#OC: Dareca
cavalier-life · 3 years
Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆
What is your character's worst habit that they don't realize is a habit? How has this habit affected them? If they ever realized said habit, would they try to stop doing it?
I apologize for taking a bit to answer this, but I was mid house sale (done and new Casa de Cavaliers done as well, wooo) and it was something of a hectic week. ;)
I am going to try to answer this for a couple of my OCs across some different universes (Behind a cut, because I'm long winded). Thank you so much for the ask! <3
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SWTOR - Selirah, the reluctant Empress of the Alliance forces:
Being born and raised in the Empire and its ways, Seli is often blind to the fact that she unthinkingly positions fellow former Empire denizens as people that are automatically considered more trustworthy or competent than people who are from outside the Empire.
She genuinely does value competency and merit and skill in anyone she encounters.. but she unconsciously gives a mental head start to anyone from the background she is most familiar with and personally knows and understands. Their motivations are easier for her to connect to, and she finds them easier to work with (because they are less likely to challenge her as a powerful Sith and their Empress, out of an ingrained social training to view her as above all others, of course). This has led to her needing to see more out of people from other backgrounds, particularly the Republic, in order to give them the same level of trust that she gives an Empire-aligned individual by default. She is quick to make up that lost ground once she's gotten over that initial prejudice, but she doesn't often see how her behavior mirrors the way she herself was treated initially as a Twi'lek by the Empire.
And unfortunately, most people don't want to call her on it until they know her well enough to realize she won't summarily Force choke them for it.
At least, she -probably- won't.
As a ruler, one who values merit and skill and likes to believe she is fairly unbiased due to being an alien with all it entails in the Empire, it would absolutely be something she would make an effort to stop doing, or to catch herself in the process of doing.
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WoW (Moon Guard) - Dareca Silverbrook, that Frost Death Knight with the cutesy Ardenweald moths perched on her heavily armored back and the Oh I Wish You Would expression on her face:
Dareca's worst unrealized habit is that she leaves when she's happy.
She's aware that she likes her space, is a loner, etc. But she doesn't really understand that she finds it uncomfortable when she's too content. There's always a good excuse to leave, one that she can make herself believe is necessary.
Her tendency to ghost when things are at their best has cost her significantly in friendships and loved ones. To her, it seems like they want to keep her on a leash. That they don't want to give her room to be herself. That they abandon her while she's just doing her duty to her people and the Alliance. But while that may in part be true, it ignores the fact that she leaves people when she's too happy with them, either out of an unconscious desire to test their affection for her and see if it lasts, or just out of a visceral discomfort with emotional closeness. Or sometimes both.
Would she change it if she realized that she had this habit? Probably not. There's old dogs learning new tricks, and then there's an old, solitary dog of her fairly venerable age. ;) She would probably try to do better, and might even succeed... she has managed to change a few very ingrained habits with her husband, to make things smoother between them, and he has learned to adjust to her ways as well.
But it's more likely that she'd just fall back into the old rut of familiar unconscious behavior after a while. That's usually how she functions, and she wouldn't see much value in fighting ingrained behaviors in herself.
She's not always very easy to live with.
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cavalier-life · 5 years
OC Winter Ball 2019
This was a gift portrait that I commissioned of our mains for my RP partner of nearly 15 years, in celebration of @faebelina​ ‘s idea for a WoW Winter Ball for OCs. 
Grand Marshal Lann Silverbrook and Dareca Silverbrook (Moon Guard server), on their way to the Winter Ball. Dareca is almost never seen out of her armor, so this is definitely a special occasion for her, but Lann is always a very sharp dressed guy. 
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A huge thank you to the awesome artist, @soddingcloudgazer​, who created this beautiful artwork -and- finished it in time for it to be a Christmas gift as well. She is always wonderful to work with!
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cavalier-life · 5 years
OTP Song Meme
I was tagged by @midnightspxce​! <3 Thank you!
Behind the cut to save y’all’s feeds.
