.
OOC: Yes! That's how I always pictured them in my head and I kinda regret not having drawn her earlier!
At first, I put her in the canon as a simple "example" for an ask about Pokémon outliving their trainers. And then I started building from there.
I have to confess that Oleander's grandfather was heavily inspired by one of my late grandfathers, that used to live in the countryside (and before in a smaller village in the mountainside) and that had the habit of going gathering mushrooms and chestnuts during autumn until he had enough strength to do so.
I thought about the woods in my area and the kind of vegetation and animals I know about in there, and which Pokémons could be found in there and then I remembered gramps returning with his basket filled with different edible mushrooms... so I thought "why not a mushroom-inspired Pokémon?" ...and I like Brelooms so it was a match! lmao
But since I read that usually Breloom is found in tropical forests (or so Bulbapedia says, dex entries do not specify this), while the climate here is on the temperate side and most of the woods are of the deciduous kind, I opted to turn Breloom into a variant that resembles one of the types of mushrooms that my grandfather used to gather: the boletus. (oh, no, now that I'm writing this I'm starting to think about other variants inspired by other mushrooms)
And her face going :> in a front angle... I guess it's a natural thing? (And I like it!) I used the Pokémon Go model as a reference, other than the Pokémon Home sprite (the shiny one bc I didn't want to accidentally pick colours too close to that palette).
This screenshot amassing something like 4 or 5 layers of drafts (not counting the reference pictures) kind of explains all the thoughts for the drawing. The arms made me struggle a little bit, I kind of changed the positioning a dozen times before finding something that looked good enough to me. (and I love that little side profile I doodle to study the face shape, maybe I'll find a way to use it in the future)
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(pls ignore the messy shelves in the background of the PoGo photo I used as a reference. BTW she's my little pogchamp Amanita)
At first, I was planning to draw a proper background referencing a photo I took some years ago of the woods near my grandfather's hometown... but it kept not looking how I wanted it to look and I didn't like the result of the filters to make the photo look like a drawing, so I ended up giving up for the moment.
Fun fact (?): Before Breloom and woodland-related mons I also thought about the Torchic line and some rabbit-inspired Pokémon since we used to have chickens and rabbits (we still have chickens but details lmao), and he grew up on a little farm so I also thought about Miltanks and other mons but none of them felt right.
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theopulenthq · 3 months
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To enhance our roleplay experience, we want to kick off an in-character and out of character "council" to solve the mysteries troubling the group. This will be made up of muns to help dictate the plot direction of the group. Here's what it means:
How Does It Work OOC? Each mun is allowed 1 muse to sit on the council. This can be any muse; royal, noble, employee, etc. We want to encourage diversity on the council. While we aim to give everyone their choice of muse, we will add a "second choice" option in case we want to balance out the representatives across countries. A few things to keep in mind: 
If you only have 1 muse, we will try to default to said muse. However, all muns have the option NOT to participate if you are not inclined.
If you would like to switch muses after the fact, please message the main and we can work out how to play that out. 
If you are unsure at this point, you can hold off on joining the council until you're ready. This is meant to be low pressure. 
The admin team will share this link out with all new members to collect responses. 
How Does It Work In Game? The people who sit on the council will be common knowledge to all muses. This opens up lots of threads, conversations, plots as people outside try to influence those on the inside. So have fun with it! For logistics purposes, please assume that the council meets weekly to discuss developments and findings. A few things to keep in mind:
All countries are represented, but it is currently Norway and Brazil that are in charge of the council meetings. They set the agenda and lead the discussion. 
The ongoing investigations of the council should be confidential... That said, we have spies and blabber mouths for a reason ;) So if your muse wants to talk about what they're working on, do it! Just know that it can have IC implications.
How Do We Get the Council Going? Once we collect enough responses, the admin team will open up a separate channel for the Council. We will routinely throw out ideas, plots, and the like for you to vote on and direct the upcoming plot drops. Note that this will also have IC implications!
As usual, if you have any other questions - please reach out! We want to make this work for you. 
You can sign up for the council HERE
Love and forehead kisses, 
Your Admin Team
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sh00ting-starz · 4 years
Gonna icon the heck out of the Lost Legends, also gonna add Anti-Mabel on this blog as one of the verses C: ))
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rottmnt-goyles · 4 years
Promise I will write replies during this weekend guys ;; <3 ))
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helluva-muses · 4 years
Me making icons like;
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“They match”
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starsmuserainbow · 2 years
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Mun vs Muse(s)!
I stole it, and since I do wanna take any chance I get to kinda-sorta promo my other blogs especially on Starfire, I decided to include some of my other sideblog-muses on this post too. Not all, because I can only add 10 pictures.
Top row is the actual mun vs muse of the mainblog here. Next row are Star's siblings; the third row are my other three one-muse-sideblogs, and the fourth row is three of the muses from my Multi (two of which aren't officially added yet though, so you won't find them in the muse list yet). Links to any of the blogs, as usual, you can find here.
