coquelicoq · 1 year
was trying to share a fun fact with my family today about a french idiom that means "to look bedraggled" so i said to them "hey do you guys want to hear a french idiom that means 'to look bedraggled'" and my sister said "can you say that again but in english this time" and i was like "i am speaking english? this is already english??!?!?????" anyway it turns out what she meant was that she had never heard the word bedraggled before in her life, she just picked THEE most confusing possible way to share that information. i was sitting there having a crisis like did i just say something in french and then immediately erase it from my memory or WHAT is happening 😖 that WAS english 😩 i haven't even said any french yet 😰😭
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ray-the-art-demon · 3 months
Can u draw flowby art pls :3
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Here ya go!
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objecthusbandry · 4 months
Its anon with the cursing daisy issue, I run a daycare for objects and the cursing issue is worse beacuse my little daisy somehow taught ANOTHER OBJECT THESE WORDS??? WTF DO I SAY TO THE OWNER???
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zouisexo · 1 year
my dash is dead, do you have any recs for your favorite active blogs?
hi baby <3 why yes i do these are the best blogs on tumblr <33:
@braverytattoos @backtoyoupunkversion @greeneyesfriedrice @faithinthefuturedeluxe @walkinginsunflowers @wdbhgdotmp3 @trolou @tommos @stonerosestank @harrylights @canyon-lou @toxiclarrie @holyshit @fivescrews
im forgetting a lot all my mutuals are iconic <33 these are the ones i could remember :D i would suck all these people off <33
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redstrewn · 10 months
Huh. If i go through w my original flower idea for my last mc, then my three MCs flowers together got something cool about them
Elisa, clematis = sky and ground
Nava, mimosa pudica = ground
Myx, edelweiss (not final) = sky
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ladyshadowqueen · 2 years
sometimes i doubt my skills in fibre arts and really have a hard time calling myself a fibre artist but this christmas i handmade my cousin’s baby a sensory cube entirely out of crochet and felt and it’s like 40cm tall with panels i designed myself
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noxtivagus · 2 years
zack n aerith 🥺🥺🥺
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casaamber · 2 months
Casa Amber's Guide to Luxury Interiors
As someone who appreciates the finer things in life, I'm constantly on the lookout for ways to elevate my surroundings. Recently, I decided to embark on a project to transform my Delhi apartment into a luxurious haven. After some deliberation, I knew I needed the expertise of a team that understood luxury and could translate my vision into reality. That's when I discovered Casa Amber, a company that quickly established itself as the Best Interior Designers Company in my eyes.
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The Casa Amber Difference: Expertise Meets Bespoke Design
From the moment I contacted Casa Amber, I was impressed by their professionalism and attentiveness. Unlike other Home Interior Designers in Delhi I had interacted with; Casa Amber didn't try to push a pre-designed template. Instead, they took the time to understand my taste, lifestyle, and budget. We discussed everything from the overall aesthetic I envisioned to the specific functionalities I desired for each space.
Casa Amber's team comprises some of the most talented Luxury Interior Designers in Delhi. Their knowledge of materials, textures, and design trends is unparalleled. They introduced me to a world of exquisite finishes, bespoke furniture, and statement pieces that I wouldn't have discovered on my own. Throughout the process, they patiently answered my questions and addressed any concerns I had.
The Journey to a Luxurious Abode
The design process with Casa Amber was collaborative and enjoyable. They presented me with mood boards and 3D renderings that brought my vision to life. I was particularly impressed with their suggestions for incorporating unique elements, such as custom lighting fixtures and curated artwork. Casa Amber also went above and beyond to source the perfect materials and furniture, even helping me Buy Coasters Sets Online in Delhi that complemented the overall aesthetic.
Casa Amber's meticulous attention to detail ensured a flawless execution of the design plan. Their project management skills were exceptional, keeping everything on track and within budget. The team's dedication and craftsmanship were evident in every aspect of the project, from the flawless carpentry to the expertly installed wallpaper.
Unveiling My Luxurious Oasis
The final result was nothing short of breathtaking. My apartment was transformed into a luxurious haven that perfectly reflected my personality. Each space exuded an air of sophistication and comfort, inviting me to relax and unwind. The quality of the materials and craftsmanship was exceptional, and the bespoke touches added a personal flair that made the space truly my own.
Casa Amber's expertise in luxury interior design goes far beyond aesthetics. They understand how to create spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional and comfortable. Their commitment to quality and client satisfaction is unmatched, making them the perfect choice for anyone seeking to elevate their Delhi home into a luxurious oasis.
Whether you're looking for a complete home makeover or simply want to add a touch of luxury to a specific space, I highly recommend Casa Amber. Their dedication to excellence and their ability to translate your vision into reality will leave you with a home that is both stylish and comfortable. So, if you're looking for the Best Interior Designers Company in Delhi, look no further than Casa Amber!
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thekinslayed · 28 days
Good As Gold
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summary | You found yourself the object of the Prince Aemond's stares, the reason why, you knew not. (based on this request)
pairing | aemond targaryen x lady-in-waiting!reader
tags | fluff, awkward ooc aemond + shy reader, aemond has zero game, awkward courting, a spider is the ultimate wingman, Aemond With Kids!!!
wordcount | 4k
note | semester's over, i am FREEEE!! here's the first non-queued fic in over three weeks, so happy to be writing again! this one's short and sweet, and is the unofficial prequel to Sweet, Wonderful You! this is still a standalone fic but i wrote this with that fic in mind.
likes, comments, and reblogs are much appreciated! <3
(divider by @zaldritzosrose)
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The prince was staring again.
His gaze was sharp, prickling your skin while you tried to ignore how the hairs on the back of your neck stood from the weight of his stare. You stood beside your princess, the quiet Helaena, while in court. Your fellow ladies-in-waiting whispered and gossiped under their breaths, but you could only listen, your body paralyzed under the constant stare of a certain one-eyed prince.
You knew not why he had taken such an interest in you; if you could even call it that. In your moons as his sister’s lady-in-waiting, you barely spoke a few words to prince Aemond, mostly in the form of formal greetings when your paths crossed. 
You came to King’s Landing with your father in hopes of finding a suitor for his only daughter. With your arrival, the queen welcomed you into the service of being one of princess Helaena’s ladies, spending your days with your fellow young women– sewing, singing, and accompanying the princess. When you were not called to your duties, your father introduced you to noble lords. You smiled and charmed them to the best of your abilities by your father’s bidding, which put you in many of the men’s good graces. There seemed to be no shortage of bachelors and unmarried lords within King’s Landing, both young and old alike, and so there was also an abundance of gifts delivered to your chambers. Be it flowers, books, or fabrics, there was always something new each day. The most extravagant gift you have received was a set of jewels, much to your astonishment. It was unclear who sent them; there was no letter from the sender and the servant kept his lips closed when he brought the present to your door. You couldn’t accept such fine jewelry with no idea of who it was from, and so you gently returned the present to the servant, sending your apologies to the mysterious suitor. 
The prospect of your marriage held little priority in your mind, blissfully enjoying your days with your sweet princess before you were to be whisked away by some lord. It was no secret within the court of the attention you have been receiving from the many lords of the Keep. You were young, quite fair, and the daughter of a respectable House, and many were vying for your hand. 
Perhaps that is why you have been subject to the heavy weight of prince Aemond’s stare as of late. Perhaps he thought the whole thing ridiculous, he was a prince of the realm, and it was beneath a man like him to spare any minute of his day wasting his time courting a girl like you, yet still, he stared.
You always felt it– at court, in the halls, even in the gardens. You wouldn’t dare confront him about it, but it irked you nonetheless. Did he know something about you that you weren’t aware of? Was someone spreading vapid rumors about you? Or worse, did he know of the time you had accidentally stepped on one of Helaena’s critters when she had gone to feed her babes? But you were alone!
Your thoughts ran wild as you walked to the princess’ apartments after she had called for you. The princess was heavy with her third child and often had no energy to entertain all of her ladies. Most days she only called for you, her favorite. You were much like her in a sense, quiet and reflective. Helaena enjoyed the moments when you both sat in silence, working on your embroideries or when you read to her while she lounged on the daybed, weary from the changes in her body to do anything else. Today seemed to be one of those days. 
Reaching the door to the princess's apartments, the knight standing guard knocked on the door to make your arrival known, before opening the heavy wood for you. 
“Princess,” you greeted her with a soft smile, though the surprise in your eyes was barely hidden at the sight of another silver-haired royal in her solar. 
“Prince Aemond.”
You curtsied to the prince who rose from his seat at your entrance. He only greeted you with a nod, the familiar sensation of his gaze upon you tingling your skin almost immediately.
“My apologies, I did not mean to intrude,” you started, but the princess only waved her hand in dismissal. She was only clad in her shift, her swollen bump covered by a robe. Her legs were extended on a footstool, and the exhaustion in her face was evident from the crease in between her brows. 
“Nonsense, my sweet. Come,” she beckoned you over. Prince Aemond moved away from his spot beside his sister to let you sit beside Helaena, settling on the settee opposite yours. The young babes, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, were on the carpet playing with dragon toys while their nanny watched.
