#OC Ahri
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ahrianee · 1 month ago
Ooooff. The reuniting between Roboute x Rena really pulled at my heartstrings. Rena surviving for 10,000 years must have been hell for her and mentally draining and for Roboute it must have been like seeing a golden light shing on him with the warmest of embraces filled with hope for a better tomorrow.
Sorry for taking so long to reply but after you told me this, all I could think about was how Calgar would feel, who was also at the reunion.
Here I leave some small sketches of chibis representing the situation xd
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Calgar is at a loss as to how to approach the situation, as Rena was supposed to lead a jump to reach Holy Terra, but now Roboute simply won't let go.
This sketch is really dirty, but I couldn't stop laughing while sketching this.
I'm so glad you posted your messages Anom, seriously, thank you so much Anom!!
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accarress-art · 1 year ago
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wlw sketch pile from 2021
Really obsessed with these characters back then too.
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roguesscribbles · 1 year ago
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Did anyone else feel like this at this scene? No? Alright
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kyaritsu · 10 months ago
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Some vastaya concept poses here, nothing more.
Beautiful birb
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royalrogue · 7 months ago
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I know very little about gpose but I had a brainwave for a cool shot
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snowball-doie · 4 months ago
does nct wish (my actual children fr) ever find out about the 127 polycule? i have a feeling if they do it would be on accident…
Lmao you know how Ryo and Doyoung ran into each other in the bathroom that one time and Ryo panicked and ran off?? Ok. I feel like this would be a consistent thing where the Wishies keep running into ilichil by accident and they don’t know what to do besides scurry away— But there’s this one time where ilichil has practice in one of the rooms on the 10th floor, and for whateverrrr reason the Wishies manager fucked up and told the boys to go to a specific room at a certain time for practice. Only. Ilichil is in there. And it’s supposed to be their break……. So they’re all lounging on the floor, drinking water, eating kimbap…. And wouldn’t you know it, when the unsuspecting Wishies walk in, they catch Mark and Yuta mid-makeout. They freeze. They ALWAYS run away, but the one time they can’t move a muscle is when they see their two hyungs just going at it… MANNNNN someone save them fr bahahaha
Side note, not about poly!ilichil: In my Johnny x manager!oc book, my oc’s best friend (who ends up with Mark) is assigned to go on tour with the Wishies, so she gets close with them— Lowkey by accident lmao. But they all think of her as a big older sister / mom of the group. They’re lowkey helpless. There’s this one chapter where Sakuya calls in the middle of the night cuz he accidentally burned ramen 😭 HOW DO YOU DO THAT 😭😭 AND WHY WAS HIS FIRST THOUGHT TO CALL HER??!!!! The Wishies also loveeeee Mark and the bestie’s cat. Sakuya finds excuses to visit their apartment so he can play with the cat, and that catches Mark off guard cuz the first time it happens while he’s home from tour he doesn’t know why Sakuya is there…. Is it to see him? Is everything okay? “I’m here to see Romeo” THIS DUDE WENT ACROSS THE CITY TO MARK LEE’S APARTMENT TO SEE A CAT!! Also I love this one scene where the bestie and Mark are hosting a birthday party in their apartment for my oc, and when Haechan shows up early to help set up, he goes: “Oh, by the way, did you guys lose a cat?” And Mark and the bestie just look over their shoulders to see their cat playing in his cat tree in the living room. “No?” Mark says. Haechan just grabs Sakuya by the hood of his jacket and pulls him into the apartment. “I found him outside, loitering.” “I was scared to come in!” “Well, now you’re in. Welcome.” BAHAHAHAA 💚💚
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felivora · 2 months ago
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3/52 This is Ahri, he talks to trees and bushes and flowers and grass and mushrooms and
On the left are his previous designs plus some redesign ideas from my sketchbook. On the right is the final design from this week which I’m actually really happy with.
His race is floren (plant) which means his body sometimes grows moss and lichen, and his hair grows flowers. He can also grow small vines at will if needed. Ahri prefers to present as male, but can change sex at will (not just binary sex, but any mix of sex traits).
