azullumi · 5 months
hev abi songs and aventurine somehow fits so well i dont even know why
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
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Magic jail for the first years
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tiyoin · 7 months
pt .3 | 📍pt. 4 | pt. 5
this chapter is disorganized cause i refuse to proofread
there was a festering rot in your heart….
you couldn’t explain it.
you were jealous, you were angry, you were frustrated. most importantly; you were tired.
the days mushed together the more you rotted in bed. your stomach seemed to shrink the less you ate, your eyes began to sag the less you slept.
grim has been a doll, really. always trying to drag you on adventures, always tugging you to go to the monstro with him, or just staying back with you to lay in bed.
the company was much appreciated.
yuu tried to help, they really did… but with being so popular there was only so much screen time the protagonist could give you.
there was some resentment.
and there were the reasoning you told yourself;
why didn’t they invite you out with them?
your social life isn’t their responsibility. they have a life outside of you.
how come they didn’t introduce you to their friends? the only ones you knew were adeuce
they’re allowed to have other friends too, sevens why are you so clingy??
why is it okay for them to do spontaneous plans, yet when you do it it’s a bad time?
they’re a busy bee, just like you’re supposed to be… so they have to work twice as hard when your mental health plummeted.
and yet they do it with a hearty smile a word of understanding. cheering you up momentarily with their kind yet blunt words. telling you to take all the time you mean and that they don’t mind any of the work. truly.
maybe it was guilt that stopping you from asking yuu to introduce you to their friends. i mean, they already do so much and yet here you are. a leech.
sucking off their social life, work life, and home life. maybe you weren’t made to have any friends? maybe you didn’t even deserve to be yuu’s friend.
the muffled sounds of the classroom slowly turned to whispers the more you walked along your brains pathways. the more you discovered more negative things about yourself.
why were you here? there could’ve been anyone else here and yet it was you. if there was someone else here they would be more social, everyone would be having a more fun time, and maybe they could be of use to yuu.
maybe they could’ve played more of a role in the overblots than you, after all you just planned it. the group deciding before hand to not let you in on any of the ‘dangerous missions’ that could get you seriously hurt.
yet that’s how they made friends with each other. if you could make friends that way, you would put the blot in people’s stones yourself.
you sighed, head shaking in silent disagreement.
you looked up at the board a few rows in front of you. it was history class, a class you rather enjoyed. albeit the times and dates weren’t my your favorites. but just hearing about all the events in the past, all the tragic wars, the culture, how people lived in the olden days with magic.
you could only daydream about being some kind of royalty and having lovers fight over your hand with a magical duel.
your imagination slowly started to slip into the chosen daydream.
“y/n!” trein’s face appears- alarm bells sounded through your head as you teared your eyes away from your textbook and resting them on the angry, old man.
“because you love the textbook so much, how about you tell us why kind na’jeri decided to stop the caravans from passing through oasis city for several hundred years after the war of ‘the watering hole’”
trein usual scowling face held a hint of amusement, eyebrow quirked up as the top of his lip started curling.
crap. fuck. you knew this. you knew this. after reading about the handsome king na’jeri you know exactly why he did that.
and yet… the question was wrong, the information was wrong. king na’jeri didn’t not just ban caravans from entering the city, he completely locked the city up. no one could get in or out for several hundred years all because of his paranoia.
yet you froze.
eyes staring back at him in horror as you felt your body heat up. you could physically feel the heat slowly travel along your neck and to your face. where you swore you were turning red with how much you were blushing.
you mouth gaped open a slightly closed, like a fish out of water as your eyes flickered between him and the board. between the board and your textbook.
“ you know this y/n.”
no the fuck you didn’t.
if you did then you wouldn’t be floundering like a fish to get an answer.
and it’s just your luck that the first day you came back to school you would get ambushed by trein. you have gym next and you were surely positive the ghost of vargas was haunting you through the classroom’s window.
yet with each passing second more pens stopped and more eyes wandered to you. watching you.
you tightened your fist, suddenly feeling like a monkey in a zoo as all the humans picked and poked at you. laughed and sneered at you.
“u- uhh- uh, king na’jeri.. he ih, decided to close off the city to the car-caravans-“ you cleared your throat a phlegm and took a shallow, yet deep breathe.
deep enough for you to calm your nerves, shallow enough to not make your breathe look obvious.
“he decided to cut off all paths to the kingdom instead of just the kingdom itself. the king was ex-extremely paranoid that the devastation from the war, and another war would happen again if they let outsiders in.” you paused, quick to have your mind catch up.
trein just gave you a nod as the mischief left his face, he opened his mouth to keep going but you weren’t done.
there was an awkward lash of sentence starters.
the boys sitting on either side of you tensed. it was never a good idea to cut off trein. ever. it was never a good idea to talk when he was teaching, let alone talking as that gave you a one way ticket to detention.
you apologized sheepishly, eyes breaking from his as you went to back to mindlessly scanning your textbook. trying to appear busy as you waited for you punishment.
“if you have something to add, then go ahead” looking up, trein gave you a nod as
“s-soo he didn’t just ban caravans from entering the city. in a book i read, they said that he prevented everyone from entering and leaving the city for several hundred years because the paranoia ate at his blood line. there were so many casualties that roughly around 40% of the population was wiped out so to prevent that, the king and the royal family decided to take radical measures..”
“beautifully put y/n.” he smiled, nodding in approval as a spark ignited through your chest, you fought back a giddy smile. you felt so energized. you content...
your smile faltered.
you can’t remember the last time you were so happy.
grabbing your pen, you went to your notepad and started taking notes. started doodling. started doing whatever to distract yourself from the feeling.
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“y/n, stay after class for me?” you paused, the grip you had on your thick textbook loosened. curling your fingers against the perked spine, you managed to save it before it crashed down onto your seat.
“ye- yea..” looking back, you shared a look with yuu as adeuce around them started chatting.
waving off the trio, you said you were fine and that they didn’t have to wait. you’d hate for them to miss lunch.
they started walking off the podium, as ace, yuu, and grim all bantering about something you didn’t bother to tune in for.
you weren’t involved in the conversation after all.
“hey y/n” you looked back up, no, down as you saw deuce in front of you. he had an uneasy look on his face as his arms were tightly holding his books against his chest. a little blush adorning his cheeks as he looked up.
“you’re more than welcome to come with us to the cafeteria, you know that right?”
puzzled at where this was coming from, your eyes watched the backs of the redhead and the ravenette as they laughed merrily through the doorway.
you looked back at a now determined deuce, “it get that it’s hard to adjust to a nice environment, believe i know” his smile faltered.
the eyes were the window to the soul as you saw nothing but compassion, understanding in the murky depths of his blue eyes.
the heat came back as you looked to trein. he was sat down at his desk writing. yet this pen seemed to hover too long in the air to be considered ‘writing.’
“i- uh, yeah!” you blurted out, nodding as that was the only thing you could trust yourself doing.
quickly packing up your stuff, you sped down the isle and down the steps and down to deuce.
you should’ve stayed up there, was the first thought you had once you were in front of the fellow freshman.
fixing your hair, you looked back to trein, whose pen was writing a mile a minute, showing no previous signs of stopping.
“ye- yeah! uh, i’ll definitely remember that!” you took another deep breath, finding the courage to once again look him in the eye.
it made everything too… real for you. your body surged uncomfortably as you once again thanked him. “i appreciate it deuce, truly”
the smile on your face felt so natural, so… real that you couldn’t help but look up at the crimson boy.
you could almost chuckle at how the color of his hair contrasted with the red paint on his face. it looks like they missed a rose.
“uh- ye- yeah! no problem! i’m gonna go now” and with that, he ran off.
not before tripping over himself, a loud screech from his sneakers echoing the lecture hall. he looked back bashful, before he sprinted out.
“i’ve never seen a boy in this class get so flustered. and me calling on them unprepared doesn’t count” you brought your attention back to trein.
and yet a horrifying thought bubbled in your head.
you didn’t pass the bechdel test.
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i got lazy. plus i have class el oh el
tag list: @xingyunny
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z3rinn · 10 months
# #. FIRST DATE !!
featuring: heartslaybul - octavinelle !! it looks as if they've finally mustered up the courage to ask you out on a date !! but before they can start celebrating, they suddenly remember- there's still so much to do !! figuring out outfits, making good impressions, and most importantly- figuring out where to go! so, where do they take you out for your first date?
