#Not saying whatever's going on in the reboot is (gonna be) toxic
plumsaffron · 8 months
Ayoooooo, the Miraculous salt fandom really is a different breed of toxic and hateful. They rly ought to tone it down bc Lila Rossi isn’t coming back. I don’t like Lila either but they just make so much hate content and not just slipping past the filters that it’s baffling.
Everytime I read or look for crossover content, this is exactly how I feel bc I don’t want to see any miraculous characters or even a mere mention in them. I feel like going into a trap filled maze these days.
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The Miraculous Plague Fandom is filled with a lot people who have nothing else better to do but be oxymorons. Ignoring or taking a break from Lila is not their strong suit. Lila took two breaks why can't this fandom try that instead of consuming their curse of hatred. You even got that Mariah Chloe voice over being asking what with people hate towards Lila. Then you see a gang of losers (even constructing their comments in a mask to shut down her or anyone's interest in Lila) being static same old scrubs but it figures.
It's amusing to me. There's video saying she's an aimless antagonist with the usual crap that reels in Lila haters usually to wank to or increase their extreme seeethery. But what makes me laugh is observing how aimless this stupid moronculous fandom ironically is. The folly of the aimless miraculous maleficent plaguedom.
They are just a bunch of Ripslingers to Dusty Crophopper (if you're familiar with that movie or the game). Or I can say they want to be brave but will disperse when someone says some messed crap against her without realizing that would affect many things. From hating the writers crap and how things are going to wanting the worst done upon Lila by the writers.
Like HUH. They dislike to loathe the ml&cn writers or characters and spam all this here's what I'll do or rewrites AUs whatever but they would want who they hate to make things worse in a leave fandom inducing way, after this Recreation crap. Loathe writers but wants the show to be better or reboot or be within their standards but wants to stuff in their minds some loathsome crap against Lila. REAL INTELLIGENT, EH?
For a plague filled fandom that thinks they truly know what's up. Well... They ironically found a way to be more dumb or pathetic than characters in the show ever can be. Makes since though because they haven't realized Lila's existence is the true attack upon this miracle plague fandom but they are distracted and fooled themselves so badly that they might not ever see or let go.
Sucks though cause I know around several more characters from other series that get treated just as bad or even worse for bigger dumb reasons (Prosecutor Godot/Diego Armando, Shadow in his own game or the game itself, Princess Elise, Wallflower Blush, Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan, Sasuke Uchiha, his parents, and his clan). Fandoms tend to ignore context and latch onto to manure and bandwagon the propaganda against this character train. Even if you show it was never like that, it's almost always too late. Many are just completely incapable of understanding. They pick what they wish is valid. If it doesn't meet their interest... Well Compromise Doesn't Exist. Conform and boot lick or Resist or Die trying (I think I'm gonna start calling the ladyplague fandom, Leaf Villagers or shinobi drones).
That fiance death thanks to this accursed fandom wasn't even enough to gets these buffoons to chill or rethink or lay in grass. Soon as she faded into memory, the true nature of the ladyplaguedom showed their faces. Instability of handling Lila even made some completely turn their back because they didn't get what they wanted despite they could be better and let go but nope as you know the splurge of salt fics through the years (couple to few years on here, like almost every week searching Lila Rossi and there's like a cluster of salt prompts or salt fic links or memes to mock her. It was annoying.)
Other sites the hatred is strong too (twitter reddit but deviantart specifically where Sunset Shimmer makes her bleed or Kagami and Marinette I think punch her stomach and she's damaged. Reactions to Lila by other characters from other shows or being destroyed or harmed by them. Other forms of vilification or dehumanization). YouTube was slightly less until defenders or neutrals vanished or went inactive (1-5 channels).
It's technically worse here.
Though surfing and tragically find people going out their way to have or prompt rape fics of Lila . Guess what? It's the main heroes Ladybug and Cat Noir doing it. And then November of 2023 some scrum prompted scum to make a story of Lila being violated by Adrien because Lila got Marinette expelled. Then later on the recents feed another days later on lila rossi search. A disgusting ask with the user then replied with the after affects. Crap like this related crap on A03 too (but figures heck some person had Adrien violate Marinette too. What is with people making this ruined destroyed one that? Like why?)
Revelation really solidified why this maggot infested fandom deserves to be derided but let them be distracted by Confrontation and think they achieved something. Lila starts doing cosplay and it destroyed this fandom but really it was just a Cerise on top the Lila cake of Revelation. She can do the same dang thing without being Cerise but stupid viewers want to go too deep into it. So deep that they discovered a new reason to want to hate clown or fear her. So deep that they go out their way thirsting her to be an adult and so deep they can't see why that should not be quenched for.
Stupid humans so bored or absolutely pathetic that they actually found the ultimate way to spit on that woman fan of Lila.
Kind of fascinating.
Hating so much without thinking beyond.
Idk. Perhaps you go on a blocking everyone spree or tag. Tumblr tagging is weird. it doesn't always like specifically show up with results to what was searched.
Like if you search umm "fugly fandom", results may show that or "fandom" or "beautiful fandom" or some ice cube image and one of the tags say "fugly ice" which cross tags it presence. I guess search tags here kind of works like an "and or" statement.
All I can say is do what you can to avoid or ignore ML it on social media.
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demonsfate · 3 months
i'm loving this blog so far. jin kazama is one of my most important comfort characters ever since my childhood (alongside guts from berserk and nintendo's cute small overpowered pink puffball kirby), he really means a lot to me. i always found him relatable, more relatable than most of the tekken characters - i was born with something i never asked for and had to learn how to accept it (autism), i suffer from trust issues and low self esteem, and i'm a shy introverted person who loves nature as much as he does (some of my hobbies include walking in the forest, gardening, or collecting sea shells on the beach). i'm pretty sure some people who suffer from dysfunctional families would find him relatable too. other fighting game protags like sol badguy are cool too don't get me wrong. but jin kazama is special to me. which makes looking for tekken content on youtube more painful because some one is almost always gonna make the same "haha emo edgelord/ww3 war criminal" joke for the millionth time. i'm so glad i got to see this blog and some tekken fan content on deviantart/tumblr in general because i finally get to see some wonderful fanart/fanon content of my boy without more constant reminders of his character assassination in tekken 6 which should've never happened. hopefully someday namco will just retcon this stuff by saying jin was brainwashed by azazel (or like you said on this blog devil jin brainwashed him). anyways, i hope you have a wonderful day.
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thank youuuu! i'm so glad you feel that way!! honestly!! the funny thing is, i feel like a lotta ppl CAN'T relate to jin because "oh, he doesn't social much" (that was a legit praise ppl had for bloodline - that it "improved" jin because he socialized with the other fighters more often) and "oh he never expresses himself." even though... i think jin can be very relatable - just to certain people, really. and like... even if his personality might not be the "most relatable." he still has other things to relate with (not wanting something he was born with, trying to become better than his toxic family, grieving of a loss one, trying to make the right choice even when it's not so clear)
jin kazama is def my favorite fighting game character, actually - one of my fav characters of all time in general. even though kazuya seems to be more popular than jin (hell, even heihachi might be...) it's just that, jin does indeed feel different. like he's just so unique to me - when depicted correctly, that is lol. we don't talk about tekken 6.
honestly, even though this is "primarily" a RP blog, i consider it a FAN BLOG for jin in general. as i tend to write a lotta posts just regarding his character - regardless if it's a headcanon post, analysis post, or discussion post. i consider my blog to be a "safe haven" for jin fans where we can talk about the character, and enjoy content of him WITHOUT having to see those bad jokes or straight up HATERS everywhere. because my goodness, it really feels like you CAN'T go anywhere without seeing a "but jin started war-". so whenever i get frustrated with that - i just come here to talk about & appreciate the character. therefore, i'd want that for other jin fans, too!!
that's why, even though a lotta RP blogs don't like personals / NonRP blogs following them, i HIGHLY ENCOURAGE personals to come interact with this blog! to follow, and talk, and send messages! i really love getting to talk with other jin fans where i don't have to deal with the constant anti jokes or hate.
the only time i bring up tek6 or whateves, is to CRITICIZE it, demonstrate how it could've been executed BETTER, and to prove that jin is SO out of character in that game, he's not even the same jin we all love!
i was hoping bamco would retcon it... but seeing as tekken 8 technically DOUBLED DOWN on it? yeahhh... the only way i'm seeing it being "retconned" is if tekken, as a series itself, gets rebooted. sadly, the whole devil [jin] was in control thing will never be the retcon just because uhhh... it seemed tekken 8 has retconned the devil gene into not actually being a "bad thing" - but instead, just a reflection of how the user decides to wield it. as APPARENTLY devil [jin] has been "protecting" jin all this time. 🙄 so like... if devil jin only lashed out because jin was rejecting himself / his "sins" - then i don't see them making devil [jin] responsible for the war. which is lame, because i really enjoy my own take on that & tek6. oh well...! they still could've gone with azazel brainwashing jin, tho... they SHOULD'VE gone with that. (then again, imo, they shouldn't have made devil [jin] a good guy either... at least, NOT in the way they approached it. not in the "ACTUALLY. he was good all along" )
anyway, enough of my rambling. xD i hope you have a good day too!!
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Now listen I like Deuce as much as the next girl but he is in a strong committed relationship with Cleo and I for one love that for them.
Not disrespecting them like that, they deserve to be happy together
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saltwatersweetner · 4 years
End Me
Eren x Reader
A Prequel of Sorts. Eren never fought for control preferring the security of your hold on him but you could never fully domesticate a wild animal it seemed.
Part 1 Part 3
CW: Manipulation, Toxic Relationship, Attempted Murder, Unhealthy coping mechanisms all in all mildly unsettling themes.
Eren knew how to be good—painfully so. He also knew how to be bad—concerningly so. He was a creature of habit. He did whatever he decided was best for him at the moment and maybe thats what lead you to your current stare down.
“Eren I said move.”
“Fuck what you said.”
Frowning you tried to think what honestly could have brought this mood upon him. It couldn’t have been because you were going out he always understood your random need to socialize. You also can’t remember purposefully setting him off, not in the mood and you weren’t completely cruel to ignore his random—even for him mood change—more in tune to your partners mood swings and emotions than you were to you own.
Carefully reaching out for him you raise an eyebrow when he moves away from your—for now—gentle touch “Are you really upset or just being a brat?”
“Stop talking to me.”
Huffing you choose to ignore his attitude and slip your coat over your shoulders just in time for a knock to be heard from the front door. With Eren on your heels you open the door for your friend.
“Y/N I called but you didn’t answer so I just came up.”
You get a flashback of Eren throwing a tantrum not even 30 minutes ago and launching your device from you 6th floor apartment “Yeah I dropped my phone off the balcony but lets go—Eren be good.”
His glare turns even more deadly when Reiner politely wraps an arm around your shoulders. Closing the door behind you Reiner laughs into the quiet hall “Be good? What is he your dog?”
“Something like that.”
Reiner was a friend an attractive one at that and Eren didn’t like it at all. He hated anyone that was even remotely close to you because you already didn’t like anyone but with Reiner it was different. You let him touch you and hold you.
Eren hated it, he hated it so much—and to make matters worse you didn’t care about his feelings—not one bit.
After a night of bar hopping and watching Bertholdt make a fool of himself in front of Annie, Reiner once again brought you home.
“It was nice seeing you, without your guard dog.” The face he made at the thought of Eren wasn’t a nice one.
“Aw sweetheart don’t be mean.” Reaching up you hold his warm cheek in your slightly chilled hand.
You knew jealousy when you saw it, could detect the slightest change of emotion when it was presented to you. He leans into your hold like a cat seeking out affection—much different than Eren’s wild way of seeking you out.
“Don’t be jealous my dear use your words.”
Reiners face was slowly moving closer to yours and you smirk in amusement. It would seem you had a knack for catching the attention for boys who were looking to be controlled.
Your door swings open before Reiner can kiss you and Eren is looking beyond livid. Reiner freezes his fight or flight telling him to run but you keep him steady with your palm.
