eldesperadont · 1 year
how I currently watch wrestling is if sth sounds off to me im not even gonna look into it, Marie Kondo that shit, only stuff that sparks joy
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retrokid616 · 1 year
we got a fetch quest y'all!
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pokegalla · 5 months
Requested/trade by @veiled-rebel
First ever Hazbin hotel headcanons lets gooooo✨
How Touchy Can They Be In Public With Slightly Large Chested S/o!
Angel Dust:
* ……..ok yes he’s a pornstar so obviously he could care less. All of hell watches his videos. Him doing something promiscuous as grabbing some booba ain’t really a surprise-
* Doesn’t mean he’s going do it without making sure you’re actually comfortable with it though! If not, he’ll never do it again (he’ll make excuses but we all know he’s a softie-). But if you are comfortable? Good luck. He’ll hug you from behind a lot and give a biiiiig squeeze- hell he’ll let you lay your head in his own fluffy booba! It’s only fair✨ (your nickname is definitely now sugar tits and you cannot go against that)
* In private he’s actually a LOT cuter. He loves nuzzling in your chest and giving it so many smooches. He just finds you so cute and he doesn’t hold back on his flirts. But surprisingly they are much more sweeter! “Awww la Mia dolce metà is blushing agaaain~ Am I making yah that excited~?” He laughs when you blush more.
* Ooooooo but now you wanna be wearing a boob window?! Oh you HAVE to be teasing him baby~✨ and he is not above taking you to the nearest hotel for a little….detour~
* Hey you dated a pornstar pal. You kinda should have expected this! But hey….you’re also the only one who gets to see his soft side too.
Mini story time!!!
Man you were fucking bored. Which is ironic considering how hectic hell can be. But what could you do right? You sinned and now you’re in this shithole, rotting away year by year…..oh? You felt someone hug you from behind. And that familiar squeeze that made you blush-
“ANGEL-“ the yelp made your lover laugh.
“Got yah sugartits! Next time get yah head out of yah ass! Unless it’s on mine sweetheart~” he winked at you and laughed when you got flustered.
But….you take one of his hands and it made him smile. Genuinely smile. Well….Hell may be a shithole.
But at least you’re not alone in it❤️
* Eh honestly he’s more of a gentleman here. So not as touchy. Little to none actually.
* But he does get a little more protective. I mean it is hell, perverts and assholes come in by a dozen. He’ll snarl at anyone getting a little too close or have a spare jacket just to drape over your shoulders. Quite a sweet gesture coming from the grump himself✨
* In private he surprisingly is still hesitant to even look there as he thinks it’s rude. You have a face don’tcha? He prefers looking there. But if you tell him it’s perfectly fine and lay him on your chest? He will stay right there because he is a blushing mess. Might earn a few purrs if you give him head scritchies✨
* Now despite being a gentleman, he knows when you wanna dress up for him. So wearing a boob window will have him peeking more….and he might actually mention it! “Looking good. Dressed up for a special occasion?” But he’d have a little mischievous smirk. Oh trust me. You are definitely having a special occasion tonight now~
* He may be a grumpy cat, he’s still a softie at heart. And only you know best.
Mini story time!!!
Yeah maybe wearing this top to the club was a terrible idea. So many creeps and assorted assholes were everywhere and they couldn’t stop staring. Couldn’t you just walk around without someone staring at you like a piece of meat….? But that’s when you felt someone wrap a jacket around your shoulders before leading you out of the club.
“Husk….? What are you…?” You were shocked to say the least.
“I told yah NOT tah go to this club. Lotta bad eggs in there….” He grumbles as he kept you close to himself.
You were surprised he came at all….you sigh and lean against his shoulder, making him stiffen but sigh, rubbing your back comfortingly.
At least you have him around ❤️
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arc-misadventures · 6 months
Hana: Hahahaaaaa~! I manage to make my blond himbo lose his stupid NNN challenge!
Angela: Blond himbo? Hana dear, you better not be speaking of my husband. Because if so, I will kill you, reserect you, and then kill you again, over, and over again until I am satisfied… understood?
Hana: Ha! Good joke, Angela.
Angela: …
Hana: G-Good joke…?
Angela: …
Hana: Okay, hold on, you’re married?!
Angela: Yes, yes I am.
Hana: …
Hana: For how long?!
Angela: Lets see… I got married when I was nineteen… So my husband, and I have been married for twenty years now~!
Hana: Twenty years?!
Angela: Yes. Our wedding anniversary was a few months ago, just after our daughter’s nineteenth birthday.
Hana: You have kids?!
Angela: Yes, eight wonderful children~!
Hana: E-Eight kids?!
Angela: Mostly Twins, and triplets. Seven girls, and one son if you’re curious.
Hana: Eight kids…?
Hana: …
Hana: Honestly, you don’t look like you’ve even had one kid…
Angela: I shall take that as a compliment.
Hana: W-Well, I’m not going after your husband. I didn’t even know you were married! A-And, he’s a year younger than me, not some guy in his forties!
