#Nyc Ulric
ardynzunia · 1 year
@galahdborn  from here Nyx had been taught from a young age to wear his scars with pride, but to be careful, because anything that happened to him would reflect on the skin of his soulmate. Nyx did his best to live by those words, but he was an adventurous kid and it didn't stop when he grew older, either. Scars and bruises from hunts or accidents, he had a lot of stories to tell with his body.
One accident nearly killed him, but instead gave him a lightning shaped scar as a reminder. The scars from his soulmate was more concerning, though. Nyx believed his own scars were pretty natural, at least from a guy who lived in Galahd. His soulmates scars weren't anything close to that and it worried him. He wore the scars with pride though, because his soulmate had survived and that was something to be immensely proud of.
When he joins the Glaives some people dare ask him about the scars whenever skin is shown off, but he just tell them to mind their own business. Some people apparently weren't taught that scars were a private thing, even more so considering that it connects them to their soulmates.
He doesn't expect it to lead him to his soulmate, though. He likes Prince Arctus, finds him to be good company, but the guy's reaction to seeing him shirtless was way too suspicious. So he asks outright, not one to beat around the bush: "You've seen these scars before, haven't you?" his voice is gentle, because there's a chance that he's wrong, but he doubts it. He's felt a connection with the other male even before this, so it'd make sense, even if it's quite the discovery.
Arctus was born with skinned knees. A sign that his soulmate already lived in the world, though fortunately wasn’t too much terribly older. As he grew he happily looked over each new scar, and hoped Nyx’s saw the little nicks he got from weaving, or fishing, or playing in Altissia as well. He was scared once, when the arching Lichtenberg lines appeared on his body one day. He calmed himself by remembering that if it scarred, his soul mate lived. 
It wasn’t much longer after that his mother got sick. Scars and bruises started happening from him trying to help her, finding shady work. Then she died, and he ran away, and things got worse. He remembered lying in the gutter after the merchant beat him. Sad that he’d never get to meet his match, but relieved the crisscrossing lines wouldn’t mar their back. 
Then Weskham found him, and the wounds healed into ugly scars. He was relieved they wouldn’t pain the other like they did him. He started moving on, learning to fit in his father’s home. Putting the thought of his soulmate out of his mind. He still dated older men and women though, still retaining the hope he’d meet them one day. 
It ended up being a sparring session in the Glaive headquarters where he first saw it. He was coming in to see new recruits, to get some work done. Then over their, Nyx Ulric in no shirt. He touched his chest as he saw the familiar burn, and winced when Nyc turned and he saw something he had more intimate experience with. He’s apparently been staring, because he’s surprised when Nyx addresses him. 
“Yeah,” He answered, voice tight. “a few times. Sorry about the big one, I wasn’t as sneaky as I thought.”
He cuts himself off and gestures to his own back. to make it clear which scar he means. 
“You uh, want to get some food after?”
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agent-jaselin · 3 years
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Nyxnoct is great but I also really enjoy Teen Noct with a dumb crush on an oblivious Nyx. 
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x-avavarts-x · 4 years
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I don't know what is this film names. But I love them for Nyx, Gladio, and Libertus. Of course their concept in my new fic😁
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amidalogicdive · 7 years
160: “ Do you think you can teach me that? ” cindylu again and going to torment you with this couple! And if you wanna go ahead and still add some nyxnoct 😆
Car Repair
Pairing: Cindy/Luna w/a side of NyxNoct
Ao3 link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/10779102/chapters/27578694
It had been a year since Luna and Cindy had met, and in that time they had seen one another three times. They both knew it would be hard, Cindy having a garage to run, and Luna being the Oracle. Despite the trials that stood in their way, both had dedicated themselves to making this relationship work.
So when Luna had an unexpected chance to come to visit Insomnia, she took it! Of course, it came with the normal trip to Hammerhead, longing to see Cindy, if only for a few hours. “Once again, I am sorry to always inconvenience you when I come.”
“Not an issue Princess, glad to help with this surprise.” Nyx had taken the wheel for this trip, the prince dozing in the passenger seat as Luna enjoyed the scenery from the back.
“Darling Nyx, are you sure Noctis is well?”
The glaive nodded, glancing back at her in the mirror. “He was up late helping his father, then got up early to come with us. He’ll be fine.” The moment they had arrived, Nyx and Noctis had politely excused themselves and rented the caravan for the remainder of the day. They said it was for Noctis to get a few extra hours of rest. She felt it was best to not question them, but doubted there would be much sleeping involved.
Luna made her way into the garage to find the mechanic hard at work on a car someone had dropped off. “Pardon the intrusion, but would the mechanic have time for a visitor?” The blonde head popped up so fast, the Oracle couldn’t help but giggle.