“How are you feeling today, princess? The babe isn’t giving you much trouble, I hope?” you asked her. Helaena could only sigh, caressing her belly with a tired look on her face. “He is restless today. I can only hope he comes soon, for I can barely do anything without tiring myself out immediately after.”
“If I could do anything at all,” you offered, your features softening at your princess. She gave you a small smile, patting your hand on your lap and squeezing it appreciatively.��
“Having you here is more than enough. Your company is most welcome, and yours too, brother,” Helaena said, turning to Aemond who still sat quietly across from you. The corners of the prince’s lips lifted ever so slightly, a sight unfamiliar to you.
“It is the least I could do for you, Hel.” The prince’s tone was soft when addressing his sister, a sharp contrast to his austere demeanor. Aemond’s fondness for the princess was not well-known within the court, his cold looks and flinty nature preceding him. In the spare moments you found yourself present when the prince visited the princess in her chambers, you caught glimpses of the shift in his demeanor around Helaena. The sight was endearing, perhaps even bizarre to anyone else outside the royal family’s circle. He never stayed for long, departing with a kiss on Helaena’s hair and a formal nod to you. 
Today, however, it seemed that the prince found no disturbance in your presence within his sister’s sitting room. He listened along to your and Helaena’s conversation, lifting young Jaehaerys into his lap when the princeling crawled to his feet. 
“So,” Helaena started, shifting herself to sit up a little higher in her seat to turn to you. “Did your mystery admirer send you more jewels? Pearls, perhaps?”
Your cheeks burned at the princess’ words, wary of discussing the matter in front of the prince. Your eyes shifted to your lap, toying with your fingers shyly. You missed the way the prince’s good eye flickered to your form for a second, then to Helaena, before returning his attention to his nephew. 
“Oh, no. If he did, I would probably send them back again. I have no intention of accepting gifts from someone who does not make himself known,” you explained. Helaena giggled in amusement at your fluster, covering her lips with her ringed hand.
“Why not? I think it is quite romantic!”  You only shook your head at the princess, a shy smile lifting your cheeks.
“My affections cannot be swayed by jewels alone, I fear,” you said. Helaena only continued to giggle in amusement, her eyes flickering to Aemond and then back to you. You huffed along with the princess, though not quite catching what she found so funny. A clear of his throat cut through your chuckles, making you turn to the prince across from you.
“If I may ask, my lady, what would make one win your affection in gaining your hand?” Aemond asked. The question took you completely by surprise, leaving you stuttering for words as you struggled to give the prince a proper response. 
“W-well…” you stammered, turning to the princess who also awaited what you had to say. “I would like it if he would take an interest in me, as I will with him. If we are to be wed, I would want my lord husband to know what I like, and what I do not like. In return, I shall learn what pleases him and what does not. I would want our partnership to be fair, though I suspect that would be asking too much.”
“It is not,” the prince interjected. “A noble lady of a fine House should have her wants and needs met by the man who should take her as his wife.”
Surprise encompassed your features, taking on a bashful look at the prince’s words. You hadn’t expected him to take such interest in the matters of matrimony, especially yours. Aemond straightened up at the look on your face, awkwardly clearing his throat and turning to a grinning Helaena. “Don’t you think so, sister?”
“Oh, yes of course. I would like to see you happy in your marriage, and I think…” Helaena’s words were cut by a yawn, making her cover her mouth with her hand. Her evident exhaustion was only growing in the late afternoon, making you turn to her in concern.
“Why don’t you rest for a bit, princess? Supper isn’t for a few hours,” you suggested. The princess nodded but made no move to rise from her seat.
“That would be nice, but I would hate to leave Beth alone with the twins, they have gotten to be quite a handful to manage,” Helaena said, but you only responded with a shake of a head and a soft smile.
“I shall watch over the sweetlings happily, princess. ‘Tis no problem at all,” you gently persuaded her. The princess nodded, taking your hand to be helped up. As you accompanied her to her private bedchambers, the princess left a kiss on her brother’s cheek, who held a now sleeping Jaehaerys in his lap. You helped Helaena settle in her bed, lifting the covers to her chest. The tired princess let out a sigh of relief, letting herself relax against the cushions.
“I do hope my little critter is around here,” she mumbled. Your brows furrowed in confusion, asking her what she meant. 
“One of the spiders was gone from its jar this morning. I cannot recall letting it out, but I believe it cannot have gotten out of the apartments. Perhaps it is just crawling around.” 
You blanched at Helaena’s words, visibly gulping at her words. As much as you tried to indulge the princess in her interests, the little bugs she loved so dearly made your skin crawl. You willed yourself not to squirm every time Helaena made you take one into your hands, the sensation of their tiny legs on your skin unnerving. The thought of one possibly crawling by your feet made you unsettled, your eyes frantically searching the floors when you returned to the solar, so much that you didn’t spare a glance at the prince still sitting on the settee. You didn’t expect him to stay, but he seemed to make no move to leave.
“Is everything alright, my lady?” Aemond spoke up. You slightly jumped at his voice, before quickly composing yourself, flashing him a smile.
“Y-yes, my prince,” you responded. The nanny had taken the sleeping princeling from the one-eyed prince’s arms to return him to the nursery across the hall, while young Jaehaera continued to amuse herself with the dragon toys her mother had sewn together. You kneeled beside the young princess, taking one of the toys and playing with her, much to her delight. 
“You are good with her,” the prince spoke, making you turn to him. A bashful smile decorated your lips, closely following the princess who had started to waddle towards her uncle.
“They are adorable, I enjoy helping the princess take care of them whenever I can,” you smiled. Once Jaehaera settled into Aemond’s lap, she immediately took hold of the prince’s long silver tresses, pulling on them. The one-eyed prince merely groaned, but let his niece pull on his hair with no complaint, only pulling them away when she started to place them in her mouth. 
“No, no, sweet girl. Qȳbor ōghar iksis daor havor,” Aemond softly said, tickling the babe’s stomach. Jaehaera let out a squealing laugh, making you smile. The prince’s good eye flickered to yours when you chuckled at the sight of them, the corners of his lips threatening to lift at the sweet sound. (Uncle’s hair is not food.)
The young princess held out her arms to you, her small palms opening and closing. You stood from your place on the floor and walked over to the settee, dragon toy still in hand. You sat beside the prince, holding out the plush to the babe. She took them into her small palms, mumbling nonsense as she shoved it into Aemond’s face.
“The babes seem to be quite fond of you, my prince,” you commented, letting out another chuckle. Jaehaera managed to make herself stand up on her uncle’s lap, the prince holding her up by the armpits.
“Not as fond as I of them,” Aemond replied softly, planting a kiss on the babe’s plump cheek. You cooed when she mimicked him, planting open-mouthed kisses on her uncle’s face. The sight was utterly endearing, making you feel a warm twinge in your chest at the sight of the ice-cold dragon prince being melted away by his niece. 
Jaehaera soon managed to squirm her way off Aemond’s lap and onto the floor, returning to the scattered toys on the carpet. You stayed seated beside the prince, both of you keeping a close eye on the young princess. A silence encompassed the pair of you, the only sound in the room being Jaehaera’s wordless mumbles. Straightening his doublet, the one-eyed prince cleared his throat, turning his attention to you.
“I am aware your lord father has introduced many suitors vying for your hand. Have any of them managed to please you, my lady?” Aemond asked, his tone formal. You turned to find him staring at you, just as he always does. Your lips lifted into a downturned smile, while your fingers fiddled with your rings.
“They always do at the start, but their attention seems fickle. They ask the same things in hopes of getting to know me, and when I do respond it always floats into one ear and out the other,” you responded, earning a hum from the prince. His good eye flickered to Jaehaera and back to yours, his head giving you a small nod in agreement.
“And I assume the focus of the conversation immediately returns to them— their lands, their riches, yes?” Aemond asked, letting out a dark chuckle when you nodded in earnest. He grumbled something under his breath that you didn’t quite catch, though it sounded like his mother tongue. 
“Some of them aren’t too awful, and I am sure my father would want to find a respectable match for me,” you said, though you faltered at your own words. In truth, almost all of the lords who were courting you were absolutely dreadful to be around, and you couldn’t imagine spending a lifetime with the few that you found tolerable. Your hope for a good match was dwindling, making you realize that no fine gift can mask persuade you to make your choice.
“Earlier, you said you wished for your lord husband to be one to take interest in the small details to win your affections. What would that entail? How you take your tea in the morning and such?” 
You let out an awkward laugh at the prince’s words, though it seemed he had made no jest when his face remained neutral while he awaited your response. Your laugh died down to a clear of your throat, your cheeks warming in embarrassment.
“Y-yes, that would be a start,” you stammered. Aemond let out another hum, seemingly in thought. You bit your lip, turning away to check on Jaehaera, who continued to be lost in her own world of plush toys and blocks.
“And how do you take your tea in the morning, my lady?”
Your head whipped to Aemond, who stared back at you. In your shock, you gaped at him like a fish, your mind lost for words. The warmth in your cheeks spread over your entire face like a blanket, your pulse thrumming in your ears. His good eye trailed over your face, patient in his anticipation. 
