#OC Chapeau
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ashleyfableblack · 10 months ago
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A li'l bit of love for y'all needing it today and a reminder- from DR4, Mukluk, Chapeau, La Brea, Peso and Kelly. Don't dim your light for people who don't appreciate it anyways. Shine on, just like the wonderful weirdo that you are and the weirdos who love you will shine with you. Big Love, from The Eternal Courtship.
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rain-on-wax-feathers · 5 months ago
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richard will make sure his child is warm even though they can't feel cold
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otherworldseekers · 2 months ago
Then vs. Now: Severia Zetsuen
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Summer, 2017
Severia was my 3rd attempt to create a character to play the game. (The first being a Middle and second a Miqo. Didn't make it past the mid 30s level wise.) Despite not knowing if I would make it that far, we sprang for HW so I could try an Au Ra. Originally her name was Severia Kirigakure. (I was playing a mobile dating sim called Samurai Love Ballad Party a lot at the time and my favorite character was Saizo Kirigakure.) She had red highlights in her hair and white eyeshadow for some reason. At this point, she was nothing more than a body for me to experience the game through.
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Summer, 2019
I had made some small changes to her at this point. Got rid of the red highlights and eye shadow. Started using long hairstyles without bangs. It was during my journey through Shadowbringers that she began to feel more real to me. Perhaps because the writing took a much more personal turn. And I felt the twists and turns of the story much more strongly as she began to come into her own. It was after finishing 5.0 that I first began to flesh her out as an OC and changed her name to Severia Zetsuen.
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December, 2021
At this point I've gotten into mods and have begun using additional scales, a longer tail and hairstyles more in line with her personality. I also decided to give her some lip gloss. I've been shipping her with Nero for 2 years and she's become a bit of a clothes horse for my gposing. I've also started using reshade which I think makes a big difference.
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Late 2024
Post-Dawntrail update and subsequent adjustments, Severia is a little different. The update changed her facial structure a lot more than I liked. I commissioned a mod to make some subtle changes to her nose and mouth. Her limbal rings are much wider, making the red of her irises harder to see. And I decided to make her skin several shades darker. It took me a while to get used to the changes, but at the moment I'm happy with where she is. My delight with the way her skin color looks now really helps lessen the negative effects of the other changes that were out of my control.
Overall, I think over the years her essence has remained the same. As you can see by the fact that she's been wearing the same Choral Chapeau ever since she got it!
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Tagged by: @starrysnowdrop and @floweramongstthecold
Thank you!
Tagging: @umbralaether @dragonsongmakhali @airis-ray @haellen-o and anyone who hasn't got a tag yet!
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l-antre-de-cecile · 1 year ago
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Chapeau bleu ciel
I just wanted to draw this outfit from the brand Jelly Mallow on one of my OC
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alayaokami · 1 year ago
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Nom et Prénom : Stella Dragora Age : 229 ans Sexe : Femelle/Femme Race : Lycanthrope/Loup Rang : Reine de la planète Lycan Planète D'origine : Lycan (ou il y a que des Lycanthrope) Petit ami : Le Détective (Oc à mon chéri) Profession : sur terre elle n'a pas de travail, elle aide juste des personne en difficultés et on lui donne quand même de l'argent. Armes : Elle porte une dague avec une pierre bleu dessus. Pouvoir : Peu ce régénérer dans le même corp rien ne change, elle peut sois utiliser ses Forme louve entier et être hors de contrôle, sois juste mis loup mis humaine. Accessoires et Objets : Un sac, un masque loup et une montre à gousset qui peut servir de téléportation. Vêtement : Elle porte une veste longe noir et rouge avec un chapeau , des lunette steampuk, une chemise blanche , robe couleur bleu, des collant et des bottes steampuk rouge.
Forme originelle : Une louve de couleur grise, blanc, noir yeux jaune avec une épée. Forme Démon : Une louve noir avec les ailles chauve souris, des corne noir et yeux rouge.
Aime : Son chéri, ses amies, manger, lire, aider, protéger, les animaux, la nature , l'eau, prendre des bains de mousse, la vie, ce balader, voir les humains rire. Aime pas : Être abandonner, la mort, voir la souffrance de ses proche, la trahison, les insultes, qu'on rabaisse les autres ou même elle, le mensonge, la maltraitances.
