#OOC: Brb. Crying and dying.
slainfury · 7 years
what hope is there in a future that my sister will never see?
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 first of all that is fantastic that there was Brad blog in existence in the first place because I didn’t really figure anyone would have RPed him
second of all... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH well if you decide to bring him back or want to do this you just let me know because holy shit i would love to do this 
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god1ngs · 3 years
(he remembers tommy’s kindness, brb crying) - ooc!tommy
I KNOW.... do you think he also remembers the guilt he felt when he "let tommy down" for dying.....
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seriouslyprongs · 7 years
gentlect and ohdeerboy
((ooc: @gentlect just from seeing her on my dash, laura has this amazing warmth about her. you can tell she cares about people so much and she just oozes positivity and confidence! also, her ‘you are my sunshine’ molly weasley thread straight up m u r d e r e d  m e the first time I saw it and continues to kill me every time it does the rounds, like first of all how dare you be so good at acting and second of all, brb crying quietly on the floor.
@ohdeerboy prince is so great you guys and such a good rp’er. like, his tom riddle is the tom riddle. he’s also such a sweet bean, when I was trying to learn lines for a play at the end of last year he gave me cracking advice and I got them all learnt in a weekend because of it so thank you my dear.ALSO, HOW TALL ARE YOU ??? BECAUSE WHEN LAURA TOOK OVER YOUR ACCOUNT THERE WAS SO MUCH HEIGHT REVEAL TEASING BUT NO ANSWER AND THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW 
and hey hey hey miller while you’re here… 
@asklilyluna is made of sunshine and smiles whilst simultanously being the deepest darkest a n g s t monster known to mankind., miller is so ridiculously versatile, her content has me in fits of giggles or literally dying inside and that is a skill. she’s also such hilarious and kind individual. I just went back to the first conversation we had right back when I started this blog and she was so encouraging. it descended into us screaming mutual appreciation at each other in capslock and it is a treasured memory tbh. tldr; miller is an angel and we do not deserve her.
Send me URL’s and i’ll tell you all the things I love about them!))
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cirque-ahyeon · 12 years
Reminds Me of You || Chunji and Ahyeon
Honestly, Chunji was quite glad that it took him so long to find the supplies to create his present for his friend. Part of him really wanted to have it done for Valentine’s Day, though that didn’t quite make sense at all –why would he give it to her then? That would send the message that… Well… Maybe it wasn’t the most incorrect thing in the world. You gave things to people you cared about on that day, right? And he did care about her. She was strangely dear to him, in a way that even he hadn’t quite figured out. Thinking about Ahyeon was like drinking straight caffeine; the thought of her filled him with energy and excitement. Perhaps that’s why she got away with so much with him –because he couldn’t seem to get past the notes of her that filled him with that feeling.
Simple things, like how he could take her off guard and her opinion would obviously rise just the faintest bit, or how neither of them seemed too deterred by how the other was acting. It felt like a contest to see who give in give first –but he wasn’t trying at all with how he was treating her. Chunji loved treating her like a princess, even though he wasn’t too sure how to even do that in the first place. But the first step was that princesses always got the nicest stuff, right? He didn’t have very much in the way of spare money, so he had to make his present for her. Hopefully she would smile even so, even if he wasn’t around to see it.
Clutching the finished product to his chest, he set out for Ahyeon’s tent, his nerves tingling with tension. If she caught him, she’d likely be angry, and he’d have to see her reaction to it. The thought of having her throw it back in his face hurt like hell –so that’s why he had to do it this way. Hopefully if she hated it, he could at least pretend that it was precious to her. Something she kept locked up for safe keeping rather than something in a trash heap somewhere. Chunji didn’t know why that thought pained him so much, but it did, and he unconsciously quickened his pace. Had to get there before her show ended, had to get there when none of the others would see him.
Arriving at the Grey tent slightly out of breath, he peeked within and was thrilled to see that no one currently resided within. Ducking inside, he quickly picked out which bed was Ahyeon’s, since she had previously mentioned what presents Hyori had gotten her. Walking over, he carefully laid the present down where she could see it, along with its accompanying note. Smiling secretively, he turned and ducked out of the tent, going back the way he had come.
