#Now I get why we had a side angle for the ending fairy
atlantis-area · 11 months
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Shy Taemin 6v6 (Ending fairy, 231112)
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astroboots · 1 year
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Summary: A prequel to Homecoming set 10 years before. The moment Santiago realizes he's missed his chance with you.
Homesick masterlist | Homecoming Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist
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We invite you to share with us a celebration of love for the wedding reception of William Miller and Abigail Jackson.
Santiago stares down at the invitation. It's a showy calligraphy font with lots of rounded gold-gilded curves offset with the pink blossoms, roses and carnation in the background of the card.
A bit tacky for his tastes, and personally he'd probably would've opted for something much simpler, but luckily he's not the one on the hook and three hours from getting married.
He leans back against the car seat, trying to make himself more comfortable, eyes drifting to the side mirror that gives him a decent angle of your front door.
Thirty minutes.
He's been sat in this car for thirty. Whole. Minutes.
You never take this long to get ready for anything. The normal routine is: throw on the cleanest shirt and jeans combo you have on hand. Or if you're feeling really fancy, a dress you have abandoned and forgotten in the corner of your closet before you jump into the car, applying makeup as best as you can, while he drives you to where you two need to go.
He's never had to sit in a car waiting for you for half an hour while you get ready.
Not for your graduation.
Not for your first job interview.
Heck, not even when you were a bridesmaid to your best friend's wedding (because you'd both overslept and you ended up clumsily pulling on the bridesmaid's gown in the backseat while he was racing down the highway to the hotel where the bride was staying with minutes to spare).
So why on earth you would need this long to prepare for Ironhead's wedding reception is beyond him. There's hardly going to be any royalty there.
Santiago sighs, reaching over the dashboard to change the radio station when from the corner of his eyes, you've finally decided to grace him with your presence. In the side mirror, he sees you locking up the front door and approach the car.
The pale blue of your dress sways in the mirror.
Santiago is confused. You're wearing a new dress. One he knows he's never seen before on you.
It's a pretty little thing. Sheer blue lace, and a flowing line that hugs your hips flatteringly. The fabric of the summer dress flutters in the wind when you walk, the edges of the skirt flirting with your thighs as it rides up slightly and he can feel his brows arch in question as you approach the passenger side of the car.
"That's new," he says, as you open the door and scoot into the passenger seat.
You look up at him as if you don't know what he's talking about, and when he gestures at the dress, you just shrug, like there's nothing unusual here to see.
"It's a wedding reception Santiago, what else am I going to wear?"
He catches you inspecting your makeup in the mirror, your chin tilted upwards as your lips part to make sure the red lipstick and gloss on top hasn't smeared.
It feels surreal somehow, like he's wandered into a house of mirrors at a funfair. It's you, but you're behaving like something alien to him.
As he starts the car and pull out the driveway, the thought vaguely occurs to him that he needs to rewatch Body Snatchers, because he's pretty sure this is how it starts.
Still, you do look very pretty.
"The dress looks good on you," he tells you when the car's at a standstill at a red light.
The corners of your lips curve into a soft smile, and you look so happy that Santiago tells himself that if you have gotten body-snatched, he's just going to have to learn to co-exist with aliens now.
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It's a big gathering held in a beautiful garden space. There are all the usual trappings of a Pinterest wedding fare. Fairy lights hung up in trees. Pink balloons and mason jars scattered on rustic looking wooden farm tables that he knows must've cost a leg and an arm on Will's paltry salary check.
His body is tensing. Leg itchy and Santiago feels like he can't stand still in one spot. The lingering pain in his right knee acting up again. The last surgery should have fixed it, and the surgeon had warned him it's probably psychosomatic at this point, but whether it's real or make-believe doesn't help Santiago when the pain is there.
There's a lot of familiar faces from the army here, which Santiago doesn't love.
It's not something he does, bring you around where that world can sink its contaminated claws into you. He doesn't want you near it.
Doesn't want you to hear the confusing military jargon, and have to explain what "Dependa means", or to have one of his "buddies" refer to you as a "civilian".
He never likes it when you're reminded that out of the eight to ten months he's gone for the year, there's a dividing line separating your life from his that you are not part of.
Doesn't want you to be faced with the fact that when he's not here next to you, he's not your Santiago. He's not the guy you grew up, the one you always beat at Street Fighter and used to run a racketeering at the local pool hall for pocket money.
Doesn't want you to think of the fact that when he's out there, he's committing war crimes under a legal technicality courtesy of Uncle Sam, the way some dumb misguided 18-year-olds were shipped to both your motherlands once upon a time and burnt it down with napalm and bullets some decades ago.
Fuck, he doesn't want you to be here. Should never have invited you.
But Frankie had accidentally blabbed about Will's wedding last week, asking, in front of you, who Santiago was bringing as his plus one. You had looked up at him with such big excited eyes, because you fucking love weddings, and you are always his plus one. What was he supposed to say? No?
It's so uncharacteristically clumsy of the man and Santiago swears, if Frankie wasn't his best friend, he could've killed him for that.
Santiago scans the space, spotting more pink flower arrangements, carnations and pink tulips and hydrangeas, it looks like a pink confetti bomb went off in this space.
Under a large tree of heavy branches carrying pink cherry blossoms, Santiago spots the very culprit he was thinking of. Frankie is leaning against the thick trunk. He's looking as uncomfortable as ever in the big crowd, obviously hiding away so he doesn't have to make mindless conversation with the other wedding guests. Shoulders slump so low, the man looks like he's trying to shrink into the tree.
Santiago shakes his head. It's hard to ever stay mad at Frankie. He couldn't even if he tried.
Jutting out his arm, Santiago looks to you as your arm curl around his. The unbending tension in his neck seems to melt away when you are pressed to his side. He can feel your sun-warmed skin brushing up against him, as the two of you make your way over to Frankie.
"Hi Frank," Santiago greets.
Frankie looks up, those big brown eyes fill with absolute relief at seeing a friendly face. The man is all soft smiles as he lets out a long exhale, the tension fizzling out of his frame.
"What you don't like weddings?" Santiago teases.
From Santiago's side, you slip out your hand where it's looped against him arm, and wave at Frankie despite that you're not even two feet away from each other. You're acting a bit awkward, your greeting a bit stiff. There's a warm and almost nervous smile on your face that makes Santiago raise a questioning eyebrow.
"Hi Frankie," you say and your voice is all soft and buttery and breathless.
Frankie's eyes darts towards you and when the man sees you, he looks like he damn near swallowed his whole damn tongue.
It's bizarre.
Both of you are acting strange.
From the outside looking in, it probably looks innocuous, just two good friends having a conversation, catching up after not having seen each other for several months.
Except it's not. Something is different. He can tell because he knows you both so well. Something is just slightly off.
Santiago sips his beer as Frankie's telling you about how much he liked the book you lent him before he got shipped off. He's recanting how he'd read them in his mosquito filled tent, while sitting in the back of a truck waiting to be transported to another town. He's telling you the bits and pieces of his everyday life on the other side that Santiago never shares with you, and Santiago doesn't know how to feel.
The fact that Frankie can so easily share that part of his life with you, without batting an eye, like it's the easiest thing. The fact that you're nodding and smiling, responding with details of your daily life at school and work, like it's no big deal.
There's no dividing line between you and the two of you act like all of this is completely normal.
Except it's not normal.
Because Frankie's taken off his cap and he's no longer hiding under it. As at ease with you he might seem, he's also nervously running his fingers through his hair over and over again while he talks to you. He can't take his eyes off your face, tongue darting over his bottom lip while he's staring at your mouth while you laugh.
And you? You're smiling and laughing with your whole face as you listen to Frankie's story. It's a smile so big and bright and unrestrained in a way that Santiago's always thought was reserved just for him.
And he doesn't know how he feels about that either.
Santiago is watching Frankie's eyes trail over your collarbone down to your legs. Eyes rounding into big saucer and the effect is almost cartoonish. It makes Santiago want to roll his eyes, this man never could rein back his appreciation for a good sundress.
And oh.
This is why you're wearing a new dress.
Santiago blinks, feet rooted to the ground, stupefied as the realization hits him.
You wore this for Frankie.
You took half an hour to get ready for Frankie.
You were excited to come here... For Frankie.
Santiago is the third wheel.
And he finally figures out how he feels about that. 
Like shit. 
That’s how he feels about it. 
Not that Santiago lets it show. He smiles, he nods, he cracks jokes with the two of you. Makes jabs at Frankie and teases you, like there’s nothing wrong. 
Still he smiles, he smiles so wide and so fake his fucking cheeks hurt with the muscle ache of it. Smiles like there's nothing wrong. Like his whole fucking world isn’t imploding before his eyes and he’s watching it burn down to a crisp to the background ambiance of the warm afternoon sun and the live music of a string quartet. 
Dramatic? yes, doesn't make it any less true for him.
Fuck, his knees hurt.
Santiago’s eyes roam over the space filled faces that are all smiling and laughing. Everyone’s happy. Drinking and eating and laughing. In this intimate space, surrounded by a crowd of people celebrating life and love, he’s never felt more lonely in his life. 
He feels like he’s drowning, head held under the surface. There’s a claustrophobic pressure hugging his ribs and his lungs squeeze painfully tight. He can’t fucking breathe, and he wonders if he could die here without anyone noticing that anything is wrong and--
His eyes blink, focusing in on your worried face as you’re peering up at him. “Are you ok? You look a bit pale.” 
“Uhm, yeah sorry. I…”
Your eyes are staring back at him, piercingly sharp. They feel like a scalpel held against his raw tender skin poised to make an incision. 
He looks away, unable to hold your gaze, eyes flittering over the crowd. “Sorry, I think I see someone I know that I have to say hi to… and catch up with.”
“Oh yeah?” Frankie throws a look over his shoulder, “who did you spot?”
Santiago scans the space for a familiar face, any familiar face that will serve as an exit route.
There’s Jones, his former captain back in the early days. The asshole who used to call Santiago ‘pretty boy’ derisively, and make him do pull ups until he felt so sick that the contents of his breakfast would end up outside of his body again.
To his left, Will is making the rounds from table to table, greeting and thanking the guests for coming. Will is too busy, which isn’t an option. 
“Jones,” Santiago murmurs, and the moment he says it, Santiago already knows he made a mistake. 
Frankie’s face scrunches up in distaste. “What are you talking about? That guy is an asshole. You hated him back in the army, why do you wanna catch up with him?"
Santiago laughs it off, because he can’t very well tell Frankie the truth. That Santiago feels the walls closing in and needs to get away from the two of you. So he makes up a cheeky lie. 
“Guy owes me money.” He pats Frankie on the shoulder, and juts his chin in your direction. “Keep her company for me will ya?”
He turns to leave, and for a brief moment his eyes catch yours.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on Santiago's part, but he swears that for the first since you arrived, your smile falters. There’s something in your expression, the way your brows scrunches up, hands hovering mid-air as if you’re about to reach for his sleeve, that tells him you don’t want him to go. 
A snide critical voice in his head thinks he’s delusional. He’s just reading into something that isn’t there. Because why would you care? You’re perfectly happy in Frankie’s company.
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In this moment as Santiago stands here before his former captain, he is regretting every single decision in his life that has led him here.
That he was a dumb naive teenager at the age of 17 that was tempted by a shopping mall recruiter to go "see the world" by joining the army. That he ended up in this man's regiment. That he didn't RSVP Will's invitation with: 'thank you but no thank you'. That in all his years of being in close range fire he somehow hasn't ended up with hearing damage that would have spared him from listening to this man talk.
Santiago glances over to where he had left you and Frankie half an hour ago, because he can't even be bothered with the pretense of acting even vaguely interested in what Captain Asshole has to say.
Santiago's been observing the two of you throughout. At first, it was awkward between the two of you. Because even though the two of you are no strangers to one another, usually Santiago is always around to play intermediary when there's a lull in the conversation.
You were hugging yourself, eyes darting to the ground, feet shifting. Frankie wouldn't stop running his fingers through his goddamned hair even as it started to look like a bird's nest that's fallen off a tree. The two of you were standing some distance apart, and Santiago cringed inwardly at the scene...
But if Santiago is being completely above board and honest... there's a small tiny sliver of a piece of him that was happy about that. That there's still a space for him between you and Frankie.
It doesn't stay that way of course. As the evening goes on and the harsh bright Florida sun starts to dim, the fairy lights flicker to life. It bathes everything in that romantic soft amber light against darkening canvas of the sky.
Frankie lends you his old worn jacket as you start to shiver. Then gradually, you two are inching closer and closer until you're standing shoulder to shoulder.
Santiago gets to witness it in real time, how the space between the two of you is closing (as is his place between you). He doubt he could physically squeeze himself between you even if he tried.
It's never gonna be a pleasant feeling to know that his best friends have just made him redundant. He knows that, and running away the way he did was probably not the most mature thing he's ever done. But now that he's seeing it from a distance, he can see how happy you two look. He has two seeing eyes after all.
For the first time in a long time, Frankie looks completely at ease. There's a soft glow to his cheeks as he's looking at you, utterly besotted, and you're smiling so wide your eyes are crinkling at the corners.
Santiago takes another sip from his beer, and despite the sickly sweetness, the beverage still warms his stomach. There are worse things in the world than seeing the two people he loves the most in the world happy, even if he's not the reason for it... right?
He peers out over the setting sun, squinting against the amber brightness and even among the buzzing crowd he can pick up the sound of your laughter distinctly from everything else. It's all he can hear.
It's funny how he never saw it before. But the two of you would be perfect for each other.
Frankie’s a bit quiet, and maybe he’s a little bit shy sometimes and takes a while to open up. But he doesn’t run away from his problems. Not like Santiago does. He’d never leave you if things started to get too serious or too hard; Santiago’s not sure he could make that same promise. But he knows Frankie can. Santiago knows how good Frankie would be to you.
And you? Just looking at the two of you now, he can see how Frankie's comfortable around you. Practically lighting up like the Rockerfeller center. Frankie looks like someone took an electrical socket and plugged it into him and he's buzzing and alight as he talks to you, Santiago can't remember the last time he's seen Frankie so animated... so at ease. Except maybe when he and Frankie are left to their own devices, during downtime, just the two of them, without having to hold a weapon in their hands.
"Captain! Mind if I borrow Pope here for a second?"
Santiago blinks out of his reverie to see the man of the hour, the groom himself in front of him.
Like a guardian angel descending from the heavens, Will stands with the sun glowing behind him, the golden boy.
The Captain nods, patting Will on the back, making some crude and off-handed and inappropriate joke about how "it's all downhill from here" not even a handful of hours after the man's nuptials.
Will doesn't smile, just juts his head with a nod, as they both watch the man depart. Then when he's out of hearing range, Will turns to Santiago.
"What the fuck were you doing with that guy?"
Santiago sips his bottle, and tips his head in the direction where the two of you are sitting. "Just wanted to give the two of them some space."
Will turns around and observes the two of you.
"Right," Will says, but his tone is gruff and serious, grinding his teeth as he observes. Will has never been the type to make any comments about anyone's personal lives, it's not his style.
"It's not my place to say something," he starts, then he stops, mulls it over as if deciding whether he's really going to say something.
The man shakes his head, then takes a deep breath. "Look, just... are you sure about this?" Will says.
It's all he says, he doesn't flesh out what he means. Just looks Santiago dead in the eye, with that sober Ironhead expression that he's so famous for.
Santiago doesn't pretend he doesn't know what Will is talking about. The man is smart. Santiago's not going to condescend him and play the game of the dumb best friend who doesn't realize he's in love with his best friend. It'd be like spitting in the man's face.
Instead Santiago takes a deep breath, and down the rest of his beer.
In front of him, Frankie's waving his hand so animatedly he nearly knocks over a canape tray from a waiter that was walking by behind him, and you're having a laughing fit over it.
Santiago doesn't know the answer to Will's question. He doesn't know what there is to be sure or unsure about. But he does know one thing... The two of you look good together.
Who is he to be in the way of that?
After all, Santiago has always had hang ups about how no one is good enough for you. Because you are his best friend and you deserve the best, and if Santiago is not gonna pull his head out of his own ass, at least Frankie will always take care of you and be there for you.
Frankie is a good man. A patient man, a kind man. The type of man he wishes he could be sometimes. He'd be better for you than Santiago thinks he ever could be. 
Who's to say this isn't going to be the best thing that's ever happened to the three of you?
"Yeah man," Santiago says as he tears his eyes away from the two of you. "I'm sure."
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Credits and Dedication: To @thirstworldproblemss who already had to see this angst-fest a year or so ago and have to deal with my constant angsting over these three for funsies.
A/N: Sloppy written angst before I go on a two week hiatus as we're on a long holiday to get away from the rain and enjoy some sunshine on the Amalfi coast! I love you guuuuuys!
Follow me on astroboots-writes and turn on notifications to be notified when I post something new!
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I often think about the ending jetski scene. Before Ashley's "Mission accomplished, right?" She steals a look at Leon (that pouty look), and the way she says it makes me feel like she sort of believes that Leon only cares about her because she is his mission. She seems sad about "mission being accomplished", because it means this is where Leon and she will part ways.
But then Leon replies "Mission accomplished... when you are home safe." Maybe he does want to prolong the time he can spend with her too. And I think that reply ignites some hope in Ashley, that's why she tests the water by asking if he wants to be her personal detail.
Also, the music in that scene is giving me a lot of vibes.
What do you think of that exchange in that scene?
I'm being 100% honest when I say that, the very first time I beat this game, there was a half-second where my brain legitimately thought they were going to kiss during that scene. And it was this weird moment of cognitive dissonance because I also knew that it was completely insane for me to think that, but that's what their body language was doing, that's what the tone of their voices was doing, and that's how the scene was being paced.
And I didn't even think she was going to kiss him -- I thought he was going to kiss her! WHICH IS EVEN MORE INSANE TO THINK. But that little pause between her saying "Thank you for saving me" and Leon going "Don't mention it" I just was like... ???????? Capcom what are you doing??????
Look at the way they're fucking looking at each other and the way that Leon is leaning back towards her are you fucking kidding me with this shit
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Honestly, he probably wanted to. Kiss her, that is. After everything they went through together and the bond that they formed and all that Leon had to overcome mentally and emotionally in order to get them both out of there alive... to hear her actually say the words out loud "You saved me" was probably more powerful and more moving for him than any "I love you" he's ever heard.
Don't forget that Ashley is Leon's first success story. He made the decision to study criminal justice at 18 in order to go into law enforcement at 21 with the desire and motivation to protect people. Now, he's 27 -- nearly ten years removed from that initial decision -- and he has only ever watched people die and gotten people killed instead. There were probably so many emotions going through him in this moment that it's actually impressive that he didn't lean back and kiss her -- or even choke up and cry. (Though, you can tell he kind of wanted to do both. Probably at the same time.)
I don't think that Ashley thinks that Leon only cares about her because of the mission; I just think that she knows that their time together is about to come to an end, and she's not sure how he's feeling about it, so she's trying to figure out from which angle she wants to approach the "I don't want you to disappear from my life" conversation.
And while Leon has the emotional intelligence of a bird (and that's on a good day), he does actually pick up on what she's trying to do with that line. That's why his response back to her is "Mission accomplished... when you're home safe." It's his way of saying "It's not quite over yet. We still have a little bit more time."