Before you could formulate an answer, the door to Helaena’s chambers opened, Beth returning from the nursery. She informed you that it was time to put Jaehaera down for her nap as well, to which you nodded before she took the young princess away. The silence was deafening once the door closed behind the nanny, making you shift in your seat beside Aemond. The prince was the first to break the silence, his smooth voice slicing through the tension in the air.
“You haven’t answered my question.”
“I–” You barely uttered a response when you saw a splotch of black and orange on the edge of your skirts. 
Just your luck.
You jumped up from your seat, covering your mouth to mask your squeals so as to not wake Helaena. The spider continued to crawl its way up your skirts, making you shudder in fright. You resisted the strong urge to slap the critter away, your self-control barely kicking in through your panic. You had already killed one of Helaena’s spiders, you certainly were not about to kill another one.
“What is wrong?” Aemond asked, alarmed at your sudden reaction. You pointed to the creature on your skirt. It was hairy, with black and orange stripes. It walked slowly up your skirt on its legs, the sight utterly menacing.
“Spider!” you whispered loudly. In your panic, you failed to register how you had practically jumped halfway into Aemond’s lap. You ungracefully leaned your weight on a hand clamped on the prince’s thigh, making him groan when you squeezed a little too tightly. The position you were in was highly appropriate, but your rational thinking had flown out the window to make way for fear. Aemond wrapped an arm around your waist on instinct to balance you, though you continued to squirm uncomfortably when the spider inched crept towards your waistline. 
“Aem– my prince, get it off me, please!” you squeaked, making the prince let out a huff of amusement in your ear. You could only hope you weren’t disturbing the sleeping princess. With a pat on your waist, the prince reached to scoop the critter in his free hand. 
You finally let out a sigh of relief when Aemond pulled away to return the tarantula to its jar, calming down when the lid was screwed shut to prevent the spider from escaping once more. You recollected yourself, though you grew flustered once more at the sight of the amused smirk on the prince’s lips when he returned to his seat beside you.
“I take it you do not like spiders, then?” Aemond spoke, turning to you. You were filled with humiliation; your outburst was the most cowardly and the way you touched the prince was highly scandalous.
“My deepest apologies, my prince. That was highly inappropriate, I am deeply ashamed,” you apologized, but Aemond only shook his head.
“No need to apologize, I am glad to help a beautiful lady in distress,” he said, the roguish smirk still plastered on his features. Your cheeks grew only hotter at his words, making you look away from him while he let out another chuckle. Another silence passed, the rush from the adrenaline dying down into something awkward and sheepish. 
“You still haven’t given me an answer to my question,” Aemond mentioned. You turned to him once more, and as your eyes met, the prince held a hopeful glint in his good eye, his demeanor turning serious once more while he studied you. 
“Why do you ask, my prince?” you asked, though the pieces were starting to fall together in your mind. The prince cleared his throat, shifting in his seat. His eye fell toward your hand that rested in the space between you, his gaze running over the length of your fingertips before resting on the sight of your ring finger, bare and unclaimed.
“I ask because… I want to know what pleases you and what does not, so in return, you may know of mine.”
“What are you saying?” you asked once more, your voice falling into a whisper. You wanted to hear him say it, to witness the words falling from his pouty lips.
“I wish to court you, my lady, to win your affections so I may ask for your hand,” the prince admitted. It was starting to make sense— the stares, his constant presence with you and Helaena.
“The jewels…”
“They were from me,” Aemond confirmed. You could only stare at him in astonishment, at the idea of a prince, the prince Aemond joining the other noblemen in their attempts to win your affections was something you had never imagined. You were confused as to why he hadn’t let his intentions known from the start. Was he embarrassed? Was he being forced by his mother’s bidding? You dared not cage him in a marriage that would displease him.
“I am not good at flattery nor in the ways of courting a woman, especially one as fair as you, my lady, though I wish to make my intentions known now before I lose my chance,” the prince explained, his hand rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. It was almost amusing to see him so shy if it weren’t for the state of stupefaction you still found yourself in. “I apologize if the jewels were not to your liking.”
“No, oh, they were wonderful, my prince! I just… I had no idea,” you replied. The prince nodded in understanding, to which you gave him a soft smile.
“If I may ask, my prince, w-why me?” 
Aemond looked at you for a moment, pondering his words. He couldn’t recall the exact moment when he had first taken an interest in you, perhaps it was seeing you with Helaena and how you brightened his sister’s days, or how you glided gracefully during the dances at the feasts, or when he would catch you in the gardens, soaking in the sun peacefully on your own. All Aemond knew was that you had enamored him, and it would be a great honor to take you as his wife. He struggled to put all of this into words, the ability to express his emotions was not a strong suit of his after all. You patiently awaited his response, bright eyes staring up at him.
“An alliance between our Houses would be greatly beneficial, and your father would be granted a place on the King’s council upon our union.”
Aemond all but kicked himself at his awful response. He saw the disappointment flash through your eyes, your lips muttering a small, “yes, of course,” and he could feel you start to pull away. His palm covered the back of your hand, his larger hand covering the entirety of your smaller one. Your eyes fell to where his touch met yours, its heat engulfing your hand.
“You are a fine woman, my lady. I come to you as a man, not a prince of the realm, and I can only ask for you to grant me the benefit of courting you for your hand in marriage,” Aemond proposed. When you made no move to retreat your hand from his touch, the prince took your hand in his, before lifting it to his lips and bestowing a kiss on your knuckles. A breath was hitched in your throat at the feeling of his lips upon your skin, and you found yourself craving the soft sensation. 
“It would be my greatest honor to be your husband. You shall be a princess of the realm, and you will want for nothing. I shall gift you the finest silks and jewels from far and wide, whatever you wish for, I will grant it. You will be well taken care of if you will let me, and we shall be happy.”
Your cheeks burned in timidity at Aemond’s words, ones you had never imagined to hear from him in your wildest lips. Your mind ran a mile in a minute, weighing your options. There was no denying that you found the prince utterly handsome, with his long hair, lithe form, and sculptured face. He was dashing, even more so when you caught him swinging his sword expertly in the Red Keep’s yard when he trained. You would be a fool to deny it, but you were quite taken by him. To be the wife of a Targaryen prince was every noblelady’s dream, a position surely beneficial to your House. Your children will be dragonriders, the thought already making you blush when you thought of the prospect of creating offspring with the prince. You would not have to part with Helaena as well, much to your delight. When you came to a decision, you shuffled closer to Aemond, your knees pressing against his. You took your clasped hands into your lap, rubbing his knuckles with your other hand, before bestowing your kiss upon his flesh. As you looked up at your prince, your lips lifted into a smile, bright and sweet.
“That sounds like the most wonderful prospect, my prince. I would like that very much.”
Aemond’s lips lifted to mimic your smile, before letting out a sigh of relief. 
In the days that followed, they were spent with your prince. You watched him train in the morn, walked through the gardens later in the day, and joined him for supper with his family. Helaena let her brother whisk you away from your duties as her lady-in-waiting, waving you off dismissively with a smile when Aemond came to fetch you from her chambers. Your father was most enthusiastic about the courtship, eagerly negotiating with Lord Hightower on the concessions that would come with your union. And on the day it was decided that you shall wed, a knock on your door echoed through your chambers. You opened the door to reveal your prince, holding a present for you. A look of astonishment adorned your features when you opened the box, revealing a shining sapphire necklace.
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I think Brennan did something interesting with the Porter and Gorgug scene in the last episode. Porter is by all appearances a competent Barbarian teacher. He understands the role of Rage and its mechanical combat benefits, and he even recognizes how Gorgug uses Rage to protect those he cares about. But he doesn't understand how multiclassing into a caster fits into that framework.
And it's true! In 5e you can't cast or concentrate on spells in a Rage. But-- Artificers work a little different than other casters! Alchemist Elixirs and Arcane Cannons aren't technically spells. Arcane Armor just works. And so does the Steel Defender.
Of any caster I think the Artificer is probably the best-suited to multiclass Barbarian because their key subclass features are largely not spells. But it also runs into the problem of requiring multiple high stats. Barbarians already want high STR and CON, and Artificers need INT for their spells and spell saves.
And so there's this narrative tension here. Brennan the DM obviously wants to let his player have fun with the character build-- embracing the creative artificer side of himself is a great character moment for Gorgug, bearer of the tin flower. Someone who has always channeled Rage to protect those he cares about but who has also been called to create and preserve beauty.
And yet mechanically, it's a difficult build. We didn't see Gorgug cast anything in the Night Yorb battle, as far as I recall? And in-universe, classes are a formally recognized thing that require approval. But Gorgug can't be the kind of Barbarian that Porter wants him to be. So he has to show that he can be a different kind of Barbarian-- one whose magic integrates and synergizes with his Rage rather than opposing it.
We see Gorgug still insecure about his homunculus and about the solar lasso, even though these are objectively impressive feats. So it's not a skill issue but an internal conflict-- it's only once Gorgug reconciles and synthesizes his magic with his Barbarian side that the in-world powers that be will recognize him for all of who he is.
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pillow-anime-talk · 11 months
goddess of peace.
request: can you do any record of ragnarok’s gods character with a female reader who is like zhongli from genshin impact?
