#ONU Mexico
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Conversatorio Día Internacional de la Lengua Materna y documental "La mujer de estrellas y montañas".
Celebramos el Día de la Lengua Materna previo al estreno en cines del documental Mukí Sopalírili Aligué Gawichí Nirúgame, La Mujer de Estrellas y Montañas. Sigue el diálogo, recordemos a Rita y promovamos la diversidad lingüística en el Decenio Internacional de las Lenguas Indígenas y tras él.
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Netflix o Disney+?
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I just wish government services fucking worked like liberals libertarians and republicans seem to think it does
#why was i denied food stamps in tx when my rent was more than my salary and they claimed i made too much money#why was i denied medical care since 14 bc my mom couldnt afford it and made less than minimum wage#why did my job trainor with the vocational rehab of new mexico just leave me after i did everything she told me to do and got no job#why did i as a barista not qualify for medicaid when they could see my debt my falling apart car and the holes in my shoes#i called for legal help in our roommate sitch and they took my info and told me i should hear.from them by monday#i told them i have nowhere to go or live with a disabled fiance and 2 cats sunday#and the onus is still on me to call them backnup if they forget#it stayed in my drafts but i tried to kms 2 weeks ago and i still dont know why im here
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Round table 1: Youth Power: Leading the Charge Against Climate Change - World Habitat Day 2024 (Querétaro, Mexico).
On 7 October 2024, the Global Observance of World Habitat Day, will be under the theme "Engaging youth to create a better urban future." The world is rapidly urbanizing, and many urban residents these days are young people, especially in some countries in Africa and Asia. It will focus on how we can engage the new generation in planning their urban present and future through participatory processes and local leadership opportunities.
Watch the Round table 1: Youth Power: Leading the Charge Against Climate Change - World Habitat Day 2024 (Querétaro, Mexico)!ne
#Roundtable discussions#climate change#climate action#youth engagement#youth-led solutions#world habitat day#un habitat#onu habitat mexico#7 october#urban present and future#participatory processes#new generation
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Fuente: benjaminfulford.net
Francisco será el último Papa mientras la Iglesia Católica se declara en quiebra.
La cosa se está volviendo realmente bíblica. La Iglesia Católica Romana se encamina hacia la bancarrota, lo que significa que el falso Francisco con máscara de goma será el último Papa, según fuentes del gobierno mexicano y reportes de prensa.
Esto abrirá una madriguera de conejo muy profunda.
La Iglesia está en quiebra porque los cristianos de América Latina y África saben que la actual dirigencia del Vaticano adora a Lucifer. Por eso han dejado de donarle dinero.
Al mismo tiempo, la Iglesia se ve obligada a pagar miles de millones de dólares en compensaciones por la violación y el abuso sistemáticos de niños por parte del clero en todo el mundo. No tendrán otra opción que vender sus propiedades inmobiliarias (iglesias en todo el mundo ) para pagar por ello.
Además, ahora que las Primeras Naciones de todo el mundo también están demandando a la empresa, ni siquiera esto será suficiente para pagar por sus crímenes. Esto significa que se disolverán después de haber estado en actividad durante unos 1700 años.
El hecho de que la Iglesia no tenga dinero también significa que ha perdido el control del Banco del Vaticano, el antiguo nexo de control de los bancos centrales del mundo y de la ONU. Por eso el dólar ha perdido más del 30% de su poder adquisitivo frente al oro en el último año.
Las implicaciones de esto asombrarán a la gente porque significará que se descubrirán todas las mentiras que nos han contado sobre nuestra historia. También significará el fin de los calendarios gregoriano y judío fraudulentos.
Los iraníes señalan que el conversor del calendario judío de Jabad al calendario gregoriano sólo se remonta a 1601, lo que hace que su afirmación de que este es el año 5784 del calendario judío sea una burla.
“Durante la conferencia de 1666, los sabateos decidieron crear un nuevo calendario. El nuevo calendario fue diseñado de tal manera que el 17 de Tamuz de 5426 coincidiera con la fecha satánica del 20 de julio de 1666. Por lo tanto, tuvieron que crear dos nuevos calendarios: el israelí y el gregoriano”, afirman fuentes iraníes.
Para entender que nuestro calendario es falso, pensemos en lo siguiente: septiembre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre significan los meses séptimo, octavo, noveno y décimo.
Un ejemplo visible de cómo los satanistas han lavado el cerebro y engañado a los judíos europeos es el hecho de que se ponen un gorro de sumisión y rezan ante el muro de una fortaleza construida por los destructores romanos de la nación de Judea. Esto es para engañarlos y hacerlos creer que tienen que destruir la mezquita de Al Aqsa y desencadenar una guerra santa con los musulmanes para reconstruir su templo.
El hecho es que el sitio original del templo no está cerca de la mezquita, por lo que los judíos podrían reconstruir su templo mañana sin pelear con los musulmanes si así lo desearan.
Todas estas mentiras se están utilizando para intentar manipularnos para que luchemos y nos destruyamos unos a otros en lugar de mirar a nuestros controladores secretos.
Por su parte, el MI6 nos envió lo que equivale a la confesión en su lecho de muerte de Karen Hudes, la ex abogada jefe del Banco Mundial. Hudes trabajó directamente con los líderes del grupo Octágono Faraónico que utilizaron bonos fraudulentos de la década de 1930 para reclamar el control del sistema financiero global. Según ella, le dijeron que nuestra historia es falsa y que Jesús, Aristóteles, Platón, etc., vivieron todos en la Edad Media. Murió poco después de publicar este video.
No podemos confirmar lo que se dice sobre Jesús y Aristóteles, pero sí tenemos nuestras propias pruebas de que la historia que nos enseñan está llena de mentiras. Una amiga de mi madre, que era prima del escritor Aldous Huxley, era una arqueóloga que descubrió evidencias de colonias portuguesas y españolas en Terranova que precedieron en siglos al “descubrimiento” de América por parte de Cristóbal Colón. Uno pensaría que esto habría sido noticia en todo el mundo, pero en cambio, su trabajo fue suprimido por los jesuitas y la Iglesia Católica. Esta es la punta del iceberg de la historia falsa.
Como dice el títere del FEM Yuval Noah Harari:
“La mayor parte de la información es basura. La mayor parte son mentiras, noticias falsas, teorías conspirativas, delirios, ilusiones, porque todo esto es muy barato y fácil de producir”.
Recuerden, Satanás es el padre de todas las mentiras. También puedo confirmar que el papa negro Peter Hans Kolvenbach se atribuyó el tsunami y el ataque nuclear del 11 de marzo de 2011 en Japón y afirmó en ese momento que trabajaba para Satanás. La mentira que se difundió fue que se trató de un “desastre natural”.