But then, when she pushes the issue, he's forced to face the uncomfortable reality of the circumstances of his own life. RE4make is a fairy tale, and Leon knows that fairy tales aren't real. When the story ends and the real world comes back and takes over, this dream of a romance they've been sharing will end, too.
That's why the very first piece of meta I wrote for this game was about his line "You don't need me." There's nothing that Leon would love more than to stay in this dream world of a fairy tale with her forever -- to remain at her side as her loyal knight until the end of days -- but he can't. And he knows he can't.
All he can do is try to assure her that things will be okay when they both wake up. But I'm not sure he believes it, himself.
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anulithots · 1 year
The Rose. Episode 5 - "Gone"
Trigger warnings for blood and sickness.
Welcome to the finale everyone <3. I hope you like Rose and how this ends, because guess what? Fae makes a cameo in the next houseplant series (Prayer Plant)!
Also also, I like the idea of beings who don't have "aha moments" and are suddenly... okay. Because growth is not a linear process, and there isn't a set rule as what counts as "better" or not. So Rose isn't suddenly amazing now but fae is getting better.
Maidoe is a reoccurring character btw <3 Fae is supposed to be a master navigator in Trinity Hollow, and for context, most fairies never leave their tree's side. So Maidoe is.... a bit famous around there. Fae also has this uncanny knack for telling the future, for better or worse.
A tumblr houseplant story from @briarborealisart
The info post is here
Episode one - "Thorns"
Episode two - "Maidoe"
Episode three- "Petals"
Episode four - "Wild"
Note - this is still a first draft, any feedback would be much appreciated. Especially for this one, this is a super interesting concept to explore, but my brain found it so difficult, and comments on if I got to the core of this would be appreciated. <3
Maidoe lost leaves.
Fae didn't have much to begin with. White sap fell off the wounds in droplets. Puddles had stains on faer hands from wiping it away. Maidoe - silly, observant, practical Maidoe - was reduced to a mumbling heap of little leaves beside a bare tree.
Rose. Tried. Everything.
Fae told Maidoe about all the wild ways: too much water absorption, not enough microbes, leaf angling, and Maidoe always slept during prime evening and morning sun hours. Rose was gentle & soft. Fae sat beside Maidoe and told faer everything... but all fae would do was nod. Nod and never change.
Puddles told fair that Maidoe was going through a 'rough patch' and needed utmost care. So Rose sat with Maidoe, measured faer words and made sure to never poke Maidoe with faer thorns.
Rose wondered if Puddles helped more. Puddles gave nowhere near as helpful advice - 'take it slow' fae said.... that was so general and not conducive to a speedy recovery - but Maidoe always smiled more and gave Puddles hugs. Fae never listened to Rose's advice. Puddles said Rose's instructions were "too much" to deal with while Maidoe was in pain. Rose didn't understand. faer advice would bring less pain. Why didn't they see that?
Perhaps it was the hugs.
Maidoe left the next day, white splotches over faer skin where the surprise hug punctured.
Rose had faer own matching splotches, all over faer thorns.
For a precious moment, fae forgot fae had them. But fae wouldn't forget again. If Rose had been more stern- more faerself - thorns & all, then Maidoe wouldn't have left. Simple as that.
Puddle's leaves drooped, darkening.
Rose bit faer tongue. Fae shouldn't say it unless Puddles asked. It would hurt Puddles more, but how could fae let it get that bad? It was probably just a wind issue - the indoor winds always smelled weird. It was such an easy fix -
"Maidoe's tree is doing better"
Rose glanced over, it had gotten bushier - full of sprouts and leaves.
Rose nodded. "Fae had to get rid of the dead ones and let faer tree get sun, simple changes."
"Not to Maidoe."
Rose blinked. Right. Fae had already poked the others, already caused damage. How could fae fix that?
" ... Sorry"
"Sorry? Who are you and what have you done with Rose?"
"Oh don't be fooled, we are still having our debates."
"For sure."
Puddles fluffed faer leaves. a few fell. Rose grimaced. Wait, wait... if it gets any worse, fae would tell faer anyways.
Puddles sighed. "Do you have 'simple fixes' for these?"
"YES. It's a wind issue, your leaves are delicate-"
"Without the insults."
"No one likes being insulted Rose, they want to know what they are doing right, THEN give advice."
Rose flicked faer ears. "Sooo... You did a very good job at - at -"
"It's that hard?"
"You're great at resting."
"Wow. Thanks."
"Love the sarcasm. But... really, both you and Maidoe let yourselves rest, maybe at the wrong times, but still... that's a good thing."
Puddles hummed. "Thank you. You should also try it."
"... Can I give you advice now?"
"Hold on... you need advice first."
"Me? Oh.. Ok-okay."
"Maidoe didn't leave because of you."
Rose blinked. "Wha - where did that come from?"
"You've been twisting your claws since you've gotten here."
Rose scowled at faer claws for their betrayal." That does not immediately mean that I think- I think... Maidoe left..."
Rose swallowed. Silly tears. Silly, silly tears that come for the smallest of things.
Puddles tapped Rose's snout in a supportive 'bop'. "Maidoe left because fae was losing faer leaves & wanted to see if there was more to the world."
"But... faer scars."
"I think Fae's quite proud of them actually"
"And fae wanted to see how great the wild actually was."
"It is great."
"I know Rose."
"Why didn't fae tell me.... before fae left?"
"You would make faer stay, say something like 'it isn't conducive for your health'"
"It wasn't conducive for faer health"
".... Faer tree is all bushy now. If we see faer again, I'll ask faer if fae has been a pollywiggin this whole time."
"I doubt that."
".... we'll have a debate on it later."
"For sure... and... Puddles?"
"Tha- Thank you."
"Of course, Rose."
".... Now can I give you advice?"
Puddles laughed. "Of course, Rose."
Rose smiled. Fae didn't have to hide faer thorns, but fae shouldn't poke others with them either.
They wanted to be cared for - like faer bloom - that's why they never listened.
And Rose? Rose would work on listening too.
That's the end <3
I hope you all like Rose's story. This houseplant series gives me so much joy, especially since I seem to be in a bit of a spiral again. (Listening to my favorite song "Agnes" by Glass Animals, non-stop to stop the throbbing static and the overwhelming heat and urge to cry but I just can't and it might get so so much worse and I thought I was doing better. This shouldn't hurt, this happened before, it shouldn't hurt.) And I guess that's the point, isn't it? I can't promise you hope for a happy ending, and it's okay to be broken now, it's a story, right? A constant cycle? And I know it's so so wrong of me to say it when I feel so awful, but... perhaps we can enjoy every stage of it? I love this song, I finally have the motivation to do schoolwork because my creative energy is sapped out, it will pass, it's okay right now. We'll take care of each other, and agnst is fun in stories right? All my little characters in my head are curling beside each other, murmuring comfort, because that's all I can really offer. I don't know the answer, but hey, growth is growth, isn't it? No matter if the plant is losing leaves or growing or living or dying, it's beautiful in a way. It seems so complicated and messy, but that's the web, full of dewdrops, catching the light.
Erhm... sorry for the rant, my thoughts are on the borderline of mean and I needed to sort them out.
But if you don't mind the little self-promo: reblog this with one kind statement to "water" rose, let's spread some wonder to this convoluted place <3
And spread the word to anyone else who would like to add their houseplant to the garden, perhaps we can fill tumblr with houseplants.
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queen-of-the-queers · 2 years
Come out (wherever you are)
Stella has had feelings for Beatrix for a while, and she's finally certain about her crush. But who should she tell?
For all of Beatrix’s flaws, she at least made for an easy online stalk. Not one of her accounts were private, leaving her hundreds of pictures, endless reels and frequent stories free for the world (or more specifically perhaps, a certain light fairy) to see.
It was unusual for Stella to have a crush. For her entire life, her every move had been overshadowed with the all-consuming pressure of being the heir to the Solarian throne. Whenever she felt herself catching feelings, she not only had to think about her own attraction but also the small matter of the entire otherworld’s future. No pressure.
That’s why this new flirtation had her tied up in knots. Beatrix was unlike anyone she’d ever met before; bold, blunt and brash, massively stubborn and perpetually sure of herself. She’d dated rebels before, but nobody quite like her.
There was also the obvious fact that Beatrix was.. well.. a woman. Never before had a same-sex couple ruled over Solaria- What would her mother think? 
Anxious thoughts swirled around inside her mind as she scrolled mindlessly through the air fairy’s instagram page, trying to ignore the flutter in her chest she felt upon seeing Beatrix’s pouting, red lips and frequently exposed midriff.
It was getting harder to ignore her feelings and Stella knew it. Every interaction with her friend was now consumed by her relentless desire to be close to her, to hold her in her arms and feel the gentle intimacy of their skin against each other’s.
With every lingering gaze and secret smile exchanged along the corridors, she had come to realise that she knew exactly what she wanted. Stella just had to decide what she was willing to do to get it, and the pressure was eating her up inside.
She groaned, throwing herself backwards against her pillows and covering her face in her hands, abandoning her phone by her side.
A few moments later, she heard a knock on the bedroom door, followed by the sound of it swinging open.
“Is everything ok Stella? I thought I heard some noises.”
Terra peered into the room, squinting through the hand she held over her eyes.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just couldn’t get the best angle for a selfie,” she responded, “You can drop the hand.”
The earth fairy nodded in response, starting to leave the room before Stella spoke.
“Wait! Actually, erm, can we talk.. Please?” the blonde said quietly, looking down at her lap and trying to swallow back her suddenly overwhelming nerves.
Terra looked taken aback for a split second but quickly shook it off, closing the door behind her and cautiously edging towards the bed as though she half expected Stella to change her mind and yell at her to get out.
“You can sit down.”
Terra sunk down onto the end of the mattress as Stella shuffled over, turning to face her friend with a sombre expression.
She sat silently for a moment, nervously running her hands through her hair and across her face.
“Stella… You know you can talk to me about anything,” Terra said slowly, her eyes searching the blonde’s expression in concern.
Against her will, Stella felt tears starting to sting in her eyes, and she hastily brushed them away with a pink, cotton sleeve.
She opened her mouth to speak, before immediately closing it again, struggling to find the right words for what she wanted to say.
“Terra-“ she started before cutting herself off, squeezing her eyes firmly shut.
Her friend reached over, taking her hand.
She squeezed it, feeling the warmth of the gesture flood through her body.
“I think… I think that I… ” She inhaled deeply, trying to prevent her voice from wavering, “like girls?”
Even as she said it, she felt as though a weight lifted off her shoulders. 
This was Terra she was talking to. Somebody who had been through the exact same thing, and had probably felt many of the feelings she was feeling. Someone who could help.
She opened her eyes just in time to be met with a crushing hug and a grinning friend.
“Thank you so much for telling me. I’m really proud of you Stella, I know this must be huge.”
Stella allowed herself to lean into the embrace, burying her head into the crook of her friend’s neck.
Suddenly, Terra pulled away.
“Wait, is there a girl?” the earth fairy gushed, unable to keep a grin from her face, “Do I know her?”
Stella blushed bright red, averting her gaze.
“There’s no girl.”
Terra seemed unconvinced.
“Well I’m happy to be your wingwoman whenever you decide to admit it.”
Suddenly, a text lit up Stella’s discarded phone and both women looked over.
Beatrix: Tonight at the library? I have whiskey.
Terra looked up from the screen, meeting her friend’s eyes with a playful look. The blonde looked away, snatching it up and hugging it to her chest.
“That’s nothin-“ Stella started, just as Terra said.
“I guess that’s another mystery solved. How long have you been in love with Beatrix?”
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agonycrossbow · 7 months
I'm being 100% honest when I say that, the very first time I beat this game, there was a half-second where my brain legitimately thought Leon and Ashley were going to kiss during the ending. And it was this weird moment of cognitive dissonance because I also knew that it was completely insane for me to think that, but that's what their body language was doing, that's what the tone of their voices was doing, and that's how the scene was being paced.
And I didn't even think she was going to kiss him -- I thought he was going to kiss her! WHICH IS EVEN MORE INSANE TO THINK. But that little pause between her saying "Thank you for saving me" and Leon going "Don't mention it" I just was like... ???????? Capcom what are you doing??????
Look at the way they're fucking looking at each other and the way that Leon is leaning back towards her are you fucking kidding me with this shit
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Honestly, he probably wanted to. Kiss her, that is. After everything they went through together and the bond that they formed and all that Leon had to overcome mentally and emotionally in order to get them both out of there alive... to hear her actually say the words out loud "You saved me" was probably more powerful and more moving for him than any "I love you" he's ever heard.
Don't forget that Ashley is Leon's first success story. He made the decision to study criminal justice at 18 in order to go into law enforcement at 21 with the desire and motivation to protect people. Now, he's 27 -- nearly ten years removed from that initial decision -- and he has only ever watched people die and gotten people killed instead. There were probably so many emotions going through him in this moment that it's actually impressive that he didn't lean back and kiss her -- or even choke up and cry. (Though, you can tell he kind of wanted to do both. Probably at the same time.)
I don't think that Ashley thinks that Leon only cares about her because of the mission; I just think that she knows that their time together is about to come to an end, and she's not sure how he's feeling about it, so she's trying to figure out from which angle she wants to approach the "I don't want you to disappear from my life" conversation.
And while Leon has the emotional intelligence of a bird (and that's on a good day), he does actually pick up on what she's trying to do with that line. That's why his response back to her is "Mission accomplished... when you're home safe." It's his way of saying "It's not quite over yet. We still have a little bit more time."
But then, when she pushes the issue, he's forced to face the uncomfortable reality of the circumstances of his own life. RE4make is a fairy tale, and Leon knows that fairy tales aren't real. When the story ends and the real world comes back and takes over, this dream of a romance they've been sharing will end, too. There's nothing that Leon would love more than to stay in this dream world of a fairy tale with her forever -- to remain at her side as her loyal knight until the end of days -- but he can't. And he knows he can't.
All he can do is try to assure her that things will be okay when they both wake up. But I'm not sure he believes it, himself.
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jekde04 · 3 years
Unbreakable Vow
Summary: There had been many false alarms in the past, moments when she thought Gray would finally accept her feelings. She once again had her hopes up, even though she knew this was probably another one of those.
Word Count: 1,503 words
You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3! Check out my master list for other Gruvia fics.
Tag List: @shampooneko @fbflame94 @juviaafullbuster @unvalley @gruviaftw11​ (Wanna be tagged, lemme know)
When she said those words, she hadn't really expected he would do it for her.
Of course, everyone in Magnolia knew of his habit of stripping his clothes at random—she in particular enjoyed it quite a lot—but he did it almost unconsciously, out of force of habit.
She never thought the day would come that her Gray-sama would actually undress willingly in front of her.
In her room. After she jokingly asked him to do so.
"Well?" Gray asked, his muscled chest, arms, and abs in full display as he carelessly tossed his coat and shirt on her bed.
For all her cheeky jokes and naughty teases, she was still a shy and conservative girl underneath it all. She couldn't help but get flustered as she eyed the deep V-shaped cuts of his lower abs that disappeared beneath his low-cut jeans.
"W-why is Gray-sama undressing in front of Ju-Juvia?"
Gray smirked, and Juvia instantly knew he was enjoying this. Oh, her Gray-sama could be so mean sometimes.
"You said you'd inspect my body for any wounds, right? I'm just doing what you asked me to," he answered casually with a shrug of his shoulders. "Are you going to do it or not?"
Well, he had a point. If Gray had an injury somewhere, it needed to be cleaned and patched up.
She had to do it for her Gray-sama, Juvia thought. This was no time to be embarrassed.
Keeping her composure, she sat on the empty space beside him on her bed. She felt a tingle run up her spine as their arms lightly brushed against each other.
"Let Juvia see, Gray-sama," she said as she carefully inspected his face first, her fingers treading on his forehead, cheeks, nose, chin. Her brows furrowed in concentration as she continued looking for any cut or bruise or scratch on his neck, shoulders, arms, chest, and abs.
As he said before, he was fine. There were some minor cut and scratch here and there, but they were far from being life-threatening. A little dab of alcohol (with Juvia blowing on it so it wouldn't sting) and a small band-aid were enough to patch him up.
Gray's serious tone made Juvia look up from the tiny cut she was treating on his collarbone. His intense stare bored into her.
"I… I..."
Juvia waited for his next words, but he looked as if he was trapped in an internal struggle on what to say next. She knew that words weren't his strongest suit, so she decided to help him out.
"Did the mission go well?"
Gray sighed, relieved that Juvia opened up the conversation. "Yes. But it's not yet done. We still have to go back and finish it."
Juvia nodded. She was really hoping that it would all be done, and they could spend more time with each other. All the constant worrying also stressed her out. She knew that he promised to come back, but you never really know what might happen during dangerous missions like this one.
Speaking of coming back…
"Gray-sama, before you disappeared last time, you were about to say something." Juvia cleared her throat. "You said that when you come back…"
Gray's cheeks colored slightly, though his eyes wore a determined look. "I... I was just saying that when I come back…" He stared right at her, and she tried her best not to look away.
There had been many false alarms in the past, moments when she thought Gray would finally accept her feelings, but they didn't end the way she wanted them to. Despite that, she craved for such moments, and even though she knew in her mind that this was probably another one of those false alarms, she still had her hopes up. After all, even if Gray wasn't that great with words, he always made her feel special with his subtle actions.
The words would come eventually, she told herself. Be patient, Juvia.
But the more they stared silently at each other, the more that Juvia was convinced that perhaps, this was still not the right time. That maybe Gray still wasn't ready. Maybe she was pressuring him—
"When I come back, I'll be a man worthy of you." Gray finally said.
Juvia couldn't believe her ears. Was this some hyper-real fantasy she was conjuring in her head?
"I swear... that I will do my best to make you happy, for each and every day that you choose to stay by my side..."
Juvia wanted to slap herself to make sure everything was real, but instead, she remained frozen in place as Gray said the words she never thought she would hear from him.
"... if you would still have me, of course," he finished reluctantly, as if he was expecting her to shoot him down right there. When Juvia just stared at him and didn't say anything, he unclasped his silver cross necklace and reached forward to place it around her neck.
Juvia could feel his breath against her cheek as Gray leaned over. She felt herself getting flushed with their proximity as time seemed to stretch forever. Her heart was drumming in her ears, it was impossible he couldn't hear it.
In a daze, she palmed the cross now resting on her chest. It was cold in her warm hands, much like its owner.
Looking up, she found herself staring straight into Gray's onyx eyes, a light blush adorning his cheeks. Their faces were just a few inches apart, and she could easily close the distance if she just moved a little closer…
His name escaped her lips like a whispered prayer only he could hear, making him reach out and cup one of her cheeks. They didn't realize how close they were to each other until they felt the tip of their noses touch, but neither pulled back. Juvia's eyes instinctively closed, her lashes brushing against his cheeks.
She felt his lips cover her own, at first soft and reluctant, as if asking for permission. Opening her lips slightly, Gray kissed her again, deeper this time, angling his head and nibbling at her lower lip.
Matching his intensity, her hands slid to his broad shoulders all the way to his back. She felt his other hand against the small of her back, pressing her closer to his body. They stopped momentarily when they felt the need for air, but the reprieve was short as he dove in, again and again, making up for all the moments he could have kissed her like this but didn't.
