#OOC | He's the luckiest kid in the world.
halfway-happyyy · 1 year
into gold II {rooster bradshaw}
synopsis: rooster bradshaw’s emotional baggage could fill a cargo container ten times over. he is the single father of a precocious and bubbly six-year-old, and despite his best efforts, has fallen head over heels for someone arguably more damaged than him- his daughter’s first grade teacher.
characters- bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, frankie bradshaw, female ooc scout wallis (she/her pronouns)
or- the one where scout falls for Frankie before she falls for rooster.
word count- 2400+
read part 1 here
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When Rooster allows himself a couple of rare moments to reflect on Sunday morning, it’s easy to feel blue about the state of all things. But then Frankie will tell him a joke she heard at school:
-What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?
I haven’t the faintest idea, Frankie.
Or she’ll hand him a photo she drew of him in his… F/A-18? Or she’ll curl into his side in front of the television and fall asleep. And he'll know then, without a doubt, that he is the luckiest man in the world. He’s reminded of this fact as he rolls to a halt in front of Penny’s house. The beautiful sound of Frankie’s laughter floats in on the breeze through the Bronco’s open windows and makes him smile. He watches sheer joy bloom on her face as Maverick plays with her in the front yard, and something heavy tugs on his heartstrings.  
You should be here, dad.
Rooster exits the car to lean against the passenger door, not wanting to ruin their moment just yet.
Frankie catches sight of her father and bolts from Maverick’s embrace to run into Rooster’s outstretched arms, and he reckons there’s no better feeling in the universe. He holds her to him, peppering the top of her head with dozens of kisses.
“Hi papa,” Frankie’s cheeks are rosy and she’s breathless from play.
“Hi Frankie. Did you miss me?”
She nods fervently, circling her tiny arms tighter around him.
“But you had fun with Mav and Penny, right?”
Frankie nods again.
“Well, well, well. You certainly look like you had a good weekend.” Maverick surveys the sight of Rooster with a wry smile.
The younger pilot laughs sheepishly and scratches at the back of his head. “There’s a reason I never really go out with those guys anymore.”
Maverick’s laughter is booming. “You deserved it, kid.” His gaze drifts to Frankie’s and he bends down to her level. “Go see Pen about some cookies before you leave, Frank. She just made a batch of fresh ones.”
Frankie squeezes Rooster’s hand and dashes off in the direction of the front door.
“You bringing her down to the beach?” Maverick asks.
Rooster nods. “Dogfight football Sundays are her favourite. Will we see you there?”
“Penny and I wouldn’t miss it.” Maverick affirms.
His expression is unreadable; Rooster gets the feeling he’s about to ask him something, when Frankie bursts from the house, her tiny hands laden with two bulging Ziploc bags of homemade chocolate chunk cookies.
“Looks like you won the jackpot, Frank.” Rooster muses and watches her place the cookies carefully into her green dinosaur backpack. “Well, we should probably head out sweetheart. Did you thank Mav and Penny for hanging out with you this weekend?”
The elder pilot bends down so that Frankie can wrap her arms around his neck. “We had a good time didn’t we, Frank?”
“Yeah Mav!” She grins and plants a sloppy kiss on his stubbled cheek.
“Don’t get too carried away with your goodbyes, Frank. Mav and Penny are meeting us at the beach in a little bit.”
Rooster watches her beautiful blue eyes widen in sheer delight.
“Dogfight football!” She squeals and doesn’t waste a second before jumping into the back of the waiting Bronco.
“You’re late, Bradshaw!” Jake yells an hour later and is about to rib him some more, but he falters when he notices Frankie in tow behind him. “Well, if it ain't Frank the Tank!” He jogs to where they’re standing and gathering her into his arms, spins her around in dizzying cirlces. The girlish trill of her laughter fills the humid saltwater air around them.
Rooster marvels at how well Jake does with children and reckons with a wry smile, that perhaps there’s still hope for the elder pilot yet.
“I’m wearing the boots you got me!” Frankie exclaims, excitedly.
Jake bends down to get a good look at the fire-engine red cowboy boots he had picked up for her on his last trip home to Austin.
“So you are, and might I add that they have never looked more stunning on anyone else before.”
Frankie’s cheeks glow pink- she’s about to say something else when she notices Scout a little way beyond the crowd and her eyes widen in delighted surprise.
“Miss Wallis!”
Scout’s eyes light up when she catches sight of her, and she raises a hand in greeting. “Hi Frankie!”
Rooster hadn’t considered her being there; figures that if he had known, he might have thought twice about coming. Especially with Frankie.
“What on Earth are you doing at dogfight football, Miss Wallis?” Frankie’s chest heaves from running through the sand to get to her.
Scout catches Rooster’s gaze for a second and he remembers instantly, the feeling of her hand in his two nights ago and how it felt like he’d known her for years instead of a mere couple of hours, and it’s all he can do not to gather Frankie in his arms and take her back home.
To spare them both heartache that would ensue sooner or later.
“Well, a little birdie flew by and told me that there was going to be a football game on the beach today, and I figured maybe I should drop by to cheer everyone on. What do you think?”
“I think that’s a good idea, Miss Wallis. Can we do it together?”
“I’d like that, Frankie.” Scout beams widely and holds out her hand for Frankie to take, which she accepts happily.
Despite the girls' enthusiastic cheering, a grueling hour passes beneath the relentless San Diego sun, and Rooster (out of breath and embarrassingly sunburnt) is the first to admit that he’s played better games. Jake and Coyote take turns teasing him mercilessly about it, but he can’t seem to take his eyes off Scout and Frankie gallivanting up and down the beach like a couple of old friends. Frankie picks out shells and rocks that strike her fancy, and Scout drops them into the pockets of her sundress for safe keeping.
