#spiros antoniou
barburossa · 2 years
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October 25, 2022 - Bucharest, Romania
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i love them :>
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siena-sevenwits · 2 years
My February Reading Review
Lunatic by Dan Mazur - *** - Probably a 5 star rating in terms of the artistic quality and visual storytelling of the book (my appreciation for the sheer amount of thought and skill in technique was heightened by the little making-of appendix at the end,) but it hasn't stayed with me in any meaningful way, so I'm going rate the experience a three.
The Saga of Didrik of Bern translated by Ian Cumptsey - **** - My brother and I roared with laughter as we read aloud this fourteenth century Germanic-Scandinavian legendary cycle. How do I even begin to give a sense of what a strange set of stories this is? I'm decently steeped in medieval lays and tales of chivalry, but I had previous been exposed mostly to the French and English traditions. This - is something else. King Arthur's knights often fall, but when they do, there is a sense of tragedy to it, and noble deeds abound aplenty too. Didrik of Bern and his men are plain boors and their exploits are full of unintentional comedy. When Sir Eckia showed up briefly with the manners of a French tale of chivalry, the contrast could not have been clearer. I am going to treasure Weiland Smite, Wideke, Detsleff the Dane, and Hagen for years to come. At least now I know what all those illuminations with a knight breathing fire are about.
The Trial of Sherlock Holmes by Leah Moore - *** - Moore clearly has a love for the real Holmes and Conan Doyle, and she does an acceptable job evoking his atmosphere whilst taking it in her own direction. (I was about to say "invoking his spirit," but given Doyle's occultist tendencies, it felt too much like a pun.) However, the mystery itself was weak, but not in the way Doyle's mysteries are sometimes weak, and the ending didn't pay off with the resonance it had clearly tried to build up to.
Wayfarer by K. M. Weiland - **** - Oh, I thoroughly enjoyed this one! Superpowers in 1820 London, written with intelligence? Yes! While not a perfect book, it was so eminently my sort of book. I loved the cast, and I grew quite attached to Will. The theme of God being no respecter of persons was an interesting spine for such a story, and I liked the light touch with which it rant through the story. The progression of story beats was very satisfying. Atmosphere-wise, I feel like Weiland has watched the 2009 Little Dorrit, and she certainly loves her Dickens in general - so many little homages to him throughout. There were areas that could have been improved, but the book was just so tailor-made for me I don't mind.
The Garden of the Gods by Gerald Durrell - *** 1/2 - The final book in the Corfu trilogy. On the one hand, the eccentric characters and the lush naturalist passages are as wonderful as ever. However, I do note with dismay that there was decidedly more crude content to skip over than in some of Durrell's previous offerings (The first book was published in the fifties, and this one came out twenty years later - I suppose his publishers let him get away with more.) However, with the application of some blank stickers and a black marker, it's an enjoyable book. I'm a little sad to come to the end of the trilogy. Not that Durrell doesn't have at least five or six more memoirs I haven't read, but they won't have glorious Corfu and Spiro and the villas by the ocean. And I probably won't be seeing so much of Larry, Leslie, Margo, and Mother in the remaining books.
Still in progress: Made for Love by Fr. Mike Schmitz, The Valley of Fear by Arthur Conan Doyle, The Day is Ready for You by Alison Malee, The Nicholas Nickleby Story by Leon Rubin, The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook by Martin M. Antony, The Father's Tale by Michael O'Brien, The Epistles of St. Paul
DNF: In Calabria by Peter S. Beagle. I am thoroughly miffed about this one, because I was really enjoying the reflective prose and the ideas about inspiration and even metanoia in Bianchi's relationships with Romano, Giovanna, and the unicorn. But then late in the book and rather out of right field we got some content I didn't find acceptable popping up, so I had to leave it unfinished. I was about 70% of the way through - not far enough to count on my yearly challenge. Grr.
I think a good deal of the coming month will be devoted to finishing my books in progress, but I'll probably add something new so I can have an audiobook on the go after I finish Valley of Fear. I feel like I should pick a classic with some depth (possibly a full-cast Shakespeare play? I should finish "Othello"), but I also want to do A Conspiracy of Kings.
