#Not to mention Rosewood
bluemoon1331 · 9 months
Me, rereading my writing: OMG I wrote this? Why did I write this? Oh me, oh my. Jesus. He did what? Good Glob. Hahaha.
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amethyst-halo · 3 months
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got thinkinf abt floyd n rosewood so i doodled them :]
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zuutiomi · 7 months
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Smth of Mikayla’s lore bc I talk about Feli and Altrus but not her much
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rhmis-user-2020 · 19 days
OC angst - Aftermath of the "punishment" of the orphanage
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skyfallstarlights · 2 months
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//: Would it be bad if I had Witherite and Rosewood used to having old flames? Like past loves that aren't in the picture anymore?
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kariachi · 9 months
Fic! A zoo will soon be opening a handful of new exhibits...
Rolling his shoulders, Ross straightened his back and took a steadying breath as they waited for the signal. It wasn’t that he didn’t like giving interviews, he wouldn’t have his job if that wasn’t something he could do with pleasure, but damned if big changes like this last one didn’t make him nervous. There had been mostly positive responses from the public, but he couldn’t help but be firmly aware that this was something new and untested from an accredited establishment, and this interview meant there was only so much time before everything was put out for all comers to see. In time to words he couldn’t hear, he watched the man behind the camera- Cian, liked ocelots, got to pet one when they still had one as an ambassador when he was a kid- silently count down.
“Everything’s great here, Trina,” the newscaster- Keshawn, had a cockatiel at home, swore up, down, and sideways the best animal was the gila monster- crowed as soon as the count was done, flashing a massive grin. Ross didn’t even try to match it, contagious though it was. “Hi folks, it’s Keshawn Marshall here live at the Rosewood Grand Zoo to talk with Affairs Director Ross Martinez about the new area everybody is talking about. How’s it going, Ross, is everybody excited?”
“It’s great, Keshawn,” Ross said with a smile, slipping properly into interview mode, “we’re really looking forward to the opening of our new Galaxy of Life area this weekend.” They’d been planning it before they even had the space available. If nothing else it would nice to be able to call it all done and public. “We’re certain visitors will find the animals as delightful as we do, some of them are real characters.” Keshawn laughed, honest and real.
“Seeing the new friend you’ve got just over there, I don’t doubt it,” he said, glancing over Ross’s shoulder, “but I get the feeling we’ll be meeting him in a minute.”
“He’s looking forward to it.” He wasn’t sure that he was, but he trusted that if that wasn’t the case he’d have gotten word and they’d have adjusted the setting to showcase another animal.
“Until then, Ross, why don’t you tell us a little bit about this new showcase?”
“Gladly.” Ross couldn’t help smiling wider, shoe scuffing against the ground so he could focus. “Our new Galaxy of Life area has been built to showcase a collection of animals from various other planets with the hope of improving education about and empathy with our galactic neighbors through our shared love of the natural world. We also will be presenting information on conservation groups and projects throughout the galaxy, and how we all work and learn together to improve how we each take care of our planets, and help to take care of each other’s.” Somehow that had hit the worldwide conservation community like the greatest wrecking ball, the realization that not only did the entire galaxy have groups dedicated to these causes, but that so many were willing to work together across species lines. Were willing to help and accept help from Earth in turn.
He still got warm and fuzzy when he thought about it.
“That sounds amazing,” Keshawn said, “an entire galactic community coming together in hopes of preserving all the unique life there must be out there.”
“And one Earth’s conservationists are happy to be a part of. In fact, visitors will be able to see an endangered alien species we’ve already agreed keep a small breeding colony of, while learning more about conservation and conservation success stories across the Milky Way in our Cave of Wonder.” Ross had known that one would get a laugh, and wasn’t disappointed.
“You couldn’t help yourselves, could you?”
“Nope. The staffs’ kids picked it out.” They’d given an early tour to all the families, and had the children vote from a list of options. ‘Rainbowrama’ had come second place, and he was kind of sad about it. Leaning back on his heel, Keshawn just barely tilted his head to one side.
“Just how many animals can guests expect to see when they come through?”
“We have thirty-eight animals across seven species from seven planets,” Ross recited off the top of his head. “Including two species from as far off as the Osmosian and Erinaen Empires-” And hadn’t that been a shocker, when Secretary Levin had gotten wind of their plans and put them in touch with people working with those far-flung planets. “-but personally, I think the biggest attractions will be the ones from our nearest neighbors, Hasiel and Kinet.”
“And is one of those where our new friend comes from?” There was the cue.
“Yes, it is,” he said, stepping aside so that is coworker could get comfortably in front of the camera with her charge, “as Poltiff can tell you.”