The note read:
My Dear Ahyeon-ah Ahyeon,
I know you probably think this is stupid –me getting you a gift out of nowhere like this…but I saw the seashell and I couldn’t help but think of you. It’s a seashell, something from the ocean, and it’s the bright red of embers in a fire; the perfect combination for you! It’s like it was meant to belong to you. I put it on a rope so it would be easier to keep track of, but they didn’t have any clasps or anything on the island, so I had to wait until we were near a town again to finish it. I stayed up all night making it because I wanted to get it to you as soon as I could. I couldn’t wait to get it to you, so I hope you enjoy it! It’s a natural beauty, just like you.
P.S. Sorry it's so messy! My pencil didn't have an eraser
Too put it bluntly, Ahyeon wasn't the least bit surprised to see a slip of paper folded neatly on the small table beside her cot. In fact the moment she had stepped into her tent, a part of her had even expected to see something left for her. Still standing in the entrance of the tent she wasn't able to make out the small object which she assumed went with the letter. How many gifts did that make so far? Right, four. And how many notes? Five. This entire charade was getting more than a little ridiculous. Isn't sneaking into someone's tent considered an invasion of privacy? The young woman would complain to someone about an intruder but who could she go to? The highest people of status in the Cirque were GaIn, herself and Hongki. One would suggest telling the “man” of the group but what could he possibly say about it after sneaking into someone's tent and someone's cottage himself? GaIn would probably just tell her to deal with the situation. Was she the only rational person in charge?
She almost didn't want to see what it was or even read the letter. She was too tired; her plans when coming back into her tent after the circus's first Aomori show were simply to change and sleep. (Bathing would have to wait until the next day unfortunately. Setting up the pipes always seemed to be more of a hassle during winter.) Ahyeon didn't want to have another episode of mixed feelings and she somehow knew this note would do just that. Were people trying to make her doubt herself so much? So much so that she'd feel like imploding? She didn't want that, or at least that's what the petite brunette continued to tell herself. She was tired and already agitated because of the Lunar Manipulator who thought it necessary to spray paint her signature onto the Red tent.
Howbeit the longer Ahyeon stood in the flapway, the more she pondered on the subject and the more she did that, the larger the wave of questions grew. She wanted answers, but she had to keep telling herself she didn't need them before finally the wave grew too large and washed over her, pulling the conflicted woman into a defeated state. She heaved a sigh before walking over to her cot and taking a seat on the edge. With cautiousness she reached out one hand for the note, refusing to take a good look at the object first.
Reading the words on the paper felt bittersweet. (The first thing she had looked at was the signature.) She found herself agreeing that it was stupid, but in a way he wouldn't understand. She hadn't been nice to him. Her philosophy a week earlier with him had been that if she was going to die in his presence, he would have to as well. He had no reason to gift her. Ahyeon knew he didn't deserve the way she treated him, but after playing the part of a snob for so long … it started to feel natural.
“… the perfect combination for you!”
He got her a seashell? She couldn't decide how she felt about that. It was from the ocean – A peaceful nirvana where the waves caressed the sand and where the water was free. According to the writer it was bright red – The color most associated with fire. In a sense, he was right; it was the perfect combination for her. Most people didn't have an emotional connection with their ability, but Ahyeon had no choice. Her skill consisted of two opposing elements. She supposed that contributed to the constant battles she inwardly took part in.
“It’s a natural beauty, just like you.”
Her teeth sank into her bottom lip at the statement as she re-read it with a confused countenance. She lifted her gaze to look at the actual object. Setting the piece of paper gently in her lap she reached out for the necklace with one hand while the other raised to gain a soft grip of the necklace she currently had on. She didn't want to take the current one off, but ... Out of impulsive decision, she unclasped the thin chain from around her neck and wrapped it around her wrist. She could wear both. Without a second thought, Ahyeon clipped the gifted necklace around her neck. She wasn't attached to Zelo's piece of jewelry because she was infatuated with him. His was more of a reminder that he did mean well for whenever she began to think or feel differently.
Chunji's would stand for the same reason.
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