OCs for Frees
5 posts
Welcome to the dumping ground for my OCs and fanfic ideas! All OCs and ideas are free for the taking!
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ocs-for-frees · 1 year ago
Codebreaker Nara OC (Naruto)
This time a Naruto OC: A codebreaker Nara. A Nara chunin who works at the missions desk or whatever else deals with mission reports. Due to being in the same graduation year and working at least part time at the same place, they are friends/friendly with Iruka. One day the Nara looses a bet and thus has to deal with Kakashi's paperwork. Now, this is pre-Team 7, so Kakashi has a lot of time on his hands. He uses a bunch of it to mess with unsuspecting people, especially the mission desk and really anyone in any administrative position. Thus his reports are hideous. They are full mission reports with all the details, sure. But they are scrawled and scribbled, full of abbreviations and codes. Obviously reports like that can't be forwarded, so the mission desk also has the lesser known job of transcribing the illegible mission reports, mostly for filing purposes. So the unsuspecting Nara OC has to now deal with getting this utter mess, written by a genius troll, into a proper penmanship. Since they actually manage to do so, and do so relatively timely as well, they are now often set to deal with Kakashi's paperwork. Kakashi soon picks up on that and decides to mess with them. He keeps switching up the codes and abbreviations, makes his scrawling writing even worse, changes the writing styles, everything to make it more difficult. (He is after all a massive troll at heart) Thus forms one of the weirder friendships of the village: a highly dangerous Joinin/ANBU legend and a semingly non-descript paperwork chunin. Kakashi is delighted, he keeps making the paperwork harder and harder to dechipher. The Nara is well... a Nara. Their default setting is Done With This Crap TM. Whether it's Kakashi's bullshit or anyone else's, they don't really think there's a difference. At least Kakashi's bullshit is sorta entertaining and mentally stimulating. Though they'd like to know who decided that they are now the official Kakashi-paperwork-wrangler and why people keep calling them in whenever Kakashi is being difficult with paperwork. (pretty much always) Apartment leasing paperwork is not in their job description?? At one point they (by design or chance) encounter an enemy code the official codebreakers are getting frustrated over. Now, this is a Nara who's had to deal with weirdly written stuff at least once a month. So when they get a glance at the message, they are able to quickly dechipher it, in large parts due to it being (funnily enough) a cypher Kakashi had used a few months before. After this the OC buys Kakashi lunch, as a sort of thank you (and to escape the noisy coworkers. Who knew that breaking an important enemy message's code came with so much annoying things. like attention. ugh.) Thus the Nara becomes an unofficial codebreaker for the village.
possible OC/Kakashi for those who want
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ocs-for-frees · 2 years ago
Marine One Piece OC
One Piece mania has gripped me again so here's the first out of many One Piece OCs / writing ideas / story ideas rattling around in my head. So we know the trope of "person that has consumed the fandom material gets sucked into the fandom world for some reason or another" aka Isekai. I present: An Isekai OC but instead of becoming a pirate they become a Marine. They‘re weird af and say cryptic weird shit all the time. They act weird. They are talking to some superiors or criminals like they‘re buddies. They called Garp the fucking Fist a „Big Old Softy“!! They call Fleet Admiral Sengoku "Senny"! But they are a fucking good Marine. Super competent, get the job done nearly every time, have sniffed out Marine intern corruption, somehow manage to wrangle politics despite being a total crazy, just great Marine all around. Not in the "Total Justice" sense but in the "actually doing their job in a good and fair way" sense.
The story is not told from the OCs POV but from everyone elses. Fellow Marines, Garp, Sengoku, admirals, pirates, Smoker, civilians, some Revolution people they cross, Jeff The Paperwork Marine. If the OC gets a love story it‘s gonna be haters to comrad in arms (pranks)/ partners in (legal crime) to lovers with Jeff The Paperwork Marine.
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ocs-for-frees · 2 years ago
Random stuff to ask your characters that are not the lame old things:
what would their ghostly obsession be if they died?
What is their favorite ship? What is their hate ship?
Do they read first person stories, or do they hate them? What about second person stories and reader inserts a la y/n?
what’s their “yeah that was cringe” fandom? (Come on we all have had that one)
I pineapple pizza or nah?
one “huh that explains it” moment they had.
Socks on or off in bed?
Do they microwave the left over pizza from the day before?
If they had wings, what color would they be?
if they met an aura seer/celestial being, what would those perceive ? (Color, texture, consistency, brightness/shine, sound, taste, smell, …? Be creative)
what type of “i got tossed into a different universe” person are they? Panic, plan or vibe? Protect the continuity, subtly manipulate, blatant interruption or stay away? Chaos, fix it, murder spree, vibe, join, stay away, topple, cryptid, wreck it? Stay or leave? Survive, injury or death? Comfy, awkward or homeless? MC, Side Character or NPC?
Dc or Marvel? Star Wars or Star Trek? (Or both. Or neither. Or something different)
would they rather be an elf, dwarf, human, orc, goblin, angel, demon, dragon, shadow rider, wizzard, or hobbit?
if given the choice, would they choose eternal life or decline?
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ocs-for-frees · 2 years ago
Newest OC: a deity / eldritch being / definitely not human that has never been told they are not human and grew up thinking they were human. Until the day someone snaps at them for casually doing something beyond the human scope and expecting the humans to keep up. „You suck at pretending to be human, you know?“ Turns out everyone has been going along with their eldritch shit the entire time out of fear of being eaten or them snapping or whatever happens if you call out an eldritch being that very clearly is toying with you with shoddily pretending to be human. The being themselves had no idea. Now they are faced with the reality that all friends they had actually are deadly afraid of them but dared not speak up or disagree and were forced to spend time with them in a ploy to „keep them appeased and from snapping and killing all and sunder“, their entire life has been a lie, they are all alone, could potentially destroy the entire town and that things they thought normal are apparently not always normal or manageable for humans (which they are not). Also they‘ve apparently been an utter asshole to their friends (who aren’t their friends apparently) with demanding of them to keep up with things beyond human capability and thinking they weren’t applying themselves cause clearly it’s easy.
They have 1 single person that isn’t deadly afraid and would willingly spend time with them. Said person is admittedly crazy.
Oh also everyone thought that they were „crappy at human disguises“ or „obviously fucking with us with the intentionally crappy disguise“. One single person that only met them like trice entered the betting pool with „they have no fucking clue they are not human you doofuses“. He‘s a rich rich man now.
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ocs-for-frees · 2 years ago
Welcome to the dumping ground for my OCs and fanfic ideas! They’re taking up too much space in my brain, so feel free to grab whatever you like and use it as you want! No, seriously, all my OCs and fanfic ideas are free for everyone. It’d be cool if you let me know where you took them off to play, I wanna see what adventures my brain kids get to experience (or stare at from a distance cause you really just needed some random dude to fill in that ugly blank space in the background). If you yourself have an idea but no clue how to flesh it out, ask and maybe I can put something together. All for free cause I have too much fantasy as it is, might as well share and have others profit from it.
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