Firmly, his chest presses against your back, the heat of his body slowly seeping into yours, as though to claim you.
His hand glides over your throat, while his claws, sharp yet restrained, brush ever so lightly against your skin. So close to your pulse, you sense their lethal promise, even as his warm, steady breath dances over your ear.
“You’re doing so well,” he whispers, a strange gentleness lacing his words, an unsettling contrast to the silent danger in his touch.
Though his voice is softer than the true Sun Wukong’s, you yield wholly to the illusion, letting its shadowy embrace consume you.
Bending before you, the Great Sage moves with an unforgiving rhythm—swift, demanding. Each thrust more forceful than the last, while his claws sink deeper into the tender flesh of your hips. As shallow wounds open, a burning heat follows, and the warmth of your blood slowly trickles downward. Yet the pain feels strangely pleasant, drawing you deeper into the darkness, unleashing a relentless wave of pleasure that pulses through your body.
His counterpart’s grip tightens around your throat—not enough to steal your breath, but enough to remind you who holds control. Rough his lips graze your shoulder, followed closely by the sharp promise of his fangs, poised to pierce your skin.
"Come for me," he growls, his voice a velvet caress, as Wukong's thrusts grow more fervent, his claws burrowing deeper into your flesh and the line between pain and desire blurs completely.
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eywaseclipse · 2 days
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I get so flustered from this scene because they were absolutely FUKKKKKKINNNNN that night and I am still so mad we can’t see it fully rendered
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jadeluz-official · 3 days
Yes antis, keep spreading your hate again and a BJ3 movie will get greenlit where Beetlebabes will go canon. Worked real well for the musical fandom last time, didn't it?
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Celica x Faye is way better than Alm x Faye and I refuse to compromise on that
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fanofstuff01 · 2 days
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diana-bluewolf · 9 hours
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For @lil-grem-draws ↓↓↓
Chris and Misha sat on a carpet of fallen leaves at the edge of the Forbidden Forest. It was a perfect autumn day, warm and sunny. Chris’s mood wasn’t so bright, though. He looked down to a piece of parchment in his hands, then leaned back on Misha.
“Today is Elland’s birthday,” he said gloomily.
Misha perked up his ears. 
“What’s a birthday? To be honest, I don’t fully understand it, but it’s the day when a person was born. Humans often celebrate it. Some kind of tradition, people love those meaningless things.”
Misha yawned.
"Exactly! Anyway, they give that person presents. Don't ask why - I don't know. Maybe so that they don't feel depressed about being a year closer to death," Chris shrugged and looked at the parchment again. 
"I hope he never knows how many attempts it took me, but I sketched something. I don't even know what for; he doesn't look like the kind of person who enjoys staring at themselves," Chris paused, absentmindedly scratching behind Misha's ear, his gaze fixed on the dance of shadows cast by the leaves on the ground.
Then he suddenly flipped the parchment over and scribbled something on the back. "There, I fixed it. But there's another problem I can't solve."
He wrinkled his nose.
“The last time we spoke… I think I might have offended him. You see, he had always been so,” Chris waved his hand as if shooing away an annoying fly, “kind. So generous and always ready to help. Of course, I thought he needed something from me. So I finally asked him about it directly.”
Misha rested his head on his paws and didn’t look intrigued.
“All normal people would have already told me what’s the deal, but he…Well, I know, it’s stupid, but what if he…What if there was really nothing hidden behind his kindness? What if he is just like that? Just recently, I thought unicorns were a fairytale, so what if he is, you know, a unicorn?” 
Misha snorted.
"Look, I know it's hard to believe, but I have no more theories left; he's just that weird," Chris tiredly rubbed his forehead. "There's that new book about that clever bloke in a hat. He said, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." 
They kept silent for a while, listening to the forest’s soothing sounds. 
"He once met me drunk at Hogsmeade," Chris finally continued. "Don't look at me like this! I had never tried alcohol before, and I had no idea that even a small amount of it would impact me that much, alright? Still can't forgive myself for being that vulnerable in public. Anyway, my point is, even though I don't remember much, he looked…worried? Besides, wouldn't you try to use this opportunity to your advantage if you need something from someone?” 
Misha sneezed.
"Yes! I would for sure, too! But he didn't."
Chris held the parchment out in front of Misha's nose. 
“So what do you think? Should I give it to him?” 
Misha looked at the parchment, tilting his head as if pondering about a wise response to the situation, and then slapped his paw on it, leaving a big dirty footprint. 
“Oh, thank you very much,” Chris mumbled sarcastically, pulling the parchment out from under the paw, “I guess it’s a no since it's spoiled anyway. Fine, that makes things easier.” He sighed, crumpled the parchment and carelessly shoved it into his pocket. 
They had sat in silence for several minutes before Chris attempted to stand up, but Misha hastily grabbed the boy’s sleeve with his teeth. 
"Sorry buddy, I don't want to come back, too,” Chris gently petted Misha's ear, smiling guiltily, “but people think I'm one of them, so I have to follow their rules and school schedule. Well, sometimes. I'll visit you as soon as I can, deal?"
Elland was sitting in the Great Hall during dinner when a crumpled piece of parchment hit the back of his head. He looked around, but there weren't any signs of someone who could throw it.
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useless-moss · 1 day
Got into Epic the Musical recently, and general Greek mythology as a byproduct, and just. Whumpy Odysseus and Calypso thoughts.
What if Ody has a wedding ring that he's kept safe throughout his entire journey? A fairly simple band that he's refused to let fall from his finger. A reminder of what is waiting for him back home. One of the few things that keeps him fighting after he lost everyone he cared about, because it reminds him that he'll be back with his family when it's all over. That he still has two people waiting. Two people to cherish and love with the entirety of his heart and soul when he gets back home.
And, what if when Calypso forces him to lay with her, she also forces him to remove the ring or even forcibly removes it herself?
She doesn't like the way it feels when she holds his hands. It's a rough, firm reminder that she's not who Ody wants. Something that is harder to ignore compared to his pleas and crying, because at least with those Calypso can pretend it's just from being overwhelmed. That the tears are from pleasure and love, and the begging is for more and not for her to stop.
But the ring with Penelope's name engraved on it isn't as easy to ignore. So, each night, she slides it off Odysseus' finger and hopes that, one morning soon, he won't put it back on.
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thegodoffortune · 4 months
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pt 2
animated by mee :)) watch the full thingy here
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zaana · 5 months
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Bad Batch cadets could have their own show
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bass-alien · 7 months
you fucking suck if you make other people feel badly about their bodies
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nicoleknives · 2 months
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have a little of Shane angst bc I need a way to express negative feelings and there's nothing better than to draw a drunk and chicken obsessed man from a farming game suffering a bit
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itslenagain · 6 months
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thetoyboxs · 10 days
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As the oldest of four I say I'm qualified enough to say, close enough!
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jhonskii · 8 days
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beardless gid
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wanologic · 4 months
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welcome to my twisted mind
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