#OC: Sazai
thinking abt the dynamics of Culraes’ adoptive family and 
Warin, of course, is the father. he’s the one who has taken everyone in and raised them as best he can but the love of his life Jeris doesn’t approve of Warin’s way of raising kids bc Warin lets them learn to fight while Jeris the man who began the revolution and caused a teenaged Athum to kill his father feels like kids need to be protected from the horrors of war. Warin knows these kids he’s taking in have already been scarred by war and there’s no recovering from it, so he helps them deal with their trauma by either learning to fight or other ways to express themselves.
Lei-ya is the first child that Warin took in. she’s not a fighter, not a soldier. she has a devotion to the deities of Issera and worships them with her whole heart. she’s not the completely innocent lass that people would think she is. when her younger siblings go out to fight, she prays for them, for their victory, for them to return safely. when she’s at home with her siblings, she talks to them and cares for them, specifically Tasiriti.
Bau is the second child that Warin takes in, and Jayi is their younger sibling. Bau is a dragon rider. kind, passionate, and takes no shit. they are an archer, strong and concentrated. they’re willing to fight if need be, but they aren’t a soldier. they keep an eye on the land for attacks and get a dragon’s view of things from the sky and help formulate plans. they tend to be on fairly good terms with most of their siblings, but especially Jayi.
Jayi is the third child Warin took in, or...the second. she came along with Bau. Jayi is much more violent than the other two already taken in. she’s more obviously Dragonborne than Bau, and it presents itself in some dragon-like appearances and a thirst for blood. that’s not to say that all dragons are bloodthirsty. Jayi is definitely a soldier, and a good one. fighting and cooking are her two best skills, and Culraes is her best friend and number one competitor. she also teams up with Sazai at times and protects all of her siblings. she is the one who is put in charge of Warin’s forces.
Culraes wasn’t the fourth child taken in, but he is the next in line age wise. he and Jayi are the same age. Culraes has more unbridled rage than Jayi when it comes to fighting. he’s awkward and gruff and brash and yet he loves his new family. Tasiriti is his favorite, she holds the soft place in his heart and he will protect her no matter what. Warin has had to help him the most, as Culraes had an arm amputated early on in his time with his adoptive father, so they have a good relationship.
Sazai is next in line age-wise. she is...something else. she steals everyone’s food and is a general annoyance, but it’s all in good humor. however, the moment someone threatens anyone she cares about, they will face a wrath like nothing else. she is the one who handles the torturing for their side of the war. she may be young, but she has methods that are very effective. she also is Tasiriti’s self-designated body guard. 
Tasiriti...is amazing. she's the youngest of the kids Warin has and he's had her since she was a baby. she's about thirteen now. she wants to be a healer, to help her elder siblings, to be of some use without being on the battlefield herself. she holds a place in the hearts of all her siblings and she wants to deserve that position. her hands shake and fear pounds in her veins, but she runs out onto the battlefield and tries to heal fallen soldiers. she just tries the best she can
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Who out of all your OCs, in a Modern AU, would become obsessed with memes and them in every conversation?
Sazai, no doubt about it. she would also reference memes all the time just to annoy her siblings and has definitely freaked some of them out with the extent of her meme knowledge
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H is for Hero
“Blood is the gold of the human body,” Sazai smiles, looking as sweet as ever, but there’s a glint in her eyes that’s sharper than steel. She wipes her bloodied fingers along her prisoner’s jaw, tilting their head up to look at her.
“I thought you were on the noble side, the hero’s side,” he sputters, fear radiating off him.
Her smile grows, stretching from ear to ear. “I may be on the side fighting for the people and our country, but that doesn’t mean all of us are of hero status.”
“Children, Warin, that’s what they are. Children!”
“Do you think that just because they are children that they have nothing to contribute? Is this not their home too?” Warin does his best to keep his tone even and calm, despite Jeris’ agitated state.
“They shouldn’t be thrust out in the middle of the war! You are training children to be soldiers, to fight a war that they don’t need to fight.”
“That’s where you’re wrong. I don’t force them to do anything they don’t want to. If they want to fight, I teach them to fight and win. And many of the kids that I have come across have been fighting their whole lives. Culraes, Jayi, Sazai, and so many others have been fighting for every breath they take.”
Warin shakes his head, his heart aching at all the suffering that he knows his dear children have been through. “They’ve already seen war and they want to help stop it. Who am I to prevent them from doing so?”
Tasiriti lays her head on Rosar’s lap, closing her eyes as fingers run through her hair. It’s such a gentle touch, it’s almost foreign after...