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Caractère : Elle est Têtue, Bornée, très Curieuse, une Folle, Jalouse, elle est très protectrice, Patiente ou presque, peut ce mettre en colère quand elle n'aime pas la situation devant elle ou quand quelque l'énerve, grincheuse, elle est calme très rarement, très câline, maline quand c'est le moment et super sympa avec ses amies.
Physique : Elle fait 1m65 yeux marron foncée, yeux châtain clair avec des oreilles et queue noir.
Histoire : Elle est née sur la planète des Lycan, sa mère et morte durant la guerre et son père la envoyer petite dans une capsule sur la terre , sa planète a exploser et à disparu, depuis elle ère sur la terre des humain depuis enfant et à tout vécu, elle espère revoir sa famille et sa planète, car elle n'ai pas au courant qu'elle a disparus, elle a rencontrer le Docteur Solitaire et depuis son histoire ne fait que de commencer.
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Just finished reading up to Part 3 of your 'In Time' series, 'The Shackles of Broken Time,' and I've got to say, I absolutely loved it! <3
The way you've crafted the plot, especially leading up to the movie, is just perfect! If I ever watch the movie again, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for Rose between scenes—and I'll probably be disappointed when I don't find her, lol. She's such a fantastic character, and you've written her so well that she fits right in without a hitch. There's never a moment where she feels over-the-top or out of place; everything about her feels totally natural in the story.
And can we talk about how you keep the suspense going and keep me hooked with every chapter? Seriously, the pacing is spot-on, giving us enough time to get to know the characters while still keeping things exciting.
Oh, and about Ray's background? I never could have expected that—chapeau, my dear! *chef's kiss*
All in all, 'The Shackles of Broken Time' is an absolute gem of a read, and I'm itching to find out what happens in Part 4 while simultaneously feeling a bit sad because it will be finished.
Thank you again for writing this. It's snowing right now here, and I spent the absolute best afternoon with a cup of tea in front of the fire reading your fanfiction.
Oh, honey, thank you! 🖤 I can't fully articulate just how much it means to me that you've enjoyed my silly little fic!
I always try to write my OCs in a way that allows them to easily fit into the plot of the canon material, so to hear that you think I accomplished that with Rose fills me with so much joy! It admittedly has taken me awhile to get the hang of writing my OCs into the actual canon events of the film/show they are apart of, so hopefully you can forgive any clunkiness in the last part. I should probably go back and give it a good edit at some point!
Again, thank you so very, very much for this lovely ask! It really brightened my day! 🥰
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valoo622 · 1 year ago
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Mon oc rencontre l’équipage au chapeau de paille !!!(grosso modo c’est moi)qui veut savoir le nom ?je le colorierais à l’avenir !
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whileiamdying · 1 year ago
La loi de Téhéran : le crack au pays des mollahs sur OCS pulp
Par Etienne Sorin Publié le 05/09/2023 à 11:40
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La Loi de Téhéran, avec Payman Maadi, confirme que le polar bouge encore. Wild Bunch
Le film de Saeed Roustayi offre une plongée vertigineuse au cœur du trafic de stupéfiants en Iran. La loi de Téhéran, à ne pas manquer ce mardi 5 septembre à 22 heures 35 sur OCS pulp.
La séquence d'ouverture est déconseillée aux cardiaques. On en a vu un paquet, sur les écrans, des descentes de flics et des courses-poursuites. Mais celles orchestrées parSaeed Roustayi à Téhéran, qui allient réalisme et adrénaline, n'ont pas grand-chose à envier au William Friedkin de The French Connection.
La Loi de Téhéran (2021) met en scène une brigade des stupéfiants à la recherche d'un narcotrafiquant, Naser Khakzad. À sa tête, Samad, joué par Payman Maadi, l'acteur d'Une séparation, d'Asghar Farhadi. Ni tendre ni brute, pragmatique. On pense à L627 de Bertrand Tavernier et à ses agents luttant sans moyens contre le trafic de drogue dans un Paris misérable. Samad et son équipe ratissent large dans les bidonvilles pour remonter jusqu'aux gros bonnets.
Dialogues au cordeau
La méthode est éprouvante. Elle permet de pister Naser Khakzad. Une ex-petite amie ou des « mules » obèses arrêtées à l'aéroport en partance pour le Japon. Aucun temps mort ni digression dans cette plongée dans le trafic de drogue iranien. Pas de respiration en famille pour les policiers. Tout pour l'enquête. Les interrogatoires et leurs dialogues au cordeau ont la même tension que les scènes d'action.