Angela: Very well. So tell me… how did you make your ‘blond bimbo’ loose this, NNN challenge thingy?
Hana: Uhhh… M-Mostly by accident…
Angela: By accident; what kind of accident?
Hana: …
Hana: I got stuck in, Tokki…
Angela: What do you mean by ‘stuck?’
Hana: Oh no…
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Hana: I’m stuck…
Hana: Grrrr! Come on! I just gotta wiggle myself out of hereeeeeeee…!
Hana: …
Hana: Shit…
Hana: Tokki! Open up! Let me gooooo!
Hana: …
Hana: HELLLLLP! Someone one, anyone! HELP!
: Hana? Hana, did you call for…? The hell?
Hana: Oh thank gods you’re here! Can you get me out?
: How did this happen?
Hana: I didn’t get out fast enough, and it closed on me. Can you help me?
: Isn’t there an emergency release button you can press?
Hana: Yes, but my arms are pinned, and I can’t reach it! There’s another one on the outside, can you hit the button for me?
: That depends…
Hana: On what?
: Can I… Can I tap that ass first…?
Hana: …
: …
Hana: Yes.
: Awesome!
: Let’s begin~!
Angela: I see… Well, it looks like everything work out in the end.
Hana: Oh it worked out; It really worked out~!
Angela: Well, I’m glad for you. But, I didn’t know you were dating anyone, who is he?
Hana: He’s a, Huntsmen-in-training. His name is, Jaune Arc.
Angela: Jaune… Arc…?
Hana: Yeah, Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue, ladies love it~!
Angela: Tell me… Does he have blue eyes, is about six foot five with white armour, and uses a longsword…?
Hana: Yeah, he does… How did you know?
Angela: He’s… He’s my son…
Hana: …
Hana: Oh fuck…
I don’t know why, I just find this pairing interesting.
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menlove · 21 days
Hey have you read any good McLennon fix-its
OH BOY HAVE I. i love mclennon fix-its they genuinely heal my soul & they're for sure my favorite i'm ngl. here we gooooo. just pulling from my bookmarks in no particular order...
favorites have a 💖 next to them!
blood on the tracks by mynamesbetty
gen-mature. 66k modern au, 11 part series, eventual fix-it. He was a grown man, a rock star, richer than Croesus, emotionally stable, and more than capable of handling a surprise visit from his ex-husband. Paul married John when he was eighteen and divorced him at twenty-nine. Two years later, John pays Paul a visit.
'til touchdown brings me round again to find by wardo_weditit
explicit. 12k. It was one thing when he was doing this for Elton—yeah, because of a bet, but mostly because Elton is his friend and he wants to support him. It was just a one-off thing that seemed like it could be fun, or cool, or maybe even memorable. But now, if Paul’s going to be there, it takes on a hell of a lot more meaning because that’s the way it goes, that’s what things with Paul always do. Or, Paul comes to see John's surprise appearance at Elton's show, and grand gestures abound.
here you come again by harmonising
mature. 16k. (take this one w a grain of salt i can't remember if it's a full fix it? but well. john's alive, so) 1982. John comes back to England. He and Paul spend a weekend together.
Grow Old With Me by inherownwrite 💖
explicit. 8k. Paul breaks his arm, and John panics.
and when broken bodies are washed ashore (who am i to ask for more) by wardo_wedidit 💖
mature. 39k. “Jesus, took you long enough,” John says, adjusting the duffle over his shoulder. “Thought I might be out here til morning at this rate.” For a second he wonders if he’s drunker than he thought, but no. As far as he can tell, it is still 1980, and he hasn’t seen or so much as spoken to John in ten years. Or, John comes to stay with Paul in Scotland to ride out the press storm of his divorce to Yoko, and Paul learns to stop running away.
i was a younger man then (now) (post hoc) by fingersfallingupwards 💖
mature. 27k. (i'm not kidding i think this one is my favorite ever mclennon fics. it's only 27k but it feels like an entire novel. this lives in my head rent free forever. this is my heartstopper or whatever the kids are saying) John’s twelve when a bloke appears from a flaming pie and says, “From this day forward you are Beatles with an ‘a.’” The bloke is Paul. Or: paul and john meet at all ages and eras and john is the time-traveler’s wife the way only john lennon can be
Stop all the clocks by javelinbk
mature. 30k. For the following kink meme prompt: ‘1967. After Brian dies, Paul decides not to go ahead with MMT, and takes John up to Scotland for a month instead.’ Also based on the following comment on said prompt: ‘pls someone let them fuck tenderly in 1967’
I Need My Love to Be Here by notgrungybitchin
explicit. 8k. After John gets his first panic attack in Hamburg, he starts to realize that Paul might be the only person who can bring him back to himself.
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laurelinofvalinor · 1 year
Ok, here's every time Pacat writes that Laurent and Damen were gazing at each other. This is easily my favorite motif of CaPri both because it's hot as hell and because Pacat says so much by saying almost nothing at all.
