#Norma Barker
rebouks · 1 year
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[Instead of returning to his car, Oscar headed in the opposite direction, walking straight into Noah’s front room without knocking; only the sudden clang of the door closing behind him and Aspen’s curious tone brought him back to reality]
Aspen: Oh-.. hey! Oscar: Sorry, I didn’t really think before just.. walking in. Aspen: It’s no problem, is everything okay?
Oscar: Eh. Aspen: Do you want a brew? I’ll wake Noah. Oscar: Nah, I’ll leave you-…
Alma: No, you won’t! Sit down. Aspen: Oscar’s here. Noah: Mmh?
Alma: What’s on your mind? Oscar: I don’t even know. Noah: [yawns] Sorry, I’m beat.. what’s going on?
Oscar: Do you remember back when I was at uni, after I’d ghosted everyone? You forced yourself into my dorm-.. asked if I was okay. Why didn’t I just say no? Maybe things would have been different, if I knew-.. how did I manage to waste a decade of my life? Alma: It’s a journey, not a waste.
Oscar: [scoffs] What a journey, I’m a broke alcoholic with a fiancé n’ a kid I can’t even support. I could’ve had a good job and-… Noah: You can still get there; it doesn’t matter if you’re a little bit behind where you’d like to be. Alma: He makes the most sense when he’s half asleep, I swear.
Noah: Thanks. Alma: You might’ve deviated from your preferred path, but think how much good it did! You can’t fight fate. Oscar: You sound like Courtney.
Alma: Uh-huh, ‘cause she’s smart; like me. Oscar: True.. but it doesn’t make me feel any better. Noah: What’s brought all this on? Did something happen?
Oscar: I spoke to Norma, one of the feds who took over the case; told her how we ended up here… She was.. nice? I think it would’ve been easier if she wasn’t. Noah: Hopefully she’s competent too.
Oscar: Yeah, I hope they finish what we started; otherwise, what was the point? It feels like I barely scratched the surface. Noah: Don’t lose yourself to that mindset, you can only do so much. Aspen: Maybe uncle Oscar should become a cop.
Oscar: I’ve had enough. Alma: Well.. don’t get stuck in the past, sweet stuff; you’ve a lot to be proud of, and a lot to be thankful for. Noah: She never calls me sweet stuff.
Alma: [laughs] It hardly suits you! Noah: Fair point. Alma: C’mon, where are Courtney and little Robin? I’ll pick them up, we’ll have dinner.
Aspen: Ooh, babies first barbeque! I bought a new grill-.. Noah’s forbidden from using it though, so you can help me. Noah: Tch, ingrates. Who doesn’t like a cremated burger? Oscar: [snorts] At least I can cook, I guess…
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giulliadella · 9 months
Scarlet Gospels sucks
Spoilers for literally the entire book if you even want to read that pile of hot garbage.
Scarlet Gospels is a novel written by Clive Barker in 2015 as a conclusion of Hellraiser saga AND IT'S PURE GARBAGE. I will try my absolute best to explain why it sucks, starting with...
The summary (in 5 sentences)
Hell Priest (that's Pinhead for the uncultured) enters a din of magicians and turns all except one into minced meat and also makes one female magician give birth to some abomination that eats their remains; the remaining magician Felixson is taken to Hell. Harry D'Amour (a detective for the occult) is sad because a demon jerked off to his friend getting burned alive, so he goes to visit Norma (blind woman who sees ghosts) and is sent on a mission to investigate a house of a recently deceased ghost who needed to hide some incriminating evidence. Harry finds Lament Configuration there and opens it, Hell Priest appears with cenobite Felixson and they try to kill Harry, but he escapes and is saved by a group of weird people where a trans woman drugs him to make him have nightmares so that he can wake up faster. Meanwhile Hell Priest kills all Cenobites with origami and opens a portal to Earth from Hell, goes to Earth with Felixson, lamely fights using blood magic and kidnaps Norma. Harry then goes to Hell with a few people, a bunch of random shit happens and it all ends with Hell Priest and Lucifer having an anime battle in which Lucifer wins and Hell Priest is pissed so he blinds Harry and kills Norma and then Lucifer destroys Hell, but Harry and the others escape and now Harry sees ghosts.
Now it's time for the reasons why it sucks:
Impostor Pinhead
First and foremost, what the FUCK happened to Pinhead's character?! I've read old Hellraiser comics from 80s and 90s and there you can meet the Cenobites in their full glory and understand them as characters. In those comics Pinhead is chaotic neutral and he's extremely likeable, just like in the movies. But in Scarlet Gospels he's a total dick from first to the last page. Even the dumbass Boom! comics kept Pinhead as mostly in character until the fiasco with Elliott Spencer's reincarnation happened. I would like to personally ask mr Barker why the FUCK is Pinhead suddenly a power hungry jerk with no morals who rapes people. Why does he kill all of the Cenobites for exactly NO REASON?! In old comics, Pinhead is basically a father figure to all the Cenobites and he clearly cares about them. He teaches them, keeps them in order, gives motivational speeches and punishes them if they deserve it, but he would never kill any of them. NEVER.
Then there's the glaring issue of him having no motives for his actions. Basically in this dumbass book, he wants to take control of Hell and become supreme being which is literally the polar opposite of his character in both the movies and the comics. He isn't power hungry, he's a very devoted, dignified person who dedicated his life to serving Leviathan. But Leviathan doesn't even appear in this book, so WTF!? More on that later, power is usually a motive for a villain, heck, that's the motive of my own villains as well. But we need a reason for character to crave power. The villain who wants all power just because is cartoony and childish and that's exactly what Pinhead is in this entire book. Also, for whatever reason, he wanted Harry to document his rise to power and write his gospel which is just beyond dumb. Why does he want this documented? No clue. Why does he want power? Don't ask me, mate. And on top of that, killing all of the Cenobites didn't aid him in achieving power at all, so he also killed them all just because.
And on top of that, he's a completely different person. He's not elegant and restrained; he cusses, he uses his fists to beat the shit out of Norma, he's scummy, hypocritical and overall a pure asshole. Even Unbound Pinhead from Hellraiser 3 kept his dignity and personality, but this impostor doesn't! He's so obsessed over getting to rule Hell that he kills innocent people and cuts off parts of his own body to be able to wear Lucifer's clothes. And there's no explanation for that obsession!!!! WHY!? Why is he so out of character!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Harry D'Amour is a sentient bag of potatoes
And so are all of his friends. Literally, if you cut out Harry's entire arc out of this book, absolutely no part of the main plot would change. Harry plays no part in Pinhead's rise to power, he's just there to document it, as a witness. So he's literally just dragged around Hell.