# tags: headcanon; strangers to lovers or current relationships or marriage relationships; light romance; a bit of fluff; goddess!reader; calm!reader; sfw
includes: female reader ft. hades, poseidon, heracles, loki & beelzebub {ror}
author’s note: yaaaay first ror request!! gimme more
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↘ You impressed many gods with your ever calm expression and voice that soothed everyone to sleep or healed mental wounds. No matter what you said, your gentle, almost shy smile and willingness to help made everyone on Olympus and during important meetings agree with you, although you often asked them to oppose your ideas in case of objections.
↘ Many deities gossip about your marriage to Hades – Lord of Death and King of the Underworld. Hades was the man feared by the entire Greek Pantheon, a class of his own and a god who had lived in solitude for thousands of years, his only friend for eternity being himself. So how did a beautiful, gentle, nature-loving woman like you fall in love with him and decide to live in Helheim? You were, after all, the Goddess of Calligraphy, The protector of Artists.
↘ The answer is very simple though. Hades is a secretive romantic and though the flowers you got from him were always withered, they were always the most beautiful gift you could receive because you knew his feelings were sincere. So, although you often missed the view of the sky, the warmth of the sun, running deer or the view of lakes and fields stretching from Mount Olympus, life with Hades was really wonderful, and he was a gallant gentleman bravely leading you by the hand.
↘ Your aura full of peace and nostalgia for the world of the living gave the underworld colors and warmth.
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↘ Your close friend was Zeus, who one day organized a grand banquet for an unknown occasion. As his good friend, the Goddess of Science and Philosophy, you sat right next to him at a huge, round table on which meat dishes, all fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as sweets and wine barrels were arranged. Right next to your left sat the King of the Seas and at the same time the older brother of your best friend. Poseidon never got to know you, though of course he heard your name more than once when he spoke to his brothers and the other gods of Olympus.
↘ You were the definition of calm and prudence; your sparkling eyes studied each guest attentively, and you listened to each story with the greatest concentration. From time to time you answered questions from other, more important gods, thanking for each compliment, remark or approval. The fair-haired man didn’t say much that evening, but for the first time in ages he stayed at the table until the end of the meeting and sometimes, without a word, offering you another glass of alcohol or fresh fruit (in his mind, throughout the party, he wrote the dishes you tasted and the sweets that made the biggest smile on your face).
↘ Poseidon was delighted with you, though he couldn’t admit it. Of course he would never do that, especially among other Greek deities. This would create gossip and unnecessary attention to him. He also didn’t want you to feel embarrassed by unpleasant questions or comments.
↘ At the end of a meeting that seemed to last for years, everyone slowly returning to their realms. You also thanked for the meal and amazing company, saying ‘Goodbye’ to Zeus and the others. Poseidon followed you wordlessly. Before the handsome god submerged into the cold water, in gratitude for the nice time he gave you one of the seashells he once found at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Its shell was white and sparkled like a diamond. Before you could thank him though, Poseidon disappeared into the sea foam and you blushed hardly.
↘ In the world of the gods, giving another person a gift related to the profession of a patron was equivalent to a confession of feelings or a proposal.
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↘ Heracles from the first time he saw you (more than two thousand years ago) knew that you would be his and would do anything to protect your beautiful soul and precious smile. You were the Queen of the Forest and Meadows, so your nature was calm, patient and also timid. Heracles, on the other hand, as a hero and a man for whom respect for a woman was in the first place, of course, wanted to show you how much you mean to him and how precious flower you are.
↘ His behavior and feelings were very visible. He was like a teenager in love with a huge smile and a fast heartbeat whenever he received words of gratitude from you or small compliments about his strength, agility and acts of heroism towards animals or people.
↘ He is literally delighted and acts like a five-year-old after receiving a candy when you agree to go on a date with him. He probably stays awake for the next week, not eating, and begs Aphrodite and Apollo on his knees to help him with his hair and clothes. He is more than stressed when he thinking about your meeting, but he does not forget for a microsecond a bouquet of your favorite flowers, which he gives you with a shy smile, telling you how beautiful you look that day.
↘ When you thank him for them and take his strong, slightly rough from fighting hand, he almost faints, but don’t worry. It will definitely be the best date in the history of the Greek Pantheon.
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↘ You are his opposite. No one among the Norse gods (and in general all deities that exist) understands your relationship and sincerely sympathizes with you, because Loki is the biggest rascal and jester. However, you don’t think you need sympathy or sad looks; on the contrary – next to him you feel really safe and good. This boy is very considerate of you and really appreciates that someone like the Norse Goddess of Poetry took an interest in him and gave him her fragile heart.
↘ Of course, he’s still a bit mischievous towards you, but his pranks never make you angry or sad. It’s more like jokes about Loki turning into an animal or running away from your kisses, flying high so you can’t reach him.
↘ God of Mischief is like a faithful dog when it comes to you. He always stays close to you, always takes a seat to your left, always looks at your interlocutor with bored eyes, and always tries to get your attention with loud laughter, singing and questions. He is a little attention hoe.
↘ Loki, alone with you, is a little poetry expert who brags to you how many books he has read and what new achievements he has made. He is concerned when he sees your sadness – then he tries hard to cheer you up with silly faces and at the same time puts on a mask of seriousness when he sees that you need a longer and serious conversation. Of course, then he will fly away again and pretend to be a mosquito, but as soon as he comes back to you, he will give you a million kisses. After all, you have exactly eternity for your love.
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↘ He was horrified when he realized you were more than just a friend to him. He decided to distance himself, but you quickly knocked that idea out of his head, proposing a conversation. Of course, your calm voice and small smile immediately soothed the God of Darkness and made him believe that he would be happy with you.
↘ Being the Goddess of Light and Life was completely at odds with who you married after many years. You were like a beautiful tulip and he was a dried chrysanthemum. Extremely different, but perfectly complementary in terms of your characters and feelings. Your calm nature always soothed Beelzebub’s racing thoughts and his sad eyes, which still seemed not to understand why you gave your precious heart to the one possessed by Satan.
↘ However, you were happy with him and although his hand was always cold and his face was pale and often without a smile, you thought that he was the man you wanted to live with until the end of the world and one more day.
↘ Beelzebub had to admit it – he was damn in love with you and your beautiful aura was what honestly illuminated his previously bleak life. From the moment he met you, the man wanted to live and develop again. With such a queen by his side, nothing could destroy him.
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teenidlegirl · 12 days
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ dilf!miguel 𝓍 babysitter!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓢𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. your next door neighbor is need of a babysitter for his nine year old daughter and you take the position. one day while babysitting, you stumble upon your neighbor’s younger brother. you two developed a close bond that your neighbor isn’t very fond of. in fact, he despises it.
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓒𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. modern!au, age gap (miguel is 29, reader is 23), love triangle, angst, jealousy, lowkey possessiveness, some fluff, swearing, heavy arguments, hispanic/latina!reader
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓛𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝓝𝐎𝐓𝐄. finally indulge in this idea lmao. btw i headcanon gabriel’s voice is pedro pascal’s because of this video. enjoy some gabriel content because he needs love too. ♡
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miguel needs help. specifically, a babysitter.
his job at alchemax has been very demanding lately, leaving him unable to be with his daughter gabriella. he would ask his brother gabriel but he’s busy with his own life. there is only one solution left.
you, his lovely beautiful neighbor.
when he asks you to babysit, it was a surprise honestly. you didn’t expect from your neighbor to ask such a question since you two rarely speak. only say ‘hello’ or ‘goodnight’ when passing through the halls. miguel knew you were a responsible, caring woman due to your devotion to your job and how kind you are. he was captivated the minute he first saw you.
he promises to pay well, despite your many objections. you even said you’re willing to watch gabriella for free since your job is paying you well enough. as the stubborn man is he, miguel heavily insisted to pay you. unfortunately, you didn’t win the argument and obey his wishes. just this once.
“i should be home by 9:30, 10:00 the latest. gabriella should be already in bed by then.”
you nod with a soft smile. “no problem.”
footsteps can be heard, approaching quickly.
“hi! i made you a picture!” gabriella runs into the kitchen and holds of a drawing of a lotus flower.
your mouth drops and eyes widen in astonishment. “whoa. that’s amazing!” you gently take the drawing from her and examine it. “wow, you really drew this?” you flip it around and point at the drawing.
she nods eagerly with a wide grin. “yep!”
“dude, you have amazing artistic abilities. this is literally the best lotus flower drawing i’ve ever seen. thank you.” you hug the drawing to your chest.
miguel, on the other hand, has a big smile on his face as he watches you two interact. you already started the job and gabi already likes you.
“you’re welcome! do you like monster high?”
“oh my god yes! i loved it so much when i was a kid.” you said with much enthusiasm.
“yay! let’s go to my room so you can see my dolls!” without hesitation, gabriella takes your wrist and takes you to her room. running away like a princess and a queen to the castle.
miguel remains speechless but smiling, left alone in the kitchen. well, this is going to be just fine. how friendly you’re towards gabi and matching her energy puts a smile on his face. a warm sensation in his chest. he knew you were the perfect choice.
later that day, miguel arrives home exactly at 9:30 like he said. he comes home to a slightly dimmed living room. you sitting comfortably on the couch reading a book with just the table lamp as the only source of light. the sound of the door closing and keys jingling makes you look up from your book.
