#Nordic Myth
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doubtspirit · 6 days ago
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Freyr riding Gullinbursti, bringing the seeds of spring. Artwork by Svart Snø
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doctorbleed · 1 year ago
Norse Mythology AU where Loki tries to assassinate Baldur but fucks up and confuses mistletoe with holly, and Ragnarok never happens.
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corythesaxon · 10 months ago
Here’s some screenshots from the game Bramble: The Mountain King.
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I remember when this game was called Vaesen and I even signed up to play the demo back in 2018. BUT now it’s called this.
While the game is beautiful and full of some of my favorite Nordic folklore beings the game is frustrating and janky.
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vanilla-cigarillos · 2 years ago
Sámi Creation Myths
Within the Sámi animistic view, the Sun and the Earth were the first in existence. The Sun is the father and the Earth is the mother of all. These two entities gave birth to the creatures that now roam the earth.
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Every thing has descended from the divine, not just been created. The Sun and the Earth also had a Son and Daughter. These were also notable legendary figures, semi-divine and curious of the new world.
In searching, the Son found another world beyond the Sun and Moon. The Sun does not shine here. In fact, the rays of the Sun destroy the brothers of the giant maiden, “…The Suns rays melt them/Turn their foreheads to stone…” (Gaski, 101). From this we may assume that the Sun did not create the giants or the land that they inhabit. There are other creative forces for life in the universe, not just the children of the Sun. By mixing his blood with the giantess, the Son created the Gállá-bártnit, a new people on the earth. From these new people came forth the Sámi as descendants. 
This creates the idea of the Sun and Earth as parents, rather than creators. The Sámi worldview allows for other races of people and origins to exist. It is a worldview for their people, tolerant of others and able to accept new ideas from outside perspectives.
For the Sámi, they exist because of a physical union. The Gállá-bártnit are their ancestors. They married and had children that became the Sámi themselves. The Gállá-bártnit exist because of the Son of the Sun and his bride. With this we see the strong emphasis on relationships and unions between people.
In the Sámi creation myths, women are equal to men. In the beginning of it all there is the Sun, a father, and the Earth, a mother, for all creatures. There is not the interpretation of a single male god to be found within Sámi myths. In “The Son of the Sun’s Courting in the Land of the Giants” the maiden is not weak or subordinate. The Son is not seeking a servile bride. He is looking for a companion, someone to bolster him when he needs it and to share in the joys in his life. 
The Daughter of the Sun is an extremely important figure, a benevolent spirit for the Sámi who tries to protect them. She is “… the Sámi people’s best ambassador to the powerful force of the Sun…”(Gaski, 81) The anxiety of the poem is because the Daughter of the Sun often intercedes on the people’s behalf, and with her imminent passing, she fears for the future of her people. She is an extremely important figure to the Sámi, equal in stature to any of the other heroic forebears. All of this leads to an idea of equality between genders in the community. Labor may still be divided within Sámi society, however there is no subjugation or subordination to be imposed based on religious belief.
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decodedparagram · 6 months ago
Honestly I think every greek mythology enthusiast here should watch destripando la historia con pascu y rodri, it's a YouTube channel where the two creators make animations (and when I say animations I mean animations) explaining the different mythos of greek gods (and sometimes Nordic and Egyptian ones too!) with songs in the background. You could call what they do animatics but they change the lyrics of the song to tell the stories better and THEY ARE SO FUCKING GOOD I SWEAR PLEASE WATCH THEIR VIDEOS
This is their channel
I'm going to link some of my favourites under the cut
This one is hermes (my personal favourite)
This one's Horus and the latest that they have dropped!
This one's athena
And Aphrodite!
(this ones catchy as fuck)
But I recommend greatly to just check their channel out if you want
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maepolzine · 9 months ago
My Thoughts on The Mist Thief (The Ever Seas, Book 3) by LJ Andrews
Sharing my thoughts on the Mist Thief, the third installment of the Ever Seas series, by LJ Andrews. I was fortunate enough to receive a copy before it's release and I loved every minute of reading it!