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Moonspell - Extinct
Für eine lange Zeit hatte ich die Portugiesen aus Augen und Ohren verloren – jene Finstermeier, die mir anno 1995 gemeinsam mit Paradise Lost den Gothic bzw. Dark Metal näherbrachten. Unzählige Male rotierten damals „Wolfheart“ und das für meinen Geschmack noch potentere „Irreligious“ in meiner ersten vernünftigen Stereoanlage – Letzteres ein Album, welches für mich vom Intro bis zur „Full Moon Madness“ derart stimmig war, dass sich etwa ein gutes Jahr lang aber so rein gar nichts an metallischer Konkurrenz daran messen konnte.
Danach wurde es zumindest in meinen Räumlichkeiten still um den lusitanischen Metal. Lediglich 2003 fiel mir mal wieder ein Moonspell-Werk in die Hände, doch konnte mich „The Antidote“ überhaupt nicht dazu bewegen, diese Band wieder so zu mögen und zu verfolgen wie zu Mitte der Neunziger. Es schien mir, wie unerträglich passend, ein regelrechtes Gegengift zu allem vorher Gehörten und so glorifizierend Erinnerten zu sein… und so ebbte diese akustische Beziehung wieder gänzlich ab.
Und nun das: das vorliegende „Extinct“, übrigens verpackt in fein-morbidem Coverartwork des Septicflesh-Fronters Spiros Antoniou, vermochte mich ab dem ersten Takt abzuholen, auf den Beifahrersitz zu packen, festzuschnallen und auf seine wohl durchdachte, weil sauberst durchkomponierte Klangreise mitzunehmen – auf eine Fahrt über mondbeschienene Landstraßen, umsäumt von blutroten Feldern und brennenden Bäumen, nach Medusalem und weiter.
Die thematische Schwermut erfährt hierbei eine musikalische Leichtigkeit, die vor Eleganz nur so sprüht. Ein helleres Schwarz sah ich selten – etwas anbiedernd und dennoch genügend entfernt von Kitsch und allzu breitem Mainstream. Auch der sporadisch gehörte und wohldosierte orientalische Anstrich steht den jeweiligen Stücken in seinem orchestralen Gewand hervorragend zu Gesicht.
Die Songstrukturen sind simpel gehalten, der Klargesang des Herrn Ribeiro überwiegt, zeitweise eingestreute Growls wirken nicht fehlplatziert, alles ist sauber arrangiert und klangtechnisch feinstens aufeinander abgestimmt. Einzelne Titel hervorzuheben fällt mir hierbei schwer, hat doch ein jedes seinen eigenen Charme.
Es vergeht eine düsterromantische Dreiviertelstunde, bis zum sanften Ausklang von „The Future Is Dark“, nach welchem ich dachte, den passendsten Abgang dieses dunkelroten portugiesischen Weines erlebt zu haben… aber neiiiiiin: „La Baphomette“ hat etwas dagegen. Ein komisches Element musste wohl dann doch noch sein – und so bespaßt uns der Bariton zum guten Ende noch mit ein paar simplen Französisch-Vokabeln, eingebettet in Trauermarsch-Gebläse und Barpianisten-Geklimper. Eine den Gesamteindruck nicht schmälernde Randnotiz.
So steht es nun da, ein neues Moonspell-Dunkelding – so eingängig wie mein erstes Fahrrad, aber hoffentlich langlebiger – schöne, homogene Asche!
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4 ****
----- In Fact -----
Genre: Dark / Gothic Metal Label: Napalm Records Release: 06.03.2015 Spieldauer: 00:48:06 Moonspell Official Facebook
01. Breathe (Until We Are No More) 02. Extinct 03. Medusalem 04. Domina 05. The Last Of Us 06. Malignia 07. Funeral Bloom 08. A Dying Breed 09. The Future Is Dark 10. La Baphomette
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kidzbopdeathmetal · 6 years
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Spiros “Seth Siro Anton” Antoniou at Graspop Metal Meeting  X
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Love the band Septicflesh and its vocalist/bassist suit! It reminds me to Bram Stoker’s Dracula armor, the xenomorph and cenobites’!
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crystal-child94 · 6 years
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Finally fanart of our supreme goth edgelord Spiros Antoniou!! @kidzbopdeathmetal Source: https://andranik88.deviantart.com
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blackmcge · 7 years
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septicflesh - codex omega promotional photos
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gremlin-baggins · 7 years
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Now, most of you know how much of a raging hardon the opening of Persepolis gives me but here's a thing...
