#everyone: will you ever stop overthinking this turtle boy?
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year ago
Love the idea that Leo’s portal and teleportation based fighting style can heavily parallel the types of stuff you’d see in magic acts. Disappearing and reappearing, pulling stuff out of a hat/portal, sleight of hand and other such methods of averting the audience’s/enemies’ attention from what you’re trying to do, etc.
It’s genuinely pretty neat to see and I wish his love of magic acts and magicians was brought up more often because it and his other interests tie into each other and in turn his whole self so neatly.
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some-pers0n · 2 years ago
For the ask game: 1, 8, 10, 14, 23
Oh boy quite a lot. Let's do it.
1 - The Character Everyone Gets Wrong
For Wof no joke it's gotta be Qibli. So many people write him off as a goofy silly guy who thinks a lot and is really smart when honestly he's a massive overthinker with horrible social anxiety and uses a cocky and confident persona to a) cope and b) try to make friends. He's not a joke-spewing machine that can't read the room and stop when somebody is in distress.
For TF2 it's probably Saxton Hale. Yeah he's funny and cool, but he's not really a good boss like. at all. Not even a good person before the comics. He was characterized as a guy who liked hunting endangered animals and selling terrible and cheap weapons to keep the Gravel War going. It's 500% more funny when he's got jokes about how unions and workers rights are a nasty thorn in his side.
8 - Common Fandom Opinion Everyone is Wrong About
[Insert character] being a Mary Sue. Typically it's Glory or Moon. Glory is a victim of poor character writing and favouritism on Tui's part and Moon's entre character is reduced to a plot device. Those aren't Mary Sues but just poorly written characters in ways different than a Sue. Plus I also just Hate the term and would rather people like...elaborate more on what they say as opposed to using vague buzzwords.
For TF2 it's probably that Engie is boring, both in gameplay and lore. For starters, put on the Gunslinger and Rescue Ranger and stop turtling in the same spots every round. Secondly, Engie's personality is one of the most fascinating due to it kinda being a little cover up. Not even to mention his whole family. So cool and interesting....
10 - Worst Part of Fanon
Hmmmm,,,flanderization is always terrible. I hate it especially with Qinter stuff since a good chunk of it horribly misses the mark of who Qibli and Winter (and even by extension Moon) are and what makes them click. Their whole this is that they have a persona and I feel Qinter as a whole should be based on them putting aside their exaggerated personalities and finding solidarity and comfort within being around each other as their pure selves. This and also the infantalization of characters like Whiteout. All my homes hate that.
Same thing can be said for TF2. Me and my homies hate Nazi Medic. Medic likes his coworkers, he just is a bit silly like that.
14 - One Thing you See in Fics all the Time
For WoF, it's gotta be swearing. I literally don't know why it kinda irks me, but it feels weird when you're writing something serious and straight-forward while the dragon characters say the fuck word. Nothing against it, I just...I dunno.
For TF2 it's always the goddamn shoe-horned in racism/queerphobia. Please man I don't need you to get up on your soap box and tell me that the 60s wasn't good for queers and people of colour I'm trying to read Old Man Yaoi. It's especially annoying when certain characters (ex: Soldier) only exist to really fulfill the role of being the person who make it "period accurate" by including 12 extremely harmful and horrible slurs in every sentence they speak.
23 - Ship You've Unwillingly Come Around To
For WoF: Cleril somehow. The "Cleril is good :)" -> "Peril is toxic and this relationship will never work" -> "Cleril is good :)" pipeline is real. Peril HAS been getting help and is vastly improving. She is doing so incredibly well. She uses Clay as a moral compass, but she's aware of that and trying to change. It's not that bad of a ship ngl.