When Frankie catches up with Rooster and Penny a mile down the beach, she’s breathless with triumph. “You’ll never guess how many shells I found, Papa. Look at this one,” She whispers and opens her tiny palm to reveal a miniscule, speckled cowrie shell.
“That’s a pretty cool one, Frank. You'll have to add it it to your collection." Rooster eyes Scout’s dress, which had been knee-length thirty minutes ago, and was now hanging around her ankles, the hem of it damp from sand and saltwater. "Did you thank Miss Wallis for hanging onto them for you?”
“I did, Papa. Can I go show some of my shells to Bob and Phoenix?” Rooster nods and watches Frankie bound away, her red boots kicking up a sandstorm as she disappears down the beach.
Scout clears her throat. “For what it’s worth, I think it’s why they make these dresses with such deep pockets.”
Rooster turns to her then; wishes for a moment that fate had intervened seven years earlier, instead of two days ago.
There’s no such thing as ‘right person, wrong time’ Bradley. The right person will never come along at the wrong time.
He hears his mother’s voice so clearly some days, it’s as if she’s still around somewhere.
“I never got to thank you for Friday night.” Scout finally offers.
Rooster frowns. “What for?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a fantastic rendition of a Jerry Lee Lewis song. It’s like you were born to play it.”
Rooster muses at how close she came to the mark. “I don’t have very many memories of childhood before the age of six, but my old man used to love that song.” They wander back to the group of pilots and significant others that had elected to stay after the game for the bonfire.
Jake's busy tossing the football back and forth to Coyote, but when he notices Scout, he winks and asks, "How'd I look out there, Wallis?"
She’s about to respond but Phoenix beats her to it, her tone deapan. “Like a magnet for melanoma, Bagman.”
A chorus of laughter erupts, and all Jake can do is roll his eyes and say, “It seems we have a comedian in our midst, friends.”
“You looked a picture of unbridled athleticism, honey.” Scout giggles by way of putting the flames out, and drops into a seat next to Maverick.
Rooster takes this opportunity to introduce the two. “Maverick, this is Scout Wallis. She just so happens to be Frankie's teacher."
The delicate creases next to the elder pilot’s eyes deepen as he offers her a wide beam. “So, it’s you we have to thank for the plethora of silly jokes Frankie likes to tell us.”
Scout’s cheeks redden before she offers a sheepish shrug. “It turns out that in the state of California, bad jokes are a prerequisite for primary schoolteachers.”
Maverick’s laugh is hearty and booming, but when it subsides, his expression is thoughtful. “In all seriousness though, you’re doing a wonderful job with her.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Captain. Frankie is a dream to have in the classroom.”
If Maverick wonders how Scout knew to refer to him by his naval rank, he makes no mention of it. Rooster, however, does wonder. He's about to ask her about it when Penny leans over and says, “You were at the Hard Deck on Friday night, weren’t you?”
Oh shit.
Maverick’s eyebrows rise in mild amusement.
“I was yeah,” Scout admits. “I had the pleasure of a very special performance.” She winks at Rooster who fights the urge to drop his gaze.
“Let me guess, he hit you with the old tried and true, Great Balls of Fire?”
“He sure did,” Penny laughs. “Had the whole bar in a tizzy.”
“His dad used to play that song on the piano like his life depended on it.” Maverick murmurs, by way of explanation.  
Rooster could see the wheels turning behind those beautiful eyes of hers again, and where he had never easily shared any part of himself with Frankie’s mother, he was struck suddenly by the want to share every part of himself with Scout. This notion made him uncomfortable for a multitude of reasons; least not of which was because his best friend, who seemed just as crazy about her as he was, was only a couple of feet away.
“I take it there’s history between the two of you?” Scout's voice shatters the muddled silence.
Rooster laughs and glances sideways at the surrogate-father figure before him. “Yeah, something like that.”
The night unfolds the way in which Sunday nights often do for Rooster and Frankie: with an abundance of friends and family, the warm salty air a salve for their souls. Frankie and Scout take a couple of turns throwing the football back and forth; Rooster notices the spiral Scout has on her and grows even more bewitched by the woman before him. When she’s had enough for the night, she drops into a seat next to Penny, their quiet chatter a soothing comparison to the hoots and hollers of the pilots around them.
A little while later, Frankie (exhausted from the day’s events, and with a stomach full of sparkling water and hotdogs) wanders over to where Scout’s seated, climbs onto her lap, and promptly falls asleep. Rooster watches Scout’s arms instinctively circle his daughter’s slumbering figure, and a chunk of ice the size of texas chips away from his heart. With a slight pang, he knows their time to leave has arrived.
“You’ll be hard-pressed to pry them apart, Bradshaw.” Jake’s Southern drawl is thicker under the weight of the couple of beers he had under his belt.
“Don’t I know it.” Rooster sighs and pushes himself from his seat to wander over to where Frankie and Scout are. He drops down into the sand in front of Frankie to rub the flat of his palm over her small back.
“Is it time to go?” Scout whispers.
Rooster nods and waits a second for Frankie to stir. “Come on Frank, it’s time to go home to bed.”
His daughter opens her eyes, her expression stupefied from the weight of sleep. “I don’t want to, Papa.” She pleads.