It was a dream, Juvia was sure. A dream she wished would never end.
But it did end eventually, though there was no doubt it was real. Her flushed cheeks, slightly swollen lips, and Gray's arms wrapped around her were enough evidence that it wasn't just a product of her wild imagination.
"Juvia," he whispered, her name on his lips sending an electric shock to her body. "Promise me you'll wait for me."
"Juvia promises," she answered without hesitation, looking straight into his eyes. She once again clasped the cross on her chest, knowing that even without his words, he would certainly come back home to her. And she would wait, no matter how long it would take.
He gave her his signature smirk, but it was matched with so much tenderness in his eyes that she knew it would always be the last thing she would remember every night before she fell asleep. She gave him a smile in return, the one she always reserved for him.
His hand covered the one clasping his necklace, tightening his hold. "I'll leave this to you so that you won't forget the promise I gave you."
"Juvia will never forget Gray-sama's words, with or without this," Juvia answered him. "But since Gray-sama gave Juvia a piece of him…"
Suddenly, Juvia had an idea. She stepped away from a confused Gray and went to her closet. When she came back, she was sporting a wide grin and holding something behind her back.
"Juvia would also like to give Gray-sama a Juvia doll so he'd always remember that Juvia's waiting for him!" she exclaimed, handing the plushie to Gray.
Any other time, Gray would have freaked out at Juvia's unconventional gifts. But he was used to these things by now, and frankly, he loved her for it.
Smiling, he took the Juvia doll in his arms, staring at the dark blue eyes sewn on its hat-covered head. It wasn't the real Juvia, but it would do for now.
"Thanks. I'll take care of my Juvia doll," he said, and Juvia beamed. "But for now—"
He placed the Juvia doll on the table and grabbed her hand, pulling her close to him. Juvia gasped as she found herself locked in his arms once again.
"Let me take care of you while I'm here, okay?"
No Fairy Tail mage saw them again, at least for the rest of that night.
A/N: You know, I always get a spark of inspiration from canon materials and official arts. This one’s inspired by Mashima-sensei’s latest autograph session featuring these two artworks below. Next in my pipeline: the Gruvia Day 2021 official art. I already have the story in my head so hopefully I have enough time to finish it in the next two weeks!
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
a/n: personally i’ve been waiting for this part to come since the beginning lmao, so here is the proposal finally!! it’s like so fluffy, almost disgustingly, but i just couldn’t help myself
pairing: Sebastian Stan X Reader
word count: 1.8k
This fic is part of the LITTLE ONE series, but can be read as a simple oneshot as well! Find the masterpost of the series HERE!
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(gif is not mine)
You’ve been eating like a hormonal teenage boy these past weeks and you know it needs to stop and held under control, but you just can’t help yourself. It’s like your stomach has become a black hole that needs to absorb any and every food that’s home, you’re constantly snacking beside the large portions you eat three times a day, there’s always something you’re craving, the shopping list on the fridge is changing every hour because you think of something else to eat.
Luckily, you haven’t gained that much weight besides the noticeable bump that’s your baby in your belly, seems like your little girl does need all the food and she uses it instead of letting it all get stuck on other parts of your body, so you’re fine for just now.
Sitting on the couch, watching some kind of soap opera, you’re snacking on an entire jar of Nutella this time, shamelessly stuffing your mouth with the sweet, thick stuff, pretty sure that nothing will be left of it by the end of the day. Sebastian is away again for his second filming that was scheduled even before you found out you were pregnant and he messed around with it a little, shortening it once again and you just visited him last weekend. Now that you are pushing the end of your second trimester, your bump is quite evident, not something you can hide easily, so when you showed up on set with your boyfriend, you didn’t even try to cover it up, knowing well someone would spot it sooner or later. However everyone on the team has been so respectful, keeping the news to themselves, because no headlines have been made about your pregnancy just yet, keeping the secret even longer. To be honest, you’re surprised it hasn’t been discovered sooner, you thoughr someone would catch you out and about and see right through your baggy clothes and sell the news to the tabloids, but now you are in the sixth month and no one knows a thing.
Your phone chimes next to you, a text from Seb and you hum to yourself happily, putting the jar aside to grab the phone and see what he wrote.
“How are my two favorite girls doing? Miss you a lot!”
He even attached a silly selfie of himself in hair and makeup, he looks adorable with the clips in his hair and some kind of patches under his eyes. Like a real beauty guru.
Grabbing the Nutella, you place it on top of your bump as you move the phone to a lower angle and take a selfie that makes your bump look even bigger, the jar on top and you grinning widely at the camera as you snap a picture and send it to him with your reply.
“Enjoying our third snack of the day at 11 am! Miss you too, can’t wait to see you next week!”
He reads the message right away, his reply coming just seconds later.
“Look at that bump! You look gorgeous, baby! Can’t wait to see you too, have fun with your sister today, love you lots Xx”
Since he has left you’ve been trying to keep yourself busy so you don’t miss him too much and you’re also using these weeks to spend as much time with your friends and family as possible, knowing well once the baby arrives you won’t be going out that much for a while, nestled up in your home, learning the ropes of being a mother. Today you are meeting up with your sister, she is taking you out to this alleged new, quite fancy restaurant you haven’t heard about before. She claimed that it’s really exclusive, so you don’t have to worry about being photographed or bothered, but she also told you to glam yourself up for the occasion. It’s gonna be some nice sister time, something you haven’t been able to do in a long time.
You take the assignment seriously, doing your hair and makeup the best you can and you decide to put on a flowy maxi dress with a soft, knitted cardigan, very much going for a kind of cottage core vibe. Leaving just in time you text your sister that you’re on your way, putting the address into the GPS and heading out of town, because the place is near the beach. She texts you back that she’ll meet you there and so your short little road trip begins. Sitting in the car you’re listening to one of the many playlists Sebastian has made for you and the baby, he likes to play them at home, humming the songs under his breath, hoping to start educating your little girl in the field of music as early as possible. You have to admit he has a good taste, so you don’t mind it at all.
As you follow the instructions of the GPS you find the place that’s supposed to be your destination, but it doesn’t seem like a restaurant at all, more like a mansion of some kind, a very expensive looking if you are being honest. There are no other cars, no sign of other people so as you park at the front you call your sister.
“Hey, I’m right outside, but I have a feeling I’m at the wrong place? It doesn’t look like a restaurant.”
“Oh, don’t worry! You’re at the right place! I’m a little late, but I’ll be there soon, just go inside, they are expecting us!” she assures you, but you’re still not convinced.
Ending the call you approach the entrance and for your surprise the heavy doors open before you could even knock or find the bell. A man in a tuxedo appears in front of you, smiling warmly at you.
“Miss Y/L/N?”
“Uh, yeah,” you nod, a little shy and confused.
“Please, follow me,” prompts as you walk inside and the two of you start crossing the grandiose hall of the building.
At this point you are sure it’s not a restaurant, but you have no idea why your sister wanted you to come here. You want to ask the man if you’re even at the right place, but he called you by your name so he was expecting you, this has to be the place where you’re supposed to be. More and more questions pile up in your head as you follow him out to the backyard, a gigantic, flower-filled garden that’s straight out of a fairytale, a path leading down to the beach where there’s a dreamy little pergola with even more flowers and fairy lights and as your eyes fall on the figure standing in the middle of the pergola, you immediately gasp.
Because surrounded with all the flowers and lights, there is Sebastian standing in an elegant suit, smiling widely at you as the man next to you helps you down the stairs before you start walking down the path to him.
Tears are flooding your eyes, because you already know what it is, but you can’t believe it’s really happening. He was so sneaky, he got home from filming earlier and even made your sister play along to surprise you, he is such a romantic soul, no one can change your mind about that!
“You’re not in Atlanta!” you tell him when he is finally close enough to hear you. He chuckles sweetly, taking a few steps forward to meet you sooner, his hands finding your waist as you cup his face in your hands, pulling him down to kiss you right away.
“No, I’m not, baby,” he smirks, his hands sliding to your belly, gently stroking the sides as you wipe your tears away, but there’s no use, because the next moment, he steps back a little, just enough so that he can get down on one knee and you’re crying again when you see him pull out a little velvety box from his pocket.
You were expecting it. You knew he would propose before the baby arrives, but you just didn’t know when and how, but he surely outdone himself with his little surprise.
“My Love, Y/N,” he starts after a deep breath, his hands finding yours and you can feel the shaking, but you’re not sure if it’s coming from yours or his. Probably both. “I’ve spent the best years of my life with you and I haven’t been the same man since the day I met you, but in the best way possible. You are the most amazing woman I’ve ever met and I’m so lucky that you did not only choose to be with me, but you are now carrying our baby under your heart as well, out little one who is equal parts of you and me, though you’re doing ninety percent of the job here,” he adds with a chuckle, making you laugh through your tears. “I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you the moment you were so badass on your first date, kissing me when I didn’t have the balls to do the first step, but I’m glad you did. I fell in love with you right then and there and the same thing has been happening every day, over and over again since then. I know we went a little out of order with everything we had planned,” he smirks, glancing down at your bump before his blue eyes find yours again, “but that doesn’t change the fact that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so I have a question for you.”
He pops the lid of the box open, a gorgeous, brilliant diamond ring coming to your vision, sparkling in the warm afternoon Sun so perfectly, it takes your breath away.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” he asks, clearly nervous, even though there’s no doubt about your answer, you’ve told him plenty of times before that you want to marry him, but still, it’s a huge moment in both your lives.
“Yes, yes, yes!” you nod eagerly as you both start laughing in relief, his shaky fingers tagging the ring out of the box and sliding it to your finger gently, before he brings your hand to his mouth and kisses the ring.
Then he finally stands up and you basically throw yourself into his arms, kissing him like your life depends on it as he kisses you back with just as much force.
“I love you and I can’t wait to call you my wife,” he sighs pleased against your lips.
“Mm, another title in the line? Girlfriend, baby mama, fiancé and then wife,” you giggle giddily.
“You missed one,” he cocks an eyebrow at you slyly.
“Which one?”
“Love of my life.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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fullbusterfantasmic · 3 years
Love Potion ♋️ Chapter 4.7
Rated M
It’s all NSFW (As it should be)
1,933 words
A/N: The first position mentioned is called the butterfly or some shit (maybe?) idfk but I like it, & the second is the reverse cowgirl. Formatting is wonky, I know please look past it.
🌬Gray’s POV
The shine her eyes had held has begun to rapidly be overtaken as the (e/c) darkens, while she beckons me closer.
Her mouth is right beside my ear as she says;
“Ravish me...lay your claim on me...let every touch from you send me reeling, and begging for more...show me everything you’ve imagined doing to me and lastly...share every feeling you’ve kept hidden from me”.
The intense requests she made ignites a fire somewhere within me. Flames are rapidly consuming the protective layers of ice I’d long ago placed over my heart. Barriers erected after Deliora’s first attack, reinforced following the death of Ur...gone in an instant. Her tongue runs along the outer shell of my ear, lips placing a kiss to my temple. Pulling away, she then collapses back onto the pillows behind her, now surveying me through darkened, heavily lidded eyes.
My teeth clench as the familiar darkness begins to surface and my internal struggle begins. She asked for it....so why not give it to her? I shouldn’t...I....I’m ready to...no I NEED to let her in that now open space within my heart, within my very barren soul.
You don’t know what you do to me...
✨Your Pov
Im nervous...
I may have asked too much, it was too soon for me to come on so strongly! He still has yet to look at me, and his long bangs obscure his eyes from view.
“Gray I-“
I began to try and retract my previous statement but he interupts me. “From the very first moment I laid eyes on you I thought you were the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen....and the most dangerous...” he moves out from between my legs, motioning for me to lay on my side. “ I knew if I got close to you I’d end up falling for you and that would put you at risk...”. One of his legs now rest underneath mine and my other rests over the top of his.
“Try as I might, I couldn’t force myself to get or stay away from you; somehow we always end up spending time together” he pauses, pressing a kiss to my temple before continuing; “ -and now we’re here...”.
The room is growing colder once more, goosebumps cover my exposed flesh and I lightly begin to shiver. My entire body is shaking by the time his voice reaches my ear; “With all that being said...I’m done explaining myself, and I’m done talking”.
“Now I’m going to fuck you senseless, this entire town will know you’re mine by sunrise” The vow is whispered to me in such an intimate way, it has my internal walls fluttering, before clenching around nothing. That is soon remedied; A surprised turned pleasurable cry slips out from between my lips as Gray effortlessly slides into me.
This position is a first for me, and experiencing it with this god like man...Said position has quickly become a “10 out of 10, must do again”. He holds my body so closely against his, and somehow those skilled fingers are still roaming up and down my sides. Occasionally pausing their ministrations to ghost across my chest or rub tantalizing circles Into my clit. The angle in which he thrusts into me puts the head of his cock in the perfect position to hit my G-spot each and every time he bottoms out.
The whole “I’m finished talking now” line was absolute bullshit! As soon the smug Ice mage was balls deep inside me, did the sinful whispers begin. Dear God! That deep husky voice alternating between uttering the most endearing things, having my eyes growing wet with tears. Only to make a flawless transition into speaking the most obscene and sensual promises (or threats), have my face continuing to burn red.
I was an absolute wreck.
“You should see yourself right now...Completely fucked out of your mind, slobbering all over, and tear stains coating your cheeks...yet still so breathtaking”. My enthralled lover may no longer be whispering, but the chill of his breath on my neck is still ever present. I don’t speak, I knew my ability of coherent speech had vanished long ago.
Gray doesn’t need my words to go off of now, not when my breath hitches and my body jerks involuntarily. “This one will be....number four right?” He sounds so proud. That wasn’t really a question, and I wouldn’t of answered it even if I could have.
As much as I craved release, my pride urged me to deny it. A small voice inside my head is saying; “Ignore the relentless tingling of your clit, the tight wound knot in your stomach, the pressure from that magnificent cock sinking itself into your deepest depths...”.
Dammit ___________, get it together!
You are a proud Fairy Tail mage; A living embodiment of strength, determination, and destroyer of adversity! You’ve let this man turn you into putty within his hands, he thinks he owns you! Now it’s time for you to reclaim your pride and turn the tables on him!
Who am I kidding?
🌬Grays POV
“Holding back now are we?”
I can’t help but tease her when she’s trying so hard to hide the fact that I have her teetering on the edge of bliss. She lets out and annoyed huff and I poke one of her inflated cheeks, making sure my cock is buried inside of her as far as it can go.
“You take my cock so well baby, you’re already starting to shape to me on the inside...you’ll be my perfect little cock sleeve in no time” I murmured before giving her another nice dark love bite to match the one on the other side of her neck. “I know you want to drench my cock some more” my ice coated finger flicks against her clit before circling over it.
“Hah!” she shrieks at the frozen contact to her bundle of nerves, involuntarily jerking and in turn slamming her hips backwards, burying my dick inside her once more. The tip of my head just barely makes contact with her cervix, and then her walls suddenly contract, clamping down around me. I have to give every effort to not paint them white as not only her ecstatic wail reaches my ears, but I look down just in time to see her lightly spritz the hand id been using to play with her clit.
For a moment my brain begins to short circuit, and then it just shuts down completely.
✨ Your POV
That was....incredible.
Several minutes pass with my mind reeling from the intense orgasm I’d just experienced. It’s like I’m drunk, but not from the alcohol I’d consumed earlier. Drunk from the dopamine flooding my brain, and my heart swelling with overwhelming feelings of love. Love....love for the man currently sharing my bed.  Before I can turn to Gray and embarrass myself with a bunch of post orgasm love drunk rambling, I remember something....oh my god.
I sober up and am slammed back into reality almost instantly. My face begins to burn and I Stifle a cry of humiliation as I realize; I’d just squirted all over his hand! That’s never happened to me before! Gray hasn’t said one word...he’s been silent since it happened! He probably has a look of disgust on his face, I can’t bring myself to look and see.
I try to move,, intent on getting away to take refuge on the other side of the bed. His arms immediately constrict around me, “Oh no you don’t, you aren’t going anywhere!”.  Suddenly he’s flat on his back keeping a firm grip on my hips as I’m forced to straddle him. Glancing over my shoulder I see the proud smirk he’s wearing, then he speaks; “Never had a girl do that before...I like it” giving me a wink afterwards. “Sh-Shut u-up” I mumble as I return my gaze to the wall in front of me, breathing deeply in attempt to calm my palpitating heart.
“Y’know normally I’d give you a little break but... I can’t...not after seeing you do that” he pauses, and I can’t see his eyes roaming over my back side, but I feel his hands slide down from my hips. Then a sharp SMACK resounds around the room, followed by my startled gasp. “Ride me...now!” a fierce growl preludes another sharp smack to my other ass cheek.
I don’t even bother to stop the excited shake that over takes my body, the sudden change into this demanding demeanor is thrilling! Keeping my back to him, I’m quick to position myself over his length and begin to sink down on it. The soft mewl I emit is drowned out by a hiss as the tip of his dick slips between my lips. “That’s it...good girl” he praises as he begins to rub out the red marks on my ass.
Eager to please I get straight to work.
Albeit a bit awkward at first, but Im able to get a steady rhythm going in no time. “So much better than in my dreams...fuckin’ hell __________ your ass is perfect! Yeah that’s it babe, bounce it just like that” Gray mumbles appreciatively, completely enamored with the sight in front of him. “Dream about me often do you?” I tease, throwing him a smug glance over my shoulder. “More often than I’d ever care to admit, now turn around and face me would you?.
I do as he asked, rotating my body to face him. He gently pulls me down towards him and I stop short, my face now inches above his own. My stomach feels like it’s filled with butterflies at the sudden closeness. Unsure of what to do I quietly whisper an awkward sounding “Hi”. A wide grin appears on his face as he responds; “Hi” followed quickly by a chuckle at my sudden awkwardness.
Now we’re both smiling at each other like complete dorks, and I’m compelled to lean forward and kiss him. I resume my ride as his tongue curls around mine, quickly losing myself in the passion of this moment. Gray is quick to pick up the slack, thrusting his hips upward each time mine sink down. The atmosphere in the bedroom has changed, we both feel it. When I say his name again it comes out in a breathy whine.
His eyes reflect an emotion I’ve never seen in them before and his tone is gentle when he says “I know baby, hold on just a little longer for me”. Strong arms wind themselves tighter around me, drawing my body in as close as possible as he speeds up the pace of his thrusts. “I want to feel you gush all over my cock when I finally get to cum inside you” his lips are on mine again, kissing me passionately while bouncing me up and down on his cock.“That okay with you baby? Do you want me to fill up this tight little cunt?”
My confession comes out quick and shameless; “Yes! God there’s nothing I want more right now, I’ve wanted that for ages!”.
“Tell me, who do you belong to now snowflake?”
“YOU! I belong to you now Gray”
“Tell me you need me”
“I need you, I never want to be without you, so please just-“
“Tell me...” he pauses, placing a hand on my cheek and staring into my eyes.
“Tell me you love me”.
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malghra · 3 years
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I’m not a bad girl, but I do bad things with you
Darklina Week Day 4: Fairy Tales: Darklina Red Riding Hood / Company of Wolves AU
Title from Talyor Swift's So it goes, Rating: M
Winter had been hard on Old Baghra and Ana Kuya was worried about her, so she decided that Alina should make the trip to her cottage on the other side of the woods to bring her some food and kvas. On her way there, Alina meets a stranger...
