#Not so niffy actions
tamaruaart · 1 month
The thought of Odysseus telling Menelaus how he saw Agamemnon in the underworld augh no one talk to me
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pebblethestone · 7 months
One Wrong Action ⁴
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Vox x reader /Alastor's sibling
Summary - The day of the meeting with Vox could this fix your friendship or make it worse then it is already?
One Wrong Action Masterlist
Part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5
Words - 1391
Warrings - swearing, cannibalism, cigarettes and mentions of blood and cannibalism
A/n - so of bit I would say the the reader sort of have moodswings it's just the way I've written it I guess there emotions changed very fast
Hearing a knock at your door, letting out a grunt as you lift your cosy blanket and get up not bothering to fix how you looked, heading over to the door to see no one, but looking down you see Niffy.
“oh hello there, Niffy what brings you here today,” you say leaning down to pick Niffy up as she stares at you with her big eye, you have always adorned Niffy, she might seem a little crazy but that's what you love about her.
“Well, I have made breakfast for you, to thank you for that food you made for us,” she says as you pause for a few seconds, oh no..
“well isn't that just a treat for me? I'll be down in a minute hon” you say putting her down as you watch her skip away. Closing the door of your room. grabbing your clothes from your closet and putting them on.
Clicking your fingers together you appear at the bar, Husk letting out a hiss with some curses at your sudden appearance.
“Y/N! You really need to stop doing that!” you hear him angry say as he carries on with whatever he's doing, your lips curl up into a smile.
“Well, that's no way to treat a friend Husky,” you say as he gives you an annoyed look.
“Yeah, Yeah,” he says grumpy as he continues cleaning a glass on the bar table.
“Well, I'll see you later,” you say as you take off to the table so you can have the breakfast that Niffy had made for you. Upon entering the room you see Niffy standing proudly with the plate in her hands as you take a look at it. It looks like the best dish she has ever made
“Oh my Niffy this, looks delicious. If I say so” you say as she lifts it up for you to put on the table, doing so you take a seat lifting her onto a chair. As she watches you take a fork and knife and start to dig into the food. Taking a bit your eyes light up.
“oh Niffy this is gorgeous,” you say watching as she moves over to you giving you a grand hug.
“am glad you enjoy it” she says her voice filled with joy.
After eating the food you headed out of the hotel to head to the meeting that you had with Vox.
You didn't like getting in cars much and you might as well use some of your power to Teleport there. Stopping in the middle of the street you take out your phone and Turn it on.
Am heading over to your place for our meeting I'll be there in a minute
You say as you wait for a reply. Hearing shouting and screaming around the streets of hell. The second time today you click your fingers. Appearing in front of the VoxTek building. Glaring down at your photo to see if he has replied.
Stupid TV Head 📺
Yes, I do see that you are outside. Didn't expect you to turn up so late very unlike you.
Glaring at the phone, putting it away into your pocket. Pushing the doors open walking passed the main desk to he'd to the stairs you didn't really trust the elevators.
After walking up all the steps you barge into the meeting room to see Vox already sitting there with a smug face as a frown finds its way onto your face.
“well isn't it our time to have our little chit-chat for this year” he says as you glare at him taking the seat far away from him. Taking a quick glare around the room which is filled with technology.
“it seems it is, I guess we should get to business then?” you say as your papers appear in front of you as you shuffle through them finding the one you want. Pushing the paper towards him. As he picks it up his face Turns into a frown
“This is uh quite a big setback don't you think?” he questions you. You simply shake your head at him
“I think it's a perfect idea, we won't need to meet up every year and you won't need to broadcast my Reastronts on TV, now that Alastor is back,” you say suggesting.
“but the TV will bring more sinners? Not everyone listens to that stupid radio” he says glitching out a little as you sit there with your knees crossed.
“well yes that's true, and we can still talk about ideas for the future of our contract,” you say picking up another piece of paper with another idea. His eyes scanned it.
“This idea seems much better” he says putting the paper down
“And it will be boosting my company as well as yours so we both befit here,” he says taking a last glare at the paper.
“Yes, that's true but.. I would like it if we kept my restaurants more of a 1930s theme if that's possible,” you say knowing that he never writes anything down and never makes ideas, I think he only wants meetings to see you. Watching as he pulls out a folder holding paper, your eyes widen a little
“Well, I do have some ideas myself,” he says taking a piece of paper out of the folder. And moving through the technology to be next to you handing you the piece of paper. Taking a read over it frowning a little.
“This means that we meet every month not every year is that a mistake? But you've also agreed to keep my Restaurant of the theme I want for the except of two of them that would be 1950s themed but with more technology. And it says I can't broadcast it though Alastor” you say out loud thinking about it. Vix sitting next to you legs on the table a smirk clearly displayed on his face.