Rooster kisses the top of her head. “I know, sweetheart, but it's time.” She lets him lift her into his arms without any more fuss. It only takes a second before he feels the steady rise and fall of her chest against his shoulder to know that she’s back to sleep. He turns to Scout, not wanting to say goodbye but accepting the inevitable. “It was a pleasure seeing you again today.”
Scout gazes up at him. “The pleasure was all mine, Rooster. She’s a great kid.”
It’s only after they’ve returned home for the evening, Frankie tucked into bed, and his own eyelids fighting the lulling tug of sleep that he remembers Frankie’s precious shells. He makes a mental note to text Jake about them tomorrow. He lets his mind drift back to that wondrous woman before sleep settles in for good; wonders again how she knew Maverick’s rank, and how she possesses an ease to military life that most civilians don’t usually have.
Maverick stops by the next morning for coffee before Frankie’s awake for the day.
“There’s something going on between you and Frankie’s teacher.” His tone is mild and lacks any accusation.
“Well you certainly are direct this morning, aren’t you?” Rooster takes a deep sip from his mug, savoring the slightly bitter taste of the roasted beans on his tongue, before he answers no.
Maverick shifts in his chair. “But you’d like there to be?”
Rooster hesitates before nodding.
“You have to tread carefully here, kid. Frankie’s crazy about her.”
And so is Jake Seresin.
“Yeah well, Jake beat me to it, so there isn’t much else to say.”
Maverick’s viridian gaze twinkles knowingly in the light pouring in through the kitchen window, giving his head an almost imperceptible half-shake. “The feeling was mutual, Rooster. Everyone knew it.”
They sit in silence for a moment before Rooster asks, “Did you wonder how she knew to call you Captain? You weren’t wearing anything that gave you away.”
Maverick finishes the rest of his coffee and sets the mug down against the wooden tabletop. “What did you say her last name was?”
“She teaches at Mason elementary?”
Rooster nods.
Maverick shifts again in his seat and closes his eyes as if he were sifting through a mental rolodex of memories. “I believe her husband was top of his class at NAS Fallon in 2016. A truly great fighter pilot.”
Rooster blanches. “She's married?”
Maverick grows somber. “He died in enemy combat almost five years ago now.”
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tuckersucks · 5 years
broflovski aint got nothin on me and thats a rock fact 
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 6 years
gruvia drabble
~gruvia week: day 2// surprise~
author's note: damn me posting for 2 gruvia days in a row?! crazy shit lmao. get ready for some gruvia fam fluff kiddies!!! and ok listen ik that only one gruvia baby is actually canon (well, canon enough ig) but theres NO WAY u can convince me Juvia didn't try to have a million babies w gray. i jus aint buyin it sorry! and its a liiiil ooc i cant lie but like at this point theyve been married for a bunch of yrs so their dynamic haa to change at least a lil bit. ok enjoy!!! love u all!!!:)
Gray groaned as he rubbed his rough hand against his stiff neck, letting some cold air seep through his palms to ease the pain for even just a moment.
"I'm gettin' too old for this shit." Gray huffed jokingly to himself as he held his head low, walking his way back to his house. He had gone on a two week long mission, and it completely drained him. He didn't go on missions longer than a week very often, and his aching body was certainly a result of that.
He approached his home and turned the nob to the front door, and he felt his fingers bend in pain. This job really gave him a run for his money, that was for sure.
When Gray wasn't met with an instant greeting, he was a bit thrown off, but didn't think much of it. He made is way down the hall and into his kitchen.
"Surprise!" Juvia and his kids shouted in unison. The three of them all had big proud smiles on their faces which were all identical.
"Wha-" Gray's eyes widened and his mouth gaped open. On the table sat a cake that read "Best Dad Ever" which looked very similar to a certain eight year old's hand writing that he knew. Behind them was a banner with bold letters that said "Welcome Back!" with a present under it.
"What's all this?" His voice was dry from the shock.
"It's Father's Day, Gray-sama" Juvia replied with a pretty smile.
The day completely slipped his mind. He was so worn out from his mission that he kind of lost his concept of time. Truthfully, he couldn't gave said what day of the week it even was. Regardless, Gray felt himself overcome with an immense amount of joy.
Juvia bent down in between the heights of their son and daughter. "You guys can go hug your father now. The surprise part is over." She hummed.
In the next instant there was a child and a toddler hurling themselves at Gray. They met him with great impact as one clung to his waist and the other to his leg.
"Whoa, hey." Gray chuckled and reciprocated both hugs. "I missed you guys."
"We missed you too, Dad! And oh, you gotta' tell me all about it!" Storm let go of Gray first. "Did you beat all the bad guys?! How big were they?! Did you do your ice devil slayer stuff?!" He spoke a mile a minute, eyes gleaming with wonder and admiration for his father.
"Yes, huge, and yes." Gray looked down at his son with a grin on his face. "I'll give you the details after I rest a bit, ok?" Gray ruffled a hand through Storm's navy blue waves on his head as he pouted in disappointment.
"Did you freeze them, Daddy?" Gray looked lower at his daughter who was still wrapped around his leg. He scooped her up and brought her to his hip.
"Sure did." He smiled.
Neva's big black eyes widened in awe. "And you did the hair thing?"
Juvia and Gray both chuckled. She was referring to his hair sticking up when he used his devil slayer magic.
"Yes, raindrop. My hair did the thing."
"Can you do it?!" Neva perked up.
"Yeah, dad, do the thing!" Storm tugged at his arm.
"Daddy just got back from a big mission, and he's very tired." Juvia walked over to them and brushed a hand through Neva's deep blue locks.
"Aww!" Both kids groaned together.
