coconut530 · 4 months
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
The worlds my oyster im the pearl
I started this a while ago and only just finished it, as per usual LMAOOO
Nan but uhhhh in between writing for the giftless grandkids and art, I did this at some point. Finally decided to finish it, and then I finished the drawing too 🤧
Luisa, Camilo, and Mirabel walked through the thick woods on the Encanto. Camilo led the way, the trio's only light being a lantern that Camilo was holding up. He had a smirk on his face as they walked, and Mirabel was close behind. Luisa's eyes kept darting around, and she nervously bit her lip.
"Guys, I don't know about this..." She said softly and Camilo snorted.
"Come on! We have to find something interesting. No one else will come up here. And it's not like anyone will notice we're gone," Camilo said nonchalantly.
He was right there. It was the dead of night. Well, not midnight, but late enough that the three could sneak out unnoticed. Normally people would've noticed; after all two barely 13-year-olds and a 17-year-old? Of course, people would notice. And they were the Madrigals no less.
"Come on Lulu," Mirabel gave her older sister a sympathetic smile. "We're just gonna find this cave, check it out, and leave. In and out."
Luisa's eyes flicked between her younger sister and younger primo. She sighed, continuing to follow behind them. She was the oldest, she was the strongest. Someone had to protect them if something happened.
They had been walking for who knows how long and were definitely a good ways away from the village. Camilo squinted his eyes, the lantern not much help. He was walking, walking, walking-
His eyes widened as his right foot suddenly found no ground and before he could even look down, he found himself slipping down a hole.
"Camilo? Camilo!" Mirabel had noticed quickly that her primo had disappeared and the lantern he was holding had dropped to the ground. Luisa stared, her eye twitching as Mirabel carefully walked forward, leaning forward.
"What happened?!" Luisa asked frantically.
Mirabel was panicking a bit too. "I-I don't know!" She moved closer, looking into the hole. It was big. Almost like a sinkhole but...there weren't many sinkholes. And the river couldn't bave erroded the ground this deep, especially near the base of one of the mountains... "Camilo! Are you okay?"
The two sisters waited anxiously before his voice finally echoed back. "Yeah I'm ok! I think I found the cave! It's mostly empty with some kind of pool!"
"Pool?" Luisa asked confused. Mirabek had gotten up looking around. Luisa watched her and she finally found what she was looking for. It was a vine, thick and sturdy. She watched her younger sister tie it around her waist and hand her the other end.
"W-What are you doing?" Luisa asked, following her sister to the hole.
"I'm gonna go down there and get Camilo. Hold onto the vine, and I'll tug so you can pull us up. Your gift makes it easier anyway."
Luisa shifted her weight from one foot to the other. With a hesitant nod, Luisa sghed "I guess."
Mirabel moved closer to the hole before sliding down. She watched the vine get shorter and shorter until finally it stopped. There was no noise, but then she felt a tug and heard Mirabel's voice.
"You can pull us up now!" Mirabel called. Luisa jumped before beginning to pull. It was hard, obviously, given her powers, but the vine jept getting caught on stuff. She wasn't paying attention and slowly it began to fray at where she was pulling.
It took only a second before a loud snapping was heard and she heard her hermanita and primito screaming as they were falling back fown. Luisa wasn't even thinking when she threw herself at the vine trying to grap it but instead slipped in the mud and fell into the hole herself.
After a minute she hit the hard ground, and she groaned softly as she sat up. Camilo and Mirabel rushed over.
"Luisa, are you okay?! What happened?" Mirabel asked and Luisa rubbed her now scrapped elbows. She'd have to eat some of her mamá food for that later.
"I...I don't know. The vine must've snapped under your guys weight. I tried to grab it but I slipped and fell in," she explained, standing up.
Camilo threw his hands up. "Well how are we supposed to get out now! The only other hole is up there," he pointed up, and above the hallow cave was the rest of the moutain, and a massive hole gave them a glimpse of the night sky, where the moon was slowly moving across it.
The three sat there for a moment beforr Mirabel looked towards the large pool of water. "Wait, if there's water coming in, than that means that there's gotta be water going out!"
Luisa amd Camilo nodded in understanding. "That must mean that this pool leads out to the main river! We could probably swim under and follow the current to get to the river!"
"And we'll be home free...you guys can hold you breaths for a whole right?" Camilo asked and both of his primas nodded.
"But how are we gonna explain coming home sopping wet?" Luisa asked and Camilo waved his hand.
"It's fine. Casita won't tell on us and everyone else will still be asleep if we're quick enough."
Luisa seemed satisfied withthat answered and the three made their way to the pool. Luisa offered herself to go in first. She was careful not to cause too big of a splash, and her eyebrows were raised as she treaded the water.
"What is it? Is something wrong?" Mirabel asked and Luisa shook her head.
"No, no it's just...not as cold as I thought it would be. It feels...different." She mumbled.
"Different how?" Camilo asked, slipping in with Mirabel. She was right, it did feel strange.
"I don't know...but we don't have time to worry about that, we have to get out of here as soon as possible," Luisa said, looking between the two. "I don't want to get in trouble and I certainly don't wanna die here." The two younger ones nodded in agreement.
Before they could duck underwater, a bright light shone down on the pool. At first they didn't think anything of it. The moon was high in the sky, and sitting directly above them; it was midnight by that point.
It wasn't until a few seconds later that they noticed.
"Uh...why is the water boiling?" Mirabel asked hesitantly as the water around them began to become more turbulent.
"Why is it not hot...?" Luisa asked.
"We're gonna die," Camilo said in a dead pan voice.
"What?!" Luisa asked panicked.
"We are not going to die!" Mirabel said, glaring at Camilo. But even she wasn't sure. While the water wasn't hot, it was stil acting...strange, when only just a few moments ago, it was calm amd still. Only when the moon came across did it change.
"Hey, does anyone else feel...weird?" Luisa asked.
They’re so silly, I wonder what they will do…
Jkjk but uhhhh yeah they do NOT know what to and kinda just wing it 💀💀 and they have to keep it a secret. They’re excited asf when they learn about their new powers tho 🙏
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This is dumb idek why I drew it
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squiddokiddo · 1 year
Greetings!!! I just wanted to say how much I love your art! The way you draw Gordon is my favourite. Your style is amazing and unique and I particularly love the colours you use, they're so colourful, and all the little details you put into it.
Thank you for all the aro & ace positivity too, I've needed to hear it lately.
I really enjoyed the fic you wrote, and if it is something you enjoyed and want to do more of, I would be very happy to hear more adventures of Gords and Squirt.
I like seeing whatever you make, whether its only Gords, or your ocs, or even just stuff that reminded you of them. And ocean stuff, the ocean is awesome. It's all cool, so whatever makes you happy!
