#OKR example
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profit-123 · 2 years ago
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OKRs are simple yet powerful as they are useful for startups and large corporations to execute their strategy with focus and alignment.
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upraise123 · 2 years ago
Explore OKR Examples for Goal-Driven Success.
Unleash your organization's potential for goal-driven success with UpRaise's comprehensive library of OKR examples. Explore proven strategies, practical insights, and real-world scenarios to effectively align objectives with measurable key results. Empower your team to achieve extraordinary performance and propel your organization towards unprecedented accomplishments. Experience the transformative power of UpRaise in driving goal-driven success. Start your journey today and unlock a new level of achievement.
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max-levchin · 3 months ago
To build a meritocracy
About a year ago, we at Affirm decided to add an OKR to our annual planning titled “High-Performance Culture”, to help shore up the necessary means (for the necessary means) of improving our collective productivity. (Yes yes, big company stuff, whatever – we grew revenue 46% last fiscal year on essentially flat headcount, that’s pretty addictive, and it doesn’t hurt the stock price.)
We measure this OKR by asking every Affirmer a handful of questions about their experience getting work done, eg “do you feel like it’s pretty collaborative here”, etc, scoring it on a 10pt scale, and trying to improve our score quarter to quarter. Generally, our score’s pretty high, and trending gently higher, so all good then?
Maybe, but how do you do better? High-performance culture is pretty easy to define: a culture of individuals doing productive work for the company in the most efficient way possible and helping others do the same, while generally having a good time. But what do you actually do [sir] to have such a culture? And what do you not do? 
So I jotted down a few incomplete one-liners of what that means to me as Affirm’s founder and CEO. This list is neither exhaustive (I reserve the right to add and remove things here) nor is it even especially well-organized, but culture is like obscenity in Jacobellis v Ohio: you know it when you see it. 
So here’s what I see at Affirm. 
morality is a key ingredient in everything we do (and don’t do)
integrity is what got us where we are today, never compromise it
consumers, merchants, and capital partners are who we serve
stay humble and be curious about the needs of each of our constituents
take pride in providing safe access to fair credit; don’t judge what consumers use it for
bleed the colors, the values, the mission
Affirm is a meritocracy: your talent, skill, and willingness to put it all to work define you here
we solve multivariate optimization problems – a certain minimum intellectual capacity is required
demand excellence from yourself and from your teammates, don’t settle
work-life balance tends to take care of itself if you love your work
…remember that this is a marathon – take care of yourself and those you love
if you can’t keep up, we’ll try our best to help, but eventually you may have to leave
if you see that someone can’t keep up, you should step in to help them
we are a culture of individuals working together as teams  
once someone is a part of the team, fully accept them as one of our own
whom you hire, and how you help them be productive is your top responsibility 
be an owner, not merely an employee
do not allow “us and them” dynamics to foment anywhere at Affirm
run towards a problem; don’t assume someone else will take care of it
be a stress absorber for your team, not a stress amplifier
an occasional heroic act that helps Affirm win is a good thing, not a sign of poor planning
constant heroic acts required for Affirm to survive is a sign of poor planning
lead by example
how we work
we take calculated risks – do the calculating!
make reversible decisions fast
bring the bad news to the team early – we’ll rally to help
use our product and understand its value to our customers
care about how we make things — mind the quality of the invisible parts
…do not let perfect be the enemy of shipping and iterating
time is the scarcest resource we have, be mindful of how you use yours, and your team’s
we are a writing culture, favor short, pithy n-pagers to novels or live rants
post-mortem everything: the successes, the failures, and the near-misses – and learn
we take our work extremely seriously — but not so much ourselves 
how we disagree
if you disagree, you must speak up, even escalate – especially before a decision is made
fear of being wrong is not an acceptable reason for not speaking up
never accept an unexplained “no” for an answer – ask why
challenge ideas! good ones can handle the scrutiny, bad ones need to die on the vine
even the harshest critique of your idea is not an attack on you, don’t take it as such
no matter how brilliant you are, being a jerk is a ticket out of Affirm
know our business well, and know your area of the business cold
argue using facts whenever possible, but give your gut a voice too
once the decision is reached, commit 
sometimes, Monday starts on Saturday
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piotrtymcio · 2 months ago
Is it christmas time already?
