#will be v small but henlo lets be friends
tuckersucks · 6 years
Like this if you want a wee starter post based on whatever song I’m listening to! 
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rickyievoli · 5 years
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[ LORENZO ZURZOLO, 19, CIS MALE, HE/HIM ] welcome to the du pont institute for the young & gifted, [ RICCARDO ‘RICKY’ IEVOLI ]. you have been accepted as a [ REGULAR ] student from [ ITALY ], going into your [ SOPHOMORE YEAR ] and majoring in [ VISUAL ARTS ]. your peers at the institute say that you are [ EMPATHETIC & SPONTANEOUS ], but being [ MALLEABLE & ENIGMATIC ] may be the reason why the police are asking about you. did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were michael’s [ BEST FRIEND ]?
yo whaddup it me nikki again, bringing in another round of trash your way !! only wait, hold up, it’s all plastic — it’s recycling !! so uhhh he trash but if we all hold hands a pray maybe he’ll be okay you know ?? look i’m tired don’t judge me for any of what i just wrote thanks xoxo gossip girl.
bioish henlo <3
Riccardo Ievoli was born in the Tuscany region of Italy, right outside the city of Florence. The youngest of two boys, in typical fashion Riccardo was rather spoiled — though in a family of a net-worth of millions it wasn’t exactly a daunting task. His parents weren’t always rich, however with both have an eye for art. They created their own art curating business — accumulating art from aspiring artists, ones with immense potential, ones that they knew would make them and some local museums hella money. But of course, with the ups and downs of the economy it simply wasn’t enough, not if they wanted to keep the lifestyle they now so desperately clung to. So along with art, they also sold weapons, drugs, you name it, in disguise as art pieces — dealing to the shady and the high && mighty alike. It wasn’t exactly the safest of all businesses, but oh did it work for them. 
For his childhood, this was all unbeknownst to him — enjoying all the money and art that constantly surrounded him. It didn’t take an expert eye to discern that Ricky also had a great talent ; some even dared to say PRODIGY. While his parents agreed, an education was high on their values, a small sense of normalcy in their world being another. They sent both boys off to the best schools, all over the country ; they wanted them to see every corner of the world. Ricky loved && hated it, for he never was the most outgoing so going to school in a new place every few years, sometimes only after a few months, was daunting. 
When they were both old enough, his parents told them about their underlying business. His brother — the outspoken, popular, reckless one wanted to be a part of it instantly and dropped out. Riccardo on the other hand chose to continue with his various studies, his favorites of course being art. However, in a deal turned bad, his brother ended up passing away — Riccardo holding back his own grief to help his parents.
In turn, it’s what drew him to Michael, for he reminded him of his late brother. To finally settle in an area, to be part of a bro skwad™, it felt great — a distraction to the shitty world that he most of the time never liked too much to begin with (we love a salty, pessimistic boy bless). So while he may not always have agreed, it was easy to fall in with the crowd — to do stupid shit like agreeing to a bet to ask out some girl that he immediately judged upon first even meeting, shit like that && worse. However in lieu of Michael’s passing, it’s brought on a lot of previous grief he had yet to deal with, along with much more now ; but do we talk about that shit in healthy ways ?? absolutely not *finger guns*.
personality, amazing✌️
can seem rather shy and aloof upon first meeting him. he’s rather blunt and not the most expressive ; so he tends to look like he gives no fucks  /   is judging your ever choice in life at any given moment ... and he kinda actually is tbh, but there are cares to given in that heart of his bless
like is he joking when he called you a bitch or not ?? like no one knows wow
but once you get to know him he actually cares about some real shit, wants to help the world he claims to hate. 
that secret heart of gold archetype, but ofc not many get to see it all too often
v malleable and prone to falling under peer pressure, even when he knows shit is stupid. wants to be liked and accepted but also like yOLO right ?? absolutely.
