#Notuing 2 see here
crystalmagpie447 · 4 months
kinitopet art dump
irun away
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nayfem · 2 years
who was the first character out of the runaways you created ? ^^
and who’s your favourite story wise? :) (no spoilers though‼️🙏)
sorry for taking months to answer this, i really wanted to wait until i could do a DEEEEP dive for some files (this is a long post)
to answer your second question: my favorite character story wise is probably Cliff and Grace ?! its a cheat answer cuz i just answers 2 characters but idk i love writing them, their dynamic is so fun and cute, im so excited to post abt their new designs and story teehee
to answer your first question:
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these three from around may of 2022!!! theres a fourth, but i cant find the drawing for the life of me. from left to right:
(Boreas was the forth.)
you might be asking "Hey who the fuck are these people" and that is a valid question because i dont draw them ever!!
the idea for Runaways started with these guys- first as a story about these gods and their family dynamic, but it quickly evolved into a whole world (MCU style) about superheroes.
i wanted to make one comic and then expand- starting with these gods. but as soon as i made the next character in the story... i knew what i had done (brain rot)
although that answers your question, i have more to say (unfortunately)
the comic was going to end with Eurus turning into a villain- a misunderstood villain but a villain nonetheless. she was going to form a found family group and thats when i created a familiar face...
Grace Xu.
actually, Grace came about when i thought of the name Grave Force. i thought Grace suited the name, and she was going to have basically the same powers as Anna today (her skin would put you into a coma.)
but, then i started crafting another character...
Casper Wright! an invisible thief that would steal supplies for the group.
after that, it snowballed into a whole cast of characters, and eventually the wind gods fading into the background and i havent really touched them since.
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heres the first ever drawing i did of Anna, when i started figuring out that she was gonna be Grave Force, and not Grace. i quickly figured out i wanted Grace to act as a main character, and started working on the other crew!
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Cliff Phoenix when he was still called "Clint"
he was the muscle of the group, with his signature flame thrower. he was kind of a himbo back then, i still see him as a himbo but at least now hes not dumb.
back then, the gadgets the group had were made by Casper, or at least thats what i planned on. i much prefer Cliff being the gadget maker of the group!
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this was my first ever draft of everyone together; a quick sketch of their heads and pride flags!
from left to right:
Grace Xu
Casper Wright
Cliff Phoenix (i need to bring back his gray streak </3)
Val Romero
Anna Xu (yes she was a ginger.. and white (Grace was her half sister at this time))
Val was a really interesting character and what i thought would start the comic!! the idea was have the group go to a really fancy party looking for a "kid" in danger.
her name would have either been Psyche! (like haha gotcha) or Mirage. their power was to create a hallucination of sorts- she could make herself appear to be the persons type (either romantically or someone they took pity on) and then rob them lol. thats why the group thought it was a kid- someone saw a child enter a shady car and speed off to a upper class party.
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i still wish i couldve found a way to put her in the story. honestly, ive been redoing the Runaways story and designs, and when i work on the villains i'll definitely find a spot for them!!!
thank you for the ask my dear friend, you have increased my brain rot <;3 /pos
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stanning-reyna · 3 years
Valgrace One-shot
AN: In my ideal valgrace au, Jason and Leo’s first kiss is at their reunion after Leo returns from Ogygia, so I decided to write it! Enjoy!
The bright sunlight reflected off the ocean surface, nearly blinding Jason. He sat at the coastal restaurant with Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Nico. His elbows rested on his knees as he leaned forward anxiously.
They had been told that Leo would be here, but so far there had been no sign of the son of Hephaestus. He had been gone for 2 weeks now. Jason didn’t know what he’d do if they didn’t find him. 
Jason knew none of this would be happening if he had done something different. He could have gone after Leo when he fist went missing. He could have forced answers of out the wind god Notus. He was a soldier, after all. It was his job to know how to deal with situations like this.
But there was something about it- something about Leo- that made it hard for him to act efficiently. Jason had spent weeks trying to figure out what had happened to his keen decision making ability. He had never felt like this at Camp Jupiter.
Piper nudged Jason’s shoulder from her seat next to him. 
“He’ll show up. Just wait,” she said reassuringly. Jason knew there was some charmspeak slipped in there, but it hardly did anything to calm his nerves.
From across the table, Hazel and Nico shared a pastry covered in a pink syrup. Hazel looked relieved just to be off the rocking ship and on dry land. Frank was skimming through a newspaper. Very quickly, mind you, since he couldn’t read any Italian. 
Jason rocked back in his chair, scanning the bay in front of him. No sign of Leo. The anxiety in him just grew. He leaned forward and rested his head on his knee, trying to relax.
Just keep it together, he told himself. That was all he could do right now.
Piper nudged his side again. When he looked up, she was pointing down at the slope below the balcony they sat on. A small figure was slowly making its way up the rocks.
“Of course Leo couldn’t just walk in the front door,” Piper remarked with a laugh.
Sure enough, the figure had the curly hair and erratic walk of Leo.
Before Jason knew what he was doing, his legs pushed him over the balcony railing. He fell for only a moment before the wind came up underneath him, guiding him down the hill. The boy below looked up in shock.
Within seconds, Jason was at his side. Leo stared at him in silence. He stared back. Neither of them had any brilliant words to say in the situation.
So Jason did what felt best. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around Leo. Leo stiffened under the boy’s touch at first, but then relaxed into it. Jason could tell just how exhausted his friend was. His arms were weak around him. 
Leo suddenly pulled himself away from Jason. He stood there rather awkwardly, waiting for one of them to speak. 
“I’m so glad you’re ok,” Jason said, meeting Leo’s dark brown eyes with his own. They held something that hadn’t been there before.
“You know me. Hard to please, and even harder to kill,” Leo responded, attempting a smile. Jason could see right through it. Something significant had happened to him while he was gone.
And it was Jason’s fault. If he had fought better, his friend wouldn’t be experiencing this right now.
“What do you look so sad for?” Leo asked. Jason realized he had been staring at him.
“Nothing. I just really missed you.” Jason found himself blushing after the words came out. He hadn’t said that out load before.
“Oh,” Leo murmured, looking down at the ground. “I’m sorry I made you feel bad.”
“Leo, you don’t need to apologize for anything,” Jason clarified. “It was hell on the Argo II without you. That’s what I’m trying to say.”
Leo’s eyes lit up with panic. 
“I need to finish a bunch of repairs, don’t I? Sorry I left y’all to deal with my mess. Did she hold up ok?” he asked frantically, beginning to climb up the climb up the hill at twice the speed he had been going before.