Captive Prince: 0 gazings
The tension is not quite at gazing levels...
Prince's Gambit: 7 gazings
Here we gooooo
Ch 1
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Right before this moment, Damen thinks "Damen felt desire come hard upon him: not wholly a desire for violence, but a desire to drive the knife into Laurent’s composure, to force him to show something other than cool indifference." oh yeah buddy?
Ch 8
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Ch 9
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Ch 17
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Ch 19
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Ch 20
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Ch 21
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Kings Rising: 4 gazings
Notably, there are no "they were gazing at each other" moments in KR until Laurent gets drunk and then we get the only 2x in a chapter moment. Then a break until they are truly reconciled.
Ch 9
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Ch 9, again
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Ch 13
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Ch 18
Pasted as text until I can get the screenshot up:
‘You came,’ said Laurent.
‘You knew I would,’ said Damen.
‘If you need an army to take your capital,’ said Laurent, ‘I seem to have one.’
Damen let out a strange breath. They were gazing at each other. Laurent said, ‘After all, I owe you a fort.’
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 6 days
Notice how the villains are government members and people in power creating a police state "for the greater good" as they knowingly lie about an innocent man. Based as hell show
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"That's classified. But thank you for bringing it to my attention." And then arrests the guy like hmmmmmmmmm I wonder why this sounds familiar
No matter what universe, some bloodlust always exists in Brain lmao
Damn Lois is ready to KILL for her babygurl
"What are you doing in here?" "ARGUING!" lmao
Uh oh complications in the plannnnnn
"A wannabe ninja" damn Lex get his ass
Uh ohhhhh complications in the plaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Awww, a reunion 🥰
Can't even blame her honestly shit got way out of hand
"That is so beautiful and sad :(" LMAO
Hey why are the Metallos green. WHY ARE THE METALLOS GREEN
The "now let's see what really happened" section of the heist
"Love is not for cowards" HELL YEAH LETS GO
Lex is so fired hahahahaha
"Mommy doesn't need you anymore" LEX NOT YOU TOO
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what-gs-watching · 25 days
“Breathe it in baby, because I am EXUDING and I am one of a kind.”
Okay so, I fell behind in Doctor Who because I’ve been job searching for like seven fucking months and a few weeks ago one came up that could be a good fit so I was trying to super focus on doing well through the interview loop even though I was pretty sure it wasn’t going to amount to anything because I’d gone through a ton of interview loops by that point but 
Y’ALL, I GOT THAT JOB! My horrible, soul-sucking ordeal is finally over, the paperwork is signed and I have a start date and everything has settled. Which means, I can finally catch up on 15 and my girl Ruby. 
Let’s gooooo!
73 Yards
Alright, I know there was upset around this episode because everyone is like ‘what the eff does it mean?’ but ooooh, I really enjoyed it. It was creepy as HELL and it just never stopped.
Wherein, Ruby and the Doctor pop over to Wales (this mofo really spends much too much time in Wales) and while on a cliffside, he steps on something AGAIN!!!!! and everything goes wrong.
Baby boy, did you not learn anything from the mine? Do you not take a scan around when you land somewhere, or are you just too excited about being adorable in your little yellow jacket and the hat and the stripes? You look fantastic, I get it, but peep down at those cute ass boots once in a while. 
I have to say, I’m impressed by Millie Gibson in this episode. It’s a lot of pressure to put on her to carry the entire thing, and she did it really well. How devastating is it to have your best friend disappear, realize you’re being followed by some crazy apparition that literally scares anyone and everyone away from you? 
Without any explanation. That’s the part that gets me. She becomes a piranha with this horrific THING attached to her and everyone she begs for help leaves her. Eve her MOTHER! It’s a mind fuck.
And I really wasn't sure where the episode was going, so I was excited for Kate Lethbridge-Stewart to show up, I was like ‘yeah let’s get UNIT into this mess’ and then she’s affected too and oh hell, that’s like, the last line of defense. 
Ruby, completely and utterly alone. And they just make her live out her entire life like that. And she tries to fix it, of course, the whole thing with the Welsh politician was a really good attempt babe, I would have done the same thing but then that doesn’t even work?!
And so everyone is all ruffled because, what was the point of it, really? What was the message, what was the meaning??!
Was she actually the apparition? If not, who was she? And then, it just ends and none of it ever really happened at all and there’s absolutely no resolution. 
Why do we love making companions live these horrible alternate timelines? How many times did we make Amy live different lives? I feel like she at least remembered most of them. But with Ruby in this one, there’s no lesson. She learns nothing, neither of them do.
But still, I loved the creeping sense of unease, so I guess I don’t really need all the details.
Dot and Bubble
I’m simultaneously annoyed and intrigued by shows that keep telling me allegories about the dangers of technology and how dependent we are on it. So far, it’s mostly been annoyed, but oh my god y’all really hit the nail on the head with this one.