“buenas tardes. gabi is asleep like promised.” you flash him a quick smile before looking back at your book and continue reading.
“gracias.” he shows his appreciation with a smile. sipping off his shoes and hanging his jacket on the coat hanger, miguel ventures to the kitchen. “how did it go?” he asks while washing his hands.
“great. gabi showed me her monster high collection. she has way more dolls than i did when i was her age. we played with them then did some drawing and watched pixar movies.” you elaborate.
drying his hands with a towel then tossing it in the sink, miguel walks over and joins you on the couch. sitting on the opposite side of you. “that’s great. i’m glad you two had a great time.”
“we did. she’s an amazing kid.” you said sweetly, flashing a smile at him.
“thank you.” he replied softly. his eyes fall onto your book. “how far are you in?”
“halfway through. i just bought it yesterday and i couldn’t put it down. murder mystery is my favorite genre.” you glance back at your book.
“halfway? wow, it must be very interesting.” miguel is genuinely impressed. it looks like a thick book, meaning a lot of pages and you’re already halfway through it. you like to read, he takes note of that.
he also takes note of how comfortable you look on his couch. knees up to your chest to support your book. the armrest against your back so the lamp hits your book. you sink in the cushions so comfortably, making you relax. the sight makes his chest warm. a sight that paints a smile on his face.
so relaxed and peaceful.
after reading the last sentence and of the page, you place your bookmark and close your book. “welp, it’s time for me to head out. goodnight, señor.” you flash him one more smile before getting up and head towards the front door to put on your shoes.
“wait—“ miguel rises from the couch and quickly follows you. “your payment.” grabbing several bucks from his wallet, he hands them to you.
your eyes widen when you realize how much it is. “$200? no offense, señor, but you’re crazy. it’s just babysitting.” you refuse kindly, softly chuckling.
“no te procupes, querida. you deserve it, you helped me tonight and i want to express my gratitude so please, take it.” miguel pleads.
“señor o’hara, i can’t—“
“pro favor, querida. and it’s miguel.”
you quietly sigh, feeling defeated. it’s too much money, especially for babysitting. you can’t accept it but those brown pleading eyes make your heart flutter. they remind you of puss in boots. “$40.”
“$100.” he grins a little.
“miguel.” you said a bit sternly, raising a brow.
“querida.” he matches your tone, still grinning.
you let out another sigh. “ay dios mio, okay. but just this once, vale?” you gently take the cash from him and put it in your mini purse.
“can’t make promises, querida.” a mischievous smirk gracing his lips.
you shake your head, smiling. “well, thank you. buenas noches.” you smile before opening the door.
“buenas noches, querida.” miguel said softly as he follows you then stops at the door.
you two share a smile one last time before you walk to your apartment right next door. once you’re inside, miguel closes his door and locks it.
he can’t wait for you to babysit more.
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the more you continue babysitting, you and miguel get to know one another. a bond blossomed between you two. those late night chitchats continued. talking about what you and gabi did that day. discussing whatever book you’re reading. sharing about each other’s childhoods, families, high school and college experiences. ranting about shitty coworkers.
miguel learned you have older siblings with tons of kids. it makes sense why you’re more chill but still mature like an aunt would be. however, he still sees some motherly traits in you. how you panicked when gabriella fell off her scooter and scraped her knee pretty badly. how you tend to her wound with such tenderness like a worried mother. giving her a kiss on the forehead after reading her a story before bed. helping her get ready for picture day at school, dressing her up in a baby pink dress with daisies that you bought for her. oh gabriella was so happy that day because you helped her get ready. she loved the dress so much, her favorite. all those little things made miguel’s heart swoon. how attentive you are, providing kindness and love. it made miguel fall for you more than he already does.
you enjoy each other’s company. each night, you find yourselves sitting closer inch by inch. almost to the point of sitting right next to each other, faces merry apart. thighs lightly touching each other. those longing gazes, especially when one wasn’t looking.
miguel has been infatuated with you since he met you. his feelings grew stronger with this babysitting routine and late night conversations.
you are charmed by miguel. handsome, determined, intelligent and an amazing father. you admire his devotion for his daughter and intelligent in genetics. however, you remind yourself to not give into temptation. this is solely a routine to help out your neighbor, nothing more. you don’t even care for the money, you care about helping miguel and adore hanging out with gabriella. she’s like another niece to you. the o’hara’s are like a second family.
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you and gabriella are pretending to make food with her plastic kitchen set. you’re both in princess costumes from playing princesses earlier. while in the middle of playing, you hear the door open.
“donde esta mi—“
quickly turning around, you find a man who isn’t miguel but relatively similar standing at the door with wide eyes and mouth dropped open. he’s handsome, same level of handsome as miguel. brown hair accompanied with a pair of googles on his head. wearing striped scarf despite the hot ass weather of summer. you’re immediately mesmerized by him, and he with you. you two stare at each other for a moment before gabriella gets up and runs over to the man in excitement, snapping you both out of trance.
“tío!” she squeals, jumping into his arms.
“h-hola mija!” he quickly wraps his arms around her into a hug. “how’s my favorite niece?” he crouches after she lets go of him to be at her level.
“i’m your only niece.” she deadpans.
the man chuckles, patting gabi’s head which makes her giggle. “still, my favorite.” his eyes move to you, now standing back up. “uh… hi.” he said shyly.
“hi.” you match his tone, rising up from the floor. a wave of self-conscious hits you when you realize you’re still in the princess costume. hints of blush stains your cheeks due to embarrassment.
to gabriel, you look cute in it.
“i-i’m gabriel.” the man offers his hand, which is a calmly due to nervousness.
oh now you know who he is.
“oh so you’re the brother.” a grin spreads across your face as you gentle shake his hand.
“and you’re the babysitter.” he grins as well.
you softly giggle as you tell your name. so this is miguel’s younger brother, the famous gabriel. the brother gabriella is named after. wow, he is literally so handsome. of course he is, he’s related to miguel. but if you’re gonna be honest, gabriel is more attractive. it’s unclear why but you’re so mesmerized by him. just looking at him makes your heart beat faster.
you’re not the only one. gabriel believes the most beautiful woman stands in front of him. a literal fucking goddess. you are the definition of ethereal. your beauty stole his breath away. leaving him so speechless and utterly captivated.
quickly snapping out of trance, you awkwardly clear your throat. “well… since tío is here, i guess i’m not needed here anymore.” it makes sense since gabriel is here and possibly watch gabriella until miguel arrives so they can hang out as a family.
“no!” both gabriella and gabriel panic.
“please don’t go! i want you to stay!” she pleads.
“you don’t need to leave! i-i’m just stopping by to say hi. i forgot miguel works today so it’s my fault.” gabriel chuckles awkwardly, starching the back of his neck. “i’ll just come back another time.”
“no!” now you’re the one to panic. “you can stay until miguel gets home. besides, i think your little name twin wants you to stay.” you gesture at gabriella.
but you too want him to stay.
gabriel is utterly stunned. honestly, he doesn’t want to after meeting the most gorgeous being. “yeah, that sounds fine. i wanted to stay anyways.” he said wholeheartedly, staring into your eyes.
that final phrase makes your heart flutter.
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surprisingly, miguel got off earlier today. he was a bit confused at first but immediately agreed since now he can spend time with you and gabi. a bright smile on his face as he unlocks the door. he was expecting gabriella to come running to greet him like usual but she doesn’t. but what really captures his attention is two familiar voices coming from the kitchen. slipping off his shoes and hanging up his coat, miguel ventures over to the kitchen and his heart drops.
you and gabriel on either side of kitchen island, smiling at each other as you talk. you giggling at whatever the hell gabriel is talking about. he can see that hint of blush on your cheeks. how you shyly smile at gabriel. miguel knows his brother, he’s flirting with you and apparently you are into it.
a big frown settles on miguel’s face. a sudden burst of jealousy boils in his blood. oh he does not like the sight in front of him. part of him wants walk up and tell gabriel to fuck off or say he’s too much of a distraction. his fists curled up into balls at his sides as gabriel moves closer towards you, now almost next to each other. miguel silently seethes.
“papí!” the sweet voice of gabriella snaps him out of anger. the frown immediately vanished and is replaced with a smile when he sees his little girl. it also makes you and gabriel to turn around.
“hola, mi princesa.” miguel crouches and embraces his daughter with a tight bear hug.
“you’re home early!” she exclaims.
“si, i wanted to come home early to see you.” he was telling the half truth. of course he wanted to see you as well but not when his own brother beats him to it. he lets go of gabi and stands up, looking at you and gabriel. “i wasn’t expecting to see you, hermanito.”
“i wanted to stop by and say hi. i forgot you worked today.” the younger o’hara chuckles as he walks up to miguel and pulls him into a hug.
concealing his jealousy, miguel hugs his brother back with a aggressive pat on the back. “well, i appreciate you stopping by. it’s always nice to see you.”
not nice to see you snuggled up against my (girl) babysitter, miguel thought.
gabriel reciprocates with a back pat. “you didn’t tell me you have a literal goddess in the house.” pulling back form the hug, he winks at you.