Todo esto está a punto de salir a la luz porque, según el MI6:
Se está tomando medidas enérgicas contra la red global de compromiso y control (chantaje) dirigida por los jesuitas, pero que en esencia es el Octágono Suizo. Tienen distintos nombres, pero en esencia son el mismo grupo de linajes faraónicos que parecen considerarse a sí mismos como los gobernantes del mundo . Esto es muy conocido dentro de la comunidad de inteligencia militar, como usted sabe.
En un ejemplo de este movimiento contra los linajes, la reina Margarita II de Dinamarca “se cayó ” la semana pasada y sufrió “daños en las vértebras del cuello, así como una fractura en la mano izquierda”, lo que la obligó a cancelar sus compromisos públicos.
Esta red de chantaje ha salido a la luz pública occidental a través del arresto del rapero Diddy. Como ejemplo del pánico que está provocando este arresto, la actriz Megan Fox intentó borrar publicaciones en Internet que había hecho, como por ejemplo: “Yo era una animadora adolescente caníbal y poseída por un demonio. ¿Quién no se siente identificado con eso?”.
Muchas de estas “celebridades” ya han sido detenidas y sus bienes han sido confiscados. Esta es la orden ejecutiva al respecto:
Como prueba adicional, aquí hay una lista de celebridades a quienes les fueron confiscadas sus propiedades y subastadas:
Varias fuentes dicen que esto es parte de un desmantelamiento de esta red de chantaje que conducirá directamente a Barack Obama, el ex controlador del falso Joe Biden.
Fuentes de la CIA advierten que esto no será un camino de rosas. El comandante en jefe Donald Trump ha reunido un ejército de un millón de hombres dentro de los Estados Unidos para luchar contra la milicia armada de inmigrantes ilegales que los satanistas han creado en el país. A los comerciantes de armas de todo Estados Unidos se les ha ordenado que vendan armas a los millones de inmigrantes ilegales varones en edad militar sin pedirles identificación.
“La inmigración armada fue una operación clandestina del Lucis [Lucifer] Trust a través de las Naciones Unidas”, afirma el MI6. Sin embargo, afirman que los inmigrantes “saben que han sido utilizados” y no se espera que ofrezcan mucha resistencia.
Sin embargo, fuentes de alto rango de la CIA dicen que esperan que la mafia jázara intente causar el mayor caos posible en Estados Unidos, porque literalmente están luchando por sus vidas. Por eso, todos deberían prepararse, por si acaso, para al menos una semana sin electricidad ni acceso a las tiendas.
Se espera que la situación llegue a su clímax el 1 de octubre o alrededor de esa fecha, porque la satánica CORPORACIÓN DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA aún no ha encontrado fondos para seguir funcionando más allá del cierre del año fiscal, el 30 de septiembre. Esto se puede ver en las noticias sobre los republicanos que bloquean los esfuerzos para mantener el financiamiento del gobierno de los EE.UU. a menos que se aprueben leyes que garanticen que solo las personas con una identificación válida puedan votar en las elecciones presidenciales del 5 de noviembre.
También se están difundiendo historias sobre una huelga masiva de trabajadores portuarios desde Maine hasta Texas que paralizará el 60% del comercio estadounidense a partir del 1 de octubre.
La “huelga” es sólo una excusa para encubrir un bloqueo económico planificado contra Estados Unidos. Incluso el periódico The Economist, propiedad de Rothschild, admite que “los rusos ya no son los malos. Ahora son los estadounidenses”.
Es por eso que, como lo demuestra esta noticia;
Los funcionarios rusos verificaron… que 159 participantes adoptarán BRICS Pay, un sistema que prescinde del dólar en el comercio global.
Se rumorea que el sistema de pago basado en blockchain se lanzará en la muy esperada Cumbre 2024 en Kazán, Rusia, el próximo mes.
El presidente ruso, Vladimir Putin, dijo lo siguiente sobre la desdolarización de la economía mundial:
“Las autoridades financieras y políticas de los Estados Unidos están impulsando este proceso con sus acciones no solo descuidadas, sino poco profesionales y estúpidas… Creo que ya entienden que cometieron un error [al intentar aislar a países como Rusia del sistema del dólar], pero simplemente no pueden salir de esta rutina, probablemente ya no les resulte muy conveniente admitir que cometieron un error, pero sería necesario corregir algo, ven que las herramientas que están utilizando no funcionan… Estamos pasando a las monedas nacionales y eso es todo.
Mientras tanto, dentro de Estados Unidos, el enfrentamiento entre los sombreros blancos y los satanistas se está desarrollando en la actual campaña electoral presidencial.
En este frente, un grupo de 741 traidores del estado profundo en el gobierno de Estados Unidos nos han hecho el favor de publicar sus nombres en un respaldo público a la satánica Kamala Harris; así que piense en esto como una lista de arrestos.
Como dijo Anna Paulina Luna en un mitin de Trump sobre Harris:
“¡320.000 niños han desaparecido bajo su supervisión como zar de la frontera! ¡No me diga que le importan las mujeres y no me diga que le importan los niños!”
Si crees que Kamala tiene potencial para ser presidenta de los Estados Unidos, vives en una realidad completamente separada, totalmente absorbido por la matrix.
Jake Tapper le preguntó a la asesora principal de Kamala y ex alcaldesa de Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, por qué Kamala no concede más entrevistas. Su respuesta: "Es una persona muy ocupada".
Ahora hay acusaciones de que está recibiendo ayuda de los iraníes:
Los piratas informáticos iraníes enviaron información confidencial robada de la campaña de Trump a la campaña del presidente Joe Biden a principios de este verano, dijeron el miércoles investigadores estadounidenses… Los iraníes también han seguido intentando filtrar material "no público" de la campaña de Trump a organizaciones de medios desde junio, dijeron las agencias.
Aquí está la respuesta de Trump:
Vale, llámame cínico, pero parece una respuesta de Trump al engaño de los demócratas sobre la influencia rusa en su contra.
Por supuesto, Trump todavía necesita luchar duro porque, según el congresista Matt Gaetz, hay cinco equipos de asesinos en los EE.UU. que lo tienen específicamente en la mira.
En una señal de que Trump sigue ganando terreno , mientras todos estaban distraídos por el debate, la Orden Ejecutiva 13848 de Trump, firmada el 12 de septiembre de 2018, sobre la interferencia electoral, fue extendida nuevamente el lunes por "Sleepy" Fake Biden enmascarado.
Esto significa que quienquiera que esté desempeñando el papel de Biden sigue trabajando con los sombreros blancos. Tal vez por eso los demócratas han decidido ahora convertir a Jill Biden en comandante en jefe.
Como prueba de que la interferencia electoral de la EO se está tomando en serio, un juez federal ordenó al fundador de Dominion, la empresa de máquinas de votación, que preste declaración bajo juramento a los activistas de integridad electoral.