I think ive been reading too many shoujo manga / manhwa- but can you blame me?? also love songs are just AAAA !! especially Indian songs. desi songs and movies in general are usually so romantic!! And they give great ideas! anyway, hope you all enjoy this !!
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Riddle's idea of a first date is probably teaching you all the queen of hearts rules while drinking tea or something. Luckily, Cater or Trey butt in- telling him that a study session probably isn't the best idea. Especially since the two of you already meet up a few times per week to do just that. Riddle eventually agrees, he should give you a memorable and exciting experience, one that the two of you could learn from. So what better than a library date ?
Riddle waits near the dark mirror for you, a blank look on his face as he thinks to himself. This was his first ever date. A date that he could only pray went right. Of course, being the absolute perfect housewarden there was, Riddle researched on what to do for a date and how to go about it. His room was filled with books and papers, all holding some type of romantic content in them; mainly ‘shoujo’ manga, a genre Cater suggested. They gave a great insight on how certain dates were supposed to go, including this library date he was trying to accomplish.
The sound of footsteps snaps Riddle out of his daze, and he quickly turns, only to find you standing before him. And when I say his face flushes, it flushes. If possible, he’s even redder than his hair, eyes wide and mouth agape as he stares. How could you get even more beautiful? Riddle’s and absolute flustered mess as he makes eye contact with you- even a simple task such as looking into your eyes has his heart aching. And once you laugh at his flushed face- there’s no coming back.
Just a quick glance at Riddle has you sighing, it looks as if you’d have to take the lead here. Taking the housewardens hand in your own, you cant help but notice how soft it is against your own. And of course Riddle looses his composure once more. You can't help but laugh, eventually he’d get used to this. It isn’t until you reach the library where he eventually calms down. Riddle glances over to you, a smile forming on his face. He suddenly had the great idea to take you to the romance section.
It was two days before your date, and Trey still didn't have a good idea for your first date. Don't get him wrong, he had been planning the date out for a while now. But there were so many things he wanted to do, so many dates he could choose from. It was difficult to pick just one. So now, as he stands in his kitchen, a mini shortcake in his hand, he suddenly has a great date idea. A sweet and romantic one!! And what was sweeter than a picnic date !!
Trey begins working while preparing for an upcoming unbirthday party. He set pastries and goodies off to the side, decorated and pretty just for you. A smile forms on his face as he places them in a picnic basket, taking off his apron. Cookies, cakes, and cinnamon buns were on one side, while sandwiches, crepes, and biscuits were on the other. He had already set up a place in the rose maze, in the middle of a small clearing where tea parties would sometimes occur. White roses lined the maze walls, complementing the blanket sprawled on the grass. In the center was a vase of red roses he picked out for you. It was the perfect place to have a picnic date!
Trey waits for you near the gardens entrance, a few roses in his hand. He looked calm, as always of course. To many, he didn’t have much of a need to be nervous. He prepared a beautiful lunch, filled with pastries and snacks. The date was located in the prettiest place in the rose maze, decorated nicely and pleasing to the eye. His clothes were ironed and pressed, complementing his aesthetic nicely. Most would praise him for being so prepared- telling him that you would love it. Yet Trey couldn’t help but feel anxious, palms sweaty as he griped the roses stems tightly. It’s fine, he was fine, everything was fine.
But once Trey heard your voice he froze. His head jerked up to face you, a pink flush on his cheeks. You were already looking up at him, a bright smile on your face. Trey couldn't help but laugh, mimicking your smile while holding his hand out to take your own. He led you through the rose maze, liking the feeling of your hand in his own. It didn't take too long to reach the picnic blanket, and once you saw Trey’s set up- you suddenly had the urge to jump around and spin and squeal. It was so obviously from the heart that you couldn’t help but swoon. Trey smiled, opening the picnic basket to take out some sandwiches, by the expression on your face he hoped you liked them!!
There’s so many date ideas to choose from !! From cafes to arcades- it’s just so hard to just pick one alone ! However, Cater had something cooking in the back of his mind. He needed something classic, like from a movie or TV show! But it had to be special and romantic, and of course, heart stopping. It had to be something that could impress you…. Like something from a shoujo manga ! And what was more romantic than an amusement park date?
Cater can just imagine the scene before him. He finds you standing in front of the park’s entrance, eyes focused on the birds before you, so different from the ones in your world. You’re smiling, soft and gently as you fiddle with your phone case- the one he specifically bought for you. Flower petals are floating around you, drifting in the breeze. He can’t help but notice how similar they are to the ones he’d find in the rose maze. Cater had always imagined how’d they look like in a romantic setting.
Cater cant help but reciprocate your smile as he watches you indulge in your own little world. But as much as he would love to just watch you, this was an interactive date! Plus his hands are just itching to take a picture!! Especially since your outfit is just so adorable! You’re dressed in comfortable, yet stylish summer clothes. And what do you know ! Your somehow matching with him, what a fun coincidence !! (He totally didn’t bribe Grim into telling him what you were gonna wear)
Cater giggles to himself, bringing out his phone to surprise you. Suddenly a loud ‘click!’ comes from your right, and you turn to see none other than your favorite ginger. The smile on your face grows tenfold as you run up to him. Cater can’t help when his heart stutters, butterflies fluttering in his stomach when you look at him. He shoves the feeling down, taking your hand in his own to guide you into the park. There was something more important on his mind- he just had to get you on the Ferris wheel before this date ends!!
Deuce would definitely take you out on a motorcycle- or rather- blastcycle date !! He probably asked his mom the idea- as he was far too flustered to come up with the plan himself. I mean, you actually accepted ! He was so sure you'd turn him down. You knew so much about Deuce, his old life, how bad he was as a kid… he was sure your opinion of him would be tainted with disgust. So now, as he stands before ramshackle, he can’t help but wonder if this is all real.
A bouquet of roses is held tightly in his grip, almost breaking the stems with how much he's shaking. His face is ignited, a hot and heavy blush on his face as he awaits by the door. His minds running a mile a minute, doubt sinking into his chest. Deuce had never been on a real date before. And he wouldn’t count the ones from his delinquent days to be romantic per say. This was his first ever date. A date with the prefect. He couldn’t mess this up- for either of your sakes.
A light sigh escapes Deuce’s lips as he nervously knocks on Ramshackles beaten door. His heart was pounding in his chest, beating far faster than it ever had in track. However, as the click of the door finally registers in his ears, Deuce can just feel his once racing heart stop. His breath hitches, eyes softening as the door opens fully. Your pretty eyes quickly met his own, causing him to almost drop the roses in his hand. A bright smile rested on your face. A smile that easily grasped his heart and held it to your own. absolutely beautiful.
….Your hands are wrapped tightly around his waist as you get onto the blastcycle, body pressed up against his own. He flushed further, feeling your head rest on his back, watching the sunset as you approach the beach. You sit there refined, fully unaware (your doing this on purpose) of Deuce's heart dilemma. It was only the beginning of the date yet he was already on cloud nine. Sevens, he’s gonna become a bowl of hot lava by the end of this !!
Ace had been on many dates before. He once had a girlfriend, a partner. He knew how to make someones heart swell. He knew how to make your heart flutter and soften for him. He knew how a date worked, what to do and where to go. But this time it was special. This time he was going out with you, the prefect. Like others, he had to pick the perfect place. So as he watched snow fall gently to the floor and the school lamps emit a faint light, Ace couldn't help but feel soft. And before he knew it, the perfect idea struck. Ice skating in the city !!
Since it was winter it wasn’t hard to find a nice, frozen, lake that was close, and having the help of the dark mirror made it easier to travel wherever. Usually, Ace would leave his date to figure out where to go on their own, as they were the ones to ask him out in the first place. Yet, Ace had to impress you here, you deserved it for all you’d done so far. You knew him far better than anyone, you listened to him when he was upset, you let him into your home even when he was being an asshole. You cared- Eugh- he just realized how Lovey-Dovey he was being right now.
