#Nuts and Bolts Society when asked why they create things that hurt people
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Mad Wolves: Testing Spiker
John stepped forward, a monstrous amalgamation of metal and fiber wrapped around his torso to spread the weight across his whole body, the man stomping his feet and digging his boots into the dirt as he lifts the main body of the 'Spiker' to ready it for the first test fire that didn't require a Servitor.
He counted down under his breath as he slowly squeezed the trigger mechanism, the kick as the weapon fires sending him skidding backwards, a cough escaping John as he says with pain in his voice "Medicae to Testing Range... Medicae to Testing Range... I'm pretty sure that just broke something..." as he collapses to the ground, Tivius and Rivius quickly rushing over and stripping the harness from his body to reveal dark purple bruises and spots where the harness had cut through his skin that had already sealed up on their own.
Meanwhile the Target:
The once struggling Heretic was torn nearly in two by the metallic spike that had been launched with force to tear through the Heretic and the Rockcrete pillar they had been tied to with barely any slowdown.
#Nuts and Bolts Society when asked why they create things that hurt people#“they are too weak... except for the Spiker#The Spiker is legitimately something we messed up on#because it broke John's ribcage.“
0 notes
Thirty Tenacious Ways to Tackle Personal Growth AND Become More Aligned With Your Purpose
The Adventures of a Wildflower: Soul Food Series
I recently developed this list of Thirty Tenacious Ways to Tackle Personal Growth AND Become More Aligned With Your Purpose ; it is lengthy because I designed it for you to save and come back and forth to; as you reach different goals. Your goals will be unique to you, of course, but this will get you started. This article is going to get right down to the gritty details of personal growth as well as how it can be beneficial. I’m sharing details about how-to shift from survival mode to thriving mode; ways to empower yourself to shift from the victim mentality over to VICTOR! My thirty self-development tips to help you align with your purpose are the “nuts and bolts” of self- development, in my opinion. They are the key areas that require mastering if one wants to seek and fulfill a calling and to able to love others in a healthy way.
Within each of these self-development steps are smaller steps of personal growth. However, when we let life happen to us or we get too comfortable going with the flow, we aren’t creating any momentum for ourselves in any direction so we don’t go anywhere; nothing ever changes.Instead of aspiring to discover who we were created to be; we can get very complacent and too comfortable in a routine that, gets us by, even provides, but doesn’t fulfill us.Everybody’s got their own unique journey here but ALL of us experience peaks and valleys along the way; highs and lows. This is designed to help you through them as you go along.
NOTE-The list is numbered and scattered throughout the article and I’m leaving it this way as a reminder for you not to get discouraged when things are hectic; when you just barely get to squeeze in time for your personal development. You can still get where you are going; do not worry about the destination so much and be present for your journey. So let’s go..........Number one.....
1. It does not matter where you start; what matters only is THAT YOU START. What matters today is that you have decided to get on your way; to heal, to know yourself and love yourself more, to seek your purpose, use your voice and live intentionally! CONGRATULATIONS, THIS IS YOUR NEW BEGINNING!!
I believe that much of the reason we have so much dysfunction in society today is due to the fact that we have, as a society, conformed to the idea that we are supposed to be “normal” and to go with the flow of what society is doing now.
Imagine a world in which everyone is the same for a moment……I’ll wait.
What did that look like to you? Wouldn’t the world would be so bland if we were all just alike? I love to liken people and diversity to wildflower patches. I prefer the world to be green and alive with pops of color everywhere. I like meeting different kinds of human beings and learning from them things I would not have known otherwise. I like hearing what makes people tick and I live for helping people seek their soul purpose. I’ve come to the despise the use of the word normal to describe people as if that is the highest level to achieve in all mankind. What’s so great and wonderful about normal and who decides that they are normal and someone else isn’t? What would happen if we all actually made time to pursue our passions and then supported each other in that; do you think humans around the world might feel a bit more connected?
It sounds simple but we don’t do that at all. Instead we often live our lives directed by someone else and wonder why we aren’t fulfilled. It’s because at times we are playing the star in someone else’s story; trying to please others, not rock the boat too much and we are on a path someone else steered us down because they ignored the opportunity to take it when it was presented to them. I wonder how many people live life just trying not to get noticed, so afraid to have a light shine on them for fear that other people might see who they truly are.