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Winter had been hard on Old Baghra and the staff at Duke Keramsov's household were worried about her, so it was decided that Alina should make the trip to her cottage on the other side of the woods to bring her some food and kvas. The fastest way to get there was through the forest, but Ana Kuya had warned Alina that the woods were dangerous and that she should never stray from the path.
She'd nodded eagerly, mostly to avoid one of Ana Kuya's lectures on acts of kindness and the importance of community, but behind her back Alina had sulked and pouted. It was one of the first sunny days of the year and she'd wanted to spend it in the meadow with Mal. But now she'd have to spend her day struggling through the forest with a heavy basket.
She took her red shawl from the hook on the door, wrapping it around her shoulders, and decided to go and find Mal anyway. He would go with her if she asked.
They were almost outside the front gate, when they heard Ana Kuya call out to them. "Malyen Oretsev, where do you think you're going?"
They exchanged a look and Alina bit her lip. Should they try to make a run for it? Unfortunately, Ana Kuya was closer than they'd thought.
Mal turned around and answered her question innocently. "I'm going with Alina to bring this basket to Old Baghra."
"And did I tell you to do this?" she asked in exasperation. "You need to stay here."
"But you said the woods aren't safe!" Alina objected. "Mal should come with me, to protect me!"
That earned her an ear boxing, and Mal was sent away to help the young men as they started repairs on the house after the long winter.
By the time Alina entered the forest, Ana Kuya's warnings had already slipped to the back of her mind.
Winter had passed and now that spring was reigning, the woods had never looked more beautiful. The trees were blooming, flower springing up along the path, and the moss and ferns covering the forest floor and scattered rocks were the green of emeralds, drops of dew that had not yet disappeared making them sparkle like the gems they resembled in the sunlight filtering through the leaves.
She took in the enchantment of it all with wide eyes and quickly forgot about the dangers that might be lurking. The trees and brushes were alive with animals awaking after the long lull of winter and the song of birds was filling both the forest and Alina's heart with joy. She hadn't gotten far when she could no longer resist joining them in their singing.
She sang as one would only sing when they are alone, so as was bound to happen, she soon discovered she was not alone at all. The man appeared from a gap between the trees some three feet ahead of her, stopping her in her tracks.
He stood there looking at her, arms loosely crossed over his chest and his head cocked to the left. He was tall and slender, with a shock of dark hair and dressed in black wool and leathers. Alina closed her mouth, realizing she was staring at him. "Good day to you, sir," she called out.
"And good day to you, milaya," he answered as he started strolling over to her. The hairs on the back of her neck rose and she tried to remember what Ana Kuya had said about strange men.
"Please, zolotse, do not stop your singing on my behalf, I was quite enjoying it," he told her, holding her gaze.
His words pleased her, but she could feel heat flushing her cheeks. He blinked slowly, licking his lips and Alina's heart sped up inside her chest.
"May I walk with you for a spell?" he asked, his slate grey eyes open and kind.
Despite herself, she nodded and clutched the basket she was carrying a little closer to her body.
They walked in silence for a while, until he asked, "What's your name, milashka?"
"Alina," she answered breathlessly.
"Alina," he repeated, as if trying to taste it on his tongue, and the way his lips curled around her name sent a shiver down her spine.
"I am Aleksander," he added with a smile which didn't really look like a smile all that much, even if she couldn't decide why.
She glanced over at his face as they walked. He had a sharp and smug look about him, a bit dour even perhaps, she mused, but when he met her eyes or offered her that odd smile, something fluttered deep inside her stomach.
"What do you have inside that basket of yours?" Aleksander asked.
"Food and kvas for Old Baghra. She lives near the bridge three miles south of the creek," she answered him.
For a brief moment, Alina could have sworn that a shadow passed over his face, but then he exclaimed,"But you're taking the long way!" his eyes wide and innocent.
"Of course not," she countered with a smile. "The fastest way is through the woods."
"Yes," he agreed, "It is. Through the woods, but you are following the path."
"Ana Kuya told me not to stray from the path," she mumbled, hating how silly she must sound to him.
He offered her a half-smile. "Ah, you're a good girl, aren't you? I bet you do every little thing your mother tells you to do, now don't you?"
She narrowed her eyes at him, her face flushing with anger this time, and he barked out a laugh.
"Ana Kuya is not my mother!" she spat at him. "I'm an orphan!"
"Ah, I see," he muttered matter-of-factly, and she was oddly grateful for the lack of pity in his voice and eyes.
They walked in silence, until Aleksander muttered her name again, and Alina automatically glanced up at him.
"Why exactly did Ana Kuya tell you not to stray from the path?" he asked her, head cocked to the side again.
"I..." she opened and closed her mouth. "She said it was dangerous," she told him, picking up her pace.
He easily kept up with her. "But why?" he wanted to know.
She bit her lip. She wasn't about to admit that she didn't know why. "It's better if we stay on the path."
He raised an eyebrow. "We? You can stay on the path if you like, lapushka, but I'll bet you I can get there faster than you can."
Her hands tightened on the handle of the basket. She nodded.
"Very well," he said. "Of course, I'll need a prize if I win the bet, wouldn't you agree?"
He held her gaze, but Alina didn't look away.
"What kind of prize?" she breathed, her voice betraying her.
"How about a kiss?" he asked.
Her heart started hammering again, closing up her throat and making it impossible to speak as her eyes dropped to his full lips. She glanced up to meet his eyes and nodded.
"Let me take your basket," he offered.
She handed it to him and then watched him disappear between the trees. She began walking faster, determined to win the bet. A kiss, she thought as her feet carried her down the path. She'd never been kissed before, but she tried to imagine it. She wondered if his lips would feel as soft as they looked.
Perhaps she wouldn't mind losing the bet. Perhaps she wouldn't mind being kissed by this odd but exciting stranger. She realized she'd slowed down again and looked around, taking in her surroundings. To her left, there was a small clearing between the trees which was filled with blue flowers.
Perhaps she wouldn't mind making sure that he won the bet. Perhaps it would be for the best if she didn't take any chances. She abandoned the path and walked into the clearing to pick some flowers and weave them into a crown. That would give him enough of a headstart to get there first.
Alina ended up lingering there for a longer time than she'd intended, singing under her breath and picking all of the prettiest flowers, but eventually she'd made her way to Old Baghra's cottage. It was already getting dark and the wind filled the evening with a menacing chill, but Alina didn't shiver, she had her shawl to keep her warm.
There was no sign of the stranger called Aleksander, so she knocked on the door and called out: "Baghra, it's Alina!"
No answer came.
"Baghra," she repeated a little louder than the first time. She tried knocking on the door again and slowly, it creaked open. As soon as she stepped inside, the warm and dusty, musky air inside filled her nostrils, making her sneeze and cough. A clattering noise came from the far side of the room.
Old Baghra was nowhere to be seen, but perched on the bed in the corner of the hut was her dark stranger.
Suddenly he was on his feet and the door clicked shut. She turned around to find him standing close to her, his eyes glowing in the dusk. It was quiet inside, except for the rattling still coming from the corner of the room.
"What big eyes you have," she whispered, clutching the ends of her shawl around her shoulders.
"All the better to see you with, Alina," he replied.
She was about to turn around to examine the annoying clunking noise she kept hearing, when a chorus of howls rose up all around the hut. She hissed, startled by the sound.
"Those are my brothers," the wolf told her.
She turned to look out the window, but it was too dark to see. "It's getting really cold outside," she whispered. He was standing right behind her, so close she could feel the heat rolling off his body.
She whirled around, clutching his forearms to steady herself. "What big arms you have," she muttered.
He leaned in until his nose was almost touching hers. "All the better to hold you with," he said.
She averted her eyes, her breath catching in her throat, and she licked her lips as her eyes fell on his mouth. She remembered she'd promised him a kiss. She angled her face up until she could press her lips to his.
Outside the wolves started howling again. It sounds like a song, she thought, a joyous song.
His lips parted under her attention and she pulled his soft bottom lip between her own. She felt something wet and warm nudge her lip.
"Your prize," she explained as she pulled away.
He smiled that odd smile, his teeth gleaming in the dark.
"What big teeth you have," she whispered.
His smile grew wider, showing even more of his teeth. "All the better to eat you with, lapushka."
In the corner where the bed stood, the clamouring resumed.
"Did you eat Old Baghra?" Alina asked.
He nodded slowly, raising his eyebrows.
She didn't know how to feel about that. "She was old and ugly and smelly. I bet she didn't taste very nice," she piped up.
"Not really, no," he admitted, burying his nose in her hair and inhaling deeply. "But you are young and pretty and you smell like flowers. I bet you'd taste sweet."
She giggled and objected, "I'm not a piece of meat."
He chuckled softly. "Show me, Alinushka."
She unwrapped her shawl and let it drop to the floor. She could feel his eyes on her as her fingers unlaced the bodice of her dress. He sucked in a sharp breath as it slid down her body and pooled at her feet. After that she removed her chemise and let it join the heap at her feet.
His eyes followed her as she walked to the bed and lay down on it, waiting for him to follow.
He started undressing and she bit her lip as her mesmerized eyes drank in his body. But when his last piece of clothing hit the floor, the man was gone and an enormous black wolf with glowing red eyes was standing there instead.
The wolf leapt up on the bed and even though Alina's heart was pounding inside her chest, she found that she was not afraid. The wolf lay down next to her, placing its huge head in her lap, and whined softly.
She patted its ears and neck and the wolf nuzzled at her belly and her maidenhair. Suddenly, instead of black fur, she was clasping thick strands of dark hair between her fingers. The wolf was a man again.
He pushed her thighs apart and pressed his lips to her most intimate place. His warm, wet tongue nudged her lower lips, slipping in between them.
"Yes, you taste sweet, lapushka," Aleksander told her in a rough voice. His eyes were dark and ravenous, but they didn't scare her.
"Kiss me," she begged him, so he did.
Alina had been warned to stay away from dark strangers, and she had been told that only wicked girls let dangerous men take their precious maidenheads, but she gave hers up willingly and called her dark wolf husband. The blood staining the sheets was as bright as her pretty red shawl, but it didn't disturb her as she slept peacefully under a starless sky, safely wrapped up in the embrace of his tender darkness.
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tpwkjerii · 3 years
as you wish | 2
your one true love was lost in a pirate attack five years ago, and now you’re engaged to a cruel prince. with all your misfortune, you didn’t expect three unconventional thugs and a painfully familiar pirate to save you from a dreadful future. (inspired by The Princess Bride)
pairing: pirate!seokjin x princess!reader
warnings: fluff and angst (!!), reader is forced into engagement and becoming a princess, mentions of death, kidnapping, murder threats, almost drowning, magical flesh-eating eels, heights, attempted murder, vminkook being vminkook lol, jimin is kinda mean (but he’s rlly a softy), combat/mentions of combat
genre: fairy tale/pirate au, semi established relationship au
word count: 3.8k+
a/n: i loved writing this :) pls leave comments as they’re greatly appreciated !!
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The gentle rocking of a boat lulled you back to consciousness. As you peeled your eyes open, you were met by the dark star-filled skies. You blinked to refocus your vision, and the clearing sight of a ship’s flag waving in the night winds reminded you of the situation you were in.
You shot up and looked down at your body, cursing silently when you realized that your hands were bound by ropes.
“ - no one could be after us?” a deep and smooth voice asked suddenly, causing your head to shoot up in panic.
The three men who kidnapped you were gathered together at the opposite end of the ship, examining the dark river behind them. You listened as they bickered, using this as your chance to devise an escape plan.
“As I told you hours ago, it would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways, inconceivable -”
You angled your hand and tugged at the loose end of the knot. To your relief, the ropes loosened, and you carefully slid one hand out and freed your other hand. With the three men still arguing on the other side of the ship, you quickly thought of how you could escape.
There was no way you could beat these men in physical combat and it was impossible to call for help. And you were certain that you couldn’t wait until you reached whatever location they set out for since they would probably kill you once you arrived. As you looked out at the dark waters ahead of you, you realized that the only possible solution was to jump off the ship.
Now you weren’t the strongest swimmer by any means, but you were sure that drowning was a better alternative to whatever the three men had planned for you. With that thought in mind, you took a final glance towards the three bickering men, inhaled a deep breath, and jumped off the ship.
Your body was instantly met with the ice cold waters of the river, and behind you rang a loud, muffled scream and commands of “get her!”
Your legs kicked as you attempted to keep your head over the freezing water. You ignored the burning sensation in your throat and legs as you fought against the currents of the river. You swam towards what you hoped was the river banks and you cursed internally when you realized that the men were following you in their ship.
“Veer left!” you heard one of them instruct. His honey-like and deceivingly sweet voice indicated that he was the blond man who first spoke to you.
You continued to kick as hard as you could, but you halted to a sudden stop when a high-pitched shriek rang from a short distance away. Your blood ran cold as the shrieks grew louder and a black snake-like shadow, illuminated by the moonlight, became visible under the water.
From behind you, the blond man laughed. “Do you know what that is, your highness?” he asked, his growing volume indicating that their ship wasn’t far behind you. You breathed in shakily, your tired legs fighting to continue treading water, as he continued, “Those are the Shrieking Eels — if you doubt me, just wait. They grow louder when they’re about to have their next meal.”
Your breathing grew heavier as you saw the eels approaching you, their bodies splashing the waters around you. The eels’ shrieks were becoming louder and louder and the pure terror you felt as you watched them swim closer silenced any pleas or cries that could have left you.
“If you swim back now, I promise no harm will come to you. I doubt the eels will give you such an offer!” the blond man told you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move at all.
“I won’t warn you again! Either come back or die!” the man shouted at you, urgency evident in his voice.
Petrified, you make no noise or attempt to move. You couldn’t do anything, not with the loud shrieks of the eels ringing in your ears and their snake-like figures getting closer and closer to you. Your eyes widen when one sticks its head out of the water, it’s menacing eyes and mouth growing wider as it slithers towards you. You squeeze your eyes shut and brace for its great jaws to clamp down and send you to the afterlife, but the bite never comes.
Instead, two familiar and strong arms pull you out of the water and drop you onto the wooden deck of the boat. You shivered in your soaked dress that was clinging to every curve of your body as the cold night air blew against you. The freezing winds only made your shaking worse as your heart pounded in your chest. The eels’ shrieks weren’t nearly as loud anymore - they were now growing fainter as they retreated - but even the slightest noise reminded you of their terrifying jaws.
You were panting heavily as you observed the men before you once again. The dark-haired man who saved you from the eels and the red-haired man were back at the opposite end of the ship, steering the boat away from the eels and pointing to something in the distance, while the blond one was scolding you as he tied your shaking hands together with the rope.
“You think you’re brave, don’t you?” he snapped sarcastically.
Your gaze met his and you stared deeply into his brown eyes. “Only compared to some,” you barely managed to breathe out.
You could tell your words enraged him as he opened his mouth to shoot back a reply, but he was interrupted by the red-haired man’s shout.
“Look! He’s cut our lead in half,” he cried, pointing in the direction behind the ship. You used what little energy you had left to crane your head to see what he was pointing at. Indeed, there was someone trailing their ship.
In another boat much smaller than the one you were in, a man in black was standing upright. His hair and the top of his face, excluding his eyes, were covered by black fabric. Even in the distance, you could make out his broad shoulders, and his build painfully reminded you of your first love. But the very clothing of the man in black caused you to push such thoughts away. His attire signified that he was a pirate — the exact type of person who killed Seokjin in the first place.
“It doesn’t matter, Taehyung!” said the blond man, bringing your attention back to him and the red-haired man, who you now know is named Taehyung. “See!” the blond man exclaimed, pointing towards the high cliffs that your ship was headed for. “The Cliffs of Reality!”
The rocky landscape was illuminated by the glowing yellows and oranges of dawn, and you gulp at the idea of having to climb it.
“He’s getting closer to us, Jimin!” the dark-haired man shouted towards the blond - Jimin.
“Ah, Jungkook, we’re safe! Only we know where the harbor with the shortcut up is,” explained Jimin. His words were enough to comfort his two friends, and together they steered the ship onward and pulled into an obscure dock.
In one swift move, Jungkook brought you into his arms and held you upright. He pulled you up and off the boat, Jimin and Taehyung following closely behind you.
You gasped as you felt yourself being lifted up once again, and Jungkook laughed softly, his chest rumbling with the vibrations of his voice. “Sorry, your Highness,” he said while fixing his hold on you. You were chest to chest with him, your arms wrapped tightly around his neck and your head next to his, but facing the opposite direction of him. “It’ll be quicker this way,” Jungkook continued.
Jimin guided you all past a few large rocks, revealing an obscure and steep stone walkway leading to the top of the cliffs.
“Whenever you're ready,” Taehyung said to Jungkook from behind him. Since the red-haired man was behind you, you were able to see the smile on his handsome face. His kind face made it hard to believe that he helped to kidnap you.
Jungkook responded, “Everyone steady?” a small laugh vibrating against your chest.
Taehyung’s boxy smile grew and he replied, “If you please.”
“I’ll climb with ease,” Jungkook continued the rhyme as he started up the high stairs.
“Ohh, good one Kookie,” Taehyung said with a laugh. Once again, his smiling face and warm voice could fool you into thinking he wasn’t actually one of your kidnappers.
“You and your rhymes,” Jimin muttered from the front, but you could tell by his tone that his statement wasn’t completely spiteful.
“Kookie likes them,” Taehyung defended innocently, and the brief yet heartwarming interaction almost put a smile on your face. Almost — you were still being kidnapped.
They continued up the stairs quietly for a few minutes, and Jungkook’s arms were still wrapped securely around your waist. You had no idea how he could be strong enough to carry you this entire time, but you did know that he was right in thinking that having you walk on your own would take them too long. The steps were extremely steep and difficult to maneuver — it would take only one misstep to fall to a rocky, watery death.
Soon enough, you reached a ledge that overlooked the waters. You tightened your grip around Jungkook as you realized how high up you already were. The boat was now barely visible and you could barely hear the waters crashing against the rocks.
“Jungkook, why don’t you go first,” suggested Jimin, and you felt Jungkook nod and remove his hands from around you.
“Wh-what are you doing?” you asked, panic clear in your shaky voice as you clutched onto him tightly.
“Hold on tight, Princess. We’ve got a rope to climb,” he answered with a teasing tone.
You gasped in fear. How the hell was he going to carry both of you up a rope?
Jungkook sensed your fear and laughed again, but his lighthearted mood brought you no comfort. “Don’t you worry, your Highness. I won’t let you fall. It’s not that far up anyways,” he said in an attempt to reassure you. But it still didn’t do much for your nerves. You only squeezed your eyes shut and clutched onto him.
You squeaked as you felt yourself being lifted higher and Jungkook’s arm muscles flexing under yours.
“He’s gaining on us!” Taehyung suddenly announced, causing you to peek one eye open. The same man in black who was trailing the ship was quickly making his way up the steep stone stairs, further fueling the curiosity in your head. Was this man trying to save you? Was he sent by Prince Donghae? Did he want to kidnap you for selfish reasons too?
Enough thoughts clouded your mind to give you a headache. You had no idea your life would ever end up like this, clinging to a random (and insanely strong) man while he climbed up a rope to take you god knows where.