It was cold and dark the night of your date. Perfect "date material," it seemed, as a few couples were already there, laughing amongst themselves as they got lost to love. Ace scoffed, before realizing he was heading down that exact path. With... you. He shook his head, trying not to dwell on it for too much longer while he laced his skates, flushing bright red. The crunching of snow caught his attention, you were finally here, he assumed. He looked up, an annoyed expression playing on his face, probably about to tease you for being late. The words were right on his tounge, stopping once he gazed up at you. And the once cold Ace was suddenly burning red.
Street lights lit up your form for him to gaze upon. You were smiling, a soft smile, one he could tell was just filled with adoration. Now he was even redder than his housewarden!! ...You intertwined your hand with, using him for balance. He grew redder, thoughts of being balanced and steady leaving his mind faster than he could run from Riddle. He stumbled over himself, leading both of you to the floor, with you landing right on top of him. He grumbled while you laughed, poking fun at the Ace Trappola being ever so flustered. He was going to get you back for sure.
Leona’s idea of a first date is probably laying in bed, and maybe he’ll bring you along. But don’t be fooled, the main date is between him and his bed. It doesn’t take him much convincing to do something grander, especially since he sees you and Malleus talking to each other the day before your date is supposed to happen. Now he has to go all out. And what's more extravagant than taking you to a whole ass ISLAND-
The next day Leona stops by your classroom, leaning against the door frame as he looks down at you, arms crossed. You're confused, obviously, your date wasnt until tonight right, so why was he here now? A smirk forms on his face as he watches your expression shift, he can't help but chuckle at your face. Your mouth was agape, eyes wide and popping out of their sockets. He tells you to quickly pack, honestly surprised that you didnt drop all your books in complete shock.
Leona waits by the dark mirror, eyes closed as his tail swishs back and forth, agitated. Sevens you were taking so long. He fidgets with a small bag in his hand; the extra money he was going to bribe the headmage with. How else would he be able to do this on an average weekend? You'd better appreciate what he was doing- and could you hurry up?? In reality Leona was totally fine waiting- because believe it or not this was also his first date. Being a prince, Leona had to be careful about who he was trying to date, as it would eventually lead to courting, and then marrige. (Do what you will with that information.) So he had to pick the right person. Someone who could be with him always.
His ears twitch, hearing the sound of footsteps approaching. Being petty, Leona doesn't open his eyes until your there for well over a minute. Once he glances over, eyes falling onto your panting, messy, form, he sighs. You looked up at him, smiling brightly while, at the very least, expecting one back. But of course he just scoffed and turned away, leaving you to huff. If he was an actual gentleman he would’ve taken your stuff for you, and would’ve taken your hand and led you into the mirror. (Unbeknownst to you, his heart was starting to beat way faster than he would’ve liked.)
Ruggie was nervous to ask you out on a date. Mainly because of rejection of course, however the underlining fear of money and costs entered his mind of course. If he went on a date with you it couldn't be cheap and dull. It at least had to be decent, maybe not fully fancy, but at least decent. Luckily he had the perfect place in mind. there was a cheap, yet flattering date that could go perfect if he played his cards right. A cute little cafe date !!
One of the best cafes Ruggie had been to was just below the school, a cheap yet gorgeous place that was sure to blow you away. Some of his favorite donuts were also there, and hopefully he’d get to share them with you. Unsurprisingly, you get there before him, eyes looking up at the cafe sign in awe. You look beautiful, as always, but this time it was different. This time it was just for him… no one else. Perhaps the idea of this being a date was finally setting in.
A sly smile reaches his face as he shuffles closer towards you, trying to hide his flushed expression. He’s stealthy enough to not get your attention, before BOO !! jumpscare- a furry is before you now uh oh. You jump, listening to his snickers and teases while glaring. He will say that your expression is really cute. Ruggie interlocks his hands with yours, lacing your fingers together as he leads you into the cafe. No it’s your turn to tease him, as, “You’re already holding hands?? What- that’s not allowed!!” But he just laughs with you instead.
The cafe is cozy. Warm with the scent of baked goods and sweets, obviously catering to Ruggie’s tastes. You can’t help but giggle, watching as he dashed for the register, ordering a plethora of baked goodies that he would hopefully share with you. He comes back to the table soon after, holding an array of croissants, cake pops, donuts, and more. He’s smiling brightly as he holds out a donut for you, already taking a bite into his own. The both of you hoped this moment would last for a while. Yum.
Jack had never been on a date before, and it was painfully obvious. He didn’t know what dates were like, or where to take you for one. He was so new to this subject, it was honestly kind of funny. So of course, he had to ask his idols; Ruggie and Leona on what to do. Leona ignored him- he was probably the worst person to ask- while Ruggie was confused. Again, why ask him?? Still, he was able to give some advice. The inspiring words of, “Idk it’s cold, go do something with snow,” gave Jack the great idea to go snowboarding!
Jack had always loved snowboarding. It was something he was good at, and something he could share with his family. And hopefully, it could be something to share with you. Jack smiled to himself, confidence boosting as he carried the snow gear to the magic mirror. He wasn’t that nervous, he had no reason to be. He liked you and you liked him, and even if you didn’t enjoy the date, it was good enough for him. Jack’s ears twitched, waiting for any sign of you to appear. His tail wagged in anticipation, contrasting his normal face.
The wolf looked up, hearing your footsteps approach, and he couldn’t help the butterflies in his stomach. You were already looking up at him, giggling as you glanced at his puffy winter jacket. It was overtaking his already gigantic form. He flushed, eyes darting around, suddenly nervous and embarrassed. Jack never had time for dates, mainly due to taking care of his siblings and parents. But now, in Night Raven College, surrounded by new people and “friends,” he felt as if he could be someone new. And a little spark bloomed once he saw you.
… Jack looked away, feeling himself getting flustered. The two of you were sitting in the sled, one of you excited while the other was nervous beyond his mind. Jack was flushed, the feeling of your body pressed against his own was waaayyy too much do him to handle. Your back was pressed against his chest, fully aware of how embarrassed he was. The wolf sighed, finally moving the sleigh down the hill as he listened to your sudden screech. Jack laughed, he'd have to get used to this.
Azul is going to give you the vip experience in his restaurant, of course!! The lounge was one of the best places to go for dinner. There was appetizing, delicious, foods that were sure to impress you. Unique, flavorful drinks that could easily win people's hearts. Not only that, but the lounges atmosphere and aesthetic could be romantic in a way. (I feel like im promoting the mostro lounge tf-) What better than to spend time in his favorite place with his favorite person? Azul would give you the best dinner date yet!
The lounge was closed that night, surprising, as you never would've imagined Azul to close his restaurant for you. A heartfelt gesture that no one would've have expected him to do. You couldn’t help but swoon slightly, looking down at his message as you got ready. In reality, he was just thinking about business. Closing off the lounge just for a date could give him more publicity! Once Crowley finally gave him permission to branch off to different parts of Twisted Wonderland, he could advertise the lounge as a perfect place for date night!!
A smug smirk is on the octopuses face as he waits near the lounges entrance. He was sure sure to blow you away with his magnificence. Azul was fully prepared, his suit was pressed and cleaned, sporting only the most beautiful of accessories. The food was already out and on the table, which he made all by himself, might I add. And the lounge was set perfectly, pink and orange colors replacing the blue and purple lights for a more romantical effect. He was well prepared, so well in fact he already had a speech ready to go for once you arrived. However, once Azul saw you he froze, suddenly realizing this was a date and not a business offer.
The once smug Octopus was now a flustered, hot, mess. And all he wanted to do was just jump into his octo-pot and scream for messing up all he worked for. He stumbled as he led you into the café, hand shakily in your own. You couldn’t help but snicker, it was fun watching the high and mighty suddenly crumble just because of some date. The two of you sat in the middle of the lounge, quiet and peaceful. Yet Azul could see the teasing looks of Floyd and Jade in the background, their teasing at him being a flustered mess.
Jade didn't know much about the surface, other than the fact he enjoyed some aspects of it. The ocean was deep and cold, a starch contrast to the surface. It had life different from the land, more majestic and colorful. To others, the sea was better than the surface. Yet to Jade, it was the other way around. He liked the lands’ high peaks and trees, their foods and plants. The land had a different culture from the ocean, and it was something the two of you could bond over- the beauty of nature. And how better to observe nature than a hiking date?