No. Don’t think of that. 
Instead, she gathers the strength to speak, taking a deep and shaky breath. “Everyone is saying that you hold the key to win the war. They say that you are the hero of legends...”
Rosar’s fingers stop moving and Tasiriti can feel her muscles tense.
“I wouldn’t call myself a hero, no, but you, Tassie, you are a hero. You’re so strong, so very strong. You’ve done more to help than I could wish to, and you do it despite the odds being against you. You are the hero.”
“I think...I think that if I can be a hero then you can be one, too.”
[G is for Glass]
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new ask game: send me a character and i'll tell you what their wings would look like
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and then 25 with a character of your pick!
uhhhhh i tried? lmao i hope you like it!!
25. A stalwart/angry character smiling at someone fondly
prompt list! send me one?
Culraes’ gaze lingers on Amary, her smile brighter than the bonfire in front of them. She laughs, and it’s like music to his ears, it makes his heart flutter in his chest. He leans forward, elbow resting on his knee and chin resting on his fist.
“You really like her, dontcha?” Sazai asks, plopping down next to him. “I’ve never seen you smile like that at someone.”
“I’m not smiling.” Culraes grumbles, forcing his lips into a frown.
“Aww, you’re blushing!” She pinches his cheeks,
He shoves her away roughly, his face growing even warmer. “Stop that! I-I’m not blushing! Leave me alone!”
Sazai cackles, falling on her side and rolling in the sand. Culraes scowls down at her. She’s so overdramatic. He glances around. No one’s watching, good. They’re all talking amongst themselves, too involved in their own conversations to notice the embarrassment flowing through Culraes’ veins. His head snaps back to Sazai, the lack of laughter from her concerning.
“In all seriousness, I’m glad for you, ‘Raes. She seems like a good match for you. I do have a question; does she like candy? Because if she does, I might have to fight her. Can’t have her raiding my stash…”
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list of my ocs in the warriors au
Rose/Rosepaw/Rosefrost (Rosar Braddock) - a tall, lanky she-cat with white fur and distinct gray markings on her back as well as a gray stripe down her tail, gray rings around all four legs, and gray toes. her eyes are a pale sky blue and sightless. her build is slender compared to her height, but she is a strong cat with hard muscles. her top canine teeth stick out, her nose is bright pink, and her fur is kind of long. (currently in ThunderClan)
Lionclaw (Finlos) - a giant golden tom with thick fur, especially around his neck. his eyes are amber, a few shades darker than his fur. his paws are big and his claws are longer than most. (in StarClan)
Honeyheart (Avei) - a pale gold she-cat with green eyes. larger than her son, Lionclaw, and fluffier. (in StarClan)
Leaf (Leaf) - a multi-colored she-cat. tan and orange fur, a cream belly with brown spots, and faint stripes on her back and bolder stripes on her tail, face, and legs. Just as big as her littermate, Honeyheart (currently not in a Clan)
Brackenheart (Ianthe Braddock) - a small but strong brown tabby she-cat with black stripes and amber eyes. her fur is somewhere between long fur and short fur, her nose black, and she has the air of a mother. (in StarClan)
Duskclaw (Amary Braddock) - a black she-cat with thin brown stripes on her back and down her tail, along with brown rings down her legs. her eyes are a dark amber, darker than her mother’s. her left ear has a notch in it, her right has a deep tear. there’s a long, thin scar from her shoulder down to her belly
Smokestripe (Terran Braddock) - a large light gray tom with smoky blue eyes. he has darker gray curling stripe markings on his back and down his tail. he is both tall and has broad shoulders. (in StarClan)
Fawnstep (Eira Braddock) - a light brown tabby she-cat with a pink nose and delicate build and long tail. she’s slender and lithe with a delicate face and light amber eyes.
Wolfstar (Adair Braddock) - a huge light gray tom with blue eyes and distinctive dark gray markings, including rings around his legs, odd stripes down his tail, and a blaze on his forehead. 
Maplesplash (Lumi Rosewood) - a bright ginger fluffy she-cat with lighter ginger stripes and bold green eyes. 
Heronwhisper (Barrow Reeves) - a tom with light gray and cream splotches. one blue eye, one amber eye. he has a fairly delicate face. 
Tansysong (Marigold Reeves) - a fluffy cream she-cat with blue eyes and a gray patch over her ear 
Bluebird (Bau) - a cat with blue-gray fur and almost silvery-blue eyes. looks suspiciously like the former ThunderClan leader Bluestar. 
