#OC Chapeau
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ashleyfableblack · 7 months ago
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A li'l bit of love for y'all needing it today and a reminder- from DR4, Mukluk, Chapeau, La Brea, Peso and Kelly. Don't dim your light for people who don't appreciate it anyways. Shine on, just like the wonderful weirdo that you are and the weirdos who love you will shine with you. Big Love, from The Eternal Courtship.
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rain-on-wax-feathers · 2 months ago
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richard will make sure his child is warm even though they can't feel cold
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bunniehunn · 1 day ago
oh I also forgot to mention I have a Mad Hatter oc 😭 her name is Mimsy Chapeau and I haven’t drawn her once ☠️
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l-antre-de-cecile · 1 year ago
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Chapeau bleu ciel
I just wanted to draw this outfit from the brand Jelly Mallow on one of my OC
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lunaokami30 · 9 months ago
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Nom et Prénom : Stella Dragora Age : 229 ans Sexe : Femelle/Femme Race : Lycanthrope/Loup Rang : Reine de la planète Lycan Planète D'origine : Lycan (ou il y a que des Lycanthrope) Petit ami : Le Détective (Oc à mon chéri) Profession : sur terre elle n'a pas de travail, elle aide juste des personne en difficultés et on lui donne quand même de l'argent. Armes : Elle porte une dague avec une pierre bleu dessus. Pouvoir : Peu ce régénérer dans le même corp rien ne change, elle peut sois utiliser ses Forme louve entier et être hors de contrôle, sois juste mis loup mis humaine. Accessoires et Objets : Un sac, un masque loup et une montre à gousset qui peut servir de téléportation. Vêtement : Elle porte une veste longe noir et rouge avec un chapeau , des lunette steampuk, une chemise blanche , robe couleur bleu, des collant et des bottes steampuk rouge.
Forme originelle : Une louve de couleur grise, blanc, noir yeux jaune avec une épée. Forme Démon : Une louve noir avec les ailles chauve souris, des corne noir et yeux rouge.
Aime : Son chéri, ses amies, manger, lire, aider, protéger, les animaux, la nature , l'eau, prendre des bains de mousse, la vie, ce balader, voir les humains rire. Aime pas : Être abandonner, la mort, voir la souffrance de ses proche, la trahison, les insultes, qu'on rabaisse les autres ou même elle, le mensonge, la maltraitances.
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Caractère : Elle est Têtue, Bornée, très Curieuse, une Folle, Jalouse, elle est très protectrice, Patiente ou presque, peut ce mettre en colère quand elle n'aime pas la situation devant elle ou quand quelque l'énerve, grincheuse, elle est calme très rarement, très câline, maline quand c'est le moment et super sympa avec ses amies.
Physique : Elle fait 1m65 yeux marron foncée, yeux châtain clair avec des oreilles et queue noir.
Histoire : Elle est née sur la planète des Lycan, sa mère et morte durant la guerre et son père la envoyer petite dans une capsule sur la terre , sa planète a exploser et à disparu, depuis elle ère sur la terre des humain depuis enfant et à tout vécu, elle espère revoir sa famille et sa planète, car elle n'ai pas au courant qu'elle a disparus, elle a rencontrer le Docteur Solitaire et depuis son histoire ne fait que de commencer.
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mischievouslittlecreature · 9 months ago
Just finished reading up to Part 3 of your 'In Time' series, 'The Shackles of Broken Time,' and I've got to say, I absolutely loved it! <3
The way you've crafted the plot, especially leading up to the movie, is just perfect! If I ever watch the movie again, I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for Rose between scenes—and I'll probably be disappointed when I don't find her, lol. She's such a fantastic character, and you've written her so well that she fits right in without a hitch. There's never a moment where she feels over-the-top or out of place; everything about her feels totally natural in the story.
And can we talk about how you keep the suspense going and keep me hooked with every chapter? Seriously, the pacing is spot-on, giving us enough time to get to know the characters while still keeping things exciting.
Oh, and about Ray's background? I never could have expected that—chapeau, my dear! *chef's kiss*
All in all, 'The Shackles of Broken Time' is an absolute gem of a read, and I'm itching to find out what happens in Part 4 while simultaneously feeling a bit sad because it will be finished.
Thank you again for writing this. It's snowing right now here, and I spent the absolute best afternoon with a cup of tea in front of the fire reading your fanfiction.
Oh, honey, thank you! 🖤 I can't fully articulate just how much it means to me that you've enjoyed my silly little fic!
I always try to write my OCs in a way that allows them to easily fit into the plot of the canon material, so to hear that you think I accomplished that with Rose fills me with so much joy! It admittedly has taken me awhile to get the hang of writing my OCs into the actual canon events of the film/show they are apart of, so hopefully you can forgive any clunkiness in the last part. I should probably go back and give it a good edit at some point!
Again, thank you so very, very much for this lovely ask! It really brightened my day! 🥰
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valoo622 · 9 months ago
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Mon oc rencontre l’équipage au chapeau de paille !!!(grosso modo c’est moi)qui veut savoir le nom ?je le colorierais à l’avenir !