OTP: Lyorek and Jaxan
Art by @soddingcloudgazer​
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I See The Light - Tangled Soundtrack. 
All those days, watching from the windows. All those years, outside looking in. All that time, never even knowing, Just how blind I've been.  
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight. Now I'm here, suddenly I see. Standing here, it's all so clear, I'm where I'm meant to be...
All those days chasing down a daydream, All those years living in a blur. All that time never truly seeing Things the way they were.
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OT4: Selirah, Malavai Quinn, Theron Shan, and Arcann Tirall
Art by: @soddingcloudgazer and @clonewarsfanstuff​ and @lumielles​
(working on getting one of everyone together. ;) )
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Warrior - by Chloe x Halle
Oh my darling. I am getting closer, hold on tight. And I know it hasn't been so easy, I'm fighting for my life.
I could be a warrior, yes, I am a warrior. There's no need to worry, love. Look around, it's glorious, Close your eyes and taste the sun.
You know where to find me, And I know where to find you.  
Almost there, overcome my fear. I'll save the light in our lives, Just look deep inside to find you and I. Like stars in the sky, will brighten the light
You know where to find me, I know where to find you.  
* * * * *
OTP: Dareca and Lann Silverbrook
Art by: @melissagt​ (closeup of larger piece HERE )
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So Close - by Jon McLaughlin, Enchanted Sndtrk
You're in my arms, And all the world is calm, The music playing on for only two. So close together, And when I'm with you, So close to feeling alive.
A life goes by, Romantic dreams must die. So I bid mine goodbye And never knew. So close, was waiting, Waiting here with you. And now, forever, I know, All that I wanted To hold you so close...  
Oh, how could I face the faceless days, If I should lose you now?
We're so close to reaching That famous happy ending. Almost believing This one's not pretend. Let's go on dreaming, For we know we are... So close, so close, And still so far.  
Tagging: @melissagt​, @tishinada​, @kunoichi-ume​, @storyknitter​ If you’d like to!
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cavalier-life · 5 years
OC in one gif.
I was tagged by @rainofaugustsith​ ! Thank you for the tag! :) 
Here’s the main OCs: 
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Darth Nox (Melisande): 
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Tagging: @tishinada​, @melissagt​, @starrealis​, @anierous-sunblade​
No pressure and if you’ve already done it, feel free to ignore or do an OC you haven’t posted one for yet! <3
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cavalier-life · 5 years
OC Muse Meme (Dareca)
FIRST RULE :  Tag nine muses you would like to know better ! SECOND RULE : bold the statements that are true for your muse ( italics for situational/verse dependent )
Tagged by @melissagt
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Dareca Silverbrook: Former Sentinel, current Knight of the Ebon Blade and always a No Good, Dirty, Rotten, Candy Stealer.
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people. People tell me that I’m funny. Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me. I enjoy physical challenges. I enjoy mental challenges. I’m playfully rude with people I know well. I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it. There is something I would change about my personality.
I can sing well. I can play an instrument. I can do over 30 push-ups without stopping I’m a fast runner. I can draw well. I have a good memory. I’m good at doing math in my head. I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute. I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling. I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch. I know how to throw a proper punch.
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country/Planet/Galaxy/Universe I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a (serious) relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”   I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling (Her best friend often says he’s her brother, but she is an only child) I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share(d) my room with someone
I have break-danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages
Tagging: @tishinada , @tweedpawn , @wrathetc , @salaciouscrumpet , @melissagt (Cause I know you have more)
Pick a muse, tell us about them if you’d like! :)
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cavalier-life · 6 years
Bloop Bloop Bloop Bloop
*sob* ;)  HOWEVER. Since you did this from your WoW character, I’m going to give you a mix of my oldest WoW characters and my newer SWTOR characters. 