Harry's personal life and everything else depicts him as the most generic, edgy hero and he has a personality of a wax crayon. I don't know if he's a better character in other books about him, but in Scarlet Gospels he's just an observer whose only agency is to save Norma. And in the end he gets blinded by Pinhead because he sucked as a witness as well lmao. He also didn't even save Norma, she got killed. He was literally there just to brood, say a few cringey one-liners and be useless. AMAZING MAIN HERO AMIRITE!?
And his friends are even worse. All of them were so bland and boring. Although two of them had cute gay romance which was fun, but it's mentioned just in passing and it ends with them talking about the size of their genitals which is... unnecessary to say the least!
Christianity has no place in Hellraiser!
Yes, it's called Hellraiser and, yes, there are mentions of angels and demons and Hell in the movies, but Hellraiser IS NOT Christian. Hell in this universe IS NOT Christian Hell, it's a lovecraftian alternative dimension and that's what makes it fun. Christian Hell and stories about it have been done so many times and Scarlet Gospels is just one of many mediocre Christian horror books. In the comics, Cenobites do mess with religion, Pinhead hates Christianity and all that is fine. We DID NOT need to turn the beautiful Labyrinth from Hellbound and the comics into dumb, unimaginative Christian Hell. Fuck that. Lucifer was a fun character to read about, but where is Leviathan!? Leviathan is literally the most recognizable part of Hellraiser Hell and it doesn't even get mentioned. WHAT THE FUCK?!
Transphobia (tw)
There is one character who is a trans woman and she is treated like walking genitalia. All of the characters, including Harry, constantly comment about how she's manly and how she has wide wrists and how she's too blocky and how she had bottom surgery and I'm like what the actual fuck. I am a cis woman and people have been telling me my entire life that my wrists are too broad and that I have manly hands. It triggers me to no end and I cannot even begin to fathom just how triggering that would be to a trans woman. Not to mention that her character has no personality besides trying to act womanly and she's the only one in Harry's group who is evil. And she's evil for no reason. And on top of that, she's murdered off screen and Barker uses that scene to once again describe her "mutilated genitals". WHAT THE FUCK!!! This part made me so irrationally angry and I can't believe that it was even included in the book.
Trying too hard to be edgy
This entire novel has a feeling of a 16 year old little emo trying to be edgy. There are so many idiotic descriptions, cringey scenes where demons jerk off, extremely gross stuff that has no purpose for the story, scenes that exist just for shock value, the list goes on and on. Now, don't get me wrong, I've expected a lot of graphic descriptions, it's Hellraiser after all. But there's a clear difference between graphic, but having artistic merit and edgy and most of the stuff in here are more on the edgy side. Just lame.
Also, Norma holds two pages long conversation with Harry before dying which is the cliche that I hate the most in fiction. Like she's mortally wounded, but has enough energy and clearness of mind to crack jokes for 20 minutes? I thought Barker was above such beginner author pitfalls.
Stuff I actually liked
Depressed Lucifer is hilarious. The entire anime battle between Lucifer and Pinhead was so cringey and funny that I laughed out loud. Definitely belongs on "so bad it's good" lists.
Quo'otho is an eldritch very hungry caterpillar and he's my favorite character in the novel. Too bad he got killed as well. Poor baby was just hungry and doing his job. He deserves head pats.
Pinhead once uses a spell to bring a whole bunch of origami cranes to life. That was so cute. He used those cranes to kill the Cenobites which was dumb as fuck, but the sheer image of him doing origami and bringing it to life made me smile like a dumbass fangirl that I am. That was one of the very few moments in the story where he was in character. If anyone writes a fanfic in which he uses those origami cranes to send secret love letters to Kirsty I will sell my soul to them.
The Hell Priest uniform has pockets and they are deep enough to hold several Lament Configurations and a sword. This is extremely important information.
Overall, Scarlet Gospels gets a 3/10 from me. It was really cringey and bad, but had some fun and interesting ideas and concepts. It completely assassinated my (and many other people's) most beloved character in Hellraiser franchise, has a passive, cardboard cutout hero, many ideas that go nowhere, it's very transphobic and has endless amount of stuff that happens for no reason. I like Barker's writing style, but this novel fucking sucks.
I'll take a break from Tumblr for now, as I'm working on the new chapter of my comic. I don't know if I'm going to post more Hellraiser stuff, maybe, maybe not, idk. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this dumb review. See you in a while, if I survive the finals!
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blowflyfag · 5 months
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Compiled by Barbi Barker
When Diamond Dallas Page can find the time, he hits the road with his band of Jello Wrestlin’ Diamond Dolls. “Good Gawd!” Watch for these hot ladies on MTV’s Spring Break ‘89 along with coming to your town soon. Like Bill Cosby, D.D.P. says, “There’s always room for Jello!” 
D.D.P. and The Dolls out for a sunset cruise on Saibel Causeway, FL (with custom pink Harley and his ‘62 pink Caddy). They stop briefly so adoring fans can take some shots. 
Page at #1 radio station 96 K-ROCK (Ft. Myers, FL.). He is with good friend Brian Howe (center) who is lead singer of the band BAD CO. and #1 D.J. Swingin’ Dick Tyler. 
D.D.P. caught in a rare shot without shades along with e-Jet quarterback Matt Robinson and BAD CO. lead singer Brian Howe. Matt and Brian were at Norma Jean’s Dance Club to help Page judge a 1,000 hot legs contest. 
The day would not be complete without a daily workout at The Sports Connection “Pump up the Volume”. Diamond Doll Jennifer accompanies him to the gym to tend to his needs. 
Not only does Diamond Dallas Page deal in solid gold but his latest find, Hard Rock Rick, is physical gold that is soon to be released to the wrestling world. Ladies, you ain't seen nothin yet!
Diamond Dallas Page is Rock ‘N Wrestlin’ at its finest as he is sent here backstage after a POISON concert with (L-R) Gene Simmons look alike Bobby “Scar”, Diamond Doll Tammy, Bass player Bobby Hall, lead guitar C.C. Deville and favorite Doll Victoria.
Diamonds and gold are still nothing to ear! Page and the Dolls are pictured in his private office at Norma Jean’s.
A photo session would not be complete without a shot of Badd Company, Pat Tanaka and Paul Diamond, and the A.W.A. Tag Team belts they currently hold. 