I've kinda been lurking around the thunderfam for a while, hi. Your art is comforting and it makes me smile, so here I am to say thank you. Because, yeah, making any sort of art is hard, and you are amazing and deserve to hear it!
I feel like I should have a question, because this is an ask, so: What is your favourite sea creature, aside from Gordy, of course? :)
--AstraNite (I really like cuttlefish, they're neat!)
Hi, thanks so much for dropping me this ask. It was a really sweet surprise, I definitely needed a pick-me-up.💛💛
I'm going to try and address everything you've mentioned, give me a minute lol.
I'm really glad that you like my drawings, I haven't been getting a lot of comments on them atm so I'm really grateful for your feedback. It's interesting that you find my art comforting since a lot of the things I make are for my comfort too. I've said this before but I had a really rough childhood and TAG and Gordon have brought me a lot of comfort during some really tough times.
I'm happy to hear that my drawings are bringing other people comfort too.💛💛
Ace and aro positivity: yes I'm also aroace and there's nothing but love for fellow aros, aces and aroaces on this blog.
I'm so happy that you liked my fic, it was my first so I was really nervous and ocs can be very hit or miss but the fandom seems to really like Squirt which makes me so so happy.
I have been trying out more writing but none of it came out anywhere near as good as the first one. I do hope to post more Bigsquid and Squidkid adventures and hopefully expand on their relationship and Squirt's backstory (which is still an ongoing mystery to me) but I'd also like to try making things that aren't OC centered because I know it's not something everyone enjoys lol.
Ok onto sea creatures, cuttle fish are very interesting, the way that they change colour to camouflage and intimidate other animals. Yeah they're pretty cool.
My favourite sea creature (apart from Gords) uhhhh I like sharks, no particular species, they're all cool. I think sharks have a really bad reputation when they're actually quite chill. They don't tend to attack humans, their eyesight is bad and they often mistake us for seals and other animals that they eat.
As Gordon would say: They're sea puppies.🦈🩵
Thanks for dropping into my askbox, I hope my answers were ok. If you ever want to chat or anything my pms and inbox are always open.💛💛
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George karim x fem reader:
Confidence is key
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Taglist: anon - green beetle(I'm sorry I couldn't find the emoji lmao)
(Reader works at the archives and George can't help but be entranced by her as he bumps into her there a lot and she is just so smart and pretty)
The first time you met George was not in a particularly romantic situation you both full on ran into each other at the archives you worked there as a ghost specialist identifying and classifying different ghosts to make it easier for agents. You didn't mean to run into him of course you both had your arms fill of books and couldn't see where you where going.
Y/n's pov: whoever the hell I just ran into was now collapsed on top of me and they where quite heavy. "urgh please get off" you groaned
"sorry but why the hell were you not looking where you where going" said the person above you pushing them self up then reaching down to grab your hand and hoist you up aswell "me why weren't you looking where you where going" you retorted. As you looked towards them you tried not to blush it was a boy around your age with dark curly hair dark eyes and glasses he was quite obviously very pretty but you managed to keep your composure. "yeah I guess Im sorry I should have been more careful" he said with a surprisingly softer voice. "listen I think we may have gotten off on the wrong foot how about we clean up this mess *you gesture to the books strewn everywhere* and then maybe we could exchange phone numbers" you say surprised by your own words but reminding yourself that confidence is key. "uh sure" he says gathering your books and passing them to you before picking up his own. "by the way my name is george karim what's yours?" "oh my name is y/n. Y/n y/l/n"
"ok y/n my phone number is *********** " "thank you kind George you say with a slight tease in your voice I shall look forward to seeing you some other time" you say grinning at him before hurrying of you can't be late you have a meeting in ten minutes
*a few days later*
George's pov:
It has been a few days ago since I had bumped into that beautiful girl her eyes sparkling and face glowing in the early morning light. I am not the kind of person to just fall in love but I think I may have done so. I just hope she calls soon its been a few days and I think lockwood and Lucy are getting freaked out by how much time I spend sitting staring at the phone. As if on que the phone rings breaking my train of thought I quickly spring up and bound over answering with a formal"lockwood and co George karim speaking how may I help you "" hey georgie it's y/n sorry I didn't call sooner I've been quite busy"my heart skips a beat before I reply "it's no problem y/n but truth be told I was worried u have the wrong number" "heh yeah just been bust with work I was wondering if you where free tomorrow at around lunchtime so we could meet up and I don't know hang out?" "sounds great y/n name a time and place" "uhhhh 11am at the library ok?" "it sounds wonderful see you then" I say grinning before we both hang up. "who was that 'georgie' " I turn around to see lockwood standing in the doorway smirking at me. "none of your buisnes 'locky' " I say smirking back at his now obvious scowl. " fine I guess you deserve this one" he says as I raise a eyebrow in confusion he begins yelling. "LUCY GEORGE GOT A DATE WITH THE CUTE GIRL AT THE LIBRARY!!!"
*Next day*
Y/n's pov:
I don't know why I'm so nervous it's not like this is a proper date I just couldn't help but notice how sparks seemed to fly when we spoke and how easy it was to just well be myself.
After arivving ten minutes early at the library I decide to sit at a desk overlooking the entrance so I would be able to spot him when he entered. After exactly ten minutes I saw him stroll through before looking around and grinning when he saw me wave from above. I quickly descended the stairs before walking over and greeting him "hiya Georgie"
"hey n/n" I blush at the nickname before offering my hand. "right this way" I say smiling at him only feeling slightly shy. I walked him back to my spot it was a very good one not where a lot of people sat but with access to all my favourite books and lots of room for writing and in this case a hopefully good place for a first date. "So um how have you been" I ask fingers shaking slightly. "he seems to notice as he enterlocks our fingers smiling back at me" I've been very well though I would have been better if I had seen you everyday" he's state's making me blush a darker shade of pink. "that's good a-anyway I thought we could maybe get to know each other a bit before heading to get Italian and then maybe walk around the park for a bit??" I hope he likes the idea I wouldn't want to do anything he likes but yet again he's smiling "I'd love that. As you know my name is George karim I am a agent for a small company called lockwood and co, I love researching here at the archives I have sight and touch but they aren't too strong, I am very invested in learning more about the problem at any given opportunity, I like cooking and when somethings bothering me I tend to stress clean my favourite beverage is tea or hot chocolate, I like pizza and doughnuts and I love cats. "" awesome I guess it's my turn now. " I say smiling because he seems like someone I will love getting along with." well my name is y/n y/l/n I work at the library identifying and classifying ghosts I have sight and listening but not very strong I mostly rely on touch. I love learning about the problem and I help bigger companies figure out how ghosts form and why they form. My favourite drink is f/b I love reading and writing but also going outside for walks. I'm definitely a cat/dog person I like pizza and and late night researching. " we talk for a little longer before going and eating pizza for lunch now we are walking in the park a hour before curfew as the sun begins setting painting the sky with beautiful pinks oranges and purples" so George I had a great time I really hope we can meet up again sometime" I say looking deeply into his eyes. "I had a wonderful time to I was wondering if maybe we could I'm I don't know kiss?" he said the last part in a small vice before looking away meaning he didn't see my features light up I quickly grasped his collar in one hand the other gently cupping his jaw as he looked back before softly connecting our lips. The kiss its self was soft gentle a little awkward and shy but still just amazing. As we pulled apart I rested my head on his chest before softly saying "I hope that was ok " he gently tilted my face back up to his reconnecting our lips as the last of the sun caught us with its full light illuminating us and bathing out bodies in a soft glow I hope this moment would never end as I closed my eyes and kissed back.
