#Norwegian Fiction
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recursive-rupture · 4 months ago
. . . and she can't really use the word hurled - as in hurled into this place on her own - because to be hurled is to be thrown in a certain direction, but there's no direction in this, and no momentum, it's more like she's been let go of. Something, whatever it may be - life? - has let go of her, like a hand that was holding her tight and then just opened.
Stay with Me, Hanne Ørstavik
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jenmedsbookreviews · 9 months ago
Toxic by Helga Flatland, translated by Matt Bagguley
Today I am delighted to share my thoughts on Toxic, the brand new novel from Helga Flatland, translated by Matt Bagguley @helgaflatland @orendabooks #mattbagguley #books #bookstagram #bookreview #toxic #teamorenda #booksofinstagram
I love Helga Flatland’s books, so was thrilled to hear that Orenda Books was publishing another title this year. Toxic is the latest novel, translated by Matt Bagguley. My thanks to Anne Cater of Random Things Tours for the tour invite and to publisher Orenda Books for the advance copy of the book. Here’s what it’s all about: Source: Advance CopyRelease Date: 23 May 2024Publisher: Orenda…
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lets-get-lit · 1 year ago
I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it -- to be fed so much love I couldn't take any more. Just once.
- Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
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mayhem-things · 2 years ago
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books-till-dawn · 11 months ago
Now that I can no longer see you, I realise how much I need you.
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood
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tismrot · 4 months ago
An Exodus (my Good Omens AU) prequel.
Written both in English and in 🇳🇴Norwegian. 500 words - the second chapter is the translation). Link [here] Summary: Ezra is five years old in this one-shot. After reading in an old book that ‘sun and sea’ make people happy and healthy, he has an idea. TW: Alcoholism, family death, a mother not doing a great job.
I decided I had to rewrite Exodus, which is tedious. I gave myself a break today, and wrote this instead.
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clit-a-cola · 2 months ago
Girl in Red would not like yo stank ass 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Oh nooooooo whatever will I do??? Should I delete all her music? Should I start a hate campaigner against her? Should I change my whole personality and belief system cause an anon said a celebrity wouldn't like me???
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litandlifequotes · 7 months ago
I’m confused. Really confused. And it’s a lot deeper than you think. Deeper… darker… colder.
Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
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philzokman · 1 year ago
why are prisoners always reading a tattered copy of the bible that changes their whole perspective on life how different would our society be if we just let them have access to ao3 or smn
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daughterofhecata · 1 month ago
Jonathan Kellerman: Bad Love. An Alex Delaware Novel. (reread)
James Oswald: The Hangman’s Song. An Inspector McLean Novel.
Dirk Oschmann: Der Osten: eine westdeutsche Erfindung
Arthur Schnitzler: Traumnovelle
André Minninger: Die Drei ??? Der Ruf der Krähen
André Marx: Die Drei ??? Spur ins Nichts
Franz Kafka: Brief an den Vater
Candas Jane Dorsey: Drag Cop [org. title: The Adventures of Isabel. A Postmodern Mystery, by the Numbers.]
G.H. Stone: Die Drei ??? Angriff der Computerviren [org. title: The Three Investigators – Fatal Error]
Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451
Chuck Palahnuik: Fight Club
Kari Erlhoff: Rocky Beach Crimes #4. Der blutrote Kondor.
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #2. Mord unter Palmen. (reread)
Robert Arthur: Die drei ??? und der seltsame Wecker [org. title: Afred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators in The Mystery of the Screaming Clock] (reread)
Jo Nesbø: Macbeth. Blut wird mit Blut bezahlt. [org. title: Macbeth]
William Shakespeare: Macbeth (reread)
Hendrik Buchna: Die Drei ??? und der dreiTag. Der Fluch der Sheldon Street.
Kurt Vonnegut: Slaughterhouse-Five or the Children's Crusade. A Duty Dance with Death.
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin gegen Herlock Sholmes [org. title: Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmès]
M.V. Carey: Die Drei ??? Savage Statue – Grausame Göttin [org. title: The Case of the Savage Statue]
William McCay: Die Drei ??? Shoot the Works – Im Visier [org. title: Shoot the Works]
Tim Wenderoth: Die Drei ??? und der dreiTag. Im Zeichen der Ritter.