Emberstorm (Kimcy) - a dark gray fluffy tom with broad shoulders and amber eyes and a notch in his left ear. 
Dustbreeze (Jayah) - a lithe tan she-cat with darker brown splotches on her body and green eyes.
Pinelight (Athum) - a tan tom with a brown patch on his back and tail, and brown on his paws. 
Flintheart (Erihhn) - an  elder gray tom with a white tail tip and blue eyes. his muzzle is graying. 
Harenose (Jeris) - a brown tom with black spotted stripe patterns all over. there’s a scar over his left eye, but his right eye is amber.
Sunpaw/Sunblaze (Rialzi) - a ginger she-cat with darker ginger/brown spotted stripe pattern similar to her father’s. 
Nightwing (Warin) - a black tom with fluffy fur and gray fur on his tail, face, and ears. blue eyes. 
Hawkscar (Culraes) - a brown tom with black fur around his throat, chest, and a stripe down his back and stump tail. amber eyes and scars scattered around his body. his front left paw is limp and useless. 
Shadowfang (Jayi) - a blue-gray she-cat with black tabby markings, tons of scars on her sides, blue eyes, and a black collar around her neck that has claws and teeth in it (Scourge mimic much?)
Meadowdapple (Sazai) - a calico she-cat with green eyes. most of her splotches are ginger but there are some black splotches on her fur!
Fernspeck (Lei-ya) - a black she-cat with ginger specks all over. she has a stumpy tail and white paws and muzzle. 
Leopardkit (Tasiriti) - a tiny light brown she-cat with black leopard markings and green eyes.
Badgermask (Taedhe) - a black tom with a white stripe down his back, long claws, a set of claw mark scars on his face, and green eyes. 
taglist for Frosted Eyes, let me know if you want to be added or taken off!
@roselinproductions | @abalonetea | @jade-island-lives | @cbiom | @bookish-actor | 
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May I potentially see how your kids would react to falling into the world of Damatys and interacting with Emery, Ava'lyn, Jaxon, Aiden, and Diane for an AU please? Thank you! And Congratulations for reaching that high of a milestone! You deserve every one of us followers and so so many more!
thank you so much, friend!! i’m doing this with my Broken Thrones kids! :D
Damatys AU
- so first of all i absolutely adore all the magical creatures you have in this world like wow. they’re amazing
- all of your ocs will be adopted by Warin i promise you. he loves adopting people, no matter how old they are. he will be Aiden’s father figure whether he likes it or not. also Jeris would also adopt Aiden and everyone else. they both have a problem with adopting people.
- Warin adopting Aiden and Co. means that they now have many more siblings, including Jayi, Culraes, Sazai, Lei-ya, and Tasiriti. 
- which means that there are two people who are willing to help the gang train and just learn how to use swords more. also they just like to fight, swords or no swords
- also. Ava’lyn would either get along great with Amary or they’d butt heads. i’m not sure which. they’re both stubborn princesses. but! Rosar would probably like her, if she’s not a bit stressed with another Amary-type around
- i think that Rosar would befriend Emery, no matter how hard it would be. she just has such a soft and gentle presence i feel she could befriend him.
- also Rosar would also like Diane. 
- everyone would like Diane except for Erihhn but Erihhn doesn’t like anyone and i don’t like Erihhn. i would sell him to satan for less than one corn chip.
- i think that maybe Eira would help Jaxon bake but she would also be very stressed about baking because she’s never really baked a whole lot
- Lumi would definitely paint with Jaxon!!! and Eira would hang out with them while they’re painting!
- as for the sand dragons. Jayi wants to find one and possibly fight one. she’s a dragonborne and loves to get in fights. getting in fights with a dragon, whether it’s one of those sand dragons or not, sounds like fun
- but Athum things the Scryndru are super interesting and wants to know all about them
- unicorns. Jeris would be very interested in the unicorns. just as i am interestedin these unicorns. 
- Jayi, Culraes, and Amary would definitely train and fight with anyone who wanted to
- don’t get started with the pixies. there would be some misunderstandings, i’m sure. trouble.
