#OC: Sinclair
horrorgeoff · 3 months
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epic TD ocs
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kh2prologue · 6 months
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happy sinclair saturday once again
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jasmariswonderland · 9 months
💫Sweet Dreams of my Twst OCs Part 1💫
“You will become the protagonists of your own fairy tales…”
Hello everyone!
So…how about that most recent update in EN?! With everyone on the Isle of Sages currently in a deep slumber, I thought it’d be fun to explore just what my ocs are dreaming of. So I’ll be devoting the next few days of posts to just that! Starting with my Heartslabyul and Scarabia ocs. Fair warning, some of these ARE sad! 😭
What is your oc’s ideal dream world?
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Post book 6, Crisanta has only one major trouble, that soon her younger stepsister will soon be entering NRC for her freshman year. The largest source of anguish for Crisanta has always been her stepfamily and how her father essentially abandoned her, her mother and sister to have a family with another woman. And since her stepmother is a powerful mage, Crisanta’s main reason for studying magic is so that one day she can surpass her in skill. 
Her perfect dream world is rather simple. She and her sister are spending their spring break making a court ordered visit to their father and stepfamily, much to their chagrin. While having dinner, her stepsister announces that she will not be attending NRC after all but will instead be going to RSA. Crisanta is already relieved by this but when her stepmother makes a snide comment about NRC being a school for delinquents, Crisanta retorts that her magical skills have more than doubled since attending NRC. Her stepsister demands that she proves it and they have a magical duel that Crisanta wins. Her sister is thrilled but both her stepsister and stepmother are very embarrassed by this, not realizing just how much Crisanta has improved. Later, Crisanta calls up Ione and they arrange to hang out together, having fun outside the confides of school, which is always a dream come true for both girls. 
Ione, Sinclair, Taima and Iman under the cut! 
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Ione’s dream begins back at the start of the school year, as she’s preparing for the black carriage to pick her up from home and take her to NRC. In real life, no one was home when she left and when she called her father to tell him she was leaving, he snapped at her because he was busy at work and coludn’t be bothered. This harshness greatly affected how she was feeling when she arrived at NRC and she admittedly gave the cold shoulder to most of those who reached out to her, including Crisanta. Riddle took an immediate liking to Ione though.
In her perfect dream world, her mother is still alive and she and her eldest sister help Ione get ready to leave for NRC. Yolanda helps her daughter with her ceremonial robes makeup and reiterates over and over how proud she is of Ione for being accepted into such a prestigious arcane academy. Yolanda and Estelle give Ione one last hug and the black carriage takes her away. During the orientation, Riddle still takes a liking to Ione but she and Crisanta also hit it off right away. Ione also makes friends with Deuce and needless to say, Ace doesn’t exist in her dream world. 
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In Sinclair’s perfect dream world, his overblot never happened and he’s still dorm leader of Heartslabyul. He’s successfully begun his fourth year at NRC and is taking off from his senior internship to welcome the new freshmen into his dorm. Riddle is still around but in Sinclair’s perfect dream world, he’s far less pedantic and sharp-tonged. Instead having a personality far more like how he is post-overblot. 
And surprisingly enough, Sinclair and Riddle get along reasonably well. The truth is Sinclair does respect Riddle’s magical skill and meticulous nature, albeit secretly. And if the younger hand’t ousted him and “got in the way” of Sinclair’s friendship with Trey, it’s likely they might have even become friends themselves. At the end of the Heartslabyul welcome party, Sinclair and Trey discuss dorm matters as Trey has taken the reins by acting as dorm leader in Sinclair’s absence. Sinclair decides that since he’ll soon be graduating, it’s time to make Trey’s new position official. Trey becomes Heartslabyul’s new dorm leader and Sinclair suggests that he might want to make Riddle his vice. Also in Sinclair’s dream world, he is still on good terms with Sidonie, but has no interest in seducing her. 
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For the most part, Taima’s life is already perfect to her. She gets along well with her family, has good friends and enjoys being a Scarabia student. And the things that she’d prefer be different in her world are not very dire. So in Taima’s perfect dream world, the only major difference is that her siblings and Minette all attend NRC with her rather than going to RSA. Lilianne is in Pomefiore with Danica, Mateo is in Savannaclaw and Minette is in Heartslabyul. 
