#OH ALSO ALSO there are 3 magical 'creature' species which are witch + vampire + femon except the demons don't seem? to have any magical
mashmouths · 10 days
so i started this show and it just gets worse and worseeeee not only did it lift the romance subplot directly from twilight (and not well) but they also are trying to play the forbidden love angle hard in the fantasy racism vein except it's a "cross-species" relationship between the two whitest people i've ever seen in my life and there are three people of color in the whole (first season of the) show who aren't villains and it seems that every other episode (and sometimes ebery episode and sometimes twice an episode!) there is a man physically or magically subjugating a woman and i keep waiting for the big reveal at the end to be stolen from fucking rainbow rowell
#yes i read 'carry on' by rainbow rowell in middle school what else could you have possibly expected from me. anyway she gives me simon snow#vibes and not in a good way and she's even blonde while her british vampire boyfriend has dark dark hair and just. you will never be basil.#also i hate to be that guy but the writing has made me physically recoil and the acting almost reads as silly but mostly as middling :/ and#i wanted and expected more from matthew goode bc i really liked him in downton but i guess this is a 2018 bbc modern vampire fantasty serie#like i guess.#also there's SO much shit about bloodlines and maybe i'm gay with a blood disorder amd a family history of adoption but like. who fucking#careeessssssssss it ahould not be that serious. why is it that serious.#also the fantasy racism kind of reads like it's mesnt to be? homophobic adjacent? like there's a Lot of 'love who you love' talk going on#for the single most bland heterosexual relationship i've ever seen on a screen like there is so little chemistry? so little#anyway it's called 'a discovery of witches' and i'd recommend not watching it 🫶 or if you do then watch it on 1.5x speed#it's been decent background noise for knitting bc i kinda sorta care about the plot but if miss a chunk bc i'm in the lace chart zone i do#not care and i do not have to go back to catch it bc the writing is so transparent#there was another series it stole from that's escaping me atm but when i noticed it pissed me off a touch. hmm maybe it will come back to m#a post#do not watch this show#I REMEMBERED they wanted the juliette holding diana captive moment to be joaquin's 'i want to watch you fuck her' from sense8 SOOOOO BAD bu#it WASN'T bc they were too afraid to lean into anything that would make juliette interesting at all. for being all about the world's most#special blonde woman this show does not seem to like women very much. sad! well there's other shows#OH ALSO ALSO there are 3 magical 'creature' species which are witch + vampire + femon except the demons don't seem? to have any magical#abilities that humans don't have besides sensing the species of other creatures? like witches can cast spells and vampires do their various#vampire things but demons have nothing going for them except disproportionately high rates of homelessness and suicide?? like girl what are#we doingggggggg what are we doing here !! what's their deal why does no one care !! can they do anything or no !! god this show sucks
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stinkiesdraws · 2 years
C-can I have more Adalas, Celestial Realm, and Aether lore 👉🏼👈🏼
Oh absolutely !!!! I will break it off into the BASIC of the three worlds and you can also pick which one you would like to ask more questions about :3
Think of basic Earth, which a few differences. Like Adalas, use to have magic naturally spread throughout the world. However, during the Salem Witch Trials, is where one super powerful witch was pushed to her breaking point. She was sick of seeing her friends and family members get accused for being Witches and tortured, basically forces themselves to their end. So she invested her hatred into Dark Magic, which lead to the birth of The Celestial Realm, a place where witches and wizards could use magic without fear of being hunted.
However for this realm to be created, all the natural magic in Adalas would be drained away. While pursuing Dark Magic, the Witch that saved all the other ones from harm, ended up become corrupted and eventually titled "The Damned One." Who basically Damned all witches to be feared, trapped in the The Celestial Realm.
Fast forward a few hundred years after that, it would pretty much be modern day Earth! People live their lives as they do now, they have cellphones, cars, computers, TV, except they no longer have magic. Or so that the Witches think. For The Celestial Realm to stay up, it would constantly be draining magic from Adalas. Until there is a new type of magic that slowly starts leaking into the world, and it can only be found within the humans. There are still Mermaids/Vampires/Demons/Aliens, but since they are like a different species they also have their own systems. They are just very very rare or very well hidden.
Celestial Realm
After the witches were sealed into the middle realm, many of them grew overpowered due to all the magic in the area. They were able to basically start over to practice, study and grow as their own people now. Around 150 years of being sealed in this middle realm, the learned how to create portals. Their first few portals that where created, ended up taking them to Aether, since Aether also naturally has magic, it was just easier to make an entrance there. Thus allowing them to grown and educate themselves more. A few witches left to go live in Aether, but a lot of them like to keep within the Celestial Realm.
It doesn't really have morning or night there because it's the middle, it always either looks dusk or dawn with both the moon, the sun and stars out. After forming their own government system, they were eventually able to freely come to and from all three worlds with ease. Of course they come up with some ground rules like how you cant use magic in Adalas, since there is no magic there, it would cause a problem. Aether naturally has magic and is used in daily life so it isn't seen as a problem there.
So Nick normally likes to spend her days in the modern world because she isn't seen as the Princess Failure. She was born from a witch mom and a human dad. Normally when a witch marries a human, they have to give up their powers and live a normal life siding with humans. So marrying a human to a witch is like walking into a grave and killing your gene pool.
In the magical world of the Aether, there are many fantastical creatures that fill the land, the sky and the ocean, some more civilized than others...The settling of the Aether is very vast, having Elves, Dragons, Ogres, Fairies, Mermaids, Pantharian, Draconian you name it. They are all there, living life. Due to the ability for anyone to really use magic, technology didn't advance and their historical setting would be that of our 1300s/1400s. They have Kingdoms and their own history too that I have written out.
Ketlus, Raindol, Windin, continent is called Eznar /Eznari: This settling is very medieval Europe style. So there are Kings and Queens
Night Moon Valley - A special clan of deadly assassins that live in their own little island.
Kōilan/Korish - This is where most Snow Elves live, they have more of a Southeast Asian style of culture. (Yes there are different elements to almost every species)
Mermaids/Sirenese - Tropical, islands and sandy beaches. They like warmer weather, but there are probably a few small clans that like the colder waters.
Hinamiri/Hinamirese - East Asia type of settling, quite a lot of humans in this location.
That are just off the top of my head, I have a few more I think but still have to figure a few small details.
Anyways, Raindol is at war and it's some spicy stuff because they THOUGHT they killed off all of the royal family, but the Prince managed to get away. :3
Anyways, THANK YOU!!! For asking about my worlds Gabby!!! They are so much fun to think about and I put so much brain energy into thinking about it.
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ennayerlie · 3 years
Presentation of the Forgotten Night (sequel to the text in the introduction)
Where do I start? When I talked about the Goddess I did not imply that God, as you know him, doesn’t exist. He is real, and a real jerk if I’m honest. Okay let’s start with the Goddess.
The Mother Goddess is the oldest god in the universe. She did not create the world nor has she created human life. In fact no one knows who came first, humans or gods. Gods are magical beings with immense power who can interact white the human world, even though most of them prefer to keep contact to a minimum to be honest. Gods are not always immortal. The only way for a god to be immortal is to be believed in, that’s why some of us interact with your world. The strength of a god grows with the strength of the faith believers have in him.