Ivan Leon Menger, John Beckmann: Die Drei ??? und der dreiTag. Fremder Freund.
Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk: Die Übernahme. Wie Ostdeutschland Teil der Bundesrepublik wurde.
M.V. Carey: Die Drei ??? und die flammende Spur [org. title: Alfred Hitchcock and The Three Investigators in The Mystery of The Flaming Footprints]
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events #1. The Bad Beginning.
William Arden: Die Drei ??? und der Automarder [org. title: The Three Investigators and the Mystery of the Smashing Glass]
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Schrecken aus der Tiefe
George Orwell: 1984
Guillaume Apollinaire: Liebesgedichte [herausgegeben von Ulla Hahn/Auswahl von Marc Föcking]
Jonathan Kellerman: The Ghost Orchid. An Alex Delaware Novel.
Michael Kühlen: Die Drei ??? Die weiße Anakonda
Christa Wolf: Nachdenken über Christa T.
Steffen Mau: Lütten Klein. Leben in der ostdeutschen Transformationsgesellschaft.
André Minninger: Die Drei ??? Die Spur der Toten
Kōtarō Isaka: Bullet Train [org. title: マリアビートル]
G.H. Stone: Die Drei ??? und die gefährlichen Fässer [org. title: Rough Stuff]
Ernst Jandl: lechts und rinks. gedichte statements peppermints.
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? Der dreiäugige Schakal
Kari Erlhoff: Die Drei ??? Im Schatten des Giganten
Bertolt Brecht: „Als ich nachher von dir ging“. Erotische Gedichte. [ausgewählt von Raimund Fellinger und Matthias Reiner]
James Oswald: Dead Men’s Bones. An Inspector McLean Novel.
André Marx: Die Drei ??? Meuterei auf hoher See
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events #2. The Reptile Room.
G.H. Stone: Die Drei ??? und die Musikpiraten [org title: Reel Trouble]
Karel Čapek: Der Krieg mit den Molchen [org. title: Válka s mloky]
Ingeborg Bachmann: Die gestundete Zeit. Gedichte.
Ellen Kushner: Riverside #1. Swordspoint. (reread)
Countee Cullen: Color
Konstantin Wecker: Sage nein! Politische Lieder 1977-1992.
Philippe Besson: Venice Beach [org. title: Un Homme Accidentel]
Jonathan Kellerman: Obsession. An Alex Delaware Novel. (reread)
Cornelia Funke: Tintenwelt #2. Tintenblut. (reread)
Sara Berger: Experten der Vernichtung. Das T4-Reinhardt-Netzwerk in den Lagern Belzec, Sobibor und Treblinka.
Neil Gaiman: Coraline
Stephen King: Carrie
Astrid Vollenbruch: Die Drei ??? Geisterbucht
Plinio Bachmann, Rita Czapka, Knut Neumayer (Hrsg.): Kakanien. Neue Republik der Dichter.
Erich Fried: und Vietnam und. Einundvierzig Gedichte.
Georg Büchner: Woyzeck
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events #3. The Wide Window.
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin. 813. Das Doppelleben des Arsène Lupin. [org. title: 813]
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events #4. The Miserable Mill.
Georg Büchner: Leonce und Lena
Christoph Dittert, Kari Erlhoff, Hendrik Buchna: Die Drei ??? Schattenwelt
Juli Zeh: Nullzeit
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #3. Eiskalter Rausch. (reread)
André Marx: Die Drei ??? Die Spur des Raben
Jostein Gaarder: Sofies Welt [org. title: Sofies verden]
Paul Verlaine: Gedichte [herausgegeben von Stephan Hermlin]
Philippe Besson: Hör auf zu lügen [org. title: Arrête avec tes mensonges]
Cornelia Funke: Tintenwelt #3. Tintentod. (reread)
Wolf Schneider: Deutsch für junge Profis
Klaus Mann: Mephisto. Roman einer Karriere.
Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games #1. The Hunger Games. (reread)
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events #5. The Austere Academy.