The end I hope you all enjoyed it if you want a part two comment pleas like and follow for more fics
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
The Justice League Hangs out with Duke
Bruce: Duke, it's time we had the talk.
Duke: Uh... nope. No thank you. I'm not getting the sex talk from Batman.
Bruce: What? No! The Robin talk.
Duke: But, I'm- I'm the Signal now? Isn't it a bit late for a Robin talk?
Bruce: Son, it's never too late, not for this.
Duke: Um. Ok.
Bruce: When Dick, Jason, and Tim first started as Robins they created a tradition. A tradition that continued with Stephanie, Damian, and now you.
Duke: And that tradition is?
Bruce: Taking down the Justice League. By being annoying and slightly terrifying.
Duke: OHHHHHH. Is that why no one from the Justice League talks to me?
Bruce: Yes, yes it is. But don't worry. I made an arrangement that will allow you time alone with league members to continue the tradition. You have a week to prepare.
Duke: Cass, what do I do?
Cass raises an eyebrow at Duke.
Duke: For the Robin tradition thing. I have to take down the entire Justice League in a night using creative, outlandish, and original methods. But it's already been done by Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph. So what do I do? How can I be better than all of them.
Cass smirks: Take them down too.
Duke looking at Cass like she's crazy: What?
Cass: Take. Them. Down.
Duke: Holy shit, you are terrifying.
Cass just smiles and leaves.
-> One Week Later <-
Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph gather in the Watchtower.
Duke: Hey guys, Batman just wanted to go through some training exercises with everyone. He'll be a little late. Harley and Ivy escaped Arkham and are trying to grow penis shaped shrubs in all the public parks. But, don't worry he asked me to go ahead and start with out him.
Green Lantern: Why are you leading this meeting?
Duke: Batman is running late and he wants me to practice leading meetings.
Green Lantern, glaring suspiciously at Duke: Are you about to do that stupid Robin tradition where you torture all of us?
Duke: What Robin tradition? Also, I'm not even a Robin? I'm the Signal.
Green Lantern continues to glare at him.
Superman: Calm down Green Lantern, the Robins never do this in front of each other.
Every League member seems to relax at this.
Duke acting confused: Uhhh, yeah. Ok, we have a few housekeeping things to do according to the list Batman left. So, I'll have everyone pair up for sparring while I handle these individually.
Everyone is in the training room working out or sparring. Duke approaches Tim.
Duke: Hey Tim, Bruce wanted you to look in to that Bludhaven case. Is that ok with you?
Tim: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Duke: Oh, I just thought it might be difficult considering what Dick did.
Tim: ...What did he do?
Duke: Wait, you haven't noticed? Oh no, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything.
Tim: Duke. Tell me what he did.
Duke: Well, Jason said that he replaced all your coffee with decaf.
Tim: THAT BASTARD. No wonder I've been feeling so tired! I'm going to kill him!
Duke: Wait, just stop! I heard that he hid all of it in Green Lantern's room.
Tim: Wait, why there?
Duke: Something about you being afraid of him.
Tim: WHAT?! I'm not afraid of the Green Nightlight! I'm gonna find that coffee then make Dick pay.
Duke: Oh, well cool, good luck!
Green Lantern: Um, what are you doing in my room?
Tim: Where is it?
Green Lantern: Where's what?
Tim: You know what I want. Give up now or face the consequences.
Tim: Fine. Consequences.
Steph, sparring with Duke: So, what's it like being the first meta bat?
Duke: Not too bad, but I could do with out the whole 'predict the future' thing.
Steph, laughing: What? You can not see the future.
Duke: I bet you $50 I can
Steph: Your on.
Duke, makes everything around him light up and uses a weird voice: In the next thirty minutes Green Lantern will flee the Watchtower in fear. Soon after Dick will be attacked by Tim.
Steph, snorts in obvious disbelief.
Steph: That was so fake-
Green Lantern runs out of the tower looking terrified.
Steph: No way.
Tim tackles Dick and they start fighting like three year old's on the floor.
Steph, handing Duke $50: Holy shit Magic Man.
Duke makes things light up and does the voice again: Oh my god.
Steph, looking excited: What?!
Duke: The- the sushi. The sushi you brought today, it's made from-
Duke pretends to choke back a sob.
Duke: It's made from the fish who was the maid of honor at Aquaman's wedding.
Steph and Aquaman sit beside each other for lunch, she pulls out her sushi and looks at Aquaman sadly.
Steph: I am so, so sorry for your loss. But just know that her sacrifice is not in vain.
Aquaman, looks confused for a second then sees the sushi: NOPE. Not this again! I'm leaving.
Steph: Wait! I'm sorry!
Aquaman leaves as Steph tries to chase him down.
Jason is laughing and filming as Dick and Tim fight.
Duke, whistles: Man, imagine if that video went on YouTube.
Jason, looking confused: What?
Duke: I'm just saying if the video of Red Robin and Nightwing fighting like kids ever got on YouTube, it'd go viral. Oh and they would be so pissed!
Jason, laughs: Too bad B would kill me if I uploaded this.
Duke: Yeah, I guess so. And you can't upload it here because then Superman would get in trouble.
Jason: Why would the boy scout get in trouble?
Duke: Cause he always uses his YouTube account on the Justice League computer. So it'd look like he uploaded it and B would find out that Superman watches cat videos while he's on monitor duty.
Jason, smirking: Huh, so you're saying if I upload this on the League computer I'd piss off Bruce, Tim, and Dick and get Supes in trouble?
Duke, acting innocent: Huh, I guess so.
-> A Few Minutes Later <-
A call from Bruce comes up on the main computer.
Superman: Hey Batman, what can I do for you?
Bruce: You, Red Hood, cave now.
Jason: What? Why me?
Bruce: Because I saw that little home video you uploaded of your brothers.
Jason: What, that wasn't me!
Bruce: I could hear you laughing while you filmed.
Jason: Dammit.
Jason and Clark leave for the cave pouting like kids.