“This,” she immediately started off, relatively new to her position working with their animal ambassadors but already taking to it like a duck to water, “is Spot, he’s a renkol from our nearest inhabited neighbor, Kinet.” And he was taking to the camera as well as anyone could hope, or at least Ross hoped he was. It was hard to tell, really. Stacy had described them as ‘what would happen if you told someone to draw a falcon given a few key traits and a picture of a dragonfly as an example of an Earth aerial predator’. They were easily among the strangest creatures in their collection now, and Keshawn and Cian stared appropriately.
“He’s beautiful,” Keshawn said with awe, throwing glances at Cian like he thought he might be missing this- he was not. “I thought zoos liked to give their animals names from their homeland though?”
“We do prefer that,” Poltiff said, “and all of the animals in the Galaxy of Life area came to us named appropriately, but unfortunately there’s some names that only a handful of members of staff can pronounce due to biological differences. In those cases we either give the animal a nickname or, in this case, use the translation into English.” Somehow, the news crew managed to perk up further, finally getting a grin out of Ross. Spot, meanwhile, calmly eyed them from his perch on Poltiff’s arm.
“So even in the depths of space, people are naming animals things like ‘spot’,” Keshawn asked with a joyful laugh in his voice, and Poltiff grinned back at him.
“It turns out people are people wherever you go,” she said. “Spot here is in training to join our team of animal ambassadors. He’s not ready for the job just yet, but in his downtime he’ll be on display with our other three renkol, so visitors will still have a chance to see him when they come to the zoo.”
“My kids are going to flip.” Shaking his head and visibly resisting the urge to ask if he could pet him- it showed clear as day in the flexing of his hand- Keshawn took a quarter step back. “When can I bring them over?”
“Everything will be made available to the public when the zoo opens Friday morning,” Ross said, cutting back in as Poltiff stepped back, cooing at Spot as she turned to take him back inside. The camera followed the pair of them rather than focusing on himself and Keshawn. “From which point we have every intention to keep it open for regular zoo hours indefinitely. Everyone will have plenty of time to come out and see what the Milky Way has to offer.”
“Well, you can expect me to be the first person in the door, and the last one out of it,” Keshawn said, subtly waving to Cian that they were ending the segment. He came to the realization with a jolt, driving Ross to laughter as he spun back around to focus on Keshawn as he turned to the camera. “There you have it- Ross, Poltiff, Spot, and everyone else here at the Rosewood Grand Zoo has been working hard, and we here at Heartwood News are looking forward to getting a good look at just what they have to teach us. Isn’t that right, Trina?” The air hung empty after those words for the seconds it took for the feed to switch back over, a transfer marked with a thumbs-up from Cian. Ross and Keshawn both dropped the tension of being on air immediately.
“Hey,” Cian asked, fiddling with the camera and not quite meeting Ross’s eyes, “I know we probably can’t pet those things-”
“Yeah! Renkol! I know we probably can’t touch them, but, you know I’d love to get a shot of a feeding or something. You know, a snippet to go before commercials.” Still smiling, Ross nodded, heart warming at the way they both rose just slightly on the balls of their feet.
“Lucky you, it’s just another hour before their scheduled feeding,” he said, mentally going through the routes around the new area, “if you’ve got the time to kill, I can give you a sneak peak at their enclosure while we wait. It’s actually quite the show.” And having them there, with a camera, would be a good early test for if they could advertise feedings for public viewing. The pair grinned back at him, nodding like they were testing the attachment between head and neck.
“We can make time-”
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jaggedwolf · 6 months
I should have more deep thoughts about pll original sins finale but mostly I remain indignant that they didn't actually go there with tabitha/imogen - the other three's boyfriends are unobjectionable, but the show has less f/f than original pll, a show subject to abc family's shenanigans in an earlier decade
(I must give A style points for their finale setup, very well done)
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lichtecht · 1 year
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i am currently on book 3 but this is my contribution
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p-bassist · 22 days
I have gone down a rabbit hole trying to find out the species of rosewood used for my bass guitar's fretboard, but so far it's to no avail
My guess was that since it was manufactured in Indonesia it would make sense if the wood were East Indian rosewood, but I also keep reading that that wood can smell bad, which my fretboard does not at all (it smells great, especially after I've oiled it recently, like sandalwood or toast)
It has a deep grain that looks more like Brazilian rosewood but that's been controlled for so long I can't believe that it's that, since my bass is from the early 2000s and they probably wouldn’t have been using that
Perhaps it’s an East Indian rosewood that has a deeper grain and by luck does not smell bad, I really don’t know though and wish I could figure it out
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violettedove · 4 months
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Hazbin Hotel AU: What if Lilith had a sister? What if Lilith and Eve were sisters through creation rather than blood? And what if these two had a younger sister named Evelith, a blend of their names?
