#Not as much as the madrigals but yeah its definitely there
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thefourchimes · 5 months
okay, just gonna say this now before i start this post: i have absolutely no problems with alternate universes, go ham with them, go wild, you can have fun, etcetc, they're called alternate universes for a reason, after all
however. HOWEVER.
i have a problem when people say something should have happened in canon, when canon itself disproves or goes against whatever these people want
the reason why im bringing this up?
the whole thing with how some people keep saying mirabel should have [insert the usual things people say here, hate, slap, punch, left, get revenge, etc, take your pick, there's unfortunately a lot to choose from] the family. in the canon movie.
again, i have no problem with alternate universes and seeing them in fanfics or whatever, you do you, could be interesting to see even
but when you start saying this should have happened in canon, its just. no. no.
god, it just frustrates me so much whenever i see these posts and comments, the ones that said she should have gone evil or villain or hate the family and all that stuff
because mirabel herself loves her family. she literally said it outright in the movie!!! its not in her personality and character to just go against them and hate them and want revenge. there will be hurt and hesitance and some resentment after everything she'd gone through, yes, but outright hate to the point where she'll hurt them?? absolutely not.
not with her character, her love and empathy and understanding, the traits we see her show in the movie.
like my friend once said: mirabel "he loved this family. i love this family. we all love this family" would NEVER hurt her family
say it louder for the people at the back!!
and thats not all i want to rant about tbh...the real kicker on this one?
whenever this statement is added on top of it all: "if i were mirabel—"
well, news flash people who keep saying these things, mirabel isnt you. mirabel is her own character who has her own experiences and her own feelings. maybe you'll be able to relate to her, especially with similar experiences, but that doesn't mean you can just copy and paste your own feelings onto her and say this is what she should have done in canon because thats what i would have done!!
we all project onto our favorite characters in various ways, which is completely fine, go at it and definitely not surprising for a story about family issues, but when you start to project so much that you throw away the character's actual personality and characterization in favor of said projection? yeah...no.
thats not mirabel madrigal anymore, that's a completely new character...or dare i say, a self-insert for some people... 💀:////
yeah, im just so frustrated with this AAAAAAA 😭
but anyway yes.
thats it, really. again, AUs are absolutely fine but if someone starts yapping about how canon should have [insert whatever those people keep saying here] instead while disregarding actual canon and proper characters and personalities, im going to become violent
anywho...thats my thoughts on this, went on a bit of a tangent but
anyway bye—
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foreveranevilregal · 1 year
Hii! I just started reading ur stuff and love it!❤️❤️
So if u dont mind can u do one where antonio wanders off with his animals and its up to mirabel and the rest of the family to find him?
Thanks!! Keep it up love these😍😍❤️
Hi, thank you so much! I appreciate that a lot! I'm sorry this took so long...I've had some writer's block but hopefully it's over now. Hope you like this!
Dinnertime in the Madrigal family tended to be a chaotic affair. With the various family members busy helping around town or running errands all day, it was a wonder they could eat together at all. But Alma insisted, and Julieta agreed, that they should try to eat together as a family. So, one way or another, they’d find their way back to their casita by dinnertime.
Usually, this involved some level of hunting people down. The Madrigals would rarely all be congregated at home by the time dinner rolled around, as their gifts and abilities were useful around town. Demand for them to use their gifts for others’ benefit had definitely lessened since they got their gifts back; the townspeople had learned how to take care of many things independently in the intervening months and were trying to keep it that way. But there were always new parents who needed rest and appreciated Camilo’s babysitting services for a stint. Or farmers needing some intervention when inclement weather struck. Or people with grave injuries in need of healing (Julieta and Isabela had taken it upon themselves to teach people some more basic healing techniques using plants and herbs after realizing just how burned out the two of them were). Or those stubborn donkeys that just kept getting out…
By the time Julieta announced dinner was ready, the kitchen was usually abuzz with inquiries as to people’s whereabouts and requests to get them back home, all overlapping in glorious cacophony.
“Dolores, go find your brother.”
“Where is he, mamá?”
“I’m not sure…last I heard he was helping señor Gonzalez who threw out his back fix his roof.”
“Wait, why wouldn’t Luisa help?”
“I think she was dealing with some other crisis at the time- where is Luisa anyway?”
“I’m right here, tía, what’s going on?”
“We’re looking for Camilo.”
“Well you found him!”
“Ay, Milo, that isn’t funny! You’re gonna give your poor mamá a heart attack!”
“Camilo, stop changing into your cousins.”
“Sorry, papá…”
“We still don’t know where Luisa is.”
“I’m right here, tía.”
“That’s not funny, Camilo.”
“I’m over here, mamá.”
“Ayyyy, who else is still missing?”
“Well, Antonio was helping me with the donkeys, is he back yet?”
Everyone stopped running abruptly, bumping into each other. Camilo winced, rubbing his forehead which had unfortunately hit Luisa’s side in the mayhem. Isabela picked up the shards of the plate she broke after colliding with Dolores. The latter mumbled an awkward apology, cradling her own elbow gingerly. Mirabel was off to the side, assessing the damage. Thankfully, the food had been spared, but otherwise the kitchen looked like a tornado had passed through it.
Judging by Pepa’s erratic breathing, this wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. She leaned against the counter, gripping it so tightly her knuckles turned white, and squeezed her eyes shut. A breeze batted around the loose tendrils of her hair as she tried desperately to calm herself.
“Antonio was helping you with the donkeys?” She repeated weakly, fanning her face with her hand.
Luisa nervously shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Yeah. It was his idea actually. He figured it would be easier to corral the donkeys if he talked to them rather than having me carry them around town.” She stretched her arm carefully, groaning after a point. “I ran into him after finishing up moving the bridge, again, and he could see my shoulder was hurting me, so he volunteered to take care of the donkeys himself.”
Julieta let out a soft gasp, covering her open mouth with her hand. “You got hurt, Lu? Why didn’t you say anything, querida?” Turning around, she rummaged around the basket by the door and fished out a buñuelo. “Here.” She held it out towards her daughter.
Luisa shrugged, accepting the proffered food and taking a bite. She gave her arm another tentative stretch, sighing in relief when she could actually stretch it all the way. “Thanks, mamá. I guess I didn’t think it was that bad? I figured I’d just take some of your food later, like I always do,” she added as an afterthought.
“Like you always-“ Julieta started incredulously, but was interrupted by Pepa holding up her hand.
“Luisa, I’m sorry you got hurt, and you shouldn’t be trying to hide it, but right now my son is missing.” She clapped her hands to emphasize her point. “Can we continue this conversation after we’ve found him?”
Julieta nodded her acquiescence, but her lips pressed together in a thin line. “We’ll talk about this later, Luisa,” she said, wrapping an arm around her waist. “Let’s go find Antonio.”
Haphazardly, the Madrigals made their way outside and followed Luisa as she led them through town.
“Okay, last I saw him was by señor Martinez’s house, but he was heading towards the runaway donkeys, which were by the church,” Luisa narrated to herself, turning decisively to the right.
“It makes a lot more sense for Antonio to deal with them, seeing as he can just talk to them,” Mirabel commented. “Why did anyone even think it was a good idea to make you haul them around on your back when Antonio could just convince them to go home?”
“Because they are tontos who don’t think, just like they can’t fix that stupid gate once and for all so the donkeys stop getting out in the first place,” Pepa muttered under her breath darkly, nostrils flaring as she continued marching under her heavy cloud.
“Ay, Pepa, don’t speak like that,” Alma scolded halfheartedly. “We should be kind to our neighbors.”
“They can start by being kind and not sending my children on fool’s errands. Then I’ll reconsider striking their yards with a lightning bolt. Idiotas…” Pepa kept up a steady stream of curses and insults under her breath, crossing her arms tightly over her chest.
“She has a point, mamá.” Julieta placed her hand on Alma’s shoulder gently. “That gate has been loose for ages and no one has bothered to fix it. Wouldn’t it be much easier to fix it once than to ask us to bring the donkeys back all the time?”
“The town has kind of been taking advantage of the Madrigal gifts now that they’re back,” Agustín pointed out quietly. “Running to the family for help anytime something goes even slightly wrong. I try not to, but even I go to Julieta more often than I should.” He looked down in shame.
“Shh, amor, it’s not your fault you’re so allergic to bees.” Julieta patted his cheek affectionately. “Or that you keep finding them.”
“They’re everywhere!”
“He is right though.” Félix spoke up. He held Pepa protectively in his arms as they walked. “How many times do people ask for Luisa’s help instead of trying to figure out another way? And how often would people beg Bruno for visions rather than just plan their lives? Or ask you to heal the smallest of injuries? I get that paper cuts can be annoying but they’re not so bad to need magical healing, ¿eh?” He raised his hands with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.
“I suppose you’re right…” Alma trailed off, frowning.
“And what about Isa, having to conjure up plants all the time?” Mirabel chimed in. “Or Camilo, pulling babysitting duty constantly? Dolores, always having to keep an ear out for news? And poor tía Pepa! Anytime the weather isn’t what people want, she’s expected to make it up. ‘Make it sunny, make it rain, we don’t care how, just make it happen!’” She imitated mockingly. “Is it any wonder she made a hurricane on her wedding day?”
“I’m about to make a hurricane right now if we don’t find Antonio soon,” Pepa threatened. “Luisa, he has to have brought the donkeys back by now. Why don’t we check back there?”
“Good idea, tía,” she responded, but exchanged an uneasy glance with her mother, eyes darting towards the lightning now lining Pepa’s cloud. Clearly the two agreed that it would not be a good idea to bring Pepa within striking distance of the donkeys’ enclosure.
By this point, night had begun to fall. Pepa’s anxiety became even more palpable; wringing her hands and breaking away from the group, walking briskly in front of them. She stopped abruptly, narrowly avoiding another multi-Madrigal collision. “Dolores. Can you try to hear where he is?”
Dolores furrowed her brow. “I can try. It’s noisy tonight though. I’ll need to focus.”
“Please, Lola.” Pepa begged, shaking her shoulder. “I realize we ask too much of you, of each other really, but this is important.”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t do it. I just said it’s noisy.” Dolores closed her eyes and screwed up her face, concentrating. “I can make out his voice. It’s coming from that direction.” She pointed.
“By the river?” Alma sounded doubtful. “Why would he go there?” A shadow passed over her face.
Dolores shrugged. “It can be a nice place to go think.”
“You like to go there too?” Isabela asked her curiously.
Dolores nodded. “Wait, ‘too’? You go to the river?”
“I like to look at the plants. Ones I don’t have to create. They’re beautiful.”
“It’s calm and peaceful there,” Julieta said. “Away from the hustle and bustle of town…”
“No one telling you how to feel...”
“No one telling you what to do…”
“You can just…exist.” Mirabel exhaled.
Alma stared at all of them in turn. “Are you telling me all of you like to go to the river? And you never ran into each other?”
“I’d go when I didn’t hear anyone there,” Dolores explained.
“I preferred to go in the early mornings,” Julieta admitted.
“And I’d go late at night,” Pepa added.
“I’d go when people were too busy to notice I was gone.” Isabela shrugged.
“Me too, except it was easier for me. No one really cared if I was gone.”
A heavy silence hung after Mirabel’s admission.
“Mira…” Julieta brushed the hair out of her face. “You know that’s not true, right? Of course we care. Ay, after Casita fell, I almost died of worry.” She shuddered at the memory.
