#but guuys do I wanna blabber about it all so badly
caeloservare · 2 years
// I have super strong urges to share my culture, history, fun facts and everything and I blame old Polish rock/pop music...
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I dare you to tell me this doesn't still slap. Boost bass a little and it's perfect even for today standards. Or this classic that also got a remix for Polish Legends in modern setting. My point- both lyrics and tune are awesome. Original is still better tho-
Oh, if you're wondering about what the hell is the vid about - that's how she works for Devil now :D Why? Because someone has to catch Twardowski who is living on the moon~ Yes, there's a whole legend to it. A modernized version which I adore and miss when they were producing this stuff. It has English subs! Not for kids stuff tho
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