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What have your OCs been for lately? video games, D&D, or other original projects?
hi sweet dem !
omg i'm so sry this took me so long 2 answer 😭 and for what ??? i'm as slow at creating oc's as i ever was -- however, i do actually have a few new oc's that have been floating around and somewhat sticking.
they are:
- rue, pillars of eternity II, druid. 🍃 - lola, final fantasy xiv, rogue & fisher. 🐰 - unnamed vamp gal, original project. 🩸 - unnamed the tower (tarot)-based oc, original connected project w friends.
looking back on this list, i'm surprised by how many new oc's r brewing. :o often i feel i only have ocean, but this list tells me the ideas are there... i jst have trouble juggling them, ig !
#sam.txt#sam's oc tag#mutuals tag#this was soooo nice 2 talk abt omg thank u dem !!!#i didn't even realize it lmao like can u tell i'm in my Femme OC Era 💅#neway i hope to flesh these oc's out some more & get to kno em ! they're still v fresh & new
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hi hi hi!! i loved your preferences with the HoO boys! i was wondering if you could do another one, with literally any plot (ex- cuddling hcs, first kiss, or anything you feel like writing) with the same boys (+maybe nico if you write for him?) thank u!!
First Kiss - HoO Boys x Fem!Reader

author's note: hey i'm so glad you liked my work!! y'all have no idea how much it means to me omg :) i didn't include nico bc in the comments a valid point was brought up
warnings: kissing, cursing, whiskey is mentioned as a scent (tbh i've never smelled it, it's just vibes)
genre: fluff
word count: 3.2k (all bullet points)
-> heroes of olympus masterlist
send me requests here! (these are my guidelines)
percy jackson
you and him would've started off as best friends
and as both of you get older, you start liking each-other
percy would 100% be aware of his crush on you
he knows he has it, but he just avoids acting on it
he kinda just does his best to ignore his feelings
bc even though he's charismatic and charming
he's shy and anxious
he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable
and make you never want to talk to him again
he doesn't want to ruin everything you guys have and lose your trust in him
so he undoubtedly tries to pursue someone else
he'll talk about this other girl to you
not to make you jealous
but instead as a weak attempt to make himself feel like he doesn't like you
not a good idea
he makes you unintentionally jealous
you distance yourself from him bc you like him but can't stand hearing abt another girl all the time
but, you don't want to ruin things for him (bc you are convinced he is crazily crushing on her)
so you decide that you've just gotta let him go
percy wonders why his best friend is being so distant
you guys go weeks barely communicating
percy is still trying to convince himself he doesn't like you
but distance makes the heart grow fonder
he realizes and accepts the fact that he is madly in love w/ you (who wouldn't be?)
and that he can't stand this weird distance between you guys anymore
he decides he needs to talk to you
so one day you're just sitting on the deck by the lake with your feet in the water
you're just contemplating your love affair with him
and you see him coming your way
you're trying to avoid him so you get up and start to leave
he literally sprints to you and grabs your arm
you turn to look at him and he asks you why you've been avoiding him
you snatch your arm out of his grip and tell him it's nothing and that you're busy
he doesn't let you leave and keeps asking
so you slide a passive aggressive comment, something like "i bet your girlfriend's thinking about you"
and he realizes that you're jealous
and that he didn't convince himself that he liked this other girl
but he convinced you
he tells you everything
he tells you how much he likes you and that he never even liked this other girl
he was just trying to convince himself he did bc he didn't want to ruin things between the two of you
you confess to liking him too
both of you kind of laugh off your stupid choices
after you're done laughing, you kinda just look into each-other's eyes
both of you are leaning in
until you hear someone coming, and percy just grabs you and jumps underwater
and you guys have your first kiss underwater
your arms are around his neck and his are on your waist
you're like pressed up against one-another
the kiss is kinda steamy bc let's be honest: you've wanted to kiss each-other for five years
but it's a sweet kiss
percy smells like vanilla
you can hear the person saying "i swear they were here a minute ago" and then walking off
you both come up to the surface undeniably blushing/hot and laughing
jason grace
listen, i love jason
that man is STIFF
like you could literally leave him a note that says "i want to kiss you"
and he'd find you and go "that was a pretty good song you suggested. i like this one-direction band"
ok but anyways, you guys are frenemies
you guys started off as rivals
you thought being the son of jupiter would make him arrogant
and you thought he was, but he was really just reserved and serious
he didn't know how to be anything different
he didn't like you because you argued with him about everything
you challenged him constantly
and you weren't as nice to him as you were everyone else
throughout the years, you get to know each-other better
but that doesn't mean you get along
you guys occasionally unite and get along (and typically when you do, it's the best hours of your life)
but otherwise, you two have it out for each other
constant disagreements and fights
you just loose all of your patience when it comes to each other
so you have a love-hate relationship with him
yeah you'd kill for him but you would never lend him an extra pen on tests
yeah he'd die for you but he would never let you look at his notes
you get along when you need to and this exact mentality is what lands both of you together, as praetors
but let's be real: there is so much unspoken tension between the two of you
like yeah you hate each other but you lowkey wanna make out
and you can't lie and say you didn't trust him or didn't like him
he'd proved you wrong on hundreds of occasions
he was capable, kind, caring, smart, loyal
and he couldn't lie and say he hated you either
you were fun, kind, ambitious, intelligent, and loyal too
over the years, both of you projected an "i hate you."
when in reality, you'd grown quite fond of one-another
you've shown your worst selves to each-other, you've lied for each-other, you've told secrets to each-other, and you've just been each-other's constant
y'both know you like each other: that's what makes the hate even stronger
like jason has other feelings for you but he doesn't know what to call them
attraction? a small crush? love? sexual tension? is it getting hot in here?
first kiss happens before you guys head into a huge battle
yes. the possibility of never seeing you again is what makes the man realize he's in love with you
like you guys are standing on a hill, watching the army of monsters slowly march towards camp jupiter
you guys turn to look at each other
you two are thinking the same thing: if i die, it's an honor to have served with you
"you ready?" you'd ask
"always." he'd say (typical roman)
you'd turn to look at him, but he's already looking at you
he grabs you by your arm and pulls you in for a kiss
it's a long kiss
it's passionate, and it's needy, but it's sweet at the same time
he basically lifts you off your feet and you're holding onto neck and his hair
you're pulling him closer into and he's holding you so tightly
you want to remember this
jason smells like fresh clean sheets mixed w/ whiskey
when you guys finally pull away bc you know you have to lead an army, you rest your foreheads against one-anothers
"good luck y/n"
"i'm gonna see you when this is over jason."
"i know you will."
one of the rare times you guys use first names
and yes, you do see each other again :)
leo valdez
you and leo happens when you first get to camp
and instantly his mind short-circuits and he's like DAM
he knows you're probs gonna reject him
but hey you miss 100% of the chances you don't take
so he starts off, as always, making some bold flirty comment
and to his surprise, you return the banter
he has to pause for a second
he stutters and thinks of a witty response
you laugh at how flustered he is
and that's the start of a beautiful friendship
from that day on, you two are partners in crime
your guys' days consist of: making stupid things, playing stupid pranks, sneaking out to get fast food, and making vlogs of all of the stupid things you do (on an old vhs recorder leo rigged)
you guys are a two in one; if you went somewhere, he did too
soon, your friendship evolves into things that aren't just fun hangouts
you often catch him under cabin 9 and talk to him
you guys open up to each other in his little workshop, a lot
he tells you things he's never told anyone and you do the same
what's different about your relationship w/ leo is that you don't make fun of him
you barely argue with him, you respect him, you don't call him scrawny, you don't point out his insecurities, and you never make a joke at his expense
this makes him feel a lot more comfortable around you
and he puts down whatever he's doing if you come to him in an emotionally distressful state
you guys listen to each other, cry in front of each other, and help each other feel better
leo becomes the only person in your life you can rely on
and you're the same for him
so his thoughts evolve from DAM to i think i'm in love with you
and everyday he's around you, he finds himself falling more and more in love with you
and every late night you're with him under cabin 9, you start to like him more too
he's nervous to confess to you bc he doesn't want you to not feel the same way and you end up pushing him away or something
but he can't ignore how deeply he feels for you
he can't stand it when other guys try to hit on you bc all that's going through his head is that's my girl
so after a lot of contemplating, he decides he needs to tell you how he feels
he invites you to his workshop at a really specific time (which is weird bc he just says come whenever)
but you go and this man has cleaned the place up and dimmed the lights
he has a robot that he programmed
it sees you and starts playing some really corny love song
and he confesses that he really really likes you and that it kills him seeing other guys trying to flirt with you
he says the sweetest things ever about why he likes you and he just sounds like a fangirl tbh
he starts rambling abt how much he likes and how it's totally okay if you don't feel the same way and that he doesn't want this to affect your friendship if you don't and etc
you just go up to him and kiss him
the robot starts cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" (he would totally program that change my mind)
he short circuits (like the day you met him)
but he kisses you back, hands around your waist as yours are around his neck
leo smells like burning firewood mixed with cinammon
it's a long and sweet kiss, but you guys have to pull away bc you're laughing too much
why? bc the robot won't stop cheering and saying "da lady loves leo!!!!" so he has to take a minute to make it play your favorite song
"sorry." he'd chuckle. "where were we?"
and then you guys would kiss again
frank zhang
you and frank are best friends
you first met each other cleaning the weapons room
you were looking at archery equipment and you just kinda mindlessly said "i wish i knew how to use this"
and frank's ears shot up so fast
he offered to help you learn, and you guys came to a deal
you'd help him become a better swordsman and he would help you become a better archer
during your guys' training sessions, you'd talk a lot
frank finally felt like he had a real friend
you guys would share stories about your pasts and your interests
maybe a little bit of gossip too
frank was kinda surprised you hung out with him so much bc in his eyes, he was a loser
you reassured him that having different strengths didn't make him weak
you often traded shifts with other campers so you could spend more time with him
as time went on, frank became more confident in his ability as a swordsman
and you became more confident in your skills as an archer
so during the next war game
you two teamed up and actually led your group to victory
no one expected two kids from the fifth cohort to steal a victory like that but you guys did
you were diligent, effective, and cooperative
you guys were over the moon that night and frank thanked you for helping him become a better soldier
and you did the same
it was after that night you guys both realized you had a serious crush on one-another
after countless hours training, cleaning, and working
after having hundreds of deep conversations
after helping each-other reach their goals
you guys realize that you really liked one-another
so one day, some kid at camp makes fun of frank for being better at archery than sword fighting
he shakes it off now, ever since you told him the people who make fun of him probably miss the entire target during archery
but he got really pissed off when the kid said "i guess that's why you and y/n are friends. you exchange weaknesses"
it made him upset bc you aren't weak
you acknowledged you faltered in one spot and wanted to do better
that's brave, that's strong
so frank might've "accidentally" hit the kid with his arrow
it was nothing serious, but he was pinned up against the wall by an arrow
it was rlly funny
unfortunately, reyna didn't think so, and frank got sentenced with a bunch of chores
you didn't know this, so you switched your shift and visited him in the weapons room
you asked him what he'd done to miss all the camp activites
he wouldn't say at first, but then he'd admit he kinda shot an arrow and a kid ended up pinned against a wall
you'd ask why he did that bc you knew frank wasn't violent in the least
and it just comes out right there
he admits he went a little crazy bc he didn't like how this kid was talking about you
he talks about how incredible you are and it made him angry that some kid tried to minimize you to a weakness you were working on improving
"and i don't know, i guess i get heated when it comes to people i love" he'd say, before pausing and realizing what just came out of his mouth
obviously you're smiling bc you love him too
you tell him that you love him too, and that you didn't say anything bc you were scared of ruining your friendship
so yes, your first kiss is in the weapons room
you just kinda jump on him and kiss him
he bumps into the wall behind him and he wraps his arms around your mid-section
and yours are around his neck
it's a cute, sweet kiss
it lasts a few seconds more than it should
frank smells like sugar mixed with the irony-smell of the weaponry
but afterwards, you help frank with his chores so you guys can go train
#hoo x reader#heroes of olympus#heroes of olympus x y/n#heroes of olympus x reader#jason grace x reader#percy jackson x reader#nico di angelo x reader#frank zhang x reader#leo valdez x reader#percy jackson fluff#jason grace fluff#leo valdez fluff#frank zhang fluff#nico di angelo fluff#nico di angelo x reader fluff#percy jackson x reader fluff#jason grace x reader fluff#frank zhang x reader fluff#leo valdez x reader fluff#nico di angelo#leo valdez#frank zhang#percy jackson#jason grace
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brother's teammate- j.doohan
Day 3 of fic-tober! fic-tober masterlist
summary: it's not your fault your brothers' new teammate is hot.
pairing: jack doohan x gasly! reader

2,734,156 likes, liked by charlesleclerc, pierregasly, jackdoohan and others
y/ngasly: Paris is cool ig, onto Melbourne for the start of the season!
user73: 2 mill likes in 3 minutes is crazy
user92: It's so funny that she's more famous than her brother all because of her youtube channel where she talks about her brother (and the races but like yk what i mean)
user82: She's literally the prettiest girl ever
liked by carmenmundt
carmenmundt: Can't wait to see you!
lilymhe: Please visit the Williams garage!!! (it's so boring there)
rebeccadonaldson: Please stop by the Ferrari garage! -> alexandriastmleux: I second this!
lilyzneimer: Please stop by the McLaren garage! (lando is driving me crazy) -> Oscarpiastri: She not lying, you're the only one who knows how to shut him up -> y/ngasly: Give him a treat and a ball and he'll shut up for like 3 hours, simple as that. -> user72: LMAO IS HE A DOG???
pierregasly: Didn't invite me to Paris? -> y/ngasly: It was a mother-daughter trip dipshit. You were too busy with your boyfriend anyways 🤷🤷🤷 -> charlesleclerc: Not my boyfriend** -> y/ngasly: oh sure, we all believe you -> arthurleclerc: exactly, lying to yourself is always a healthy way to cope!

848,938 likes liked by pierregasly, y/ngasly, landonorris and others
jackdoohan: First day on the job! FP1 and 2 went pretty well today, p6, and p4, car is feeling good, ready for quali tomorrow!
comments y/ngasly: that was such a slay though -> jackdoohan: oh good! my internet history is already coming back to haunt me! yay! -> y/ngasly: don't worry babe, i'll only bring it up in your instagram comments -> user23: BABE????? -> pierregasly: 🤨 -> charlesleclerc: 🤨 -> arthurleclerc: 🤨 -> oscarpiastri: 🤨 -> carlossainz: 🤨 -> landonorris: 🤨 ->yukitsunoda: 🤨
user82: bro is bringing that lump of shit (the alpine car) to the top 4? did i hear GOAT?
user28: Jack and Y/n???? -> pierregasly: I vote a big no on that one -> kikagomez: Awww! I vote yes!

983,473 likes liked by jackdoohan, y/ngasly, charlesleclerc and others
pierregasly: New year, new teammate! Love you mate (stay away from my sister or I will genuinely cut your eyes out of your head) @/jackdoohan congrats on P5 in Melbourne, onto China!
y/ngasly: I see we're being very normal about everything right now
jackdoohan: Oh!
kikagomez: Pierre! stop this madness.
user70: Y/NJACK SHIPPER FOR LIFE blocked by pierregasly

8,938,837 likes liked by pierregasly, jackdoohan, charles leclerc and others
y/ngasly: out and about with the pookies this week in Japan
pierregasly: would've been a nicer photo dump if you didn't include HIM -> y/ngasly: who? ur boyfriend and how he chose to spend time with me? -> yukistunonda: no babe, i promise it meant nothing! -> pierregasly: did Y/n steal your phone? ->yukitsunonda: yeah...
arthurleclerc: I stay looking mildly confused 👍
kimiantonelli: great pictures 👍 love u Y/n -> user81: OMG KIMI AND Y?N??? ->y/ngasly: nah polly not.
jackdoohan: wonder who that is? 🧐 -> y/ngasly: not telling -> jackdoohan: not telling the bestie?🥺 ->y/ngasly: NO.
landonorris: Slay picture of me
lewishamilton: aww me and the kiddos!
pierregasly: where's the unlike button? -> y/ngasly: haters you can kys -nicki minaj
charlesleclerc: they grow up so fast! ୨ৎ⋅୨ৎ⋅୨ৎ⋅୨ৎ⋅୨ৎ⋅୨ৎ⋅୨ৎ

973,826 likes lied by jackdoohan, y/ngasly, and others
pierregasly: Over and out Japan, P6 for me and P4 for Jackie!
y/ngasly: Jackie slayed!!! -> jackdoohan: thanks Y/n! -> pierregasly: you don't deserve happiness.
user92: we are one race in and the girls are already fighting
user29: we are so back guys (i'm delusional)
user02: JACKY/N is SO real guys!!! (i'm delusional)
user58: p4 for Jack? SLAYYY

684,938 likes, liked by y/ngasly, pierregasly, kikagomez
jackdoohan: P4 sounds pretty damn good to me 😁
kikagomez: congratulations Jack!
y/ngasly: eating my brother up as per usual (slay)
landonorris: YAY! (stay behind me please)
oscarpiastri: WOOHOO!

