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ravennaortiz · 1 year ago
Day After
Summary: Chapter 3 of Countdown.
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Rocky opened her puffy, sore eyes the next morning when she felt her bed shift. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you” whispered Juice as he cringed when he saw her eyes open. He had been trying to exit stealthily and had obviously failed. “Its okay” replied Rocky as she rubbed carefully at her puffy, sore eyes. “How you feeling” asked Juice as he watched her carefully. Rocky sighed heavily before answering. “I dunno…..tired….scared” replied Rocky struggling to find the right words while putting on a brave face. “Those are fair responses. It’ll be okay Rockstar” soothed Juice as she sat up and stretched. “How about I go get donuts and coffee for breakfast?” he added. Rocky nodded before making her way to her bathroom. Juice frowned as he straightened her covers before making his way out of the room.
 As Juice opened the door he came face to face with Jax who was leaving his own room. “Relax brother” stated Jax with a small laugh as he saw Juice tense like a deer in the headlights. “I trust you with my little sister. I know you wouldn’t be stupid to try anything” continued Jax as they made there way down the stairs to the kitchen area. “Appreciate that. I was going to go get us all breakfast real quick” stated Juice as he grabbed his keys from the hook by the door. “Sounds good” replied Jax as he watched Juice walk out the back door.
Jax looked up as his back door opened. “Jackie Boy, I got an interesting call this morning” stated Chibs as he sat at Jaxs Kitchen table. “From?” asked Jax as he took a seat as well. “Tig. He said Alvarez wants to meet with you today” stated Chibs as he sat his phone on the table. “Apparently he wants to make an alliance since we both have a common enemy.” He added his gaze locking on Jax’s. Jax was quiet for a few moments. “Give him a call” ordered Jax with a nod.
Later that day
Jax had sent Rocky, Juice and Halfsack away for a few hours while he met with Alvarez. The two men had been talking for a bit and Alvarez was now pondering Jax’s last request. “I am willingly to hide your sister. My charter in Santo Padre can make it happen. I’ll make a phone call and we will figure out the logistics after” stated Alvarez as he reached across the table to shake Jax’s hand. “Thank you. Looking forward to this new relationship between the Sons and Mayans” stated Jax as he shook the other mans hand before walking him out.
“What are you gonna do about the boys?” asked Opie as he looked over at his best friend. “Im just going to be honest. We need to get Rocky out of Charming while we figure out how to get the Aryan Brotherhood sorted. They will look at anyplace connected to SAMCRO but they wouldn’t look for her in a Mayan charter.” Stated Jax as he looked from Opie to Chibs who both nodded.
Santo Padre Clubhouse
Bishop sat listening to Alvarez on the phone as he sipped his beer. His men sat silently watching him while he talked. “We can do that” stated Bishop as he nodded his head. “Let me know when we need to head there” he added before ending the call. “We got ourselves a long term protection job boys. Sounds like the Mayans are going to get in bed with SAMCRO permanently and one of the pieces of the deal was for our charter to take in the sister of the VP in Charming.” Stated Bishop as he looked around the table at his men. “I need one of you to open your home up to her” he added. “I’m always open to a woman keeping my bed warm” replied Angel making the others roll there eyes and chuckle. Bishop shook his head before speaking. “Shes sixteen” replied Bishop as he watched Angels smug smile drop. “She can stay with me Bish” offered Gilly. “Sounds great” stated Bishop with a nod.
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ravennaortiz · 1 year ago
Not A Devil
Chapter 15 of Countdown. This Chapter starts a couple days after the beginning of the last chapter and before Zobelles daughter is killed.
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Tag List @fleureeee
"Coco.... can we talk outside?" asked Rocky as she approached the table where he was sitting with Angel and EZ. Coco nodded as he took in the nervous energy emanating from her.
"Wassup?" asked Coco once the two of them were standing out by the bikes. "Promise you won't be mad?" asked Rocky as she shifted from foot to foot nervously, keeping her eyes on the ground. "I'll attempt to not be, no guarantees" replied Coco his eyes on her.