The mountains near NRC was rich in wildlife, and although Jade had been there many times before, he had yet to explore every crevice of the forest. Not only, but he'd only ever explored alone, so going with you would make it a memorable experience. He's smiling all day- and for once its not one of his evil ones. His brother and Azul are concerned on why he's so excited. Hopefully he's not trying to make them eat more mushrooms....
Jade waits for you near the silent woods, his smile never once leaving his lips. He had everything for this date, walking sticks and foods. The two of you could have a little picnic in the forest!! Jade watches as you near him, you're in your own hiking clothes, and the eel suddenly realized he could fall harder in love. He places your hand in his, ever so gentlemanly, promising he'd make sure you were safe during your adventure. Man this man can make anyone swoon.
You laugh, watching Jade's eyes sparkle. It was so cute to see him so excited. He went on and on about the different types of wildlife. There were various plans and mushrooms he was able to find- promising to cook you something with them. You couldn't help but smile with him, perhaps for your next date you could take him to the mountains in Epel's town.
Floyd didn’t know where to go for a date, and to be honest, he didn’t care much. Just as long as got to spend time with his Shrimpy he was happy! :D But then Ace had to come along during basketball practice and tell him that not having a good date idea was lame, and of course, Floyd was gonna prove that idiot crab wrong. And eventually, Floyd settled on an aquarium date!
For once, Floyd studied. He studied those stupid Rom com shows that he wanted to throw his shoes at. He read thru manga and storybooks about romance. And he even asked his brother and Azul on what to do. He was doing this all for his Shrimpy so you better like it >:(!! Floyd noticed a pattern while reading and watching how people explored romance. Dates were all over the place- from amusement parks to just walking. But one common date caught his eye- aquarium dates!!
Floyd knew a lot about the ocean, of course, being a fish and all. So what was the point of going to the aquarium? Well he just liked the way they highlighted love. Most aquarium dates had a special feeling to them, so romantic and loving. Most couples held hands while in aquariums, watching the fish while laughing with one another. They hugged and cared- and we all know how much Floyd loved squeezing!! Plus! Knowing all about the fish could impress you!!
The two of you walk through the maze of Tanks, pointing out fish while Floyd compares them to his nicknames. A blue light cascades over you, complementing your excitement prettily. He giggles, telling you to hold onto his arm tightly, telling you to not let go or he'd squeeze you for all eternity!! Its all fun though- with Floyd threatening to jump in and eat those crabs that remind him of Ace. You'd better hold him back before he jumps in the tank and swims with the fishies!!!
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hiddencircus · 15 days
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trashy-panda09 · 2 years
Sketch of younger (but older???) Lilia.
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I heard there’s going to be a younger sprite of him and I couldn’t wait to see it.
I don’t think he had that dopey haircut all his life. I read malleus burned his bangs and that’s how it turned out that way. Anyway might make a better version once I’m done with assignments.
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
Love the idea that Leo’s portal and teleportation based fighting style can heavily parallel the types of stuff you’d see in magic acts. Disappearing and reappearing, pulling stuff out of a hat/portal, sleight of hand and other such methods of averting the audience’s/enemies’ attention from what you’re trying to do, etc.
It’s genuinely pretty neat to see and I wish his love of magic acts and magicians was brought up more often because it and his other interests tie into each other and in turn his whole self so neatly.
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starswritewhispers · 2 months
Sharing Smoke- Nalu
Natsu had seen a lot of different traditions and hobbies during his travels for missions He still could taste the bitter rage coating his tongue when some wizards decided to greet Lucy with a kiss on either cheek, and the bottled mirth when Gray took a shot of something that apparently tasted like ‘liquid death’.
So yeah, he’s seen it all.
Currently, they were all at a bar, attempting to gain intel—or at least, Erza and Lucy were trying to gain intel— Natsu was trying to find some more liquid death for Gray to try.
“You try it,” Gray argued back, lips curling into a sneer that usually meant Natsu was being set up for a trap.
Jokes on him, Natsu had grown and matured and would never fall for any of his shit again.
“Unless,” The corner of Gray’s lips turned up into a taunting smile. “You’re scared you can’t handle it.”
Damn it.
“Give me the fucking drink, ice for brains.”
Gray’s grin turned devious and Natsu almost regretted his decision as he accepted he shot. He risked quick glance around the bar, checking for Erza, before raising it to his lips and tossing it back.
“What are you doing?” The red haired bringer of death demanded from behind him, making Natsu choke on the drink already trying to murder him.
It tasted as if Zeref himself had made a shot specifically to torture Natsu and now it was stuck in his throat as he relentlessly gasped for air. He could hear Erza’s lecture and Gray’s laughter as he doubled over, pounding a fist against his chest.
After a few prolonged moments of pain, he regained himself, glaring at Gray.
“Do not start a fight,” Erza warned, glaring at the two boys dangerously. “Not our bar.”
Natsu glowered but sighed, accepting the glass of water Gray slid his way and practically chugging it.
“Where’s Lucy?” He asked once his airway was sufficiently cleared. “You guys find a lead?”
Erza nodded, motioning her head outside. “Check to see what she’s found out, would you?”
Natsu grumbled, but pushed himself out of his chair and followed Ezra’s directions out of the door regardless. He blinked, taking a moment to get used to the shitty lighting before his eyes landed on the familiar blonde. A smile quickly took over his face as he walked over, easily slinging an arm across her shoulder.
“Hey Natsu,” she greeted, without turning to face him. He felt something preen within him at the knowledge that she knew it was him by touch alone, but ignored it.
Acknowledging it wouldn’t get their mission done any faster. The only thing it’d accomplish in speeding up is ruining the best thing to ever happen to Natsu. So, he ignored it.
“Where’s our guy?” He asked, frowning when he noticed how strong the wind had grown to be. It didn’t bother him, but he knew Lucy was far more sensitive to weather than he was, so he quickly pulled her closer to his chest. It earned him a hum of appreciation as she subtly pointed the man out. “Who is that?” He asked, noticing the second figure leaning close to the man.
They were passing a cigarette—no, it was too large to a cigarette, and didn’t quite seem to be a cigar— he searched his brain through useless tidbits of information Gray had given him as he watched the scene.
“I think his girlfriend,” Lucy answered, something almost wistful in her tone. “They came in together.”
A joint!
Lucy’s words registered and Natsu’s moment of success quickly wore off as he looked at her. The guy they were tailing was nobody, surely Lucy wasn’t jealous of his girlfriend. He huffed rather than respond and turned his focus back to the scene.
The man had taken a large drag from the joint, his hand that wasn’t wrapped aorund the woman’s waist gently moving to cradle her head to angle it. Natsu could make out the woman’s slow, hazy smile, in the flickering lights before the man leaned forward to connect their lips, the smoke clearly passing between them.
Natsu watched the scene, feeling transfixed as the couple finally broke apart, the woman breathing out the man’s smoke. She leaned forward, pressing her head against his chest as the two laughed. An odd feeling settled in Natsu’s gut as he forced his gaze again, eyes settling on Lucy again.
She had the same expression on her face, not quite longing but something so similar to his own churning emotions that he grit his teeth.
To be brave or to not be brave.
To risk change and loss or to not.
“We should try that,” Natsu decided firmly, turning to face her.
“What?” Lucy stumbled at how fast she had turned around, her voice coming out a squeak. Natsu frowned, watching her reaction carefully. “We don’t have anything to smoke, dork.”
“I can make fire and smoke, weirdo,” he countered, crossing his arms stubbornly. “It looks fun.”
“It’s not just smoke,” Lucy began to explain, but Natsu was already focusing on his own smoke. Obviously, he knew there was a drug involved. “The point is to get high—“ He cut her off by pressing his lips against hers.
He knew that too.
His method of getting high was just slightly different.
His arms encircled Lucy and he felt her relax in his arms as she slowly opened her mouth to accept the smoke.
It burned.
She was the one swallowing smoke, but it felt like he was chugging liquid sunlight. So warm it was burning his throat on the way down, but so good that he couldn’t bring himself to stop.
After a blissful moment, they part, foreheads resting against each other as the smoke curls from Lucy’s mouth.