I love the Broken Kingdoms series by LJ Andrews and the Ever Seas books that were focused on Erik and Livia, so when The Mist Thief had been originally announced it was in my wishlist. Especially when I learned this book was following Jonas, the son of Kase and Malin from the Cinderella section of the Broken Kingdom, and Skadi, who was the princess of the shadow elves. I knew there was more to…
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broomsick · 7 months ago
Depictions of norse myth & folklore you may not have seen before
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Dagr and Nótt (Day & Night, Peter Nicolai Arbo, 1874)
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Thor Drives the Dwarves out of Scandinavia (Richard Doyle, 1878)
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Håkon the Good (Peter Nicolai Arbo, 1860)
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The Völva's Prophecy (Knud Baade, 1843)
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Frigga's temple, flanked by runic stones in the holy grove of Uppsala (Scenery for the Opera Frigga by artist Louis-Jean Desprez, 1787)
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Urnes Stave Church in Sogn (Knud Baade, 1843)
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snakesandstone · 6 months ago
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madcat-world · 2 months ago
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NWN Tyr’s Protection - Naihaan
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overwatchfanskinarchive · 4 months ago
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Norse Skins by Elisa Orloff/orloffel
Loki Moira (tumblr/artstation)
Jörð Zarya (tumblr/artstation)
Skadi Mei (artstation)
like and reblog the original posts linked above, not this post
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hollustu · 11 days ago
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HOLLUSTU.   is   a   private  ,  mutuals   only   roleplay   blog   for   SIGYN  ,  THE   GODDESS   OF   FIDELITY.   taking   inspiration   from   nordic   lore  ,  marvel   comics   but   writing   her   with   my   own   take   and   interpretation.   both   the   mun   and   muse   are   31+.   this   blog   will   contain   mature   themes   and   potentially   triggering   content.   you   must   be   21+   to   interact.   no   exceptions.   personal   blogs   to   not   inquire.
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rrcraft-and-lore · 7 months ago
You know the Norse 9 realms perhaps. Yggdrasil, the world tree. But the idea of a world tree, cosmic tree, exists in many cultures/mythos. But what of the Vedic 14 realms? The Lokas.
Let's discuss.
As said, there are 14 worlds/realms 7 higher ones 7 lower ones.
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We're not using Terrance Howard math here.
Okay. These are the Vedic lokas (because there is a more commonly accepted number in Hinduism - nuance moment: commonly accepted, doesn't mean it's believed in totality by everyone).
K, back to the 14 first.
The higher 7 lokas are said to be the heavens, inhabited by the gods and celestial beings more affiliated/closer to "truth" - in vedic and hindu terms, this is idea of divine truth, waking up to the realizations of the universe - maya (the grand illusion), think more awakened, fully formed, wise, have achieved some form of spiritual liberation from ego and the like). And to counter - the 7 lower are often thought of as "hells" - not exactly fire and brimstone but where you suffer the consequences of bad karma, having to live out/purify yourself.
In some iterations, yes, hellish beings to use that phrase, and demons (of a like) can occupy those lower lokas.
As mentioned earlier, in Hinduism, one of the most common take on the lokas is the: Trailokya.
Or three lokas, three spheres, planes of existence, three worlds, often considered: Earth (Bhuloka), Heaven (Svarga), Hell (Naraka), or - Earth (Bhuloka), Heaven (Svarga), and the Netherworld (Patala).
This is just a primer - because of the birth of Buddhism and it's spread, the idea of lokas spread as well to cultures that later adopted Buddhism. So there is a Tibetan Buddhist take on lokas, a Chinese Buddhist one, Vietnamese, and there is even a Jainism interpretation/belief on lokas.
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ksanzo · 1 year ago
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Happy Almost 2024! Very pleased with these three new prints for 2024!
Three new designs: - My annual Loki Kintsugi print for 2024 encompassing the idea that we can root and flourish. - To ring in The Year of the Wood Dragon- a dragon coiled about a beautiful tree- its horns mimicking the branches and its tail curled in the roots (I'm a dragon myself so I'm pretty thrilled I got to do this :>) - Lastly a devotional print for Bast featuring some of her symbols- onions, hibiscus, perfume, kittens (for children)- and of course Bast herself loosely based off an Egyptian Mau :> You can find them at biolumenpress(dot)com :>
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nabaath-areng · 20 days ago
Looking back, it makes sense that I have a thing for male characters whose beauty could start wars. After all, I was raised with stories including those about Näcken that in my area describe him as man so beautiful and with music so haunting that it lures people closer and to their drowning deaths.
Like if you're a queer freak from birth like me, the existence of a devastatingly beautiful naked twink playing violin in streams and riverbends to kill people WILL alter your brain chemistry forevermore.
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dream-about-dancing · 10 months ago
I saw a really funny post in which a Russian man bitches about the Rusalka in his backyard and how the house of his neighbour shits in his backyard (Baba Yaga) and that gave me an idea.
Alien wants to take over the earth. Normal animals are horrible but mythological are even worse.
What do you mean you this creature will give us a riddle?
Why should we afraid of this big snake?
Why are the humans afraid of these little human girls?
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dvktheartist · 19 days ago
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Alviva, The Watcher of Fates
She does not carry the fallen to Valhalla—she carries their stories. In her luminous armor, cityscapes rise and fall, reflecting the lives she watches from above. A Valkyrie not of war, but of fate itself. Somewhere, in the book she writes, a name is already inscribed. Will it be yours?
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