Duke: Hey, Black Canary?
Black Canary: Yes Duke?
Duke: I'm sorry to do this on such short notice, but I'm very worried about Dick and Tim.
Black Canary: Why?
Duke: Well, Tim keeps claiming that Dick is out to get him. Something about Dick messing with his coffee? And Dick feels like he's just being attacked for no reason and is worried about Tim's health. Is there anyway you could intervene?
Black Canary, looking sighing and looking exhausted: Usually I have three days of preparation before dealing with bats.
Duke: I know it's just-
Duke gestures to Tim and Dick rolling on the floor fighting.
Duke: They really need help.
Black Canary: Alright, I'll see what I can do.
Black Canary attempts to intervene only to get pulled into the fight. Now the three of them are tangled in a huge, confusing fight, that's filled with yelling and hair pulling.
Duke: Damian! Quick!
Damian: What is it Thomas.
Duke: I think somethings wrong with Dick and Tim and maybe even Black Canary. They're all fighting and won't stop! Can you help me contain them so that we can figure out what's going on?
Damian: Fine. I shall help.
Duke: Ok, just try to herd them into this containment cell.
Damian joins the fight managing to get everyone, including himself, into the containment cell. As Damian is trying to leave Duke closes the cell. Damian angrily yells and bangs on the sound proof walls.
Duke: What? Sorry, can't hear you! My hand slipped!
Wonder Woman: Very well done Signal.
Duke, acting innocent: Hm?
Wonder Woman: You tricked Red Robin into scaring Green Lantern away, then into fighting Nightwing. Once that fight broke out you tricked Red Hood into uploading a video to the internet using the Superman's credentials. By uploading that video he caused both himself and Superman to face Batman's wrath. You also used the fight to trick Stephanie into annoying Aquaman to the point of leaving. Then you involved Black Canary in the fight, which was her downfall. And, as a final touch, you managed to get Robin into the fight and trapped all in a containment cell. You successfully eliminated 9 foes with one trick.
Duke: You mean 11.
Wonder Woman: What?
Duke: 11. You see, I didn't trick Red Robin, I tricked Nightwing. I had a week to prepare. In that week I convinced Dick that Tim needed to cut back on the caffeine and that Dick should help by switching all of Tim's coffee with decaf. I also convinced him to hide that coffee in the watchtower, in Green Lantern's room. So that was all true.
Wonder Woman: But, that still does not make 11?
Duke: It does. Because This morning I moved the coffee. I replaced the Flashes decaf with Tim's ultra caffeinated coffee. You see Tim has it specially manufactured to increase the caffeine levels. And, while Flash doesn't usually drink his coffee in the morning, he's always running late and forgets, he does drink coffee during training breaks. Which is now. So in about five minutes we will have an incredibly caffeinated speedster in the Watchtower. And since you're the only one around right now with a chance of catching him, that's your problem.
Right as Duke finishes Flash runs by, majorly hyped up on caffeine.
Duke: Checkmate.
Martian Manhunter: It appears that I am the last remaining League member.
Duke: Yeah, I don't really understand this tradition but apparently every Robin ends it by picking a favorite league member.
Martian Manhunter: Out of all the League members, why have you chosen me?
Duke: Your smart and have a lot of cool powers. Also, I dunno, I hear you sometimes feel like an outsider with the league. Cause, the whole martian thing. And I know it's not the same but, sometimes I feel like an outsider with the bats, being the only meta and all.
Martian Manhunter: You have chosen me so that we may bond over our lack of connections?
Duke: Uhhhh, yeah?
Martian Manhunter: Hm. Very well, I assume that this is your “Robin Weakness”. Apparently every Robin has one.
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rae-arts777 · 3 years
because i'm a sucker for a fake dating AU, 7 & soudam? or kuzuhina? or any DR ship your heart desires babe
Kuzuhina cause I love you Bryn
(Btw this is NOT a short fic hahaha, I ended up writing 2288 words)
He’s My Boyfriend, Yeah That’s it..
#7 Fake dating
Summary: Fuyuhiko needs a plus one
“Why?” Hajime felt like the yakuza was pulling his leg.
Did Fuyuhiko seriously ask him to hang out? More importantly, did he just ask him on a date?
“Listen bastard this isn’t exactly an ideal for me either.” The shorter male growled, “I hate attending these family functions alone.”
“Why don’t you just go with your girlfriend?” Hajime asked
“PEKO IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!” Fuyuhiko snapped, “I mean! Fuck! One she’s like my sister, we’re just close! Two she’s busy! I’m fucking proud she has her own plans rather then hovering over me! And I’m sure as hell not going to ruin that by asking her to come with me!” he explained
“Ok but why me? Aren’t you and Kaz really close?”
“Please that pink hair bastard won’t last a minute in a room full of yauzkas”
“Is that a joke?”
Hajime sighed, guessing he really was Fuyuhiko’s most reliable option, “Ok fine, I guess it gives me an excuse to get out of the house.”
“Good, come on, we're going shopping.”
“I have a suit a home” Hajime protested
“No offense but I'm a hundred percent certain your suit is not suited for a yakuza gathering. Consider this as my thank you for dragging you to my shit family function.”
Before Hajime could protest further, Fuyuhiko grabbed his wrist and dragged him out. Despite the size difference, Fuyuhiko was surprisingly strong. Hajime sighed, he knew there was no point in protesting.
Hajime felt as if he tried on the whole store at this point. Every time he saw the price tag, he felt like he wanted to die. He felt a little bad for allowing Fuyuhiko to spend this much on him for a suit for a one time use.
Stepping out of the dressing room with the last outfit on, “Are we done yet?” Hajime groaned.
Fuyuhiko looked up from his phone and froze. Hajime for sure could pass for a common yakuza. Fuyuhiko cleared his throat and walked towards him.
“It’s missing something.” Fuyuhiko grabbed a red tie and applied it to the taller male.
Hajime felt tense with how close Fuyuhiko was. He watched as the shorter male took his time adjusting the tie.
“Umm..there..” Fuyuhiko turned him around to the mirror “You look good, better then nothing I guess.”
“Why do I feel like a sugar baby?” Hajime jokes.
“Oh shut the fuck up tall bastard.” Fuyuhiko handed his card to the retailer, “He’ll be wearing this out.”
“What are you going to wear?”
“I already have something picked out at home. I'll change when we get there.”
The retailer returned Fuyuhiko’s card, “Thank you for shopping with us.”
“Yeah thanks for the help.” He nodded, “Let’s go Hajime.” the yakuza walked out.
Hajime grabbed his bag and started to follow, but was stopped by the retailer.
“I just wanted to say, you and your boyfriend are super cute together.” She smiled.
“Boyfriend?” Hajime was taken back.