sad™ a lot, but still tries to make others feel gr9 <3
someone: do u wanna do stupid shit or stupider shit ? ricky: yes
wanted connections ?? bless up
and they were rOOMates, a muse ( catch me crying let him draw/paint you bitch ), exes ( some that ended badly and some that are still super close after ?? heyo ), friends with benefits, frenemies with benefits *fingerguns again*, party friends, unlikely friends, art peeps, lacrosse teammates / sports bros, and more probably that i can’t think of but shit we can think of together xoxo.
me: this intro will be shorter than last time also me: plAYED MYSELF AGAIN
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alloveroliver · 6 years
Tell Me Anything Answers
From the V-Day Smooch Event Survey~💋
(Suggestions, comments, questions, or just say Hi!)
Here is where I answer some questions and just plain ol’ respond to all the positive feedback I got for fun!
Take the kiss survey HERE!
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡  ♥ ୨♡୧ ♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
HI I LOVE YOU -I love you too!!! Thanks for filling out my survey XD
Hiiii you’re awesome!!! - No, you’re awesome!
Thank you! -You’re v welcome my friend
Can I just like... Smooch Zero all over his sweet face? Or have Seth smooch me all over MY sweet face~ -So pure! <3 Goals tbh. I will add this to my list of ideas cuz I like this xD
A scavenger hunt! Maybe ending in a proposal?🤔 -I actually love this! I'll add it to my idea pile XD
Hi! Hope you're doing good😊😊- I am doing great! Thank you! I hope you are well~
Hi thanks so much for this event, it will probably be more fun then what rev does! Looking forward to it so much! Thank you for all the effort you always put into your work and for sharing it for us all to read!-skjfdlsldfk AHHH YOU'RE AWESOME! I appreciate your words of encouragement so much! I hope this event is fun for everyone! A small healthy competition and some smooches seem like a good way to kick off valentine's day.
Hi ^^- helooooo <3
You're the best, ash!- AH! TY! I think  you’re the best sooo
Hiya! Just wanted to say I love your writing! Always eager to see more.-Oh thank you so much!!!! I’m so happy to share something I love with the world! And i'm DOUBLE happy people are enjoying it!
Psst ily <3- ILY TOO! lsdjflksdj
I love both Jonah and Edgar. It's sooo hard to pick one for Red Army 😭 Can I not kiss Black Army to kiss our Red Queen and Jack instead XD I love your writing and room full of Oliver! - I know it's hard to pick just one D’: but don’t fret! Even if they don’t win this time around, there will be another open request box soon!!! I’m so happy you love my writing! Ty for telling me! And ROOM FULL OF OLIVER YES!!! I love those little chibis XD even the grumpy ones.
Have a wonderful day Mrs. Ash Knight :)- AHHHHHHHHHHH!~~!!!!!! YOU JUST MADE MY ENTIRE LIFE CALLING ME THAT! I'M MARRIED YALL!!!! LSDJFLSJDFL I am legally obligated to have a wonderful day now after reading that XD XD XD Tbh this will be my pen name from now on XD
WHATEVER YOU WRITE IS A BLESSING AND I'LL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!! -THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I’m excited to see what prompts come above the rest!
Love your writing! Xoxo- Thank you so much! XOXOXO I appreciate you!
💖💖💖💖- <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Hello! Thanks for doing this <3 lots of hugs from a fan!- Hi! You’re v welcome my friend! I hug you back HARDER! *Many bear hugs*
Ily pls hydrate urself- ILY TOO! I cannot hydrate, for when I see Oliver I simply become hella thirsty.
I love your work <3- I am so happy! Thank you so much!!! I am happy to share it with you!
JSJSJSHKWJQ STOP MAKING ME CHOOSE ;;;;; but thank you for doing this! ♡♡♡♡♡- Lololololol. I am happy to do this! You are welcome XD <3
❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️- XOXOXOXOXOXO *Muah*
Hallo~! Good luck ducky. Wish ya the best on your writing prompts.- Thanks for the luck! Also, you said ducky and I thought of the creeks helping me type out the fics XD They would be good helpers tbh.