1,839,029 likes liked by pierregasly, jackdoohan, and others
y/ngasly: when ur dumbass brother dnfs 😹 PODIUM FOR JACKIE WOOOOOHOOOOO!
charlesleclerc: y/njack is so real rn ->user73: CONFIRMATION???? ->user46: HUH -> pierregasly: BLOCKED.
jackdoohan: thanks y/n :) -> y/ngasly: no problemo!
oscarpiastri: Jack Doohan world domination would've bored some... -> landonorris: EWW HE'S USING GEN Z TERMS! -> y/ngasly: the exclaimation point at the end gave me the biggest ick known to mankind -> landonorris: I will expose ur relationship right fucking now mate -> y/ngasly: at least I'm in a relationship lol -> user73: Y/NJACK ARE SO REALLLLL
user83: WHO IS HE Y/N PLZ TELL ME!!!!!!! ->user64: It HAS to be Jack, right? It makes sense! -> user46: delusion.

837,474 likes liked by pierregasly, landonorris, and others
f1gossip: Y/n Gasly, sister of F1 driver Pierre Gasly has been stirring up rumours with one of this years most successful rookies! Jack Doohan, fellow Alpine driver has been seen in her comment section and likes, and they are pretty close in person too! What do we all think of this? Will they be debuting at Miami?
user56: Not Lando and Pierre in the likes rn
pierregasly: I think you're delusional.
user47: They're so cute together thooooo
user42: did y'all see the way he looked at her after the race in Bahrain? That is a man in looovvvveeeee
user57: they're so cute together
user38: no cuz I ship it so hard
user22: Imma need an alchemy edit right NOW

7,892,374 likes liked by jackdoohan, oscarpiastri, danielriccardo and others
user83: Ik pierre is RAGING
kikagomez: my heart❤️❤️❤️
pierregasly: delete this rn. ->y/ngasly: prolly not...
jackdoohan: i love you ❤️ -> y/ngasly: simping on the main? cringe. -> jackdoohan: great job at humbling me, thanks 👍 -> y/ngasly: can't let you get too big for your boots :)
danielriccardo: Glad the advice paid off :) -> jackdoohan: sure did 👍
user74: THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!!

837,479 likes liked by charles leclerc, y/ngasly, jackdoohan and others
pierregasly: A) Yes, they're dating. B) yes I'm upset about it. C) Well done on the win Jackie (I WANT TO CLAW MY EYES OUT AT THE PICTURE OF YOU TWO GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER YOU FREAKY AUSTRALIAN!)
y/ngasly: please take this down I'll call mom.
jackdoohan: Thanks Pierre! (choosing to ignore the caption!)
user64: They're so cutie!!!!!!!!
kikagomez: Stop threatening Jack, Pierre. He's a kid. -> jackdoohan: ??? ->Y/ngasly: mate she's defending you I would not push it. ->jackdoohan: thanks Kika!
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
fic-tober masterlist
taglist: @anotherapollokid @theseerbetweenus @simbaaas-stuff @5sospenguinqueen
#f1 imagine#f1 x reader#formula 1 x you#formula one x reader#f1 fluff#formula one#formula 1#formula one imagine#jack doohan x reader#jack doohan#jack doohan x you#jack doohan x y/n#alpine f1#pierre gasly x reader#lando norris x you#pierre gasly
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Arranged marriage with Gyomei pls. Kagaya matched Gyomei with Y/N for some reason and Gyomei slowly falling in love with y/n 🥲🥲❤
✿ i love you, and i want to find out what that means together.
#STARRING: himejima gyomei ft. fem!reader
#TAGS: arranged marriage. gyomei is in his early twenties in this one! set before the main events of kny. some invented lore for the sake of the story please just bear it thanks
#NOTES: hello there! thank you for your request <3 tbh I've always had this specific idea stuck in my head and you just gave me a reason to write for it LMAO i actually went kind of crazy with this fic omg i loved to write it let me know if u would like a part two! hope you like it and hope it wasn't too much LMAOOo

your existence could be hashed over with one word.
ever since you could remember, your entire life had been mapped out for you: what to eat, what to not eat, what to like, what to dislike, what to wear, your hobbies, your pastimes, your vocabulary—everything. apparently, every inane thing that had been shoved down your throat was only done to make you a dignified woman worthy of whichever lord they married you off to.
you and your family hailed from a long line of priests and priestesses, where the girls were raised to be proper wives and shrine maidens and the boys were carefully taught the profession in hopes of serving important figures throughout japan.
you were helping your mother tend to the flowers one day when a messenger from the ubuyashiki clan—a kakushi, as you heard they were called—appeared before your temple's door, asking your father to choose and provide the clan with one of his daughters.
you were picked immediately, and you had no choice but to stand before your father, trembling, and pretend that you agreed with his decision with a serene expression on your face. you could tell this was just his way of finally getting rid of you.
in the words of your father behind closed doors, if someone couldn't be bothered to have the decency to visit the temple in person and instead sent a mere messenger to request a carefully trained shrine maiden, it was clear they didn't deserve the best of what he could offer.
you smiled, agreeing with him.
when you went to pack what little things you had, nobody was in the shared quarters; at least you would spare yourself of your sisters' cruel remarks over your father's decision. you did not have many things of your own; you packed your hairbrush, a book, and what few things you held dear.
the kakushi was waiting outside when you emerged. trying to maintain a semblance of calm, you offered him a small smile. he looked at you with curiosity but did not say anything. kindly, he allowed you a moment for a brief prayer before the buddha statue at the front of the temple. then, you were off.
no one came to say goodbye to you.
it was alright, you supposed. the only person you could think fondly of was your mother, and a barbed wire of melancholy slowly wound around your heart at the thought of not being able to part ways properly. you knew that she preferred you over her other daughters, but even so, you were aware that she would never hear the end of it from your father if she came to say her farewells. you would write to her.
you were the third of six sisters, and always, one of them was more talented than you were, just a tad bit more attractive, just a tad bit more creative, just a tad bit more charming. sure, you were well-versed in the duties of a useful spouse—okay, all your sisters were as well. what good was that when you had nothing special about you? what was it your father called you? ah, yes, mediocre.
the kakushi did not speak to you for the entire trip, for which reason you did not know. a question hung on the tip of your tongue, although you dared not ask it. at some point, he urged you to wear a blindfold and climb on his back, which you simply accepted, knowing better than to ask.
you didn't make anything out during the journey, only listening to the sound of small pebbles vibrating against the ground as he made his way up a mountain. after what felt like hours, he finally put you down, gently tugging the blindfold off you and allowing your eyes to adjust to the bright light of morning.
once you were presentable, he escorted you toward the estate entrance. you could tell he was a bit off put by the way you were just accepting things, but he didn't say anything about it.
the kakushi stopped before the towering gate of the ubuyashiki mansion and offered you a deep bow. you thanked him, and you could see him smile with his eyes before he left. another kakushi, a woman this time, escorted you toward a graveled garden, a small figure sitting by the engawa.
she knelt on the ground and bowed her head, and you did the same until she picked herself from the ground.
looking forward, you met the gaze of a boy who looked to be around the age of fifteen, with kohl black hair that sat just above his shoulders. he had the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen, so easy to look at, lavender tainting the irises. he had the calming smile of a buddha, and although knowing nothing about him beyond reputation, you felt at ease with him.
"i am kagaya. i trust your journey went smoothly? thank you for your patience, maiden. i apologize for not going to your temple in person, i hope your priest will forgive me. believe me, i wanted to, but i'm afraid my illness would not have allowed me to make the trip."
the boy's voice was unlike any other you had ever heard, fluid and gentle, causing a wave of reassurance to wash over you. you felt at ease immediately, as though something had just taken every burden off your shoulders and instead shrouded you in a cloud of repose.
"it was no trouble, oyakata-sama, truly." you followed this with a deep incline of your head, your own voice remaining serene and mellow, "it is an honor to be in your presence."
kagaya smiled. "your temple is of great renown. my clan has had the pleasure of counting with your priests and maidens across the centuries. there is no need for such formalities, child."
granted, you were sure you were older than him by a few years, but the way he called you 'child' was comforting, and you were not about to question him, simply keeping quiet.
"you are to marry one of my pillars, maiden. he is an honorable man, the lord of stone, i am sure the two of you will get along. he should arrive any moment now."
you willed yourself to say something, yet you simply could not. you were not the first maiden who was given to a lord for marriage, and you certainly wouldn't be the last. still, your heart did a flip at the simple notion of ending up in a similar situation as your mother, forced to produce offspring until your husband found you undesirable.
for a moment, a cold hand wrapped around your heart in fear of what that man would do with you. however, the single thought of the young boy before you lying about the pillar's honor revolted you. he was telling the truth, and if he said the stone pillar was a good man, then you had nothing to fear.
softly, the sound of footsteps reached your ears, and you turned slightly to see a towering figure approaching, his presence both imposing and serene all at once.
the man who stood before you was unlike any you had ever seen. large beyond comparison, clad in the dark robes of a uniform and a green haori. his stature was immense, with muscles that seemed chiseled from stone. he was young, with an impassive face, yet undeniably handsome. his eyes, clouded with a milky whiteness, told you that he could not see, yet he moved with a grace that belied his blindness.
"this is himejima gyomei, the stone pillar," kagaya introduced, "he has been chosen as your betrothed, and i trust that you will find solace and strength in his presence."
gyomei walked toward you, his movements slow and deliberate, his footsteps echoing throughout the garden—
your breath hitched as he knelt before you, reaching his hand out. but instead of what you expected, he pressed his palm against your cheek, his voice reverberating like a chiming bell inside a cathedral. he caressed your cheek as one would treat an injured butterfly.
"maiden beloved," he murmured, tears spilling from his eyes, "i apologize for making you wait."
the ceremony was that same day, quick and endearing.
you were married in front of oyakata-sama, his wife, and other members of the corps as witnesses. before you knew it, the wedding concluded, and your husband guided you to your new home with you by his side.
gyomei was not acting like he had been given you as some justly won right to do with as he pleased. that set your heart at ease, greatly so, and in some way, it was like he could tell, too. he was walking slowly, allowing you to keep up with his large strides. small talk filled the empty silence of the way home as he listed all the things you would assist him with.
you were to cook for him, clean the estate daily and take care of it when he was away, write letters for him and read them when he received any, and...
huh. that was it.

getting used to your routine was easier than anticipated as weeks passed, although you would be lying to yourself if you said that gyomei's patience and demeanor weren't helping you in the slightest.
he had insisted that you sleep in a separate bedroom within the estate, taking into account that despite being your husband, he was still a complete stranger to you. the very moment you reached your new home, he made sure to explicitly tell you that he did not wish to embarrass you or cause you discomfort in any way, shape, or form.
during mornings, you would naturally wake up at the crack of dawn, your training making things much easier. you would dress yourself in the robes gyomei had gifted you for your wedding and make your way to the kitchen to start a big meal for the day. you'd wake him up then, guiding him to the kitchen to share breakfast together.
most of the time, you ate in silence, although you did not mind at all. after that, you would wash dishes, and he trained. the estate was not that big, so having to sweep the floor or dust the shelves daily did not bother you, and you instead found comfort in the repetitive routine. you would finish quite swiftly and urge gyomei inside again for tea time during noon.
you tried to entertain yourself as best as possible during the afternoons and evenings. usually, you would find yourself tending to a small garden you'd created when you arrived. your husband would sometimes join you, captivated by the sweet smell of the flowers and the sensation of the earth beneath his fingertips. you would explain what the flowers looked like and how they were meant to be taken care of, and he, in turn, basked in your every word.
gardening duty was one of the things you enjoyed most back at the temple, and since no one else was willing to get their hands dirty, you were the maiden who would regularly take care of the flowers.
you bought flower seeds during your first trip to the market in the nearby town and took the time to introduce yourself to as many people as possible. the locals were very kind to you, and as you started frequenting the shops more and more, you were always being greeted by folks who wished you and your husband the best.
as months passed, your relationship with gyomei deepened in ways you had never expected. the initial tension and clumsiness of living with a stranger began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of familiarity and comfort.
gyomei, true to his word, respected your boundaries and gave you space to adjust at your own pace. however, small gestures of care and affection started to seep into your daily life. he would often leave freshly picked flowers from your garden by your bedroom door, their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance greeting you first thing in the morning. sometimes, he would assist you with household chores, his presence making the mundane tasks feel lighter and more enjoyable.
he began to pay attention to the little things, like how you offered wounded slayers who stumbled upon the estate a fresh meal and a place to redress their wounds, or how you fed the cats mingling around your shared home every single night, even noticing that you had taken the time to name them and remember everyone.
the town's people, too, played a part in your growing closeness. they would often remark on how harmonious you and gyomei seemed together, their kind words fortifying the bind that tied you together. you started to see the way gyomei interacted with them and how much respect the people had for him—and you couldn't help but admire him more each day.
your conversations, though initially skimpy and shallow, began to flow more naturally. gyomei's deep voice would rumble through stories of his past with the children of the orphanage, his experiences as a hashira, and the lessons he had learned along the way. you, in turn, shared snippets of your life at the temple, your family, your dreams, and your fears. it was through these conversations that you realized how much you had in common despite your different backgrounds.
anyone with a pair of working eyes would see it, or, at least, anyone who had known for at least once in their lifetime what a soul-stirring connection with another human felt like. you found comfort in his presence, seeking him out like a moth to a flame, and he, in yours, only wanted you to tend to his wounds after missions, fix his haori, or wait by himself outside just so he could pray by your side.
eventually, it got to a point where the separate bedrooms became less of a necessity and more of a formality. you often found yourself falling asleep together in the living room after long conversations or shared moments of silence. whenever you did manage to part ways, you always lingered by your door, a dreamy smile encasing your lips.
you could not deny yourself anymore. you were the happiest you had been in years.
one evening, as you both sat for dinner, the familiar quiet enveloping you like a warm blanket, gyomei's voice broke through the tranquility.
"i love you."
the bunch of food you were going to bring into your mouth splattered into the bowl again with a messy splash. oh. oh my god. you whipped your head toward your husband, who stared at you with a soft expression on his face.
"you do not have to say it back if you do not feel the same, but i wanted you to know." then, gyomei went back to chewing his food as if he had not said what he had just said.
gyomei shifted his head in your direction with a worried expression, your teary tone and doddering heartbeat doing nothing to mitigate his apprehension. he tried to reach for you, but you jerked away from him. he could tell that whatever you were feeling was not directed toward him, but still, it pained him greatly to know you were suffering.
"g-gyomei, i—"
your hands were shaking, and he reached for them to trace your skin with the pads of his thumbs. he opened his mouth, but you beat him to it as you keeled over, shoulders trembling as sobs left your mouth, your usual calmness thrown out the window.
"y-you said that you wouldn't embarrass me! there is nothing special about me. what is it about me that you could possibly love? you're always so good to me," you were throwing word vomit at this point, and the worst part was you did not even know where it was coming from, "i haven't done anything to receive your affection! i'm just doing the things i'm supposed to do..."
tears slid down his cheeks before he could stop them, and he leaned forward to pull you into his embrace. your body completely froze, an unknown emotion taking over. gyomei had never initiated contact before. most of the time, you had to be the one to grab his hand or tug his collar.
"my little maiden... you have no idea how precious you are to me," gyomei murmured, his voice impossibly gentle and firm. he held you close, his large, comforting presence grounding you as your sobs began to subside. "you see yourself through the harsh lens of your own eyes, but i see the truth of your heart with my own. your unconditional kindness, your strength, your sincerity—these are just some of the reasons i love you."
his words seeped into your cold heart, slowly quieting the tempest inside. you couldn't understand how someone as incredible, kind, and powerful as gyomei could see such worth in you, but the sincerity in his voice and the warmth of his embrace made you want to believe him.
"you don't have to prove your worth to me or anyone," he continued, his voice alleviating your wounded spirit. "you are enough, just as you are. your presence in my life is a blessing, and i am grateful for you every single day."
"gyomei," you whispered, your voice trembling but no longer with fear. "i… i love you too. i was just scared. scared that i wasn't enough for you."
he smiled softly, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. "you are more than enough, my love. and i will spend the rest of all my lifetimes showing you just how much you mean to me."