“I know, mamá.” Mirabel smiled at her reassuringly. “Things were different before though.”
“As much as I love this touching moment, can we go find Antonio now?” Pepa cut in, a frantic edge to her voice. “It’s dark, and he’s all by himself.” She started walking again, and the rest followed suit.
“Maybe not.” Dolores tilted her head towards the river. “Someone is with him. I hear him talking with Antonio.”
“Ay, Dios…” Pepa ground her teeth. “Mi pobrecito Antonio, out there all alone with no one to protect him.”
“From tío Bruno?” Dolores laughed. “That’s who’s with him, you know.”
“Wait.” Everyone did a double take. “He’s not with us?”
“How did we all miss that?” Agustín wondered.
“He wasn’t with us at home either,” Félix observed.
“I guess we’re not used to him being back yet?” Mirabel offered in explanation. “Since none of us noticed he wasn’t here?”
“He also liked to sneak off before he…” Alma cleared her throat. “Sometimes I thought his gift was invisibility, the way he’d just disappear.”
Pepa pressed on, undeterred. “Come on, guys. We’re almost there.”
“You heard the lady!” Félix waved his hand as he bounded over the hill and joined Pepa in running down to the riverbank.
Antonio was indeed there, with some very strange company. Bruno sat on the ground, cross-legged, and an assortment of creatures surrounded them. Half a dozen rats danced on what appeared to be a makeshift stage. A couple capybaras were chilling in the water. And, as always, Antonio’s jaguar, Parce, lounged lazily nearby.
“Antonio!” Pepa exclaimed, nearly tackling the child as she enveloped him in her arms.
“Mamá! What are you doing here?” Antonio asked curiously.
“Ay Toñito, we’ve been looking for you for so long! You missed dinner, and it’s dark out now.” She peppered his face with kisses aggressively, pulling away suddenly. “What were you thinking?”
“I didn’t realize it had gotten so late,” Antonio defended, wiping his face off with his arm. “Tío Bruno and I came down here after I finished helping Luisa with the donkeys- which took like half an hour. Those donkeys sure are stubborn!” He shook his head in disbelief. “Anyway, I ran into tío Bruno who was coming down here and wanted me to join him.”
Pepa blinked slowly, eyes drifting from one to the other, trying to absorb all this information. “And the animals?” She asked weakly.
“They just follow me around wherever I go,” Antonio stated matter-of-factly. “Check it out, tío Bruno wrote a new play, and we’ve been rehearsing it together!”
“We?” Félix asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Me and the animals, of course. Well, I’m mostly helping tío Bruno direct, but I think the rats have a good grasp on their parts now.”
The older Madrigals stifled a laugh at his precociousness.
“That’s great, Antonio!” Mirabel smiled at him encouragingly.
“Do you guys want to see?” He looked up at them expectantly. Bruno swiveled around to join him as the rats continued tap dancing across the stage.
“We-“ Everyone looked around, unsure how to respond. Luckily, they were spared the trouble.
Camilo’s stomach gurgled loudly. “Antonio, hermanito, you aren’t the only one who missed dinner. We kind of all missed dinner looking for you.”
“Milo!” Pepa looked at him reproachfully.
“What? It’s true! I’m not supposed to say things that are true? Obviously we were gonna look for you if you’re missing, but we did all miss dinner.”
“He is right, tía.” Luisa spoke up, almost bashfully. “It’s way past dinnertime.”
“Maybe we should all head back and eat,” Julieta suggested. “Then you can show us the play once all our tummies are full.”
“Okay…” Antonio started walking reluctantly. “Come on, Parce.” He waved the jaguar over.
“Oh, he is not coming back with us,” Pepa proclaimed. “Absolutely not.”
“But mamááá, he doesn’t want to be away from me. He’s like my pet.”
“Some people have dogs. You have a jaguar.” Pepa shook her head, rubbing circles over her temples. “Fine,” she relented finally. “But he is not sitting with us at the table.”
“Of course not,” Antonio agreed.
Pepa blinked, not expecting this to be so easy. “Good,” she said firmly.
“He’s too big to fit anyway,” Antonio reasoned. “Now the capybaras…”
“No animals at the table!”
“Not even the toucan?”
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dead-inside-writer · 3 years
"Happy New Year!" (Encanto Camilo x GN! Reader)
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pairing: Camilo Madrigal x reader summary: Spending New Year with your boyfriend, Camilo and reader being a (shy) simp.
theme: fluff pronouns: he/him for Camilo, they/them for reader warning: none word count: 897
──────────────────────────────────────────── “Mi vida! Faster or we’ll miss it!” Camilo takes your hand in his as he runs ahead of you. “Casita! Please make a way to your rooftop,” Camilo exclaimed and as soon as the words left his mouth, the roof extended, making a stair-like path for the both of you to walk on to the very top of the house.
“Thank you Casita,” Camilo said as he pulled you onto the roof, one hand holding your hand as the other holds your shoulder, making sure that you don’t fall.
"Come here," Camilo leads you to the middle of the roof, and before you sat down, he wiped the dust off the rooftop.
"Mi amor! You didn't have to do that!" You softly push him as a blush slowly crept its way to your cheeks. You were grateful that it was night so Camilo couldn't see your blush. It was the small things he does that get your stomach filled with butterflies.
"What do you mean? Only the best for mi vida, of course!" He smiled cheekily, sitting down while holding your hand carefully as you sat down next to him.
"It should be appearing in any second now..." He impatiently said as he looked up to the starry night with excitement.
You were equally as excited as him for the fireworks, but something on how joyful he looked right now just caught your eyes. Your eyes were stuck admiring his features. He had always looked so attractive, but the way he had this long genuine smile stretched on his face causing small cute wrinkles around his eyes, his eyebrows softly creasing as he waits in anticipation, the adorable gleam of excitement in his eyes, it was all just so... perfect.
You heard the explosions from the fireworks booming in the sky, you saw how the color changes on his face, from purple to green to yellow, but you can't help but keep your eyes on him. The way his eyes admire the fireworks, it leaves you smiling like a fool.
"Mi vida, doesn't the firework look amazing?" He turns his head to you as he points to the sky, shocking you from the sudden eye contact.
Usually, you weren't as bold on the compliments like he was. He was the extremely flirty one that left you flustered and red. You always admire him in your head but whenever it was time to actually be vocal about your admiration to him, you freeze up. However, something about tonight gave you a confidence boost, a fearless feeling.
Maybe it was the way just how breathtaking he looked tonight, or the way that it was New Year and one of your wishes was to compliment him more. or maybe it was the way he caught you off-guard so without realizing it, you blurted out a few words.
"Yeah, but it's not as amazing as you are, Mi amor," You blinked slowly as you realized what you said. You looked at him with wide eyes.
He looked at you with wide eyes as well, a bright red flushes his face, his heart beating so fast that he was sure that his sister would hear it over the fireworks. His mouth open wide as he looked at you stunned.
You melted at his reaction. If only you knew how endearing he looked when he blushed, you would have definitely showered him compliments every day.
"I know I don't compliment you often, but I just want you to know how lucky I am to have such an amazing, adorable, breathtaking, jaw-dropping, stunning, out-of-this-world boyfriend!" You ramble as you scoot closer to Camilo.
"Oh, and have I mention how your smile just steals my heart every time and-"
"Mi vida! Please stop," Camilo places his hand over your mouth, his eyes not looking at yours. You started to worry a bit, thinking that you might have said too much, but your worries disappeared in a second when you see how red he was. It was unbelievable! It was like he was glowing red. (and there weren't any red fireworks in the sky!)
"Huh? Why? Can't I just compliment my perfect boyfriend the way he deserves it?" You moved his hands down and held them in yours.
He looked away, showing you his ears which were even brighter than the rest of his face.
"Cause mi amor, you have no idea how much your words are affecting me right now," He brought your hand onto his chest.
"Do you feel my heartbeat?" He asked.
Yeah. You did. and dios mio, it was beating like a billion meters per second.
"This is what you do to me, just by your words alone," He whispered to your ears, and now it was your turn to be a glowing tomato.
"HA! You're so red right now!" Camilo burst out laughing, leaving you even redder.
"Please, your ears look like hot chili before by how red it was!" You rolled your eyes, hitting him softly.
"Hey! You caught me by surprise before," He laughed.
"But you know, your smile only took my heart once," Camilo said as he looks to the sky.
Your heart drop slightly, "Huh?"
"Cause you took it when I first saw you smile and it never left you once, mi vida," He leans closer to you and whispered, "My heart is yours and yours only."
note: PLEASEEE I BLUSHED MYSELF WRITING THIS YHVDIUWBOBUWVOBWOLI please leave a like and feel free to request from me! oh and happy new yearrrrr -din
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kyoupann · 3 years
Hi, besties! I’m back to talk about Encanto and Encanto only because I’m tired of non-latinos/Hispanics posting their bland ass opinions on a movie they definitely did not care to understand <3 ( warning: spoilers, I guess)
1. "Abuela was evil and didn't deserve to be forgiven that quickly"
Amix, did we even watch the same movie? Because to me Alma wasn't forgiven on the spot. Not one of them said "sure abuelita don’t worry we still love you." And the thing is, in a toxic Hispanic household, you won't get an apology so easily. Alma admitted how she fucked up and that is a huge step for them as a family to start figuring out their own shit and how each member contributed to the cracks appearing. The moment where they all come together to rebuild their Casita is a perfect depiction of that; it takes days, months and years to pick up the pieces and put it back together, and maybe just then they can start healing.
Alma deserved to realise how much pain she was putting her family through and be given the opportunity to try to be better, and saying otherwise is interpreting the movie to fit your ideal ending. And the thing is, Alma had no malicious intent in her words and actions, once you know what happened to her, you notice everything she does and says is tightly tied to her traumatic past: bestie watched her town be invaded, her husband brutally murdered while holding her newborn triplets, became the leader of a whole ass new town the next morning and was probably never given the time to mourn.
And before any of y’all Abuela-haters come to me to say trauma is never an excuse: yeah, abuse can’t be justified under any circumstances, however, if you want to criticise Abuela’s character, you have to look where she is coming from. It’s not a matter of it’s fair or not, because in real life these situations most of the time are never fair to anyone involved.
2. "Omg, everyone was so mean towards Mirabel and Bruno, how could anyone allow that? That's so fucked up!"
Oh, wow, the privilege of watching a movie about intergenerational trauma and not noticing the trauma. Qusiese, chicaaa, pero no pudiese. LMAO I was going to go into how Alma, Isabela and Pepa treated Mirabel, but I feel that’ll be better left alone in their separate posts because it’s a lot. Instead I’m just going to explain why I think “We don’t talk about Bruno” was an attempt to protect Bruno from people shit-talking him even more.
It’s undeniable that the Madrigal family is obviously the equivalent of royalty in Encanto. They are a public figure and Abuela specifically works her ass off trying to maintain that image (yeah, by manipulating her family into being of service but). Because if shit went down, then she’d find herself having to flee her home again. Big yikes, nope.
Now, imagine, your youngest and only son who can see the future comes up with a prophecy about your home/family so bad that he runs away. Bruno may have done nothing wrong, but his disappearance brought a bad image to the family. So what did the family had to do to save face? Not talk about him. And more than it being a “fuck Bruno, all my homies hate Bruno” move, it is more of a “Hey, this is a sensitive topic and we as a family have decided to speak no more of it, thanks!” move, not only to cope with his absence, but to prevent townsfolk from also talking about him. It might not have been the nicest thing to do, but so was Bruno’s leaving without saying more. Please, stop infantilizing grown-ass men.