As is normal for his people, Ahri had a relatively solitary childhood in the forest, only stepping outside the forest to trade for goods that he couldn’t grow or forage himself. He eventually decided to move into the city when he realized he could provide food and medicinal herbs to people who couldn’t afford it otherwise. He’s mostly adjusted to civilization but still refuses to wear shoes.
Ask me anything about him!
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oracle-chan · 11 months ago
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Art style time line!
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taro-miilk · 1 year ago
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aimi’s dream is to be an idol so this halloween she’s cosplaying ahri’s kda the baddest chroma 🎤
happy friday the 13th! /╲/\(╭•̀ﮧ •́╮)/\╱\
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mostrandomgallery · 1 year ago
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I don't play League of Legends, but I really wanted to draw my OCs cosplaying as K/DA.
...finally posting this here, after like, 3 years.
DO NOT REPOST!!! Also on deviantART
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tamedstray · 10 months ago
🌺 send this to ten blogs you think are wonderful 🌺
I know we've only just met but I always adore having you on my dash— reading all your Ahri headcanons and your positivity and your amazing writing that totally isn't intimidating at all 🥲
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ahrianee · 2 months ago
I just wanted to say real quick that your Roboute x Rena image piece of them both standing together and welcoming the Emperor and Fulgrim is stunning. I love their wardrobes and and especially their exspressions. Guilliman looks like he is daring Fulgrim to try anything with his fiance and see what happens or it could be his resting bitch face that he has on 24/7. Then there's Rena's face that seems welcoming with a bit of tiredness added in but it also seems like she can turn into a deadly enemy in a matter of moments if she wanted to.
[🍷] A short comic about "The family reunion"
At first I was just going to answer this, but you're the first person to send something to my question box so I got a little excited and ended up making a mini comic.
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Here I leave how the night proceeded, Saguinius ended up inviting her to have a drink so that she wouldn't have to worry about those two again, it's not the first time that it happened nor will it be the last.
Meanwhile the Father of all and Emperor of Humanity cannot stop laughing at the implausible situation.
I hope you like it Anom, and it really made me very happy that someone sent me a question in the mailbox, I also admit that my version of Roboute always has that resting bitch face.
You know, if you liked it you can follow me, give me a like and reblog, that always encourages me to keep drawing!! 💕✨
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yuures · 2 years ago
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old ocs dont get retired they just sit in my head for 3 years and then i finally draw them again slightly different
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roguesscribbles · 9 months ago
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An Ahri doodle to replace the old one on her Art Fight profile, her look as changed since so it needed an update!
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lotusbloghub · 2 years ago
✧ pairing: ahri x seren (s/i)
✧ word count: 1051
✧ note: first prompt for my little pride challenge!! i've been thinking about ahri, soooo...here's this.
✧ tag list: @minkymeatshop, @connor-roys, @caracello, @dragonselfship
[ reblogs always appreciated // prompt list can be found here! ]
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The wild, sprawling gardens of the Placidum look even prettier when bathed in pale moonlight.
Flowering trees reach to the skies above with branches like outstretched limbs. Petals of every color and shape flutter like songbirds in the breeze, carrying with them the sweet smell of springtime as they blow past Seren's face. The stars twinkle like the hundreds of paper lanterns that flood the skies in the wake of the Spirit Blossom festival. The moon, round and dazzling, reveals itself like a pearl, and she can't suppress the awed half-smile that crawls onto her lips.
It's not often that she visits the Placidum. Too long of a walk, too risky of a climb; the cliff formations in Ionia are unlike anything she's seen anywhere else, going straight up and never coming down. The Pacidum of Navori is a strip of land that is practically floating above everything else.
Seren feels like she's floating, too; when she looks up at the sky, she feels like she's dancing amongst the stars. Her home, the moon. The galaxy, her playground. Runeterra, but a pitstop on a longer journey.
She doesn't know how long she sits here, her legs hanging over the rune-etched bolder, her gaze flickering from the sky to the flowers then to the sky again, but eventually, she hears something—it's the littleness noise, but it reverberates like a drum in the quiet of the night.
Seren's ear twitches, her head swiveling to the side, her tired eyes going wide. Before the source even makes itself known, Seren already knows who it is. A comforting sense of familiarity washes over her like a warm summer's breeze. She smiles amicably, tipping her head to the side, as if to say come out.