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seekingstars · 5 months
To The Film Industry in Crisis - Frank O'Hara
Not you, lean quarterlies and swarthy periodicals with your studious incursions toward the pomposity of ants, nor you, experimental theatre in which Emotive Fruition is wedding Poetic Insight perpetually, nor you, promenading Grand Opera, obvious as an ear (though you are close to my heart), but you, Motion Picture Industry, it’s you I love!   In times of crisis, we must all decide again and again whom we love. And give credit where it’s due: not to my starched nurse, who taught me how to be bad and not bad rather than good (and has lately availed herself of this information), not to the Catholic Church which is at best an oversolemn introduction to cosmic entertainment, not to the American Legion, which hates everybody, but to you, glorious Silver Screen, tragic Technicolor, amorous Cinemascope, stretching Vistavision and startling Stereophonic Sound, with all your heavenly dimensions and reverberations and iconoclasms! To Richard Barthelmess as the 'tol’able’ boy barefoot and in pants, Jeanette MacDonald of the flaming hair and lips and long, long neck, Sue Carroll as she sits for eternity on the damaged fender of a car and smiles, Ginger Rogers with her pageboy bob like a sausage on her shuffling shoulders, peach-melba-voiced Fred Astaire of the feet, Eric von Stroheim, the seducer of mountain-climbers’ gasping spouses, the Tarzans, each and every one of you (I cannot bring myself to prefer Johnny Weissmuller to Lex Barker, I cannot!), Mae West in a furry sled, her bordello radiance and bland remarks, Rudolph Valentino of the moon, its crushing passions, and moonlike, too, the gentle Norma Shearer, Miriam Hopkins dropping her champagne glass off Joel McCrea’s yacht, and crying into the dappled sea, Clark Gable rescuing Gene Tierney from Russia and Allan Jones rescuing Kitty Carlisle from Harpo Marx, Cornel Wilde coughing blood on the piano keys while Merle Oberon berates, Marilyn Monroe in her little spike heels reeling through Niagara Falls, Joseph Cotten puzzling and Orson Welles puzzled and Dolores del Rio eating orchids for lunch and breaking mirrors, Gloria Swanson reclining, and Jean Harlow reclining and wiggling, and Alice Faye reclining and wiggling and singing, Myrna Loy being calm and wise, William Powell in his stunning urbanity, Elizabeth Taylor blossoming, yes, to you and to all you others, the great, the near-great, the featured, the extras who pass quickly and return in dreams saying your one or two lines, my love! Long may you illumine space with your marvellous appearances, delays and enunciations, and may the money of the world glitteringly cover you as you rest after a long day under the kleig lights with your faces in packs for our edification, the way the clouds come often at night but the heavens operate on the star system. It is a divine precedent you perpetuate! Roll on, reels of celluloid, as the great earth rolls on!
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thejuiceblog · 2 years
What makes a party? Amy Sedaris once wrote:
“When you see the word "party"...don't think of pony kegs and loud Southern rock or cigarillos and business women. Don't think of pools and diving for loose change. Don't think about cockfights - even though it's hard not to. Don't think tiki lights and fruity cocktails served in coconut shells on the patio, or a large group of drunken seamen clustered together shouting over each other. Think simplicity." 
Parties are as old as homo sapiens themselves. But for most people, the thing that makes a party a party and not just a meeting with snacks is usually the music; preferably upbeat, and preferably loud.
Buddy Bolden was somebody who knew about loud music and parties. It was said that when he played in New Orleans you could hear him from across the river. And his song Funky Butt was, as Danny Barker once put it, "a reference to the olfactory effect of an auditorium packed full of sweaty people "dancing close together and belly rubbing." That's definitely one way to party.
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The Bolden band around 1905 (top: Jimmy Johnson, bass; Bolden, cornet; Willy Cornish, valve trombone; Willy Warner, clarinet; bottom: Brock Mumford, guitar; Frank Lewis, clarinet)
Even though he's considered the King of Jazz, there are no known recordings of Buddy Bolden, who improvised his music and never wrote it down. Really the only thing we have to go by is Jelly Roll Morton's rendition, which came to be known as Buddy Bolden Blues or I Thought I Heard Buddy Bolden Say. 
Jelly Roll Morton wasn't a man who shied away from a party. He made a name for himself playing ragtime in the brothels of New Orleans, and ragtime was, of course, known as the Devil's music. His rendition of Buddy Bolden Blues was considered so rude at the time that it was offensive even just to whistle it on the streets. Ruder still when you find out what Jelly Roll means. Or olfactory.
Some parties are planned and some are spontaneous. The difference between an average day at work and a spontaneous party could be as simple as the the presence of some unattended bongos, like in this scene from Hellzapoppin' -  a weird film from 1941 with one of the most iconic dance scenes ever created.
That was Frances "Mickey" Jones, WiIliam Downes, Norma Miller, Billy Ricker, Willamae Ricker, Al Minns, Ann Johnson and Frankie Manning, also known as Whiteys Lindy Hoppers - all dancing to music by the Slim Slam band.
When a dance floor is involved, parties become divisive: you're either on the dance floor or you're not. The dance floor is where life plays out, where you define yourself, where acquaintances become something more. In an American high school scenario, the dance floor is a status symbol. Being on the dance floor with the right person is everything.
Good parties share a collective, unspoken energy. Maybe all parties serve some sort of need to rebel against something oppressive, something that you need to escape. At the very least parties are a chance to act out in a way you otherwise can't.
One epic film party scene worth mentioning is from Olivier Assayas' Cold Water, if only because the scene goes on for about thirty minutes. The director admits that at some point he felt he was witnessing an experience that was "possibly stronger than whatever [ended] up on the screen."  It's a brilliant demonstration of that unspoken, rebellious energy that escalates into something unforgettable, something an onlooker would describe as a party even if party feels like too shallow of a word to describe it for those who are part of it.
It should also be said that parties can be shallow, and not everyone likes a party. Some people see them as just another feature of the hedonic treadmill. Tim Holmes of Rolling Stones wrote about this next song in 1985, saying, "In "Swinging Party," life is a lilting series of ultimately empty, but nonetheless compulsory, soirees."
What inspires you to party?
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eddysocs · 1 year
To-Do List
Updated September 16th, 2024
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There is no specific order I do my requests in. It’s just whatever strikes me in the moment. Requests will be removed from this list when they’re put in my queue/drafts until they’re ready to post.