“Faster, Jungkook!” Jimin cried from beneath you.
“I’m going as fast as I can,” Jungkook grunted, a twinge of sympathy filling you as you heard his heavy pants. As strong as he was, he was definitely struggling to haul both you and him up the cliff. But any sympathy for him was shot dead as soon as you remembered that he was the one who kidnapped you in the first place.
The three men were quiet, all in intense focus to reach the top of the cliff before the mysterious man caught up to them, until Jungkook finally reached the top of the cliff. He breathed a sigh of relief as his leather-gloved hand gripped onto the hard, flat stone.
“Alright, Princess,” he started, his voice now gruff and slowed from exhaustion, “can you lift yourself up there?”
Forcing your eyes open, you craned your neck and looked at the top.
“Y-yes,” you responded, your heart beating loudly in your chest. You wanted to get onto a solid surface and off this rope as fast as you could, even if that meant perfectly playing into your kidnappers’ plans.
Using his other arm, Jungkook hoisted you up, allowing you to successfully lift yourself onto the flat cliff top. You rolled onto the ground ungracefully, breathing out deeply in relief. Behind you, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung all hoisted themselves up.
They were all breathing deeply from exhaustion but managed to stand upright. You watched from the ground as Jimin pulled out a knife from his pocket and leaned down to the rope, placing it against the bound material and beginning to cut through it.
You felt a sudden rush of energy as you realized that if he cut the rope, the man in black following you would surely die. You hurried towards Jimin, kneeling to his eye level and saying frantically, “Stop! You’ll kill him!”
“It’s his fault for following us,” he muttered.
You cursed in panic and looked over the ledge. The mysterious man just started to climb the rope, which was about to be cut off by Jimin’s sharp blade. And with a loud snap, the rope broke. You watched in shock as it fell off the ledge, the frayed end a dreadful confirmation.
You froze in place. Did you just become an accomplice to murder? Tears pricked in your eyes at the thought of the painfully familiar man falling to his death, but they didn’t fall as Taehyung exclaimed, “He didn’t fall! He’s climbing!”
Your head whipped from Taehyung towards the ledge. You peered down, the sight before you verifying Taehyung’s words and allowing you to breathe in relief. The mysterious man was gripping onto the rocks tightly and slowly climbing up them.
“He had to have seen us with the Princess,” Jimin stated as he paced behind you. “It’s the only reason why he’d be following us this intently. He has to die.”
You turned around to shoot a retort towards Jimin, but you were cut off by his quick instructions: “Jungkook, carry her. We’ll head for the Joyeon frontier. Tae, catch up once you’ve taken care of the other guy.”
Your heart raced as you saw Taehyung nod and unsheathe his sword. “I’ll do my best,” he said with a smile.
Jungkook swiftly picked you up again as he added, “Be careful, Taehyung.” He walked away from the ledge with you securely in his arms and Jimin ahead of you. A part of you wanted to try and stay behind, the possibility of seeing the man behind the mask tempting you greatly, but the rational part of you knew that there was no way you could overpower Jungkook and Jimin.
You turned your head towards Jungkook, who was holding you in bridal style. He appeared younger than you, probably by only a few years, and you wonder how he got involved in such business in the first place.
Jimin and Taehyung also appeared to be slightly younger than you, and from the brief interactions you saw between them and Jungkook, you figured that they may have grown up together. Despite the fact that they were your kidnappers, you couldn’t help but feel curious about them.
“Jungkook,” you started, the name unfamiliar on your lips. He looked at you with a raised brow, confusion evident on his face as this was the first time you ever addressed him.
“How are you, Jimin, and Taehyung acquainted?” you asked.
Shock briefly passed in his face before he answered, “We grew up together. We’re practically brothers.”
You nodded in response. “What’s your business?”
“We do favors for some people, try our best to make a living for ourselves -“
“Ah, Jungkook, why are you telling her so much?” Jimin questioned, turning back to face you two with a straight face. “It’s not like she’s going to be our friend or anything.”
Your face dropped at his blunt words. Right. No matter how kind hearted they seemed, these three men were still your kidnappers who would probably still end up killing you.
“Ah, Jimin, there’s no need to be so mean,” whined Jungkook, giving you a pitiful glance. “Don’t worry, nothing bad will happen to you.”
A wave of relief flooded through you, Jungkook’s kind eyes and innocent smile soothing your nerves.
“Jungkook!” exclaimed Jimin, whose face was beginning to turn red. “Don’t say too much!”
“What’s the point, Jimin? Don’t you feel bad? She’s so nice!” Jungkook defended with a whine.
“We’ll discuss it later, we’re still being chased by that man in black — we have no time to lose!” Jimin stressed, his blush spreading as he quickened his pace.
Jungkook laughed and increased his face, your smile growing with his. At least you knew they weren’t going to kill you.
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“Inconceivable!” exclaimed Jimin. “That man’s catching up to us!”
Jungkook’s head whipped around to look at the direction Jimin was facing. The younger man’s face dropped. “You don’t think he… killed Taehyung?”
Jimin’s face hardened, and you felt your heart tug at the distraught expression on their faces.
“Give me Y/N,” Jimin started, and Jungkook followed obediently. “Take care of that man and catch up to us,” the blond directed as he secured his grip on you. You wanted to mention that you could walk on your own, but one look at Jimin’s stern expression signified that it was best to stay silent for now.
While Jungkook rested at a nearby tree, Jimin led you away. This was the first time you were alone with the lond, and you wondered if he was secretly as softhearted as Jungkook or as playful as Taehyung.
“I don’t think your friend is dead,” you stated quietly, hoping it would reassure him. You knew very well how it felt to lose someone you loved and you wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone else.
Jimin’s face remained neutral as he responded, “You wouldn’t know how people like us and him are, Princess.”
“But I do,” you replied softly, looking away from him as you honestly continued, “I know very well how people can be. Before I was Princess, I was just the daughter of simple farmers. My mother died in the city attack, my father died of illness, and my love died from a pirate attack. I was alone, and the Prince knew that. I still do not know why he wanted me to be his Princess, but I have no one and nothing else.”
Jimin’s breath faltered and several emotions passed through him at once. This entire trip, you defied his expectations of you. You were bold, honest, kind hearted, and nothing like the rumors that spread amongst the townspeople. “I’m sorry,” he managed to say to you.
You shrugged in his arms, still facing away from him. “You have nothing to apologize about. I only hope you do not have to feel more pain in your life.”
Jimin remained quiet until he reached an empty clearing.
“We can wait here until Jungkook catches up,” he said as he set you down against a large tree. You nodded softly, your eyes drooping in exhaustion.
“Ok,” was all you whispered out before you fell unconscious once again.
Jimin examined your features with a sigh. “I’m sorry,” he murmured to your sleeping figure.
Several minutes passed before a tall figure became visible in the distance. Jimin straightened, but his hopeful face fell when his eyes landed on the man in black and not Jungkook.
Quickly, the blond wrapped a black strip of fabric around your eyes and grabbed your wrists. You awoke with a startle, your vision completely covered as you asked, “What’s happening?”
“Nothing of your concern, your Highness,” muttered Jimin. His grip on you tightened as the mysterious man walked closer and closer until he was only a few feet from you.
“Did you hurt them?” Jimin questioned him, his voice darker and more threatening than you’d ever heard before.
“Not more than what was necessary to get to you,” the man replied, and the undeterminable familiarity of his voice caused you to draw in a shallow breath. The smooth gentleness of his words reminded you of Seokjin, whose death still pains you even two years later.
“So you killed them,” Jimin muttered, his breaths growing heavier.
“I did not,” the other man stated simply. Silence followed until he added, “Give me the Princess, and I will allow you to catch up with your friends with no more interference.”
Your thoughts wondered at his demand. Who was this man? Why did he want you? Was he sent by Prince Donghae? How was he so similar to Seokjin? Where did he c -
“No. Our business with the Princess is our business,” Jimin said flatly, his grip on you tightening. He pulled you slightly behind him as he continued, “I’m sure you understand what it’s like for your life to depend on something.”
“I do,” the man responded, “which is why I must take the Princess with me.”
“I won’t let that happen,” Jimin asserted darkly, his harsh grip causing you to whimper.
At that, the man moved towards you and Jimin in one swift move. Jimin pushed you to the ground away from them, and you braced yourself on the thankfully soft grass. You tripped on the edge of your dress as you scooted away fearfully and tugged off the fabric covering your eyes.
The masked man and Jimin were fighting, but none of them appeared to have the true intent to kill. The former had the upper hand, being larger in stature and greater in strength. He easily locked Jimin in a hold and pushed his body down.
“This will only take a moment,” the man said as he pushed a pressure point on Jimin’s neck. In a matter of seconds, the blond’s body fell limp and his eyes closed.
The man sighed heavily and stood up, keeping his eyes on Jimin’s unconscious for a few seconds before directing them towards you. You were shaking in fear and confusion as you examined the man in front of you.
Everything, from his voice to the curve of his lips, reminded you of Seokjin. What kind of sick trick was the universe playing on you?
“Come on, Princess,” he said as he approached you, his voice causing your face to waver again.
Still sitting on the ground, you gazed up at him as you asked,
“Who… who are you?” Your voice was softer than ever and your eyes were glassy from memories of Seokjin.
“I’m no one of importance to you, at least not anymore,” he answered stiffly, bending down to stand you up.
Not anymore?
“It can’t be,” you whispered as you stared into his deep brown eyes. “Are you who I think you are?” you asked tearfully.
“That depends,” he started, his breaths shallow and his voice airy, “who do you think I - ”
The distant cry of horses interrupted him, and both of you directed your attention to the hills behind you. You gasped in shock as you recognized the kingdom’s flags flying from the royal horses. And even at a great distance, you recognized the man commanding the group — Prince Donghae.
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fanfic-me-up · 4 years
Birthday Boy || Kaminari Denki
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Synopsis: You plan Denki the most epic party, but save the best gift for last 😉
Pairing: Kaminari Denki x fem!Reader
Warnings: M/E+, 18+, explicit sexual content, heavy drinking (but being safe about it)
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: This is for the @bnhabookclub​ bingo event! Huge thanks to @shoutogepi​ for betaing, u always come thru for my denki content, like where would i be without u 😭 This is for Denki’s b-day (that passed lol) but ima just post anyway so hope you enjoy! 💖
Denki’s in the corner overlooking the scene in front of him with a drunken smirk on his face. This party is going down as the most epic rager in the history of ragers.  The spacious backyard allowed you to hire a DJ to come in and pump beats through a bad ass stereo system that even Jirou approved of. And she has unbelievably high standards considering her quirk. The bass is turned up all the way that Denki can feel it thumping against his chest.
You took the time to decorate the rest of the yard with canopies and fairy lights, providing a pretty backdrop over the starry sky. Denki’s birthday is in summer so the breeze tickling his skin was just right. People are still splashing in the pool despite it being ten at night.
Denki sees you across the yard, waving goodbye to the taco man you hired. You actually planned the whole party on your own. Denki had no idea how you balanced party planning with late-night work shifts, all the while keeping it a secret so Denki wouldn’t find out.
Then again, it wasn’t that hard to keep it from him, Denki literally heard you on the phone, hiring the taco man for his birthday, and he still didn’t think anything of it. You made sure to invite all of his pro-hero friends. It was relatively tame for the first hour until Sero challenged Denki to a keg stand, and Denki has no shame so there he stood in the middle of his backyard at two in the afternoon, hanging upside down with Sero and Kirishima holding him up, and guzzling as much beer as he could before he toppled over. The Bakusquad all yelling “CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” and of course, Bakugou had to chime in, saying he could do it for longer. 
And that’s how all the pro-heroes of the future generation that are deemed “noble saviors” by society end up challenging each other to various drinking games. You got the cheap booze, but no one could tell the difference by the third cup. 
“You say… boobs? where...” Mineta slurs, wrenching his guts out into a flower pot. Poor flower.
Oh. Denki just narrated that whole beginning scene out loud. In the third person. Whoops.
Nobody wanted to invite Mineta, but it was Denki’s party so they all stuck it out for one night. After a few rounds of the typical high school party games in which Bakugou took every opportunity to shit all over - 
“Why the fuck… we’re pro… pro-heroes... playin’ this… this... kiddy… sippy cup shit…”
Don’t worry, Kirishima shuts Bakugou up real fast. With his mouth.
“No one shuts me up! You hear… I- I will fuuuck…” Kirishima pulls Bakugou in for another kiss, and Denki peeps some tongue. Go Kiribaku! Mina, of course, came up with the ship name, she comes up with all of them, but Denki loves the ship name you two share the most. It’s what Mina calls… fuck… what’s it stand for? T-O-P? P-O-T? O-T-P? Denki shrugs, thinking it’s one of ‘em, and that he definitely ships you with him all day every day.
Where are you by the way? Denki needs his fill of you, a kiss every twenty minutes dammit! He hangs onto the wall when he walks, the room spinning way too much, but he’s still able to discern you from the chaos. A halo of light surrounds your figure, giving you an angelic appearance, though that can just be Denki’s vision going in and out of focus.
Denki lifts his hands up to his face, as if he were a photographer trying to get the best angle for a shot. You’re collecting empty cups from people and refilling them with water. At least that’s what Denki surmises since everyone groans when you hand them back their cup.
“Oh no, Y/N, Denki’s doing that thing again with his hands where he’s pretending to be a cameraman! Help!”
Denki giggles at the talking broccoli in his living room. Broccoli is such a nice guy, always looking after everyone, he's the number one broccoli for a reason ya know. 
Denki couldn’t have asked for a better girlfriend, I mean, have you seen yourself? You strut over like a model that could end Tyra Bank’s whole damn career, hips swaying in a seductive rhythm to the marching drum of Denki’s soundtrack in his head. Denki really wants to run his hands all over you, dammit, he’s been hoping to get you alone since this afternoon for some birthday sex, but with all the last-minute planning you were doing, it was never the right time.
“Now’s a good a time as any, birthday boy.” You whisper in his ear, making Denki jump when he realizes you caught him narrating out loud. This is why Denki loves you. You put up with all his weird shit.
Denki lurches forward, wobbling slightly, and proceeds to drag you upstairs. You giggle at his impatience, looking around to find the Bakusquad passed out on the couch and definitely staying the night. No way in hell are you letting anyone go home in their inebriated state. Sero is wrapped from head to toe in his own tape after Denki dared him to mummify himself. Mina is curled up on one side of the couch with her makeup miraculously still in place after all the swimming, dancing, and streaking (yes, you heard that correctly, it was a dare) Kirishima and Bakugou are cuddling on another couch, with Bakugou’s head tucked into Kirishima’s arm. Halfway through the night, Kirishima lost his shirt and he’s just been chilling shirtless the entire night. 
“Hold up, this is too good,” you giggle, motioning for Denki to pose in the middle. Denki looks about ready to pass out next to them, with his eyes half-closed and smile so dopey, you’d think he just came back from overusing his quirk. You take a picture of the chaos that is your boyfriend and friends, and decide it will definitely make it into the scrapbook. 
Denki drags you down the hall, like this is his first time exploring the place you’ve shared for the past two years, and leads you into every room.
“Denki, this is the bathroom!” 
“Then why is there a bed?” He looks genuinely confused trying to pull you into the bathtub. 
“Okay, you are way too drunk. Sure you can get it up?” You wonder if he’ll even remember your sexcapades in the morning. 
“I’ll let you be the judge,” Denki pulls your hand to his crotch, which is already rock-solid through his jeans. You bite your lip, teasing the outline with your fingertips, and relishing in every twitch of his hardness. Denki huffs, clearly wanting to get this show on the road, because he throws your hand off and drags you into the next room so fast you trip over your feet.
Denki pumps his arms and shouts “huzzah!” in victory when he finally finds the bedroom, and you giggle at the loveable doof. But, any sign of light-hearted energy vanishes the moment Denki’s lips are on you. Before you know it, you’re pushed against the door, with your thighs spread apart. Anticipation swirls in the pit of your stomach, bubbling at the newfound friction of Denki’s thigh rubbing against your delicate center. He takes it upon himself to rub his cock against the inside of your thigh with absolutely no shame. 
“Eager now, are we?” 
Hell yeah, Denki’s eager, birthday sex is best sex… well, any sex is best sex as long as he’s getting sex. Heh. Denki should take a shot every time he says sex.
“I think you’ve had enough shots to last you till next year, birthday boy.” 
Fuuuuck Denki didn’t know birthday boy was a thing for him, but now he needs every day to be his birthday, just so you call him that. And oh my god who the hell decided criss-cross straps were a good idea? It’s like a fucking maze trying to figure out how to unclasp your bra. You reach around to unclasp it yourself when Denki whines in frustration. He cuts his whine mid-way, when he sees your naked chest, nipples taut and ready to be played with. Just when he’s about to pinch your nipple, you send him for a loop and flip positions, trapping him against the door. And Denki is 100% okay with that too.
“Tell me what you want. I’ll make it the best gift you’ve gotten tonight, birthday boy, ”
You whisper directly into his ear, nibbling and licking at the lobe. You’re awarded with a slurred giggle that brings a smile to your own face. Denki throws his shirt over his head, but instead of it looking sexy like a Taylor Lautner scene in Twilight, Denki ends up getting his head stuck. You torture him for a few seconds by just standing there watching him get his arms tangled in the mix before finally helping him.
He’s still wearing that ridiculous Pikachu party hat Kirishima gave him, and when you try to slip it off, he swats your hand away. You pull his shirt over his head, and come to the conclusion that it’s not true birthday sex if said birthday boy isn’t wearing a 99 cent store party hat. Nothing can stop the delicious tingling making your pussy flutter. 
He pins you with his sudden change of demeanor, even though you’re the one pinning him against the door. It amazes you how he can change from this doof wearing a party hat to 'yeah, fuck me, daddy' in three seconds straight. The electricity sizzling the room is squeezing your heart threatening to burst, as you take in Denki’s unrelenting gaze.
“I want you naked, on your knees, and worshipping my cock, unwrapping it with your tongue.”
You gulp at the unexpected switch, heat pulsing between your thighs as newfound wetness seeps through. A dark tone colors the usual tenor timbre of his voice. You slide out of your jeans and Denki takes his time ravishing every inch of your naked body with his honey-glazed eyes. He weaves his fingers, massaging the roots of your hair, and pulls you down so your eye level with his crotch. 
“And then you’ll thank me for the gift by swallowing every last drop of my cum.” 
Your mouth waters at his bulge on display, and you can’t stop yourself from mouthing him through his jeans. You nose at the rough fabric, biting the zipper and pulling it down with your teeth. You make sure to look up at Denki when you press a teasing kiss to the tip where there’s a wet spot, pre-cum leaking through his boxer briefs. His lips are kiss-bitten red partnered with a cute flush spread across the apples of his cheeks like he’s been out in the sun a little too long. 
You love every part of Denki, you really do, but he’s giving you the sign to hurry up with how he’s literally grinding against your face. His cock bobs, hitting his stomach, when you pull his briefs down; it’s pinker than usual, he’s been horny for a while you think, and it’s leaking so much pre-cum that it’s running down the shaft. You nuzzle your face in, taking in his scent at the most concentrated part of him. You might burst if you don’t touch yourself, but it’s Denki’s night, and you want to focus all your attention on pleasing him. You’re busy having this internal debate when you hear a gruff voice from above you.