For TF2: Jagerbombs (Demo/Medic). I'm God's strongest aro/ace Medic enjoyer so I like them best as friends, but honestly they're just great together. Literally written up like 19k words of these morons. Never would've thought in a million years I'd do it (especially considering how I'm the No. 4 Science Party person ever) but they're just wonderful. Honestly like them better than HeavyMed– *gets shot*
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K so || April gets invited to a sleepover by the mean boys (genderbend mean girls) and April thinks something is up so she invites the turtle bros if something happens (reader is the genderbend of Regina George) at the sleepover they’re watching a horror movie and reader is holding onto one of the turtle boys arm because reader is a bit scared - 💤😪 anon
A/n:I haven't seen that name In years. Regina George man it's been awhile. Thank you for requesting
Summary:April get invited to a sleepover by the mean boys, so she invites the turtles too. But you guys end up watching a horror movie and hold on to the turtles arm because your scared
He didn't know why he was invited but he loved being there
When you held onto his arm he was obsessed
No one has ever done this and it felt nice
He loves to please and he could tell you were glad he let you hold his arm
And everyone could tell he was very happy you were
He didn't know how to react when he got invited with his brothers
But when you held onto his arm he basically became a board
Like he was frozen and didn't know what to do
He didn't mind it he just didn't know how to react
Soon enough he calmed down and relaxed
And ended up smiling since he loves physical affection but since he doesn't really get it he doesn't how now to react to it
He didn't care
Like he just looked down at you before going back to the TV
But he was glad you held onto him since then you can't see how scared he is
And everytime he jumps he says it was you
His whole body was relaxed but then became extremely tense every scare
So you could tell he was scared but didn't say anything
Like Donnie but he didn't relax
Like leos already tense so you grabbing his arm out of fear made it worse
Cause a lot of leader overthinking came rushing to him
He thought you were messing with him, but want if your not scared of the movie and someone else, etc
Alright he's panicking
But once his overthibking stops he'll calm down and relax
.....he never stopped until he left and went to bed
A/n:sorry if it's short. I hope you enjoyed
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iheartchv · 2 years ago
Good Morning/Evening
I always love TMNT Bayverse Donnie 🌿🍒
I kinda like the 'Christmas cliche' on how two characters spends time together, or goes to a Christmas event/party. And after a while they realize they're in love and share a first kiss under the mistletoe.
Or any ideas/prompts you may already have 😊 love your writing.
Alright, lets see...🤔
It's Christmas time. Down in the sewers the ninja turtles and their friends are having a get together. You heard Mikey say that he wanted a Christmas where everyone was together. This morning he got his wish.
"Yes! Best Christmas ever!"
Splinter sat back and watched the bustle and hustle in the lair. You and April got the presents ready under the tree while Casey and Vern hung out with the boys, probably engaging in some "guy talk". As you helped get some food together you couldn't help to giggle seeing the guys having a good time.
However your eyes always went back to Donnie. You always had a crush on the tall purple masked turtle. You just couldn't help it; he was so sweet, so kind, and adorkable. From his giggle snorts to his golden eyes, and everything in between, you have fallen in love with him.
April noticed what was happening between you two and encouraged you to go for it. Donnie was probably not going to be the first one to make the move, so she devised a little plan with you in the kitchen. "Here's what we'll do..."
The plan was to plant mistletoe in random places. And since Mikey was finishing up the decorations it didnt seem out of place for a few mistletoe here and there. It was time to put it into action.
"Donnie, can you come here for a sec?"
"Sure, Y/N. I'll be right there."
You and Donnie hid away from everyone; you lead him to his lab, just outside the entrance. You held your hands behind your back, trying to look innocent. Donnie adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.
"What is it? Is there something wrong?" he asked, trying not to sound panicked. He was this way with you, wanting to make sure you weren't in any danger.
"Oh, no, nothings wrong, I just"
You looked up and saw a mistletoe hanging. You pretended to not notice it before. However you couldn't help the blush staining your cheeks.
"A mistletoe? You know what they say about them during Christmas?"
He gulped. His throat suddenly felt dry. He then tried to speak.
Donnie stood there, overthinking how this situation could go. His mind was running a million miles, it seemed. The rational and irrational part of him dueled against each other.
You giggled. "It's okay, I won't bite. You know me, Don." You was getting excited, your stomach fluttering with anticipation.
He took a deep breath as if mentally preparing himself, and then his hands cupped your face. His mouth slowly desceneded to meet yours finally. Both of had closed your eyes and let everything go. You were so lost in the moment that the kiss went from sweet to loving.
When his lips let go, you let out a small whine. "Why'd you stop?" You pouted your lips up at him.
"I-I didn't think you'd..."
"Like it?"
"Yeah, but also.... I didn't think you'd like me back."
"Oh, you dummy. I've always liked you."
"Well, now that I know..." His hands settled around your waist, lifting you up to his eye level. "I'll stop overthinking and follow my gut."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself into him, pressing your lips to his again. It felt so right, and sooooo good, to be held in Donnie's arms. You cared so much for this turtle man and now he was yours. Thank you, April!
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donttellanyoneyall · 4 years ago
Pope x reader: Guessing games
A/N: There’s a bit of JJ x Pope because I love them.