Evelithia Δαιμονίδα of Infernal
Noted that in my AU, I have an alternative name, Hellenic, for Greek that I had mentioned in Valayrons or something. The "Δαιμονίδα" (Daimonida) name draws from the Greek word "δαίμων" (daimon), which originally referred to a divine or supernatural being, often with ambiguous or sinister connotations in ancient Greek literature. Adding the suffix "-ίδα" (-ida) gives it a more specific and individualized character, akin to a demonic entity. So, "Δαιμονίδα" (Daimonida) offers a fresh and evocative alternative for "demon" with a Hellenic twist.
Evelith Rosewood (Estia Orogos)
Name: Evelith Rosewood (Real Name: Estia Orogos) Title: Queen Consort of Lucifer, Aunt to Charlie Age: Appears in her late 20s, but ageless.
Background: [1] Evelith was once Estia Orogos, a proud disciple of a Goddess from another universe. Her devotion was unmatched, but her life was tragically cut short by humans. In her afterlife, she was given the choice to be reborn in another universe, seeking a fresh start. Thus, she was recreated by the deity of the Hazbin Hotel universe as Evelith, the youngest sister of Lilith and Eve. Evelith has no memories of her past life, but she recalls a few flashbacks and dreams after meeting Lucifer, keeping these memories mostly to herself and sharing them with Lucifer from time to time.
[2] Growing up in Rosewood, Evelith was cherished by her sister Lilith, who adored her deeply. This was during the time before Lilith and Lucifer brought evil to the world, and Lilith was in a relationship with Lucifer behind Adam’s back due to Adam’s controlling nature and annoying attitude. Evelith's relationship with Eve was more neutral; they communicated but never formed a close bond. Rosewood's magical environment nurtured Evelith's abilities and shaped her into the powerful figure she is now.
[3] However, Evelith ended up being trapped in a mirror by Lilith, her own older sister whom she thought she could trust. Evelith had previously been trapped in a mirror after running away before meeting Adam, following Eve and Adam’s expulsion from Eden. Evelith, being related to both Lilith and Eve (though not by blood), remained in Eden. The angels planned to replace Eve with Evelith since Eve was the one who bit the forbidden fruit, not Adam. Evelith ran away because this was against her will, but she was captured by the angels and trapped in a mirror as punishment for defying God.
[4] Evelith was eventually saved by Lilith after she and Lucifer fell. Lucifer knew about Evelith’s existence but the two had never met in person. Three months later, Lilith suddenly trapped Evelith in the mirror again. Evelith remained trapped for many years until she was discovered by Lucifer, who found her after Lilith left him with a note revealing Evelith’s location. Lucifer saved her, and despite the initial shock, he was drawn to her resemblance to Lilith.
[5] Lucifer proposed to Evelith to be his queen consort. Evelith initially refused because she knew Lucifer was Lilith’s husband and didn't understand why Lilith directed him to her. After much convincing and realizing she had nowhere else to go, Evelith finally considered the proposal, partly because she was grateful to Lucifer for saving her and partly because she liked his personality from their first interaction.
[6] Thus, Evelith became the new wife of Lucifer. She did not meet Charlie immediately because Lucifer wasn't ready to tell his daughter about his remarriage. Despite being happily married, Lucifer sometimes couldn’t get over Lilith, which hurt Evelith. Understanding but saddened, Evelith hid her feelings to support Lucifer, as a thank you for saving her from the mirror.
Current Appearance (Not yet show and the image was before I updated her):
Original Form: Evelithia has dark blackish-brown eyes with a fiery glow. She wears a striking red dress-like robe with a drawstring halter neckline and a gold high-neck gorget. The robe is sleeveless with detached off-the-shoulder transparent lace sleeves, glittering like stars. A gold Celtic waist belt cinches her waist, and the robe is cut in a V-line style at the front, just below the ankles for easy movement. She pairs this with black leggings and remains barefoot. A transparent lace veil and a tiara made of gold and garnet complete her regal look. Her dark brown hair is styled in a half-bun with lush curls cascading over her shoulders. She also wears subtle makeup, enhancing her natural beauty.
Another Human Form: In her human form, Evelithia's raven hair and brown eyes with a fiery glint remain striking. She maintains her curvy figure and confident demeanor, her elegance undiminished.
Fun fact: Evelithia does not possess her own wings. Instead, she has a loyal, two-headed black eagle that resides on her back, often mistaken for wings because it is attached to her. This mystical creature chose her, bonding deeply with Evelithia during her time before her death. The eagle, with its piercing white eyes and majestic presence, seamlessly attaches itself to her back, camouflaging as wings when needed. This creature has been with her since her rebirth and continues to be her constant companion and protector.