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whileiamdying · 1 year ago
La loi de Téhéran : le crack au pays des mollahs sur OCS pulp
Par Etienne Sorin Publié le 05/09/2023 à 11:40
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La Loi de Téhéran, avec Payman Maadi, confirme que le polar bouge encore. Wild Bunch
Le film de Saeed Roustayi offre une plongée vertigineuse au cœur du trafic de stupéfiants en Iran. La loi de Téhéran, à ne pas manquer ce mardi 5 septembre à 22 heures 35 sur OCS pulp.
La séquence d'ouverture est déconseillée aux cardiaques. On en a vu un paquet, sur les écrans, des descentes de flics et des courses-poursuites. Mais celles orchestrées parSaeed Roustayi à Téhéran, qui allient réalisme et adrénaline, n'ont pas grand-chose à envier au William Friedkin de The French Connection.
La Loi de Téhéran (2021) met en scène une brigade des stupéfiants à la recherche d'un narcotrafiquant, Naser Khakzad. À sa tête, Samad, joué par Payman Maadi, l'acteur d'Une séparation, d'Asghar Farhadi. Ni tendre ni brute, pragmatique. On pense à L627 de Bertrand Tavernier et à ses agents luttant sans moyens contre le trafic de drogue dans un Paris misérable. Samad et son équipe ratissent large dans les bidonvilles pour remonter jusqu'aux gros bonnets.
Dialogues au cordeau
La méthode est éprouvante. Elle permet de pister Naser Khakzad. Une ex-petite amie ou des « mules » obèses arrêtées à l'aéroport en partance pour le Japon. Aucun temps mort ni digression dans cette plongée dans le trafic de drogue iranien. Pas de respiration en famille pour les policiers. Tout pour l'enquête. Les interrogatoires et leurs dialogues au cordeau ont la même tension que les scènes d'action.
Le thriller de Saeed Roustayi change de braquet sans prévenir. Il offre un tableau édifiant d'un commissariat iranien. Dans la même cellule s'entassent caïds, toxicos et enfants. Dans cette cour des Miracles, un vieil éclopé récidiviste est prêt à faire porter le chapeau à son fils et à l'envoyer deux ans en centre de rééducation plutôt que d'assumer sa responsabilité et retourner derrière les barreaux. La justice est montrée comme un système arbitraire. Saeed Roustayi en sait quelque chose, lui qui a été jeté en prison en 2022 suite à la présentation au Festival de Cannes de Leila et ses frères. Dans le bureau du juge, les policiers ont autant à craindre que les suspects. En un claquement de doigts, un enquêteur peut être accusé de corruption.
Répression féroce
La Loi de Téhéran confirme que le polar bouge encore. Et que les États-Unis ou la France ne sont plus ses territoires les plus fertiles. « Quand j'ai commencé ce boulot, il y avait 1 million de drogués, maintenant il y en a 6 millions. » Le constat désabusé de Samad prouve que les Républiques islamistes mènent les mêmes combats que les démocraties occidentales. Et qu'elles subissent les mêmes échecs, malgré une répression féroce. En Iran, un consommateur pris avec 30 g ou un dealer avec 50 kg écopent de la même peine : la pendaison. À ce tarif-là, autant jouer gros. La vente de crack a explosé au pays des mollahs.
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sammydem0n64 · 3 years ago
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Forgot to share him + doodles (Ft Lorraine, W0r0N, and Crypto)
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samshogwarts · 4 years ago
Character Profil - Samantha O´Connell
Ok Guys, first things first - this will be a very long Post with every Information about Samantha which have already been published. And this Post will be editied time by time. But so that it doesn't get too long, I will put the Informationen under the Line. Based on this Character Profil, I draw my web Comic. So let´s go!
Last Update: 3rd Aug, 2020
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Amortentia (What do they smell like?): Grass field on a summer sunset, Candle smoke and a bit of vanilla.
Amortentia (What do they smell?): grass, fire, smoke, honeysuckle (Charlie Weasley), a forest after the rain.
Faceclaim: -
Voiceclaim: her singing voice: AmaLee (I´m a stupid Fangirl)
Samantha O´Connells Story
Before Hogwarts:
Samantha was born in Ireland as the dauther of the pureblood witch Claire O´Connell and the Vampire Wizard Matthew O´Connell. Grow up with a many love, Samantha doesn´t know any evil and starts to be a daydreaming girl. As a half-Vampire she didn´t drink blood, but still have some (weak) Vampire-Power, like inhuman ears and a fast Wound healing.
Even her father was a Vampire who visted Hogwarts, he runs a muggle hospital and never understand why the wizard world don´t use muggel technogoly like a Fringe or Telephone. One Night, her father got a emergency call from his hospital. In that night Deatheaters break into the O´Connells house with the goal to kill the hole family. Claire O´Connell was a shame for the Wizard World because she married a monster and her daugther wasn´t allowed to existed. 
Clarie hides her daughter in a secret Base behind a Closet and say “What ever you heared, don´t come out. Stay hide. I love you” This was the last time Samantha saw her mother alive. Before Claire could leave the room, she was surrounded by Deatheaters. They tortured her, trying to find out where she hide the “little monster”. The only thing Claire scream was: “STAY HIDE! DON´T COME OUT!” What nobody knows was, that Samantha saw everything. She saw how her mother was tortured, she saw all the blood and she saw her mother was finally killed. 
Before the Deatheaters could find Samantha, the Auror showed up and defeted the enemy. 