The thicket rustles, disturbing a swarm of glowing flitterwings; they fly up into the treetops, toward the sky, becoming stars. Out of the thicket steps Ahri. Her long, black hair falls over her porcelain face. She gazes up at Seren with sharp, foxlike eyes, her heart-shaped lips quirking into a smile. Her tails, as white as moonlight on fresh snow, billow out from behind her.
"Seren," she greets, her voice sweet and feminine and deceptively angelic.
Seren smiles. "Ahri."
The Vesani woman steps toward her mate. She kicks up a trail of glowing night-sable pollen as she walks. Some of it settles on the fur of her tails, like little stars or glittering snow. She hops up on the bolder, assuming her position at Seren's hip. She permits her no personal space, and of course, she doesn't mind. Seren snakes an arm around Ahri's hip, tugging her close. Ahri rests a hand on Seren's inner thigh, anchoring herself to her.
Ahri's other hand finds the planes of Seren's chest, bare where her robes are half-open. They lock eyes, ocean grey and firey orange. A connection is found here; a pair of wayward souls bound by magic and love. Before either of them have time to think about it, their lips are connecting. They lose themselves in a kiss that was both longer than it was meant to be and shorter than it should've been. When they part, Ahri is grinning, baring sharp fangs like she's a snarling murk wolf, but there is no malice there, and Seren feels no fear.
"It's good to see you," Seren says, and Ahri responds with a short giggle.
"I've been looking for you. How long have you been up here?"
It takes great strength for Seren to pry her gaze from Ahri's face. The night sky is a priceless beauty, but it can't hold a candle to her. She's moonlight and snow lillies, the perfumey scent of hyacinth flowers and the metallic sting of fresh blood. She's everything beautiful and volatile. She's just everything.
"Long," Seren eventually replies. "Since sundown."
Ahri nods slowly. "It's midnight."
Seren blinks in surprise. So it really has been a long time, then. She can't believe that this place has kept her so transfixed.
"I didn't know the Placidum was your kind of place," Ahri speaks again. If she were anyone else, Seren would've asked how she'd managed to find her, but she knows that Ahri can find her wherever she goes, tracking her essence like a hound tracks a wounded deer. "I thought you were afraid of the cliffs."
"I am, sort of." Seren chuckles gently. "But... I don't know. I passed the gates on my way back to the temple, and decided: why not? People walk for days to come up here. It's overhyped, sure, but you have to admit that it's beautiful."
Satisfied by this answer, Ahri lets out a gentle hum.
The night sky, which is put to shame in the presence of her mate, is no longer able to hold Seren's attention. Her gaze flickers over toward Ahri again. The stars are reflected in her eyes just as the moon is reflected in her hair. Her body looks celestial, carved from the heavens above like a statue is carved from petricite. She feels more honored to be in her presence than she would the presence of royalty. She'd spit in the face of a Demacian general, talk down to a Shuriman emperor as if they were a child, but she'd fall to Ahri's feet and utter prayers of reverence if she was asked.
She's burned into Seren's soul like a branding iron into flesh; the bond that draws them together—a spiritual bond between a mated pair of vastasya that seals their eternal fate as one—is unbreakable even in the face of death. They will always have each other. Until every last star in the galaxy dies, they will have each other.
Those soul-wrenching feelings of love and need creep up on Seren like a thief in the night, stabbing her through the chest, making her heart seer.
She reaches out, cupping Ahri's face in one palm, turning her head and stealing another kiss. This one is longer, deeper; Ahri catches Seren's bottom lip and nibbles gently, and Seren laces her slender fingers into Ahri's hair, scratching gently at her scalp with untrimmed claws.
When they break for air, they're both smiling.
"Missed me that much?" Ahri taunts, and Seren scoffs.
"Sure," she replies flippantly, and their lips meet again, their souls fusing into one at the moon’s appraisal.
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royalrogue · 1 year ago
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I finally made the outfit reference sheet for my wol, Ahri Remko!
I've been wanting to actually plan out and put together what outfits she wore in each expansion for a long while now. It was much harder than I thought it would be, but it was super fun! I wanted to get this out before Dawntrail, where she will inevitably get a new outfit.
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