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the-froschamethyst4 · 3 months
Spurs and Chaps
𖤐Pairing: Bounty Hunter! König x Outlaw! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: smut, fluff, language, old friend to lovers, enemies to lovers, mention of violence, guns, P in V, age gap, groping, nipple play, badass Y/n, kissing/making out,
𖤐Summary: König the bounty hunter had to bring in outlaw Y/n but does he really have to bring her in?
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"Little lady you must have me as a fool?"
"No, sir."
Y/n puts the tip of her heel into the dirt as she flirts with the man in front of her. She just wanted one thing from this man, his money.
"Oh yes!"
"Fuck," loud moans filled the room, the man trying to keep his pants up as he has Y/n pinned to the wall behind her, he bucks his hips up into her, she moans, gripping his hair and kissing his lips.
They both fell on the soft bed behind the man, Y/n undressing herself, her holster on her thigh containing her pistol, she kisses down his chest to his stomach, one hand guiding down and then other resting on her gun.
He looks down at her and sees her hand on her gun.
"Hey, wait a min-" before he could speak another word, he was shot with a lead bullet between his eyes.
"Fucking disgusting," she says, getting off the guy and grabbing her skirt and dirty tank top, she digs around for his sack of gold and soon found it, she smiles and sticks it inside her shirt. She finds her boots and her long black leather coat, she heads out of the whore house and grabs her hat on the way out.
"Another one bites the dust," she says, opening the satchel on her horse's side sticking the gold sack into with all the others. She starts to sum as she gets on the back of her horse. She clicks her tongue and starts walking out of the bum rusted town.
She was acting cool and collected as if she say didn't just kill someone and robbed them.
"Heard she's in Rosewood...you might want to check there...König."
"Tell me again...who am I after?"
"Her name is Y/n L/n, her bounty the highest I've ever seen, even for a woman, $790,000, not even Bonnie's bounty was this high. Was raised by her father who turned out to be Good Old Cyrus L/n, robbed the whole North City blind, was caught and rotted away in prison. Y/n was taken to an orphanage where she raised herself to become an outlaw, it started off as candy stealing then soon made it's way up from pick pocketing, now, she kills then takes." The Sheriff says.
"Sir, her last slighting was in Rosewood, now she's being on the move," his deputy says.
"Well, then, I guess you better get moving, Bounty Hunter."
"I'll see you when I have her."
"If we see you again," the Sheriff says.
König loaded up his horse, clicked his tongue and went South to Rosewood hoping he'll run into Y/n.
It's been a few days, and Y/n has settled into a small town called Winslow, it was like her little hideaway, everyone knows who she is, but no one will ever give her away to the Sheriff and his Deputies.
Y/n sits on the back porch of her little home, she was in some jean shorts, and small white tank top that showed off her hardened nipples and her black boots.
Y/n was cleaning her old clothes she worn, she goes back into her lovely home and she grabs some whiskey from her top cabinet and opened the bottle, chugging some of it. Heading back outside to hang the rest of the clothes.
"Y/n..." She stops what she is doing and turns to see.
"König? How's the Bounty Hunting going?" She asked, knowing he's after her.
"Oh you know...I'm here for a little someone," he says.
"Me?" She says, her back turned to him.
"It's been a while, I just wanted to...catch up with you before, I take you to the Sheriff."
"How? Hmm? What could you have in mind, Bounty Hunter," she giggles at him, she stood up to face him, he looks down at her getting a view of her chest.
"You're a tease, just like I remember," he says, putting his hand on her cheek.
König and Y/n were old friends, even though they grew up differently, Y/n was taught to steal and be a bad person and König was taught to be a good guy. Growing up differently but still how became friends. They don't even know how it happened, and when they got older König picked up being a bounty hunter and Y/n was on the run from law enforcement.
Now did König and Y/n have some sort of relationship? Yes. Again they don't know how it happened, it was just a simple one night that turned into 3, then 4, next they they knew it 5, but it had to stop, it would look bad for a bounty hunter to be sleeping with a bounty.
It would ruin König's reputation.
"Did you take the job because of the money or to see me, again?" She asked him.
"I guess the money...I didn't know I was going after you till I was called in to help."
"Called in? You mean, you didn't see my WANTED paper? The Sheriff called you in?"
"Yeah. He asked for...the best of the best," he says.
"I see," she says, she walks past him, her hand sliding on his chest as she was heading inside. "If you want...you can come inside, König."
he smirks and follows her inside the house. She kicked her boots off at the back door.
"Take your shoes off, I don't want dirt tracked through my house."
"Since when did you ever care about the dirt?"
"Since I've lived here, I love my home, and want it clean and nice and neat," she says.
"But you kill for fun."
"And I can keep my personal life out of my work life."
"Killing is work?"