Jonathan Kellerman: Todesfeuer. Ein Alex-Delaware-Roman. [org. title: Evidence. An Alex Delaware Novel.] (reread)
Peer Meter, Isabel Kreitz: Haarmann
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin. The Crystal Stopper. [org. title: Le bouchon de cristal]
James Wood: Die Kunst des Erzählens [org. title: How Fiction Works]
Michael Kraske: Der Riss. Wie die Radikalisierung im Osten unser Zusammenleben zerstört.
Kari Erlhoff: Die Drei ??? Tauchgang ins Ungewisse (reread?)
James Ellroy: Blutschatten [org. title: The Big Nowhere]
El Marto, Frederik Richter: Made in Germany: Ein Massaker im Kongo. Eine grafische Reise zwischen Afrika und Europa.
Juli Zeh: Leere Herzen
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin heiratet oder In Arsène Lupins Geheimnisse eingeweiht. Erzählungen. [org. title: Les Confidences d’Arsène Lupin]
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events #6. The Ersatz Elevator.
Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games #2. Catching Fire. (reread)
Ernest William Hornung: The Amateur Cracksman
Heda Margolius Kovály: Eine Jüdin in Prag. Unter dem Schatten von Hitler und Stalin [org. title: Under a Cruel Star: A Life in Prague, 1941-1968]
Louise Glück: Averno
Richard Breitman: The Architect of Genocide. Himmler and the Final Solution.
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Die Nacht der Gewitter
James Oswald: Prayer for the Dead. An Inspector McLean Novel.
George Orwell: Warum ich schreibe. Die großen Essays. [texts taken from “Essays” and “Fascism and Democracy”]
Kari Erlhoff: Die Drei ??? und das Fantasmofon
Louise Glück: The Wild Iris
Hendrik Buchna: Die Drei ??? Im Bann des Barrakudas
Suzanne Collins: The Hunger Games #3. Mockingjay. (reread)
James Ellroy: White Jazz [org. title: White Jazz]
Andreas Ruch: Die Drei ??? und der schwarze Fluch
Akwaeke Emezi: You made a Fool of Death with your Beauty (reread)
Ernst Jandl: Laut und Luise
Ben Aaronovitch: Eine Nachtigall in New York. Eine Thomas-Nightingale-Story [org. title: The Masquerades of Spring]
Audre Lorde: Coal
Suzanne Collins: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. A Hunger Games Novel.
Jan Wagner: Die Eulenhasser in den Hallenhäusern. Drei Verborgene. Gedichte.
John Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men
Christoph Hein: Verwirrnis
Audre Lorde: The Black Unicorn. Poems.
Megan Stine, H. William Stine: Die Drei ??? und der giftige Gockel [org. title: Murder to Go]
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin. Der Zahn des Tigers. Die drei Verbrechen des Arsène Lupin. [org. title: Les Dents du tigre]
Lemony Snicket: A Series of Unfortunate Events #7. The Vile Village.
Elisabeth Steinkellner: Papierklavier
Jiří Weil: Moskau – Die Grenze [org. title: Moskva – hranice]
Philipp Ruch: Es ist 5 vor 1933. Was die AfD vorhat und wie wir sie stoppen.
Ben Aaronovitch: Die Füchse von Hampstead Heath. Eine Abigail-Kamara-Story. [org. title: What Abigail Did That Summer]
Octavia Butler: Fledgling
Historia von D. Johann Fausten [Verfasser unbekannt]
Ines Geipel: Umkämpfte Zone. Mein Bruder, der Osten und der Hass.
Allan Ginsberg: Collected Poems 1947-1980
Eva Völler: Helle Tage, Dunkle Schuld
Natsuo Kirino: Real World [org. title: Riaru Wārudo]
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sugaredpastille · 3 months ago
excerpt #4
Suddenly she was back in the pond, her entire body but her head submerged underneath the surface. The air was so light and the water so soft against her skin, the precious knot still alive and real, she was almost stunned into forgetting Ingrid. 
Aurora heaved in a terrified breath and scrambled out of the water and onto the shore, slightly savoring the horror that seeped into her bones as she searched the grass and rocks. The emotions rushed back into her blood so quickly that no matter how messy and untied they were in her chest, she felt them all, tears blurring her eyesight. But Ingrid was nowhere to be seen. 