"Weren't you just saying how excited you were for cake?" Juvia said sweetly to Neva.
"Oh, yeah! Cake time!" Neva squirmed and Gray set her on the ground, and sure enough she sprinted to the cake.
"Storm, why don't you go get daddy's present?" Juvia Kissed the top of her son's head, and he did as he was told.
Once the kids were preoccupied for a moment, Juvia turned to Gray, and her face softened.
"Juvia missed you very much, Gray-sama." She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, causing Gray to stumble back into a wall, earning a rush of pain to his back.
Gray groaned as he caught his balance and stepped away from the wall, finally putting an arm around Juvia's waist. "And I thought I was done with getting my ass kicked." He scoffed.
Juvia giggled. "Juvia will take that as an 'I miss you too.'" She pressed a kiss on Gray's lips.
Juvia turned an began walking away and gray lowered his hand, discreetly pulling her close to him.
"I'll let you know how much I missed you later." He whispered as he grabbed a little more tightly on her side. Red rushed to Juvia's face, earning a content grin from Gray.
"Juvia will hold you to that." She whispered back, flipped her hair, and began to walk away as Gray watched, still with the same grin on his face.
"Have a seat, dear." Juvia finished her way to the table and pulled out a chair for Gray to sit in, and he followed.
"Damn, what did I do to get treated like royalty?" Gray joked, but on the inside he was boasting.
"Language!" Juvia wagged her finger. "And you are the best husband and father ever. This is the least we could do." She smiled. Gray reached out onto the table and took Juvia's hand, squeezing it.
"Look, Storm did the words on the cake!" Neva's pale face lit up as she pointed to the dessert.
"So that's why it looks like chicken scratch." Gray snorted.
"Hey!" Storm objected as he put the present on the table.
"I'm joking, buddy." Gray grinned and pulled his son in for a hug. "It looks great."
"Well, Mom made it from scratch, so it was really all her." Storm gestured to his mother.
"Then we're in for a treat. Mom's a great cook." Gray looked right at Juvia, causing her to blush.
"I helped too, Daddy!" Neva hopped off her chair and ran over to Gray.
"Oh you did?" Gray picked up the three year old and sat her on his lap. "Then it'll be even better." He playfully began kissing at her cheek, causing Neva to shriek with laughter.
"Ok, ok, Mommy can't wait." Juvia exclaimed, interrupting. "Open your present now." Juvia clapped and nudged the bag towards Gray.
"Sheesh someone's eager." Gray raised a brow.
"Just open it, Dad." Storm nagged excitedly, sounding eerily similar to Juvia.
"Alright, alright." Gray gave in. He turned to Neva who was still perched on his leg. "You wanna' help Daddy?" He asked.
Neva responded with a violent shake of her hair, making her curls swing back and forth.
"No?" Gray was surprised. She was rather nosy, so he was expecting an instant yes.
"Just for you." Neva insisted.
"Well, ok." Gray turned back to the bag, and reached in.
He felt something very soft and pulled it out, and in his hand was a blue knitted scarf.
"Juvia knows you still wear the one I made all those years ago, but, it doesn't hurt to have two." She smiled and shrugged. "And this one's special since the kids helped me."
Once taking a closer look, he could see where the technical things on the scarf started to become inconsistent. It didn't matter though. He loved the scarf.
Gray paused and looked at the scarf, and then at his beautiful family. His wife and kids were the absolute best thing that happened to him, and he didn't know what he did to deserve them. He had to do everything in his power to fight back tears. Damn, they really made him a softy. He didn't mind, though. They also made him the happiest man alive.
"I love it." Gray announced and instantly wrapped it around his neck. "Thank you guys so much." Gray brought his kids in for a hug as a grin was plastered on his face.
"Don't forget to read the card." Juvia inquired.
Gray broke the hole from his kids and reached into the bag to find an envelope. He opened it and the card read "Happy Father's Day!". The inside had little pictures that the kids drew and Gray chuckled while looking at them.
The bottom was signed, "Love, Mommy, Storm, Neva, & Baby Fullbuster."
Gray froze. He looked down at the card, rereading the signatures over and iver again. Once he finally decided he was sure of what he read, he looked straight up at a very anxious Juvia, and his jaw was on the floor.
"A-are you..?" Gray felt something well up in his throat.
Juvia couldn't hold it in any longer. She responded with a vigorous nod. Gray carefully placed Neva on the ground and instantly jumped up and hugged his wife, giving her a little spin off the ground.
"You're pregnant?!" Gray's voice was light, and he felt his eyes sting with those tears he was trying to hold back.
"Yep." Juvia bit her lip in a smile and placed her hand onto her belly.
He looked back at his children. "And did you guys know this whole time?!"
They responded with uncontrollable giggles amongst each other. Gray smiled and ran over to them, scooping them both off the ground and playfully threw them over his back.
"You think you can just keep secrets from your old man like that?!" He jested, and the kids responded in fits of laughing.
Gray finally set them down. "How far along are you?"
"Porlyusica says about seven weeks." Juvia's hand remained on her stomach.
"Wow." Gray finally let out a breath. He took another look at his glowing wife and kids. "You guys really know how to throw a welcome back party." He let out an airy laugh and was so overwhelmed he felt a tear leak out of his eye, and he did his best to nonchalantly wipe it away.
"Want some cake, Daddy?" Neva tugged on his pant leg.
"I would love some." He grinned.
"I'll get you a slice!" Storm quickly hurried to the cake.
"Be careful, sweetie." Juvia followed him over and made sure he didn't cut any fingers off.