“There are more important things than that,” Jason said quietly from a few feet behind Leo. Like being with you, he wanted to add.
If Leo had heard him, he didn’t act like it, because he kept moving.
There was at least 50 feet of rocks between them and the balcony. It would be a treacherous climb back up, but Jason could help with that. 
He lounged forward, grabbing Leo around the waist, and propelled both of them up into the air.
Leo flailed for a moment, letting out a few unsavory words, until Jason secured his grip on him. The two boys were now pressed against each other, face to face. 
“Gee, ever heard of a heads up before?” Leo asked. Jason could feel his breath on his neck as he spoke.
He didn’t respond. He didn’t move them towards the balcony either. He wanted to treasure this moment of peace, alone with Leo, before they resumed their life of dodging monsters at every turn.
Leo didn’t seem to quite understand. “The rest are that way-“
“Can I kiss you?” Jason blurted out.
He immediately regretted it when he saw the look of pure confusion on Leo’s face. Jason felt his entire face and neck flush red. Of course Leo wouldn’t want to kiss him. There were so many other people out there more interesting and more welcoming than Jason- more human. Leo deserved one of those people.
Leo made a sound too quiet for Jason to hear. 
“Ok,” the son of Hephaestus repeated, just barely louder than the first time.
Jason felt his heart flutter within his chest. He eyes gazed over the boys face. Leo skin had a pink tint to it- probably a lot like Jason’s.
Leaning in slowly, Jason pressed his lips to Leo’s.
“Hell yeah! Finally!” yelled a voice from above. They broke apart to find Piper staring down at them from the balcony.
“Sorry!” she called out. 
Jason felt his face go even redder, if possible.
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specsforwoo · 3 years
Son of Notus | Demigod!Ten
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Parent Deity: Notus ( God of the Southern Winds)
Allegiance: Aether
asldkfjaslkj Airhead much
Okay he is actually really smart
But he hates showing it because he doesn’t want to be stuck up
Like top of his meteorology class
But also top of of his modern dance class
He really likes dancing
It makes him feel like he is flying
Which is the best feeling in the world if you ask him
Kinda found out he was a demigod on accident, but he doesn’t even know he is a demigod asldfkgj
So maybe he got a little too heated in an argument and a desk was flown into a wall
And he didn’t touch the desk
Notus is known for being the most temperamental of the Wind Gods
And it definitely passed on to his son
But he is also probably one of the most laid back of his friends beside Johnny
His personality really changes depending on who he is around
He likes to act silly around Taeyong and Yuta because seriously those two need to take a chill pill and down it with a Piña Colada
But when he is around his half-siblings and younger demigods he turns really protective really fast
And when he is around say Johnny or Chenle or Haechan he becomes the somber one because someone needs to stay calm when those three are together
So he actually got brought to camp rather forcefully
Because apparently when a monster is hot on your tail it tries to directs you to other demigods
Which is exactly what happened
Remember that desk that flew into a wall, well the person he was arguing with was actually a cyclops shrouded by the Veil
Good job, Ten
And the monster chased him all the way to the camp
But like he wasn’t claimed yet and had only known about his powers for a few mere hours, the poor boy
So he crossed the borders to camp and suddenly the cyclops stopped chasing after him? But he was open in the middle of the woods?
Until he turned around and he saw this huge green field with a pavilion and a lake and what looked like 50+ cabins in the distance and an amphitheater
And he was even more terrified because what in hell is this place and how could I not see it before
And suddenly this young girl who was probably around 5 years old with green skin came up and latched onto his leg
And now he’s even more scared bEcAUSEe GreEEN SkiN
But then a normal human walks up to him and sees the cyclops outside the border and kinda just goes oh, new demigod? Have you been claimed?
And honestly he is ready to pass out
Which he does
So apparently after he passed out (the little girl started crying because the cute man is hurt) that random demigod called for help and helped carry him to the pavilion before calling the Apollo/Achelios Camp Leader to check him out
After he woke up it took him a realllllly long time to process everything
And that night when he went to sleep in the Hermes cabin he was still super confused and kinda scared. Because did his mom know where he was? His cellphone dropped into a river while he was being chased. Did he even know where he was? Was he a freak? A million thoughts were running through his head at once
After barely sleeping a wink he woke up to an blow horn and 3 campers cackling around his bunk
Which got him mad and when he clenched his fist the blown horn popped
So basically he was in the Hermes cabin for around 3 months because no one had claimed him but he had also shown powers limited to demigods so he definitely wasn’t an outsider
And he actually got into the swing of things
Archery was cool, he was okay at it
He didn’t like swords that much but he could survive
But wow, flying on a pegasus? That was the best feeling in the world
He loved the go to the track and fly around after dinner until midnight
And suddenly one day while he was training with his pegasus, Tadd, he got bucked off the saddle while everyone was watching
It was at least 30 feet high
And he landed on his damn feet
And the next thing he knew he had a shining silver cloud erupting in flames over his head
And a voice in the back of his middle, deep, gruff and spiky was talking to him about how he was ready to face the challenges as the son of a god, a specific god: Notus
And Ten was really happy, so was everyone else because 1) they had never had a son of Notus here before and 2) Everyone could tell Ten couldn’t wait until the day he found out who his father was
So Ten has probably been at this camp the longest except for Jaemin but that’s a long story
And the one thing he does do during the summer is go out into society to look for other demigods
Which was how he met you. He had tracked you to a small town outside of Seoul and you were just like any other person
Music blasting in your ears as you walked down the street, humming along, eyes glued to your phone
And he almost thought that he had tracked the wrong person
Until he noticed your little obsession with gold.
Not like you were robbing banks and jewelry stores but as he got closer to you in order to bring you to the camp he realized you like to sew clothes with gold colored thread, Your jacket had gold embroidering. Your phone case was gold
When he brought it up you just laughed and said that your mom had told you all your life that gold was your dad’s favorite color and for a while you used to use it to give a connection to him but soon it became your favorite color as well.
