#✬;;qᵘⁱⁿ ˢᵖᵉᵃᵏˢ ( ooc )
yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
So for those following me here and\or on @tragiicbackstory here’s why I have just disappeared off the face of tumblr for months:
(possible tws? Mentions of depression and anxiety, as well as unknown parentage and abortion mention? Idk my life has become a season 3 of a tv show that’s going under and the writers are just trying to make up absurd things to make it all interesting).
So... as you guys know almost 2 years ago I got married and bought a house. Both of those haven’t changed!! I’m still happily married to the guy I’ve been in a relationship with for almost 10 years. But, as home ownership has proven, there’s a LOT to do and a LOT of upkeep to attend. So that’s been a big part of my free time. I’m still at the same job, still working full time. So in some ways my life hasn’t changed much.
In other’s it’s change A LOT. I’ve finally broken free of the quasi cult my mom dragged us into when I was teen, after my dad died. I was an atheist for a while but then I discovered Paganism and ya girl has been a practicing Green Witch since March-ish? Yeah. So I’ve been doing a LOT of researching about my Craft and Path. In fact if you want you can follow me on my new witchy blog at @witchyquinnanne.
I’ve also decided to go back to school. For those of you who know me, you know I am OLD so this is scary. But I am going back to get my Vet Tech degree so that I don’t have to stay in the office job for the rest of my life. It’s going to take me a few years to complete as I’m only going to be able to take 2 classes a semester because I’m a certified Adult now but its about time I do that.
I’m still pretty heavily involved in the civic theatre here too.
I am finally dealing not only with my anxiety but I came clean about my Depression during my annual checkup and now we’re working on getting me some new meds to help. Only time will tell on that. As that I am also considering therapy but still haven’t made the leap yet.
But the big change is a doozy. So I found out last year that I am, indeed, not my father’s biological child. Its something I’ve always suspected but never had proof until my sister and I matched as half. And she matched with our dad’s relatives and I didn’t. After a year, I’ve finally had an answer which long story short includes my bio father being a manipulative coercive bastard who pressured my mom into a relationship. And when she got pregnant with me he wanted her to get an abortion and when she said no, he threatened to take me away from her when I was born. Oh yeah, he was married with kids at the time. Sounds like it was a very abusive and controlling relationship which likely means I’m the product of sexual abuse (yay me -_- ). But I have an older half brother and younger half sister and possibly another half brother who was born out of a similar relationship as myself.
So I’ve had a LOT going on in my life. Tumblr RP has been the bottom of my priorities.
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ourbestplay-a · 6 years
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// I’ve had this blog up less than 24 hours and I’m already regretting it being a side blog. I miiiiight move it to it’s own tonight after I get chores done
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bcstplay-blog · 6 years
// whoops asks weren’t on. Should be good now
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transparentsoul · 6 years
// hi in case you didn’t know..
I fucking love the Couffaine siblings
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// Starter call?
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disparaiitre · 7 years
apparently i have the tag "let yumi punch a nazi" and i don't know why but. there u go babe.
// um that is an absolutely fantastic tag and everyone should let yumi punch a nazi...or three dozen
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multifacetcd-blog · 7 years
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// Muse for Jules\Reflekta is strong now. Anyone wanna starter?
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incominghacker-blog · 6 years
Tag Drop 1
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
As someone who also suffers with panic attacks this meant the absolute WORLD to me <3
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
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// oh yeah and mutuals, feel free to hit the like button for a small tiny baby starter (most likely idk sometimes they get long) from Jessie. if you don’t specify a verse, i’ll just choose one that would fit for your muse. no TS4 starters unless requested because I’m not sure who has\has not seen it yet <3 i don’t want to accidentally spoil anyone (i mean unless your chara is from TS4 specifically then ima go ahead and assume you’ve seen it ;)
And for real I’m going out to do stuffs <3 love you guys and it feels SO GOOD TO BE BACK
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
// okay but .... where are all our Buzz Lightyears.....?
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
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// um okay I know the movie is still in theatres but....
where is my gif of Bo Peep and Jessie hugging??!!
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
// One of the few complaints I have about TS4 is the limited amount of time Jessie had on screen but hell at least she got far more than Sergeant Calhoun in WiR2. I mean she did get a couple of good moments but overall I was disappointed, like many of you, to see that she wasn’t a prominent feature and that she and Bo didn’t get to interact at all except for the hug
EDIT: ALSO sad the rest of the gang had even less :(
Also... Buzz seemed a bit, dumbed down? At least I thought so. I remember wondering if he had been reset again at one point because he sounded so much like the first movie. Maybe that’s just me
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
// Also that HUG between Bo and Jessie. Did I ever tell you guys I SHIP THEM SO HARD <3 god though I wish we could have part of a flashback which involves our two gals interacting. They obviously were good friends before <3
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yarnfulofhair-blog · 5 years
// hey all just wanted to give you all a heads up that I disappeared because I got cast last minute in a show and we are running rehearsals and tech and all that. And then I’ll be auditioning for the fall show AND starting school so I’ve been running around like crazy. And I will continue to be for a bit
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