“ay stop it.” you giggle shyly, blushing.
one of miguel’s eye twitches.
“¿qué?” gabriel chuckles. “i’m just being honest.”
you shake your head. “you’re being ridiculous.”
as much as miguel loves your sweet laugh, he doesn’t like the fact he isn’t the one making you laugh but his own brother instead.
god does he hate it.
“well, it seems you two got along quickly.” miguel said through gritted teeth, fake smiling.
“we really did.” gabriel stands beside you, his gaze locked on yours. “like a click of a button.”
you nod with a soft smile, gazing up at him. “yeah.”
you two stare at each other, utterly lost in one’s gaze while miguel seethes internally. he wants you to look at him like that. your gorgeous eyes meet his own. utterly mesmerized and dazed. at all the times he looks at you, he’s looking at the most precious gem in the world and wants to admire you for eternity. however, he isn’t the only one who thinks the same.
as shitty of a brother he is for thinking like this, miguel lowkey wanted gabriel to leave after he said he wanted to stay for dinner because you were staying. of course he loves his little brother but goddamnit he wants to slap gabriel on the head for endlessly flirting with you the entire evening. he offered to cook and guessed who helped him? you because you couldn’t deny those puppy eyes. oh miguel wanted to die. watching you and his brother cooking together as if you were a married couple. he wanted to be gabriel in that moment. deep down inside, he felt like a sad puppy.
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the nightmare continues on.
now gabriel visits more often just to see you and that pisses off miguel. of course he loves his brother visiting to spend more time, or more so making up time for not visiting often. but miguel wasn’t expecting to you and him get along so well.
a little too well, in miguel’s opinion.
when you weren’t babysitting and gabriel stops by, he immediately asks for you.
“donde esta la señorita?” the younger o’hara grins as enters the kitchen where miguel is, currently making breakfast for gabriella.
his jaw clenched, his grip on the spatula tightens a little. “trabajando, she won’t be off until later tonight.” miguel continues cooking, not meeting his brother’s gaze. he secretly hopes gabriel will be gone by the time you arrive home.
“well, i’ll just wait for her then till she gets back. imma go say hi a mi sobrina.”
the spatula could’ve broke if miguel applied more pressure on his grip. he lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding since he hears gabriel’s footsteps fade away. now alone in the kitchen dealing with his boiling jealousy.
gabriel kept his word when you arrive home. he caught you walking up to your apartment and greets you with a smile. miguel remained inside but he can hear your excitement to see his brother, not him. you two babble about each other’s day while miguel continues seething in silence. he decides to distract himself by putting gabriella to bed.
“i think tío gabriel and her like each other.”
that statement makes miguel’s heart stop for a moment. gabi has witnessed the endless flirting between you and him. unlike her father, she likes the idea of you and gabriel together.
“why do you think that, mija?” miguel asks softly, concealing his jealousy.
“because tío gabriel is always making her laugh and smile. they hug a lot and sit next to each other all the time. they seem happy together.” she smiles.
goddamnit. it’s truth and miguel despises it.
“well, they’re good friends to each other.”
gabi shakes her head. “no, they’re like a couple. they like like each other, papí.”
his heart aches at that statement. he knows gabriel does but do you like like him? do you find his younger brother more attractive than him? are you more interested in gabriel than him? fuck, these negative thoughts consume his poor mind.
a soft sigh welded his lips. “well… maybe. buenas noches, mi cielo.” miguel plants a gently kiss on her forehead then lifts off the bed to tuck her in.
“buenas noches, papí. tell tío gabriel and miss i said goodnight too, please!”
he sighs, dreading to see you two possibly snuggled up together. but he’ll do it for gabi. “of course.” one final kiss on the forehead then he exits the room, gently closing the door after him.
is gabriella right? he hopes not.
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unfortunately, she was right indeed.
“i’m going to ask her on a date.”
oh miguel is fucking lost it. not only jealousy boiling in his blood but anger as well. he can’t do this. he can’t ask you on a date. miguel saw you first, not gabriel. as bad and weird as it sounds, miguel was infatuated with you form the beginning. it was just you and miguel, plus gabriella. it was a little trio.
those late night chats over coffee was what he seeks for after a long, exhausting day at work. step into his home filled with such coziness you provided. to see your pretty face at the end of the day. a face he loves to come home to. you’re everything he wants in a partner. the perfect mother figure for gabriella. he was afraid to initiate anything out of fear of overstepping boundaries. afraid you don’t share the same feelings. afraid you’d stop babysitting if he confessed. however, it was much more than that.
his own brother stepping in, replacing him. having those late nights with you. taking care of gabi together, as a new trio. it makes miguel’s heart ache. upset that you chose his brother over him. pissed off at gabriel for snatching you from him.
the jealousy continues bubbling inside of him. invading his body like a poison. he’s at the verge of exploding. he can’t take it anymore.
“no, you’re not.” miguel said sternly.
that statement confuses gabriel. his eyebrows furrowed. “what do you mean ‘no’?”
fists curled up into a ball at his sides. his frown deepens as miguel takes a step closer. “you’re not going to ask her on date. ¿entiendes?” he sounds so intimidating, almost threatening.
now gabriel’s frown deepens as well. “¿como que no? what’s your problem?”
he takes another step closer, almost face-to-face. “my problem is you’re too much of a fucking distraction. you can never leave her alone without your whiny ass following her like a damn dog.”
“i’m a distraction?! cómo friegas, miguel! she likes me and i like her! i want to ask her out so i can ask her to be my girlfriend!” gabriel exclaims.
oh that sentence broke hell loose.
miguel grabs gabriel by the scarf and yanks him closer, a little aggressive which elicits a groan from the younger o’hara. “she’s not going to be your girlfriend. she’ll never be your girlfriend and you’ll never ask her because she’s mine.”
he watch his brother’s eyes widen in shock. fuck, he realized what he said.
“you jealous prick. i knew you had a thing for her. all this fucking time, i knew.” gabriel yanks off his hand from his scarf and pulls back.
miguel was about to speak but gabriel cuts him off.
“do you realize how fucking crazy you sound? she’s yours? what the fuck is wrong with you, miguel?! that’s fucking creepy!”
panic begins settling in his veins. “i-i didn’t mean it like that, i was—“
“then what, miguel?! you’re so fucking in love with her but didn’t have the balls to say it?! you lost your fucking chance!”
it immediately went silent. a staring contest between the two rivaling brothers.
“you always win.” miguel croaks, shoulders slumped. “you’ve always get the woman. you’ve always been in a good relationship and even ended on good terms after the breakup. a non-toxic relationship. you have always won and never let me win. dana was the fucking devil and i never knew gabriella’s mother.”
gabriel remained silent, utterly speechless but also feels immense guilt for his brother. it’s true, dana was a horrible toxic person and gabriella was left on miguel’s doorstep in a basket with no information about the biological mother.
miguel mentioned your name ever so softly. “she’s been the person i’ve been seeking for so long. someone who treats and cares for gabi with love and kindness, like a fucking mother would. someone that gabi can do girl things with, to have a mother figure in her life. someone who leaves me leftovers when i come home late because she thinks about me. someone who i can have a honest conversation with. someone who makes me feel appreciated and cared for. she’s everything i ever wanted.”
gabriel feels like the most horrible person on the planet. those tearful eyes makes his heart ache painfully. all this time, he never knew this is how miguel felt. god he feels so fucking guilty.
but the worse is he’s in love with you too. despite his last relationship was good, it felt more like friends than lovers. hence why it ended on a good note. gabriel also yearns for that love. so perfect and healthy, he found that with you. all those days with you, he never felt so happy. but now with this conflict with his older brother, it’s a fucking mess.
miguel remains breathless, feeling a little relieved to finally say what’s been boiling inside his body for two months. all he hopes is for gabriel to understand or at least have some sympathy. miguel knows he likes you too. they just need to find a solution, work it out.
“hermano, i’m so sorry…”
the string of hope tightens. miguel feels prepared to his brother’s words of sympathy.
“but i love her too.”
fuck. the string breaks, all hope gone.
“and i’m going to ask her.” gabriel is firm with his words. glaring at his older brother before walking away. slamming the door shut on his way.
the panic comes back haunting him. heart racing in his chest. his breathing growing heavy. his own brother fucking betrayed him.
gabriel is going to win again.
miguel is going to lose you.
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ᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁. 𝓣𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓  ˖ ࣪ ༘  @milkyardbetter
© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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yzzart · 6 months
hii love!! i'm new to your work but i've fallen deeply in love with your writing and your way of writing Tom 😭😭 i absolutely love the actress!au stories so i thought about one myself: where tom and reader are already in a established, public relationship; and they attend a gala or some kind of event together, and maybe one of them had to host or talk in front of the guests and they keep mentioning and talking about each other. and the fans are going crazy after that interaction 💘 thank youuu
"A peculiar moment."
pairing: tom blyth x actress!reader.
summary: at an event and being the host, Tom interviews the first person of the night, you.
word count: 1.452!
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“You look so beautiful, Y/n!”
A mix of voices asking, clamoring for photos, autographs or at least a four-second attention exclaimed in your ears and of course, echoed throughout the environment. — Also, accompanied by several flashes, one stronger than the other, from cameras; it bothered you a little, but nothing too profound.
