#Non-toxic pet hair remover
fadandfickle · 5 months
Pet Hair Laundry Hacks: Remove Fur with FurZapper
New post on Fad & Fickle! #laundryhack
Pet hair laundry hacks include the FurZapper Pet Hair Remover for Laundry, a non-toxic and reusable tool that effectively removes pet fur, hair, lint, dander, and more from your clothes and laundry. With its innovative design and easy-to-use functionality, this product has gained popularity among pet owners. In this review, I will share my personal experience with the FurZapper and provide…
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sansaorgana · 2 months
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PAIRING — Na-Baron Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x fem!Reader
SUMMARY — As Feyd-Rautha's favourite concubine, your position is threatened after his affair with Lady Margot.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Once again I couldn't help myself and created some twisted & toxic dynamic between Feyd and The Reader full of mind games and scheming lol 😏 Thank you @little-diable for "letting me" to write this story. 🌹 I reached out to her after getting this request since she has a similar (and amazing) fanfic – "Guilt".
WARNINGS — Reader is some sort of a slave/servant, harm to Lady Margot and her child mentioned, mentions of sexual activities including non/dub-con (no actual smut)
WORD COUNT — 3,520
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Being Feyd-Rautha’s favourite concubine made your position on Giedi Prime secure. Coming from nothing and having no drop of noble blood flowing in your veins, you ended up with a luxurious bedroom and your own team of servants. Baron Harkonnen allowed this arrangement only because of the little agreement between you and him – you were to spy on his nephew and your servants were doing the job when you personally could not. The stench of schemes and lies surrounded the fortress like a thick fog.
So, when your lover didn’t come to you after his own birthday party – even though you were waiting for him all dressed up and prepared – you wanted to know why. Your servants came back to you quickly, bringing you the news of Feyd-Rautha spending the night in a guest wing. In the bedroom of Lady Margot Fenring, to be exact. A known Bene Gesserit sister.
Concubines had no right to be jealous. They knew their place. Noblemen couldn’t marry a random woman they favoured just because of some sort of affection or sentiment. They had to keep their options open in case a political union would be proposed. And apart from that, noblemen had their responsibilities when it came to the Bene Gesserit order and their own plans and schemes. You knew enough to have a feeling what Lady Margot wanted from Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. To secure his bloodline.
Concubines didn’t exist to secure bloodlines – unless the circumstances were desperate. But usually, concubines existed to bear bastards.
You tore your dress off of your body, removed the jewellery and let it fall down on the cold, black marble as it shattered. The servants watched with terror in their eyes as tiny pieces of gemstones scattered all over the floor. You told them all to leave but they were petrified. So you yelled, you gave an order. And only when you were left alone, you allowed yourself to lay on your bed and cry.
You had sacrificed nearly everything to be in this position. Losing the title of Feyd-Rautha’s favourite concubine meant death to you. You knew what he was doing to the toys he was getting bored of. In fact, you often encouraged those acts. Now, you had to face a threat of becoming the next tossed aside pet.
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You were finishing your breakfast when Feyd entered your chambers without a word or a knock upon the doors. He was the only person allowed such entrance and all your servants stiffened at the sight of him, bowing their heads and taking a few steps back. You decided to ignore him as you were sipping on your beverage and staring at the large painting on the wall in front of you. It was a landscape from your homeplanet. Or rather, how it had used to look like before The Harkonnen invasion and occupation.
As a little girl, you had been taken with others to Giedi Prime and forced to become a servant. Your hair had been shaved, the back of your neck tattooed with a Harkonnen sigil like you were a slave. Slaves died like flies on this court. Befriending the young na-baron had been your only chance of survival. And once you both had been old enough, the friendship developed into a romance. But sometimes, when you were forgetting yourself – too drunk on your own influence these days – you would touch the back of your neck and trace the tattooed mark. You had long hair again, covering it from the world. But you knew it was there. You were only a servant that had been promoted because of a spoiled boy’s whim.
“I have news for you, pet,” Feyd-Rautha stood above you with a proud smirk, showing off his black teeth.
You continued to ignore him and it made the smile turn into a frown.
“What is it?” He asked but you still refused to lay your eyes on him.
“I know where you were last night,” you finally decided to address the matter as you lazily leaned back on the chair and looked up at his face. He snorted at you.
“Not the first time I spent a night with another woman. Having a title of my favourite whore means that you are one of many – not the only one,” he reminded you and your jaw clenched at his choice of words.
“Not every night is your birthday. And not every woman is a Bene Gesserit witch,” you stood up angrily. “And I am not a whore.”
“Concubine is only a nicer way to put it but you’re big enough to handle the truth, pet,” Feyd was angered, you could sense that. But he was still amused by your little tantrum.
“Leave us,” you ordered to the servants and they bowed down before walking out of the chambers as fast as possible.
“What do you expect me to say? That I’m sorry?” Feyd’s voice was full of contempt as he observed your pacing around with squinted eyes. “I am not tied to you by any word nor oath.”
“What did she want?” You asked him and he shut his mouth. “She wanted to secure the bloodline, did she not?”
Feyd did not say anything and that was an answer for you. You nodded and walked away to stand by the window and gaze upon the cityscape of Giedi Prime. 
“I didn’t have a choice. And I probably will never even see that child. They mean nothing to me and will never be recognised as my heir. What does it matter to you?” Feyd tried to explain himself awkwardly as he sat by the table and put his feet up on the surface in a careless manner.
“Did she use The Voice on you?” You turned around to look at him with a furrowed brow.
“Yes,” Feyd nodded, looking away. “Does it change anything?”
“It changes everything to me,” you approached him to stand behind and put your hands on his tense shoulders. “They keep using you. Your uncle all this time, now her. And you just shake it off and pretend it’s no big deal but it is, Feyd-Rautha. Have you ever been able to make your own decision? Even choosing me as your favourite had to be accepted by The Baron.”
“Don’t pretend to suddenly care about me,” Feyd barked at you. “You’re spying on me for him.”
“Because I have to,” you whispered.
“And I have to do some things, too, which makes us fair,” he shrugged his arms and you let your hands fall to your sides again. You watched him reach for an orange as he began to peel it slowly in silence.
He was right but it was not enough for you to know that he was right. You were still raging inside; filled with jealousy and betrayal even though you had no right to feel these things. Swiftly, you reached out for a short knife that Feyd always carried by his waist. He was so relaxed and trustful around you that his reflexes didn’t catch on your actions. 
You pressed the tip of the blade to the back of his neck, the exact same spot where your tattoo was.
“I wish I could mark you as my own, too,” you whispered and he only chuckled, not fearing the knife at all.
“Do it then, pet. If that brings you relief, that is,” he dared you. “The pain will be welcomed.”
“I can’t do it,” your hand shivered as you lowered it.
“Then don’t threaten me with empty promises,” Feyd barked as he turned around rapidly and grabbed your wrist. He twisted it painfully, making you drop the knife as you hissed out of pain. “I don’t belong to you,” he reminded, his voice cold and sharp. You winced at the pain shooting up your arm but refused to show weakness.
“And I don't belong to you either,” you shot back, your voice trembling with anger and hurt you had been suppressing. “If I am to live here my whole life like a slave, kill me then.”
For a moment, you just stood there, staring at each other with hatred and passion as the tension crackled between you two like electricity. Finally, Feyd released your wrist with a dismissive shove, his expression hardening into a mask of indifference.
"Fine," he spat. "I am to inherit Arrakis and you are not coming with me. Stay here and rot, find yourself a new Master or leave, I do not care," he informed you and left your chambers just like that.
You were still standing there, petrified, as you blinked a few times before the meaning of his words made sense to you. He was abandoning you… but you couldn’t blame him. You showed weakness of your jealousy and that was something concubines were not supposed to do. Instead of playing your cards right, you snapped. And now there was no turning back from that mistake.
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Your privileges were not gone overnight but everyone could see that something was wrong. While Feyd-Rautha was preparing to leave for Arrakis, you were not preparing at all. Your servants were nervous since their position depended on your own. And you were trying to work on a plan to be back in your lover’s good favours.
But The Baron was quicker than that. He requested your presence a few days before his nephew’s departure. You expected a punishment but, surprisingly, he was not as angry as you thought him to be.
“You lost the grip,” he informed you in his raspy voice, taking a puff of his pipe.
“I am sorry, my Lord,” you bowed down, nervously; humiliated.
“I should get rid of you. I’ve heard my nephew granted you freedom but we both know you have nowhere to go anyway,” The Baron pointed out and you swallowed thickly at his words.
“If I was only given one more chance…” You dared to look up.