And one day while he was meeting you up for coffee at a local donut shop, he noticed a shadow out of the corner of his eye but decided to ignore it
2 hours later he was gripping your hand running down an alleyway trying to pull drachma out of his pocket so he could hitch a ride back to camp and away from the Griffin currently chasing you down
Apparently waiters don’t like it when you try to send cold coffee back
He finally got you in a Hermes Cab and spent the entire time to the camp explaining what had happened
Let’s just say you took it a lot better than he did and didn’t have to be carried inside the camp borders
He was about to take you to the Hermes cabin when a Sun and Lyre appeared simultaneously above your head
You had been claimed by Apollo in the mere 5 hours you had been aware that you were a demigod
And Ten had to admit, he was jealous, why did he have to wait 3 months when you had to wait 5 hours
But he was also happy because he knows the feeling of finding a missing part about the puzzle that was a demigod’s life
So he goes and introduces you to your half-siblings and you immediately fit in
And he usually leaves new campers here, their cabins will take care of them now, but he doesn’t want to leave you
But has to because Johnny keeps Iris messaging him from the Aether Cabin about some party he needs help setting up
And to his dismay it seems like you don’t even notice him leaving
Or even his presence for the next 3 weeks because you have been getting along with your siblings really well
But one day Johnny is throwing another party and it spread across the entire camp, but he just wasn’t feeling it
He seemed even more bitter about the party than Taeyong
And you were there of course, talking with Sicheng (your Camp Leader) and Taeyong but kept noticing Ten just sitting in the corner reading a book? It was about modern dance okay
So you excuse yourself from Tae and Sicheng to go and plop down next to Ten
They were both totally giving you wiggly brows and side eyes
But he looked up from the book, startled to see you sitting across from him
You were the first one to speak
You're usually the life of the party, what’s going on?
Just not feeling it
It was easy to tell he didn’t want to talk about it, at least to you
So right as he went to pick up the book again you cut it
And you realized what you said right after you said it causing you to jump out of your seat, racing pasting a chuckling Sicheng and Haechan while blushing
Did I mention Ten is also Track Captain at camp because Wind Gods are super fast and that passes on to him and Johnny just hates running
So he caught up to you right in front of the lake holding your arm
I think you are cute too
And he leans down, kissing your cheek
And he walks you to the Apollo Cabin, kissing your cheek again before going back to his own cabin
It’s the first night since his first day at camp that he can’t sleep
But he doesn’t mind it this time
They think I’m cute too. *cue unmanly giggling at 4 am followed by a pillow thrown from Johnny’s side of the room*
And the next day it’s back to when you didn’t know you were a demigod
You and Ten are practically joined at the hip
While he helps you with agility and reflex you help him with archery
And you both are great flyers
And while he practices dance, you play the harp to create simple melody for him to follow
You guys really just compliment each other in every way
Making you the perfect team
Especially when chariot racing is on the table
You are a much better marksman than he is and he is a much better driver than you lol
So basically every time you 2 team up for racing
No one else wants to join because they know you will win
So the Camp Director forces you two to be on separate teams with in your own cabins
Which means you are paired with Sicheng, who is a great driver and an even better shot
And Ten is stuck with Johnny, dear god
Actually Johnny is really good with a Javelin and Sword so you know you are going to have to watch out for him
And you two get competitive
Remember how I said you make a perfect team?
You might make better enemies lmao
Ten tried to drive your chariot off the track so you Stuck a javelin in his back piston
Sicheng fired a flaming arrow into their hold so Johnny sawed through half of your reins
In the end you won
Shhhh, Ten wants a recount
Okay but he is really excited, jumping out of the chariot and racing over to you while Sicheng is trying to pull at your arm to go to the pavilion to be crowned with a golden laurel
And Johnny is silently sulking on the second place pedestal
But once you and Sicheng are hoisted onto the first place platform and you are crowned he is screaming and hollering and just overall being a really supportive boyfriend
But when you guys go onto the track competition he whoops your ass and doesn’t think twice about it
But you are there in the crowd screaming and hollering and being an overall supportive girlfriend
And later that night the camp decides to hold a sorta dance to commemorate the competitions and their winners
And everyone takes it seriously
Like after a straight week of pushing each other into mud and water and falling of pegasi in the sky and pushing your way through monster infested forests
Everyone wants to dress up and be slightly classy
So the Aphrodite and Eros houses have had boys and girls alike weaving in and out of their common areas because they offered to help everyone look their best for this event
And you and Ten agreed to not reveal your outfits to each other until you met up at the pavilion
And you were in a light blue dress that you got an Aphrodite kid to enchant so it would look like clouds moving around the ripples in the dress
And Ten was in a flowy gold top, half tucked into slacks and a couple buttons undone. An Eros kid temporarily threaded his hair with gold
So basically he forces you into the middle of the dance floor and does that cheesy slow dance in the middle of everyone else jumping around and headbanging
But DJ!Mark totally notices so he switches the song to a self composed one that has a nice melody to it and soft vocals so he can create the mood for you two
And you are both slightly swaying to the music, nothing too fancy, definitely not what everyone was expecting from Ten
But you have you head on his shoulder, his hand encaptured in yours with his other on your waist as you both whisper a small conversation
And he mentions he’s met Apollo once
Which totally shocks and scares you… because he’s met your dad? The god?
But he just chuckles under his breath, and whispers in your ear about how he made Ten promise to never hurt you or he would face the full wrath of a god
Which got you even more scared because Ten… pls dont get hurt
But he laughs under his breath again and lets go of your hand to pull something out of his back pocket
And it’s a charm bracelet with a lyre and a cloud on it with a cursive T too
And as he slips it onto your wrist
He whispers about how he told your dad that he would quicker marry you than hurt you
a n y w a y s
Ten is a really soft bf and demigod and person in general
Unless it comes to hurting someone he loves
Then he can and will seriously injure someone
But other than that
Everyone looks up to him
Not just because he has been there forever
But because he has shown he has what it takes to protect the camp and how much everyone in it means to him
Especially you
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bellismaperry · 4 years
TIME COPS [loki fanfic]
NOTES: sup my dudes. this idea for this fanfic has been on my mind since the pictures of Loki as TVA agent were shown. my grammar is not very good my first language is not english but spanish. so if you see a mistake i’m sorry i’ll keep learning as i go. I hope you guys love this story and have a great escape as we wait for that loki trailer and new set pics!! any way enjoy!! Let me know if you want to be tagged for the next chapter!!. <3
SUMMERY: when a witch named sabina is partner with god of mischief to save what we call time. things can only get better or worse. in this case it can be the unknown.
WARNINGS: swearing, mention of blood, death and choking
**PAIRINGS: **loki x main character
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the cup of coffee that warms my hands and take sips of it as i look around what this people calls office. this place is insane. its like Costco warehouse in drugs. what they do here its not sales or marketing. this is something you see out of a movie
in each desk there was a person with a computer on which they had a case on. you would see them typing like maniacs. In a normal thinking you thought they were working on reports or run downs. But no. they were in fact saving time and keeping it in order. you may ask, where were they when thanos snapped his fingers and half of the universe turned into ash. well same question i have. and i did ask when i was questioned as when i was brought in. the respond that i got was a simple “time will tell”. All this time related shit is staring to annoy me. real hard.