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Canon EOS M100, EF-M22mm f/2 STM
[EN] The photo was taken during a run I’ve already mentioned. Two bottles, presumably with unfinished beer, told the story of an evening gathering on the pier. The frost had shattered them. I noticed a bottle cap at the bottom of the water as well. One day, someone might cut their foot on it at the beach.
A long time ago, back when I was a student, the holiday season was synonymous with everyone from my year—and neighboring ones—returning from their universities to our little backwater town, and the nightlife would thrive. No one stayed home. We’d meet up with friends we hadn’t seen in ages. Sometimes not even our own friends—friends of friends, people you only knew by sight. In this small town, everyone knew everyone. We partied together. And, of course, alcohol was always part of the equation.
Today, I’m at a point in my life where I don’t consume such things at all. Yet, sometimes, I miss those gatherings. But now, very few people come back. And if they do, it’s not for two weeks but for a day or two—with their spouses, kids. There’s no time or motivation for such escapades anymore. There just isn’t.
And these bottles, while ultimately an example of bad behavior, reminded me of those times. Who knows? Maybe this year something will shift in that direction. A little mini-reunion of dinosaurs before we go extinct.
[PL] Zdjęcie powstało w czasie przebieżki o której już wspominałem. Dwie butelki, przypuszczalnie, z niedopitym piwem opowiadały historię o wieczornym spotkaniu na pomoście. Rozsadził je mróz. W wodzie dostrzegłem też kapsel na dnie. Później ktoś sobie będzie mógł rozwalić nogę na plaży.
Dawno, dawno temu, kiedy jeszcze byłem studentem, okres świąteczny kojarzył mi się z tym, że wszyscy z mojego rocznika i pokrewnych zjeżdżali się ze swoich uczelni z powrotem do zapyziałego miasteczka i nocne życie kwitło. Nie siedziało się w domu. Spotykało się znajomych niewidzianych od stu lat. Nawet nie zawsze swoich. Znajomych, znajomych. Ludzi których znałeś z widzenia. To małe miasto tu każdy kojarzył każdego. Imprezowało się wspólnie. Oczywiście wszystko to nie obywało się bez alkoholu.
Dziś jestem na takim etapie swojego życia, że nie spożywam tego typu wyrobów w ogóle. Czasami jednak tęsknię, za tymi spotkaniami. Tylko, że mało kto się już zjeżdża. A nawet jeżeli to nie na dwa tygodnie a na dzień lub dwa. Z mężami, żonami, dziećmi. Nie ma już czasu i motywacji na takie eskapady. Nie ma.
I te butelki, choć w gruncie rzeczy są przykładem nagannego zachowania, przypomniały mi trochę o tamtym czasie. Kto wie? Może coś drgnie w tym temacie w tym roku? Taki mini zjazd dinozaurów zanim wyginą.
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exitrowiron · 2 years ago
Big Thoughts
We Should Establish and Publicize State/National KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to Drive Improvement in the Health of Our Society
In a nation obsessed with athletic competition at every level (high school, college and pro) it seems like a lost opportunity that we've not channeled this competitive spirit to measure and improve the overall health of our society.
Americans get so worked up over the success of their local pro sports team that a win or loss actually changes men's testosterone levels. A 1998 University of Utah study collected samples from men before and after they watched a game in which their favorite team played. The results showed a 20 percent increase in testosterone for fans of the winning team and a 20 percent decrease in the fans of the losing team.
UK fans get worked up over a loss to IU. Why aren't they even more disappointed to learn that Kentucky's poverty rate is 16.6% versus Indiana's 12.9% and they are both getting their ass kicked by Minnesota at 9.3%?
I'm not at all kidding about this. If every day you saw a billboard listing the ranking (free lunch %, test scores, etc.) of your local school district compared to other local districts and the averages for your state and the country, don't you think people would get more involved? Instead, people are very aware of which school has the best football or basketball team.