© midnightbears on tumblr, july 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
#midnightbears#demon slayer#kimetsu no yaiba#demon slayer x reader#kny x reader#kimetsu no yaiba x reader#kny#gyomei himejima#gyomei x reader#himejima gyomei#gyomei himejima x reader#gyomei x y/n#himejima gyomei x reader#demon slayer gyomei#himejima x reader#kny gyomei
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HI i love your works sm ,,, and i really love the way you write it just brings out soemtnhign in me ,,, but hear me out on leo kurosagi angst where leo keeps insulting pc and pc just took it well until he said something sensitive (maybe sth ab the way she eats? or sth abt her face etc etc) and hurt pc's feelings and he didnt feel bad when pc cried , but when he saw pc going over to sho and sho giving him dirty looks he feels remorseful but he didnt want his pride to crack so he blamed pc , and then when pc started avouding him he started mocking her but in the inside it hurt him and his pride slightly , afterwards he found out he actually has genuine feelings for pc but denies it , until he found out pc is now his bff's gf WOW i NEED him humbled 🤗🤗🤗
Pavlov's Ghoul (Leo Kurosagi x Reader x Sho Haizono; Tokyo Debunker)
hey anon this existing is UR FAULT. (ilysm ty 4 the idea) and i hope u don't mind that I added my own little twist 2 it... hehe! even if u didn't expect me 2 write anything u can't drop a fresh, juicy steak of an idea like this and expect me not 2 salivate and tear it 2 shreds via writing it out.
OMG also TYYYYYYY IM SOSO GLAD U LIKE MY WRITING YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! i hope this is up 2 ur standards anon
a/n: why does this exist? blame anon and my inner need 4 a bitchy boy 2 be humbled amen! also i feel like i've completed my tokyo debunker rite of passage... ive finally written leo angst... nirvana at last.
summary: leo gets fuckin pavloved LMAO! considered calling this "ecstasy" or something bc of the pill line but ohh my god "pavlov's ghoul" hit too hard i fear.
cw: this isn't dark imo but be warned as this is just a little bit crazy, the most insane kind of yearning ive ever written maybe. implied sexual encounters, multiple sexual innuendos, and some odd behavior. MINORS DNI AS PER USUALLLLLL!
Looking for Part 2? Click here!
Sho's kind, reasonably so. Leo knows this. Sho also has an infinite store of deeply repressed anger. Leo also knows this. It's the reason he's in Vagastrom, after all. A deep, roiling anger that seems to eat at him if he doesn't have an appropriate outlet to balance his mood. That's why he's such a good cook, why he's so good at fighting, why he's got an excellent sense of balance and rides his bike smoother than anyone else he knew. He's using these things as outlets for his anger. It's not Leo's fault that the occasional outing to trick and deceive another sexually repressed rich old man for money is something else Sho seems to derive stress relief from. And it's not Leo's fault that Sho continues to stick around with him after those jobs are done. It's never been a problem for either of them, as far as he can tell. At least, there were no problems until Little Miss Inspector showed up.
Suddenly, Sho didn't want to lie anymore. Suddenly, Sho wanted to go as far as to address you with the proper honorifics, ask for your help with setting up his food truck, and even generally spend time with you outside of that. And for what? Some trembling, scared, pathetic girl that knew nothing of the world of anomalies prior to her curse? Some girl doomed to "die" in less than one year, no less? He couldn't understand the kindness Sho showed you. It made no sense, nor any difference. You'd be dead soon, so what did it matter?
It's got to the point where he's begun to randomly put you down with petty insults and biting remarks. They usually consist of things like "Oh my god, even preschoolers know Anomalous Biological Basics! Come on Inspector, is your head screwed on right? Not even the Captain is this stupid." or "You remember your ability is useless when we need it, right? You'd be nothing more than a burden on missions if you can't even control this power. " or even "God, you're such a basic loser. Can't you find something else to do with your free time instead hang around Sho like a lovesick puppy? You're starting to look like that dog that's always around Kagami." and worse insults. He gets the occasional sidelong disapproving glance from Alan or even a slight furrowed brow from Sho, but it didn't matter to Leo. So long as he could slowly plant seeds of doubt in his fellow ghouls and put you down to satisfy his ego, even an odd look was negligible.
He couldn't even stand looking at you. The uniform they'd chosen for you was awful, didn't even highlight your curves. He hated the way you styled your hair, and always thought he could totally do it better. The way you seemed so relaxed around other ghouls pissed him off, why couldn't he be good company? He found you repulsive, unable to resist glaring at you from the corner of his eye whenever he could. He had to get rid of you somehow. He would never admit to feeling threatened by you; instead choosing to focus all that energy into believing you were simply throwing a wrench into his plans to live an easy, get-away-with-anything university life.
It's all come to a head today. Leo thinks he's had enough of seeing you at the food truck after hours, chatting it up with Sho. It's like he can't even catch this guy alone anymore. Before he knows it, he's made a beeline for the truck. His brand new shoes scuff on the brick path in his rush, and eventually begin to stain green on the grass, his brisk stride tearing through the verdant lawn. He tries not to let his anger show on his face, but it's evident in his posture and pace. He forcefully sidles himself into the conversation, leaning on the service counter next to you, not even waiting for you to finish speaking before he pipes up. "Wow, here again, huh? And here I thought a basic bitch like you would know her place! That mouth of yours must be good for something if he keeps a chatterbox like you around."
The chill settles into the air almost immediately despite his candid tone and relaxed, smug smile. He's so focused on your reaction that he hardly notices the look Sho gives him, twisted with displeasure and confusion. He watches as you visibly falter, your lopsided smile fading into a barely-there frown. He stares, unrepentant, laughing internally. This was the reaction he wanted.
He turns towards Sho and raises an eyebrow at his look. "What? She can take it." Sho's expression visibly wavers, and Leo fully expects him to back down, as he usually does. But instead, Sho turns to you and his face grows pale. Leo rolls his eyes, assuming Sho is totally overreacting, and turns to you. He stiffens at your visible tears. Okay, totally not what he expected, but come on. This was the insult that made you cry?
Leo notices Sho is at your side in record speed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and gently drawing your hunched form away, giving Leo a harsh look. Leo simply scoffs. As far as he was concerned, your reaction was pathetic. It wasn't going to stop him from having any fun.
This. Under no circumstances should this hurt. At all.
Leo had noticed you'd been avoiding him. You would slink away if he so much as entered the same room as you. You wouldn't look him in the eyes if he approached, keeping your expression impassive. Sometimes you'd just outright ignore him. It was beginning to become a bit of a nuisance. He couldn't properly mock you if you weren't there to witness it happening, or didn't give him the reaction he wanted. It was odd. When he faced these feelings head-on, it almost felt like he wanted your attention somehow, even if he didn't quite want it to feel like that. A nagging feeling told him that maybe he went too far with his latest insult. He didn't want to admit that, but something told him he did. It was in the way both you and Sho acted around him.
Sho was missing a lot of Leo's calls lately, sometimes not even bothering to call back. Leo partially understood, what with the food truck business booming and all, but he didn't appreciate being made to wait for his own best friend who's usually at his beck and call. Not to mention the flat, terse responses he would get from Sho more often than not nowadays. Leo knew Sho was miffed with him from last week's incident, but as far as Leo was concerned, things still ended in his favor. He hadn't seen you around Sho much anymore, which means he could go back to how things were. No more pesky little honor student to reign upon his days any longer! Sure, there was the biting underlying feeling that maybe he'd screwed things up, but one ride on the back of Sho's motorcycle, going wherever Leo wanted as per usual, and he was living the dream again. No way everything would change over a silly, insignificant insult.
For a short while, he begins to get bolder, openly mocking you when he does come across you. His originally surface-level remarks become rather personal, even using your eventual death as a way to tease you. From "You know, I'm surprised you haven't done anything to change up that unflattering look, considering you're dying soon. Ever considered dressing up a little? You might get some attention before you die." to "Hey, Little Miss Inspector! With the number of men you talk to around campus, I'm surprised nobody's written you off as a whore yet!", and worse, of course. He continues to get no such reaction out of you, and it frustrates him to no end. Why couldn't you just frown? Shrink away? Or even retort something just as scathing back to him? Your lack of entertainment towards his endless ridicule reduced his motivation, and slowly, it ended up dying off. Soon, he left you alone altogether, not talking to you unless necessary, mimicking your actions. In a way, some part of him hopes maybe this will be what gets your attention. Even if he can't quite admit to himself that your attention, regardless of whether it's positive or negative, is what he wants.
It's late, but Vagastrom students don't go to bed until far later. And Leo needs a favor.
His crushing lack of success in garnering any sort of attention or reaction or rise from you had driven him to a point. He didn't want to apologize to you or anything, but this new habit of you ignoring him was beginning to stoke his displeasure. In his pondering, he remembered how easily Sho captured your gaze and wondered if maybe he'd have any idea of what Leo could do to at least put an end to this stalemate.
Leo's reluctance shows in the way he drags his feet on the path to Sho's room, less than eager to confront him for his opinion on something so shamelessly trivial. Why was he wasting his time with this anyway? Surprisingly, the lack of a solid answer to that question did not stop his trek. A twinge in his chest told him he knew exactly why he was "wasting his time".
In the month it had been since he'd made you cry, the nagging feeling had only gotten harsher. His mind kept flickering back to the shock of your tears and how he'd not bothered to consider it much further. An uncomfortable guilt had made itself known starting then. He never really expected you to cry; he just wanted a mild reaction. He wanted your eyes on him, flashing with anger, just for a moment. Your ire was a saccharine pill laced with ecstasy that he'd gladly crush with his teeth to speed up his high. Maybe it'd be too much to say he got off on it, but he enjoyed the way you used to roll your eyes at any comments from him a little more than he cared to admit. Now, he wouldn't even get that. It'd be rare for you to so much as make fleeting eye contact with him, not that something as small as that would be enough for Leo. Part of him was willing to accept that maybe, he'd gone too far. Maybe. But how else was he supposed to monopolize your attention when you give that out so freely? To his best friend, even?
He didn't know it was possible to covet something so terribly. He found himself wondering why he couldn't catch your attention in the same way as the other ghouls? In his quest for the same attention you gave so freely to the kinder, softer ghouls, he found another version of your attention. It was negative, but it was attention nonetheless. Your sweet, honeyed rage seemed to fill his cravings and then some, so he continued to devour it under the guise of "chasing you away" or "putting you down" or "satisfying his ego". In truth, for whatever reason, there was a rather bothersome and persistent envious longing, a covet, for your attention. Leo wants to vomit. A part of him denies it still, pushing his needless feelings to the back of his brain. He had something to do, and he ought to focus on that. What good would mere wallowing do?
He makes it to Sho's room and almost considers turning back. He stares at the door, his expression morphing into a complicated look. He shifted his feet, his slippers sliding against the floor. It was quite clear he really did not want to do this. At all. He sighs and grumbles indignantly, putting his head in his hands in an attempt to gather some courage. This couldn't be that hard, right? Just in, ask Sho a question, get an answer, then out. The only reason this was easier said than done was just because it could potentially show Leo was capable of feeling remorse, which would make this conversation leagues harder than it needed to be. He shakes his head and straightens up, preparing to knock, when he notices something.
Sho's room was... unusually quiet. Usually, Leo almost always heard some loud music or a cooking show running in the background, but he couldn't hear anything this time. Sho couldn't possibly be asleep. As late as it was, the only person who Leo knew for a fact could stay up past him was Sho, regardless of how much sleep he had gotten. There was no chance Sho was asleep. Believe it or not, Leo doesn't like to spy on Sho. But curiosity overwhelms him. What could he possibly be doing that would render the whole room in silence?
"Haxs," he whispers, listening closely.
The first thing he hears is the cling-clanging of Alan hard at work on a car in the garage. Not the sound he was meant to be focusing on. Then he hears endless jeering and loud insults shouted, though they're all muffled like they're underground. Another pit fight? Still, not the sound he's looking for. He sifts through the sounds he hears before he settles on the one coming directly from Sho's room.
Voices. Groaning, strained voices. The sound of wet skin against wet skin. Panting. Sho's panting, specifically. He could tell by the slight nasally tone of it.
Leo felt his face gradually warm. Christ, of course it'd be this he'd be up to. Leo muffles a laugh into the collar of his pajamas, keeping his hand clamped over his mouth as his body shook with mirth. When he finally calms down, he slinks off to the corner down the hall, and hides himself there, shamelessly still listening to it. Sho's a sly dog. Leo certainly didn't expect him to be getting up to anything this soon. He leans his body against the wall, crossing his arms and drumming his fingers on his arm, waiting for Sho to finish. He smirks to himself, as though enjoying the vocal show.
He had to admit, whoever he was with had gorgeous moans. He'd have to ask Sho if he'd be willing to pass this girl's number. He could use a couple things to get his mind off of you.
Okay, he had to stop listening to this now. He lifts his stigma and holds his hands over his ears for good measure, partially trying to hide the furious red blush across his face. As pretty as that girl's moans were, he was not going to listen to his best friend's climax. No thanks. He huffs out an impatient breath as his cheeks cool down, leaning his back against the wall, leaning his head back until it hit the wall with a dull thump. Now he just had to wait it out. He knew damn well Sho would never let a girl stay over. He'd never hear the end of it from yours truly, Leo.
Leo's right. It isn't long before he hears the door to Sho's room click, and hears murmured voices travel down the hall. He smirks, rushing down the hall in the opposite way, so it doesn't look like he was listening the whole time. He listens, waiting for a cue of some sort.
"Shame you have to go, you know." Sho's voice. Laced with relief, pleasure, and a thick tiredness. Leo's skin crawled. He could practically feel the smile in Sho's voice.
"It's not so bad." The girl responded with a light and playful tone, her voice seemingly much more put together than Sho's despite all that moaning. The voice sounded oddly familiar, but Leo brushed it off. Must be someone he shares classes with. "I've got things to do anyway. But it was nice to spend some time with you, Sho." Eagh. Leo internally hopes this girl isn't the type to get easily attached.
"...Yeah. Same to you. Goodnight."
Finally, he heard the girl's footsteps trailing down the hall, heading in his direction. Leo hurriedly pulls his phone out of his pocket, making sure the screen was bright as he flipped through the latest trends. He made a point of not looking up until he heard the footsteps nearing him.
He looks up, prepared for a simple glance, but ends up being rooted to the spot.
It was you. Of course, it was you. Who else would be taunting enough?
Despite himself, his gaze remains glued to you, his head turning as you walk past him. For a moment, Leo thinks you're just going to ignore him again. Then, suddenly, your gaze meets his in a flash, and he stiffens, almost out of fear. The way your eyebrows crease and the way your lips twitch downward almost makes him salivate. You were clearly displeased to see him. Even so, he notices you don't slow down, continuing your way down the hall, not bothering to crane your neck to look at him.
Leo remains rooted to the spot, watching your figure as you leave. His jaw hangs open slightly, his chest heaving with shocked breaths. His eyes are wide open, pools of gold reflecting your retreating form. His hand trembles as he holds his phone, the latest trends left neglected in the wake of a single mean-spirited glance from you. He feels his heart pound mercilessly in his chest, as though confirming what he'd tried so desperately to deny.
All at once, anger and arousal seem to grip him simultaneously. Anger at himself for feeling arousal from a mere negative glance from you. He couldn't possibly have craved your attention so viscerally he'd happily accept mere scraps. And yet here he was, a lap dog, watching you as you leave as though silently begging for another glance, another chance to watch your eyes burn with that familiar, delicious anger, another meal to satisfy his starved heart.
For a moment, he would have gladly followed you, and pestered you to death, just to irk you and become a willing victim of your wrath. Anything... just for that attention.
a/n: wow. no stop why am i kind of in shock at the poetic lines i kinda think i did a great job! but 4 whatever reason it's always the writing i think was total shit that does actual numbers *sob*
aghhhh in any case. no i don't have an excuse 4 this. my requests are still technically closed. i just... couldn't help myself... so consider this a freebie. regardless though if u like my writing feel free 2 fill the fuck out of my inbox idnc i love hearing from y'all.
also TUMBLR KEEPS TURNING OFF MY REBLOGS!!!! GRAH!!!!!! tumblr hates me y'all they keep catching on2 me 4 writing porn :( so please if u really wanna show appreciation and tumblr won't let u reblog, leave a comment! those make me happy :)
anyways. usual note that i adore likes, comments, and tagged reblogs!! please tell me how much you like my writing, i love to hear it and it keeps me going! until next timeeeeeeee!
EDIT: I FORGOTTT QUICK EXPLAINATION: im assuming everyone knows pavlov's dog and the whole classical conditioning theory. this story is basically that mixed with the mere-exposure effect.
neutral stimulus: mc's presence
natural response: leo's arousal/excitement
response-producing stimulus: mc's anger
mere-exposure effect: psychological effect in which a like or dislike of things is developed merely due 2 familiarity.
#minors dni#tkdb#tkdb smut#tokyo debunker#tokyo debunker smut#tokyo debunker x reader#tdb#sho haizono#leo kurosagi#sho haizono x reader#sho haizono x mc#leo kurosagi x reader#leo kurosagi x mc#tokyo debunker mc#tokyo debunker sho#tokyo debunker leo
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Hiii, omg I can’t believe your requests are back up, one of my favorite writers on here fr!!! Sooo, can I request seventeen’s reaction to reader being jealous but keeping it lowkey? Like who would be able to tell right away without reader saying anything and who would take a whole to notice, who would tease a little and who would immediately reassure them when they realize, etc…
their s/o being jealous
content: established relationship, jealousy, some embarrassment, mostly fluff, etc.
wc: 745
a/n: omg tysm!!! this was fun to write thank u for requesting!!
seungcheol -
lowkey i think he'd kinda be flattered by you being jealous lmao. would not be toxic about it though!! as soon as he realized you were jealous, he'd baby you and coo at you over it. he'd maybe be a little annoying about it, but ultimately he'd just wanna make sure you know there's nothing to worry about.
jeonghan -
im convinced that if ur dating him he somehow infiltrates your brain and is 100% in tune with your moods at all times. he'd know you're jealous, and depending on the vibe he'd either tease you or baby you over it. no in between. he'd be an annoying little shit regardless.
joshua -
it might take him a little while to notice you were jealous, but as soon as he realized it, he'd get some sort of cuteness aggression over it. he finds it so cute you're getting lowkey territorial over him and couldnt help but find it adorable. he'd tease you for sure, but ultimately he'd reassure you.
jun -
so clueless about it. someone would have to slap him and tell him bc he'd miss it on his own. however, if he somehow were to realize, he'd overcompensate by apologizing and pouting at you that he didn't mean to make you jealous and that he's all yours!!
soonyoung -
i do not see him realizing lol. i think you'd have to straight up tell him how you were feeling, and even then he'd be confused. i dont think he'd entertain anything to make you jealous on purpose, so he'd be very confused as to how or why you ended up feeling this way. he'd be super apologetic though and even begin overthinking that maybe he went around being overly flirtatious without realizing.
wonwoo -
if he's anything, it's tuned into your emotions. he'd realize your shift in mood immediately and try to act accordingly. he'd distance himself from whatever is making you jealous but would be subtle about it. wouldnt really confront you over your jealousy, instead maybe joking about it lightheartedly as he comforts you to not make it into a huge deal and make you feel worse.
jihoon -
his ass would not realize lol. it'd take a literal gigantic red arrow pointing towards the issue for him to realize you were feeling jealous. but you could always be comforted in the fact that whatever he was doing, he was not doing on purpose.
seokmin -
he's too friendly i feel like he wouldnt realize when he's in a position where he's maybe being too friendly and making you feel jealous. however, he'd realize your mood had shifted and immediately go into a comforting mode and literally smother you with affection (/pos!!)
mingyu -
he gets so much attention everywhere he goes (even by people who dont know he's famous), so it'd take him a while to notice you were jealous, much less to realize why you were jealous. however! when he realized you were feeling jealous he'd probably tease a little, but would mostly coo and awe at you bc he finds it adorable.
minghao -
he'll probably notice even before you do. would likely try to be subtle about how he comforted you about it, not wanting to make it a big deal and embarrass you in the process. i see him using physical touch and quiet words to reassure you in a lowkey, personal way.
seungkwan -
he would not realize lmao it'd take him a while to notice your shift in mood and how you retracted from him a little. when he realized, i think it'd inflate his ego a little bit, making him a little cocky. even as he'd comfort you, he'd crack jokes and earn himself a smack to his arm.
vernon -
would noooootttt notice. also would not actively entertain anything that'd make you jealous, so you'd probably end up feeling crazy bc you'd know he's not doing in on purpose. you'd literally have to let him know how you were feeling, to which he'd respond with genuine shock and be very straightforward in comforting you over it.
chan -
he'd be shocked when he realized you were jealous. usually, he'd be the one uncharacteristically jealous, so to have the roles flipped would kinda throw him off. he'd be such a loser (/pos!!) in immediately running to you and rambling about how you had nothing to be jealous of and that he loved you and that you're the only one for him and and and-
#seventeen x reader#seventeen fanfic#svt fanfic#svt x reader#seventeen imagine#seventeen oneshot#svt reactions#seventeen reactions
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📖 an f1 driver and a singer are both known for being beasts in their respective fields, but everyone knows they are ironically the shyest in reality- especially when it comes to attraction. they were hidden out of respect for their privacy, until they realised loving shouldn't be a secret.
💭 op!81 x fem!singer (smau)
🎧 lowkey - niki
🫧“us in a king size, keep it a secret. say i’m ur queen, but i don’t wanna leave this lowkey.” 🫧
p.s (let's pretend the qatar and las vegas gp's are rounds 10 + 12 of 24 respectively hehe)
Tagged: bsfuser
ynuser so... been kind of busy lately...
Liked by sabrinacarpenter, bsfuser, landonorris, and 715,069 others
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forynln U DISAPPEAR FOR 5 MONTHS AFTER UR LAST ALBUM AND POST OUTTA NOWHERE... girl u cannot keep doing this to us...
-> user1 lol watch her
-> user2 Bruh stfu she literally gave us a god sent album made of unicorn shit she doesn't owe u anything
bsfuser i hate you for telling me what's boutta go down but not let me say shit to anyone 😞
-> user3 it's ok bestie u can tell me, i won't tell anyone :)
ynluv How she is so different irl compared to her stage self still baffles me to this day.
-> user4 FR like wdym u gonna be busting out moves that get u viral then act like the sweetest creature on earth when u out here?? 😭
-> user5 duality go prr. she's probably the shyest celebrity i've ever seen.
-> user6 I can't believe she's an '03 baby.
gracieabrams omg ur orange cat
-> user6 car*
-> user7 car*
-> user8 luv u gracie
user9 orange suits yn so well
user0 lando is such a fanboy 😂
-> user| him and half the grid have been so consistent with promoting her LMAO
oscarpiastri posted a story 5m