At this point, Gray was certain he was the luckiest guy in the world.
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staliafanfics · 8 years
Adore you
Requested by: @browniegirl104 (like 4 months ago lmao. Sorry it took so long!)
Read on wattpad: (x) Or continue reading here :)
Adore: a·dore  (ə-dôr′) verb. To love someone very much, especially in a way that shows a lot of admiration or respect, or to like something very much.
“Stiles, can I ask you something?” They were sitting in the hood of the jeep after another day of fighting villains, relaxing. They’d escaped from the others with the excuse that they were fixing the Jeep and instead had driven to the lookout to have a time for themselves.
It was a clear night, the moon shining so bright and soft music playing on the jeep’s radio. A perfect night, Malia thought.
She was resting her head in Stiles’ chest. She liked to hear the steady beat of his heart. It always made her relax. She knew she’d be able to hear it even if she weren’t in that position, but she liked it better this way. It made her feel closer to him.
“Sure, what is it?” He replied, eyes closed, hands loosely brushing her hair.
“What— What do you like about me?” Malia asked with a little hesitation. She’d been thinking about this for some time now, but had been too nervous to actually ask. She hadn’t wanted to know his answer, reason unknown to her. But, finally getting the courage, she’d decided she’d inquired.
“What?” It was obvious that the question had taken him by surprise, for his heart had skipped a beat and was starting to go faster.
Malia raised her head slightly so she could face him, but his eyes were still closed. She stayed in that position anyway and explained. “I mean—there’re plenty of girls way better than me. I’m not the prettiest nor smartest girl in the town, so why are you even with me?” She didn’t know why she felt like this, but she couldn’t help it. Everyday at school she’d see girls like Lydia or Kira—with their perfect faces, makeup or not, and their wonderful outfits. And, if she was being honest, she was kind of  jealous of them. But, of course, they hadn’t been trapped in the body of a coyote for the majority of their teenage years so they’d had time to learn about all those things.
He opened his eyes and looked down at her. “That’s not true, Lia. You’re one of the most beautiful and smartest persons I know.”
She sighed, not quite pleased with his short answer.
Stiles seemed to have picked up on that, because he smiled to himself and continued.  "Fine. You wanna know what I like about you?“
"That’s what I said.”
Stiles let out a little laugh at her bluntness. This’d be easy.  "Well, let’s see.“ He pretended to think about it for a moment, his finger tapping his chin softly. "For starters, I like how you’re not afraid of saying what’s on your mind. You say what you want to say, no matter where or with whom you are. There’s not filter with you.”
Malia knew that wasn’t completely true. She’d a lot of trouble speaking her mind when it was about things related to her feelings. Or things that made her feel weak in general. She had trouble asking for questions on math class because she didn’t want her classmates to laugh at her; or when she and Kira had sleepovers and her friend started asking about her relationship with Stiles or how she was doing with her father. But she didn’t tell him that. She decided to let him have this one.
He continued. “I like your confidence and way of walking. It’s like you own the entire world. And how fearless you are. I mean, you’ve saved my life countless of times. Hey, It’s like you’re my knight in a shining armor.” He said over excitedly.
Malia couldn’t help but laugh at this statement. “You’re not intimidated by that? Most guys would be.” She teased.
“No way. How many guys can say that their girlfriend is a gorgeous and badass werecoyote? I’m proud of that”, he affirmed, shaking Malia and making her laugh even harder. He soon joined in and the entire forest was filled with the sound of their laughs.
Once they’d gotten their breaths back, he looked at her and carried on. “ I also like your smile. And I like how excited you get when you see something for the first time. I like when you watch movies with me on the couch of the living room, or in my room, or even when we get distracted and don’t watch them,” He raised an eyebrow, and she could feel herself blushing. Hoping he wouldn’t notice, she gave him a slight push on his side.
He chuckled, but immediately continued like it’d never happened.  "I like our conversations, because I know I can tell you anything and you’ll not judge. “ He moved a little so she was obligated to stand up. Once up, he cupped her cheek with one hand. "I like when you look at me with those beautiful brown eyes that make me feel like I’m the luckiest guy in the world. I like your lips and how amazing they feel when they touch mine,” as if to prove the point, he leaned over to give her a soft kiss.
Malia thought It felt different, somehow. It wasn’t like their normal kisses— passionate and heated. This one was delicate, lips barely touching each other. It made her stomach feel like there was a storm happening inside of it. It was strange, but she thought she could get used to this feeling.
After a second, he separated. His voice getting hoarse and barely a whisper. “But specially, I like how strong you are. And I don’t mean strong as in ‘physical’ strong; I mean for how much you’ve put up with and are still going: you lost your entire family at a really young age. You were trapped in the body of a coyote for eight whole years, then forced to change back to human again by two stupid kids that wanted to play heroes”, she chuckled.
“You were just trying to help” Malia said softly, remembering their conversation in Eichen House, back when she was so desperate to change back to even hear what he had to say. She was glad she did not longer feel like that. She loved her life as a human, no matter how hard it could get.
“I’m glad you don’t feel like we ruined your life anymore.”
“I guess you could said I’ve gotten quite attached to the stupid guys”, she joked. He gave her a shy smile.
“My point is: You’ve been through so much, Mal, and you still have a smile on your face. You still try your hardest to adapt to the "human” world.  And like Scott once said, you study harder than any of us to compensate for all those missing years. And you may not be top of the class, but you’re better at countless of other things.“ He started drawing patterns with his thumb on her cheek.
Malia smiled fondly at him. She liked the way Stiles made her feel. When she was around him, she felt calm. Her mind stopped thinking about all those things that tormented her, and she could relax and just be herself.