Although politicians love to hug the flag and proclaim the US as the 'greatest nation on earth', no one seems to actually be keeping score.
As Peter Drucker once said, "What gets measured gets managed" and as a consequence the highly publicized measures of the economy (Dow Jones Industry Average, Unemployment Rate, Interest Rates) are often used as substitute measures for the country's success. The importance of the economy can't be understated (anyone remember Bill Clinton's famous campaign moniker, "It's the economy stupid"?), but these measures are one-dimensional and incomplete.
The Democrats and Republicans each adopt extensive Party Platforms outlining priorities and ambitions. The 2020 Democratic Platform is 96 pages; the Republicans simply re-adopted their 2016 Platform and both are almost completely bereft of any measurements to accompany the ambitions. Unlike even the most rudimentary annual business plan there are no OKRs (objectives, key results).
I would love to see each party identify the KPIs that best represent their positions, goals and ambitions as well as the objective measurements, preferably at a national, state and local level. Then let's measure which party is really getting the job done.
Publicizing these KPIs would actually leverage the strength of the US system in which the States have considerable leeway to experiment. Take Kansas for example (article from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities)
In 2012 and 2013, at the urging of Governor Sam Brownback, lawmakers cut the top rate of the state’s income tax by almost 30 percent and the tax rate on certain business profits to zero.  Under “supply-side” economic theory, these deep tax cuts should have acted — as Brownback then predicted — like “a shot of adrenaline into the heart of the Kansas economy,” stimulating strong growth in economic output, job creation, and new business formation.  But in reality, Kansas underperformed most neighboring states and the nation on all of those measures after the tax cuts. 
This was a painful failed experiment for Kansas and resulted in huge budget deficits, but let's at least make sure the results are well publicized in KPIs so that other states don't inevitably repeat the error.
Similarly, I was born in Missouri which has been a Republican led state for the last 7 years. Other than growing average gun ownership, gun deaths, and excess Covid deaths I'm struggling to think of other notable accomplishments. Others might argue that Missouri's intangible 'freedom' quotient improved, but I've had enough of squishy platitudes - let's see the numbers. One of the KPIs should be a measure of the citizens' perceived well-being; let's see if Missourians are actually happier, despite knowing that more of them are dead. Similarly, if Alabamans/Mississippians are happy being last or nearly last in most every measure of health, education and prosperity, then don't change a thing. But I bet that's not the case. Texas loves to crow about people and businesses fleeing California... OK, let's see the numbers and see who is really 'winning' in each category.
No doubt there would be great debate over what KPIs should be measured and even more debate over the policies used to improve the measurements - but let's start by attaching a scorecard to each party's platform and tasking the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office to be the scorekeeper.
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sutrolii · 12 days ago
OKRs and the Org Chart
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When each role in your organization has well defined OKRs, it can streamline management.
It provides clarity about what conversations need to happen between each layer of your org chart.
Hi, I'm Burton. I'm the founder and CEO of Sutro Li. We provide accounting for great causes. The objectives and key results or OKR framework can streamline management in a company by providing clarity on what each team member needs to achieve and how much time they have to achieve it. When each role has a well defined set of goals that are specific and time bound.
It brings clarity to conversations between layers in the organization. Let's check this out in a simple example, here's an organization with three reporting layers, we could call them managers, directors and executives. Let's just focus on one branch for this example, let's say the financial OKRS are two achieve annual gross revenue of $5 million reduce annual overhead cost by 5% and end the year with a net profit of $500,000.
These goals are measurable and they are time specific because they know where they need to get to and how much time they have. The accounting manager and marketing and communications department are clear on what they need to report to the CFO as they move through the year. This is a very simple example of how OKRs can be used to get everyone on your team working together towards common goals.
When each role in your organization has well defined OKRs it can streamline management by providing clarity about what conversations need to happen between each layer of your org chart. Next week, I'll be talking a little bit more about goal setting if you'd like to hear more, give us a follow and we'll see you next week.
