#Nya vs Nokt
"Just like Rontu taught me. Jump, spin kick, and through."
Sora might have gotten unlucky with her opponent/arena or she might have been the only Ninja to win a rigged battle.
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oracleofdiscord · 18 days
ugh i'm so of-two-minds when it comes to the jay and nya fight.
because on the one hand, i'll be honest - i do feel like i would have actually preferred jay to win his match with nya for a few reasons:
i feel like lightning actually has the potential to be a really badass element and it would have been cool to see a jay who doesnt have hangups about hurting the ninja show that off
i didnt love the way he lost; i really liked the creative usage of elemental powers in the various matches and having a dramatic match like nya vs jay just turn into "shatterspin vs rising dragon, rising dragon beats shatterspin because of course it does" was...a letdown to me
i wanted more of the emotional gutpunch of the ninja having to deal with jay being a villain - the fact that he immediately got sent away to who-knows-where means it feels like the emotional conflict has turned into "we have to rescue him" with "he's evil now" just being an additional layer of things to rescue him from in addition to him being who-knows-where and probably trapped. whereas i wanted more of "we are actively having to deal with someone we care about being evil" (and while we may get that in the future, the ninja will now have had forewarning to emotionally prepare themselves for that, which they would not have gotten if jay had stuck around during the tournament)
even if it's a character that's already known to the audience, i feel like introducing a new antagonist by having them very quickly lose a fight to a single protagonist is...not ideal? makes them feel like not a big threat, and i wanted evil!jay to feel like a threat
on the other hand, while watching it, it did feel like it made sense that nya won - because jay can't remember his own years of fighting experience, whereas nya is just as skilled as usual. (and i will admit that them having to choose between staying for the tournament vs going after jay was also good angst)
but one thing that might reconcile those ideas if i ever flesh out a "jay wins the match" au is an idea that @destinysbounty came up with - nya loses because she really cant bring herself to attack jay. and the reason i like it is because it immediately sets up a contrast to wyldfyre - who loses because she cant bring herself to not attack cinder!
(and while i would need to figure out more details for why this matchup would happen, maybe he fights nokt in the same match nya originally did, and loses. a villain losing to an already-established-to-be-more-powerful villain doesnt knock their threat level down as much. nokt still wins water and lightning from the match and the rest of the tournament plays out as normal. and jay can still be sent away for losing a match so things arent totally canon-divergent - he just gets a bit more time in the city, potentially interacting with the ninja, first)
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ninjago-forever · 4 months
Okay, forget niceties on to the nonsense theories-
First off, the ep. called "The Shattering Sword." (Have these been confirmed or debunked yet? Idk. Well, who cares, I got theories.)
What does it mean? Obviously it has something to do with Lloyd cause of that vision, and breaking his signature weapon. Thing is, that's THE most symbolic way of showing a character break. Harry and his wand? Eragon and Zar'roc? Leonardo and his katana's in 2003? And 2012? (Not sure about the last one-). So, what's going to happen to Lloyd?
I have a ton of theories. This is what happens when you're Ninjago obsessed, can't sleep, and you're desperately trying to keep your mind from... Dark stuff.
Lloyd loses the tournament. Possibly badly hurt/blind(kay, a stretch, BUT IT WOULD BE AWESOME)/ in a coma/maaaaaaybe lose a limb (Look, Cinder broke Wyldfyre's leg on screen. We've got mentions of mental health and panic attacks. Lego is testing the waters. I can hope.) Most obvious one, but... To make that big of a deal out of it... I feel like it also would shatter his spirit in some way. Also... I'm probably biased, but... I can't really see anyone beating him fairly...
Lloyd is poisoned (inspired by Tox supposedly being evil) and can't fight. Possibly in a coma.
Lloyd is somehow kidnapped by Ras's various competitors (Cinder, Nokt, Jordana [HOW IS SHE IN THIS?!?!], Tox, Jay, ect.). Possibly being prepared for sacrifice.
Ras & Co. somehow get a wolf mask on Lloyd and we have return of the golden oni. (I CAN HOPE)
Lloyd is upset because the team is broken. A lot of the ep. names have to do with betrayal and mistrust and all that nonsense, plus ToE has a lot to do with that too (Jay vs. Cole, Kai's second jealousy arc, Skyler ECT.), so it would make sense. What do I mean exactly? Well, Wyldfyre could be on a whole rage thing after losing Kai, Nya has that plus Jay returning with no memories of her and on Ras's side, Kai's sacrifice (though after his whole smiley thing with Arin idk), Zane maybe worked up over Pixel (there was a whole thing in ToE. There could be a repeat), Cole torn between the Finders and the Ninja (stretch but eh), Arin mad at Sora because he finds out how she tricked him, Sora trying to make up for that plus whatever's supposed to happen with Jordana (though it doesn't seem like she cares about that), you get the idea. Return of window cleaner Lloyd basically. Most likely one imo.
One last thing, one of Lloyd's visions showed another sword breaking, a stone one with a purple/fuchsia gem in the hilt and was seen being held by Beatrix. Maybe this has nothing to do with Lloyd but rather that sword-or maybe someone beats him with it.
Then again, we don't even know if these titles are real and I could very well be overreacting :D. Anyways, PLEASE PLEASE PLEAS SHARE YOU THOUGHTS AND REBLOG! THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SHARING THEORIES LIKE THIS AND ID LOVE TO DEBATE! (In a fun way ofc.)