“Lu!” Setting down the wrench she hopped over, fussing for a minute before kissing her cheek. “Look at me! I’m all dirt and grease, don’t wanna get your pretty dress dirty! Why didn’t ya tell me you were comin’ out here today!”
“I longed to inform you of the trip, but I wished for it to be a surprise. In all honesty, Insomnia was an unexpected stop. I did not wish to get your hopes up if I was unable to make it.”
Cindy chuckled, kissing her lips tenderly. “Any bit of time I can get with ya is amazin! Sorry, come on over. We can get some chattin’ in while I finish up this heap o’ metal here!” Grabbing a clean chair, Cindy sat it beside the car for Luna and went back to work.
“May I ask what you are working on?”
“Hm? Oh, ya see this engine here is havin’ some issues. I need ta replace a few parts. This fuel line is bad, and some of these spark plugs… well just aren’t sparkin! Just a few adjustments here and there, my lovely.”
“Oh,” Rising from the chair, she glanced into the engine as well. “Do you think you can teach me that?”
Green eyes glanced up, rubbing the bridge of her nose with the back of her hand. Somehow, she still managed to get grease on her face. “Are ya kiddin’ me sugar?”
“I just…” Luna regretted asking, Cindy wouldn’t request her help if it would only slow her down. A tap to her chin made her look back up as Cindy grinned, the happiest she’d ever seen her.
“Just the thought that ya wanna learn, Lu, I’m touched. I’d love ta teach ya! But, first, we gotta change out of those pretty whites, love!” Those words made the Oracle smile as well, feeling the mechanic take her hand as they went into the back room to find her a more suitable outfit.
Despite what Luna might have thought, Noctis had actually slept and had woke up hungry. Rubbing his eyes, he weakly glaring at the bright sun. “Don’t they ever have clouds here.” He made his way over to the garage to find Luna and Cindy while Nyx went to Takka’s to grab them a table.
“That’s right baby, now just twist this tool a bit and tighten.”
“The wrench right?” Cindy nodded, looking 100% in love as Luna worked on the car’s engine.
Noctis blinked, confused for a moment. Luna stood in front of a car, wearing a dirty tan jumpsuit. Cindy leaned on the side, watching her and looking happy as a cat who’d got the cream. “Ah, Luna?”
“Noctis!” She turned, handing Cindy the wrench. “I hope you received the rest you needed?”
“Yeah… um, lunch?”
Luna glanced over at the other blonde who nodded, as she picked up a rag to wipe her hands off. “Ya bet there, Highness! Ya go on now, we gotta get cleaned up!”
“Ok…” Blinking, he shook his head and went back to the diner, sitting beside Nyx.
He could see the prince looked a bit confused. “You ok there, love?”
“Yeah, just…” Shaking his head, Noctis laughed and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, everything’s great Nyx. Luna and Cindy will be here in a few minutes.” While he’d never thought in a million years he’d see Luna fixing a car, whatever made them happy he would support.
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mrs-ignis-ffxv · 7 years
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Birthday Cake Time!
It’s February 7th - Happy Birthday Ignis!
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amarabliss · 2 years
Nyx woke from a nightmare in a panic. Heart racing her ran a hand over his face before he felt a gentle touch. He tensed briefly as his head whipped to see Raven...Raven...his Raven...no words were spoken as he let her guide him to the sweet safety of her lap...
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For @sparklyfurydragon Nyc Ulric and her OC Raven
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charlottedabookworm · 5 years
In all honestly, Astraeus only agrees to the spar because his brother asks him to.
He’d prefer to avoid Cor Leonis for as long as possible, if it was his choice, and ignore the grief that tore at his lungs every time he saw the man. But Nyx had asked him, had told him to get out more, that he couldn’t hide behind his grief forever and it would get better, eventually, like it did at home with their family, and Astraeus-
Astra has a soft spot a mile wide for his bright beautiful brother who is entirely unburdened in a way that he can’t even imagine. Nyx is wild and free and happy here, settled and content with life instead of death, and Astraeus will do almost anything for the boy who was the first to colour his skin again.
So he agrees, when Co- the Marshal asks him, a speculative gleam in his eyes, even if he’d rather run and run and run until the memories can’t find him.
It hurts, the lack of recognition in that too young face, and Astra feels almost ancient as he catalogues the absence of lines, the missing grief, how happy his frien- the Marshal looks.
His heart aches fiercely.
The smirk he tries to aim at his opponent is more of a grimace as he tightens his fingers around the hilt of his kukri and then he’s moving.
His blades move as one, catching the katana and throwing it outwards, sliding under and away as it comes down again.
One of his blades rises, redirecting the katana.
The force of it makes his arm ache but he supresses a wince. He lashes out with his other blade.