The funeral and the life with the Roberts:
After that night nothing was the same again. Samanthas father becomes cold and distant. On the funeral a old friend of Claire showed up - Angela Roberts and her son Jacob Roberts. Jacob was a few year older than Samantha and take care of her the hole funeral. Angela and Matthew talked to each other that maybe it would be the best if Samantha would stay a few days with the Roberts. So Samantha goes with them, without knowing this was the last time she saw her father for a very long time.
One week later Angela Robert filed a lawsuit in the ministery. She wants the custodyfor Samantha because Matthew is a dangouers Vampire and against the magic world. She wins, but never tells Samantha, that it was her idea. Angela tells her new adopted daughter it was her fahters idea because he can´t look in her face anymore (because she looks like her mother).
The next hell in Samanthas life showed up, because her adopted mother was obsessed with the idea to turn Samantha in a Claire 2.0(the way Angela saw her mother). Samantha was crowded to dress, to act and to talk like “ a true lady”, a princess, a tender flower. She hated it. Only Jacob helped her and stopped his mother sometimes. He starts calling her “Pip” because he reads Lord of the rings (Samantha gave him the book”, and Samantha calls him gib brother or Jacke. It was the worst time of her life, when Jacob was in Hogwarts and Samantha couldn´t wait to become a hogwarts student too. But then Jacob vanisted and Samantha has to faced her adopted mothers paranoia alone (which become worsted, because of Jacobs Vanish). The psychological terror becomes physically (Details unkown). But finally her Hogwarts letter arrived one day and Samantha saw her first chance to be free or even to find out what happend to her brother....
Hogwarts Year 1-3:
Ok, if I would tell you everthink in Detail, it would take hours. So here is a shorter vision:
In her first few years, Samantha was very shy and don´t know how to act or interact with people at her age. She starts her adventure  with the cursed vaults, found Hints about what happend to Jacob and was even able to find some friends! But on every Holiday, she had to went back to her adopted mothers house (or hell, there was no big different). 
In the end of the 3rd Year, Bill Weasley and a other Sutdent beomce suspicious and call Samanthas Dad. Matthew showed up at Hogwarts. After a awful Situation, the Turth came out and Samanthas father Matthew was able to get the custody back. Samantha talks never again with Angela and it´s unknown what happend to her (just the Fact, that Samanthas Aunt Hel, trys to kill her, but she was stopped by Matthew).
Since that Day Samantha lived with her family again. And after a few Starting difficulties, she and her fahter had a really good realtionship! The 3rd Year is also the Year where it came out, that Samantha is a half-Vampire (before that, she covered her ears with a spell)
Hogwarts Year 4-7:
At the beginning of the 4th year, everyone could see how much Samantha changed. She become more open, more self confident and simple - more happy. This also the Year where she become friend with the most other MC´s :D and of cause - Charlie Weasley. in which she also fell in love. It wasn´t love at the first sight, but Samantha realise her feelings after Charlie tells her, she is not a princess or a  a tender flower, she is more like a Dragon. Ready to fight with much Power. In the Winter (Yule Ball) they become a couple, but they keep it a secret.
And she became the Seeker for the Ravenclaw Qudditch Team and a Perfect. 
Also the Adventure continued and Samatha and her friends finally found Jacob Roberts in the portrait vaults.  Rakepick betrayed the Friends and Jacob chased her without answering Samanthas questions. Samantha felt deceived.
At there next meeting, Samantha will punshed Jacob and for the first time in her life she tells someone how she felt without thinking.
After defeating “R” and the curse of the vaults, Samantha and her friends have one last enemey - the future. Samantha had simple no idea what she want to do after school. After talking with Tonks and Mad-Eye she decided to start training as an Auror. She knows Charlie wants to become a  Drakologe in Rumania. Also Samantha loves Dragons too, she also know that this wasn´t the right job for her. But maybe she would find a different Job in Rumania, after her Auror Training. Unfortunately both didn´t talk to each other fast enough. So Samantha thought Charlie didn´t want her in Rumania and Charlie thought Samantha dind´t want to come with him. They break up, but promised to be still best friends (haha! the Dorks didn´t talk to each other for 4 years now because of there broken hearts).
After Hogwarts:
Samantha starte her Training as an Auror with Tonks and finished it with Bravura. She was finally able to control her Vampire side and using her Vampire skills. Maybe that´s the reason why THEY talk to her at her Graduation ceremony... After that conversation Samantha had no other choice but join.....
But in the end, Samantha found her final happy end. If you already want to know more read this post about the MC-Future-Challenge. 
HP Character:
Rowan Khanna: Rowan was Samanthas first Friend. Like in the HPHM Game, they met at Diagon Alley. After her Dead, Samantha lose the first time her control about her Vampire side. After that Samantha and the others establish the circle of Khanna.
Ben Copper: In the first Years, Samantha and Ben were really closed firend. But after Bens Change, they lived apart. In the end there were just acquaintance.
Penny Haywood: Penny made it her personal mission to improve Samanthas self-confidence. It was Pennys Idea, that a Ponytail would suit Samantha well. There were good friends.