Liked by logansargeant, landonorris, ynuser, and others
landonorris: would've been right next to u if stroll hadn't crashed again
mclaren: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
user_: being very calm compared to ur reaction after lance's fiasco today LOL
logansargeant: LET'S GOOO
user@: wow our pastry posts after a century
alexalbon: oi why didnt you take lily's and my advice to post with yn's music if u asked us in the first place...
f1 Our special guest performer and new partner for the 16th round on our calendar, Las Vegas, has been confirmed; a little fun before the racing begins! We bet you guys will like this one... 🤭
Until then, round 11 in Netherlands next weekend 🇳🇱 Stay tuned!
Liked by rihanna, katyperry, ynuser, and 795,392
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user! omg i have been waiting for this
f1forlife istg if they bring out the same performers as before...
fanacc the amount of singers liking this post is really fucking with us LOL
alexalbon hi f1 pls tell me u listened to us and booked the grid's voted fav 😸
-> charlesleclerc agreed.
-> maxverstappen1 agreed.
-> landonorris @oscarpiastri and i will boycott.
-> oscarpiastri mate i didn't even vote.
-> landonorris okay fine but u do like yn/ln right? ...right? 🔪
-> oscarpiastri ...
-> landonorris dw everyone osc's just shy no need to cancel him
-> danielricciardo 💃🏽
-> lance_stroll wait there was a vote?
ynuser switch up
Liked by racerbia, selenagomez, bsfuser, and 865,744 others
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forynln she's killing us and she knows it damn well
user pls just one hint 😭
user how do u feel about oscar piastri not liking u LMAO
arianagreenblatt gorg bestie 😩
user the aesthetic change is very sus
user ladies and gentlemen, the queen of singing, dancing, and gatekeeping
-> user the way we still pine after her and her whereabouts even though she is the most nonchalant pop girl out there
-> bsfuser she's cooking smth 🧐
-> frd2 yk smth dont u 🥸
2 weeks later...
georgerussell63 posted a story 20sec
Liked by ynuser, f1, lewishamilton, and others
lewishamilton: why did i not see toto doing this????
ynuser: it was a pleasure meeting u too 🤠
f1: You boys are very welcome
totowolff: George...
-> georgerussell: please don't fire me
landonorris: ok but did u see the way she looked at me??
-> georgerussell lando, u know full well she was looking at someone else
-> landonorris shut up :(
-> georgerussell i will not allow u to ruin her with ur playboy antics
-> landonorris EXCUSE ME
landonorris and f1 🔁
Tagged: f1, ynuser, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, georgerussell63, fernandoalo_official, maxverstappen1, and oscarpiastri
landonorris best. weekend. ever.
mini photo dump of the boys at the concert 'cause @ynuser actually performed for us 🤯🤯 we're such huge fans- it was epic meeting you!
Liked by racerbia, selenagomez, bsfuser, and 2,993,840 others
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landonorris p.s. oscar loves her, he's just shy
-> oscarpiastri lando u idiot
-> logansargeant i can confirm ahem
mclaren we advocated for this very hard, just so yk...
-> user0 the gods (you) have bestowed us simpletons (seriously) with such a blessing (yn and mclaren interactions)
-> userl for the whole grid? the fans? ...or a particular someone? 🤭
ynuser epic meeting me??? bro i almost fainted meeting u guys and drivers i've been a fan of since i was 10 😭😭😭
-> bsfuser how was it omg
-> ynuser LOL definitely an interesting experience...
-> landonorris omg she replied 😭
-> georgerussell bro she called u bro
user_ im convinced theyre music drunk and not substance drunk here 😮💨
Tagged: f1
ynuser you all already know. this thread is as aesthetically chaotic as my mind rn.
thank you to my team for handling such a mess of me when since i got this invitation !! could not be here, or look this decent without any of u.
thank you to @f1 from the bottom of my heart. i've been such a fan since i was in nappies, nd you guys just made a dream of mine come true. from the races, new friends, to performing for such a crowd in vegas, it has been one of the most surreal weekends of my life. you all just know im gonna be clutching on to this partnership for as long as i breathe. nd congrats to @maxverstappen1, @oscarpiastri, nd @charlesleclerc on the podium ! until next time 🏎💋✨
(last slide is real footage of me meeting toto wolff)
Liked by racerbia, selenagomez, bsfuser, and 2,408,274 others
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redbullracing thank you for stopping by our pit!
-> mclaren ok but she went to ours first
-> scuderiaferrari yeah... she liked us most though. should've seen her face when she walked in.
-> mercedesamgf1 you guys know she was a long-time mercedes fan before this right??
-> landonorris what is going on? (she definitely liked hanging out with us more)
-> logansargeant lol you're so delulu (laughed way harder with my group)
oscarpiastri thank you too! we should hang out again sometime soon
-> landonorris 'hang out' pfft sure
-> user omg oscar commenting on a non-f1 person's post??? a FEMALE nonetheless????
-> oscarpiastri everyone has to chill fr
bsfuser that’s MY BESTIE
-> user she is GLOWING
-> ynimagine mommy??? sorry. mommy??? sorry.
-> user she is SNATCHED WTF
Tagged: danielricciardo, ynuser
oscarpiastri 2nd in vegas! amazing job to the team for this accomplishment, daniel for his dedication, nd yn, who we're all still star-struck by. cheers! 🍾
(credit to @pierregasly's story for second slide)
Liked by ynuser, f1, danielricciardo, and 1,329,866 others
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user guys istg i was in the paddock the whole time AND i know what i saw. so when i say they hit it off really well...
user omg oscar even picked up on her 'nd' habit 😭
ynuser 🧡🧡🧡
-> user u are actually an angel sent from the depths of hell in the best possible way. the setlist??? the body and face??? the personality???
landonorris oscar you... 😨 when did u even go to the front of the stage for that last pic????
lewishamilton cute, flirty, teenage stuff and all but are we not gonna talk about danny ric
-> danielricciardo i think we should just go back to gushing about oscar's crush
-> carlossainz55 his crush??? what am i missing????
-> charlesleclerc the baby has grown up
bsfuser 🤨
Tagged: ynuser
f1 yn appreciation post 🤍🤍🤍
Could not have asked for a better performer and partner to grace us with her presence this weekend 👏🏼
Liked by ynuser, mclaren, oscarpiastri, and 3,071,008 others
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user my timeline is EXPLODING
user converting f1 fans into yn fans too
landonorris slay
-> danielricciardo slay
-> pierregasly slay
-> alexalbon slay
-> lewishamilton what is 'slay'?
-> charlesleclerc slay
-> maxverstappen1 slay
ynuser thank u thank uuu
-> user9 queen what were u on tonight??
-> {user} not even her debut was this hype 💀
ynworld STEP ON ME
f1__grid bruh this is so unecessary... she clearly just wants attention
-> user# stay pressed ur favs like her more than u <3
3 weeks later...
oscarpiastri posted a story 10sec
Liked by ynuser, mclaren, maxverstappen1, and others
user: soooo wonder who took this photo 🧐
user: u guys got smth to tell us? ;)
alexalbon: why do u look depressed today
landonorris: where are u bro
user: what's ur fav yn song?
ynuser: im sorry i can't make it today osc :(
-> oscarpiastri: it's okay, best to let everyone cool down anyways. i'll see u next week?
-> ynuser: i promise :)
1 week later...
ynuser posted a story 30sec
Liked by bsfuser, f1, oscarpiastri, and others
lewishamilton: ayeee my fav coming over to the pit today?
-> ynuser: i wouldn't miss it for the world 😸 plus fans are dying to know how u pick ur fashion sense out
-> lewishamilton: oh lord
f1: 🤍
landonorris: pls be kind with the question this time :(
-> ynuser: aweeee
-> ynuser: no.
oscarpiastri: wya??
3 more weeks later...
oscarpiastri posted a story 16sec
Liked by nicolepiastri, mclaren, danielricciardo and others
Replies have been disabled
ynuser posted a story 37sec
Liked by bsfuser, f1, nicolepiastri, and others
Replies have been disabled
1 month, 3 races, and 2 performances later...
~3 months later...
Tagged: ynuser
oscarpiastri i can't take it anymore. since u guys have wanted to know, anyway.
you've been on my mind since the day i met you (nd yes, admittedly since lando showed me your music videos), nd then when i met you with the biggest crush, i quickly decided that you are one of the most talented, beautiful, kindest people ever. fuck all if i just got my first win, it wouldn't have meant anything without u. i can't have asked for a better partner in crime to wear my number at the races.
although we've been pretty great at keeping it low key these past few months to just family and friends, i wanna show you off, my love x
Liked by ynuser, landonorris, mclaren, and 5,329,866 others
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oscarpiastri also, ty to the grid for keeping it private, nd yes, i will be treating u all for dinner.
-> danielricciardo LFGGGGG
user oh my god.
jennaortega the question is if she beat him at karting
-> oscarpiastri she did...
carlossainz55 i never thought this day would come
landonorris cant put both my happiness and bewilderment that you actually hard launched into words
-> georgerussell character. development.
arianagrande y'all cute asf 😭😭😭
-> user nah dont u lie we all thought we were lying to ourselves LMAO
bsfuser one wrong move and i’ll send stroll to do more than just hit u on track 😺
-> oscarpiastri ;-;
-> maxverstappen1 u could send any one on the grid to do it, and they'd be happy to
user they're so in love im bawling
landonorris just so u guys know, his three sisters steal her away from him every week to hang out LOL
-> oscarpiastri that was totally unecessary
-> nicolepiastri give the ppl what they want ossie
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Tagged: oscarpiastri
ynuser sike.
'orange suits yn so well'... damn right for him 🧡
this man has inspired me in too many ways, that aside from teaching me how to love and be loved. it's been pretty hard having all these memories, but not being able to live them freely because of the pressure. but i wouldn't do it with anyone else. so im gonna be 'showing you off' in my latest single, agora hills, coming out tomorrow night for my love's first win x
(to clarify, f1 has allowed me to take ONE side ONCE, so im not jobless :) ... yet)
Liked by oscarpiastri, dojacat, bsfuser and 6,001,685 others
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frd1 about fucking time
oliviarodrigo this is so cute omg
alexalbon ahem i think i should get some credit for being the ultimate matchmaker here
-> f1 actually, i think it all goes to us.
-> user 💀
gracieabrams omg him with her cat 😭😭
-> user gracie, luv, it's car*
-> user car*
-> sabrinacarpenter dw babes i don't get this shit either
user oscar first win AND yn new music AND hard launches from the softest ppl ever??? has the universe finally decided to bless me???
user they were literally meant to be
user what happened to the shy versions of themselves oml
tatemcrae the hottest, most sincere, and talented celebrity couple rn
bsfuser and i was there to witness it all 😌
-> charlesleclerc so was i
-> bsfuser i was first tho
-> charlesleclerc fair enough
-> landonorris i was there the most
-> bsfuser i was their couple counsellor
-> landonorris i was their matchmaker
-> alexalbon NO YOU WERENT
-> bsfuser i was first to find out
-> landonorris no you werent
-> landonorris right? @oscarpiastri @ynuser
-> landonorris RIGHT????
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Tagged: oscarpiastri
ynuser for u, ur first win, and to many more.
as an extra for u all, 'lowkey' is also out to show my progression from wanting to keep it a secret to having him make me scream his name <3 hope u love us as much as i do.
Liked by oscarpiastri, dojacat, bsfuser and 6,581,921 others
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user the caption???????????????????
user holy shit mother is mothering and father is fathering because never have i ever heard her make a track with sm detail about her partner in it...
-> user FR like where did the two of them go?? almost 8 months but they come back like they've aged a decade
-> user NO CAUSE WTF is 'suck a little dick in the bathroom, who that man with the big strong hands'???? miss yn??? are the both of u feeling okay????
-> user you'd think introvert + introvert = coma, but ig double negatives still apply here
dojacat bitch these tracks SLAP
user okay but osc's guns 👀
sza god, when will this shi happen to me?
mclaren All ur songs on repeat in the paddock.
-> mercedesamgf1 It's true, all the teams agreed
-> redbullracing (the only time we all agree)
user how tf did we get bashful yn and blushing osc to... this??
-> ynuser life's full of mysteries.
landonorris i miss the person i was before hearing these two songs...
-> georgerussell it's true, as big of a fan i am of the two of u, some things are meant to stay between ppl...
-> charlesleclerc i am not saying anything, which means i can get invited to the wedding, yeah?
-> ynuser yes.
-> oscarpiastri yes.
Comments on this post have been limited.
a/n: as u can probably see, i lowkey gave up half way cause i never realised how much work this takes :,)
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Helloo, I was wondering if it was alright for u to write a lucifer x male reader where the reader is also a powerful demon and goes with lucifer to visit Charlie in the dad beat dad episode, and Charlie is just like OMG i have two dads now, this is awesome
if u don't write for male reader, then feel free to change or ignore this lol
—Lucifer Morningstar x m! Reader
warnings: mentions of s*icide.

