sailortrippingballs · 9 months
Honey glazed
I mean damn
The first thing I saw was her eyes
Honey glazed shining in the sunlight
The warmth of her energy drew me in
Scared to speak
But I speak from within
That aurora glows like gold
Ask about it
Her words spun my mind
As I tried to search hers
Intriguing caught on every other word
#nnp #poetry #ne #writersblock
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nottyneblvd · 6 years
There's this passion between love and drugs
And it gives in
A whirlwind between wins and the winds
They push, but always come back in thee end
Split, broken, crushed with no hope to mend.
Fuck a rule, they're meant to bend
Never spoke the word heal
The synonymous milk and glass
Spilled or spoiled even expiration dates don't last
If you can keep what you hold
Have a nice firm grasp
Be sure to smile
Whether it be dimples, or all cheeks
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sailortrippingballs · 9 months
Not here
I see your face
though you're not here
I can smell you
though you're not near
Your smile I can see and yet, you're not in front of me
why do I feel this way?
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sailortrippingballs · 11 months
In it to win it! Vote for my dream come true. Also repost.
#KickFein #Sneakerhead #sailortrippingballs #bottyneblvd #helpmewin #supremesneakerhead
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That empty, at peace feeling in your stomach
The worriless beating heart
The free pumped blood in your veins
It’s unblocked, clean air through your lungs
This is strength
This is peace
This is in the moment
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sailortrippingballs · 2 years
Coffee in the Morning
It’s 4 am
The steam from the water is rising
Intertwining with the cozy Morning air
2 spoons of coffee grounds
4 1/2 spoons of sugar
& a splash of milk
Maybe a splash more
The spoon gently dipped
Creates a swirl better than mixed
The taste of “ This Is It “
Washes away all the morning doubts.
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sailortrippingballs · 4 years
Pretty in red
I can recall most rainy days before school
The way the fence smelled before climbing it as a short cut
Early morning hanging in the cafeteria
Not the first time I've seen you
The first time I SAW you
Hair curly, lip gloss popping
Cussing out a boy, ive seen flirting with other girls
I said damnnnn, I think ill see this part again
The next few times I saw you
It was a brush
Pretty in red
That had my mind in a rush
Something about a girl and heels
And jeans
& a tshirt, slightly revealing the lusc
Not sure if it was me or it was getting hot
There's one moment in particular
I knew it was a crush
You leaned over me as I talked
Arms up, with every word spoken you stepped closer
Eyes glued in
Deeper than laser focus
My hands were sweating
The wall was holding me up
Out in the hall outside the autoshop
Away from everyone except kids coming from buying cookies
You held the double door's beam
I kinda thought is this a dream
I do indeed remember that picture
As I held your waist
All the wicker
You were always prettiest in red.
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
Telling one thing then doing another
shit a lie would be better
You know how to get under my skin
Yet you know no better
It's better to express this way through my form of a letter
If you only knew
My eyes in flames
My head wrapped with thoughts of the insane
Now they say you cant run a ho into a house wife
Funny thing is you're neither
Somehow you've already been trained
Tell me why tf do we play these games
Just tell me how you feel
When you show me
You shit on my perception
And what I'll do leave no protection
This shit is real fucking annoying.
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
Not Enough
To me it seems I'm not enough
A tease here
A kiss there
Maybe just enough
You look at me like you THINK you want to fuck
Like I'm great for you
Your soul just thinks I'm good enough
Do you think we could just be best friends?
Itd put your worry some mind to a slow stir and it could rest
Idk what I'm listening to
Is it your left out lips?
The vibe that slips?
Or my heart because I already know the shit isn't catching grip
I'm worth your stories
Arm candy, but boring
I only want you to want what your heart wants
Mind over hearts first jump, could be a front
Why do I question if I'm good enough?
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
The beast sits on the end of my crumbling edges
Fearing the fall, once commenced and now pledges
Brute, chilly and soaked
The atmosphere, weather and ground
Sweater weather with the loss of love
Although this is the price
The cost has been dug
Dug, so deep you have to scavenge for a breath
The beast wraps you
The power feels good
Eyes covered
Mouth gagged
Hands tied behind your back
Confused by such assertion
Listen with your ears
Inside you is the person
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
Knowing how to explain it
Just not doing it
Why does this feel like mad energy
Like pissed in neutral
Not angry, but loose
Exerting what you already know
Not having to repeat myself is a melody of peace
The moment I speak what you already know
Just so you can tell me you know
Sprouting roots are watered to grow
My ears are hot
My head feels cool because it's on fire
The fuck do you care if you're higher
Precious lighter
You spin my wheel
Flick a bic
Always your speel
#poem #poetry #NottyNe #sailortrippingballs
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
Her Chocolate
I'd love for you to be mine
You don't like definite because you're yours
Perpetual beauty
Shapes that take lines out of define
Curves that fit perfectly in with mine
A dash of milk? A dash of honey?
Oh her chocolate?
Funny you should say, that's my honey.
Her chocolate
#poetry #poem #sailortrippingballs #NottyNe
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
My reflections are pain
Tainted with this world's wicked poison
Not the true word
But some quick splif
A way to so-called power
If not right in your eyes then who's
My only deadline when I've reached my end
The only way is to your will I bend
I dont understand a choice
If you want it to be one way then why an option
On earth it's cold as hell
I speak literally
My vein poised with dull uselessness man has twisted
I wish to follow your path
I will follow your path
Why am I so weak?
Beneath this flesh
Lies my soul
For I am learning to forgive myself
Is that not for me to do?
I know only you can do...
I guess I just worry my end
To not feel human I assume my end
Allowing myself to feel pain
I just ask that you come and free my brain
Why am I here
Am I a burden?
I only follow your path
How does man rewrite your words?
Have they been rewritten?
I question myself, never your existence.
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
Out in the open
I stand here naked
yet, focused on you.
this can’t be covered
a smoke curtain and the smoke can’t be smothered
the rain starts to pour
shot of jack N0. 4
If we could speak as fast as we think
we’d stumble receptors
to know and see what i now know, i’d accept more
you with me compares to no floor
No ceilings
I read your eyes and try not to imagnify
something that may not be true, or just my own lie
I just want to grip your soul and never let go
I’m so hot it feels like the breeze that flows
over your pretty face, I see you and I see a sunflower
Beautifully bloomed and growing upward like a tower
your seeds bring joy to life, you’re fruitful..
With out the storm, I would not have found what I once thought was lost
that empty fucking space couldn’t be filled with out cost.
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
To love is to become undone.
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sailortrippingballs · 5 years
As much as I believe in shooting stars
This world will crush all moving parts
Hop in the space craft and move to Mars
No rules
Just boobs and bars.
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