Bill Weasley: Bill become a borhter like friend. He is the only one how calls Samantha “Sammy” without making her angry.. They become really closed and Bill was one of the first SammyxChalire Shippers (one of the reasons why he always invited Samantha for Christmas)
Nymphadora Tonks: PRANK BUDDIES! Tonks and Tulip used Samanthas knowledge about physics for pranks. But Samantha has one rules “don´t make me catch you guys as a perfect! AND NO EVIDENCE!”
Tulip Karasu: Also a PRANK BUDDY! Tulip and Carewyn were the people how find out, that Samantha loves to sing. 
Barnaby Lee: I´m not sure, but i would say Barnaby had a little crush on Samantha once. There were on there first Date and he support her a lot. However, sometimes Charlie get a little jealous, when Samantha spend to much time with Barnaby.
Talbott Winger: Talbott is one of the people, how helped Samantha to become a Animagus. He try, but he can´t escape Samanthas Friendship. Especially both lost the mother and know how each other feels about that. He is the first one how know Samantha is a Half-Vampire.
Andre Egwu: Andre and Samantha are good friends. He always give her fashion especially (since Samantha has absolutly NO Fashion taste).
Charlie Weasley: What could I say? they love each other a lot and are also best friends. Charlie always think it´s absurd to call Samantha a Princess or weak. She is so powerful and had such a great fire inside. She is like a welish Green, but irish. On the other side, Samantha is maybe one of the few how never make jokes about his Dragon passion. Charlie is the only one how call her Sam, without making her angry. 
Jae Kim : Jae teach Samantha cooking basics. And he discovered her passion for Nougat chocolate. So Jae alway ofer Samantha chocolate, when he needs her notes or someone for Private tutoring
Badeea Ali : Badeea trys to teach samantha how to draw, but Sammy has simple no talent.They like each other, but you can´t say there are closed friends.
Liz Tuttle :To be honest - Samantha don´t know what she should think about Liz. Samantha admit Liz passion for magical creatures and they can work together, but there aren´t really friends.
Diego Caplan : We all know Diego is a womenizer and he always flirts with Samantha (but she don´t understand the allusions). And after her identity as a half-vampire was realsed, Diego always wants a Duell, but he never win. :P
Fred + George Weasley : The twins became like little brothers for Samantha. There were never able to prank her. Samantha was the one how bring the idea of a own Joke article store to there mind. Samantha teached the twins the physics basics. As a Perfect she had a lot of work with this two!  
Cedric Diggory : Cedric admired Samantha form the very beginning and want to be one of her friend. I am not sure, but maybe he had a little crush on her or try to impress her.
Merula Synde : Rival-Friends just in the typical way you can imagen. They both drag each other to her limit. They would never admit it, but they respect each other.
Ismelda Murk : Ismelda is maybe the only student on Hogwarts which Samantha simple don´t like. Ismeldas talking about the Dark art and how cool the dark lord actually is, makes Samantha angry. They both had one than more duell.
Beatrice Haywood : While Beas edgy emo phase, Samantha understand how she feels and Bea knows that. When her relationship with Penny was the worsed, Bea said she wished Samantha would be her sister. But Samantha know, this was just to hurt Penny, so she never takes this serious. 
Percy Weasley : Like Cedric, Pery admired Samantha. Especially as a Perfect. It take a long time since he realise how much Trouble Samantha makes XD
Chiara Lobosca : Chiara is a high morally support for Samantha. They both has some kind of “We are monster”-Friendships.
Cherster Davies: The Ravenclaw Perfect has a hard time with the little Girl. He saw her potentional but cry for every point Ravenclaw lose because of Sam. (dosen´t matter how many points she earn before).
Sykpe Parkins: Samantha and Skype are Quidditch Partner, but not really friends. They had a excellent Teamplay. But they didn´t talk much outside the field.
Orion Amani: Samantha thinks Orion is funny. She likes his chilly style and he is a good listener. He is the first one how thinks Samantha would be a good seeker because of her inhuam ears.
Murphy McNelly: Murphy and Samantha are Puns buddys. They simple CAN´T have a normal conversation.
------------------- other characters--------------
Harry Potter : Of cause Samantha knows the story about the boy how lived. But she doesn´t had a lot to do with him. He is a friend of Ron and later Ginnys Man and Samantha likes that. She also likes his cheeky styl.
Ron and Ginny Weasley : Both are like siblies for her. Sometimes Ginny calls Samantha her big sis, which makes her really proud. Ron thinks that Samantha is really cool and can do everythink.
Mr. and Mrs. Weasley: Both like Samantha a lot. She is always welcome. Athrus always aks her about muggle stuff and her fathers hospital. Mrs. Weasley had a time where she thought Samantha and Bill would be a great couple, but she is also very happy after Samantha and Charlies ends together.
Fleur Delacour : First Fleur thought Samantha would be also against her wedding with Bill. Fleur even thought Samantha could be in Love with Bill. But she relaise very fast Charlies and Samanthas feeling for each other. Before the wedding Fleur and Samantha becomes good friends. (also because Samantha was never agains this relationship and always think Fleur is a badass, which she likes.)
Canon MC´Friends
So, this is important again XD. Long Time ago, I ask how wants to be Samanthas friend and sometimes they already interact with each others. So here is the list. 