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okr-business-consultant · 14 days ago
Optimizing Business Growth with OKR Planning Sessions: A Guide for Wave Nine Inc
In today’s competitive business landscape, companies are always on the lookout for effective ways to enhance their productivity, focus, and overall performance. One such strategy that has been gaining significant attention is OKR (Objectives and Key Results) planning. This framework can transform the way organizations approach their goals, align their teams, and measure progress. For businesses like Wave Nine Inc., implementing OKR planning sessions can lead to impressive growth and long-term success.
In this guest post, we will explore what OKR planning is, why it’s beneficial, and how Wave Nine Inc. can successfully implement it to achieve its business objectives.
What is OKR Planning?
OKR planning is a goal-setting framework that helps organizations define measurable goals and track progress. The process is divided into two main components:
Objectives: These are the specific, measurable goals that a company wants to achieve in a set time frame.
Key Results: These are the quantifiable outcomes that indicate progress towards achieving each objective.
The OKR framework ensures that all members of the organization are aligned with the company’s strategic vision, focusing their efforts on achieving the most impactful goals. Typically, OKRs are set for a quarter or a year, and they help businesses prioritize tasks, improve collaboration, and enhance accountability.
For businesses like Wave Nine Inc., implementing OKRs can provide clarity and direction, making it easier to stay on track while striving for ambitious objectives.
Why OKR Planning is Essential for Wave Nine Inc.
1. Clear Alignment Across Teams
One of the major benefits of OKR planning is the clarity it provides in aligning teams towards common goals. By defining clear objectives and key results, Wave Nine Inc. can ensure that all departments, from marketing to operations, work toward the same end goals. This alignment reduces the chances of conflicting priorities and boosts team collaboration.
When each team member understands their contribution to the overall objective, they can focus their energy on tasks that directly impact the business’s success. This clarity leads to better communication and more efficient decision-making.
2. Enhanced Focus on What Matters
With multiple projects and day-to-day operations, it’s easy for employees to become distracted by less important tasks. OKR planning encourages companies to focus on what truly matters by setting clear and measurable objectives. This focus allows Wave Nine Inc. to channel its resources towards initiatives that will drive the most significant impact.
By prioritizing high-value goals, Wave Nine Inc. can achieve faster growth and avoid wasting time on initiatives that don’t align with the company’s long-term vision.
3. Measurable Progress
One of the greatest challenges for businesses is tracking progress towards their goals. OKRs make it easier to measure success by breaking down objectives into key results that are quantifiable. For example, if an objective is to increase sales, the key results might include a specific percentage increase in revenue, new client acquisitions, or improved customer retention rates.
For Wave Nine Inc., having measurable progress ensures that there is no ambiguity about whether the business is on track to meet its objectives. Regular reviews of key results allow for adjustments to be made if necessary, enabling the company to stay agile and focused.
4. Foster a Results-Driven Culture
OKR planning sessions help build a results-driven culture within the organization. When employees see that their efforts are directly contributing to achieving the company’s objectives, it boosts morale and engagement. This sense of ownership fosters a motivated and committed workforce that is focused on delivering high performance.
For Wave Nine Inc., a results-driven culture can lead to greater innovation, improved productivity, and stronger team cohesion, as employees understand the importance of their work in achieving the company’s vision.
5. Improved Transparency and Accountability
Another advantage of OKR planning is the transparency it brings to the organization. OKRs are typically shared across the company, allowing all employees to see the objectives and key results of their colleagues. This openness fosters accountability, as each team member knows that their progress is being tracked.
For Wave Nine Inc., this transparency creates an environment where everyone feels responsible for the company’s success. It also allows for more collaborative problem-solving when challenges arise, as team members can work together to find solutions and stay on track.
How Wave Nine Inc. Can Conduct an Effective OKR Planning Session
Now that we understand the benefits of OKR planning, it’s time to dive into how Wave Nine Inc. can successfully conduct an OKR planning session. Here are the key steps to follow:
1. Set Clear and Ambitious Objectives
The first step in any OKR planning session is to define the objectives. These should be ambitious yet achievable goals that align with the company’s vision. For Wave Nine Inc., the objectives could include goals such as increasing market share, enhancing customer satisfaction, or expanding product offerings.