“Were you waiting for me?”
Eren’s nod is slow and deliberate his eyes still glaring at the nonexistent space between you and the blond.
“Then that ends our time together, goodnight Reiner.” He shivers in what you think is glee from the acknowledgment of the time you spent with him.
“Goodnight.” He doesn’t acknowledge Eren any longer and hurries out to the elevator.
Turning back to the aforementioned boy you make a motion with your wrist “Move.”
When he eventually does get out of your way your hyper aware of the way he sticks to you almost like glue. Throwing your coat over the back of your couch you stretch and lead him to the kitchen.
“You hungry? All I’ve done is drink tonight I could really eat—“
He swings you into the wall by the neck. The alcohol in your system made it incredibly difficult to feel the pain you knew was blossoming up your back so all you could do was stare at the man before you.
You saw the endless sea of madness that unlike you he didn’t bother to cover up. Everyone found the look endearing on him like he never left that childishness behind but you knew the truth.
You could slowly feel yourself starting to suffocate. You didn’t bother panicking because as it had it Eren had all the power right now. If he or you moved the wrong way your neck was as good as snapped.
“Why did you let him touch you?”
Putting a calm hand on his wrist you try and fail to alleviate some of the pressure being forced down on your windpipe “Why. Does. It. Matter.”
Eren was breathing unevenly stuck between fighting his impulses and actually causing some damage “You’re mine you’re—you’re not supposed to—“
“Says. Who?” That makes him let go.
As it would have it you and Eren weren’t dating in any shape or form but he belonged to you. You brought him pleasure that he couldn’t find anywhere else. He was entirely devout to you and you only, all on his own fruition. From the moment he’d accidentally bumped into you and saw through the mask you wore. From the moment he stalked you from the moment he’d shown himself to you begging for salvation.
He wanted to play the game—wanted to be entertained in the morbid way regular people would get sick to their stomachs at—and you let him. You found him amusing enough to keep around but you refused to belong to anyone but yourself.
He was losing the game and fast. As his god you couldn’t be bothered with feeling bad for him.
“Now we can eat or you can sit here and starve whats it gonna be?”
Eren looked terribly unwell like he was about to fold in on himself “u-um eat please.”
You’d never seen him look so unsure before and it made you excited. How would he cry for you next? Would he try to fight more, yell and scream? Or would it be silent and broken?
Flicking your wrist you busy yourself in the kitchen “Good choice, go sit.”
He does as he’s told mumbling words to himself along the way. Was it cruel? Maybe. But you couldn’t be bothered considering how much of a thorn in your side he’d been all day.
You wanted to break him more and till he was nothing but crushed up stars slipping away in the wind. You almost felt bad for how much you were going to ruin him.
But he was your property after all to do with what you wanted. No one could stop you even if they tried. Especially because he let you and thats what made keeping him around so worth it.
You didn’t have the capability of feeling anything close to love no matter how fond of the boy you actually were. So you settled with ownership—they were damn near synonymous anyways.
So you proceeded as normal—well as normal as you are. You order the food you feed him and you move on to wash the dishes. He’d eventually get out of his feelings because he didn’t have the mental capacity to dwell on certain emotions for too long. It was all but routine now.
“Eren bring me whatever dishes you left lying around.”
Filling the sink with a mixture of water soap and a drop of bleach you wait patiently for the boy to bring what you requested. Turning off the tap You almost get impatient when it seemed like he was taking forever.
“Eren—“ you’re grabbed by the back of the head and shoved face first into the sudsy water.
You try with all your strength to get your head out of the sink but Eren just doesn’t stop. He’d never...hurt you before? Never acted out in this manner it startled you maybe.
And you were slowly but surely drowning.
When he finally does let you up you drop to the floor taking in large gulps of air. Your eyes stung from the mix of bleach and soapy water and you were suddenly freezing.
“Dont,” you look up to eren to see he once again wore that livid expression.
“Dont you ever think about leaving me do you understand?” His breathing was already heavy but now it was slowly turning into hyperventilation. “I’ll kill you I’ll fucking kill you if you ever l-leave me.”
You watched him begin to sob, dropping on his knees he crowded closer to you looking every bit of the victim he made himself.
“Im sorry I’m good I’ll be good I swear!” He tries to touch you but you smack his hands away making him sob harder.
You knew Eren you knew him. His inclination of violence had never been towards you and yet?
“Hit me hit me hit me im sorry please im good I promise.”
Those were the only words that made sense to you in the moment. You were a violent creature by nature one who prioritized your own life before anyone else’s, you’ve never done anything you didnt doubt you’d be able to get out of and yet? Eren had surprised you and not in a good way.
Your eyes come back into focus and you see the pitiful look he wore as if he hadn’t just almost killed you “Hit me please?”
And so you do.
You punch him right in the face with all your strength causing him to fly back against the tiles and you don’t stop there. You let out all the frustration from your near death experience out onto his body completely aware of the blissed out smile he now sported.
Regardless your mind was going 1 million miles per hour as one thing became clear. Eren was slipping out of your control and fast. One day you feared he’d be the one in control and that wasn’t a game you wanted to play.
You’re in control.
You were IN control
You not him.
You freeze. Fist inches from his face.
It was like your body was in forced reboot you couldn’t move your thoughts finally spiraled too far and too fast for you to reach.
You weren’t in control?
Starring at the needy expression on his face you came to the horrific realization that maybe you’d been playing in his hands all this time. He’d been able to get anything he ever wanted out of you—he knew it too.
Did you really—no you couldn’t be right?
“I’m good see?”
Wrong—you were in so fucking deep.
Slowing your breathing you lower your once trembling fist “Get. Out.”
Climbing off his chest you wipe the remaining water off your face “Get the fuck out I dont wanna see you.”
Eren hadn’t expected this outcome considering how hurt he looked “B-but where am I supposed to go?”
It was a stupid question you both knew he had his own dorm to himself but he’d been so used to sleeping with you every night that he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.
Rolling your eyes you til your head “I dont care.”
“I cant sleep without you.”
“Cry about it.”
Hauling his shocked form up and out of your home you slam the door shut and immediately turn all three locks ignoring his soft cries from the other side.
Pulling at your wet shirt you could feel the breakdown coming. How did he do it? How’d he make your carefully crafted control snap?
Going into your room you lock that door as well before snatching the throw blanket from the end of your bed and a pillow. Going into your walk-in closet you close the door behind you and navigate in the dark to the farthest corner and sit.
You sit and sit and sit and sit and sit...and then you scream.
You scream until your lungs are raw and your voice is gone and you’re not sure when exactly you started scratching at your face but the stinging thats left behind is brutal.
You needed to think.
You needed a plan.
You needed—fuck you didnt know.
But you did know Eren was about to become a much bigger problem.
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aquariusshadow · 4 years
My thoughts about the 'age thing' being announced for the Netflix Live Action ATLA: as a Zutara shipper.
First I want to discuss Katara being 16 and Sokka being 14 (without any talks of any ships. No Zutara talk, no Zukka talk, no Kataang talk) and how I feel it could potentially scuff with their character developments.
Katara being 14 in the original series and the younger sister makes the 'growing up too fast too young' part in her character more impactful. In the OG Katara was already seen as the mom friend (among other badass character traits she also showed. Yes, I recognize Katara was more than the mom-friend. She's my favorite ATLA character because of how diverse she is) and it affected her character more because she's still a kid. A kid that desperately needs to let loose and have fun and that’s what the Gaang can provide for her. Her being 14 emphasizes that part of her personality.
Her being 16, while still conveys that same purpose of her being the mom-friend...instead of it being one aspect of her character she can learn and grow from, there's a risk of her becoming just the mom-friend and we lose all the stuff in the OG that reminded the viewer that 'yes, Katara is still a kid.'
That being said. I can still see the writers not keeping Katara as "just the mom-friend" despite her being aged up. But because she is older, and I don't trust the Netflix writers (I mainly don't trust any sort of reboot writing as I personally haven't seen any successful reboots??? but I degress...) to keep Katara as complex of a character as she was/is in the OG. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt but remain skeptical.
I'll be completely honest here. I wouldn't have too much of an issue with Katara being 16...if Sokka wasn't aged down. In my opinion, that's where the decision to change the ages is scuffed the worst.
Sokka being the younger brother changes the entire dynamic he has with the Gaang as well as his own character growth. An in turn, ultimately messes with Katara's dynamic with him and the concerns I mentioned above with her being reduced to "just the mom-friend." Sokka's arc is the protective older brother figure of the group and a lot of that stems from how he wanted to step up and be the man of his village, and in turn, Katara. Sokka being younger than Katara changes that because, while he would still want to be the 'man of the group' (and the village) that same desire to step up for Katara wouldn't be there in the same way??? Yes, he would still be the older-brother figure to Aang and Toph, but ultimately, Katara would be the one taking care of him completely.
Because of that, Sokka and Katara's relationship would ultimately be different from the OG and Sokka's character is more at risk of being potentially unrecognizable or simply reduced to comic relief.
Now, onto the part I think everyone cares about the most. The shipping.
This is where I think I'm about to be really controversial.
Basically, I think aging up Katara screws up the legitimate arguments Zutarians have when criticizing Kataang. I've seen pretty much every argument against Kataang and I've agreed with most of them. But aging up Katara to "show" that Kataang doesn't work because of the age thing (and whatever else) delegitimizes the legitimate claim that Katara being 14 and Aang being 12 is still a problem by itself for their relationship.
Katara being 14 and mothering 12 year old Aang, etc etc, has so much merit for conversation and claim as to why Kataang isn't a good pairing. Especially since a 14 year old girl and a 12 year old boy are so different in maturity and you add in Katara's "having to grow up too fast" character development just further adds to the argument of the 2 year age difference being a legitimate critique. It's impactful. It has merit.
Especially since throughout the seasons...we lost the whole "Aang lets Katara be a kid" theme that the show was trying to show in early season 1. Again, this is just my observations from watching the show many many many times throughout my life since I was like 8 to now 21. That theme was lost because we see more scenes of Katara mothing Aang than Aang and Katara treating each other like equals.
Aging up Katara to 16 takes that away. It more or less says "well we want to prove that the age difference is an issue so lets age up Katara more" when, in my opinion, the show does a good job showing why the 14 and 12 year old age difference is already an issue.
I don't think aging up Katara hurts the Zutara pairing at all. It just hurts the legitimate critiques people had against the Kataang pairing...which leads me to my third and final point.
Should Zutara be canon...and Katara is aged up to 16. The fandom is going to attack anyone that does ship Zutara even more than I've seen the past year or two since being more active on social media sites. On tumblr you have your set tags that you keep to when having discussions. I personally haven't seen a lot of zutarians on tumblr go into the kataang tag and shit on kataang for the hell of it. Sure there might be strays but its not the overwhelming majority of Zutara shippers, from what I have seen.
My point is, there's going to be a lot more hate and anyone who ships Zutara is probably gonna be immediately discredited in the fandom because of the toxicity. This isn't a fandom where all opinions and thoughts are treated with respect. If it was, then I wouldn't be making this post.
Furthermore, I also don't trust the writers to write Zutara properly. Yes, I did see that the new head writer is known for well-written enemies-to-lovers which does give Zutara a chance at being canon on screen so I'm a tiny bit hopeful? That being said, because of the changes already being made, the likelihood of it being good seems 50/50. If they do Zutara the justice it deserves then I wouldn't be as concerned about the toxicity I mentioned above. But. If they scuff the Zutara pairing in the live action. Then. Re:toxicity.
When people want a reboot/live action of something, they don't want the core fundamentals of the story changed. If there is significant change then theres extra pressure to do it right. If it's not done right then all hell breaks loose.
My point, as a Zutara shipper, I'm concerned that the aging changes + Zutara being canon would divide the fandom even more and Zutara shippers getting the brunt of a lot of hate that is unjustified.