Cor is already gone.
Bounce off of wall.
He shifts his grip, blade poised to throw, but catches himself.
Stepping into the blade instead of warping away.
He can’t use his magic.
But it’s just Cor-
It would be so easy just to reach out-
Astraeus stumbles, his magic just a breath away, and a blade tucks itself beneath his chin. “I surrender,” he pants, wide-eyed behind his glasses as he tries to reign his instincts in, and he lowers his blades purposefully to the ground. No armiger, no magic.
This isn’t his Cor.
“Good match,” the Marshal says, stepping back and hiding his katana away with an easy flash of magic. He holds at out hand, offering Astra help up, and it’s such a familiar move that his eyes burn.
He swallows back his grief and reaches out-
Bare skin brushes.
His lower leg prickles, right over where a vibrant night sky had dimmed and faded and darkened, like someone has stabbed it with a dozen needles at once. 
Co- Leonis’ eyes flicker as he pulls him to his feet. He tilts his head.
When Astraeus tries to step back, the man’s grip tightens and his eyes narrow. “Nyc—?”
The man chokes on the name and his heart stops. His ears are ringing. It can’t- he shouldn’t- it isn’t- Cor shouldn’t know that name. That name that was his, in another life. This isn’t his Cor.
Yet his blue eyes are darker, older, when he pulls him closer. “Ny-?” He chokes again and Astra can taste the magic in it, the power stopping him from claiming a name even secondhand that is not his, not anymore, never again.
He isn’t Nyx Ulric.
But Cor recognises him. 
“Cor?” He asks, the name a whisper, and suddenly he feels like a child yet again, swimming in too big clothes in a world that doesn’t make sense, staring up at a ghost.
“What did you do to your hair?”
Astraeus scowls.
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szynkaaa · 7 years
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The Prince and the Glaive 
Noctis requested by Anon, Nyc Ulric requested by @thepandadrawer
My ask box is still open for the color pallet challenge!
However, I might not draw everything that is requested now, as the list turned out a bit long and I am focuing more on FFXV requests and OC’s
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antimundi-blog · 7 years
modern au
a very descriptive and detailed profile of your muse. REPOST WITH THE INFORMATION OF YOUR MUSE, INCLUDING HEADCANONS, ETC. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!  when you’re done, tag other people to do the same!
TAGGED BY: stole’t TAGGING: steal it brah
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NAME: Noctis Mariota (mother’s surname) FULL TITLE: N/A AGE: 20 (8/30) ETHNICITY: Samoan & Māori, Greek & Italian NATIONALITY: American, lives in Los Angeles  SPECIES: Human GENDER: Agender ORIENTATION: Gray-A PROFESSION: Student at SoCal (Junior, majoring in International business, minoring in Political Science), Lead Guitarist for the Slim Shadies (band he’s in with Prompto, Nyx, & Crowe)
BODY TYPE: Slim mesomorph EYES: Terracotta brown HAIR: Black SKIN: Olive toned HEIGHT: 5′9″ WEIGHT: 150 lbs
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: N/A CHILD(REN): Pallas & Ceres, twin girls accidentally born with then GF Vesta Ezekiel SIBLINGS: N/A PARENTS: Regis Lucis Caelum (father) & Aulea Mariota (mother) ANY PETS? Has a domesticated crow named Kenny
PHYSICAL PROWESS: Noctis is fairly adept at free-running and has been doing it since he was thirteen. He’s able to climb and surmount many unusual obstacles and be extremely adroit and acrobatic while doing it. SPEED: Noctis is fairly speedy, due to his athleticism.  EDUCATION: He’s currently a Junior at SoCal studying International Business and minoring in Political Science
- Noctis became extremely estranged from his father following his mother’s death when he was about eight years old. It was a car accident when they were hit by a semi while visiting Regis’ family in NYC over Christmas when he was eight. Regis was unscathed, Aulea died on impact, and Noctis suffered temporarily paraplegia that resulted in him having a limp by the current time & he does sometimes use a cane to help walk. 
- Regis is the current governor of California and his side of the family is fabulously wealthy, with Noctis more or less a trust fund baby despite barely touching those funds.
- The band he’s in, The Slim Shadies, is fairly famous on Youtube that saw their beginnings doing cover songs with a channel with over 6 million subscribers. Currently, they’re working on an original album and contemplating a summer tour. His nickname in said band is Crow. The other members are Prompto Argentum, Nyx Ulric, and Crowe Altius.
- Noctis is extremely close with his mom’s side of the family. Seeing as he was born in American Samoa, he does spend a lot of his summers there. 
- Though Noctis is estranged from Regis, the only time they see each other is when Noctis attends the annual New Year’s soiree and spends some time with him, though it’s mainly for the media and to keep up appearances.
