#Nogi Wakaba Wa Yuusha de Aru
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wsjyuyuyuau · 17 days ago
Tsunayoshi Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
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Name: Tsunayoshi Sawada
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Family: Iemitsu Sawada (father), Nana Sawada (mother)
Flower Motif: St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Flower Meaning: Healing
Weapon of Choice: Tonfas
Associated With: Interdimensional Hero Club
Hero Form Appearance: An epic combination of a mafia boss outfit with YuYuYu’s Hero form outfits. The undersuit is a brilliant black so that the yellow and other lighter colors begin to stand out more. The outfit is a bright yellow fading straight to a fiery orange and then to red, with green, white, and silver accents being throughout the outfit to complement it all. The shoes are a mix of dress shoes and sneakers, while the jacket is something out of a 1950’s flick. The St. John’s wort’s petal shape is in the tailcoat, pants, sleeves, and the wristbands. There’s also black embroidery patterned in the style of the St. John’s Wort throughout the outfit, and Tsuna’s hair remains unchanged save for a hairclip resembling his flower motif. The only other accessory? A St. John’s Wort tie clasp. Reborn has a similar get up, but it’s smaller and more his size.
Full Bloom Gauge Location: Tummy
Guardian: Erchu (Based on the Erchitu)
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Parallel To: None
Bio: Tsunayoshi Sawada is the tenth Vongola boss, and the holder of the Sky Ring. A fourteen year old Junior High student that fails in just about everything he pursues; receiving terrible grades in school, failing at sports, and unanimously regarded as a loser by all of his peers, to the point of receiving the nickname “No-Good Tsuna". However, His life changes after coming home from school one day to meet an infant hitman named Reborn who informs Tsuna that he is a descendant from one of the most powerful Italian mafia families and will be training him until further notice. At first, Tsuna is in disbelief of this revelation, until he is shot in the head with a bullet that temporarily kills him and brings him back to life with all limitations removed from his body, allowing him to use the power of his Dying Will and perform incredible feats.
Note: He has the same flower motif as Utano Shiratori from Nogi Wakaba Wa Yuusha De Aru.
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i-hear-a-sound · 11 months ago
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let-them-fight · 29 days ago
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mew-cake · 2 years ago
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Shout out to this orange magical girl I just discovered
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bluebunnysart · 2 years ago
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Hello NoWaYu English fandom (small) 
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majokkoradio · 5 years ago
“Kibou no Tsubomi” - Nogi Wakaba wa Yuusha de aru - Group Image Song
Birthday: June 20
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dragonmickie · 5 years ago
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Heroes Kill God and Discuss Their Plans For College
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crystal-espeon13 · 5 years ago
NoWaYu anime opening?? Maybe?? P l e a s e?? :D :D :D :D
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all-blues · 6 years ago
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『結城友奈は勇者である』, 『乃木若葉は勇者である』 Offcial Art
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wsjyuyuyuau · 4 days ago
Gol D. Roger (One Piece)
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Name: Gol D Roger
Series: One Piece
Gender: Male
Status: Deceased (He dies the same way he did in canon, before Vegeta’s Tale)
Family: Portugas D Ace (Son)
Flower Motif: Gold Rose (Rosa)
Flower Meaning: Abundance
Weapon of Choice: Cutlass
Associated With: Gaia Council (Formerly), The First Hero Team (The Rise of Hashirama Senju)
Hero Form Appearance: A combination of a sea captain’s getup and YuYuYu’s Hero Form outfits. The undersuit of the outfit is a solid black, which helps the gold of the outfit stand out more. The main outfit is a solid gold, but as you near the pants and sleeves, it shifts to a rose gold. Gray, white, red, and silver accents help balance things out so the gold doesn’t become overwhelming. Meanwhile, the boots, belt, and neckerchief are a silver color to perfectly contrast with the gold of the main outfit, while the hat and the coat (Worn on the shoulders) remain unchanged save for gold rose embroidery on both of them. The gold rose’s petal shape can be seen in the coat, pants, and sleeves.
Full Bloom Gauge Location: None (The Rise of Hashirama Senju), Back Near Neck (If he had one)
Guardian: None (The Rise of Hashirama Senju), Hafgu (Based on The Hafgufa) (If he had one)
Favorite Food: Anything With Rum
Parallel To: Tamako Doi
Bio: "Gold" Roger, real name Gol D. Roger, was a legendary pirate who lived twenty-two years ago. As a member of the Family of D bloodline, Roger conquered the Grand Line, while amassing a vast fortune, as he became known as the King of the Pirates. But Roger knew that he would soon die from an incurable disease and disbanded his crew before turning himself in to be executed, while asking Monkey D. Garp to care for his son Portgas D. Ace. And so begins the events of the entire franchise after his execution…
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hako-aiko · 6 years ago
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Old WIP. Something I swore to do if I got Chikage SSR. Although I said everyone/Chikage kabedon...I can only finish this wakachika.
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fates-end-does-vns · 6 years ago
Nogi Wakaba is a Hero: 1/2
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that's a familiar looking face. sister or ancestor? sister or ancestor? 
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that's a pretty karinish face there 
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Second hero diary? What was the first?
>Nogi Sonoko joined the Sanshu Middle School Hero Club.
Starting in the present, I see.