La caída de los líderes comprometidos con la mafia jazara también se está haciendo visible en la mayoría de los países controlados por Occidente.
En Francia, “la Mesa de la Asamblea Nacional aprobó el procedimiento para destituir a Emmanuel Macron [Rothschild] del poder”, informó el martes el periódico Le Parisien.
Esto ocurre mientras el índice de desaprobación de Macron ha aumentado al 75%, según mostró una encuesta publicada por el periódico francés Journal du Dimanche el sábado.
Enlace a sputnikglobe.com
Esta puede ser la razón por la que Macron aparentemente ahora está buscando la protección de Rusia diciendo: “Necesitamos pensar en una nueva organización de Europa y luego revisar nuestros vínculos con Rusia, y pensar en la paz en este continente [europeo]”.
También en el Reino Unido, la última encuesta de opinión revela que el índice de aprobación del primer ministro pedófilo chantajeado, Keir Starmer, ha sufrido una enorme caída de 45 puntos desde julio, hasta un índice neto de -26%.
El gobierno alemán de Olaf Sholz también es muy impopular debido a la crisis económica. El número de empresas medianas y grandes en Alemania que se declararon en quiebra en el primer semestre de este año aumentó un 41% en comparación con el mismo período del año pasado, informó el diario Handelsblatt.
En Japón, el diputado Ryuhei Kawada celebró una conferencia de prensa en la que advirtió que una vacuna de replicón que el gobierno japonés aprobará a partir del 1 de octubre hará que las personas vacunadas puedan contaminar el ADN de las personas con las que entren en contacto. “En comparación con las personas no vacunadas, la tasa de mortalidad es cinco veces mayor si te vacunas dos veces. No podemos seguir con estas 'vacunas' de ARNm…”, advierte el profesor Dr. Seiji Kojima.
Richard Koshimizu, del Partido de la Independencia de Japón, dice que el gobierno esclavista japonés también está planeando tratar de matar a una gran parte de la población mediante la gripe aviar utilizada como arma a partir de octubre.
El 18 de septiembre , representantes de Yamaguchi Gumi, Sumiyoshi Rengo, la inteligencia militar japonesa y los sombreros blancos militares estadounidenses se reunieron de urgencia. En la reunión se decidió exigir, con fecha límite el 1 de octubre, la destitución de los principales artífices de esta política: el falso embajador estadounidense Rahm Emanuel y el príncipe Hitachi.
Según fuentes de derecha japonesas, el príncipe Hitachi dice que el gobierno está planeando asesinar a una gran parte de la población japonesa porque la mafia jazara les ha ordenado reducir la población de Japón a 70 millones de los 125 millones actuales.
Los participantes en la reunión también coincidieron en que los candidatos actuales para sustituir al primer ministro Fumio Kishida eran todos esclavos comprometidos. Fuentes del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores japonés confirman que ahora hay un vacío de poder y nadie sabe quién será el próximo primer ministro de Japón.
También en Canadá, Justin Castrudeau está a punto de ser expulsado del poder. Esta semana se enfrenta a una moción de censura en el Parlamento sin el apoyo de sus antiguos aliados del NDP.
El presa del pánico, Castrudeau, responde gritando histéricamente por una “victoria ucraniana”, como si eso tuviera algo que ver con los intereses canadienses.
Lo que en realidad significa es que apoya el genocidio del pueblo ucraniano. Los servicios de inteligencia polacos nos informan:
El primer primer ministro de Ucrania, Witold Fokin, describe una conversación con Zbigniew Brzezinski que tuvo lugar a principios de los años 90. Se dice que Brzezinski dijo: “En 2030, Ucrania no debería tener más de 20 millones de habitantes”. En aquel momento, Ucrania tenía una población de 52 millones de habitantes y ahora se estima que es de unos 18 millones. Se trata de un genocidio en curso por parte de a mafia jazara.
No por mucho más tiempo. Oleksandr Dubinsky, miembro del Parlamento ucraniano, dice que el líder de la junta neonazi, Vladimir Zelensky, pronto "se enfrentará a un golpe de Estado si persiste en prohibir las elecciones nacionales".
Polonia también está en graves apuros. Los servicios de inteligencia polacos afirman que las recientes inundaciones en su país fueron “causadas a propósito” y que existe un plan preparado previamente para “ayudar” a los polacos en forma de un préstamo que tiene como objetivo permitir a los bancos alemanes comprar las tierras más adelante en caso de que no se pague el préstamo. Esto forma parte de un plan alemán en curso para absorber a Polonia, afirman. Nos proporcionaron las siguientes pruebas:
También nos enviaron este documental de la televisión alemana sobre la manipulación del tiempo.
El otro bastión de la mafia jazara en Israel también está en serios problemas y sigue tratando desesperadamente de provocar una Tercera Guerra Mundial como carta para salir de la cárcel.
Su último intento ha sido empezar a hacer estallar dispositivos electrónicos:
BEIRUT, 18 de septiembre. /TASS/. Al menos 300 personas resultaron heridas en una serie de nuevas explosiones de dispositivos de comunicación inalámbrica en Líbano, elevando a nueve el número de muertos, informó el Ministerio de Salud del país.
Según el canal de televisión Al Hadath, en distintas regiones del país estallaron walkie-talkies, teléfonos y aparatos alimentados por energía solar y baterías de iones de litio . El incidente del miércoles se produjo un día después de la primera serie de explosiones de buscapersonas que mataron a 12 personas y dejaron heridas a unas 2.800.
“Esta impactante demostración demostró al mundo entero que esto se puede hacer a cualquiera, en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar que esté al alcance de una torre de telefonía móvil. Pueden hacerlo”, dice una fuente del Mossad. He recibido confirmación de mi contacto israelí del Mossad en Nueva York. Esto fue definitivamente una operación del Mossad.
No es de extrañar que el presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, diga que Israel actúa como una organización terrorista, atacando no sólo a la Franja de Gaza sino a toda la región.
Los países de la región saben que Israel y sus controladores del Knesset están tratando desesperadamente de iniciar una Tercera Guerra Mundial, por lo que, en lugar de morder el anzuelo, están logrando que todo el planeta emprenda una acción colectiva contra este estado rebelde.
La Corte Penal Internacional, por ejemplo, está presentando cargos penales contra el Ministro de Crimen israelí , Benyamin Netanyahu, y el Ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant, lo que significa que no podrán viajar a ninguno de los 124 países miembros de la CPI.
Además, en lugar de luchar por Israel, el Pentágono ha retirado dos grupos navales del Oriente Próximo, el USS Theodore Roosevelt y el USS Abraham Lincoln. Esto ocurre mientras la milicia hutí ataca Tel Aviv con un misil hipersónico. El mariscal de campo Douglas MacGregor y otros señalan que los hutíes no tienen esa tecnología y son solo un representante de Rusia.