“Seems like the same point,” he murmurs, risking a glance up at the girl that held his heart and so much more in her hands.
She was smiling.
The world could’ve ended in that moment and all that would matter would’ve been Lucy’s smile.
“The guild owes me so much money,” a gleeful voice interrupted their bliss and Natsu whirled around to meet a grinning Gray.
“I,” Natsu decided, taking a dangerous step forward as smoke curled off his fingertips, “Am gonna kill you.”
“Sorry, man,” Gray answered, a shit eating grin taking over his face. “I’m taken, can’t share your smoke.”
Natsu lunged for him, ignoring Erza’s yelling, a wild grin on his face.
Sometimes, he really loved his family.
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Howdy! I was wondering what the twst guys would do if apocalypse mc came to twisted wonderland with a rifle and handgun? Like rook learning they can be used for hunting or lilias reaction to the weapons of war from their world
You don’t have to write this! I’ve just been brainrotting about this 😮‍💨
Anyway thanks for your time!💕💕
I really need to add a character limit to this.
I'm doing one from the first 5 dorms and if you want more characters I'll get to them once requested open again.
Yuu pronouns are he/him
Characters: Ace (technicallyduece too ig), ruggie, jade, kalim, and rook
Warnings: Dueces slight suicidal ideation, ruggies lowkey nihilism, you kill a monster in Jades part, slight body horror in Kalims part, not proof read
Ace was pissed. Why? Because he was fucking stupid.
He was stupid. Duece was stupid. And that weird kids with the weird mask and the fucking fire monster was fucking stupid.
Because someone thought it would be a great idea to run away from their clean up duty (Grim (ace quietly chose to ignore that he had tried to do the same thing first)) by hiding in a chandelier was a good idea, and someone else thought hurling him into said chandelier with questionable at best magic was an even better idea.
So now ace trappola was running for his life in a crystal mine, with only the same people who got him into this situation in the first place here with him.
These feelings only seemed to be amplified after duece decided that the crystals were worth more than his life! Also it didn't exactly help that he had seen the magicless guy almost get impaled with one of the oversized pickaxes that...that thing was swinging around.
"My....m.y..Give me back..my. STONES"
The adrenaline rushed through aces body like a wave, it's only purpose being to make sure he survives dammit! He doesn't even care if he gets expelled anymore. His brother has told him enough stories about NRC to write a novel. Ace had come here with a picture already painted in his head and this was not it.
He made a sharp turn left. They had walked down this tunnel on their way in right?
He saw a little light poke out just around the next turn.
Yeah, they had come through this way.
Ace heard a small yelp and the sound of dirt being scattered and a small thud of someone hitting the ground.
He didn't look back. He just kept running.
He kept running until he came across the small cottage that they'd gone into earlier. Duece stumbled in right after him. The masked boy and the fire cat-weasle thing on his shoulders.
The guy was covered in dirt. He's probably the one that fell.
Ace was bent over, panting like he had just ran for his life, probably because he did, but he's pretty sure he heard duece half gently set the kid, whose name he still didn't really know, down before he joined ace in his desperate attempt to catch his breath.
Ace closed his eyes. What the hell is happening right now? Why was he here? Why did he have to go tease that weird magicless freak this morning and pick a fight with their freaky cat?
You know what? Fuck this. If he gets expelled, so be it. There are plenty of other magic schools, including ones closer to home. He'll be just fine.
Duece however, didn't seem to get the memo.
"It was right there...we have to go back!", duece had so much determination in his voice...
Ace felt his eye twitch. "Like hell we do!"
Duece snapped his head towards him, and the mystery bro was still sitting on the floor, now cradling grim like he was an actual cat.
"Yeah, no. Sorry, but that crystal ain't worth it"
"So...so you're just gonna take the expulsion lying down? Just like that!? What are you, some kind of coward!?", duces voice got progressively more angry, which ace thought was bullshit.
He thought he was being perfectly reasonable with his choices, thank you very much.
"Uhhh. Yeah! Sorry not sorry, I choose life!"
I mean sure, his brother is gonna look at him all disappointed and shit, but hey, at least he'd be alive to see it.
Ace looked back at Mr. Mask-Man, who was still quietly petting grim, acting like they weren't even there.
It kind of pissed him off a little.
"Hey", he looked up, Ace count see their eyes, but somehow he knew they weren't making eye contact "do you have any better ideas? Or are you just gonna sit there the while time and not do anything?"
Was he being unfair? Probably. This guy (he should really ask for his name) wasn't even supposed the be in night Raven college, not to mention here? And he probably didn't want to be here any more than he did.
Did he care about that though? No. Not right now anyway.
Ace expected him to just put his head back down and go back to petting his freaky weasel. He expected them to just shrink up on themselves while ace went back to yelling at duece.
He did expect the guys head to perk up the smallest bit, he didn't expect the sudden feeling of very intense eye contact either.
And he definitely didn't expect him the nod and stand up so fast ace almost stumbled back.
But you know what the absolute last thing he expected from this guy? Going back to the mines.
Going back to the mines and waiting with duece for grim and the masked guy to come hauling ass back up the hill with the ...inky monster in tow. Because that's what's going to happen. Apparently.
...fuck. This guy was some type of maniac wasn't he?
Ace just glared at the ground. There wasn't anything he could do about it now, but he was still gonna be pissed if he died with a possible psychopath currently running towards him, and this blue gumball son of a bitch standing next to him.
"Bring me....my...stooones!"
He took a deep breath, possibly one of his lasts.
But I mean hey, might as well go out with a bang right?
The next few minutes all seemed to happen in slow motion, and somehow ace could already see the moment when the reality of all this would all hit him. At 3 am or something like that. Probably.
...yeah. 3 am.
"Ace watch out!", a panicked, exhausted voice called out to him. Probably duece.
His head snapped over to where his dormmate was. What's happening?
The answer seemed pretty damn obvious, when a large shadow seemed to swallow him whole, a product of the monsters looming stature.
Ace froze. Seeing his life start to flash before his eyes. Memory after memory replaying in his mind.
You never really know how little you've lived until you see it all right in front of you...
Aces eyes shot open (when had he closed them?) To see Mr. Mask standing just roughly six meters away from him, holding a...
...uh....what the hell was that?
The loud noises rang out one by one. One right after the other.
Ace booked it to the side, trying to catch his breath.
Only for it to get caught again once he looked up.
The creatures head, the glass ink jar, was leaking. It had six small holes in it, and cracks spiderwebbing out from said holes. As the cracks grew larger, the glass began to break off, and more and more ink began to pour out.
Aces eyes snapped to their third member, who responded immediately with another cauldron.
The head finally shattered. And the monster disappeared.
Slowly, aces gaze fell on the Ramshakle resident once again. Blinking slowly as he watched the guy put the...loud..thing away, before picking up grim once again.
Ace opened his mouth, and before he could even begin to realize what he was doing, he asked, "what was that?"
You called it a gun.
Listen. Ruggie wasn't new to violence. You can't live in the slums all your life and make it out completely sheltered, no matter how hard your parents try.
And sure. Ruggie wasn't exactly a saint himself, But at this point, was anyone? He certainly didn't think so.
Yeah. Almost getting killed by leona fucked him up a little. But really, it wasn't that new when he really thought about it.
And yeah, leona never really apologized to him for all that, but at times like that, in an environment like savanaclaw? He didn't need to. His actions, no matter how small they were, still spoke for themselves.
So yeah. Ruggie bucchi has a lot of experience with violence.
But if you were to ask ruggie if he's ever seen anything like this before? Yeah. He'd have to answer no.
Everything was going shit. They were following the plan, he did his part flawlessly might he add, and then Azul decided he didn't want to follow the script. So now he was surround by black ink, panicking students, and slightly less panicking... allies? Allies.
But yeah. This sucked.
And so began the fight for his life once again. Honestly, this shit was getting old.
Whipping his head in every which way to look or for flying debris and tentacles (and wasn't that a sentence), and keeping his ears open for shouted commands and warnings, his attention landed on you for half a second, before quickly turning away; In that half second he saw you pull something out from jacket pocket.
About five seconds later, he heard a loud bang.