"I....have been taunting Clay. I unblocked his number and I'm pretty sure he has Polly and is trying to frame....Juice and Half" confessed Rocky as tears started to well in her eyes.
Coco was silent for a few moments as he considered what he should say.
"Shit. Okay. Why would he not frame Jax?" questioned Coco.
Rocky sighed before looking up at him with tears falling down her cheeks. "Because I let my anger get the best of me and kinda told him I was in love with them. Will you help me make sure they stay safe? I lied when I said I didn't know where they were." continued to confess Rocky as she cried.
Coco pulled Rocky into a hug feeling bad for her. "Its okay. We can fix this. I'll talk to Bishop. I'm sure he would let them stay here but obviously under a lockdown type thing given the circumstances. No more lies though okay?" soothed Coco as he comforted her. Rocky simply nodded her acknowledgement.
Bishop sat leaned back in his chair in Templo facing Rocky and Coco. He was contemplating what the best course of action would be. "I wish you hadn't started down this path but what is done is done" stated Bishop finally making Rocky look up at him with her tear streaked face.
"This is fixable but I must have full compliance not just from you but from them. There cannot be anymore deceit or conspiring. I also expect them to help out around the scrapyard and earn their keep." continued Bishop as he leaned forward on the table.
"I promise we all will be on our best behavior" stated Rocky as she smiled in relieve at Bishops words.
"Thank you Coco" murmured Rocky as they walked out of Templo together. "No problem, you made a mistake. Seriously though don't ever risk your safety like that again." replied Coco sternly.
Three months later. Day after Zobelles daughters head is delivered.
To say he was angry and disappointed in Rocky was an understatement as Jax slammed his SUV into park in front of the Mayans Clubhouse. "Jax" called Chibs as he and Opie hurriedly followed him as he stormed inside.
Jax ignored the curious looks of the Mayans as he booked it for Templo where he could see Bishop and Rocky. "What the fuck Rockette?" snapped Jax angrily as he flung the door open making her jump.
"I " started Rocky before Jax cut her off.
"Shut up. I don't want to hear lies! After" started to yell Jax before he was cut off by a voice behind him.
"Don't tell her to shut up" growled Half-Sack as he shoved his way into the room followed by Juice, Chibs and Opie. Jax looked from them to Bishop as he tried to process what was happening.
"I think we all have a lot to discuss" stated Bishop as he gestured for everyone to sit.
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ravennaortiz · 1 year ago
Not an Angel
Chapter 14 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Tag List @fleureeee
Rocky was on her phone when Angel appeared in the doorway of her room at Gilly's. "Can you come downstairs for a minute? Got something to show you" stated Angel as he watched her carefully. "Yeah" replied Rocky as she hopped off the bed and followed behind him. "Is everything okay?" she asked as she saw Gilly, Coco and Bishop waiting in the living room.
"Yeah. Just thought you might be able to help id some people" stated Angel as he motioned for you to sit on the couch. Rockys heart pounded as she scrunched her face up in confusion. Had they slipped up somehow in the last two months since Zobelles daughter had been taken? Surely not. They had planned to well.
Rocky could feel all four men watching her closely as she watched the video play on the TV. Polly was seated on a chair, she looked rough with hair tangled and bruises and dirt peppered her skin. Rocky couldn't help the smile that slipped onto her face.
Coco frowned as he saw the ghost of the smile cross her face but kept his mouth shut as a figure stepped into view. A sharp slap rang out through the TV as flesh connected with flesh. Rocky flinched at the sound even though she knew it was fake. After a few minutes the video ended. No one spoke for a moment until Bishop moved to kneel on the floor in front of Rocky.
"Recognize any of the people?" asked Bishop quietly. Rocky nodded meting his gaze her eyes giving nothing away. "The girl is Zobelles daughter but I don't know her name."
"What about the four masked figures?" inquired Gilly as Bishop and Rocky kept staring at each other. "Four? I only saw one" replied Rocky as she ran through what she had just watched. It had only been her and Polly in this one.
"Its believed they switch out when the step off the screen" replied Bishop. "Any idea of who would want to hurt that girl?"