3. “The magic doesn’t make any sense”
HI, Welcome to Magical Realism! It does not need to make sense to you. It is what it is in its own world and its inhabitants accept it. If y’all can watch Marvel movies and eat that shit up as if it were the most complex worldbuilding in existence, then you can absolutely believe that miracles are a commonly accepted occurrence in this world.
What creates a miracle is not really important, because throughout the movie we’re not trying to make a new one, but to preserve the one that already Alma manifested. What determines what kind of gift each character gets is not important, or at the very least I’d think you’d be able to assume that it’s something related to their personality or a skill they excelled at. Being utterly rude, if you whine over how the magic doesn’t make any sense, I feel like you’re the type of person who wants to have every single thing explained in detail because you’re simply too lazy to use your imagination.
I find the magic in this movie very adequate to its context; in Latin-America, when you talk about a miracle it’s something of religious origin that cannot be explained by science (as opposed to English, in which it can be simply boiled down to something extraordinary). Additionally, “Milagro” is also used to refer to religious charms that can be carried on your person for protection and good luck. So, the candle serves as both types of miracles and I find that so damn cool.
Now, I’m not blindly in love with this movie to deny the fact that it definitely should’ve explored its world and characters so much more. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely one of the best movies the mouse has made in years and I do hope it gets some kind of show or whatever; it’s got the perfect elements for it.
P.d: do yourself a huge favour and listen to the Spanish version of Dos Oruguitas <3<3<3
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cahmilo · 2 years
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3AM Shenanigans ㅡ carlos m.
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pairing: carlos madrigal x reader
genre: crack, fluff
word count: 3k
tags: energetic and caffeinated reader, kind of ooc carlos, established relationship, modern au, texting fic, cursing, not proofread
summary: after downing a cup of coffee at midnight, you found it hard to fall back asleep. while bothering your boyfriend, you didn't expect a surprise visit from him at 3AM in the morning.
[repost] short drabble-ish based from this incorrect quote
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File Successfully Submitted.
"FUCK YEAH!!!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. Jumping out of your chair, you immediately broke in to a physical explosion of body shaking and jumping to non-existent music. 
Having successfully passed an assignment a minute before it's due? It's practically your talent at this point. Kind of unhealthy, but you loved the rush and pressure more than crunching it a day before with absolutely 0 ideas on mind. And this, this literature review? 
It's definitely bad.
But at least it's done.
"Now what the fuck am I gonna do with this?" You asked yourself, holding your now half-empty cup of coffee. You underestimated the amount you needed and you were stuck with two options. If you left it out, it will go bad. if you drank it now, oh boy you're gonna have the sugar spike of your life. But what's life without a little goof in them?
Taking a big sip, you downed the sweet mocha caramel oreo java chip honey with 2 shots frappucino and whatever the heck more sugar-containing liquid you had asked for. 
Putting it back and getting ready for the night, you settled in your bed and cuddled yourself with your boyfriend's hoodie and resisting the urge to annoy him late at night by sending random TikToks that you found on your For You page. Looking back at the clock which was now 12:30, you turned of all gadgets and lights and hoped to go to sleep as you closed your eyes. 
1:30 AM. 
Your eyes were still as wide as an owls and you're starting to regret the last sip of your too sweet caffeinated drink because you can't even take a small nap. So much time has passed and there was still no sign of the sandman bringing you to dreamland. 
Having found no use of waiting to go to sleep, you muttered a curse as you grabbed your phone and hovered over Carlos' text messages. You contemplated bothering your boyfriend with your 1AM antics, but then realized that he wouldn't be bothered since he has his phone on DND at night. 
You: sent a link. 
You: was watching tiktoks and this dog reminds me of you 
You: fooken emo hair
You: bEcAusE ToNoIgHT wILL bE tHe nOiGhT tHaT i WilL fAhL foR yEww
You: i can probably spam you as much as i want since you said you had your phone on mute
You: sent a link. 
You: DUCKS ARE WATERPROOF. turns out they have this fur that makes them waterproof
You: just like dandelions
You: if i were to duct tape a duck with dandelions would that make them extra waterproof
You: lmfao duct tape
You: duck tape
Carlos: what the hell is wrong with you
You: oh hi amor
You: why you up so early
Carlos: ?? the question is why aren't you asleep so early
You: I can't sleep
Carlos: did you watch those horror cases again
You: NO
You: i finished my essay and i couldnt sleep because of the coffee
You: -welp i kinda did watch a horror documentary before that but its not that scary
You: okay fine i cant sleep im both caffeinated and terrified the tiktok i saw before the duck one had a scary jumpscare
Carlos: lmfao pussy ass
Carlos: if u say so
You: i still cant sleep :<
Carlos: is that my problem
You: no
You: yk what im just gonna watch some tiktoks... ure obliged to open all of them in the morning
You: sent a link.
You: sent a link.
You: sent a link.
You: would you be okay if i leave you for jennie
You: she kinda has a better ass
You: and i've seen you sway yours its not really the best ngl
You: sent a link.
You: sent a link.︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ ︎
You: Carlos save me my knight in shining armor
You: its probably a ghost or a monster im not having this rn
Carlos: why don't u let it in
Carlos: you wouldn't know unless u find out
You: and if its a murderer and i die, you won't have a lover anymore
Carlos: i can always find someone else
You: ?????!$?$?$ YOURE AWFUL
Carlos: just open the goddamn door idiot
Carlos: its cold out here
"Oh!" You jumped onto bed and immediately dashed through the door after reading his last texts. Carefully, you twisted the knob and opened it slightly, looking at the gap to see who it is. When you saw the love your life in his maroon hoodie and black pajamas, you instantly opened the door wide and jumped to his arms. Carlos almost stumbled but he managed to catch you as he put his arms under your thighs. 
"Jeez you're more energetic than I thought" Carlos mumbled in your embrace.
"How did you get here so fast?! You live on the other building!" You asked, finally letting go from the hug as you cupped his face and showered him with kisses. Carlos being used to your chaotic energy only giggled as he pushed you inside and locked the door.
"I snuck out. The dorm security guard had to go to the restroom so I ran out when he left" He said while walking to the kitchen island and placing a plastic bag on top of it. Like a lost puppy, you trailed along and followed him. "You owe me shit for making me come here at 2 in the morning."
"I didn't force you to come here"
"You brought it upon yourself when you texted, now" He smirked as he opened the plastic bag and grabbed something "-wanna have ramen?" 
You furrowed your eyebrows. "at 2AM?" 
Carlos shrugged his shoulders. "You're supposed to say yes, but I'll make it anyway. I was starving so I stopped by the convenience store before I came here" 
"Oooh did you stop by for-"
"Yes I brought you banana milk" 
"YAY" You jumped to his arms and gave him a big bear hug. Carlos in return, squeezed you so tight you almost couldn't breathe. He loves spoiling you so much because your smile always manages to make him lose his cool demeanor. You were the cutest sight he has ever seen and if it meant sacrificing his beauty sleep for this early in the morning, he would never want to think twice in sleeping ever again. 
"How long is this going to take?" You asked, spinning around the chair on the edge of the kitchen island. In front of you was Carlos who was busy making the ramen and opening the powder packets.
"The water literally just boiled" He explained while checking the pot of water. Putting the noodles in the pot, he hummed a song to pass the time. "Now we wait for 3 minutes" 
"Wait!" You jumped from the chair and dashed to the stereo. "Do you know what makes the wait more fun?"
Carlos peeked from afar, having unsure feelings about your devilish grin which he definitely knows you have something planned. "What?" 
"DANCE CONTEST!" You yelled, playing your favorite dance song as it echoes through the speakers. 
"Oh God, I just escaped this song from Camilo only to hear you play it on loud speakers." He facepalmed but then grew into a fit of laughter when you suddenly danced to the choreography in the empty space in front of him. 
"What the hell are you doing?" He screamed in between laughter. It was definitely not the same dance his twin was doing from before. While he cracked an egg to be placed in the soup, you continued dancing in your pajamas. As soon as he finished and let the meal sit, he gave in danced along with you in the chorus with more minimal movements compared to yours who was all over the place. 
"I knew you couldn't resist my favorite artists, you're such a fan" You pointed out while he rolled his eyes. 
"Shut up" He grumbled. 
Oh crap. It was already 3AM and you were blasting music on loud speakers for the entire building to hear. 
After getting second complaints from Carlos who was afraid of getting caught, your dance session ended abruptly as you two got ready to finally eat the ramen he prepared. 
"You're a good cook" You commented on his cooking, glancing at your now empty bowl. 
"It's an instant noodle pack, idiot" Carlos replied. "Everyone can do it."
You scoffed at his last comment and mocked him. "But you didn't let me do it. 'mI amOr LeT mE MaKe ThE rAmEn InsTeaD'" 
Carlos stood up from the chair and walked behind you, leaving you confused. Suddenly, he pulled you to a back hug and put his chin on your shoulders, flustering you. He grabbed your hands and put them in front of your face. 
"You see these hands?" You nodded as he continued. "These are the hands that passed a week old paper 2 minutes before the deadline. These are the hands that downed an entire cup of coffee at midnight. These are the hands that played that loud ass song on blast at 3AM in the morning, possibly calling for danger if I didn't ask you to turn it off. Now, can you give me a logical explanation as to why I would let the same hands operate open fire on a stove at 3 in the morning?"
You pursed your lips and squinted your eyes, humming and playing along acting like you were thinking of an answer. Your so-called 'train of thought' was interrupted when Carlos squished your cheeks and groaned while shaking you. Pushing his hand away, you crossed your eyebrows at him. 
"Your cuteness aggression is so fucking weird, you have a face of murder but your actions say otherwise. Like when you squished my sister's kitten with a sinister face" You picked up your bowl before he took it away from you immediately making you complain "Hey-" 
"Couldn't resist it when you look like an idiot" He cupped your cheeks again. "My idiot." He lightly kissed your nose and pulled away, grabbing the rest of the silverware. "Also, I'm not letting you touch the plates, I'm washing them." 
"Eh, less work for me thanks wifey"
"Don't call me that"
"Sorry wifey" 
3:00 AM...
"Okay I'm not gonna lie but that was fun" Carlos muttered out of breath as he pulled away from you while panting. "Just never ask me to do that again"
You guys were learning this dance challenge with Carlos and after your many attempts of begging, he just gave in. Tonight's challenge was the viral domino dance and although Carlos wouldn't want to admit, he was kinda having fun. 
"Learned from the best dancer I've known" You proudly said while gulping a glass of water as you re-watched the recorded video.
"That's the Carlos Madrigal effect" 
"No I was talking about Camilo" 
Carlos gave you a sour face while you laughed at him. Putting the video on your drafts, you looked up at him while he was wiping his sweaty forehead. 
"Now what?" You asked him.
"I'm just trying so hard not to throw up the ramen right now."
You laughed at your boyfriend who was still trying to catch his breath. "Okay fine, no more dancing. Wanna watch a movie?" 
"I have a better idea"
"What is it?" You asked him.
"Sleep. We sleep, Y/N."