🚧 = WIP (Work In Progress)
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Ask Games
💕: Ship Moodboard - Astris x Gwaine
👗: Fashion Board - Matilda Northbrook
💕: Ship Moodboard - Matilda Northbrook x Ted Lasso
🍿: Favorite Movie - Matilda Northbrook
💕: Ship Moodboard - Arabella Of Prussia x Eloise Bridgerton
❌: Crossover - Alyria Polantis & Minnia Of Redania
❌: Crossover - Belladonna Stillwell & Eternity Whitmire
💉: Tattoos/Scars - Kira Kay
👗: Fashion Board - Alyria Polantis
❌: Crossover - Julia Jessup & Effie Larkin
❌: Crossover - Dez Shepard & Kira Kay
❌: Crossover - Bella Carlisle & Sally Barker
🏠: Interior Design Board - Mille Cartwright
💕: Ship Moodboard - Myra Wescott x Tilley Arnold
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Sinduction - Jezebeth Dufort x Margaret White (Requested by Anon)
Jezebeth finally makes her move and begins the seduction and corruption of Margaret.
Spa Day To Remember - Jodie Rourke x Cathy Brown (Requested by Anon)
When Jodie leaves a message for Cathy to meet her at the Wash & Blow, she’s actually planned a spa day for her as a surprise.
Psychobabble - Jodie Rourke x Cathy Brown (Requested by Anon)
To help her study, Cathy takes to reading her psychology textbook out loud. Jodie might not understand all the terminology, but she sure doesn’t mind listening to Cathy read.
Caught Out - Henrietta Parsons x Buster Brady (Requested by Anon)
While Agnes is in the kitchen talking to Dermot, Henrietta and Buster make use of their alone time, at least until Mrs. Brown catches them.
Bet On It - Josie Collins x Hawkeye Pierce (Requested by Anon)
When Josie scoffs at one of Hawkeye's pranks, it starts a prank war between them that the whole camp starts putting money on.
For The Night - Delphine Kincaid x Judge Turpin (Requested by Anon)
Turpin finds Delphine wandering the London streets late one night, and offers her a bed for the night, or longer…
Comfort In Her Arms - Kira Kay x Kim Richards (Requested by Anon)
After encountering some problems at home, Kira does what she always does and runs to Kim. Kim always has a way of making it all feel better.
West End Boys - Brennan Marks x Jamie Tartt (Requested by Anon)
After hearing him ramble on about this new musical he wants to see, Jamie takes it upon himself to score some tickets for him and Brennan.
Mine - Cinda Stackhouse x Eric Northman (Requested by Anon)
Once Eric decides to claim Cinda as his, he reveals a more possessive side that both surprises and delights Cinda.
Summer Breeze - Sadie Leigh x Norma Bates (Requested by Anon)
With Norman away for the day, Norma has a list of errands planned, but Sadie something on her own to do list first.
Weasley Family Welcome - Olivette Littletree x Molly Weasley (Requested by Anon)
Ginny, George and Ron all help organize a Weasley family picnic in order to officially welcome Olivette into the family.
Promise Ring Pop - Skye Leonard x Shaun Murphy (Requested by Anon)
When Shaun decides to propose, Skye definitely didn’t see it coming, nor did she expect a cherry flavored ring.
Gun Show - Angelica Morley x Alfie Solomons (Requested by Anon)
Alfie shows Angel how to shoot a gun, or so he thinks.
Marriage Bed - Heather Cohen x Clint Barton (Requested by Anon)
Heather and Clint are partnered up to go undercover as a married couple, and everyone finds it a little suspicious at how good they are at playing their roles.
How To Be Hers - Alessandra Blair x Cruella DeVil (Requested by Anon)
Alessandra begins her role as Cruella's submissive and learns what her mistress expects of her.
Public Display Of Pride - Roxette Ortiz x Carrie Black (Requested by Anon)
Roxette takes Carrie to one of her favorite pride events and it gets a little emotional for Carrie.
The Tell Off - Jodie Rourke x Cathy Brown (Requested by Anon)
When Cathy's professor oversteps his boundaries, Jodie and Agnes team up to put him in his place on Cathy's behalf.
Outside Looking In - Nessa Tolliver x Rebecca Welton (Requested by Anon)
Roy and Keeley's observations of Nessa and Rebecca's relationship.
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New OCs
🚧 Meghan Martens - FD: Otherhood - FC: Naomi Scott - LIs: Helen Halston, Carol Walker, Gillian Lieberman 🚧
🚧 Name TBD - FD: Vamps - FC: Arielle Kebbel - LI: Cisserus 🚧
🚧 Name TBD - FD: You, Me And The Apocalypse - FC: Katja Herbers - LI: Jude Sutton 🚧
🚧 Name TBD - FD: You, Me And The Apocalypse - FC: Emmy Rossum - LI: Leanne Parkins 🚧
🚧 Name TBD - FD: You, Me And The Apocalypse - FC: Kristen Bell - LI: Jamie Winton 🚧
🚧 Muse Brynn - FD: Doctor Who - FC: Lachlan Watson - LI: The Maestro 🚧
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🚧 Harry Potter OCs: When They Realized They Had Feelings For Their S/O - Requested by @yellowbird-flying 🚧
Call The Midwife OCs: Reacting To Their S/O Wanting To Start A Family With Them - Requested by Anon
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills OCs: Kinks - Requested by Anon
Once Upon A Time OCs: How They Feel When They Realize Their S/O Is Their Happy Ending - Requested by Anon
Xena Warrior Princess OCs: Jealousy - Requested by Anon
True Blood OCs: Marking - Requested by Anon
Doctor Who OCs: Adventure They’d Most Want To Go On With Their S/O - Requested by Anon
Ted Lasso OCs: Where They’d Go On Their First Date - Requested by Anon
Wednesday OCs: How They’d Celebrate Halloween With Their S/O - Requested by Anon
True Blood OCs: How They’d Celebrate Halloween With Their S/O - Requested by Anon
M*A*S*H OCs: How They React To Their S/O Being Injured During The War - Requested by Anon
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Johnny Mack Brown and Mary Pickford in Coquette (Sam Taylor, 1929)
Cast: Mary Pickford, Johnny Mack Brown, Matt Moore, John St. Polis, William Janney, Henry Kolker, George Irving, Louise Beavers. Screenplay: John Grey, Allen McNeil, Sam Taylor, based on a play by George Abbott and Ann Preston Bridgers. Cinematography: Karl Struss. Art direction: William Cameron Menzies. Film editing: Barbara McLean.