Hi! <333- Hey! <3 Thanks for filling out the survey
Just to say thanks for doing this <3<3- *Muah!* You’re welcome, my friend!
Thank you for doing this survey! I appreciate that you’re writing things for us, and can’t wait to see what comes out as the winning prompt! - NP NP!!! I am happy to do so! I want to make this round of fics extra special! I hope you enjoy them!!! Thank you <3
Hello! I love your stories! As someone who spends a lot of time on tumblr reading b/c the teacher can't recommend me stuff, I really appreciate it. A thank you from a struggling student trying ( and failing) to get her life together.- XD I'm glad to be of assistance! I am still very new to writing but with encouragement like this, it makes me want to practice more!!! Thank you!
Luka! :)- I agree 100%. <3 <3 <3
Hello! I just want to say, I love your writing! I’m a newer fan, but I already love your stuff! I don’t really have any questions though... whatever. Bye! <3 Lots Of love! - Thank you for telling me you love it!!! I appreciate you! Welcome to my blog XD lol Happy to have you <3
I'm not sure if you would know but when do you think Loki's Main Route will come out?  I just finished Edgar's (🎉👏♥️😍😍) and I'm not sure if I should wait or if I should just play Jonah's route as if there is time.-I am going to guess around the end of Feb. Maybe the 20-22 since the new bonus stories end around that time XD Might be a few days before, but all the bonus stories will be released before the route is released I'm sure. OH! You can start a new route! Ikerev allows you to switch routes for free and it saves you spot on the old route! So whenever you want to go back, you don’t have to start all over again. I hope that helps!
I'm so excited for this. Can't wait! Thank you. I'm looking forward for it~ (๑>ᴗ<)و- I can’t wait either!!! I’m glad you’re excited! This is gonna be so much fun XD
I love your writing and am super excited you are doing this event! Eagerly awaiting the winners and the stories!!!- Thank you so much!!!! That makes me giddy that you like my writing!!!! I am also eagerly awaiting. I’m taking bets with myself to see who’s going to win in each category XD
I'm really glad I subscribed to your blog as soon as I found it :з Keep being awesome (and don't push yourself) - Oh yay!!! I am super happy you did! I update a lot right now lolol. And if they ever release Olivers route NO FORCE CAN STOP ME! XD XD XD but also your concern is so sweeeeet lasdjgldsjkfl I may push myself a bit but I will take lots of breaks I promise! Thank you! <3
Hewwo :3- Henlo :3
I love your writing, it makes me feel like I can travel to a different universe without leaving my bedroom :) - WOW OMG THIS IS A HUGE COMPLIMENT TY!!!!! I strive for this!! I want to be transported somewhere everytime I read and I'm so happy to be doing that for you!!!! <3
Loki & Me are my OTP. This rhymes, so it counts as a poem- lmFAO you crack me up XD. It does, you are a poet now my friend.
I wuv you Ash, you is a good bean <3- I love you tooo!!! I’m happy to be a bean :3 Thank you for taking your time to do this survey!!! You’re awesome!!!
Love your work!!! My heart skips a beat whenever I see you post new stuff! As a fellow writer, let’s support each other! -IT SKIPS A BEAT!? I AM SLDKGJLKSDFJ SPEECHLESS TY!!!! I am here to support all writers!!!
Hello you wonderful person you. 😘- WONDERFUL!? LSDJGFLSDJF YOU’RE SO SWEET! I think YOU are wonderful!!!!
Hewwo I luv you uwu- :3 hello!!!! ILY!!!!
I have nothing to say except I'm excited to see what you come up with! Your stories are always amazing and I'm sure these will be too! :)- WOW TY! Thank you so much! I work really hard to try to make something fresh and new every time and I’m glad you like them!!!! I am excited to see what comes out of the tips of my fingers too XD XD
I say hi! Good luck for this event! You're doing amazing ~- Pure. Wholesome. I love you. Thank you!
This is fun! Thank you.- Woo! Im glad it’s fun!!! NP NP! I appreciate you!