Rocky snorted as she turned from Gilly to face Bishop. "Given who her dad is I would say that is a long list. If it was me I'd slice her throat and mail him her head" replied Rocky with a sweet smile as she stood up. "Can I go back to my room?" she inquired as she looked around the room. Once Bishop nodded she made her way out of the living room.
"I don't know what to tell Jax" murmured Bishop as he moved up onto the couch. He didn't want to voice it but he had a strong feeling that Polly was dead or close to it. Though he couldn't blame Rocky for that. He would do the same if he was her. Each video ended with Polly pleading for her dad to help her.
Zobelle sat in his office three months later. Staring into the cardboard box that had been delivered to him. The head of his beloved Polly staring up at him with a note sticking out of her mouth.
-Polly didn't want a cracker....she just wanted her daddy. Its a shame. If you had let me go then I would have let her come home whole. See you soon.
-Evil "Stepmother"
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ravennaortiz · 1 year ago
Missing Daughter
Chapter 13 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Tag List @fleureeee
Jax sat watching camera footage of Zobelles daughter getting yanked into a van as she was walking down the street. "I don't recognize the van. I have no idea who took your kid" he stated as he shook his head looking Zobelle in his eyes.
"If anything happens to my precious Polly I will kill you slowly in front of your sister and what I inflict on her will be a thousand times worse." snarled Zobelle as he got in Jax's face."I wouldn't endanger my sister or my men like this" stated Jax firmly his icy eyes flashing as he stood up shoving Zobelle.
Zobelle shot him one more glare before stalking out of Jax's house. Jax rubbed his face before turning to Chibs and Opie. "They wouldn't have right?" he questioned his eyes moving between the two. Neither man spoke as they shared a glance with each other. "I mean Half was angry and he skipped town the day after your last meeting with Zobelle. He left his kutte" replied Chibs quietly with a shrug."Rat dipped a few days later and Bishop said Juice took off as well." replied Opie as he sighed and took a drink of his beer.
Jax slumped down into a chair as he considered their words. "Juice and Half I get, as close as they and Rocky are. Rat though makes no sense".
"He might just be a coincidence" stated Chibs. "I agree the boys and Rocky being close but kidnapping a innocent child is a bit far fetched with their personalities. Also Rocky wouldn't forgive them if she found out."
Jax nodded. He agreed with Chibs but something was still eating at him. Leaning towards the computer on the table he pressed play on the footage one more time. "Shit" he muttered before grabbing his phone.
"So Jax thinks she snuck out last night and helped kidnap the daughter of the guy who bought her? That she's been secretly sneaking off for the last two months and that they have this girl somewhere around here?" stated Gilly as he sat thinking over what Bishop had just told him.
"Desperate people do desperate thing" replied Bishop as they both watched Rocky and Coco walk out of the clubhouse. "She's not though. She's completely safe here. Would make more sense for her to runaway than to go back to Charming and help kidnap someone" stated Gilly.
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ravennaortiz · 1 year ago
No Mother
Chapter 11 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Tag List @fleureeee
Gilly, Angel and Coco were sitting around Gilly's kitchen table talking when Juice walked in. Juice stopped in his tracks when they all turned to him. "Sorry was just grabbing some water. Didn't mean to interrupt" apologized Juice as he started to turn.
"Your good" stated Gilly as he kicked the other chair out towards him. "We actually have a question we were curious about" he added as Juice grabbed a glass of water. Juice sat down slightly nervous about what the three wanted to ask him. "What does Rocky's mother have to say about all this?" inquired Angel as he leaned back in his chair.
Juice nodded as he thought about how to answer that question. "Shes dead" he said simply figuring this was the easier route to go. "That sucks" stated Angel as his mind drifted to the murder of his own mother. "They did not have a good relationship so it didn't really bother Rocky" replied Juice with a shrug. "How did it happen" asked Coco curiously as Gilly shot him a look. "Its a valid question" muttered Coco as he ignored Gillys look.