Did they seriously get mistaken for boyfriends? Did they act like boyfriends? Who else thought it? Should he correct her?
Hajime stared at the retailer who had a big smile on her face.
“....Thanks, yeah my boyfriend and I appreciate your help.”
“Shop with us again soon!” she waved him bye as he left.
Trying to catch up to Fuyuhiko, he felt his mind racing. Why didn’t she correct her? Why did it not bother him? Hajime shook his head. No, it was just easier to just say yes cause they have somewhere to be, no time to explain, yeah that’s it. Better she told Hajime and not Fuyuhiko.
The two arrived at the Kuzuryu manor. Fuyuhiko led Hajime inside, there were already a few guests.
“Just stay here.” Fuyuhiko sat him at a table, “I’ll be back in a second.”
Hajime looked around, it was hard to believe these were the people Fuyuhiko hung around with daily. Awkwardly he fidgeted with his hands, he was thirsty. There was a mini bar across the room, he just needed water. It wouldn’t hurt to get up for a few seconds for water.
Hajime made his way over the minibar. The bartender glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Who are you with?”
“Oh I’m just here with Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, I just wanted water.” Hajime explained.
The bartender sided with Hajime as he got the boy a glass of water.
“What are your relations to him?” Was this an interrogation?
Hajime hesitated “I’m...here as...his plus one…”
“A date?”
“Yes...date...he’s my...boy..friend.” Hajime drugged out. Shit he did it again.
“Boyfriend? Huh. Well guess you never know huh? Enjoy your evening.” The bartender turned to help another guest.
Hajime shuddered and took his water back to the table. Why did he say boyfriend? He could have just said friend. This was different from the store, the bartender will most likely tell Fuyuhiko something. Shit.
As Hajime’s mind was racing, he was pulled out from a tap on the shoulder.
“Hey.” Natsumi sat next to him.
“Oh, hey Natsumi '' Hajime sighed in relief, at least there was one more person there he knew.
“Did my dipshit brother drag you to this?” She asked.
“Well he needed a plus one, and I needed an excuse to get out of the house. So I sort of agreed to this.”
“I see, speaking of that asshole, where is he?”
“He said he needed to change real quick. I think he should be back soon.”
“Bastard! Leaving you here all alone! Sorry my brother dragged you on a sucky date. Come on, you’re coming with me.”
Before Hajime could protest, Natsumi was already dragging him away. How is it that he's been dragged by both Kuzuryu today?
Fuyuhiko returned to the table, dressed in a more fancy suit for the occasion. Real quick he noticed Hajime was gone.
“That fucking bastard!”
Fuyuhiko started to walk around looking for him. Deep down he was worried, he shouldn’t have left Hajime alone in a room full of people like this. God knows who he’s with. Scanning the room, Fuyuhiko’s eyes finally landed on Hajime, but his blood boiled.
Hajime is wrapped up in a group of Natsumi’s friends. A guy resting his hand on Hajime’s shoulder. It was clear the male was trying to flirt with Hajime.
Fuyuhiko stormed up to them, “Hey.” Just as the guy turned around, Fuyuhiko struck him in the jaw.
“Jesus Christ bro!” Natsumi yelled “Seriously?! Why are you attacking my friends?!”
“Well tell your fucking “friend” to keep his hands to himself!!” Fuyuhiko snapped.
Hajime flinched, shit he felt like this was a little bit of his fault.
“Why do you care so much?! Hajime is just trying to enjoy himself!”
“I care because-” wait, why did Fuyuhiko care so much? “Because…..” he grabbed Hajime’s arm and pulled him towards him “isn’t it obvious? I brought him as my date! Cause! We’re dating! Yeah! That’s it!” Fuyuhiko proclaimed, the heat rising on his cheeks.
Hajime felt his whole face turn red, did he hear him right? Natsumi looked between the two, studying both their faces.
“Oh. My bad bro I didn’t know!” She smirked at Hajime, “I’m surprised you didn’t mention you’re dating my brother.”
“Oh well...it’s..” hajime looked at Fuyuhiko “We just recently started dating!”
“Yeah!” Fuyuhiko chimed in, “We..started dating...this past week!”
“Yeah..uhhh, Fuyuhiko asked me out.” Hajime smirked a bit “I seriously never seen him so flushed, he was all so shy and nervous. Had a letter and everything. It was just so cute.”
“HUH?!” Fuyuhiko glared at him “I think you’re remembering things wrong! Yeah I asked you out but YOU were the one who was all shy! You guys should have seen him! The bastard was practically sobbing because he was so flustered.”
Natsumi smirked watching the two, “Please tell us more!”
“Yeah please do!” another person chimed in
“Where did he confess?”
“How long have you liked him?”
“Have you two gone on any dates yet?”
“So is he like your eye candy?”
“Wait, the boss likes men?”
Hajime and Fuyuhiko were bombarded with questions. The two looked at each other, well there was no turning back now.
The supposed yuzuka gathering turned into a hearing of Hajime and Fuyuhiko's love story, everyone was invested. The two tried to bounce off of each other’s stories, but also both tried to embarrass the other in some way.
“If I remembered correctly, you were the one staring at me in the locker rooms.” Hajime smirked
“Like hell I was! You’re one to talk! You’re not slick, you were practically drooling over me in there. Now that I think about it, you did tell Nagito that you liked me.” Fuyuhiko chuckled.
“Oh...well I do guess saying I like chihuahuas is the same thing.”
The room busted out in laughter.
“Awww you two are just two cute.” Natsumi smiled, “I didn’t know bro was such a romantic!”
“Shut the fuck up you bitch.” Fuyuhiko growled.
Natsumi just smiled, “I have to say it was such an interesting story, but I think we’re all tired of hearing about your love life.”
Thank god, both of them sighed in relief.
“We want to see! So give us a kiss!”
“WHAT?!” Both of them yelled at her.
“Yeah, kiss him!”
“Come on!”
The whole room was chanting for them to kiss.
“I mean it’s natural for you two. YOU DID SAY your first kiss was in your classroom late at the end of a school day.” Natsumi snickered, “So is a simple kiss a problem?”
The two males looked at each other, feeling their cheeks turn red.
“Ok…” Hajime said
“No problem, no problem at all....” Fuyuhiko mumbled.
The two awkwardly faced each other. They fumbled with their hands not knowing where to place them. Fuyuhiko grumbled and rested his hand on Hajime’s waist. Awkwardly, Hajime draped his arms over Fuyuhiko’s shoulders. Hajime looked down at him, he never saw Fuyuhiko so nervous.
“Everyone is staring…” Hajime whispered.
“yeah...I know...can’t really turn back now..” Fuyhukio tried to avoid eye contact.