You didn't know how it ended up like this, but now you're lying on the bed cuddling with your boyfriend in animal onesies. Apparently when he went to the convenience store, Carlos also passed by a few outfits in the clothes part of the store and found the onesies. He bought you a sugar glider onesie while he got himself a panda one. 
After a night of energy and too much activity, you were finally happy you were getting sleepy. Maybe the coffee has worn off, or maybe it was because of the MSG from the ramen. One thing is for sure though, this was the highlight of the night. Lying on Carlos' chest while his hand plays with your hair and your legs are tangled together. 
"Amor," You called out to him, face still buried in his chest. You felt a vibration as he hummed in response. 
"Thank you for coming here for me" 
It wasn't much to say, but it felt enough for both of you. You and Carlos had just been in an official relationship for 2 months and you never felt even more happier as time goes by. But while still being early in the relationship, no one has dropped the "I love you" phrase yet, and although it took longer, it felt somehow right. It wasn't easy for you to openly display affection to each other and you both understood that.
It takes time, love takes time. The "I love you" can come later. You weren't rushing. For both of you, it's an important phrase and neither of you were ready just yet. BUT, you already felt the comfort of those words although not directly, just through Carlos' gestures that made you feel loved and cared for. Just like tonight.
"Don't thank me, mi vida. I would gladly spend any second of my time to be with you" Carlos muttered against the crown of your head, twirling and combing your hair with his fingers. That was his I love you. His quality time, his words of affirmation, his acts of service, those were his 'i love yous'.
And yours? It's a little difficult to tell from someone else but for Carlos, he definitely gets to experience your I love yous. Your constant snuggling, your shameless personality, your tears, your physical touch, your words of affirmation, all of those things were the ones only Carlos has seen and you meant to keep it that way.
"And uhm- sorry if I'm kind of a pain in the ass sometimes"
Carlos clicked his tongue. "Look at me" He grabbed your shoulders, causing you to pull yourself off and he cupped your face for you to face him. "You're not a pain in the ass okay? And you're never a handful. I like being around with you, you're like my happy pill. The sun to my moon."
His words never fail to make you smile in awe. Sometimes it makes you even tear up in joy and he urges you not to cry by saying even more sweet words that just makes you cry even harder. You're very lucky to have this man and he's very lucky to land someone like you. 
With an aww, you further snuggled into him, diving into the crook of his neck while he giggles at you. Holding you even tighter, you suddenly remembered one of the videos you were meant to send to him before his knocks scared you. 
"Oh wait, I forgot I was supposed to send you something" You pulled away and sat up on your bed, reaching for the phone by the bedside table. Carlos remained snuggled in your bedsheets, waiting for you to finish.
"This video I saw, wait I'll send it to you." You trailed off, busy scrolling through your phone. 
You were about to put it down until you heard a loud ding that startled you. You looked back to the beside table to see Carlos' phone shine brightly on.
"Amor, was that my notif?" You asked and glanced at Carlos who had a shy grin in his face. 
"Uhm, yea"
"But I thought you always have your phone on silent because it annoys you?" You put the phone back and went back to snuggle in his arms. 
"Technically it is, I just set it up so that the do not disturb option doesn't apply to you." Carlos said truthfully, intentionally hiding his face in your hair but you were smart enough to pull away and cup his face instead. 
"So you mean, the entire time I wasn't on silent for you?" 
He looked away and nodded.
"So, the whole time I was spamming your messages because I thought you were on silent, was actually not and you were hearing all those dings per second?" 
Carlos muttered under his breath. "I don't mind though" 
"Oh my god" You said as you let go of his face and dug back to his chest. "So I really did wake you up in the middle of the night" 
Carlos furrowed his eyebrows the moment he heard a guilt tone in your voice. "Hey." He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him. 
"I had it set for a reason okay? I never want to miss your messages and I hate it when you're mixed with other of my notifications. It's not your fault and I don't mind if you wake up or spam me or shit" 
"Awww" You cooed and gave him a light peck on the lips. "You love me so much" 
"Tch. I'm being nice here, appreciate it"
"I do! Next time you're officially invited for my next 3AM bullshit. Only you have an infinite invite" You said as you observe the big smile that he has. His eyes glimmering with pure bliss that made you fall deeper. 
"I accept. For tomorrow, I'm planning the activities. Ones that don't involve loud TikTok dancing" 
You hummed and nodded in response, giving him yet another peck in the lips making him laugh as if hes entranced in the sight of you completely drunk on each others love. 
"Thank you mi amor"
Funny how the lazy, barely moving Carlos Madrigal seemed to enjoy staying up late with you. Whether it would be dancing, singing, eating, or even playing video games. He would sacrifice his beauty sleep if it meant seeing you have the time of your life, it was worth it. Fuck sleep, you were worth it.
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taglist: @thegirlwiththebangs @mirabelleza @carcat-02 @brushofease @camilos-luna @kitasgloves @ducky-is-dead-inside @elegantkidfansoul @moon-cakiie ++ join here
thumbnail by the artists of purrfect tale
137 notes · View notes
My impression/expectations of the Madrigals based on the first trailer vs what I think of them now
- didn't really pay attention to her tbh
-seemed a little dull compared to the others
-viewed her as a narrative device than an actual character
-Anna and Hiccup fused into Mirabel
-her sarcasm is immaculate
-most relatable character out of everyone
-fantastic dancer
-prolly very into arts and crafts
-very cute face
-hnngh pretty flower lady
-disney princess vibes
-probably gonna be my fav
-I feel like she sings to birds in the morning
-prolly gives food to the homeless or smth
-went for Cady Heron got Regina George
-I judged this book by its cover so hard
-she's?? so?? hot? help???
-serving femme domme realness
-golden child syndrome sucks
-wouldn't be opposed to her taking over the world actually
-supervillain au when?
-thinks she deserves everything and she's absolutely right
-hnngh big hot lady
-seems like a no-nonsense type character
-another candidate for favorite
-man crusher
-notice me senpai
-a lot sillier than I imagined and I love it
-Scorpia kinnie
-emotional baby
-daddy's girl
-I could strangle disney for not giving her a colorful dress like the others
-gives the best hugs
-didn't appear much in the trailer so
-didn't really have an opinion
-she's!! so!! cute!!!
-town's biggest gossip
-her squeaks give me life
-better rapper than Eminem
-can't keep a secret
-very unflappable like nothing surprises her
-tells her mother everything
-can destroy you in five words or less
-I feel like she likes fluffy things
-won't start a fight but will finish one
-10/10 quality girl I want to kiss her nose
-thought his shapeshifting power was pretty cool
-immediately pegged him as the comic relief
-very pretty boy
-everyone's favorite cousin
-mama's boy
-doesn't care what anyone thinks
-his smirk sustains me
-also tells his mother everything
-master prankster
-adorable baby boy
-want to give lots of snacks and snuggles
-deserves love
-and pretty much yeah
-I had no idea this man existed lmao
-didn't see him in the trailer
-someone get this man some depression meds
-really needs a hug
-probably listens to Simple Plan
-terrible decision-making skills
-mans really decided to hide in the walls for a decade rather than talk to his mom
-i mean same tbh
-could y’all stop infantilizing this 50 year old neurodivergent man thanks
-is LOVED by his family and anyone that says otherwise is wrong
-I liked her hair
-also didn't appear much in the trailer so no opinion
-didn't watch We don't talk about Bruno before seeing the movie so I didn't have the same stigma against her that most do
-introducing the actual fav character
-someone get this woman some anxiety meds
-second biggest gossip in town
-another fantastic dancer
-probably enjoys peppermint tea
-needs to stay away from coffee
-is a loving mother and wife
-couple goals
-literally just see the way she looks at her husband and kids
-very dramatic
-would def be a broadway star
-definitely either the youngest or the oldest
-LOVES her brother
-stop saying she hates Bruno
-seemed like a very good mother
-very sweet
-I like her eyes idk why
-she has the most mom power ever lmao
-an EXCELLENT mother
-stop saying Bruno should adopt Mirabel when she has Julieta
-so kind so caring I need her in my life
-should have gotten more singing lines
-prolly very sassy when she wants to be
-mom friend
-doesn't get mad easily but fear her when she does
-probably the oldest
Felix + Agustin
-ALSO didn't appear much in the trailer
-thought Felix was a side character tbh
-disney is ill for setting the bar this high
-how do the Madrigals keep picking up quality men
-what is the secret
-Felix has Gomez vibes
-probably bond over how much they love their wives
-fantastic fathers
-"I was protecting my daughter"
-Julieta and Pepa are winning
-seemed like a sweet old lady
-kind of reminded me of my grandmother
-needs a therapist asap
-if ya'll don't leave this poor ptsd ridden old lady alone
-did what she thought was best for her family
-LOVES all of her kids and grandkids but has a hard time expressing it
-was a single mother to three and the impromptu leader of an entire town of people in her twenties
-she handled what needed to be handled
-probably sings the best lullabies
-acknowledged that she was wrong and went to fix it
-all that being said I did very nearly throw hands with her for a second
281 notes · View notes
chameleon-madrigal · 3 years
I have a request for a Camilo x GN Reader!
Maybe where the reader is Mariano's younger sibling, and Camilo tries his best to ask for the approval of the relationship between Mariano's beloved younger sibling and him, and like he tries to man up and decide to turn away any urge to ask Dolores for help (considering that by then, they are either married, dating or courting-)
Thank you!
IX | Cuentos de Camilo
(Camilo Short Stories)
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Title: Speak the words of love
Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Camilo x GN!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Camilo is definitely a cool guy, full of confidence as what you would compliment him. But ever since you two started dating, he started to become shy atempting to get both of your families approval. Knowing that Mariano and Dolores' relationship is going well, he wants that also to happen to the both of you but he would end up backing away.
He/him pronouns for Camilo
They/them pronouns for Reader
Note: I was sick so sorry this took so long! This is actually cute, can be a hc for Cami being a confident guy but genuinely acts shy when its about you two's relationship. Hope I got the right plot of what you suggested, sorry for waiting :(( Enjoy and Thank you for all your support <3
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Camilo can't deny the fact that he started to take a liking into you, the moment his Abuela invited the Guzmans to a dinner again, but this time it was for Dolores and Mariano's proposal. And was the first time you showed up to see the Madrigals, pretty much meeting them for the first time.
You are sitting between Mirabel and Dolores where your brother, Mariano is on the other side. You are facing Camilo on the other side of the table.
"Its a great pleasure to have you back here with us" Abuela said as she raised her glass of water. "Salud"
"Salud!" Everyone said after and raised their glass also. They started eating as the adults started to discuss about the matter between the engagement.
"Yeah, I was glad I wasn't here when mi hermano got punched on the nose" You whispered as Mirabel heard it and playfully nudged you, causing you both to chuckle at each other.
Camilo saw how your eyes lit up as you laugh and the sound of your voice that caused his heart to beat faster. He didn't realize he was staring too long, luckily for him you didn't caught his stares but Isabela saw it and decided to tease her primo.
"Oh is that love, I see primo?" Isabela said as Camilo started coughing on his drink to shapeshift into you, then Isabela and calmly shapeshifted back to himself as everyone started to look at him, including you, on why he suddenly shapeshifts uncontrollably.
"Camilo, stop playing games on the table" Felix scolded his son, as everyone started to go back at their business.
Camilo could just smiled awkwardly at everyone, as he turned to glared at Isabela, who is laughing at him.