So, back at the Mother Goddess, she is the very first god and therefore she is the mother of all gods. Of course she did not give birth to all of the gods, but to a fair amount of them are her children. If she’s not a god’s mother she surely is somewhere in that person’s lineage. Also, even though she did not create human life as it is she cares deeply for this race and all of the races that were created afterwards. She sees herself as the mother of all life and the greatest gift she gives to all of her children is the gift of free will. She will never step in directly in the human world to change the way things are going. She was also very clear that should any of us do such a thing we will pay dearly. Things were not always like that, there was a time where we used to live amongst men.
Here comes an interesting part of the story, you know those books you read about magical creatures and stuff? Lots of them exist, thanks to the gods. When humans were going through hard times they would come to us, seeking help and power. That’s actually how most gods found their believers. Let’s say your village is ravaged by a terrible plague that kills everyone you love. You could go to a god and ask him or her (or whatever to be honest sometimes you just can’t know, there are also those of us who enjoy changing their body so it’s even harder to tell) to help you and your village by granting you guys eternal life, and he might do just that. But the universe has his way, so whatever wish may be granted has to come with the same amount of benefits and inconvenience. So, in that case, the village was saved and his people could no longer die of illness or old age, but to stay alive they now needed to drink another's essence of life: blood. In the process they also lost their ability to bear children and the illness they had never really got cured so they can barely support the sunlight. No need to ask, I am indeed talking about my very own children, the vampires. You see, even gods don’t know exactly what will happen when we grant a wish and that’s how many breeds of what you may call supernaturals were created: vampires, faes, witches, shapeshifters… There are also half breeds, like demi-gods, demi-faes and half witches. When it comes to shapeshifter there are no half breeds, you either are one or you are not. If you're of a mixed heritage it's a gamble and the gene can be passed for 3 or 4 generations without manifesting before going extinct. Let’s just say it led to some very interesting stories, but they are not my stories to tell so I shall say no more. Oh and by the way not all the wishes led to new species and stuff, some just made a man change everything he touched to gold or cut the ocean in two (the last one was a one time deal).
So, yes we used to live with humans and supernaturals and it was great. Unfortunately all good things come to an end and so what had to happen happened… Someone fucked up pretty badly and that someone is your so-called God. Everything was fine until the Mother Goddess had a fight with him, by the way he is one of her first sons. No one really knows what the fight was about, She won’t talk about it and no one really wants to ask Him.
Whatever happened it pissed him off really bad and he decided to make her pay by taking away what she loved most, her children. Since he could not hurt the other gods, the only way to kill a god is for him to be totally forgotten and to become a mortal god so you kill him (which is still very hard to do), he decided to harm her other childrens, the mortal one. He could have gone on a rampage and killed a couple thousands of them but he felt it would not be enough so he planned something else, something that would change history forever. He presented himself to different people using different names, Yahweh (who became Elohim), Allah and God. He interacted with humans and he created different religions in an attempt to eradicate every other belief to harm gods as well. When he realised that it was not enough and that he could not tarnish his mother's name that way he pushed his followers to hate each other and to go to war against each other.
He knew that, since her mother would never take away the free will she gave to her children, she could only watch her children get slaughtered and cry. What he did not expect is the fact that she could punish him, and that she did. Of course she could not strip him from his title and she would not force humans to forget him but she did something worse. She took his ability to have children and she forbade him from ever walking in the human world again. When she pronounced his sentence she reached the spirit of every living god, sharing her words and her pain to all who could hear:
« Proditor, my beloved son, it is with great pain that I cast this punishment upon you today. For the lives you’ve taken and that were not yours to take you shall amend by no longer being able to bring life into this world yourself. For the pain you caused in the living world you shall never know the joy of walking these soils again. For the pain you caused me you shall now be yours to feel. This is my will so mote it be»
Since that day most of us stopped going in the mortal world and became very careful of the wish we granted. Without us being there, humans slowly stopped believing and only those who were touched by the gods remembered us and our stories. These people call themselves supernaturals, even though humans usually call them demons, and they live hidden in the shadow of the world you just joined: the forgotten night.
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3. Sources of Inspiration - Neil Gaiman’s Masterclass (The Art of Storytelling)
“Remember that your influences are all sorts of things. And some of them are going to take you by surprise. But the most important thing that you can do is open yourself to everything.”
Here are some more of my personal notes to The Art of Storytelling. Neil Gaiman uses a lot of allusions (references to other stories) in his stories, and they are just as wide-ranging as his storytelling interests (oh yes, one of the things I LOVE with his writing).
Neil mentions his admiration for the following authors, and sometimes alludes to them in his own work: 
James Branch Cabell: American author who wrote fantasy and comedy in the 1920s and '30s. 
Edward Plunkett, Lord Dunsany: A prolific AngloIrish fantasy author. His novel, The King of Elfland’s Daughter (1924), established some of the most central themes of fantasy writing in the twentieth century
Ursula K. Le Guin: American author who wrote the Earthsea Cycle (1968-2001), which is comprised of six books and numerous short stories, and which tells tales of the fictional fantasy world of Earthsea
P. L. Travers: British author who wrote Mary Poppins (1934) and a whole series of books inspired by it
Btw I love that he mentions how he was inspired by Lou Reed. And how his wife, Amanda Palmer, was inspired by Judy Blume. Inspiration can come from many places, and not just from the ones we think of as our writing heroes. That makes me think of all the music I have listened too, and how I’m influenced by that. Oh well. 
Old stories can be approached from new angles. Create a compost heap of inspiration and how to draw from your experiences to make a story uniquely your own.
All writers have a mental compost heap. We create our compost heap from everything you see and the people you encounter.
Don’t tell people how they should feel. Tell them what happened and let them feel. 
Tell stories about the people around you. Real people are more interesting than anything you could make up.
For story ideas, you can take fairy tales but flip the perspective: eg, from her Stepmother’s perspective, Snow White could be a villain, a vampire princess, with a necrophiliac prince, and the stepmother is a HEROINE for trying to save the world (I remember I read a flipped Cinderella horror comic once when I was a kid, and I still remember it… so.. he has a point, this is effective). 
Neil suggests many tools for approaching an old story from a new angle. 
Change point of view.
Modernize themes
Switch a story element (new location or new type of story)
Make it yours
‘Where do you get your ideas from?’ is a real question. Authors are scared of  answering because they often don’t know the answer themselves.
Ideas come from daydreaming. “The only difference between writers and other people,” says Gaiman, “is that we notice when we’re doing it.”
Ideas come from asking yourself simple questions, like “What if…?” (“you woke up with wings?... your sister turned into a mouse?....), “If only…” (“a ghost would do my homework”) and “I wonder….” (“what she does when she’s alone”), etc…. These questions, in turn, generate other questions.
Ideas are only starting points. You don’t have to figure out the plot. Plots “generate themselves” from “whatever the starting point is.”
Ideas can be people (“There’s a boy who wants to know about magic”); places (“There’s a castle at the end of time, which is the only place there is”); images (“A woman, sifting in a dark room filled with empty faces.”)
We get ideas from confluence — two things “that haven’t come together before”, coming together (“What would happen if a chair was bitten by a werewolf?).
“You get ideas from two things coming together. You get ideas from things that you have seen and thought and known about and then something else that you’ve seen and thought and known about, and the realization that you can just collide those things.”