And not like when the construction workers accidentally drop a metal beam on concrete or something. No, this was just a loud, earth shattering bang that demanded attention. And attention it got.
Several heads snapped to you, holding a...uhhh. You tilted your head to the side, either in confusion or trying to get an angle on Azul.
And then there was a scream, distorted and pained, with a faint sound of gushing and sloshing, a liquid being spilled. Ink being spilled out of the overblot phantoms head.
"Huh...the other one just died immediately..", he heard you mutter.
Ruggie shot a pointed look over to leona, who just looked at him in confusion. Ok. So he didn't miss anything during his housewardens little episode. He took a quick glance at the heartslabyul duo, who looked like they understood. Well, Ace understood. Duece wasn't close enough to hear and didn't have the hearing to pick up the slack.
Ok. So maybe yuu also decided to whip the thing out when riddle when crazy? He'll ask around later. Probably.
A tentacle slammed right next to him and started writhing around with another loud scream as the phantom lost more and more ink, and Ruggie remembered where they were.
The damage you did the overbloted octopus wasn't enough to downright defeat him, but it was enough to at least make the rest of the way a hell of a lot easier. So they're odds were looking much better than they were. Small mercies.
When everything eventually came to a head and the ink was beginning to melt off of Azul and he could finally breathe, he let his mind drift back to you.
Ok. What the hell. What was that? Why did it make that noise? What did it even do? How'd it shatter thick ass, magic glass? Did it launch blades at it or something? Also, why are you pretending like this whole thing was completely normal?
You weren't freaking out about this, you honestly seemed more focused on combing the gunk out of Azuls hair with your gloved fingers while the twins tried to asses his mental state, grim flopping on the ground off to your side. Now, this is probably your third, or maybe even fourth time you've been in this situation. But perfect, you treating it like it's just another Tuesday isn't exactly. Uh. Normal?
Not that you were normal, you had just began taking regular baths, which he was immensely grateful for. Seriously, he could only hold back leonas hair as he puked so many times before it got old. But even your (lack of) personality raised a few questions. Sometimes he wondered if you where really even there half the time.
After he caught his breath, he began to walk over to where you were, Ace and duece now scolding you and jade trying to check if you were hurt or not, and holy shit that is a big ass gash.
But he was already standing right behind you, so he honestly might as well ask.
"Hey. So uh. What did you do? What made the bangs?"
Your head snapped in his direction, pausing to just stare at him for a few unnerving seconds.
And then you pulled something out and called it a gun.
Jade didn't really question why you wanted to join his club, he was just glad someone did. Even if that someone was a fucking weirdo like yourself.
Listen, jade wasn't picky when it came to his clubmembers ok?
Plus, aside from a few conversations about a bird or plant species you liked, and many more questions about basic things that you had apparently never seen before, and him acting like he knew any better than you about it, things went smoothly.
He collected his mushrooms and occasionally stopped to do a fieldsketch and you rolled around in moss and somehow became an instant bird whisperer. It was a good system.
About as good as it could be while you were running from a big ass monster.
Ok. Listen. He knew that there were monsters on this particular mountain, and he knew that some of them were man eaters. But dammit he did the research before hand! He made sure the two of you avoided their natural habitats at all cost! But apparently, this particular one could smell human blood much better than the rest, and apparently, you thought it was a good idea to not tell him you had cut yourself on a rock and were now bleeding.
"There's a cave right there!", he saw you point to an opening in a rock wall that was most definitely the small least cave he'd ever seen "do you think we could hide in it for a minute"
"I don't know!", you didn't really have any other options, running forever until you reached the place where the mirror had dropped you both off was more than inconvenient, especially on a mountain that had more steep cliffs than average. So he quickly signaled to you and began running towards it, awkwardly running into the small hole and barely seeing you baseball slide your way into there with much more ease.
Desperately trying to catch his breath, he started to plan. You only had a few minutes at best before the monster caught up to you, so the best thing they could do with the time they had was treat your wound to the best of his ability, and hope that the smell of blood would gradually fade and the beast would be thrown off your trails.
He looked to you, hunched over and sill slightly panting as you loaded small, but long pointed metal cylinders into...something?
You had stopped wearing the mask, being one of the few people you trusted enough to see your face, which was sweet if he thought about, you were even getting better to look at! Looking a lot less like you had come back from the dead after the apocalypse and more like a recovering drug addict, but hey! Progress!
But he point is, he could see your face, and the look on your eyes, and...
Ah shit.
Perfect. Listen perfect, he knows you're batshit crazy, he is too, but please, you're going to get them killed. Even with your insane amount of luck, your half baked plans only work most of the time so for the love of the sea witch please just-
"I have an idea"
So that's how you both got here, kneeling just barely out of the cave opening, and him standing on the Rocky formation right above you outside the cave. Waiting for the monster, and possi ly for death. If he survives this the first things he'd doing when he gets back to his dorm room is write his will so that he can make sure his precious mushrooms aren't thrown away by his brother. Would riddle accept them?
He blinked, got his magic pen ready, and you cocked your gun. Staring at the place where the sound of heavy footsteps and snarls were coming from.
You both waited with baited breath as themonsters form came running up the steep hill and charged towards the two of you.
The sensation of water and earth magics filled the air as spell after spell was released, hitting the creature a good majority of the time. Meanwhile, you were shifting slightly, getting into a position that didn't look the most comfortable, but apparently it worked for you because you quickly gave him a small warning shout.
Jade covered his ears. You had warned him about the sound guns make, and how many people went deaf fro them due to lack of proper equipment and training, you sounded like you were repeating a quote that was all but drilled into you, a saying that everyone knows but never really says out loud. Did he belive you were exaggerating? Slightly.
That went away when he heard the loud boom though, even through his covered ears. Jade grew slightly concerned at the fact that you didnt seem to be too affected by all this.
You didn't seem too surprised at the loud noise. Just angling and adjusting the gun position until you could hit your target more accurately as it moved.
He heard ten shots go off. Out of those ten, at least seven actually hit. The monster, being as huge as it was, was about to ignore the first three. The rest, however, were clearly starting to take a toll on the thing.
He saw you pull the trigger a few more times, nothing more than assumed clicks coming out. Jade couldn't be too sure, as the pained roars of the monster completely drowned out the sound. Wordlessly, he got took his hands away from his ears and readied his magic. Letting it burst all around him and borage the monster as soon as your hand shot up into the air. The signal that you needed to reload and he had to momentarily take over.
The whole event took about fifteen minutes that felt like they were stretched into hours. Ending with him feeling a bit lightheaded, and you firing three extra shots into what he was pretty sure was a monstrous corpse. "Just in case".
Wanting to sit down and take a moment to collect himself was only just outweighed by the urge to make sure you were alright. So, jade jumped down from his little rock podium; he reached the ground just as you completely crawled out of the cave entrance.
Gently, he asked, "are you alright perfect?". A perfectly appropriate question to ask after...that.
To which you, in reply, completely flop down on the rough ground and let out a loud groan, both of you pretending that there wasn't a dead, three-metter tall monster right next to you.
An equally appropriate response.
"Four magazines jade! Four! I'm going to have to make soany bullets now!", jade only nodded, like how you do when he starts ranting about his beloved mushrooms.
Oh well, he'd understand soon enough. He has plenty of questions regarding you and you gun for the walk back to the mirror location.
Kalim felt like was caving in on him.
This was all happening so fast, way too fast. The one person that he thought he could trust whole heartedly, the boy he saw as nothing less than a brother, had done all this.
It was a lot to take in. Everything from his supposed verdict of keeping his dorm members in school, to yuu and grims vague comments, comments that he now recognizes for the warnings they were, to the guys from octavinnle, jamil overblotting, getting flung to the dessert, and now to be back here? Fighting for not only his, but his best friends (were they though?) Life?
Kalim just wanted to cry. The drop the the floor and cry. But he'd already done that and there was no time to do it again now. Not when he could see the ink and the snakes sucking out more and more of jamils life, when he could see jamils body begin the break down and contort in ways that shouldn't be possible. Not when his eyes grew more deranged with every second.
No, Kailm couldn't cry now. Not when Jamil was dying.