Taima’s dream also takes place during the interdorm spelldrive tournament and instead of Scarabia losing, they come in third place. The reason they do so well is because they don’t have the bad luck of going up against Diasomnia right off the bat and Taima still plays very well. She even plays against her brother and leads Scarabia to victory against Savannaclaw, much to Leona’s chagrin. Scarabia still loses out to Diasomnia but she’s in much better spirits about it and a certain Diasomnia cabbage head even commends her. Much to her secret delight. 
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Post book 6, Iman has begun to wise up to certain realities of the world and currently, her biggest worry is what will become of her in her third year. For the longest time, her family has been dropping hints that she should take a more personal interest in Kalim. And Kalim’s father, keen to increase his political influence, really wants his son to marry into the royal family. While Iman has never really had an interest in Kalim as anything beyond friendship, lately, she has begun to see it as a reality but not for the best reasons. She doesn’t love Kalim, but she wishes to have influence in the Asim family, enough influence to convince Kalim to set Jamil and his family free. 
But in her ideal dream world, none of this is a concern. The Vipers aren’t servants and Jamil is Scarabia’s dorm leader. Iman is at his side as his vice. Though Kalim is a regular student, the three are on far better terms and  even friends. Jamil is also more receptive of the idea of being Iman’s friend, and maybe even more in time. And needless to say, with Jamil leading Scarabia and given the recognition he deserves, the events of Book 4 never happen. 
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giantisms · 3 months
hello, g/t asks for you! :D
A2, A11, A12, A17, A19 & B6, B14, B15, B16, B17
okay as a preface i think i'm due for at least some exposition on the characters i'll be talking about, even if some would technically be spoilers. so:
sinclair: an average human turned giant then turned back human again. works as a bioengineer after freshly graduating. after an incident he was forced to live among giants while he figured out how to turn back. a really curious but rational person tycho: ty for friends, an average giant that stayed giant. not trustful of humans, forced to babysit one (albeit one their size). their and sinclair's relationship is basically "can't STAND humans *ten minutes later* me and the bestie!". otherwise pretty laidback and chill, always helpful to others
przemysław: also przemek, a middle-aged borrower from 1860s congress poland - though that name (and political stuff surrounding it) matters very little to him. pigeon breeder and lover teodor: a human who, unlike przemysław, cares a lot about his homeland and polish identity. a young man with too many ambitions, and too much curiosity about the small man riding a pigeon that snuck into his home
wiktor: a teenage giant raised by a human village in secret, up on the giant mountains (polish karkonosze). your average angsty teenager if not for the fact that he's around 60 feet tall and sticks out like a sore thumb for that reason (might explain his moodiness a lot of the time) aniela: a teenage girl from jelenia góra who knows too well about struggling to fit in with her peers. single child of really supportive parents who she loves to spend time with, hiking the mountains and camping
answers under the cut!
A2. if your character could choose, would they be a different size?
sinclair: not really, no. even if he'd love to hang out with tycho "normally" he wouldn't want to give up his human life (again, that is) tycho: before meeting sinclair, no. but after hearing his stories they can't lie and say that they're not curious about all the mysterious little things... what the fuck is a microwave
przemysław: hard no for him, but literally only because he doesn't like the idea of interacting with people much more than his borrower life would have him teodor: honestly? he would love it. the idea of being so small sounds cool to him. he probably wouldn't like it in long term though
wiktor: yes. in a heartbeat. he wants to feel more "normal" around his family and friends, not like the lumbering giant he is. to have a chance at normal human things he'd only watched and heard of aniela: while she's curious about how wiktor sees the world she would HATE being a giant. she's already pretty self-conscious, being Perceived™ at such a large scale would be a nightmare to her
A11. what’s the worst experience your character has ever had with someone of a different size. (or the best?)