"Yep," she then turns to him. "Tea?"
"Water is fine," he says.
Y/n gave him some water and then watched him chug it, she smirks up at him, she bends down and kisses his chest down to his stomach, lifting his shirt and kissed his toned stomach.
"Liebe (love)."
"Do you think, I'll ruin your reputation?" she asks, looking up at him, he cups her chin.
"You know you will," he says.
"Good," she says, standing up and kissing his lips. She then pulls down his mask, "There's that face, I've missed...I could ruin you so easily," she teased.
"You ruining me? Doubt it," he chuckles.
König picks her up and slams her back to her wall, her legs wrapped around his waist, she then kisses his neck, he groans, he plops on her messy couch.
König then removes his jacket, and removes his shirt, he then tries to unbuckle his pants, but Y/n ends up helping him. Pulling his pants down and taking them off him, she kisses his bulge, he groans, cupping her chin.
"Fuck, I missed you," he says, leaning down kissing her temple, she moves back to laying on top of him.
"I've missed you too," she says, kissing his lips.
His hands roamed over her body. She then sits up and starts removing her clothes, König then helps her removing her tank top and kissed between her breasts. Kissing her breast and licking at her bud.
She moans, holding his head and playing with his hair, and kissing the top of his head. König then messes with her shorts pulling them off.
König pumps himself a few times, before sliding himself into her. She put her head back moaning his name and squeezing around him, he puts his hands on her waist, she starts rocking back and forth, König smirks, the sex was nice, and soft. It's suppose to be meaningless sex, but it's hard when König still loves Y/n.
Y/n looks down him, leaning over him, moving her hair on one side of head and then kissing his lips. She then starts moving a bit faster.
"No, no, keep going slow, take your time, don't rush anything," he says.
"It's just been so long."
"I know," he cups her face and starts kissing her face, then under her chin and then her lips again.
Y/n looks down at him, he slowly starts to sit up, holding her close to his body, as he bucks his hips up but she started to do the work again, bouncing up and down on him.
"God, you feel so good," König says. He loves feeling her gummy walls holding his cock inside of her.
"You do too," she moans, putting her head back. His hands then start going up her chest and squeezing her chest and playing with her nipples. She moans and looks at him.
"Are you g-going to turn me in?" She asked.
"Do you want me to turn you in?"
"No...I want you to myself, I don't want to be in jail," she moans.
"Aww~" he teases her.
Y/n then could feel herself about to cum, König smirks as cum shoots up into Y/n. Y/n smirks and then bounces a bit more and felt herself squirt on his lower stomach.
He smirks, chuckles a bit, Y/n then leans forward and then kissed his lips.
König laid naked on Y/n's bed, Y/n next to him, he could turn her in so easily, but he can't do that to her. König looks over at her and moves her hair from her face.
"You can go if you want to," she says.
"No...not yet...I want to be here with you," he says.
"You can leave."
"No, not yet," he says, moving closer to her and holding her to his chest.
König kisses her forehead and kissed her lips, he holds her close and moves her hair from her face.
König was on his horse, looking at the house being light up by small lamps, he was leaving for the night, he doesn't know if he'll come back and see her again, but he wonders if he should put a small hold on bounty hunting and come live with Y/n for a little while.
He travels back to West Dale to see the Sheriff and tell him the news.
That he could not find Y/n.
Y/n woke up to no one next to her, she pats the cold empty spot next to her and thought about König, he's been gone for...so many years and now he came back to have sex with her and left, he didn't bring her in, so did he care about her?
It's been weeks now. Y/n was on her front porch, she was doing some house work, putting up nice plants, around the house.
"Need any help?" Y/n stops and turns to the man's voice.
"Have you done any killing lately?" He chuckles.
"Never," she teased.
"Could you help me with the other hanging plants?"
"Sure, liebe (love)."
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amethyst-halo · 12 days
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floyd fridaaay here's some doodles of him i was doing as warmups
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natsvenom · 8 months
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Jason DiLaurentis x fem!reader
SUMMARY: You’ve spent the past few days being distant with your boyfriend, Jason, after you and the liars are go to a coffee shop in town and run into his ex-girlfriend Cece Drake.
WARNINGS! Age gap, slight angst, alcohol ingestion, reader has an eating disorder (anorexia), body shaming, etc.
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You and the liars walk into the Apple Rose Grill. Everything was stressful, per usual. Garrett had been let off the hook for murder and now Wilden was trying to make Hanna look guilty. There was currently a court order out for them to take a sample for Hanna’s blood. That would’ve been fine, knowing Hanna isn’t guilty. Except A has a way of making an innocent person a guilty one.
“Take it from me, you’re always better off with a really good lie.” A feminie voice said from behind you guys. You physically felt your heart stop in your chest. The voice was insanely similar to Alison’s.