He continued distracting himself by eating arepas, but as he took a glance at you. Both of your eyes met each other, which causes you to look away with a blush evident on both of your faces. The others could just chuckle at the cute interaction you both shared.
And thats where it all started.
You became best friends with Camilo as you would always stay on the Casita, because your hermano would always visit his fiancé.
"Not the thing I expected to see but hello to you too Camilo" You said as the moment you went inside Casita. You saw Camilo secretly stuffing some few arepas inside his ruana and eating one.
He turned around to look at you as he finished eating the arepa, while holding the other arepas with his other hand.
"Aye geez, I thought you were Tía." He said as he sighed happily seeing it was just you.
You went up to him and he suddenly uses his other free hand to put it around your shoulder.
"Why are you stealing arepas, again?" You asked as he guided you upstairs going to his room.
"For my stomach, mi vida. I'll starve to death if I won't get any" He said which causes you to laugh at him. You both entered his room, as he put down the arepas from the table beside his bed.
You immediately went infront one of his mirrors and checked yourself. He went up to you as he watches how you fixed your clothes, face and everything.
He grabbed your wrist and dragged you carefully to his bed.
"Hey, what the..im not done yet!"
"You can just look at me and I'm willing to tell you that you are perfect for who you are" He said as you decided to not say anything, because of how hard you are stoping yourself from smiling.
You both sat down at his bed, as he gave you one arepa and suddenly he ate again too. Which cause you to chuckle at him.
"So, what do you feel about having your brother be a part of the Madrigals as being mi hermana's husband soon"
You shrugged as you took a bite of your arepa and looked at him.
"I mean I really don't know since I am not the one that is getting married but its nice to think that my brother finally found that love he has inside" You said as you both chuckled at it.
"Well, do you think like you know in the future, you'll be a Madrigal?"
"Depends, are you gonna ask me out soon?"
You jokingly stated but then turned to worry, as Camilo started choking on his food and shapeshifted super uncontrollably. You gently patted his back as soon as he shapeshifted back to himself.
"Geez, don't joke like that again"
"Who said I was?" You stated as he shapeshift uncontrollably again as you laughed at him
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You and Camilo would hangout often, and ofcourse you two had catch feelings with each other. And when he confessed, you two started dating after that.
Both of your families didn't know about this, knowing you two are just really close friends. You cannot find the right time to tell even your brother about it, since they are busy about the engagement between him and Dolores, same case with Camilo to his family.
"I mean a little privacy wouldn't hurt us for awhile right?" He said as you leaned on his arms that os currently draped around your shoulders.
"They are busy with the engagement to notice us"
"I mean Dolores the only one probably knows but also busy to talk about it with me" He said as he caress your head.
"But after the wedding, they need to know Milo" You said as you kissed his cheeks and stood up from your spot.
"I mean, yeah they do—" You cutted him off by helping him stand up and cupped his face.
"Amor, don't worry too much. They will accept us just like your sister and my brother's relationship okay?" You said as he nodded but nervousness is still evident on his face.
That night, as Camilo was trying the urge to sleep he can't seem to do it because of the things he keeps on overthinking.
'Gosh, what if Abuela won't accept us?'
'What if they want another person for me that's from another family? So that the generation of Madrigal would be bigger'
'Damn it Camilo ofcourse that won't happen!'
'But what if it will?'
"UGHHH!" He frustratedly shouted and held his hair, until Dolores suddenly burst to his door. Which made him shot up in his bed and placed his hand on his heart as he got shocked at the sudden thing his sister did.
"Dios Mío, knocking isn't familiar to you?" He exclaimed as Dolores just gave him an aplogetic smile.
"Lo siento hermanito, I heard you scream so I immediately rushed into you. Are you fine?"
'Should I ask for her help? Nah thats uncool but..'
"Yeah, im fine. I just had a lot in mind, I guess?" Dolores went up to his brother and patted his head. As she nods and went out from his room.
Camilo just plops back into his bed, scolding himself for why he acts this way. Like how his confidence would just fade away, and doubting the acceptance of your relationship.
The next morning, Camilo was in town doing his chores when Mariano went up to him.
"Hey, Camilo. You've been so hardworking lately" He said and patted his shoulder.
"Thats Camilo Madrigal to you" Camilo stated as he turned into Mariano and did faces.
"Anyways, have you seen mi linda hermanita/o?"
"Nope I haven't...and yeah ofc Y/N's cute.." He said whispering the last part, but Mariano heard it.
"Oh you think they're cute, huh? Why don't you date my sibling, camilo" He said teasing Camilo, which causes him to have a blashful face.
"Yes! I mean—"
"WAIT, YOU'RE DATING THEM??" Mariano exclaimed as Camilo tried to say the truth but his words are losing control.
"Yes, what No!! I MEAN NO. Wait, its like not now but maybe soon what am I saying..Oh hey look at the time! Time to get arepas okay Bye!!" Camilo said and ran away from Mariano, who's shouting his name.
"Gosh, Camilo why can't you just say that you're dating Y/N" He said to himself as he got closer to the Casita.
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Weeks after the wedding of Dolores and Mariano, you could say that Camilo is a mess. He would always tell you that he is planning to speak to both of your families about the relationship but would always end up telling you he can't do it. So he would usually say it in his actions rather than words.
The Guzmans moved in the Casita, and Camilo would act strange when it comes to your brother and your grandmother. He usually doesn't show off his goofy side that you love about him and would help them with simple task which was odd.
After Camilo helped Señora Guzman with things, he show you outside and decided to talk to him.
"Cariño mio, speak up whats this all about?"
"What? Nothing is up, just the ceiling" He said laughing awkwardly as you gave him a knowing look which he sighed.
"You barely hangout with me, now that I am on the same roof with you"
"I am sorry, mi vida. Its just that I want to show your mother and brother how great of a person I am"
"And you really are a great person. What are you still trying to prove, love?"
"I don't know, I just want them to accept me as your boyfriend"
"You barely show them your playful and fun side, Cami"
"I know, I just want them to think that I'm more than fun and games, and that I am serious with you" He said as he looked at you in the eyes and you just smiled at him and kissed his lips.
"They'll love you as much as I do" You said which made him smile and hugged you tight.
Later that day, you were out with Mirabel to play with the kids. And Camilo could have just face back and forth in his room, and he knows that Dolores can hear his mumbles but he is too occupied to think of that.
"Just tell Mariano, hey I like your sibling..wait ugh no. That sounds unformal?"
"Or subtely ask Señora Guzman what if I'm dating her younger child, and atleast I get to know what she thinks...but thats obvious"
"AHH GOSH, WHY IS THIS SO HARD" He said as he fall into his bed.
"Its not hard, you're just overthinking it" He heard Dolores said and felt the side of his bed plop down. As he sat down to talk and face his sister.
"I am just worried"
"You know, Mariano said—"
"Hold up!! No don't say a word. I don't want help"
"Cami, you need my help well for atleast to ease that tension building up inside of you"
"I know and thank you for that but I want to resolve this on my own"
Dolores secretly smiled knowing how hard the situation of her brother right now, but still determined to do it.
"Allright, Im just saying that you should—" Dolores stopped as Camilo gently dragged her to his door and smiled sarcastically.
"Okay, adios gracias hermana" He said and closed his door.
After a minute, he heard a knock so he opened the door groaning.
"Dolores I told you I don't want your—" He stopped noticing it was you. "—Hey, you're back!"
You entered his room after hugging him, and looked at him weirdly.
"You don't want Dolores what?"
"Nah, its nothing. Cuddles?" He said pouting at you, trying to change the topic and luckily you didn't questioned him again and both of you laid down in his bed.
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It was dinner time, and Camilo is ready to tell everyone about the relationship between you two.
"So far, how were things going as you are now here in Casita?" Abuela asked which by then got Camilo tensed for no reason at the moment. And ofcourse, you noticed it.
"Ah its really nice, the house was so lively to make us feel welcome" Mariano said as he looked lovingly at Dolores.
"Thats true and Camilo is such a helpful guy, he really does his best at everything. I really thought you're much more of a playful boy but luckily you're not as what I saw" Señora Guzman commented which made Camilo more nervous knowing your mother likes it if he is not that goofy, but thats what he is. So he worries that he might not be accepted to be your boyfriend.
His three primas could just look confusedly at him, knowing Señora Guzman's description of him is far more than who he is.
Pepa could just look at worry at how his son is acting, all nervous and would shrink in his seat.
"Amor, why do you have a cloud?" Felix whispered and vanished the cloud above his wife's head.
"Lo siento mucho, watch My milo he looks...worried, nervous and scared?" Felix turned to look at his son beside him as he noticed that you are trying to calm Camilo down when there is nothing to be panic of.
"Hey, hermano Camilo are you alright?" Antonio said which caused everyone to turned their head to Camilo.
Camilo could have sworn that he wants to disappear at his seat right now. You held his hand under the table and squeezed it lighlty while looking at him, encouraging him to not be nervous.
"I have something to..say" He said and stood up.
"Abuela, Señora Guzman. Me and Y/N are dating..." Everyone was shocked at the table, except Dolores.
"Abuela, I know you probably want me to marry someone in another family so that the Madrigals will be have a bigger set of generations. And Señora Guzman, I may be pranking a lot of people, I talk a lot and play a lot but I am serious with your youngest child. I hope you would approve our relationship" He said as he looked down which you gave him a pat on his back, giving him a thumbs up.
Abuela stood up and come up to him while smiling.
"Milo, who said I want to marry you with another person when you have Y/N here. And who am I to stop you two, you both look perfect for each other. Ofcourse, we would approve your relationship" Abuela said and hugged Camilo as Pepa and Felix joined the hug too as everyone nodded.
Camilo pulled away and looked at Señora Guzman whose having a smile on her mouth.
"Camilo, you're a great person. You make Y/N/N happy ofcourse I would approve the both of you." She said as Mariano went up to Camilo and ruffled his head.
"I knew you have a thing with them" He said as you went up to hug Camilo as everyone watched you two with a smile.
"I told you they'll love you as much as I do" You said as he pecked your lips infront of everyone which cause you to blush. As the dinner went on, with everyone teasing you or asking you about the relationship.
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sora-suna-rin · 3 years
hi^^ i saw that requests were open and you were also obsessed with encanto atm so i thought id give a request a shot:) since im a vvvv indecisive person ill just toss out 2 ideas and you can pick whichever you prefer? not really sure how this works but goin with the flow lmao
1. fluff!! bruno x male reader (or gender neutral reader) where dolores overhears one of them (bruno or reader) talking to themselves about how much they like the other and want to confess etc but have no clue how to, so dolores comes up with a plan (maybe involving the other grandkids) to get them to confess^^ ik its a common trope but i love it so
2. not fluff.. nsfw... bruno x male reader on this one too. im not sure how the plot would work (if there is any) but one where bruno is a little shy and ends up grinding on reader('s thigh?) to get off maybe with some themes of overstimulation tossed in?
and for both i kinda headcanon that bruno's eyes glow green when he feels really intense emotions so maybe incorporate that if possible? yeppp
again, dont write it if you dont feel up to my ideas! always write what you want^^ and ty:D
Hello lovely person!
A/n: So my original plan was to write both, since my ask box is kinda empty... but I don't know how to write it. Sorry. But thank you for this ask! And I did gender neutral reader cause yes. I also wrote this while like half asleep(still am) so I hope you enjoy!
