#OC: Wayke
grimgummies · 4 months
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Art/doodle/character design dump
First image: Two new OCs I bought recently, Murmur (enderman) and jeb_ (sheep)!!
Second image: Two new enderman OCs I designed recently!!
Third image: Simple uniform ref for Finn (he works at Rain's bowling alley. Rain belongs to @/yalibat)
Fourth image: Tried to recreate an old OC of mine from memory as I lost the file with their original design qwq. They weren't originally designed by me and I cannot find the original designer because this was back on DeviantArt in 2017 so good luck to me pff
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beanieblaise · 11 months
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
SWTOR OC - Jayn Loren-Wayk
template inspired by this:
Full Name: Janis Loren-Wayk Nickname(s): Jayn (preferred) Alias(es): Black Ice (when needed) Age: 28 (born in 3668 BBY/45 BBY on Chandrila; era dependent) Era: The Old Republic OR Rise of the Empire/Rebellion Species: Human (Naboo & Metellean) Gender: Cisgender Woman Sexuality: Pansexual (Panromantic) Alignment: Unaligned (Chaotic Neutral) Class: (Grey) Jedi ? - Shadow; seen by some as a Sith Warrior - Marauder or as a Bounty Hunter - Mercenary Languages: (all accomplished Jedi can use the Force to understand other sentient beings)
APPEARANCE (FC is Tessa Thompson)
Jayn is a young Human woman who stands at 5'3" (1.6 m). In many ways, she physically takes after her mother, having light brown skin, dark brown eyes, petite yet calloused fingers, and a somewhat toned form with thick hips. She also inherited her father’s straight dark hair, chin & lips. Her hair is kept cut above her shoulders, sometimes just a few inches past her ears. She wears this after leaving the Order: night blue close-fitting pants with a top that has a white chest plate & a lightly padded grey torso, plus night blue vambraces, gloves & a matching jacket that cuts off just below her bust. Her dark boots come up to her calves.
Jayn is an ambitious, resourceful & confident girl. She isn’t afraid to speak up, on behalf of herself or others, though she will (very reluctantly) stay quiet if doing so manipulates events in her favor. She’s incredibly loyal, with a natural need to help others. Unfortunately for some, she is a vengeful person who holds grudges, and if she disagrees with someone on something, she’ll typically stand firm rather than compromise. These last few qualities, plus her tendency to form strong attachments with those closest to her, are seen as weaknesses by the Council.
She was born to Jedi Rani Loren of Naboo & the wealthy businessman Bret Wayk of Metellos, who met in the Senate Building on Coruscant. Rani left the Order not long after she realized she was pregnant. It broke her heart when the Jedi came to Chandrila three years later, but she decided that Jayn was better off learning to use the Force among her peers. As an adult, Jayn would learn that her mother had disappeared without a trace, possibly after having cut herself off from the Force. Jayn found that everything came easily to her except for controlling her emotions & negotiating. When her fellow Padawan Jacen was killed & their Master refused to immediately go after his killer, Jayn became angry. She stayed long enough to become a decent Knight, then left the Order. For some time, she was a Sith apprentice to Lord Typhon, who she served up until avenging Jacen's death. Then she began working independently, using money gifted to her by her father (& the occasional reward from grateful people) to support herself. She clashes with members of the Empire, Republic & the in-between.
Telekinesis - she’s adept at using it to manipulate the elements & move herself, others & various objects
Stealth - her Shadow training allows her to sneak up behind people easily, as well as hide her presence in the Force from others
Force Lightning - she can cast & withstand decent amounts, as well as catch it when it's thrown by weaker opponents.
Healing - she has little to no ability to heal others (including herself), even when attempting to use Force Drain
Tactical - while she moves well on her own, Jayn isn't very good at directing others, on the field or in space
Illusions - the best she can do is project her voice, so someone in another room hears her; she can't cause hallucinations
Jayn likes to fight her enemies as close up as possible. She usually is on the offensive side, charging into battle (with the aid of the Force to enhance her speed only if necessary). With multiple enemies, she tries to weaken their numbers using telekinesis (either a Force push, a lightsaber throw, or throwing an object, depending). She fights in a whirlwind, spinning to address each as she attempts to get (usually fatal) hits in. When it comes to taking down single enemies, she has no problem sneaking up & striking if possible. She secretly finds melee fighting exciting though & there is no such thing as a "dirty trick" in her book--unless she's agreed to an honorable duel (which rarely happens, if ever). She uses two blue split sabers.
Collecting small weapons & trinkets - some she sells, some she keeps for their aesthetic/sentimental value
Dancing - Jayn loves going clubbing after a long mission
Sex - she's careful about who she does it with, but she has no problem using it as an activity to help her relax
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