El periodista francés Thierry Meyssan escribe: “Imitando el comportamiento de las FDI en Gaza, Ansar Allah emitió un aviso a los israelíes declarando que Tel Aviv es una “zona de guerra” y que deben evacuarla al desierto del Néguev, que consideran una “zona humanitaria”.
“Nos enteramos de que el primer ministro israelí, Benjamín Netanyahu, visitó Rusia en secreto la semana pasada, durante unas horas. La información fue estrictamente censurada por las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel en Israel. Su reunión con su ex amigo, el presidente Vladimir Putin, no salió bien”, continúa.
La retirada de los portaaviones estadounidenses indica que Washington no tenía intención de involucrarse en la disputa ruso-israelí.
Pero lo más importante está en otra parte: Moscú había advertido que respondería a Estados Unidos, que está dando armas a Ucrania para atacar a Rusia, dando también armas a los enemigos de Washington para que contraataquen. Ucrania acaba de atacar un gasoducto ruso con armas estadounidenses. En respuesta, Yemen atacó el gasoducto Ashkelon-Eilat con la ayuda de datos satelitales rusos.
Entre bastidores, los israelíes han comenzado a negociar con los sombreros blancos para reemplazar a Israel por un nuevo estado-nación de Judea que incluirá a los judíos nativos (engañosamente llamados palestinos), dice el MI6.
Al ver que está a punto de perder el control de sus colonias de Israel, Estados Unidos y Ucrania, la mafia jazara ahora está rodeando a la ONU.
En Nueva York la ONU está celebrando una Cumbre del Futuro concebida como un intento de apoderarse del poder y que se lleva a cabo sin consultar a los gobiernos de todo el mundo , afirma el representante de Rusia ante la ONU, Dmitry Polyansky.
La OMS en Suiza también sigue trabajando febrilmente a puerta cerrada para imponer su control totalitario en el planeta a través del Tratado de Pandemias de la ONU, advierte el grupo CitizenGo.
En la reunión anual del FEM, afiliada a la mafia jazara y a la ONU, la bruja Ursula von der Leyen advierte sobre la necesidad de luchar contra la desinformación, es decir, la verdad.
“Hay guerras, hambre, miseria, esclavitud humana, pedofilia, gente muriendo en las calles por abuso de drogas y alcohol, pero según estos psicópatas nuestro mayor problema es la ‘desinformación’, es decir, la libertad de expresión��, comenta una fuente de la CIA.
Bill Gates, el dueño de facto de la OMS, por su parte pide que la “desinformación sobre las vacunas” sea censurada en tiempo real por la IA. Bienvenidos a 1984
Éste es el tipo de “desinformación” (es decir, verdad) que busca censurar:
La vacuna ACAM2000, aprobada el mes pasado por la FDA para el tratamiento de la mpox , conlleva una lista de “complicaciones graves”, entre ellas miocarditis, muerte y muerte fetal. La guía de medicamentos de la FDA también advierte que las personas que reciben la vacuna pueden contagiar a personas no vacunadas, que también corren el riesgo de desarrollar efectos secundarios de la vacuna, incluida la muerte.
La mafia jazara también está usando vacunas para introducir nanoradios en el torrente sanguíneo de las personas para convertirlas en radios humanas, advierte la inteligencia polaca.
Mientras tanto, el sombrero gris militar estadounidense Elon Musk está logrando victorias en su propia guerra de información al impulsar su plataforma X.
En la UE, el comisario europeo Thierry Breton, que persiguió a Elon Musk por la regulación de contenidos en la plataforma de redes sociales X, ha dimitido de su cargo.
En Brasil, el gobierno ha dejado de prohibir X después de que enormes incendios arrasaran todo el país, amenazando la capital de Brasilia y la principal ciudad, Río de Janeiro. Si bien la excusa oficial para los incendios es el “cambio climático”, las autoridades brasileñas dicen que la mayoría de los incendios fueron provocados ilegalmente.
Tal vez fue sólo una coincidencia, pero poco después de que Brasil dejó de prohibir X, los incendios se calmaron.
Finalmente, esta semana, fuentes del servicio de segurodad ruso ruso nos informaron que la semana pasada se había desmantelado un gran Bases¡ militare subterránea profunda de la mafia jazara en Argentina. Esto quedó demostrado por un terremoto de magnitud 6 en la provincia de San Luis. El epicentro se situó a 158 km al noroeste de la ciudad de San Luis, a una profundidad de 129 km. A continuación, se muestra una captura de Google Earth del epicentro que muestra lo que parece ser la entrada de un DUMB/BMSP(Bases militares subterráneas profundas):
Como es habitual, hay muchas cosas de las que no podemos hablar por razones de seguridad operativa, pero si nos fijamos en las noticias, podemos ver que los sombreros blancos están definitivamente ganando terreno. Esperemos más buenas noticias esta semana.
#benjamin fulford#geopolitica#noticias#fulford#mafia jazara#rusia#politica#china#youtube#trump#SOCIEDADES SECRETAS ASIATICAS#BRICS#donald trump#elecciones 2024#elecciones estados unidos 2024#gnosticos#illuminati#sombreros blancos#sombreros negros#ONU#UE#CIA#MI6#bill gates#foro economico mundial#japon#mexico#el vaticano#el papa#papa francisco
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Emmanuel said he wanted to work in the U.S. and send money back to his family in Chiapas, Mexico's southernmost state. But soon after crossing into Arizona illegally, Emmanuel said he was detained by U.S. border agents and returned to Mexico.
Asked about his next steps, Emmanuel said he might return to Chiapas, noting that American officials told him he would face jail time if he attempted to enter the U.S. unlawfully again. He was one of dozens of migrants deported to Nogales during a recent Thursday morning in late August.[...]
Rosalis and her young daughters were also deported to Nogales that Thursday morning. The Mexican mother said she traveled to the U.S. border after a man started harassing her daughters in their hometown. She said she tried to explain to U.S. immigration officials why she came — to no avail.
These scenes in Nogales play out most mornings, volunteers said. Since President Biden invoked sweeping presidential powers to curtail access to the overwhelmed U.S. asylum system in early June, returns of migrants to Mexican border cities like Nogales have increased sharply.
The "deportations are 24/7," said Dora Rodriguez, a Tucson resident who travels to Nogales to assist deportees four days a week.
Mr. Biden's executive action has upended U.S. asylum law, which generally allowed migrants physically on American soil to request asylum as a way to fight their deportation. But under his June proclamation, migrants who cross the southern border between legal entry points are generally disqualified from asylum.