I love you and your writing you are so amazing ❤❤❤❤❤- I LOVE YOU MORE!!!! AHH~!! Youre awesome! Thank you for the compliment!!!! <3 <3
Some of those prompts seemed a little assulty?? I'm sorry! E.g. kisses them to make them stop saying something; angry kisses (no consent...) -  These are prompts and not stories, so extrapolating saying its non-consensual is of your own imagination. “Angry kisses,” and “Stopping someone one from saying something with a kiss,” can be written a thousand different ways. Many of the prompts here have hundreds of different scenarios to be written around. However, If I write something, that is dub/con or non/con it will be tagged at the beginning of the fic so you can freely skip over it. :)
This will be exciting. I’m Looking forward to reading your stories. -I am perpetually excited as I tally up the smooches! I can’t wait to post them to see what you think! <3
This is a great idea and a big inspiration, thank you! - IM GLAD YOU THINK SO!!! <3 <3  You’re v welcome! XOXO
I appreciate all the work you put into this. The prompts are so interesting. Fenray kiss!- YOU APPRECIATE ME OGMOMG TY!!!!! ILY ILY. I’m glad you like the prompts XD I sifted through so many until I was happy with the ones left hehe. FENRAY! They seem to be v popular! I also ship them, but I am a slut and I ship everyone with everyone sooo xD
I love your work!❤- THANK YOU SO MUCH! I’m glad!!!!! This fills my heart with joyyyyy!
Hi!  ;-)- Hellloooo *wink wonk*
I love your blog❤️❤️- I appreciate that!!! Thank you for taking my survey! XD
I'm so excited to see the results of this!! I hope Blanc will get a story >////<- I am excited too!!! You never know who will come out on top! The results have been going back and forth a bit XD
Hi Ash, I'm already looking forward to the outcome of this survey- Hey!!! I am so ecstatic!!!!! I will be posting a bunch of graphs to show the results. So that should be fun to see <3
Are you going to write a fic for each category? I'm really looking for them!! 💕- I sure am! I have 5 fics waiting to be planned based on the results! I will also be doing some inspo-driven drabbles of some of the results for funsies XD
SENPAI!!! I love your work! Are you excited for Loki’s route?- sldkjglsjdf IM NOTICING YOU!!! Lolol omg (that was a dumb joke from me sorry lol).  I am so happy you love my work!!!! THANK YOUUUU I am v excited for Loki’s route! I think Loki is an interesting guy and he’s got a back story I’d like to sip through a straw.
Thank you a lot for doing this, you're awesome ♡- You are welcome my friend!! And I think YOU'RE AWESOME!!!
God's work op!!!!- lololool THANKS! XD Thank you for taking the survey!
Hello, Ash!- Hello there! I hope you have a great week!
I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely adore your Lancelot x Alice fics! They are masterpieces and your writing is so awesome! - MASTERPIECES!? AHHH!!!! TY!!!! <3 <3 BLESS YOU lsjdkflsjfd  I-um-lowkey LOVE Lance. It was his side content that got me tbh. I feel like I connected with him more with the side content. Maybe because I played his route early on and was v new to ikerev. Either way, he's, uhhhh a top bae now XD
Please write more Lance and Alice fics! I always enjoy reading them:)- Yes!!!! There will be more in the future for sure! XD I sooo soo happy you enjoy them!!!
I'm also really looking forward to your ""kiss in the rain"" fic, featuring Lancelot and Alice. I just hope you decide that this fic is worth writing!- It’s going to be based on popular vote, but the kiss in the rain seems to be a general fav! So I’m excited to see who wins and who gets it! XD
I wish you the best of luck for the upcoming Valentine's gacha!- Thank you so much!!! I can’t wait to see what the gacha gods have in store for me this round XD Thanks for the luck!!! <3
こんにちわ!😁 - Howdy XD
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡  ♥ ୨♡୧ ♥  ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
-Some are edited to conceal people’s identity or a defining feature XD (just to keep this anon since I didn’t ask specifically if anyone wanted to be called out <3)
I want to thank everyone for participating in the voting!!! I had a bigger turnout than I would have ever dreamed! You guys are awesome and I am looking forward to writing these fics for you lovely people 💋
If you haven’t already, Take the kiss survey HERE!
