#Nouveaux riches
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bandcampsnoop · 1 year ago
Les Olivensteins were a great French punk outfit. One of the band members, Eric Tandy (great solo cd) was also in Nouveaux Riches who only appear to have released the "Enfin l'amour" 7". This song alone deserves posting. This is a reissue from Smap Records. While Les Olivensteins were from Rouen, I can't tell if Nouveaux Riches were as well.
It really brought to mind some of the sounds of Boots For Dancing and Madness. Once I thought of that, I went back to the Boots For Dancing post (10/20/2015) and listened again. Amazing. I also noticed that the CD is available for a mere £5.
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watchingalotofmovies · 1 year ago
All-Time High
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All-Time High    [trailer]
A con artist in dire need of cash and a woman with a crypto fortune hit it off. Is she the target of his dreams, or is the scammer about to get scammed?
He's a pathological liar, but it's often difficult not to laugh at his constant stream of made-up stories and close to impossible to escape the energy of Nassim Lyes's Yussuf. And together with Zoé Marchal's Stephanie the two make for one of the most unusual and memorable couple in quite some time.
Also not to miss, cameos by Adèle Exarchopoulos, Guillaume Canet and Gustave Kervern.
Side note, truth in producing credits: "in association with taxshelter.be".
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touslesfilmsquejaivu · 1 year ago
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fusdbcom · 1 year ago
Nouveaux riches (2023) Handlung, Kritik, Besetzung | Netflix
Nouveaux riches Film Nouveaux riches ist ein französischer Film, der am 17. November 2023 veröffentlicht wurde. Netflix ist Originalinhalt. Er wurde in französischer Sprache gedreht. Der 1 Stunde 41 Minuten lange Film ist in der Kategorie Komödie angesiedelt. Der Film wurde von Julien Hollande inszeniert und das Drehbuch wurde von ihm geschrieben. In der Besetzung sind Namen wie Nassim Lyes,…
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sachermorte · 4 months ago
why do I seemingly have to replay the exact scene every time I get sick where I'm standing, wavering on my feet in a grocery store and trying not to pass out while listening to falco at maximum volume
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francepittoresque · 3 months ago
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HISTOIRE/ACTU | Nouveau riche spéculant sur la misère publique Spéculant sans scrupules sur la misère publique, le nouveau riche apparaît dès le XVIIe siècle et s’organise en puissante caste pour occuper des postes-clés, tant administratifs que politiques, et s’assurer de rapides et sûrs profits ➽ https://tinyurl.com/Nouveaux-Riches
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randomnameless · 2 years ago
Lorenz showing up with Seiros's crest would be great, 10/10 would read 2k about his ancestor's journey.
Too bad I can't procrastinate that much, but it wouldn't be Lorenz himself with a Crest of Seiros, but one of his ancestors, thus fueling their "pompous" attitude - House Gloucester is noble because it descends from an Elite, but also, Seiros herself!
(something like a branch family of the Hresvelgs, not that the Hresvelgs even acknowledge their existence since Gloucester 55 was most likely a bastard, or worse, the Crest comes from Gloucester 4 who might have been Luca "who loves to love" 's kid).
Maybe in 801 a Vestra, under orders of the Imperial Hresvelg, was ordered to "make sure" everything was "under control" regarding the Hresvelg line - aka giving said Vestra a free pass to cull "weeds", which might have made some Leicester Nobles angry "why the fuck the Emperor is testing our children to check what is their crest?" and some Gloucesters took it the wrong way, and rebelled, until those barbarians from the North popped up.