WELL it's spoiler territory for sinclair and tycho that i don't want to tread on (yet), wiktor and aniela only really have each other, and teodor hasn't interacted with many tinies besides przemysław... but i can tell you about przemysław's!
the second worst experience had to be the time a pair of humans found his pigeon farm on accident and, instead of leaving it be, destroyed it thinking it was just a regular pigeon nest. it cost him his entire livelihood at the time and left even more of a sour taste about humans. first worst experience had to be [REDACTED] though (oops! back on the spoiler territory again)
A12. if your character was a magical being (or a different species if already a magical being), what would they be? how would this change who they are as a person?
sinclair: would a warlock count. i think that fits him tycho: if we assume a fantasy race like elves count then yeah i'd go with elf! don't think it would get rid of their distrust for humans for one reason or another, but would definitely change how they interact with the world at a "smaller" size
przemysław: unironically see him as a fairy. which would be hilarious. stay small forever. his attitude wouldn't change much though to be honest lmao teodor: not sure honestly? i can't think of a single magical being that would fit him. i'll say werewolf because he loves dogs. it would be a little funny to make him a puppy too. don't think it would change much besides The Horrors Of Change
wiktor: i think a zmey would suit him! i think he'd have a tad bit better self image of himself? but i don't think it would change much aniela: keeping the slavic demon theme- she'd be a rusalka. i mean i guess that would change her at least a little bit, you know, being an undead spirit and all
A17. how common are interactions between the different sizes in your characters world?
for each pair i listed... it's common in NONE of them lmao. in s&t and w&a worlds giants are thought of as nothing more than myths and fairytales, and p&t is pretty similar in that regard. i think it's just a preference of mine to have the giant or tiny be thought of as nonexistent to the human, i think the dynamic is more fun that way
as a fun fact though i can tell you that (at least in the eastern european setting of congress poland przemek and teo are in) most spotted borrowers are thought of as a domovoy spirit and left alone lest they bring bad fortune to the household! the belief is much more prevalent in rural areas though, city folk would have a bit different approach
A19. how does your character feel about being reliant on others/relied on?
for tycho and sinclair once the latter manages to go back to his regular size it's... certainly a change. it's uncomfortable for both of them at first. and while tycho is more used to being relied on having a younger brother and being pretty helpful around their commune, sinclair finds it really off-putting, being basically manhandled by his friend. the feeling fades eventually though, because in the end besides things like moving sinclair around or offering something to eat, ty doesn't have to DO much for him
przemek despises the feeling of being reliant... most of the time. he's a well educated grown ass man and a successful entrepreneur, damn it, but deep down he admits even someone like him needs help from time to time. i suppose it's less of "feeling reliant" and more of hating to be looked down on because of his size. as for teo, he honestly likes feeling like he has a use for something and will jump at any opportunity to be reliable. he knows przemek is very capable, but he can't help it sometimes
NOW FOR MY FAVORITE ONE... being friends with wiktor is certainly a new experience for aniela, but she wouldn't say their dynamic means she's relying on him all the time, after all it's wiktor who's forced to fit in with other humans
but as for wiktor? it's not just that he's relied on for more laborious tasks around the village, it's the fact that honestly HE'S the one most reliant on the community as the sole giant. when he was brought to the village by his adoptive father he was a really young kid. he was not capable of providing for himself for a really long time - even to this day he needs help with sewing himself clothes or having enough to eat. and something like that eats away at him constantly. he's so afraid of being more of a burden than he already has been, to demand more than basic needs. it sucks, he doesn't like it, but he can't bring himself to ask for more. it's the reason he's so willing to put extra work in helping around the village, to somehow repay and justify himself just existing around them. it's... really not a healthy mindset he's in
B6. a trope you’d like to see more of
oh there's A LOT but hm. in general i'd say a "role reversal"...? what i mean is the community seems to think through this binary view of "giant big and strong and always in power" and "tiny small and helpless and needs to be taken care of" WHICH LIKE... not going to bash on any of these as i know it comes from place of comfort and projection as pretty much all of g/t content does, but personally it's not what i'm looking for?