NOTE!: If you want your MC also be Samantas Friend and in my Comic, just say it! On the other hand - if you read your MC´s Name here and don´t want that or you are not happy with there relationship, just say somethink too! So lets go (why I am nervous???):
Glennis Augustine - belongs to @etoilesbonbon : A creative Gryffindor. Samantha meet Glennis in flying class and tries to help her. Later they become friends. They meet often in the Courtyard. Glennis is drawing and Samantha plays Guitar (Glennis could wish the songs for the right mood for her Drawing.
Dusty Emerald - belongs to @dusty-emerald-hphm : Dusty is a Slytherin Perfect. Samantha just randomly said she really likes Dustys styl and however they start talking and become friends. They both like swimming, so if the weather allowed it, they do swim races in the black sea and giggle after that. No matter how wins.
Aishwarya Mehra and Arjun Singh - belongs to @hogwarts9 : Samantha know there are Royals at Hogwarts which belongs to Gryffindor, but she didn´t know who and to be honest, she didn´t care about Royals and stuff. One day she sit for breakfast on the Gryffindor Table ( the clique dind´t really care about the house separation) Arjun and Aishwarya sit beside her and for one reason Samantha starts talking gaelic with a lot of gesture. And because Samantha is a clumpsy Idiot, she hits Arjuns Glass and poured the hole pumpkin juice over his clothes. She just realized later, that this two are the Royals. After that she waits the half day in front of the Gryffindore Common Room to apologize to both. So the three become friends and train together there magic (Duells and stuff).
Keira Jones - belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Brooke Atkison  belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Kai Williams  belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Ryan Seacrest  belongs to @hphm-brooke : will follow
Niky Dona belongs to @nikyiscreepy: Niky, a hufflepuff. was near by losing control about her “Lilith” again and runs in the forbidden forest. Before she losing control completely, she heared a strange sound. “I-It that a guitar? In the Forest?” She follwoed the sound and she founds - Samantha! Sitting on the ground, humming and playing gutiar. They start talking and Samanthas music calms Niky down. This is the start of there friendship. To calm her down, Samantha would sing everywhere and at any time.
Kyril Vasiley - belongs @kyril-hphm : A Tsunlytherin young and shy Slytherin. First Kyril was just a quit Boy, how was near by Jae. One Day Samantha had a Duell with Ismelda again, and even Ismelda try to cheat Samantha wins. She thought no one saw her, but acutally Kyril was in a corner wachting. He takes all his courage and talk to Samantha. She realise that he is “just” a Tsundere and very shy, but she likes him and both become friends. Even Samantha puts him sometimes in uncomfortable situation, they trust each other and both know that the other one accept them the way they are.
Night Rhea - belongs to @nightrhea-hphm: Night is a joyful slytherin and a beater in the Qudditch team. So she and Samanther met the first time on the matchfield. First Samantha was a Chaser. After Samantha got some of Nights Hits and was still on her broomstick, Night was impressed and talk to Samantha after the match. One Day Night found out, that Samantha can play Violin too. She coudn´t understand why Samantha don´t want to play anymore And Samantha tells her the Story about her mother. Night persuaded Samantha to play a song for her and Samantha acutally plays an old irish song. So, when Night feels lonely Samantha plays on her violin.
Finn McGarry - belongs to @theguythatdraws: A Gryffindor with a scar over this face (and more). He maybe looks scary in the first place, but acually he is very kind. The first time he and Samantha interact with each other was because he heared Samantha swears in gaelic. And since he is also irish and speak gaelic, he talk to her. Both like weapons and fight without wands, so both sneak into the forbidden forest for training. And actually Samanthas Uncle Andrew likes Finn a lot, so when he is in Town he takes both to the three boomstick. Most visitis ends (to be honours EVERY Vistis) with a drunken Finn and a drunken Samantha talking gaelic and no one knows what they say.
Helene Adler - belongs to @heleneplays: A Badass Ravenclaw. One Day Helene catched Finn and Samantha while training in the forbidden forrest.... and she join it. Before that Helene and Samantha were mistaken sometimes because both are blond Ravenclaws (and Helene sometimes wear a ponytail). After they become friend, both make jokes about that or even confuse new students, how didn´t know them. And Helen really admired Samanthas Aunt Hel O´Connell.
Luna Silvermore - belongs to @lunasilvermorny: A tall Ravaneclaw Girl, how is a beater of the Qudditch Team. Of Cause Samantha saw Luna before in a few classes or on the Ravenclaw Table in the great hall, but Samantha was to shy to talk to her (even Samantha loves her Hair color!). And then both start playing Qudditch and one day Luna said she will protect Samantha on the match field no matter what. Don´t ask why, but this flip the switch in Samanthas Head and she starts talking like a waterfall (where she also said how much she loves Lunas changing hair color). After a few seconds of awful silence (where Sam thought about simple running away) Luna burst out laughing and they start talking normal. Samantha and some other girls found out about Lunas crush for Rath and the Hogwarts Wingwomen Club was born. Also both like to drink with each other. And when they are drunken, they had stupid ideas. Really stupid...It´s a wonder Hogsmead isn´t bruning down XD. And both like watching muggle TV with Alice.