Add some form of bias and discrimination from Enbarr and the Hresvelgs against lines from Elite's descent, their own fear of having their Seiros Crest die out because out of 50 children only 26 had a crest at birth, and a need to keep the central authority on the Hresvelgs of Enbarr - the only Hresvelgs, the rest are usurpers - with a bonus Adrestia salt because Loog did his thing and they're still not over it.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 3 months ago
Writing Notes: The Arcana Interpretations
symbolism for your next poem/story (pt. 1)
1. The Magician
The beginning, the first cause, Mercurial influence
Good: Dexterity, ability, diplomacy, eloquence, convincing ways, an alert mind, a quick mind, business acumen
Bad: A persuasive boaster, an illusionist, intrigue, careerist, politician, charlatan, imposter, liar, a crook, an exploiter; an agitator, a lack of scruples
2. The Priestess
Mystery, intuition, devotion, passive Saturnian influence
Good: reserved, discreet, quiet, meditation, faith, patient, religious feelings, resignation, modesty; necessary inaction
Bad: hidden intentions, dissimulation, hypocrisy, inaction, laziness, sanctimonious, holds a grudge, an indifferent disposition, interest in the mystical
3. The Empress
Prudence, discretion, idealism and intellectual solar influence
Good: Understanding, intelligence, instruction, charm, courteous, sociable, elegance, distinction, politeness; domination by the mind, abundance, riches; servility
Bad: Affectation, poseur, stylish, vanity, pretentious, disdain, frivolity, idleness, luxury, extravagant; sensitivity to flattery, lack of refinement, ways of nouveaux riche
4. The Emperor
Firm, positivism, executive power, Saturnian-Martial influence
Good: Right, rigid, certitude, fixed ideas, realization, perseverance, strong willpower, acts on decisions; powerful protector
Bad: Tenuous opposition, stubborn, hostile prejudice, opinionated, bad government, big risks of failure; tyranny, absolutism
5. The Pope
Duty, morality, conscience, Jupiterian influence
Good: Moral authority, respectability, teaching, good advice, goodwill, indulgent, generosity, forgiveness; meekness
Bad: Papal sentence, strict moralist, strict teacher, small-minded theorist, bombastic preacher; an adviser with a lank of practical sense
6. The Lovers
Feelings, freewilled, testing, double influence of Venus or more exactly Ishtar the war like star of the morning, then amorous as the stars go down
Good: Voluntary determinism, choice, wished, aspirations, desires; examinations, deliberations, responsibility; affections
Bad: To go through doubts and indecision; dangerous temptation, the risk of being seduced, misconduct, liberty, weakness, lack of heroism
7. The Chariot
Triumph, command, superiority, Martian-solar influence
Good: Legitimate success, deserved advancement, talent, health, aptitudes put to good effect; governmental tact, diplomacy, efficient direction, appeasement; progress, mobility, journeys on land
Bad: Unjustified ambition, lack of talent, usurped situation, illegitimate government, dictatorship, harmful concessions, dangerous opportunism, worrying about which way to go, preoccupations, overworked, feverish activity without rest
8. Justice
Order, regularity, method, equilibrium, placid lunar influences
Good: Stability, conservatism, organization, normal functioning; law, discipline, logic, coordination, adapting to necessities, moderate opinions, practical sense, reason, administration, economy, obedience
Bad: Bourgeoisism, submission to users, lack of initiative, slaving over books, functionalism, papers; police station; legal dispute, law suit, quarrel, exploitation of the legal system
9. The Hermit
Prudence, reserve, restriction, Saturnian influence
Good: Isolation, concentration, silence, profoundness, meditation, study; austerity, continence, sobriety, discretion; doctor, discreet occultist
Bad: Timid, misanthrope, mute, exaggerated circumspection, lack of sociability, sullen character; avarice, poverty, celibacy, chaste; conspirator
10. The Wheel of Fortune
Destiny, instability, lunar-Mercurial influence
Good: Sagacity, an opportunist, luck in all undertakings, luck, fortuitous success; spontaneity, an inventive disposition, liveliness, good humour
Bad: Carelessness, speculation, game, insecurity, unserious, the unexpected, gypsy character; unstable situation, sudden change, winnings and losses; adventures, risks, minor fortune
11. Strength
Virtue, courage, Jupiter-Mars influence
Good: Moral energy, calm, intrepid; mind over matter; intelligence conquering brutality; subjugation of passions; success in industry
Bad: Anger, impatience, immoderate enthusiasm, insensibility, cruelty, fighting, war, conquering with violence, a surgical operation, vehemence, discord, fire
Source ⚜ More: Writing Notes & References ⚜ On Tarot
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leseigneurdufeu · 7 months ago
Monte Cristo summed up:
Edmond Dantes is in a revenge fantasy
Mercedes is in a tragedy (she loves another man than her husband and he might kill her son)
Albert is in a swashbucklers
Fernand is in the political thriller sequel to his action movie youth.
Caderousse is in a heist story
Danglars is in one of these novels about bankers and nouveaux riches.
Meanwhile Villefort is in a horror story where his family gets killed off one after the other by a poisoner and given the timing it might be by the ghost of the child he killed 20 years prior
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simming-in-the-rain · 1 year ago
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Les Nouveaux Riches
Gregory and Bertha Landgraab, 1890
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megaverserpg · 3 months ago
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⟡ · megaverse · ⟡, version 5, décembre 2024
All I want for Yule is you… Nouvelle version, nouveau décor ! Cette fois, Megaverse se pare d'un vert profond et de doré étincelant ✨❄️. Un design hivernal et féerique signé par nos deux déesses HRSY. et dope lovers. Ça sent le sapin ici, pas vous ? 🎄☃���.