3. SEEK YOUR PURPOSE, TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR GIFTS, CALLINGS AND PASSIONS. I ask in conversations occasionally about what people think there purpose on earth is; I get some of the most beautiful and passionate responses. A person radiates joy and their eyes will light up when they are speaking of and thinking in alignment with their callings. Yet, society does not encourage us to be authentically ourselves. Society encourages us to be like everyone else
4. Heal what is still hurting you! Forgive yourself and make peace with anything you are having feeling of guilt or shame about; if you are beating yourself up over things in the past, the time has come to release that and move forward.
5. Self-loathing must be replaced with self-love.
6. As you reflect you can also express GRATITUDE for lessons learned and make plans to apply the lessons in your future life. Keeping a journal is a great way to be intentional about gratitude, your healing process and personal growth.
Most of us grow up being told we can be whatever we want to be, right? If we believe it, we can achieve it. Do you remember being young and having that feeling of hope, the daydreams, the vision of who you were to become? Those quotes are true; it’s about mind over matter and actually believing the words. We see these types of themes on bulletin boards in classrooms, online and we certainly say these things to our kids at some point and most parents try to encourage their kids to perfect their gifts and talents when they see them exhibiting a talent in something. YES, WE TRULY WANT THEM TO BE AUTHENTIC. HOWEVER, IF MOM OR DAD ISN’T COMFORTABLE IN THEIR OWN SKIN OR THEY DIM THEIR LIGHT BECAUSE SOCIETY MIGHT VIEW THEM AS DIFFERENT…….
“…be yourself, but don’t do it in a weird way..”
“be yourself, but don’t tell anybody about it…”
Somehow, the majority of us, have become afraid to show who we really are for fear of being different; afraid of standing out or being judged. It’s not the best feeling to know that you would rather be doing something else but you won’t because your afraid; growing older and wishing you had more time or that you had started chasing your dreams sooner or at all. Do you want that to be your legacy? Do we want that to be the theme of our family and the legacy we leave to our future generations and grandchildren? TRY to be yourself but don’t let anyone know you’re doing it. It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? That is because it is ridiculous!! I realize now, after embracing my authentic self that I was being judged even when I was doing the whole “fit in” bit; this is when we put our mask on, dim our light and hide the fact that we have a voice or opinion.
9. Figure out when you stopped daydreaming; you might find that this is when you started following someone else’s path. If you know what you are called to do but you aren’t doing anything about it; ask yourself what is preventing you from that?
10. Get in your feelings!! WHEN THEY COME, FEEL THEM, AND THEN LET THEM FLOW.....
In our society, most boys are raised to be tough, not cry, hold in emotion so as not to let anyone see that they have any? In our society in many families, boys are conditioned to be insensitive. Years later, communication issues arise. Little girls are usually sensitive but not ever taught to express emotion into words, in a calm or rational way. These young girls grow up into women who are emotionally immature and unable to communicate in a healthy way in relationships. Add technology and the mobile phone, does anyone talk anymore??
Individually, we may yearn to be understood but we often fail to consider that people can only perceive us from their level of perception and what we present to the world; then we wonder why people don’t understand us. This is just another reason to be authentic, be true to yourself. Feelings are just that, emotions that you feel; emotions cause a stirring of the soul. We humans do all sorts of things to avoid them too, don’t we? We can numb them, we can hide them, we can lie about them, we can deny them but they are still there and you still will feel them again.
11. Mindful is what you must be about your feelings. Pay attention to when you have reactions to certain things. Are you reacting to the current situation or something else you haven’t addressed. Are you taking something out on someone else? This is about learning yourself lovely! Knowing what makes you tick and why? There will be times that you have to face that fact that you are what you are reacting to and maybe you’ve been getting in your own way. Do not beat yourself up about this! Why do we do that? Instead, express gratitude for your growth. For your new practice of mindfulness and further healing!
12. Be your authentic self
13. KNOW THYSELF- There are many personality tests online, I recommend the free Meyers-Briggs personality test. We humans, have the most ability, power, gifts, talent and skill to make the most and best of ourselves and where we live while we’re here.
Most just don’t……Why? Not everyone is doing it or it isn’t considered normal? However, it happens all the time; society follows patterns, beliefs and ideas we’ve been conditioned to. In turn, we have created more dysfunction in society and sometimes it goes deep into homes and family life. I write about things like this because I have experienced first hand the dis-ease of living a life not being authentic; I was not being my true self. I write about this because it is now being shown through research that dis-ease in the mind is often directly related to disease in the body; everything is connected.