Summary: You get jealous of JJ because he spends a lot of time with Pope (back again with an exquisite summary)
Warning: Them vulgar languages and spelling mistakes and stuff
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Your mind was messed up lately. Maybe it was because you started becoming more observant, thinking about things you usually would avoid. Right now you were avoiding one question:
 Since when the fuck was I in love with Pope?
That was the only thing in your mind. To be honest, you thought you would fall for JJ, that exquisite, blond boy who desperately needed a therapist. But Pope happened.
You remembered the exact day it happened. Maybe you’ve liked him for a long time but that particular day was when you realised. 
It was at a Kegger. Pope was talking enthusiastically to a touron, his hands flying everywhere. The touron nodded, too drunk to actually realise that Pope was talking about dead bodies. You were too far away to hear the conversation but you knew it was about dead bodies. And you were watching, it would’ve been creepy but he was your friend so you just ignored that thought and observed.
Then he looked at you. 
He smiled, the glimmer in his eyes made your heart stutter. You loved his eyes. You hated eye contact but with Pope, you couldn’t get enough of it. They were always soft, safe, understanding and that’s when you fell.
That whole day you thought about Pope. Ok that was a lie, that whole week you thought about Pope and it got worse and worse. You began to notice the small things. Like how he managed to roll his eyes and smile at the same time when you made a stupid joke. And the celebration dance he would do when he got a hard question right. And the way he would scrunch up his face when JJ was smoking weed.
 And you loved how he remembered everything. Every little fact he read or anything you guys said. Like how he remembered any fact about turtles that Kiara would tell him and how he remembered your favourite songs and started singing along with you. Every single little thing he did, made you fall harder and harder.
Maybe you were overthinking but you noticed how close he was with JJ. 
You came out as pansexual two years ago to the pogues. A month after that, Pope came out as bisexual. Both of you used to talk about your sexualities and you felt the most comfortable with him. Maybe you started liking him because of the amount of time you spent with him?
JJ wasn’t really comfortable talking about his sexuality but he was slowly bringing his walls down, especially with Pope. And you knew JJ was 100% not straight, that was a fact. 
You weren’t going to admit it, but you were jealous of him. He was almost always with Pope and you noticed their glances and the way JJ always playful kisses Pope’s cheek. The way they would talk to each other in really soft voices and when someone walks in, they both go awkward.You terribly wished you could be happy for them, but you were too jealous.
You had to talk to Pope.
Everyone was lounging on John B’s pretty disgusting couch and somehow there was enough space for y’all. You kept glancing at Pope, nervously playing with your rings and Pope noticed, his eyebrows furrowed with confusion and worry.
‘You ok, y/n?’ he asked, his hand on your shoulder. You didn’t want him to touch you, that will only make you focus on how warm and soft his hand was on your skin.
‘Uh yea I’m good but... I need to talk to you?’ It came out as more of a question than a statement.
‘Yea sure’, he followed you out to the porch and literally for 5 minutes none of you said anything.You knew Pope. He was waiting patiently for you to start speaking and watched you, a comforting smile on his face.
I’m going to find a flaw in this man before I die, you thought.
‘I’m sorry’, you sighed.
‘For what? Did you pour water on my papers again?’He asked, standing like a mother who caught her kid doing something bad.
‘I-, I got a question.’
‘What is it?’
‘Do you like someone? Like do you have a crush?’ you asked cautiously. Pope’s face softened. 
‘Why are you asking?’ he smirked. 
‘Because I can’.
‘You need to give me a better expla-’.
‘Pope please answer the question. I am begging you’.
‘Yes I do. Do you?’ Pope replied a little too fast.
Your heart was literally breaking. You were expecting this. Pope probably fell for JJ, which wasn’t a surprise.
Your head was down, desperately trying to avoid eye contact as you slowly walked back into the house.
‘I’m kinda hungry and I think John B might finish the pizza so-’
‘Wait. Aren’t you going to tell me your crush?’
‘I don’t have one, Pope’. 
‘Well, I know that’s a lie, but aren’t you at least going to ask me who I like?’
‘I know who you like’, you almost yelled. You were starting to feel irritated, not at him but at yourself. You thought you could get over him, but it almost seemed impossible.
‘Who is it then?’, Pope huffed, offended by your sudden attitude.
‘JJ,’ You mumbled.
‘I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear-’.
‘What’s up y’all?’ JJ strutted to the porch after hearing his name, beer in one hand, blunt in another.