I’m doing what we call in earth community service. i didn’t commit any type of crime whats so ever. i’m here cause the dick bag of my dad decided he was some type of thanos wanna be and tried to mess with dark power and messed up time. now, they couldn’t get there hands on him since he clothed himself so they got the next big thing, me. yay. iv’e never met the man, he left mom and me when i was three years old. not even a photograph i have. yet they think that i can be a tool on bringing him in. i personally don’t know were the accusing me of his crimes fits in you’re going to help us bring him in. but when you see the things they can do with just a wave of their hand. you will comply.
so i sit in my sad desk. my computer is shut down, they yet given me a case. it’s been over a month since been here. all i do is sip my coffee and see my surrounding, i can’t use my magic, the silver bracelet in my right wrist is the cause of that. well here i can’t use it. but in the ‘apartment’ they gave me i can. its the only time i’m bored to death. i only sleep 2 hours if i’m being honest, if i can find my dad faster than they can, then the faster i can get out here and forget all of this. I tried every location spell i know of memory and none were successful. the scars in my hand of the many times i had to cut my hand for blood its stupid. but you are forced out in the way i was and put here to listen and comply like a dog then you will too do anything you can to get out of here. what ever spell he used to hide is a really damn good one. but without my book of shadows theres not many things i can do.
right now it was 12 of clock. in which indicates lunch time. theres a cafeteria were all the employe’s go to eat lunch. i for one enjoy going to lunch. its the onetime where i’m not bored. plus in the month that i have been here i have made a friend. Carlos is a tan guy with brown eyes and hair with glasses. he is funny and occasionally a little paranoid. he was the only one who sat with me in my fist day here. now we laugh about the stupid things people do here and all. the good gossip about who had sex with who.
i sit down on my usual table and Carlos comes with his tray of food. “hey sab, how was you’re day is going”
I sigh and start playing the jello i had in my cup. “same old same old. bored to death and no case it all. you know i’m starting to think that all of this community service is a bunch of bullshit. how can you not made me do anything but drink coffee for a whole month.”
Carlo nods “it is fishy. did you ask commander about it?”
“i did and he said. that soon he will have a task for me and that for now enjoy my free time. whatever that means.”
commander was like the manager here. he orders us around and set the missions or cases. he was the one who questioned me when i got here. blue eyes blonde hair and pedo mustache. the boss, is unknown. no ones knows who he is, or has ever seen them only commander.
Carlos looks to his sides and leans over the table “ I wasn’t going to tell you until i confirmed it was official. but what you just said confirmed it. that soon can be as early as tomorrow. I heard from special forces they have a big mission two hours from now. the orders is to maintain and obtain. and according to my friend what ever they obtain there going to give it to you. its something about you have some same abilities like the thing there were going to obtain”
i lick my lips “ are you sure about that”
he nods. whatever they were going to obtain was magical for sure. something that has same abilities as me? what that could possibly be.
“then i guess i have to prepare” i say as i take of spoonful of the jello and eat it.
“sab please promise me that you will actually sleep more than two hours. you will need you’re strength for whatever this is.” carlo pleads.
i shake my head. “I can’t promise you that. I’m going to do one last location spell with a combination of a reverse cloaking spell. I think this time will work”
“can’t you do that the day after tomorrow. you need to sleep sab and to top all you will need use you’re magic for whatever their going to give you. if you don’t have strength you could die of that over using power” he worries
“don’t you think i know that. I have studied this since i can talk. i know what i’m doing. I need to do this tonight, i don’t if i’m going to be able after they give the task. I promise after this no more.” i take his hand and squeeze it. he cares for me and i for him. he’s the only person who has helped me here. Carlos is like brother to me people like him don’t come often.
“you better sab. I worry for you and you know that” he says with still worries in his eyes.
I smile and let of his hand. “ I know”
**At the apartment **
i sit down at the floor with candle’s around me and map of the world infront of me. i take a knife and slide it across my palm as i let the blood drip on the map, i close my eyes and start my chant. Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguine, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous .
i open my eyes and i see that my blood has not moved it all. I shake my head and try again but the form with of the cloaking spell. I close my eyes once again i take a deep breath and start to chant once again _Phasmatos Tribum Nas Transmata Evo Notus Victus, Pellis Tinctura, Invidium Cala Mactus Sequita Saguine, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous _
once again i open my eyes and i see nothing has happen. “AHH” I yell as i trow one of the candles against the wall. i have tried everything i know by memory. if i can’t find him with my own blood how in the hell they are going to find him. I’m tired of being here. its sad and dark. No windows, only a tv and two rooms a bathroom and a kitchen. i miss my grandma, i miss my life. i’m being used like pawn until they find use of me. I hate it. I hate it so much.
i get up from the floor to walk over to bathroom and clean the new wound i have in my palm. as i clean the cut i start to think what they could have in store of me in just of couple of hours. if carlos was right and this thing was magical it could help me locate my dead beat of a dad. maybe. i take a towel and dry my hands. I look over to the clock on the wall and it reads 1am. at least i will get five hours of sleep this time...
in the morning 
when i woke up, I sit up my bed and looked my self in the mirror. I am tired, but so tired. Carlos was right. I couldn’t have done that spell i’m way too tired. I walk over to closet and i start putting on the ugly ass uniform they made us wear. who ever told this people that a tie and cream shirt was formal needs to choke on their own spit. I brush my hair and clean my teeth. I move over to the kitchen were i make my self some coffee. 
I hear a knock on my door. I sigh and i walk over to open the door. that knock means that it was time to go to “work”. every morning a suit up guards comes here and escorts me over to the office. honestly i don’t mind it. kinda feels like i’m beyonce or something.
i open the door. “ hey Greg. what’s up” i say taking a sip of my coffee 
greg smiles and “come on, the commander has a task for you”
I tilt my head. “really?” he nods. “yea, so hurry up.”
I nod my head and close the door behind me. Greg was cool. he’s like the bodyguard type like in the princess diaries that kinds feels like a dad figure. also on Fridays he lets me sleep in an hour extra so he’s tight. 
when we arrive to the office and escorted to the commanders office. I open up the door and walk in. the commander looks up to me and smiles.”good morning Sabina. I want you to meet you’re new partner. Mr. Odinson” 
I look over to the chair infront of the desk to see a man stand up and turn around to great me and when i saw that man give that smile, i knew. 
it was the bitch who destroyed mahattan.
