crystal-lasill · 4 months
"Thank you for your help. I'll have to come back once I have snails and purchase something from you as a proper thank you."
She gave the man a smile. She could tell he was a bit shaken up by her casual attitude. It was somewhat amusing.
"My name is Crystal, by the way. I'm an adventurer, traveling everywhere I can find."
A black market. A place where thieves and rogues of all sorts sold their acquisitions. Usually for an inflated price. This wasn't something Crystal, an international thief in her own world, wasn't used to.
"Hmm. I would rather look to sell what I have to a respectable vendor. Thank you for your honesty."
She pulled a beautiful, flawless, cut ruby from inside her coat.
"Do you know anyone that would be interested in wares such as this?"
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crystal-lasill · 4 months
A black market. A place where thieves and rogues of all sorts sold their acquisitions. Usually for an inflated price. This wasn't something Crystal, an international thief in her own world, wasn't used to.
"Hmm. I would rather look to sell what I have to a respectable vendor. Thank you for your honesty."
She pulled a beautiful, flawless, cut ruby from inside her coat.
"Do you know anyone that would be interested in wares such as this?"
Crystal repeated in thought. She didn't recognize the town or anything he described of the surrounding area. It had been a long time since she'd been to a universe she'd never heard of. It was refreshing.
"What kind of currency do you use? Can I use precious metals and stones in exchange for goods and services? Or do I have to buy the local currency from an institution?"
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crystal-lasill · 4 months
Crystal repeated in thought. She didn't recognize the town or anything he described of the surrounding area. It had been a long time since she'd been to a universe she'd never heard of. It was refreshing.
"What kind of currency do you use? Can I use precious metals and stones in exchange for goods and services? Or do I have to buy the local currency from an institution?"
(Continued from here.)
Crystal looked at the being in front of her as he spoke. She looked around herself again before shrugging a bit. She hadn't seen much around her yet, so she didn't realize the size of the civilization she was in.
"It's surely a unique place that has its own charm and personality. In my opinion, that makes a place grand."
She then smiled at him again.
"Maybe we should start with the name of this place."
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crystal-lasill · 4 months
(Continued from here.)
Crystal looked at the being in front of her as he spoke. She looked around herself again before shrugging a bit. She hadn't seen much around her yet, so she didn't realize the size of the civilization she was in.
"It's surely a unique place that has its own charm and personality. In my opinion, that makes a place grand."
She then smiled at him again.
"Maybe we should start with the name of this place."
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
Crystal was just as amused by the boy's attempts at embarrassing Mod. And equally so at the fact it was working.
She chuckled, looking at Neil. "You're acting like I haven't seen your underwear." She grinned before looking back at Beast Boy.
"My friend, I would prefer it if you didn't harass my date."
Crystal went to answer Mod when Beast Boy rounded ther corner. She watched the Titan with amusement as he walked right up to her. His inquiry was met with a soft laugh and a shake of her head.
“I’m afraid that’s me you’re smelling, but it is very lovely to meet you, Beast Boy.”
She looked between the two in growing amusement. Both had similar reactions and it was funny. “Please don’t worry. We’re really just here to get some groceries and exchange stories.” She gave the other anthro a big smile. “I’m Crystal, by the way.”
Beast Boy blinked a few times, looking between Crystal and Mod.
“Uhhh… okay? Hi, Crystal,” the changeling replied flatly with a slight wave, uncertain of how civil he should be.
There was a brief pause before an imaginary light bulb dinged above the green teen’s head and a devious grin graced his features.
“Exchanging stories, right? Did he tell you about the time his pants fell down after we defeated him and he had to run away while trying to pull them back up?”
Mad Mod sputtered and scowled at the teen, face flushing red. He didn’t have an opportunity to retort before Beast Boy continued with,
“He wears Union Jack tighty-whities, by the way.”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
Crystal went to answer Mod when Beast Boy rounded ther corner. She watched the Titan with amusement as he walked right up to her. His inquiry was met with a soft laugh and a shake of her head.
"I'm afraid that's me you're smelling, but it is very lovely to meet you, Beast Boy."
She looked between the two in growing amusement. Both had similar reactions and it was funny. "Please don't worry. We're really just here to get some groceries and exchange stories." She gave the other anthro a big smile. "I'm Crystal, by the way."
“Lupin is a bumbling leader.” She laughed. “But there’s never been a hiccup he couldn’t get himself and everyone else out of.”
Crystal snickered. “Well. There was the time I met Lupin and gang.”
She followed him around telling him about different exploits with her family, different people and places they’ve robbed from that were particularly difficult, about how she found out she was inept with magic, and other stories of various levels of funny and just interesting.
While they were walking around the next shop her nose picked up some not human scents. She paused and looked around.