“It’s okay, baby girl, go ahead n touch yourself.”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You spread your legs enough to trace the outline of your folds and gather enough of your juices to start rubbing your clit in a fierce rhythm. At the same time, you lick the underside of Denki’s cock, following the path of the vein leading up to the head, where you swirl your tongue in circles. You pull off the tip with a pop.
“Birthday boy’s gone quiet,” you whisper, looking up at Denki. It’s true. He hasn’t made a sound which makes you a little concerned he’s not enjoying it. You voice this concern openly.
“Am I doing it wrong?”
He shakes his head, “No, baby, I love it… just… enjoying the view,” his breath hitches at the end. 
Fuck, Denki thinks, how could that even cross your mind? Not when you’re naked on your knees, chest blossomed with different colored hickeys Denki’s left on you from the week before. You’re giving him that doe-eyed look that completely contradicts your naughty actions of suckling his balls. Denki bites his lip when your tongue peeps from your lips to get his cock warm and wet, but what he doesn’t expect is for you to pull away. Denki groans at the loss of heat surrounding his cock. You wipe the spit dribbling from your lips with the back of your hand.
“Babe, I love you and all your weirdness, but I will stop going down on you if I have to hear you refer to yourself in the third person one more time.” 
“But it’s my birthday,” Denki moans, banging his head against the door.
You roll your eyes, tempted to retort with “it’s my mouth,” but pleasuring Denki is top priority, and apparently Denki very much agrees with this sentiment as he forces your head towards his cock. You don’t have time to catch your breath before you’re diving face-first into a mouth full of Denki. Tears spring from your eyes at the shock of his cock hitting the back of your throat, but once you relax your throat and neck, you return to rubbing circles against your dripping clit to the same rhythm of Denki fucking into your mouth. You moan, causing vibrations to thrum around his cock and travel through every synapse of his body. 
“Fuck yeah mmmmm…  just like that, knew you could do it, fuck baby you take me in so good like my cock was made for your tight little pussy and mouth,” Denki groans, unable to filter what’s coming out of his mouth. The sight of his cock going all the way in and out of your mouth, sucking him in almost as good as your pussy, makes his balls tighten and he knows he’s getting close. 
“You like that, huh? You like being stuffed full of my cock? You don’t care which hole as long as I’m fuckin’ into one, isn’t that right, baby girl?” 
You moan in response, eyes rolling in the back of your head, as you chase the high you’re so desperately looking for. The end is in sight, just around the corner. You press your fingers harder against your clit, rubbing intense figure eights, as you choke on Denki’s cock. Your jaw is starting to ache, but you’re at the home stretch now. When you try to pull off to gasp for air, Denki grips your hair tighter, and thrusts his hips forward. All you can do is sit there and take his thick cock, saliva dripping down your chin, mixing with the sweat glistening your chest. Your nose is pressed against his pelvis, so each time you breathe in, the scent of Denki hits you hard, his happy trail tickling the inside of your nose.
“Fuck, baby, you have no idea how hot you look right now touching yourself. Like swallowing my cock turns you on that fuckin’ much.”
The raw power of having Denki above you, saying these filthy things, even with that fucking party hat on, is making your pussy flutter, almost like your body is begging for him to slide into you this instant. As a compromise, you insert two fingers into your pussy and start to rock your hips, riding your fingers in time to Denki fucking your mouth. 
“Ah shit ah… mmmmm you wish it was my cock inside you, huh? Bet you’re so fuckin’ soaked that I’d slide right in.”
You moan in affirmation, your pussy quaking at the suggestion, begging to be filled. The coil tightening your core is about to snap, and your thighs shake in sheer anticipation of the wave of pleasure about to spill. Just when you’re about to come, Denki pulls you out from under him. You only have a moment to gasp for much-needed air before you’re slammed up against the door. Denki slams into you so deep that his cock hits your g-spot on the first thrust. He’s ramming into you so hard that your thigh starts to slip down. Denki picks you up, patting your bum as a signal for you to wrap your legs around his waist.
“Tell me…mmmm fuuuck…how much you love my cock,” he finally grits out, his words getting lost between the sounds of your love-making. 
You didn’t expect to be pleasured tonight by Denki, and honestly, you were completely okay with finishing yourself off, but knowing that he’s taking the time to make sure you’re taken care of when it’s his night turns you on even more. A filthy, squelching sound can be heard every time Denki pushes in, coating his cock with your juices.
“Ah… mmmm… I love your cock, baby - love…  how... mmmm… it fits in my mouth... and fills me up. I love when you’re inside me, and... you fill me up with your cum and there’s so much it drips out… Your cock is the best I’ve ever had… God baby, I feel like it’s my birthday tonight.” You babble in between kisses and moans. 
“I want you to feel good too, baby, now come on lemme hear you scream. I want everyone downstairs to know you’re taking my cock and loving it.”
Both of you are a damn mess at this point. Your hair sticking to your face, and drool dribbling down your chin, but all you can think about is the wave of pleasure about to seize your entire being. Denki feels it too since he starts thrusting at an uneven pace, but still able to hit your g-spot with unapologetic precision, like the sharpshooter he is.
It takes one more deep thrust to topple you headfirst into the abyss of your long-awaited orgasm, and oh does it feel good. 
“Denki! I- oh god- right there! Right fucking there, oh god I-I’m- mmmm...” 
A scream is ripped from your throat, as your back is slammed against the door, your boobs bouncing up and down from the sheer force of Denki’s thrusts. He found his way down to your pussy, making sure to rub your clit with his thumb, so you get the dual sensation. Liquid heat rushes through every inch of you, releasing any and all tension from your body. Denki continues to fuck into you, making sure you come more than once. He groans when your pussy clenches around his dick, but he doesn’t stop riding your orgasm out with you until you’re completely spent. Your body buzzes in the blissful after-effects, but you come back to reality when Denki grunts.
“Fuck, babe, lemme come all over that pretty face.” 
You whine at the dull throb of your pussy, the thought of being covered in Denki’s seed is exciting you despite just getting off. You unwrap your legs from his waist, and make your way down on your knees once again. Denki takes himself in his hand and works himself in overtime with coordination you had no idea he still possessed while being this tipsy. Seeing the outline of his flexing bicep reminds you of how much power he wields over you. You eagerly await for him to finish on you. You lick your lips, hoping to catch any drops of come that land in your mouth.
“Say ah,” Denki pries your jaw open with his other hand. 
“Ahhhh,” you obey, looking up at him expectantly. You run your fingers wherever you can; his arms, down his stomach, his thighs like you don’t know where to hold on to for purchase. He speeds his hand up a little more, his jaw clicks and you see his jawbone protrude, giving a masculine, angular look to his face. Everything about Denki right now screams dominance that you’re wondering if this is even your Denki. You’re taken out of your thoughts when he groans, spilling his seed all over your face and in your mouth. 
“Just like that… fuck yeah… now swallow like the good girl I know you are.”
There’s so much come that it drips down your chest and between your cleavage. He groans at the sight of you covered in his seed, and he makes sure to milk every last drop. You make sure to look up at him when you swivel his cum around like your finger painting, before bringing it up to your mouth and sucking it. You make sure to lick yourself clean, not wanting any to go to waste, and Denki watches with his mouth slightly open and chest heaving, trying to catch his breath, but it’s impossible with the image in front of him. 
Once you finish putting on a show, you get up and take Denki by the hand to lead him to the bed you share. There’s a moment of stillness, electricity still buzzing through the room, but you’re both way too exhausted from the long day to have any energy to really bask in the afterglow. You’re caught up in your own thoughts, but you’re interrupted when you hear a “honk” and catch Denki blowing a kazoo with his party hat barely hanging onto the side of his face. You still can’t believe you came with him wearing that hat; you must really love him. He looks thoroughly fucked out and like he’s just had the best birthday ever. 
Denki’s had the best birthday ever. Period. He turns to snuggle into you, despite both of you being sweaty and sticky. He wants to feel you against him.
“Thank you, Y/N, for today, and for all the birthdays before, and the many others to come. I feel like the luckiest guy in the world being able to spend them all with you.” He trails off as a yawn takes over. You lean forward to kiss him lovingly on the lips. Your noses rub together in that sickly sweet way that everyone secretly loves, but pretends to hate if they see another couple doing it.
And as his eyes threaten to shut, Denki thinks it’s a perfect finish to a perfect night. The end. He faintly hears you giggle, and the last thing Denki hears before he drifts to sleep is-
“It’s only the beginning, birthday boy, only the beginning. Happy birthday, Denki.”
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mollymauk-teafleak · 3 years
Very Okay
I was consumed with the urge to write some domestic smut so here's some soft dads Widomauk just banging it out at the end of a long week. Huge thanks to my wonderful enablers @spiky-lesbian and @minky-for-short
Please consider leaving a comment over on Ao3!
“...and then Una said next week she’s swimming for her Level 2 badge and she’s a little nervous, she’s got to go a whole lap. She’ll be fine, of course, but she has that whole thing about putting her head underwater so we need to make sure we keep an eye on her.”
Molly nodded, shifting so his tail wasn’t trapped under his leg, “She’ll do a wonderful job, she goes through the water like a shark. Literally, with the teeth…”
“And Trinket needs a costume put together, it’s World Book Day on Friday and apparently preschool kids have Fairy Tales as their theme? So I was thinking we could just swipe something from when your theatre group did Midsummer Night’s Dream. It’s a little short notice and I thought that would save you having to sew something new.”
“Yeah, he loves messing around back there anyway,” Molly nodded, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear, trying to angle his chest forward, “So, um…”
“Oh!” Caleb’s finger shot into the air, sending a wave of water over the edge of the tub, “Before I forget! I have to take the kittens to get their vaccinations at the vets tomorrow so if you could watch the bookstore for me, that would be such a huge help.”
“Of course baby, I can do that, but don’t you think we should maybe-”
“Thank you! I promise I’ll be super quick, I have this thing at the Academy, apparently professors are supposed to go to parties? That wasn’t on the job description-”
“Caleb,” Molly couldn’t help himself, reaching up and taking hold of his husband’s face, doing his absolute best not to laugh, “Listen, I love catching up with you but this is our date night and you were kind of about to start fucking me and it seems we’ve stalled a little? If we could get back on that, it would be great.”
Caleb took a few long, slow blinks, his eyes then travelling around him like he was only just noticing the fact that he was sharing a bathtub, naked, pressed up against his equally naked husband. Or rather, remembering that he was, it seemed like he’d been pretty into the idea when he’d been tearing Mollymauk’s clothes off and tipping him into the water.
“Oh,” his face flushed so quickly it can’t have had anything to do with the heat of the water, “I’m killing the mood, aren’t I?”
That was all of Molly’s available composure, he snorted as laughter tore it’s way out of his chest, sending his head knocking back against the rim of the tub. After a few moments, Caleb started giggling too, helplessly putting his hands over his face.
“I mean, it started well,” Molly cackled, hugging his arms around himself, as it happened sharing a tub between two people didn’t leave much water to cover you, “Y’know, growling that you were going to touch me until I screamed, that was a real good start to date night? It only went South when you started coordinating our schedules…”
Caleb groaned, tilting forward until he was resting his head on Molly’s shoulder, strands of hair falling out of his bun and drinking the water, “Sorry...There was just one thing I wanted to tell you and then it kept going.”
“It’s alright,” Molly chuckled, still cradling his head, pressing his lips to his head, “I do feel like we’ve hardly talked this week.”
“That’s just it!” Caleb sighed, melting a little in his husband’s arms, gingerly letting him take his weight, “Between the store and now me being an associate professor and you doing tech week, I feel like I only see you when I bump into you in the hallway.”
Molly had to admit he was right. Of course he was endlessly proud of his husband, the fact that he’d had the courage to even step over the threshold of the Soltryce Academy after everything he’d been through there, let alone accept a job and try and make the place better, was incredible. Making this huge step in his recovery all while maintaining the little bookstore he’d been running for the last few years, coming home tired and smiling every day, satisfied and certain of his place in the world. It was everything Molly had wanted for him.
But he couldn’t lie, he was starting to miss him.
Mollymauk smiled softly as he traced his fingers through his hair, “Well, I’m kind of glad it’s not just me who was thinking that...that’s kind of why I asked if we could make tonight a date night.”
Molly felt Caleb deflate a little in his arms, “And I turned it into some kind of press conference. I’m sorry, Mollymauk.”
Starting to purr, the tiefling’s tail found its way around Caleb’s leg, squeezing like some kind of comforting snake, “I’ll hear no apologies from you, Mr Caleb. What I wanted was to spend time with you and that’s what I’ve got. Minus clothes too, which is a nice bonus.”
Caleb made a soft, decisive noise, pulling himself back up, bracing his hands on the rim of the bath either side of Molly’s head.
“But if I went back to that whole ‘touch you until you scream’ thing? Would that be alright?” his smile turned crooked.
Molly unsuccessfully suppressed an undignified squeak of mixed shock and arousal, his smile flaring into a full blown grin.
“Oh that would be pretty okay too, yeah.”
Caleb gave one of those rough, rumbling laughs that Molly loved so much, the ones that only came out when Molly knew he was about to become the sole focus of Caleb’s not inconsiderable attention, when the brain that normally went in ten different directions and most of those on other planes of reality, was about to zero in on him and him alone.
Molly yelped as he felt surprisingly strong arms slide under him and lift him out of the water, sending rain pattering down from their bodies.
“Babe!” Molly locked his arms around his shoulders like a vice, “This is romantic and all but you’ve got skinny noodle arms!”
“Charming,” Caleb snorted, “You don’t weigh all that much, Liebling. I won’t drop you.”
Before Molly could properly address his doubt about that- he’d once watched his husband struggle for twenty minutes to open a jar of peanut butter that wasn’t even new- they were moving, water scattering generously along the hallway. Apparently lifting books all day was better for your upper body strength than Mollymauk had realised because, true to his word, Molly wasn’t dropped until he was tumbled into bed, Caleb following pretty soon after.
Eagerly he dragged him closer, pressing their lips together, barely letting a heartbeat pass before he slid his tongue across Caleb’s. He hiked his legs up around his husband’s waist like he was anchoring him there, like any bare inch between their bodies was just unbearable. Caleb’s hands felt like they were everywhere, so much so that Molly wasn’t convinced there wasn’t magic involved. Just the warm, roughened touch of his broad hands sliding across his shoulders, following the curve of his spine to press their bodies closer, kneading the softness of his thighs. Everywhere he needed him, Caleb was there and still it didn’t feel like enough.
Almost the exact moment he had that thought, he was turning, rolling, until suddenly he was on top and Caleb was grinning wickedly up at him, his normally bright blue eyes dark with want.
“Want to ride my tongue, Liebling?” he purred roughly, knowing the answer full well but still wanting to hear him say it.
Molly obliged him, whimpering, “Oh fuck yes.”
It wasn’t that people would look at Mollymauk and expect him to always prefer the dominant role in bed, he was well aware of the vibes he gave off and cultivated them carefully (though if anyone were to let their gaze linger more closely they’d notice the two fingernails on his right hand kept deliberately short). It was more that they would notice Caleb, hiding behind his hair and hunching his shoulders and never speaking above a low murmur and never imagine him as the kind of person to take control. Of anything really, let alone someone like Molly. He didn’t look like he could command a one person canoe in a swimming pool.
How little they knew.
Molly gripped the headboard so hard that the nails he did keep long and wickedly sharp bit into the wood, levering himself up a little, bracketing Caleb’s head with his knees. He hovered at first, even as his thighs trembled with anticipation, with the intense sensation of those eyes examining him meticulously. Suddenly he was incredibly aware of how wet he was, conscious of every bead of slick, every pulse of heat through him, the stiffness of his cock.
No one would look at Caleb and see a man capable of nearly making his husband come from eyes alone.
“So cruel of me to make you wait,” Caleb’s voice was a rumble in his chest, “And yet you look so beautiful when you’re desperate…”
“Caleb,” Molly whined, teeth gritted, the lightest brush of his husband’s breath enough to make him beg shamelessly, “Please.”
“My apologies,” Caleb’s accent got noticeably thicker when he was turned on, like the part of his brain usually keeping him in Common was slipping. Or perhaps he just knew it drove Molly wild, “Just admiring…”
He took hold of Molly’s thighs and pulled him down, until Molly felt the rough scrape of his beard against his flesh, the contact after so long waiting wrenching a soft cry from him. Then he felt his wizard’s lips part, his tongue, warmer, trace a teasing path between the valley of him and the cry became a throaty moan. He couldn’t help it, almost immediately he was rocking his hips, seeking more, every nerve ending screaming for it.
Caleb tapped his thigh smartly, half in warning that he hadn’t given permission, half in warning that- while drowning in him would be a rather pleasant way to go- he’d prefer not to go at all if the option was there. Molly forced himself to still, even as it made him ache between the legs, tipping his head back and taking deep, desperate gulps of air.
Back in control, Caleb rewarded him with broad, generous strokes of his tongue, keeping it flat so Molly felt every inch of it. He took his cock in his mouth, rolling it around his tongue, scraping lightly with his teeth, kissing and lapping and sucking like he was eating some fruit. Finally, he found his entrance, probing gently and then far less gently, pulling him close so he could plunge deeper.
Molly was as vocal as ever, clinging to the headboard for dear life, tail stiff and straight in the air. He’d learned, he kept his hips still but there was no need, Caleb was in control. He rocked him back and forth, using every ounce of this surprising strength, giving Mollymauk everything he needed, leaving him nothing left to take.
Molly’s frantic, formless moans and screams haphazardly threw themselves into something close to words, “Caleb, I...oh fuck, baby, I’m...gonna…”
Through the haze of it all, he felt two quick taps on his thigh, Caleb’s affirmative answer. His signal that it was okay to fall, that Caleb would catch him.
And so he did. A last scream tearing its way from his raw throat, Molly’s shoulders locked and his chin hit his chest as it all rolled through him, as it lit him up from the inside out. He couldn’t have said how long it lasted, only that when it was done with him he felt as exhausted as he ever had. Enough that when he started to sway too hard and fell, he didn’t have the strength to catch himself.
But Caleb did. Moving quickly, he sat up and wrapped his arms around his husband, snagging him before he could tumble off the bed.
“Easy there…” he panted, grinning.
Molly’s eyelids felt leaden but he couldn’t bear not to look at Caleb right now, smiling wonkily back and leaning into his embrace, “You are fucking magical.”
Caleb giggled, gently laying him down against the pillows, curling on his side beside him. The lower half of his face was shining in the low light, his smile soft and shy and sweet again. Molly reached up and laid a gentle hand on his cheek, like he was worried he would disappear if he didn’t.
Caleb caught his wrist, turning his head and pressing a kiss to his palm, “I’m right here, Liebling. I’m right here.”
Molly exhaled in gentle relief, his eyes slowly gaining focus, “You...lie next to me. Tell me everything you want to tell me, all about your day, all about...everything. I just want to listen to you. And then when my brain puts itself together it's your turn. Okay?”
Caleb nodded, eyes wide and eager and loving, “Very okay.”