Le thriller de Saeed Roustayi change de braquet sans prévenir. Il offre un tableau édifiant d'un commissariat iranien. Dans la même cellule s'entassent caïds, toxicos et enfants. Dans cette cour des Miracles, un vieil éclopé récidiviste est prêt à faire porter le chapeau à son fils et à l'envoyer deux ans en centre de rééducation plutôt que d'assumer sa responsabilité et retourner derrière les barreaux. La justice est montrée comme un système arbitraire. Saeed Roustayi en sait quelque chose, lui qui a été jeté en prison en 2022 suite à la présentation au Festival de Cannes de Leila et ses frères. Dans le bureau du juge, les policiers ont autant à craindre que les suspects. En un claquement de doigts, un enquêteur peut être accusé de corruption.
Répression féroce
La Loi de Téhéran confirme que le polar bouge encore. Et que les États-Unis ou la France ne sont plus ses territoires les plus fertiles. « Quand j'ai commencé ce boulot, il y avait 1 million de drogués, maintenant il y en a 6 millions. » Le constat désabusé de Samad prouve que les Républiques islamistes mènent les mêmes combats que les démocraties occidentales. Et qu'elles subissent les mêmes échecs, malgré une répression féroce. En Iran, un consommateur pris avec 30 g ou un dealer avec 50 kg écopent de la même peine : la pendaison. À ce tarif-là, autant jouer gros. La vente de crack a explosé au pays des mollahs.
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sammydem0n64 · 3 years ago
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Forgot to share him + doodles (Ft Lorraine, W0r0N, and Crypto)
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dradelcra · 5 years ago
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I wanted to create twst oc's so behold! Messy sketches of some student bois. Either more on them later or other ocs to follow.
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ashleyfableblack · 24 days ago
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The second in a series of images I'm finally getting around to of some much-needed pony-themed positivity with Rainbow Jack and the Semi-Wholesome Queer Commie Memes Appropriation Crew! Featuring unicorn Kelli, yak Mukluk and hat-obsessed lovebug Chapeau.
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squel · 6 years ago
Après un moment à le faire, un dessin One piece de Law, Luffy et de mon OC Louina
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doodadoodles · 2 years ago
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twitter OC questions for Willow Barbier (& technically her hat, Chapeau)
plus some misc. art of them
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elinska · 7 years ago
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Collab avec Ice-ni \\∆// !!!!!!!! *Lovu lovu* *wink wink*
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 years ago
Wait you have OCs?? Oh my gosh that's so cool can we know more about them??
i DO have OCs!!!! my seven darling children!!! and for asking about them i thank you immensely. i do warn you this is very long because i love talking about them, mainly the first three but yeah. anyway you’ve been warned. this is longgggg.
and yes i’ve been working on the post for a while because, well, you ask a proud mother about her children, she’s gonna go buck wild.
alright, here we go:
So these guys are, essentially, batb 2017 universe next gen. But the work I plan to have them in will be it’s own thing. Basically, these first three ocs (way more developed than the other four) started out as Adam and Belle’s little children, but have grown to entirely being their own people. So, here they are!
Their first child, heir to the throne, darling Renée! Her full name is Renée Genevieve Annalise (I have a whole post about the reason behind the kids’ names, that’s here). In terms of looks, she’s a great deal like Belle, particularly her brown eyes and freckles, but has lighter hair. She’s very stubborn (wonder where she got that from!) and needs things to be a very proper way. She’s protective of her two younger siblings, SO protective of them that she can be over-bearing sometimes, but her heart’s in the right place. She’s short, like 5’2 at her tallest, and she’s shortest in the family and her brother gives her crap about it all the time <3 She focuses a great deal on her studies and getting prepared for the throne one day; Adam was quite adamant (no pun intended) about making sure she was ready, since his father hardly did anything for him. She’s WAY too hard on herself. My goodness, girl!! She’s a star, really, she does amazing. But it’s never enough for her and it makes her doubt herself quite often. This is a little ficlet about that, (but don’t read til you get through at least to her brother, haha). As a child, she was insanely adventurous and out spoken and so much like Belle. So SO rambunctious. But as she aged she became only a little more reserved, prim and proper like her father, though she still loves playing outside with her siblings and she loves riding horses more than the lot of them. She’s quite good at the piano, and she can sing but she doesn’t sing very often. She’s got a lot to go through still yet in her young life, but she’s a sweetheart and since the moment she was born, Belle and Adam couldn’t be more proud of her.