Bruno X gender neutral reader
Vocab: nibling is the gender neutral term for niece/nephew
Secrets to be told
Night dawned on the magical house as the Madrigal family finished cleaning up from dinner, everyone going back to their rooms or other activities. It was normal for the youngest triplet of the Madrigals to head up to his room after dinner to check on his rats and give them some food as well. But, unlike always, his reason was a bit different. He sighed heavily upon reaching his door, the sound of a few rats scattering around filled the air. He walked in and took an arepa from his pocket, handing it to his rats as he plopped himself on his bed with another sigh. He looked over at his rat friends as a warm smile crept on his lips. "If only…"
From not too far away, Dolores halted her movements abruptly. "What's wrong?" Mirabel asked. Camilo, Mirabel, Isa, and Dolores were all hanging out in the nursery, talking about random things they didn't have time to talk about at dinner. 
"It's Tio Bruno… he's- talking to himself?" She questioned herself. Each gave a questioning gaze, watching as Dolores tried to catch what his mumbling.
"Well? What's he saying?" Camilo asked, their patience to know began fading. Dolores eyes went wide, her mouth agape with a light gasp
"If only I could tell you…," Dolores began to repeat. "The way your eyes sparkle, the way you smile at every joke I make. Or the way you watch my telenovelas so intently, almost more than Dolores, which is saying something… " she frowned a bit,, continuing to listen. "Just wish you could know... I wish I had the guts to tell you…" Dolores blinked a bit, smiling brightly. "Tío Bruno has a crush!" She quietly squealed, the rest of her cousins grinning widely. They were all happy to see Bruno finally find someone that makes him feel things that can only be described as love. The small celebration was taken aback when a voice cut through.
"Wait-" Mirabel cut in. "Didn't he also say he didn't have the guts to ask them out?" She asked, gaining a nod from her other cousins. Isabela gasped, attention turned to her.
"What if we help him? You know, get his person of his desires." She suggested.
"Yeah, that wouldn't be such a bad idea." Camilo added, the rest of their cousins nodding as they all began to plan.
Back up in Brunos tower, however, was less eventful. He watched his rats perform shows(just them running around aimlessly on a makeshift stage) that usually turned up his mood, but his thoughts still lingered to his person of interest, Y/n. Y/n was definitely an interesting person, coming off as strange at the first glance. They tended to stay quiet and kept together, but were anything but that. Chaotic might be a way to put it, but loving was how Bruno saw it. He loved to look into their eyes and have his rats perform for them. The way they lit up seeing him made his day, or the way they rambled on about random things. He could go on and on about his person of interest, but his thoughts were cut short by a knock. He got up and opened the door to reveal Camilo with a unreasonably big smile. "Camilo? Is something wrong?" He asked his nibling with a confused look. Camilo shook his head.
"No, don't worry Tío. I just need to show you something." They said. Bruno raised an eyebrow out of confusion, following the teen out of his room and Casita.
"Where are we going?" He asked as he looked around. It looked like they were around a secluded part of the river, which wasn't usually seen by wanderers.  Camilo didn't answer, only continued to walk up to Isa and Mirabel. They joined them with a bunch of smiles plastered on their faces. "What's going on?" He asked and Isa shoved a small bouquet in his hands.
"We're helping you out." Isa said, slipping behind Mirabel, her smile still remained. Camilo began to push him forward a bit before returning to a halt. Bruno stood confusingly as two figures approached. He squinted, trying to make out who was approaching them. Once the figures came into the light he flushed red with fear, he knew what his niblings had been up to. 
"Hi Bruno!" The voice is soft and sweet, making Bruno's heart flutter. "Dolores told me that you needed to tell me something?" They ask.
"Uh- I-I…" He began looking around nervously. Isa cleared her throat, catching his attention.
"Give them the flowers." She whispered to him, in which he complied. 
"T-this is for you. I thought you'd like them." He mutters. Y/n smile and take them from him, a blush and smile occupied their face.
"Thank you Bruno! They're lovely." They said, admiring the flowers. Bruno stood there awkwardly as silence once filled the air again. 
"Ahem," Mirabel now took the time to catch Bruno's attention. "Ask them." She whispered a bit too loudly.
"You wanna ask me something? Y/n asked like a curious puppy. Brunos heart melted at their questioning figure, all worry leaving him.
"Um, well…" He began for a short bit. "W-well, I was wondering if you wanted too…" He cut himself off again. They kept giving him the same worried look.
"Come on, you can do it." Dolores silently cheered, giving him the power to build up all the confidence he had and just say it. 
"YNIREALLYLIKEYOUWANDWANNAGOONSDATE." Or yell… it seemed to have worked though. Their smile turned into a soft one, the moonlight hitting perfectly against their glowing energy. 
"I'd love to, Bruno." It was the happiest of Bruno's life, and the first of many plans for the Madrigal kids. For their uncle was troubling with love, and he just got on a long Rollercoaster...
And that's the end! I hope it's not too bad. I was like half asleep when I wrote this, and haven't read over it. Please comment any feedback. Thank you for reading!
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Oooh how about a Papamilo and Mamambel crossover au where they adopt children and take them to this huge I mean HUGE indoor Amusement park type place?
It's kind of like the pizzaplex in Fnaf security breach and the play place in poppy playtime minus the murderous toys and animatronics.
Camilo and Mira were planning on running away with Antonio and their other adopted kids but Casita was worried that they could get hurt or lost so it gave them some of its magic and somehow made el Mundo de Los sueños milagrosos(the miracle dreamworld). The play place is like casita but much more playful.
The kids decided to stay in Encanto but never go back to The madrigal house unless for emergencies. Mira's parents + Dolores know about the place and sometimes stop by to visit.
The building has two sections
play area
sleeping rooms
I feel like I can add more, what do you think?
Casita Amusement Park...my beloved...Definitely confused the family when they just dipped and the only ones who seemed to worry was Cool Parents + Dolores. BUT STILL <333
Kids would have so much fun there. All of them. I mean yeah, they do other stuff, but their day consists of playing and you know, being kids. Even the babies can have fun, I can see there being a ball pit for them to play in along with a day care <33
And you can't tell me that the Cool Parents and Dolores wouldn't get on some of the rides. Like. Come on. Also??? I think Dolores would have invited Luisa as well, she likes bright colors and I can see the Dreamworld being a place where she can have fun and just relax and maybe play with the kids.
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On Encanto’s Bruno - How He Compares to Coco’s Hector, and How He Should Have Had More Screen Time
[Warning: This spoils literally all of Encanto. And also, Coco, if you haven’t seen that animated movie. I’d recommend watching them both. Coco literally had me bawling.]
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If you’re not in the art community, or really any social platform lately that is scraping near any artists, you probably don’t understand how big “Encanto” is right now. You may be blind to the outpour of fanart, but I am hoping you have at least heard the “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” song. If you haven’t, I’m begging you to do so. This movie currently has a chokehold in every community that I’m a part of, and if you see this post, you’re probably in the same boat. And today, I decided to watch it.
I was dazzled. Originally, I had wrote an entire paragraph on how fantastic the animation, the character designs, the lighting, the set pieces, the backgrounds, and even the SAND were, but for the sake of brevity, let’s just say that Encanto has set the bar high for any and all of those things. Because of this, my expectations were set high for a strong story to accompany a strong visual design, but I found myself disappointed by the end of it.
Make no mistake: I enjoyed Encanto. I will continue to rewatch it over the week by how dazzled I am by its animation and its songs. But as a professional writer, its story was lacking and it made me weep. To summarize a majority of my critiques, the ending felt rushed. The climax of the candle burning out and the house collapsing breezed by, with Mirabel fleeing in shame and her abuela following her, apologizing for her behavior. It’s too quick of a resolution, and while that is definitely my second biggest gripe, it is not my first. 
My first is Bruno, and how little screen time he gets for how much he was built up in the movie.
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Bruno is a big deal. He’s mentioned in the very first song, with the sharp hiss of, “We don’t talk about Bruno,” like he’s the Voldemort of this story, which only entices the viewer more. Then, they dedicate an entire song to how much you shouldn’t talk about Bruno, and how he has become a stain on the family – how his Gift has brought only pain to the Madrigals. Mirabel enters his tower, which is tall and spacious, suggesting that his Gift is a powerful one, requiring a large space for him to use it safely. He is set up as a second main character. An inverse mirror for Mirabel. He has a Gift but is shunned. Miraibel has no Gift and is ignored. They relate to each other, as they have similar dynamics in the family.
Much like Hector is to Miguel in Coco.
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Coco is very similar to Encanto, not simply culturally, but also through its shared theme of generational trauma. A child becomes an outcast in their family because they break the mold of what was established by the head of the family – in this case, the abuela. In Coco, Abuelita has banned music. Well, technically, her grandmother banned music, believing that her husband abandoned their family in pursuit of music and fame, not realizing he was murdered by his partner (yeah, I’m not sure what Disney has against poor Latino husbands). That abandonment transforms into trauma, and the trauma is carried down to each generation as long as the no-music rule persists. It prevents family members from breaking away from their designated roles and employment, resigned to being humble shoemakers. They are not allowed to try something independently.
In Encanto, Abuela’s trauma is carried through the presence of Gifts and the Casita. The moment they fade away, Abuela is back in that small valley, watching her husband sacrifice his life for her, and she feels scared. Unprotected. Vulnerable. So, Mirabel is ignored because her Giftlessness threatens that feeling of security. The pressure to maintain the strength of one’s Gift can be seen by every member of the family. They start to break down from the pressure, which carries down to their children, as seen with the youngest as he waits to get his Gift. And so the generational trauma persists.
And for both Miguel and Mirabel, they have an uncle who experiences the brunt of that trauma. Hector and Bruno. Hector is the cause of Miguel’s family for banning music. Bruno is the one man who reveals how much danger the candle is in, and in doing so, is shining light on how much danger Abuela’s security is in. Thus, they are shunned. And they are the main characters’ future selves, should they fail in saving their family. 
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Yet, Hector is given a much bigger role. He is by Miguel’s side from the beginning, at first, an unwilling guardian, and then later, a fiercely protective uncle, preferring to put his own safety aside to protect his nephew. And Bruno is so much more because he was a willing guardian to Mirabel, casting himself out from his family to protect his little niece, for years. And yet, when that is revealed, Bruno is all but forgotten by the writers, left in the walls of the house. He is not given a larger role by being a continued protector of Mirabel. You could certainly argue it’s due to his social awkwardness and unwillingness to directly counter the family, but it’s not enough of an explanation as to why he, as a character, is dropped from the plot from that point forward. Aside from Mirabel, he is one of the most important characters in the plot because he bears the most of the generational trauma of the family – again, aside from Mirabel. There is no reason for the writers to drop him the moment he is revealed in the flesh. He could have even been a force of opposition, insisting that Mirabel drop this crusade to save the family, for fear that it will hurt her in the end. It frustrates me, seeing so much potential wasted. How Mirabel and Bruno could have learned from each other simply by close approximation. How a fantastic relationship could have been shown between them, but was lost. Bruno, at the end of the movie, even overcomes his fear of his mother and rides in to stand against her. Why was that arc hidden from us? Why couldn’t we have seen that inner struggle in person?
Alternatively, Coco gives Hector the time we need to see how the generational trauma has affected him, and how much it crushes his spirit. And we also see that Hector’s pain affects Miguel and motivates him to break that trauma. Bruno could have had the same effect, but it was simply too short to feel effective as a viewer. I wish – God, I wish – Bruno had a bigger supporting role.