while yeah i always acknowledge the inherent power imbalance in size difference i want to see more NUANCE! for example what if the giantkind is NOT in the power over humans? what if because of their different physiology they're ultimately at more disadvantage against the smaller party? having less resources to utilize because of being so big? which leads to humans having more advanced tech against them? what if giants are outnumbered to humans?
like i don't know, i find that MORE compelling (especially in established mixed size societies!) than the "standard" in the community so to speak. and that applies for any dynamic really
B14. do you prefer writing or drawings for g/t? (either creating or consuming)
i love creating in both mediums! not that experienced in making g/t content in particular as i've only started to really indulge in it recently, but still. as for consumption... while i appreciate both (they both require a lot of skill) i honestly prefer writing? i feel like all the descriptors of the size difference (like sound, and other sensations) hit way different than a drawing would. it conveys a lot more
B15. do you prefer gentle giants or scary ones?
why can't a giant be both? they can be gentle AND still scare the shit out of you (intentionally or not). i think that's a perfect blend for me
B16. do you like more animalistic or more human giants/tinies?
depends on where you draw the line on what counts as "animalistic". for example i like giving both giants and tinies in my worldbuildings some "non-human" features to distinguish them as different species AND to give them something that would make more sense in their respective size. that said i think even then things like pointed ears or fangs are pretty tame, so more human giants it is!
B17. favorite way to refer to giants/tinies? (borrower, bean, etc.)
can't say i have any??? i just call giants "giants" and tinies "tinies" lol. i use "borrower" too but more on the principle of it being a widespread term in the community (i have never ever heard of the books prior to learning about g/t years back)
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honeypastilles · 1 year
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Hey look - its a magical girl!
This is Sinclair aka angel of strawberry milk. Ze are from a magical girl story concept I have been working on that I hope to make a webcomic someday. Zir weapon is a baseball bat, but zir power is more like a weird... aura(?) that looks like strawberry milk that can turn into different things to up damage in combat.
I imagine that I'd do the PASWG thing where it's usually a simpler style (not so close to the PASWG style hopefully lmao), then more anime-like for fights/important moments.
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steakbeefe · 2 years
Hi m
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barblaz-arts · 8 months
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Domestic Addamses
(click here for a masterpost to all my AU's including this one)
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nobitchs-world · 1 month
Me: I love horror movie slashers
My scary ass if I ever saw them:
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demon-lover-669 · 2 years
Slashers: *puts Y/N in an escape room to test their skills*
Y/n: *happily kissing the security camera when they notice it*
Slasher: *smiling the talks over the speaker* baby you have to try and escape….
Y/n: but it’s so cozy in here
Slasher: *sighs and goes to get their partner*
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"The Boss and the Missus" aka "My girl and I saw you from across the desert and thought your vibes were atrocious, we are coming to kill you"
Captain John Price x Lt. Rory Sinclair (oc)
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ribs-art · 5 days
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🩷Wenclair 🖤
Love these two! Had to do a wenclair fanart Also, made an alt version w/ text from S1's novelization, which let's be real... it's a canon Wenclair fanfic Will post more of them soon! (Probably with Enid's new hair)
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twicetheheartx2 · 7 months
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Sora & Vega’s mugshots after their first run-in with Jericho’s police department, aka Skywolf Barbie meme.
@barb-l Honestly, I was almost done with these when I had the idea of how Sheriff Walker would react to finding out he has to deal with an Addams' spawn and then how Enid & Wednesday would react to Vega getting arrested. Which then led to the fact that getting arrested is basically an Addams Family tradition at this point. And it was just too funny to pass up on both ideas, so I just had to draw it.
The lil comic:
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And the Addams Family mugshots:
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kh2prologue · 6 months
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sinclair doodles from this weekend.
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jasmariswonderland · 11 months
Get to know my twst ocs...through memes! Overblot Edition! PART 1
Just as it sounds! Overblot AU memes!
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Four more under the cut!
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zeorigir · 2 months
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he's being mean (affectionately)
from the labru meme on twt by sweepswoop_
link twt : https://x.com/sweepswoop_/status/1813707550493483334
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lambstoth3slaughter · 3 months
Hey hey Sinclair
Guess what
(( @eyes-that-decieve ))
Tal, don't you dare.
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