The clean vocals of Therianthropy...
Spontaneous creaming
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triste-guillotine · 7 years
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SEPTIC FLESH "Mystic places of dawn", CD 1994 (The superb first album of Hellenic Dreamy Emotional Doom-Death Metal).
1. Mystic Places of Dawn 2. Pale Beauty of the Past 3. Return to Carthage 4. Crescent Moon 5. Chasing the Chimera 6. The Underwater Garden 7. Behind the Iron Mask 8. (Morpheus) The Dreamlord 9. Mythos (I. Elegy / II. Time Unbounded)
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rp-kat · 7 years
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Septic Flesh
Vox Mortiis Magazine #5
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thedarkoutside · 3 years
The 2021 list
Everything in quotes “” have no artist details or no info could be found when going through the emails. these are probably part of an archive .zip / .rar  
If you identify these titles as yours, let me know.  If there are typos ( more than likely)  again, let me know. 
[  some names seem to have been removed by the far too efficient text file alphabetical sorting thingy.  ] "2021 07 28" "2021 May 19" "abandoned4" "brief theme for ending things" "buddhaone" "build 3" "delprado hotel" "dissolved metal salts that coat your lips with a bitter film" "Dorv 2" "dying" "Encounter TK1" "enddub.blk" "Evangelica Church Group Birmingham" "experiments 5" "first breath comma second breath" "Foghorns Rough" "Frequency Scanning" "Gurenda" "hello 2&3" "indulgent overtones" "intro" "jen edit" "lonely waits" "lotafun 21" "nextex it" "no, I think someone is recording us" "omniglot" "premix rough" "prince earl" "Ratchets 7" "render navina" "see the sun" "skipping new" "soundscape" "soundtrack" "TDO5" "Theme from Public Transport" "TMC-06" "track 01" "turbu" "unmastered" "wavestation" "zoom016" 1 of 100 1976 8 Track Dogma A Farewell to Hexes Accursed Volts Ada Stockwell & Lippy Kid Adi Carter Adjectivals Afrotull Aldo Rox AM Web Amongst the Pigeons Andrea Careddu Andrew Ramsey Andy Blip Andy McDade Another Dead Weirdo Antoni Maiovvi AOTCI Apalusa Apta Arvik Torrensen Assassin of Sound Audio Obscura Aula Deft University of Technology Autoflag Autumna Ave Grave Awful Collider baze.djunkiii Bazrah Ben Tye Bernard Grancher Betamax Warriors Bipolar Explorer Bit Cloudy Blaiddwyn Bless This Machine Blood Everywhere BMH Boodlam British Detail Calico Jack Capricornio Cevan Charlie & Lol1 Chelidon Frame CLAIR Claro Correcto Co-Pilot Course Correct Cowboy Flying Saucer Cuts D. McCann D. Taylor Daft Danny Carnage Darren Hannant Datassette David McNicol Desert Petunia dESUS DFF Sound System Ditchburn Band Distant Animals Dog in the Snow [dOOM] dESUS Drew Five Dundass Dusty Ohms Earthborn Visions Earthshine Eat the Sun Ed Spess Eduards Ozoliņš Egone El Ghou Electric Talk Electroaurora Elizabeth Joan Kelly Elli Shnoo Em Downing Eoin MacIonmhain Espetacara EV Everon Goen Exit Chamber Famished for Blonds Fantasy Sequence Finlay Shakespeare Flexagon Forces of Good Four Italian Pep Pills Fragile X From the Benthic Zone Garden of Surreal Dreams Gasmantell Gemma Cullingford Georgia Gone Caving Grant Basma Horsnell Grant Forrester Gusset Half Hazard Radio Heavy Cloud Hengist Pod Hi-Tech Criminal Hirsig Hole in the Machine Holmes & Atten Ash Holychao Hornbeam Human Concept Hymettus Woods Idiogram JD Twitch Jack Blake Jackaman James Graham James Oldrini James Sandford Jamie Cameron Jane Pitt Juxtagon Jeff Styroid Jim Jarmo Joe Ahmed Joe Muggs Joel Shea John Rushton Jonathan Higgins Junklight Junkyard of Silenced Poets K. Karl D'Silva Kate Arnold Kim Moore Kinver Pond Kitty Turner KKP 1489 Komputer