À l'honneur ce mois-ci, Camila Mendes pour notre Bliss Hansley nationale, véritable muse de l'équipe, plus douce qu'un chocolat chaud sous un plaid. Elle s'accompagne en version nuit de notre pitre en chef, Atlas Pendragon (ft. Choi Yeonjun), toujours là pour animer le forum de son humour tantôt douteux, tantôt tordant. Deux âmes qui réchauffent nos cœurs même avec les températures en chute 💚🔔.
Vertus et pêchés s'invitent à votre table Ouvrez grand vos yeux, car les Royaumes de Pandemonium et Utopia vous révèlent enfin leurs secrets : Vertus et Péchés s’affrontent dans une guerre éternelle depuis des millénaires. Astralis ou Infernalis ? Êtres divins ou infernaux ? Rejoignez le front et façonnez la destinée de vos personnages... à vos risques et périls ou pour le meilleur à venir✨🔥.
Yule Festival
Les guirlandes illuminent Elysium, la neige recouvre Sierra Lake, et un majestueux sapin attend qu’on vienne l’habiller comme il se doit🎀. Batailles de boules de neige, patinages endiablés... la fête de Yule promet un mois riche en activités. Les plus téméraires oseront s’aventurer sur la glace, tandis que les plus gourmands dégusteront un verre d’obsidian chaud 🍷✨.
Avec notamment des activités RP (Courses de luges, sculptures sur glace, hot sauce challenge mais shh, on en dit pas plus pour laisser la surprise), mais aussi un calendrier de l’Avent prêt à se dévoiler jour après jour, case par case, vous offrant surprises et petites douceurs au programme❄️☕.
Les collectionneur·se·s de badges et les aventurier·ère·s du forum y trouveront assurément leur bonheur 🎁🦌.
Côté spectacle
Place au show ! Décembre amorce également le tournoi international de Smartchery, des duels magiques de haut vol, et les légendaires EMA (Ever Magical Awards), où artistes et fans se retrouvent pour une remise de prix autour de la scène de Flarecrest Arena 🎶
Boutique & Systèmes La boutique s’agrandit pour la saison, offrant de nouveaux objets à acheter ou à offrir à votre bon loisir (et pour la détresse de vos gallions)🎁💚. Et comme toujours, le dé chocogrenouille n'attend que vous pour tirer plus de cartes, prêtes à être échangées, capturées, collectionnées et exhibées à votre bon vouloir✨❄️.
Conclusion Megaverse, c’est vous, c’est nous : une communauté qui grandit et se renforce à chaque version, et c'est toujours un immense plaisir que de voir de nouvelles têtes s'ajouter à notre petite (mais cosy comme un snowy cocoon ~) communauté.
En cette fin d'année 2024, prenez soin de vous et de vos proches. Profitez des chocolats, des raclettes fumantes et des moments chaleureux autour du feu, et surtout, dévorez les rps de vos partenaires sans jamais de pression 🔥🍪.
On se retrouve en 2025, avec toujours plus de magie, de rêves et d’aventures à partager sur MGV🕯️✨.
Puis... Joyeux Yule et belles fêtes de fin d’année à toustes ☕
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camisoledadparis · 3 months ago
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … December 7
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The Trial of Socrates
c.5th-4th Century BC – Anytus, son of Anthemion, was one of the prosecutors of Socrates. An unsubstantiated legend has it that he was banished from Athens after the public felt guilty about having Socrates executed. We do know that he was one of the leading supporters of the democratic forces in Athens (as opposed to the oligarchic forces behind the Thirty Tyrants). Plato also depicts Anytus as an interlocutor in his dialogue the Meno.
Anytus was a powerful, upper-class politician in ancient Athens, one of the nouveaux riches. Anytus served as a general in the Peloponnesian war: He lost Pylos to the Spartans during the war, and was charged with treason. According to Aristotle he was later acquitted by bribing the jury. Anytus won favor after this by playing a major role in overthrowing the Thirty Tyrants. Though Anytus lost much money and provisions during this eight month battle, he made no attempts to regain it back; this also helped his reputation with the Athenians. He came from a family of tanners, successful from the time of his grandfather. Socrates refers to his son's education in the Apology.