“That is what I want to grant you,” he nodded as your eyes widened. Baron Harkonnen was not known for being generous or forgiving. “You see, on Arrakis I will need a spy next to Feyd-Rautha. Someone I trust. And you… We’ve worked for quite a long time now. You have never disappointed me nor showed any sign of disloyalty towards me. Looking for someone new, especially for such an important task… It would not be advised. I need you on Arrakis with Feyd-Rautha,” The Baron pointed his chubby hand at you.
“I understand, my Lord. But… He does not want me there. Not as his concubine at least,” you looked down, ashamed that you had to admit it out loud.
“That boy will soon start missing you. But we can’t wait until then,” The Baron agreed. “Since he has carelessly given you freedom already and you’re no longer a servant, I can promote you, child,” The Baron hummed to himself as you tilted your head out of curiosity – Feyd-Rautha’s habit you had picked up from him a long time ago.
Because your whole life had been about being his companion. It was about mimicking his behaviour and learning how to make him happy. Now, when he was somehow gone from your daily life routine, it felt oddly empty and pointless. It was painful to realise that Feyd-Rautha was your reason to live and your position as his concubine defined not only your position on Giedi Prime but also your whole life and personality.
“You will be sent to Arrakis as The Fremen Expert,” The Baron informed you and you couldn’t help letting out a little laugh.
“The Fremen Expert, my Lord? I do know nothing of them and their customs,” you reminded him.
“And we do not care about them nor their customs. We want nothing but annihilation of their race. But what we also want… What we need… Is your presence on Arrakis. Feyd-Rautha will be informed that you must take part in every council, in every meeting; making decisions alongside his generals,” The Baron whispered and you straightened yourself, suddenly feeling a bolt of electricity going through your veins. From feeling like a beaten dog, you began to feel confidence and pride in your new role, even if the title was made up for The Baron’s scheming plan.
“Yes, my Lord,” you bowed down with all respect.
“Now, go, prepare yourself for the trip,” he dismissed you and you turned around to walk away with your head held high.
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Feyd-Rautha kept avoiding you but those few times you saw him in the corridor, he was giving you hateful looks. He had to be not very pleased with his uncle’s decision. You gained the courage to finally talk to him in private when you were on the ship to Arrakis, locked together in space with nowhere to run. Forced to spend time together since the ship was not as huge as the Giedi Prime fortress.
You chose the nighttime for this. In the evenings he was more vulnerable – you had learnt that over the years spent by his side. You entered his room on the ship without any guard stopping you as they knew your role in this mission. The Baron had given them direct orders to never stop you when you were about to spy on the na-baron.
Feyd was not in the room yet, so you waited, sitting on the armchair and nervously playing with the rings on your fingers.
“What are you doing here?” You finally heard his raspy voice after the doors opened. Feyd walked inside, visibly irritated at the sight of you. “Congratulations, you’re a full-time spy now. What a promotion,” he sneered. “Still his puppet.”
“And you’re not? His puppet?” You sneered back. “How does it feel to not be able to get rid of your own concubine just because The Baron does not approve? I told you. You can’t even choose the whores for yourselves,” you stood up to approach him but he walked away.
“You’ve sealed your fate, pet. Once I become The Baron myself, I am going to kill you,” he ignored your presence and began undressing to change into his nighttime attire. As if you were only an air in the room but it also meant that he still felt comfortable around you and allowed himself to be vulnerable enough to step out of his armour and expose. He trusted you, still.
“It’s not like I’m that valuable to your uncle. If you killed me now, he would be frustrated. But he wouldn’t even punish you for that,” you shrugged your arms. “So why won’t you kill me now?” You teased as you raised your eyebrow at him.
“Come here,” Feyd ordered as he sat on the edge of his bed. 
You walked up to him, a little scared of what was inside his head at that moment but you tried not to show it. You had mastered the act of not showing fear around him already. He hated cowardice and vulnerability only inspired him to be even more cruel.
“Since I can’t get rid of you, there’s still use of you, is it not?” He smirked as he looked up at you. “Please me, pet,” he ordered.
“I am no longer your concubine,” you pointed out, trying to keep a poker face on and a straight back. The truth was, you missed him. You missed his touch, you missed the intimacy, you missed how safe you felt with his arms around you. You missed the nights when he would fall asleep in your bed. But you couldn’t fall back so easily. He liked to chase, he liked to play. And you had gotten the title of his favourite because you knew how to provide it. “You dismissed me. I am The Fremen Expert now,” you added and he laughed contemptuously.
“The Fremen Expert, and what is that exactly, my little one?” He teased, pulling you closer by your waist. “And what do you know of these savages? You’ve been trained in different arts.”
“What sort of arts, na-baron?” You asked, placing your fingers on his muscular shoulders to keep steady on your feet.
“Pleasure,” he sat you down on his lap and you joined your hands together behind his neck. “I missed your cunt,” he whispered into your ear, his fingers pulled on the fabric of your dress around your hips, exposing your thighs.
“You forget yourself, my Lord,” you teased with a smirk as he looked up, questioningly. “You see, in your anger, you set me free. You released me and I am no longer your servant. I am my own person now,” you reminded him.
“I am still your lord na-baron,” he reminded you. “And I shall do as I please with you.”
“But having me back in your bed will cost you. I am not free of charge anymore,” you stopped his hands and watched his expression carefully. His jaw clenched and his gaze hardened with anger and curiosity.
“What do you want?” He asked harshly.
“Depends on how much you are willing to pay to feel my sweet cunt again,” you tilted your head.
You knew that it was just a game and he knew it, too. Because he didn’t need your permission. Feyd-Rautha didn’t care if you were his servant or a free woman now. He didn’t care if you gave him your permission or not. He was free to take what he wanted. Because that was his nature and that was the harsh reality of The Harkonnens.
“You want money?” Feyd could not hide the sheer disappointment in his voice. He had thought better of you. But you only laughed at his accusation.
You needed to take a deep breath in to say out loud what you wanted. It required lots of bravery for a woman in your position to say.
“I want to bear your heir,” you told him.
“Impossible,” Feyd pushed you aside on the mattress as he moved away from you. “Is it part of his plan?”
“He doesn’t know. He would kill me if he knew,” you assured him, truthfully. “He wants you for Princess Irulan, I think.”
“He mentioned to me he would make me an Emperor. But he didn’t mention how. I don’t think I have to marry her. We are strong enough to just take the throne with force,” Feyd told you. “I don't want her. But you cannot bear me heirs. Only bastards. Is that what you want? To push out my bastards?” He asked as he hovered over you to intimidate you, looking intensely into your eyes.
“Bastards, then. Let it be,” you nodded, swallowing thickly, confusing him. “I’d rather give you bastards and live on crumbs than to be dismissed like in the past few weeks.”
Suddenly, his face softened, confusing you as much as you were confusing him. Feyd caressed your cheek with gentleness that was unusual for him.
“Do you know why you are my favourite?” He asked in a whisper.
“Because I know how to play the way you like it,” you answered.
“No,” he shook his head. “Because you actually like me.”
You didn’t know what to say to this confession. It caught you off guard, surely. And Feyd leaning in to place a kiss upon your lips – a soft, delicate kiss that you had only shared a few times before – that only intensified the feeling of confusion.
“It’s cute to see you jealous, pet,” he breathed out after breaking the unusual kiss. “I swore to myself a long time ago I would never marry even if he forced me to. And my only heirs will be the bastards you bear me.”
You felt warmth in your cheeks at his words. Realising that what you had been asking for did not have to be said out loud. For him it had been obvious for a long time. It was the only way for Feyd-Rautha and you were a fool to ever feel jealous.
“All you have to do,” he added in a mysterious whisper, leaning in to steal another kiss, “is to help me with bringing him down.”
“You fool,” you giggled and cupped his face delicately, confusing him. “It has always been my plan,” you assured him. “And once I have the power of The Emperor’s Concubine, I will hunt down the Bene Gesserit witch and her spawn for I am the only one who shall bear your bastards.”
“You were such an innocent child when you came to Giedi Prime,” Feyd sighed but not without an excited sparkle in his cold eyes. “And look what a monster I have made of you, pet.”
You chuckled at that, relieved to have him back and much more than that – already planning out a future that was even more promising than in your most secret daydreams.
“You taught me well, Master,” you only said and pulled him back down. “But next time you put a child in another woman, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to father any more,” you threatened sweetly before a passionate kiss.
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etheries1015 · 4 months
As requested by @mellowwillowy who asked me to do some dark Yandere content. I'm gonna try my best, but be prepared to probably be incredibly disappointed since I've never written Yandere stuff and it's not my forte. Really went out of my comfort zone for this one LMAO.