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cnisms · 7 years
henlo here’s ur gang war subplot
doin’ this now bc it’s already been long enough, but don’t expect much bc bad timing ! here’s the sitch: two gangs (info on both under the cut) caught up in a v bloody rivalry. they have their territory rn, separated by the river thames to keep it simple, but both want complete control in london + to see the other gang wiped out rip ! this isn’t ur justin bieber pot dealer (no offence xx) drama, these groups have more control over london’s criminal underworld than anyone else. they have a foot in just about every type of organized crime, power in politics, and a lot of money. specifics can be decided by those who play muses of power within the groups, or we can discuss it together, i’m chill. i would say like this and i’ll im you, but we all know that we’ll never get anywhere with that, so just im me with what muses/fcs you want to use and what they do ! i’m going to put a minimum age on some positions, but we’re pretty easy. more info below !
name tbd by whoever plays the boss/leader/whatever they want to be called. could be an official gang name, could just be the *surname/neighbourhood/wtvr* family, or it could stay the north family since it works ig. first noted for being a small group big in petty crime around london in the 1920s, rose in power in the 40s, were a wealthy organization by the late 60s. their major rivals throughout the years have always been minor crime families nearby, most getting chased out by either them or the police, or they just became a faction of the north family once they grew too big to fight. have v strong ties with gangs in new york n many strong connections overseas through them. secretly have members of the royal family as allies, most members are untouchable as long as they remain subtle in their work thanks to deals made with politicians and law enforcement.
ezra butler (right hand)
natalya belyakova (secretary/personal assistant/occasional advisor to gang powers)
leeder sousa (supplier)
cici & abel gautier (children of wealthy backers)
kaia liiv (escort)
same goes as above for the name, it’s really up to the muns. formed in france in the 80s, members who moved to london ended up gaining more influence and actually took over power in the gang in the late 90s. have strong connections to powerful groups in most european countries, especially ones who want to see the north family crumble. aren’t as worried about keeping their violet crimes quiet as they often use other’s fear of them to their advantage. are quickly gaining powerful local allies (politicians, friends of royals, big businesses) that have suffered due to the north family’s business.
eros naevius (muscle)
elizabeth leblanc (behind a drug smuggling operation)
leo caldwell (hotel owner)
kelian scott (garage owner)
rex scott
petty beginnings. in the 90s, the south family trashed the favourite nightclub of the north’s leader (could be the current one or a previous one depending on age!) when the north family refused to let them in on the drug deals they were in charge of. this took place in tower hamlets, before they moved south of the thames to claim area there, where the north family was less active. things escalated from there. people were fighting in the streets, marriages being ruined, lower-ranking members were being ratted out or sometimes framed and getting locked up, deals were ruined and stolen out from under each other. eventually the south family gained full control over south boroughs and things quietened down. still, the gangs hate each other and are in strong competition. both know that the more the other organization suffers, the more they have to gain.
listen ... you can use whatever you want. here are the positions i’m putting minimum ages on just bc: leaders (30), right hands (25) and faction heads, such as people who are p much in charge of one section of the gangs business such as drug or weapon trafficking for example (also 25). otherwise ? go off. here are some ideas other than those: muscle, informants, dealers, suppliers, accountant/bookkeepers, bagmen, advisors, managers/employees/wtvr of businesses owned by the gangs (such as bars n other entertainment venues), whatever you can think of tbh bc we won’t put a formal structure in place. ur muse doesn’t even have to be an active member of a gang, they could just have picked a side and occasionally do business with them. get creative :P
plot drops tbd. anyone involved can make a plot drop at any time, as long as it’s not god-moddy obviously. the tag for the subplot is smoke:underworld ig !
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