Magic attacks meeting the emotions of dread and rage that jamil had kept professionally buried only served made the air more tense. Yuu occasionally shouted directions from he sidelines, directions to use fire magic instead of water, or to dodge an incoming attack that very well could have killed him if it made contact.
And that just raises the question. Did jamil..? Was it his intention to kill him? Was that his goal the entire time?
....No. No, if Jamil wanted Kailm dead, then Kailm would be dead. He didn't want Kailm gone he just wanted him to go away. And for that reason, Kailm had the hope that he needed that he could fix this. And by the seven he'll cling to it for as long as he lives if that's what it takes.
"Perfect!", Jades sharp voice took Kailm right out of his thoughts.
"Yeah? Kailm move to the right!", he moved to the right, just in time for a borage of ink and thron covered vines to come crashing into the exact spot he was standing not even five seconds prior. The vines writhing around like they were alive, and he could see the sharp, jagged edges of its thorns cut into its self with the ease of cutting through soft butter. Not that he would know. "What do you need?"
"Do you have your gun?", Jade svoice was deathly calm, which was a bit jarring all things considered.
He didn't know what a "gun" was, but he guesses floyd knew, because he groaned louder than some of his youngest siblings when they had to get up early.
From out the corner of his eye, he saw you stop for a few seconds. Then you answered.
"Yeah", something in your voice that he couldn't quite read. "Yeah, but I only have like five shots"
Both jade and azul looked less than pleased with that, and Kailm still didn't know what was going on, so he just threw more fire at his friend.
"Well then. You better make them count", azuls matter of fact voice rang out.
He didn't see if you nodded or not. And for the next minute, he didn't hear you at all. There were no more instructions being shouted or anything like that. Just the continued onslaught of four peoples magic, all trying desperately to snap Jamil out of his current state. Who was being bent into more and more inhuman shapes as the seconds passed.
His jaw was opening a little too wide as he laughed, his fingers seemed to be getting longer and more claw like, and his voice was so now so distorted that he could barely even understand what he was saying.
But what freaked him out the most what the loud cracking and crunches of bones breaking. Jamils spine now seemed too long, bent in an unnatural way, accompanied by a crack everytime he moved. He only laughed.
Kalim didn't laugh. There was ink running down his body, all from where he had been contorted. And as time crawled on, his eyes grew more and more crazed, and his distorted laughs turned more like screams.
Kalim wasn't the best at magic, he had never been the best at magic, he knew that, even before now. So when he felt himself become light headed as his energy and magic supply ran low, he started to panic.
Oh no. Oh sevens, oh no. Please no. Not now. Anytime but now. He couldn't lose now. What would happen to jamil? How would he get Jamil home after this?
How was he supposed to tell Jamils family that their son and brother was dead?
A distorted scream ran out as floyd began to cheer, and his stomach dropped.
More screams. Blood curdling screams that froze Kalim where he stood. Watching jamils face begin the crack, ink pouring through the cracks on his face like blood as his eyes rolled back and his entire expression turned to one of pain. A perfect mirror to the shattering phantom that loomed behind him.
"I have one shot left and I am not wasting it! Aim for the cracks! Use fire! It'll weaken the glass!", your voice rang out, carrying a determination with it, but also the reality that they were in no way out of the woods yet.
"You mean the magic glass?", azul was skeptical
"Its magic fire", Kailm could hear the shrug in your voice.
Kalim is ashamed to admit it. But he wasn't much help after this. Jamils vpice had random breaks from the distortion. So he had a perfect audio of jamil screaming his vocal cords raw in his actual voice. Something that would haunt him until the day he died.
Ink was still pouring out from his wounds. Bones were still breaking. And it almost looked like Jamils body was melting off of him in a grotesque manner.
Kalim closed his eyes and prayed.
Eventual, the distortion completely went away, so the screams and the sobs seemed less monstrous and more tortured. Jamils attacks completely stopped as well.
And with one final bang, so did yours.
When Kalim opened his eyes again, I was only after jade prayed his hands off his ears, something he doesn't even remember doing.
Azul and yuu were standing over jamils blood covered body, and for a second, he feared the worst.
It was only after you kneeled to check if he was still alive, and he saw Jamil moving did he allow himself to breathe, and to finally cry.
Through blurred vision, he saw you put the gun away. He never asked what it was. He didn't need to know. You saved Jamils life with it, and that was good enough for him.
Rook enjoyed beanfeast. Honestly, he could say it was one of his favorite days of the year. What other time? What other opportunities would he get but this? To hunt his fellow classmates for sport like this? To see their determination wither away as they accepted their fates as his prey!
Now, normally rook would go solo on this. Others found it a bit hard to keep up with him until now. Until yuu.
Ah his dear little trickster and his admirable kill or be killed mentality that he had taken up as of late! My, when rook had looked into his eyes, he saw nothing less than the eyes of a killer! A tiger on the hunt!
Or perhaps, he mused, a lion. Because there, right underneath them, was leona kingscholar himself.
Yuu has proposed they move from above, to stay in the wooded area and maintain the high grounds. Yuu had made his way up a tree with the swiftness and elegance of a bird taking flight! Walking steadily along the branches like he was simply made for it.
Together, the two of you had taken out quite a few farmers. With rook silently stalking them and you communicating your predictions with hand signals that he could understand blind. Those predictions of what the farmers would do, or even who would be in the area were proven true to an uncanny extent.
Rook wanted to know how, but that conversation could be saved for a different day.
Rook could barely see you chest rising up and down as you breathed so slowly you might as well haven't have been. He himself was holding his breath as you both angled your bean blasters. The slightest noise could tip the beastman off, after all.
You had temporarily split off to different trees, him being about a dozen meters away from you, just to the left of Leona, while we're were to the right.
He saw you hand slowly raise up, carefully avoiding the rustling leaves as you gave another hand signal. Thos one being significantly more simple than the majority. Just three fingers raised to indicate three seconds. Three seconds and you both shoot. You closed you hand, starting the timer.
The two of you, perfectly in sync, found your final aims of the beastman.
You carefully placed your fingers on the trigger. Taking caution not to shoot too early. The last thing would want to do was ruin this seemingly special moment for the two of you.
The wind blew in you direction. Thre leaves began to rustle, and leonas head shot in your direction.
You both pulled your triggered in perfect harmony, and, like a beautiful dance coming to an end, the mighty lion had fallen. And you both ran across the tree branches, making your ways to eachother as soon as possible.
The happy, adrenaline filled giggle you let out when he finally found found you again was nothing less than precious. Not to mention it fit the moment. Oh how he wishes you would stop trying to compose yourself all the time! The world deserves to see your joy!
He let out a laugh of his own, being rewarded with a smile that you couldn't help. This imagine of you in perfect juxtaposition with how you looked upon first arrival to this world.
And, if he may, rook would like to say that your face was shaping up to be something he wouldn't mind staring at. Ah, recovery was a marvelous thing indeed! He couldn't wait to see your progress by the end if the year.
When the laughter subsided, you took you hand and laid a gentle kiss to the back of your fingers, as a small congregation and a job well done.
"Yes, very nice monsieur. That was very nice indeed", his soft voice suddenly taking on a more mischievous note to it, a not that you matched with those shinning eyes of yours. "Now, I belive we have more game to secure, yes? Let us be off, my dear trickster"
You smiled, the corners of your mouth moving into a smirk. Your eyes, however, he'll the glee of a giddy boy, finally getting to experience something he was robbed of long ago. Rook only hoped that much later in your life, when you think of how many shots you've ever fired, this day will be included.
So smile, dear trickster, that all he asks. That's all you deserve.
YALL I AM SO SORRY."I'm working on requests" fucks off your 5 more months omg what am I on. Eat your food, yall gotta be starving rn shit I am a terrible father.
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justanotherfanfolks · 10 months
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Book 4: *exists*
Me: Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular-
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0ann3 · 9 months
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Class Christmas party was taking so long to start yesterday that I just started sketching lolol
@thehollowwriter @distant-velleity
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askcardsuits · 11 months
What are the abilities of the spade kingdom's court?
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bigscaryblueberry · 7 months
Sup, Spades! I know it's gonna be valentines day soon so I just wanted to give you some chocolates! *hearts chocolates appear in hands* Happy valentines day!
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lemon-bread-slice · 6 months
For the ask game!!