“Is it just me or did that sound a lot like…” Emily mumbled. Younturned around to see a blonde girl standing at the register. There was no way that could be her, right?
“…Alison.” You guys said in unison.
The girl turned around with a smile on her face, but it quickly faded as she saw you guys staring at her like she was ancient relic, “Something wrong?” She asked.
“Oh, no, sorry.” Aria apologized, “You just sound a lot like one of our friends.”
“Hope she’s brilliant.” The girl said, “What’s her name?”
“Alison DiLaurentis.” You told her, staring at her like she was a lost dog.
She looked at you guys in realization, “You were friends of Ali’s.” She says, “Me too, I’m Cece.” You had heard that name before, you just weren’t exactly sure where from.
“Spencer.” Spencer spoke, greeting herself.
“Melissa Hastings little sister.” Cece noted, “Ali talked about you. She talked about all of you. A lot.”
“How do you know Ali?” You dared to ask.
“Before I moved to L.A our families rented summer homes in Cape May. We went through an intense couple weeks together. I dated her brother, Jason. She never mentioned me to you guys?” Cece explained. You suddenly felt tense hearing the mention of Jason. You could only imagine what she meant by an intense couple of weeks. But there was no need for you to be jealous, right? Jason was with you not her. But in the moment you couldn’t help but notice how incredibly gorgeous Cece Drake was. She had beatiful blonde hair, blue eyes, easily a size 4, and not to mention her confident outgoing personality. She was everything you weren’t.
For some reason this realization made you sick to your stomach. She looked perfectly healthy, while the reason you had looked the way you did was from practically making yourself sick. Almost your whole life you had been worried about your appearance; making sure you never ate more than 1000 calories a day, over exerrting yourself, and excercising till you felt your body break down.
You knew you were destroying yourself, but you wanted to be pretty. You wanted to be like the girls at your school who all the boys fawned over. You wanted to be the girl who was always picked first for group projects. You wanted to be the girl who wasn’t afraid to wear a crop top in public. You wanted to be like Alison, beautiful and destructive.
Alison had told you something that’s always stuck with you, “You’re pretty, but sweetie you need to drop a few pounds.” When she was alive you easily weighed 130 pounds. By the time your family moved back to Rosewood, you weighed 100, and now you weigh 110. everyone had noticed the dramtic changes over the years. Your family had done nothing but worry about you, the boys at school would whistle at you and make inappropriate remarks, Hanna was someone who you could relate to, and Jason was someone you could rely on.
Before you guys started dating, he found out about your eating disorder. At the time you and the other liars were still questioning if he was A, but after he had helped you get better you never once thought about him being A again, and dismissed the girls when every they tried to convince you he was just being friendly to get information. Luckily, things were different now.
You wondered why Jason had never brought up Cece Drake before. You silently wondered if there was any part of him that still thought about her. I mean she’s gorgeous, who wouldn’t be thinking about her.
You had been zoned out for so long you hadn’t even been paying attention to their conversation until you saw her about to leave, but she stopped in her tracks, “Do any of you girls know if Jason is seeing anyone? I hear he looks really good now-a-days.” Cece asked.
The rest of the girls looked at you subtly before turning back to Cece, “No clue.” Spencer said quickly, shrugging her shoulders. Cece nodded her head.
“Well if you see him tell him I say hi.” She said in flirtatious tone, making your skin crawl.
It had been two days since you last spoke to Jason. You spent the last couple of days worrying about your body, spiraling back into that same old self concious loop you had been so familiar with. He was starting to get worried about you. He had absolutely no idea what was going on with you.
You sigh, sitting in the driver’s seat of your car. You know you shouldn’t do this, but you really needed something to take your mind off Cece Drake.
Jason sighed as he sat down on the front porch of his house. He had absolutely no explanation for what was goingon and it was driving him crazy. He turned his head when he heard footsteps walking up to him. He had hoped it would be you, but was met with slight disappointment when he saw someone else.
“Hey.” Spencer greeted softly, walking up the porch to sit by her brother. He simply nodded at her, looking down at the cement floor, which suddenly became very interesting.
“I met Cece Drake this morning.” Spencer revealed. Jason looked up, a confused expression on his face. He hadn’t heard that name in so long, nor thought of it. Spencer could see the gears turning in his head.
“What?” She questioned.
“Was y/n with you?” He asked, looking at her desperately for answers.
“Yeah, why?” It suddenly clicked in his head what was going on with you. You weren’t ignoring him because you were mad at him. You were ignoring him because of something she had said.
You sat on a hard red stool at the bar, thanking Alison internally for getting you a fake id. All you had to do was flash it to the bartender and he came back with exactly what you thought you needed. Alcohol.