I hope you liked the first chapter of TIME COPS!!. pls give me some feed back and if you want to be tagged for next time i post pls pls tell me. if theres some grammar errors i am so so sorry i am still learning and my first language is not english. 
see you next chapter!!! love you bu’s!! <3
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kidzbopdeathmetal · 7 years
From May 1998
First of all, I will ask you of course about your last work, A Fallen Temple. It is considered as the No 1 Greek album and you have received lots of positive comments. Are you satisfied with the result? How are your fans reacting? -Yes, we are satisfied with the result of A Fallen Temple, the reaction of those who listen to our music was the expected, I believe.Of course, there were some reactions because of the vocals, but I believe that the majority of the fans who listen to our music had a positive correspondence. I wouldn’t like to refer now on how many copies it has sold, because it is still too early, it’s no more than two months, but we are really satisfied... 
In «Rockwave Festival» this summer u will play together with Judas Priest, Cradle of Filth and many others. How do you feel for participating in such a great event? -About Rockwave Festival, as you can understand, things are weird right now, we don’t know for sure if it finally takes place (note: It was finally cancelled because Judas Priest wouldn’t come. I won’t express my opinion now, as the zine is tryin to be at least modest). I believe I don’t have to say anything else, since it’s something it might not happen. In Rockwave Festival, if it finally takes place, you will play live for first time! You mustn’t have played live again before, am I right? What was the reason for which we haven’t seen Septic Flesh on the scene until now? -The reason for not playing live so many years, maybe was the coinsidences, as a result not to be able to. Namely, my brother, Chris, he is studying in England classical music, with a result as you can understand not to be able to play live and, also, Sotiris had joined the army, for a period and right now he’s getting done with it. So, we couldn’t play live. At the moment, we have a full line-up as we have Akis on the drums, from Horrified, a great band for me, who had offered a lot to the greek scene and right now they will sign probably with BLACK NOTUS and will release their new CD, in the new year that is coming... What would you think of the idea of releaseing a live album or some live songs in the future? Did you ever think of that, as you are about to start your «live acts» on the scene, very soon? -Well, about this idea, to make some live songs, we’ll see that in the future... If a good live happens with a good sound and, it also depends on how the company reacts... It’s not our jurisdiction. What’s the band’s religional philosophy, if there is any? And, if there is, where is it heading to? -Even though I believe that for this question, proper person is Sotiris, because he writes all the lyrics of the group. I am just trying to express his opinions and ideas through art. In general, the lyrics are esoteric, internal. They don’t belong to ANY religional organization, which doesn’t mean that we underestimate the religional dogmas. We believe in human understanding, we believe in knowledge, which is a very strong and powerful weapon. With knowledge, man can reach higher levels of conscience, he can as well develop the «dark» powers he has and, when I say dark, let’s not think of good and evil, because all these are relative, «dark», I mean, the non evident powers. That is, powers which are non evident to the wider mass, for some reason. At all events, our lyrics are esoteric. About A Fallen Temple now, if we sit and analyze it with the cover artwork as it is with the hieroglyphics, the egyptian and with the standing of the female body, we can get various opinions, which will need a lot of time... In your music, exists a mentioning to various mythological elements, such as, for example, the «Burning Phoenix» and other. Are you occupied with mythology, finding it maybe a way out to your lyrical concept? -Yes, another section from which we’re drawing up the content of our lyrics, are the various mythologies of ancient civilizations, mainly from the Egyptian one, the Sumerian and... the Babylonians in a few words, because we believe that in these civilizations exist the first marks of the primordial knowledge which still has some unexplained marks, to which no one can find a reasonable explanation. The good with mythology is that if you decode it correctly, you can get some results with which you are walking towards some steps which help you evolve. You released «The Eldest Cosmonaut» in 2 different editions. What was the purpose and the motive for this? -About Eldest Cosmonaut, it’s the song which was released in 2 different editions, because the atmosphere that it has, fits very much with clear vocals, that is, no distorted voice. With a result to do 2 different editions. A distorted one and one with no distortion. I must say that, there’s a 3rd edition too, which is for the video clip, which is expected to be released the most in two weeks (yes, he told that to me back in May ’98, it is now released!). Will your cooperation with Natalie continue in the future? -Our cooperation with Natali will continue in the future for sure, even though things right now are getting more complicated, with a result, the fact that we’ll have to get an allowment for her participation, but this doesn’t mean that it is something negative, because she is willing herself to continue with us. What are your relations with the label? Are they satisfying? -Our relation with the label is, let’s say, the typical relation which a band has with it’s label. It wavers in professional frames, as long as we both observe our obligations, we’re pleased enough as they are from us too. Are maybe some members of the band participating in some other projects too? -No, at the moment none of us competes in any projects, Sotiris was just helping Danse Macabre together with Magus Wampyr Daoloth, in the past. What is your opinion about the Greek metal scene? -I have only one thing to say, that right now, the greek scene has made it’s own character in Europe, I won’t say in the whole world because we know that there is no correspondence from all over the world, there are many good bands, I believe the only think that must change is the attitude of the bands, which they have to be -let’s say- closer to each other, because I believe that if we all unite and create a fist we can achieve many things, than burying each other etc. I will not separate any bands, so that I will not underestimate some others if I forget. 
What kind of bands do you admire and what kind of bands do you hate most in music? - Well, let’s say that the bands we admire, besides the death and black metal bands, we like gothic bands very much, from independent there are some good, we listen a lot to classical music, soundtracks, but these are not bands, we went into another level... Now, concerning the bands we hate most in music, ok... we hate skyladika the music that is «for the dance of the monkey», let’s say, techno etc., which concern only fun, that is, the only thing they do is satisfying your impulses and the instincts that you have deep inside yourself, and just to get rid of them... I don’t like them because they they ain’t anything worthy, they don’t have any message to give you, they don’t try to give you anything. Only thing they do is giving you a simple fun. Of course, this is a way, let’s say it’s a form of art. What pleases you mostly to listen to? - To tell the truth, right now, soundtracks and classical music... Personally, I listen to death metal let’s say, but the pure death metal, the old death metal. That is, Death, Morbid Angel, Deicide. About the new clusters, I wouldn’t say that I’m a fan of them... I would like you to express your opinion about some groups... Rotting Christ: -Worthy Ancient Rites: - Good band, they justify their presence deservingly because they’re also an old band, they’re playing for many years now. Dimmu Borgir: -Haven’t heard much stuff Jackal’s Truth: - Very good, from what I’ve heard so far, and as I said before, that’s very positive for the greek scene. Covenant: -REALLY GOOD! From the few black atmospheric bands I like, even though, we can lately see this turn of black metal to the atmospheric kind... Death: - No words needed, GODS! The best band for me... Deicide: -same... Gods... Necromantia: - I believe they are the only band in Europe that has the most personal character in black metal. If you listen to Necromantia it doesn’t remind you anything else. It doesn’t remind you any other band. And that’s positive for the greek scene, again. They’re worthy too, of course. Somewhere here, we end... If you want, add some words for the A.O.M. readers... -Thanx for the support and I hope we’ll meet each other soon in Crete with a live. Source
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Notus Hibernas Tempestatibus Pt. 2