Both Anytus and Socrates were lovers of the young Alcibiades, but Alcibiades treated Anytus with great contempt. Once when Anytus had invited him to dinner, Alcibiades arrived late and already drunk. Seeing the table laid with gold and silver dishes, Alcibiades ordered his slaves to take half of the dishes back to his own house. Having played this prank, Alcibiades departed immediately, leaving Anytus and his other guests greatly surprised. When the guests began to rebuke Alcibiades, Anytus excused him, saying that he loved the boy so much that he would have suffered Alcibiades to take the other half of the dishes, too.
In 403 BC, Anytus supported the Amnesty of Eucleides, which stated that no one who committed a crime before or during the Thirty Tyrants could be prosecuted.
Anytus seems to have had at least two motivations for prosecuting Socrates: Socrates constantly criticised the democratic government of which Anytus was a leader. Anytus may have been concerned that Socrates' criticism was a threat to the newly reestablished democracy. Socrates taught Anytus' son and Anytus perhaps blamed Socrates' teachings for poisoning his son's mind or taking him away from the career path his father had set for him. Xenophon has Socrates forecast that the boy will grow up vicious if he studies a purely technical subject such as tanning. And Xenophon tells us that the son became a drunk.
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1775 – Franciscan Chaplain Father Pedro Font describes two-spirit people among the Yuma in his diary entry: "Among the women I saw some some men dressed like women with whom they go about regularly, never joining the men. The commander called them 'amaricados' because the Yuma call effeminate men 'Americas' … I learned that they were sodomites, dedicated to nefarious practices."
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1917 – Hurd Hatfield (d.1998) was an American actor best known for his role in The Picture of Dorian Gray.
Born in New York City, he was educated at Columbia University before traveling to London, England where he studied drama and began acting in theater.
He had won a scholarship to study acting at Michael Chekhov's Dartington Hall company in Devon, England. Returning to the United States with Chekhov's company in 1939, he began a sexual affair with fellow troupe member Yul Brynner a year later. Unlike Brynner, however, Hatfield remained exclusively homosexual his entire life. During the time the company was playing on the West Coast, Hatfield was signed by MGM.
In his film debut in Dragon Seed (1944), he and his co-stars (Katharine Hepburn, Akim Tamiroff, Aline MacMahon, Turhan Bey) portrayed Chinese peasants. It was Hatfield's second film, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1945), that made him a star. As Oscar Wilde's ageless anti-hero, Hatfield received widespread acclaim for his good looks as much as for his acting ability. However, the actor was ambivalent about the role and his performance. "The film didn't make me popular in Hollywood," he commented later. "It was too odd, too avant-garde, too ahead of its time. The decadence, the hints of bisexuality and so on, made me a leper! Nobody knew I had a sense of humour, and people wouldn't even have lunch with me."His subsequent films, The Diary of a Chambermaid (1946), The Beginning or the End (1947), and The Unsuspected (1947) were successful, but Hatfield's career began to lose momentum very quickly. Other films include Tarzan and the Slave Girl (1950), King of Kings (as Pontius Pilate) (1961), El Cid (1961), Harlow (1965), The Boston Strangler (1968), King David (1985), Crimes of the Heart (1986), and Her Alibi (1989).
He appeared frequently on television and received an Emmy Award nomination for the Hallmark Hall of Fame videotaped play The Invincible Mr. Disraeli (1963). In 1957, he appeared in Beyond This Place which was directed by Sidney Lumet. Among Hatfield's many other television credits are three guest appearances on Murder, She Wrote opposite his Picture of Dorian Gray costar, Angela Lansbury, who had become a lifelong friend.
Hatfield was totally gay and had many affairs with younger men over the course of his career.
He died at his home in Cork, Ireland, in 1998, soon after having Christmas dinner with friends..
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Rock Hudson and Phyllis Gates
1925 – Phyllis Gates, (d.2006) was an intensely attractive, dark-haired woman, a naive farm girl from Minnesota who landed a secretarial job with a New York entertainment corporation. This sparked an interest in show business, and she moved to Los Angeles, taking a job with the Hollywood agent Henry Willson who not only represented Rock Hudson, but had invented his name. Willson, who was also gay, knew that rumours about Hudson could ruin his best client, who had just won a leading role with the young James Dean and Elizabeth Taylor in Giant (1956).
Willson was particularly worried about the sensational magazine Confidential, which had spoken to some of Hudson's former lovers. Accordingly, he contrived for Gates and Hudson to date each other after they had met in his office. Then, in October 1955, a Life magazine article on "Hollywood's most handsome bachelor" reported: "Fans are urging 29-year-old Hudson to get married - or explain why not." Willson had to move, quickly.