Featuring: Yandere!Jade, Yandere! General Lilia, Yandere! crowley
TW: DARK CONTENT. Non-consensual, Stalking and obsessive behavior, Sexual assault, hair pulling, mentions of cannibalism, reader locked up, toxic relationships, toxic behavior, degradation, manipulation, hair pulling, abuse, forced "pregnancy" Although only mentioned as being pregnant not describing gender or sex.
anybody experiencing such things in real life, please reach out for help <3
WARNING: I don't typically write stuff like this on my blog, so I will say this now: Any hateful comments WILL IMMEDIATELY BE BLOCKED. If you decide to read from here on out, that is ON YOU. I will NOT tolerate any bullying, harassment, or negativity. These are EXTREMELY sensitive and triggering topics and you have been thoroughly warned.
Yandere! General Lilia
♡ Yandere! General Lilia who found you at your most vulnerable. You were on the ground after being left behind by your comrades, frail and barely moving. He looked down at you with pity in his eyes, using the tip of his foot to lift your head to look up at him. While you sneered at him with distaste, a dark idea flooded his mind. Lilia smirked down at your body before stepping on the top of your head, pushing it into the mud.
♡ "Poor, pathetic human...Look how they left you behind..." He removed his foot and bent down to your level, using his hand to grab you by the hair and lift your bloodied face. "Ohh..if we clean up this blood, I'm sure you're not a horrible sight to look at. How about I take you in? As my little human 'pet'?"
♡ You didn't have a choice. Lilia was eager to knock you out and drag you to a misshapen house that was obviously thrown together on a whim, throwing you inside. He cleaned you up while you were passed out, noting all your properties. You were unaware of this, though. He convinced you that you had simply passed out and he had kindly lay you to rest upon the bed. What a liar.
♡ the first week while you were too weak to move, Lilia would keep you in a warm bed and spoon-feed you food. Although he often seemed cold, you would describe him as warm at the time. It was shocking how kind this fae could be, too kind, really.
♡ He practically nursed you back to health and you completely forgot about the fact he had dragged you there in the first place. A fae helping a human seemed out of bounds, but he was just so...different. So you thought.
♡ Although, he thought you were escaping once when you stepped outside of the home for the first time simply for some fresh air. He quickly let down the facade he had held and gave you a reminder of why you shouldn't trust him.
♡ He'd punish you by pulling you by the hair and dragging you back into the house kicking and screaming, placing you in front the mirror nearby. He would force you to look up while he degraded you.
♡ "See this?" He grabbed you by the cheeks roughly, pressing hard, "Who would want a pathetic and ugly human such as yourself? what do you think will happen when you go out? You will be left behind just like they did before." He let go, a smile replacing his anger, "But not me...I told you if you stayed here nothing bad would happen, but you were trying to leave me, weren't you?"
♡ No matter how much you cried and told him that wasn't your intention, Lilia tsked and refused to believe you.
♡ As a continued punishment for your defiance and retorts, General Lilia would roughly tear your clothes off and force you to look in the mirror as he violated you. Your hands were bound with magic and your mouth gagged, Lilia pulling your legs apart roughly and unzipping his pants.
♡ "How does it feel to be filled to the brim by a fae? It must feel better than any human could ever make you feel. If you stay, You get to feel like this all the time...any human would be elated, wouldn't you agree?"
♡ "We would make such beautiful mixed children, wouldn't we?" He groaned as he came into you for the 6th time that night of your punishment pressing his hand against your stomach, "right here. Swollen with bastard children..."
♡ After your attempted "escape", you were chained up and typically naked. He would feed you, cleanse you, and bring you random gifts and food...Truly keeping his word on treating you as if you were his pet. It was debilitating.
♡ If you were good, he would let you sleep in that warm bed that you first got to sleep in upon arriving. He'd even sleep with you...not without his hands wandering around your body and having his way with you a time or two.
♡ He makes a point to frequently shower you with gifts and affection, even bringing you clothing and allowing you to walk around the house.
♡ On other days he reminds you of how useless you are as a human, reminding you how he found you and kindly took you in when you were abandoned
♡ Tells you how much he loves you and going back would never do you any good... you could never leave his side.
not like he'd let you any time soon, anyway.
Yandere! Jade
♡ He starts out by watching you from afar, admiring you. You always felt his stare at times, but you could never quite see him or put your finger on it.
♡ You will find random things inside your locker. They started out innocent enough, cards professing love for you, flowers, random things he would find in the mountains. You thought it was rather cute, even if you couldn't tell who was leaving it behind for you to find.
♡ Then soon it progressed to photos he took of you with notes on the back. The first time you pulled out a photo of yourself anticipating a letter, your smile quickly dropped. Jade, however, was smiling in the corner watching you unravel his plan.
♡ One was a picture of you changing through a window of Ramshackle, behind the letter is said "Every part of you is my favorite, but I'm particularly fond of your bare legs."
♡ This becomes incredibly worrying to you. You still weren't sure who this mystery person was, and of course you went to someone you were close to for advice. That person was Jade, as he predicted enough.
♡ He's your white knight. He acts all worried and panicked on your behalf, stating he would "take care of it." After about a week when the letters and pictures stopped, you thanked him with a hug.
♡ that single hug sent shivers down Jade's spine. Just being in close contact with you in terms of an embrace wasn't enough...he found himself quickly rushing to the bathroom to release himself, pulling out his phone using the same filthy pictures he took of you to pump his cock dry.
♡ His behavior only worsened from there. That single hug gave him this itchy feeling that wouldn't leave him about being close to you- soon noticing other items of yours going missing. Your underwear, specifically.
♡ You thought it was only a little bit weird when he gifted you a set of new underwear, but you talked it up to just being super close with Jade and he was trying to be helpful with your missing hosiery and was sympathetic to your issue.
♡ Upon visiting his dorm room, you took notice of a specific notebook. He had walked out per Azuls request for assistance, and you took this opportunity to snoop around. Inside this notebook, you found a bunch of pictures of you- ranging from the ones you saw in your locker, to other more disturbing photos such as your sleeping form in revealing night clothing and one in which you were preparing for a bath.
♡ The dread truly set in once you read all sorts of insane things Jade had put, but one that stood out to you the most was an entry in which he detailed how if he couldn't have you, he would have to chop you up and put you in his favorite dishes to fully make you one with him.
♡ "I've never felt more connected with someone before. I know we must truly be fated for one another, and I can't bear this burning in my heart to have them nearby. Perhaps in order to fully reach a level of togetherness, the only way to become truly one with one another is if I were to cut them up and consume-"
♡ You wanted to throw up. You had to stop reading, but before you even had the chance to react, the unexpected occurred.
♡ "I see you've found my little secret," A voice from behind you startled you, dropping the notebook and stared up at the tall male with a deadly pale face and dreaded wide eyes. His expression was difficult to read with an uneasy smile spreading cheek to cheek
♡ "What happens from this moment on," He said, grabbing you by the chin and leaning into your face, "Is entirely up to you."
Yandere! Crowley
♡ You had always been seen as Crowleys favorite. It wasn't like he made it particularly difficult to tell, the way the students would spot his crows anywhere you were.
♡ He was constantly monitoring your every move. If you were with someone else, he'd always inquire to you about your conversations and why you were so engaged in talking with someone other than himself.
♡ "Don't you think you're getting too close to my students?" He pouted, "I think this was a bad idea. How about I allow you to stay with me? Oh, how kind I am to invite you open arms into my home!"
♡ It really wouldn't be much different than now. You were always aware that he watched your every move- the crows in your window while you were stripping for bed were an obvious sign that you were never alone or away from his prying eyes.
♡ Crowley is incredibly coy and risky. He doesn't care what anybody else says or thinks when it comes to you, he wanted to make it painfully obvious specifically to the staff that you were his prey and his alone.
♡ This includes having his way with you anytime, anywhere. If you were just bringing papers to him, he'd have you on his desk with your legs spread at a moment's notice without as much as locking the door.
♡ This wasn't uncommon. He was always testing your patience, a hand crawling up your skirt in the middle of a meeting or taking you in a classroom after hours. But he's never done anything this extreme before...
♡ While you're completely bare and naked on his desk for anyone to walk in and see you in all of your glory, Crowley only unzipped his pants to free his cock from his confines. He's quick to push himself inside of you without prepping you first, leaving you to yelp out in pain.
♡ "Hush, now...we wouldn't want anyone else coming in and seeing you in such a state, would we? If you aren't quiet and another teacher comes in..." He tsked, smirking and swallowing your whimpers with his mouth.
♡ It was as if he was purposefully trying to make you fail, as if he had some sort of plan. Pressing his cock into the deepest parts of you practically slamming his hips against yours. It hurt more than felt pleasurable, you felt tears prick your eyes and a loud yelp of pain escape your lips.