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feliix · 4 years
Fortuitous Chapter I ✦ (18+)
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✦ Pairing: Witch!Jungkook x Reader x Jimin 
✦ Word count: 3.3k ✦ Rating: M 
✦ Genre: angst, fluff, smut, soulmate!au, fantasy!au
✦ Summary: You have gone your entire life believing that Park Jimin was your soulmate, but when you meet the shopkeeper of your local potion store your world turns upside down.
✦ Warnings: unprotected sex, dirty talk, fingering, oral (female receiving), praise kink, unrequited love, explicit smut
✦  A/N: thank you to my favorite person ever @hobiance​​ for helping me plan this monster ilysm and thank you to my lovely beta @ally-127​ for helping me out! the beautiful banner is made by the wonderful @kimtaehyunq​ 
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taglist: @krystle1990​
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The many tales of soulmates dated back as long as anyone could remember. It was one of your favorite stories that your mother read to you when you were young. The story was about a princess, locked in a tower her entire life, but on her 18th birthday, she was allowed to leave for the first time.
On the princess’s first trip to the city she met a man, one who she fell in love with. When she locked eyes with this man, the village people saw their eyes turn pink. The princess and the man’s hearts became full, illustrated with hearts surrounding the characters in the storybook, showing you this was true love.
You had always thought back to this story when you thought of true love. A heart becoming full at first sight as your eyes became stunned with the sight of your lover. It was a romantic concept for sure, and you hoped that it was everything you had thought it was your whole life.
In a world of all things magical, you were not. You had grown up with faerie friends, demon enemies, and in a family of angels. 
Unfortunately, you were the only one in your family without any supernatural gift.
Being a human wasn’t that bad. It just wasn’t anything interesting either. Living a life surrounded by supernatural beings was a lot of work.
Well, mostly surrounded.
Meaning everyone in your life except for your very own fiance was supernatural.
You had known Park Jimin for your entire life. His family was full of angels too, and your parents all grew up together. It was certain that the two of you were destined to be friends. You’d known him for so long that you don’t even remember the first time you met, because the two of you were just that long. For very obvious reasons, this complicated things.
When one first meets eyes with their soulmate, their irises glow pink and their heart becomes whole. You had heard that it was the most outrageous feeling in the world, but you never did know if you experienced it yourself.
Although you had no remembrance of experiencing this feeling, you’ve gone your entire life with the belief that Jimin is your soulmate.
If you couldn't remember the first time your eyes met Jimin’s, how would you know if they had glowed pink like soulmates are supposed to?  Your parents had always told you it was Jimin, and his parents told him the same. But if that was true, why didn’t you see the world with rose-colored glasses like the princess? Why didn’t you feel like your heart was complete?
That was the question you had been trying to figure out the past few years of your life – ever since you started dating Jimin. Jimin was a good fiance. He was kind, smart, and he had always been good to you. He respected you, your career, and allowed you to be as independent as you wanted to be.
Things with Jimin were…comfortable? He was a good friend to you, even before you started dating. The two of you had always got on very well. None the less – the sex was amazing. It was lust-filled and just as dirty as you liked it to be, but it just seemed like there was something missing in the intimacy department. Like a spark or something beyond just lust that drove you absolutely mad – it wasn’t complete. You weren’t exactly sure how this love thing worked, and maybe you were overthinking it – but it just wasn’t as eccentric as you expected it to be.
“Everything okay?”
His voice snaps you back to the present – sitting over your bowl of cereal, now fairly mushy. You must have dozed off for a while.
“I’m good,” you confirm, dropping your spoon into the bowl. It isn’t appetizing anymore and there is no point in sitting here if you never planned on eating anyway. Breakfast for dinner was never really your thing. “I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
Something was missing between you and Jimin. You weren’t sure what was missing but there was something that wasn’t there. Weren’t you supposed to feel undoubtedly in love? After all these years there was a piece of your heart that was missing. The way your parents talked about soulmates, the way your friends felt while being away from their significant other, the things that the fairy tales told you. Something was missing but what was it?
As you prepare yourself for bed your mind races with these thoughts, thinking of ways to feel this spark you had always longed for. The way Jimin looked at you, you knew he felt it – you can’t help but think that maybe it's you.
Was this what it’s supposed to feel like? If it was then soulmates are not all they’re cracked up to be. Maybe it's because you can't remember the first time that you locked eyes, or you don’t remember falling in love – if you even had fallen in love in the first place.
The downwards spiral of your thoughts was never-ending, and Jimin could sense something was wrong. He knew better than to ask you, though. It was in your nature to keep your thoughts to yourself, it wasn’t your style to let him worry about your internal sufferings.
Anyway, you knew Jimin was your soulmate. Your parents told you so, and Jimin was confident in it too. He loves you, he tells you so each and every day. Maybe you just needed to let down your walls and let him in. Maybe it was your own thoughts that were containing you from allowing yourself to fall in love.
You watch him as he gets into bed beside you, wearing nothing but his pajama bottoms as he slides beneath the covers. Glasses adorn his face, a book placed in his hand as he flips on his bedside lamp. He’s focused on the pages in front of him, reading over each line (intently) and allowing the book to consume his thoughts. He’s handsome, perfect in almost every way. Why wasn’t he enough?
“Touch me”
His eyes grow wide as you stare at him with a waiting expression, he’s caught off guard – but he doesn’t turn you down.
He takes your cheek in his hand, soothing the skin with his thumb as he tilts your head to the side. Goosebumps litter your skin as his lips meet your neck, sucking lightly and making your senses grow wild.
A breathy moan leaves your lips as his kisses trail down your neck, satisfied with the feeling and letting lust overtake your emotions. That's what this was, lust. You lusted after Jimin. If sex could be enough to make you fall deeply in love with him, you already would be.
Delicate fingers trace along the hem of your t-shirt as sloppy kisses are placed on your collarbones, your fingers carding through his hair and gripping it at the roots.
Your clothing is lost in the crossfire, landing sporadically around the room as Jimin ravishes your body, no surface left untouched by his plush lips as he worships your every angle.
The cool air washes over your naked body, shivers run through your body as his hands meet you once again. And then he’s pushing your knees to the sides, your legs separating as he dives in between them.  And just like that, Jimin’s lips are moving south and his tongue is diving into your soaking depths. Involuntarily your hips buck towards him, unable to control your own actions from the pleasure his mouth is bringing you. Jimin’s thumb soon meets your clit, circling the bundle of nerves gently as his tongue presses flat along your slit.
You let out an airy gasp as his fingers move down to your entrance, circling the hole before dipping just one inside. Unable to resist, your hips jump up towards him as your mouth releases a loud moan. A hand flies up to cover your mouth, shocked at your own body’s response to his touch.
“Eager, aren’t we?” he smirks as his finger pushes into you slowly. Your walls swallow his finger deliciously, adjusting to the new sensation well. Soon enough he’s adding in another finger, causing you to tense up at the added pressure, taking a moment to adjust to the greater size. The feeling of mild discomfort quickly subsides as his lips reassure every movement; soft kisses pressed to the inside of your thigh as his fingers explore your depths.
Your hips jut forward as his fingers begin to separate, stretching your walls as his fingers move in scissor-like motions inside of you. He does his best to comfort you as his other hand gently rubs under your navel, his fingers quickening in pace and spreading further apart to prepare you for the size of his cock.
Your stomach churns with anticipation as his fingers reach new depths inside of you. All the pain is gone, morphing sweetly into pleasure as Jimin meets your desires.
“Jimin,” you breathe out, a moan-like sound following his name. It was a way to get his attention, not a cry of pleasure. He narrows his eyes in response, his eyes still locked on your expression as he waits for you to continue, “please.”
You don’t have to say anymore before Jimin is rocking himself back onto his heels, not before leaving one last kiss to your clit. His fingers reach for the waistband of his sweatpants, ripping them off with his underwear in one fell swoop.
His cock springs outward as his clothing is removed, his tip red, dripping and begging to be touched. Swiftly, his hands return back to their place on his cock, looking so pretty and delicate wrapped around his fully hardened member.
Hunger fills his eyes as he moves to you, his body positioning over yours ever so slowly. This is what you had been waiting for. To feel something, anything – even if it was lust.
Your body tenses as the tip of his cock presses against your entrance, readying yourself for his size. Adrenaline rushes through your veins as the sound of blood pumping thumps against your eardrums.
Jimin pushes into you slowly, your velvet walls wrapping around his hardened member. A muffled grunt leaves his lips as he basks in the feeling of your cunt swallowing him (nicely). “Feels so good baby girl,” he moans as he begins to pull backward slowly, “so fucking tight.”
You keen for his praise, shifting your hips slightly for extra friction. He hums in satisfaction at your movements, grinding slowly as he sinks into you. Pleasure is written all over your face; jaw hanging loose as your eyes roll back. It was like an itch waiting to be scratched, and Jimin was fulfilling your every need.
“So good for me,” He whispers, the sensation of his smooth voice igniting a fire through your body as he thrusts his cock outwards, leaving you feeling empty and begging for more.
Whining in response, your hands meet his back, fingernails dragging down his spine in retaliation. Jimin’s face contorts as your nails pierce his skin, leaving lines of red scratches on his supple skin.
Again, Jimin pushes past your entrance – this time with greater force. You shudder as he plunges into you, his tip finding your g-spot instantly. A sharp cry leaves your mouth as your head is thrown back in pleasure, a smirk growing wide as he plays your cat and mouse game.
Your velvety walls welcome him again and again. The stretch from his length and his rhythmic motions sending your senses into overdrive. If the repeated tap of his cock against your g-spot wasn’t enough, Jimin’s fingers now roam your body, looking for another area to awaken your senses. One digit finds its way to his mouth, popping it past his lips to coat it in saliva. You watch him intently as his finger leaves his mouth, your eyes dark and focused on him as he drags the digit down your body. He finds your nipple, rolling the perky bud between his fingers before his mouth takes their place.
His tongue washes over your sensitive bud greedily, soothing over the surface with his hot breath. The ministrations of his tongue continue while his cock glides in and out of you so effortlessly – almost like you were made just for him. And as far as you knew, you were.
Words of praise leave his lips in the form of mumbles, only amplifying the sense of your arousal as the vibrations from his voice (wash over) your nipple. You can’t stop yourself from grinding down onto him, your growing desire now too strong – you needed more.
“So good for me,” he groans as his thrusts begin to deepen – recognizing your needy movements against him. That much-desired knot in your stomach was growing and growing, begging to be tugged and snapped, leading you to your sweet release.
Sweat gathers on Jimin’s brow as he bucks his hips harder into yours, the pace of his thrusts quickening as his elbows flatten on each side of your head. Your hand brushes back his hair to read his face. His eyes are closed and his face is scrunched, he’s focused on his movements as beads of sweat drip down the sides of his face.
Before you had any time to catch a break he was moving upwards, his back straightening as his hands grip tightly around your waist. His hips drive into yours as he chases his high – bringing you closer to your own in the process. Extending your neck, a high pitched moan screeches from your throat. The force of his tip against a sensitive spot inside you pushes you over the edge, your impending release finally in reach.
The band in your stomach snaps as you chase your high, screaming Jimin’s name as your back arches off the mattress and into his body. Stars cloud your vision as your orgasm takes over all your senses – body numb yet sensitive under his touch all at once.
With the sporadic throbbing of your pussy pulses around Jimin’s cock, he can’t hold on much longer. With just a few more thrusts he was coming undone inside you. The white, hot spurts of cum coated your walls, making you feel so unbelievably full. You had never felt closer to Jimin as you had in the moment his body collapsed on top of yours, holding you close as you came down from your highs. And with as close as you felt now, in the back of your mind you knew the feeling could never last.
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It was becoming nearly impossible to accept your fate as Jimin's soulmate. For 2 weeks you tried to find it inside yourself to come around, to accept that the universe was trying to tell you something, that he was put in your life for a reason.
You’d made it a point to be intimate with him every night, hoping some kind of spark would ignite and you’d feel that connection you’ve been longing for. To no avail, your feelings remain the same. 
After hundreds of google searches about “how to fall in love with someone” you were about to give up. Well, that was until you stumbled upon an ad for ‘Botanica Magica’ – a store specializing in all things witchy. The ad said the store had over a thousand kinds of potions, something for every occasion. Want to get back at an enemy? They had something from that. Want to break free of your inner demons? For sure, there was something there for that.
To no avail, they have what you were looking for too. A love potion.
Once Jimin had finally left your place and headed to work you decided to check out the shop for yourself. There was no harm in trying to find a solution to your ongoing issue. As weird as it felt, the clarity given to you with your past spell felt uplifting, and there was some sense in finding it again.
Botanica Magica was a little hole in the wall downtown, adorned with green vines over white wood covering the small building. It was cute, not what you expected a potion shop to look like. Maybe you were expecting it to look a little rougher around the edges – something dark and haunting perhaps.
Today was rainy yet again. It's like you should have taken this as a sign like something strange was going to happen. Was the universe punishing you for trying to meddle in your own love life?
The shop smelled of rosemary and sage, the strong fragrance filling your nostrils as soon as the oak door swung open. Bells chime on the impact of the door, alerting the shopkeeper that a customer has arrived.
The shop looks very sweet. One wall lined with bookshelves from floor to ceiling, another with shelves full of candles and crystals. And then there was what you were looking for. A small display filled with small vials of liquid lined up on a round wooden table. The bottles glowed with all different colors, the bright blues and pinks immediately catching your eye as you approached the display.
“Love potion,” You read aloud, whispering the words to yourself as your eyes glaze over the description. You bring the bottle closer to your eye, looking at the formula up close, inspecting every drop of fluid.
The directions were clear, you take half of the potion while your partner takes the other. It seemed simple enough on your end,  of course – but how would you get Jimin to take it? A cocktail maybe?
“Can I help you, miss?” A man’s voice echos from across the room. His footsteps approach your figure as you keep your back to him, still concentrated on all of the different options in front of you.
“No, I think I’m doing al-”
That was when you saw it. The feeling you had been yearning for your entire life. Heart skipping a beat at the sight in front of you, your hand flew up to meet your mouth, covering the gasp that slipped past your lips.
His iris’ glow pink, a vision you thought you would never see, or experience for yourself. You could feel your own changing as well; as if rose-colored glasses were placed over your eyes and the world became brighter. The breath in your chest was lost, and if you hadn’t had the nice gentleman in front of you, you might have fallen face-first onto the floor. Luckily, he was there to catch you before you fell, his tattooed hands placed on each of your hips for support.
“H-hi,” is all you can muster out, standing up straight and regaining your balance as the man’s hands pull away from your body.
He was a muscular man, dressed in all black and chunky boots to accompany his clothing. He wasn’t the beefy muscular type though, he’s more of a lean-muscular, average height, and has tattoos garnishing each finger on one hand. The sleeves of his shirt are rolled up to the elbow, exposing more dark tattoos on his arm. His hair was long and dark, a little bit curly at the ends, and parted down the center, complimenting his facial features well.
He was the most beautiful man you had ever seen.
“Miss, if I’m not mistaken, I believe your eyes turned pink at the sight of me,” He speaks, breaking you out of the haze that overtook your being. Shaking your head to snap you out of it, you blink your eyes hard, surveying the room to make sure this was real life.
You understood what they meant when they said your heart became ‘full.’ If you didn’t know better you’d expect it to have already beaten out of your chest with the rate that it was thumping. Making eye contact with the man again, your mouth opens slowly, “I-I think yours did too.”
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‘Fortuitous’ is copyright 2020 @parksfilter, all rights reserved. Please do not repost on any platform or translate without permission.
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 2
First   Previous   Next   Ao3
Barging into the locker room, the four were met with a scene that was straight out of a horror movie. The four teens felt tears come to their eyes at the sight of their friend. She was lying on her right side, curled up on the floor, surrounded by a small pool of blood. Her raven hair, normally pulled back in her signature pigtails, was messy and strewn around her head as if someone had grabbed her near the scalp and yanked. Her left arm was loosely curled over her abdomen, limply wrapped around her. The other arm was awkwardly bent at an unnatural angle-definitely broken. They looked lower and saw her legs. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, and the left leg was fractured. You could see the jagged edges of the break through her skin. All in all, she made for a wonderfully horrifying sight. 
The four stood there. Stricken. Taking in the sight of the strong, bubbly girl lying so lifelessly on the ground. All of them angry at themselves for not staying behind to protect her. It was then, standing in an empty locker room, with the iron tang of their best friend’s blood filling the air that they all silently swore to make Lila Rossi and her gang of mindless sheep pay.
“I know it hurts to see such a strong pillar of kindness looking so broken, but you must remain strong, and help her as much as you can.” It was Tikki’s gentle words that broke them from their murderous trains of thought. They immediately snapped into action. 
“Luka, Kagami, you both need to go to the bakery and explain to the Dupain-Chengs what happened. Adrikins, you need to explain to your father why you ditched your photographer, and ran out in the middle of a shoot. Tikki and I will take our Bug to the hospital. Got it?” Chloé ordered, once again taking the charge of the situation, even as she pulled out her phone. Navigating to the camera app, she angled it to show all of Marinette’s injuries and quickly snapped a couple of pictures from different angles. Looking away from the screen and seeing the incredulous stares of the group, she rolled her eyes and responded “For photographic evidence of her injuries! Obviously.” She huffed “You’re all ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous! Now what are you waiting for? A royal proclamation?! Shoo!” 
At the sound of her exclamation, everyone rushed off to help Marinette.
Kagami and Luka immediately ran out of the school to the bakery, already worrying about the potential double akumas they might have to battle later. Dashing across the seat, they silently decided that Kagami’s blunt words were not ideal in explaining this to Tom and Sabine. The chime of the bell above the door alerted the woman in question to their presence. Making her way around the counter, she turned to greet them with a bright smile, before it dimmed to a frown at their grim faces. “Kagami, Luka, what’s wrong?” She questioned, wiping her hands on a small towel. The two in question silently exchanged looks before turning back to the small woman.  
“...It’s Marinette” Luka finally answered, fiddling with his guitar nervously. “She got assaulted by-” 
“It was that Lila girl, wasn’t it?” Sabine hissed. Glaring venomously up at them. 
“Yes it was, how did you know?” Luka questioned, shocked and taken aback at the woman’s statement.
Sabine smiled sadly, her eyes alight with fury. “I know my daughter. The instant she came home from school with that fake smile, trying to hide her torn sketchbook, I knew something was wrong.” Shaking herself out of her quiet contemplation, she directed her stare back to the two teens “Now, can you show me what’s wrong and tell Tom and I what we need to do?” 
Kagami was the one who responded this time. “We can show you the image, but you need to ensure that you won’t let your emotions get the best of you. The last thing Marinette would want to hear after getting discharged from the hospital is that her parents became akumatized.” She bluntly stated, pulling out her phone and handing it to the woman as she spoke. 
“I understand.” Sabine nodded, taking the phone from the girl’s outstretched hand. As she looked at the gruesome picture, she felt her heart break. That was her baby girl, and her so-called friends had done that to her! Looking at the two in front of her, she felt nothing but icy determination to make that liar’s castle of lies come crumbling down. 
“One of you stay and inform Tom, the other come with me. We’re going to the hospital.” She said as she handed the phone back to her daughter’s friends. Looks like she had some calls to make.
As their taxi drove to the hospital, Sabine punched in a familiar number and waited patiently for the other person to pick up. The ringing of the phone was abruptly cut off and replaced with a loud and cheery voice. 