The new rules also scrapped a requirement for U.S. immigration officials to ask migrants whether they fear being harmed if deported, placing the onus on them to express that fear in order to be interviewed by U.S. asylum officers. The measures have led to a dramatic drop in those being allowed to access the U.S. asylum system. They have also allowed officials to more quickly deport migrants from Mexico, Central America and other countries where the U.S. conducts regular deportations.[...]
Deportations of migrants as a proportion of encounters at the southern border more than doubled after Mr. Biden's order, according to a recent court declaration from Royce Murray, a top immigration official at the Department of Homeland Security. During the first two months of the order's implementation, the department conducted 62 repatriations per every 100 border encounters, up from 26 repatriations per 100 encounters, Murray said.
1 Sep 24
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what's something you'd like to see more of on royal simblr?
the timing of this was brilliant, actually, because i had been thinking for several days that i would like to make some sort of entirely uncalled for, roughly edited psa post about What I Think Royal Simblr Needs To Prioritize More :^) anyway, you also touched on this in your own answer, so it’s an echo of that too :^) it's very long, but i had a lot to say about the topic i've chosen. i should also preface by saying that it's not meant as a blanket negative statement or even an objective prescription; it's just based on my own observation and anecdotal experience.
in short, royal simblr needs more cultural diversity !
there are two big reasons why i feel this way: one, the entire premise is suspect because it so easily verges into uncritically reproducing and whitewashing an awful institution; and two, cultural diversity is actually more engaging and interesting than a community that feels monocultural (esp when said culture is a hegemonic colonial product whose dominance is based on plunder, oppression, and destruction of both entire peoples and the planet itself).
personally, i want to be part of a community where folks are 1) actively curious about the wider world and its cultures and 2) comfortable incorporating their own cultures in their stories. it’s true that the bias is perhaps partly because many royalty references in the real world may not have great english sources for a predominantly english-speaking community to use. but, i don’t think that’s a get-out-of-jail-free card. i am absolutely not a person who likes to consciously write myself into my stories, to be clear. that being said, i do ask myself, “what experiences or knowledge do i have that deserve representation?” we write our stories for ourselves but, frankly, i would venture many of us have internalized messages that make us devalue our own backgrounds or doubt others will be interested in content outside of the often white, often western mainstream. in my experience, the royal simblr community places high value on researching and replicating the norms of contemporary western european royalty—particularly the british royal family. the truth is that same care and respect could be put into other histories and perspectives, if the motivation existed to do so.
so, another approach, beyond drawing on your own experiences, is doing the research to respectfully depict or be inspired by a culture that isn't your own. the onus for representation cannot be squarely on the most marginalized of us, even if we'd likely produce the best version of it. if i had chosen to write a story about a fake british royal family, i'd have felt guilty about not writing a story full of brown people from the americas; that representation wouldn't really exist if i wasn't making it for myself. consequently, culture shifts require everyone to do their part, whether as creators, collaborators, or readers. i'd also venture that most of us appreciate when outsiders believe our cultures are valuable and beautiful—when they want to know or experience our clothing, food, and music in ways that are not fetishizing, exploitative, or appropriating. that's part of why tumblr is filled with guides and tutorials to writing characters from all walks of life, from ethnicity to disability to gender; the resources exist, and people want to see them used. it doesn't even have to be your entire story ! individual characters or plot lines can give good representation if you make that a priority.
in my own story, i've blended the two approaches. i think about my own, my family's, and my friends' experiences of indigeneity in what's currently the united states; i've also blended it with my interests in iberian and latin american histories, especially indigenous mexico, among other elements closer to u.s. history. my story isn't a direct replica of any real world place or people, but the culture is based on imagination, research, and feedback. if someone has a critique or feels offended for whatever reason, i want to be humble enough to accept it and make changes. one of the amazing things about this corner of tumblr is that our community loves to help others. learning in public—experimenting, sharing parts of yourself, being creative—is never easy, but it's easier to do when you're part of a community that offers grace and encouragement. my opinion is also that people are more willing to share their expertise and welcome your work if you demonstrate, not just good intentions, but that you've done your homework to the best of your ability.
i want to be clear, too: there's a place for storytelling as conscious critique of the institution, and there are storytellers in this community whose cultures happen to be the ones that are overrepresented. this isn't an indictment of the good stories and good fun people are having. i'm just taking this as an opportunity to offer constructive criticism and give people the encouragement or permission to try something different. why not use your creativity to incorporate other sources of inspiration—or to imagine a different and better world, even?
at the end of the day, everyone can do whatever they want with their hobbies. we can't all be doing social justice on simblr dot com and, frankly, probably shouldn't be ! it is nonetheless true that some of us don't get to enjoy our hobbies uncritically. we can't log onto tumblr and scroll through sims stories and be blissfully unaware of the politics of representation. "royalty" doesn't just connote pretty tiaras and fancy titles for all of us. people who are marginalized in the real world are part of this community. its representation signals to us how welcome we and the stories we have to tell really are.
most or all of us are imagining our countries to be part of the same fictional world. it's just my personal opinion, but i don’t think that world should be mostly fake europe plus specifically the settler colonial parts of fake non-europe. my challenge to everyone would be to think about whether your story could or should meaningfully contribute to a fuller, more realistic representation of the world we've created as a collective within this community.
#these are my thoughts & feelings#we all have blindspots & i don't wanna like#turn simblr into a job for anyone or w/e but#sometimes it feels like we have the world at our fingertips#& too many people default to what's under their nose u kno#if u feel attacked do not @ me bc i do not care !!!!!!#anyway this is my essay & i wrote it w/ love for the community#i am part of it after all :^) and there's great work here :^)
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The Supreme Court creates train wreck over Texas immigration law.
Over the last forty-eight hours, the Supreme Court has made a monumental mess of its review of a Texas law that seeks to assume control over the US border. If the consequences weren’t tragic, it would be comical.
The Texas law is plainly unconstitutional. It is not even a close question. But the Supreme Court created a situation in which enforcement of that law was stayed and then permitted to go back into effect multiple times in a forty-eighth hour period. It was like the Keystone Cops—all because the Supreme Court does not have the fortitude to control the rogue judges on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Here's the bottom line: As of late Tuesday evening, the Texas law cannot be enforced pending further order of the Fifth Circuit. See NBC News, Appeals court blocks Texas immigration law shortly after Supreme Court action. As explained by NBC,
A three-judge panel of the New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals split 2-1 in saying in a brief order that the measure, known as SB4, should be blocked. The same court is hearing arguments Wednesday morning on the issue.
The appeals court appeared to be taking the hint from the Supreme Court, which in rejecting an emergency application filed by the Biden administration put the onus on the appeals court to act quickly.