Hajime slowly leaded down, he felt Fuyuhiko’s grip tighten a bit around his waist. Testing the waters, Hajime brushed his lips against the yakuza, giving him one last chance to back out. Even though their lips were barely apart, the shorter one mumbled something the taller one could not pick up. Hajime was taken back when Fuyuhiko actually closed the gap.
Their lips felt awkward at first, smooshed against each other, but they worked with it. Hajime felt himself lean in deeper, as Fuyuhiko brought a hand up to cup Hajime’s cheek, trying to pull the taller male closer against him. The two almost forgot they were in a room filled with people watching him. Almost.
They quickly broke the kiss when they heard a flash of a camera. Fuyuhiko head shot around to see Natsumi holding her phone up with a shit eating grin.
“DELETE THAT!!!” Fuyuhiko screamed
“No thank you!” Natsumi ran off laughing.
Before he chased her, Fuyuhiko turned his attention to the crowd “WHAT?! You got what you wanted! Now fuck off!” He then ran off screaming at Natsumi to delete the picture.
The rest of the night is uneventful. Some people came up to congratulate Hajime and Fuyuhiko on their couple status.
Hajime could not stop thinking about the kiss though. He looked over at Fuyuhiko who was chatting with someone. It didn’t seem like the kiss was getting to him as much as it was to Hajime.
Hajime felt his heart tug a bit. He guessed the kiss did not mean much to Fuyuhiko. I mean why would it? They weren’t even dating. But also, what now? Were they going to stage some big breakup or something?
As the party ended, Fuyuhiko walked Hajime out to the car he had arranged to take Hajime home.
“So….that was something..” Fuyuhiko said.
“Yeah...sure it was..” Hajime looked down at his feet.
“Sorry..for forcing you into that silly narrivate.”
“Oh it’s nothing..I mean it was kind of fun...well I mean..I played along so yeah..” Hajime nervously chuckled.
“yeah ...yeah…”
“You know...funny enough, earlier that retail lady said you and I were cute..heh she thought we were boyfriends, and ummm, I didn’t correct her..” he explained.
“Is that so…?” Fuyuhiko said.
“Yeah...so haha. Anyways I guess we can stage a breakup or something like that.”
“Yeah we can..or we can do something else rather than lie again..”
Hajime looked up to meet Fuyuhiko’s gaze, the shorter male had taken a few steps closer.
“We can make those previous lies true..I mean like...the story about our first date. I honestly..umm fuck...I mean if the park and dinner is an good ideal for you as a..first date..” Fuyuhiko's gaze focused on Hajime’s tie.
Hajime felt his heart race, did Fuyuhiko just ask him on a date?
“I…” Hajime grabbed Fuyuhiko’s hand, the shorter male looking up to meet his gaze, “I would really enjoy that..”
Fuyuhiko blushed and nodded. He let go of Hajime’s hand and opened the car door for him.
“Text me when you get home.”
“Yeah I will.” Hajime got into the car.
“hajime ..”
“yeah ?”
Fuyuhiko grabbed his hand again, and kissed his palm “despite what happened, I..really enjoyed tonight.”
“Yeah me too,” Hajime smiled.
The two waved goodbye and Fuyuhiko closed the car door. He waited on the side of the crib until the car was out of sight. Fuyuhiko rubbed his face, mumbling, feeling his face become flushed again.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 73 Xs1)
"Pittsburgh Proposals"
📷 creds to @southsidequeenie
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"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GUYS!!???" Ashleigh snaps the moment Luna and Colson hit the bus.
He's bouncing from the adrenaline. Walking straight into the back room, she's focusing on how to save her ass.
"That Motherfucker hit me and I LIT HIS ASS THE FUCK UP!!!" Colson beams as he plops down and grabs his guitar.
Strumming he raps.
🎶We didn't talk about it🎶
🎶We just got gully🎶
🎶I sized up his body🎶
🎶Put some white chalk around it🎶
"NOOOOO!!???" Slim's mouth drops as his eyes get wide.
Luna calls Monica immediately. Explaining what happened and how she couldn't check for security footage.
"Fuck Luna, that's at least 3rd degree assault...." Monica sighs.
"I know... What was I supposed to do, Mon? That bitch would've jumped on me if I'd have left her hanging. You know how she is." Luna's rubbing her forehead as she sits on the bed.
"Fuck.... I hope I didn't fuck her face up." Is all she can think as she lights a joint.
"You could've just hit her..." Monica debates.
Using sarcasm to cover up her guilt, Luna replies. "I like props."
She puffs on the joint. Trying to calm her nerves. She doesn't know where her xanax is.
"Don't be a dick." Monica tells her curtly.
"I know. I'm sorry. I feel fucking awful. You think I should call Em myself?" She asks, having his personal number.
As it was said before, Luna and Marshall know each other. It's mostly professional but as with all of Luna's relationships, there's a personal lace to it. A genuine friendship. She has been in and out of Michigan for the last 5yrs.
"Absolutely fucking NOT. You call Mike, see if he can get me the tape. Then you sit tight. Where are you now?" Monica has a sterness to her voice.
"Uhhhh... Somewhere between Detroit and Pittsburgh." Luna answers, pulling on the joint.
"Pittsburgh. Then where?" Monica's trying to keep tabs on her client and also her friend.
Luna sighs, exhaling while thinking out loud. "CA, Philly, then DC. I'm pretty sure."
"Alright. Stay in touch with me. Call Mike. DO NOT call Marshall. Luna. Not even a FUCKING text. Do not incriminate yourself. You know you never admit fault." Monica advices her.
"I do, I will. And I won't." Luna tells her, taking her direction.
Hanging up with Monica, Luna finishes the joint. Looking for her xanax. She finds a bottle in her travel bag. Popping one she calls Mike.
Mike is a Fixer. You have a problem, Mike Fixes it. For a fee. Whether base to base or annually. Luna met him during the 5yrs she's been involved with Flint's community. It only being an hour outside of Detroit, Luna has made a lot of connections through the years. Mike being an irreplaceable one.
Placing the call she doesn't go into much detail. Just pleasantries and what she needs. Mike understands. Telling Luna he'll take care of it and get in touch with Monica. They know each and have worked things out on Luna's behalf before. He goes on to tell her to try not to worry about it until she hears from Monica and to take care. The old man liking Luna, never minding when she calls.
Walking back into the main room of The Bus, Luna looks for her school bag. Her shoulder is killing her and she wants her percs.
Everyone is loud and rowdy. Still hype from Colson and Luna's antics. Joints are being passed. Hotel Diablo plays in the background.
Luna sits in between Ashleigh and Colson, once she pops them. Sinking into the couch, she hits the joint Colson passes to her. He rubs her leg, going back to his conversation with AJ. Ashleigh noticing Luna's mood, she asks her.
"So, no coffee, hunh?" Trying to lighten it.
Luna sighs as she exhales.