It’s important that these objectives are specific, clear, and meaningful to the entire organization. A well-defined objective serves as the foundation for the key results and provides the team with a clear target to aim for.
2. Define Key Results
Once the objectives are set, the next step is to define the key results. These should be measurable and directly tied to the objectives. For example, if the objective is to increase market share, key results might include specific revenue targets, number of new clients, or customer satisfaction scores.
Each key result should be challenging but attainable. For Wave Nine Inc., defining these key results will ensure that progress can be tracked, and the organization can see exactly where it stands in relation to its goals.
3. Assign Ownership
Accountability is crucial to the success of the OKR planning process. For each objective and key result, assign ownership to specific team members. This ensures that everyone understands their role in achieving the goals and can take responsibility for their outcomes.
Wave Nine Inc. can leverage this step to empower employees, giving them ownership of their tasks and making them more committed to achieving the results.
4. Set a Review Process
OKRs are not a set-it-and-forget-it approach. Regular reviews are necessary to ensure that the organization is staying on track. Wave Nine Inc. should schedule regular check-ins (usually quarterly) to assess progress, identify challenges, and make any necessary adjustments to the OKRs.
These reviews allow the company to stay agile, address issues before they become problems, and refine its strategies to ensure the best results.
5. Reflect and Learn
After each OKR cycle, it’s essential to reflect on the results and learn from both successes and failures. This retrospective process helps Wave Nine Inc. understand what worked well and what didn’t, which can be used to improve future OKR planning sessions.
By continuously learning and evolving, Wave Nine Inc. can refine its approach, making its OKR planning process more effective and better aligned with its long-term goals.
OKR planning sessions are a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline their goal-setting processes, improve team alignment, and measure progress effectively. By embracing OKR planning, Wave Nine Inc. can enhance its focus, accountability, and results-driven culture, driving sustained growth and success.
As you consider implementing OKRs, remember that the key to success lies in clear objectives, measurable key results, and a commitment to continuous improvement. With the right approach, Wave Nine Inc. can unlock its full potential and achieve exceptional results in the years to come.
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profit-123 · 2 years ago
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KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator.
Key performance indicators (KPIs) are a set of specific, quantifiable, actionable measures that can be used to track and measure the progress of an organization or a team, or an individual toward their respective key objectives. They provide data-based insights about the performance of a business, teams, and individuals.
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kawaiiglowy7691 · 10 months ago
T-shirt z okr?
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I apologize, but as an AI language model, I am unable to create or post on social media platforms, including Tumblr. However, I can provide you an example of a tweet you can copy and paste into your own social media platform. Here it is:\n\n✨ Discover our cute range of Zodiac t-shirts! Show your star sign in style! 🌟 Get yours now: [BUY NOW LINK HERE] 😍👕 #ZodiacTees #KawaiiFashionShop
❤10% OFF Coupon: kawaii10off
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davidaleksandersen · 10 months ago
10 Examples of OKRs for Growing SaaS Companies
For a Software as a Service (SaaS), strategic planning and measurable objectives are key to sustainable growth. One of the most effective frameworks for aligning goals across an organization is the use of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). This blog explores how OKRs can be tailored specifically for SaaS companies looking to scale operations, enhance product offerings, and improve customer…
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softpetalp9078 · 10 months ago
Różowy T-shirt z okr?
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To spend your posting on Tumblr, you might first need to create an account, and then you can post your message. Since I am an AI and can't directly post on websites, I can only provide you with an example of how the post can look like:\n\nPost Title: Cute Pink Circle Tee - Kawaii Style!\nPost Message: 🎀Get the look - Shop this adorable pink tee with a cute circle design! Super Kawaii😍  Buy now: https://kawaiibuy.co/tx05e 🛍️👚\n\nRemember to replace https://kawaiibuy.co/tx05e with the actual link to your product page. Even though it surpasses the 170 character limit, it is important to include all the relevant information, especially about the product's appeal and the main call-to-action, to encourage engagement and conversion on your online store. The Emojis add visual appeal to capture attention and convey the product's style.\n\nFor optimal results, pair this post with engaging images of the product, possibly featuring models or other lifestyle shots, to truly showcase the appeal of the item.