- it’d just be madness tbh
- there’s so many characters and they’re all so different and already get into trouble in their own world who knows what kind of trouble they would get into in a world different from their own
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! Which OC is the best beatboxer?
ooooof i’m so sorry this took me so long to get to
i’ve never really thought about this...but maybe Sazai from Broken Thrones??? it just kinda seems like something she’d be able to do real well
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! Something I feel like I don't see enough of here: appearance! What does/do your character/s look like? Art, descriptions, whatever you've got! -elliswriting
i’ll do my best to describe my ocs!! :D
Amary Braddock – she has brown skin and curly, black natural hair. just at 5′. she’s a bit stocky. scars are all over her body. dark brown eyes. a smirk that speaks of mischevious things, a smile that’s heartfelt. a little bit of pudge. constantly with a bottle of whiskey in her hands. calloused hands, 
Eira Braddock – the same skin and hair as Amary, but she clocks in at about 5′ 4′. her eyes aren’t quite as dark as Amary’s. she has a delicate demeanor about her, a nervous air. her smile is tremulous. she’s soft, though. her bones don’t stick out like Rosar’s.
Rosar Braddock – as the third sister, she has similar hair and skin to Eira and Amary, but she has vitiligo that forms through the story and makes pale patches on her skin. her eyes are dark brown, but her pupils are silver from cataracts. she’s about 5′ 11″ and skinny- a little too skinny. little scars and callouses on her hands. her hair is usually braided back.
Finlos Holmwood – a broad-shouldered guy who has hazel eyes and brown hair. he has a few missing teeth but you don’t need to worry about that. a clean-cut looking guy, especially when he’s in his knights armor, which is a pale gold with bronze detailing and green underclothes. looks stern but is actually kind. 
Lumi Rosewood – bright red hair and bright green eyes. she’s around 5′ 7″ and a Mess. she wears dresses like Belle (before she goes to the palace with Beast) and she has an apron that’s covered with paint. pale skin. a set of four scars that look like claw marks down her back. 
Leaf – a cat! a house cat the size of a lynx!! bright green eyes and she looks like my cat (see below)
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The Keeper – dark red shaggy hair, eyes that might have once been green but are now shadowed. he’s a scraggly looking kid, and shadows just cling onto him. pale skin. he looks a bit like a ghost.
Cintu – a big, black wolf with glowing yellow eyes. he has a large frame, broad and tall, but he’s so malnurished that he weighs half as much as he should. he has a lot of sharp teeth, his fur is uneven and coarse, magic and shadows drip from him.
Barrow Reeves – one brown eye, one blue eye. neatly groomed dirty blond/brown hair. he wears three piece suits and dress shoes when he isn’t working. he doesn’t have a six pack, not nearly. he has soft eyes, smiles, and facial expressions. he’s about 6′ tall. 
Marigold Reeves – bright blue eyes and blonde hair that’s always curled. she’s at  5′ 2″ and has all soft edges. she’s not skinny, not at all. you could actually call her fat. but she doesn’t care. she smiles kindly and wears pink frilly things. white lace gloves and petite little heels. fairly pale skin.
Athum – at 6′ 1″ he stands. he doesn’t have a frame that speaks of strenght, but he’s made himself strong. an angular face, haunted eyes, and dark circles under his eyes. he has a kind smile and gentle mannerisms. 
Jayah – she’s about 6′ herself, and she’s got a sharp appearance. sharp cheekbones, thin lips, and dark eyes that promise nothing but death. her fingers are slender and cold, her nails long and sharp. always adorned in fancy materials and jewels. 
Erihhn – an older man with a frame that speaks of strength. at 5′ 6″ he doesn’t seem very intimidating. the wrinkles on his face speak of things he’s seen– or maybe it just shows how much he’s worked. he creeps me out. 
Jeris – a guy with broad shoulders with short salt and pepper hair, a scar that obscures the left side of his face, and brown eyes that shine with warmth. Dad-shaped with calloused hands. he’s about 5′ 8″ and is bow-legged. skin burned dark from the sun.
Warin – a strong but slender man with long black hair with streaks of gray, crow’s feet, and smile lines. Slender with gentle hands and kind black eyes. he wears the loose clothing of Isserans and sits cross-legged a lot. he’s about 6′ 5″. he wears glasses!!
Culraes – a stocky young guy that isn’t as broad as he might be. 5′ 10″. missing his left arm from the elbow down. always scowling. he wears jewelry. and here is a pic that @woodhouse-jay drew of him!!
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Lei-ya – a not so skinny woman who always has a crease between her brows. brown eyes, dark hair, and ink covers her hands always. around 5′ 7″. her hair is always just barely contained.
Jayi – a description of her is here
Sazai – i have a description of her here
Tasiriti – a young girl with a defined jawline, haunted brown eyes, dark hair that’s braided back, and fingers that are torn so much they ooze blood. she’s just under 5′ but still has time to grow!! she’s skinny and able to fold herself up. she has a scar on her neck and is going to earn more scars. 