♡ It wasn't a surprise when Crewel walked in to see what was going on. Upon this sight, Crowley tsked once more and looked at you with distaste, not even phased at Crewel's appearance. As if he was practically expecting it.
♡ "Look what you've done...I suppose it's time for your punishment now, isn't it?"
♡ You were soon gagged and hands tied in front of you, Crewel now having his way with you as if it were the most natural thing to occur while Crowley watched. Tears were pouring down your eyes, looking over to Crowley unable to tell what he was thinking behind that mask of his.
♡ When your body stopped resisting and you went limp in giving up, Crowley walked over and instructed Crewel to stop. Crowley untied you and ungagged you, holding you in his arms and petting your hair.
♡ "I recall you saying you found Crewel handsome. Was it everything you ever wished for? Are you satisfied with him? or have you learned your lesson?" although he was gently stroking your hair, the frown on his lips was enough to tell you this punishment was for that purpose. Your answer would determine his mood, that much you knew.
♡ You nodded in response, choking out a feeble cry "I'm sorry, I won't say it again. You're the only one that can pleasure me, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." As you babbled your apologies, Crowley smiled and kissed the top of your head, and carrassed your body.
♡ "Good...I'm sorry I had to punish you like that, my little crow. I promise to make it up to you. How about a fancy meal tonight? Hmm? I'll take you to the expensive one you like. Kind of me, isn't it?"
♡ It was twisted and messed up, you knew this. You knew it was just a way to ensnare you, another way to keep you bound to him. You've convinced yourself that he had your best interests in mind, for although he would subject you to ridiculous punishments... He would also treat you like you were the most precious cut of an expensive gem.
A vicious cycle, indeed.
♡ You nodded feebly, Crowley smiling and lifting you in his arms. Gone in a puff of smoke, he took you to bathe in warm water and give you that sly smile and gentle facade that always draws you back in.
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dreamties · 10 months
Sissy Slaughter W/ an S/O Who Has Sleep Issues!
A/n- This feels like such a throwback?? I remember writing several sets like this at the start of the blog! <:O Like, all the way back to 2021 I think? Maybe earlier, actually! Hope you all enjoy! I love you all & please stay safe out there! 💗💗💗
Warning for: mentions of pot use, poisoning / knocking someone out??? but it's like. done for sweet nice purposes?, Drayton cameo at the end !!
taglist: @friedwormeater @0ddmia @royalsnowxoxo @lambofjudgement @lizve @urfavsuh @strawberry-moonpies (let me know if you want to be added or removed!! <3333)
I swear I've said this somewhere before- but sissy grows & smokes her own pot <333
I'm not saying she'll suggest that as an option but I'm saying she'll suggest it as an option
If your sleep is more than just cumbersome for you- if it's affecting you physically (beyond exhaustion), affecting your ability to complete chores, etc - she may need to bring out the big guns
She knows what plants are toxic, what plants can kill and torture She also knows ones for healing !! (side thought: she uses this mostly on herself & bubba. She acts like a pain when anyone sides her youngest brother wants her for her useful abilities) And most important in this case- ones that can knock folks out !! <333 with minimal to no damage done to them She only uses plants to knock you out when you're at your worst point. When you haven't slept for days, and your eyes are irritated and red. When you're in pain all over and can barely stand up. You might not always appreciate this method- but it can work wonders <333
On some nights, when it's particularly rough for you, she'll stay up with ya <333 keep you company.
You don't deserve to go through this, especially not by yourself. Despite her poisoned personality, she can be a real sweetie around her favorite folks <33 (you bein one of em :3) Do you get nightmares? Is that the root of your sleepy time troubles? She'll sit up in bed and pull you close to her. Let you lay down with your head in her lap as she touches your hair and quietly sings. Lulls you into a safe, cozy slumber- or at the very least, calms your mind. A few times she's taken you outside to walk along the property . . . She shows you critters that come out at night, takes you closer to where she has the makeshift greenhouse set up- tells you about all the plants she's been caring for, what their uses are, let's you engage on the topic too, even if you don't know as much as her. Anything outdoorsy that she can do to tire you out, in hopes if you're sleepier you might sleep better.
Sissy has far more experience and knowledge than her siblings do, in regards to life outside the farm that is- but even she can be at a loss of ideas.
If she's really worried she might go to Drayton, ask if he knows what's wrong with you. (he grumbles throughout the entire process, things like "never should have taken them in", and "more trouble than they're worth" he mostly doesn't mean that <33 you're part of the family now so :) ) It's almost like you're a strange pet that she's keeping, because of how alien your issues can feel to her and the rest of the family. In general though !!!! All of the youngest siblings will ask Drayton about the things they don't understand, even if he isn't very knowledgeable on it either. Even if they don't get along with him much (which . . . Who does get along with him lmao)
"They seem sick," Sissy muses. She's sitting at the dining table, your body lying limp on the floor, propped up against her legs. Your head held safely in her lap. She had knocked you out with a non-lethal poison, despite your protests against it.
The poison could be helpful in getting you unconscious, but Sissy hated using it so frequently on you, especially since it doesn't appear to solve the root problem.
You're still having trouble falling or even staying asleep, she's worried about you.
"Should've gotten rid of it when we had the chance."
"C'mon, you've got to know something about this, Drayton. Ya better haven't given my little darlin' something they can't have."
Your head lolls against her lap, your ears slowly perking up with the noise. Your chest tickles with a funny, loving feeling. Your heart beats slow, quicker as you wake. Your girlfriend was so sweet to you.
She talks to her oldest brother like he's given the dog chocolate. She's concerned and trying to be patient, despite her immense dislike of him.
She runs her hands, soothingly, down your back. Noticing her sweetheart is beginning to wake.
"Oh, why don't we look at that. All this is waking up my poor thing." She glares at him, unintrigued, upset with him. She looks back to you, your head following the noise and your eyes unlocking, staring back at her with such an intensity. Lids hardly-half open. She pets your hair, hoping you'll just pass out or be quiet or something.
Sissy huffs. "Fine! We'll just figure it out on our own. You hear that, darlin'?"
She smiles at you, so sweetly. Looks at you like you're the only thing in the room. Like you're precious and irreplaceable- which you are, to her. Your smile gleams and your eyes sparkle when you look at her.
She whispers to you, helping you off the floor. "We'll figure this out, don't you worry."
Hey, I didn't say he would actually be helpful. just that they would ask lol
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Comprehensive Pet-Friendly Cleaning and Grooming Services in Trabuco and Canyon, CA
Owning a pet brings immense joy and companionship, but it also comes with unique cleaning challenges. From fur and dander to unexpected messes, pet owners often need specialized cleaning solutions to maintain a clean and healthy home. For those residing in Trabuco and Canyon, CA, pet-friendly cleaning services offer a convenient and efficient way to tackle these challenges. Whether you're looking for routine cleaning, deep cleaning, or professional grooming, this guide covers all you need to know about pet-friendly cleaning services in the area.
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Pet-Friendly Cleaning Services: A Necessity for Pet Owners
Pets are part of the family, and their well-being is a top priority for any responsible owner. However, maintaining a clean home with pets can be daunting. Pet-friendly cleaning services are designed to address the specific needs of households with animals. These services use non-toxic, pet-safe cleaning products that effectively remove dirt, stains, and odors without harming your furry friends.
Pet Cleaning Services Near Trabuco
Living in Trabuco, CA, you have access to several reputable pet cleaning services that cater specifically to pet owners. These services offer comprehensive cleaning solutions, including:
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: Pets can leave behind fur, dander, and stains on carpets and furniture. Professional cleaners use specialized equipment and pet-safe detergents to deep clean and sanitize these surfaces, ensuring they are free from allergens and odors.
Tile and Grout Cleaning: Pets can track dirt and mud into your home, which can accumulate in the grout lines of your tile floors. Pet cleaning services use high-pressure steam cleaning to remove dirt and sanitize the area.
Air Duct Cleaning: Pet hair and dander can circulate through your home's air ducts, affecting indoor air quality. Professional cleaning services can clean and sanitize air ducts, improving air quality and reducing allergens.
Professional Cleaning for Pet Owners
Professional cleaning services for pet owners go beyond basic cleaning. They offer specialized treatments and services that cater to the unique needs of pet households:
Odor Removal: Pet odors can be persistent and difficult to eliminate with regular cleaning. Professional services use advanced techniques such as ozone treatments and enzymatic cleaners to neutralize and remove pet odors from your home.
Allergen Reduction: Pets can contribute to indoor allergens that affect your family's health. Professional cleaners use HEPA filtration and other methods to reduce allergens in your home, creating a healthier environment.