“Well, maybe we could use this one but make some changes?” you suggest.
“fine by me, doll,” he says as you pin your ears back at the word doll.
“Okay, then how about I broadcast it through Alastor, and we can have 3 Restaurants of your theme? And how about meeting every 5 months?” you say to him as he gives you a look.
“Well, I didn't expect this to go so well, but how about meeting up every 3 months?” he says. Your eyes twitch
“fine then, I guess we have a deal then?” you say holding out your hand everything Turns black and white and your eyes turn black. When he shakes your hand blue sparks appear. After you both let go everything goes back to normal.
“how about a dinner? For this? Can you give me a chance?” he says as you roll your eyes, you still have a soft spot for him and you hate that you still do. Think that the hotel had gotten into your head.
“fine then, tomorrow at 8?” you say as his smile widens and he looks a little surprised that you would agree.
Once you got back to the hotel the first thing you see the Alastor, as soon as you opened the door.
“So, where have you been? You had us all quite worried” you hear him say, walking passed him to dump yourself onto the couch.
“just some overlord shit,” you say as he glares at you with the use of your words.
“My, my it seems that you in an awful foul mood since I got back,” he says your eyes meeting his.
“I just want to know why you abandoned us, seven years ago, you're different. I think you did something you shouldn't have done.“ You say as you hear the sound of static pick up around you. His smile widens as his shadows move around the both of you.
“I wouldn't want to cause a fight to happ-” Alastor says before being cut off by Charlie's happy voice.
“Y/N! There you are we thought you were just going to leave the hotel,” she says.
“of course, I wouldn't, after all, you need a cook. And I think my brother wouldn't be happy with me gone” you say with a smile to her. Seeing Alastor glare at you flashing him a little smirk.
Part 5
@hxzbinwrites @22carolina08 @queenlibra134 @decaf-nosebleed @n3tb0t @cyariika @lem0n-eater @kenny-619 @rl800 @pro-crastinator14 @cariexoxoo @rolly-polly-molly @edgyboi10000 @ghostdoodlen @starstarbinks
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blue--ingenue · 6 months
Ominis Gaunt headcannons {Pt. 4}
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Author's Note: when i'm trying to think of what to write i like to walk around spots in the game and think of what the characters would think/do. what would their favorite study spots be? do they have a favorite place to curl up with a book? etc. anyway, this came to me while i was walking around the slytherin common room. hope you enjoy :) and i'm starting a taglist for my Ominis headcannons series, so let me know if you'd like to be added :)
he knows most of the house elves by name. the Gaunts are notorious for their abuse of house elves, so most of the kitchen/cleaning staff steered clear of them for the first few weeks of his first year. then one day, when ominis was still getting used to the charm he used to see, he tripped over a one of the elves’ mop buckets. the young Gaunt’s face flushed bright red and he fumbled for his wand before pointing it directly at her. she froze in place and cowered, waiting for whatever punishment he would dole out, but none came
he stuttered out an incantation and flicked his wand in her direction - and the rag she wore dried instantly. confused, but still terrified, she remained frozen. young ominis apologized profusely, using the few spells he knew to clean up the mess. all the while he explained how he was having a bit of trouble maintaining the charm for extended periods
after the bucket was righted and the water had vanished from the floor, he helped her up and asked for her name. Niffy explained that few witches or wizards ever asked, and that she’d never had a student offer to help her, let alone with magic. he continued on his way, but Niffy made sure to tell every elf in the castle to keep a protective eye on young Ominis
not many students know this, but there are plenty of snakes that have made their home within the castle. while Ominis doesn’t enjoy speaking parseltongue, he likes that the snakes bring him gossip from around the school. when Sebastian asks how he seems to know everyone’s secrets and rumors, he replies that he simply listens more than he talks. (while this is true, the snakes’ rumor mill is mostly responsible). behind the walls and within the pipes, they hear everything about everyone (which means Ominis does, too)
this boy has managed to free nearly every house elf tied to the Gaunt name. when he first came to hogwarts his parents assigned one of the house elves to follow him around. he hated feeling coddled, but he knew his father would take his anger out on the house elf if ominis sent him back
there’s a trip to Hogsmeade for all of the first-years a few days after the sorting ceremony. the prefects break them into groups and give them brief tours of all the shops. at the end they’re given a few hours to roam before everyone returns to the castle for dinner. Anne and Sebastian, ever curious and looking for the greatest source of action, follow him from a distance. they know he’s a Gaunt. they’ve heard of his family’s reputation. nearly everyone in their year avoids him like the plague, but the twins don’t find him to be any different from their classmates (aside from the house elf that never leaves his side)
it turns out Ominis had taken out as large of a deposit as he could and had the galleons sent by post. his poor owl couldn’t carry the sack of gold, so he was told he could retrieve the coins at the post office. the twins watch as he nonchalantly shoves the equivalent of a year of Solomon’s earnings into a sack and enters Gladrags
naturally, they follow him. he purchases the warmest cloak in the shop, but doesn’t leave. puzzled, the twins watch as he asks Mr. Hill something and hands the coat back to him. he sizes up the house elf with a quick once-over before waving his wand over the garment. when he’s finished, the coat is ten times smaller than before. they watch in awe as young Ominis presents the clothing to his house elf, along with the sack of galleons
the house elf begins to weep, but Ominis merely kneels so that he can speak to the elf without tower over him. as the pair exit the shop, they hear him tell the elf to “be careful, and live well” before they embrace and the elf apparates away with a loud pop
the next day they introduce themselves, and the trio become inseparable
(Ominis’ father stops sending house elves to Ominis, but only after the young boy has managed to free half of their household staff)
Taglist: @caramel-hufflepuff, @fanfiction-she-wrote
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ficklyficing · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel - Extermination Entertainment
You think the whole Extermination is not only keeping Hell, but also a way of form of entertainment for higher folks of Heaven.