I don't speak for all Zutara shippers. For all I know they probably aren't concerned about any of the points I presented and honestly? Good on them lmao. I'm proud if that's the case. I guess, I'm trying to look out for a fandom and a community I am very fond of and plays a huge role in my life.
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oh-theatre · 5 years
Objection!: Chapter 23
Chapter title: Do You Love Me?
A/n:  EYYYY GUESS WHOS BACK!! I worked very hard on this chapter and even though it sucks I hope you enjoy! Alot was revelaed and happened so ooOoOo things are getting back and YALL ARE NOT PREPARED FOR WHATS COMING! ANYWAY ENJOY A BAD CHAPTER!
(ok its unedited because my stuff isnt working so ill fix anything thats wrong later)
lmaooo can you say bad ™ 
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words: 5083
summary: Logan has a proposition and Patton receives information
pairings: logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic demus, romantic remile
warnings: Murder mention, child murder, Law and Courtroom, swearing, blood, hospital, crime scene,  murder, gun mention, guns, swearing, abuse, graphic descriptions, alcohol, hinted/almost abuse
Ao3 Link  
“Ok careful Remus, hes just a little baby” Patton cautions, holding carefully to his more than excited son. Remus bounces as Damian takes his turn first, his own father seating him gently on the couch as Emile watches Thomas softly.
“Ready?” Virgil sits next to his child, rubbing his back soothingly as a small nervous ball grows in Damian. He nods biting his lower lip, Emile moves closer, with a quick affirmation from Virgil, he places Thomas into Damians arms. “Dee, this is Thomas” Virgil supports the small boy, holding Thomas steady.
“Hello Thomas” Damian smiles shyly, Virgil looks up quickly hoping his tears will halt in their own. “My names Damian” He puts his hand out, watching as Thomas wraps his intrigued fingers around Damians. A sweet giggle as the pair interact. “Papi look” His eyes alight as Thomas only laughs further.
“Mmhm” He responds, Patton gives hims a soft squeeze on the shoulders, noting the glazed eyes Virgil retains. Remus tugs on his father, his eyes wide with anticipation.
“My turn papa! My turn!” Valerie whines, the group chuckles as a tender connection of mystery between Damian and the baby is broken. Remy nods content, taking Thomas from Damians hold. He and his father move away making room for Patton and the twins, both bouncing with excitement.
“Ok, remember what I told you, gentle right?” Patton tries once more, Remus and Valerie nod a sudden calm flooding them. Remy cradles Thomas into Patton's arms first, securing the child safely. “Remus, Valerie...this is Thomas” He introduces, Valerie leans over a bit, waving with delight as the baby giggles. Remus shys away, picking at the ends of his shirt. Logan cocks his head allowing Patton to meet his eyes. “Crabcake? Wanna say hi to Thomas?”
“I don't wanna” He mumbles, Patton looks to Logan a quick understanding as Thomas is placed in the lawyers arms. Valerie continues her meeting, trying and succeeding to make the baby laugh. Remus pouts hopping off the couch, retreating into his room. Emile and Remy share a glance, before Patton himself makes a quick exit.
“Mind if I join you?” He knocks, a sullen Remus sits on his bed, tracing the outlines of animals on his covers. He shrugs giving Patton permission. Patton takes his son, placing him on his lap sweetly, wrapping him up. “Penny for your thoughts?” He jokes, Remus fights a smile. Patton hums ever so gently, swaying his son slightly.
“I'm scared” Remus admits, his pout continues. Patton adjusts so he can see Remus’s face, brushing fallen hair away. He waits for more, knowing that he needn't push. “I don't wanna break him” The child's voice is so soft, barely audible as it's muffled by insecurity. “He's just a little baby” Remus cries, Patton wastes no time securing tighter, rubs of comfort are administered.
“Shh, Remus its ok…” Patton soothes, the boy shakes his head, crying into his dad. He watches as his son picks once more at the edges of his shirt, after a few tries he notices a forming routine. “Kiddo breathe” He shows Remus how to do so, a simple method. “You're not gonna break him, I promise” Patton takes a tissue, patting Remus’s face delicately, drying away his doubts. “Babies are strong, and even then I'm gonna be right there” Remus leans into Patton, sighing shakily, a blubber of tears swelling.
“P-promise?” Remus asks, Patton places a loving kiss through his hair, nodding as he returns a sweet embrace.
“Promise” He assures. With that, the pair give themselves a few moments to reboot, preparing for their re-entry into the living room. Logan still holds Thomas as Valerie plays excited with him, Damian watches from afar, the smallest of smiles. “Come on” Patton encourages, Remus takes his spot next to Logan, before a moment of hesitation, he holds Thomas in his arms. Logan and Patton on either side.
“He's smiling!” Remus laughs, a mischievous grin upon Thomas’s face as he pokes and prods at Remus. “He tickles” Remus giggles, Emile and Remy smile soon joined by the rest. Patton nods, another kiss to his son's forehead as he eases into Thomas. “You're my friend now” He proposes, Thomas claps ecstatic. Virgil replaces Logan and Patton, surrounded by eager children, the lawyers meet in the kitchen.
“Everything alright?” Logan wonders, filling the kettle with water, preparing two cups. Patton takes two packets from the cupboard, handing the tea to Logan as they dance around each other. “Fruit or chamomile?” Logan questions
“Fruit please” Patton replies, taking the honey from the shelf, barely reaching. An eruption of giggles and laughter from the room distracting them momentarily. “I'm not sure” Patton admits, watching the twins from the opening, leaning over a bit, resting himself. Remus switches through fast faces, as if Valerie were clicking away the channels. “I'm just worried about Remus” Patton laments, Logan finishes his duties, pouring an even amount into the prepared devices. Placing a cup in front of Patton, he places his free hand over Pattons, squeezing it.
“Anything I could do to assist you?” Logan offers, Patton lets out a weak chuckle. He turns to the lawyer, scanning his features, noting the emerging blush as it comes. A sudden impulse to go forward halted by his own resilience to shatter anything. Luckily, or not, his phone offers the perfect excuse. Returning the squeeze, he takes the call out of earshot.
“Patt-” He begins
“I think by now we’re well acquainted, would you agree mister Hart?” The voice, though crackled through the phone, leaves no tone of fear behind. Patton takes a quick glance behind him, steadying his heart at the sight of a calm Logan.
“Who are you?” He begs, a sharp whisper. A toxic laugh comes through, only more painful through the static. He feels the room around him slow as he fastens, every inch of his body vibrating quickly, what was going on.
“I truly recommend you dont waste any more moments mister Hart, it would be a shame to see you go without a proper send off” And soon the noise Patton had come to dread, the line goes out, as Patton's mind only runs further.
“Holy shit, Tolentinos a romantic” Virgil teases, Patton nudges him hiding his dusted cheeks. “Hey if it doesn't work, mind if I…” he raises an eyebrow “Ya know” Patton groans, rolling his playful eyes.
“Walking away now” he decides, Virgil cackles but catches up nonetheless. He links his arms with his friend, striding they fall into a gentle routine. “It was...sweet” Patton hazes, his mind returning to that fateful evening, the stars had never looked so prominent as they flashed only hope into him.
“I'm only teasing, but uh...I think Roman might have some competition” A shared laugh, Patton shakes his head. The leaving winds of January hit them as they walk through the courtyard, the fountains soft spritz as it tries to fight the cold. A tight flutter to the chest as Patton eyes fall on someone waiting by the coffee cart, standing idle as he observes the world. Virgil coughs noticing the clear distraction. “Come on” He drags Patton over, watching as both their faces light up.
“Patton, good morning” Logan greets, a gentle glance to Virgil before he places a soft kiss on Patton's cheek. A soothing touch to Pattons arms. Virgil nods, happy for the long hidden smile on Patton's face. “Virgil, how are you?” Looking between the pair the detective smirks.
“Better” He admits, Patton gives a light squeeze.
“A very good morning to you all!” Roman gallants, nudging each of them. Patton gives a confused greeting back, Logan simply grunts. Roman bobs his head, none of them dare amuse his excitements, too early for the judges typical performances. Not that they didn't enjoy it dearly, but there was a time and place for such things. An impatient Virgil cant take his incessant tappings, giving into the trap.
“What's got you so excited Ro?” Virgil groans, taking his coffee, paying the amount needed. Romans eyebrows bounce, an unamused Virgil flicks him. Patton feels his hands quickly warm, looking to a more than confident Logan as he interlaces their fingers. “Walk with me Ro” Virgil decides, hoping to give the flustered lawyers a moment.
“Ten bucks he looked up how to be a romantic and good boyfriend” Roman whispers once there is distance between them, Virgil laughs but takes Romans extended hand shaking it.
“You're so on Reial” Virgil agrees, the pair disappearing into the safe haven of the courthouse. Patton watches the pair wistfully, shaking his head at their antics whatever they may be. Logan finishes his beverage, handing a prepared one to Patton.
“Well thank you!” Patton takes a sip, an instant calm seeps into him. “Logan-” He begins, his tone changes, pivoting from his cheerful delight, looking forward to his day must come later.
“We should talk, about what exactly this relationship is” Logan deems, Patton bites his lower lip nodding. “Boyfriend feels too casual” Patton supposes he agrees, not sure where the conversation will take them. “Partner?”
“In crime?” Patton jokes, he shakes an apology “You know you're not just...getting me? You get into this, you get the twins too” Patton reminds, Logan remains unphased “It won't just be fun Logan coming over, getting to see them in their happiest of states”
“Give me a trial run” Logan blurts, Patton coughs on his drink. “You have the charity dinner tonight, I presume Virgil was going to watch the twins, let me” He rambles, excited, almost a spark surrounds his feet. “We both know how long those dinners go”
“Lo...are you sure?” Patton doesnt want something to change, a quick turn and Logan could be out of it his life for good, even the thought shakes Patton, consuming his dark mind.
“Positively” Logan stands firm, his fingers still in Pattons, his heart matching Patton's steady beat. Neither had been so sure of something. Patton leans over, a soft kiss to Logans cheek. “Is that a yes”
“You break em, you buy me new ones” he teases “But yes” Logan goes to speak but Pattons not finished, his quick eyes stopping the lawyer “Lo, those kids are my life. They are my first priority always, I love them so much…”
“I wouldn't want it any other way” Logan sighs, Pattons lips ease into a gentle smile. “Tonight, Ill pick them up from daycare and go from there” He hopes, Patton squeezes reassuringly, his own nerves washing away.  
“Mister Hart there you are!” The lawyers turn, a resumed Haley approaches. “Mister Tolentino” She greets, Logan nods back.
“Captain, is everything alright?” Patton inquires, watching as Remy and Virgil reappear closing in. “Guys?” Remy and Virgil share a worried glance, reading each other's expression. A tightened grip to Logans hand as Haley begins.
“The case is reopening” She breathes, Pattons eyes grow wide “George isn't guilty...you were right” She continues but Patton can't hear, the wind swirling around him as his body falls light. No roots planted, he could float away riding a stream of his thoughts and fears. His doubts capturing him as they consume, the only thing he can feel his Logans hand in his own.
Not guilty?
I was...right?
“Stop!” He exclaims, sporadically putting distance between him and the group. Logan instantly misses his hold, a chilling absent on his hand. Virgil and Remy remain grounded, both simply anticipating. “Enough, enough with the back and forth. This is not a TV drama, this is a courthouse, there are peoples lives at stake. Children and families are involved. This is not a game, you need to be sure that the words you speak at this moment are as true as gospel” Patton's voice is deep, completely even as it shoots at Haley. “So captain, what is it?” Logan turns expectant to Haley, extremely impressed with Patton.
“Mister Hart...I am completely sure” Haley confirms “Under accounts, undeniable evidnce and overwhelming arguments also compelling, George W. Hoff…” Patton sucks in sharply, the room awaits those simple words. “Is the furthest thing from guilty” a shaky breath and an attempt to stop his tears...Patton was back.