Unbeknownst to the two, for the moment, the Titans themselves were wandering the aisles. They were currently split up throughout the store and the nearest Titan was Beast Boy. Had he not enhanced his sense of smell to pick the best fruit, the green teen may not have noticed the strange feline human hybrid scent… and fish. Ew. Still, he wanted to see the cat! Neil noticed Crystal looking around and asked, “Something wrong?” As if to answer his question, the green changeling appeared from around the corner, following his nose. “Oh no…” Mod groaned with a hand to his face. Beast Boy didn’t even notice the Brit, at first, too busy following the scent. “Uhh,” the teen cocked his head as he eyed Crystal. “…Did you bring a cat in here? I won’t tell! I just wanna see it… heh heh.” He blinked a moment as he finally registered the presence of Mad Mod. “Aw, come on!”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
"Lupin is a bumbling leader." She laughed. "But there's never been a hiccup he couldn't get himself and everyone else out of."
Crystal snickered. "Well. There was the time I met Lupin and gang."
She followed him around telling him about different exploits with her family, different people and places they've robbed from that were particularly difficult, about how she found out she was inept with magic, and other stories of various levels of funny and just interesting.
While they were walking around the next shop her nose picked up some not human scents. She paused and looked around.
She couldn’t help but keep laughing. “I have to say it sounds much more entertaining than my first trip to England.” She nodded at her own words.
“In fact I don’t have much for stories like that. Most of my funny stories are Lupin and gang botching heists and some how cobbling up plan B through F to get out of trouble.”
Neil gave a brief exhale through his nose. “There’s a reason I work alone. No bumbling underlings.“ As they spoke, the Brit kept an eye out for what he needed. “So, wot shenanigans did you get into?”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
She couldn't help but keep laughing. "I have to say it sounds much more entertaining than my first trip to England." She nodded at her own words.
"In fact I don't have much for stories like that. Most of my funny stories are Lupin and gang botching heists and some how cobbling up plan B through F to get out of trouble."
Crystal listened with a growing grin. She tried her best to not interrupt his story while she looked through the fish.
She couldn’t hold back there laugh when he finished. “Honestly, did you only call it a loo? There are a lot more words for it than that.”
“I basically used any word that wasn’t toilet. I thought it was too crude for Americans. If only I ‘ad risked being disrespectful from the start.” He let out a sigh. “Thankfully, they didn’t seem upset about my lashing out. Said they’d ‘ave done the same thing in my position. That wasn’t my only misadventure in the States. There are many differences in dialect I was completely unaware of. To Brits, pants are underwear. Imagine my surprise when a woman in a skirt mentioned she should ‘ave worn pants because it was too windy.” He snickered. “All I could think was Americans sure are honest!”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
Crystal listened with a growing grin. She tried her best to not interrupt his story while she looked through the fish.
She couldn't hold back there laugh when he finished. "Honestly, did you only call it a loo? There are a lot more words for it than that."
“Really? That’s kinda cool. Does this mean I’m sudo-related to Beast Boy?” Crystal jokingly pondered.
She tilted her head slightly when he spoke again. “I mean. I’m over it, really. I’ve spoken to him and let him finish the process since. When I was a teenager I was much more sensitive about it.”
She watched Neil in amusement before snickering. “Okay. What happened?” She amused his very obvious request.
“Well, when I first arrived, I didn’t ‘ave much time to myself. I was being bounced around from planning to events to social gatherings and the like. The first person I asked to use the loo seemed thoroughly baffled by my request. It didn’t occur to me that you don’t call it a loo ‘ere. So, naturally, I assumed I’d made a social gaffe of some sort. Perhaps it was considered taboo to mention such things so casually. Because I couldn’t go wandering around for wot I needed, I simply waited for another opportunity to ask. I didn’t want to embarrass myself in front of the same person twice. Upon finding someone else, I quietly pulled them aside and asked again. Perhaps that would be polite enough to give me an answer. Again, no. So I keep doing this over and over different ways, hoping to get an answer.” He let out a noise between a huff and a sigh, dragging his hand down his face. “Twelve. Bloody. Hours. It took me twelve bloody hours to figure it out… And that was only because I finally snapped and told them I need to piss and I don’t care about the taboo and it’s going to be more awkward if I wet myself or just whip it out in an alley!”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
"Really? That's kinda cool. Does this mean I'm sudo-related to Beast Boy?" Crystal jokingly pondered.
She tilted her head slightly when he spoke again. "I mean. I'm over it, really. I've spoken to him and let him finish the process since. When I was a teenager I was much more sensitive about it."
She watched Neil in amusement before snickering. "Okay. What happened?" She amused his very obvious request.
Crystal was thoroughly enjoying herself with Neil. She found his chatter fun.