❤10% OFF Coupon: kawaii10off
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erpinformation · 1 year ago
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the365ceo · 1 year ago
CEO OKRs (Objectives & Key Results): Achieve X% increase in customer referrals. Customer referrals refer to the rate at which existing customers refer new customers to a company. This OKR can be used to drive customer acquisition and reduce marketing costs. An example of this would be a financial services company setting a goal of increasing its customer referral rate by 10% through improved customer service and referral incentive programs. For more business insights and advice on leading, innovating, and executing like a top-tier global CEO, please visit us online at www.the365ceo.com.
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rafi420 · 1 year ago
Because the middle platform can help power achieve penetration
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How much money should be spent on each business line and how to formulate a growth strategy are very technical tasks for the boss of the growth department.
Of course, the business boss hopes to give him as much support as possible. In fact, for the business, the most efficient way is to HE Tuber integrate all functions into one reporting line. Everyone in this chain is doing When making decisions, only one factor needs to be considered, which is whether it is beneficial to the business line. But if some functions are withdrawn, another situation will arise - an increase in internal transaction costs, because everyone no longer sits on the same bench.
So the business boss will go and communicate with the growth boss. But the reality is that there is no reporting relationship between them, and there is no question of who listens to whom. Everything has to be discussed, or decided by higher-level people on the reporting line.
Over the years, everyone has always discussed what good management is. In the final analysis, management that is in line with human nature is good management. And what is human nature? Individualism is part of human nature. Why so many companies have trust and cooperation as their values? In essence, it’s because in a huge organization, trust and cooperation are very difficult. You need to shout all the time and every month to penetrate into the blood of the organization.
Personally, I have doubts about many fashionable concepts and tools, including middle-office organizations and OKR. The concept of OKR sounds very good. Through top-down decomposition, a company can all aim at the goals of the top decision-makers, forming a pyramid structure in which strategy and execution are aligned.
If executed well, OKR can theoretically ensure a company's strategic focus and create synergy. However, realizing this scenario requires a prerequisite, that is, the top decision-maker will expose his true inner goals. This alone will probably stump 90% of Chinese bosses.
Because there is a deep shadow of Wang Yangming in Chinese business culture. Wang Yangming talked about the inner sage and the outer king, which means that the inner and outer parts of a person do not have to be unified. Of course, many bosses are actually the inner king and the outer sage. So which one should show the king's side or the saint's side? you guess.
The same goes for the middle office. When you think it requires execution efficiency from the organization, the result is not always the case because it puts people in different positions. But if the top level wants decision-making efficiency from the organization, then the middle office is a good choice.
If you pay a little more attention, you will find that the establishment of middle-level organizations often coincides with the transfer of power in the company.
Take JD.com for example. In 2018, Liu Qiangdong phased out of the business. He needed to give more authority to the management of the three major business lines at the time.
Especially for Jingdong Retail Group, Xu Lei was picked to become the CEO of this business unit that accounted for 95% of the group's revenue. As a professional manager, it should be said that there is a lot of pressure to become the successor of a company founder. In an interview a few years ago, Xu Lei told me that in the five months after he was promoted to the rotating CEO of JD.com, he did not issue any policy guidelines or administrative orders. "Although I know all the problems," he spent more time observing.
In the development of a company, it needs to have a consensus, including a consensus on values, a consensus on strategy, and a consensus on power. In layman's terms, it's who has the final say. The founder does not need to worry about this, because he is the natural consensus of the organization, "He is the boss."
But when professional managers take over the authority, they need to establish a system within the scope of authorization to allow the organization to reach a consensus. In a nutshell: founders have property rights, maximum voting rights, and Charisma-type reputation, and they can fight wherever they want; while professional managers only have authorization and rely more on the system.
Also in this year, JD.com began to establish a middle office. The supply chain units in technology and business were decoupled and became a middle office organization. The front office organization was a business scenario. The two parties were constantly recoupled and worked together to move forward. Since it is coupled, some external force is needed as support.