I review the complicated procedural background below with a warning that it may change in the next five minutes. For additional detail, I recommend Ian Millhiser’s explainer in Vox, The Supreme Court’s confusing new border decision, explained.
Let’s start here: The federal government has exclusive authority to control international borders. The Constitution says so, and courts have ruled so for more than 150 years.
There are good reasons for the federal government to control international borders. If individual states impose contradictory regulations on international borders that abut the states, the federal government could not promulgate a single, coherent foreign policy—which is plainly the job of the federal government.
Texas passed a law that granted itself the right to police the southern border and enforce immigration laws, including permitting the arrest and deportation of immigrants in the US who do not have the legal authority to remain in the country.
Mexico immediately notified Texas that it would not accept any immigrants deported by Texas. (Mexico does accept immigrants deported by the US per international agreements.)
A federal district judge in Texas enjoined the enforcement of state law, ruling that it usurped the federal government's constitutional role. Texas appealed.
When a matter is appealed, the court of appeals generally attempts to “maintain the status quo” as it existed between the parties prior to the contested action. Here, maintaining the status quo meant not enforcing the Texas law that allowed Texas to strip the federal government of its constitutional authority over the border.
However, the Fifth Circuit used a bad-faith procedural ploy to suspend the district court’s injunction, thereby allowing Texas law to go into effect. In doing so, the Fifth Circuit did not “maintain the status quo” but instead permitted a radical restructuring of state-federal relations in a way that violated the Constitution and century-and-a-half of judicial precedent.
In a world where the rule of law prevails, the Supreme Court should have slapped down the Fifth Circuit's bad-faith gambit. It did not. Instead, the Supreme Court allowed the Fifth Circuit's bad-faith ploy to remain in effect—but warned the Fifth Circuit that the Supreme Court might, in the future, force the Fifth Circuit to stop playing games with the Constitution.
The debacle is an embarrassment to the Supreme Court and the Fifth Circuit. The reason the Fifth Circuit acts like a lawless tribunal is because the Supreme Court has allowed the Fifth Circuit to engage in outrageous, extra-constitutional rulings without so much as a peep of protest from the reactionary majority on the Court.
John Roberts is “the Chief Justice of the United States.” He should start acting like it by reprimanding rogue judges in the Fifth Circuit by name—and referring them to the Judicial Conference for discipline. Until Roberts does that, the Fifth Circuit will do whatever it wants.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
#robert b. hubbell#Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter#corrupt SCOTUS#Fifth Circuit#Chief Justice#legal precedent#Nick Anderson#immigration#Texas
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The door squeaked open in a way that seemed deafening to Ripley. She paused, reason telling her she wasn’t doing anything wrong yet somehow finding that hard to believe as she slipped into the building and was met with the echo of her own breathing.
It was quiet in the church, but in a way that made every movement of hers seem amplified. Her boots fell heavily against the stone floor, even though she felt like she was trying to tiptoe, as quiet as a mouse. Churches like this one, she noted, were not the ideal place for a final girl to run from the killer - which was probably why her mind was already running rampant with ideas, a storyboard flashing before her eyes of how the penultimate scene of the movie would play out. The heroine trying to keep herself hidden, tucked into one of the alcoves and pressing herself back against the shadow of the holy deity statues while the slasher calmly walked up and down the pews, knowing he was only moments away from hearing a hitch in her breath that would echo around the empty chamber.
She pulled herself back to the present moment, eyes trained on the statue at the very back of the church, behind the altar. Jesus on the cross, an image she’d seen more times than she could count growing up. There was a sad, melancholy look on His face, as anyone would expect a person to have if they were being crucified. Or if a woman disregarding the alleged rule He had on divorce had dared to step into a building whose sole purpose was dedicated to worshiping Him. And she was ]busy thinking about horror movies.
Contrite, Ripley looked away from the statue and quickly slipped into one of the pews.
What she was doing here, she had no idea. After meeting Sephy, far from the sanctuary of A Novel Idea, unfortunately, she’d made her way home, hands buried deep into the pockets of her winter coat. The church had seemed stagnant and unassuming when she’d passed it. It hadn’t beckoned her inside, had barely caught her eye until she realised she’d stopped in her tracks and had been staring at the sign for St Agnes’ Church far longer than she should have been.
What convinced her to go inside, she honestly couldn’t say. It wasn’t like she could place all the onus on the gold crucifix around her neck that felt like it was searing against her skin like a brand. She knew she could take the necklace off whenever she wanted, but she hadn’t, and she wasn’t sure why. Maybe that’s why she was in here now, to see if there was anything left for her inside that could convince her to keep that cross hanging around her neck.
Breathing as quietly as she could, she sat on one of the hard wooden benches. She didn’t think there was a church in the world that had figured out comfortable seating, certainly not the one she’d dutifully attended back in Mexico, where the idea of her attending Sunday service dressed as she was now, in dark-washed jeans and a warm, comfortable jacket, would be met with looks of horror. She’d looked like a Stepford wife on those days, even moreso than her usual nightmarish outfits that Edmundo provided for her. She’d sit in the pew next to him and, at the very end, he’d place a hand under her elbow and guide her to her feet and she knew where they would be going. Towards the confession booth tucked into the corner where her husband would instruct her to kneel in front of another man and speak an act of contrition for the wrongdoings he’d pinned on her that week.
Sometimes her mind would wander during church. She’d listen to the readings, find herself interested to hear the passages and the Bible verses, but all that would come to an abrupt halt when she found herself kneeling on an uncomfortable cushion, her ridiculous kitten heels digging painfully into the back of her thighs as she begged forgiveness from the priest and from God, for having the misfortune to exist as a woman.
The night Edmundo had found her birth control pills was the only night she’d been in that booth without her silly dresses with an underskirt. He’d dragged her there in the middle of the night, loose skirt flowing around her ankles as she tripped over her sandals while he pushed her onto her knees. She’d confessed her sins to the priest, eyes leaking, and had muttered the usual prayer, not one word of it meaningful to her anymore. She wasn’t sorry, she didn’t want to repent, but she robotically rhymed off the words anyway until she was hauled to her feet again by Edmundo. She left the next again day, and hadn’t been in a church since.
Until now, it seemed.
Unsure what it was she was supposed to be feeling - anxiety, hatred, fear - it took Ripley a moment to realise that she was simply sitting there, fiddling with the cross of her necklace and jiggling her leg. She was just in a normal building, she realised. Nobody was forcing her to kneel, nobody was demanding she pray, the caretaker was simply shuffling around the front sweeping the floor and acting completely unbothered by Ripley’s presence.
It should have been enough to help her relax, if it hadn’t been for a movement in her peripheral vision causing her to jump.