When Charlie called Lucifer, he was excited that his daughter wanted to invite him to see the hotel. He thought he would be able to handle it.
In fact, he did not.
The poor man had a complete mental breakdown as he over thought what would happen, how would he act around his daughter, what should he say, and etc.
So, he decided to ask for help and he just knows the right person for that.
His beloved boyfriend of one year, [y/n].
Backstory time,
Lucifer has been seeing and secretly dating the man for a year already, it took a while but he got charmed okay? [Y/n] is literally so charming, very handsome, very chivalrous.... And very tall...
And is a pianist.
Lucifer met [y/n] in a famous restaurant, that only elites or the rich can enter. [Y/n] so happens to own that restaurant.
The only reason he was there at that time was because the other seven deadly sins wanted to have a get together.
As the dinner with the other seven deadly sins progressed, Lucifer was enamored the whole night, his eyes staring at the tall and graceful man sitting in the middle of the restaurant as he played the piano for the guests so beautifully.
Asmodeus even teased him, making the king of hell blush.
That's where his frequent visit to the restaurant started.
Lucifer claims that he just wanted to listen to the man play and nothing else.
Of course, [y/n] noticed his frequent visits and decided to approach the smaller man.
Of course, Lucifer was cautious.
Lucifer was suspicious why the man looked more humane than others, aside from his sharp teeth.
Eventually, the two slowly got along and then slowly developed romantic feelings for each other.
They started telling each other their stories too.
Lucifer found out [y/n] was a pianist when he was still alive, he was born in the 1920's and died in 1945.
[Y/n] died as passionless artist, who lost his inspiration and will to live.
But despite all that, [y/n] managed to find his passion for music again in hell and despite the era he was born in, he managed to go with the flow of time.
Yes, he knows gen z slang 😭
He's got serious problems when it comes to saying "lmao" "purr" and "slay"
Anyways, after finding out and realizing why [y/n] is here is because the sin he committed is that he didn't appreciate the life was given to him and decided to take it away by his own hands.
Lucifer's caution around the man was gone and maybe, not all sinners are bad.
[y/n] confessed first and Lucifer reciprocated by giving the taller man a kiss (he had to pull down [y/n]'s tie okay?)
And Lucifer didn't regret it, [y/n] is a passionate lover. A green flag of all green flags.
“Why are you here? You're so nice, you shouldn't be here.”
“If I was up there, then I wouldn't have the pleasure of meeting you and calling you mine.” [y/n] said with a confused tone.
Unaware rizz.
This man, doesn't know how much his words affect Lucifer.
And the fact he can carry Lucifer bridal style and calls him his muse is the cherry on top.
Anyways, back to the scenario. I'm done with the backstory lmao
Lucifer decided to text [y/n] telling him about the situation, wanting emotional support as he's nervous going to an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people.
He thought [y/n] wouldn't be able to come as the man got work but he was wrong as not 15 minutes later, [y/n] bursts through the door looking absolutely disheveled.
[y/n] ran like his life depended on it.
“My muse, I am hereeee...” the poor tall man wheezed out, hunched on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
Lucifer had to help the man out by using his wings to dry him up.
“Better, thanks my love.”
Lucifer had to explain the situation to him on the way to the hotel and [y/n] giving him peptalk after.
After arriving at the hotel, [y/n] stayed at the side while he watched Lucifer interact with the others.
He swore he heard the pink arachnid say, “Is anyone's gaydar going off right now?”
“It's just you, Angel.” the gray haired girl says with a deadpan.
After Charlie introduced the rest, she noticed the taller male companion who came with her dad. The male was just admiring the interior of the hotel.
Tall, dark, and handsome.
“So... Dad, how about you introduce me to your friend that you brought over?” Charlie asked, making the two males flinch in surprise.
[y/n] giggling as he watched the flustered look on Lucifer's face.
The two males just looked at each other, having a silent conversation.
“Do you want to tell her?” is what [y/n]'s facial expression says based on the raised eyebrow.
“I guess it's time to tell her.” Lucifer says through his facial expression, as a sigh left his lips.
The others just stared in silence as the two males looked at each other in silent conversation.
“Charlie, this is [y/n]... My... Significant other.”
After Lucifer introduced the unknown man, Charlie's jaw dropped.
So did the other's.
The only thing Charlie can think is “Holy shit, I'll have two dads.”
It was a wild night. From the dad off, some loan sharks deciding to cause a mess. (Charlie has three dads now)
Do you guys want this as a series? I'm thinking of actually writing this concept because aihsjans it's so cutee and interesting 😭🤭
Also, I absolutely write for male readers as I myself is a man 🤭 aosjsi maybe I should write more Lucifer x male! Reader?
#hazbin hotel#lxkeee hazbin hotel masterlist#lucifer#lucifer hazbin hotel#lucifer morningstar x reader#lucifer magne#hazbin hotel x reader#lxkeee answers#lucifer morningstar#lxkeee updates
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What's ur take on vox aftercare imagines? :3
tell me why i was so in love with this ask, wrote a whole fic and literally forgot to post it omg ANYWAY i love vox with aftercare cus that television does NOT know what he’s doing
yes he’s used to having to reign in val but convincing someone to not be criminally insane and telling someone they did a good job is a tad bit different yk (LMAO)
i doubt he’s ever actually received aftercare or given it before getting into an actual relation(situation)ship so he fumbles with it at first
he’d definitely get the hang of it tho! like i think in private he’s a very doting s/o (in his own way) like he gives you the princess treatment all day every day (as long as no one else is there to see it)
so i think despite that he kinda lacks in the aftercare department cus he literally doesn’t know it exists until you try to initiate it
anyway for this lil blurb my idea was that reader and vox have been hooking up for a while and have gotten closer (it’s not like vox would let just anyone sleep in his bed) so here u go
Vox would really try to give aftercare. Every time since you started spending the night, he’d clean you up and change the sheets. He’d get you something to wear before he took care of himself, and made sure you had anything you could physically need, but that was it. He wasn’t good at the rest of it. He didn’t think to get you tea (especially because he didn’t even like “leaf water”) or a warm blanket, he didn’t think to tell you how he was feeling or how well you did, and he certainly didn't tell you if he needed anything.
No one, before you, had ever even introduced the idea of aftercare. There was a night where you sleepily told him how well he did, and he told you to “go to sleep if you want to stay here tonight,” but you said, “I have to make sure you’re alright first,” like he was ridiculous, laughing as you kissed his shoulder.
“Of course I’m alright… Are you?” He asked awkwardly, thinking you were trying to hint that he’d done something wrong, maybe hurt you.
“Mhm. Just cold.”
“Then… use your blanket?” He pulled his sheets over you as you groaned, shaking your head at him. “What?”
“Nothing… Nothing.” You tucked the blankets over you, turning away from him as you shut your eyes. “Night.”
And it took him hours to fall asleep. Not only was he utterly confused by you, but he had a very needy feeling in his chest. He had half a mind to check and see if he was hard again, because he certainly didn’t feel it, but that was the only thing that made sense.
That is, until he looked at you, tucked into your blankets and finding himself thinking he would be much warmer than some stupid blanket. Why the fuck were you holding on to a blanket and not him—?
And then he had to pause and collect himself because who the fuck gets jealous over a blanket…?
He gently and reluctantly woke you up, feeling bad for it when he watched you blink your eyes open groggily. He came up with something arbitrary, “you’re pushing me off the bed, pretty.”
“Mmm, sorry,” you mumbled and scooted over. He took the opportunity to scoot closer, gently grabbing your waist to pull you against him. You turned toward him, assuming he wanted something else and sleepily bringing your mouth to his neck.
“As much as I like ‘sleepy sex’,” as you called it, “with you, I just want to — hold you.” You didn’t miss the way his screen glitched when he spoke, and he didn’t miss the smile that came to your face before you went back to sleep.
But of course all the niceties were gone the next day when you left before he woke up, which you always did because that was the agreement you had — but surely that didn’t mean things had to be the same in the bedroom.
So he started researching and apparently, “why the fuck is my… partner… being so nice after sex?” Was a commonly searched question in Hell, as it populated almost immediately after he typed “why.”
That led him to trying, really trying, to give aftercare. The first time, you were shocked, telling him you’d clean up, but he insisted and you relented. You let him do what he wanted, thinking he might just be in a mood, but when he very awkwardly asked if you were alright, you realized what he was doing.
“Why don’t I make us tea?” You suggested, getting up from his bed after he’d given you something to wear. “Is that alright? Or, do you want me to keep you company?”
You were much more attentive, and you always knew what to say. That alone made an error appear on his screen, but you didn’t joke or say anything about it. “That’s fine,” he finally brought himself to say.
“Alright. Be right back.” You gave him a smile, gently squeezing his hand as you passed him by and went to the kitchen.
He wanted to tell you to be quick, as he suddenly felt very lonely when he lost the feeling of your hands on him, but he stopped himself.
As if you read his mind, you came back very quickly, also bringing a bowl of fruit with you (and hot water with lemon and honey for him because, again, leaf water). “Blood sugar,” you said, making him laugh.
“So, you like to eat after…?” He concluded, because “blood sugar” was certainly not a valid justification in Hell. You nodded and he did the same in return. “What else?”
“What else, what?” You asked as you sat next to him in bed after setting the tea and fruit on his nightstand, tucking your legs beneath the covers.
“What else do you like… after?”
This time, you didn’t ignore the error screen, taking it as him pushing for too much. “Don’t worry about that — it’s more about what you need… Like, you like to cuddle,” his screen glitched as he cleared his throat, “because you need a little bit of comfort. I don’t need much; maybe, just, something to wear and sleep — but I’d rather not sleep alone.” He nodded along. “I’ll get everything I like; tea, fruit, whatever.” You gave him a very sweet smile, but he understood you were telling him to not ask any more about what you liked — or, he thought he understood that you didn’t want to get personal. “What do you like?” Then you caught him off guard.
No one had ever prioritized what he liked — or, rather, needed after sex before now, and he certainly never wanted to tell anyone. Who knows how they’d use it against him? But you… you just felt genuine.
#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel headcanon#hazbin#hazbin hotel fanfiction#vox x reader#hazbin vox#hazbin hotel vox#vox#hazbin hotel vox x reader#hazbin vox x reader#vox x you#hazbin x reader#hazbin hotel x you#vox headcanons#vox imagine#hazbin hotel imagine#hazbin hotel blurb#hazbin hotel drabble#🎶 anon
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She's All I Wanna Be (Trevor Zegras)
Trevor Zegras x Reader - Instagram AU
Warning(s): Angst
Summary: Based off Tate McRae's song She's All I Wanna Be :)
dixiedamelio just posted a photo!!

liked by charlidamelio, mileycyrus, trevorzegras, and 1,250,542 others
dixiedamelio Inner Miley Cyrus Bangerz era.... oh and pc to Z
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user1 ok but her suit slays
user2 anybody else notice she didn't tag Trevor? Little sis if you ask me
user3 We all know they're together at this point. They just don't want to rip the bandaid off
user2 Right? We all know he dumped yourusername to be with Dixie. He's just trying to avoid confirmation
charlidamelio 🦆
addisonrae Bod goals af
trevorzegras 😳
trevorzegras sorry still in awe of u
user4 He doesn't even try to hide it
yourusername just posted a photo!

liked by jackhughes, yourbff, jamiedrysdale, colecaufield and 1,475,998 others
yourusername you want the girl with the small waist, and the perfect smile
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user1 She's always been so gorgeous I am obsessed w/her
user2 Glad to see a model who has the same body type as me owning it 🥰
user3 Yeeesshhhh Trevor's loss
user4 Why would she post something like this when her body looks like that? It's actually horrendous 🤢
user1 This is what healthy looks like first off? Second off she's a gym influencer who heavy lifts? What's your talent? Tell me her confidence levels are annoying you without actually telling me fr user4
yourbff Currrrves for daysss
yourbff Hottie w/ a body??!
jackhughes Bestie looking fine as always
yourbff um jackhughes bye she's my bff get your own bff since your last one has a trashy looking type jackhughes Shhhh don't expose me like that we don't claim it
trevorzegras just posted a photo!

liked by charlidamelio, dixiedamelio, alexturcotte, and 1,045,609 others
trevorzegras Obsessed w/ u
tagged: dixiedamelio
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user1 well this wasn't on my bingo card
user2 omg isn't that Charli's sister? I forgot her name. What does she do???
user1 I'm dead, you really clowning her lmfao user2
user3 So much prettier than what's her face
user4 I miss yourusername
user5 It's the fact that she's back to her darker hair? Anyone finding that a little weird?
dixiedamelio All heart eyes for you 😘
yourusername just posted a photo!

liked by yourbff, jackhughes, tatemcrae, gigihadid, and 2,649,913 others
yourusername if you say she's nothing to worry about, then why'd close your eyes when I said it out loud?
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jackhughes Bring me my matcha latte
yourusername I'd already be there if someone didn't drop it, so we're getting you a new one jackhughes yourbff It wasn't my fault the door didn't announce its presence..... jackhughes only you'd blame the door yourbff
user1 Literally love this girl
user2 Kinda crazy Trevor posts Dixie right after yourusername posted. He also never posted her, so what makes Dixie so different lmao
user3 what’s crazier is that Dixie literally just dyed her hair blonde and cut it so short, to now having dark hair and extensions 🤔
yourbff You look sooo good
yourbff IM obsessed w/ YOU
user4 The shade lmfao crazy
dixiedamelio posted a photo!

liked by noahbeck, charlidamelio, tanamongeau, trevorzegras and 3,146,098 others
dixiedamelio thanks vanity fair for the fun day 💅🏼
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user1 ohhhh boy…
user2 Yeah it’s scary how much she’s tryna look like yourusername
tanamongeau Wow Dix ballsy as fuck lmao
yourbff interesting.
user3 SO glad yourbff sees it too
user4 Dixie can try to look like her, but she won’t ever be able to lift like her. Bet she can’t lift anything over ten pounds
jackhughes just posted a photo!

liked by yourbff, colecaufield, l_hughes03, yourusername and 5,973,899 others
jackhughes We can lay on her and she still doesn’t feel a thing. Probably could lift us both with her eyes closed
tagged: yourusername, colecaufield
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user1 I’m living for Jack being on her side during this lmfao
user3 Let’s see Dixie try to remake this photo bahahah
yourbff Pretty sure you all fell asleep like that too
yourusername we did lmfao
colecaufield comfiest I’ve ever slept
jackhughes 10/10 recommend
yourbff Writing out the yelp review rn
l_hughes03 I call top next time
yourbff just posted a photo!

liked by tatemcrae, yourusername, colecaufield and 1,347,856 others
yourbff I was just as amazed as Tate was when y/n lifted me onto her back. Carrying me on her back as well as she did with her last relationship. Stupid boy making her so sad
tagged: tatemcrae, yourusername
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tatemcrae That last line in your caption sounding a little familiar 🤔🤔
tatemcrae But also me next, me next!!
jackhughes I walked in on this
l_hughes03 I walked out on this
colecaufield I wanna be in on this
yourusername you’re all a pain in my ass on this
yourbff We just love you ok
*liked by yourusername, jackhughes, l_hughes03, colecaufield and tatemcrae*
user1 This friendgroup is what I strive to have in life
user2 Dixie kicking and punching air rn
*liked by yourbff*
dixiedamelio posted a photo!