Hudson proposed to Gates in Willson's office, and she accepted at once. The following month, the agent organised a private wedding. No Hudson disclosure appeared in Confidential.
At first the marriage went well, Gates wrote in her 1986 book, My Husband, Rock Hudson. He was generous with gifts, particularly jewellery; and they had a sex life, although it was usually "brief and hurried". But Hudson began to go out a lot, even late at night, offering only lame excuses.
There were calls from young men, but Gates thought they were fans. Then, in an argument, he told her that "all women are dirty" and, during sudden rages, he hit her. She went to see a psychiatrist who warned her that he might be homosexual. While in Italy making A Farewell to Arms (1957), he "virtually abandoned" her for five months. She sued for divorce the following April, received $250 a week for 10 years and never spoke to Hudson again.
She remained in LA and became an interior designer, but never remarried.
In the multitude of misused Hollywood women, Phyllis Gates, must rank among the saddest. She never made a film, or even auditioned for one. But she married Rock Hudson, one of the movie industry's biggest stars.
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1946 – Said to be the oldest surviving organization for LGBT rights, Netherlands' Center for Culture and Leisure (COC) was established in Amsterdam in 1946. The goals of the C.O.C. were twofold: to contribute to social emancipation, and to offer culture and recreation for gay men and lesbians. The social emancipation focused on getting revoked article 248-bis in the Wetboek van Strafrecht, the main code for Dutch criminal law.
Originally named the "Shakespeare club," the founders were gay men who were active with "Levensrecht" (Right To Live), a magazine founded a few months before the German invasion in 1940, and which re-appeared after the war. The Shakespeare club was renamed in 1949 to "Cultuur-en Ontspanningscentrum" (C.O.C.). From its beginning in 1946 until 1962, the chair was Bob Angelo, a pseudonym of Niek Engelschman.
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1987 – Chris Crocker is an American Internet celebrity, blogger, songwriter, recording artist and former
YouTuber and pornographic film actor. Crocker gained fame in September 2007 from his viral video "Leave Britney Alone!", in which he tearfully defended pop singer Britney Spears' comeback performance at the MTV Video Music Awards; his video received over four million views in two days. The video gained international media attention, hundreds of parodies, along with criticism for Crocker.
Producing and acting in his own videos, Crocker is a self-described edutainer. In almost all of his adolescent works, he presents himself as an openly gay and effeminate Southerner in a "small-minded town" in the Bible Belt. Using "Crocker" as a stage name, he kept his exact location private due to safety concerns and death threats in response to his YouTube and Myspace video blogs and profile until he was no longer a teenager. According to his Myspace profile, Crocker lived in Los Angeles as of January 2008. In May 2010, he returned home to Tennessee, and now travels to Los Angeles for business.Crocker's work consists mainly of short-form, self-directed monologues shot in his grandparents' home. As of October 2010, his videos had received a combined 50 million plays on MySpace, and his vlog channel on YouTube was the 100th-most viewed of all time in all categories, with over 205 million video views, before Crocker closed his YouTube account in September 2015. Crocker's detractors and critics have accused him of narcissism, melodramatics, histrionics, and using Spears' personal shortcomings to bolster his own fame. Others have accused Crocker of acting in the "Leave Britney Alone!" video, although he insisted it was genuine on a September 2007 appearance on Maury Povich's Maury show. In 2014, Queerty stated that with Crocker's thousands of Facebook and Twitter followers, he is "one of those self-invented social media icons".
In July 2011, it was announced that Crocker had been signed by Chi Chi LaRue to appear in a pornographic film. He made his adult debut in October 2012 for Maverick Men. In 2014, Lucas Entertainment digitally released Chris Crocker's Raw Love, which features Crocker in a scene with his then-boyfriend Justin Dean.
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1987 – Aaron Carter was an American singer. He came to fame as a pop and hip hop singer in the late 1990s, establishing himself as a star among pre-teen and teenage audiences during the early 2000s with his four studio albums.
Born in Tampa, Florida, Carter began performing at age seven and released his self-titled debut album in 1997. His second album Aaron’s Party (Come Get It) (2000) sold three million copies in the United States, and Carter began making guest appearances on Nickelodeon and touring with the Backstreet Boys shortly after the record’s release. He is the brother of Backstreet Boys' Nick Carter
Carter’s next album, Oh Aaron, also went platinum, and the musician released his most recent studio album, Another Earthquake!, in 2002, followed by his 2003 Most Requested Hits collection.