Your eyes darted to JJ but Pope’s were on you. He knew you were incredible smart but sometimes you could be pretty dumb, like this time.
‘Y/n, I don’t have a crush on JJ’, he slowly said, observing you.
‘Uh, the vibe here is pretty heavy so I’m just gonna dip-’
‘No! Wait’, Pope replied, grabbing JJ by his arm.
You were confused. They looked like the picture perfect couple already but Pope words were still bouncing around in your head. He didn’t like JJ? 
‘Tell her’, This time Pope was talking to JJ.
‘Man I’m not really-’
‘JJ you’re ready. And this is Y/n, there’s nothing to be afraid’.
‘Fine’, JJ sighed. There was a long pause before JJ began.
‘Y/n… I- I’m gay.’
‘Yes I knew that JJ’. 
‘Wha-. How?’JJ nervously laughed, a mild panic in his eyes.
‘Homosexuals can identify other homosexuals and that’s a talent’.
 You smiled and walked over to him, arms stretched and JJ fell into the hug. You grasped him, the smell of weed and mint hit you. You felt a few tears on your neck and gently played with his hair until he calmed down and stepped away. 
Pope was watching his two best friends and to be honest, he was about to cry. This was his family and he was extremely happy for JJ, he knew how hard it was for him.
‘I get it now,’ you broke the comfortable silence.
‘You don’t have a crush on JJ because y’all are dating so technically you can’t have a crush on him’.
‘Which is why you guys keep whispering and always hanging out secretly because you guys didn’t want us to find out’. 
‘Y/n stop-’.
‘And it’s ok guys, I think y’all look really cute together, like I ship it. I’m happy for you, wait no, I’m ecstatic for you’.
‘Y/n shut up’. Pope grabbed your face which immediately made you shut up. Your full focus on how close his face was to you and the warmth of his hands on your cheeks.
‘JJ and I are not dating’, Pope emphasised every word. 
‘Yea dude, I mean Pope is pretty and all but did you see the new kid at the kegger. EXQUISITE. I was only close to Pope because he was the first one to figure out my crush on the kid so he helped me. Oh, and by the way I know who he’s in love with’, JJ winked and went back inside, leaving you and Pope alone.
He still had his hands on your face and your face was definitely starting to heat up.
‘Now guess who I like,’ Pope said softly. 
‘Kiara’, you whispered. 
‘No’, he dragged the word out, he knew you were playing with him.
‘It’s John B. I know it is.’ 
Pope rolled his eyes and you giggled, a comfortable silence taking over. 
He slowly leaned in and you watched as his lips got closer. And when his lips finally brushed yours ever so softly, you closed the gap. 
Your lips were moving in sync and the only thing in your mind was how beautiful this moment was. You ass was jealous of nothing. After seconds (which felt like hours), he pulled away, a new glimmer in his eyes.
‘I have a crush on the girl that’s really bad at guessing games’.
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cherri-ice · 7 years ago
All the numbers
fuck you 
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
uH MY CLOSE FRIEND LMAO? 2. Are you outgoing or shy?
lowkey both?? im more shy but if i know the person im incredibly outgoing 3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
MY LOWKEY GF4. Are you easy to get along with?
oft no 5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
YEP6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
ppl who are kind !! also ppl who could either break me or love me 7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
,, hopefully8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
,,, can i say keaton henson bc his music makes me sob9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
no but depending w who lmao :””^10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
mm i think my friend from school abt shitty people ngl 11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
”do you think it’d be a good idea for me to run and get tea right now”12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
ok jeez
1. cherry bomb - the runaways (wow, original)
2. all of sevdalizas songs ever
3. blood // water - grandson
4. charger - gorillaz
5. pools - glass animals
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
YESYEYSYESYEYSYES. fuck yes.14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
mhm!!15. What good thing happened this summer?
err i mean, if u count summer as past summer then convincing my dang dad that i dont wanna stay at my shitty school lmao?? 16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
depends on what kind of kiss !! but ye!!17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
pfft, absolutely 18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
,,, i dont think so tbh19. Do you like bubble baths?