Regular Maintenance Plans: Many cleaning companies offer maintenance plans tailored for pet owners. These plans include regular visits to keep your home clean and fresh, preventing the buildup of pet-related dirt and odors.
Pet Grooming Services in Trabuco, CA
In addition to cleaning your home, keeping your pet well-groomed is essential for their health and hygiene. Trabuco, CA, offers several top-notch pet grooming services that provide a range of grooming options:
Bathing and Brushing: Regular bathing and brushing help to keep your pet's coat clean and free from tangles. Professional groomers use pet-friendly shampoos and conditioners to ensure your pet's skin and fur remain healthy.
Nail Trimming: Keeping your pet's nails trimmed is crucial for their comfort and health. Groomers are skilled in safely trimming nails to the appropriate length.
Ear Cleaning and Teeth Brushing: Regular ear cleaning and teeth brushing are vital for preventing infections and maintaining overall health. Professional groomers offer these services as part of their grooming packages.
Pet Salon in Canyon, CA
For those living in Canyon, CA, pet salons offer a luxurious grooming experience for your furry friends. These salons provide a range of services designed to pamper your pet:
Full-Service Grooming: Pet salons offer comprehensive grooming packages that include bathing, brushing, nail trimming, ear cleaning, and more. Your pet will leave looking and feeling their best.
Spa Treatments: Some pet salons offer spa treatments such as aromatherapy baths, pawdicures, and coat conditioning treatments, providing an extra level of care and relaxation for your pet.
Specialized Grooming: Whether your pet needs a specific haircut or breed-specific grooming, pet salons have experienced groomers who can cater to your pet's unique needs.
Maintaining a clean and healthy home with pets is made easier with pet-friendly cleaning services and professional grooming options available in Trabuco and Canyon, CA. These services ensure your home remains spotless and your pets stay healthy and happy. By opting for specialized cleaning and grooming services, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – a clean home and a well-cared-for pet.
Source: https://bornagainpetsalon.blogspot.com/2024/06/comprehensive-pet-friendly-cleaning-and.html 
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petyupp · 1 month
How to Clean a Dog Bed?
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A dirty dog bed can be a hub of dirt, pollen, dog hair, and a lot of deadly diseases, this is why pet owners should learn how to clean a dog bed.  
Dogs are well-known playful and active creatures, they like to play a lot in the mud but the troubles arrive when they bring that mud into the home, especially in their bed. This is when you should start wondering how to clean a dog bed because you can’t allow your dog to live in unhygienic conditions and develop a lot of diseases. Washing the dog's bed at least once a week is recommended so that the bed doesn’t become host to all sorts of bacteria and fleas.
Tips to Wash a Dog Bed 
In these times, no one knows what health problems can kill your dog, so maintaining hygienic conditions is more important than ever. There are different tips to wash different types of dog beds. There are dog sheets with removable covers and dog sheets with nonremovable covers. Let’s learn how to clean both types of dog beds.
Here are some tips for cleaning a dog bed with a removable cover: 
Before washing, just remove the excess dog fur and dirt from the dog bed with the help of a vacuum. 
Wash both the dog bed and removable cover either by hand or by washing machine. Keep in mind that the detergent you are using should be non-toxic for dogs. 
One extra cycle of washing should be done to make sure all the detergent has been removed.
Dry the dog bed with the help of an air drier or put it in the drier at low heat after finishing the washing. The use of dryer sheets is not recommended when you are washing the dog bed.
Run the washer empty with one cup of vinegar so that the machine can get rid of any lingering dog hair or dirt.  
Here are some tips for cleaning a dog bed with a non-removable cover: 
Vacuum the dog bed to remove all the excessive dog fur as told earlier. 
Use a detergent that is non-toxic for dogs, put it in warm water, and then soak the dog bed in the warm water for 10-15 minutes. 
With the help of baking soda and a toothbrush, scrub the bed corners for any lingering odors.
Leave the bed in a sunny place to dry after rinsing it thoroughly.   
You can also wash these two beds with the help of baking soda. You just need to sprinkle some baking soda on the stains and wait for 5 minutes to let the soda sit. Once the soda soaks all the liquid, you can mix the baking soda with 2 cups of vinegar and water into the spray bottle. After the mixture is prepared, spray it on the dog bed and let the solution sit on the stain for 5 minutes. Clear the stain with the help of a cloth. You can also repeat spraying and blotting if you think it is required. Apart from dog beds, there are many other pet supplies available on PetYupp's website that can be very helpful for the overall health of your pet.
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Child and Pet-Friendly Methods for Cleaning Outdoor Rugs
Outdoor rugs can be a wonderful addition to your patio or garden, providing comfort and style to your outdoor space. However, they also need regular cleaning, especially if you have children and pets who love to play outside. Here are some effective and safe methods for cleaning your outdoor rugs that are gentle enough for kids and pets.
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1. Regular Maintenance
Vacuuming or Shaking:
Vacuum: Use a vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt and debris from the rug’s surface. This prevents dirt from becoming embedded in the fibers.
Shake Out: For smaller rugs, take them outside and give them a good shake to remove dust and loose particles.
Soft Brush: Use a soft-bristle brush to gently sweep away dirt and debris. This method is especially good for rugs with a deep pile or intricate designs.
2. Spot Cleaning
Baking Soda and Water Paste:
Ingredients: Mix baking soda with water to form a thick paste.
Application: Apply the paste to the stained area and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
Rinse: Rinse with water and blot dry with a clean towel.
White Vinegar and Water Solution:
Ingredients: Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
Application: Spray the solution onto the stained area and let it sit for 5-10 minutes.
Blot: Blot the area with a clean cloth to remove the stain. The vinegar not only cleans but also neutralizes odors.
3. Deep Cleaning
Mild Soap and Water:
Ingredients: Use a mild liquid dish soap or baby shampoo diluted in water.
Application: Dip a soft brush or sponge into the soapy water and gently scrub the rug, focusing on heavily soiled areas.
Rinse: Rinse thoroughly with a hose or buckets of clean water to remove all soap residue.
Dry: Allow the rug to air dry completely in a well-ventilated area or in the sun.
Eco-Friendly Store-Bought Cleaners:
Choosing a Product: Look for eco-friendly and non-toxic rug cleaners that are safe for children and pets.
Application: Follow the manufacturer's instructions for application and rinsing.
4. Preventive Measures
Rug Pads:
Breathable Pad: Use a breathable rug pad underneath your outdoor rug to promote air circulation and prevent moisture buildup, which can lead to mold and mildew.
Regular Sunlight Exposure:
Sunlight: Occasionally place your rug in direct sunlight to help kill bacteria and keep it fresh. However, don’t leave it in the sun for too long to prevent fading.
Immediate Spill Cleanup:
Quick Action: Clean up spills as soon as they happen to prevent stains from setting in. Blot the spill with a clean cloth and then use a mild cleaning solution if necessary.
5. Drying
Air Drying:
Elevation: Elevate the rug off the ground to allow air to circulate underneath.
Rotation: Rotate the rug occasionally to ensure even drying.
Avoid High Heat:
No Direct Heat Sources: Avoid using direct heat sources like hair dryers or heaters, as high heat can damage the fibers of the rug.
6. Natural Remedies
Lemon Juice and Baking Soda:
Ingredients: Mix lemon juice with baking soda to form a paste.
Application: Apply the paste to stained areas and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse: Rinse with water and blot dry.
Essential Oils:
Ingredients: Add a few drops of essential oils (like lavender or tea tree oil) to your cleaning solution for a fresh scent and additional antibacterial properties.
By following these child and pet-friendly methods for cleaning outdoor rugs, you can keep your outdoor spaces looking great while ensuring the safety of your family and pets. For a wide selection of durable and stylish outdoor rugs, visit American Home Furniture. Their high-quality rugs are designed to enhance your outdoor living spaces and withstand the elements.
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Engage the Best Professionals for Pet Stain and Odor Removing Service in Bakersfield
Pets are loving companions who give us true happiness. If you are lonely and on the hunt for a healing comrade, then bring home a pet who will provide you company and warmth of affection. However, managing a household with pets is a responsibility of every pet lover since pets need care and attention.
Untrained pets have a tendency to urinate anytime and anywhere. The urine of pets emit a pungent odor, owing to the high concentration of ammonia in it. Ammonia is also present in human urine, but in a low concentration. The foul odor of ammonia can cause respiratory diseases, dizziness, headaches, nausea, and a burning sensation in the eyes, nose, or throat. Sometimes, the urine of pets evaporate or penetrates deep into the carpets, upholstery, furniture or any other belongings. Hence, you should seek immediate help of professionals who will address the issue at the earliest.