"That is a bit more...complicated of a situation. Rocky is not aware of it but umm Jax killed her" replied Juice after a moment of silence. "It was an accident. Jax went to confront Clay and things escalated. She jumped in front of Clay and took a bullet meant for him" further explained Juice as he recalled that night. "What caused Jax to pull out a gun on his stepfather" inquired Gilly with a frown.
"Rocky had accused Clay of touching her. When Jax told their mom she didn't believe him and called Clay home. He then taunted Jax and admitted it, told him he couldn't do anything about it" replied Juice after taking a deep breath. "Shit" muttered Angel as Coco scowled. "Thanks for sharing" stated Gilly. Juice nodded taking that as his dismissal as he left the room.
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ravennaortiz · 1 year ago
Let Her Be Happy
Chapter 9 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Tag List @fleureeee
Rocky was sitting outside the Mayans Clubhouse eating ice cream with Guero and Coco enjoying the early afternoon sun when Creeper let a black SUV in through the gate. Rocky waited to be old to go inside as was the usual course of action but it never came. In fact neither Mayan even acknowledged the vehicle even after it parked. When no one exited right away Rocky went back to her ice cream and drawing.
"So this is your big plan. Hide me away in the same place as Rocky?" inquired Juice as he stared straight ahead through the windshield to where Rocky and two Mayans were sitting. Jax sighed hearing the tone before replying. "Figured it be best for you to have help since your injured and to have you both in the same place. Also was hoping you being here would get her to maybe lighten up with me "replied Jax as he moved to get out of the SUV. "Your the one who chose to leave her in the dark. It's not my job to fix your fuck up" snapped Juice feeling irritable before he flung his door open and slammed it closed. Jax bit down his response as he got out and walked towards the door of the clubhouse.
Rocky looked up at the slam of the door and felt her breath get taken away. Tears slipped down as she jumped up from her seat and went sprinting towards the SUV. "Harsh" whispered Guero as he and Coco watched Rocky clearly detour around her brother who had his arms open for a hug. "Justified though" replied Coco with a shrug as Rocky flung herself onto the other guy who Bishop had told them was Juice.
Juice let out an involuntary oof as he felt the impact of Rocky on his battered body. "Hey Rockstar" he murmured as he hugged her back wincing slightly at the movement. Jax sighed heavily as he watched the two for a moment before turning back towards the door. He knew he just needed her to be happy even if she kept her anger with him. "Bishop is in Templo. I can take you to him" stated Guero. Coco and him had made their way over since they had been expecting to have a meeting once Jax arrived. "Thanks" stated Jax as he followed Guero.
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ravennaortiz · 7 months ago
One Year Later
Chapter 19 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap.
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Rocky was putting the finishing touches on her makeup in the bathroom when she heard the creak of the bedroom door. When she neither of her Old Men appeared in the doorway she frowned. "Juan? Kip?" she called as she turned to the door. Getting no response she hesitantly made her way to the door and peeked out.
Looking around she saw no one or anything amiss. Besides, no way anyone would get through Juices security system . Nor would they have made it upstairs without one of the guys being on them. Rocky moved to her closet and dug around for her heels. Once she found them she moved to turn back to her bed.
Out of the corer of her eye she saw a shadow move. Before she could process that she felt an arm wrap around her throat. "Last time this happened " started a deep voice before Rocky sprung into action. Letting out a scream of animalistic proportions she swung her stilettos wildly. Making contact with flesh before she was let go. Tumbling to the floor.
"Damn! Chill ya crazy ass out" demanded the voice as Rocky heard laughter from the hallway. Looking behind her she saw Coco rubbing his head while EZ lay on the floor laughing with Juice and Half-Sack smirking in the hallway.
"I warned you she was still spicy" stated Juice with a chuckle as he shook his head.
"Exactly why I said go by yourself. I wasn't about to get my nose broke again" laughed EZ as Coco glared and flipped them off.
"What if I had had a gun Coco? I could have killed you" demanded Rocky as she hopped off the floor. Coco snorted. "Like how you had a gun and shot yourself in the leg?" he inquired smiling at her as the others laughed.
"Fuck you" muttered Rocky with a smile as she made her way over to hug him.