Wherein, a bunch of privileged youths are existing in a perfect society that enables them to basically LIVE social media, literally surrounded by a bubble that feeds them other people’s inanity all day long. 
One thing I have to say about this episode is that the angles are something else. Lindy, the girl we’re seeing everything through is alternately absolutely beautiful, and kind of weird looking? She’s got perfect social media face. Is that a weird thing to say? I stand by it. It’s like she’s covered in the perfect ring light. It was distracting. And probably part of the point. 
Basically, this girl has no idea that there are monsters in her fake ass society that are eating her friends, and she is very not into the Doctor and Ruby trying to help her. Like, they’re trying to get her out of danger, only to find out that she doesn’t have any idea how to walk without wearing her ‘bubble’ is so deeply disturbing. Watching this girl say “forward” to convince herself to move is amazing and upsetting on a lot of different levels. 
And then out of nowhere, media star Ricky September shows up and he literally starts giving her directions like the bubble would do and I’m like ‘okay that’s interesting’, we’re subverting the idea that this incredibly popular personality is a vapid idiot because it turns out he READS and he’s taking pity on this girl that is literally a shell of a person without the aid of technology. And it was so sweet. 
Basically, this episode is infuriating because at one point Lindy hugs Ricky and tells him she’s never been hugged before (even though we know she at least has a mother) but THEN later, when the Doctor tells her everyone is being killed in alphabetical order and Ricky is trying to fight off the dot that is literally trying to murder her, she RATS HIM OUT. His real last name starts with C, he should be dead already. 
Confusingly innocent and absolutely cut throat at the same time? I guess if you live your entire life exclusively online you don’t go through things that would actually cultivate compassion? Which honestly, is not an unfounded idea. That should make y’all feel queasy. 
And to make it all exponentially worse, they flat out tell the Doctor they can’t accept his help because he’s not “one of us”. Just straight up, really gross, really overt racism. 
15, honey, I get it, but please  don’t beg racists to let them save you. You’re too good for this world, babes. That gut wrenching shout though? Absolute perfection. And the tears. You marvelous thing. 
TL;DR Humanity is disgusting and technology will continue to feed our uglier tendencies. I felt that one deep in my damn bones.
Okay hear me out. This episode is EVERYTHING. 
Y’all know I have a thing for boys in love. And I also have a thing for the Doctor flirting with basically anyone. I don’t particularly have a thing for the regency era necessarily, but I AM about incredible costumes and ridiculous plots. 
I was honest to god squealing this entire episode.
Wherein, 15 and Ruby show up to a ball in 1813 so they can pretend they’re in Bridgerton, meet a handsome young bounty hunting rake, talk a LOT about cosplaying, and deal with bird???! aliens???
There are a million details I loved in this one. The orchestra playing an instrumental version of “Bad Guy” and then later “Pokerface”. The absolutely incredible suit they put on 15. 
Not to mention: JONATHAN GROFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Loved him in Mindhunter, loved him in Glee (before it got absolutely ridiculous and when I didn’t know any better) but holy shiiiiiit I would watch him as Rogue every. damn. day. 
River Song will always and forever be my number one love for the Doctor, but I was absolutely immediately charmed by Rogue. I’m not sure why, and it doesn’t really matter. 
How absolutely adorable was the psychic paper displaying “you’re hot”? Or the bit where the Doctor figures out Rogue’s ship is wired for sound and the system blares “Can’t Get Your Outta My Head” and he lip syncs along while Rogue dies of embarrassment? 
The entire episode was just two dorks flirting and my heart was so happy. I don’t know why, but when 15 started singing “Pure Imagination” while showing Rogue around the Tardis, I thought I was going to die. 
I love that he can be so carefree and fun and adorable, but also extremely emotional and unafraid to show it. We’ve seen so many different facets of 15 already, and his obvious and silly flirty self is definitely my favorite part so far. 
Also, the fact that the Chuldur (again, bird aliens I guess? Sure) were basically just a race that went around cosplaying other people was so camp. I’ve seen a lot of posts about how the newest theory is that 15 and Ruby are somehow in some weird sort of tv show universe this season, and this episode definitely fuels that a little bit. 
And maybe y’all are onto something with that, but I honestly don’t care to figure out what’s going on, I just want to be along for the ride.
Of course though, we can’t have an episode that’s all fun and games. The Doctor went all in on shooting his shot with Rogue and it distracted him and it put Ruby in trouble, because of course. Maybe we should stop promising random mothers that their kids are gonna be safe? Doctor, baby, you know that they aren’t always going to be safe. 
But if you weren’t charmed by Rogue before that point, you had to jump on his bandwagon when he pushes Ruby out of the transport trap and just says “Find me” before he’s blasted away with the stupid birds to some far off dimension. 
BALLER MOVE, baby boy. Baller ass move. Because ya know what? 15 is not going to be able to resist that. And you know how I know? Because that boy put your ring on his finger and I will ship the fuck out of you two forever and ever because of that. 