Pets love to chew your belongings, spill food and can cause a mess when not taken care of. Pets’ feces, hair, dust bunnies, and vomit should be cleaned properly so that they do not leave a residue or marks behind. Professionals at Excellence Janitorial Services & Carpet Cleaning knows the techniques of deep cleaning and can provide pet stain and odor removing service in Bakersfield at affordable costs. Replacing your belongings might cost you a lot of money. Instead of replacing, you can get your belongings thoroughly cleaned by our experts.
Avoid being in contact with the urine or feces of your pet since certain uncommon bacteria prosper in the urine or feces. The cleaning products and disinfectants used by our professionals are of optimum standard, eco-friendly, non-toxic, and of the best quality. We also provide free estimates upon request. We can remove pet urine odor from houses, garages, and pet businesses even on a regular basis.
When we arrive at your place to offer service, we first carry out an inspection to properly determine how much work we have to perform for getting your belongings fully cleaned. We are equipped with cutting-edge tools that will help us in obtaining a better cleanup job done carefully and efficiently. Pet stain and odor gets eliminated and leaves behind no traces. We guarantee that the odor will be 100% gone and will never return!  
You need not chain down your pet to a confined area or space for the reason that it is playful and often causes mess that is difficult to deal with. You just need to get your pet trained and also take the help of professionals for dealing with the mess that your pet has caused.
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bhaalbabebardlock · 2 months
The Hand That Feeds
Chapter 3- Sweet
AO3 Link
Important tags: toxic Gale, creepy Gale, god!Gale, A!Astarion, kidnapping, yandere, mind control, non-con, please read all tags on AO3!
(Gale POV)
"And once she'd eaten them, she'd inevitably want to stay all on her own. Of course. How could she not want to stay? He reached down for her hand, wrapping her small fingers in his and pulling her up, leading her to the bathroom. He ran his palms down the bodice of her dress, marveling at how it hugged every delicate curve of her body. It was impossible for anyone to be crafted so perfectly. And yet here she stood. He pushed her back against the sink, hands sliding down down to her waist to sit her on the edge."
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All Writing | Masterpost
About Lili | Lili Tags
--Excerpt below the cut; full chapter on AO3--
Seeing her obey, finally, is beautiful. There is no other word for it, for her to finally see his true face, to finally touch her with his own hands after months of masquerading as someone lesser. She was a little afraid, even if she didn't want to say it. That too was gorgeous. That resolve. That biting attitude. A lie, a facade. He knew how she was around him. How she'd been when she naively thought it was always Astarion.
She could protest for now, but she would come to see that this was better. Of course it was better. She was so fragile and weak minded, he saw the ways Astarion had failed and continued to fail to take care of her, to truly meet her needs. And then to squander some of the best parts of her by claiming to have gifted her with vampirism. Careful. It wouldn't be wise to reveal how many of their private conversations he'd been a fly on the wall for. Sometimes more literally than figurative.
He leaned forward, resting his palm against her cheek, seeing the glassy eyed look on her face. She was still so pretty. Even when it had to be this way. But she would inevitably enjoy herself, and eventually would come around to see things his way. He was more than certain of it.
NSFW below the cut;;
He pulled her flush against him, letting his hands wander over her skin again. Every breathless inhale, every soft sigh and delicate moan was for him, and him alone. She was his. Crafted especially for him. To serve him, love him, worship him the way a god should be worshiped. He would mold her into the perfect embodiment of devotion. Until prayers to him floated from those beautiful lips effortlessly, until her voice was raw from begging for his touch. Devoted entirely to him and his whims, his desires her own until they're one inseparable creature.
He could almost take her right here, the way she had so easily melted against him. He'd been patient for so long though, he could be patient now too.
He let go of her, quickly removing his own clothes, and stepping into the tub, sinking down into the warm water. He held out his arms, watching with reverence as she slipped into the water and settled between his legs, a soft giggle leaving her mouth. He pulled her back against him, barely maintaining his control when she moaned at his hardening cock against her back. She was so responsive. He slid his hands down over her stomach, burying his face into her hair as he squeezed her breast with one hand, the other continuing its slow descent to between her thighs. She smelled like heaven. She felt like divinity.
He lifted his head only slightly, resting his chin on her shoulder to look down at her. Panting. Soaked. His scent was already all over her.
“Spread your legs for me, pet.” Gods, the way her knees draped over his. He knew she wanted this as much as he wanted it. The way her head fell back against his chest, the way her fingers reached down and clenched his legs as she moaned out his name. Not Astarion's. The way it should be. The way it will always be, from now on. She would behave.
He hummed softly, contently against her skin, kissing her shoulder while he rolled her nipple between his fingers, listening to her soft whimpers as he teased his other hand over her thighs. He didn't need her to tell him how aroused she was. The stiffening peak of her nipple, the way her breath caught when his hand slid over her slit, her breaths coming fast as she panted against his chest. She was exquisite.
“Gale, please,” gods, that was beautiful. Listening to her beg. Squirm. Writhing for him. He pressed feverish kisses against her shoulder, her neck, brushing his nose against her throat while he ran his finger over her clit, making her buck into his hand. He couldn't help but smile as water sloshed over the edge of the tub.
Full Chapter on AO3!
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wyatt-06 · 2 months
How to protect my dog from fleas and ticks
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The removal of fleas and ticks from your dog's coat can be a tedious operation. Getting rid of a tick once it has attached to your pet can be quite challenging, and if not done correctly, it can spread infections and diseases. Prevention is always easier than cure when it comes to keeping your dog free of fleas and ticks. A lot of different solutions can be tried to keep fleas and ticks away.
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Keep Your House Clean
Flea eggs can survive the winter months in your house, and once they are laid throughout the house, they can grow by 100 eggs per day. It is important to keep your home clean by routinely cleaning your pet's bedding as well as other areas of your house, such as furnishings, curtains, and carpets. It will prevent flea eggs from hatching and causing your family serious problems.  Do not forget to dispose of vacuum bags efficiently, since flea eggs can continue to hatch and multiply, even after they have been vacuumed.
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Check Your Pet Regularly for Ticks
Be careful to check your pet's skin, ears, and the region around their legs for ticks if you've taken them into an area where ticks are prevalent. Ticks prefer warm, moist conditions and are more likely to bite in locations with dense undergrowth, tall grasses, and decaying leaves. In order to prevent diseases like Lyme disease from spreading to your pet, you must find and remove ticks as soon as possible. Ticks only take 24 hours to transmit diseases to your pet. Whenever you take your pet on a prolonged outing through forest areas or when she plays outside, check her for parasites. If you realise your dog has been bitten by a tick, keep an eye out for any behavioural changes like lethargy, appetite loss, or limping.
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Take Your Dog to Vet for Timely Check-ups
Routine wellness exams are the greatest method to locate a parasite prevention programme that works and, if your pet is already taking medicine, assess the effectiveness of their current prevention programme. We advise making an appointment with a veterinarian right soon if your pet is exhibiting signs of parasites, such as scratching from fleas, or if you frequently detect ticks on your pet.
Use Shampoos and Sprays for Fleas and Ticks on Dogs
A lot of over-the-counter effective products are available to remove ticks and fleas such as shampoos, sprays, combs and even gadgets. Let us help you with a few of the useful and effective aids for fleas and ticks we have.
Our natural flea & tick shampoo plus soothing is a fast and effective naturally medicated shampoo with soothing ingredients like sesame, and lemongrass that provides faster relief. Suitable for all dog breeds and puppies above the age of 12 weeks.                
Out natural flea & tick spray formulated with natural plant extracts for your fur buddy's safety. It repels mosquitoes and kills fleas, flea eggs, and ticks. Whether facing an active infestation or applying for routine prevention, Out Natural Flea & Tick Spray for pets is scientifically proven effective against pests but gentle enough to use around the whole family.
Trixie Flea and Dust tool head is made of durable stainless steel with a strong wooden handle for a comfortable and good grip. Helps to remove fleas, ticks, loose hair and dirt from your pets' coats effectively.
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Trixie Flea and Dust comb is a traditional-looking effective comb to remove fleas and ticks from tougher than the toughest coats. It is an ideal tool for both cats and dogs of all sizes.   
Our tickles Ultrasonic Tick and Flea Repeller is an environment-friendly device that can be fastened to pet collars.  The device is 94% efficient against ticks without using any dangerous chemicals! It is non-toxic and does not use or release any chemical substances or odours, making it safe to use even for young, elderly, ill, or pregnant pets.  