One of the things I like to think and write about in my blog is the relationship between science and spirituality. I like to be able to see that everything is connected because I believe everything truly is connected, made up of the same matter yet uniquely created and with individual characteristics and traits.
When I see proof of this connection between science and spirituality in real life it seems to rekindle the flame in me to be myself and to be authentic and comfortable in my own skin. I get excited about it because it proves or confirms to me that there is something bigger than me, than us. With all that is amazing and unique in the universe that we express gratitude for and study; we do not do that, in society with people. We still see people as either/or, black or white and we don’t pay any attention to the shades in between.
If you look deeper into society and who has created change, made progress, improved society and advocated for humanity; it is authentic people and none of them were just like any other one but they were and are FIERCE AND FEARLESS about their calling!
Not afraid to speak their own truth, unafraid of judgment by society and you can find them perfectly content while standing out from the crowd; the fierce and fearless. They are the change-makers, the pace-setters and the people that influence others to make progress and create change too. Why then, as a society, are we not paying more attention to the acceptance. encouragement and empowerment of others? Why do we not encourage our children to discover and learn themselves, find their gifts and talents and then seek and fulfill a purpose? Why have we accepted or conformed to the idea that we are here only to contribute to society by working and paying bills?
16. Align with your purpose. What we long for is usually related to a calling and our unique gifts are usually perfectly aligned and help us fulfill our calling, our purpose.
You see people in society that are not aligned with their purpose daily! I know you do, they are everywhere. Let me give you an example or two. Have you every dealt with a customer service rep , who after speaking with , you hang up the phone and wonder why in the world they are working in customer service when they are clearly not meant to be doing it. We’ve all been there, the person in the wrong business or career. It wasn’t aligned with our calling; it didn’t feel good to do it. Of course, most of us don’t think that way do we? It’s considered to normal to work at a job we hate, to pay for things we can’t afford, to impress people we often, don’t even really like. Normal can kick rocks in my opinion! #byefelicia When people get aligned with their purpose and who they are at their core, JOY is present! In my opinion, JOY beats NORMAL all day every day!
I believe, the number one way begin fulfilling your purpose once you determine what your calling is, is to begin living intentionally. Everything we have done and all the things that have happened; started somewhere with someone as an intention; a clear concise thought about something happening.
We have all been “stuck in a rut.” If you have experienced an awakening you may know it by the term “dark night of the soul”; those times when you feel most alone and distraught, in a valley. However, when we stop climbing out of the valleys, we don’t move forward; we can get real comfortable in that place if we aren’t living with intention about where we are going.
It requires a real conscious effort to practice living intentionally but if you can grasp this one basic concept and create a habit of it, you can change your life! You will honestly amaze yourself with what you can do, how much you can actually accomplish in a day when it is set up with intention.
18. Follow your intuition. Intuition, or our “gut feelings” try to steer us in the right direction, WHEN WE LISTEN. That’s our soul talking, our inner voice, our actual connection to source energy; it’s God.
When we listen to our intuition it allows us the chance to set intentions for the outcome we want to occur; it allows for the creation of momentum of thought. God, or source, is saying “ come now, get aligned with your calling, it’s this way.” You now have created a ripple effect of momentum in the right direction. You are also now working WITH UNIVERSE ( OR SOURCE ENERGY) NOT AGAINST IT.
Intention creates momentum…
Momentum creates Progress…
Progress creates Results…
Results bring CHANGE!
Everything is connected, your thoughts will create a ripple either way. Intention can create the kind of ripple effect you WANT. As always lovelies, you must look within; consult with your soul and listen to it…..This is where your calling awaits and THIS, IS WHAT FULFILLMENT FEELS LIKE! CLAIM IT and KEEP CREATING INTENTION.
Q: How do you know you are aligned with your purpose?
A:You’ll know because you WILL have struggles working to fulfill your purpose; IF YOU ARE ALIGNED THEN YOU WILL STILL FEEL JOY WHILE YOU STRUGGLE! -Jack Canfield Author: Chicken Soup for the Soul
19. YOUR LONGING IS YOUR CALLING!! It’s often that thing we hide away because “NO ONE DOES THAT.“ We have got to get away from that mindset that our purpose and gifts are going to look identical to everyone else’s!! Instead, we need to embrace those skills and continue seeking our purpose no matter who thinks it is normal or who thinks it is crazy! It doesn’t matter what they think because they have their own calling to pursue, your calling is going to be NORMAL for you; it’s just going to fit, click and align with your authentic self.