For a re-envisioning of popular fairy tales, check out some of the following titles (damn I need to get some reading done):
Red as Blood (1983) by Tanith Lee 
Tales of Wonder (1987) by Jane Yolen 
Snow White, Blood Red (1993) by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (ed.)* 
Kissing the Witch: Old Tales in New Skins (1999) by Emma Donoghue 
The Wilful Eye (2011) edited by Nan McNab (ed.) 
Happily Ever After (2011) by John Klima (ed.)* 
Clockwork Fairy Tales: A Collection of Steampunk Fables (2013) by Stephen L. Antczak (ed.) 
Unnatural Creatures (2013) by Neil Gaiman (ed.)* 
Beyond the Woods (2016) by Paula Guran (ed.)* 
The Starlit Wood (2016) by Dominik Parisien and Navah Wolfe (ed.) 
The Djinn Falls in Love and Other Stories (2017) by Mahvesh Murad and Jared Shurin (ed.)
WRITING EXERCISE: Choose a folk tale or fairy tale that you know well. Select one of the characters from the story for the following exercise and write a few pages about them, using one of the following prompts: 
Pretend you’re a therapist treating the character. Write a scene in which you discuss the character’s life and problems, then arrive at a diagnosis. 
Write a newspaper article describing the events of the story. For example, Snow White—Woman Hiding in Woods for Ten Years Found by Wealthy Hiker. Then write a story for that headline using journalistic objectivity. 
Have your character explain their actions to a jury 
WRITING EXERCISE In your journal, begin creating a compost heap. Title a page “Compost Heap” and write down the things that have captured your attention in the past week or month. These may become the source motivators of your writing, maybe of your career. Any writing project is an undertaking, and novels in particular, because they take so long to write, will require a sustained interest, so be sure to fill this page with your truth: What interests you? This can be anything: a word, a movie, a person, an event, so long as it inspired you. It can be subjects (cactus species, muscle cars, a voyage to Mars) or people/types of people (therapists, spies, your Aunt Germaine). Try to include things from other arts—for example, foods, music, or movies. In the beginning, make a practice of sitting down at least once a day to note things that interest you.
FOR YOUR NOVEL Create a specialized subset of your compost heap, which is a lexicon devoted exclusively to your novel. For example, if you’re writing about Greenland, gather all the words you can about snow, ice, flora and fauna, geologic formations, or weather occurrences. Research history and arts and science. Write down all of the words you love and that you think could go into your novel
Lesson comment:
Another really inspiring class. I have listened to this one several times already, and I seem to get new associations every time. Also, this is not the first time I have heard about the trick of twisting ideas around, and still... it’s a good thing to be reminded of. 
Wow, I somehow missed the exercises in this class (I’ll blame my undiagnosed ADHD). I’ll definitely look at those exercises. 
I also have this fairytale/ folktale idea in my “compost heap.” Actually, I have two ideas, but the newest one is a spin on two Norwegian folktales called “Kvitebjørn kong Valemon” (White bear King Valemon) and “Østenfor sol og vestenfor måne” (East of Sun and West of Moon). These tales are related to the myth of Eros and Psyche, and also to the story of Beauty and the Beast. I thought it could be interesting from the point of view of the so-called jealous third part of the story. Maybe. I might also try to twist a simpler folktale first, maybe one with the Ashlad (Norwegian folktale hero), from the princess’ point of view. I think it could be fun to play with those ideas + read some of the suggested literature. 
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cyberstabbing · 7 years
Septicemia - Gerard keeps ruining things, but he never means it. Frank keeps getting hurt, but he never feels it. 44k
It’s been a while since my last re-read, but I’ll try to summarize part of it. Frank is in a really bad place when the fic starts out. He lives in a dump, his life is crap and he feels like shit. He also has regenerative healing. Doesn’t matter if he falls out from a second-story window, or shoots himself in the mouth. He’ll be alive and kicking after it, wether he wants to or not. His tattoos are constantly fading away, since his body senses it as “harm”. Enter Gerard, a man fascinated by Frank’s powers (and one who might have some of his own...). Aaaanywho. A fun and great and awesome fic that deserves ALL the kudos and comments!
Veins Are Red, Veins Are Blue - There’s a little button up at the top of the page, marked “gallery”, and Gerard clicks on it. It presents him with a handful of different names, presumably the artists in residence, and he skims down the list until he spots it: Frank Iero (horror/gore, traditional American designs). Iero, Gerard thinks, rolling the name around his head like a rosary bead in his palm. Of course the fucker is Italian, because the world is cruel and Gerard’s life is hard. With a deep, tortured sigh, he clicks on Frank’s name.
In which Frank is a tattoo artist and Gerard is a fearsome and terrifying undead creature of the night. Sort of. 8k
Under the Hide of Me - Prohibition in New Jersey means mob bosses and bootleggers running hooch up and down the shore and into the city. Gerard Way, his brother, and their friend Ray are running an operation for the Capo Maranzano. Rival factions are trying to take over the business, and Frank Iero, from a prominent Mob family, is sent to them as their new driver. But the Ways and Ray are hiding two secrets: their own still on a farm in the Pine Barrens, and something darker yet. They’re werewolves. 18k
A Kiss on Bloody Lips - Frank stumbles on a serial killer that’s been terrorizing his city for weeks, and gets more than he bargained for when his obsession comes to a climax. 12k
Gerard Way’s (Vampire) Detective Agency - Pete, in Decaydance Mansion, with a yarrow stake. Frank and Gerard, in the greenhouse, with a plant of questionable origin. Bob, everywhere you look, with a gang of assassins for justice. Vampires, valets, pamphlets, haunted furniture, dub-thrall, disembodied voices, zombie couriers, and sinister ritual. 43k
Redeemer - Gerard is a complete asshole to pretty much everyone but himself. He’s rich and privileged and doesn’t care if he steps on other people’s dreams. After a night with some guy he met at one of his clubs, in which Gerard ends up under a young punk rocker’s care, he may be changing his act. 20k
Black Market Blood - Frank’s so fucking freaky he’s potentially wigging out a fucking vampire. 16k
I Was Your Silver Lining - “So what do you do?” “I wait.” “You wait? Like, what, tables?” “I wait for you.” Werewolves, Gypsy magic, soul mates, reincarnation and Gerard being a creeper. 52k
An Emergency Of The Heart - Gerard’s fat fucking birds have fat fucking asses.13k
Cute lil’ cinderella au, Frank’s in a band and Gerard works for CN. It’s So. Sweet. I couldn’t stop smiling in class.