“Oh!” she breathed, when she turned and caught sight of another young woman standing there. She pressed a hand to her chest, crucifix digging into her palm as she turned sheepish.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to jump. I didn’t hear you,” she told the dark-haired woman standing in the aisle. She frowned, realising that she truly hadn’t heard the woman creep up, despite how loud her own footsteps had been. Naturally, having been a girl raised on The Uninvited, her mind steered her towards inexplicable, insane theories about why she hadn’t heard the woman approach, before she came to her senses and decided that this woman was just far lighter on her feet than Ripley was.
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I remember listening to one of the livestreams ATL did at some point and Zack was talking about being involved with a company that was trying to create small environmental jobs for homeless people or just people who couldn’t find jobs. And all that the other guys just said was that that was awesome and then Rian made a joke that drinking a mimosa is a charity for the self. And I think about that sometimes. I think it was the OIAL video release livestream. Maybe they do donate to non-profits or charities and just don’t advertise it but it would be cool to see them individually get involved with something they are passionate about, like Zack with the beach cleanups and environmental stuff. Even now he’s been constantly posting about different ways to help Maui and I respect that. Jack did once raise some money for Lebanon but that really is the bare minimum, setting up a link for people to donate. I feel like he has plenty of time when he’s off tour so I would love to see him help out in a dog shelter or do something with kids because I think that is something he’s passionate about instead of just posting cute moments on instagram. I don’t know, create a space for kids who can’t afford it to learn music or something. It doesn’t have to be anything earth shattering but I feel like they could use their platform to bring attention to good causes more because they clearly care about them. I listen to this indie artist Novo Amor who is a lot less popular than ATL but he constantly does something to support things he cares about. He made an absolutely amazing music video for his song Birthplace bringing attention to plastics in the ocean that accumulate in Indonesia, he made a fund and a contest for young filmmakers to create their own music videos to his songs to highlight an issue in an area that they are from, like water pollution in Mexico. There is so much good that can be done when you have a platform and means to do so.
I can’t love this ask enough. This is exactly what I’m talking about! Zack is incredibly passionate about cleaning up the oceans and also about taking care of the fire victims in Hawaii, and he puts in the work! He’s done so much for those people and he’s not doing it for any reason other than because it’s the right thing to do! He also helped out with Dr. Phil’s son’s Kids Who Rock organization. Jack can certainly do better, too. And I’ve been pissed at Rian ever since he fostered that adorable dog during the pandemic and said he couldn’t adopt a shelter dog because he was gone too often, then turned around and BOUGHT a dog (one who runs $700-3,000 depending on the breeder and location, etc.). I love when the guys visit children’s hospitals and shit, but I really need to see more from Alex and Jack and Rian. Donating proceeds from a t-shirt to the Trevor Project once a year is kind, but it also puts the onus on the fans to buy shirts when they could put in much better work. I hope I’m making sense.
#I just think celebrities and anyone with a platform has the responsibility to do SOMETHING#we live in a dystopian fucking society in the US#and we have to do something to make it better#kalina answers#Alex#Jack#Rian#Zacky
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Youth Dialogue: Creating a Better Urban Future - World Habitat Day 2024 (Querétaro, Mexico).
On 7 October 2024, the Global Observance of World Habitat Day, will be under the theme "Engaging youth to create a better urban future." The world is rapidly urbanizing, and many urban residents these days are young people, especially in some countries in Africa and Asia. It will focus on how we can engage the new generation in planning their urban present and future through participatory processes and local leadership opportunities.
Watch the Youth Dialogue: Creating a Better Urban Future - World Habitat Day 2024 (Querétaro, Mexico)
#urban development#urban planning#urban residents#engaging youth to create a better urban future#un habitat#onu habitat mexico#urban present and future#future generations#young people#youth engagement#youth leadership#sustainable urban development#7 october#WORLD HABITAT DAY
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Gracias de antemano por sus comentarios Periodistas pueden salvar vidas durante la pandemia de COVID-19: Frédéric Vacheron, Unesco https://youtu.be/oLKEvK8Srew Replicar informaciones falsas puede hasta poner en peligro la vida de la gente Ciudad de México (ONU) - La UNESCO ha hecho un llamado mundial a valorar la importancia de la seguridad de los periodistas, pero también su responsabilidad en medio de la pandemia de COVID-19,«pues la labor periodística puede sa... Sigue leyendo: https://www.adiario.mx/orbe/entrevista-con-frederic-vacheron-representante-de-la-unesco-en-mexico/?feed_id=168148&_unique_id=66ba6530806b9
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Understanding Customs Brokerage Services
What is a Customs Broker?
A customs broker assists in the clearance of shipments across international borders, coordinating with customs and other government agencies. They manage trade duties and fees, ensuring that goods quickly and efficiently cross borders and reach their final destinations.
Roles and Responsibilities
Customs brokers must be well-versed in the varying regulations and rules of different countries regarding the import and export of goods. Their knowledge extends to constantly evolving laws, ensuring that all shipments comply with the necessary regulations to prevent any administrative penalties. Their services include:
Conducting research to correctly classify shipments.
Calculating tariffs, duties, and taxes.
Ensuring proper documentation and compliance with import requirements.
Filing necessary paperwork with customs and relevant government bodies.
This comprehensive approach allows business owners to concentrate on their core operations, while customs brokers handle the intricacies of border crossings.
Do You Need a Customs Broker?
While it is not mandatory to hire a customs broker for shipping across borders, including to Mexico or Canada, it is highly recommended. Clearing shipments personally is possible, but a skilled customs broker can simplify the process, helping to avoid penalties and delays. The onus is on the importer to understand and comply with all customs requirements, and a customs broker can help mitigate costly errors.
Finding a Customs Broker
To find a customs broker, the U.S. Customs & Border Protection website lists brokers by port. Working with an experienced freight provider who regularly interacts with various brokers can further simplify the selection process. Opting for a broker that offers round-the-clock operations is advantageous, as shipments often occur outside standard business hours.
If your operations involve shipping to or from Ukraine, specifically Kyiv, consider utilizing a Customs broker Kiev to ensure compliance with all regional regulations and streamline your logistics process.
Broker Location Matters
The location of your customs broker is significant, particularly at the Canadian and Mexican borders. For shipments between Canada and the U.S., a broker should be located on the side of the border where the freight is headed. For Mexico and the U.S., brokers are generally required on both sides. Some brokers operate in both countries, potentially eliminating the need for multiple brokers.
Setup Time for a Customs Broker
Setting up with a customs broker typically requires at least two weeks. This timeframe ensures that the broker can thoroughly understand your business and shipping procedures, which is crucial for a smooth process. Rushing this setup can lead to severe delays and issues at the border.
Post-Broker Setup
After establishing a relationship with a customs broker, the next steps involve selecting a transportation provider and preparing for shipment. Detailed guides from the broker can assist in navigating these subsequent stages effectively.
