lightoflegend · 6 years
@ashxfallen ♥’d for a starter!
Rumors had been spread around of haunted ancient ruins that rested deep within the forest. Most simply shrugged off the tales as nothing but mere stories, that no such place existed. But word had reached the royal knights that some who had dared to venture out to this supposed ruins had never returned.
What had been intrigue had quickly been replaced by concern as Link set off into the woods, traveling off the beaten path and through the undergrowth of the forest until he happened upon a large, unfamiliar stone entrance. It had become dilapidated and as nature sought to take claim of the structure. With sword in hand, he stepped inside to the dimly lit chamber as his eyes had been greeted by the shape of a person lying limply on the ground. He rushed to their side, as he placed a hand gently on their shoulder and gave them a slight nudge.
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“Hey, are you okay?”
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salmiire · 6 years
                            ( for @ashxfallen because lilla misses him )     fingers interlock as they rest behind her back, giving off somewhat of a more innocent appearance than normal. she was more done up this day, curls picture perfect && makeup appeared as if five people had collaborated on it. it wasn’t all for him ( okay maybe 90% of it was ) but it had just been one of those weeks where she hadn’t felt her best. hadn’t really felt like HER. so, here she was, looking about 110% herself && leaning forward just a tad just so she could see her love just a tiny bit closer.          ‘ have you been avoiding me, stranger?? ‘
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puckishphotog · 6 years
@ashxfallen continued from x
Prompto sits up to better position himself. One arm goes around Tya’s shoulders and the other goes back to her cheek so he can continue his kisses and mold his lips to hers.
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sweetnull · 6 years
@ashxfallen is here for a visit
- “ oh! hello! thanks for your help last time. i’ve planted new seedlings in the place of the dead trees we removed. ” a warm smile is offered.
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leondxs · 6 years
“How much horse riding have you done, exactly?” - From Tya :3
Horse Sentence Starters
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❝ Let’s see, ❞ he mused, tapping a finger to his chin for a moment as a cocky grin spread across his lips. ❝ I learned when I was just a boy and I’ve haven’t stopped since so… ❞
His cheeky grin persisted as he affectionately ran a hand along his mount’s neck. It nickered in response, nudging him lightly with its nose and rising a chuckle from the vampire.
❝ Roughly six hundred years worth? Give or take a few decades. ❞
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@ashxfallen continued from x
yes would very much like to knos what inside pls. He lets out a short happy whine and climbs onto her lap before sniffing at the package.
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tuckersucks · 6 years
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shikisouu-blog · 6 years
❤ and / or ❥
      positivity meme ! | accepting /  send me a  ❤  & i will say something positive about you.
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          HONESTLY !!! i think you’re pretty rad, vix, you’re super caring, & you have this incredibly calming aura about you ??? i should apologize bc communication isn’t really my forte  bc i ,,,, have a hard time keeping conversations bc my brain sucks & doesn’t like doing anything but !!! honestly i just , think you’re super sweet, && i’m p fuckin unworthy for a friend like you half the time, bc im a fuckin shitlord & you’re like hylia @ashxfallen
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    ( starter for @ashxfallen )         friday nights had always been the busiest time for yellow jacks. it was a fantasy theme tonight, some girls showed off fangs && bloody chests, some had seashell bras && scaly thighs. lilla personally, had on tiny angel wings && a fuzzy halo, matching one of her favorite girls in the club who had horns && a devil tail. they took to the pole together, being sure to mirror each others dances perfectly. each move had been choreographed by lilla, everything flowing so smoothly, even down to them both hanging onto the pole, upside down && perfectly parallel to one another. it sent the crowd yelling, throwing a wave of bills onto the stage. the music was way too loud for lilla to be paying attention to anything else though, except the girl who danced with her, who came over && delivered a small kiss. it was more friendly than anything, a tease to the crowd as well as they moved to get off the stage, lilla only swiping a few of the bills that has been on the floor. 
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sklaveisms · 6 years
💛 - Sophie
💛: Loves them platonically
he finger guns
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rexmajestatis · 6 years
✉ - from Tya, sorry I was sold at aggressively caring for him
(Manhandle Noct meme | Accepting)
Trying to sit up was...less than successful, and Noct lifted a hand to bat at her halfheartedly. His hand flopped back down across his stomach before coming close to her.
“I’m fine.”
Granted, passing out wasn’t exactly normal behavior for him, but it wasn’t his fault if Titan was a bit more emphatic than usual that afternoon. He was, like, seventy percent sure the god’s shouting wasn’t actually going to hurt him, or else it would be a bit hard for him to do whatever it was he was supposed to do.
“So can I get up now, or what?”
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scottiehateschili · 6 years
Do Kenny and Tya for how hot is that character ;)
hey lets play how hot is that characterYour Kenny(Not that he’s gonna admit it outloud)
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCYTya  hey lets play how hot is that character Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCYSMOKING! 
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salmiire · 6 years
        ( @ashxfallen )     cutesy curls && sweet swirls strolled in to wherever lucien had happened to be at the time ( she totally didn’t track his location by his phone... && scent for that matter ) && SLAMMED her hands down on whatever table was near. ‘ do ya wanna date me or not ?? ‘ the tone was just as playful as she had always been, with only the tiniest dash of aggression. ‘ i ain’t one to keep waitin’ y’know. ‘ ever since that chat with sophie, lets just say she had been the tinniest tiniest bit JEALOUS. 
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puckishphotog · 6 years
@ashxfallen continued from x
Prompto smiles into the kiss, kissing her back equally as tenderly. Prompto moves to rest his forehead against hers, his doe-y smile still on his face. “That sounds even better. Should I grab snacks?”
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charredeyes · 6 years
"Can you burn by the things you create?" Tya raises her hands, closing and opening them a few times to imply she means his quirk.
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Air is sucked in with a harsh inhale. Though an innocently placed question, it’s just astute enough to raise Bakugou’s wariness. Sure, it’s not like telling her any of this information would affect his combat performance that much or increase her chances of winning against him in the first place. But the teen has always been someone who keeps his cards close to his chest. To his credit, he elects not to ignore the question. “Not usually but it’s possible. My skin’s just slightly thicker and more tolerant to heat than most.” A momentary pause. “Yourself?” 
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blxebxy-spxcemxn · 6 years
How hot is Kenny ;)
hey lets play how hot is that character ; accepting
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY ( HIS PANTS ARE OFF MAN )
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