After all, besides being used to it, this had already become a routine for you.
Walking, carefully and holding a small part of your dress so you don't trip in your steps, to a large one that separated the fans from a part of the carpet, you are greeted by more screams, compliments and smiles. — Along with several photos of you, posters for "The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes" and other films that featured you, and some notebooks looking for her autograph. — Doing your best, you tried, completely, to pay attention to everyone.
There came a time when you needed to draw on a fan's arm, because she warned you that she was going to get a tattoo; a completely surprising request for you. — There were a lot of people, so paying attention to all of them was a very difficult job, but you did your best to welcome and talk to them. — Also, thanking everyone for the support and so much love.
After a specific period of time, which was a little long, preparations for future brief interviews had already begun, along with the photo sessions; the cameras were already recording and capturing everything that passed in front of their lenses. — A good number of the interviewers were already organized, talking and interviewing some people and some were talking to the event employees.
The environment was magnificently exquisite and dazzling; flowers of different colors, but most of them reddish in pigmentation, possibly intended to match the red carpet and the charming decorations that were present. — Everything was impeccable. — And the lights, lighting matching the color palettes.
Continuing to walk along the carpet, and being careful with your steps in your dress, you greet the photographers, quickly answering questions about your well-being and requesting attention for their respective cameras. — While posing, smiling, in a gratifying way, you looked for a certain person who was scheduled to be present at the event.
Perhaps, it could be considered a little rude as your eyes were roaming, freely and lightly, across the large hallway as the flashes captured your every movement. — Well, just maybe. — But your chest was anxious, more than usual, during your silent and barely disguised search.
"Here, Y/n!" — An unknown voice passed through your ears, removing your thoughts from your attention and consideration, and the owner of the request waved holding his camera; trying to attract your focus and succeeding. — "That!" — His small smile of gratitude became visible.
Even though he directed a smile accompanied by a pose for the camera, fulfilling the photographer's request, your eyes remained on his objective, but in a discreet and not so flashy way. — In each flash, you moved your eyes to the side and observed person by person. — Until, instantly, your eye sockets collided with the image of a familiar person. — He turned around quickly, and finally his eyes met yours.
Holding a microphone, which had a marking saying "host", and standing next to the camera that was in front of him, Tom watched your photo session with a proud smile. — The recording, which was live, did not focus on his entire smile, just a part of it. — He wasn't just watching, he was admiring, contemplating you; he always did it and could never get tired of it.
Tom received an exclusive invitation, considered splendid by you, to host the event; a large and responsible role and mission, too. — It was a great emotion, at the same time you received it, your boyfriend immediately told you; and, of course, you were the first to know about it. — Therefore, one of his fundamentalist roles included interviewing the guests.
Blyth was nervous, that was obvious, but also confident; perhaps, due to the fact that you would be the first person he would interview that night.
Your genuine, radiant smile went through the photos and stood out among them, making them all magnificent, and already being planned to be posted. — And the photographers were more than satisfied. — Before leaving and heading towards the interview point, you moved your head towards some cameras and said goodbye to them.
The small point, which resembled a small stage, where the host's interviews began was not far from where you were; Just a few steps and you could walk without any problems or worries about your dress. — Something you were grateful for, mentally.
It was only when you were going up, on one of the steps of the small stage, that you needed a little help. — Your boyfriend offered his hand towards you, which you quickly accepted, and carefully directed you onto the platform. — And yet another camera focused on you, now, broadcasting everything live.
"Look who we have here." — Remembering the microphone in his hands, Tom brought it to her mouth, at an appropriate distance. — "Good night, y/n!" — He tilted his head, with an inviting smile paying attention to the sparkle in his eyes while directing the microphone towards you.
"Good night, Tom!" — You answered. — "How are you, darling?" —Imitating your gesture, your head is tilted, delicately awaiting his answer.
"Better now and you?" — Tom raised his eyebrows, uttering a answer that was perhaps bold but sincere; and there was no trace of concern, even in front of the cameras.
"I can say the same." — Your eyes roamed to a small point that cried out for your attention, the necklace he wore; the one where your initial was carved. — It was the third time Tom had worn it in public; an action that enchanted you. — "I can actually say the same."
"On a night as beautiful as this, did you come with someone?" — He decided to play, relax with you, acting as if your relationship wasn't public; you laughed, understanding what it was about.
"Oh, unfortunately not!" — Your ears heard a brief laugh from the people working behind the cameras. — "However, i met a guy, by pure coincidence, who has your name and looked like you, but i lost track of him." — Anyone would be impressed by how quickly you created that story, Tom thought it was funny. — "He's an incredible man, in fact, a special man to me."
"From your words, i can see that." — Your boyfriend didn't seem embarrassed at all, he was appreciating your words, even though they were short and also coming from a small joke; Tom had forgotten where he was, in fact. — "I know him?" — You turned your eyes upward, pretending to be thoughtful.
"I don't think so, but it should." — A corner of your lower lips were nibbled by your teeth. — "I feel like he's definitely a charming man in my life." — You shook your head, confirming your words, losing the meaning of the little joke. — "The only downside is that i lost track of him."
"I'm sure you'll find him soon, my dear." — Blyth assured with a beautiful smile on her beautiful face, which was probably accompanied by a reddish tone on her cheeks. — "You're perfect, my love." — In just a few seconds, the joke was put aside; Tom couldn't resist, much less you. — "Always is."
"Just like you, dear." — You approached of the oldest, subtly placing your hand on his arm and placing a kiss on his cheek; it was a little slow, but not so slow as to complain, and Tom would never dare make a complaint. — "See you soon?" — You referred to the end of the interviews.
"Of course, love." — He replied holding your hand; noticing the only ring on your finger, the one he gifted you. — "It looks like someone is going to be reunited with a certain companion." — Tom commented, looking briefly at the camera with one eyebrow raised and helping you get down from the small platform.
Tom admired and followed your steps with his eyes, contemplating your sweet smile when greeting people; If he had the chance, he would spend his entire time watching you. — And even forgetting that it was being recorded and broadcast to thousands of people.
Now, it seemed that there was a mark, so soft and delicate, of a kiss with lipstick present on his cheek, it was not very visible, only if it came very close to his face. — The camera managed to capture and notice the small mark, bringing it into focus.
And your fans brought immense focus to the point of commenting about it on twitter, causing an insane moment for them.
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st4rtar0t · 3 months
Random messages for you
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DM to purchase a reading. currently offering donation based readings including special offer for Indians.
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I see that some of you will literally be changing home this year or you may have live away from your parents for sometime. for others of you I see that you will be making a new addition to your home. ALSO you need to clean your doorstep, especially if you have a lot of shoes there. remove unwanted things from your home. You may face some kind of opposition in the upcoming days, spirit is telling you to stand your ground and DO NOT BACK DOWN. I see that some of you will be getting a lot of recognition this year. This will ignite a lot of intense emotions in other people for you, some will love you and some may hate you. Some of you are dealing with a two faced friend, yes that person that came into your mind right after you read this. They may have cat like features for some. Invest in high quality food. Do not joke around with your health. This year is good for you if you want to start something new. I see that you will be getting a lot of creative ideas. If you are planning to go somewhere try to wear red or include flowers in your outfit. Some of you may receive flowers form a friend or lover. your favourite ones. Take extra care of your hands these days.
Picture 2
Okay so for you I see that you need to be extra careful about everything. Its not the time for you to take risks and if you do take risks you may end up regretting in the future. I also see that some of you may even win a lottery of you may get some money from your elders as a gift. I see that you may get a chance to travel overseas this year. If you have been asking if you are on the right path, YOU ARE, I kept getting this message. I see that some of you are running from your problems, you need to understand that running away from your problems will only make them worse. You may get invited to some sort of celebration or party, do not even think about rejecting this offer, you will make a lot of connections from this event. You may face some kind of fraud especially if you own a small business so be careful of people darling. They don't always have the best intentions. You are also being encouraged to go on a trip with your friends or family. This months will be the moth for intense character development for you. A lot of new lessons will be learned. Also be extra careful around sharp objects.
Picture 3
I see that some of you will be receiving some kind of precious gift from somebody you love, this doesn't necessarily mean expensive gift, it may be a handmade gift. Fruits are going to be really significant this month, especially grapes. You will be rewarded for something you did a long time ago, this may be something you started in 2020. Some of you will be meeting someone really significant, may be some kind of partnership involved. Something or someone is restricting you from acknowledging your potential, this may be a habit, a person or some kind of obsession. Be careful of energy vampires around you. Learn to preserve things, learn sustainability, it will be helpful for you. If you are looking for something you lost, look into that white bag in your room. Your guides communicate through birds and nature, dove more specifically. Somebody who has a V in their name, born in July or an Aries will be asking you out. If you are single you are not going to be single for long, if you are already in a relationship things may get more passionate between you are your partner. Btw pay attention to your finances.
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chubsonthemoon · 16 days
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It is done! This is The Death of Translation, originally written in English by @landwriter, translated into Mandarin by @thirrith. Binding is dos-à-dos, with English version on one side and Mandarin on the other. Bookcloth was handwoven by me, on my rigid heddle loom :3
More under the cut!