Loki x Reader
**Just posting this to get it out but I’ll add the pics in later!
Your heart was heaving when you ran up the stairs, and you were out of breath but not from any physical exertion. Seconds after you uttered those words you could see them fully register in Loki's eyes. That phrase, that name for him... it was enough to break him out of his spell immediately, and all of the previous conversation sunk in. It took just one second after that for Loki to realize that he had lost the only world he ever wanted. His dark eyebrows shot up hoping for a few more seconds just to apologize or explain to you, but the corners of his lips sunk further into his face and his lips parted. You could see he was struggling for words, trying to somehow make a sound despite the immense pain wracking his body, because if he didn't make a sound the pain would only grow worse. It was his eyes though that broke you. They were never one color, green when he used magic or wore that favorite color of his, and blue when the light struck him in the morning, or when he smiled especially wide. However at that moment they were a stormy gray, the same color that the sky had been hours before. Tinges of red traced around his irises, and his pupils grew wide when you looked him directly in the eye. Through the soft lines and creases in his face you knew he was dying, and looking into those windows shot a jolt to your heart.
Loki didn't follow you up the steps immediately but then you heard his rushed footsteps, so you darted to the bathroom in a panic. You didn't want to hear his voice, worried it would be the same harsh tone as earlier, scared it would be a hurt, cracked version of him. Without realizing what you were doing, you had turned the faucet on for a shower, letting the room fill up with steam. Loki had made it to the bedroom by now, and he called your name through the door with no response. You felt guilty as you turned from the door and slowly undressed. These hadn't been your plans for the night. If anything, he should have been there with you.
"You IDIOT!" he screamed at himself. His hands were pulling at his hair and he was pacing, staring longingly at the door. It was only one door, one and a half inches of wood separating you from him, but he knew you wanted him miles, or possibly even galaxies away. "You deplorable, revolting beast! You lost her! She is the. only. thing. in your life that was perfect. the. only. one. who loved you without any loyalties to you except her own heart. She was literally the only thing keeping you alive! You wouldn't be here without her, you would've ended this whole game, this screw up of a life a long time ago without her! And you just lost her!" His eyes burned green but his heart stung much worse. Loki knew the poisonous words coming from his mouth were true, and he very quickly became the most vile person he had ever known. He sunk down on his side of the closed door, head resting back on it though the tears fell anyway. He couldn't stand it though, he wouldn't sit without doing anything to make it better, he had to make it better.
Loki stood and a spark of green unlocked the door.
You weren't sure if the sounds you heard were from the other side of the door or just the blood rushing through your head.  The faucet was on the hottest setting but even the initial burning faded away, and it wasn't hot enough. You wanted some sort of physical pain to drown out what you were feeling.
Loki saw the clothes strewn across the floor and shed his own in three quick steps. The steam made it almost impossible to see, but with a shaky hand he found the shower handle and gingerly stepped inside.
Your eyes were still closed when you felt a blast of cold air hit your back. A long arm reached around you and turned the faucet the other way, drastically reducing the temperature. Yes, your skin was red and your eyes hurt when they opened, but it had been a distraction, at least. Loki tentatively took a step towards you until you could feel the heat coming from his body, and when you didn't push away, he surrounded you with two strong arms. He held you tightly to his chest and gradually you gave in, relaxing your muscles and melting back into him. Your head was at chest height for him, but you could feel as he leaned down close to your head.
"Loki," you brought a hand up to hold onto his forearm. "I know you've had many other women who made you happy, and I don't know if I ever made you as happy as they did, but I thought we were forever. I thought we were endgame. But, I'm not strong enough for that, I can't do this."
Even though what came next was a small chuckle from Loki, it sounded more like a strangled choke. "Y/N, you are not the last woman to make me happy. You are the first, the last, and the only. I despise myself for everything I said, even though I was in an odd state I still said those things to you, and my voice is supposed to make you feel safe and loved at all times, never unwanted or inferior. I don't care where I was born or where I came from, you will always, always be above me. I am so, deeply, passionately, truly sorry for tonight. I'll leave right now, I can stay at the tower until I can leave this planet, but I couldn't leave without apologizing to you."
The blood in your body was still rushing through your head but this time you heard every sound, every word. You could feel Loki loosen his grip on you but you turned before he could get any farther away. In his eyes you could see how hurt he was, and you knew he loved you. You loved him the same, even more if possible.
"Loki-" your voice cracked.
In a single sweeping motion he crashed down on you. Your bodies melted away and all you focused on was him. His hand in the middle of your back, clutching you tightly to him. His fingers holding onto your hair but gently guiding your mouth to his. His lips... You got lost in them.
Loki inhaled sharply through his nose and separated his face from yours by only a few centimeters.
"I love you. That is all I meant to say when you got home. I love you."
With that, the ice giant kissed you passionately once more, and the steam rose up again around you.
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bubba532to · 6 years
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Title: Wounded Wings Series: In Dragn Protection Book #3 Release Date: #AlreadyReleased Author: Ariana Hawkes Reviewer: Ingrid Stephanie Jordan  Serial: Standalone, No Cliffhanger   Genre: #PRN #DragonShifter   #5Stars🌟⭐🌟🌟🌟 •••••••••••••• 💢Wowzer I love the way this lady write. I thought Book #2 caught me from page one, to the end taking me on the ride of my life. But Book #3 captivated me from the first page of the first chapter, to the last- it's full of Magical Fireworks with your dream boyfriend. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ******🔹️Important Information🔹️****** When Prince Xephyr of the Royal House, third in line for the crown is a Sky Dragon Shifter they are of the chameleid species, (there scales can change colors). In his realm Ethereum he went to see the Oracle, leaving soon after laughing. Playing a ball game with twelve other royal blood men with sticks, nets, and a huge hunk of flaming gemstone (being dragons they breathed fire to the gemstone so it goes flying). This fire flaming gemstone tore a hole in the barrier between them and earth, pulling the twelve men, hurtling them to Fire Island. After this happened Xephyr wished he'd listened to the Oracle seriously. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 🔹️Eden Blackwood has lived her whole life with her father who is a scientist working for the Government. He has had death threat constantly her whole life so she is always been in his home virtually a prisoner for her safety. When he finally let her get a her own place he would constantly make her doubt, she wasn't smart enough, she was ditzy, forgetful and so on, she had no self confidence at all. Now she had to have a bodyguard following her around, telling her what to do, when will this stop? 🔹️Notus is a Dragon Shifter of Royal Blood he had a traumatic catastrophe when falling from his realm, Ethereum. HE COULD NOT FLY! What good is a dragon that cannot fly. Soon he would be lose his dragon, he was worthless, he couldn't work. But he was called in anyway he was to be a bodyguard. How can he be a bodyguard? 💥I have voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my own and honest.