I knew I wasn’t aligned with my soul purpose 6 years in, with a great corporate management position, a great benefits package to match plus a lot of perks.The job was perfect after my divorce. It did pay the bills, allowed me to get on my feet again and I was actually really good at it. However, the stress level and hours required were high and many. So much so that the dis-ease I felt started to manifest in physical symptoms; headaches, hair loss and anxiety, for starters. However, I felt like I was in a revolving door I couldn’t step out of most days; other days it was a hamster wheel I feared I would never escape.This was considered “normal” apparently; I looked and asked around and everyone I knew was in the same boat. I thought “this is it…this is what we do here? We live to work and pay bills and still struggle?? We make people we may not ever know money?? Then, if the stress and anxiety is to much; we just go pop a pill to numb ourselves from the dis-ease?? Everyone I knew answered these questions with a similar tone…..” it sucks but that’s life…“
That didn’t sit well with me and my mind was constantly pulled to thoughts about there being more to life, more to me and more for me to do.These thoughts, I now know, were powerful intentions of change for me. Little did I know that soon they would snowball into major life and career changes for me.
20. Awaken to Your Purpose
I’ve read that people often experience a spiritual awakening during trials, tribulations or following a loss or trauma. I had experienced a suicide in the family and a divorce; I had been working 2 jobs to pay the bills and going to school at night. Following that, I found myself in a toxic relationship and living with the feeling that I had sold my soul for some health insurance and a 401k. This truly had me feeling like a failure and a sell out.
There was always this longing in me; this voice telling me to keep seeking my purpose. The faith my mother raised me in helped me to continue hoping that there was going to be beauty in my struggle some where; I did my best to count it all joy. I was 39 at this time; when God and universe began to shake me awake and prompted me to get my life back; to get back to myself and heal what was causing me to suffer.
21. Be and see the beauty in your struggle. Your purpose is most likely going to be born from your pain!
First, all my negative self-talk and bitterness had to end. I started being conscious about my thoughts and instead of professing that I was isolated and trapped and began claiming that I would soon be away from the toxicity and free! Next, I knew the toxic relationship had to end once and for all. I blocked and deleted numbers, social media accounts and went NO CONTACT! This turned out to be the best decision I have ever made; going no contact showed me the difference between life in a toxic relationship and a life in which I could live, breathe and not be isolated! I was so happy with the latter, my choice! I wasn’t even fully healed from the divorce prior to that relationship and so my healing process took a long while. In fact, it still continues. It takes a conscious effort almost daily not to slip back into victim mentality.
22. Ditch the victim mentality
What helped me to empower myself to ditch the victim mentality and aspire to become a victor over my pain was that inner knowing within me that there was a purpose for all of it. I knew I was never meant to merely survive but to rather thrive; and that is what I set out to do. I started by loving myself first and committing to that for at least one year; no relationship! I knew I couldn’t love anyone properly if I didn’t first love myself and I HAD to get back to that person; the me that had confidence, self-love and belief, empathy for others; I had to find that girl that had the big heart again. I had to get back to myself!
If you are stuck in victim mentality you most likely have already started making excuses for yourself regarding what I have written thus far; you started listing reasons and explaining to yourself the many reasons why you can’t do this. You might even be telling yourself that you can’t be a warrior! Well, I am here to call your bluff because if I can then you can for sure!!! In addition, I am here to encourage you so come on, let’s take a look at what the victim mindset looks like compared to the victor or the warrior mindset. Then, you can truly decide which is best for YOU!
23. Celebrate your personal growth successes!
If you are purpose-driven, it is crucial that you pay attention to your unique gifts and talents and celebrate your personal growth successes. For me, it was worth it to face myself, my past, what caused my suffering and even to reopen some old wounds so they could properly heal. It was worth it to not have pain from my past buried below the surface; always lurking there to mess up my next relationship or friendship. It was worth it to get back to myself and to feel connected again with what I’ve always known was my calling; to help others, to empower others and to encourage others to find and fulfill their purpose!!
24. Weave your calling into your life. Make room for your personal mission and purpose! Incorporate your purpose into your daily method of operation!
Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you begin your own personal journey to your purpose and calling! It might help you narrow down how you can provide this as a service in love! Can you imagine actually getting to do what you love, every day? I believe if we get intentional about being aligned with our purpose; the money, the resources, the team and the way will get aligned with us as well. Here are some questions you can ask to help discover what your soul purpose might be.
What is it that you find yourself longing for?
What do you feel like you are really gifted or talented in?
What do you find yourself daydreaming about?
When you were bored as a child what did you occupy your time with??
Amazon’s website also has some stellar books and audios to choose from to assist you in your self-development, personal growth process and awakening to purpose. Here is a link to a few of my favorite selections for personal growth tips. https://amzn.to/2pINWXy
Recently, I had a night in which I felt led to open my Bible to Proverbs. There were many verses related to this topic that jumped out at me but this one; Proverbs 10:11 really resonated with my heart so I’m declaring it my number 25 here.
That dis-ease that had started in my mind was hope deferred and it was making my heart sad and bitter; my purpose being “put off” or ignored was allowing the dis-ease and discomfort that started in thought to start manifesting as physical signs of dis-ease; in the body. I no longer have these symptoms of stress, hair. loss or anxiety. It will be a year ago this April 11th that I resigned from the corporate career and decided to do what I had to do to pay bills while I pursued my purpose! I didn’t need a prescription, I didn’t need a better corporate position with better benefits or more perks, I didn’t need more money! What I needed was what I did; ditch the toxic relationship, ditch the fake friends, ditch the victim mentality and move in the direction of what I was made for.
26. Be Tenacious about your Purpose
tenacity- noun
the quality of being able to grip something
persistence, perseverance, tirelessness, resolution, STRENGTH OF PURPOSE
What I needed was to get aligned with my calling and become tenacious about fulfilling my purpose! I have never been happier or more fulfilled; I”m still struggling in a few areas of my life from learning the hard way about helping the wrong people; the take take taker’s, I call them. However, I feel fulfilled. I feel inner peace. I want this for you too lovelies! How can I help you get aligned with your calling today?
I talk a lot about good vibes and vibrating higher; I talk about protecting your energy and how to get a shift in focus and energy when you have a down or off day or when someone has attempted to “kill your vibe.” Once you begin to do this personal growth work, investing in yourself and being intentional about becoming the victor not a victim; you will find yourself becoming fierce and tenacious about YOU; who you are, what you want and need, where you are going and you will become very choosy about who you invest your time in!! Often times, after making these practices habit, you’ll find that you enjoy your own company better that many others simply because you have evolved! Congratulations, you leveled up; more aligned with your authentic self and your purpose!! Celebrate that and then, wake up tomorrow and DO IT AGAIN. Amazon has a great selection of books to help with this. If you missed my recommended book list last week you can find it via this affiliate link at amazon’s website. https://amzn.to/2pINWXy
As always, I can’t go one post without mentioning the ONE thing that never fails me when I need a shift in energy or when I find myself thinking with a victim mindset again; it happens…..you don’t need to dwell on it but you do need to change it as quick as possible! Music, for me, is the best way to get an energy shift quick! I have taken the time to make a suggestion of tracks that create good vibes, the lyrics are positive and the beats are gonna get you feeling up when you are down, If you think you could benefit from that too check out this link I made to take you to my special playlists at amazon!! https://amzn.to/2pINWXy
It is way to easy and much more common these days, to become complacent with life. Our regular routines SEEM to work because we function and survive in them. In comparison to everyone else, we consider ourselves normal because we function, in and with, the rest of society; we work, we sleep, we eat, we pay bills. We shouldn’t be comparing our lives to other people or measuring success by comparing careers, social status or assets acquired. When we compare ourselves to other people, we will never measure up. The reason for this is that, ONLY OUR CALLING IS GOING TO FEEL NORMAL TO US!
If we never seek and find what it is, that longing, the feeling that something is missing, will remain. Sometimes we have to do some healing and self-development within ourselves before we can take on what our calling is going to require of us; the important thing to remember is this; once you decide to jump off the hamster wheel and seek your soul purpose; don’t stop. There are going to be days that the hamster wheel looks like a vacation compared to personal growth but you just have to keep on moving forward in your own growth; one healing, empowering step at a time. As you begin, you might not know where to start and that is okay, I got you!
Everything is connected, your thoughts will create a ripple either way. Intention can create the kind of ripple effect you WANT.