L/F/D/M Lament_Config Lathave Park Lefthave Plank Leiyun Leptonandon Levi Fuller Liam Kendal Limited Ability Lomond Campbell Louzy Luke Hansbury Mabel Gwen vs Rusty Sheriff Malady of Knots Mark Healy Mark Wilkins Masios Matt Nix Matthew McCourt Matthew Thomason Meadow Pixie Mechanical Lobster Megalophobe Melony Klein Miriam Ingram Meridian Michael Begg Michael Denny Mike Smalle Mike Tupling Milk and Cheese Millz Davis Mitsubishi Cunliffe Mode 7 Project Modulator ESP Moray Newlands Mr Kong 95 Mr Kristoffa Museleon Mute Frequencies Myrrhman Nad Spiro Nat Lyon Naylee Negative Response Neve Nicolas Corniglion Nonalogue Old Man Oliver Lacon OOO EEE OOO Openchannel Outside Other Owen Sound P6 Palmer Eldritch Panamint Manse Passenger Pieon P. G. Warren pHactory Portobello Drone Choir Posthuman Pracownik Prequel Tapes Prince Video Production Unit Pye Corner Audio Rave Sir Robin Re:Search Remote-Control_Rectum Repeared Viewing Richard Sandling RJ Ellmer Robert Griffiths Roberta Fidora Robyn Gibson Rockets in the Trees Roland Oakes Ruaridh Law Sadie Maskery Saguenay Salford Electronics Salvatore Mercatante Samantha Fox Sansuro 77 Scanner Scott Smigiel Scumbag Radio Seapup Secret Nuclear Security Semispecific Ensemble Schestokken Shiranai Hito Sheer Zed Signal Signal Jammer Silas Andersen Simon Fisher Turner Simon Heartfield meets Megaheadphoneboy Sizike Skeleton Worm Slateford Mods featuring MC Dead Kennarty Slow Down Missy Snooks Solo1 Soundhead Spacelab Spiral Dial St James Infirmary Stephen Boyle Steve Emerson Stock Photography Strangest Pet on Earth Stuart Cook Subversive Recluse Swardh Tambay Teishi-1 Time Destroys All Things The Bookshop The Cairnsmore Conspiracy The Domestiques The Family Germ The Last Ambient Hero The Leaf Library The Nameless Book Thee Adversary Thelonius Martin Todd Snow Tom gunn Nash Toxic octopus UBO Unseen Hands Veryan Vitruvian Skies Von Heuser Walthamstow Home Keyboard Laboratory Warrior Bob Waves of Nightinglaes William Wild Wizards Tell Lies Writers Bloc Xelis De Toro Yol Yvette Haynes
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kidzbopdeathmetal · 7 years
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Here’s a moment I got on camera, when they started playing Prometheus and Spiros looked down at me. He knew that Prometheus was my favorite song. Look at that tiny fuckin smile.
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randgugotur-6 · 2 years
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June 29th 2012 Nile released the album “At the Gate of Sethu”
Did you know…. The album’s artwork was handled by Spiros “Seth Siro Anton” Antoniou of Septic Flesh.
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anthonymmartinez · 3 years
Before the Rooster Crows - 2020 from Gabriel Athanasiou on Vimeo.
In a small Greek village, Anna, a woman in her 40s, can't handle her husbands' cheating anymore.
Make sure to rate the film on IMDb: imdb.com/title/tt10031730/
• Nomination for Best Short Film at the Hollywood Verge Film Awards 2020
• Nomination for Best Drama at the Hollywood Verge Film Awards 2020
• Official Selection at Symi International Film Festival 2021
Directed by: Gabriel Athanasiou Written by: Ioanna Kaltsidou Produced by: Film Lemon Production Manager: Jim Kallifatidis DOP: Theologos Vavdinoudis Art Director: Angelika Mouchsiadou Costumes: Christina Sarri Sound Mixer: Pelagia Xatzinikita Make-up: Dimitra Avramidou Production Assistant: Anna Antaboufi Original Score: Petros Apostolidis
-- Anna: Georgia Toufa Makis: Spiros Dimou Argiris: Spiros Parisis Vasilis: Vangelis Anastasiou Lia: Despina Antoniou Doctor: Nikos Mertzanidis --
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