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thetoolswetook · 7 years
Lately, I've been sleeping too late. Mainly, Even with the the smallest of sparks, you bring light in the dark. Of happiness and closure - I'm starved. Keeping my composure has been so hard. I'll stay with you. In all ways possible. I say to you, "Is always possible?". I used to say we had the rest of our lives - Will you promise you'll be here when I die? Your warmth a feeling I can't recall. Absence doesn't make the heart grow at all. --------- Marigold, my little flower, I didn't plant seeds to grow trees. The sunshine I found in the darkness, Was blossoming you and not me. And after all this time, I know it's hard to believe... But that warms my heart, at the very least. If there's love in my heart, then there's light in the dark. One more moment in the sun Melanin / Melatonin   I've never been who I wanted to be, to anyone else but me. The Burden Of Today I Need Colour I can't feel love in my hands, but I need some warmth in my heart. I'm getting close to the fact that we are destined to be apart. Misery is intrinsic to me Every time I pray to god, I always pray for you Lightning without thunder. You & I asunder. (Thunder underwater, lightning __) I hate to say, I'm probably never going to be okay ----- It's safe to say that you are mine. A Songbird To A Morning Sunrise Every Thorn Part Of My Love Nothing But Your Love It's been 2 years, I've had 3 hearts in my hands, but only 1 in mine. "Lately, I've slept too much. I know that. The way we were is all I want. Now that you're gone. In all ways, all ways point to you. My love. Always. --- On the day that I die, Will the sun rise, one last time? Will the ones I left behind, Raise their Here comes the Sun, You are the one, In a Million. On the day that we died, I buried every single piece of us, All the symmetry and Now we're just a monument lost in time, Our heartbeats match in rhythm, not so much in rhyme. Dream Of Me as I dream of you. --- You took me to place where I fell in love so hard, I wished I was dead. It breaks my heart to say, I left you in the dark on the rotting deck. I used to say we had the rest of our lives - Will you be here when I die? Lepidoptera The idea of love, is both frightening, and enticing. Like a moth towards a flame - It's ok to hesitate. I've seen things gather dust, but nothing quite like us. "Now I may be very positive -- yes, yes -- but I also go through deep depressions where I would like to jump out the window, you know. It becomes easier to deal with as I get older; I don't know whether you learn control or, when you grow up, you calm down a little." Poetry in motion. In a world on fire, I'd melt with you Every Thorn We're a long time dead. You & I in love: Nothing but a notion. We were only just Poetry In Motion. St Cecelia. I've given up on all I've loved. I've had enough. When you find love. Dig your fingers. Sink em in. The meaning of life, is love and light, even in spit of the dark. Your Grace. Dove Tristesse -------- On my final day, Let me see my family. Even if I'm gone... Bring them to me. Body's turning black. I am long gone now. They're all flying back. Say your final vows. Donegal. ------ You and I apart. An ocean. You and I collide. Emotion. You and I in love; A Notion. We were nothing but Poetry In Motion ------- We began, just an orchid. "We will bloom through the mud, kid". Timeless - We knew no day and night. You were always just a harmless delight. I blew away like Notus... I fell asleep like a lotus. Our love, divided - Hiatus. But I could never grow to hate us. I was up all hours, "You never bought me any flowers" To me - Acacia ingrained. We drifted farther as it rained. Now, as a Corpse, we carried on. We're nothing more than carrion. Years later, minutes feel like hours - As you wilt away, my wallflower. -------- "I'm tired of the string of days that unwind without a knot or a twist". You owe it to yourself to not owe the world a thing. Benal Aver/Eva Can I break your heart with my bare hands? I dare to dream His hands run through your hair Holding me is hurting you "Like a dandelion up through the pavement - I persist". I'm too weak to walk away. It makes My Life Misery But baby, I kinda wanna be alone. We set ourselves on fire, because we know that we can burn. We hate the fact that oxygen cloaks our skin - And we still can't feel a thing. I can see you in the corner of my eye, I can feel you on the end of my hand. But I can't keep you in my heart of hearts. There's so much happiness and love that waits for me. And whether that's a lie or not, I guess we'll wait and see. I used to convex and now I concave "When I die I'll go to heaven, I've spent my time in hell" "Whether his deeper sleep lie shaded by the shaking Of great wings, and the thoughts that hung the stars, High-pillowed on calm pillows of God’s making," On the day that I die, I'll meet death with delight. I am survived in the parables I write. I am Intrinsic to you. "An apology note". All I wanna see is your dead body, over my dead body. A blackened soul with a heart of gold. Of happiness and closure - I'm starved Try your best to find yourself Funeral perfume Death And Ruin ------- "An Apology Note". Hold me close - My only love. I've never been good enough, For anything or anyone. Watch me as I come undone. You held me together. I'll hold you forever in my heart. "Everything you said to me. Every single silent whisper. Is haunting me so vividly. You left me too soon." I have spoiled over time. Seen. Apology ------- The earth feels hard on my feet. The earth feels heavy on my shoulders. The wind hurts my eyes. My eyes hurt to close. At 4AM the roads still look the same. The earth still hums the same. People sleep the world away. The trees stand still. Innate. I can't live another night. Another sacrificial fight. My hands hurt in the cold. The middle of the road. Where'd the traffic go? ------- Because you know I have a heart, and I know you have one too. "If there is a god, he's not pushing me to see how much love there is in me - He has always known it, just wanted to show me. He would've created me to break me, and would've wanted to show me that he always knew". "The dearest of passing, is nothing but division". "When you yield creation, you can only forecast destruction - Even the book of Christ will tell you so. It is our duty to accept this. At first we can only watch. But inevitably, we must endure". "Misery is everything but stagnant. Every day you manage to escape leads you straight in to a whole new world of the same monotonous rituals you'd just left behind. The question is, am I in a spiral or a circle? And if I'm so lucky as to be spiralling, am I ascending or descending? Will I ever see the end? Or am I cursed to experience this infinite loop forever?" "The exquisite pain divides your attention span to one of two things - The pain itself, and thinking about the pain. Whether you struggle or sit; "The drill still drills on". "Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me". ------- I swear I've seen your face before, In the shadow of a bedroom door. As daylight breaks we are a different affair. No one but the moonlight knew the time we shared. I never meant, To fall in love with the time we spent. I'm well aware of the company you keep. I'm only here to love you while the sun is fast asleep. ------ Every sleepless night, that I survived You Own My Bones Mistakes are aches, all the same Ruin Even eternal sunshine can blind Why kill time? Keep it alive before you die You, like the moon, only show yourself in the dead of night. I'm done, with the sun, burning me alive. I don't want to die, knowing that I never truly felt alive. I want To Belong.   