Like Extermination is just some angels' version of the Superbowl?
Now, you might think, what the fuck?
It started with listening to the likes of 'Hell is Forever' when Adam sings
" Fair is fair, an eye for an eye! And when all's said and done (Said and done) There's the question of fun (Fun) And for those of us with Divine Ordainment Extermination is entertainment!"
Of course, we all how zealous Adam and other Exorcists are with the annual Extermination. It could be just a throwaway line towards that. Adam and his team find the whole thing to be fun and get a thrill with just the whole slaughter. I'm willing to give you that.
If not for the mask glitching
There has been a few times through the first season we have seen Lute's mask glitch, but Adam's and even in the pilot, the Exorcists, all of them just glitch.
Now, I have seen some discussions about what the mask and their glitches mean. Like breaking the whole 'harming hellborn' deal or just having their own mask breaking. Which I can see points about for sure. But I want to focus on the fact that these Angels are using such high tech masks in the first place.
Why have something like a screen to reflect your face or emotions on? Of course, it is a mask, and having such tech doing such a task if niffy. We all know Adam loves appearances and giving him such a big grin while killing sinners, can be something like that. But it being a screen, one has to wonder how they even see past it the screen.
Heaven powers? Maybe
But if we look at some of the new VR tech, like the new Apple Vision Pro. They are creating headsets that use the cameras inside of the headsets to broadcast the wearer's eyes onto it. Makes it look like the VR headset looks like goggles, but they aren't.
And like VR headsets are used for streaming all the time.
So, who to say that the Exorcist's mask wouldn't do the same in reverse. That they are masking the angels' true faces but reflecting the outside world to the Exorcists so they can see and stream it to others.
Basically blinding themselves to the cruelty of their actions. I mean, Vaggie ripped off her mask and then spared a sinner demon after all. Her bare eyes and all.
And now, you are thinking, what about Sera? And I got you here.
Adam is the one who suggested the Extermination. She approved it, but it was all Adam's idea. He put it up to her as a way to protect Heaven from Hell, etc, etc.
Now, I believe that Sera is a powerful leader in Heaven for sure. She isn't the only one. There are other Elders in Heaven that has similar if not more power than her. There is no way she wouldn't be the only one that would know about the Excorists. She could have keep it from Emily and the rest of the lower angels, but it's the higher ones, and more heaven-born ones that this is the issue.
Look at Hell and how they have different levels of hellborns. Who to say that Heaven doesn't have their own. Like you have the Goetia, imps, etc etc. Like Sera could focus more on angels that are born of moral souls, while other Elder angels are more focused on heaven-born souls.
Like there are the Deadly sins as well.
I mean, Viv is all about designs with her characters. Look at these two frames.
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These are from two different episodes and you cannot tell me that these design choices aren't on purpose. Their halos and extra parts of their designs are on purpose.
These six never like Lucifer and I bet some of them would get some twisted pleasure in seeing the Extermination being done. Look at Adam, I know he does and he even claims they should be worshiping him since they came from his nuts. He realizes these souls came from him and he still wants to kill them for fun!!
So, I believe one or more came to Adam and worked together on this plan so they could all watch the Extermination. Just watching Lucifer and his whole kingdom and the evil souls suffer. Just feeling all superior and such.
Also having an Elder Angel supporting Adam might had helped convince Sera about the whole Extermination plan, for the greater good and such. Besides, there is no way Sera had the total say on the Extermination idea. She had to get approval from others.