Roger Lopez - belongs to @hphm-roger​: A kind Slyhterin. He likes macigal creator and sometimes he goes for a walk into the forbidden Forest. That where he met Samantha for the first time. Stucked....in a Tree. She had a bet with Finn and Luna how can climb the hightest tree. Samantha won, but was unable to climb down. Luna and Finn where supposed to get help but didn´t return atm. Roger start laughing and said Samantha reminds him of a cat. And this associationstay for the rest of there friendship. And of cause Samantha loves his different Hair colors and always want to touch it, if it change.
Elaiza Schuyler - belongs to @annabelle-tanaka-official​: Elaiza is a Ravenclaw girl and one of Samanthas first friend, since there share a room. Samatha is fascinated how many languages Elaiza speaks and even teach her some gaelic sentences. Since Elaiza is bad at flying class and Samantha at Herobolgy,both help each other with this subjects. Both like cooking, so sometimes they sneak into the kitchen and cook or bake something. 
Williamina Schneider  - belongs to @leamontee​ : A cute and cheerful Gryffindor Girl with a hard backstory. Willie was there when Samantha yelled at her father in the end of the 3rd year. It reminds her of her own story. After the summer holidays she and Samatha were in the same compartment in the Hogwarts express and they start talking. Willie thinks Samantha is brave and both wants to break the vaults curse, so they work a lot together.
Clara Iln - belongs to @lins-hogwarts-mystery​ : will follow
Lillian Baker - belongs to @thehogwartscursebakers (don´t know why, but i can´t tag her :( ): Lillian is one of the Ravenclaw Qudditch chaser. She met Samantha in her 2nd year, when both become part of the Quidditch team. And both met each other in the duell club, where there start to talk to each other. Both had no fashion sense, but both love shopping with Carewyn.
Stephanie - belongs to @hanihonii​ - will follow
Ryan, Cara, Sara and Conor O´Donnell belongs to @unfortunate-arrow​: Samantha and the O´Donnells don´t have an easy start. Samantha was mistakes as a O´Donnell and there a lot of people who were thinking the O´Donnells were half-vampires. So when they finally meet each other there were like “ STOP STEALING MY NAME!” Maybe they even had duells. But in the end they all realise, that this fight is stupid, and they all become friends. But they will still mistaken.
Alice Beaumont belongs to @mizutoyama​: Alice is a very closed friend and one of Samathas Roommate. Alice is one of the few person on this earth woh can wake Samantha up, whitout realse her morning beats. So Alice is the reason why Samantha is able to stand up in the morning and brush her hair. After Samantha returns to her father, Alice visit her sometimes in the holidays and they watch muggle TV with Luna. 
Wendy Gordon - belongs to @drinkyoursoupbitch​ : Wendy is one of the few people at Hogwarts how understand gaelic, since this Ravenclaw girl is scottish. Most of the Time Samantha speaks without irish dialect unless she talks to Wendy. There both are in the same arithmancy class, so both study a lot together or talk about Quidditch.
Tu Liang - belongs to @wangxianforever000​ : Tu is a Gryffindor Girl and definitely a chaotic Dou with Samantha. There are in the same Rune class, plays Qudditch and both are bad at posion. Tu meets Samantha in the great hall and thinking form the very beginning, Samantha is funny. Somehow (don´t ask why, no one knows), every time they want to rock, things will end up chaotic, Both are very protective, so they keep an eye on each other. Sometimes Samantha sit on Tus head as a Crow.
Flavio Ceccere - belongs @sirfluffig​: After Chester Davies left school if was on Flavio to take care about the ravenclaw house honour and keep an eys on Samantha.He is Samanthas best study buddy and they meet every week in the libary. Since Flavio loves coffee, Samantha want to try it too. But non of them know, that coffee works a lot on Vampires. So Samantha was the rest of the day like a Duracell Bunny. (Poor Flavio^^;). Samantha helps Flavio to relax time by time since he is always serious.
Carewyn Cormwell - belongs to @carewyncromwell​ : A Slytherin Perfect and definitely Samanthas mama-bear-friend. Both become friends after they realise how much they both love music and singing. Carewyn and Bill were the first one how had the theory, that Samantha and Charlie are more then friends. She and Tonks developed some kind of special sense which called Samantha “The Mama-Bear-Antenna”. Carewyn were always a morally support for Samantha, which saw Samantha cries. 
Her Family
Claire O´Connell - Mother
coming soon
Song that descibes there relationship -  Celtic Woman - Tír na nÓg ft. Oonagh
Matthew O´Connell - Father
coming soon
Song that descibes there relationship - Celtic Women -  The New Ground / Isle Of Hope, Isle Of Tears
Andrew O´Connell - Uncle
coming soon
Song that descibes there relationship - Dropkick Murphys -  James Connelly
Helga O´Connell - Aunt (Profil link) 
Song that describes there relationship - Nightwish - Elán
Angela Roberts
Song that descibes there relationship - Linkin Part - Numb
Jacob “Jack” Roberts
Song that descibes there relationship -  Hoobastank - The Reason
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dradelcra · 4 years ago
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I wanted to create twst oc's so behold! Messy sketches of some student bois. Either more on them later or other ocs to follow.