She told him about her cat, Artemis. How he was sassy and nagged her sometimes, but otherwise has been a wonderful companion.
Their trip around town started with the pier. Fish were always best with the morning haul. She looked over at Neil when he mentioned her sense of smell.
“No. Not at all, actually. Although I know what will become of it will be amazing.” She laughed.
She hummed as she looked over some salmon. “Have you ever heard of Doctor Emile Dorian? The famous geneticists?” She looked back at him. “That’s my dad. My mom died of a genetic disease and I have it too. He spliced my genes with Artemis’ and it should remain dormant the rest of my life.”
Neil chuckled as well. “The name does ring a bell, actually. When I was researching the Titan, Beast Boy, I stumbled across it. I believe ‘is research aided the biologists responsible for his animal superpowers in a similar situation to yours.” He paused a moment, then changed the topic. “Hope I didn’t offend you with that question. Then again, you lot ‘ere have fewer taboos than I initially thought. You wouldn’t believe wot ‘appened when I first visited the States.” He gave her a look that basically screamed to ask him what happened.
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
Crystal was thoroughly enjoying herself with Neil. She found his chatter fun.
She told him about her cat, Artemis. How he was sassy and nagged her sometimes, but otherwise has been a wonderful companion.
Their trip around town started with the pier. Fish were always best with the morning haul. She looked over at Neil when he mentioned her sense of smell.
"No. Not at all, actually. Although I know what will become of it will be amazing." She laughed.
She hummed as she looked over some salmon. "Have you ever heard of Doctor Emile Dorian? The famous geneticists?" She looked back at him. "That's my dad. My mom died of a genetic disease and I have it too. He spliced my genes with Artemis' and it should remain dormant the rest of my life."
“That sounds wonderful.” She picked up her plate and found a fork to eat with. “I used to go to the farmer’s market every Saturday with my mom when I was little.”
She took a bite and her tail began to flick behind her again. “This is really yummy~” She enjoyed a second bite before gratefully taking a glad of water.
“Oh. Yes, please.” She smiled up at him as she leaned back against the counter so they could keep talking. She watched his mannerisms, stil fairly worried.
Neil finally smiled once more with Crystal’s compliment. He did take pride in his cooking. As the meal progressed, the mood lightened. Not much of particular interest was said: “Loose leaf tea really is the best way to enjoy tea. A bit more work, but well worth it.” “Weather is lovely ‘ere. I see more sun in one day here than a whole week in London.” “I miss ‘aving pets sometimes.” -But it was pleasant to be in each other’s company. About an hour or so later, the two found themselves shopping for seafood. “This must be heaven for you, given wot I assume must be your cat’s sense of smell.” He thought a moment before following up with a question. “ ‘ow did that come about anyway, if you don’t mind my asking?”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
"That sounds wonderful." She picked up her plate and found a fork to eat with. "I used to go to the farmer's market every Saturday with my mom when I was little."
She took a bite and her tail began to flick behind her again. "This is really yummy~" She enjoyed a second bite before gratefully taking a glad of water.
"Oh. Yes, please." She smiled up at him as she leaned back against the counter so they could keep talking. She watched his mannerisms, stil fairly worried.
Dance Partners
Her ears drooped lower when he frowned. She lifted her head as she watched his face. When he spoke she simply nodded and moved back to her original position beside him. She was fairly worried. Though, she understood not everything needed physical affection.
“Sounds like a plan. Where would you like to go to get the ingredients?”
Her tail sat still behind her as she spoke.
“A few places, actually,” Neil answered as he worked on flipping the eggs. “While I only properly cook for myself once in a blue moon, I’ve done so enough times to know where to find quality ingredients.” He placed the food on a plate and slid it in Crystal’s direction. “If you want to go all out, we could browse a farmer’s market or two for the produce and my usual butcher for the seafood. I’ll need to see wot herbs, spices, and oils I still ‘ave that are in date. I can’t remember what all goes in the dish, but I’ll check the recipe.” Neil plated his own food and went about getting two glasses of water. “Sorry for the lack of tea. I was focused on the food. Shall I start a pot?”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
(Just got my internet back since Ida hit. It's still not reliable, but it's on.)
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
Her ears drooped lower when he frowned. She lifted her head as she watched his face. When he spoke she simply nodded and moved back to her original position beside him. She was fairly worried. Though, she understood not everything needed physical affection.
"Sounds like a plan. Where would you like to go to get the ingredients?"
Her tail sat still behind her as she spoke.
Dance Partners
A look of pure ego took Crystal over before Neil ensured he was joking. Even if she couldn’t, she always loved a challenge. Then he mentioned fish and chips and she licked her lips, focusing on what to cook again.