And they are so lying to Sera and saying it all for the good of Heaven cause Hell was thinking about attacking them.
All so they could have their private version of the Hunger Games for those in the know.
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simp-ly-writes · 7 months
Chapter Seven: Forgiveness
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Can be read as a standalone: Personal Hell Series (pt.8)
Pairing: (Hazbin Hotel) Lucifer Morningstar x demon overlord!Reader
Summary: Preparing for the fight, you ready the troops, resolve prior conflicts, and help Charlie to led her destiny as you once and for all let the past go. Embracing a new lifetime, one that has you no longer the indebted servant, celestial lover, or war general but allowing yourself to love you and those around you without work on the mind.
Warnings: 4988 words, NSFW adult-content (18+ MDNI!), some emotional angst and teasing.
A/N: If you know me, do not read this, don't even look at this. This is my first time writing anything of this subject so bare with me and hope you enjoy!
Masterlist | Taglist | edited.
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
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“So…” Angel Dust starts to comment, looking around your house before one of their hands extends towards your shotgun as you slap their hand away, placing a cup of coffee into it instead. “...What's it like being reincarnated? Does it hurt or do you remember anything you did in the past?” He asks, now tilting the mug towards you in a pointed motion. You offer a simple small smile, shaking your head before necking down the remainder of your glass as Husk strides over with the coffee pot to refill your cup  with piqued interest in your answer. 
After a few days had passed since entering the dreaming world, Charlie was still distraught over Vaggie and felt conflicted on why Alastor would lead her to such a person that tormented her every night Adam still breathed. You could do nothing, tried everything to force yourself to sleep but just as you would start to feel yourself being pulled away, various memories of past lives would flash before your eyes and you would awaken moments later to find a still asleep Charlie the next room over. In light of cheering the Princess up, you decided to invite some of your mutual friends from the hotel back to your place where you all waited for Charlie to awake to hopefully a wanted surprise. 
After thinking a moment longer on your response, both demons leaned forward to pick up on your answer. “I remember only snapshots of my past lives, yet I don’t see them as me now- we are different people and…” you shiver as blood flashes over your skin, flickering with a warping reality. “...I am not too proud of my prior actions and the vague reasons behind them.” Husk nods his head, seemingly understanding as his eyes cast over, Angel Dust wraps an empty arm across the cat’s shoulder, directing a knowing look. “We can all be losers at times but hey! We can all be our little own version of fucked-up together!” Angel Dust cheers as you laugh nervously, looking between the two to pick up on what you are missing yet a creak of the stairs has you all putting this conversation aside as Charlie rubs her eyes clear and lets out an excited cheer. 
“Holy Hell, you guys- I have missed you all so much!” She states, pulling all of you into a group hug. Seeing her reflection through a window, Charlie scrambles to fix her appearance as you wave a hand over her head, fixing it in an instant as she smiles appreciatively. “So! How have things been at the hotel?” 
Angel Dust pulls out his phone forcing Husk to answer, “Erm, well Charlie… our bonding activities have fallen through without you there and Alastor almost stepped on one of Sir. Pretentious’s eggs last night, Vaggie has been… even less talkative than usual and Niffy… has been Niffty,” You nod your head along as he speaks before turning around and back to the kitchen where you prepare brunch for the group. A mountain of pancakes are carried over to the dining room table as you slice the remainder of the fruit salad you started to prepare last night from your garden. “Breakfast is served!” you all out as their feet rush over, they hum out happily, “This shit if fucking fantastic,” Angel dust comments, mouth stuffed as you chuckle out, standing up to grab a napkin just as Husk yells back, “I will trade you some of my cocktail recipes if you teach me how to make these scones.” You turn around, smiling with a handful of serviettes in hand as you dish them out, now taking a bite of your own food as you all chat for a few hours, the food beginning to cool just as Charlie turns to face you. Husk and Angel Dust enforcing that they would wash the dishes since you cooked the meal. 
“I want to go back to the hotel… but I don't know if I can face Vaggie just yet,” she comments as you put your coffee down, humming out in contemplation before saying, “And that is perfectly fine but Vaggie choose to be with you for a reason, to help you run this hotel, maybe she also wanted redemption for her past just like you are trying to do for others.” Charlie’s wide eyes stare through you at this information, her head tilting as she digests it and with a click of the glass being washed in the kitchen sink- a small smile creeps its way across her face. “I never thought of it like that…” she simply says, playing with the table cloth before darting upstairs to pack her bags. I guess I’ll take that as a yes, she does forgive her, you think to yourself, bringing the remaining dishes to the sink as you say your thanks once more to the boys. 