He smiled back, stopping for a moment and just looking at her. His eyes explored her entire face— passing from her eyes, to her cheeks, to end up on her lips. He bit his own lips absently. "Hell, Malia. I don’t just 'like’ you. I love you—no, I adore you. You’re one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. You’ve helped me more than anything and anyone could ever had. You were there for me in my darkest times. I could not be grateful enough for you wanting to be with me because, let’s admit it, I can be a piece of shit sometimes and I have a lot of problems. But I’m thankful you saw through all that and still loved me and accepted me for who I was.”
This time it was Malia who leaned forward and connected their lips together, hoping he’d sense how she felt the same way. And   judging by the way he started to deepened the kiss, along with his chemo signals going all over the place, she knew he did.
She put her hands behind his neck, pulling him closer to her. He hummed to the touch, rolling over so he was on top of her, resting his body on one of his arms, the other resting behind her neck.
Malia pulled back for a moment and looked at him. “Me too.”
“You too, what?”
“I adore you, too.” She made emphasis on the word, and he grinned, going back to kiss her, and Malia wished this night never came to an end.
So this was my second fic ever! If you made it this far, Please tell me if you liked it or if it’s too ooc or just bad lol. I promise they will get better… eventually. Also, English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes.
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witchfmiliar-blog · 7 years
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 intro  post  4  the  birb  boy .     finally ,  you  all  say  with  a  sign  of  relief ,  cosbo  didn’t  pick  up  another  b.atb  character !     shocking  i  know .     &  truly  this  ?   was  an  unexpected  character  for  me  to  pick  up .     i’ve  never  played  di.aval  but  i’ve  always  loved  his  part  in  mal.efic.ent  &  i’m  excited  to  see  how  it  goes !     anyway ,  everyone  this  is  devil  bird  &  under  the  cut  you  can  learn  more  about  him !
 diaval  has  a  sharp  nose ,  beady  eyes ,  dark  feathery  hair ,  &  a  laugh  that  sounds  a  bit  like  squawking .     raised  marks  along  his  neck ,  chest ,  &  around  his  eyes  also  suggest  that  his  skin  doesn’t  perhaps  fit  him  right .     &  that  would  be  because  it  probably  doesn’t .     diaval ,  due  to  a  life  debt ,  serves  as  the  raven  familiar  to  maleficent  of  the  moors .     he  preens  under  compliments  &  usually  has  little  to  no  mind  in  saying  what  his  opinions  are  to  most .     despite  this ,  however ,  diaval’s  vanity  is  not  something  grossly  egotistical .     he  is  respectful  when  need  be  &  he  doesn’t  think  himself  above  others ;  he  simply  does  not  think  himself  below  others  either .     he  has  a  good  sense  of  self  worth  &  does  not  allow  others  to  make  him  feel  insignificant .
 everything  i  have  for  diaval  is  based  off  the  storyline  of  the  2014  maleficent  film !     WARNING  IF  YOU  HAVENT  SEEN  THE  2014  MALEFICENT  FILM :  THIS  WILL  CONTAIN  SPOILERS  FOR  THE  ENTIRE  PLOT  OF  THE  FILM !     if  you  play  a  sleeping  beauty  character’s  who’s  backstory  differs  from  the  maleficent  film  then  we  can  discuss  something  ooc  but  generally  i  will  assume  them  from  an  alternate  universe  from  diaval’s .   
 diaval  was  once  no  more  than  a  common  raven .     then  he  was  caught  &  nearly  killed  by  a  farmer  until  maleficent  saved  him  by  transforming  him  into  a  man .     for  saving  his  life ,  diaval  pledged  his  loyalty  &  servitude  to  maleficent .     after  maleficent  cursed  aurora  both  she  &  diaval  realized  quickly  that  the  pixies ,  who  were  sent  to  raise  the  princess  in  the  woods ,  were  incompetent  in  caring  for  a  child  &  that  aurora  would  die  before  the  curse  could  even  take  effect  if  left  alone  with  the  pixies.    therefore  the  two  secretly  cared  for  aurora  from  afar  until  she  finally  met  them  when  she  was  around  14 .     maleficent  &  diaval  both  developed  a  parental  care  for  aurora  overtime  &  maleficent  even  tried  in  vain  to  revoke  her  curse .     when  aurora  eventually  did  fall  under  her  curse ,  despite  diaval  &  maleficent’s  efforts ,  it  was  not  prince  philip’s  kiss  that  awoke  the  princess  but  the  motherly  kiss  on  the  head  from  maleficent .     when  attempting  to  flee  the  castle  with  aurora ,  stealing  her  away  from  her  mad  king  father ,  the  three  of  them  were  confronted  by  king  stefan  &  his  men .     aurora  fled  the  scene  while  maleficent  transformed  diaval  into  a  dragon  &  they  attempted  to  hold  off  the  men .     they  won ,  king  stefan  eventually  falling  to  his  death ,  &  aurora  went  on  to  be  the  queen  of  both  the  moors  &  the  human  kingdom ,  uniting  them ,  &  diaval ,  though  no  longer  needed  as  maleficent’s  wings ,  remained  by  maleficent’s  side  &  would  until  death .