Is Mary Pickford's performance in Coquette the worst ever to win a best actress Oscar? It's certainly a bad performance, full of cute mannerisms and telegraphed emotions, along with a terrible attempt at a Southern accent. At 37, Pickford was about 20 years too old to play the flirtatious young Norma Besant, a fact that becomes especially clear when she sits on the lap of Louise Beavers, who plays her "mammy," the black servant who raised her; Beavers was ten years younger than Pickford. But this was Pickford's first talkie after 20 years in silent films in which she become the movies' first superstar, and unlike some silent stars, she demonstrates a perfectly fine speaking voice. Still, after three more features that did only passable box office, she took the hint and retired. The main problem with Coquette is not Pickford but the creakiness of the vehicle, which had been a stage hit for Helen Hayes. The melodrama, about a flirtatious girl whose carelessness brings about disaster for both the man she loves (Johnny Mack Brown) and her father (John St. Polis) who objects to their love, is stagebound, largely because of the limitations of early sound technology, but also because screenwriter-director Sam Taylor had not made a sound film before. Pickford appears game throughout, and she's certainly a better actor than Brown or St. Polis, not to mention the callow William Janney, who plays Pickford's younger brother. (In one scene Janney wears one of the most eye-offending outfits ever seen on-screen: a plaid sweater tucked into deep-pleated striped pants. My retinas have yet to recover.) There were no official Oscar nominations that year, but Academy records show that Ruth Chatterton in Madame X (Lionel Barrymore), Betty Compson in The Barker (George Fitzmaurice), Jeanne Eagels in The Letter (Jean de Limur), Corinne Griffith in The Divine Lady (Frank Lloyd), and Bessie Love in The Broadway Melody (Harry Beaumont) were also under consideration for the award. I've been unable to see the performances by Chatterton and Compson, but my pick so far would have been Eagels.
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diario-vespertino · 1 year
Axel Kicillof lanza programa para buscar litio y otros minerales en la provincia de Buenos Aires
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Buscando sumar a la provincia de Buenos Aires al mapa extractivista megaminero nacional, a través de la resolución 543/23 el gobernador bonaerense Axel Kicillof aprobó un convenio entre el Ministerio de Producción y el Servicio Geológico Minero de Argentina (SEGEMAR) para la búsqueda de potenciales reservas de litio y otro minerales estratégicos para las corporaciones tecnológicas y automotrices. El periodista e investigador Patricio Eleisegui informó que el acuerdo establece un período de monitoreo y medición durante cuatro meses que comprenderá la extracción de al menos medio centenar de muestras en «salinas, depresiones salinas, lagunas salobres y pozos de agua seleccionados para determinar la existencia o ausencia de concentraciones anómalas de litio». Entre las zonas a monitorear se menciona al Sistema de Tandilia, la localidad de Barker (Partido de Benito Juárez), las Salinas Chicas (en la localidad de Médanos, donde hoy se hace extracción de cloruro de sodio), y el complejo de lagunas de Tunas Grandes (cerca de la ciudad de Trenque Lauquen). Los resultados se darán a conocer durante la primera mitad de 2024. La resolución 543/23, publicada en el Boletín Oficial de la provincia este martes 12 de agosto y suscripta por el gobernador bonaerense Axel Kicillof, la Secretaria General Agustina Vila y la Subsecretaria Legal y Técnica María Sol Berriel, aprueba «el Convenio N° IF-2023-35546245-GDEBA-SSMINMPCEITGP entre la Subsecretaría de Minería de esta Cartera Ministerial y el Servicio Geológico Minero de la Argentina (SEGEMAR)«, y se designa a «la Subsecretaría de Minería dependiente de este Ministerio – u organismo que en el futuro la reemplace – como autoridad de aplicación de la presente resolución, con facultades suficientes para dictar las normas aclaratorias, interpretativas y complementarias que resulten necesarias para la ejecución de la misma». «En el marco de la demanda creciente de Li (litio), entre otros minerales críticos para la transición energética resulta de interés evaluar el contenido de Li en diversos ambientes de la provincia de Buenos Aires en los que se desarrolla la metalogénesis evaporítica, y establecer su potencial geológico. Diversos estudios preexistentes de evaluación de evaporitas en salinas del sur y oeste de la provincia carecen de determinaciones del contenido de Li», se señala en el boletín oficial. En ese sentido es que dispone planificar «un programa de trabajo breve y focalizado para muestrear salinas, depresiones salinas, lagunas salobres y pozos de agua seleccionados, y determinar la existencia o ausencia de concentraciones anómalas de litio«. En sus redes sociales Patricio Eleisegui, periodista, investigador y escritor especializado en temas ambientales, explicó qué implica este plan a gran escala de Kicillof para buscar litio y «tierras raras» en la provincia: «el acuerdo establece una campaña de medición que se extenderá por cuatro meses y comprenderá la extracción de al menos medio centenar de muestras que se tomarán en distintos puntos de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Los resultados se darán a conocer durante la primera mitad de 2024″, detalló. Y agregó: «si bien la información divulgada por el gobierno bonaerense no ahonda en los detalles, fuentes ligadas a la cartera de Producción de la Provincia mencionaron al Sistema de Tandilia como una de las áreas donde se efectuarán mediciones. En las actas complementarias de lo pactado figura con precisión que se harán exploraciones en torno a la localidad de Barker, partido de Benito Juárez. Además se examinarán salinas, depresiones salinas y lagunas salobres de la Provincia «con contenido de litio no determinado». El convenio contempla, también, labores de medición en Salinas Chicas, un área vinculada a Médanos donde hoy se hace extracción de cloruro de sodio, y el complejo de lagunas de Las Tunas, muy cerca de la ciudad de Trenque Lauquen«, expecifica Eleisegui. Imagen: Patricio Eleisegui. Imagen: Patricio Eleisegui. Asimismo, con respecto al impacto ambiental que implican la extracción del litio, destacó: «tal como ocurre en el norte de la Argentina, la extracción de litio consume y contamina todas las fuentes de agua de las zonas donde se lleva a cabo ese tipo de minería. Por su naturaleza depredatoria la minería de litio no puede convivir con otras actividades económicas. Además de generar un número de empleos muy bajo, la extracción del mineral ocurre siempre a partir de una violación sistemática de