liked by charlidamelio, trevorzegras, jamiedrysdale, alexturcotte and 4,137,980 others
dixiedamelio all mine plus bff
tagged : trevorzegras, alexturcotte
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user1 Girl keep him lmfao nobody gonna steal him like you did to yourusername
*liked by yourbff*
user2 Nah man not Alex bro rip 🥲🥲
trevorzegras all yours ❤️
charlidamelio He wanted someone he could show off whenever you go out
dixiedamelio I’ll wear a tight mini black dress with all my friends around 💅🏼
user3 ohhhh she PETTY petty
user4 Her and her sister wanna be besties with Tate and yourusername so bad omfg it’s a headache
*liked by yourbff and tatemcrae*
tanamongeau I think I’ve seen similar posts like these somewhere….🤔
yourusername posted a photo!

liked by jackhughes, tatemcrae, yourbff, trevorzegras and 7,247,113 others
yourusername I’m all she wanna be so bad
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user2 Not her turning the lyrics around to call out Dixie oop
tatemcrae lyric change approved 😚❤️
yourusername 🥰💅🏼
yourbff kind of like this version better
tatemcrae Glad I’m not the only one
jackhughes Permission to call you mommy after seeing this post?
yourusername denied
yourbff denied
tatemcrae denied
l_hughes03 Wow you got rejected more than me my Freshman year at Umich jackhughes
colecaufield The better looking ex
user3 It’s the fact Trevor liked the post too I’m dead
*liked by yourbff and yourusername*
#hockey boys#angst#luke hughes#y/n#cole caufield x reader#jack hughes x reader#trevorzegras#Trevor zegras imagine#trevor Zegras X reader#Tate McRae#think later#tik tok#trevor zegras angst#instagram au#instagram au imagine
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ATEEZ S/o Popular YouTube Live Streamer Reaction.
Requested: i would like to request how ateez members would react to their s/o being a popular YouTube streamer and them accidentally walking in on their s/o live stream in the chat would go crazy.
a/n: this is a birthday themed request. I enjoyed making this. It was funny to me. 🤣

MINGI: "HAPPY BIRTDA-" He stops at the threshold of the door wearing a party hat and holding a cake. "Oh, are you live streaming?"
You turned in your gamer chair looking at your boyfriend. "Um, yeah."
"Oh, really?" He steps further into the room, looking at the computer screen.
The chat box started going crazy
Zen: Omg is that who I think it is?!?
Baby Tee: Is this your boyfriend y/n? Why does he low-key look like Mingi from Ateez?
Theodore: Oh my freaking nuts. MINGI? Is this a prank? Or is this some crazy video editing somehow?!?
Suan: their boyfriend can't b Mingi. Not THE Mingi. This has to be some kind of prank fr fr.
Psycho: It makes sense now why Y/n never showed us their bf. Its cause he is just as famous as they are!!
You pulled your boyfriend into the screen smiling. "Um, Everyone so yeah... Mingi from ateez is my boyfriend."
Mingi sat the cake down so he could wave. "Hi, Everyone, I am Y/n's boyfriend. Nice to meet you all." He smiles. "If you all don't mind, I'm going to steal y/n for a few hours."
YUNHO: He didn't know that you were in the middle of live streaming when he came dancing into the room singing Happy Birthday and popping confetti poppers.
"Yunho, I'm living streaming right now." You pointed at your computer.
"Oh, shit." he quickly bows. "I didn't mean to ruin your live."
The chat box started to go off.
Kill la Kill: Okay no, cause is dat YUNHO I see? lol.
Prince Charming: Is he ur boyfriend?
Rugrat: Y were u keepin him a secret from us?
Paul: Is this guy famous or sumthing?
Lizzy Bear: Don't tell me he's Y/n's bf like they're my WAIFU!!
NOT OKAY: I hope Y/n can fight. LMAO
"Would you like to join the live with me, Yunho?" You ask him.
"I don't want to steal the attention from you, but if you want to I will." He pushes you out of the way and smiles into the camera. "Yunho, taking over."
JONGHO: While you were in the middle of showing off your new headset, a fan gifted you. Jongho burst open the door blowing a party blower. "Let's get the party start-" he pauses. "Oh. Oh, are you streaming already?"
"Yeah." You said. "Want to say hi?"
Jongho wobbles over, waving. "Hi, I'm Jongho. Y/n's number 1 supporter."
The chat box starts flooding in with messages.
Jaya Jaya ya: He should be grateful to have bagged a baddie like Y/n.
sUpEr MaRio: I just started stanning ATEEZ and Jongho is my bias!!! i'mma go cry in a corner.
My lucky lady: New Ship?
BBQ Sauce on my tittes: Jst waiting for the crazy fans to enter the chat *sips tea*
SAY MY NAME: Does dis mean we getting couple stuff now? cuz I don't mind at all :)
Jongho laughs at the ship comment saying. "What can our ship name be?"
You rolled your eyes nudging him out of the way. "Jongho has boyfriend duties now. Say bye Jongho."
He pouts. "Bye Y/n's live stream fans."
SEONGHWA: He was rubbing his sleepy eyes in his other hand was a gift bag with your birthday gift, he sleepily walked into the middle of your live stream yawning, holding out your gift in front of you. "Y/n, happy birthday."
"Baby, say hi to my fans." You beamed.
You pulled him down to be in frame and pointed at your computer. "I'm live."
"What?!" Seonghwa nervously laughed, running his fingers through his messy bleached hair. "Um, Hi Y/n's fans I didn't mean to interrupt."
Fever Fever: Mother Seonghwa is that u?
Bad boi dwn: Oh, wonder how his company is going to cover this up?
Queen of tha South: Wasn't expecting to be blinded by a handsome man.
Lil Lotto: We need a story time cause like wtf?
U can call me monster: Y/n musta did something in a past life to be this lucky to get a K-POP man.
Crazy Form: whenever he eat the cookie he got good form?????
Alice In Wonderland: This man makes me forget I'm lesbian.
"Should we do a small q & a?" You ask your fans.
Seonghwa sits on your lap. "Yeah, should we?"
WOOYOUNG: He was wearing a pink lace apron and carrying a homemade cake when he walked into the middle of your live streaming while you were doing the dance to Bouncy.
"I baked you a cake for your birthday but I see you're busy. I'll come back later." Wooyoung said.
"I'm having a birthday live. You can join in. Everyone would love to see you."
Your fans started flooding the chat.
Pirate King: R my eyes deceiving me? Wooyoung is that you my boy?
Kitty Kat: Oh they really living the Y/n life.
White boy wasted: Haters gonna say this fake.
i stole ur bias: adding to the hit list.
Alpha Josh: So are we going to ignore the fact that this man is overly gorgeous?
Pizza HūrT: Life isn't fair because how can I live the Y/n dream? do I need to play “I'm not like other girls” card?
Dirty Sprite: K, that explains why she never shows us her phone screen saver.
Woo Woo: I can't right now. Because like Wooyoung and Y/n are together? Two of my favorite ppl n the world!
“Well, since I'm in the live stream, can you all help me wish, Y/n a very happy birthday.” Wooyoung gives you a kiss on the cheek.
YEOSANG: He didn't mean to barge in during your live stream. At first he doesn't notice because he puts his phone in your face. The rest of Ateez faces were shoved into the phone camera yelling happy birthday to you, it was so chaotic and loud. You smiled at Yeosang.
“Babe I'm in the middle of a live stream right now.”
“You are?”
“Yeah. See everyone is commenting.” You point at the chat box.
Yeosang reads the incoming messages.
Depresso Expresso: idk how to explain it but he's the product of his mother during all the work doing sex.
Dat girl Maya: yeah what they said ^^^
Get'em Gates: r u 2 dating?
Ur Faves Can't Rap: I'm suddenly gay.
M0lLy: Oh I know he's cracking her back like a glow stick every night.
I got that dog in meee: Funny of u to assume he does the cracking ^^^
Princess Tee: he's a work of ARRRT.
Megan Thee Goat: He's the definition of HOT BOY. If ykyk.
“Okay say bye to Yeosang everyone before he gets a big head.” You laughed, poking your boyfriend in the ribs.
HONGJOONG: “Okay make a wish!” Hongjoong burst into your room with a cupcake in his hand and a big smile on his face.
You spun in your gaming chair. “Where are your clothes?”
“I'm your birthday gift.” Hongjoong winks at you.
“Thats nice in and all. But there's like 100,000 people seeing your junk.”
“You're joking right?” He lets out a nervous laugh, using the cupcake to cover himself.
“Nope. Live stream.”
“Live stream?” he swallowed and waves at everyone watching. “Hi, I'm um Hongjoong Y/n's birthday gift.”
The chat box went crazy.
Vanilla baby: At least he came unwrapped. My God!!!
GUERRILLA: ooou he's a big boy indeed.
Choke me spank me: sssjjiokhdgfertgyjbfrfv.
San's left nut: I can die happily now.
Icky Vicky: He your man?!?
Touch sum grass: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!!!! But please get your naked man off the screen. My mom walked in and thought I was watching porn....
Jimin's baby momma: am I in a fanfic right now?
Peru Peru: He slanging.
Sativa: he really gifted us all.
Bill Nye: isn't this how most porns start?
3D: Can he make it bouncy?
Olivia: This man is sex on legs.
“Sorry, everyone. Hongjoong will go put on some clothes now.”
“But I like the attention.”
You ended the live playfully beating up Hongjoong.
SAN: He had the same idea as Hongjoong but instead of being naked he wore a silk black robe but still naked underneath. San walked into your room with a bottle of champagne and from somewhere in the house Birthday by Katy Perry played.
"Y/n, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" San drops his robe, bare ass to the camera. "This is all for you. but when isn't it?" he smirks.
You stared at your boyfriend. "Um babe, you're mooning my live stream."
"What the fuck?" He hurries to grab the robe from the floor to cover himself. "Why didn't you say anything sooner!”
You laughed. “I wasn't expecting you go all Chippendale's on me.”
The messages started to flood in.
Isamu: Um... Continue please?
Misty Blue: lol mooning yes. A FULL moon indeed.
Hawaii Five - O: Lol is it just me are does he look like San from ATEEZ?
Jazmine: Yea was watching with my dad...Thanks...
Lisa: CAUSE IT IS SAN FROM ATEEZ. *screaming and punching the air*
Da Kid: Boyfriend or Roommate?
Hailey: noooo y is my husband there with Y/n!!!! San you come home this minute!
Supernatural Fan: Didn't think I'd b seeing a guy's bare ass while enjoying my salad.
Beth: Thank you for the heart attack.
Charlie: I don't think roommates do this kind of thing @ Da Kid.
Kimmy: Are u getting dick downed by him every night?
iPad adult: Too much junk in the trunk lol.
“Now that everyone has seen my boyfriend's butt. I'm ending the stream.”
“Does that mean you're going to enjoy your birthday gift now?” San smiles at you.
#ateez s/o#kpop fanfic#kpop x black reader#kpop x ambw#kpop x reader#ateez fanfic#ateez x black reader#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#ateez fluff#ateez x y/n#ateez x reader#ateez fic#ateez reactions#ateez request#ateez x poc#fanfic#ateez#ateez x you#ateez x female reader#Spotify
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hard launch hard launch hard launch!! i’m DYING to see the reactions
hard launch → social media post
gymnast duke!sister x james hagens au (james + hannah)
as requestedddd THE HARD LAUNCH of james and hannah on their instagrams and all of their friends are so shocked and surprised besides samy + will who saw it coming tehehe
au masterlist

hannahduke how does it go? i hate boston?
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samyhughes MY WIFEYYYY u look gorg omg
samyhughes insane lore drop after i tried getting it out of you yesterday
| hannahduke ur starting to look like gabe with his spam comments on will’s post LMAO
| hannahduke girlllll u were crazy for figuring that out
| samyhughes idk if me being compared to gabe should be an insult or what
| gabeperreault44 HEY rude
user1 AW OMG i had no idea they were dating???
user2 wow she’s gorg they’re all gorg
user3 wait last pic is so cutie they lowkey make so much sense together??!!
drewf2 IS THAT MY MAN J HAGENS?! WOAH when did this happen????
| hannahduke some months ago or something..
aram_minnetian wow this was not on my 2024 bingo card
| hannahduke LMAO aram please
jacob_fowler24 now wait a minute.. i glanced at the comments and got confused until i scrolled the last photo and saw james hagens r u guys dating 😭😭
| hannahduke are you admitting that you don’t scroll through the entire carousel??
| jacob_fowler24 no..
tyler___duke5 i’m floored when did this happen 😭
| hannahduke only a few weeks ago 🤭
| hannahduke surprise!
user4 HAHA all the guys being so confused and surprised is so funny to me
user5 aw wait i love
_willvote why is everyone stealing the boston guys??
| hannahduke you tell me tbh 😭
nick_moldenhauer wow what a casual lore drop??
| hannahduke do u think it was causal enough?
dylanduke25 wait since when were u talking to hagens 😭😭😭
| hannahduke since like..awhile lowkey
| dylanduke25 why do i feel so out of the loop wtf
coleeiserman why am i finding out about this on instagram wtf??
| hannahduke sorry cole 😭
_willsmith2 i KNEW it i KNEW it
| hannahduke why did u and samy just know it huh 😭
| samyhughes bc we're detectives
ryan.leno_4 HAGENS is that you???
| jameshagens_4 it is me yes
gabeperreault44 i can't believe hags cuffed you up omg
| hannahduke yeah crazy i didn't think he could either
michaelhagens_11 i didn't even know this wow
| hannahduke we're full of surprises u know
user6 i actually love them together aww
user7 they seem so cutie aw
tj_hughes13 damn hags got mad rizz
| jameshagens_4 😸😸
markestapa she’s all grown up now
| hannahduke u and ethan can finally stop bugging me
edwards.73 the younger these generations get the more old i feel bc who is james hagens
| hannahduke LMAO ETHAN PLS
farahlipetz sooo cute han!!! i love u
| hannahduke i love u far!!!
| hannahduke LMAO SURPRISE!!!!!
emmagcooper ur adorable i love u hannah
| hannahduke i love u em!
| hannahduke 🥰🥰
samantha_minnetian so adorable aww
| hannahduke 😘😘
zeevbuium28 wildddd pairing but u guys are cute so
| hannahduke thanks? i guess?
jameshagens_4 who’s the cutie in the last pic??
| hannahduke huh i don’t know

jameshagens_4 some good things 🤍
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teddystiga_ wow no hesitation or anything
teddystiga_ glad to be featured tho
| jameshagens_4 ofc stiggy i’d always feature u
coleeiserman is that..THE hannah duke?? wait is she who you’ve been soft launching the whole time??
| jameshagens_4 maybe..
user2 AWW she looks adorable in that pic
user3 hannah duke and james hagens was not on my bingo card BUT i’m not mad about it??
aram_minnetian now i gotta watch out for u making sappy posts now too 😔😔
| jameshagens_4 better get used to it
| jameshagens_4 the one and only 😌
_willvote very good things
| jameshagens_4 mmhmm
jacob_fowler24 u guys posting just an hour after one another is not slick at all
| jameshagens_4 oopsies
michaelhagens_11 why do i find this out from instagram and why are you not answering my texts
| jameshagens_4 sorry mike😔
user4 i hope he knows he’s dating a 2x olympic gold medalist rn and he better not lose that
user5 what an attractive looking couple aw
dylanduke25 so thissss is the boyfriend 🤨
| jameshagens_4 hey
tyler___duke5 i should’ve send this coming
| jameshagens_4 🤠
tj_hughes13 fresh man
| jameshagens_4 thanks tj
gabeperreault44 MY SHAYLAAAA
| samyhughes GABE wtf😭
| hannahduke PEAK brainrot
ryan.leno_4 since when have you been rizzing up hannah???
| jameshagens_4 since like..maybe two years ago?
| gabeperreault44 TWO YEARS AGO?!
| _willsmith2 now that’s crazy actually
_willsmith2 welcome to the clubbb 😎
| jameshagens_4 does this mean we’re gonna go on double dates now?
| samyhughes yes absolutely
| mackcelebrini make that a triple date!
rutgermcgroarty this is such insane lore to wake up to 😭
| jameshagens_4 sorry rut
zeevbuium28 u know what? i’m impressed u stuck it through for two years
| jameshagens_4 finally bagged that fine shyte i’ve been plotting
| samyhughes WHO is teaching you these tiktok brainrots??
samyhughes this is actually really cute j aw
| jameshagens_4 thanks samy!
user6 PLEASE these comments are hilarious
trevorconnelly16 uh oh he’s gone soft on us
| jameshagens_4 ☺️
brandonsvoboda_ we welcome u to the taken club with open arms
| jameshagens_4 i appreciate that 🥰
nick_moldenhauer michigan x boston crossover
| jameshagens_4 had to run it back
markestapa doing my causal invading the bf comment
| jameshagens_4 hey mark!
edwards.73 unfortunately i didn’t know who u were until now but don’t worry now i do!
| jameshagens_4 LMAO no hard feelings ethan
hannahduke wait..who’s that #10..
| jameshagens_4 hmm u better come find out
#james hagens#james hagens hockey#james hagens x oc#james hagens au#james hagens 10#jh10#gymnast duke!sister x james hagens au#james hagens x hannah duke#james x hannah#james hagens social media post#hannah duke#umich#umich gymnastics#umich blurbs#umich fic#umich wolverines#umich imagine#umich blurb#umich hockey#umich au#uofm#uofmichigan#university of michigan#bc eagles#bc hockey#boston college#boston college hockey#boston college blurb#boston college hockey blurb#boston college hockey imagine
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small pause | arthurtv
requested!! an arthurtv x reader social media break up, but with a happy ending :)
hope u guys enjoyed and i loved doing this so if you have anymore requests please send them in!!