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squel · 6 years ago
Après un moment à le faire, un dessin One piece de Law, Luffy et de mon OC Louina
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doodadoodles · 2 years ago
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twitter OC questions for Willow Barbier (& technically her hat, Chapeau)
plus some misc. art of them
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elinska · 7 years ago
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Collab avec Ice-ni \\∆// !!!!!!!! *Lovu lovu* *wink wink*
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 years ago
Wait you have OCs?? Oh my gosh that's so cool can we know more about them??
i DO have OCs!!!! my seven darling children!!! and for asking about them i thank you immensely. i do warn you this is very long because i love talking about them, mainly the first three but yeah. anyway you’ve been warned. this is longgggg.
and yes i’ve been working on the post for a while because, well, you ask a proud mother about her children, she’s gonna go buck wild.
alright, here we go:
So these guys are, essentially, batb 2017 universe next gen. But the work I plan to have them in will be it’s own thing. Basically, these first three ocs (way more developed than the other four) started out as Adam and Belle’s little children, but have grown to entirely being their own people. So, here they are!
Their first child, heir to the throne, darling Renée! Her full name is Renée Genevieve Annalise (I have a whole post about the reason behind the kids’ names, that’s here). In terms of looks, she’s a great deal like Belle, particularly her brown eyes and freckles, but has lighter hair. She’s very stubborn (wonder where she got that from!) and needs things to be a very proper way. She’s protective of her two younger siblings, SO protective of them that she can be over-bearing sometimes, but her heart’s in the right place. She’s short, like 5’2 at her tallest, and she’s shortest in the family and her brother gives her crap about it all the time <3 She focuses a great deal on her studies and getting prepared for the throne one day; Adam was quite adamant (no pun intended) about making sure she was ready, since his father hardly did anything for him. She’s WAY too hard on herself. My goodness, girl!! She’s a star, really, she does amazing. But it’s never enough for her and it makes her doubt herself quite often. This is a little ficlet about that, (but don’t read til you get through at least to her brother, haha). As a child, she was insanely adventurous and out spoken and so much like Belle. So SO rambunctious. But as she aged she became only a little more reserved, prim and proper like her father, though she still loves playing outside with her siblings and she loves riding horses more than the lot of them. She’s quite good at the piano, and she can sing but she doesn’t sing very often. She’s got a lot to go through still yet in her young life, but she’s a sweetheart and since the moment she was born, Belle and Adam couldn’t be more proud of her.
Ahh, an angel! Juliette Adrienne Maria, Belle and Adam’s second daughter and Renée’s little sister only by two years. She has dark hair like her mother, though in looks she favors Adam a bit more, particularly his mother. She has green eyes (like her grandfather Maurice!), she’s about 5’7 when all done growing, just a bit taller than Belle, and she’s truly just the sweetest. When they were little, while Renée was running about, talking to every footman and maid and guest she could see, Juliette was quietly standing beside her Mama or Papa’s leg, hiding behind Belle’s dress or Adam’s coattail, averting eye contact at all costs. She’s quite like Adam, he was this way as a child too. She loves being outside but she’s far more worrisome, and she’ll never stray as far as her sister wants to go. As she grows older, she becomes the insane book worm that her mother still is. They all read (a family of bookworms, if you will) but Juliette takes the cake. She enjoys studying, she loves looking at maps and globes and translating things and reading about anything and everything she can get her hands on (which is a lot, she is a princess after all). She’s an exceptional violinist, Chapeau taught her himself. Her ideal happy place is out in the field, playing some sweet melody and just vibing on her own. She’s gentle and kind, though she never thinks enough of herself. She always puts others’ needs before her own, especially her brother and sister’s. She’s certainly the peacemaker of her family, and they’re all the better for it.
Oooooh boy. My son. Maurice Jean Adam, Belle and Adam’s third child and only son. He’s quite obviously named after his grandfather, which melted the old man’s heart to no end, as you can imagine. Maurice is a chaotic child and I love him So Much. He’s mischievous, he’s curious, he’s adventurous, he’s all over the place!! He’s seven years younger than Renée, and five years younger than Juliette, so he’s doing his own thing for a good amount of the time. In terms of looks, he looks JUST like Adam, blond hair and blue eyes and that same sweet smile. He does have his mother’s freckles, he’s actually the most freckle-y of the kiddos, and fully grown he’s 6’2, just a bit taller than his Papa (and his Papa hates it sndkjskdj). Despite his chaos and high energy, he’s a sweetheart and a big softie. He loves his family SO much and loves hanging out with (bothering) his sisters a great deal. He does enjoy reading, but prefers to spend his time getting up to mayhem; pranking his sisters, Cogsworth, Papa; or just vibing around the castle. This boy runs on Vibes. He has a pet tortoiseshell cat named Athena, who is just as much of a scoundrel as he his, but she’s a good baby (to him, and sometimes Juliette and Belle. Athena does NOT vibe with Renée and Adam cuz they’re so FUSSY. but anyway.) Maurice may be the youngest but he’ll defend his family to the ends of the earth, at any cost, and he’s by far the most no-thoughts-head-empty brave out of all of them (he gets it from his Mama <3). He’s quite sociable and certainly a flirt; he knows how all the young maidens see him. But deep down he’s still a sweet and genuine boy, and he’s not just going to give his heart to anyone.
here’s a post that has some piccrews of them, if you so desire.