“I want a meeting with the client and his family, I want to speak to Carlton, retrieve any previous files from the case and the existing ones” A frantic assistant does her best to keep up, following Patton as they tread through the courthouse. Logan follows calmly, trying hard to hide his smirk. “Also get me any files on detective Carltons work at the precinct since he was hired. I want to know the man so well we might as well be married” A quick chuckle from Logan catching the lawyers attention, he blushes his returns but they share that moment.
“Is that all?” She breathes as they pause in front of Patton's office. He softens pulling out his wallet.
“No, go grab some food Willow” he requests, she smiles relieved. “Thank you for everything, truly” He gives her some cash, a prideful grin before she nods walking away. “Sweet kid” Patton watches her go, a familiar fondness for the young dreamer, even though she was twenty four. He walks into his office, promptly followed by Logan.
“In all honesty, that was very attractive” Logan sits, continuing his light skimming of files. Patton lets out a nervous laugh, hiding his reddened cheeks. “Apologies” Logan whispers, Patton shakes his head
“No no it's fine, I'm flattered just…” He tilts his head, he's not sure what really. “I don't know” He laughs, Logan gives an uneasy smile but shrugs. “Hmm...Diana Bernard?” Patton reads “She's playing the prosecution” He informs, Logan registers a thoughtful glance. He awes as he reads her transcript “Woah she's young, twenty five years old,  graduated- hey! Harvard law.” He beams, Logan finds himself intrigued. How different their reactions to the competition are. “Seems like it's going to be quite interesting!” He takes a second examining Logan's face “I'm sorry...I shouldn't be...rubbing this in your face”
“Patton, as I have told you a million times. I am fine, I chose not to rejoin the case, I don't believe in my argument anymore. It would be a waste of my time and a fight.” He lays it out, Patton moves to his side after straightening his files, a quick peck to Logans cheek before he leaves his office.
“You're never gonna get used to that” Virgil plops himself into Pattons chair, Logan leans forward, deciding to play along to the sentiment “The casual-ness of it all, soon enough it'll become routine. Hand holding, quick kisses, prolonged moments of touching, you'll literally just be inseparable”
“You make it sound like its a bad thing” Logan deciphers quickly, almost wanting Virgil to go on. Virgil chuckles through a scoff, tapping the desk, a melody emerging.
“So you're not rejoining the case?” Virgil questions, bored by the topic wishing for a pulse in his interest. Logan, bored by the same question, changes it himself.
“What do you think about James and Roman?” He pushes, Virgil sighs his memories quickly showing that of which he knows. “No I'm genuinely curious, they moved quite fast”
“Romans happy, and I think that's really all that's important” Virgl yawns, laying his head fully on the wooden desk, the cool touch calming him. “What about you and Patton? Things seem to be going really well” He mumbles, Logan almost has trouble hearing him. “He seems really happy, and you do too” Virgil notes
“I am, and I just hope tonight goes smoothly” He sighs, virgil sits up raising a frisky eyebrow “Virgil, no” Logan shuts it down instantly “Im taking the children tonight, and frankly I am quite nervous” He whispers to himself
“Hey L! Thats a big step, I know Patton he doesn't just leave his kid with anyone” Virgil nods, a gleam to his words
“Yes, and after tonight he wont be leaving me with them again” Logan laments, Virgil tilts his head. “He made a very good point, I don't know the first thing about raising children. Yes, Ive seen it done, Ive been a child and been around children. But he is correct, there is a difference between seeing them at their happiest as opposed to raising them” Logan inhales sharply, Virgil takes his hand squeezing.
“Come back to me Logan” Virgil requests, remembering Patton's own grounding methods. “Ill help you, grab a notepad, class is in session” Virgil quips, a smirk upon his determined face. After an unsure moment Logan nods, falling under the complete control of the detective. The evening goes by quickly, Virgil goes through everything he can. The basics first, then he specifies more towards his own experiences with the twins and what they need. “Ok ready? Your very first test” Logan swallows but allows Virgil to continue “First thing you do?”
“Check that the car seats are stable, then check in at the reception” He taps his foot, adjusting his tie, wanting room to breathe “Before we leave I need to make sure that they both have everything, not forgetting anything”
“You're in the car, now what?” Virgil presses, checking off a few things as Logan goes through everything.
“I secure both of them, Valerie will insist she knows how to do it but I have to check her seat” Logan chuckles, Virgil looks to his own notes, a pursed smile. I didn't tell him that… “Then we drive home, after a final check, especially Remus he gets nervous in cars” Virgil just listens, once he gets going Logans a natural
“Youve arrived home, its four pm” Virgil proposes
“Ill arrange them some healthy snacks while they watch cartoons” Logan tries not to smile, reminiscing on his cooking lesson with the pair. “Then I will help them with any work they have, Valerie will work alone and come to me if she has questions. I have to...work carefully with Remus, he gets frustrated easily” Logan rambles, Virgil barely keeps up
“L, you know these kids..” Virgil interjects, Logans eyes widen softly. “Whats next?”
“They will have around an hour of free playtime while I prepare supper, Remus will sometimes offer to help and Valerie will be outside” He rubs roughly against his forehead “Supper will commence and then I will help get them ready for the night. Remus insists on taking a bath, while Valerie enjoys a shower. They don't need help, unless specified?” He checks, Virgil nods
“Ok, everyones ready for bed, they've eaten and done their work, its six or seven...what now?” Virgil leans forward, knowing Patton has the same thing for Damian.
“They usually decide to do something fun, giving me a moment to work if I need to. Or they will want to do something with me- er Patton…” Logan rubs his tired eyes, his mind pulsing “At eight they must be in bed, they will receive a bedtime story and final requests such as water. Then by eight thirty its lights out, except their nightlight” He yawns, the idea of rest calling to him
“Everyones in bed, final steps” Virgil teases
“Well this is more loose, usually cleaning, work or relaxing time. But once I choose to retreat to my bed for the night I must check on the twins at least twice” Logan aces his final words, before Virgil can congratulate the lawyer, Logan gains a slow smile “Im ready...Im going to be ok”
“You're really ok with me doing the ‘Alphabet Murders’ case?” James inquires, stabbing his salad again. Roman swallows his own food, nodding annoyed.
“Yes, I'm totally okay with it” Roman repeats “As I have told you a million times” James chuckles, taking his hand across the desk.  “Sorry Im just...antsy” He rubs his hand back, finding comfort tracing the sweet pristine lines of James’s hand
“I heard, big meeting tomorrow” James smiles, Roman averts his gaze, feeling just slightly out of place. Here is someone who understands him, so well and yet… “You'll do great, just be you, you know what you're doing” James comforts, its true, Roman knows exactly what he’s doing. If anything, they should be nervous of him. “Wanna go over anything?”
“No I think Im good, just gotta...take a deep breath-”
“Take it all in, feel all those halogens warming your skin” Patton finishes creaking into the office. Roman laughs, James stands shaking Patton's hand. He moves to Romans side as Patton takes a seat. Soon after another body enters the room.
“Diana Bernard” She introduces, extending a hand towards Patton. He shakes it with a cheery smile. “Damn, you're nice, gonna be hard to hate you in court” She jokes, Patton chuckles sitting down as she does the same.
“Shame” He shakes his head, a playful sigh. “Patton Hart by the way” He adds, She smiles.
“Alright lets get started, you both know why you're here” Roman claps, James skims through some files, tuning himself out of the conversation. “As you know, you'll both be on the ‘Alphabet Murders’ case. Mister Sanders you will continue representing the defense” Patton nods in confirmation “And miss Bernard you will be representing the prosecution”
“That is correct” She smirks, Patton glances her way, a deep breath. “I believe you will be serving as the judge?” She asks, Roman raises his brows with a smile.
“No actually, thats why I called you in here” Roman gestures to James, the judge puts down his reading and faces the pair “James McCoy will be replacing me in this position” Patton coughs but scribbles down some things. “I assume that won't be...an issue?” He checks, Diana holds her head up high shaking it. Patton smiles, Roman snaps complete. “Great! James would like your evidence and anything from the previous case and new information by the end of tomorrow”
“Will do” Patton assures
“Perfect” Roman sighs “Youre both excused, thank you” With a quick dismissal, the pair make their way out of the office leaving a curt Roman. “Mm” He mumbles, James leans over taking his hand.
“You alright?” He wonders, Roman feels a rapid  heat to his face, his heart skips only a moment. He turns to James kissing his cheek softly.
“Yeah, I actually am” He releases an amused breath, another kiss to James “Thank you” James shrugs but stands, one final look at Roman before he leaves the judge to smile in his happy thoughts. This moment, unbeknownst to Roman, would soon be over with a short yet filled text.
“Are you sure you can do this Liam?” Patton questions rushing to pack his things, the sound of the twins calling to him plunging a deep pain into his heart. “Liam!” Patton exclaims, his partner looks from the couch grumbling.
“What?” He groans, Patton pouts but keeps his breathing steady.
“The kids cupcake” Patton reminds, Liam rolls his eyes waving him off. He bites his quivering lip as the children only continue their wails. He drops his things rushing to their cribs, holding them quickly in his arms. Bobbing softly, humming a gentle tune as they calm themselves. “Sh, its alright my little angels” He assures, kissing them each softly on the head
“Theres a-” Liam interjects, burping through his pause “Car waiting for you out front” He informs. Patton sighs nodding, one more check on his children before putting them back into their crib.
“Schedules on the fridge, just make sure they eat and drink, then just if they start to cry-” He snaps in front of Liams un-observant eyes “Read or sing to them, rock them back and forth, ok?” Liam yawns “Liam, I need you to pay attention ok?” He panics, his throat clawing desperately as it tries to keep stable
“Its not that hard, I can take care of two kids for the night” Liam's voice only deepens, his aggravation clear.”Just go..ugh. And pick up another case of beer on the way home” He requests, already retreating to the couch.
“Our kids!” He corrects, his brows furrowed, his eyes shine with tears.
“Don't get emotional Patton” Liam warns, turning to the lawyer. “We wouldn't want anything bad to happen now would we?” His thin lips scowl, Pattons anger quickly turns to fear as his eyes dart to the door. “You know, I think youve been a little bit bossy tonight” Liam taps a mocking finger to his chin
“I'm sorry, just...take care of them ok?” Patton barely whispers, his body recoiling. Liam grunts, nudging Patton back a bit. “Liam please, not tonight, I have to go” Patton begs, feeling small once more. Liam scoffs, pushing harder once more, clearly wanting to go further. But alas, a knock on the door, grasping both of their attention.
“Patton? Are you ready to go?” Logans voice breaches Patton's mind, the dark clears out as the room returns to normal. “Patton?” An involuntary squeal escapes, somehow Logan hears it “Are you alright? Is he hurting you?” Logan knocks again, Liam clutches his jaw together, forcing Patton to straighten his posture.
“Go get the door, say nothing, got it?” Liam commands, Patton nods rushing. Using the ends of his perfectly pampered suit to wipe away any remains of his tears.
“Heya Lo!” He greets, a genuine smile across his face as his eyes land on his fellow lawyer. Logan makes an uneasy glance towards Liam who turns towards the kitchen, a concerned hand is taken between the lawyers.
“Are you alright?” He whispers, Patton squeezes Logans careful hand. “Patton?” The lawyer nods, closing his eyes as he confirms his lie.
“We should go!” Patton resets, his entire body depleting any previous feelings. Logan, though still wary, felt it best to get Patton away. So they set off.
“Remus come on, its dinner time” Logan asks once more, the boy grumbles but kicks the ground as he stumbles towards the lawyer. He lifts him up, placing him delicately into his chair next to Valerie. Once they are settled he serves them his homemade meal. A delicious mac and cheese, a side of sauteed broccoli and fresh juice. Not that they would ever know what that meant.
“Mac and cheese!” They cheer together, delighted laughs, Logan takes this as his chefs praise.
“Bon appetit!” He gleams, shaking his head instantly.
“Bone apple teeth?” Valerie questions, Logan chuckles stroking her head. She cocks her head, Remus begins digging in.
