frayed-symphony · 28 days
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Walking on Sylvarant/Tethe'alla
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ukiukimaru · 1 year
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thornbriar · 3 months
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Well summer season is here
Perfect time to return to the bane of existence my otp and family
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july13th2004 · 1 year
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Some more images of the new plushies still available to preorder.
Preorders are available through Friday, October 27th!
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loubatas-art · 10 months
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Unrestrained Summer Fun
One of Colette's chakrams at the beginning of the game is described as "perfect to play fetch with Noishe" and I love the idea of the kids enjoying a nice sunny afternoon playing with their giant immortal dog Colette deserves it so much
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thingsofsymphonia · 5 months
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My ToS 20th anniversary Noishe arrived a few weeks ago! He’s so soft and we love him. 😭❤️
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tosrcountdown · 2 years
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🌠 Happy Release Day for Tales of Symphonia Remastered! 🌠
To celebrate, our contributors pitched in to create a chibi collab picture with both major and minor characters from Symphonia! Try to name them all! 🌳 We’ve also included separate versions to better view all of the artwork that was put together.
Thank you to everyone who followed along on our countdown journey! It’s been motivating seeing everyone’s excitement for this project. Your support has meant so much to all of our contributors, and we hope you enjoy the release of Tales of Symphonia! 
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mia-solastasia · 1 year
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Raine Riding Noishe [Nov 19 2015]
What led to this:
Raine: Lloyd? Lloyd: Yeah Professor, what's up? Raine: Could I perhaps ride Noishe for a while? Lloyd: Why do you want to ride Noishe? Raine: For research purposes, of course! It would be so MARVELOUS to learn his method of locomotion. You see, Lloyd... ;;She goes on a tangent which is much like a lecture, Lloyd of course, doesn't listen;; Lloyd: Okay, okay, you can ride him! Just stop teaching me, this isn't class and I'm already falling asleep. Raine: Yes, thank you. But you really should've paid attention to my lecture. I might have a test on it later. Lloyd: Just get on Noishe already! ;;Raine mounts Noishe;; Noishe: *Whine* Raine: Errm... How do I make it go? Lloyd That's easy! Noishe, GO! ;;Lloyd slaps Noishe's behind;; Noishe: *HOWL!* ;;Noishe runs off EXTREMELY fast;;
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somacruising · 2 months
Tales of the Rays: Mirrage Prison
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Chapter 6: The Atoning Hero and Remorseful Chosen (Part 9)
(Part 8) | (Part 10)
Zelos left the party to take Chester back to the Kerykeion, so now Kratos and Sync have gone to look for where Mithos is hiding out. Let's see what they find!
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Sync: …According to Caius’ map, Mithos’ shelter should be somewhere around here, right? I haven’t noticed any signs of it. ……カイウスの地図によるとこの辺りにミトスの避難所があるんだろ?それらしいものが見当たらないけど。
Kratos: …He wouldn’t make it easy to find. Mithos and the rest of us were often being pursued during our former travels. ……すんなりと見つかるようには作らないだろう。ミトスと私たちはかつての旅の間ずっと敵に追われていた。
Kratos: He knows exactly how to keep himself hidden. どのようにすれば身を隠せるかはよく心得ている。
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Sync: —Hold it. Something’s here. ——待った。何かいるよ。
Kratos: Is that… この気配は……。
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Sync: A monster…!? 魔物……!?
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Kratos: Noishe!? ノイシュ……!?
Noishe: Fuaaoo… フォーン……。
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Sync: …What’s this…weird thing? Is it your pet? ……何、この変な生き物。アンタのペット?
Kratos: Well…he’s something close. まぁ……そんなようなものだ。
Kratos: So, you were exoflected, too, Noishe. Why are you out here, aren’t you traveling with Lloyd? ノイシュ、お前も具現化��れていたのか。何故ここにいる?ロイドと一緒ではないのか?
Noishe: *whines* キュウーンキュンキュン……。
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Kratos: …Don’t tell me that you’re here with Mithos? ……まさか、ミトスと一緒にいるのか?
Sync: Ha…? What, you can actually talk to this weird thing? は……?何、この変なのと会話できる訳?
Kratos: Noishe is a highly intelligent life form. ノイシュは高度な知能を持つ知的生命体だ。
Kratos: He seems to want me to follow him. 付いてこいと言っているようだ。
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Sync: Hmm, this reminds me of Arietta… まぁ、アリエッタみたいなものか……。
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Noishe: Fuaaooo! フォーン!
Mithos: Noishe, don’t be so loud, okay? ノイシュ、大きな声で鳴いちゃ駄目だよ?
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Kratos: Mithos… ミトス……。
Mithos: …Noishe must have brought you here. What a meddler. ……ノイシュが連れてきたのか。お前はお節介だね。
Noishe: *bark* ワフ!
Mithos: What do you want? You didn’t come here by coincidence, did you? 何か用?偶然なんてことはないでしょう?