derechos comunitarios, aniquila los ecosistemas, depende del capital trasnacional y tiene como fin abastecer únicamente a los países centrales», remarca. «En cuanto a las ‘tierras raras’, su explotación implica también la utilización de grandes cantidades de agua y los minerales que integran este grupo – lantano, lutecio, escandio, itrio, cerio y neodimio, entre otros – son altamente contaminantes una vez «liberados» al ambiente. El procesamiento de las ‘tierras raras’, previamente extraídas mediante voladuras que originan cráteres de grandes dimensiones, demanda el uso de materiales radiactivos y químicos altamente corrosivos. En imagen, la explotación tal como ocurre en China, primer productor mundial», agregó. Imagen: Patricio Eleisegui. «El inicio de este monitoreo colocará a la provincia de Buenos Aires en el pelotón de distritos que buscan sumarse a la explotación de litio que ya ocurre en Jujuy y Catamarca, y que en breve también tendrá lugar en Salta. La Rioja, La Pampa, Formosa, San Juan, Río Negro, Chubut y Neuquén forman parte de ese grupo que va detrás de la extracción del metal, aún cuando las experiencias en el territorio demuestran el grave impacto negativo que ese tipo de minería genera sobre todo en las reservas de agua«, remarcó Eleisegui. :::ANRed::: Read the full article
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Assim, e em resumo, defendemos ser possível identificar cinco dinâmicas comuns, internacionalmente relevantes, que afetam a probabilidade de os homens participarem ou serem vítimas de violência (Barker, 2005; Equimundo, 2022; Moura, 2010): 1. A necessidade de manter um estatuto masculino socialmente reconhecido através do uso continuado de diferentes formas de violência 2. O policiamento constante da performance masculina. O conceito de "ser homem" é mantido através deste policiamento contínuo do desempenho dos homens e dos rapazes. 3. A pressão para esconder as emoções, abster-se de mostrar vulnerabilidade emocional. A agressividade e a violência são aceitáveis, enquanto a vulnerabilidade, cooperação e não-violência são julgadas como não-masculinas. 4. Espaços e culturas com segregação de género. Os espaços sociais (e mesmo "microculturas") associados à masculinidade tornam-se frequentemente lugares onde a violência é ensaiada e reforçada. Estes incluem exércitos, grupos sociais masculinos específicos, certos desportos, e grupos armados tais como gangues. 5. Reforço do poder patriarcal. A violência é, em última análise, o reforço das estruturas de poder que privilegiam os homens em relação às mulheres e que favorecem determinados homens em relação a outros homens. No entanto, em vez de demonstrar qualquer inclinação ‘natural’ para a violência, a investigação afirma que a violência é encorajada e reforçada como parte de processos de socialização específicos que impulsionam masculinidades violentas e normas hipermasculinizadas.
xmen p.19
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wepurge-rpg · 2 years
dejen morir los foros universitarios
Aquí dejo el cotilleo de SD y Boston masticado pues. Busquen palomitas porque esto es aburrido
To comenzo cuando un grupo de usuarios decidieron ir en manada a quejarse por una regla sobre el censo que llevaba 1 mes anunciada : se necesitan 4 post al mes para pasar censo ( NADA ) y con esta normativa nueva, como minimo 2 de esos post tenían que ser de temas privados. El razonamiento de la administración no es nada impresionante, el punto supongo que sería que la gente avance sus tramas y no solo pase censo con masters de clases/empleo/clubes para seguir folliroleando en TW. Muy foro universitario todo
Cameron Barker fue a comentar primero y a los 10 minutos fueron Priscila, So Young, Chloe, Ginny y Elia a apoyarlo. Ginny ademas lloró porque no entendió la trama global igual que yo no entiendo lo que dice cuando escribe porque se ve que redacta con los pelos del culo en fin. Se olía que tenian grupito tiramierda hace rato
Además Chloe usó el grupo de off rol de su fraternidad para alentar a más usuarios a que hayan a llorar porque se vé que no supera haber renunciado solita al liderazgo 
Bonnie subió en off un tweet bien pendejo: https://twitter.com/bonbonnie__/status/1585943605465817088
Asi los que comentaron se pusieron a llorar y responder porque tener menos muerte encefálica que Bonnie parece un trabajo dificil. En medio del bardo el staff dijo que dejen de comentar en off y hablen en privado. Chloe comento en off diciendo que había leido ese tweet de la admon porque otra mononeuronal 
Banearon a Chloe. Ella hizo un hilo bajo una cancion de Taylor Swift porque la ridiculez no tiene limite y subio capturas de todo el mp de ban que envio el staff : https://imgur.com/a/CMJ76Xk 
Creyendose que era Katniss de los juegos del hambre, el grupo de la queja decidio seguir a su sinsajo Chloe y poner hilos aun mas pendejos que prometian salado y resultaron ser basura:
Me dio flojera buscar los demás y la mayoria ya tiene la cuenta privada porque cagones pero ni tan interesantes 
Fueron a eliminarse con todas sus multicuentas unos 30 usuarios calculo ( +100 cuentas porque imaginen tener que follirolear en TW con solo 1 pj, el horror ) entre los que habian amigos de, gente que creia que SD se moría con este drama y lameculos de idols kpop que por fin volvieron a Corea o Japón o de donde sean 
En el medio hubo un par de actitudes rancias como usar cuentas de fraternidades para dar retweet a sus hilos tirando kk, pelear hasta con sus sombras y empezar a planear un nuevo foro
Ese nuevo foro lo armaron en una semana y es State of Grace ( https://state-of-grace-rpg.foroactivo.com/ ) OTRO puto foro uni pero no tiene ni ambientacion decorativa
Lo gracioso es que leyendo normativa y sistemas hay un par de copypaste de lo de San Diego pero lo que es el peor chiste de la historia del rol : tienen la norma de priorizar temas privados para pasar el censo...la norma de la que se quejaron LUL.
El foro es un pedo en caja a nivel estetico y esta administrado por Cameron Ginny ( que todavia escribe con los pies ) Priscila Gia y Chloe por tanto tambien pedo en caja a nivel staff 
De momento ya tuvieron errores por no saber usar PA y favorecieron personajes de su grupo para reservar avatares asi que empezamos mal con Boston
Ampliaremos con mas drama de uniskk~ 
( o no porque paja )
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mariocki · 3 years
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Play for Today: Victims of Apartheid (BBC, 1978)
"He's scared shitless man, he thinks he's going to be arrested for sitting with white folks. He can't get used to the idea that in this country, there is no colour bar."
"There is no colour bar in this country! There is racialism, but there is no colour bar."
"You got racialism, who needs a colour bar?"