"I think you have enough guys on your roster don't ya think? Cant be greedy" joked Coco making her punch him in the arm. "You are right though" replied Rocky her eyes dancing with mischief making Coco wary. "I only have so many open holes" she added making him close his eyes as EZ made gagging noises.
"Mija" stated Coco as he shook his head. I love you. But clearly you spent way to much time with me and Angel. The way that shit just flows out of your damn mouth" he muttered as he made his way out the door as the others parted trying to hold back laughter.
SONS Clubhouse
Rockys nineteenth birthday was in full swing. Music was pumping while alcohol flowed and guests danced and chatted the night away.
"She looks happy" stated Bishop as he took a seat next to Jax in the back.
"That she is " chuckled Jax as he glanced over to where Rocky sat on both Juice and Half-Sacks laps as she opened gifts. "Was a time I never thought we would make it to this. Thank you for all you did to help us. Also a time I'd have beat both of their asses. Guess times change" he added as he sipped his beer.
"Glad we could help Jax" replied Bishop as he chuckled. "Juice and Half-Sack are good guys. If I had a daughter or sister interested in two of my members I'd pick them" he added making Jax laugh.
"Too Peace and new beginnings" cheered Bishop as he tilted his bottle to Jax. "To peace and new beginnings" replied Jax as he grinned and clinked his bottle with the older mans.
The End
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ravennaortiz · 9 months ago
Chapter 17 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
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Jax sat smoking a cigarette as he watched Rocky and Coco spar in the Mayans ring. He had to admit as much as he was still frustrated about what she had done he was also hella impressed with the growth of his little sister. His thoughts were interrupted by Chibs as he sat down next to him. "I have something to tell you but its important that you not overreact" stated Chibs sternly as he eyed the younger man.
Jax sighed heavily before turning his gaze to Chibs. "I swear if you tell me either or both of them has or is having sex with my baby sister I will blow this whole place up. That will not be me over reacting either" snapped Jax through gritted teeth. It had taken all he had in him not to rip Juice and Half apart after the meeting a couple weeks ago when they had confessed to plotting to kidnap Rocky.
Chibs chuckled making Jax frown slightly. "No sex is being had I promise ye. They are not that stupid. Though i agree with Coco I don't think either of them realizes Rocky has a crush on them" replied Chibs. "Though Rocky wants them both. She doesn't feel she should have to choose and she thinks your rule of her being off limits is archaic and shows your age." he added with a small laugh. "She is going to turn me gray Chibs" muttered Jax as he snuffed out his cigarette and rubbed at his face as he shook his head.
"First the lying, plotting her own kidnapping while she briefly kidnapped another girl. Now she is telling you she has crushes on two of my men and wants to date them. What's next a lengthy prison stint up in Chino?" chuckled Jax as he looked up at Chibs who was laughing as well. "Careful what you speak out to the universe Laddie. Also the crush thing is your fault you put them both right in her sights and made them her protective detail more often than not." replied Chibs. "Also nothing wrong with going gray" huffed Chibs as he smoothed his own locks back making Jax laugh and shake his head.
"Thanks for the support and sympathy brother" replied Jax as he rolled his eyes. "I guess it could be worse. She could have fallen for Tig" he mumbled making Chibs choke on his drink of water. "Lassie at least has some taste and class I suppose" replied Chibs after he recovered. "So what are you going to do?" inquired Chibs after a few moments of silence as they watched some more spars. Jax shrugged before speaking. "Guess I gotta let her grow up sometime. Shes almost eighteen now anyway".
"Thought you were suppose to be sparring with Rockstar?" inquired Halfsack as Juice made his way over to where he sat with Angel and Gilly. "She asked for Coco to take over. Said she wasn't taking me seriously enough after I pinned her" laughed Juice as he sat down shaking his head. "Huh she said same thing about me to Chibs" replied Halfsack. "Guess it makes sense, she just knows us to well" he added with a shrug.
"Yeah, women don't take me seriously either when I pin them" dead panned Angel as he shook his head and continued playing a game on his phone. Gilly couldn't help the snort that came out as he tried not to laugh. Coco was not kidding when he said these two were oblivious to Rockys feelings.