Kratos: We’ve received a message from someone named Aster. Martel is being held at the Tidal Temple. アステルという人物からの伝言を預かってきた。マーテルは海鳴りの神殿にいるとのことだ。
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Mithos: !?
Kratos: Do you know where the Ocean Temple is? お前は海鳴りの神殿の場所を知っているか。
Mithos: …I do. It’s a temple connected to Mercuria’s villa. ……知ってるよ。メルクリアの離宮から繋がる神殿だ。
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Sync: You going to head over there and rampage? 行って暴れてくるつもり?
Mithos: Only if someone has happened to my sister. 姉さまに何かしていればね。
Kratos: I’ll go with you. 私も共に行こう。
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Mithos: ………。
Kratos: Some extra strength won’t hinder you. 戦力が増えて困ることはあるまい。
Sync: Hey, if you’re going with him, that means I have no choice but to go, too. ねえ、アンタが行くってことは自動的にボクも行かなきゃいけないんだけど。
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Mithos: This guy’s coming with us? Won’t he just be deadweight? こいつも来るの?足手まといなんじゃない?
Sync: You tell me. Want to try me and find out? 言ってくれるね。何なら試してみる?
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Mithos: Aren’t you a little out of your depth? I could kill you without even lifting my sword. 身の程知らずも大概にしたら?お前なんか剣を使わなくてもすぐ殺せるよ。
Sync: Then go ahead and kill me, Siscon Boy. だったら殺してみせてよ、シスコン坊や。
Kratos: —That’s enough. Sync is highly skilled, Mithos. You haven’t seen him fight yet. ——いい加減にしないか。ミトス、シンクは手練れだ。それがわからぬお前ではないだろう。
Mithos: I was just annoyed about being underestimated by such a small fry. ボクの力も見誤るような雑魚は邪魔だと思っただけだよ。
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Sync: —Why you! ——貴様っ!
Kratos: Mithos, Sync, both of you cut it out! Those who possess true power don’t blindly wave it about. ミトス!シンク!やめなさい。本当に力を持つ者は、むやみにそれを振り回したりはしないものだ。
Kratos: In that sense, both of you are still weak. そういう意味ではお前たちは二人とも弱者だ。
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Mithos & Sync: ………。
Kratos: —Mithos, may I ask you something? What is this collection of old books here, are you researching something? ——ミトス。一つ尋ねて構わぬか?ここには随分古い書物も集めているようだが何か調べているのか?
Mithos: I’m looking for information about spirits. 精霊について、ちょっとね。
Kratos: Spirits? Does this have to do with Demitrius’s plan? 精霊?やはりデミトリアスの計画に関することなのか?
Mithos: I don’t care what that deadbeat thinks he’s doing. I’m just…concerned. I’m worried that there might be a spirit version of Martel on this world. あんな死に損ないの考える計画なんてどうでもいい。ただボクは心配してるだけ。精霊マーテルの存在の可能性について。
Kratos: A spirit version of Martel? What are you talking about? Martel isn’t a spirit. 精霊マーテル?何を言っている。マーテルは精霊ではないだろう。
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Mithos: —So, you don’t know. Mm…yes, all right. You don’t need to know. For now, at least. ——クラトスは知らないんだね。うん……そうだったね。だったら知る必要はないよ。今のところはね。
Mithos: Let’s get going to the Ocean Temple. I’ll bring us there. それより海鳴りの神殿へ行こう。ボクが案内する。
Sync: What about this Noishe thing? このノイシュとか言う変なのはどうするのさ。
Kratos: Noishe isn’t good with monsters. He should stay here. Or… ノイシュは魔物が苦手だ。この家にいた方がいい。あるいは……。
Kratos: No, it’s fine. Stay here and wait for Mithos to return, Noishe. ——いや、いい。ここでミトスの帰りを待っていてくれ。
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Noishe: *whines* キューン……。
Mithos: Noishe, be a good boy. ノイシュ、いい子にしているんだよ。
Sync: …What a weird face. You don’t look that intelligent to me. ……変な顔。知恵があるようには見えないな。
Noishe: *barks* ワフン……。
(Part 8) | (Part 10)
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frayed-symphony · 28 days
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The old familiar scent of Iselia
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ukiukimaru · 1 year
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thornbriar · 1 year
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So I did the soon to be x’s (okay this pun was too good to pass up) colorwheel trend and I finally finished it the other day!
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july13th2004 · 1 year
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Famitsu Article
Eight new Symphonia plushies featuring Lloyd, Colette, Genis, Presea, Zelos, Kratos, Mithos, and Noishe are now available to preorder until October 27th, with a release date of February 2024!
And preorders can be found here!
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loubatas-art · 1 year
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Listen I just think it's very sweet how those two are always stuck to each other in the first part of the game
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dorinahv2 · 2 years
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Maxwell Noishe to celebrate TOS almost coming out and so I can relive my childhood hehe
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