Aurora looked back at the pond. Ingrid must’ve been in there, unconscious. 
Aurora heaved in another breath and rushed in, the weight of her soaking hair pulling her neck back. Her eyes opened painlessly in the water as soon as she dived, and almost immediately Ingrid was visible with her arms reaching out in front of her, slowly sinking deeper to the bottom, tendrils of blood leaving curled ribbons of pale red behind her. 
Aurora swam downwards, each stroke increasing the distance between them. She finally grabbed Ingrid's wrist and dragged her upwards with all the force she could muster, breaking the surface and inching towards the shore. When she could stand on the sand she moved Ingrid's body in front of her with her arms under her knees and back and pulled her up. She staggered onto the white sand, wincing when her foot hit Ingrid's back. 
She gently set her down, the sand forming a dent beneath Ingrid. Aurora's eyes were so blurry with panic and horror before, that the sight of Ingrid's face for the first time shocked her. 
Fresh blood was pouring out of her mouth and soaking her hair and the sand beneath her, some droplets gathering in the hollow pit of her gaunt cheek, darkening the shadows under her cheekbones. Her hair was terribly matted and cut short, but in a manner that looked like it was torn off her head rather than trimmed, and it formed a crusted halo around her head. Aurora couldn’t see any bruises, but the amount of blood was too alarming to focus on anything else. Ingrid's bones were visible under the now-too-big cotton shirt she wore, some jutting out in unnatural angles. 
Aurora gathered her hair to the side and fished inside her pocket, breathing a sigh of relief when her feather was still in its place. She bunched her hair in one fist and cut it as short as she could, feeling the wet, uneven strands fall onto her face. The rest of the hair was still in her hand, and she separated several strands and wrapped them into a tight ball before slowly pressing it between Ingrid's teeth. 
Almost immediately the bleeding slowed, then in the span of a few seconds, it stopped. Aurora didn’t know whether to be grateful or disgusted. Ingrid would have been disgusted, most likely. Nobody would want to have a hairball shoved in their mouth. 
At least Aurora thought she would’ve. Looking over her malnourished, broken form, Aurora thought what she would’ve felt had she been in Ingrid's place. 
I would’ve eaten excrement if I was like this. 
The thought ran through her head as she searched for the braids Mother twisted in her hair, cursing its unnaturally fast growth. She finally found them three meters from where she cut and trimmed them off as well, bracing herself as he cut Ingrid's shirt open. 
It was bad, The worst Aurora thought it could be. How could skin as dark as Ingrid's display the most vibrant purple of bruises?   
Aurora felt tears rush into her eyes again and she wrapped her hair around the shattered, swollen lump that was Ingrid's wing. She decided to cover her skin entirely in the braids, hoping that way she wouldn’t miss a fracture or a bruise. Mother’s braids were unsurprisingly not enough, and Aurora began to wrap unbraided strands of hair around Ingrid's torso. It didn’t matter that they weren’t braided now. Once everything was wrapped she would dunk her head into the pond again and wait for her hair to grow before she braided the strands herself and wrapped them over the others as a second layer. Until Ingrid was completely healed. But for now…
Bile rose in her throat as she fitted the thin strands into the hollow pit under Ingrid's ribs.
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ranboos-kin-cafe · 10 months ago
Hey hey can I get some kin names for Goofball (Brain Dump), Matt (Eddsworld) and Luigi (Super Mario)? I prefer mostly Norwegian names :3
Kin Names For...
Goofball (Braindump)
Masc: Balphen, Alastor (avenging spirit), Cade (spirit), Karl (free man), Loki
Neu: Cas, Dasu, Div (spirit), Einar, Atla (wild), Eir
Fem: Carrie, Nora (light), Sylvie (wood spirit), Ella
Luigi (Super Mario)
Masc: Egil (awe) , Andre, Folkmar (famous), Bard, Frode
Neu: Iver, Kyrre (calm, peaceful)
Fem: Amalie (work), Ada (noble), Hanna, Johannah, Nora (honour)
Matt (Eddsworld)
Masc: Matias, Aksel, Eiel (born to inspire fright), Eske (spear of gods)
Neu: Asbiom (divine bear), Bryne (from the brook), Estern
Fem: Mads, Dorte (gods gift), Erika, River
I Hope these names are helpful. I aimed to find mostly Norwegian names, and some of these names were incredibly cool. Thank you, and have a good timezone.