HELL YE I DO20. Do you like your neighbors?
ngl i dont rly talk to them but they seem Nice21. What are your bad habits?
if i dont know someone all too well i tend to joke around w them?? idk its weird but i kinda get annoyed easy as well,, altho another bad habit is my flaky ass backing out of events sometimes22. Where would you like to travel?
i’d love to ,,, travel to scotland or france23. Do you have trust issues?
oh boy i do24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
going the hell to sleep again and wrapping myself up25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
every part w scars lmao26. What do you do when you wake up?
take my dang meds27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
,, idk?? i like my skin tbh but it could clear tf up28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my sister29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nope :””^ 30. Do you ever want to get married?
yes!!31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
ye lmao32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
,,, IM 16 LETS NOT GO HERE33. Spell your name with your chin.
aki34. Do you play sports? What sports?
i work out but i dont play sport lmao35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
without tv, music is my lifeblood36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
almost always37. What do you say during awkward silences?
i try to joke abt smth usually38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
someone who cares for me smh39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
T2, I LOVE TEA,,, 40. What do you want to do after high school?
university or nap 41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
yes!! unless they’re super shitty42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
i’m nervous, anxious or overthinking43. Do you smile at strangers?
i try to ??44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
oo fuck outer space ty45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
,, honestly talking to lovely ppl46. What are you paranoid about?
people abandoning me or being completely alone and shut in and just,, closed away from the world47. Have you ever been high?
tba48. Have you ever been drunk?
not rly lmao i have a high tolerance 49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
,, UM,,, lowkey yes50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
olive51. Ever wished you were someone else?
before, yes. now? nah, i’m pretty good 52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
highkey wish i was less anxious 24/7
53. Favourite makeup brand?
NARS. nars. or kat von d altho i hate what she stands for
54. Favourite store?
T255. Favourite blog?
,, idk? 56. Favourite colour?
blue / green!!57. Favourite food? 
creme brulee58. Last thing you ate?
a rly good double cheese burger59. First thing you ate this morning?
croissant60. Ever won a competition? For what?
knowledge of novels for school!! or art wise, i’ve won a few comps inside our school61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
nope62. Been arrested? For what?
nada63. Ever been in love? 
smh i fall in love,, way to easily64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
,, jeez i hate the person who it was with, but it was underneath the harbour bridge after chocolate strawberries and a picnic,, she asked if she could kiss me and i said yes65. Are you hungry right now?
jfc not rly im super content tbh66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
no @official-akko is a binch (im kidding i love u)67. Facebook or Twitter?
fb68. Twitter or Tumblr?
tumblr69. Are you watching tv right now?
nope but i was watching law and order svu 70. Names of your bestfriends? 
beauty, my cat71. Craving something? What?
cuddling someone and gently lying my head on their chest 72. What colour are your towels?
white!!72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
3 binch73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
yes!!74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
on my bed is 2, but i think at least 5+ around 75. Favourite animal?
i love,, cats,,,, so fucking much 76. What colour is your underwear?
wouldn’t u like to know77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
vanilla78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
mm cookies and cream?79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
dark bluuee80. What colour pants?
grey81. Favourite tv show?
right now its between brooklyn 99 and stranger things82. Favourite movie?
i will never stop loving mulan or the princess diaries 83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
mean girls 84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
mean girls i guess 85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
,, janis ian86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
uh the turtle smh87. First person you talked to today?
ash!! 88. Last person you talked to today?
rn, its niko89. Name a person you hate?
me90. Name a person you love?
ash91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
GOD this one asshole from school i will actually brawl92. In a fight with someone?
not rly?? idk93. How many sweatpants do you have?
at least 494. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
5!!95. Last movie you watched?
legally blonde pfft96. Favourite actress?
i lowkey love madelaine petsch97. Favourite actor?
shrugs loudly98. Do you tan a lot?
no im pale af99. Have any pets?
a cat!!100. How are you feeling?
tired, coffee makes me tired101. Do you type fast?
yep!! i can touch-type too so i dont even have to look most of the time as well lmao102. Do you regret anything from your past?
waayyy too fuckin much regret over what ive done to myself 103. Can you spell well?
ye!!104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
,, my grandma :105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
nope lmao106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
,, i think i have,,, 107. Have you ever been on a horse?
yes!! i go horseriding at least four times during the year108. What should you be doing?
sleeping probably109. Is something irritating you right now?
i have a fuckin itch on my leG110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yep,, oh boy 111. Do you have trust issues?
i already answered this lmao112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
,, my sister because i wanted her to comfort m e shes v sweet113. What was your childhood nickname?
”leash”114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
yes!!115. Do you play the Wii?
sometimes116. Are you listening to music right now?
i am, its glass animals :””^117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
yes!!118. Do you like Chinese food?
eh, iffy but i dont mind it!119. Favourite book?