You had only drank a little bit, but you were already starting to feel tipsy. You were clearly a light weight, and almost everyone knew it.
“What’s a pretty girl like yourself doing here all alone?” A masculine voice asked from beside you. You turned your head to see a man sitting next to you, a glass of something that was defintely stronger than what you were drinking.
“I’m wondering the same thing myself.” You heard another voice say from behind you. You didn’t have to think twice about it to know who it was. You spun yourself around in the stool and were met with his warm green eyes. You groaned dramatically, pushing youself off the stool. You forgot that the stool was hightened, and practically fell right into Jason’s arms.
His arms wrapped around you quickly, pulling you back up straight. Well, straight as you could get in that moment, “I’m taking you home.” He said strictly, making you giggle. It wasn’t really funny, but right now everything seemed comical to you. You pushed past him walking out of the bar. You felt the cold night air hit your face. It felt good at first, but then it made you feel sick. You threw up into the bushes right outside the bar, right before warm hands pulled your hair back for you.
“I don’t feel good.” You mumbled, wiping your mouth off.
“Mm, I wonder why.” Jason quipped, rubbing your back as an attempt to soothe you. You groaned, shoving your head into his chest. He put one of his hands in your hair, rubbing your head comfortably.
“You smell good.” You mumbled into his chest, making let out a breathy laugh, “Can we make out now?” You asked, pulling him down by his jacket. He kissed the top of your head.
“Not right now pretty girl.” He said softly. You groaned, the annoyance making you roll your eyes. You pushed away from him, walking through the parking lot, Jason following closely behind you.
You stopped in the middle of the parking lot, looking at a group of trees intensly, “Hey, who put those there?” You wondered, observing the trees like they were the most interesting thing in the world. Jason came up behind you, shrugging his jacket off and putting it over your shoulders. He didn’t say anything, knowing that explaining the process of the life cycle of a tree to a drunk person would just end up with and endless amount of stupid questions.
“I think you should take a nap and then google it in the morning.” He said, intertwining his hand with yours as he walked you to the car, opening the door for you and helping you get in. The car ride home was relatively quite, but it wasn’t uncomfortable silence, it was nice.
When you got to the DiLaurentis house, Jason’s hands stayed on your waist as he guided you up the stairs. You plopped down on his bed as he pulled something out of his closet for you to wear. He helped you unzip your little black dress and pulled his hoodie over your head. You yawned as you threw yourself back onto his bed. He sat down next you, pulling the covers over you and placing a gentle kiss on your head.
“She’s pretty.” You mumbled into the cold pillow, grasping it in your hands. Jason sighed, knowing this conversation would end up happening one way or another.
“Whose the girl that I let sleep in my bed everyday and steal every single clothing item I own?” He teased, making you smile into the pillow. You knew he was right.
“But nothing. I love you, and only you.” He assured, pulling you into him as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. You cuddled into his chest, grasping his shirt in your hands.
“I love you too, Jase.” You yawned.
“I know angel.”
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rhmis-user-2020 · 22 days
OC angst - Marcellus was abused by his father
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(Note: This is how he actually looked when he was 9 after being taken by his parents, and the bruise and bleeding lip is from the beatings of his father.)
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skyfallstarlights · 15 hours
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//: Thinking about it:
//: Pyroite wouldn't mind alochol, just long as its sweet. So probably the one's with juice or soda.
//: Rosewood, honestly, whiskey and scotch. His favorites are defintally Autmun blend with warm spice. Nothing that would mess with his voice though so can't be to strong.
//: Witherite, High alochol basically. Quality wine and whiskey he's always up for! Though he's a fan of general red wines
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readychilledwine · 6 months
Happy Birthday, High Lord!
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Summary - You and Lucien pulled all the stops for Tamlin's birthday this year. Now you just have to hope your mate appreciates it.
Warnings - sexual jokes and innuendos, implied possible smut at the end
Prompt - Day 6 - Celebration
A/n - Happy @polyacotarweek day 6! I'm not super happy with this one. I probably would have been had I added the smut at the end, but I wanted my trouple to be wholesome instead.
💕Poly+ACOTAR Week Masterlist💕
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“Meticulous.” Whenever someone asked Tamlin and Lucien to describe you, that was the first word that came to mind.
“Blabbermouth” would be the next thing. It wasn't that you couldn't keep secrets in general. It was that you struggled to keep secrets from them from Lucien and Tamlin.
Lucien kept a straight face, the string connected to you pulled tight as Tamlin stared you down, green eyes sparkling with joy. “Tell me, petal.”
They both burst into laughter as you shoved a muffin into your mouth, then pointed and shook your head. “Just take her for a ride, Tamlin.”