Run - Being a secret teenage werewolf is hard. Frank should know. He is one. 63k
Nearly Witches - Frank’s new in town, and his new best friends think it’d be awesome to check out the old Way Cottage on Halloween. Frank thinks it’ll be the best birthday ever. What he gets is two eighteenth century witches and a lot of strange situations. 18k
Unholyverse - “He thinks I have stigmata,” Frank said, because what the fucking hell, it couldn’t get any worse. He might as well just lay it out. “Oh, well,” said Brian into his hands. “Of course.” 186k
Trees Have Roots And I Have You - "There’s a legend saying that if you’re at Saint Etienne du Mont church at midnight, a car or a vehicle or something comes for you and takes you to the Paris you want to visit the most.”And that’s how Gerard Way ends up in the twenties. 27k
burning up in the sun - Life hasn’t been the same since the Rift. Frank hadn’t been planning on getting stuck in this stupid town, kept captive in the sketchiest bar in the universe, chained to the counter like an animal.And just when he’d been sure that nothing could surprise him anymore, he was rescued by a rock 'n’ roll band of vampires. He hadn’t seen that one coming. 11k
Let The Darkness Lead You Home - Vampires are in charge and most of the humans on earth are prey, so Frank Iero’s parents have him train as a cyber tech to protect him. Leaving the family he’s born into may have saved his life, but his parents never could have expected the lengths he’d go to in order to find a new family to call home. 49k
and me here on the ground - Frank’s worked hard to build a life for himself in the city of Jersey, where dragons swoop and dive over the river, and every day is divided by the ringing of the city bells. He knows the streets of the city like he knows the the tattoos on the backs of his hands, and he’s content with what he has: a job as a bike courier, friends who love to give him shit, and a crush on a professor of art history at the local university.
But he’s also got a secret—one he’s been running from for a long time. But all it takes is one delivery to a mysterious, quite-probably-magical bookshop to show Frank that there are some things you can’t outrun. Especially since he’s finally found a place that he doesn’t want to leave. 32k
This fic. God. Perfect in every way. There will never be anything like this ever again.
Can Never Wrong This Right - It’s 1949 and Dr. Way is a professor of Archeology and Frank is his constantly exasperated (and secretly pining) assistant. When their latest trek takes them to South America to locate the fabled Blood Stone, however, they both find more than they bargained for. 23k
I thought I would never find this fic again!! Was re reading Strange Steps and then looked at the author’s other works and found this fic. Also, the same person wrote Becoming Joan !! And a bunch of other awesome stuff. What a legend.
This Tornado Loves You - 1933. Frank’s been on the run a long time and he’s forced to stop in his old hometown. At first things are about what he expects - old friends, unpleasant memories, and a less-than-desirable home life. Everything changes one night when he stumbles on an old hedge maze hidden in the woods. It’s not the hedge maze that intrigues him the most, though, but the secrets of the house hidden inside. 43k
Smokeless Flame of Fire - Frank blinked. “What kind of name for a genie is Gerard?” 21k
to the midnight land - Being a teenager is hard. Being a Blooded teenager, one with a connection to the Moon and his fur-self, is even worse. He’s got to contend with his own hormones, high school, and the fact that he’s in love with his best friend.
Luckily, Frankie’s got the determination to see things through. He’s got family, friends, and a community of shifters to lean on, and he’s not going to give up. Frankie’s not patient, but he’s stubborn when he knows what he wants. And he wants Gerard. 24k
Everyone Comes To Pan’s - "Second street on the left, and straight on till Mornington Crescent. Tell them Pete sent you.“ 35k
Ain’t Nobody Gonna Love You Like The Devil Do - Frank is a good, God-fearing Catholic boy, and then Gerard happens. Gerard is the most interesting person he’s ever met, arriving in Frank’s small town with late nights and illicit booze and odd, disturbing nightmares trailing in his wake, and before long, Frank finds himself questioning the things he thought he knew. 40k
I read this waaay before I even thought about making a reclist, or even to keep track of what I read. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this fic again.
With Dripping Wings, Heavy Things Won’t Fly - Gerard is in more than a mess when he is kicked out of Heaven, and the demon tracking him is certainly not helping him. Frank has a plan, though, and he needs the fallen angel for it to work. This is what happens when Heaven and Hell collide. 3 really long chapters.
Something Other Than Human - In a world where vampires have risen to take charge as the dominant species, the last of the human race has been forced into servitude and submission. With no job to pay for his mounting number of bills, Frank Iero is being forced to make some hard choices - get a job under the tyrannical reign of the very creatures responsible for the death of his great-grandfather, or be thrown onto the streets to be picked up and used for nothing more than a meal.
His life, however, takes an unforeseen turn when he discovers a vampire in his best friend’s kitchen – a vampire who said best friend is not only friends with, but related to. The last thing he wants is to spend more time with Gerard Way. But Gerard has plenty of problems of his own, one being his desperate need to hire a secretary. And, well. Frank really needs a job.
As Gerard realises that hiring Frank only adds to his problems, Frank may have to come to terms with the fact that it isn’t only vampires who can be prejudice. 42k
Roses Are See-Through - “Ghosts are overrated,” Gerard says. A transparent Frank laughs. 6k
Keep You Safe Tonight - Frank is a werewolf. He’s out running in the woods one night when he’s shot by a hunter with a silver bullet, and ends up collapsing on the grounds of Sir Way, who takes him in to care for him. The silver poisoning has a weird effect on him, and Frank - who has never known finery OR or someone quite like Lord Way - doesn’t know what makes his head spin more. 11k
All That We See Or Seem - "What the hell? What are you doing? Don’t do that! It’ll bite your head off! Oh God we’re going to die!"
A Supernatural AU featuring Gerard the Hunter and Frank the paranormal investigator/journalist. 15 chapters
Don’t Even Take This Bet - Being a vampire tends to automatically mean immortality, so Gerard had come to terms with the fact that relationships probably wouldn’t work out very well for him. But what if, somehow, he manages to keep meeting the same guy (or sometimes girl) over and over again, through different lives? Gerard will keep falling in love with Frank over and over again, meeting all these different versions of him, none of them remembering him, and seeing him die more times than he’d like. He spends decades after each death searching for him, so when he can’t find him for nearly 70 years, he starts to lose hope. That is, until it reappears again, suddenly and completely unexpected, in the form of a cute guy screaming on a stage. 61k
ever just the same (ever a surprise) - As the only charm weaver in his small village, Gerard has lead a quiet but productive life. All of that changes when he crosses the path of a dark fae with royal ambitions. A fairy tale with wicked witches, magic, and (of course) true love. 20k
The One Where Ray Can Hear Sex Dreams - I’m really sorry, Mr. Toro. But I didn’t make you have sex with anyone, as per your request. 2k
When I Think About You (I Touch Myself) - Van!era bodyswap. Gerard is a narcissist. 2k
Untitled - 4k
a not!fic. Mikey disappears, but leaves a note behind for Gerard explaining how to reach him through his dreams. And so Gerard finds himself in a world so very different from his own, with magic and princes (and Frank). + cool art!
hope you survive the experience - In which various members of FOB, MCR, The Used, P!atD, TAI, GCH, and Various Others are students at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, complete with typical high school hookups, Bad Ideas, Really Bad Ideas, and a wee bit of telekinesis, amongst others. Part one of a series, but can standalone if you like. 3k
He Told Me I Could Never Go Back - Everything was fine until Frank disappeared. 2k
this broke my heart.
The Fall and Rise of The Black Parade - “I used to think this was Hell. I mean, I always figured that’s where I was headed, if there was any afterlife. And then when I got here…there were no lakes of fire, or anything, but I was stuck on my own in a place where nothing grows or changes, so I figured, okay, Hell’s just a little different than I always thought it would be. But then, after a while…it wasn’t so bad. I found a place where I could kind of belong, and I met Toro and Brian and Bob and Mikey…and you. And I figure…if I was in Hell, falling in love shouldn’t really be in the cards, should it?