THE NAME OF THE WIND BY PATRICK ROTHFUSS120. Are you afraid of the dark?
only a lil121. Are you mean?
,, i think i am sometimes122. Is cheating ever okay?
never ever ever ever is it okay.123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
yes! if not i fuckin clean em wth124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
not rly? i think love is something you have to grow and share together, kind of like a garden plant? works gotta go into it for it to blossom 125. Do you believe in true love?
i believe in it!126. Are you currently bored?
,, yea lmao127. What makes you happy?
memes, reading and tea ngl128. Would you change your name?
birthname? ye, probably lmao129. What your zodiac sign?
cancer! im an emotional fucking crab130. Do you like subway?
ye!131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
remind them im a lesbian132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
binnch this is a past question133. Favourite lyrics right now?
”Our skinIn time would tellCan I hold on to our genesIn my lifeI could not failWhen I run out will you leave?”
134. Can you count to one million?
i can but i’d loose track i have attention issues pfft135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
”i was late because my cat threw up one on of my school uniforms and i had to change”136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
closed, idk who can trust anyone that much to keep them open137. How tall are you?
5′7!138. Curly or Straight hair?
i have wavy hair if this is asking m e139. Brunette or Blonde?
blonde140. Summer or Winter?
winter141. Night or Day?
night142. Favourite month?
july bc its cold and my birth month143. Are you a vegetarian?
nooppe144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk chocolate!145. Tea or Coffee?
tea146. Was today a good day?
meh, highs and lows 147. Mars or Snickers?
mars148. What’s your favourite quote?
either:a. “And what we learn about ourselves in those moments, where the trigger has been squeezed, is this: the past is not dead. There are things that wait for us, patiently, in the dark corridors of our lives. We think we have moved on, put them out of mind, left them to desiccate and shrivel and blow away; but we are wrong. They have been waiting there in the darkness, working out, practicing their most vicious blows, their sharp hard thoughtless punches into the gut, killing time until we came back that way.” from Trigger Warning (Short fictions and disturbances), neil gaiman
b. “Perhaps the greatest faculty our minds possess is the ability to cope with pain. Classic thinking teaches us of the four doors of the mind, which everyone moves through according to their need.First is the door of sleep. Sleep offers us a retreat from the world and all its pain. Sleep marks passing time, giving us distance from the things that have hurt us. When a person is wounded they will often fall unconscious. Similarly, someone who hears traumatic news will often swoon or faint. This is the mind's way of protecting itself from pain by stepping through the first door.Second is the door of forgetting. Some wounds are too deep to heal, or too deep to heal quickly. In addition, many memories are simply painful, and there is no healing to be done. The saying 'time heals all wounds' is false. Time heals most wounds. The rest are hidden behind this door.Third is the door of madness. There are times when the mind is dealt such a blow it hides itself in insanity. While this may not seem beneficial, it is. There are times when reality is nothing but pain, and to escape that pain the mind must leave reality behind. Last is the door of death. The final resort. Nothing can hurt us after we are dead, or so we have been told.” - The name of the wind, patrick rothfuss
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
yes!! i believe that ghosts exist lmao, or at least guiding spirits 150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“… but he left his doubts unspoken. Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.” - Game of thrones lmao
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nisitime · 8 years ago
                                                                   I got bored ^^”                                                        
1) sexual orientation. Pansexual 2) what i’m really bad at. Talkin in Public 3) the one person who’s arms i’d like to be in. my Boyfriend’s 4) my best first date. *coughs* 5) a description of my self-esteem. So low u cant even see it 6) who my best friends are. my boyfriend tbh 7) my favourite book. Dont have one :C 8) my favourite animal. Bears and Turtles 9) someone i miss. lot of ppl 10) the reason behind my last break up. i fucked up and he was a drama bitch 11) what i did yesterday. stayed home in bed 12) a description of the person i dislike the most. the annoying type who thinks is funny and when we say stop they dont get it 13) my favourite song right now. Life & Death and love and birth (Steven Universe) 14) the last time i’ve been kissed. last sunday 15) what i find attractive in a girl/boy. everyone has a different thing to appreciate tbh (hips and thighs tho) 16) my favourite pet. dont have any 17) my favourite flavour of ice cream. chocolate and lemon and coffe (i love most of them) 18) the meanest thing anyone has