(this ficlet of juliette, maurice, and auntie plumette is SO cute and good just saying)
So, if you made it this far, congrats. You’re a champion. These next four are far less developed than the kiddos. Mainly because the kiddos’ PARENTS are my otp, which is probably quite obvious, so I just devote a lot of time to that family. And they’re the main characters of my story anyway. but I still love these other babes!!! !!!!!
Additionally, these next two are, loosely, Lumiere and Plumette’s sons. Very loosely, as I do not spend much time at all focusing on plumiere (though I love them) so I can’t speak much on traits or anything like that. The main point here is these two were raised as footmen in the castle and because of their parents’ closeness with the king and queen (adelle-plumiere iconic couple duo) they grew up with Renée, Juliette, and Maurice!
Dearest Sebastian... literal sunshine. He’s such a soft and kind boy!!! He’s just the sweetest, and he’s also a HUGE nerd. He’s set out to read Every book in the library. Which is insane, he couldn’t possibly. right? RIGHT? but boy is he gonna try!! He’s kind and gentle, and worries about his little brother and always makes sure he gets back to their quarters at night. He has those cool round glasses, like Harry Potter glasses but a gold rim. He’s like 5’10 at his tallest. He has a few freckles around his eyes and sweet curly dark hair. Also he gives the BEST hugs. So Warm. He’s grown up with all the royal kiddos, as aforementioned, but he and Juliette have always been best friends. They have a quiet, gentle understanding that grows into something deeper and more lovely as they get older, one day finding each other amidst all the worries and sunshine and countless countless books... Dearest Sebastian :)
Oh my dear Xavier! He’s Sebastian’s younger brother by three-four years. At his tallest he’s like 5’11. He keeps his hair prettyyy short but every now and then he lets his curls grow out a bit and it’s stunning! He’s Maurice’s best friend!! They get up to constant mischief together. Maurice is always pushing the limits, and Xavier is doing everything he can to keep the prince out of serious trouble, while definitely enjoying the trouble all too much. At heart, he’s an actor, an entertainer (pretty much the only note of Lumiere being his father, haha). He loves singing and dancing and he just NEVER stops moving!! Always talking with his hands and being so smiley!
Max! This man! Who is he!! He’s like 6’4, so jot that down. Bright green eyes. Jet black hair. He’s in the Royal Guard, which is how he meets everyone. Particularly how he meets Princess Renée >:) And how they proceed to have a great enemies to lovers like you’ve never seen! Anyway, he’s very stoic. Resting Grumpy Face. But he’s a softie once he opens up to you (and even softer when you get some liquor in him, lmao). Oh! He has six brothers! I think he’s... number five? In age order? Something like that. There were actually eight of them but the brother right after Max in age died when they were kids. Haha I hope that doesn’t traumatize him in any way… ANYWAY, all of the brothers went into some branch of the military in their adulthood except two. I’ve named them all but that’s for another time. Gosh, Max is great but that’s all I have for him!! (honestly if anyone has read this far I am simply amazed.)
ELOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This queen? This angel? This iconic woman???? Okay so, opposite of Max’s big family, she just grew up her and her Mama. Papa was there when she was young but died. It’s been her and her Mama for a while and they’re very protective of each other. She has black hair and brown eyes. Her family is Korean but she’s grown up here since she was born. She’s around 5’6 at her tallest. She LOVES being outside, she works in the horse stables at the castle and she couldn’t be happier about it. She loves animals a lot, but she’s kind of a horse whisperer. She’s just really outdoorsy and loves working with her hands. She gets tangled up with Maurice and Xavier’s shenanigans. Should she develop a crush on the prince? Oh dear me, did I say that out loud?? Gosh, she fell for that flirty, outspoken, annoying prince?? What maiden hasn’t??? Ugh!! There’s no way he also has a crush on her too, right? hahah. Anyway, back to Eloise. She’s a sweetie but she won’t take any of your shit!! She doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to and she will absolutely let you know it. She always speaks her mind (even when she really should probably shut up) and she’s never anything less than her true self, which proves quite challenging sometimes. But she’s excellent and so badass and usually the only braincell when she hangs with Xavier and Maurice (someone’s gotta keep those boys in line!). But all in all, we love her and she’s a baller and she’ll throw hands if you cross her!!
alright, that’s all i have. if anyone actually read all of that: thank you and i love you <3
not that you could possibly want to read anymore about this disaster gang, but this is a fun fact about each of them. just for fun. literally no pressure to read. more for my own reference than anything else. ANYWAY. this is done, thank you for the ask, the floodgates have now closed, thank goodness!!
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papier-ciseaux · 4 years ago
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A bunch of OC !
I changed most of the names, but they’re based on what I got from the gloomverse character generator !
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Thuja Plicata is now named Citrullus Lanatus,or Lana for short, and they have watermelon hair, because I thought it would be cute if Hair Tie (or Tie for short (it’s a nickname)) got watermelon magic because of their crush on Lana ^^
Not pictured here, but Tie’s hat is a bowler hat (chapeau melon [melon hat] in french)
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I changed Cup’s name to Spring, tho I’m also considering Ela(stic)
Aurora is now Sol. He’s wearing yellow and named himself Sol (short for soleil [sun], but can also means ground) as a ‘fuck you’ to stratoverse.
Hair Tie is Spring and Sol’s kid ! They got the nickname ‘Hair Tie’ because of all the rubber bands their mom used to style their hair :)
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