 diaval  was  a  raven  &  maleficent  saved  his  life  from  a  farmer  killing  him  by  turning  him  into  a  man  so  diaval  owes  her  a  life  debt
 bc  the  pixies  were  Not  Smart  with  raising  a  kid ,  diaval  &  maleficent  basically  raised  aurora  from  a  distance  so  she  wouldn’t  die  before  the  curse
 both  diaval  &  maleficent  ended  up  caring  abt  aurora  like  parents
 sadly  she  was  still  cursed  but  maleficent’s  kiss  on  the  forehead  of  true  maternal  love  woke  her
 they  killed  king  stehpen
 diaval  remains  by  maleficent’s  side  &  his  loyalty  to  her  is  never  changing
 DIAVAL’S  PAST :     there’s  not  much  to  say  about  his  life  before  maleficent .     he  was  a  common  raven  from  ireland  who’s  life  was  no  more  extravagant  than  the  next  though  he  thought  he  was  sometimes .     in  a  foolish  task  of  attempting  to  constantly  irritate  an  angry  human  farmer ,  though ,  diaval’s  life  found  it’s  change .     caught  under  a  net  &  mere  moments  away  from  being  beaten  out  of  his  senses ,  diaval  sure  he  was  going  to  die ,  maleficent’s  magic  took  hold  him .     wings  grew  to  arms ,  talons  to  feet ,  beak  to  nose  &  mouth  &  soon  he  was  standing  as  a  very  confused  man  as  the  farmer  ran  in  fear .     in  exchange  for  saving  his  life ,  diaval  pledged  his  servitude  to  maleficent  &  she  had  him  act  as  her  “wings” ,  flying  to  &  from  king  stefan’s  castle  to  bring  maleficent  information  on  the  king  so  that  she  might  plot  her  revenge  on  him  for  robbing  her  of  her  wings .     becoming  a  human  wasn’t  something  he  was  at  all  fond  of  at  first  but ,  with  his  life  now  in  maleficent’s  debt  &  the  transitions  happening  more  frequently ,  his  human  form  became  nearly  as  comfortable  as  his  raven  form .     maleficent  would  also  turn  him  to  anything  ( wolf ,  horse ,  dragon ,  ect. )  she  possibly  needed ,  however ,  all  his  forms  would  constantly  retain  raven  like  features  within  them .
 DIAVAL’S  FAMILY :    as  a  raven  . . .  he  hasn’t  seen  any  of  his  family  in  years  &  he’s  certain  many  of  them  have  died .     he  hardly  thinks  about  this ,  though ,  as  he’s  more  concerned  about  his  current  family .     the  raven  watched  maleficent  grow  close  &  attached  to  the  young  princess  aurora  &  at  the  same  time  he  also  grew  in  fondness  of  the  girl  in  a  similar  parental  fashion .     often  the  raven  would  be  the  one  to  soothe  the  baby’s  crying  at  night  with  milk  to  drink  &  would  rock  her  crib  until  she  fell  back  asleep .     as  she  aged  he  would  play  with  her  as  she  tried ,  giggling ,  to  catch  the  “pretty  bird” .     he  tried  never  to  think  about  the  curse ,  unless  nagging  maleficent  about  it ,  until  it  was  upon  them .    excitedly  he  had  hoped  prince  philip  would  save  the  girl  but  was  pleasantly  surprised  when  it  was  not  the  prince’s  romantic  kiss  but  maleficent’s  motherly  one  to  aurora’s  forehead  that  woke  the  girl .     he  never  thought  he’d  feel  such  warmth  in  his  heart  from  what  he  saw  that  day .     aurora  was  crowned  after  king  stefan’s  death  from  his  battle  with  maleficent  &  maleficent  regained  her  wings  . . .  his  place  was  pointless  but  he  never  dare  leave  maleficent’s  side  now .     he  truly  cannot  imagine  parting  from  the  fairy  &  aurora  is  a  bright  spot  in  his  heart .     they  are  his  familiy  &  no  raven  could  have  better .     he  truly  thinks  himself  the  luckiest  bird  in  the  world .
 the  point  i’m  taking  from  is  shortly  after  the  end  of  the  film !     the  last  thing  he  remembers  is  soaring  down  to  land  &  nearing  the  ground  as  maleficent  was  waving  her  hand  to  transform   him .     however ,  as  he  transformed  he  assumed  something  went  wrong  as  his  feet  did  not  land  in  the  moors  but  rather  here .
 he’s  been  turned  into  a  human  often ,  near  daily ,  &  is  used  to  being  in  that  form  but  he  has  never  remained  in  human  form  for  over  twenty  four  hours .     as  a  raven  he  would  fend  for  himself  with  food  or ,  on  rare  occasions ,  maleficent  or  aurora  would  bring  berries  for  him .     other  than  that ?     he’s  never  eaten  a  meal  as  a  human  &  doesn’t  quite  know  what  to  eat  as  one  but ,  from  raising  aurora ,  he  does  know  the  general  rule  of  what  not  to  eat .     he’s  also  fairly  unaware  of  some  biological  human  functions .     one  example ?     dude  has  never  used  the  bathroom  as  a  human  being  . . .  need  i  say  more ?
 he  misses  flying  beyond  belief .     ties  into  how  he’s  never  been  human  this  long .     he  wouldn’t  miss  being  a  bird  so  much  when  he  was  with  maleficent  simply  for  the  fact  that  he  got  to  spend  time  speaking  with  maleficent  but  by  himself  here  he’s  quite  dreary  being  stuck  on  his  two  feet .