Ahh, an angel! Juliette Adrienne Maria, Belle and Adam’s second daughter and Renée’s little sister only by two years. She has dark hair like her mother, though in looks she favors Adam a bit more, particularly his mother. She has green eyes (like her grandfather Maurice!), she’s about 5’7 when all done growing, just a bit taller than Belle, and she’s truly just the sweetest. When they were little, while Renée was running about, talking to every footman and maid and guest she could see, Juliette was quietly standing beside her Mama or Papa’s leg, hiding behind Belle’s dress or Adam’s coattail, averting eye contact at all costs. She’s quite like Adam, he was this way as a child too. She loves being outside but she’s far more worrisome, and she’ll never stray as far as her sister wants to go. As she grows older, she becomes the insane book worm that her mother still is. They all read (a family of bookworms, if you will) but Juliette takes the cake. She enjoys studying, she loves looking at maps and globes and translating things and reading about anything and everything she can get her hands on (which is a lot, she is a princess after all). She’s an exceptional violinist, Chapeau taught her himself. Her ideal happy place is out in the field, playing some sweet melody and just vibing on her own. She’s gentle and kind, though she never thinks enough of herself. She always puts others’ needs before her own, especially her brother and sister’s. She’s certainly the peacemaker of her family, and they’re all the better for it.
Oooooh boy. My son. Maurice Jean Adam, Belle and Adam’s third child and only son. He’s quite obviously named after his grandfather, which melted the old man’s heart to no end, as you can imagine. Maurice is a chaotic child and I love him So Much. He’s mischievous, he’s curious, he’s adventurous, he’s all over the place!! He’s seven years younger than Renée, and five years younger than Juliette, so he’s doing his own thing for a good amount of the time. In terms of looks, he looks JUST like Adam, blond hair and blue eyes and that same sweet smile. He does have his mother’s freckles, he’s actually the most freckle-y of the kiddos, and fully grown he’s 6’2, just a bit taller than his Papa (and his Papa hates it sndkjskdj). Despite his chaos and high energy, he’s a sweetheart and a big softie. He loves his family SO much and loves hanging out with (bothering) his sisters a great deal. He does enjoy reading, but prefers to spend his time getting up to mayhem; pranking his sisters, Cogsworth, Papa; or just vibing around the castle. This boy runs on Vibes. He has a pet tortoiseshell cat named Athena, who is just as much of a scoundrel as he his, but she’s a good baby (to him, and sometimes Juliette and Belle. Athena does NOT vibe with Renée and Adam cuz they’re so FUSSY. but anyway.) Maurice may be the youngest but he’ll defend his family to the ends of the earth, at any cost, and he’s by far the most no-thoughts-head-empty brave out of all of them (he gets it from his Mama <3). He’s quite sociable and certainly a flirt; he knows how all the young maidens see him. But deep down he’s still a sweet and genuine boy, and he’s not just going to give his heart to anyone.
here’s a post that has some piccrews of them, if you so desire.
(this ficlet of juliette, maurice, and auntie plumette is SO cute and good just saying)
So, if you made it this far, congrats. You’re a champion. These next four are far less developed than the kiddos. Mainly because the kiddos’ PARENTS are my otp, which is probably quite obvious, so I just devote a lot of time to that family. And they’re the main characters of my story anyway. but I still love these other babes!!! !!!!!
Additionally, these next two are, loosely, Lumiere and Plumette’s sons. Very loosely, as I do not spend much time at all focusing on plumiere (though I love them) so I can’t speak much on traits or anything like that. The main point here is these two were raised as footmen in the castle and because of their parents’ closeness with the king and queen (adelle-plumiere iconic couple duo) they grew up with Renée, Juliette, and Maurice!