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Pet Owners' Guide to Home Cleaning Services in Raleigh
As a pet owner in Raleigh, ensuring a clean and hygienic home is crucial for your furry friend's health and well-being. Here's your guide to choosing the right home cleaning services. Pet-Friendly Products: Look for cleaning services that use pet-friendly and non-toxic cleaning products to ensure the safety of your pets.Find services that specialize in pet hair removal from carpets, upholstery, and other surfaces, keeping your home free from allergens and odors.Odor Elimination: Opt for services that offer odor elimination treatments to neutralize pet odors and maintain a fresh-smelling home.
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allanridout · 3 months
5 Important Pet Discoloration And Odor Elimination Tips
If you have pet dogs, there's a likelihood that eventually you're going to require to handle removing undesirable discolorations and odors from your carpeting. The good news is, there are some things you can do to guarantee that your animal's mishaps do not spoil your carpets, carpets, and furniture. Carpet cleaning firms suggest these 5 crucial animal stain and pet odor elimination and prevention tips that will certainly keep your rugs looking and smelling fresh in-between expert cleanings.
Deal with your family pet. Taking great care of your pet cat or pet dog is a vital action in preventing animal smells and discolorations. Routinely showering family pets (particularly large dogs with oily layers), as an example, helps in reducing dander and hair, which is hard to tidy up and can contribute to an undesirable scent in your house (and can additionally trigger allergies and bronchial asthma attacks). Ensure your pet or feline is effectively housebroken. Feeding your family pet foods without synthetic dyes might minimize the likelihood of a family pet's vomit tarnishing the carpet.
Utilize a chemical cleanser. For fairly minor pet dog smell removal tasks, make use of an enzymatic cleanser. These safe, non-toxic cleaners break up pee microorganisms, decreasing or getting rid of undesirable smells. The quantity of chemical cleaner you need to use will certainly depend on strength of the odor. Likewise, be aware that solid smells (such as those that you can smell when you walk into an area), will certainly take much more initiative to get rid of.
Use a rug discolor cleaner. If a family pet stain remains after your first clean-up efforts, try using a rug stain remover to get rid of the discolor. Avoid cleansers that contain ammonia, given that ammonia scents like pee to your family pet and may create them to re-soil the rug. Likewise, remember to evaluate any kind of cleaner on a tiny, inconspicuous area of the carpet prior to making use of, since some pet tarnish removal cleansers can harm the carpeting fibers.
Try a black light. If your pet dog has been peing on your carpeting, a black light can help you locate stained areas so you can after that remove the stain. Initially, buy a black light at a hardware shop or pet dog shop. Then, after making the room as dark as feasible, use the black light to find carpet discolorations you can't or else see. Try to clean up the discolorations as you function, to ensure that you do not miss any areas.
Look beyond the rug. Often, pet odor and pet dog stain elimination and prevention requires a bit of investigator job. If you are still having an issue with relentless animal odors, regardless of having actually hired a rug cleansing company to clean your rugs, the issue could not remain in your carpetings in all. Pets can likewise dirt furnishings, drapes, walls, научете повече тук and baseboards. In some cases, spots and smells might have also penetrated the flooring listed below the carpet, which may then require to be sanded and dealt with in order to get rid of and prevent future spots and odors.
So much of the satisfaction we locate in our sense of taste is connected to scent. Long term chemical direct exposure may lead to lowered taste and scent. Smell removal can result in the repair of these senses, permitting you to completely take pleasure in the scent and quality of crisp vegetables and zesty fruits. Consuming the recommended 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily can cut your threat of heart disease by 30%. Pungent flavors in foods like chili pepper and pistachio nuts, which additionally occur to be wonderful for lung wellness, are also heightened by heightened senses.
Sometimes it's difficult to maintain an outside workout program when allergic reactions bewilder the experience. Just a 3rd of all grownups do the suggested degree of physical activity weekly. Many of the irritants that create wheezing, sniffling, and coughing are really tied to mold and mildews and mildew that are primarily found inside. Lots of people do not acknowledge mold and mildew or mildew when they scent them, or may not discover them when other odors mask their scent. With an extensive odor removal project, every one of these allergy triggers are gotten rid of, making it much easier for individuals who struggle with allergies to obtain outside and exercise.
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steamexperts · 4 months
Benefits of Carpet Repairs Sydney
Carpets are a beautiful flooring option for both homes and businesses. However, they can suffer from damage and require regular maintenance to extend their lifespan. Fortunately, there are many benefits to hiring professional carpet repairs sydney.
Damaged or ripped carpets are not just unsightly; they can also pose health hazards. For example, rips in business carpets can be dangerous for employees and lead to Occupational Health and Safety issues.
Extend the Life of Your Carpets
Carpets are expensive investments that need to be properly cared for. Regular repair services help extend the life of your carpets by repairing burns, stains, indentations and more. Professionals are trained to fix these issues with ease and efficiency. They also have access to advanced tools that can make the job a whole lot faster than trying to do it yourself.
A common repair is restretching, which stretches the carpet like a facelift to eliminate wrinkles that can lead to wear and tear. It can also prolong the life of your carpets by eliminating tripping hazards caused by loose and uneven carpeting.
Patch repairs are also done by professionals to restore the appearance of your carpets. To do this, they create a paper template slightly bigger than the damaged area and cut a spare piece of matching carpet from an unnoticeable corner or another room in your home. This is then hot-glued into place in the damaged area.
Restore the Aesthetics of Your Space
Carpets are a major home investment, and they add a touch of beauty to any interior. But over time, they can experience damage and need repair. A professional repair service can restore the look of your floors and help you save money by avoiding replacement.
Professional carpet repairs nsw address a variety of issues, including rips and tears, burn marks, fuzzing, furniture indentations, and more. They can also help you avoid expensive mistakes by repairing the problem right the first time.
Carpets are a natural air filter, trapping dust, allergens, and other harmful particles that circulate in the air. Over time, however, damage to the fibers can disrupt this filtration process, releasing harmful pollutants back into the air. Professional carpet repair can help you extend the lifespan of your carpets and improve indoor air quality.
Reduce Waste
Professional carpet repair services reduce waste by mending damaged areas rather than replacing them entirely. This reduces the demand for new carpeting materials and encourages sustainable growth.
Carpet burns can be caused by cigarette smoke, hot iron, hair straightening rods,
and fireplaces. They leave discolored patches of the carpet that can make it look ugly and unsightly. A carpet burn repair service can restore your carpets to their original state, removing the burned patch and blending the remaining fibers with the rest of the carpet.
A professional can remove tough stains from your carpet, such as pet stains, grease, blood, and other liquids. They use non-toxic cleaning solutions and efficient repair methods, ensuring your carpet looks beautiful and hygienic. They also eliminate places where dirt and allergens hide, reducing health hazards. They can also restretch your carpet, extending its lifespan and saving you money on a replacement.
Save Money
Carpet repairs are a significant investment in any home, and they can be very expensive to replace. Getting your damaged carpets repaired by a professional will help you to extend their lifespan and save money in the long run.
Shedding is a normal occurrence, especially in loop pile carpets. It’s not a manufacturing defect and can be easily fixed by vacuuming the affected area. Sprouts are longer tufts that occur in some carpets due to heavy foot traffic. The best thing to do is not pull them as it can damage the fibers and leave a hole in the carpet. Instead, it’s advisable to trim them neatly with scissors.
If your carpet is burned by a cigarette butt or has been damaged by heat, then you can use carpet patching techniques to fix it. The process involves making a paper template, cutting out the damaged section of the carpet and glueing in a spare piece that matches it.
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snoozypaws · 5 months
Pawsitively Perfect: Affordable Plush Toys for Pets
Introduction: Pets bring joy, companionship, and endless entertainment into our lives, and providing them with engaging toys is essential for their physical and mental well-being. Plush toys, in particular, offer comfort, entertainment, and a sense of security for pets of all shapes and sizes. However, finding affordable options that are also durable and safe can be a challenge. In this article, we explore the world of affordable plush toys for pets, highlighting their benefits, features, and where to find them.
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Affordable Price Points: Affordable Plush Toy for Pets offer pet owners an economical way to keep their furry friends entertained without breaking the bank. These toys are competitively priced, making them accessible to pet owners on a budget while still providing quality and durability.
Variety of Options: Despite their affordability, plush toys for pets come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and designs to cater to different preferences and play styles. From classic stuffed animals and squeaky toys to interactive puzzles and tug-of-war ropes, pet owners can find the perfect plush toy to suit their pet's personality and interests.
Durable Construction: While affordability is important, durability is equally crucial when it comes to pet toys. Affordable plush toys for pets are often designed with durable materials and reinforced stitching to withstand rough play and chewing. This ensures that the toys last longer and provide extended enjoyment for pets without posing a safety hazard.
Safe Materials: Pet safety is paramount, especially when it comes to toys that pets may chew or ingest. Affordable plush toys for pets are typically made from non-toxic materials that are safe for pets to chew on and play with. Additionally, reputable manufacturers ensure that their products meet safety standards and regulations for pet toys.