“Close enough Val” He assures, as they eat away, talking through full mouths of gooey delight, Logan moves to t he kitchen. Washing away slowly at the dishes, watching the twins. The night moves on quickly, once their food is finished Logan assists the children get ready for the evening. A very messy bubble bath with Remus and a long shower for Valerie and the twins are cosy in their pajamas. Relaxing, cuddled onto Logan as they prepare to watch a fun movie.
“I wanna watch ‘Chowder’!” Remus insists, poking excited at Logans face. Valerie yawns leaning her head on Logans lap.
“Not a movie stupid” She comments, Logan situates them both carefully. “Sleepy” She pouts in his face, he kneels in front of them on the floor.
“No name calling Valerie” He reminds with a calm tone “And Remus, we should watch something everyone will enjoy ok?” He suggests, they share a glance but nod. Soon enough the trio decide to watch ‘Coco’ and settle in with some snacks. Though a very amazing movie, and enjoyable, the twins fall asleep fast. Valerie takes her stride moving to her room almost instantly. Wishing a sweet goodnight to Logan.
“Nighty night” She places a kiss on his cheek, standing on the soft couch as she clutches to her stuffed animal. After a quick hop, she disappears into her room. Remus fights a little longer, kicking and moaning everytime Logan offers he give in for the night. Alas, the small boy had a long day and couldn't hold out much longer, soon enough his head falls into Logan as he shuts off. Clearly dreaming away, the sweet adventure of his mind running. Logan finds his own self falling to the mercy of the night, his own mind resting. Even through some trial, Remus waking every so often, Logan finds a way.
“Thats wha- oh!” Patton quiets instantly as he steps into his warm home. He closes the door ever so softly behind him, holding the phone to his ear. “Virge I gotta go, ill talk to you later”
Patton tries not to ‘aw’ audibly as his breath disappears. His eyes falling onto a sleeping Logan, protecting Remus with his arms. He sets his things down, putting away all his necessary items before moving towards the couch. He strokes away Logans loose hair, kissing his forehead softly, Logan stirs awake. A confused blink of his eyes as he wakes to a smiling Patton.
“Oh” He yawns, adjusting so he can face Patton. “Guten morgen” He greets, his mind still fuzzled. Patton chuckles leaning himself on the couch. Logan leans in kissing him, pulling away with a sleepy smile.
“I think its time for you to sleep, come on” He gestures, Logan takes a still snoring Remus in his arms but follows Patton to the hallway. They stop in front of the twins room, Patton takes Logans yawning cheek. “Thank you Lo, for everything”
“No need to thank me, I love your children. They're wonderful and creative and kind and-” He pauses, stifling yet another yawn. Patton chuckles. “Oh, Remus was having trouble sleeping, so I suggest maybe he stay in your room for the evening” Logan proposes, Pattons heart takes control, breaking through any grounding he set up. He leans in kissing Logan, not wanting to pull away from the perfect fit.
“I love you” He promises, even after the silence, he still smiles. Whether or not the feeling was returned, he knew it was real, there, true and...happy.
“I love you too” Logan admits, even though a question in his mind, the answer fell out instead. Patton purses a squealing smile. Before they can make any sudden movements, Remus coughs on Logans shoulder, sitting up.
“I love you too!” He cheers before his head promptly falls asleep once more in the comfort of Logans arms. Shared laughter before the night concludes. Each person falling asleep with a complete sensation of joy. Even Patton forgets a threatening call he received earlier. 
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silver-wield · 4 years
call me optimistic but i get a strong feeling that by the end of all these remakes, the LTD might be settled for once and it ain't gonna be in the favor of the magical pink girl ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the way that nojima is blatantly showing his favoritism, nomura saying the lifestream scene was his favorite, all the obvious cloti moments in this current remake, the emphasis on cloud not being his true self, etc. i can just FEEL it and i'm gonna enjoy watching hater's delulu claims age like fine wine hehe
I'm hopeful, but I don't wanna be too hopeful because things can always go sideways lol
I'll keep saying it though, it's almost impossible to do this whole LTD while giving us close up hi def looks at the reactions of everyone. Not to mention we can now track exactly how much time passes in game. Disc 1 was like a week long, tops.
We're supposed to believe that after watching everything develop in real time and seeing Cloud more obviously favour Aerith and then watch her die and then see Cloud broken up by it and everything else that Tifa would be OK pursuing a relationship? Or that Cloud would? The thing about OG is you don't know how long the team mourns Aerith. You can put a time on it to make the events after more reasonable, but not here. We're gonna see exactly how long between events it is before Cloud decides to move on or whatever. Or are they gonna try and use the lifestream sequence to reboot him and say now he's whole again his feelings for Aerith don't matter as much?
And what about Tifa? She'll have stood there seeing the guy she loves fall for someone else, then have to watch again as things happen that she can't fight against. Then after that she'll fix Cloud, but she doesn't get a reboot. She's still herself and hasn't changed, so how could she resolve all that and be comfortable being with Cloud?
I just think it doesn't work. Far too many ways to show us in hi def that feelings are hurt and people can't come back from those OG decisions.
I'm hoping they kill the triangle. It's a stupid mechanic that added a dating element and it's outdated and a shitty way to treat both girls. It makes Cloud a douchebag.
I'm hoping that Aerith's "we'll be changing ourselves" is a hint that parts of the game that are toxic and unsustainable - like the triangle - just won't happen because everyone is different this time.
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I'm just gonna share this random idea. I don't think I do anything serious with it. Despite the serious and deepness of it.
Because of my making of my Bioshock reimagining AU named Bioshock Rebirth which is kind of like a what if story too in a way. But I can talk about that another time.
I remember last week I think there was an idea or something like this.
"Wow considering how I'm approaching this Bioshock AU if the series was rebooted. Imagine how Bendy And The Ink Machine was rebooted. I'd give it the biggest mind fuck more than I guess the original game".
Now....I'm gonna reveal that. Swear this is giving me Bioshock Infinite vibes which I do recall thinking about. But I'm not spoiling anything.
Andrew Joseph: I need to kill Joey....I need to stop him! I WANT TO SAVE ALL OF YOU! *He's sounds like an emotional but angry mess who's crying*
Allison Angel: Andrew.......you are Joey. :( *She sounds really saying that as she shows him some sort of magical mirror that showcases his real identity*
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The idea is basically, "Bendy And The Ink Machine but Joey is the protagonist". Yet think I thought of this today maybe. That Joey felt so sincerely guilty over everything he's done.
How he ran the studio, how he treated his employees, his own best friend Henry disowns him, getting the ink machine built, the sacrifices, and him locking away Bendy. The closest thing he had to a son.
But Joey couldn't take the reality that he did it. So he some how makes his own OC as he goes into the world of the ink machine. Because he hates himself so much and anyone who recognizes him will probably kill him on sight.
He makes a new version of himself named Andrew Joseph who's in his mid 20's to early 30's. A young man who's not exactly a veteran animator but who's new to working at Joey Drew Studios. A man who puts others before him who's tough but very tender around people. Maybe a out of service marine/soldier but I'm sounding weird.
Andrew Joseph is the man Joey wants himself to be. Maybe someone like Henry.
Even Andrew's name is some what of a backwards version of Joey's own name. Just minus the y.
Honestly the idea of this weird I guess AU is that it seems very bleak. Mainly I'm just thinking it ends everyone in the studio. Mainly the characters you meet who look at you in your face. In the middle is Ink Bendy as Joey embraces death as his own demonic son just drowns him in ink.
With Joey and everyone else hoping Joey's death frees them all. With Bendy's last words being, "I'm sorry papa" despite Bendy's hatred against him. Once he realizes who Andrew was and his purpose.
Honestly it sounds depressing. But it's interesting because for a long time I keep imagining Joey's soul is so toxic and corrupted. That in my Bendy sequel AU. He basically became a demonic entity because he was so stubborn in life to not acknowledge how horrible he was. Even when characters like Sammy and Susie realize how horrible they've become in that sequel AU when they get their memories back.
I don't know what the direction of Joey will go in the games. But right now they are sticking with, "This man's an evil version of Mr. Krabs" and whatever else. Despite yeah that sounds silly. Yet stuff like, "Walt Disney with a darkside" and, "Lex Luthor fused with Mr. Krabs" would sound better.
Something I wanted to share, that's all. It's just rare I think of Joey as human.
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angelicfluffs · 4 years
𝙻𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝙼𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚕𝚢 : 𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚔 𝙶𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚔𝚢
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↳ 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 : 973 (without lyrics)
↳ 𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴 : you realise that jack isn’t providing the love you are giving and bring a end to whatever you both have
↳ 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 : angsty but the songs message is this !! Enjoy :)
↳ 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦 : nasa
Dangerous love
You're no good for me, darling
Yeah, you turn me away
Like I'm begging for a dollar
Danger, oh, how you hold me
I get a chill inside
And nothing frightens me, baby, oh
Jacks perception to the world was very much big in partying and socialising with lower ranked internet celebrities. Rightfully so, he worked hard and was known all over the woeld for his duo with Jack Johnson. The constant drinking, smoking and nights out made me feel uneasy and make me feel like I wasn’t satisfying him in some way. This usually didn’t hit jack due to his state of mind being encapsulated in that lifestyle.
I was a little apprehensive to say a word to jack especially when intoxicated due to his sober thoughts pouring out and leaving the two of us feeling polar opposite if we were to have it dry in the morning. His friends were sometimes egging jack on and ok, fine but sometimes they would make jacks thoughts manipulated and think of different things like cheating and toxic stuff like that.
I thought to myself that I might as well tell jack how I’m feeling or this feeling will eat me up inside and end our relationship paired along with his lifestyle and barely visible giving in the relationship. I usually followed my heart but this was blindly seen as my heart was covered in my admiration for jack but for once my brain made me aware of the toxicity I was in.
Is it love when so easily said goodbye?
Is it love when we've given up before we tried?
Is it love when you stole my peace of mind?
Is it love when you cry, and cry and cry?
I woke up and there was jack laying trying to quickly recover from the drinks from the night before. I retrieve my robe and enter the kitchen where the island was and the seats to go along. Entering my daily dose of internet, I spot several candids of jack from last night with several girls and being blatantly drunk out of his face.
The hour or two passes and jack enters the room with his hand rubbing his eye along with his sentence “Mornin baby” in a gravelly voice. I smile at him as the picture made me sick as he retrieve a piece of fruit and sits alongside me. He asks “what you lookin at? Trying to tilt his head to be face front to my phone. I look at him aggressively and state “I need to talk with you jack”. We both readjust our seating and I start “you need to seriously have a reboot jack cause honestly, the constant going out, with girls and drinking has to stop or this thing we have, is coming to a end”.
His eyes widen at my previous statement as I continue “there’s literal evident jack of you with girls and I’m tired of it. I’m tired of feeling not good enough for you, of not feeling pretty enough and it’s seriously just fucking me in the head”. He takes a moment and replies “baby, you know I love you but sometimes it’s just for the cameras or my friends, why would I cheat on you? With a strong stare into my eyes.
So when you walk out that door
Don't you come back no more
My heart has had enough of the give and take
And as much as I want you to stay
I start “you know what jack, I can’t even trust you and to be honest, I’m sick of your lies and I’m done with you, I’m done with this thing we have whatever it’s called and I want you out my apartment by tonight or else”. He seems shocked and tries to apologise in some way “baby, you know I love you”. I make a disgusted face and reply “I don’t think you ever loved me jack, I’m in your little pawn and I’m done”.
His face was frowned as I continue “you know, I was better than this. I stooped to your level and that in itself is emabarassing.”. He walks into to fetch his clothes from the previous night and bundle himself together. I analyse my last comment and I was right, the fact that I put my heart in his hands was terrible and dangerous for myself. I was almost forcing myself to like or love him now and that just points at the direction of a end.
The hour passes and jack seems almost complete for his exit and he says “you know, I really am sorry y/n. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I do really love you”. My face was frozen still with the same expression of little effect of the current climate we were in. The face he made was sad but he added “y/n, I know you probably hate me right now and I get that but please, think about this”. He starts to walk towards the door and he looks back, almost to remember the environment.