“I will let her ride whenever she wants. I just want to know why we are going out for the day while you stay here.”
Lucien sighed. “Just take her out.” You continued chewing, blinking at the two of them every so often. “Or else I will just ride you, and we can go out.”
You glared at him as he smirked before shaking your head and pouting at Tamlin. You and Lucien knew Tamlin like the backs of your hands, and when he opened his mouth, you knew the two of you had played him like a fiddle. “Just for pouting, Lucien and I will head to town. You can stay here.”
Lucien tugged the bond twice as you continued the act, sending his love your way as the two of them stood. Lucien was the first to kiss you. He always would be. The kiss was gentle and warm before he then kissed your forehead with a quickly returned “I love you.” 
Tamlin always kissed you last. You were their's, yes, but you had been his first, and he had risked everything to protect you from Amarantha and Hybern. It had taken so long for you two to find each other again that he had almost lost hope.
His hands rested on your cheeks as he pulled you in, soft lips fitting to yours like a puzzle. “Be good.”
“I will. I promise.” 
“I love you, little rose.” 
“I love you,” you refused to add the “too”. You always did with both of them. You didn't love them just because they loved you. You loved them because you genuinely did. You waited for Lucien to give the signal, the bond tugging one last time before getting to work.
The Manor was eerily silent when Lucien and Tamlin returned hours later. The faelights had been turned off, and the servant's area was even silent. Tamlin was immediately on edge, and Lucien led them in. You were nowhere to be found. “Maybe the ballroom?”
“She wanted to redecorate it. Maybe she is planning.” Lucien led Tamlin that way, hiding his smile the best he could. He mentally counted the years to himself, 55 years. They had not celebrated Tam's birthday in 55 years.
Lucien pushed open the large rosewood door, allowing Tamlin in and watching as his face fell and you dropped the sound ward. Inside, a lively party was beginning. 
Tarquin was standing next to you and waved. Helion was laughing with Thesan in the corner. Fae were dancing and laughing in all directions. Every high lord and their respective circle had come, all excited to finally be welcomed into the newly repaired Spring.
“Happy birthday, Tam,” Lucien looked at him. “Aren't you happy I demanded you dress nicely for our date now? Oh look, there's Feyre, you could go tell her that her hair looks clean.” The mentioned female waves from where she was spinning Nyx, smile bright as Rhysand watched and laughed. The Lord of Night nodded to Tamlin. While their relationship had not been 100% fixed, it had at least become civil.
Tamlin was shocked. Standing there with his eyes wide. “How?”
Lucien shrugged and inclined his head to you. “She's magic.”
You and Lucien had ensured everything was perfect. His closest friends and repaired relationships were all there. His favorite cake sat on a table waiting for him. The two of them took their places at your side, smiling and greeting their guests and friends as they watched you receive constant praise at the party. Lucien held your hand as Tamlin kept an arm around your waist, keeping you both close to him. 
He had not expected this. Tamlin had expected a small dinner with the three of you, possibly a gift from you, and a verbal sparring match from Lucien, but this was above all expectations. He couldn't help but smile all night, hand staying in its place on your hip while his other would go from being free to touching Lucien. 
You leaned in and kissed his cheek as the night started to close down and guests turned to their respective rooms. “Did you have a happy birthday?” 
You both looked to where Lucien and Eris were having an animated discussion regarding foxes versus the newly crowded Autumn Lord's precious hounds. “I did. The weather was beautiful. Lucien and I got to enjoy the market. We laid out in the flower field. Had a lovely dinner. And then I come home to all of this. It must have taken you hours to plan this.”
“A few days.” 
“I don't deserve it.”
“I have two beautiful and loving mates ensuring I do that.”
“You deserve the world. You are not that male anymore. You have healed, and you have found closure. Think of this birthday as a new beginning. Permission to move on."
Your lip twitched up, “The red-haired male is definitely the prettiest.”
“We should do something about it.”
Tamlin smirked. “I have a few things in mind. They are not appropriate for the present company, though.”
“Ah, so we're going to fuck him.”
“Another night, maybe. Some pretty female offered to ride me earlier. I'd like to take her up on that.” You felt Tamlin tug both sides of the bond, excusing you both to retire for the night and informing Lucien of where to find you both. “If she'd still like to that is.”
Your eyes had already gone slightly hazed, fingers intertwining more with his. “Yes please.”
“Then I've had the perfect birthday. A date with my husband. Sex with my wife. A party. What more could a simple high lord ask for.”
“A threesome!” A familiar voice appeared next to you, smile bright and voice breathless. “A birthday threesome.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria
Poly+ACOTAR Week Taglist
@amara-moonlight @toporecall @littlestw01f @prettylittlewrites @anuttellaa @nayaniasworld @123345566
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