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jiye0ngs · 3 years
Hey, since your request status is open, i'd like to ask you for some headcanons for eleceed casts, with a crush/gf who poseses powers like Dowon (Tower of God) and Isabella Madrigal. I'm a sucker for nature powers. Or if you write for other fandoms, i'd like to see lookism casts reacting to that too instead of eleceed. That's gonna be wild
sure!! thanks for sending this one in :)
i am so down for nature powers too, god. no limit when it comes to the badassery of plants!
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❀ — absolutely enamoured by his nature controller gf. she’s the type to give him flowers a lot even if they weren’t dating yet, so she’d always show the new plants/flowers she discovered she could grow to jisuk first and jisuk Only. of course, jisuk would never admit the way it made his heart flutter so much it could be considered cardiac arrest, nor would he ever confess to keeping the flowers preserved in small jars and between the pages of a special notebook. not at all.
❀ — he’s not a flower type of guy, but it really changed the moment he started hanging out with her and ultimately dating her. back then, jisuk could only point at a flower and say oh yeah right that’s a flower right there. now, jisuk could identify flowers by smell alone. even knows the meanings behind several plants and flowers. (may or may not have been classical conditioned into getting giddy when he sees plants and flowers because he remembers the love of his life.)
❀ — regrettably let his guard down during one of their first spars. definitely got punched in the gut by monster plants that she grew and used to attack during sparring. needless to say, that only made him fall in love more. 10/10 would get punched by his gf’s plants again.
❀ — the sweetest ever. upon getting to know her he had slowly developed an interest for plants and flowers (and nature and general) and was soon studying books about the classifications of these plants. ultimately led to the both of them bonding over their shared love for plants. they could talk about it all day.
❀ — this softie apologizes to her after spars when he has to destroy her plants as a way of defense 😭 “sorry i took down alberto... (the name they coined for the colossal tree with spikes sharp enough to maim) ...i really liked him...” 
❀ — she sometimes grows stuff without knowing it, or grows stuff as an experiment/to test her strength in trying out new plants, but those really don’t sit right with her sometimes since it’s not Perfect to her yet. wooin, though, will take those ‘imperfect’ plants and take care of it every day. for someone who has such destructive powers, wooin really loves the way his crush (or gf) can make things come to life so easily. he loves everything she makes.   
❀ — best boy. always gets hyped when she uses her power, even if its just something as small as a flower with very tiny petals. constantly looks forward to the different things she’ll grow too, whether it be small, pretty flowers to colossal versions of various carnivorous plants. never does a day go by without her hearing a variant of you’re so cool!! by a very ecstatic jiwoo.
❀ — if they live together, they’re surely going to keep many plants. it’s always a result of her trying out new stuff and challenging the limits of her powers that way. whatever the case, jiwoo will never fail to wake up every morning to water them and greet them good morning. it will also, without fail, always make her smile.
❀ — whenever she comes over at his house, the kitties go absolutely wild. the reason for that is because she grows catnip out of her palm and throws a party for the kittens. the time she and jiwoo spend together like that was always bound to end up in lots of laughing and wild kittens all over their backs. 
❀ — will never not be thrilled at the way he’ll be sparring with her and a large venus flytrap comes out of the ground and nearly swallows him whole.
❀ — with that being said, this man is quite Amazed at her powers no matter how much he tries to hide it. there’s always something new that she could make and several strategies that utilise different types of plants, so it’s a new challenge for kayden every day. even more so for their enemies; when they’re fighting someone together, he just knows the enemy is going to have their sorry asses kicked so hard by poisonous plants the size of literal skyscrapers. it’s very fun.
❀ — cheesy. knows far more about the flower language than one would think, and would sometimes go out of his way to tease his gf in flower language. (to which she’d respond back with by growing her own flowers. and adding extra spikes and thorns). one time, though, when he was feeling especially cheesy, he had arranged something that meant i love you. she doted on him a lot for the gesture, but she really, really kept it close to her heart. neither of them have still gotten over it up to this day though.
❀ — during more intimate moments between them, he surely cherishes the life that just. Surrounds her. he keeps petals from her flowers with him in some sort of locket wherever he goes, puts potted plants in various safehouses when he’s on the run. the very thought of her creations gives him a sense of home.
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rainbow-scarab · 3 years
Some thoughts the themes of normalcy and heroism in Encanto. Definitely spoilers ahead.
Forgive me if I get any details wrong; I've only seen it once. But I think I remember enough for this overview.
I really enjoy Mirabel as a character. She's...normal. And I don't just mean she's not magical. She's the heroine, but she also seems quite like a normal girl. She is full of both good qualities and flaws.
The story of Encanto is interesting. The characters are full of all these wonderous abilities, as well as the miraculous events that led to the magic. But the story mostly revolves around the very real elements of interpersonal relationships and relation to the self. It seems...almost all of it takes place within the house. And though the Madrigals are important figures in the village, the scale of conflict, what's at stake, seems to reflect more on the personal level in emphasis.
Due to all this, Mirabel, as a heroine....doesn't have the typical hero feel to me. But I don't say this to reduce her importance. The emotional wellbeing of the characters IS what it revolves around. Family is what it revolves around. And those small intimate stakes are very much what Mirabel is pursuing. And yes, she is trying to save the house, the magic, as well. That's what the story starts as. But by the end shifts to the family wellbeing in a truer manner.
Mirabe.....I feel like....she's NOT more heroic than her family. She's not necessarily a better person. But I feel like her position as the only family member without powers puts her in the position to be the hero. She can try to do something different. She doesn't have the same role or expectations as the other family members. And, she's left in emotional distress due to this. This pain, and the want to do something for herself and her family (the kind of thing that's been difficult for her to do, as this role of helping has been tied to having a gift), drives her forward.
(By contrast on the subject of heroism, take Bruno, who is extremely self-sacrificing, but also extremely avoidant. Or Luisa, who's willing to take on way too much work to make it easy on others and just keep it all inside. Or Isabela, who feels so dedicated to how she's "supposed" to be as a member of the family that she would sacrifice her whole future. All acts out of goodness, but not ones that drive the family towards change)
As we go through the story, we see how...well, how NORMAL the other family members are.
This is kinda what I'm trying to get at here, uh.
Mirabel doesn't need to be made more special in the story for her to be a hero, though yeah, I do love her; she's wonderful.
But to see the other family members she interacts with, and learning...the depth of their characters, their emotions, their pains....the outward image of specialness peels away to reveal a core of something more real. They are a family, full of stress, and love, and dedication. And the cracks grew and they fell apart.
The enemies Mirabel confronts? She fights misconceptions among the family, lack of communication, hiding true feelings...her own stubbornness (her endless list of complaints she felt compelled to give at the thought of ever connecting with Isabel, anyone??), accusations (mutual, in the shouting match between her and Abuela Alma that ended up bringing down the house?).
Things fell apart. But I really feel like this is what needed to happen. In this vulnerabe state, at the end of the movie, house destroyed, powerless, they came together and were able to open up and love and take care of each other. And that's when they became stronger than ever. And beautifully, things were fixed again.
Love and togetherness are mundane. But also the deepest and most precious thing they could have between them. The family members may have had their powers restored to them, but the family came together at its core around love.
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adoptedmadrigal2 · 2 years
Self discovery can lead to some weird outcomes as a shapeshifter
This is new
This is my first journal entry, mami said to keep one for my emotions cause things are getting weird for me.
Somethings you don't want your sister to know, you know? At least when I don't really know myself.
So, yeah, I am Camilo Madrigal. At least... I think? Whatever that means
I got a gift of shapeshifting when I was 5. I barely remember not having it. I also got a new room, with mirrors and stuff, probably to be able to make sure I can practice it.
I don't really like them though. I mean sometimes when I walk past them in the middle of the night... I'm looking distorted in the mirror and its getting a bit hard to know what is real.
Am I Mirabel? Am I Jose, or Mariano? Do I have ridiculously big hands, or am I tiny like a bug? Probably a mix of everyone I've ever known.
I don't like thinking about this stuff but I can't help it at the moment. The thoughts just.. appear.
Since I got to 15 years old, I've been having a lot of changes that I don't really want. Just changes that tía says is normal but it doesn't feel normal at all.
I've been the only boy for a long time, and Toni sure wouldn't understand this for a long time.
I don't want this... to be honest. I feel like I'm shifting into something I can't control and looking in the mirrors is worse now.
Last week I tried to use my gift in ways that I had never done before.
In my room, while looking in the mirrors for a while I tried to shift into a person who doesn't exist. I just wanted to look like me and not just what everyone was used to. Nothing was working for a while until I found a look that just really stuck out to me.
I had longer hair which was slightly lighter, freckles and smaller hands, and a tiny bit more like a woman.
I went out into the town, I was worried at first because people might recognise me even though I was wearing something that I barely wore that even mum didn't recognise.
But no one really recognised me and I just went around looking at everything and it felt a lot different.
It felt very right to be like that. I don't know what that means.
Though there was much more to this than I expected. After trying out my new body for size for a few days, I went back home after babysitting.
My cousins were spending a long time each in the bathroom but I really needed to go, I thought I was really constipated. When I finally got to the toilet after an hour, the shock of seeing a large streak of fresh blood across my boxers put me into a huge panic.
I opened the door slightly and called for dad, then I saw Dolores run to get him from the yard. I was so panicked I honestly thought I was dying. I tried to switch back to look like a boy again before he arrived.
When dad came up he didn't react much better, he had no idea what to do and rushed me to tía. I told her I was bleeding in my underwear and she looked extremely confused.
She told me she would have to do some tests but then it occured to me that it might be what women have every month. I never really paid attention to it before now, it didn't feel like my business you know.
I did end up managing to tell Juli that I had shifted into a woman's body and just didn't change back for a week. Her look of concern turned to confusion and then relief.
She then said "Ay, Camilo" before rubbing the bridge of her nose. She then told me that I must have given myself a period accidently by doing that.
She explained that all my cousins and sister get them. It happens every month and can mess with emotions and health in all sorts of ways.
I told her didn't know what it was but it was terrifying to just have that and not know what on earth it was. She understood and asked if I was feeling ok.
I told her that I had constipation and she made me a tea for that and that definitely solved it. She showed how to use a pad and I asked why I couldn't just use the toilet roll, and she said it wouldn't be enough for the amount that people usually bleed and it could slip out and I could leak.
Later that night, mami and tía talked about it while I loomed hidden at the doorway. I thought mami would be upset but I didn't hear any thunder or rain. She then gave me this journal, said I could use it to explore all my emotions around my body and stuff. I think i'm gonna keep changing into the self that feels right, and if I'm going to have to put up with bleeding occasionally then sure. 
It's been five months since the first time I shifted into my female form and since then I've also experienced periods, in their full length. 
The entire summer from June first to August first I decided to test my power and see how long I could stay Camilla. 
Don't ask, adding an extra L and an A to the first part of my name was the easiest way for my family to identify me. And if you're gonna blame anyone blame my menacing Prima mirabel she's the one that came up with the name in the first place. 
But with saying I spent the summer as a girl, I also have to say this; my powers are crazy awesome. My entire wardrobe practically shapeshifted with me. Everything that was there, my underwear, ruanas, pants, and shirts became girly, boxers became bloomers with a chameleon on the hip instead of the rear, bras appeared out of nowhere, my shirts and pants became blouses and my ruanas became skirts. A few became dresses, but it was mostly blouses and skirts like mi hermana wore. 