We spiral that stone Die alone, In Your Lovers Arms The sun has gone, the wind is colder again When I die, and I am someone else, and you are someone else, I can love you in the end I don't have the heart to love you any more The fire in your eyes burnt me alive I can be obsessed with you If, in another life, you're mine; I can't wait to die I'm mortal Have you ever felt my hands go limp in yours? Someday, I'll see you again. I hope you're not dead, quite yet PAIN AND PROGRESSION The pain, and the way, I walk away, from the pain Love / Fear - But I'm afraid of falling in love I've hated love for so long, it's made me hate the ones I love Once you find love, holy water falls from the clouds Take your own life, somewhere far away I just want to wake up, breathe love. Die slow - Who knows? Of all the things that I have done, I haven't loved enough. I have no reason to write. I have no reason to cry. Maybe I'm feeling alright? Maybe I finally died. You were the bible to me The sun will set, The sun will rise, in time. You blew away like Notus... Fell asleep like a lotus. Our love, divided - Hiatus. But I could never grow to hate us. Romeo made Juliet, not quite that different from a suffragette. And though Delilah didn't kill Samson, she felt forever in his debt. Our love may not be biblical - Your suffering was stoical. And though you're now alive and well, our sun will never set. You couldn't love her as a lover, and you won't love her as a wife. There's certain truths about lying when you lie about your life. Married/Buried I watch the clock hands go by - Time after time. I think of leaving this place. If I could leave the past behind, Then I would just fade away. Cease to exist. It would cleanse all my pain. It's a shame that I ever lived. Looks like you were special, after all All my love, always... In all ways. All ways lead to you. To Break Your Teeth On Love Joy is nothing but yawning oblivion. Maybe one day, I can love you, forever. You're just a sunflower, that believes it is the sun. I'm living on borrowed time. And I'm having the time of my life. "But I'm living life because I changed my mind. I want to be alive." ------ I touch your hand through pains of glass Life has never felt so good I love the way that we cannot love The open world seems so closed without you I would rather a life in death Than a life without you Every ounce of love, on earth is not enough In my heart, I hold your hand ------- All of my life I had you there to, cherish me and keep me safe and sound. All of your life you had my love to yourself, to guard until the final sunrise. But death came and took, You from me. The scent of your hands on my heart, you still keep me company. 20 years on now, you are long gone. The children always wear your name. I am still sick with grief, The burden of time gives me relief because everyday that closes Only You, knew the truth. It's been a lifetime my love, but it's still Only You. -------- I wish I had someone to spread my hate unto, Other than myself. There's nothing to blame for the way that I am, Except me and my mental health. ------- We either try lighting fires or learn to live in the cold. The hills of heaven. "Saying goodbye before I belonged" The bittersweet exchange of affection for trust, comes only in the form of uncontrollable lust and I can't wait to meet you there. God, send me a godsend The grass is always greener when you live in black & white Bite my nails down to my knuckles I look forward to looking forwards again I still live out of spitefulness to death and courtesy to myself If it means my friends are safe, let there be a heaven I will pray until my hands are red, in hope that all my friends aren't dead. I'll pray that there's a heaven at all but until then, Heaven Knows. As long as I can kiss you all goodbye, before I fucking die ------- When you look at me, do you look back or down? Is it greeted with a smile, or ushered with a frown? There's nothing more to do, there's nothing more to say. "Love will come to you". I'm waiting, every day. It has a certain ring - "Love's a funny thing." It either glimmers in your eye, Or saves your life. Two for joy, One for sorrow. She said I loved you yesterday, But I can't love you tomorrow. "Too little, too late"'s all I'll ever be, I'm just a crooked branch on a willow tree. But when you sleep forever, I hope you dream of me. When the jealous hands of time, wither your insides. In years to come I hope you yearn for me so, Like the homesick caribou must return to the snow. But much like the ocean, you gave and took away. And I worried that I'd drown someday. It's almost, medicinal, The way that, you push and pull If only I could feel your hand in mine, it would make me feel again. ------ In a world where none of us have faced our darkest hour, our destiny's become the biggest nightmares. Endure and persist. Hell is cold & heaven's closed. Sleep well, my love, for the things I've done, I simply can't forget. Sleep tight, my dear, for I fear, I can't flip this on its head. I know I've made mistakes - but I don't deserve the repercussions I have to face. It's hard to say out loud, but I deserve to be happy now. I said that I was doing fine, but what's the point in joy if it can never be mine? You want to want it. You need to need it. Sweet dreams, sleep tight - Let the bed bugs eat me in the dead of night. It's been a, Long road but we're nearly home, I'm coming back to you. Now I've brushed shoulders with death, I fear it with every breath. Of joy and closure - I'm starved. Winners can be losers, if beggars can be choosers. The harder I pray, the more it seems to rain. The world is getting steeper again. It hurts my heart. My head; Bereft of sense. Good company is the greatest medicine. I don't want to stop existing, because people would miss me. I just want to have never existed in the first place. History gets made, every single day. Nothing at all. One simple fact that I came across, all we have in common is mourning, grief and loss. I heard through the grape vine that you fell from a great height. If heaven is a place in your arms, kill me now. I loved, I suffered, Now I hate. Just like the oceans ebbs and flows, your love comes and goes. I dream we can both ache in unison. ------- There's a warmth on my skin that I surely have missed. There's a breath in my ear that I can't wait to hear. The bittersweet exchange of affection for trust, comes only in the form of uncontrollable lust and I can't wait to meet you there. -----
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