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a small thing for the au i have with @abalonetea‘s oc Locke. these are just little snippets from scenes with Culraes’ family members that i couldn’t get out of my head
Warin looks at the man in front of him, a smile on his face. “It’s good to meet you, Locke. I never thought my son would come back here, let alone with a significant other.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, truly.” He waves for the younger man to sit down, the smile still on his face. “I’m glad for both of you, especially Culraes.” He grabs a pot and a pair of cups, pouring tea for both of them. “I’m sure you already know this, but my son...he’s been through a lot. More than he would like to admit. Has he told you some of it?”
“He hasn’t told me much, but I’ve pieced some things together.”
Warin nods, handing the cup of steaming tea to the young man. “He doesn’t like talking emotions much.”
He seats himself on the cushions across from Locke, legs crossed and his elbows resting on his knees. “If you have any questions that you’d like to ask, feel free to ask them. I cannot guarantee I can give you answers to everything, but...I know some things must be revealed, and Culraes himself won’t reveal them.”
“Ah, so you’re Locke.” Rosar smiles, a kind smile, one marked with both exhaustion and joy. “It’s so nice to meet you, Jayi has told me all about you. Well, Culraes has told us about you in his letters and Jayi told me from those. He seems to really love you. I’m glad. He needed to find someone new to love and care for.”
Jayi chops the vegetables quickly, the knife a blur to even her eye. “You cook much?”
“I try to cook but, uh, it doesn’t always turn out. Though, I do make cocoa.”
“Mmm...” She pauses her chopping, the knife hovering a few inches above the cutting board. “Do you make sure he eats? He’s always been bad about remembering to take care of himself, including taking breaks to eat. Especially after--” Jayi stops that thought in its tracks and looks over at Locke, motioning that she wants an answer.
“I make sure he eats. I make sure he thinks it’s his idea to do it, it helps things go smoother.”
She nods. “Good, good. He needs someone to look after him. The idiot forgets the most basic things...”
Jayi peers into Locke’s eyes. “I think you’re a good guy, Locke. You’re probably too good for him, but I’m glad you have each other.”
Sazai wraps her arms around Locke, a laugh bubbling up in her throat. “So, you’re my big brother’s boyfriend, huh?”
Locke hugs the young woman back, a smile on his face. “I am, yes.”
She grins, dark eyes sparkling. “Does that mean you have embarrassing stories about him? Oh please, please tell me you do! I’ve been running low on things to blackmail him with.”
Tasiriti watches her elder brother as this stranger from her position on the rafters. He’s odd, this foreigner. He smells of magic not of Feria, magic she doesn’t know and doesn’t trust. 
She stands and with silent footsteps she walks until she’s just behind where this Locke guy is. Dropping like a feather, she lands where she aimed. Instantly, her dagger is pressed against his throat. 
“You hurt my brother, I will find out your fears and make sure you suffer through every single one before I disembowel you in the most painful way known.”
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Which of your OCs unironically says “Fri-yay?”
i can definitely see Sazai screeching ‘Fri-yay’ unironically. she would love the word and also love annoying all her siblings by saying it
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! which of your oc's sing? what type of music do they like?
happy storytellyer saturday!!
i want to say that Amary sings. mainly the little lullabies she grew up with. when it comes to music she enjoys, definitely the passionate music of Issera. it has a lot of emotion in it and it’s so full of energy, it just makes her want to dance!! she likes music with a good beat and stuff that’s kinda loud.
Lumi also sings!! she likes happy songs and songs with sad undertones. more soft songs. think ‘you are my sunshine’ and other songs like that!! also ‘August is Over’ by We the Kings!
I can see Rosar singing as well...she probably just sings whatever comes to mind and likes whatever music appeals to her current mood. probably not hard rock stuff, though, that’s a bit too much for her. and piano music! she likes pianos.
as for the others...i’m on the fence for them. Barrow, Marigold, Sazai, and Warin could probably sing as well. and Ianthe really likes to hum!!
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Bloop! (Please give a fun fact about whichever of your protagonists is most capable of being cruel bc I love morally grey characters.)
thank you!! 
suprisingly, Sazai is one of the more dangerous characters. she is the one to go to if you want to torture someone. she knows how to make deaths very slow and very painful. and she looks so relaxed as she does. she always has an easy-going smile on her face...
send me a bloop and i’ll share a fact a character!
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