The doctor has definitely been known to  kiss people he’s only just met, but this time might be in the top 3. I thought Madame de Pompadour was good? Nah girl, ya bumped down. This kiss was better. Just me sat on the couch with heart eyes for days.
So yeah, I think I’ve decided I like letting a few stack up so I can watch them in a row. Watching them boomerang between crazy scenarios and thinking about all of that at the same time is more fun. 
I’m loving this season. It’s ridiculous, it’s different, it’s a bunch of things I didn’t even realize I wanted. Gimme more pleaaaaase.
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oh btw idk if you saw my post but I ended up just straight up asking my mom about buddie and she said "well obviously they're setting us up to think they should be together" so queerbaiting mission officially accomplished on the cishet boomer lady 🫡 -babyslutbuck
i didnt see it HELL FUCKING YEAH MOM QUEERBAITED LETS GOOOOO. keep me updated on eddie begins and the shooting tho i need to hear her thoughts. also on buck’s bi arc actually
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
Okay this is gonna sound wild but hear me out 😂 what if the reader is pregnant and she’s dating Steddie? And they just pick not to know who the father is because it doesn’t matter and they are like one big happy family?😩🫠
Hiii babes!! So…idk why this is sending me on a spiral and now all I’m imagining is you sending Steve and Eddie on craving runs making them split up and go to two different places because of course you want hot Cheetos and a milkshake 😂🙈 so to make you happy while I think of scenarios to write about for this, please enjoy some conversations between the 3 of them😂💖
-In my mind Steve and Eddie love each other but like they do work each others nerves and the bickering is on another level also idk why but the baby is a boy lol✨
- find all things Dad Steddie here
*Dad Steddie wasn’t on my 2022 bingo card but here we are so let’s gooooo*
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“I got this thing that you strap to your chest and just carry them around.” “And who the fuck is going to be the one carrying our son around hmmm? Certainly not you Harrington.” “Why not? I have the shoulders for it.” “You have the shoulders for it? What do shoulders have to do with carrying a baby on your chest?” “The straps go over the shoulders Munson and you’re about as bulky as a string bean so yeah I’m gonna be the one carrying him around.” “I could carry him around too?” “Of course baby…you’re the only other qualified one in this house to carry our son around.” “Fuck off Harrington…but yeah princess you can carry him around all you want…you’ve got the shoulders for it.” “You’re so fucking annoying Munson.”
“Jesus fucking Christ! Baby! What are you doing up there?” “Up here? It’s a step stool Eddie…I was looking for more animal crackers I can’t find them.” “What the hell is going on? Munson I leave you alone for five minutes and I come back and she’s on the ladder? Baby…please get down.” “Don’t look at me Harrington I walked in and she was up there.” “It’s a step stool it has one step on it and you two weren’t here and I need my animal crackers or…I really think I might start crying.” “Sweetheart there’s some in the living room in the cookie jar on the coffee table.” “Steve…don’t you think I’ve looked there? It’s empty.” “Empty? How?….Eddie did you not refill it last night like I asked?” “You didn’t ask me to do shit Harrington besides lock the front door and to grab you a bottle of water.” “Oh god…I think…I think we are out.” “What? No damn way she went through both family sized bags in a week Steve…there’s no way.” “We don’t have any?…” “Don’t cry baby I’ll go get some okay? Eddie will stay here and rub your feet or cuddle while I run to the store.”
“No way is our son wearing that Eddie.” “You just wouldn’t know cool if it came up and bit you on the ass Steve…he’s totally wearing this one day.” “Is that a little leather jacket?” “Cute isn’t it baby? Steve here said he didn’t want our son wearing it.” “It’s so tiny…” “great now she’s crying…way to go Munson.” “You know how she gets with baby clothes…remember when Robin gave us those little overalls and she cried for an hour with them in her hand?” “I don’t know Eddie I have a feeling this is going to be longer than an hour…” “he’s going to look so cute in his tiny little leather jacket…he’s gonna match his dad...” “Oh yeah..way longer than an hour…I might’ve fucked up…” “stop laughing at me Steve I can’t help it…” “sorry baby you’re just so damn cute.”
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my-soupy-brain · 1 year
going down on ted first thing in the morning >>>>> his messy hair, flushed face, deep groans, gently nibbling his tummy. holding on to his love handles while you...
Ooooh, hell yessssss! As we know from S3, he's so sexy in the morning. It would be fun to just make his day start right with some lovin'. Let's gooooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader
Warning: SMUT AHEAD, slipper when wet lol
You couldn't help it.
As soon as your eyes blinked open to the stormy London skies outside your window, and Ted deeply breathing behind you with his hand over your hip...
And the feeling of his hard cock against your ass...
You knew what you wanted to do.
Before he wakes, you give your ass a little shake, feeling him twitch behind you. A low growl from his lips and a grasp of his big hands on your flesh, you knew you were on the right track.
You do it again, a sigh of breath coming from his lips now, another moan, a low, husky, "Mmmm, yeah..."