Vaneya Stormbreeze, Tauren Shaman, Legionnaire of the Horde - Van is an herbalist and spiritualist who was dragged unwillingly into war and showed an unexpected aptitude for physical combat. Her best friend and constant companion is a Forsaken rogue who has saved her life so many times that she’s lost count… because when she is picking flowers, she doesn’t notice anything or anyone who is about to attack her. She’s never alone… so if you see her roaming around with her arms full of flowers and herbs, and get the idea that she’s an easy target, just remember that hiding somewhere nearby, there’s a rogue guarding her back. ;) 
The pair of them once discovered a near-fatally wounded Night Elf in an abandoned barrow den near Winterspring that they were exploring, and against the rogue’s objections, Van personally carried the badly injured Hunter to Moonglade for treatment by the druids. 
He still complains about her mercy to this day. He wanted to eat the elf. ;)
Dareca Silverbrook, Kaldorei Death Knight (Former Sentinel and Hunter) - A former scout and hunter who worked with the advance teams of the Alliance army, Dareca sank into self-imposed obscurity when she was struck down in Northrend and raised as a servant to the Lich King. Freedom from that servitude did nothing to restore her in the eyes of her people, so she rarely seeks out the company of other Kaldorei any longer. Married in secret some time ago to a Grand Marshal of the Alliance that she’d been involved with off and on for many years, her biggest regret is that her human, mortal husband won’t be with her very far into the interminable future that she faces. The two of them can be found anywhere there are enemies to fight, and her tireless death knight brutality is well matched by his consummate skill as a warrior.
Lord Kesterren, Sith Warrior, Mirialan - Kesterren has always been aware that people in the Empire judge him harshly for his alien heritage, and that being Sith only grants him protection from their open disdain because they know what he can do to them, as does his friendship with an influential, noble born, human Sith Lord named Seryan. He prefers animals to most people.. he knows they don’t judge him for his species or his skin color, and that they are trustworthy companions.. unlike most Sith. 
Kesterren raises akk dogs on his estate on Dromund Kaas, a small property some distance away from Kaas City. He also keeps nexu on the grounds, and a stable of varactyls of various types, of which his favorite is a large cavern varactyl - named Tyrant for his incredibly spoiled, bratty temperament. A large, black akk dog (Xan) is with him at all times, fitted with a collar that has a shielding module built into it for protection from blaster fire and explosions.
Darth Safirya, Sith Warrior, Sith Pureblood - Safirya has a towering ego and sense of self worth that was instilled in her nearly from birth by a family with high expectations of her future. There was no room for failure, and she has rarely given them reason to be disappointed. She is an exacting taskmistress with her crew, and does not fraternize with them very much.. they are extensions of her will, not friends. 
She is the very definition of an emotional ice queen, and has yet to encounter anyone who would entice her to think otherwise about them, or find them worth her private attention and time. Despite this, she is not unsociable, and is a fixture in Sith social spaces. She’s gracious and highly intelligent, and is welcome at parties because she is an excellent conversational partner who mingles with mathematical precision, and is never the topic of rumor or innuendo either in her work or her personal life.
Thanks for the asks! ❤
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cavalier-life · 5 years
10 OC Facts - Dareca
I was tagged by @melissagt ! Thank you :)
The premise of this is pretty simple: pick an OC of yours, share ten facts about them, and then tag some more people to keep this thing going.
I usually post about my SWTOR ocs, but today you’re getting my oldest WoW character, Dareca. She started life as a hunter, and now is a Death Knight. Artwork of Dareca is also by Melissa!
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Dareca Silverbrook:  former Sentinel, current Knight of the Ebon Blade and Captain in the Army of the Black Moon.
10. Dareca is old, but she does not talk about her past. She is aware that she's mostly in the company of people who think sixty or seventy years is a long life, and doesn't like to draw attention to the many cities and civilizations she's seen rise and fall over the course of her own life. Every  now and then, she will say something offhanded about a ruin or long-dead city that reminds others that she has known a lot more of the world's history than they ever will, but it's rare for her to misstep.