Of course, JD.com’s middle-end design is still relatively personalized. Generally speaking, the middle-end design of most companies is the technical middle-end and organizational middle-end, that is, the middle-end design of finance, human resources and R&D departments. The reason for this is also very simple. Whether it is a company or a business unit, the three core elements are always people, money and materials. People and money are easy to understand, while things refer to the means of production. For Internet companies, their core production material is software, and the R&D department ensures the implementation and iteration of this production material.
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kroolo-com · 1 year ago
Discover the Power of Project Management Coupled with OKRs to Drive Results
Project management is a critical component in successfully executing any business strategy. Its impact extends beyond mere completion of tasks. It plays a fundamental role in aligning individual efforts with the overarching goals of an organization. 
In this blog, we deep dive into uncover the power of project management and OKR (Objective and Key Results) when combined to drive results and maximize productivity. Let’s get started.
Project Management and OKR
Defining Project Management and OKRs
Project management is the art of leading a team to achieve specific goals within a set timeframe. It involves planning, executing, and overseeing projects to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. 
OKRs refer to goal-setting frameworks used by teams and individuals to set challenging, ambitious goals with measurable results. OKRs help in focusing efforts on measurable and impactful outcomes.
Integrating Project Management and OKR 
Integrating Project Management (PM) methodologies with Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) can significantly drive project success while aligning with broader organizational goals. While project management ensures the smooth execution of tasks, OKRs focus on the end goals, ensuring that the projects are aligned with the organization's strategic objectives. This combination ensures that teams are not just doing things right but are doing the right things. For example:
When implementing new processes, a short-term OKR might aim for a 90% adoption rate. This KR directly contributes to the overarching company objective of boosting productivity by 20% across teams. Project management ensures tasks align with these OKRs, promoting a clear pathway to success by linking daily activities to larger organizational goals.
Overview of Kroolo as a Project Management and OKR Tool
Kroolo stands out as a comprehensive tool for project management and OKRs. It assists startups and individuals in project planning, tracking, and team management. The platform promises a seamless hub for workspace, projects, tasks, goals, documents, and collaboration, all powered by AI. It's designed to shift the paradigm from chaos to clarity, enhancing productivity and focus.
II. The Role of Project Management in Achieving Objectives
Effective project management ensures the completion of projects on time and within budget while meeting or exceeding expectations. Here’s how project management helps businesses achieve objectives. 
Clear Communication- Effective project management involves managing tasks and creating a cohesive framework where every action contributes to the end goal. The main objective of this process is clear communication. This involves communicating project goals and expectations and promoting an environment where feedback and updates are regularly exchanged among team members.
Realistic planning- It is another crucial principle in achieving objectives, as it involves setting achievable timelines, anticipating potential challenges, and preparing contingency plans. This approach ensures that projects are grounded in reality and are adaptable to changing circumstances.
Defined Objectives- The establishment of defined objectives is also key. This means setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that provide direction and focus for the team.
Efficient Resource Allocation- This involves the optimal use of financial and physical resources and the effective management of human talent, ensuring that the right people are working on the right tasks at the right time.
Alignment with Strategic Objectives- Effective project management ensures that every project undertaken aligns with the organization's broader strategic objectives. This helps in focusing efforts on the most impactful initiatives towards the company's long-term goals.
Optimal Utilization of Resources- Project management facilitates the optimal allocation and utilization of resources, including time, budget, and manpower. This leads to cost savings and maximizes the return on investment for each project.
Accountability and Productivity- With clear project goals and regular progress tracking, team members have greater accountability. This transparency encourages a sense of ownership and responsibility, leading to higher productivity and quality of work.
Effective project management is the key to turning ideas into successful outcomes. Here is one example where robust project management played a pivotal role:
Amazon- Amazon’s adept project management strategies have been a big part of its success. They have used personalized product management software to handle its multitude of projects across 30 countries. This solution provides clear visibility, detailed task tracking, and extensive customization options, enabling diverse teams within Amazon to manage projects effectively and according to their unique approaches. 
The centralized software brings everything together and has significantly boosted Amazon's efficiency in project management. It's a big reason they can quickly introduce new, amazing products and services.