You turn in his arms and coax him to his back, his hair messy and unstyled over his forehead, his chest hair peeking out from his undershirt. His eyes are barely open as he smiles when you lean in to kiss his neck, his chest, and work your way down, down...
It's your hand that finds its way first, sneaking under the leg hole of his boxer briefs to stroke his hot, needy cock.
"Uggghhhh," he groans again, his cheeks flushed and his hips twitching as your hand wraps around him and moves up and down, slowly building him up.
As his head is back in the pillows, you move the covers off his body, sighing at his long, muscular thighs. You edge his underwear down and free his length and it bounces against his stomach when you do.
His head pops up, his eyes watching you, mouth apart, when you put your mouth on him.
"Ohhhhh, honey," he moans, his hands tangling in your hair. He watches you, biting his lower lip, as you work him up and down, your eyes connecting with his for a moment when you moan.
"Ummm, oh shit, sugar...ye-uh, just like that," he coos to you, and you don't change your pace but you do change your depth.
His hips twitch, his moans and breath growing deeper by the minute. When he watches you, your hand around him, your mouth plunging, your cleavage, your ass in the air, he can't help it when he...
"Ohhh, ohhhhh, God..." he spills into you, which you happily accept before climbing back up to him.
A flushed face, eyes glazed over... he's the picture of ecstasy. He looks at you with dreamy eyes, and you kiss his lips gently.
"Go back to sleep, sweetheart," you whisper. "We can sleep-in today."
Morning playtime is way underrated. I bet Ted sleeps like a damn baby afterward too. Oooof. Morning Ted! It's its own genre at this point. Thanks for the prompt, friend. What a treat!
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retrokid616 · 1 year
and oh yeah somethin something post credit oh who cares LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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leiawritesstories · 11 months
Happy follower celebration!! <3<3<3
May I request:
“I really want to see you first thing in the morning.”
Thank you so very much!!! 🥰💕 here you gooooo. enjoy!
Word count: 938
Warnings: none
500 followers celebration prompt fills
"Hey." Aelin tucked her phone next to her ear, holding it with her shoulder as she unlocked her car.
"Hey, Fireheart." Rowan's voice flowed through the speaker, just the sound she needed to hear after a hell of a long shift at the restaurant. "Just clock out?"
"Yeah." She pulled the clip from her hair with a relieved groan. "God, it was such a long day. So many people. So many kids. So much bullshit."
"Bet you didn't take any bullshit."
"I try." She switched her phone to speaker and set it in the cupholder before backing out of her parking spot and heading away from the restaurant where she worked. "Seems like all the ridiculous crap comes on the weekends, though."
"Want to come over?" He sounded so hopeful. "You can rant all you need, love."
She glanced at the clock. "I'm gonna swing by my place first to shower and get out of these disgusting clothes, ok?"
"Take your time." He paused. "Wait no, not too much time. I wanna see you."
She laughed. "Has anyone ever told you you're the clingy one, buzzard?"
"Don't see anything wring with it," he returned, chuckling. "I gotta go, but I'll see you soon?"
"Yeah." She blew him an invisible kiss. "Love you, buzzard."
"Love you too, Fireheart."
An hour later, showered and changed and carrying an overnight bag, Aelin walked up the front steps of Rowan's townhouse, knocked twice, and walked in. "Ro?"
"Hey." He jogged down the hall, met her in the entryway, and tipped his head down to kiss her soundly. "I made food."
She perked up, kicked off her shoes, and bolted for the kitchen. "You're the best, Ro!"
He followed, shaking his head fondly at the way she was so much more excited to see the food than him. "Maybe I should've thought twice before proposing, love. Seems you're more in love with food than your poor sad old fiancé."
"Stop that, drama queen," she laughed. "I'm just hungry, and your cooking is amazing." She gave him a broad, suggestive wink. "I'll get a whole free chef when we get married."
"Trust me, love, I can handle myself in the kitchen." He wrapped his arms around her from behind.
"You like it better when I handle you, though," she hummed, casually serving herself a big bowl of the soup he'd made.
Rowan spluttered, his face flaring bright read. "Aelin!"
She burst into bright laughter. "I'll never get tired of seeing you all riled up, love."
He mumbled something incoherent about just how much she loved doing that to him and wisely changed the subject. "Wanna watch a movie?"
"When have I ever said no to that?" she grinned. "Let me guzzle this soup like a starving madwoman first and then yes, absolutely I do."
"Take your time, love," he laughed. "I need dinner too, y'know."
"Oh, so you didn't make this whole pot of soup just for me?"
"Nope." He grabbed his own bowl ad filled it up. "Sorry to disappoint."
"Guess I have to knock a star off your Yelp review," she teased.
He laughed softly and nudged her towards the kitchen table. "For someone who's supposedly so hungry, you sure aren't doing a lot of eating, Ae."