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crisprcafe · 2 years
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an Attempt was made to make a plume sprite. behold.
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caeloservare · 2 years
// I have super strong urges to share my culture, history, fun facts and everything and I blame old Polish rock/pop music...
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I dare you to tell me this doesn't still slap. Boost bass a little and it's perfect even for today standards. Or this classic that also got a remix for Polish Legends in modern setting. My point- both lyrics and tune are awesome. Original is still better tho-
Oh, if you're wondering about what the hell is the vid about - that's how she works for Devil now :D Why? Because someone has to catch Twardowski who is living on the moon~ Yes, there's a whole legend to it. A modernized version which I adore and miss when they were producing this stuff. It has English subs! Not for kids stuff tho
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amachja-moved · 3 years
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Oh my goodness this episode.
This chapter was already unbelievably sad in the manga, but boy did the anime do it justice. I’m just going to sob/ramble here about my favourite parts so I apologise in advance for clogging your dash.
- Sasha, Connie, Jean. That’s it that’s the whole post -- just kidding, I just love them to bits, I love their trio, I love their friendship, I love how they stick together no matter what, I love how they clearly stand aside from the rest of the Survey Corps and cling to each other because they’re all they have. They’re my babies and I reiterate I will make a blood sacrifice for interactions with Connie and Jean blogs. - Sasha’s voice. She’s grown up so much, but she sounds so tired even when she’s joking about food and teasing Jean about his beard  🥺 - She heard Gabi and Falco. Super-hearing kicked in and Jean immediately trusted her and f*** you Floch & co for not shutting up when he told you to.  - Gabi. GABI. Oh my god I love this character so much, and her VA is doing such a wonderful job and the pain in her voice and in her eyes, and the unbelievable struggle when Falco tries to get her to face the contradictions in this senseless war but she just can’t process it. I don’t blame her, she’s like 12, she’s had a difficult life, she only knew one way out and now nothing makes sense anymore.  - There’s this thing in psychology called attribution theory, according to which people will attribute one of two causes to any given event: internal cause or external cause. “It’s my fault” or “it’s someone/something else’s fault”. I feel like Falco and Gabi in that scene are both standing on one end of the spectrum because what they’re going through is way too big for them (or anyone) to comprehend, and that’s when Gabi breaks. Like, she needs a culprit or she’ll just collapse. That culprit just happens to be Sasha. Even Gabi looks shocked when she realises she’s killed her - I’m 99% sure she just aimed randomly and shot just wanting to hit someone, anyone, and it happened to be Sasha.  - Everybody’s reaction to Sasha getting shot + Sasha’s death. Holy shit that hits hard. Everyone is grieving. Everyone is traumatised.  - Obviously Connie and Jean are just... hbfjdfbdjhfvbdjb. I can’t even, it hurts too much  🥺 Connie just lost his better half, his twin, one of the two most important people in the whole wide world to him and he broke my heart. And Jean - so heartbroken too. We didn’t get to see as much of his friendship with Sasha as Connie’s, but still; it was the three of them vs the world. - Mikasa. And. Amin. I will DIE on the hill that Mikasa and Sasha were super close and so important to each other and I hate that Mikasa is losing yet another person she loved  🥺 enough, leave her alone  🥺 and Armin, bby Armin, my god Mikasa and Armin’s tears and screams over her body in her last moments, and Mikasa sobbing by her dead body, I’m in pain. - Eren expression of pure pain and suffering, my g o d, I totally blame him for Liberio and for forcing the Corps’ hand but he’... not okay when Sasha dies. - EVEN LEVI IS IN FUCKING SHOCK. I have like 100 headcanons (ok maybe a little less) on Sasha and Levi but it’s always nice to see that even though we actually see them interact maybe three times in the whole series, she was 100% part of his squad, one of his people. Levi Ackerman is a good.  - ‘Niku’  🥺 - And next week we get to see the funeral, meaning we see Niccolo AND PROBABLY ALSO THE FAMILY AND I’M NOT READY FOR THEM. (nor for Mikasa crying at Sasha’s grave) - Sasha’s death is such an incredible shock to every single character and really goes to show that even a secondary character like her matters infinitely in the AoT universe, and she was one of the few rays of sunshine still alive for these characters who have seen, and lived through, too much.  There are probably 10000 more things but I need to finish a reply on my forum before my rp partner goes to bed so i’ll stop here.
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lawtorn · 3 years
ooc thoughts.   the newest episode of the  ‘from now’  podcast is so exciting!
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
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(( @berrys-blabbering Legit I think they just kinda sneak up behind me, whack me over the head with a bat, and then I wake up with a new OC sitting in my lap. Also I don’t control the OC. They control me.))
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mastersofmidgar · 4 years
Me: You can date a Rufus RP Blog by if his pet’s name is Dark Nation or Darkstar Also me: *can’t decide which to go with for this blog* Also Also me: 
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ncumenia-archived · 5 years
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sh00ting-starz · 4 years
Decided that Mabel’s icons will be from the show
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and Anti Mabel’s icons are from the comic
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