With every dish he mentioned She became more excited. Her tail swung and flicked happily. She loved all of that. How was she supposed to decide?
Then Neil paused. She watched his excitement vanish. Crystal was very empathic, she could almost feel his heart break. Her smile faded, her ears drooped to the sides, her posture softened and her tail stopped moving. She pressed against his side, putting her head on his shoulder. Her tail wrapped around his waist.
“I don’t think you want to make enough sushi to satisfy my hunger.”
She didn’t want to pry. Not yet.
“What would be easier to make a big batch? Because I eat a lot.”
While he managed to avoid delving deeply into his memories, Neil still had his mood soured. He’d bounce back soon enough, but he was no longer in the mood for Crystal’s cuddles. Comfort meant acknowledging his pain and he simply found it easier to dismiss it. His frown deepened with her touch and he gave his shoulder a slight roll, signaling he didn’t want her head there. “Not now,” he muttered quietly. “Paella would be best to make a large batch,” he remarked, trying to sound like his usual self again.
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
A look of pure ego took Crystal over before Neil ensured he was joking. Even if she couldn't, she always loved a challenge. Then he mentioned fish and chips and she licked her lips, focusing on what to cook again.
With every dish he mentioned She became more excited. Her tail swung and flicked happily. She loved all of that. How was she supposed to decide?
Then Neil paused. She watched his excitement vanish. Crystal was very empathic, she could almost feel his heart break. Her smile faded, her ears drooped to the sides, her posture softened and her tail stopped moving. She pressed against his side, putting her head on his shoulder. Her tail wrapped around his waist.
"I don't think you want to make enough sushi to satisfy my hunger."
She didn't want to pry. Not yet.
"What would be easier to make a big batch? Because I eat a lot."
Dance Partners
With every interaction she was liking him more. He was kind, respectful, tall, a good dancer, a cook, a tailor and cute to boot.
He had real passion for a lot of things but it seemed like he really did have nowhere to funnel it. She decided he needed that ability, at least for a moment.
“I do like seafood a lot.” She licked her lips thinking about what all he could make her.
“Although, if prep time is a problem I could help out. And if cooking time is a problem, I could always stay another night.” She gave him a sweet smile. “So you can cook any dish you’d like.” She watched his reaction to her offer.
Neil blinked, caught a little off guard by her offer, but he didn’t mind. He actually chuckled slightly and gave her a sly playful smirk. “Could you keep up with me though?” He proceeded to crack the eggs (one handed and no broken yolks) before adding on, “Only kidding, lovie. Seafood, uh? I ‘ave plenty of experience with that… And I’m not just talking fish and chips either.” He paused to go through dish ideas in his head. “Paella might be a decent choice. ‘ave a variety of seafood in one dish. Or we could focus more on a dish where the seafood is the star. Maybe some seared ahi tuna steaks? Not the most difficult of dishes, but marinating can take time, not that it’s needed. Tuna steaks? Sushi? Hmm… Granted, it’s been a while since I’ve made some of these dishes. Used to cooking for one, you know? I used to cook plenty when-” All his enthusiasm seemed to vanish as he realized what he was about to say. -my wife was still alive. “- I ‘ad friends over.”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
With every interaction she was liking him more. He was kind, respectful, tall, a good dancer, a cook, a tailor and cute to boot.
He had real passion for a lot of things but it seemed like he really did have nowhere to funnel it. She decided he needed that ability, at least for a moment.
"I do like seafood a lot." She licked her lips thinking about what all he could make her.
"Although, if prep time is a problem I could help out. And if cooking time is a problem, I could always stay another night." She gave him a sweet smile. "So you can cook any dish you'd like." She watched his reaction to her offer.
Dance Partners
“Ah. None of us southerners agree on one way to make the dish. I, personally, like okra, whole, peeled tomatoes, celery, onion, garlic, yellow and red bell peppers. And seasoning is always to taste. It’s usually served over rice.”
She hummed for a moment in thought. “What about tonight? We could go shopping, I can buy the ingredients and you can cook whatever you want.”
She smiled at him. “We could make a day of it.”
“Today?” he asked as he got out the eggs and turned on the stove. “I suppose it depends on wot all I make. If I’m going to flaunt my skills, I want to include dessert. Some dishes take more time than others. I’ll ‘ave to see what all I can do in a single day that also demonstrates my skill.” Neil made an elegant hand gesture to punctuate the word ‘skill.’ “Do you ‘ave any ideas in mind, ingredient-wise? Could ‘elp me decide wot dishes to make.”
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crystal-lasill · 3 years
She watched the car for a moment. "Last one down is a rotten egg." She jumped off the building and used her grappling hook before landing.
(Closed rp with @yellowskinnedwackyman from here.)
She walked along with him and giggled. "Man, I've missed you and your antics."
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