Once she had a full, satisfied stomach, Aelin helped Rowan clear away the dishes, waving off his protest that he could do it all by himself, and went to the hall closet to get a big armful of fluffy blankets. Rowan's mom kept buying him throw blankets every fall and winter, insisting that he needed "splashes of color to liven up his boring gray house." Rowan pretended to be annoyed, but Aelin knew he secretly loved his collection of seasonal blankets. She loved the blankets, at least.
"How many of those does one person even need?" he teased as he came into the living room to find her snuggled into a blanket cocoon on the L-shaped couch.
"Not all of us are human furnaces, buzzard," she returned. "What are we watching?"
"Hmm...well, I'm in a classic cinema mood tonight."
"Oh gods," Aelin mock-groaned. "Why aren't you ever in a rom-com mood, you know, like a normal person?"
"Since when have I ever been a rom-com person?" Rowan asked dryly. "Besides, I know you want to watch The Godfather."
"You're too good at the bribery thing." She moved the blankets aside enough for him to sit down. "C'mere, buzzard."
Rowan obediently settled down beside her, stretching out his long legs so she could cuddle herself snugly against the toned planes of his body. He turned on the movie, turned off the lights, and tucked Aelin's blankets comfortably around her. Knowing full well she probably wouldn't stay awake for the whole movie, he idly combed his fingers through her hair.
Aelin lasted an hour before she was asleep on his chest, her breath brushing his collarbones in even pulses. A tender smile curled his lips as he watched her peaceful face. He watched the rest of the movie, turned the TV off, and rested there on the couch, his fiancée asleep in his arms.
She blinked awake a few minutes later. "Movie done?" she mumbled.
"Mhmm." He kissed her forehead. "You made it a whole hour; I think that's a new record."
"You're mean." She poked his chest, not causing any actual harm thanks the the layers of blankets. "Le's'go upstairs. Sleep. Bed."
He chuckled. "Are you propositioning me, love?"
"Nope." She shook her head. "I just really want to see you first thing in the morning."
Gods, the way Rowan's heart fluttered at that simple statement.
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neutrallyobsessed · 5 months
AND YOU CAN TAKE A PIC WITH JESUS CHRIST! NOOOOO VAN GOGH!!!! You wanna ride Lincoln's log? OH COME ON WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE TRAINS???? i know that the underground railway wasn't underground or a railway but- OH IM SORRY FUCK YOU TOO
amen brother!
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Confucius with beard and moustache? Let's gooooo!!!!
Wait, Cloney Island is real? HELL YEAH ITS REAL WOOOOOOOOOO
OH so the intro isnt going to be the magestic sound we just heard??
Ah finally, Nostradamus!
The themes have the same initials!! I love it!!
TOPHER!!!! he's just static there.... buT AT LEAST HE'S HERE!!!
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ok, now im feeling like they're purposefully avoiding giving him screentime-
hehehe rebooting :v NOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T CANCEL IT!!! NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
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you didn't get Confucius yet?/Abe was closest to you?
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I'm glad they aknowledge Topher being Joan's friend rather than Abe's- anyways this is how joanpher can still win-
ooooo how considerate~~THE HISTORICAL JOKES ARE SO GOOD!!!JFRRIET!!!!!!!!
ssssssss ooooooo my knees dont work~~~~ yes YESSS YEESSSS
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YES! I WAS SO RIGHT! I AM SO RIGHT ABOUT HIM!!!! YOUR ANGST RIDDEN ASS DON'T UNDERSTAND TOPHER... no no... Y'ALL DON'T UNDERSTAND CHRISTOPHER LIKE I DO! He doesnt hate himself! He doesnt hate being the clone of an eViL colonizer or whatever! HE LOVES IT! HE LOVES HIMSELF! HE LOVES BEING HIMSELF!!! HE WANTS TO BE HIMSELF AND BE PROUD AND SUPER ANNOYING ABOUT IT!! And he can be Christopher Columbus here and make people happy..... he makes me happy.............but if you dont leave you will die and thats no good, i promise that you'll find a place to be yourself or something i love youuuuu, i love him soooo muchhhh yknow~
Oh look, I can salivate again! Maybe I can EAT something for once....!
Hahahhaha even the trash can died lol
ok smartass, do you have a time machine that can comfirm us if that's a racist costume or an accurate portrayal of the real Confucius? eh? concha de tu madreeee.......
i love this kind of jokes sjksjskjksjkjskj
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there was also one like that in the columbus ride lolol, it was so unsafe, just like the Ital Park~~ sighhhh♥
lmao i dont know if they're happy that they saved him or that the FUCKING TRAITOR is FUCKING DYING!!! MMMMMMMMMM
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but if Christopher is happy then I'm happy ^^
ok this is the last one, it can only mean one thing!
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Aww the cheesy line bout destiny and nothing is written in stone and yadda yadda~~ go read afterschool charisma~~
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Rating: TO BE CONTINUED...?!$@#;)/10!
Topher Bus *sigh siiigh* has appeared on screen... for 51 seconds. A total of 6:15 minutes..........let's go to bed, the fan is turned on.