liked by arthurtv, freyanightingale and 5,278 more tagged bambinobecky
yourusername: forcing becky to take me on museum dates that she doesn't care about
bambinobecky: you stared at the paintings and i stared at your arse
↳ yourusername: sounds like a good trade tbh x
gkbarry: your haiiiiir i would kill for mine to be that thick
↳ yourusername: love you endlessly girl
sabinablair: looking gorgeous
↳ yourusername: need to see you soon! missed u like crazy x

liked by georgeclarkeey, chrismd10 and 6,839 others
arthurtv: went back to jersey for a while, sorry for the lack in uploads! wanted some time at home and with family for a bit, will be back and uploading next week :)
georgeclarkeey: come back i miss our cuddles
↳ arthurtv: you weren't supposed to tell anyone about that
arthurnfhill: looking good!
↳ arthurtv: are you flirting with me??
user1: omg him going home to feel better after the breakup, arthurxy/n heart is breaking

liked by yourusername, arthurtv and 7,208 more. tagged arthurtv
theuselesshotlinepod: had the lovely @/arthurtv on with us this week to talk UK youtube, dating, and growing up with chris md!
arthurtv: is george allowed to touch everyone like that in the workplace??
↳ maxbalegde: well we tell him not to due to HR but he just couldn't keep his hands off you x

liked by faithlouisak, taliamar and 6,302 more
yourusername: dragging the girls to come out for cocktails has become a too often occurrence (not that i'm complaining)
taliamar: ugh was so good to see you
↳ yourusername: ditto, literally have been rotting in bed so the girls was exactly what i needed
faithlouisak: ur so hot
↳ yourusername: coming from my favourite milf x
bambinobecky: what is there on this earth that cocktails can't fix?
↳ yourusername: i'll not go too deep on the main insta x
yourusername has posted on their story!

liked by yourusername, georgeclarkeey and 6,893 more
arthurtv: a silly little last min trip to greece :)
georgeclarkeey: any excuse for you to take your top off
↳ arthurtv: your mum wasn't complaining last night
arthurnfhill: literally didn't even realise you had left the flat, you're in greece?
↳ arthurtv: glad to know i'm appreciated

liked by arthurtv, bambinobecky and 6,390 others
yourusername: i went away for the weekend and thought i'd share some of the cute photos (ps: there were so many cats i loved it so much)
taliamar: literally the prettiest!! i didn't even know you were going on holiday
↳ yourusername: was a last min long weekend thing, i didn't even know i was going away until the day before lmao
username3: anyone think it looks really similar to where arthur is rn???
gkbarry: you're so hot oml
↳ yourusername: no u
bambinobecky: could have at least taken me with u
↳ yourusername: next time next time x
username1: y/n's single hot girl summer era is gonna go so hard
↳ yourusername: about that ...
↳ username2: what the fuck does she mean 'about that'????
↳ yourusername: hehe

liked by arthurtv, bambinobecky and 6,389 others tagged arthurtv
yourusername: okay so i may not have been on holiday alone
user1: oh my FUCKING god i called it
user2: mrs television is back i been waiting for thissss
georgeclarkeey: we all called it, knew it wouldn't be off for long
↳ yourusername: get lost loser
↳ georgeclarkeey: you mock but living with him in his mopey missing y/n era was no fun
arthurtv: you did me dirty with that second photo of my entire plate of beans
↳ yourusername: i mean what are you gonna do, break up with me again?
↳ arthurtv: way to kick a guy when feels guilty
↳ yourusername: being guilty is a small price to pay if it means you'll take me on holidays again :)
↳ arthurtv: i think i owe you a million holidays
↳ yourusername: i can live with that x
maxbalegde: possibly the shortest breakup i've ever seen (but i knew it wouldn't last long, arthur literally looks lost when ur not in a room let alone not in his life)
↳ yourusername: just means i'm stuck with him for good

liked by yourusername, arthurnfhill and 7,839 others
arthurtv: she only got back with me to make me take nice photos of her
yourusername: absolutely not!!! (it's also for the banging cuppas you make)
↳ arthurtv: ah, makes sense
user1: favourite couple are officially back together
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ʜɪꜱ ɴᴇᴡ ᴏʙꜱᴇꜱꜱɪᴏɴ | ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ!ᴠᴏx x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ | Blurb/me rambling about idfk
cw: talk of non-con, hypnotism, manipulation
hi ok so idk if ygs saw the agenda or not but part 2 of this is 3rd on my list of to-dos!
the projects before hand are pretty bigs ones tbh so its gonna be a bit
im making this post to sort of feed the yandere vox fans since some people were aksing ab it
so yeah
i often think about what would've happened if reader hadn't accepted vox's little financially stablility + protection deal (↓ excerpt from HNO)
"C'mon, don't try to deny how enticing life with me would be," he explains in a low voice, "I'd take care of you, you wouldn't have to worry about work or money ever again.". He circles around behind you, soft hand massaging your shoulders as he speaks into your ear, "You wouldn't have to live in that crappy apartment anymore. No more worrying about rent, food, anything. It'd all be taken care of.". You turn your head and meet his gaze, your expression unconvinced. He scowls at your expression, red rings appearing in his eye in a pattern. Shit, he's trying to hypnotize you. You have to fight it.
"You will be mine. Your role here at VoxTech has changed, alright?" he commands, the once repulsive idea now sounding strangely enticing. You close your eyes and shake your head, "No! Stop, you can't manipulate me like this.". He scoffs, tired of hearing your rejections, "Oh, be serious! Do you really wanna live out the rest of your afterlife being nothing? Face it, without me, you can't get out of the dull life you have.". As much as you wanted to yell at him, tell him he was wrong, you didn't... You hated yourself for even considering his deal. On one hand, you'd be with someone unfathomably unstable... on the other, you'd be financially stable for the first time in your life... you'd be protected and loved, something you've never had. "...Fine," you hesitantly agree."
for a little background, life for reader hasn't been easy. they live paycheck to paycheck trying to make a living for themselves but they weren't interested in being an overlord and its pretty hard to climb the latter to success in hell. they live in a shitty apartment, which is livable 'till the exterminations.
in pt 2 im gonna write a bit about the exterminations and how readers financial instability led her to this unfathomable "relationship" with Vox (maybe idfk guys jioewu4fkbj).
vox reallllyyy manipulated reader into being with him. keep in mind, he had observed her for a while non-stop, he knew that readers living situation was a sorce of insecurity in their life and knew exactly how to use that against them. most of the things that vox does are meticulously planned to get what he wants in one way or another.
if reader hadn't accepted his deal, oh he fs would've force-hypnotized them into being with him.
i had a whole scenario written out where that happened actually, but i thought it wouldve been more interesting if Vox had manipulated reader to show off the power dynamics between the two. yeah reader thinks vox is fucking crazy but what were they supposed to do? Vox could easily get them to do whatever he wants anyways, hence the non-con that would have occurred.
i got a wee bit sick to my stomach writing out that sequence and how gut-wrenching reader felt afterward so i scrapped it bc omg i wanted to barf ajwhdajd.
guys if u have ideas for this lil mini series please collaborate w me becauseeee idk what im doing LMAO. any ideas for part 2 are greatly appreciated and im happy to hear your guys' thoughts and theories.
ok bye
#share your thoughts :] *begs nonchalantly*#hazbin hotel#hazbin#hazbin vox#vox x reader#hazbin x reader#reader x vox#vox the tv demon#hazbin hotel vox#hazbin alastor#hazbin smut#hazbin hotel smut#smut#x reader#x reader smut#vox smut#vox yandere#yandere vox#vox#hazbin vox smut#vox imagine#vox hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel x reader#hazbin hotel x reader smut#guysss i love this series but as of now im like idjwdjnkqad#its a ways to go i mean im still working on help me pt 6 rn#but still#gots to plan ahead#thoughts#vox thoughts
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hello! can i please request hcs with quackity about being in a long distance relationship with him?
yes omg!! thanks for the request! ; I tried, I tried not that great
QUACKITY ; long distance relationship
summary ; you and quackity are online daters /j
warnings ; language
genre ; fluff
word count ; 686
y/s/n = your ship name

you met at Twitch Rivals
you're both content creators which is obviously how you met
you guys bonded over shared interactions and the games you'd both lost
you got along so great that you exchanged information and decided you should stream together sometime
a couple weeks later you were invited to a jackbox stream with him, fundy, tommy, tubbo, bbh, and niki
shit went crazy
"Y/u/n, is there anything you'd like me to call you before we start? Like nickname or just y/u/n?" Niki asks
You graciously answer her, letting her know your name and proffered pronouns. Tommy makes a little, very lighthearted joke before pointing out someone in chat already making you and Niki and you and Alex ship names.
"Oh God, they've got us" You chuckle. "They're both mine, chat"
"AYO? SINCE WHEN?" Alex shouts
Niki giggles, covering her mouth.
"Since now" You shrug
you decided to try dating during the second north carolina meetup
you both had some fuzzy feelings about each other and mutually agreed on 'well hey, we like each other, why not try it out?'
being near the beach and with all your friends made it like a dream
but after two weeks, you had to go home
but you left your relationship untitled for now
Streaming together continued as per usual. So did long talks and phone calls, and hours spent playing video games (mostly Minecraft) together.
the next trip was to LA to visit Alex this time
you guys had your first kiss on his balcony overlooking the city
the way he giggled after omg
during that trip, you established your relationship and started to go on every day dates and stuff
but then you had to go home again
Honestly, both of you didn't really think about what to do with your relationship once you went home. You were taking it all in while you had it and weren't thinking about the very true reality of it all.
you thought talking was constant? it is now
sometimes both of you will just stay up late and rant about what you like about each other and corny shit
youre the one to softlaunch the relationship to fans
you probably guessed the password to his twitter/instagram and changed his bio to "y/u/n's bf 💯💯"
he didnt even know until people were flooding his dms and people on tik tok were talking about it
hed already said he was okay with telling people as long as you were tho
sends you pictures of flower bouquets once a week with some thought out, very loving paragraph or poem
he constantly complains about not being able to kiss or cuddle you
"y/n/n why are you so far away!?"
"i told you id be able to pay for you to live with me"
sends you good morning/goodnight texts and talks about what you'd be doing that day if you were together
cheesy little man
always spamming you w pics of Tiger
will religiously send you memes and blow up your phone if you're busy or ignoring him
yk the relationship is srs when even your qsmp characters are in love
the lore.
half of its heartbreaking angst and the other half is literally your bucket lists/daydreams of the future of your relationship
hes so down bad for you
will do anything to make you smile or make you flustered
will make the most suggestive jokes in front of friends, stay silent for a second or two and yell "im joking, im joking!"
orders you doordash/uber eats when you're doing subathons or generally long streams
will always join through vc/greenscreen when youre doing cooking streams
you'll do greenscreen dates (like the fiances stream) once a month and gossip over takeout LMAO
genuinely asks his fanartists to make ship art of you two because he loves seeing all the ideas and cute shit
they always draw you with one of his beanies or hats on, the occasional necklace
you reblog tumblr y/s/n fanart 24/7/365
karaoke streams are a must
you guys rank those "songs that all white people love" videos and rate the songs
dare or hot wing streams when youre literally anywhere but near each other>>
also playing just dance using vc and stream green screen>>>
#lowkeyrobin#mcyt x reader#mcyt preferences#mcyt oneshot#quackity x reader#alex quackity x reader#quackity oneshot#quackityhq x reader#qsmp x reader#gn reader#gender neutral reader#they/them reader
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rahhhh i’m such a fan of your writing omg and I never request stuff so i’m very nervous to send this but can I Pretty Please ask for something w kyle who’s usually more of a sub being asked to like Go Crazy Dom and at first he’s nervous but then like completely gets into it and wrecks reader’s shit please…. thank u for yr service🙏🏼

Oh lovelies you never need to be nervous when sending requests, I know it can be intimidating but believe me I say this truly makes my day!
That being said, I hope you don't mind that I've combo the request with someone else's! I'm getting a lot of Kyle and I wanna make sure everyone gets a little of what they want! And there is filth ahead so get your bibles ready. Sinners the lot of you.
Me too
Warning: NSFW, Slight choking, Dom!Kyle, Sub!Reader, Breeding Kink, Oral, Strong Language
Pairing: Kyle x Fem!Reader
Notes: Shout out to the roommate who talked me through making a Danish so I didn't have to google it lmao.