"Nah, man... That shit's all over Kim Mathers face. She replies, feeling awful.
Hitting the joint again, she won't even look at Ashleigh. Colson overhears her, whipping around.
"What!?" He asks her.
"Yeeeeah... She could be hurt and I could be fucked...." Luna trails off, thinking more of Kim.
"What do you mean? Explain."
Colson's confused. Not seeing anything Luna had done. She goes on to tell him how she had popped the top off of her coffee to threaten Kim from jumping in but that she'd tossed it on her to stop dude.
"Wait! You fucking hemmed up a DUDE too!?" Slim interrupts. "You're fucking monster."
They're all listening. Luna still feeling horrible over Kim. Slim hitting the nail on the head.
"He was going for Colson. What else was I supposed to fucking do?" She asks, shaking her head.
Looking down while running her hands through her scalp of her loose bun. Luna's tired and cranky. Her shoulder hurts. She truly feels like fucking shit and is genuinely worried for Kim. She doesn't even really care if she gets in trouble. Luna's used to fucking shit up, but this one doesn't feel okay to her.
"I need to take a nap before we get to wherever we're going." Luna leans up and kisses Colson on the cheek.
Knowing something's wrong, he only says Ok.
"Rage on My Dudes." Luna throws her fist in the air to The Boys as she heads back to the room.
They toss her Feel Betters to another one of her tossed fists.
After a while of kicking it, Colson heads back to lay with Luna. With noise canceling headphones on, she's knocked. Before climbing in with her, he sits on the edge of the thinking about the things she said.
"Fuck... I hope she's not in trouble... I can't believe she did that... She really will do fucking anything for me." His heart pounds as butterflies flitter in his stomach.
Once in Pittsburgh, things pick up in their normal chaotic way. Only worse. They're so late, there's only 6hrs to build the stage and rehearse.
Standing together, with their arms wrapped around each other. Luna's head rests against Colson's chest.
"I don't think I wanna perform tonight, if that's okay?" Luna says looking up at him.
"Yeah, Kitten... Are you alright?" He asks her, concerned.
Before she can answer, Don comes storming over to them.
Pointing aggressively. "You two. With me. NOW." He demands.
Luna and Colson look at each other with scowls on their faces. Taking her hand, they follow Don to the side of The Bus.
"I'm not going to be putting up with your fucking shit. I'm not gonna stand for the bullshit you two pulled today with the coffee. Making us late. You two are gonna get in fucking line and follow the fucki..." Don tries to tear into to the couple.
Luna isn't having it. She interrupts him quickly.
"Who the FUCK do you think you're talking to!? You don't fucking tell me what to fucking do and you SURE AS FUCK don't speak to Colson that way.  You must've lost your fucking mind. Anything goes down, it's OUR asses. NOT yours. Don't forget who signs your fucking paycheck, BITCH." She spits with venom.
"Actually I'm paid by the lable, Little Girl." Don snaps back at her.
Sometimes Luna has no self control. This is one of those times. Don's words release a furry. Without thinking, she kicks out the side of older man's right knee. He howls in unexpected pain, leaning forward to grab it. Luna uses this as an opportunity to slam her right fist into his face. Knocking him off his already unsteady feet.
Colson watches in shock. "THIS bitch is truly a fucking LunaTic." He thinks, unable to help himself from loving her even more.
Stepping over top of Don. Luna stares down. Very calmly and coldly, she states.
"I don't give a fuck about a lable. Come at my boyfriend or myself like that again and I will rip your fucking heart out and eat it for breakfast. BEFORE I leave you along the side of the highway for the vultures to eat. You. Don't. Run. Shit."
She stares at him for a long minute, eyes daring him to speak. He doesn't. Walking away, she grabs a Roadie. Pointing at Don, she tells him he needs a medic.
Colson looks down at Don and shrugs. Sucking his teeth, he laughs.
"You heard My Lady." He confirms before running off after Luna.
Luna sits with Ashleigh as The Band rehearses. She's sipping on camomile tea and smoking a cigarette. Hearing what Luna did to Don, she asks Luna about it.
"You alright? You seem to be popping off today." She observes.
Luna takes a drag of her cigarette. Looking over at her, she lifts her sunglasses.
"I'm worried I fucked her face up." Luna answers honestly, referring to Kim. "Not because I could get in trouble but because it was mean."
"Why'd you do it?" Ashleigh tests her.
"Because I wasn't risking her hopping on me or Colson." Luna answers without hesitation.
Ashleigh knows it shouldn't but it makes her smile. Colson and Luna maybe crazy together but it's because they're crazy for each other.
"What about Don?"
Luna slides her glasses back on and into her seat. Sucking her teeth before inhaling again.
"Fuck Don." She says with no remorse.
Luna can be extremely sweet and then ruthless within seconds.
"Agreed... He's a dick." Ashleigh laughs.
Luna sips her tea, smoking away.
"You're not performing tonight?" Ashleigh asks noticing the change in the setlist.
"Noooo... I just... Today's already been a lot... And people kinda freak me out sometimes..." Luna rambles.
"I get it." Ashleigh pats Luna on top off her shoulder reassuringly.
Luna gives her a grateful smile as they continue to chat and watch The Band. It's another long setlist.
Before the show, Colson's phone rings in his dressing room. It's Diddy on FaceTime. Sitting on the couch next to Luna he answers.
Diddy starts in immediately.
"Tell me WHY, TMZ has cellphone video of what looks like you beating the shit out of who they're claiming is Eminem!?! It is the THIRD day of the fucking tour!" He explodes.
"Yo Man, that mothafucka had it comen'." Colson shrugs.
"I TOLD you not to touch him." Diddy warns Colson.
"He fucking snuck him!" Luna pops her head into the screen.
"OOOOOH!!! You're there too!? Perfect! What THE FUCK were you thinking, Loons? And what the fuck did you do to Don?" He digs into her now.
"What was I thinking? I got him the fuck up outta there, was what I was thinking. And fuck Don. He needs to learn his place. What's Marshall saying?" Luna asks.
"What's Marshall saying?" Diddy mocks her.
"FUCK you, Sean. What's he saying?" She demands.
"Nasty." Colson thinks to himself with delight. Listening to his girlfriend battle his boss.
"Nothing. No one can get him on the phone. Right now you two are a pair of lucky fucks." He points at the screen.
"Shit DUDE, what if he's not reachable because he's in the hospital with her." Luna worries.
"He snuck him, Sean." Luna says again.
"I'm sure his bitchass did. But that's not what the tape might say. Don't sweat it, I'll take care of it. You owe me two interviews for this bullshit though, Luna. Tomorrow before you leave and then NY." He tells her.
"Fine." Luna agrees, rolling her eyes.