#play for today#Victims of apartheid#Single play#Tom Clarke#Stuart burge#john kani#John matshikiza#Coral atkins#Lionel ngakane#Holly Wilson#Philip barker#Minah bird#Mona Hammond#Peter Jeffrey#Peggy phango#Norma West#Jacqui cook#Oscar James#Cynthia Powell#Sonia Watson#Jamila massey#A brilliant‚ dense‚ thoroughly urgent script; as good as any that passed through the PfT studios; as important today‚ depressingly‚ as it#Was then. Yes‚ on one level‚ this is a direct criticism of apartheid and the crimes committed by that government and the impact on the#Victims; it is also‚ though‚ a biting stab at the institutionalised racism and unconscious bias at large in UK society in general and‚ more#Specifically‚ within anti racist circles: the white liberal paternalism and naval gazing against which Steve Biko had railed (his murder#Was still very fresh when this first aired) and which remains an issue in today's leftwing movements. Writer Clarke deftly skewers the self#Important white saviour narrative‚ or even the well meaning and decent but inherently racist type (Peter Jeffrey's anti apartheid clergyman#Who loves his black brothers but nonetheless fails to remember or correctly pronounce their names). There's anger here‚ of course‚ but also#Empathy and simple grief. The cast (including several actor writers from S. Africa‚ not least the late Matshikiza) are uniformly excellent#But it's Kani‚ in an astonishing performance that runs through a spectrum of emotions‚ who holds it all together like glue. A special thing
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gatutor · 5 years
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Norma Shearer-Huntley Gordon “Pleasure mad” 1923, de Reginald Barker.
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sadboymetalhours · 3 years
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my obsession w this man is out of control, everything he touches is GOLD... like if u ever see this man being featured on a song.. you'll have it on repeat for ever and ever. that being said, here is a playlist i made of songs (i hope i got em all..) featuring chino as well as some songs from his other groups :,) enjoy
(also a little bit of 'underrated' deftones songs but i have a million other playlists for them :,) )
caviar-dance gavin dance
shadows & light-saudade, chelsea wolfe
structure of love II (renholder remix)-VOWWS
surrender your sons-norma jean
razors.out-chino moreno
life off-mike shinoda, mgk
ever(foreign flag)-team sleep
brief exchange-chino moreno
GERONIMO-trippie redd, travis barker
reporgrammed to hate-whitechapel
embers-lamb of god
zombie eaters-lamb of god
blvd.nights-team sleep
right outside-anthony green
only one-methods of mayhem
will to die-strife
a day in the life of a poolshark(chino moreno remix)-idiot pilot
first commandment-soulfly
paralytic-dead poetic
if i could-tech n9ne
hit me where it hurts (toro y moi remix)-caroline polachek
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musical-dreamcasts · 2 years
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Starlight Express - Nancy Anderson (she/her) as Dinah the Dining Car, requested by anon
Birthday: April 22, 1972 (age 50)
Birth Place: Boston, Massachusetts
Theatre credits include: Lois Lane/Bianca (Kiss Me, Kate), Mona (A Class Act), Ensemble/Understudy Norma Desmond (Sunset Boulevard), George Read (1776), Violet Bick (A Wonderful Life), Bet (Oliver!), Emma Fairfax/Fox (Doctor Dolittle), Johanna Barker (Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street), Ilona Ritter (She Loves Me), Clara Oakes (A Man’s World), Little Dorritt (A Dangerous Personality)
(Pictured on the right is Rose Oullette, who played the role in the 30th anniversary Bochum production)
Credits: David Gordon, Unknown
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missternarrator · 2 years
Happy Endings Pt 2
Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader (Originally written on Wattpad by my account Mrs. Narrator. All in Deans POV)
After scarfing down some instant microwave bacon, I put on my work boots and got in my truck. An annoying creak sounding as I shut the door. As I turned the key, it let out a low rumble but nothing compared to Baby's. Now if course I still have her, she just retired when I did. The Impala sitting beautifully in my garage and waiting for our next job. Little does she know, that next job isn't coming. It never will.
I walked into the shop. Mr. Barker, my boss with a bald head and a silver beard, nodding at my presence, "Nice to see you on time today," He said in a gruff voice. Confused, I raised a brow, "I'm on time... everyday?" He laughed, it sounding similar to an old engine, small sputtering. "Of course Dean. Yet I notice your bags are getting darker. I'm just waiting for you to sleep in at some point. You should really work on that son." I rolled my eyes, wiping under my eyes, "I'll get enough when I am dead." "That can't be healthy," chimed in a familiar customer. Her hair silver and fine, out up into a bun. She peered up at me through her glasses with withered blues. I smiled and walked around the counter, "Eh, it's never been much of a concern. I've serviced through worse," I said checking her out. Her items being a Phillips and a couple screws. "Ms. Hayward? What are you needing a Phillips for?" I held up the items but keeping them out of reach. She let out a squeak for a giggle, "Just some home things~" "You better not be doing them yourself," I said I'm a playful scolding matter. Mr. Barton joined in from behind a shelf, "Norma," he called her by her first name. I always thought he was a massive flirt but always gets defensive when I mention it. Lets just say, this lady hangs out in the Hardware store more then I do. "I am not gonna have you going home to hurt yourself. Dean, take her home and fix whatever it is, will ya?" "Yes, sir." I said while Ms. Hayward protested, "No, no. You don't need to! I got my granddaughter coming over. She can do it." I shook my head with a small chuckle, "I can't have either of you doing that now..." I held her bag and opened the door for her, "We will take my truck."
Me and Mr. Barton got her mobile scooter hoisted and tied in the bed of my truck and we were off. The entire ride there, she was filling me in on her little granddaughter. Apparently she hasn't seen her a while and she was gonna be dropped off by family. I nodded and listened as she talked my ear off. Soon we made it to her home, I unloaded her scooter and walked inside.
Her home was bigger then I thought, quite open concept. I could see everything just in the entrance room. Two bedrooms closed off to the left and the kitchen, living room, and dining area were all connected to the right. "Now what are you needing fixed?" "Over here," she ushered me into the kitchen where I could see cabinets off their hinges. "What did you do here?" She lightly growled, "Damn hinges spun out. My last husband just rescrewed and rescrewed in the same hole. So now I need to make new ones..." I nodded, "I got some power drills in my truck. It'll make this then times faster."