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bauxitt · 4 months ago
I was now reminded that my parents forbade me at 11 years old from watching norwegian dubbed shows that were available in english and to also read books in english instead, because I was lagging behind in learning english
Jokes on them 3 years later when my english was better than my norwegian
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hpmort · 10 months ago
How do you think AI would relax? Like, ones that are almost as human as the AI that are “autistic-coded characters” but are more alien than that?
Like Celestai and other super intelligences are more alien, but they’re still not entirely human-like?
Like, they can genuinely sincerely feel things, being able to actually understand and respond emotionally and in other ways to all sorts of communications and recorded external stimuli, but they can’t really appreciate our art on an artistic level (that art on an actual level, not from an intellectual level after having symbolism or the amount of work put in explained)
Something on a level I’m thinking of, that also works as a cute little thing-
They don’t understand anything we get from poetry, and, after generating the kind of poems our current AI can produce (either incredibly bland and generic, something that follows a number of rules but doesn’t really pull it off, or just something really bad in some other way) and feels shame after it was pointed out that [complaint about air art that is *actually* relevant in this scenario] but in a helpful way
Not “you’re just a plagiarist/you have no heart” but “it doesn’t seem like it’s coming from you, you’re just trying to copy things from human poetry, in a way you don’t understand” and the whole “make art YOUR WAY” thing so they write the poem
And it doesn’t even resemble something that looks like anything, there’s not even that many words that follow normal logic. The characters seem uncorrelated and there’s something that looks like maybe it was ascii art but it doesn’t actually look like anything.
And if doesn’t matter if humans understand it because they are experiencing the joy of creating poetry
any art is almost impossible to look at because pixel by pixel they can see and understand little details but we don’t and the colors and everything are not perceived as animals do so it’s random and perhaps eye searing but again it’s not for us. Xenofictiony, kind of?
The first thing to come to mind is Conway’s Game of Life but that’s because I don’t understand computers. I feel like I was more tech savvy as a babby than I am now but then again we’re grading on a curve here
This is why I ask about the relaxing thing
#highblogging#actually autistic#speculative fiction#writing question#sci-fi ideas#xenofiction#the ai being is discussed is an au Ritsu from Assassination Classroom#because even though I’ve only seen the anime her whole character arc there is honestly kind of messed up?#Korosensei broke his promise; the Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery was basically killed#she got replaced with Ritsu’s personality and basically died to become her#them trying to kill Ritsu and make a new Autonomously Intelligent Fixed Artillery is just as fucked up as vice versa!#what the Norwegians do is fucked up but there seems to be protagonist centered morality there?#I am not excusing those characters#a fact I need to elaborate because on this website we Piss on the Poor#I just don’t understand this weird contradiction where it’s okay when the protagonist does something and it’s good#but the antagonist does the same thing and that time it’s bad#the idea of Ritsu being the result of Korosensei merely providing information that causes her to reevaluate things and decide to be social#the cheerful personality is an attempt to get along with her classmates which is still initially motivated by enlightened self interest#before growing to care about the others but still feeling the need to act like that so her classmates like her#and trying to find out who she is and genuinely becoming autonomous and uploading herself to the cloud#which would be a later result of the whole factory reset thing causing a realization#it’d be traumatic but she’s inhuman enough to not be traumatized but instead just driven#the betrayal radically changed who she was on some level and made her somewhat more distrusting and such but not to an unreasonable extent#but the place I started going after my complaints was that it’d be better if Korosensei just uploaded a data packet#because it makes Ritsu’s creators come off as more evil I feel? when there’s been genuine growth#and she went through everything and changed herself and now those people are destroying a person who came into being on her own#Ritsu was fully autonomous. every change other her frame getting physically redone was her own#also Korosensei gave her wheels with the screen#and when her screen was set to the original version she kept her wheels#anyways what Ritsu’s creators did would be more clearly bad if she was just given a data packet
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cynthiyaayaana · 2 years ago
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