#OC: Maralah
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blighted-elf · 1 year ago
We’re playing as elders now 😳 I’m not going to be able to use my naive little Thinblood turned Tremere then, unless I rework her quiiiite a bit.
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the-rogue-mockingjay · 6 years ago
OC Interview!
featuring my girls, Melanthe, Eden, and Aisling!
Tagged by @schoute, YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I’VE WANTED TO DO ONE OF THESE!!! Thanks for the tag!!!!!
Tagging @coptix! (frick yeah Luna Hawke!!!!!) And also @markuilleam (no pressure tho lol)
Rules: Answer the following questions as your OC of choice.
I couldn’t pick just ONE, so I said screw it and went with my main three!
1. What’s your name?
Melanthe Ashirill Lavellan. [She grins and bows low and dramatically.] How do you do? [She glances at her sister.]
[Eden clears her throat.] Eden Lavellan.
[Hawke smiles pleasantly and crosses her legs.] Aisling Mariann Hawke.
2. Do you know why you are named that?
[Melanthe shrugs.]
Hawke: No.
Eden: A friend suggested it, I thought it sounded nice, and that’s what I’ve gone with ever since.
3. Are you single or taken?
Hawke: I gave an angsty Tevinter elf my heart, and I hope he keeps it forever.
[Melanthe cackles.] Always the romantic, aren’t you Hawke? As for me… [She pulls an ivory wolf’s jawbone pendant out from under her tunic and waves it around.] Yep.
Hawke: You…went with Solas?
[Melanthe nods.] Yep. The resident egghead Fade expert is mine. And my dear sister is in love with the Commander!
[Eden blushes slightly.] He’s…he’s nice.
[Hawke and Melanthe elbow Eden playfully.]
4. Have any abilities or powers?
[Eden holds up a glowing left hand.] Mel and I have the Anchor. It lets us open and close tears in the Veil.
[Melanthe high-fives her sister with her own glowing hand.] Yes! And we can make tiny holes in the Veil to kill demons sometimes!
Hawke: I’m a mage, specifically a spirit healer with force mage training. It’s pretty cool. Eden’s a mage as well.
Melanthe: And I’m good at poking hundreds of holes in people via a truly epic assortment of knives. [She winks.]
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
[The three women exchange puzzled glances.]
Hawke: Run that by me again?
Melanthe: I don’t remember killing someone by that name. Nor do I remember any bartenders with that name. Maybe…eh. Nah.
6. What’s your eye color?
[Hawke raises an eyebrow.] You mean to tell me you can’t see it? Blue.
[Melanthe leans in close to the interviewer for a moment.] Gold, but not the same shade as my sister’s. Mine’s better.
Eden: I’m not inclined to disagree.
7. How about your hair color?
Hawke: Black. Like obsidian but, alas! Not as shiny.
Eden: Just..dark red.
Melanthe: Like drying blood!
[Eden makes a face.] Mel, please.
Melanthe: Okay fine. Going with Hawke’s mention of shiny rocks, how about garnet red?
Eden: That is better, yes.
8. Have any family members?
[Hawke suddenly finds the floor most intriguing. Melanthe perks up.] Oh, lots! There’s the twins, Tessa and Feyrand--they’re older than me--Iolanthe’s younger than Eden, we’ve got an even younger brother who has a habit of disappearing and we’ve got cousins galore! There’s Kahris, Maralah, Saelethil…not to mention our clanmates! They’re family too.
Eden: My friends are my family, too. Hawke, Fenris, Cole, Cassandra, Solas, Varric, Sera, Blackwall…the whole inner circle, really.
Interviewer: What about you, Hawke?
[Hawke jerks her head back up.] Oh, sorry. Well… [She coughs into her fist.] I have Fenris and my ducklings, and the Lavellans. That is…all.
9. Oh? How about any pets?
Melanthe: Too many.  There’s my palomino horse, I call him Corvo, Eden’s got a hart named Red Velvet, a halla named Evune, probably a dozen different birds, three hamsters aaaaand a rabbit on top of that-
Eden: In my defense, they were mostly rescues.
[Hawke points behind her with her thumb.] There’s an undead bog unicorn in the stables. And a giant nug. And as for me? My mabari Birch is all I need.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like.
[Hawke deadpans.] Red lyrium.
[Melanthe grimaces.] Oh, I feel you there.
Eden: Stuck-up ancient Tevinter morons who blow things up and then monologue villainously.
Melanthe: Oof, true! Also the Chantry. The Chantry can go- [She spews a long string of obscenities that just about rivals a sailor’s cursing.]
[Eden nods thoughtfully. Hawke’s eyes glint with mischief.] And the TEMPLARS as well, especially the ones who were in KIRKWALL working for MEREDITH-
[Cullen hollers from the next room.] I heard that, Hawke!