When reentering the hotel, you did not expect to be invented with such hostility as you push your finger down on the angelic blade currently pointed at your neck. “Good to see you as well, Vaggie,” you comment with a teasing smile as you let out a sigh of relief, dropping her weapon as she steps to the side, inviting the group back in. Nifty is hanging from the newly installed chandelier, in a battle with the resident bugs of the hotel and Alastor is nowhere in sight. 
“It's good that you all are back, you missed the broadcast put every news channel has been receiving multiple call-in’s about angels scouting around Pentagram City, seemingly preparing the site for a larger attack. We are running out of time,” Vaggie states, twisting the end of her hair as she looks up towards the ceiling, also making sure she is ready to catch Niffty is she were to fall. “Well, I may know of a person that could be of help, Carmilla Carmine, fallen angel and overlord may very well be able to provide some answers after a recent meeting Alastor and I had with her. An Angel’s head was presented at the boardroom table by one of the Vee’s-” 
“And why didn’t you tell us this information sooner?” Vaggie presses, now looking at you with narrowed eyes as you cross your arms, standing your ground, “Information is most valuable as it is dangerous.” “And that is the most political bullshit I have ever heard you say,” She retorts as you shrug your shoulders now making your way upstairs, “Go to her Vaggie, you may also find more of the answers you are looking for, who’s to say that can’t help other things as well?”
You watch as her eyes dart around the corner of the room, winning herself over with your thoughts she nods once before picking up her spear and darting out of the hotel. Once standing a few steps up, you address the remaining crowd below you, “I can no longer guarantee the safety of the royals, pentagram city and this hotel as the angelic attack reigns near. I am understanding if during these times you make your leave to survive, let it be known I house no harsh feelings if you are to do so. I believe in your dream, Charlie. I believe it to be possible because we have all the resources we need in the team we have here,” you state, looking at the Princess with a soft smile, you can picture her mother standing proudly behind her- doing what even she was unable to get done before her leave. You both are unknowing to the shared nod of determination sent between the remaining group. 
“We already have been through the shitter, the sewage system, hell the fertilizer pile together, there ain’t no way any of us are leaving you now,” Angel Dust states, placing a hand on Charlie's shoulder as she begins to tear up once again, pulling everyone into a hug of thanks as you lean against the banister, smiling down at scene playing out in front of you. 
Charlie looks up, still holding on as she waves you over and you step down, joining the pile as you all laugh and topple over to the carpet floors below. Nifty hops down, into Husks awaiting arms as she joins you all laying on the floor, her feet kicking excitedly, “I can’t WAIT to kill them all!” She cackles out as your shoulders tense, Vaggie remains looking at the gleaming chandelier above, a possible reflection of her internal hope as you pray to every deity and god that would listen, please do not come crashing down again. 
As the group disburses into fortifying the hotel and gathering close friends and family to join the fight. You and Charlie talk in her room, sitting while overlooking the city below from the floor-to-ceiling windows. “It seems that all we need now is an army once Vaggie returns, hopefully with the weapons…” Charlie comments, sentence falling off in the end as KeeKee runs up and places herself into the Royal’s arms. 
You humm out, cracking your fingers and your neck as she pans her head up to yours once more, “And I can be just the person to help with that.” You take a stand, holding out your arm for Charlie to loop around as you both hop into a shadow you created on the floor, appearing at the front of the hotel amongst the various near-dead plants and uneven pavement. You summon your spear, slamming the end of it to the ground in quick succession. The earth groans to your command, pulling itself apart as various shadow forms of people you have slain in Hell’s past emerge, waiting for your command. “Welcome yourself to Hell’s army, new General,” you state with a proud smile as Charlie rapidly shakes her head in protest. 
“Okay, hahaha, very funny, but that's your job-” “Was, my job… I think that I should accept a long awaited promotion,” you cut her off with, looking off into the distance in a train of thought. Charlie grabs your hand, giving it a squeeze, “I don’t know how to direct a crowd like this, to win them over…”
“You already have, Princess. Simply be yourself, sing your songs and they will follow. You already are the best parts of your mother and they listened to her words much before my own,” you give her hand a squeeze in return before dropping it and compelling a tree stump to grow taller as Charlie now commands the army at an elevated position. 
Taking a deep breath she looks towards you as you provide a thumbs for motivation, clearing her throat, she projects her voice to the crowd and begins to sing as you motion you head back and forth to the beat, “Have you ever had a dream so clear in your mind that you could taste it?”
“YOU MEAN LIKE TEARING HUMAN FLESH APART?” one of your spirits yells from the back as you quickly clap your hands as their form turns to ash, drifting off into the wind without another word, Charlie continues to sing, sending you a thankful look as you walk between the rows of soldiers, joining them in formation for a moment, healing those last scars of your past.