The smell of brown sugar and cinnamon filled the air swirling around in your small kitchen. The morning light peeks through the curtains of the circular window in front of the sink, you smile at the view of lilac and orange seemed to blend. You've read things online where people compared the morning sky to painting where the paint seemed to just melt together, and it seemed like one of those days. If you were better with a camera, you'd take a picture just to share it. That and the fact that you had a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and a very sleepy curly red-haired man nuzzling into your shoulder.
Your husband Kyle was never a morning person, for all his perfections and his strict schedule keeping, when the morning sun would greet him, he'd return the greeting with a groan and a feeble attempt to hide. You were trying to revive the poor man by making a pot of coffee, the warm brown liquid was the only thing that brought him back to the land of the living. The man ran off of coffee, you were sure the Tweeks owed half their business to him. With the coffee pot humming its little tune and the smell of ingredients laid out across the counter this morning just seemed perfect. Now if only your husband didn't have to leave and go to work if he could just stay with you and keep you warm.
The crisp morning air seeped into the house and sure you could change out of the basketball shorts you stole from him, and the large T-shirt you stole from him, oh the fluffy socks you stole from him but then you wouldn't smell like him. Because he would be leaving after he got through with his morning routine, and you'd be alone in this cold little house.
"What's with the face baby?" His voice broke you out of your little pout, the sleepy gravel laced in each word sent a shiver down your spine.
"What face? I'm making apple and brown sugar Danishes..." You say with a little smile on your face knowing full well he was going to keep bugging you about this.
"Hm... that’s why you had your lip poked out. And your brows were doing that thing." How did he know? He still had his face buried in you, now pushed into the crook of your neck.
You only hum in response as you focus on the apple in your hands, the knife gliding across the skin of the ruby red fruit. He knew better than to mess with you while you were handling dangerous kitchen tools, so he waited until you finished. Once you finished slicing the apples you gently placed them into the lemon water mixture, it would keep the apples fresh while you worked on the rest of the pastry. Next your hands find the mixing tool and begin to pull together nutmeg, brown sugar, butter, salt, and finally the cinnamon. Because you didn't have a lot of time in the mornings, knowing your husband had little time, you prepared the flour before he even stirred.
"You can't ignore me forever; I'm just going to keep bugging you until you tell me why you made such an adorable face." Kyle reminds you that he's still latched onto you by placing a lazy kiss on your neck, his lips trailing down towards your shoulder touching any skin that's exposed by the baggy shirt.
Every little kiss pulled you further and further away from your mixing, you couldn't help but melt under his affection. That didn't stop you from trying. You try squirming away from his lips, pushing your cheek against his face to nudge it out of the way.
"Baby, I'm trying to make you breakfast. Do you want to go to work hungry?"
"Hmm no, but if it means getting you to talk then I can suffer a little." He responds by tugging you back against him pulling you away from the bowl, the only shield against his wondering lips.
Kyle turns you around and lifts you up so you're facing him, using the counter so that you can look him in the eye. He's lucky you already put the ingredients you needed in the bowl, it didn't matter how pretty he looked with his messy bedhead and his soft green eyes, if he ruined your work, he'd get more than a pout. You expect him to move his hands from under your thighs, but he doesn't, instead he slots himself in between your legs and keeps the warmth of his palm on your exposed skin.
"No where to run now, come on love talk to me."
You look away for a moment, the heat from his hands was almost as warm as the blush on your face. "I- was just thinking about how lonely it is sometimes when you leave for work. I miss you..." You finally cave, how can you not under his gaze especially when it softens as you speak.
Kyle lets out a soft 'oh' that seems to drag out along with a sigh. He places a soft kiss on your cheek, one of his hands leaves your thigh and cups the side of your face his lips aren't on. "I'm sorry, you know getting out of bed is one of the hardest things I do every morning. I want nothing more than to stay wrapped up in the blankets with you."
This is why you didn't want to say anything, it was a selfish feeling. He was the one going out to provide for you both, he was the one who had to leave the house while he insisted that you stayed home to relax. When you first married Kyle, it was one of the first things he expressed he wanted, the need to take care of you and pamper you. It was a dream at first, having all that time to yourself and your hobbies and the only thing you needed to focus on was keeping the house clean.
Kyle pulls your face towards him, his index finger hooking under your chin to guide you back to him. His face drops to a frown when he sees the look on your face, his eyes studying you carefully.
"Hey, why don't we go out tonight? We can get some dinner and maybe catch a movie?" He's trying and it's so sweet, the way he doesn't seem to even mind your selfishness.
"That sounds nice. I'm sorry Kyle." You smile at him giving him a little kiss on the nose.
"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong."
"It's just-...you're the one that has to work and I'm being, I dunno clingy?"
"Baby you're not clingy. Honestly, I love that you want me here. I want to be here." If he wasn't already smiling at the way you kissed his nose, he definitely has a love filled grin now.
"I know and it makes me feel bad for telling you. Like, it's probably already hard enough for you to go to work."
Kyle goes quiet for a only a moment before shaking his head, the red curls bouncing from side to side as he does. He sighs softly and looks at you with heavy lidded eyes. The love in his smile matches the soft greens of his eyes.
"You're so sweet. Such a wonderful wife, you know that? I can't believe I'm this lucky to have married someone so considerate." Between his barrage of compliments and the way he peppers your face with so many soft kisses you can't argue back. "You're not making my life harder by wanting me to stay, I'm not burdened by you, I promise. Have I ever been the kind of guy to keep that kind of thing quiet?"
No. If Kyle Broflovski felt strongly about something you would hear it. It was honestly one of your favorite things about him, you never had to guess how he felt or if he wasn't upset and was too afraid to tell you. There were moments where he needed time to sort out his feelings or he'd explode, and he swore he'd never do that to you. Not you, not the person he bound his life to.
"There's more to this isn't there? Come on love, what is it?" Kyle Broflovski was also very good at reading you, turns out.
You pressed your lips together as your hands worked up towards his hair, carding your fingers through his fiery red curls. He hummed in delight at the way your fingers felt against his scalp, if you didn't want to risk ruining the moment, you'd compare him to a cat.
One should feel honored that Kyle would even allow them to see his hair when he was a kid, now here you were touching it and even massaging his scalp. You swore if you had enough time, you'd have him purring in your hands.
"I was just thinking about a way to not make the house so lonely."
"You want me to see if I can't start working from home? It'll be a little difficult, but I can-"
"No, no. I mean that would be awesome but no. I mean like...what if we had a little us running around? You know?" You whisper letting your voice drop as if someone could be listening in on your conversation.
Kyle's eyes widen and you watch his face turn a bright red, the freckles on his face pop against his skin. You've never seen him react like that, even before you were married in those early dating stages. Sure, there were times where he got nervous, times where he felt his heart speed up when he looked at you, times where he was puddy in your hands and you could pull a side of him that he'd never show anyone else.
In the bedroom it was you who took the lead. Maybe it was because Kyle was so busy being "dominate" in other parts of your relationship that when it was time for love making, he just wanted to let someone else have control. Being able to shut his mind off and just focus on the wonderful feeling you gave him was what heaven felt like, he was sure. And he was just lucky you liked the role, that you took to it so easily. There was no shame in his eyes, he just wanted to keep what you both did between you two. The world didn't need to know what went on behind closed doors. But the way he looked at you told a different story.
"You...want a baby? My baby?" His voice matches your level, but his voice seems to dip lower than his usual sleepy voice.
"Who else? I know we haven't really talked about it, but I think we're in a good spot and we'd make really good parents."
When Kyle doesn't respond you squirm a little on the counter, shifting in his hold that seemed to tighten around your thigh. You watched as he took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered shut. Then he grabbed his phone and began tapping away against the screen. You went to move so you could give him the privacy he needed as your eyes caught the little text bubbles being sent. You tried your hardest not to read what he was texting but his hand on your thigh squeezed around the soft flesh, a silent warning to keep still. The way his jaw shifts and the veins in his arms poke out makes you tilt your head in confusion.
"I called off." His voice breaking the silence makes you jolt, that and the way he tosses his phone to the side.
"What?! Why!? I don't want to be the reason you're staying home." You try to protest further but you're cut off by the way his lips slam into yours.
"I've got plenty of sick days I never use. You're sitting here in my clothes talking about wanting my baby. And god damn it I didn't even want to go in today anyway." He growls in between the kisses, emphasizing each word.
"I always wear your clothes though! I don't see-... Kyle did asking for a baby get you worked up?" You ask pulling him back from your lips by his hair, he usually likes when you tug on the roots.
He lets out a small moan, but it's cut off by another growl, he grabs your hands holding your smaller wrists in his one hand. Pinning them above your head against the cabinets behind you makes you gasp, and your eyes widen. This was a new side to him that had your core pulsing with desire.
He didn't need to answer, you got it from that alone, but he did. "You have no idea how long I've been thinking about wanting to fill you up. How bad I wanna cum in you until there's no question that you're pregnant."
You shutter and whimper at the way he speaks to you, his dirty talk working its magic. As the years went on, he worked on trying to keep it out of his vocabulary, but in moments like this where he gets worked up it would slip out.
But it never came out like this, you never realized how much you liked Kyle like this. You never saw the looks he would give you when you were so busy taking care of Ike. The way his eyes would linger with a dark hunger behind them as you took care of his baby brother like it was second nature. Thoughts of your own kids grabbing at your hip and hugging your leg, a baby in your arms and another one in his. How jealous he was that Stan told him one night that he was trying with his partner for kids. How Kenny already had one with another one the way. Kyle wanted his kids to grow up with theirs, maybe they'd be best friends like they were.
More importantly he wanted to see you pregnant, the need to take care of you was ingrained so deeply that he wanted this. Needed this. His cock was aching already over the fact that you brought it up and he didn't have to. You came to him wanting a baby and fuck he was going to give you one. Especially if you kept whimpering and pressing your body against his like that.
"Who's getting worked up now? Do you like that idea? C'mon talk to me Mama." Oh, the way he called you that was dangerous, his hot breath ghosting over your exposed collarbone.
"I-I-" You can't get it out, the way your head is spinning and the way his lips are working, making his mark on your skin. You yelp when his teeth sink in and his grip on your wrists tightens. "I do! I-I want you!"
He seemed to like that, liked the way you beg for him so easily. You feel him smirk into your skin and his free hand push up your shirt. His fingertips glide across your skin finding your breasts, there he gives your nipple a sharp pinch, rolling the nub between his index finger and this thumb. "You sound so pretty like this; I should have done this forever ago.... I'm gonna let your hands go so I can get this shirt off you. You keep them there." Kyle wasn't asking, not the way he clicked his tongue and rolled your nipple.
You cry out and nod, barely able to verbally respond, the pain was intoxicated something you didn't even know you liked. If this was how he was acting from just talking about putting a baby in you, you couldn't wait until he was actually fucking you. For now, you'd play his game, keep your hands above your head so he can slip the faded T-shirt off you.
"I never get tired of this." Next comes your shorts, he unties the strings keeping the baggy basketball shorts up and around your waist. His hands working on pulling them down until they pool beneath his feet, kicking them to the side. "I can't believe you thought for a second I would be upset with you for wanting me to stay home. Fuck, I'm glad you said something. Guess I don't have to worry about going to work hungry hm?" He returns to your neck, but he doesn't stay for long, he kisses a heated trail down to your breasts.
There his lips latch onto your hardening buds. His tongue swirls around the pink flesh hungrily sucking until they're red and sore. Each little cry and moan you let out only encourages him to give the other side the same attention. All the while his hands work on opening your legs to him.
His attention is pulled away when he feels your soaked cunt. Expecting to find your panties, he growls and looks down at you. You don't know how he went from looking you in the eye, to almost hovering over you with such a dangerous look. How he made you feel so small like you were prey.
"Was this a part of your plan? Make those adorable pouting faces and get me to fuck you on the kitchen counter? Wear nothing under my clothes so I can dive right into that delicious looking pussy?" You moan and throw your head back, not just from how filthy he spoke but from how he bit the inside of your thigh.
Teeth marks marking up and down your plump perfect thighs, they were perfect to him. Perfect in the way they felt under his teeth, perfect in the way they filled his hand, perfect in the way you tasted. All of you was perfect.
"Oh fuck~" You're nearly cut off by another gasp as his nips turn to kisses against your slit.
"Keep moaning like that, it goes so well with my breakfast." The way his tongue slipped through the lips of your cunt against your bud made your gasp turn to moans.
Kyle devoured you like you were his last meal, his tongue swirls around your nub like he had your breasts. You couldn't help as your hips rolled against his tongue chasing pleasure with greed, but he stops you with a firm hold on your thighs. His teeth graze your bud as a warning, a silent demand for you to sit still, but if the way he spoke and pinned you down was anything to go off of; you needed to keep pushing. So, you pushed against his hold again, squirming against his mouth.
When Kyle pulls back and clicks his tongue, it isn't until you see the look in his eyes that you know you're in trouble. "I kept my hands up like you told me to...w-what is it?"
"You know what. I'm trying to eat my meal in peace and you're making it very hard. Quit being a brat."
"But I was just-"
Kyle cuts you off again, but not with his lips or his own words, but from his hands wrapped around your throat. The tips of his fingers applied a healthy amount of pressure to cut off just enough air to make your head spin. His eyes narrow down at you as he forces your head up.
"You were just...what? Arguing with me? No, I think you were going to say, I'm sorry I won't move my hips again. I'll keep still so you can eat."
He waits. Waits for you to nod before letting your throat go, then he waits another second looking at you expectedly. As you gasp for air your tongue traces your bottom lip. "I... I’m sorry and I'll keep still so you can eat."
"Good girl."
Oh. Oh. Maybe you were more of a switch than you thought. Maybe it was just the way he said that with that delicious purr. At this moment you didn't really care to put a label on it, you were just burning from the praise. Not like you had a lot of time to think about it anyway, not when he knelt back down and started eating you out. His lips latched onto the sensitive nub pulling a moan from you as he sucked, his tongue flicks over it again and again. He's attentive to every sound you make from the way your muscles flex and bounce under his touch. All but humming when your yell for God or his name.
Throwing your head back, you swore you were seeing stars when he shook his head back and forth. The friction had you clenching around nothing and your nails digging into the wooden cabinets behind you.
"Kyle baby, I'm gonna cum. Please let me cum. I-I've been good I did what you told me!"
When he doesn't say anything, you have to fight the urge to grab him by the head and force him to look up at you. Slowly he looks up at you and the little flicker of fire behind them tells you all you need. It takes everything in your power not to close your eyes as you cum around his tongue, even more so when his tongue begins to greedily lap it up. You mewl and squirm trying to pull away from him, but he won't let you, won't let you move from his hold. Nothing you could have baked for him would taste as perfect as you do.
"So sweet~. Hmm always taking care of me." Kyle rubs his lips against your thighs again, wiping the slick off his jaw.
As he stands back up, he can't help but admire his work. The way your skin is marked with his teeth marks, the purple bruises on your thighs shaped like his hand, and now the way your face is flushed a dark red as you try to catch your breath. You can't quite read what's going on in his head, but he's got that look like he's thinking about something. The way his brows knit together and his eyes flicker from you to around the room.
Then he hums, picks you up and carries you over to the kitchen table. You shiver when the cool wood hits your back but it's a distant complaint as he hovers over you. Somewhere between the counter and the table he's slipped off his plaid bottoms and his boxers. Discarded somewhere with your clothes, you click back into reality as he pulls his shirt over his head. Most of his freckles are covering his shoulders, dusting across the pale skin and down his back. He raises a brow at you when he catches you admiring just how handsome he really is. It's only morning and he's already got you so dazed and worked up.
"Got something to say Mama?"
Fuck you were really beginning to like that, "just thinking about how incredibly lucky I am. We're gonna make some really pretty babies."
He smirks at you, the kind that would have made you fall to your knees if you weren't laying on the table. "Yeah? I was just thinking the same thing. How fucking beautiful you are. How pretty you're gonna look when I finally paint your insides."
You cover your mouth to stop the moan from slipping out of your mouth, but once again he stops you and pins your hands by your side. "No. Let me hear you. I need to hear you begging for my cock. Beg me to fill you up."
It takes a few teasing glides of his cock over you folds and a few more growls before you finally cave. The way the words roll of your tongue is like sin. "Please Kyle, I want you to fuck a baby into me. I want it so bad; it has to be you. Only you!"
"Fuck!" His own resolve crumbles just as the tip of his cock slips back down to your begging hole.
This isn't the first time you've felt him without a condom but this time it felt so different. Knowing he wasn't going to pull out this time was exciting, the fact that he could just let go and take you however he wanted. To claim you with his cum. You're so caught up in your own thoughts you don't even feel the way he puts your legs up on his shoulders, or his curls brushing against your face. It isn't until he finally sheathes himself into you that you snap out of it. You moan next to his ear when he bottoms out in you, the way your thighs burn feels so good.
"Your cunt's choking me, trying to milk me already baby? Don't worry I'll give you every last drop." Kyle lulls his head to the side as he begins lazily rocking into you.
You're almost folded in half from the way he has you under him, knees pushed back towards your shoulders. Kyle's got your hands still pinned by the side of your head; fingers intertwined with yours. Normally his eyes would flutter shut, he'd give into the sensation of his cock nudging into your walls, but this time he keeps them open. Like he is trying to memorize every time your lips form that cute little 'o' and a moan comes spilling out. The way your moans pitch up when he hits that delicious spot. The way you pant and beg for him to go faster.
That's when he shifts, the loving hold and lazy thrusts turn to fast paced fucking. Love making is always there, you never doubt that, but the way he's got his hands around your waist pulling you back onto his cock feels so raw. He slams into you with a newfound force neither of you knew he could muster. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, stars dancing across your vision. He rewards you with his own moans and grunts, the further his cock head pushes past your walls the faster he brings you to climax. Now that your hands are free from his strong grip, you place them on his forearm’s nails digging into his flesh. He hisses but it only seems to push him further.
"Come on baby. Cum around my cock. Yeah, just like that. Just like that!"
You arch your back and give him all you have. Your walls finally grip his cock as you reach your peak. Between your heart beating in your ears and the way he slams back into you, it's almost too much. Kyle finds a way to keep you on the line without pushing you too far. You feel the way his hips begin to stutter, and his moans become ragged. You know he's close.
"Yeah. Fuck you feel so good, I'm gonna- gotta fill you up. Take it!" He groans and then you feel his hot seed against your walls. Pushing up into your cunt, he plugs your hole with a final slam of his hips.
You and your husband lay there against one another, panting heavily until your breathing slows down to match one another. You can feel his lips pressed against your neck and his eyelashes tickle your skin. When you move your hands to his hair again, he knows you're okay, he presses a few short kisses onto your soft lips. Kyle feels you smile against his lips, and he doesn't even bother stopping the lazy one that comes across his.
"Never seen that side of you. I like it." You purr finally able to talk now that you've slowed down.
"Hm, keep that in mind when we do this again."
"Oh baby, we've got all day. It's Friday. I'm going to treat you to dinner like I promised. After that I'll take you upstairs and we're going to do this again. And again. Aaaaaand again. I'll keep my cock plugged in you like this and we'll go to sleep." His fingers push back into your hair, pushing it out of your sweaty face.
"J-Jesus Kyle." You shutter under his touch, unable to stop the way your walls flutter around him again. You can feel his cock bob in response, and when he slides his hardened member out slowly; you feel every little vein like he wants you to memorize it.
"Gotta make sure you're pregnant. My perfect, beautiful, wonderful wife deserves to be a mama. And what kind of husband would I be if I didn't give her exactly what she wants?" Kyle smirks down at you with newfound energy.
It was going to be a long morning, maybe you could convince him to let you finish making those pastries but you had a feeling that would be a battle. Especially since he's already started thrusting back into you. Maybe a few more rounds wouldn't hurt, you could always have him put the baked goods in the oven. After all he was doing so well already.
#south park#reader insert#sp fanfiction#south park x reader#x reader#south park fanfiction#anon ask#i do for you anon#requests fuel me!!#kyle broflovski x reader#kyle broflovski#shhh its a secret#oh god#this is sin#filthy thoughts#filth#its smut#craaaaazy#just love how the fandom is just so down bad for this nerd#he might be a little ooc#i don't care#hey here's a fun game#everytime I write someone getting plowed in a kitchen#take a shot#don't do that#behave#or don't#I'm not your mom#hey next is some fluff#shh it's a secret
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