“Sabine!” Gina exclaimed over the noise of honking cars. “How are you? And how is Marinetta?” The former quickly debriefed her mother-in-law on the situation regarding her granddaughter. She finished explaining as they pulled up to the hospital, and walked into the hospital as she waited for the older woman’s response.
“Well then! This simply must not do! I can get in contact with one of my friends in the States, and if all goes well my leetle fairy can stay with his family!” Gina exclaimed decisively. “I’ll call you back!”
Ending the call, Sabine walked into the waiting room and sat next to Luka and Chloé as she waited for her daughter.
As Luka and Kagami ran out of the locker room, Chloé looked at Adrien to see him already on the phone with his father. Closing out her photos, she quickly opened up her phone keypad and dialed 15. As she explained the situation to the officer on the other end of the call, she carefully monitored her injured friend. Ending the call she sighed and looked at the red goddess hovering near her worriedly. “Tikki,” she addressed the Kwami “you can hide in my jacket, or somewhere with Marinette. The ambulance should be here soon.” The small being looked at her gratefully before flying down to her chosen and placing a feather-light kiss on her forehead. Zooming back up to Chloé, she quickly settled in the blonde’s ponytail with a small thanks.
As she started to climb into the back of the ambulance, she was stopped by an officer demanding she go home. Looking at the man, she mustered up the coldest glare she could create and looked directly at the terrified fool. “For your information,” she sneered, pushing past him into the vehicle. “I am Chloé Bourgeois, and that girl in there is my best friend, so you will not keep me from her or I will make your life very difficult. Do you understand?” She hissed, slamming the door behind her. As they drove away she caught a glimpse of his pale, terrified face before they turned the corner. Smirking to herself, she turned to her friend’s prone body lying on the stretcher, and immediately sobered up and reverted to her take-charge daughter of the mayor persona. She quietly sat in the waiting room as Marinette was rolled into the ER.
Even as Chloé was issuing her orders, Adrien was already unlocking his phone and calling Nathalie. He stood anxiously on the steps as he waited for her to pick up.
“Adrien? Mme. Tsurugi had informed me that Mlle. Dupain-Cheng was injured at school. While I admire your concern for your friend, that does not excuse your behavior during the photoshoot.” The older woman’s emotionless voice greeted him as he opened his mouth to explain.
“But Nathalie! She wasn’t just injured! She was assaulted! You should see the pictures of how she looked!” He responded angrily as he texted her the image.
There was silence on the other end of the line as she looked at the image.
“...I see. I will show this to your father. If the Dupain-Chengs agree, he would be happy to pay for her hospital bill. Do you know who did this?” The secretary’s voice was as apathetic as usual, but there was an underlying tone of concern and anger.
“We think it might have been Lila,” Adrien responded hesitantly. “I saw her outside the school when we entered, and she has been bullying Marinette for a while...There’s a hidden camera we planted in the locker room. Could you pull up the footage and see what happened?”
Yes Adrien. You also have permission to go to the hospital, but make sure you practice your piano when you get home.” 
“Thank you Nathalie.” He responded, before he heard the dial tone as she hung up.
Placing his phone in his pocket, he looked down at the reluctant green-eyed Kwami in his jacket before transforming into Chat Noir and bounding across the rooftops to the hospital. 
Kagami and Tom came running in just as Marinette’s name was called. They stood next to Sabine, Luka and Chloé as she was wheeled into the room. She had a black brace on her right wrist, and another on her left leg. She had several scrapes and bruises, and there were bandages everywhere, but she was alive. As the nurse rattled off the medical report: broken ribs and wrist, a fractured leg, as well as bruising on her arms, abdomen and face; the group felt their fury grow. Marinettte, sensing this, quickly smiled up at them and asked if they could stay the night for a movie marathon and sleepover. 
Chloé promptly burst into tears and clutched her uninjured hand. “Oh MariBug, I’m so sorry this happened to you!” she croaked out through the tears.  “It’s not your fault, Chloé.” Marinette gently assured her. “It was Lila’s.” 
As they settled in amongst the many blankets and pillows with their food in hand, her statement was met with many calls of agreement, as well as complaints about the bully in question.
In Italy, Gina Dupain pulled out her phone and dialed a number she never thought she’d use again.
“Hello?” The voice on the other end is quiet and dignified, with a hint of a British accent.
“Hi, Alfred. I need a favor.”
Hanging up the phone, Alfred Pennyworth mulled over the interesting and saddening conversation he had just had with his old friend. Nodding to himself, he walked out of the room to find Master Bruce. If the image she sent him was anything to go by, Gina’s granddaughter desperately needed to get out of Paris.
As the Batmobile pulled into the garage, he walked over to Master Bruce and explained the situation. Although he was reluctant at first, once he saw the horrifying image, he went from unsure to furious at the thought of some teenagers doing this to their classmate! He didn’t even hesitate when he told Alfred that he would gladly have her stay in the Manor. With that reassurance, Alfred walked back upstairs to inform Gina.
In Paris the next morning, at around one AM, the movie marathon was still going strong when Sabine and Tom opened the trapdoor and peeked through. Marinette craned her head to look over from her position in the cuddle pile/blanket fort hybrid. “Maman? Papa?” She questioned. “What’s wrong?” Sabine smiled gently. “Nothing’s wrong mon bébé, it’s just…” she trailed off, unsure on how to proceed.
“How do you feel about going to Gotham, to stay with your Nonna Gina’s friend?” Tom cut in.
“His name is Alfred Pennyworth, and he works for Bruce Wayne.” Sabine added, smiling hopefully.
Marinette blinked confusedly as her Chloé and Adrien shouted with excitement at the sound of the name.
Well that was unexpected.
Marinette: *thinking* Bruce Wayne...
Chloé: *rolling her eyes* Only one of the richest men in the world!
Marinette: *thinking intensifies*
Adrien: *confused in cinnamon roll* Buginette how come you don't know who he is?
Marinette's Brain: error file not found
Marinette: *sweats nervously* Um... he's not big in the fashion industry??
Chloé and Adrien: *facepalm*
 Note: I update weekly, the thing is I had posted Chap. 1 to Ao3 last week, and so I posted both this week to catch up
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crybabytoy59 · 3 years
M&S trip pt2.
M&S shopping trip pt2.
Nanny made me crawl at her leg as I had been trained, crawling up the staircase my heart was pounding as was my head & face due to the rubber and vet wrap bindings, I also felt Nanny’s Golden nectar gift gurgling in my tummy ! I was now wishing that I had not skipped my breakfast, I felt the warm tiled floor realised that I was now in the toilet...
Nanny patted my rear “On your back on your changing mat Baby !”
I turned feeling for the mat, then rolled onto it, as I did the first strange voice spoke “Handies above your headie baby!” As I did someone stepped over my wrists ! With high heels pinning my arms !
As I felt my shoes & socks being removed, then my belt on my jeans was unfastened as my zipper came down someone else was tugging my jeans off !
To my complete embarrassment They started clapping !! As Nanny spoke to me ..”What a clever girlie Crybaby your in pink Fairy nappies ! You know they are Nanny’s absolute favourite.... Let’s get this stinky botty cleaned up So your all ready Baby !” She took my clear pvc pants off then undid the tapes pushing the mess off me, then used baby wipes to clean me up, I felt something cold on my tummy as Nanny told me to keep still...
She was cutting my Tee shirt off !
I was now completely naked apart from my hood, as the girl at my wrists stepped off Nanny took my hands “Up we come Baby let’s get you prepared Kneel ! ... handies behind your headie as I did I felt cream being put everywhere ! They were removing All my body hair. Next she stood me up putting me into the shower “Take a Deep Breath Baby ! She put a plastic bag over my head then tied a cord around it !
I jumped as the spray hit me jetting all over to remove the cream...
Nanny then pulled me from the shower putting in front of the toilet I had six enemas ! Deep cleaning ones as they mocked my pathetic whimpering over the cramps !... Next I was led to the bath it was lovely as they washed me with Nanny’s special strawberry soap, this was very strong & would last for a couple of day when she would bath me !
I was then taken out and towels fluffed all over me to dry me... I had really lstarted to relax in there care ... this was not so bad...
Nanny spoke first “Now Crybaby tell the girls.... Have you been naughty? (I muffled out a Ga’Ga) Yes madam indeed you have... Girls Crybaby has done the worst possible sin !” At this the girls spoke to me ...”Crybaby have you told Lies ? (Again I went Ga’Ga) Well well Madam ... What should Nanny do ? Punish You baby?” They laughed as I went “Ga’Ga”
Nanny suddenly smacked my rear Full force “ Fucking right we’re going to punish You Crybaby Pain Toy get on all fours You shit for Brains ! O’& crybaby you had best have cleaned my lime gift !” ...
I was lead to the spare room, then the blind fold was unstrapped from my head, the relief was so good but I could not see properly just blurry outlines as Nanny spoke..” Now Crybaby look at me ! Clever girlie baby Kneel up & present ! “
I did as she asked,  arching my back pushing my chest out with my arms behind me..as I did the two girls set about putting a posture collar on me that had a belt down my back this had three straps, they were now putting over my biceps, then my forearms then wrists. I then felt them tugging on bondage mittens the ball type having me make a fist to get them tightly on, as they both did this my vision was clearing & I could now see Nanny clearly she had on black leather jodhpurs with black riding boots over this was a white shirt, but that was not what had me concerned she had on a clear plastic apron it had full arms & came to her mid thighs, she also had her curly mouse brown hair up in a ponytail her face was stunning she had on severe red lipstick  💄her eyes were framed by severe looking eyebrows & eye makeup...
I try’d to plead with her looking at her welling up in the hope she would not be to wicked with me. But she kissed my forehead as the girls stood up behind me she stepped to the side.....
In front of me was a small wooden frame that looked like a sawhorse with an upper Y-frame that had a 2ft Wide sodden plank around 3”. Square this had nails in it a foot wide from the centre, they were only an inch apart ?
Nanny patted the frame “up you get Crybaby”....she guided me so my shins were on the planks at each side. The two girls started strapping my legs to the frame, at my ankles & calf’s...as they did Nanny pulled over a cart, on this was a oval tub with clear fluid in it, a pair of pliers a hammer & skin wipes...
Nanny looked very pleased with what was happening as the girls joined her, with a large orange bag ! Putting it down next to the table.
I could now see them both...Nanny spoke “Now Crybaby this is Aunty Dee”...this girl was around 5’7” slim built with jet black hair, she had on a nurses uniform in black and white a Victorian type with a white leather belt & white fishnet tights, she too had on red lipstick matching Nanny’s..she lent forward kissing my cheek...”lovely to finally meet you Crybaby Pain Toy”....
Nanny then introduced the other girl....”This Crybaby is Aunty Pea”...
She was dressed in the same black Victorian uniform as Aunty Dee...she was around 5’9” With a very athletic build, she had long red hair that fell over her shoulders as she smiled at me..”So your the famous Crybaby I have heard so much about...Ok let me explain why Aunty Dee & I Are here, we are both paramedic nurses..Nanny has asked us to monitor you today as She punishes You Crybaby So we can get the best from what Nanny has in store..So let’s get on Crybaby Lier !!”
They opened the orange bag it had a monitor inside with lots of leads coming from it they started putting monitor pads on me at my ankles arms & chest, once set up they put it on ! My vitals were now showing on the monitor!!!
Nanny that’s baby good to start...the two girls set a chair each side of the monitor watching both me & my vitals...Nanny lifted a pair of skin clamp scissors she spoke “Crybaby present & forward to the bar !”
She clamped my right nipple pulling it forward over the two nails the put the clamp down in front of the nails trapping my nipple pulled to full effect forwards ! She then lifted the pliers pulling something from the tray with the fluid, putting it over my nipple she lifted the hammer !!
I started muffling Goo’Goo ! Goo’Goo !!!...
But Nanny ignored this pushing the nail to my skin behind the nipple to the right, she struck it with the hammer pushing it in to the wood instantly! As she hit it two more times to embed it Deeper I squealed...But she took the clap off & set it to my left nipple pulling it to its same fate...Nanny lifted another nail from the fluid, pushed it to the right behind my nipple & hit it with the hammer ! A further two taps made sure it would not be easily removed.
Next she wiggled the two nails that were set as gates, with the pliers the both came out, she then di the other two...now my nipples were held firm by the nails ! Nanny got another nail setting it to my right nipple on the left this time ! A hard strike with the hammer & it was into the wood ! My left nipple got the same treatment....
I was now crying openly & shaking lightly...Nanny spoke to the girls “Crybaby asked me to put needles in her...So this is just a progression from that as Babies that tell LIES !! Need to learn to be completely Obedient !! Don’t we Crybaby !!”
Nanny lifted a plastic bag pulling it over my head she gathered it around my neck...”Yes Crybaby I know you didn’t want to do Breath play last time but am afraid this is All about Nanny’s Pleasure this time Pain Toy !!”...
Nanny lifted a black cock Chasity cage putting its base around my scrotum she took great pleasure in showing me the cock part it had two steel rings inside with a dead & black wire from each, the end had a long tube with a steel dome End this part was a urine tube, she lined the up pushing it All the way home ! Clicking the two half’s together. Aunty Dee handed her three wires that she plugged to the sides & top of the cage...the clear plastic body had my now squashed clittie fully restrained, next came a rubber ball holder this too had a steel cage inside the two separate orbs ! I squealed as she popped each ball past the rubber band at the neck of each orb painfully separating my balls !
Next she took a long metal rod.
She then asked Aunty Pea to hold my headie....pushingthe gag valve up at a 45deg angle she pushed the rod in turning it at the same time & then with drew it ...pushing the top of the rod a long bit of lime came out of the hollow inner of the Rod ! She then reinserted it ..I could now feel it at my tongue,agai she withdrew it reposted the valve & started over, until she had hollowed a slot down to my tongue !
Aunty Pea let my headie go as Nanny put a tube to the valve then to a small cylinder on the frame, she then put a small cup to the end of my cage, clipping a tube from the cylinder into the cup. Nanny now smiling at me Spoke this is a recycling pump, as you have been very naughty am going to have you recycle yourself Crybaby as I begin your punishment session.
She nodded to Aunty Dee who put on the electric to the cage sending small pulses to my cock & balls....then down my pee pee to my prostrate !
They all clapped as I started oozing into the cup ! Nanny then turned a small screw on the end of the cage tube & my urine started dripping into the cup mixing with my sticky fluid running from me !
But worse was to come the pump sprang into life and the mix slowly went up the tube to my waiting mouth....I could feel it oozing over my tongue, I started crying properly now...As Nanny kissed my cheek let’s punish you now Baby!”
She lifted a Double ballon Higgins tube covered in lub, going behind me She pushed it home inflated the inner & outer balloons tugging it hard to make sure it would Not come out ! Nanny hung up two bags on a stand above me on red one black...she opened the red one first I Again squealed as hot water entered my bowels !...”Now Crybaby girlie am going to belt your Naughty ass until you pass out then we will wake you up Sweetheart so Nanny can start again trust me Pain Toy You Are Going To Pass Out for Us !”
She picked up a thick leather belt around 6” Wide & two foot long with a wooden handle....with no warm up she swung it full force !
Naughty baby! Thwack !
Naughty Girlie  telling Fucking LIES ! Thwack !!
That’s a girlie Scream Crybaby !!! THWACK !!!!......
By six I was a blubbering wreak as the stimulations took there tool Aunty Pea Spoke To Nanny “Hold on Nanny Crybaby is being a clever girlie for us”
Nanny came around with the girls to watch the white seed oozing from the end of the cage into the cup then disappear up the tube to my mouth ! Nanny lent over turning the valve open more as a now steady flowing came out into the cup, they clapped as I gurgled swallowing down my own fluids !!
Aawww Crybaby am Afraid we are far from done cutie !”
Nanny picked up the Paddle...written along its length was the word “Crybaby Nighty’nights”....
The first swat jerked the frame ! As I screamed but only a muffled pathetic sound came as I tried to cry out while swallowing my own urine & cum mix ..!!!!
There clapping faded away as true to her word I fainted from the punishment !!!..
Nanny watched as I slumped frontwards Pea was first to speak “Holy shit Nanny that’s awesome! Ave never seen a man let alone a sissy baby passing out from a paddling ! Nanny smiled at them “Can you bring crybaby around am far from done with her yet ladies !” Dee chuckled “Fuck yes Nanny as so wet !”
The two girls took over working quickly they stopped the gag flow then gave him oxygen and gas mixture from a small rubbermask...with a special stimulant to have him slightly disoriented & much more receptive to emotional stress! The girls were very good at this as this was there “Thing causing emotional trauma mixed with hypnosis that brought about embedded reactions from key words the mor each word was used the Deeper the reaction... they would often keep a slave awake for up to 48hrs making the slave believe they had slept & days had passed ! The disorientation from sleep deprivation & day light deprivation would  bring complete collapse in there slave...
But this ? Nanny wanted to use crybaby for a 72hr session with stress, hypnosis, deprivation & medication induced anxiety trauma ! This was something they both wanted to try, Nanny had the perfect patient as she had already pushed this submissive Very close to the edge in the past....Sissy baby would take weeks to even come down perhaps even months of care....After All sissy had told “Lies”as every slave to a Dominant knows that comes at a price.... Crybaby was about to pay Nanny in Full !!....
Slowly crybaby opened her eyes....
“Hello sweetheart did we have a nice wee nap ? (Ga’Ga) That’s a clever girlie baby let’s get on with your punishment”
Nanny kissed sissy’s cheek “Be brave crybaby!”.... Nanny lifted the Belt ! As Aunty Pea opened the valve from the piss bag... fluid made its way to the gag....As crybaby started the relentless swallowing !
Nanny raised her arm but No at baby’s botty! Over her back !Goo’goo..GOO’’Goo !
Thwack ! The frame shook as crybaby squealed into the gag!
The red welt was almost instantaneous in raising itself for Nanny’s Pleasure ! By six Crybaby has a perfect X between her shoulders that baby would find out why Nanny had Punished Every part of baby Pain Toy ....Why she had been so very meticulous in each & Every stroke ! The tow girls watched as Crybaby again slumped into the frame
But not from passing out from surrender to the punishment metered out by her cruel Nanny !
Both Dee & Pea looked at each other as Nanny hung up the belt then spoke to them...
Dee was tingling All over & now very wet between the legs as Nanny Spoke..
“Crybaby that’s a good Baby so far but am afraid we’re just getting started Aunty Dee & Aunty Pea Are Going to prepare you now for a Very special Punishment we keep just for Very Naughty Babies Who Tell LIES ! Girls Crybaby is all yours would you both like a glass of wine ?
Aunty Pea was opening a small leather case inside were rows of needles & syringes with lots of clear packs inside each was a shiny steel ring or ball....Aunty Dee was also setting some type of device up that looked like a clear wine making jar with what looked like a pump on top of it this had a hook each side where coiled tubing was looped.....
“That would be lovely Nanny ....Could you also boil a full kettle & bring us the Special sauce Please Nanny!!” Nanny looked right at my sobbing eyes “Why yes ladies be my pleasure !” I had seen That look before something Very bad was about to happen as Nanny had that look in her eye twice before when she didn’t let me use my safe word &
Punished me far beyond what I could cope with.....each of the times I had Ended Up Crying What Nanny called her “Special TEARS”......
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