“C’mon boys hop in the saddle!” Charlie shouts, jumping down from the log as she runs through an aisle and back towards the hotel as various shadowed faces look at one another before starting to slowly follow behind. You summon your skeleton stallion, it lets out an echoing cry as you dart off towards the palace, humming in tune to Charlie's voice before shouting out, joining the choir and singing, “We cannot take this anymore, the time has come to go to war, prepared to fight- we’re read for…this!” 
Taking a moment to look behind yourself before the hotel comes too far out of view, you see two fingers standing at the top of the crowd, sharing a hug just as a raven flies over your head, landing on the back of your hors, clawing on to a rib as you embrace yet another lifetime ahead of you. 
Lucifer did not know how long he had been asleep at the desk, he swore to be dreaming for the first time in eons, your finger turning the door handle, softly shutting it behind you. Your hands trailing up the various spines, each leather cover stitched by your hands as small red blood droplets could be found on the pages from the mistakes you made along the way. Hell’s history, your history together was sealed in these bindings as you reach the end of the wall, peering down to an almost filled shelf that is missing a book you had yet to finish before your death. 
Waving your hands over the empty space, it is soon filled with a glimmering flash of gold coins falling to hit the hardwood floors. They shatter on impact like glass and flicker out like a fire beneath your feet as you stand to your full height once more. Lucifer groans, setting his head back in the papers as he rubs his forehead, eyes glassing for the mental torture he endures over and over again as history would have it. 
The ringing of a bell can be heard in the utmost parts of the King's ear, a servant comes stumbling inside the room to complete the request. You breath is smooth and featherlight in comparison, drifting to encompass any senses he held prior as he tunes himself in, “A set of tea please,” you ask kindly as the butler nods aggressively, “of course, your highne-” Lucifer does not brother himself to hear the rest. Picking himself up from the desk as he walks over to your mirage. Your eyes snap over as he makes his way down the couple of stairs that designate your working space from the library and common space. Your smile growing, your hand extending outwards, your hair now fully grown back as you stand in a blood-red dress-shirt and white trousers. 
Lucifer takes off his gloves, casting them to the coffee table just behind you. You watch as his hand shakes, unsure of whether to trust you or not. You notice the struggle in his mind, you lean your forehead against his own, you feel as he lets out a shuddering breath murmuring seemingly to himself. “If you are to be a dream, the first one I have had in lifetimes or even a fleeting thought of mine. Please make this a long one- one that I can become lost in happiness.” 
“Hello Lucifer,” you whisper on his lips, a few tears escape from your eyes as you rapidly blink, your eyelashes falling to his skin as he hiccups back a chuckle at the feeling and a cry in shock. His shaking hands find shelter on your cheeks as your hands trail up from his hips, to his shoulders and carry through to his arms, resting on the backs of his hands as you rub small, comforting circles. 
“Why?” he mutters, taking his head back as your hands fall back to your sides, “why come back to me, after what I had seen with my brother I-” Your eyes drift off towards his shattered crown in the corner and the golden liquid that stains the floors beneath you. “I found that I was living in the shoes of a dead person all along, among other things,” you chuckle out just as Lucifer shakes his head with a tisk. “If you are to be new, then I am Lucifer, a man who appears to be falling in love all over again, a pleasure it is to meet you,” he bows, picking up your hand to place a kiss to the back of it. 
You giggle to his antics, picking up his chin from your hand to bring your lips together. Lucifer lets out a silent gasp in surprise, his body going stiff just as you move a hand to the back of his head, grounding him in this moment. He relaxes at your touch, hands getting lost in the roots of your hair as you lean down to further the kiss. Your heart beats at a mile a minute and you hope that your King cannot feel the sweat building in your palms but as you feel his lips break off from your own, watching as his hooded eyes stare at your swollen lips before falling down to your neck as your knees buckle in ecstasy. 
Soon you feel yourself falling backwards onto a soft cushioned surface as you are transported into a new room. You lay on your back in shock, watching as Lucifer crawls his way towards you on the beds covers, moving to straddle your hips he leans down, warm breath caressing your ear as a shiver runs up your spine to his whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you,” you sound out, just loud enough for the both of you to hear as you pull him flush against your body and bite lightly down on the base of his neck, threatening to break the skin. Lucifer lets out a deep moan that has you squeezing your thighs, locking both of your legs and feet together as the two of you unravel one another. Lucifer’s eyes darken with unseen pleasure, savouring the feeling of your body against his own. And with an equally silent demand, your tops have disappeared, the cold air of the room embracing every inch of your skin that Lucifer had yet to claim as he pulls his neck from your lips, upper body now upright as you look up to him, eyes dilated and housing a lazy smile. 