III. Implementing OKRs with Kroolo
Implementing OKRs with Kroolo involves a streamlined and user-friendly approach. Kroolo's platform is designed to assist startups, individuals, and teams in managing their goals effectively. 
Below is an overview of how Kroolo’s goal works:
Goal Setting- Kroolo enables users to define measures or key results for each of their objectives. This feature makes goal tracking more manageable and efficient. Users can utilize various metrics such as numbers, currency, percentages, and others to track the progress of their goals effectively.
Goal Management- Individual or team-based goals can be managed all in one place. This simplifies the OKR management process, allowing for a more organized and seamless experience.
Goal Tracking- Kroolo offers a feature where multiple goals (both parent and sub-goals) can be tracked within a single dashboard. This dashboard supports both Tile and List views, saving users time and effort as there's no need to track each goal's progress separately. This feature is particularly beneficial for team management, as it provides a clear and comprehensive view of all goals and their current statuses.
User Experience- Kroolo's software is praised as being perfect for smart goal tracking, suggesting a focus on an intuitive, user-friendly interface that simplifies the goal management process.
IV. Future Trends in Project Management and OKR Methodology
There are several anticipated developments in project management and OKR methodologies that are expected to bring about more predictive and adaptive project management approaches. 
Greater Emphasis on Flexibility and Adaptability- Future trends indicate a shift towards more flexible and adaptive project management methodologies that can quickly respond to changing market conditions and organizational needs.
Enhanced Integration with Remote Work- As remote work becomes more prevalent, project management tools like Kroolo will likely develop features that facilitate better collaboration and communication among geographically dispersed teams.
Increased Focus on Sustainability and Social Impact- Project management methodologies are expected to incorporate sustainability and social impact as key components, aligning projects with broader environmental and societal goals.
Staying Competitive with Kroolo's Innovative Features
Kroolo's innovative features are designed to enhance productivity and streamline project management. Here are some key features of Kroolo that can help individuals and teams stay productive:
Multiple Workspaces- Kroolo allows the creation of multiple workspaces like group goals, projects, tasks, and documents in one place. This feature is particularly useful for organizing different aspects of work and maintaining clarity.
AI-Powered Productivity Management- Kroolo's AI-powered software facilitates efficient work management. Users can write prompts to the Kroo AI to get tasks done quickly, enhancing productivity and saving time.
Project Governance- Kroolo offers tools for seamless handling and tracking of projects. It provides a user-friendly dashboard with flexible views for monitoring project progress, which is essential for effective project management.
Goal Management- The platform makes setting and achieving personal or team goals easier. Users can track, measure, and achieve their OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) effectively, which is vital for goal-oriented work environments.
Task Organization- With Kroolo, users can create, organize, and bundle tasks with just a click. The software offers various views like List, Kanban, and Calendar for a personalized experience, making task management more efficient.
Streamlined Document Management- Kroolo simplifies the creation, segmentation, and management of documents. Its AI Doc Editor integrates generative AI in document management, allowing for easy grouping and sharing within teams.
Team Management- The platform enables the creation of multiple teams and easy assignment of team members. It supports seamless collaboration, effortless sharing, and smooth chatting within teams, elevating teamwork to a higher level.
Collaboration Across Teams- Kroolo allows the creation of numerous channels for conversations in threads or direct messages, facilitating effective communication and discussions.
We explored how project management with OKRs can boost results. This combination provides a structured framework for setting, tracking, and achieving goals, ensuring alignment across teams. Effective project management streamlines tasks and resources, while OKRs focus on measurable outcomes. Together they make a strong team, improve workflow, and make sure everyone knows what to do, leading to better success in meeting goals.
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davidaleksandersen · 10 months ago
What Is an OKR? Definition & Examples
Did you know that 95% of employees don’t understand their company’s objectives? Goal setting can be challenging, but there’s a powerful framework that can help: OKRs (Objectives and Key Results). In this article, we’ll explore what OKRs are, their benefits, and provide real-world examples. You read right. According to a by a study published by Harvard Business Review, they found that, on…
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