As always lovelies, you must look within; consult with your soul and listen to it…..This is where your calling awaits and
Q: How do you know you are aligned with your purpose?
A:You’ll know because you WILL have struggles working to fulfill your purpose; IF YOU ARE ALIGNED THEN YOU WILL STILL FEEL JOY WHILE YOU STRUGGLE!
-Jack Canfield Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
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[Quiz takes place in the new canon, days before escape.]
Quiz 2 [Retcon]
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Oh, we hit the ground running with this quiz! Actually, yes. Sometimes I feel like I'm a character in a video game. It helps with my line of work, honestly, when you don't think about targets as people.
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Bitch I AM the dark.
3. The person you would never want to meet? I don't know, I kind of met them all? I guess if Zra'ha isn't my mother, I might be kinda nervous to meet her (my mother). Who the fuck gives up their clearly awesome in every conceivable way twin boys?
4. What is your favorite word? Huh ... is there one I use a lot? I know I'm slipping into some bad habits with slang-- oh, right. "Fuck"
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? Do you remember the tree in the Charlie Brown Christmas Special? That's me. I am that tree.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? You stupid bitch, what the fuck are you doing? You're going to get everyone killed. Also, why do I want to punch myself in the face?
7. What shirt are you wearing? Like, RIGHT now? None, and I'm too lazy to look and see what I'm going to be wearing in a sec.
8. What do you label yourself as? Well I thought I was the protagonist ...
9. Bright room or dark room? Bitch I AM a dark room.
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Getting fucked, probably.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? Being six was fun, that was the least stressful year I've ever had in my fucking life.
12. Who told you they loved you last? Ussta che.
13. Your worst enemy? The fucking matron.
14. What is your current desktop picture? Me, sliding across Bird's desk in a seductive pose while he works. I've knocked everything off the desk. Everything. I may have a rose in my mouth. Wait, what was the question again? Oh, I thought you meant a literal desk top.
15. Do you like someone? This is kind of a stupid question, doesn't everyone like someone? Also, I'm married.
16. The last song you listened to? That music sex Bird was listening to last night, holy shit.
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? The matron, but that would be too quick.
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? The matron, but that wouldn't be enough.
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? The matron, who would have to suck my dick non-stop. I'd just. Tie her under the desk and get real interested in doing paperwork too. You could make a goddamn scholar out of me yet.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) My abs. :D My eyes, my hair, my ass ...
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? Funny you should ask. Anyway, probably me, but female, and I spend six hours getting violently fucked by my husband who may or may not be actually turning into a monster each time he busts a nut. I then black out. I'm pretty sure he's still fucking me and I think I'm okay with that but I'm going to have to do some more soul searching to figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? None of my talents are secret, I'm a huge show off.
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Ilhars. That answer hasn't changed from last time, so go ahead and look it up.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. Obviously I'd get a sandwich with every ingredient known to humankind and then dissect it and eat the individual parts over a long period of time. That's just being smart.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? I have exactly no concept of money or how it works. Bribes, I guess?
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Is there a plane that flies underground? Because I need that shit if I'm getting out of this place.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? I'd pull it's wings off, tape them to my back, and go cliff diving. Fuck if I know shit about alcohol, are you fucking serious? Also what the fuck kind of heaven is full of alcohol? That's the most boring, useless piece of trash I've ever heard. Heaven doesn't exist, and if it did, it'd be me watching over my husband and fucking smiting the shit out of people that get near him with goddamn lightening bolts. Then he dies and we snuggle on a fucking cloud or whatever until the end of time.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? If you sexually assault ANYONE I will mutilate your genitals and personally flay you alive, making sure you have enough toxin in you to keep you wide awake through the experience. You die when I let you.
29. What is your favorite expletive? FUCK.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? I'm wearing all my clothes, right? ... That's ... kind of the entirety of everything I own that I love? So I guess I'd go and see if I can grab something Bird wants. If he doesn't want or need anything, I guess I go in and save the preserved heart of my most hated enemy.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? That's actually a way tougher question than you might think. Does erasing it mean I only forget it, or that it never happens? If I only forget it, I'd want to erase my Zra'ha and I getting attacked last. If erasing it means it never happens, as fucked up as it sounds, I'd need to erase the engagement between Bird and Kora, that shit has kept me traumatized for years, and it would help serve to protect Bird as well, who is always my priority first. Zra'ha is tough, but Bird is ... well ... I get stuff stuck in my head a lot, and it's always been about Bird getting hurt this way, and it's the one thing that makes me want to stab myself in the guts until I finally get it out of my head.