Typeset: Fanbinders are Liars
Full stop, this typeset would not have been possible without Eth and all their patience, enthusiasm, and willingness to do even more translating! I reached out to them *checks watch* nearly a year ago in July 2023 (lololol), asking if I could use their translation of TDOT in a surprise bind I wanted to send along with Gloam's author copy of Flower King. They were kind enough to say yes, and even kinder to answer my questions when I reached out six months later in January, when I was finally able to start work on the typeset.
We talked about the many delicious things that are bound to come up when discussing translating not just from English to Mandarin, but also from digital space to meatspace. Some topics I had anticipated, like font questions, translating the colophon, etc. But even with the topics I thought I'd prepared for, there were still things that came up that both surprised and delighted: for example, while AO3's website allows for italics in Mandarin--
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--my publishing program doesn't (or at least, it doesn't without needing to manually tilt every character by about 10 degrees). So as a workaround, Eth suggested changing these cases of italics to the font 华文楷体:
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Through no one's fault but my own, this ended up being only slightly less work than manually tilting every instance of italics--I wanted to be sure that I got all of them, so I ended up doing a lot of double-checking manually anyway, instead of relying solely on the Search function. There was a lot of cross-referencing with the Word document that Eth was kind enough to provide, as well as squinting and general swearing. I also did the same for the uses of Latin script, manually styling each instance as Garamond to keep it consistent with the English edition:
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The only other time I've had to do font surgery this intensive is probably for my typeset for Tell Me About the Big Bang, which I had to port over from a PDF. Folks, hell on earth. Do not recommend XD I remember squinting at my monitor as I had to visually confirm every instance of italics, thinking I will never do this again. Welp, four years later, here were are: fanbinders are liars, LMAO. At the very least, using Eth's Word document at least allowed me to search by styles, so it was a little easier on my eyes. 🙏
Is there a script that I might've been able to use if I was more code-savvy? Probably. But I figured going at it sledgehammer style would be the least hair-pulling way to get the job done, weirdly enough. Still, despite my best efforts, there are a few instances of PMingLiU to Garamond and PMingLiU to 华文楷体 that I know I missed, and I know I missed them because I caught them after I'd printed/cut/folded/sewn/glued (cue more swearing), so Gloam and Eth, my apologies >.< please consider them artifacts of a uniquely handmade object ajslkdjfs
In addition to the fonts, there were also some other fun things Eth and I discussed, like how to translate the notes I usually provide on the colophons! In addition to information on fonts, I also usually include some variation of:
This private, limited edition published by chubsthehamster (Moonham Press, imprint of Renegade Publishing) in 2024. This is chubsthehamster's personal copy. Out of three existing copies, this is the first.
The thing that came up with this, which still tickles my brain to this day, was how Eth chose how to translate "Moonham Press, imprint of Renegade Publishing." To get a better sense of what word to use for "imprint," they asked what the relationship was between Moonham Press and Renegade Publishing, which got me thinking about the relationship between my lil imprint and the wonderful @renegadeguild:
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What's all very funny about all of this is that we are now, in fact, going by the name "Renegade Bookbinding Guild," per our most recently updated Code of Conduct. While this renders the wording I asked for out of date (and thus, the wording that made it into the book out of date :'D), I think it's also a testament to how cool the work @renegadeguild is doing--like any artform, fanbinding is alive, with its own evolving language, communities, and ideas about the craft. And I love it, I love it so much. (Was this also a plug for our new-ish website? Perhaps).
There's more I could say here, but this post is already going to be long enough, so I'll move on for now! If you get anything from this section, it's that @thirrith is amazing and very patient and kind, and I'm so grateful that we got to talk shop together. Thank you so much for all your invaluable help with this, Eth! I hope the typeset, though undoubtedly flawed, does your hard work justice!
Binding: Or, SO Much Math. Like, So Much, Guys. (It was worth it, though!)
Whoo, boy! So math was never my strong suit in school, but when I set out to do this bind last year, that wasn't an issue. At first. The dos-à-dos binding, if anything, just requires a little bit of finagling on the usual case-bound format--a bit more math if you want to do an all-cloth cover, like I planned on doing, but nothing I couldn't work out with some trial and error. (My prototype below!)
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Then came February, when I took a weaving class with my friend, and then everything kinda exploded.
My original idea was to use some green Duo bookcloth I had on hand (this color, actually)--for those of you not initiated into the Duo cult, Duo is a Rayon bookcloth with a very devoted fan following in Renegade. It's very pretty; the Rayon weave is one color, and the paper backing is usually complementary color, so it has this cool two-toned effect. Duo is in high demand in Renegade circles because sadly, the company that manufactures it went out of business last year. (Although I've heard rumors recently that there's another company making something similar, but the cloth has a really high purchase requirement and is, like, for businesses only I think).
Anyway, I also wanted to have a gold line around the whole book as a kind of bellyband/obi to further connect the two versions of the story (another reason why I chose the dos-à-dos format to begin with heh), as you can see from my scribbled notes here--
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But alas! I knew going in that adhering things to Duo is often Problematic, thanks to one very painful experience trying to get some iron-on foil on another bind (the textured surface of Duo just makes it kinda hard to stick or paint stuff on it). So if I wanted a clean, continuous line, the remaining options were to either paint it on a strip of paper that I'd somehow...adhere to the cloth? Or maybe cut different slices of bookcloth and glue them on. I wasn't satisfied with either of those options, though.
Then--the weaving class. I made a scarf, and I love it and I loved making it. But the whole time, I'll not lie, my thoughts were elsewhere.
In short, my decision to weave my own bookcloth kinda came from a few different factors:
The desire to attempt to recreate Duo, that elusive beauty, the one that got away, etc. (I have several yards in my stash, but still). Others have also attempted to recreate it, and I thought I'd throw my hat in the ring.
My current spiral into the deep hole that is fiber arts (it started with crochet, then knitting, then sewing, then weaving, then spinning, and now I'm eyeing quilting! Please help me).
The gold line. It kept bugging me. And when I found weaving, I just thought there was something very neat about the process of actually making the cloth for a dos-à-dos binding from scratch, and especially for this binding. I wanted to bind a story about translation (or rather, the death of it, and yet still the necessity of it--how we must try to communicate, despite of, or perhaps precisely because of, everything that gets lost in the spaces between people, and the tragedy of that loss, and the beauty of what makes it through, and the love always present in the effort regardless), and also, the translation of that story. Weaving is a very meditative process, and with every pass of the shuttle, back and forth, building slowly but surely the fabric that would hold the story that Gloam had written and that Eth had translated, I thought a lot about translation, and the gaps between people, and how we choose our words not just when translating, but when we speak at all. From a design perspective, I used the same colors I would've used had I chosen the Duo bookcloth--green and gold--so the design wasn't too altered in terms of color scheme. But I think the choice to weave the bookcloth--the thing that bound it all together--made the project take on a completely new meaning for me, both in process and in scope, one that hadn't been there when I started. I saw the warp, perhaps, as the original story, laying the groundwork for the weft, the translation; or maybe it was the other way around, with the translation providing the scaffolding for its own, new meaning, choices that Eth had to make with this word or phrase or another building something new, something translated, and the original a live, moving thing that wove over and under each word turned phrase turned story; or maybe it was both. Maybe it didn't matter which was which, in the end. And as I wove, the thing that connected them, that gold line that had started all of this, slowly formed.
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All that to say: Good God, was there a lot of math. So much math. That prototype pictured above was actually made specifically so I could calculate exactly how much I needed to weave, lol, because while I certainly had enough thread, I didn't want to have to warp more than once. I'd learned the basics in my class, but the training wheels came off here. I wanted to make my own custom fabric, which meant calculating things like ends per inch, picks per inch, loom waste, shrinkage after washing, the width of that damn gold line, how much I'd need for the hinge, the turn-ins, the boards--the whole nine yards (I didn't actually weave nine yards tho heh). It was all absolutely worth it in the end--so challenging and so, so rewarding!
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(And my final reason for weaving the bookcloth? Not gonna lie, It was because I just wanted to see if I could do it LOL. I love trying at least one new thing with each of my binds, and this was it for this project. While I've been bookbinding for a few years now, I'm still very much a beginner weaver, and I'm so excited to continue to learn and experiment! Also, here's a video of me unwinding the cloth from the loom, heh. I used 10/2 Perle cotton in gold and green colors :3)
Also, turns out, you can back handmade cloth the same way you can any other cloth! I backed it using my usual heat-n-bond method, and with some Unryu Tissue in the color Forest. Since the cloth itself is a bit transparent, there are a bunch of really fun fibers you can see when it's held up to the light, but which aren't visible when the cloth is glued down to the boards. Still, knowing they're there still makes me happy :D
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Finally, capping all this off, is one final, small detail I really liked: ginkgo leaf endpapers :3 this one's for me and Eth and Gloam specifically <3
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Aaaand that's all from me for today, folks! Thus ends (several months late XD) my last Binderary project for the year. This was probably my most ambitious bind to date, and gosh it was so, so much fun.
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And, of course, thank you so much to Gloam for sharing your story, and Eth for translating it. I can't wait for y'all to receive your copies soon!
All my love! <3
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