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whydoibe · 2 months
Ok so beware dragon rising spoilers
This is a what If
Ok so what ras sent jay to attack the ninja instead of just a bunch of machines.
The blue clad figure snuck into the room sticking to the shadows quietly dropping down hand flowing with lighting. The way not even one of his steps made a noise made it obvious that he had years of practice he looked down at the green ninja, pulling the root from his gi hovering it above his chest about to push it into his chest dogging a shot of ice gracing his neck Turing to see the master of ice Zane clearly had awoken or just was charging and was watching him curiously the entire time it didn't matter he was comprised taking a fighting stance he watches as the others got up weapons drawn elements emanating from them he smircked under his mask taking the root into a sticking stance and began to attack the earth ninja caught him the green one walking over to see who it was. Then he looked to match him his eyes glowing blue then strike the earth ninja screeched in pain walking back the water ninja running over to see if he's ok.
"That couldn't have been" nya muttered
"Lighting" the green ninja muttered anger crawling over his face hands glowing green he needed out a crackle of thunder and bang he was gone. Reappearing in ras's room much to his masters displeasure he failed or did he. He pulled a small stone made of andcondri crystal it was glowing green. Ras smiled mission complete time to manipulate.
"Jay be a dear and take it into ur form"
"Yes ras" Jay stated the glow of green leaving then moving upwards "are u sure this may get me disqualified"
"Unlikely this doesn't sate one can already have 2 elements" Jay smiled the green entering his form his lighting ementing now a dark green hew jay walked over and sat down to go to sleep train tomorrow"
"Yes ras" Jay stated sleeping. His eyes now glowing a dark green hew
"Guys it's gone"
"What's gone lloyd" nya asked confirming with robi they have no idea were he went
" my element it's missing" Lloyd started in distress the others realising the man who broke in must have stolen it
"It's ok well get it back some how" Cole comforted Lloyd looked calmer vheckingnon arin and sora
Matches today
"OK so who you think going to fight"
" for our first match the one who goes with the flow nya smith."
"I just to say something" nya looks over to see ras covered by many of his warriors talking to a figure absurd by Cinder.
"Looks like ras is coaching your opoinent" Lloyd stated
"Vs the most shockingly lively member of this tournemnt gallant rover" robi stated ras moving to reveal a wolf mask wearing a wolf mask "master of the elements of life and lighting 2 elements of the 5 of creation" his hands crackled green lighting the masks eyes getting nyas. Nya stared at him the elements of lighting and life Lloyd's element. "Begin grab the snazy blade" he ran faster than she could process nearly reaching it as nyas mind was off some where else proccesing that jay was dead if this man held the element of lighting than jays not alive anymore than she lost the blade in gallants hand he won" much to ras pleasure he walked away after going the element the tournment went quick gallant seemed to be stronger than jay with lightning and he was after something than when he was matched against fraq the new master of ice and earth quakes and strength it was clear what he was after drafting fraq effortlessly. Than nya saw something he was dragging something bruised and battered two people that match was him vs nokt it was bound to be interesting but nya was focussed on who he was dragging until he held them up kai and bonzal nyas gaze meeting kais he looked pained bonzal mouth was Taped over he performed shatter spin tossing her brother back the joy consumed her until he felt cold not truly cold but colder for the master of fire then he revealed why.
"He took my element" kai muttered the others looked shocked and fearful as the match began he smircked.
"In my hands I hold the power of all creation he reached his hand encasing nokt in crystal "command it all"
"Fire" he screeched fire surrounding him
"Earth" he commanded as the element flew around him
"Ice" a blizzard forming in a ring around him
"Lighting" Lighting surrounding him
"And the final peace life" he finished a green flow coating the elements and they unfied a golden glow emanating from them as they returned to him "now were was I" a golden blast hitting nokt encasing him in a golden prison eyes narrowing under the mask as he nokt attempted to break free "ur efforts are useless no power but the first himself rivals the golden power" Turing in victory he had one nokt had lost he would fight the winner of the next match. Sora stood against the man whom held a power so great she was sure of her deafet kai was back which was good so was bonzel but she felt so scared of he could do that to kai with only half his current amount of elements how was she supposed to win and she lost he used shatter spin and won. The entire tuornment he held every element and disappeared in a flash the nya stared as he fought her kai attempting to help until he struck the horns a rift opening 4 figures dropped down the fourbidin 5 nokt stared pleased Jordan collapsing as if she'd been allowed to finaly breath after mouths
"I want u to know this isn't personal" he stated golden power emanating from his mask hands and golden lighting sparking over his body before kai criedout
"Don't u touch her that's my sister he cried as robi used the cup to take back and release nearly all of the elements earth ice fire returned bur life did not and he proved by blasting golden flames at kai followed by ice and earth that he still held dominion over golden power kai blasted fire straight at the strangers face the mask dropping from his face ras looked scared as it did so he looked up eyes a glowing a red gold teeth fangs obvious and drawn out aruburn hair it was jay suddenly Zane calling it a big confidence that gallent rover being a synoumin for jay walker because he was jay walker. Jay took one look around at the shocked faces and sighed
"Jay" Cole stammered face staying stern but teats clearly forming
"Why would you hurt her" kai cried tears falling fire forming over his hands as he ran at jay jay catching the fire and ripping it away suddenly red and gold clashed ultimately gold won. The portal gates collapsing as the 5 started to run catching ras and dragging him through the portal
"Jay, come on," rox cried as jay ran after them arin following him, crying that he needed him much to his anyance.
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