 dude  is  incredibly  enamored  with  maleficent .     he’d  seen  her  with  wings  before  &  thought  her  magnificent .     after  becoming  her  familiar  he  grew  close  to  her  &  learned  that ,  truly ,  she’s  not  as  cold  &  cruel  as  she  likes  to  seem .     she’s  just  been  hurt ,  badly ,  &  she’s  rightfully  angry .     she’s  strong ,  though ,  &  powerful  &  confident  &  while  they  may  bicker  often  diaval  truly  worships  her .     he  cares  for  her  with  his  whole  heart .     her  lack  of  belief ,  or  rather  trust ,  in  true  love  does  break  his  heart  sometimes  but  he  does  well  to  keep  that  buried .     he  wishes  she’d  care  about  him  the  same  but  he’s  almost  certain  it’s  one  sided .
 does  not  like  dogs .     might  not  be  a  cat  person  either .     he’s  a  bird  person  (  literally  )  &  was  nearly  ripped  apart  by  the  farmer’s  dogs  the  day  maleficent  saved  him .     dogs  are  vile  &  vicious  bird  hunters  in  his  mind .
 he’s  not  extremely  literate .     while  diaval  can  speak  perfect  english ,  &  perhaps  some  irish  gaelic  being  as  that’s  where  he’s  from ,  reading  is  a  different  story .     he’s  learned  some  simple  words  but ,  mostly ,  diaval  has  hardly  any  reading  skills .     he  never  once  had  to  read  when  a  raven  nor  did  he  as  maleficent’s  servant ,  he  only  needed  to  listen .
 calling  him  a  crow  will  insult  him .     ravens  =/=  crows .     the  two  are  distantly  related  &  somewhat  similar  in  appearance  but  are  two  entirely  different  species  of  bird .     ravens  are ,  in  basic  differences ,  larger  &  their  call  is  more  a  squawking  sound  while  crows  are  smaller  &  have  more  of  a  caw  sound .     diaval  is  a  raven  &  you’ll  ruffle  his  metaphorical  feathers  if  you  call  him  a  crow !
 more  to  be  added  later  !
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tuckersucks · 6 years
Great news, everyone. 
I took a fucking fantastic selfie today. 
God, what a ride. 
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tuckersucks · 5 years
I made it through school, mostly unscathed. It’s summer time, motherfuckers. Hi, hello, whats up, hit me up if you wanna plot. 
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tuckersucks · 6 years
I logged out for like a week and returning feels like that one video of two chihuahua’s in a car. You know the one. 
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tuckersucks · 6 years
Like this if you want a wee starter post based on whatever song I’m listening to! 
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tuckersucks · 6 years
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Happy New Year, folks! May your 2019′s be filled with good shit. The goodest shit imagineable. I love you all. 
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tuckersucks · 6 years
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tuckersucks · 6 years
TAGGED BY No one, I stole it from the internet. 
T This December - Ricky Montgomery  U Underground - Cody Fry  C Celebrate the Reckless - MAGIC GIANT K Killing Me Softly - Pomplamoose  E Elephant in the Room - Chris Thile R Recovery - Frank Turner  S Stranger - Miki Fiki  U Uptown Funk - Mark Ronson & Bruno Mars  C Clementine - The Punch Brothers  K Kiss This - The Struts  S She’s My Baby - Wings
TAGGING @shofarsogood @mxrdertramp/@venofire @daedaluscried @ivory-rabbit @thiefofzaron @windstcrm
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tuckersucks · 6 years
windstcrm replied to your post: Great news, everyone.  I took a fucking fantastic...
ooc: a special boy
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tuckersucks · 6 years
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tuckersucks · 6 years
Rules: Answer 10 questions about yourself and then tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
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Name: Apollo  Gender: Male (He/Him)  Age: 23  Height: 5’6.5″  Star Sign: Leo Wallpaper on phone: My lock screen is some classy roses, and my home screen is Taako and Kravitz.  House: Slytherin with the aesthetic of a Gryffindor.  First ever crush on a teacher: Heck to the nope! Yikes!  Coolest Halloween Costume: So tbh I don’t really go anywhere on Halloween because all my IRL friends are still about 45 minutes away from me and I’m not a party person in the least, SO. A lot of my costumes have been really boring and thrown together at the last minute using one of my 1479 south park hats. But here’s a picture of me and my best friend as James and Lily Potter at FanExpo a couple of years ago.  Favorite 90’s TV show: Spongebob Squarepants. But also Friends because it’s comfort food.  Last kiss?: It was a stage kiss! Scandalous!  Have you ever been stood up?: Not in that dramatic alone-in-a-restaurant-eating-pity-bread-sticks way, just in the friend is suddenly busy way.  Favorite pair of shoes: MY SPIDERMAN VANS and my red converse.  Ever been to Vegas?: Nah, not my scene. Though I’d really like to go to Zak Bagans’ Haunted Museum because that man is my everything.  Favorite fruit: Grapes, I think! Bananas are a close second, though.  Favorite book: The Gentlemans Guide to Vice and Virtue right now, but I do want to call out all of the Just William stories that shaped the shit out of my childhood. I want to be just like William Brown when I grow up.  All time favorite tv shows: Bojack Horseman, South Park, Greys Anatomy (I’m not proud), Bobs Burgers, Brooklyn 99, and Big Mouth. A lot of fluff pieces because I really like media that doesn’t force me to process my years worth of repressed emotions haha yikes.  Last movie you saw in theaters: The last movie I saw in theatres was Pacific Rim 2 and I saw it alone because I’m an adult (it was brilliant) 
Tagged By: Everyones favourite @ivory-rabbit! 
Tagging: Whoever would like to do the thing c: 
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tuckersucks · 6 years
LIKE THIS POST FOR A STARTER  。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
If you want a starter for a side blog, reply with that side blog! 
xoxo Gossip Craig 
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