You look as his hair glows in the setting sun’s light, forming a halo as you shiver at the feeling of hs hands trailing the sides of your body a smirk emerging on his bruised lips as your breath hitches at the feeling of his tongue making its way down to your navel regions. “Lucifer,” you moan out as his smirk only grows on your skin just as the time seemingly grows when he pulls away, hands grasping your waist as he tilts his head to look down at you. “I won’t move any further love if you don’t want me to. I need to hear you tell me you want this… want me… and I will understand if you do not, I promise that nothing will change about anything we said earlier.” 
Thinking about his words, nervousness explodes in your chest before becoming drowned with excitement, your body demanding, your heart longing.”I-I haven’t done anything like this in some time,” you start to say, struggling to finds the words before you hum to the feeling of his warm palms hugging your sides as you fix the hair out of your face, chest rising and falling in rapid succession as you maintain eye contact with the man above you. “I will lead if you wish, but I will only do what you feel comfortable with,” Lucifer states softly, helping you to fix your hair just before his breath hitches in surprise. Now carrying the smirk, you lock your hips and circle onto your side as Lucifer’s eyes go wide, his hands racing for support as he squeezes his hips. You peer down at the royal beneath you, hands training over the various scars across his chest and arms, usually unseen by the gloves he wears before leaning down, placing your head to rest atop his head as you listen to it hammer against his ribcage. 
“I want you Lucifer,” your hips buckle against his own, “I want this and every ribbon and string it comes with.” You repeat the actions, feeling as his chest rumbles with the groan he exhales, his hands grip your hips before directing the movement of your hips against his own. You grasp on to the rough feeling of your pants rubbing against one another, feeling each seam and ridge as your hips glide over the buckle of his pants, your hands grasp at his shoulders, nails clawing into his skin, hitting a point of desire as Lucifer compliments your moans with his own, indulging himself with the pain and pleasure you invite him to. 
Lucifer starts to thrust his hips up into your own, smiling while seeing your eyes go wide before rolling back as you both move in tandem to each other. You soon become reduced to mere sounds, unable to speak a word to the new worlds you find yourself becoming lost in, letting go of control. You let out a cry as Lucifer lifts you off him, you squirm in his hold as he silences you with a kiss. By grace of his magic, you gasp at the feeling of his skin against your own as he flips you around. Hot, wet kisses trailing from your neck, down to your chest as your hands grip to keep his head there. 
Coming up for air, your hands fall as Lucifer licks his lips, “look at me, darling,” he coo’s to you, “look at me,” he states again, now with more gravel in his tone. Your eyes flutter back open, a soft moan escaping from between your lips in response to his soft command. Becoming frustrated by the lack of his lips against your own, your hands begin to rise, reaching towards his neck before your wrists are captured behind your head that Lucifer holds in pace with one of his hands. You whine out he lets out a small chuckle, placing a kiss to the corner of your mouth, you feel him smirking into your skin. 
“P-Please,” you beg, yet you do not know for what as your eyes flutter closed your hips moving to drag across his own yet he holds himself up, not allowing for any further touch as you huff out, frustration rising in you by every moment that ticks though. “Tell me, what do you beg for? What can I do to serve you?” Lucifer asks in a breathy tone against your lips as you shiver at the feeling. Tilting your head to the side, exposing your neck, you buckle your hips upwards once more, pleading, “please, Lucifer.”
Lucifer teases, pushing in gently as you moan out loudly in response, pleasure ringing in his ears to the sound. “It's this what you want?” he teases, thrusting gently into you once as you rapidly nod your head, hearing his smile. “I need to hear you say it,” his hips pause halfway through the motions as your feet kick out in equal frustration and embarrassment. “I need you Lucifer- fuck-” you scream out as he begins to pick up pace. He makes no move to cover your sounds, only encouraging you to be louder, “That's it, love. Call out to me, and me alone.” 
Your pleasure builds, your head tilting back into the mattress as tears begin to well in your eyes, breathless you whisper out as Lucifer tilts his head closer to you to listen, “I’m close.” He hums in response, letting go of your hands as they race to hold his lips, savouring the feeling of his mouth on your own. You feel dizzy, tears falling down your cheeks as you break the kiss to emit a loud whine as Lucifer finds the spot within you yet to be touched. Focusing in on it as he watches you fall apart from underneath him. 
��That's it, darling,” Lucifer praises you, his lips moving from your chin to across your collarbones before placing both of his hands on either side of your head, thrusts gradually lessening in rhythm. Your legs still, your hips tilting upwards as you take a sharp intake of air, filling your lungs. Your hands grasp at the sheets, fingers digging into the mattress, a soundless scream escaping your mouth as you exhale into a moan yet Lucifer remains restless, maintaining your high as you climax. 