Dearest Sebastian... literal sunshine. He’s such a soft and kind boy!!! He’s just the sweetest, and he’s also a HUGE nerd. He’s set out to read Every book in the library. Which is insane, he couldn’t possibly. right? RIGHT? but boy is he gonna try!! He’s kind and gentle, and worries about his little brother and always makes sure he gets back to their quarters at night. He has those cool round glasses, like Harry Potter glasses but a gold rim. He’s like 5’10 at his tallest. He has a few freckles around his eyes and sweet curly dark hair. Also he gives the BEST hugs. So Warm. He’s grown up with all the royal kiddos, as aforementioned, but he and Juliette have always been best friends. They have a quiet, gentle understanding that grows into something deeper and more lovely as they get older, one day finding each other amidst all the worries and sunshine and countless countless books... Dearest Sebastian :)
Oh my dear Xavier! He’s Sebastian’s younger brother by three-four years. At his tallest he’s like 5’11. He keeps his hair prettyyy short but every now and then he lets his curls grow out a bit and it’s stunning! He’s Maurice’s best friend!! They get up to constant mischief together. Maurice is always pushing the limits, and Xavier is doing everything he can to keep the prince out of serious trouble, while definitely enjoying the trouble all too much. At heart, he’s an actor, an entertainer (pretty much the only note of Lumiere being his father, haha). He loves singing and dancing and he just NEVER stops moving!! Always talking with his hands and being so smiley!
Max! This man! Who is he!! He’s like 6’4, so jot that down. Bright green eyes. Jet black hair. He’s in the Royal Guard, which is how he meets everyone. Particularly how he meets Princess Renée >:) And how they proceed to have a great enemies to lovers like you’ve never seen! Anyway, he’s very stoic. Resting Grumpy Face. But he’s a softie once he opens up to you (and even softer when you get some liquor in him, lmao). Oh! He has six brothers! I think he’s... number five? In age order? Something like that. There were actually eight of them but the brother right after Max in age died when they were kids. Haha I hope that doesn’t traumatize him in any way… ANYWAY, all of the brothers went into some branch of the military in their adulthood except two. I’ve named them all but that’s for another time. Gosh, Max is great but that’s all I have for him!! (honestly if anyone has read this far I am simply amazed.)
ELOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This queen? This angel? This iconic woman???? Okay so, opposite of Max’s big family, she just grew up her and her Mama. Papa was there when she was young but died. It’s been her and her Mama for a while and they’re very protective of each other. She has black hair and brown eyes. Her family is Korean but she’s grown up here since she was born. She’s around 5’6 at her tallest. She LOVES being outside, she works in the horse stables at the castle and she couldn’t be happier about it. She loves animals a lot, but she’s kind of a horse whisperer. She’s just really outdoorsy and loves working with her hands. She gets tangled up with Maurice and Xavier’s shenanigans. Should she develop a crush on the prince? Oh dear me, did I say that out loud?? Gosh, she fell for that flirty, outspoken, annoying prince?? What maiden hasn’t??? Ugh!! There’s no way he also has a crush on her too, right? hahah. Anyway, back to Eloise. She’s a sweetie but she won’t take any of your shit!! She doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to and she will absolutely let you know it. She always speaks her mind (even when she really should probably shut up) and she’s never anything less than her true self, which proves quite challenging sometimes. But she’s excellent and so badass and usually the only braincell when she hangs with Xavier and Maurice (someone’s gotta keep those boys in line!). But all in all, we love her and she’s a baller and she’ll throw hands if you cross her!!
alright, that’s all i have. if anyone actually read all of that: thank you and i love you <3
not that you could possibly want to read anymore about this disaster gang, but this is a fun fact about each of them. just for fun. literally no pressure to read. more for my own reference than anything else. ANYWAY. this is done, thank you for the ask, the floodgates have now closed, thank goodness!!
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papier-ciseaux · 4 years ago
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A bunch of OC !
I changed most of the names, but they’re based on what I got from the gloomverse character generator !
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Thuja Plicata is now named Citrullus Lanatus,or Lana for short, and they have watermelon hair, because I thought it would be cute if Hair Tie (or Tie for short (it’s a nickname)) got watermelon magic because of their crush on Lana ^^
Not pictured here, but Tie’s hat is a bowler hat (chapeau melon [melon hat] in french)
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I changed Cup’s name to Spring, tho I’m also considering Ela(stic)
Aurora is now Sol. He’s wearing yellow and named himself Sol (short for soleil [sun], but can also means ground) as a ‘fuck you’ to stratoverse.
Hair Tie is Spring and Sol’s kid ! They got the nickname ‘Hair Tie’ because of all the rubber bands their mom used to style their hair :)
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