You're a dangerous love
Baby, you're no good for me, darling
'Cause if you're gonna love me and leave me hanging here
Then I'd rather you leave, leave me lonely
Even though it hurts
Dangerous love, baby
He shortly leaves and I sit down and sigh deeply, letting myself stop the charge that was our relationship. He hadn’t noticed the damage he had caused but that’s for me to acknowledge and repair, although it’s his fault. His words of “think about it” really irked me. I had already thought about it, I’m done. No more acting like everything’s perfect and dandy when really my tears leave my eyes the majority of nights.
The night grew deeper as I had called my mum and said “me and jack are over”. He takes a moment and there’s silence until she says “oh honey, I’m sorry. I’ll come over Tommorow, how about that, a girls day”. I sniffle and reply “thanks mum, I love you”. She responds “love you honey. You have a good nights rest, ok?”. We later on end the phone call and I end up heading to my bed.
As my head rests on the pillow, I go back at the beginning and see the transformation of jack and it was scary. The character development of him was major and I scared myself thinking that I stood by that, whatever it was. The fact that I had the courage to end the thing breaking my heart made me proud of myself that I stood up to it and no fear had anywhere to conquer me now.
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sol1056 · 5 years
the vld reboot/sequel is dead in the water. i really doubt it's gonna happen at this point, not with the way dw has been letting the eps say whatever they want
The two issues are unrelated. 
One is whether there’ll a sequel, reboot, whatever. Who knows. We can’t divine that from interviewing former employees (who are legally barred from talking about future/private company plans, anyway). 
The other issue is whether anyone is ‘letting’ the EPs say whatever they want. All you folks swamping my asks with similar questions, write this on the wall where you’ll see it every day. Maybe eventually it’ll sink in. 
JDS and LM do not work for DreamWorks anymore. 
If you call a former employee and say, I hear you’re doing an interview, please avoid these topics… Some people might do you the favor because they’re good people. Some might acknowledge your concerns, and choose for themselves what to say based on their own conscience. If you fired them? They might go out of their way to say all the things you’re hoping they won’t. If they quit? Hell, they might not even take your call. 
The real issue here isn’t whether former employees run at the mouth and sound like bloody micromanaging incompetents. (It does raise the question of why a company kept them for so long, but the fact is, selecting and hiring people is a crapshoot. Most toxic asshats know how to make the right first impression – and only show their true colors once they’ve settled in. Blaming an employer for getting played is just another game of blaming the victim.) 
No, the real issue here is the one that’s plagued @dreamworksanimation​ from the very beginning: the EPs are the only ones talking. So long as DreamWorks’ corporate policy is to never speak to its audiences directly, there’s simply no other source of information. DreamWorks has effectively ceded control of its narrative. The EPs are just taking advantage of that. 
It’s possible Margie Cohn and/or Peter Gal is of the opinion that releasing a statement would be lowering themselves to the EPs’ level. Someone needs to explain to them that we’re well past that point. It’s not about two people; it’s whether VLD – a story that began with potential but ended in blatant ableism, racism, sexism, and homophobia – is an accurate representation of DreamWorks’ principles as a company. 
When you’ve let someone say hurtful things in your name, the solution isn’t to keep silent. The solution is to apologize, and then explain how you’ll do better in the future. And as long as DreamWorks thinks it’s beneath them to do that, the EPs will keep prattling on, the LGBT community will retain its distrust, and a good number of us will keep finding better things to do with our time than support anything else DreamWorks releases. 
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Charmed Reboot 01x13 Review
1.5 out of 5
Plot: “Parker informs Maggie about a mysterious death on campus that might be of a demonic nature; Galvin remembers something from his grandma's stories that could help Macy overcome her dark side.”
The plot was pathetically bad. That's being polite. It screamed that the writers were totally just throwing in whatever they could to appear to be #woke.
Imagine the most unhip great-grandparent trying to seem cool to their preteen great-grandchildren. That's the vibe I got from this episode.
You'll see from my review I have way more negatives than positives.
Jada, Parker and Harry are what saved this episode from getting an even lower rating. Sorry not sorry.
Jada was so interesting to watch. She is so very complex and brings a lot to explore. Can we get a Jada centric episode already? She was by far the best thing about this episode.
Jada is adopted. That explains how she's supposed to be a Witchlighter but her parents supposedly didn't know about magic. So at least we got some answers there.
Parker was cute and sweet this episode. I love him. He's really working to redeem himself. I don't think he's there yet but he's making progress. I definitely value people working hard to become better versions of themselves. Personal growth is awesome.
Are the writers trying to kill me!? Harry has been a stud who was too sexy for words. Then they went and put him in skinny jeans, glasses and a leather jacket. All my weaknesses. My poor heart can't take It.
I liked how they talked about how disgusting it is to have your agency and free will taken away. The sisters didn't allow Chloe to blame herself for something that wasn't her fault. They protected and validated her.
Also, there is something beautiful about women helping each other regain their freedom and power.
The horrid manic pixie dream girl trope has been deconstructed and critiqued about as many times as it's been used. There is absolutely nothing new to say about it. Why dedicate an entire episode to it? Mention it in passing sure but there's not enough to say about it for it to be a focus for an episode.
Another place where I think they went so terribly wrong is that they tried to introduce too much comedy into such a dark plot. It was quite inconsistent in tone.
Once again Galvin was shoved down our throats. I have spoken ad nauseum about how toxic and horrid Galvin is with Macy. So I won't go into it again during this episode. Just know he continues to piss me off. Macy isn't just a prize to be won.
Lastly, I don't like to see Jada hurting. They better fix that next episode or I'll probably wind up going on yet another rant. Let Jada be happy! DANG IT!!!!
Favorite Character this episode:
Jada, beyond a shadow of a doubt. If there was more of her I might of actually liked the episode.
Favorite Quote or Scene:
I loved the whole Parker/Maggie/Mel/Macy scene on the steps. It was such a cute scene without going overboard.
Also all the Jada/Mel scenes were so freaking good.
Theories/What I’d like to see:
I need to see more of Jada's history.
It appears that next episode is gonna be mostly filler, if the preview is anything to go by.
References to the Original:
The ending scene made me think of darklighters but I doubt that's where they are going to go with it. Maybe I am reading too much into that since I have been talking and thinking about darklighters a bunch lately.
Can the writers make it a regular thing where we get to see Harry in sexy outfits!? Harry in form fitting jeans is a beautiful sight to behold.
Please join me for the next episode. Please send plenty of asks and messages. Thank you!
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boardwalk-absurdist · 5 years
Thoughts on episode 10 of the reboot? What's your interpretation of Shigure's feelings for Akito and end goal?
Woof alright I’m gonna put this under a readmore so I don’t spoil anyone (including my boyfriend, who is watching this for the first time), but I will say that I really liked episode 10 and I’m liking the route the reboot is taking with bringing Shigure’s manipulative tendencies forward early on. I think it adds a whole new dimension to his character that people who maybe haven’t read or have forgotten the finer points of the manga can now enjoy, and it’s a great source of narrative tension.
As far as him and Akito, speaking as someone who read the manga years ago and kind of half-remembers everything...spoilers abound.
Aight so Shigure in my mind is both an inherently selfish and a loyal person. It takes a lot to earn his loyalty, but once someone has overcome his selfish nature, there is nothing they can really do to lose that loyalty. And by that, I don’t mean faithfulness (cuz yeah, Shigure did cheat on Akito with Ren in a specifically targeted attempt to hurt Akito). I mean that there is nothing that Akito could say or do to Shigure or anyone else that would make him stop loving her.
Ultimately, Shigure’s goal is to be with Akito. That is all he wants, and he will do whatever he feels is necessary to get to that point. He’s decided that the curse is an obstacle to their love, so the curse must go. He manipulates everyone around him to that end. And yes, that does end up being ultimately beneficial to everyone, but to Shigure that’s just a perk. And yes, he does care about the others in a sort of superficial way. He doesn’t like to see them hurting, and I don’t think he likes the idea of Kyo being locked up in the Cat’s room (though tbh I don’t remember?). But that doesn’t mean he’s not going to use them to get to his end goal of being with Akito.
(Also, this should go without saying but in case it wasn’t clear: Shigure and Akito’s relationship is incredibly unhealthy and toxic. That kind of intense, codependent, willing-to-trample-over-anyone-including-each-other-to-be-together relationship makes for interesting fiction, but it is in no way a model of a healthy relationship. I have no doubt that they love each other deeply, but that doesn’t mean that their ways of expressing that or pursuing that are healthy or acceptable. I think the narrative also makes that quite clear.)
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is it normal for a gem on a ‘magic wand’ to start turning a little white...?
at first I wanted to wait until later to ask about this.
tomorrow might of been best to wait.
but I had to know, I’m not even sure if others have it as well.
but it was something that was given to me by someone in my family.
I don’t think it was like that before, but I had started to notice
that it started to become a little white in some places on it.
and it has, I don’t know to describe it...a like tiny frost crystal appear in it.
is that normal...?
it’s still the normal color it was originally, but the white is still there.
but I think it more like a little white, like it’s slightly like the same color as the color of the gem, but still being almost closer to the white color.
plus I’m not sure if it’s my mind playing tricks on me,
but sometimes when I pick it up, when the lights are off,
there seems to be this faint glow, maybe it is the trick of the light.
and I’m looking at it now, and it I think since I got it, I think the gem on it is changing a little. but I’m not sure.
it’s like if you have a dark blue shirt, then all of a sudden some parts of it
turn like a off-white blue color.
I can’t help but be curious, early today, well it’s night now.
something REALLY really upset me, it was something I was watching on Youtube on the Xbox. (I still question about if that version might be better than the one that seems to end up hurting other Youtubers, even if they are one and same, it does appear there are still differences, like I’m not sure if the one that you can get on the Computer, has the setting where you can hide inappropriate content.....which once more, if kids see it, even by accident, it is the parents fault or the legal guardians or whoever is responsible in watching them. so don’t go blaming the content.)
and I don’t want to say what it was, but what someone said really upset me.
I had to skip some parts just to hear them finally talking about what they needed to say.....I didn’t want to wait, and it seem it was going to take so long to get to the point. and anyway what I had found, really upset me.
I’m not gonna say what it is, because I do not wish to.
also being someone who was just a little girl who saw a movie I wasn’t suppose to, even if I might not of remembered it very much when we had lived at the place that had those old rent videos, and I have the DVD version of that movie now.
I know that my mom shouldn’t of let me watched it.
Cool World is a great movie, but it still has themes and language in it that is not suitable for those who are NOT old enough for it yet.
no matter if you were a little kid of any bio-sex or gender identity.
and certain groups and parents will make the content their scapegoat for their ignorance, that the fault does not lay with the content.
it is those who are responsible.
if there was a app that can make it so that any mature content,
either it be a story or movie or art work, can not be seen by a child,
then it would keep everyone happy, those who create such work
wont end up hurt, and the child will be safe and wont see such mature stuff until they are the proper age.
once again, I had caught my little cousin playing my Deadpool game,
and it was only at the start of the game.
it was lucky I went in there in time and was able to stop them.
even if I wasn’t in there, and some of my family were.
they should of had some common sense to stop them.
even I knew better then to leave the Deadpool 1 and 2 Movies out too.
I couldn’t risk them seeing something that they are not ready for.
I might not be as smart as most, but I do know that letting someone who isn’t old enough to see certain Cartoon/Anime or Movie or Read something that isn’t for them.
then those who keep blaming the content need to stop being irresponsible.
a child lock app needs to be made and if you can give your child their own computer, then you can install the app so whenever they browse,
it censors and wont let them see stuff they aren’t suppose to.
it is only when they become of age, like maybe you can undo the child lock.
you can’t just undo the child lock when they are 13 and lower.
that would be irresponsible.