So after that, I started thinking—okay, maybe this place isn’t anything I ever heard about in school or church. But then again, maybe it is. Maybe this is Purgatory. And I always had the idea that Purgatory was kind of like prison, y’know, you gotta serve your sentence and the only thing that’s gonna get you out quicker is good behavior or having friends in high places. But maybe—maybe you don’t have to just sit around waiting for someone to tell you your sentence is up. Maybe Purgatory ends when you get yourself out of it.” 52k
The author only has 12 out of their 52 frank/gerard fics up on AO3, so here’s a link to all of them (LJ).
Under My Skin - "Maybe," Gerard had said one night, scratching idly at Frank's scalp, "it was something you ate?" "Maybe," Ray said, "it was some kind of sex pollen." Frank growled and said, "maybe if you don't shut up right now I'm going to kick your ass." 1k
Pack - Frank's a very playful werewolf. 1k
And The Autumn Moon Is Bright - "So...what, am I a werewolf now?" 10k
I Wish I Were A Ghost - Halloween is Frank Iero's birthday. It's also the day when the veil between the world of the living and the dead is at it's thinnest.
A ghost-story. Short and sweet. 1k
00.06 - '4 and 14 adopt a newborn baby together. What do they name it, how do they raise it, etc, etc. Do they eventually get it siblings? Do they ditch it in a dumpster on prom night because its not as fun as they thought?'
oh my god. gerard/james potter. it was hilarious. 
Show you what all that howl is for - How is Frank supposed to enjoy a good run knowing Gerard's out there pissing on his trees? 4k
​Now With More Cowbell - Hermes - trickster god first and foremost, the patron saint of robbers and thieves, of conmen and rockstars. He’ll go to bat for you if you make him laugh or if he likes your style, or if you have an offering that tickles his fancy (he’s fond of stuffed animals, cigarettes, and ugly puppies, just as an FYI).
One of his godly duties is to guide souls to the underworld, lead them into their personal version of the afterlife, though maybe some people he doesn’t like get lost along the way. He's not too great with messages, either, to be honest. 0.5k
​Everything in Your Eyes - Gerard's been part of super crime for the past five years, and he's never seen anything like this. A telepathic noir story. 5k
a must-read.
Half the Battle - People tend to assume Gerard is an alpha. Frank knows better. 1k
An Inexplicable Occurrence of Angels - 35k
This was on my Fics-I-Can’t-Find-list, and since this one doesn’t have a description, I’ll just paste in what I could remember from reading it last year: ​
My Chem (minus Frank) broke up after Revenge. One day Frank kinda shows up (can't remember how) Frank's an angel with big wings and is hopelessly clueless about the world, so the rest or My Chem have to help him. They take him on walks and it looks like he has a hunchback bc of his wings. I think Frank doesn't even know any words in the beginning, but he learns english quickly. Loves watching movies. Everyone in My Chem basically crash at ray's place bc of Frank. And they're all Hey... maybe we should pick up the band again...? 
UPDATE: okay i just reread it and it’s sooooo good holy shit. especially the last chapter. there was a comment on AO3 about how they would come back and reread the last chapter over and over again because it made them so happy. that’s probably what i’m gonna do from now on. 
crack your body crack your mind + really fucking awesome art - Frank only comes out when he's alone. 4k
I’m not into xenophilia, but I still enjoyed this. And that art! *swoons*
Frank the Failiest Vampire - Frank's a vampire, and he's finally ready to let the world know. 0.9
a not!fic
Three Sharp Bites - When Frank had imagined the joy of finally finding a helpless thrall who would tilt back his neck for him, displaying the jugular with a undertone of love and utter submission, he didn't really expect it to include the joy of being bent almost in two while his mate fucked the living shit out of him. 0.7k
part two of Frank the Failiest Vampire. This isn’t a not!fic though.
Ten Wearwolves Fighting - By the time Gerard gets back, Frank has been pacing back and forth for at least two hours.He slams Gerard up against the wall as soon as he's deadbolted the door, hands firm against his shoulders. "Where the fuck have you been?" 1k
Hunter - They said the guy in Apartment 1147 was crazy. 1k
The One That You Are Looking For - Frank gets silver poisoning. His pack protects him. 11k
The Midnight Council - Gerard, the child of a forbidden love between vampire and werewolf, ascends the throne of werewolf clan Wajdra at the tender age of eleven. The political situation between the dwindling numbers of the werewolves and their ancient enemies, the vampires, is precarious at best, and when his vampire mother and brother retreat to Transylvania, the only one Gerard can truly trust is Frank, the little werewolf cub who swore himself Gerard's liegeman the very day that they met. Gerard and Frank are raised side-by-side in the castle in a political tinderbox, but as Gerard's coming-of-age approaches, a war between vampires and werewolves looms ever nearer, while humans encroaching on their territory threaten both with extinction. 42k
You know those fics that are so well-written, with so much care for detail and research put into them, that if you had to choose one fic as proof of how incredible fanfiction is to those who claim it’s all trash, that fic would be it? Well, this is a prime example of that. The amount of research the author must have put into this shows itself again and again in the text, and never once did I find a part of it to be lacking in any way.
It’s written all old-timey, which I normally have some trouble with, but other than having to look up a word now and then, it was fine. Adding to that, I think the fic overall would’t have worked as well in its historical setting had the author not used the language that they did.  
Unfortunately, The Midnight Council is an abandoned WIP. I knew this going in, and while I felt sad at the end, I don’t regret reading it at all. Honestly, I just feel thankful for getting a glimpse of their life in such an amazing setting, and I’m glad it was done so flawlessly. So please, go read.
​Get me closer (to God) - Gerard found salvation with his Stars, and Frank was the perfect Catholic. When light and dark collide, what should have been simply sex, becomes something much more than neither could’ve expected. 56k
Chapter seven and eight are blocked, but fear not! Simply click on chapter six, and there should be a drop down meny of all the chapters. From there you just select the next chapter :) Anyway it’s really good, and G is in a cult!
Cupid’s Chokehold - Frank taps his foot on the tile and looks at anything other than Ray’s face for a long moment. Then he groans and says, "I suck at love, alright? I’m a fucking Cupid, a servant of Aphrodite for fuck’s sake, and I suck at making people fall in love.” 13k
The Old Straight Track - Death is weird, Frank thinks, though he suspects this is not the way it's really supposed to go. 30k
This fic is haunting, in more than one way ;) ... Okay, enough puns. Anyway this one has this really cool part -- and I’m not going to spoil it!! -- With the main dudes and a window and I love it a lot so please read it and maybe shoot me an ask and yell about That scene so I can yell back about how gr8 it is. That is all. 
Oh and it has a hilariously lost Pete who can’t get anyone to explain anything to him and it was a well needed laugh from all the other shit going on in the fic. 
The Majesty of Choice - Gerard’s life conforms around a curse that orders his obedience. He soon finds himself thrust into the position of protecting the Prince, a well-meaning man named Frank, who just so happens to be falling in love with Gerard. 100k
according to my ao3 bookmarks (pushes up glasses), the last time I opened this fic was May 2017 (it’s now January 2018) so I have no idea how why I didn’t put it on this category sooner. Anywayz, here iz ze fic!