9. She has a limp. A broken leg when she was young that didn't heal well is the cause, while she was far from home learning the skills that would serve her over the years as a hunter and eventually as a Sentinel. It's grown very faint over the years, and is nearly unnoticeable, unless she is very fatigued... which is rare now since she became a death knight. She also has a damaged right ear, which was wrenched and broken in the middle of the length by an assassin attempting to kill her. She won’t allow healers to fix either old injury.
8. A dagger made from the large sabertooth fang of her former companion cat, Mistral, is one of her most prized possessions. It's common for Kaldorei to keep the teeth of their beloved hunting pets and mounts after they die, and to make weapon hilts or other ornaments from them as a memorial. Mistral was her longest companion and died with her in Northrend, and she keeps the dagger in a safe storage place when she is in the field. She's not a nostalgic person, as a rule... but this is one of two items that mean a lot to her that she is careful to keep.
7.  She has been proposed to six times in her life. She accepted three; but only married two of them. The third (who was chronologically the first accepted proposal) tried to have her killed after they split up.
6.  Dareca met her first husband, a Kaldorei warrior and Grand Marshal, about the time the first proposal came. She hired him to help keep her alive when the assassination attempts began, and in all the time they spent in close quarters, they fell in love with each other. They were married in Ashenvale, at the Shrine of Aessina, and spent several days afterwards in the beautiful environs of Darnassus. Their relationship was rocky and difficult, but there was a great deal of love in it, as well. When she became a death knight, many things changed, and he couldn't reconcile what she'd become with the woman he'd tied his life to, and so they went their separate ways. Dareca hasn’t seen him since that day. 
5.  Her current husband, a human warrior (coincidentally also a Grand Marshal) ((Dareca and I both have a type)), met her around the same time as her first husband. They were lovers off and on over the years (Both Dareca and her first husband traveled frequently for their duties, and did as they liked when not together), and he made no secret of his feelings for her. When she was abandoned by her Kaldorei husband after her tenure as a servant of the Lich King, he came to find her in Draenor, and reconnected with her. They have not parted since then for any significant period of time, and seem very devoted to each other.
4.  She always wears a silver scarab on a chain around her neck, the flat back of it engraved with her first husband's initial. He gave it to her early on in their relationship, while he was away fighting in Silithus, at Ahn'Qiraj. She had it strung on a necklace, and has worn it ever since. It's the only other item she holds on to from her past that would matter to her if it was lost. Her husband doesn't like the fact that she still wears it, but she refuses to remove it or get rid of it.
3.  For a Kaldorei, Dareca is relatively plain looking. She lacks the beautiful facial tattoos common to the women of her people, and her hair is a dark blue that is nearly black, rather than the bright, striking colors seen on others. She has a very stoic, calm, almost emotionless/humorless affect with strangers and acquaintances, and tends to be very quiet and prone to silence. But her smile is beautiful, if rare, and transforms her features from plain to lovely, even if just for a moment. It is what her husband loves most about her.
2. She is rarely out of armor. Dareca is paranoid about being attacked, and hates to be unprotected or weaponless; she is almost never seen in casual clothes except at home, behind closed doors. Once in a while, she will wear something dressy to go out, but she will usually be bristling with hidden weapons even then.
1. Dareca was essentially exiled from her people, due to her death and subsequent change into a death knight. The Kaldorei do not accept or like death knights, and it was a terrible blow to her to lose her life, her people, her husband, and her companion all in one fell swoop through no fault of her own. It took the support right out from under her, and affected her for a long time. She still feels the sting of it, even though her people have relented in the face of the tragedy at Darnassus, and accepted the aid of death knights to help defend their lands against the further destruction of the Horde. She was a devout follower of Elune, and a devoted protector of her people until her death, but she places the blame on humans and the Alliance, and not the Kaldorei, both for her personal losses and for their (to her) egregious, selfish failure to help protect her people when they needed assistance the most.
Tagging: @starrealis , @cipherr , @rainofaugustsith, @avashnea and anyone else who has some characters they’d like to fill this out for. Bring out yer OCs!
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