I don’t want anymore children to see stuff they are not ready to see.
even if the movie series Look Who’s Talking,
does have certain “birds and bees” scene, and it doesn’t really fully show...
the other stuff, and just shows the other thing...
but even if it is suppose to be a family movie,
and it is still a great movie. but it might be best that parents do cover their child’s eyes and make sure to only let them see the family friendly parts in the movie.
being exposed too early to stuff, isn’t good.
but if you have, then it gives you the knowledge that it isn’t the content to blame.
but those who are the parents, guardians, aunts, uncles and all those who are suppose to keep a eye on a child and make sure to be responsible, and make sure they don’t watch or repeat stuff on Tv.
I did say the “son of a witch” word, but it wasn’t “witch”
it appears when I first said it, I had been watching something when I was just a baby, like toddler age.
and you know babies will repeat stuff they heard, and I was a little parrot when I was still a baby.
anyway, I think it might of been a bit irresponsible to let me watch whatever it was, I don’t know what it was called, I will have to ask.
and knowing it will have certain language in it.
I was just a baby, so of course I wouldn’t of known better.
but it doesn’t mean the content should take the full blame.
mature content will always have that kind of stuff.
but it might be more important to keep children away from it, until they are the right age for it.
at least shows like Gravity Falls has stuff that goes over kid’s heads,
as well as the original Powerpuff Girls, although some fans didn’t like the reboot. but I only found some problems with it, like I believe that Blossom should only be friends with Jared.
and then there was the twerking, that was a bit much.
I had no problem with Bliss, I mean if they make a reboot of the reboot,
and make the next version look a bit like the original and place Bliss in it, then I wouldn’t mind.
but yeah the original did have a episode that had some stuff in it that went over kids heads. I should be glad that I didn’t get it until now.
but some fans of the original, couldn’t seem to understand that.
but maybe some do now.
but still, there are some stuff that can be for everyone, but there can be some that can have jokes that are very well hidden and it is meant to be that way.
but for stuff that is 100% not for children, like some cartoons, books, video games and anything else.
that is for those who are the right age for it, and the parents shouldn’t place the blame it.
they should on themselves, because it is their responsibility to keep that kind of stuff from a child until they are the proper age to see it.
there is some other stuff that I realized I was too young to be exposed to,
and it has to do with.....well “energies” that I now realized, could of been from some people in my family, as well as the teachers.
I don’t want to say what it is,but I will say that I do know now how to protect myself from energies that are not my own.
but the point still stands, the content was NEVER the problem.
it was those who are suppose to make sure the children do not see the content until they are the proper age to see it, maybe like 15 and up.
it takes not only me, but others who have been exposed that stuff too early,
and never admitted fully before, to open our eyes and hearts to the truth.
that we were never to blame, it was our parents.
even if we still love them, they still let us see things we were not ready for.
even if they kept us from the really super mature stuff, the other stuff that was still mature and gave the suggestion in it.
even I know that Deadpool Movies aren’t for little kids,
and any parent who would let their child watch it without knowing it will have really REALLY super mature stuff in it, then they will be to blame.
not the movie itself.
I still liked both the first and second movies of Deadpool.
and like I said before, I didn’t really feel anything when seeing the part with Vanessa and Wade.
well it didn’t mean I did look, but I did try to look at something else too.
I think it might be because of my flux, I did say that I am a Aceflux type.
like I said before, not all Aces are the same...
and some will be flux and have added parts to their identity.
and it might be seen as silly to some,
but I think I remembered after I got really upset after watching and listening to that person on Youtube on the Xbox.
I couldn’t help but feel I wanted the Heavenly Mother, is it weird to refer to her as “Mommy” in my head, my Mom never liked to be called that, I don’t think I will ever fully understand why.
well I can’t help but view the Almighty Divine Mother as “Earth-Heavenly Mother”
and God/The Almighty Divine Father as “Sky-Heavenly Father”
knowing some toxic-religious people, they might misuse those words on me just like that other toxic-religious person did.
even if I did try to point out how bad they were making me feel,
they kept using those words “may the lord have mercy on you”
I think they used those words by saying “lord” or “god” in it, I know it went something like that.
but still even if I did try to express how bad it made me feel,
my hurt feelings weren’t getting through.
I still believe you can’t just force someone to believe, they need to want to in both their hearts and souls.
even though I did once go to church before, I don’t think it was truly fully reaching me. like maybe only half.
plus I didn’t like it that when we did have to go, I ended up missing some cartoons....plus no matter if you go to church or not, you can still believe.
plus you shouldn’t believe certain lies that you will go to heck if you don’t.
I mean I still think it is possible that place is in the 5th Heaven, plus the realms of heaven and heck, are like in a dimension that possibly overlaps with the physical one we are in.
we can’t really fully understand or know what will be on the other side,
even if some might of seen only a bit of it when having close calls.
even most Earth Angels wouldn’t know, because Earth Angels who are still new to being Earth Angels, will still be new to everything.
even if most Earth Angels have been around for much longer than the newborn ones that most were accidentally born on earth thanks to their Earth Angel Mothers.
there was another video I saw, on Youtube.
that talked about well a balance, and how women and I think maybe those who are in touch with their feminine side, are experiencing.
I can’t remember if they did talk about those with a feminine side having experiencing it, but I think might be so.
I agree there needs to be a balance, I mean Feminine and Masculine
doesn’t always mean the biological type that makes up the human body.
it has to do with what is in all humans, no matter if they are binary or nonbinary.
I know I did read in one of the parts in the book I have, that has gems in it,
that it has this one gem that was suppose to be like a support for well, I can’t remember it all, but I can get it later and maybe try to find the chapter in it.
but I do know that the Earth-Heavenly Mother accepts someone who has a nonbinary identity and I think sexuality as well.
even if some might not believe it, I do.
but it is only my view and it’s okay that not many believe it, it wouldn’t be right to try to force it. and if someone wants to believe it, then it should be of their own free will to do so.
for many generations there has been a imbalance, leaving the Feminine side not in the full balance.
but now in these days, it seems the balance is becoming better.
I don’t think I can ever talk to my family about this kind of thing.
I can’t tell them that I have a bigender identity, which is like under the binary & nonbinary and it’s called Gyno-Agender.
I have been wondering if it might end up changing to Feminine-Nonbinary.
I mean it is possible. but I will still go by she/her.
I have to stay in the closets, like the Aroaceflux, Neo-Christian/Ma-Acolyte and Gyno-Agender Closets respectively.
even if my family love me, they might try to “fix” me to get me to be well not Ace or Neo-Christian/Ma-Acolyte and Gyno-Agender.
even if it might not end up the really bad “fixing” like most people will end up in.
and I did read before that my crying after wanting to tell my Mom that I’m a Ace type, was normal reaction.
lucky I was able to keep it a secret after asking her thoughts about Asexuality.
I only cried when I went to my bedroom.
so I was able to keep it together long enough, which is good.
this was just suppose to be to ask if it’s normal for a gem on that ‘magic wand’
to change like that, if anyone else had experience the same thing, it be nice to know.
it might be possible that that my soul name is really Small-Lilith after all.
I also want to look up just in case, that “Chibi” is different word for Small.
I mean Small is just the English version of it.
and well there are different languages that could have a different word to “small” and I’m just curious. 
and well knowing that my soul name is that, and that my soul hasn’t really been around a very long time like I had thought.
like it turning out I’m just a fragment born soul.
and I rather not say the other fragment I was born from.
so yeah I have both a Soul-Mother and Soul-Father.
but to me, the Mom I have in this life, who brought me into this world.
is my Real Mother.
I wonder if animals act up at times to try to get you to go to bed...?
the other day ago, my cat was biting at me, even though I might of been feeling not all that great. so I had decided to go to bed.
I also had some thoughts that when you have a animal that lives with you,
who is called a “Pet”, wouldn’t the proper name for it be Animal Companion.
just like how most Humans are Human Companions to some Animals.
I just love my sweet little baby, sometimes I pick them up and give them a gentle hug, but not a very hard one, just a light one.
and I know to put them down when they give the signs.
I couldn’t get away with that with my first cat, for obvious reasons.
I’m going to go back to my Xbox.
I want to watch some stuff on Youtube on it,
(once again, the Xbox’s Youtube does seem better, and it does have a setting where you can hide inappropriate content, I’m not sure if the computer version has that, but I could check to see. but if it doesn’t. then I know that the other is better.)
then after that I want to play some video games.
it does appear that my spirit animal, is also my guardian angel animal.
it might be possible to have well the other type of guardian angel,
but also have the spirit animal too.
my spirit animal is a deer.
anyway I’m not really sure if anyone else has the same ‘magic wand’
or notice the changes to the gem on it.
it does seem like it does have a little change, and I just want to know if that change was normal...?
I think tomorrow, I will post one of my other Bendy drawings on here.
but I will need to color it first.
it is based on something that was seen at the very start of the game.
I mean if you been in that one room where it appears the drawing of Bendy is moving every time  you look away, and when you look back he is in a different pose.
I’m not sure if everyone notice that, but maybe some fans of the game have.
I think I want to listen to the songs don’t go breaking my heart and release me,
as well as born without a heart.
and when I say “don’t go breaking my heart” I don’t mean the one that was in the end credits of that Chicken Little Movie.
it’s a different song from that.
well I also want to listen to a the metal version of Addict too.
I might not be into all metal music, but I like some, surprisingly.
anyway if by chance there is anyone who has the Merlin’s Realm Magic Wand,
and you started to notice how it seems to be changing.
it be nice to know I’m not alone in this, and I want to know if that’s normal.
anyway see ya all on June 13th, I’m going to go back to playing on my Xbox One now.
I’m still not going to try talking to anyone on it for a while,
I mean mic talk. because of my voice. I know it never really matured.
and it might not be as cute as others who go through what I do.
having a voice that never really matured.
but yeah I’m not gonna talk to anyone using the mic for a very long while.
even if I was glad at first I was finally able to, I then regretted it.
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So there’s a specific post that’s making the rounds again and I don’t want to stir up any drama so I am making my own here. This is gonna be a little meta about male friendship, slash shipping and homophobia. I want to address the complaint that the fear of being perceived as gay prevents men from having healthy friendships, and that slash shipping plays a major role in this.
Of course, this are my thoughts! But I think there’s a bit of confusion regarding correlation and cause, here. So, if you want, read more, if not, scroll, whatever.
Slash shipping is as follows: a person  consumes a certain media and headcanons two or more characters as queer and involved in a relationship; this person might produce content (fanart, fanfiction, meta) based on this, and speak of their headcanon. It doesn’t mean harassing the writers/creators because the ship is not canon, nor does it refer to ship wars - I am not condoning that. 
The media are full of healthy male friendships: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (the books, at least), Percy Jackson, Joey and Chandler in Friends are the first to come to mind, but there are a lot. One could say male friendship is a recurring theme, and has been since the dawn of time. I would like to point out that the importance and weight given to platonic relationships as opposed to romantic ones is a different issue that is rooted in the way our society is built, as is the absence of female friendships (interactions...) in mainstream media.
But let’s move into shipping territory; often, there are certain relationships that are open to interpretation. So let’s talk about the grandmother of shipping: Spirk.
Kirk and Spock’s relationship in Star Trek is, at the very least, a deep friendship based on the fact that Captain and Commander complete each other, and that their bond transcends time and universes. Roddenberry himself coined a word to describe it: t’hy’la - in Vulcan, ‘friend, brother and/or lover’. The actors played them as co-dependent, deeply in love. So people have been shipping these two since before the Internet (when slash fiction was illegal) and the term slash comes from Kirk/Spock. 
So how has this shipping influenced the media? It hasn’t. The 40-year-old (at the time), established shipping fanbase did not prevent JJ Abrams in any way from completely removing that relationship from the picture when he rebooted the series, and from putting Spock - a strongly queer-coded character - into a poorly written, somewhat questionable heterosexual relationship (one that, incidentally, reduces Uhura’s characterisation grievously). The deep bond between Kirk and Spock was sacrificed, and even their friendship was erased.