"You should tell them how you feel." stated Coco as he and Rocky made their way back to the clubhouse. "I don't know. I don't want to distract and I doubt they feel the same." murmured Rocky as she glanced at Juice and Half-Sack who were playing pool with Gilly and Angel. "The way things are going you don't want to have regrets Princesa" encouraged Coco as he turned her to face him. "They deserve to know and if they don't like you Ill kick their asses" he added before giving her a punch to the shoulder. Rocky snorted as she shook her head. "You really have to work on the advice giving Coco".
"What do you want us to do?" asked EZ quietly as he helped an injured Coco lean against a wall. Coco grimaced as pain shot through him. "You are going to get Half out of here and leave me behind. I'll distract them" stated Coco firmly as he thought back to the last few weeks and how devastated Rocky had been when neither Juice or Half had made it home. "But" started EZ before Coco shook his head. "No buts boy scout. I'm giving you an order." stated Coco as he pushed off the wall and made his way back the way they had come.
Mayan Clubhouse Later
"Where's Coco?" inquired Rocky as she peeled herself off Half-Sack as she looked past him, EZ, Guero and Chibs. "He told us to leave him behind" stated EZ quietly unable to meet Angel or Gillys gaze as they bolted up. "Why?" demanded Rocky as she shoved her way in front of him. EZ swallowed hard as he considered his response. "You know why he did it" stated EZ as he met her gaze before moving to leave back out the door.
Next Morning
"Has anyone seen Rocky?" demanded Jax as he bolted into the clubhouse with Gilly on his heels.
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ravennaortiz · 1 year ago
Meeting With the Enemy
Chapter 12 of Countdown
As always this is an 18+ only story. This story is AU based and not your typical Sons of Anarchy story. Some readers may find some plot lines and changes to some characters to be problematic please read at your discretion. This story also time jumps heavily so keep this in mind as you read!
Warnings: General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing etc, minor age gap, minor smut in later chapters.
Tag List @fleureeee
Zobelle sat sipping his whiskey as he sat at Jax's kitchen table. It had been six months since the announcement at Rocky's birthday had been made. "Man to man. I am asking if you know where your sister is?" he inquired finally as he met Jax's icy blue eyes.
Holding eye contact Jax shrugged his shoulders. "She hasn't reached out".
Zobelle sighed as he leaned forward on the table his eyes flickering over Chibs and Half-Sack on either side of Jax. "This will only make her first time worse than it needs to be" started Zobelle stopping as Half-Sack chuckled at his words. "Something funny?" inquired Zobelle his eyes narrowing.
"Just bold of you to assume it would be her first time" replied Half-Sack. "What is that suppose to mean?" snapped Zobelle as he stood up quickly sending is chair toppling over.
"Clay wasn't honest in ya'lls negotiations about getting SAMCRO out of debt. I'm going out on a limb that he never mentioned he touched my sister" stated Jax turning Zobelles attention back to him.
"No. No he did not" snapped Zobelle as he paced the kitchen.
"Guess the offer is invalid" stated Jax as he sat back in his chair feeling relieve for the first time in months.
"No. Your sister is still my property." replied Zobelle with a sleazy smile as he watched Jax frown.
"Name your price for the lasses freedom" stated Chibs firmly. Zobelle consider the man for a moment before replying. "Four million in cash and I still get a night with her" stated Zobelle as he put his hand out to shake.
"Money only" countered Jax. "Son I truly don't care about the money" laughed Zobelle as he met Jax's gaze. "One gentle night with your sister and we can forget about the money." he stated.
"Make the deal Jax" stated Chibs as the men looked at him. Jax sighed before shaking Zobelle's hand.
Once Zobelle had left Half-Sack slammed his hand onto the table. "How was that any better for her? How was that any different than what Clay did?' he snapped his eyes full of anger before he got up and left slamming the back door behind him.
Jax sighed as he slumped in his chair. "One night is better than a lifetime. We still have time to work the rest out" comforted Chibs as he patted Jax on the shoulder.
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