Your legs cramp, body starting to stutter from the overwhelming pleasure. Lucifer was not far from you, holding himself back until your hands were pushing on his chest, urging him to stop as he quickly pulled out and finished. He twitches against your stomach, breaths laboured with sweat staining his forehead, hairs sticking to the moisture. “Gorgeous,” he murmurs out into your skin as you collapse in the bed. Feeling weightless in bliss- you mindlessly giggle at his hair ticking your neck as he leaves a kiss on your shoulder before rolling over as you both stare up at the ceiling, lost in this moment. 
Your eyes close, listening as he hums out a simple tune, your breath gradually becomes evened as you pick yourself up, making a move to stand before wincing and falling back onto the bed with a huff. Covering his laughs in his arm, you watch as his feet dangle lightly off the edge, swinging back and forth happily before turning in on his side to look at you and your bright red face. “Shut up,” you mumble out childishly, he does not cover his laughter now as you soon join in. 
Laughing now mere chuckles, Lucifer stands before you, muscles flexing as he stretches out his back and shoulders before turning back on his heel to face you, extending his arms, he reaches to cup underneath your thighs before hoisting you up into his arms. You wrap your sore legs around his waist, occasionally shaking in muscle memory as he walks you both towards the bathroom and into the shower.
Lucifer places you on a heated stone bench as the glass walls begin to steam, he moves to sit beside you, washing cloth and soap in hand as he kneads through your muscles and washing your skin. You return the favour, lathering the sponge as you rub gentle circles across his skin. Humming out approvingly, he holds your other hand, playing with your fingers thoughtfully before you both rinse off and magic yourselves dry. 
Searching around the bathroom for a towel, you bend inside a cabinet as Lucifer whistles out. Turning around to glare at the man, he opens his mouth to make a remark before you both are frozen still to an external voice breaking your moment together. “The tea has been prepared alongside dinner in the seating room,” a staff member announces as you both look between one another and the cracked open door.
A series of excited whispers can be heard from the next room over, various cutlery clatters against tables and candles are lit and lighters are waved out. Waiting for the bedroom door to close, your shoulders drop as you lean against the sink counter in relief as Lucifer walks towards you in a fluffy white robe, helping you into one of your own before making your way to the sitting area. 
Cheeks still painted red from the heat of the shower and partial embarrassment, you stick your head in your hands, elbow on the table as Lucifer pours out tea for you both, coming to kneel beside your chair as he takes a hand away from your face. “Whatever is the matter, dear?” he asks, concern washing over his features as you do your best to smile. “I feel embarrassed for myself, for what the staff must think of me, coming back and… sleeping with you so suddenly…” you state as Lucifer shakes his head. Now holding your hand as he raises himself off the floor to press a kiss to your cheek. 
“I say this delicately but… in the time we have known one another, it has been a long time coming,” he says the last point with a wink that has you pushing his face away from your own just as he ducks in to press another quick kiss to your cheek before settling himself at the otherside of the table. 
Taking a sip out of your tea, you lean back in your chair, observing the various dishes before you, “...you still remember my favorites,” you say in a small voice, a small grateful smile finding its way over your fleeting embarrassment. “I could never forget, not when I lifted the cloche during one of our combined dinners with Lilith and that same smile happened because of me.”
Looking at Lucifer as he says this, your mind flickers back to Charlie's words that seem so long ago now. “...Promise that you will at least look at him even if he does not notice. You deserve to see yourself loved…” Lucifer is engaged with describing the various dishes, his eyes are bright as he recounts his various associations with the foods and a startling amount of them are with you. “And those were always my favorite dishes, even with you gone, I felt like I was still eating lunch with you before court…” he continues to ramble as you reach across the table, fingertips touching one another as his words slow, looking down at your connection. 
“Thank you for loving me, after all this time, for still loving me,” you say, tearing up as you laugh, shaking your head, “gods why am I crying- fuck!” you shame yourself with. “I can say the same, thank you for staying with me, for forgiving me…” Lucifer says, fingers now crawling over to interlock with your own for support. “I thought I died in vain of my struggles and successes yet I realise that the gift you have provided to me is so much greater than my stupid records or plaques. It appears we both are fucked up,” you laugh through your tears, dapping them away with your napkin as Lucifer locks his ankles with your own underneath the table. “Yes, it seems so,” Lucifer replies, picking up his tea cup to cheers your own.
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Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
↳ Taglist: @jtcat305 @tati-the-fangirl @randomgurl2326 @22carolina08 @amarokofficial @cynjinx0 @legacyreadsfics @repentant-repeller @ly-doodels
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