All The Wicked Shadows - A favor for his friend Mikey leads Frank to an abandoned building in North Jersey...where Mikey's dark secret is hiding. 5k
Well written, surprisingly scary, really refreshing insight into the vampire trope. And the art is great!
​A Borrower of the Night - When a curse causes Frank and Gerard to switch powers, Frank takes things a step too far, while Gerard scrambles to break it before he loses Frank and Frank loses his mind. 8k
The Anatomy of a Fall - The unholy union of a high school AU and a ghost story. Gerard's life takes a strange turn when his family moves to a small town in Vermont and he discovers the locals aren't all what they seem to be. Also includes: unexpected nature walks, murder, pining, improper treatment of crime scenes, a number of bone-related puns, high school bullies, and a short-range shrub named Ferdinand. 107k
So I always thought I had this on my rec list, but when I went to add a link to some truly awesome fanart of it (here! spoiler free as well ;), I couldn’t find it??. Here it is, anyway. Not like any of y’all lurkers needed my rec list to find this fic anyway, I mean it’s one fucking third of the motherfucking holy trinity of mcr fics. Fuck, I need to start rereading it. I don’t even think I finished it in the first place!? Ugh, that’s on me, not the fic. The fic is the motherfluffing shit.
A Wish And I'm Gone - Gerard is 17 years old in 1922. Frank is 17 years old in 1984. They both just want to be somewhere else, somewhere better. 2k (still updating!)
In Firmer Chains, Our Hearts Confine - Former musical composer and current writer Gerard Way is a sensation of the musical and literary scenes of 1800s London. But after struggling for ages with his new book, he’s close to giving up. Until he receives an offer from Grant Morrison himself; to go to his manor in Scotland and work on his novel in peace. Gerard seizes upon the chance immediately. Grant, however, has a dark secret he’s desperately trying to keep hidden. And Gerard has a few of his own. 37k
Picture me, casually stumbling upon this fic one late night. Historical? Check. An AU but Gerard’s talents are still appreciated and encouraged, and he makes a name for himself? Double check. Grant Morrison? Check. Gerard and Grant’s dark secrets? CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK CHECK
Me: *already fucking shaking from excitement, now glancing up at the tags* Enter the tag Alternate Universe - Vampire. Queue foaming at the mouth.
This fic was so fucking awesome in so many ways I don’t even know where to begin. The slow and suspenseful unraveling of secrets and mysteries. The numerous parallels drawn between the AU and real life events of the people in it, and that the author made sure that they all worked within the AU without a hitch. All the actions and ambitions of the people in it that somehow managed to balance masterfully on the fine line between what’s canon and what’s realistic for that time period.
Fuck, lurkers guys. I’m not sure if my word-vomiting even gets anyone to read fic on my list, but for the sake of this fic (and my ego sdkjlskldhfklf) I ask anyone reading this to p l  e a s e read it. For your own sake. And mine. Because I need to yell about this fic with somebody, STAT.
Ships: Gerard/Grant, and very, I repeat, VERY low-key Frank/Mikey
A Guided Tour of the October Country: Please Keep Your Arms and Legs Inside the Wind of Death At All Times - That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and midnights stay. 7k
Mysterious, some angst imo, and plenty of adorable geekiness to round it off ;)
Adrift - When successful author Gerard Way is forced to do something drastic to spur on his creativity, he decides to move out of the city. He buys an old villa in the small town of Kellmington and is satisfied with that, until he discovers that it’s already inhabited by one of the former residents: a persistent ghost. To have a dead spirit around is certainly not what he paid for, but Gerard soon learns that the ghost has its own story – a story that might lead him to a life-changing plot twist. 31k
Maaaaan I am I glad I read this. A ghost ... mysteries ... historical flashbacks ... a pinch of horror ... Successful Writer!Gerard ... foreshadowing ... Old creaky houses ... I’m going to come clean. I shed tears over this fic. Dammit, I need some art of that last scene. Maybe I’ll make an attempt once exams are out of the way.
Monsters and Kings - AU where Frank, a member of a werewolf clan, is forced to marry Gerard, the son of the Vampire King. The marriage seals a peace treaty between the two species. Frank expected he would be killed immediately after the wedding, but things are not so simple. He never expected to actually like his new husband, and that makes things far too complicated. 133k
Listen I have so many feelings about this fic. First of all, an A+++ take on werewolves. Secondly... I had no idea it was that long until I finished it. Somehow got it in my head that it was 41k (??) so I was like “‘aight this is the perfect length let’s go” but that number came and went quickly as I read this, and I’m so glad it was way longer (three times as long as I thought!). It couldn’t have been any less than 133k with everything it was packed with.
This isn’t a fic that was made by dropping the pairing into some rando time and place, oh no. The background stories , culture clashes, creature politics, intricate rituals and traditions, allies, enemies (that antagonist tho) and lovers... the whole shebang. Not to mention that fucking awesome epilogue. Too fucking cute.
Oh, and check out 1_800_FRERARD’s fics as well––they’re awesome.
you weaseled your way into my heart (and ferreted out my feelings) - You gotta watch out for those bands with umlauts. 5k
Through the Trees - After being bit by an unknown werewolf and left to figure out this new change on his own, Frank’s life is further turned upside down when his mom announces they’re moving to a new town halfway through Frank’s senior year. What Frank doesn’t expect is that there are already two packs of territorial werewolves. He tries to figure out where he fits, if anywhere at all, or if he’s going to have to continue on as a lone wolf. 47k
This fic was way funnier and way more light-hearted than I thought it would be. Frank is your typical teenager, mad at his mom for uprooting him in his senior year, feeling isolated on account on the werewolf factor, and in the middle of all that he discovers that there are others like him. But Frank is just so ... Frank. He’s just like, “Whatever man, I get this whole, ‘my turf’ thing, but there’s a really good show about to play in this neighborhood, sooo...” And the flirting! Oh god, the flirting. I at times felt a tiiiiny bit bad for poor Gerard who was not. at all. prepared for this type of shameless wooing. Especially from this newly turned wolf who can’t tell his two paws apart from each other.
Another thing I really loved in this fic was how different the characters’ approaches to werewolf identity were. Like, there were times when Frank was venting his frustration with being turned, and Gerard would say like, “Is... is it really that bad?” Because for him, that’s his identity and heritage. Before him, his grandmother was pack leader. And idk, I just loved how that was a part of this absolutely wonderful and hilarious fic.
Rising With the Heat - "Bullet?" he says, voice high and confused. "Um, hi?" Frank says, dropping to the ground. "You're the one – have you been following me all week?" Gerard asks, slowly lowering the spray can. Bob's going to give him so much shit for this. "I just wanted to make sure you got home safe." 2k
Frank is a superhero sidekick who’s fallen for Gerard, who he previously saved from getting mugged. Gerard finds it cute. And maybe a little bit hot. 
Of All the Places in the Universe - Gerard, an alien with a severe case of anomie and wanderlust, crash-lands in Jersey while traveling the galaxy. A chance meeting with a creature his studies had told him didn't exist leads to a surprising turn of events. With time, Gerard comes to call Earth home, and finds love with the adorable punk who found him--Frank, an energetic puppy of a werewolf who's really more bark than bite. 30k
"You know The Smiths?"
Gerard grinned. "Oh, yes! They're one of my favorite Earth bands."