What about CANON queer relationships? Like, say, Achilles and Patroclus. How many times throughout history have they been re-written as ‘friends’ when Greek philosophers literally had discussions about the workings of their sex life? See, the point is, there’s an unfortunate lack of queer representation. How many queer stories have been straightwashed, whitewashed, downplayed? How many have been entirely erased?
Fanfiction is a realm of possibilities. It has very little power over how the stories go (if that weren’t true, I rather think we would have seen Kirk and Spock kiss on screen a long time ago); slash shipping is a way to find representation where it isn’t explicitly given, or to simply enjoy a story.
Now are writers really that scared of writing straight friends who are affectionate with each other because of shipping? Are men scared to be affectionate with their friends because of shipping? The answer is a hard no. And the problem is homophobia, toxic masculinity and the heteropatriarchy. What’s so tragic about being perceived as gay? Do you think that’s demeaning? Do you think that’s dirty? You might want to ask yourself why. Why do you associate gays with softness, affection, weakness? Is it because (straight) men have built an image of themselves that does not allow them to feel emotions and show vulnerability? Is it because vulnerability, caring and soft emotions are a traditionally womanly thing, and thus, beneath men?
I will give an example. One of my best friends is a sweet, gentle guy. We spent a good 8 years of our friendship navigating people who believed we were a couple/should definitely hook up/were pining for each other. They even jokingly planned our wedding (I wasn’t out yet). It was a bother, sure, downright annoying. So did that stop us being friends? Did that stop us behaving like we always did? No. So what if they ask if you’re gay for your bff? Say you aren’t and move on. Affection should be normalised, not demonised, and that includes male affection, both queer AND platonic.
 As for writers - you must understand that once your work is out, it becomes public domain. If it’s good, if it resonates, if people like it, it gets rewritten and reinterpreted and analised for meaning - that’s what the study of literary works is all about. Haven’t we all, as a civilisation, been obsessing over fiction written 3000 years ago? How many retellings of the Iliad exist? Should Virgil come back from the dead to complain about the fact that Eurialo and Niso were supposed to be a couple?
So what if people want to interpret a relationship as romantic, or queerplatonic? Just say you haven’t written it that way, but that everyone is free to see it the way they want. That doesn’t make you homophobic unless you throw a fit about it, like some do, Because All My Characters Are Perfectly Straight, Thank You Very Much and How Dare You Suggest Otherwise. But it’s fiction. Fiction is based on a pact between the writer and the reader, in which the writer leaves certain points empty for the reader’s imagination to fill.
Bottom line is this is not a competition between slash and friendship. Friendships are wonderful, but if you’re not affectionate because you’re afraid it might be read as gay? That’s homophobia, I promise you. Slash fiction has nothing to do with it.
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internetremix · 6 years
I was wondering... Do you any of you have tips for a rookie GM? I'm setting up a game night here soon and I'm stressing the heck out over it.
Alex: No matter what game system you play it's usually quite intimidating because there are like 600 pages of information to digest. At any given time you need to have memorized only, like, thirty. At the end of the day most tabletop games are just two things - math and improv. Admittedly things that, outside of tabletop games, people go out of their way to avoid, but still.
Stress can lead people to get things done fast but also get things done sloppy. You don't need to plan out every single detail of what the characters might encounter eventually in a session. You can flesh out a couple of interesting people, places, or things you want them to see and just keep a scratch card of notes and traits for if/when they go off the beaten path. Remember, no matter what you plan, there is no accounting for the actions of players, and rolling with them provides a far better experience than slamming your fist down and saying "NO" to every deviation.
And above all else, remember that tabletop games are a collaborative effort. People come together to play games, tell stories, and shoot the shit. If shooting the shit overtakes the game you can rein that in a little but at the end of the day everyone's there voluntarily to have fun, and no one is there to see anyone fail.So to recap -
1. You are the arbiter of rules no matter what the book says. You can double-check later and take notes for future games if it becomes an issue but generally you only need to have in mind rules that are actively going to be used in game. If you don't know the exact way to handle something just make up what the closest action would be and if the player rolls what you think is well enough to do it, they did it.
2. If you don't have time to take notes on every single thing the players might encounter, congratulations, you're an average person. You only need a few based on the following factors - what do you want the players to do, how do you think they're going to do it, and do you have something prepared for when they go off the beaten path.
3. Have fun! Seriously, it's called a tabletop GAME, not a tabletop dictatorship.
Kristen: All of my games are Tabletop Dictatorships, all of them. Unfortunately I'm a terrible, weak-willed dictator so this helps nothing.
Alex: Discord Murder Party is different. Mafia/Werewolf operates way differently than D&D and needs a GM SPECIFICALLY so that players don't go off the rails.
Kristen: You are 100% correct.
God my first tabletop I ever DMed for I made my own thing and wrote like... twenty pages for my first session. And then as soon as I started, my players were like HEY I WANNA EXPLORE THE SHOPS
"O-oh.... y-yeah, here's uh... heeeere's a list of shops..."
So then I had to improv like... five shops and make multiple NPCs on the fly and then I found out "it turns out writing an entire paragraph for every NPC is an awful idea because you can't fucking read those notes mid-session"
So my point is don't do that.
Juno: Oh yeah. Last night I had to make up a guy named Lucas on the spot because JoJo's character wanted to convince a guy not to kill them
Kristen: YEP I ran the generic 5e DnD starter for a group of friends and somehow it went from a generic "you all hunt down and kill a bunch of goblins and a bugbear in a cave, way to go" to "You spared a Goblin who has a ridiculous Brooklyn accent who hates his job and now you're starting a ridiculous worker's revolution and this has ended with you all enlisting every other goblin you were supposed to fight into swarming the bugbear boss. Okay."
Juno: I mean. That's a pretty bomb plot twist if you ask me.
Kristen: Oh yes, I enjoyed it immensely. Also really in the context of a DnD game I'm pretty sure that shouldn't be doable cause I don't think any of them were supposed to be able to speak common. If your players are setting themselves up for a more interesting story and you have to bend the rules a bit to make it happen, go for it. One of the most important things for GMing is making your players feel like they have agency- as Alex said, it's collaborative, it's not just you telling your players a story.
Another thing to keep in mind is what sort of players you have. I usually prefer to play with people who are more into the RP/story aspect, but some people are gonna be more into them fighty fights and mechanics and such. Which is fine and can work, it's just a matter of striking a balance in your game.  I usually try to tailor things in such a way that everyone's getting a chance to get what they want out of a game and their shot at the spotlight, in whatever manner that takes. For me it's helped to ask my players directly "hey, what do you want out of this game? Do you have any ideas or anything you're really into?"
Mostly what I'm saying is just try to keep in mind what your players are in this for, since that contributes a lot to how much fun you all have.
Atwas: Something that's helped me a lot is to not stress out or stop the game entirely to double check rules. It sort of kills momentum. In my experience, ruling a situation and then looking something up later is a lot less stressful than the pressure of putting something completely on pause while you flip through a book/google something.
If you're doing stuff in real life, I would recommend making a little cheat sheet of your PC's information. My DM screen has sticky notes with each party characters HP, AC, Passive Perception, and Spell Save DC to keep things streamlined.
Kristen: Oooo smurt
Alex: Hell yeah dude. Also there are custom DM screens you can get tailor-made to give you quick rules references. Fairly cheap on Amazon.
Atwas: Also your players don't know if you're winging stuff unless you tell them. ;^)
Also also don't be scared of bumping monster hp up or down depending on a fight or having monsters run away or call in reinforcements. If you go off script in an encounter--surprise! Nobody knows but you. I did that quite a bit when I was starting out because balancing encounters is a bit of an art and CR is a loose guideline at best.
Also also also the point of the game isn't to win. Don't fall into the trap of "beating your players" or stuff like that. Imo that kind of messes with the table dynamics unless 100% of everyone is on board with that type of game.
Kristen: Yeah, don't fall into that and also be careful not to go into the mindset of "punishing" your players if they do something dumb. Like if it's a silly "you did this thing and consequences have gone WILDLY outside of what you expect wheee", awesome, but I've had DMs who basically would act like if you didn't somehow read their minds and find their exact solution, welp you made a dumb choice and now everyone is penalized for it. Made for a pretty toxic atmosphere, do not recommend. Kind goes hand in hand with "don't be a tabletop dictator".
Atwas: oh gods i could go on and on about how punishing someone in game never works for out of game behaviour but i digress. also please don't feel afraid to talk to your players, even if having adult conversations is difficult.
Juno: Cause and effect is the biggest thing to think about I think, especially in a DMing situation.
Alex: For instance, siccing a Revenant on the party? Thavagath made a bad decision in character, that's the natural consequence, he gets a chance to save his ass. Someone makes a dick joke about your carefully crafted NPC? Don't be a dick right back.
Atwas: sweats, trying to think back to the last time a dick joke was made in Fallen Empires
Alex: Like I think the last major one was Phill pulling a muscle stretching so hard to make a joke for five minutes about the "Male Room" rather than the "Mail Room"
But then we - wait for it - ACTUALLY DISCUSSED THE ISSUE OUT OF GAME and stuff like that doesn't pop up any more.
Atwas: WHAT? SPEAKING LIKE REASONABLE ADULTS?!?! IN MY TABLETOP?!?!?! it's really useful. please have those conversations, even if they're uncomfortable. and if something is becoming an issue, bring it up sooner rather than later--turns out that people can't change stuff if they don't know about it! Most people want to stay friends after a campaign after all.
Jojo: Have your story planned, npcs, and what you want an end goal to be. Make sure it's all planned out BEFORE asking people to join it. And if you need a second DM to help you with Dice or story, then that's ok too! I'm still a beginner DM myself, so that's the best advice I can give
These guys are pros, so listen to them
Phill: Heheh... male room
Alex: Phill no you'll pull your hamstring again
Atwas: what do you think is Phill's average Henderson rating?
Alex: Phill has at least One Henderson in him, he destroyed Underdark to the point of we can't go back to it ever now.
Phill: I mean. Yeah. Honestly, I could've very easily seen phresh reach a 1.75 hendersons eventually.
Atwas: I'd say 1.75 works. 2 is still out of reach, but one day...
Xander: Underdark is cursed content and deserved better
Atwas: How many of he players had that as their first campaign? 3/5?
Xander: I believe so
Alex: Uprising and I had played before, I don't think Jojo, Dawn, or Phill had.
Xander: I'm probably gonna reboot Underdark one day. Wipe the slate clean. Probably not gonna be done on IR
Alex: We did it! We reached two Hendersons!
Xander: Two full Hendersons.
Phill: time unveil my new original character. Blesh
Alex: Blerish
Xander: More like Blemish
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fandomhavenskittles · 6 years
I already made a post about this back when the news about the Fruits Basket reboot came out, but since it's coming out extremely soon I feel like it's important to make another post stating this: there are multiple canon incest couples and couples with huge age gaps. If either of these two things trigger you (and I mean actually trigger you) or make you uncomfortable , I do not recommend you watch the reboot, or watch the original anime/read the manga, if you are new to the series. This story also focuses on multiple types of abuse, so I also recommend you don't watch or read any of the material from the series if stuff like that triggers you (again, I mean actually triggers you) or makes you uncomfortable . Now, I know that people are gonna be like "well TECHNICALLY-" or "well actually they-" about the incest stuff (and possibly the age gap stuff), so I'm just going to say this: don't bother. It doesn't matter if they're all related by blood or not, or how loosely the relations are, or if they're all technically a clan or whatever. They were all raised as family - a severely messed up and toxic family, but still a family nonetheless - and some of them even refer to each other with familial suffixes, so it doesn't matter if they are "technically related or not." It's still disgusting , and it can still trigger people and make them uncomfortable. It doesn't matter if the relationship is "healthy," just the fact that it's incest alone can trigger people. Don't try to defend it, don't try to start discourse, and don't give me shit about making this post. I'm just giving people a fair warning because not everyone who is going to watch the reboot is familiar with the original material , and not everyone is going to look up the plot of the series, nor should they have to.
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