"ATTT!! Don't you roll your eyes at me Girl!! I'll make you do Philly too." Sean teases her.
Luna laughs. "Yeah. Get another fucking road manager. Don sucks."
Shaking his head at her, Diddy tells them both to do the Fucking Interviews. They say Yes Sir in unison. Looking at each other and laughing as Diddy hangs up on them.
"Are we out of trouble?" Colson asks, looking at her inquisitivly.
"I don't know... But Sean's not pissed so that's a solid. I wanna say it's gonna really depend on how much damage was physically done and how deep their pride runs. He may not want it out because you beat his ass while she may because she's pissed I hurt her... I really don't know." Luna looks worried.
Taking her face in his hands, Colson kisses Luna. Stroking her cheekbone, he reassures her that they'll Figure It Out.
Ashleigh pops in telling Colson 10mins. Luna shoots Monica a text asking her to please check Detroit hospitals for Kim.
Sex Drive plays, hyping the crowd before Slim comes on to introduce Colson. The arena is pouring with overwhelming energy.
Colson has 27 songs lined up. The setlist only slightly changing from the night before. He kicks it off with Habits and Breaking News 2 again.
Luna watching and bobbing side stage with Ashleigh. Dancing with each other as they laugh and sing to El Diablo.
Loco, GTS and part of Wild Boy are played. Colson tearing up the stage. Running back and forth. Jumping on speakers. Talking to his family. As he rips through Let You Go, Luna's phone rings. It's Monica. She excuses herself from Ashleigh.
"Hey!!" Luna shouts, trying to find a quiet place backstage.
"Luna?" Monica asks.
"Yeah, I'm here!!" Luna tells her as she closes the bathroom door behind her.
"Oh Good, I can hear you. I got the tapes. It's nothing. It only focuses on the register and counter. Wherever you were, was off camera thankfully. I checked the hospitals too. A woman came into Harper with minor facial burns. She was treated and released."
Luna let's out a relieved sigh.
"We look good but we're not out of the woods yet. They could still press charges or file a civil suit."
Luna understands. She informs Monica of the cellphone footage. She's asks if Luna's on it.
"Not that I know of." Luna tells her.
"Okay, I'll contact Sean. He doesn't know what you did?" She asks.
"No...." Luna trails.
"Keep it that way. I know you guys are friends but the less that can link you, the better. I'll take care of Colson too." Monica reassures Luna.
They hang up to Luna's immense gratitude and Monica's words of safety.
Luna gets back SideStage as The Band is finishing up The Break Up. Luna presents Ashleigh a bottle of Jameson with a grin.
They happily swig and sing together as Colson nails his part of I Think I'm Okay before heading into Hollywood Whore. The riff always breaks Luna's heart.
He changes the lyrics. Rapping the words:
🎶Imma get me a wife🎶
🎶Because she's the baddest bitch🎶
🎶I trust🎶
Ashleigh looks over at a blushing Luna.
Playing Ocean Eyes, Colson glances side stage to find her. She's right there.
"She's always right there. With those beautiful fucking eyes. He thinks grinning at her.
See My Tears is next before Colson and Rook switch off. Colson slamming into the drums as Rook nails Shout At The Devil. For the second night.
Luna and Ashleigh lose it along with the erupting crowd.
The Band slams through Rap Devil, Till I Die, Golden God, Alpha Omega, Lately, Bad Motherfucker, Wake&Bake, Rehab, 27 and Sail.
The lights go down. The stage is black and silent for a moment. Colson catching his breath before he speaks to his family in the dark. Moving things around. Moving things around. Voice quieting the crowd.
"Being here tonight makes me miss my friend." He's referring to Mac. "You know you guys are my family. We're all family. If you're hurting talk to each other." Tears are welling in his beautiful eyes. "Talk to us because we love you. And we don't want to lose you too." The tears drop down his cheeks. "I've never played this before, but it means a lot to me. And I hope I do Clapton proud."
He laughs, wiping his tears as the lights go up. Playing the opening chords to Wonderful Tonight, he pulls up a stool to the mic beside his.
"Luna get the fuck out here!!" He calls.
Luna's heart is pounding. Tears falling from her blue eyes. Ashleigh takes the bottle from her and pushes her on to the stage.
"FAM!! This is my girl and I'm gonna sing her a song if you don't mind."
The crowd roars as Luna slides onto the stool. Still picking the chords, Colson leans over to kiss her red cheek.
🎶It's late in the evening🎶
🎶She's wondering what clothes🎶
🎶To wear🎶
Colson grins at Luna, recounting all the times he's watched her get dressed.
She harmonizes with him, asking.
🎶Do I look alright🎶
He answers her singing.
🎶And I said Yes🎶
🎶You look Wonderful Tonight🎶
Leaning in to kiss her through the chords.
Watching him, Luna can't contain herself as the chords rip through her soul. "Fuck, I love him." She thinks as tears drop.
Colson continues singing.
🎶We go to a party🎶
Remembering the night with The Paul Brothers, he chuckles to himself.
As she harmonizes with him again asking.
🎶Do you feel alright🎶
His mind floats to the moment she had asked him that during his birthday party.
Continuing to serenade Luna.
🎶I feel wonderful🎶
🎶Because I see The Love🎶
🎶Light in your eyes🎶
🎶And the wonder of it all🎶
🎶Is that you just don't realize🎶
🎶How much I love you🎶
Luna's heart explodes, right there on stage. Colson finishes out the last verse effortlessly. Leaning into kiss Luna as the crowd Awwws them.
Kissing him back, Luna grabs her mic as Colson takes off his guitar.
"Isn't he fucking wonderful??" Luna sniffles as she asks to the crowds cheers.
Walking around the stage, she agrees.
"He's pretty fucking wonderful, hunh? He's so wonderful that I got a Baaad Thing for him. Can I tell you about it?" Luna asks the roaring crowd.
Singing acapella.
🎶I know I'm outta my head🎶
🎶But I haven't lost my mind🎶
Her voice stops the crowd and Colson.
The range and strength of her voice is unbelievable. Colson picks his guitar back up as he kicks in with her.
Their sexual energy is undeniable. Luna snakes around him as they both weave around each other. Colson ripping his guitar through the air.
With her hand on his heart, they sing together.
🎶Tattooed you on my body🎶
🎶So I can take you wherever🎶
The Band slams hard as Luna belts out the last lyrics, running her hand down Colson's cheek.
🎶I'm all in🎶
🎶There is no maybe🎶
He throws his guitar over his shoulder. Grabbing and lifting Luna up, he kisses her hard.
Grabbing her mic, he shouts "Thank You Pittsburgh!! WE OUT!!!!"
Kissing Luna again, he wraps his arm around her shoulders as they walk off stage. Her hand on his chest. Voice buzzing in his ear. The energy between them is insane.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued....
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