Monster Under the Bed - “You’re not real. Go away,” Gerard ordered. “If I’m not real, then who are you talking to?” it countered. “My imagination.” “Can your imagination shake the bed?” Gerard screeched. “Stop that!” There was a sigh from underneath the bed. “It makes me sad to be told I’m not real. Sad and angry.” Gerard whimpered and squeezed his eyes shut. “All right—you’re real! Stop shaking the bed!” 3k
Heaven Help Us - It's hot, but that's nothing new, Gerard's used to this by now. The heat surges up his back and causes his spine to roll with shudders to get used to the new temperature. His white wings flap a few times as he gets used to standing firmly on the ground before they fold in, disappearing back under the skin of his shoulder blades. The musky smell is heavy, and it's almost overbearing, but Gerard doesn't care. He's only here for one thing, and as soon as he gets it, he'll be gone. 9k
Obligatory ‘Haven’t Read This In Years’. Can’t remember the details, but it is pretty dark, with torture etc. ... I used to read some messed up stuff. But then! The twist!!! Now *that* I remember. ... You’ll have to read it to find out. ;)
A Red So Deep - Constantine AU. Warnings for gore, religious themes, suicide.
Brendon says, “Ugh.” “That’s why I like you,” Frank tells him between spits. “You’re articulate.” “What else is there to say, you know?” Brendon shrugs. He gingerly pinches his jacket by the edges of a button and lifts it a little to get access to the inner breast pocket. “’Ugh, we’re covered in blood because you killed a demon with a shotgun that was blessed by some psycho priest a decade ago.’ Like that?” “You’re right. Don’t do that,” Frank concedes after a pause. 14k
Criminally underrated. Frank deals with a lot of shit that other people don’t usually notice, and Brendon is his nerdy apprentice of sorts. Frank runs into Gerard, who has come for his help. Throughout the fic you’ll notice that things are gearing up for something … big. Which of course unnerves the hell out of Frank. Also, no spoilers and all that but this seriously gives me strong vibes of Deathwish (guess who just got home and saw that her copy arrived!). Which of course, just adds more awesomeness to it.
Shadows In The Parking Lot - In which there’s a mass grave under Frank and Ray’s apartment complex, Frank doesn’t believe in ghosts, & Frank’s ex-boyfriend is, conveniently, a paranormal consultant. For Milo. 61k
Well, I just stayed up until 4AM to finish this masterpiece. I love love love the characterization, and the whole “we used to be a thing years ago.” Which I haven’t really read much of, but it worked SO well for this fic and it might be my new thing. Not to mention the spookyness! It was so awesome, especially how nonchalant Frank was about ghosts in the beginning, which seemed to be more confusing to Gerard than if Frank just straight up was a firm non-believer. lol. Will definitely reread around Halloween! :D Also, the author said that they’re working on a sequel!!!!
A Fate Worse Than Death [Spells] - “Can I help you find anything?” an employee had asked. Frank just waved them off. “A box I can fit my ex-boyfriend’s body in.” had hardly seemed like an appropriate response.
~ Or, The story of how Frank Iero became a vampire slayer in the worst possible state to wake up a vampire. A daydream on ‘The Taste Of Ink’ by The Used. 59k
Hot damn. Love how Frank took down those vamps for G. And that graveyard scene! Good stuff. Felt like I was reading a comic at times because I could visualize everything so clearly.
Fuck and Run - Meaningless hookups are easier than dating when you’re a werewolf. That is, until your brother sets you up on a blind date with someone you’ve already *ahem* ‘seen’ before. 144k
my comment (with tiiiny spoilers): Hngr. I feel like I can’t describe my love for this story in more than caveman grunts right now, I’m afraid. My cat can def attest to how much noise I made while reading it. The moments I had to put my phone down and do a Face Cradle (Gerard! Why didn’t you use the B-word in that comicbook shop? You had one job!) and the parts where I was so intensely drawn into the story that my eyes would end up all puffy and red the next day from spending the night inches away from my screen, rarely blinking or looking away for more than a moment. Anyways this was so ... HNNGRSHSH. Fuck. Just .... too cool. Loved the little glimps into their future as well, you really know how to give the people what they want. AND ALSO it’s really cool how frank and g still have other friends and relationships and connections with other people that matter!! I’m proud of them!!!! And Gerard abd Mikey’s grandma who thought it was all a metaphor... that’s like, the perfect example of little details and backstory that you sprinkle throughout the fic, much appreciated. And the FIGHTS and the LOVE and the VIBES and the LONGING. And how Gerard sees the wolf and the tragedy and the hopelessness and the brotherly love and Mikey’s silver bullets in case something goes wrong AND THE LORE WITH THE WITCH’S CURSE! And that werewolf dating site with the creepy werewolf dudes, I kept thinking how, yup, I could totally see that kind of creepy power dynamic playing out (unfortunately) so while this is obviously fantasy it is still so grounded in todays culture and our reality which is always a fun combo to explore. NOT TO FUCKING MENTION EX BOYFRIEND GERARD i am now a full blown fan of that trope and i blame you entirety. And Gerard just sitting in the bathtub in the dark ... man, just little stuff like that really pulled me in to it, yknow?? And frank attempting to make steak for his werewolf boyfriend! *heart eyes* HHDSJJS I SHOULD STOP NOW BUT FUCK DUDE THIS WAS SICH A BANGER TO READ I MEAN HONESTLY YOUR WORK IS LIKE 10/10 and so is your tumblr (yes hi i was That person this last week) / the end
A State Of Orange - Being a halfling in a red state can sometimes cause issues for Frank Iero. He’s the weakest at Jett Clement High School, and probably the entire state (not counting the meal plans). His moods are oddly stable, as much as he tries to be mercurial. And being able to withstand the sun for up to twenty minutes only allows him more time to be forced into chores.
Still, his parents are insane if they think he’s going to be happy about their decision. Frank doesn’t want to move to a Mixed state. How is he supposed to get great friends? How is he supposed to find great food? How is he supposed to have great sex? But Frank doesn’t have a choice. He’s New Jersey bound for the next year, if not longer. He’ll be surrounded by tame vampires who have been nagged out of a sex drive, and humans he’s not allowed to eat. Mixed states suck.
Lucky for him, not every person in Jersey sucks. 19k
A really interesting and different AU. I love the, er, misconceptions Frank has about other characters. Heh.
Kiss The Bottle - A drunk wizard slips Frank a love potion while the band is in between tour dates. Chaos and mischief ensues. 35k
An impeccable casting of the wizard, I must say. lol
Superheroes (2-part series) - Mikey isn’t a superhero. 3k
Ship: Frank/Mikey
Don't Fear the Reaper - Gerard's not the greatest with faces but there's one that keeps crossing his path that he can't ignore. 4k
Holy Water Like Cheap Whiskey - "Like motherfucking Romeo and Juliet. Except you don't like heights, and I'm pretty sure Juliet never sipped on dudes' blood." 46k
Can’t remember who wrote this description (it’s on my to-do list) (was it disenchanted?) but THEY PUT IT INTO WORDS: “I don't know how to begin to describe this one... It's written in an unusual format - ie. a lot of it is told through newspaper articles and webpages but it's one of those super haunting fics that stays with you for days. I don't think there are any triggers listed so be warned there are character deaths and supernatural stuff.”