He later appeared on Dancing With the Stars, the Broadway musical Seussical, the off-Broadway musical The Fantasticks, and made several one-off performances. In 2014, he announced that he would begin releasing new music and began by releasing a single featuring rapper Pat SoLo, "Ooh Wee", which first became available as a free download with purchase on his web store. Carter released a single, Fool's Gold, on April 1, 2016 and an EP titled LøVë on February 10, 2017.
Carter came out as bisexual on August 5, 2017, through Twitter, and later that year on December 18, he made a guest appearance on the podcast LGBTQ&A to discuss both his career and sexuality. He reaffirmed his bisexuality publicly on at least one other occasion, but said all his past relationships were with women.
On November 5, 2022, Carter died at his home in Lancaster, California, at age 34. His body was found in his bathtub by a housekeeper. An autopsy was performed but the cause of death was deferred, pending a toxicology report.
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1989 – Turkey: Journalist Ibrehim Eren is imprisoned for protesting police harassment of gays. He was held for four months.
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1997 – Speaking before a Georgetown University audience of about 300, three Jesuits presented their different perspectives on how the church should regard and spiritually counsel gay men and lesbians. Cardinal James A Hickey objected to the debate because he felt that the conservative view on the wrongness of homosexuality would not get a fair hearing.
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laurierthefox · 5 months ago
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Bonjour à toustes !
Cet automne-hiver va être riche en nouveaux projets (j'ai hâte de pouvoir vous en parler) et aussi en dédicaces et conventions !
Voici en détails, où vous pourrez me rencontrer ces prochains mois :
- Geek Days - Brest 28 & 29/09/24 Dédicaces & vente Livres : ReconnaiTrans, J'ai un'e ami'e trans, Féministes Goodies : badges, stickers, prints
- Festival des livres d'en haut - Lille 05 & 06/10/24 Dédicaces & Table ronde Livres : ReconnaiTrans, Je m'appelle Julie, Le Genre, J'ai un'e ami'e trans Goodies : badges, stickers, prints
- Quai des Bulles - Saint Malo 26/10/24 Dédicaces & vente Livre : ReconnaiTrans Goodies : badges, stickers
- Y/CON - Paris Montreuil Expo 09 & 10/11/24 Vente Livre : Oh Joy SexToy comics Goodies : badges, stickers, prints
Je vous donnerai plus de détails au cas par cas, une ou deux semaines avant. Prenez soin de vous si vous pouvez !
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erinsvintageemporium · 3 months ago
On this day: 9th December, 1861
On this day: December 9, 1861
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Fashion plate from La Mode Illustrée, signed Adam, Verdier and ME.
Caption within the plate reads:
Toilettes et Etoffes de la Maison Gay Fils., 2 rue de la Vrillière. Ceintures régentes de Madames de Vertus Soeurs, 36, Chaussée d'Antin. Jupons et Ganterie de la Vénitienne, 62 Chaussée d'Antin.
Robe en velours violet. Grand mantelet-châle en velours noir, entièrement garni avec une frange en chenille noire, très-haute et très-riche. Chapeau blanc, à passe rose, orné d'un oiseau de paradis.
Toilette de bal. Robe en taffetas blanc; la jupe est garnie avec cinq volants bordés avec deux rangées de chenille bleue d'inégale grosseur; corsage décolleté. Berthe de taffetas blanc garnie comme les volants de la robe. Coiffure composée d'une guirlande de fleurs et de feuilles en velours bleu. Sortie de bal en cachemire bleu formant un bournous double entièrement garni d'une frange en chenille bleue mélangée d'argent; le capuchon du bournous est formé dans sa deuxième partie, c'est-à-dire dans l'es- pèce de pélerine qui est taillée comme le bournous même, mais plus courte.
Ces deux confections ont été dessinées dans la maison Gay, rue de la Vrillière, 2; on y trouve un grand choix de modèles très-nouveaux et d'un caractère à la fois simple et élégant.
1861-12 LMI50
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hero-17 · 11 months ago
FD Link (Hyrule Warriors) vs Chaos Vincent Valentine
Art belongs to original owners
Music: Noveaux Riches by Loud
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sachermorte · 4 months ago
"how do you get to Neubaugasse?" Ma'am the 14A is right there
I don't know why I'm the one random strangers always ask for directions but it's kind of funny in a really concerning way to see just how lost people get
"Where's Westbahnhof?" Sir you're at Quartier Belvedere
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