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puffyducks · 12 days
DCRC Week #4 (Part 1)
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We have finally escaped the world of decimals and this week we'll be covering PKNA #1: Shadows on Venus! Which is technically the fourth story but y'know.
(This is another long and image-heavy post you have been warned)
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Shoutout to Angus Fangus for inventing deepfakes in the 90s just to fuck with PK
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*scampers away on all fours like a rat*
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obsessed with her cunty stance here btw
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I'm not doing the comparison thing for a whole post again, I just feel like pointing out that they made these panels gayer in the official English
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Uno is dying of exhaustion and Donald is here trying to get in the killing blow with bad jokes 💀
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So Everett Ducklair invented a spaceship capable of flying all the way to VENUS, never tested it, never told anyone about it, and left it sitting abandoned on top of a tower for presumably years??? Yeah ok you know what good for him.
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This week's cool background characters, what a treat that there are TWO this time!!
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Xadhoom's face 😭 how interesting that, despite the fact that Angus is the only one who had his brain zapped, there actually isn't a single braincell in sight here
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well that's not traumatizing at all
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Xadhoom saying "damn" too but I feel like it's pretty deserved in this scenario (and no, they did not let Donald OR Xadhoom say "damn" in the official English version)
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Damn they really got his ass with this one. His career is never gonna recover from this.
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Oh wow what a completely random blurb from the news to include here. I'm sure that won't be relevant next week. Nope.
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Anyways this shit is literally so cute, Donald made a party hat with a comically large string just to fit around Uno's bigass dome (instead of like, idk having Uno go into one of the many smaller orbs that he clearly has around the building)
I'm starting to notice a pattern between Donald going to space and kicking ass with a really cool alien lady, though I can't decide if the events of this comic were somehow better or worse than his fate on the moon. At the very least nobody threatened the life of his kids this time cause they're currently *checks notes* in Zimbabwe... Something like that anyways.
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majorproblems77 · 1 month
Bonus links update! Which means it's analysis time! (Only slightly late haha)
Hi all!
I emerge from the void! Exams are a doozy man, but here i am, And i am ready to analyse the hell out of this update cause ohhh man stuff is happening and I'm loving it.
For the important stuff! All art belongs to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too! And I once again thank you for letting me do these. Its awesome to be able to ramble about things like this.
Find the original comic here! go reblog it, please? For me? :D
It's so much fun!
Grab some popcorn and some water because we hydrate here. LETS GOOOOO
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Slate taking pictures of all the plants and stuff is so sweet! I love them.
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Shout out to the pig picture, it's so cuteeeeeee
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The lil bug carrying his bag is giving me actual life okay i love him smsm
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Look at this little guy he is beloved, number 1 sidekick you can't stop me and my beetle propaganda
Speaking of little guys
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And I love his little headband hello that's the sweetest lil thing? did he bring that with him? Did Aryll give him one to useee?
were you not expecting me to yell about loft in the first panel I could? Then you came to the wrong post friend! :DDDDDDDD
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These two defo need to talk about it at one point, maybe after the entire team is together? Having a divide like this (While 100% understandable, loft was kinda a dick about it) will impact things.
Makes me wonder how it's gonna work. Will someone snap some sense into them? Will someone get hurt because they were arguing?
We know they dont really get along too well so I feel like this is the beginning of a greater arc with these two.
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Poor loft, he wants to make amends. Maybe try again in a bit? You'll get it.
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This made me chuckle, when in doubt, wolf is there to assist.
Also, these two have no beef, do we know if Wake knows the wolf from his adventure? I cant actually remember if it was mentioned at all. It would explain why he's so willing to apologise to him and not Loft.
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I love Aryll she is wonderful and deserves the world.
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As peony should, because peony is wonderful
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Tetra's face gives me, as soon as you finish talking I am going to grab you and shake you like a bag of potatoes while asking you a million and one questions.
Small Aryll hiding like that gives so much little sister energy i love her so much okay.
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oh... OH
SLATE? Who is sheeee? A sister?
Alsoooo, She looks an awful lot like loft....
More on this in a minute cause I've got a whole thing.
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Peony pulling them back from the memory, this is why i love her okay. She's wonderful.
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Okay okay okay I am excited about this so hear me outtttttt
I have a theory
Loft reminds Slate of a family member. More specifically his sister.
Thats why they are so cold to him.
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So, it's not just me right? There's a resemblance here. The way the hair falls and the colour.
If Loft got given that headband by someone here as he was helping and now that Slate has seen him wearing it and also not he's had this memory it would explain why he looks to the side like that.
He's looking in the direction that Loft left the screen, perhaps looking for him...
The response from Slate might be a trauma response without them realising it. He's acting cold to Loft because he reminds him of a member of his family that he can't put a face too.
Just a thought of course.
Thats all from me! :D
Have a great day yeah?
(Again sorry this is a little later than normal, I've been head's deep in exam revision for weeks now haha.)
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