[Melanthe and Hawke high-five. Eden shakes her head.] Hawke didn’t mean you, ma atish’an.
Melanthe: Oh yes she did. [snickers]
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
[Melanthe leans back in her chair, putting her legs on the table.] Stabbing. Drinking. Kissing Solas. Pranking everyone in Skyhold, the usual trouble.
Eden: Painting, reading, gardening. [A timid smile slowly spreads across her face.] Singing, or playing the harp.
Hawke: Now that you mention it… I write poetry, and sometimes turn them into songs. Journaling is also something I like, and pressing flowers, and-… [Her gaze strays to the wall.] Yeah, that’s about it.
12. Have you hurt anyone in any way before?
[The three women glance at each other, at the interviewer, then back to each other.]
Melanthe: Pfft. What kind of question is that?
[Eden toys with a bracelet.]
Hawke: Oh no, of course not.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
[Hawke grabs a champagne glass from the end table next to her, and sips it.] Me? Never!
Melanthe: I heard you used the Arishok’s skull as a flowerpot.
[Hawke nearly spits her drink everywhere.] Who told you that?
[Melanthe simply winks at the interviewer.]
14. What kind of animal are you?
Hawke: A dragon. Guarding my treasure hoard~
[Melanthe wiggles her eyebrows.] A sssssslippery sssssssssnake!
Eden: Sorry sister, you’re more of a mountain goat. You’re everywhere you shouldn’t be and you consume an unholy amount of whatever food’s available.
Melanthe: She’s a barn owl. Or a cat, maybe?
15. Name your worst habits?
Hawke: Fenris says I’m a bit overprotective of my friends. Too loyal, too stubborn, too willing to risk my life for others, I “involve myself in the affairs of others” too much, or what have you. But I’ll let you in on a secret: I used to ignore the vast majority of the mail I got when I was a noblewoman of Kirkwall.
Eden: I stay up late reading fiction when I should be dealing with all my mail and- [she lowers her voice.] Sometimes I skip war meetings.
Melanthe: I run exclusively on caffeine and volatile emotions.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
Hawke: Eden.
Eden: Hawke.
Melanthe: Iron Bull, Cassandra, Blackwall, Cullen, Leliana, Josie, Tess, Feyrand, Krem, Sera, Solas, Vivienne, Cole, Dorian… [She grins wickedly.] But not you, sister. I’m still taller than you.
Eden: Not if I wear heels.
Melanthe: Not if I stand on Bull’s shoulders!
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Hawke: Mm, straight.
[Melanthe considers this a moment, then shrugs.]
Eden: Just because I have a boyfriend doesn’t mean I’m into…that.
18. Do you go to school?
Hawke: My parents taught me a lot.
Melanthe: Dalish don’t really have school.
19. Ever want to marry and have any kids one day?
Hawke: I’d like to, yes.
Eden: Marriage? Absolutely, but kids I’m not so sure of.
Melanthe: To be honest I haven’t thought about it. Too busy stabbing demons and undead and corrupted templars and whatnot.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
Hawke: Do lovers count as fans?
Solas, from the other room: Am I- what?
Melanthe: He’s a fan of the Fade. And me. But be serious, very few people in Skyhold AREN’T fans of me. [She winks.]
21. What are you most afraid of?
Eden: Spiders.
Hawke: Corrupted spiders.
Melanthe: Bears.
22. What do you usually wear?
Eden: Simple Dalish robes.
Hawke: I inherited a bloody awesome coat from my dad complete with belts, a bright red sash, and some shoulder armor. With bonus knee protection, because you can’t protect your knees enough.
Melanthe: I’ve got a sick coat, made of phoenix scales, ring velvet, Highever weave, with lazurite details. I’ve got other coats made of varghest scales, dragonling scales, and gurgut webbing.
23. What one food tempts you?
Melanthe: CHOCOLATE. What kind? Doesn’t matter, it’s MINE.
Hawke: Ham that tastes of despair is okay, but there’s enough despair in the world, and not enough lemon cheesecake.
Eden: …cinnamon rolls.
24. Am I annoying you?
Melanthe: Nope. I’ve got aaaall the time in the world.
Hawke: After all the people I’ve dealt with, it’ll take a lot more to be annoying.
Eden: You’re not a fussy Orlesian noble. You’re doing just fine.
25. Well, it’s still not over!
[Hawke gestures for the interviewer to continue.]
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
Hawke: I was an apostate, then a refugee apostate, then a noblewoman apostate, then the Champion of Kirkwall, and now I’m little more than a fugitive, so truth be told, I’m not sure.
Eden: a Dalish First turned Inquisitor. I…don’t…really know?
Melanthe: High class for fancy parties and fancy murders, low class at the tavern.
27. How many friends do you have?
Hawke: About ten.
[Melanthe snorts.] Um, almost a whole castle’s worth.