Engaging and Stimulating: Plush toys provide pets with mental and physical stimulation, helping to alleviate boredom and prevent destructive behaviors. Affordable options offer pet owners a cost-effective way to keep their pets entertained and engaged, promoting overall health and well-being.
Easy to Clean: Many affordable plush toys for pets are designed to be easy to clean, allowing pet owners to maintain hygiene and freshness. Machine-washable materials and removable covers make it simple to keep plush toys clean and free from dirt, hair, and odor, prolonging their lifespan and usability.
Availability Online and In-Store: Affordable plush toys for pets are readily available both online and in pet stores, offering convenience and accessibility to pet owners. Online retailers often offer a wide selection of options at competitive prices, while brick-and-mortar stores provide the opportunity to see and touch the toys before purchasing.
Conclusion: Affordable plush toys for pets offer pet owners a budget-friendly way to provide their furry companions with hours of entertainment and enrichment. With their durable construction, safe materials, and engaging designs, these toys promote physical activity, mental stimulation, and companionship for pets of all ages and breeds. Whether purchased online or in-store, affordable plush toys for pets are a pawsitively perfect addition to any pet's toy collection.
For more info. visit us:
Dog Agility Training Equipment
Portable Tunnel Toy for Pets
Dancing Ball Toy
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bednbiscuits · 6 months
Pet accessories that your dog & cat needs
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Pet supplies in Bahrain
A dog or cat from a shelter is what you’re looking for. Maybe you’re in a breeder’s waiting room, awaiting the arrival of a new, beloved pet. Whatever your choice, now is the time to stock up on pet accessories for your new pet. Having a pet for the first time can be a lot to handle. Being well-prepared for your pet’s demands will allow you to focus on helping them adjust to their new home and start training immediately. If you’re getting a new dog or cat, this article will provide a rundown of Pet supplies in Bahrain.
1. Dog/Cat Diet
Purchase the same brand of food as your new pet’s previous diet. If you don’t know what your pet has been eating, buy high-quality, life-stage-appropriate food. Purchase puppy or kitten food if you’re getting a new pet. Remember that some new pets have food restrictions owing to allergies.
2.Pet Emergency Kit
Make or buy a kit for your pet. Any good pet first aid kit should have essentials
3. Pet Mattress
Your pet’s bed should be a refuge and rest. It must be comfortable, supportive, and spacious to relax them. As dogs age, their beds should provide joint cushioning, and they’ll need many mattresses.
4.. Candy, toys
What good is a new pet without delectable treats and entertaining toys? The alternatives are unlimited, but toys and treats with a purpose like health, training, or stimulation may be helpful. Pet obesity from overfeeding raises the risk of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer.
Cat homes need scratching posts. Buy one tall enough for your cat to stand on his hind legs and extend without falling over. The scratching post needs a robust foundation to avoid tipping. Having multiple cats requires a scratching post for each.
5.. Pet Brush
Your pet’s coat needs daily brushing to remove dead hair and prevent mats and tangles. Regular pet brushing reduces hair and dander in your home. Pet stores and online retailers sell wire, bristle, de-shedding, and glove brushes.
6. A Manicure Tool
Pet owners may struggle to clip their nails because many animals loathe having their paws touched. At least every three or four weeks, clip your pet’s nails. Pet owners worry about puncturing the animals containing blood vessels and nerve endings. Your nails will bleed. Keeping styptic powder on hand is a good idea. Avoid cutting the quick by gently trimming your pet’s nails.
7. A deodorant/stain remover
Any pet owner would appreciate a vital stain and odour remover. Accidents, scents, and dirt are everyday pet ownership issues. A pet-safe and non-toxic stain and odour remover will protect your pet and the surface you’re cleaning. Many pet owners use enzyme cleaners.
Conclusion: Preparing for a new dog or cat means carefully considering and meeting their unique needs. Choose the right food and tools for your new pet, and ensure you have identification and emergency supplies. Everything on this list is essential for ensuring your pet is healthy and happy. As important as your pet’s needs, the time you spend getting to know it and meeting its specific wants is just as important. As you start this friendship journey and learn to accept the good, bad, and necessary parts of having a pet, your promise to make your house a loving and caring place will help your four-legged friend live a happy and healthy life. Bed and Biscuits have the best pet accessories and supplies in Bahrain. To know more, visit the website.
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mix442 · 6 months
Cleaning Gel | Car Cleaning | TTICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty
Cleaning Gel, TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty, The Ultimate Car Interior Cleaner and Keyboard Cleaner.
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Car care is crucial for longevity and comfort. However, cleaning interior areas like air vents, cup holders, and keyboards can be time-consuming and difficult.
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty offers an effective solution for these hard-to-reach areas, making cleaning easier and more efficient.
TTICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty
Product classification
The product is ranked No. 12 on the Amazon global website. As we know, Amazon has millions of products on it.
That a product like this occupies this rank on this site indicates the strength of the product and its excellent and high effectiveness in cleaning.
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Product price
The price of the product is about $10, but now there is a 30% discount on Amazon, which means that its price is $6.97. Click here to buy from any store you want at the price that suits you.
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What is TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty?
TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a versatile product designed to maintain the interior of your car by effectively cleaning dirt and debris from hard-to-reach areas like air vents, cup holders, and keyboards.
This versatile cleaning tool is designed to clean car interiors, homes, and offices using high-tech materials to pick up dust, dirt, crumbs, and pet hair from hard-to-reach areas, making it a versatile and efficient cleaning solution.
ThisWorx Car Vacuum Cleaner, click here to learn more.
How to Use TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty
The putty is a user-friendly solution that effectively removes dirt and grime from surfaces by allowing them to be lifted and pressed onto them, ensuring a clean, new appearance.
It can be reused multiple times without leaving any residue or marks.
TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a non-sticky, easy-to-use product that can be applied to surfaces to clean.
It's a quick and easy process, requiring only a small amount to be applied, then lightly pressed down and lifted away to ensure a thorough cleaning.
After cleaning, simply fold back the putty and store it in a cool, dry place, as it can be reused multiple times without losing effectiveness.
Why TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is the Ultimate Car Interior Cleaner
TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a revolutionary solution to traditional cleaning products, enabling easy cleaning of hard-to-reach areas, unlike traditional wipes or sprays.
TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a non-toxic, non-harsh chemical product that is effective and safe for use on various surfaces, including upholstery and leather, making it suitable for delicate cleaning tasks.
TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a versatile tool designed for car interiors, including cleaning keyboards, remote controls, and electronics, making it a valuable tool for maintaining cleanliness and tidiness in both your car and your home. Click here to buy
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Pros and Cons Cleaning Gel
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty effectively removes dust, dirt, and debris from hard-to-reach areas, particularly in nooks and crannies that traditional methods struggle to clean.
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is reusable and can be easily cleaned by kneading when dirty.
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a safe, non-toxic, and non-abrasive product suitable for use on various surfaces, including car interiors, keyboards, and furniture.
Easy to use
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a user-friendly product that can be easily applied to clean surfaces, allowing the gel to conform to the surface's shape and remove dirt or debris.
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is versatile and capable of cleaning not only your car but also your keyboard, home, and office.
Can be messy
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is messy, especially when applied to hands, so it's crucial to store it in a container when not in use.
Not for all surfaces
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty isn't suitable for all surfaces as it can damage delicate ones like leather.
Comparing all the advantages and disadvantages, the positives are much greater than the negatives, and this is very strong evidence of the strength of the product and its excellent effectiveness.
ThisWorx Car Vacuum Cleaner, click here to learn more.
Customer opinions and ratings
As shown in the image below, the product received a five-star rating from more than 58% of buyers, and this is a very high percentage.
As for the one-star rating, it is evaluated by about 6% of buyers, and this is a very small percentage compared to the five-star rating. Click here to buy
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Some buyers review
Positive comments
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Negative comments
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ِSome additional things
Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using the TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty:
Be sure to test the gel on a small inconspicuous area before using it on a large surface.
Don't use the gel on surfaces that are wet or oily.
Store the gel in a cool, dry place.
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is a versatile and efficient tool for cleaning car interiors and hard-to-reach surfaces.
Its soft, flexible material allows for easy moldability and effective dirt removal.
ThisWorx Car Vacuum Cleaner, click here to learn more.
It can be used in various home settings, not just cars. Despite its versatility, it can be messy and not suitable for all surfaces.
The TICARVE Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty is an excellent investment for those looking to keep their car looking great without spending hours cleaning.
It is effective, reusable, safe, and easy to use, but may not be suitable for all surfaces. Click here to buy
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