ever said to me. '’Quit being such a whiny bitch’‘ (i was having a panic attack ) 19) what are my future plans. Finish college, get a job, get a tiny house, earn money from illustration 20) an internal conflict i have with myself. There’s alot, but all of them around the talking situation 21) the most embarrassing moment. I have one everyday xD there was this one time when i was gonna catch the train and i started running and i fell in front of the door then i pulled my self together and got in...everyone was looking at me (there where still 5mins left for the train to leave) 22) two of my insecurities. my legs and my nerves i guess 23) a description of the girl/boy i like. drak brown hair with a white/yellow stripe on the side (like jason todd) taller than me, sper adorable and kind but when someone messes whith someone he likes he turns into a angry bear 24) what i love the most about myself. Even if my depressing i can always manage to help others...i like helping... 25) how many kids i want in the future. one or two 26) what bands i’ve seen live. still want to see gorillaz live but they only came to Portugal once (15 years ago) 27) my idea of a perfect date. as long as im with my bf its oki 28) what i’m really good at. idk... overthinking? 29) what my last text message says. '’Sleep tight cutiiiie’‘ 30) what words upset me the most. everything that hurts upsets me 31) what i hate/hated the most about school. everyone seemed so fake 32) who was the last person i held hands with. my bf last sunday 33) i’m loud, outgoing or shy. shy 34) how i feel about abortion. if ur not comfortable/not in condition on having a kid do it 35) if i still talk to my first crush. Nope 36) what are my bad habits. i bite my nails and my lower lip, i scratch my neck 37) if i smile at strangers and why. sometimes, no reason why, actually.. 38) what languages i can speak. Portuguese/English/Spanish 39) my full name. Not gonna do this one srr 40) my zodiac sign. Gemini 41) what colour underwear i’m wearing right now. greyish blue 42) the reason why i joined Tumblr. alot of memes and cool art 43) my relationship with my family. everything is ok, we help eachother 44) just one thing i’ve lied about. my feelings 45) my favourite food. Italian food in general 46) something i regret. toooo many to count 47) my celebrity crush. hmmm... too many aswell but nowadays its ezra (next flash) 48) do i smoke/drink. no/rarely 49) my worst perversion. I..don’t know 50) have you ever wanted to end your own life? Yes, 3/4 years ago but then everything started to calm down...the storm kinda seased but never stops ... idk if im making myself clear panic attacks/anxiety/depression still exists but ending my life...i stoped having those thoughts years ago and im thankfull to all those who helped me
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powerdreamz · 7 years ago
The Rematch
// In the aftermath of an athletic humiliation on an unprecedented scale—a loss to a tortoise in a footrace so staggering that, his tormenters teased, it would not only live on in the record books, but would transcend sport itself, and be taught to children around the world in textbooks and bedtime stories for centuries; that hundreds of years from now, children who had never heard of a “tortoise” would learn that it was basically a fancy type of turtle from hearing about this very race—the hare retreated, understandably, into a substantial period of depression and self-doubt.
The hare gained weight, then lost weight; turned to religion, then another less specific religion. The hare got into yoga; shut himself indoors on a self-imposed program to read all the world’s great novels; then traveled the world; then did some volunteer work. Everything helped a little bit, at first; but nothing really helped. After a while, the hare realized what the simplest part of him had known from the beginning: he was going to have to rematch the tortoise.
“No,” came the word from the tortoise’s spokesperson. “The tortoise prefers to focus on the future, not relive the past. The tortoise is focused full-time on inspiring a new generation with the lessons of dedication and persistence through his popular speaking tours and his charitable work with the Slow and Steady Foundation.”
The smugness and sanctimony of the tortoise’s response infuriated the hare. “The lessons of dedication and persistence”? Had everyone forgotten that the hare had taken six naps throughout the race (!)—unequivocally guaranteeing victory to anyone—a horse, a dog, a worm, a leaf, depending on the wind—anyone lucky enough to be matched against the hare at this reckless, perspectiveless, and now-forever-lost peak phase of his career, an offensive period of his own life that he had obsessed about and tried in vain to forgive himself for ever since? How could anyone think the tortoise was relevant to any of this? A minor detail of the race, known to few but obsessives (of which there were still plenty), was that there had been a gnat clinging to the leg of the tortoise throughout the entire contest: was this gnat, too, worthy of being celebrated as a hero, full of counterlogical lessons and nonsensical insight like “Right place, right time takes down talent in its prime”? Or “Hang on to a tortoise’s leg, who knows where it will lead”?