And I really don’t have more to add. I don’t even want to say anything more because honestly for this fic, the less you know the better. For me the experience of reading it was made a hundred times better just by the emotional rollercoasters I was put through. Lol. Trying to figure out what was going on/going to happen next was really fun.
3 notes · View notes
Hey darlings!! Hope everyone’s having a nice day so far!! :D To those of you lovelies who I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, my name’s Tia and let me warn you in advance that I’m a plot whore, so sooner or later Imma gonna be creeping at your inbox. OK, that just sounded quite creepy  but I promise you that I’m far frm it and I just can wait to get to know y’all so much better! :)) Anyway, the gist of it is that I just LOVE LOVE <3 TO PLOT, so if any of you doves, wanna plot a connection or anything with Apollina, feel free to like this intro post and I’ll def hit up yr IM’s later when I’m more free <3 Below  is Apollina’s bio :)
   So as stated in my ooc intro post in the ooc blog, Apollina is the eldest child of the human Belgium king and currently the crown princess. So far, I’m  imagining that she has 2 younger bros who are pretty to close to her age and two under-18 teenage twin sisters.
   Ever since she was a young girl, she had always been an  extraordinarily intelligent, sharp-eyed and extremely mature for her age. She had a HUGELY IMMENSE thirst for knowledge about everything and she was also a very eager learner. Her quick and sharp mind made it easy for her to catch and grasp stuff, so that resulted in opening her eyes to to the world,the state of her country and the workings of the political state as well as some other stuff.
   She thus, turned out to be very forward-thinking, resourceful and pretty self-reliant which lead to her having many good ideas/thoughts and opinions on how to solve whatever problems the country  had and  on how to consistently improve/advance her country.
Eversince the supernatural community came out to the world in 1996, she had been fascinated to know more of the many supernatural species. Thus, she had whole-heartedly delved into reading, researching and gathering up as much knowledge and information as possible about them. That was not to say, she condoned the villanous acts or murderous rampages or lust for tyrannical power half of that community demanded/craved. She definitely frowned upon the creatures who had committed evil or extremely selfish deeds to benefit their ownself or their own kind solely and would like nothing better for those ppl to be stopped or punished at least. BUT since she was pretty clear-headed and open-minded, she definitely was smart not to condemn a whole supernatural species for the bad things done by only half of their population. She knew there must  be good supernatural creatures around.
And she was proven right, through somehow fatefully getting to know a few supernaturals over the years who meant to do no real harm to humans and didn’t have any bad intentions for the human race. (hint: wcs here fr a few supernatural buddies ;)) She even had a tutor for one of her fav subjects, during her teenage years who was secretly a powerful Wiccan witch who had extended her aging and thus could pass off s looking to be about middle-aged. That witch was a very loving and generous soul who Apollina instantly quickly liked and befriended. her tutor then gradually find out about Apollina’s eagerness to expand her knowledge of the supernaturals and knowing the girl to be  just enough not to use the information for evil gains, she then revealed her secret to the trustworthy teen, and taught her as much as she could about all kinds of info about the 3 main species of werewolves, witches, and vampires.
Thus, my cunning and clever baby has def not arrived unprepared as she has  come stocked up with plenty of vervain (some which she has already ingested before arrival), vervain darts, wolfsbane grenades,a few stakes, some small magically charmed personal items by her dear witch tutor-friend (like her necklace & rings/ even dress) of her own which can protect her somewhat from other supernatural beings and thru her many travels over the years which she used, to lap up normal & supernatural cultural knowledge, she has searched hard and for now found 2 dark objects. All of this kept securely under a secret compartments in her many luggage bags..Ok ,my baby doesn't mean to purposely attack anyone with all her stuff, she's just being  playing safe and smart to use them for self-defense purposes as she has def no plans to die anytime soon. PLus, in fact, she's somewhat hoping to be able to use this gathering as an opportunity to hopefully foster political/economical connections with some of the supernatural royals as being the always-forward and innovative thinker that she is, she can see that there are quite some benefits for everybody involved to work together to further improve/advance their respective countries
My poor baby has never really been in any sort of romantic relationship. For one thing, this ambitious, goal oriented, knowledge-hungry girl has hardly ever spared a thought for romance and wasn't bothered at all in seeking any romantic relationship. She is a warm and loving person but to her, all romantic stuff was just frivolous stuff and in some cases, could even be just small stuff for people to amuse themselves with and quite frankly isn;t really worth her time. Why be knee-deep, madly* passionately in love till you while your hours away doing romantic stuff for long periods of time. Isn't it far better to use your valuable time to devoting yourself in pursuit of information, advancement of your society  socializing with platonic friends & family as well as networking? Thus, my baby isn;t really against romance but she just doesn't bother about it or see the necessity for it. Hence, she views her upcoming marriage to a supernatural as just an advantageous opportunity to foster alliances, gain peace and to hopefully further improve her country. She thinks a marriage is good enough if its based on mutual respect, understanding and maybe some caring for the other's welfare. She doesn't even think about the possibility of falling in love. She is just hoping that her future husband isn't a monster, is witty, smart , proper and has steady head on his shoulder and then they could be friends XD lmao
   So her personality is that of a charming, highly intelligent, friendly, sociable, sharp-eyed, good-hearted and quite compassionate woman as she never wants to see anyone get hurt  unless they truly deserve it or deserve to get punished for a wrongdoing. She  cares deeply about her family, close friends and citizens and can be quite loving towards them. However, she doesn’t trust someone too easily or quickly as she had learnt that people carry many faces or hidden agendas, so she from early on had learnt how to put on a charming  and amiable exterior altho on the inside her true feelings of either anger, frustration, or suspicions remain in the inside. She does show some sternness when dealing with wrongdoers but she never lets her emotions get out of control and does her best to appear collected. These actions were tiring at times, but hey that’s the life of an effective queen is it not?
   Thus she can also be pretty cunning and subtly manipulative towards others, but solely for the reasons of doing good or for benefiting her loved ones or country. There are also times when she has a tendency to be impatient tho she does her best not to show it. She’s also an ambitious woman, goal-oriented, forward-thinking who’s always determined to reach her objectives or results.
She also cares a lot for elegance and behaving in a conduct that's befitting of crown princess in order to maintain a good and perfect public image, so that can sometimes be a pain in the ass to some people. She can also be a lil picky at times, and she is quite opinionated but she's wise& crafty enough to know when and how to voice them.and like i said earlier in her bio, while she isn't against them & ,  this crown princess doesn't really spare a thought of her precious time towards romance or lustful affairs/romps. She's benevolent toward her friends or people who are really into it or pursue it or in relationships but she's is not at all bothered about having this kind of stuff for herself. (tsk, tsk, this girl really needs to loosen up more and get the romantic part of her soul stirred up or shaken up somewhat.)
Oh and one of the things she is highkey not good at is singing. To her frustration and embarrassment, her vocal pipes ain’t that good for singing. Her voice is elegant and lovely enough on the ears when she is talking or giving eloquent speeches, but poor girl can’t sing very well.  Despite having taken some classes, she’s still unable to master the art of singing well, so she can carry a decent moderate tone when she sings, but she can’t go deep and she specially can’t go high-pitch or try to sing loud vocals or else it’ll be horribly off-key or pitchy.
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