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Yaşam Maliyeti en pahalı dünya şehri Hong Kong... İstanbul 55 sıra yükseldi, 13'üncü sırada
Yaşam Maliyeti en pahalı dünya şehri Hong Kong... İstanbul 55 sıra yükseldi, 13'üncü sırada
Mercer’ın mobil işgücüne yönelik ücret ayarlamalarında ve politikalarında son derece önemli bir referans kaynağı olan ve bu sene 30’uncusu gerçekleştirilen ‘Yaşam Maliyeti Araştırması’nın sonuçları açıklandı. 2024 yılında dünyanın en pahalı şehri Hong Kong olurken, en ucuz şehir ise Abuja (Nijerya) olarak belirlendi. İstanbul 130’uncu sırada.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – Mercer, Yaşam Maliyeti Araştırması’nın sonuçlarını açıkladı.
Bu yıl Hong Kong en pahalı şehir olarak listenin başında yerini korurken, onu Singapur takip ediyor. İsviçre’nin Zürih, Cenevre ve Basel şehirleri de en pahalı ilk beş şehir arasında yer alıyor. 2023 yılı sıralamasındaki ilk 5 şehir, 2024 yılında da ilk 5 sırada yer almaya devam ediyor.
Sıralamada İstanbul geçtiğimiz yıla göre 55 sıra yükselerek 130’uncu, Ankara ise 13 sıra yükselerek 208’inci olarak konumlanıyor.
Yurt dışındaki çalışanlara ödenecek ücretler konusunda hükümetler ve çokuluslu şirketlere rehberlik eden Mercer Yaşam Maliyeti Araştırması, 5 kıtada 226 şehirde gerçekleştirildi. Yaşam Maliyeti Araştırması, işverenlerin kur dalgalanmalarını izlemelerini ve tüm faaliyet yerlerinde mal, hizmet ve konaklama üzerindeki enflasyona ve deflasyona neden olan baskıları değerlendirmelerini sağlıyor. Bu veriler ayrıca, işverenlerin uluslararası görevlendirmelerde ve yurt dışında çalışanlar için tazminat paketlerini belirlemelerine ve bunları kalıcı hâle getirmelerine yardım ediyor. Buna ek olarak, bir yerin yaşam maliyeti, yetenek için bir destinasyon olarak cazibesi üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip olabiliyor; coğrafi ayak izlerini genişleten ve dönüştüren şirketlerin yer seçimi kararlarını etkiliyor.
Her şehirde konut, ulaşım, yiyecek, giyim, ev eşyası ve eğlence dahil olmak üzere 200’den fazla kalemin karşılaştırmalı maliyetlerinin ölçüldüğü araştırma sonuçlarına göre, 2024 yılının en pahalı şehri Hong Kong, yaşam maliyeti en düşük şehir ise Abuja (Nijerya) oldu.
Asya kıtası, öncelikli olarak yüksek kira konaklama maliyetlerinin de etkisiyle yaşam maliyetinin en yüksek olduğu ilk iki şehre sahip. Bu önemli ekonomik merkezler aynı zamanda çok sayıda yabancının ilgisini çekerek maliyetleri daha da artırıyor.
Mercer Yaşam Maliyeti Araştırması sonuçlarına göre; Zürih, Cenevre, Basel, Bern ve Londra 2024’te expat çalışanlar için dünyanın en pahalı lokasyonları arasında ilk on arasında yer alan 5 Avrupa şehri oldu. Bu şehirlerin 4’ü İsviçre’de bulunuyor. 9 sıra birden yükselen Londra 8’inci sırada bulunuyor. Avrupa’da yaşam maliyeti şehirler arasında farklılık gösterse de, Avrupa Merkez Bankası, Avro Bölgesi’ndeki yıllık enflasyon oranının düşmeye devam edeceğini tahmin ediyor; bu da Avrupa ekonomileri son dönemdeki aksaklıkların ardından toparlanırken maliyetlerin istikrar kazanabileceği anlamına geliyor. 212’inci sıradaki Minsk listede en ucuz Avrupa şehri olarak sıralanıyor.
ABD’de yaşam maliyeti 2024’te önemli bir sorun olmaya devam ediyor. Listedeki tüm ABD şehirleri ilk 100’de yer alıyor ve yedi şehir ilk 20’ye giriyor. Kanada ekonomisinin dayanıklılık göstermesi ve beklentilerin üzerinde performansı nedeniyle Kanada şehirleri, Kuzey Amerika şehirleri sıralamasında en alt sıralarda yer alıyor. 92’ini sıradaki Toronto Kanada’nın en pahalı şehri olurken, onu 101’inci Vancouver takip ediyor. Peso’nun 2023’te değer kazanması nedeniyle Meksika şehirlerinin yaşam maliyeti önceki yıla göre önemli ölçüde artış gösteriyor. Mexico City 79’uncu sıradan 33’üncü sıraya yükselirken, Monterrey ise 155’inci sıradan 115’inci sıraya çıktı.
Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri’nin 15’inci sıradaki kenti Dubai Orta Doğu’nun en pahalı şehri olurken, Mumbai ise Hindistan’ın en pahalı şehri olarak genel sıralamada 136’ıncı sırada yer alıyor.
BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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So… someone mentioned 18 U.S. Code § 2383 in a thread I was reading about the SCOTUS rejecting Couy Griffin’s appeal of New Mexico banning him from elected office under the 14th amendment because of his participation in January 6th. Which is good news but kinda flummoxing news.
So everyone is arguing every which way over the contradiction between the Court’s treatment of Griffin and Trump. Which I’ll admit doesn’t seem actually contradictory to me legally but that hits the same big overall problem for me that I begin to worry I just don’t understand the issues.
A big part of the verbal sparring is around the part of the SCOTUS opinion in Trump’s case putting the onus on Congress to pass a law barring someone from federal office because the constitution is not self executing because of the language in section 5 of the 14th amendment.
The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.
So Congress had to pass a law but didn’t. As far as I understand it.
But here’s 18 U.S. Code § 2383 and, again, as far as I understand it, that’s the law.
Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
There is one. Congress did it.
I have no idea.
And I am annoyed that I have no idea.
I would like to understand what is going on and I just… don’t. Which just makes me want to double down on the idea that it’s all bs and a way to screw everyone anyway.
It makes me want to reenact the bit in 1776 where John Addams and John Dickinson start yelling insults at each other, “Landlord!” “Lawyer!!” and then try to beat each other with sticks.
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ONU alerta de «narcodeforestación» del Amazonas, zonas de México y Centroamérica https://unionradio.net/2024/03/05/onu-alerta-de-narcodeforestacion-del-amazonas-zonas-de-mexico-y-centroamerica/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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