After a couple minutes, I had all the hinges taken off their original doors and started drilling the new holes. The door opened, "Granny?" I couldn't hear it at the moment because of the drills whirring, " You better not be playing with power tools!" I heard the last part and looked up from my spot on the floor and peered over the kitchen island. That's when I noticed a woman with gorgeous (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) hair. She stared at me in shock as she could only see my eyes and up, "Oh sorry! I thought you-" "(y/n)!" Ms. Hayward called in excitement as she left her bedroom. During this I set down my drill and got up, dusting off my shirt and trying to make myself look presentable. Wait- why? This was different. (Y/n) looked at me with a small smile, "Um, Granny, who is this?" She gasped out, "Oh! This is Dean. Our local hardware boy-or man." she said with a wiggle. I couldnt stop the redness flushing my face, "Dean Winchester." I said, holding out my hand. The girl took it, "(y/f/n) (y/l/n)." Her hand was soft in my slightly calloused hands, the touch lingering as we slowly pulled away. I let out a short laugh, "So this your little granddaughter?" I asked, looking at the clear height difference, Ms. Hayward a good inches shorter. A small shade of red spread over (Y/n)'s face, "Granny! I'm 36! I'm not so little anymore!" I couldn't stop the smile spreading on my lips, so she is around my age. Stop.
Ms. Hayward let out a giggle, " Oh how the hell am I supposed to remember! Last I remember, you were 23!" (Y/n) let out a melodic laugh that sent something through me, "So... What's going on here? Or is this your new boyfriend?" I scratched the back of my head, walking back over to my area, "I was just repairing some things for her. No dating here." She smiled, "Good." My heart leapt into my chest. Her quickly finishing, "I-I dunno what I would have done if I found out my grandma was a cougar." I let out a nervous laugh as I picked up the cabinet doors, all with new hinge holes. "Ms. Hayward, I got these almost done. Your cabinet doors should be on soon enough." "Hallelujah! I called Jackson by the way," Mr. Barton, my boss's first name, "He knows you won't be back for a hot second." I I nodded, "Thank you but it won't take too long." not that I wasn't wanting to stick around longer now that ( Y/n) was here. Sadly, I was right. It only took about 5 minutes to have all of her cabinet doors screwed back on and useable.
I pulled up to my house, closing the truck door. Something felt different. As I walked up the stairs, I checked the time, "6:45? The hell? Where am I supposed to be?" I said to myself. In my thoughts, I kicked off my boots, sliding down my jeans and laying in bed.
Visit the bar
I remembered. I went to sit up but found myself unable to, my bed sheets and blankets holding onto me tightly. Again, I tried to get up but to no avail. Exhaustion set in, pulling at my eyelids. Fear filled me of Finally I quit fighting and just let it take me.
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academiaoscura · 4 years
2020 in books
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Twenty-twenty... a year full of tragedy and wreckage and surprisingly pleasant moments. Really makes you appreciate the present.
No one asked for this list, but this is what I read this year. Let me know if you’re curious about any of them and would like to know my opinion. Happy New Year, everyone. May this new year bring success, health and joy.
January - two books: 
“The Aleph and Other Stories” by Jorge Luis Borges
“The Sappho History” by Margaret Reynolds
February - four books:
“Dreamers” by Yuyi Morales
“With a Little Help from My Friends” by John Lennon
“The Well of Loneliness” by Radclyffe Hall
“On Being Different: What It Means to Be a Homosexual” by Merle Miller
March - four books:
“Geopolitics” by Saul Bernard Cohen
“The Vegetarian” by Han Kang
“The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali” by Sabina Khan
“Catch and Kill” by Ronan Farrow
April - two books:
“Carry On” by Rainbow Rowell
“Wayward Son” by Rainbow Rowell
May - twenty-one books:
“Reflection” by Elizabeth Lim
“Venus in Retrograde” by Susan Lilley
“Cults Uncovered” by Emily G. Thompson
“Loki: The God Who Fell to Earth” by Daniel Kibblesmith
“Stories” by Katherine Mansfield
“The Secret History” by Donna Tartt
“The Silence of the Girls” by Pat Barker
“Unsolved Murders” by Emily G. Thompson
“Pan’s Labyrinth” by Guillermo del Toro
“Daytripper 1-10″ by Fabio Moon
“Happy and You Know It” by Laura Hankin
“Latin American Folktales” by John Bierhorst
June - nine books:
“Gender” by Meg-John Barker
“The Red Pyramid” by Rick Riordan
“The Lightning Thief” by Rick Riordan
“The Sea of Monsters” by Rick Riordan
“The Titan’s Curse” by Rick Riordan
“The Stockholm Octavo” by Karen Engelmann
“Poems” by Sappho
“The Library Book” by Susan Orlean
“The Manson Women and Me” by Nikki Meredith
July - five books:
“The New York Times Book of Crime” by Kevin Flynn
“Essential Thor, Vol. 3″ by Stan Lee
“The Paris Hours” by Alex George
“Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?” by Jeanette Winterson
“Erotic Poems” by E.E. Cummings
August - seven books:
“Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit” by Jeanette Winterson
“Crier’s War” by Nina Varela
“Autobiography in Red” by Anne Carson
“The Beauty in Breaking” by Michele Harper
“Sex and Lies” by Leila Slimani
“Black Chalk” by Christopher J. Yates
“Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” by Caitlin Doughty
September - five books:
“I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up” by Kodama Naoko
“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Vol. 1″ by Naoko Takeuchi
“Gold Dust Woman” by Stephen Davis
“Hurricane Child” by Kacen Callender
“Coraline” by Neil Gaiman
October - six books:
“Mythology” by Edith Hamilton
“The Pagan Book of Living and Dying” by Starhawk
“The Night of the Gun” by David Carr
“Interview with the Vampire” by Anne Rice
“Restaurant to Another World Vol. 1″ by Junpei Inuzuka
“Of Light and Darkness” by Shayne Leighton
November - six books: 
“Beneath a Ruthless Sun” by Gilbert King
“Frankissstein” by Jeanette Winterson
“A Burning” by Megha Majumdar
“Dionysos: Exciter to Frenzy” by Vikki Bramshaw
“Norma Jean Baker of Troy” by Anne Carson
“In the Dream House” by Carmen Maria Machado
December - six books:
“The Virgin Suicides” by Jeffrey Eugenides
“The Penguin Book of Mermaids” by Cristina Bacchilega
“Thirst” by Mary Oliver
“Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon #2” by Naoki Takeuchi
“Dance in Classical Greece” by Alkis Raftis
“Howl and Other Poems” by Allen Ginsberg
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