Gem: any or all of 1, 4, 14, 24? :D
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
The diversity! Elf, deer, other hybrids, and now pirate/sea creature, there’s so many interesting angles and aesthetics! Gem is also just super fun to write, whether she’s being sweet, sassy, threatening, anywhere in the Venn Diagram really. Amazingly well rounded character that i want to shake aggressively /aff
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Hmmmmmm, i gotta say, my media knowledge isn’t very broad. But i’mma go with Balder’s Gate 3. I haven’t played it personally, but from what I do know i think Gem would have a fucking blast. I mean, she basically lived playing D&D for a whole server anyways.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Lesbian. Ok but seriously, Gem is already cottagecore’d up to the nines, i think she’d enjoy the occasional flannel, pants with some actually decent sized pockets, and 👏 she 👏 deserves 👏 boots!
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Smiles and explodes- Deltarune: Noelle holiday I mean come on. Yes the deer link is easy, but also, kind, sweet, cute, but scarily powerful and capable of murder? (also very gay) All i’m saying is never ever let these two scheme together, their mutual enemy is doomed for one thousand years.
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Oden's prophecy of young pirates coming to save wano becoming yamato's hope for his freedom.... and him becoming oden because of it.... it's just so good... on the other side luffy taking ace's spot for liberating yamato... I think I hauve covid
#the spades pirates in wano to save children... omg... deuce.... i have heard so much of you....#yamato complaining about how eveyrhing is his father's fault and ace getting violent...#it is so sad that in the end it was (partially maybe) his father's fault... if not roger then whitebeard..... maybe both#the hibiscus flowers..... rouge....#yamato telling ace he talks too much about luffy.... omg.....#NAMI TELLS TAMA LUFFY LOST ACE TOO!!! AND LUFFY CAME BACK TO WANO BC ACE SAID HE WOULD!!! OMG...... THE LINGERING.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1014#pink haired samurai is still alive and kicking... hell yeah....#ODEN WAS THE SECOND COMMANDER FOR WHITEBEARD??? OMG???#whitebeard dealing with his rebellious son ace akshaksjak.....#ace wanting to save wano for his husband and child but wb wouldn't let him bc he is still caught up about his ex husband's death... complex#TEACH GO TO HELL!!! FUCK YOU!!! DIEEEE!!!!#they can't put luffy crying about ace dying here again.... tama feeling bad about yelling at luffy....#YAMATO KNOWS ABOUT THE D????#big mom wants robin.... i mean of course.... curious about pudding and her third eye.... we will meet again i guess...#PONEGLYPH!!!! kaido little borther to mom...... god valley.... rox.... i remember.... she gave him his power omg...#episode 1015#ace face down smiling after whitebeard beats him up reminded me of ace dead smiling. hell on earth this is my last straw. goodbye.#the animation <3 ace i love you <3 yamato you are great <3#omg... little ASL with the big pirates saying he will become pirate king omg...#PAUSE!! ACE HEARING GOOD THINGS ABOUT ROGER AND SAYING HE SOUNDS NICE THIS IS CRUCIAL TO MY ACE LORE OMG#yamato didnt say who it was... did ace really die not thinking his father was good this is my roman empire... critical hit to my brain#yamato made aces vivre card.... should i end it all for realsies this time....#his cunty skate boat 😭😭😭😭 i could cry#he really is looking like a beautiful dead wife this episode.... yamato......the vivre card omg..... NOT THE FLASHBACK ENOUGH#THE TRANAITION BETWEEN ACE FALLING OFF LUFFY AND HIM FALLING TO THE GROUND OMG AKFBSKDNDKSKLWKWNSKWK NOOOOOO#OH FINALLY THEY ARE ALL THERE TO FOGHT BIG MOM AND KAIDO!!! FUCK YEAAHHHHHH a good drag for the mugis for good measure#episode 1013
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dream-phantasm · 2 years
Every adventure requires a first step.
Leona Kingscholar x Reader: Love Letters (1)
I published this on Ao3 yesterday for Valentines Day! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day yesterday if you were with people or if you were celebrating alone! 
Hope you enjoy!
No spoilers or warnings for now but this might change in future installments :)
PART 1 [!] | PART 2 |  PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | END
SUMMARY: You receive unsigned letters on Valentines Day. They might be love letters but at Night Raven College, you can never tell. A.K.A Leona Kingscholar is bad at love letters.
You open the door, the whole building shakes a little. You're unfazed to the shakiness of Ramshackle at this point.
You were about to take a step forward when you noticed a letter on your doorstep. You pick it up curiously and you're about to open it when…you shove it in your pocket.
"Grim, hurry up! Let's go!" You shout, beginning to briskly walk to the gates. No way, this was NRC. You wouldn't open this in front of Ramshackle. Knowing the guys here, it could totally be a prank and having Ramshackle be blown up would be inconvenient.
"Fygaa, got it, got it! Stop rushing me dazo!" Grim grumbles, bounding after you. He walks besides your heels as he scratches at the choker. 
You can't help but feel a little dread in your stomach as you approach the main street. After all, it's February 14th. 
Valentines day.
Upon showing up in Twisted Wonderland and meeting some of the guys at NRC, you knew you were doomed to be alone on this day from the very start. As attractive as some of the guys were, they were also absolute brats and no way would they ever be interested in you.
Perfect was just a title. You are just some magicless human. 
Considering NRC was an all-boys school, it wouldn't be strange to maybe see a few gay couples. But if you factor in the environment… You doubt anyone here would partake in what they'd consider to be 'mushy behavior'.
You take a deep breath and enter the main street. You blink. Everything is decorated with hearts and pink. It looks like Heartslabyul vomited everywhere.
"It's really tacky, isn't it, [Name]?" An arm is suddenly on your shoulders as a weight leans down on you. "Did Heartslabyul decorate?" You asked Ace curiously. 
"Yeah, we spent all morning and yesterday decorating. Cater probably posted all those pictures already on his magicam…" Deuce sighed. "Did Ace give you any chocolates?" You suddenly ask. 
"What?" He looks confused while Ace is frantically shaking his head. "No way! Why would I ever give this idiot chocolates?! I-I don't like him like that!" He screeches, face red. "Oho! So you admit you like him? Are you finally accepting the fact that you're perhaps…good pals?!" You snicker loudly upon catching him.
"Nyahaha! Your face is so red dazo!" Grim joins in, laughing at the duo. "Ugh, shut up, you stupid cat! You can't even eat chocolate!" Ace scowls. 
"Oi, who're you calling a cat dazo?!"
"Oh, speaking of chocolates!" Deuce snaps, the topic having easily flown past him. "Trey wanted us to give this to you for him." He went through his blazer pocket, taking out a little box. 
You take it from him and shake it curiously. It sounds like their are tiny items inside. Sweets from the baker no doubt. "Nice, thank him for me if you see him." You smile, pocketing the gift along with the letter. 
"Ooh! Food! Was that food dazo?! I want it!" Grim perks up at the smell. "It's for later. Maybe if you behave, I'll give you one." You hope it isn't chocolate for Grim's sake. 
"Oh, henchman! What was that letter earlier by the way dazo?" You deadpanned. Grim had seen it earlier? You brace yourself with a sigh. 
"Aha! What is this?! The perfect got a love letter, hm?" Ace smirks. "Whoa, so does that mean a student on campus likes you?" Deuce gasps.
"I guess I can open it now. I really doubt anyone does." You shrug. If it blows up in your face, you're blaming Ace for it. They hold their breaths in anticipation as you open the letter. 
It simply says in neat handwriting,
Be prepared.
You gulp. You wait. It does not blow up. "That's…Is that a threat?" Deuce frowns. "Fygaa?! What d'they think they're doing threatening my henchman dazo?!" Grim growls.
"Bahaha! No guy would ever write a love letter to you!" Ace bursts into laughter. 
"No one even sent any chocolates to you, Ace!" 
"No, Trey actually made us chocolates too!"
You argue the rest of the way until you make it to class. You freeze upon entering the classroom. There, right there.
On your desk is another card. Ace bursts into more laughter while Deuce looks mildly concerned. 
"Is somebody following you…?"
If you see it posted anywhere or by anyone else, it's not me.
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