No—the lesson of this story has nothing to do with the tortoise, thought the hare, and everything to do with the hare. How he had let himself become so intoxicated with the aspects of his talent that were rare that he had neglected the much more common aspects of his character that also, it so happened, were more important—things like always doing your best, and never taking success for granted, and keeping enough pride burning inside to fuel your success but not so much to burn it down. Now, the hare knew these things. Now. Now that it was too late.
Or was it? What was that lesson again? Slow and steady?
The hare started running again, every day, even though there was no race planned. He ran a mile every morning, then two, then ten.
Before long, he added an afternoon run to his training routine—a slower one, with a different goal in mind. On this run, he made a point to start a conversation with everyone he came across. “Boy, I sure would love to race that tortoise again someday. You think anyone would want to watch it, though?” Then he would shrug it off and jog along to the next stranger. “Hey, what do you think would happen if I raced that tortoise again? Ya think I’d win this time? Or do you think pride would get the better of me all over again?” Then he’d shrug and run off again, at a provocatively medium pace.
Slowly, steadily, anticipation built for a tortoise-hare rematch. After a while it became all that anyone could talk about, and eventually, the questions made their way to the tortoise.
“No,” said the tortoise, but this time his “no” just led to more questions. “No” now, or “no” ever? Would he ever rematch the hare? If so, when, and under what conditions? If not, why? Could he at least say “maybe”?
No, said the tortoise again; never. They kept asking, and he kept saying no, until eventually, everyone gave up and stopped asking. And that’s when the tortoise, sad and dizzy at having all this attention given to him and then taken away, impulsively said, Yes, okay, I bet I can beat this hare again. Yes.
I’m undefeated against the hare, thought the tortoise. Actually, I’m 1–0—I’m undefeated in my entire racing career! How do you win a race? Slow and steady, that’s what they say, right? Well, I invented slow and steady. This is good. This will be good. One time could have been a fluke. Twice, there’ll be no question.
The race was set in ten days’ time. The tortoise set out to replicate what seemed to have worked the first time, which was nothing in particular: simple diet, some walking around. A little of this, a little of that. He didn’t want to overthink it. He was going to mainly just focus on being slow and steady.
The hare trained like no one had ever trained for anything. He ran fifteen miles every morning and fifteen every afternoon. He watched tapes of his old races. He slept eight hours every night, which is practically unheard of for a hare, and he did it all under a wall taped full of the mean, vicious things everyone had said about him in all the years since the legendary race that had ruined his life.
On the day of the race, the tortoise and hare met for the first time in five years at the starting line, and shared a brief, private conversation as their whole world watched.
“Good luck, hare,” said the tortoise, as casual as ever. “Whoa! You know what’s funny—do that again—huh, from this angle you look like a duck. Now you look like a hare again. Funny. Anyway, good luck, hare!”
“And good luck to you, tortoise,” whispered the hare, leaning in close. “And just so you know—nobody knows this, and if you tell anyone I said it, I’ll deny it—but I’m not really a hare. I’m a rabbit.”
This wasn’t true—the hare just said it to fuck with him.
“On your mark, get set, GO!”
There was a loud bang, and the tortoise and hare both took off from the starting line.
Never, in the history of competition—athletic or otherwise, human or otherwise, mythical or otherwise—has anyone ever kicked anyone’s ass by the order of magnitude that the hare kicked the ass of that goddamn fucking tortoise that afternoon.
Within seconds, the hare was in the lead by hundreds of yards. Within minutes, the hare had taken the lead by more than a mile. The tortoise crawled on, slow and steady, but as he became anxious at having lost sight of his competitor and panicked over what he seemed to have done to his legacy, he started speeding up: less slow, less steady. But it hardly mattered. Before long—less than twenty minutes after the seven-mile race had begun—word worked its way back to the beginning of the race that the hare had not only won the contest, and had not only recorded a time that was a personal best, but had also set world records not only for all hares but also for leporids and indeed for all mammals under twenty pounds. When news reached the tortoise, still essentially under the banner of the starting line, he fainted. “Oh, now he’s napping?! Isn’t that rich,” heckled a nearby goat, drunk on radish wine.
Those who didn’t know the context—who hadn’t heard about the first race—never realized what was so important about this one. “A tortoise raced a hare, and the hare won? Okay.” They didn’t understand the story, so they didn’t repeat it, and it never became known. But those who were there for both contests knew what was so special about what they had witnessed: slow and steady wins the race, till truth and talent claim their place.
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