But instead of red and cream it was yellow and tan, a tan blouse and yellow chameleon patterned skirt. It was me, a different me, and i liked it… well most of it. In the time I spent shifting into Camilla my body basically did the world's fastest female puberty ever; a cups became c's overnight, and hair that was previously nonexistent showed up an so on. 
But my period as Camilla was much similar to mama's, my bleeding lasted 6 days, my cramps tended to be in my lower back and abdomen, and I got period migraines. They sucked, I had to go to Dolores’s room to survive them, it was like my ears became sensitive to sound and my head felt like it was being smashed by a hammer; my nausea was so bad I could hardly keep anything down, and I cried. A lot. 
Mama and tía helped a lot, they brought me tea and massaged my back, comforted me through the nonsensical crying and the bouts of  easily triggered anger.  By the end of it all, I was gathered with the other girls in the house, having a conversation about all these symptoms over tea while papa and tio were out with antonio. Tio Bruno was in his rebuilt tower, probably scripting a rat telenovela. 
"So all of that is normal?"  I was astonished. 
"Basically, we often get deemed as dramatic or sensitive. Truth is hormones go all to hell and back during that week so yeah moods are common, especially for you look at who your mamí is 'Mila," tia Julieta  told. 
"You're not perfect either oh golden child julieta," pepa pressed. 
"But you're worse, stormy," tia  teased using what I can only assume is a childhood nickname for Mami. 
"Sit still and shut up, they forgot we exist right now, and trust me this is far better than any of tio bruno's telenovelas" Dolores leaned over and whispered to me. 
"I storm for a week when I'm five and nearly fifty years later you still use the nickname? Fine then if we're playing dirty like that, let's play, smokey" Mama said 
"I was five! I didn't know how to cook! At Least casita aired out the kitchen afterwards, yet you nearly flooded the encanto." Julieta defended 
"Look, to a five year old a lost toy is a big deal. Plus it was my cuddle bunny," pepa told 
"You mean is, You never stopped dragging it around, and I think you owe gus a thanks for fixing sir hops, he spent five hours washing him, and fixing all the tears and holes and resewed his button eyes so they didn't fall off,"  tia julieta said pushing her mami's buttons and also showing how good of a sister she could be. 
"Where is he?" Mama asked a rainbow beginning to sprout above her 
"On your bed, agustin put him there before he left with Felix and antonio,"  tia said smiling as she kneaded the dough. 
Mama turned around and yelped, 
"How long have you five been there?"  She asked before Dolores reminded her 
"The whole time, honestly mama how could you forget we were here, tia was telling Camila her mood swings were perfectly normal," dolores said laughing. 
"Got lost in the banter, it's a triplet thing, she's five minutes older and thinks she's perfect," mami said before hopping up the stairs to retrieve her bunny. 
"Atleast im not the triplet with a stuffed bunny I've carried around for nearly forty-eight years," tia yelled as we broke into a fit of laughter at their shenanigans. 
Hope you enjoy ❤
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itsthemysterykids · 3 years
Family Madrigal with... I guess Dib singing Mirabel's lines?
Dib: Drawers! Floors! Doors! Let's go!
This is the town Here for generations! A real enigma An anomaly of its own design So full of Mystery A total contradiction A town with a group, and each one truly shines
Whoa! But let's be clear, on who runs this show, whoa The Pines brought us here some time, whoa But one girl is in charge and tells you how things go There's just a lot you've simply got to know, so
Welcome to the town of Gravity Falls The home of the Mystery Kids(we're on our way) A group of people so fantastical, a spectacle I'm part of the Mystery Kids
Oh my gosh, it's them!
What do they all do?
But I don't know who is who!
Alright, alright, relax!
It is physically impossible to relax!
Tell us everything! Do you have powers?
Just tell us what everyone can do!
Dib: And that's why coffee's for grown-ups! Oh, there’s Lili She’s got all sorts of powers When she's unhappy Well, then you better avoid the flames Hey, I just remembered Cipher-
We don't talk about Cipher!
Dib: … Whenever tragedy falls, you-know-who is easy to blame. Oh! And that's Wybie there, here's his deal, whoa The truth is, he can fashion stuff from steel, whoa His inventions are all just surreal If you're impressed, imagine how I feel, Wybes!
Welcome to the town of Gravity Falls The home of the Mystery Kids (Hey, coming through!) A group of people so fantastical, a spectacle I'm part of the Mystery Kids
This guy and gal come in a pair with the Mystery Kids Been together since before the Mystery Kids So yeah, Razputin, he met Lili And Coraline, she met Wybie That’s only half of the famous Mystery Kids (let's go, let's go!)
We swear to always Help each one of us And defeat any evil That somehow finds us Cryptids that are prowling Supernatural forces invading But trusting one another will definitely keep us from dying Seriously, I'm not joking. We keep almost dying.
Wait, who's the psychonaut, and who beat the witch?
There's so many people!
How do you keep them all straight?
Dib: Okay, okay, okay, okay So many kids in the shack So, let's turn the sound up, you know why? I think it's time for an M.K. round-up!
(M.K. round-up!)
Dib: First, there’s Norman, he’s our medium Neil’s his best friend And you know the other four Oh, then the twins
Dipper and Mabel Pines
Dib: Such polar opposites But they’re close kin Sews a sweater nowhere near mild She’s the textbook 'wild child' And Dipper is the smarts The laughter and the brain play their parts
That's our life in Gravity Falls(whoa) Now you know about the Mystery Kids (whoa) A group where people are fantastical, a spectacle(whoa) That's who we are as the Mystery Kids, gotta go!
But what about you?
Dib: Ha! Well, I gotta go, the life of a Mystery Kid(whoa) But now you all know the Mystery Kids(whoa) I never meant this to get autobiographical (whoa) So just to review the Mystery Kids Let's go!
It starts much like this So there’s Lili Zanotto, she can burn you to a crisp (but what about you, Dib?) Oh and Wybie Lovat can make your old car look like new (but what about you, Dib?) Coraline Jones, well she defeated a witch out to get her soul(but what about you, Dib?) Hey, you said you wanna know what everyone did
I know them all and (Dib!) Mabel Pines won't stop until she makes you smile today (Dib!) Norman Babcock can meet with ghosts and spirits any day (Dib!) Look, it's Dipper Pines, hey He’s one of the brains of our group (Dib!) And between you and me, Neil is the best human shield
Yo, I've said too much, and thank you but I really gotta go (Dib!) They’re all really amazing (Dib!) And I'm in the group, so (Dib!) Well-
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luisa323 · 2 years
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Please come back home
Warnings: talking about death, passing out, yelling, one or two cuss words
It was just what people would say was a normal day because the sun is shining and all the Madrigal family are doing their daily chores. But little does everyone know there is a specific Madrigal family member who isn’t feeling to great but has to put up a facade and act all okay because she is the oldest and the golden child. Her chores where things like “Can you fill my pool back up?” “I need water in my pond again.” “The lake is running low on water can you refill it?” and other things that have to do with water.
I was running around Encanto trying to get all my chores done before nightfall. All my family is already done with theirs and Tía Juli is making dinner and it should be ready soon. I told them I might not be able to eat tonight because while I was finishing the chores I had other people saw me and asked if I could do other things as well and me bring the oldest and the “golden child” I have no choice but to do them. Finally when I’m doing my last chore which is the most draining one but doesn’t need to be done often. Filling the late back up at the entrance of Encanto. I start heading back to the house and on my way home I stop and get something for my mama because I know how hard it is to always act happy and give the people what they want. So I got her a few sweets and a stuffed animal for her to cuddle oh and a stress ball. I found out that those can be very helpful at times. Now I’m home and it’s dark inside so that means everyone is in their beds and dinner is done so I go into the kitchen and start making myself food so I don’t starve. I tried to be quite but turns out I didn’t do a good job at that seeing as Abuela is now down here starting to yell at me.
“Yeah well if I wasn’t stuck doing chores all night I wouldn’t have missed dinner!”
At this point the entire Madrigal family had gotten woken up and rushed down here to see what was going on. I could see Dolores covering her ears and I mouthed to her “go upstairs” so she didn’t have to bear this since her room is sound proof.
I didn’t notice as I was ranting my eyes started watering and then suddenly I lost control of my power and almost drowned the entire family but casita helped everyone get out even Dolores who was sleeping since she went back upstairs. Once everyone was out I looked at the house and realized everything was ruined all because I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. Next thing I did was look at my family, my mama Pepa was holding a shaken Antonio and hugging Papa because she was also shaken. Next I look at Dolores and realize she passed out because she was in the water so long, and that’s when it clicked I almost killed my entire family. Definitely gave them trama at least a bit. That’s when I realized I’m a burden to the family I’m useless and not wanted or needed so I ran. I ignored Mama’s pleads for me to come back and stay but k couldn’t now when I was so close to killing my family.
20 years later
It’s been 20 years and here I am at the lake right outside of Encanto that I used to refill, it looks fine. I debated on coming back so much but now I finally had at least a little bit of a gut to come back. Not enough to actually enter though. After me standing there for about two or so hours I finally decide to go in. It’s around dinner time so when I knock on the door it takes a second for someone to open it. Tía Juli opened the door and when she saw me she immediately had tears in her eyes.
“Y/N? Your back?”
All I did was nod my head cause I didn’t think I could say anything. Mama then walks over from the dinning room.
“Juli what is taking so lo-”
She looked at the door and her eyes went wide and ran into me and gave me a bear hug with tears in her eyes. I had a feeling she would do this so I had my arms open ready for her to jump into my arms and over the years I’ve gotten stronger so I didn’t get knocked down when she ran into me.
“Y/N, your really back?”
“Yeah Mama I’m back, and I’m not leaving”
Then she started to get angry which I can’t blame her for it I was gone 20 years and as she is somewhat yelling at me she was hitting my chest and crying harder so I just held her to try and get her to calm down.
“How could you have left the family! We needed you Y/N, I needed you you where the person I could talk to if I needed it and Filed wasn’t there. Your sister and brothers cried when you left we all did. You can’t just leave like that.”
“I know I know I’m sorry I wasn’t thinking that night that the fight happened. I didn’t mean for any of it to happen I felt so guilty and I realized I almost killed you all and so I though it was better if I left, turns out I was wrong. I’m loved here I belong here with you Papa, Lores, Milo, and Tonio and the rest of the family. I’m sorry Mama. Please forgive me.”
“I forgive you my sweet darling girl I always will.”
At this point both of us where crying and the entire family was by the front door and Lores, Milo, Tonio and Papa all gave me and Mama a big group hug. Shortly after everyone calmed down and settled in we ate and talked and I shared stories about me being away and I was never away from Mama for long because I missed her warm touch and she missed mine. That night it felt like everything was normal again.
A/N: I saw a story like this but R had fire powers and almost burned the entire house down and her mom Juli had a burn that scared half of her face. If who ever made that sees this tell me so I can @ you and give you credit for the idea because I don’t want to take this as my own but if I find who wrote it first I’ll @ you and if I don’t please remind me. Anyway hope you have a great day/night or afternoon wherever you are, and don’t forget to eat or drink something even if it’s a bit. Anything even little things count for something.
Lots of love,
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