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Who the hell wrote this quiz? A four year old? I wouldn't fucking bother with sleeping with celebrities, for one, that sounds fucking creepy as hell. Also I don't fucking care about anywhere else in the world, I just want out of HERE.
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? Well hello there handsome stranger that I absolutely do not know or find familiar what-so-ever. Sorry, but nobody I know is dead right now. Could you give me a rain-check? I want my fucking husband back.
34. What was your last dream about? Getting fucked by mythological monsters.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? In bed? Fuck no, I just got pounded like that side of beef in Rocky. I LITERALLY only just experienced sex like, twenty four hours ago for the first time. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. At least getting fucked means I probably don't need to figure that shit out immediately.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? Nah, but my husband is a doctor, so every day is like me being in the hospital.
37. Have you ever built a snowman? No, do you wanna?
38. What is the color of your socks? Realistically speaking I should be wearing socks so my feet don't get blistered in my boots, but I don't think anyone really cares for being super realistic, so ... no.
39. What type of music do you like? Metal, Jpop/Kpop, Rock...
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? You know, I bet I answered this before... Oh, I didn't? Okay, uh... sun... ...set. Seems like that's the more romantic one? Or maybe sunrise-- actually yeah, I like that better. That means we stayed up all night.
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? I don't know? Chocolate? I've had so few sweet things in my life that I don't really have a preference.
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) The fuck is this? I don't care.
43. Do you have any scars? No, but I bet'cha I'm gonna just from my sex life.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I've literally never attended a day of school in my life, except when I went with Bird, but he was the one doing the "school work", not me.
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My height! Also maybe the length of my
46. Are you reliable? When it comes to assassinations? Yes. When it comes to dealing with stress? No.
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? What's it like not existing anymore, bitch?
48. Do you hold grudges? No, of course not, but I swear on my life that I will hold the heart of my greatest enemy in my hand before my life has ended. By which I mean yes I fucking hold grudges. I hold them closer than I hold my own fucking husband.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? Well my husband associates with birds (obviously) but he's also revealed a more wolf-ish side, so ... can I get me a winged devil wolf? I don't care if it's black or white.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? Oh, probably a bunch. I guess right now it's when Bird had to stop us in the middle of sex to try to explain some stuff about basic sex ed. I felt embarrassed, because I kinda knew that part and I was referring to something else, but I didn't exactly have the heart to correct him and just went with it.
51. Are you a good liar? Apparently!
52. How long could you go without talking? Three seconds on a slow day.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? When we were younger, one time when Bird was really, REALLY stressed, I tried shaving it super short because I know my naturally messy hair kind of pisses him off. It was the dumbest goddamn thing I ever did and I looked like a fucking idiot. He ended up having to fix it because it was so uneven. On the bright side, he stopped freaking out. After that I spent like a half a year miserable and looking like an army rookie.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? No, but that sounds like it could be fun.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? I'm working on my common accent, actually. I guess that'd be "English" for some people.
56. What do you like on your toast? I kind of prefer it dry, actually.
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? I've been trying to teach myself how to draw by tracing my manga so I can draw pictures of me and Bird. It's ... not going well. I should stick to daggers.
58. What would be you dream car? I don't know, one with wheels that's really low to the ground and kind of pointed in the front?
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. I don't have to explain my masturbation to you, you dirty fucker. Also we don't own a shower and I don't jack off. I might get familiar with my new anatomy though. Like, real familiar.
60. Do you believe in aliens? Aren't aliens basically just sky mutants?
61. Do you often read your horoscope? We don't actually have horoscopes down here. No stars to really be born under, you know?
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? D. Because of this: 8===D
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Uh, dragons, duh?
64. What do you think about babies? I'm going to start crying, I'm so happy and so fucking scared right now. I feel better knowing Bird's onboard, though, I was kind of worried about whether or not he'd even be interested, but it turns out he REALLY is. I hope that means he'll love it as much as I do. I hope it makes him happy.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. Oh, I get to ask a question now? Uh. Okay. I'm just kind of screaming into the void, though. What is the one thing you want most in the entire universe? It can be literally anything. It can be material, immaterial, it can be a power, or the ability to change an event, something on a cosmic or divine level, etc.
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