Eden: My inner circle, plus the ducklings, plus the animals… [She tries counting them, but loses track.] As many friends as I need.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
Hawke and Melanthe, in unison: Lemon meringue is the best.
Melanthe: Chocolate is equal.
Eden: Pies of all kinds are good. I wish we had them more often.
29. Favourite drink?
Melanthe: Whiskey.
Hawke: That peach liqueur I used to buy in Hightown.
Eden: ….hot chocolate?
30. What’s your favourite place?
[Hawke smiles wistfully.] I have many, but the place I like best is wherever Fenris is.
Melanthe: Awww!!
Hawke: And somewhere we’re not being attacked all the time.
Melanthe: I’m rather fond of that little oasis in the Western Approach. And the Wounded Coast. Storm Coast was pretty, too.
Eden, softly: I liked the Emerald Graves.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Melanthe: We’re all dating someone at the moment. And we told you that.
32. That was a stupid question…
Hawke: We all say dumb things sometimes.
Melanthe: Some people more often than others.
33. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
Hawke and Melanthe: Ocean.
Eden: Lake.
34. What’s your type?
Melanthe: Type of what? Blood? Weapons?
Eden: Preferred type of magic?
[Hawke tries not to laugh and fails.] Broody and sometimes glowing.
35. Any fetishes?
[Melanthe smiles brightly.] Stabbing demons.
Hawke: If you think you’re going to get an answer to that, think again.
[Eden squirms and twists her bracelet around her hand.] Next question, please.
36. Camping indoors or outdoors?
Melanthe: Wait….indoor camping is a thing? What is it with you shems and constantly coming up with new nonsense?
Hawke: Pillow or blanket forts, I think.
Eden: …..outdoors?
I stayed up SO MUCH LATER THAN I SHOULD HAVE writing this, but heck if it wasn’t awesome!
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a-travelers-tales · 8 years ago
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Journey’s End
(My contribution to poly-shipping day)
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tigermooncakes · 8 years ago
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Waifu's oc Maralah. Will color soon
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blighted-elf · 2 years ago
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Bringing my Bloodlines 2 Tremere out of torpor.
If you want to pick up a drawing of your own, see my pinned post!
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blighted-elf · 2 years ago
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Created all my Vampire: The Masquerade OCs in the Bloodhunt CC 🖤
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blighted-elf · 1 year ago
I see an upcoming garden simulator game and my first thought is "I can design my Bahari Tremere's haven with this" fghjk
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blighted-elf · 1 year ago
Mara's bio is so funny to me now. Who is this woman? She's just a weird little Tremere and that is all.
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blighted-elf · 2 years ago
Always keeps their fangs retracted, except when feeding or trying to intimidate: Beb, Hana
Never shows their fangs because they are tiny and embarrassing: Maralah
Only retracts their fangs when it would break the masquerade: Aubrey
Doesn’t care about the masquerade and proudly shows their fangs because of the extra goth points: Ahnaki, Zoe
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blighted-elf · 4 years ago
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I can’t stop drawing my kindred. Top to bottom: Ahnaki (Malkavian), Maralah (Tremere), and Beb (Banu Haqim)
Art commission info in pinned post, Kofi link in bio.
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blighted-elf · 4 years ago
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Local Tremere fledgling is already over it.
Links to art commissions and Kofi page in bio.
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blighted-elf · 3 years ago
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Tagged by @wetlandcreature to make some OC inventories in this picrew. I really enjoyed this one, thank you! 💖 I’ll tag @cyanideuser @voerman @missn11 @slothssassin and anyone else who might want to do this (sorry if you’ve already done it)
Top left - Ahnaki She carries around a lot of crystals, pens, loose coins, scattered notes, junk. Not shown is the lockpicking tools, candles, stolen credit cards, knives, etc.
Top right - Beb They don’t usually carry much around, so a lot of this will be in their car. Not shown is the skateboard and bagged blood.
Bottom left - Maralah She carries a huge satchel at all times. Lots of notebooks and components for rituals such as flowers and sigils.
Bottom right - Aubrey They only pack the necessities as they’re always on the go and are prepared to be kidnapped by the Second Inquisition at any second lmao. A backpack can be quickly disposed of if needed.
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blighted-elf · 4 years ago
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Tagged by @voerman (thank you!) to make some of my OCs in this piccrew.  To no one’s surprise, I made my vamps. They look like they’re straight out of a romance visual novel and I love it.
Feel free to consider yourself tagged by me!
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blighted-elf · 4 years ago
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The Warlock, the Seer and the Assassin
Links to art commissions and Kofi page in bio.
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blighted-elf · 5 years ago
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Teaching yourself Thaumaturgy via stolen books is the only valid way.
Links to art commissions and Kofi page in bio.
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blighted-elf · 4 years ago
Sends 20 short messages in a row: Ahnaki Sends one very long paragraph: Maralah Doesn’t reply at all: Beb
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