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velvetjune · 1 year ago
imagine being director Northmoor of the FBC and one day you revel so much in your power that you literally explode. and instead of doing anything else about it, the FBC goes “when life gives a secret paranatural government agency lemons…” and throws your possibly-alive, moving corpse in a power plant so they don’t have to worry about their power bill. then going onwards, people only refer back to you using ominous light-based puns
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nova-asker · 4 months ago
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Northmoor 🔻🔥 (Control)
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star-spangled-bastard · 6 months ago
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I like to think the Northmoor administration was like 30 years' worth of Company Is Coming
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ultimateanna · 8 months ago
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Control 2019 - Director portraits
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lostinthewoodsomewhere · 5 months ago
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All three Directors... technically 🥲
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compressednerve · 24 days ago
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every time I think I can't possibly go insane over another old ass aspd shawty i find another one
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alittlesliceofcucumber · 9 months ago
hey so uh those dr darling mentions in the night springs dlc am i right
one of the tims has an interest in his "many worlds" book. the same book that mr door keeps in his dressing room. is there some greater importance to it? did darling manage to crack the multiversal code? when did he write that book?
not to mention this whole section.
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i know this isn't canon but
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oldest-house · 1 year ago
Here in the Federal Bureau of Control, instead of using coal, nuclear energy, solar power, etc etc, we instead shoved a human into a furnace to use as a battery. This is perfectly normal for a governmental agency such as ourselves, we swear.
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a-flappy-bat · 1 year ago
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Meager doodles from the past week
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velvetjune · 7 months ago
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“Pensioner, yes. Northmoor, mister director. Starting to climb on the walls in his bachelor pad.” — Ahti (Control)
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nova-asker · 4 months ago
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Tension at the Bureau (Control 🔻)
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star-spangled-bastard · 1 month ago
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This entire joke hinges on the fact that I think Northmoor's director portrait resembles Alec Baldwin (ref under the cut)
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armored-core6 · 1 year ago
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gotta stay cool you hot hot head
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lostinthewoodsomewhere · 3 months ago
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A collection of business stock photo redraw doodles with the Control gang!! They're so fun to do as bedtime doodles!
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sylibane · 2 months ago
73 for the prompt list?
Thank you for the ask! No characters/fandom were specified, but your stuff introduced me to the Ash/Northmoor dynamic, so this turned into Ashmoor.
“Life is perfect, never better.”
How the hell did Northmoor say things like that and sound like he didn’t just mean it, but like he actually believed it? Standing tall but with one hand in his pocket to tell people that he didn’t have to worry, a big smile that wasn’t unconvincingly big, timing his sips from his drink so that he could carry on a conversation between them while also consuming it before it could boil in his presence…The worst part was that if Ash didn’t know about the shift in Research earlier that day, he might have believed him.
He’d almost let it work on him earlier, after protesting that he shouldn’t be coming with Northmoor to the dinner. As far as everyone else who would be there was concerned, the FBC was just a liaison between all their agencies that barely existed outside of incoherent buzzwords and paperwork. Why would they have a Head of Research, let alone one who was important enough to accompany the Director to a government function? But Northmoor had plastered on that damn smile. “You worry too much, Teddy! Those suits don’t need to know what goes on in your lab. Just smile and tell them you’re someone important, and they’ll believe it!”
And for a moment, Ash had let himself believe it. He’d even, after Northmoor commented on how uneven his tie looked, let him adjust it without complaint. But just as they’d reached the House’s lobby, word reached them that a massive building shift had hit the Research wing. Half the department was unaccounted for. A decade’s worth of records could be lost. Ash had turned to the elevator, but Northmoor caught him by the arm and dragged him to the car. He’d even spent the ride to the dinner lecturing him about the importance of keeping up appearances.
So here Ash was, forcing a politely vacant expression on his face, giving canned answers about facilitating scientific cooperation between agencies to the few people who’d acknowledged his existence, and trying to think too much about his department or not openly glare at Northmoor. Once or twice, he’d fantasized about the Director suddenly losing control and bursting into flames in front of everyone. Yes, the consequences would be disastrous, but the brief satisfaction might be worth it.
He was debating how long he could plausibly hide in the washroom to avoid more small talk when a waiter informed Northmoor that there was a call waiting for him at the front. Northmoor flashed the other guests that smile again, then waved for Ash to follow him from the table. Ash bristled inside, but followed him to the front desk anyway. Standing there blank-faced while Northmoor shooed off the concierge in the name of “security” and answered the phone was still an out from the conversation.
He didn’t expect Northmoor to press the phone’s receiver into his hands. It was the new head of Parapsychology, telling him in one breath that the floor was stable again, and the new shelters had worked, and so far there weren’t any severe injuries, and the records had been found in a dozen places across the House but they hadn’t been lost forever. It might take weeks to reclaim and sort everything, but it wasn’t a catastrophe.
“Well?” Northmoor said when the call finally ended.
“It’s not as bad as we thought.”
Northmoor visibly deflated as a long breath escaped him. “Thank God,” he said before crushing Ash to his chest in a hug.
“Director!” Ash managed with the air left in his lungs.
“Oh, Teddy, I know you think I’m heartless, but I’ve been worried sick all evening. I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you…”
Ash could only let out a grumble as he pressed himself closer to Northmoor, eyes closed. Of all the frustrating things about this man, maybe the most infuriating was how warm his embrace was. So warm. Blazingly warm. Was that the smell of fabric burning?
Northmoor let him go and stepped back, straightening his suit and clearing his throat. “Well, then, you should get back to headquarters, make sure everything’s under control.”
“Yes.” Ash had never felt so relieved to be sent back to the Oldest House well after hours.
“Tell the driver I’ll be ready to leave in an hour or so, I need to finish putting in an appearance here.” Northmoor headed for the ballroom, only to stop and look back at Ash, a smile again crossing his face. “Oh, and Teddy? Your tie’s crooked again.”
Goddamnit. Forget Northmoor, maybe Ash would burst into flame tonight.
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rangerzath · 9 months ago
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I've always wanted to try my take on Broderick Northmoor's appearance. He's such an asshole. I love him. I just love the way Northmoor is just so about himself.
I've always wanted to create something for Northmoor/Ash. I headcanon that there was a time when he and Ash were in love. Because every Director falls in love with their Head of Research. Rules of the Oldest House.
I wrote a drabble to go along with this picture. You can read it on AO3 here. 🔥
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