- Faith-wise, after Regis became estranged, with his mother’s side of the family encouraging he picked up traditional Māori religion as his mode of faith.
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valiisthea · 5 years
"Morning, Gladio." Nyx seemed rather chipper this morning, offering a warm, somewhat playful little smile in the direction of the young Prince's friend and shield. It wasn't often he had the opportunity to be around Noctis or his friends, but he rather enjoyed their presence most of the time.
"You on the way to see the prince, I presume? I've been given orders based on some unsettling Intel we received last night - was wondering if maybe you'd wanna tag team 'em with me? I can give you all the details if you're interested."
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agent-jaselin · 4 years
Hi! 1G for either Cor and Nyx or Hiemi and Noctis, please? Just one of the two, I'm happy either way. I love your art so much!
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I only had one pose left when you asked me this, so I did Cornyx with the pose you asked for and Hiemi and Noct with the last pose :D
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If A = S and B = E and C = X, What Does ABC Equal?
Alyssa was my first crush in elementary school with long blonde locks like a willow tree in the beginning of spring.
Brooke was the first girl a boy “loved” and in 7th grade two weeks is just shy of a lifetime.
Carly was just like Cody, and I should have listened to my father when he said, “you should never trust someone who, unprovoked, doesn’t wear underwear on a first date.” (Now I wonder if I seem trustworthy?)
Danny, you can’t expect a 19-year-old boy to be willing to settle down just because you are; you can’t tame a tornado.
Ellie, I’m sorry I showed you off to everybody like a blue ribbon that says, “I told you I was straight!”
Finn was just the first rebound in a basketball game that would extend into a year’s worth of overtime.
Gracie, by God’s grace I swear I hated every moment I spent with you, but you still cross my mind – I hope you’re well.
Hannah, I know I was just to make the other boys jealous, but I lived for every moment like a plant lives for sunlight.
Izaak, I can’t believe you were the one I let show me the ropes with messy lips and a loose tongue; I’m glad I’m not a fast learner.
James, sleeping with you again after a year had passed cured me of other ailments like voodoo; so, feel free to come around more; I get sick often.
Karli has been my greatest love these past six years, these silly girls and boys couldn’t hold a flame to her red hair; best friends never part.
Lucy had a heart transplant and upon seeing her breasts I immediately left her as I knew I’d break her heart and I didn’t want to kill her.
McKayla, I loved you so obsessively for six months and on the seventh, I moved to NYC and rested my head on a boy’s lap
Natalie was the first time I winged love; 7 hours after my first heartbreak, she proposed to me and I just couldn’t say no because I had a taste and I wanted more.
Olivia, all this time I could’ve been sleeping with you, but instead I just think of you and your tattoos when I sleep with strangers.
Pablo, you’re not who I wanted to go home with, but when James left in front of my face with another boy, you had to do.
Quentin, don’t make out with me in a bathroom stall, beg me to text you the next day, and then ignore me – I know it was a dark club, but I still let you in.
Remy was the first boy to hold my hand and as we rode back from Brooklyn my heart raced like a greyhound and I knew then I had the capacity to love both boys and girls.
Sam, Sammie, Samantha, thanks for showing me the three sides of love; but now, because of your circumstances, I’m the only one with hope for happiness.
Tailynn, I know we weren’t serious when you tricked me into believing you were single, but I still cried when you relapsed.
Ulric, why would you invite a one night stand to your birthday party one year later? I’m in Indiana now and we’ll never talk again. (Happy birthday.)
Vera was never emotionally available, but she has to admit, “if I make this into the trash, can I get a second date?” was cute.
William, Wren, Wesley, we all just wanted sex, but one of us would always want something more too, but it was never me.
Xavier was, and why sugarcoat it, just a warm body to hold in the club and take a Snapchat with to make myself seem desirable.
Yazmin was the lonely traveler with syrup scented smoke that I had kissed in the dark, and trusted enough to blindly receive a ride home with a dead phone.
Zoey or Zander, I hope you’re everything this boy is wishing to have in his future as he writes about his past.
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2° – inspirado no Perfume feminino La Vie Est Belle, da Lancôme
1° – inspirado no Perfume masculino 1 Million, da Paco Rabanne
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thefanspov · 7 years
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#Regram from @simplyfrankproductions featuring @dstrackt at Anime NYC in New York, New York, USA ・・・ “You guys drive a hard bargain. Where do I sign? Let us safeguard the future.” Cosplay: Nyx Ulric from Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV Cosplayer: @dstrackt #cosplay #cosplayer #photos #photoshoot #photography #photooftheday #thursday #movie #animated #playstationgames #finalfantasy #kingsglaive #ps4 #xv #canon #newyork #nyc #dagger #animenyc #lights
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