>The Nogi Household's rose bath was like a hot spring.
ahh, wait, that illustration is for this scene isn't it yeah, now I see the black eyes instead of purple
>"That's a cute reaction~ I'm sure the readers would love a character like you~ my creative urges are rising~"
sononononono, don't break the fourth wall
unless you're making fanficion of your friends like fiw twilight, in which case I implore you to reconsider.
>"Yeah, that combination does sound like it could work. So next, how about Nogi?"
do not give sonoka a position of authority outside of combat. it will not end well.
>But yeah, right now, I think that out of all four candidates, I'd recommend Karin as club president. It'll probably be hard for her, but she is the 'perfect hero' after all, so I'm sure she can manage somehow."
ah right karin's more mellowed out now.
>"Okay, I'll read your fortune! ...Okay, I've got the results. This looks like it'll be a good romance!"
show me how you fucked up the tarot itsuki. I won't get too mad.
>"Well~ I'm not sure what I like exactly, but someone who's diligent and takes good care of others would be lovely~. It'd be even more fun if they were way too serious and got reckless from time to time, huh~"
sonogo you're just describing togou
>I wanted some material for my novels, so I asked for some history books to sent in from my family house's archive, and they sent me a huuuumongous amount of them.
>"Books that escaped censorship... Those exist?"
fffucking taisha
burnin books too
>It was the same title as the diary Sonoko had recorded when she was worshiped, the Hero Diary.
ahhh so hero diaries are what the taisha make heroes write after they've reached their expiration dates
>It says the diary began to be recorded in July 2015.
so the treepocalypse happened in Next Sunday AD.
>"Nogi... Wakaba... Is she my ancestor~? If she wrote this diary, then does that mean my ancestor was a hero?"
caaaallllled iiiiiiit
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y'alright there yuuna
(Prologue: End)
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apocalypse magical girls from the far off future of 2018
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what the fuck yuuna's is yuuna a time traveller a reincarnatee a cryogenically frozen supersoldier from the distant past
or is this just a coincidence
>Nogi Wakaba, a fifth grader at the time 
>a fifth grader at the time 
>fifth grader at the time 
>fifth grader 
are you fucking kidding me 
that was a joke
so nogi wakaba is basically blond sumi right 
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why do these ten year olds have boobs
>One of the star-like objects fell onto the roof of the kagura-den. It was definitely not a bird at all. Its entire body was an almost unnatural white, its size far more gigantic than a human, with an ominous mouth-like organ.
and here's the vertices
>On unsteady feet, Hinata stood up. A strange light imbued her eyes and hex-like words leaked from her mouth.
ahh hinata's got the old possession style sayakafication fairies
I see they're taking the opportunity to do what they can't show on television.
>When she snapped back to her senses, Wakaba was standing up with that very sword in hand. She could've sworn the blade was rusted, but before she  had realised it, the blade was tinged with a vibrant, almost living brilliance.
we sure this is still the magical girl genre? this is giving me Eternity Sword vibes more than anything
>Some changed into a form like the edge of a section of body tissue, stiffening and rising up. (...They're... evolving...?)
that's not how evolution works.
>Three years later-- Nogi Wakaba was now a second year in middle school.
not expecting a time skip of all things. I'll be honest, I was enjoying the hellhole thing.
>Uesato Hinata is a Miko, one who hears divine voices.
miko, huh? interesting.
chapter 1 end.
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the fuck is a doi
>After the invasion, a special tree by the name of "Shinju" appeared in Shikoku, and a giant wall made of plant tissue surrounded the island. It is said that the Shinju was the incarnation of the local gods, and the wall was a barrier it put up to stop the Vertex.
"appeared", "it was said". hm, hm, hm~♪
pff, uranus. but apparently it's "fear of heaven"
>Although it said "hearing the voice of the gods," it was not through common speech, but rather in the form of symbols and suggestive hints that instructions were transmitted to her.
symbols and suggestive hints, huh... so basically it's a horoscope.
>Only the purest of girls
"purest of girls"? what the hell does that even mean in this case
> are able to come in contact with the gods who detest impurity.
oh, the gods are fucking Lunarians.
>An area of the southeastern part of Lake Suwa in Nagano was, like Shikoku, also protected by a barrier where people could live.
...Another barrier? A second tree, or???
noodle discourse
>It let her feel safe knowing there was a friend out there fighting as well.
she's gon die isn't she
oh fuck I'm going to need to memorize at least five sets of speech patterns aren't I
>"I'm not fondling them! I'm trying to tear them off!"
i see hinata has more in common with togou than her hair color
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this'll be a joy to get straight 
we even have multiple soft-spoken girls with long black hair 
interesting to note that yuuna's not pictured yet.
>Normal weapons were useless against the Vertex, only those that the Heroes wielded could inflict damage upon them.
so do the weapons have fairies in them or what
>"Taisha" was written with the characters for "Great Shrine," wait a fucking second is this a different organization
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yeah yuuna's a time traveller.
chapter 2 end
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guess blossoming is already a thing
for some strange reason I feel like wakaba's the only character who matters here.
>And yet Yuuna was less concerned about herself, and more concerned with Chikage who hadn't participated in the battle at all.
yuuna being yuuna
>The next moment, the cylindrical Vertex began forming a clear red plate-shaped structure.
>Out of the infinite records available to her, the one Yuuna now chose was "Ichimokuren".
wait, so yuuna's choosing her fairy?
and stuffing it in herself, which is bad.
>Wakaba had dodged the Vertex's charge with the least necessary movement, and at the same time, she bit off part of the enemy's body with her teeth.
don't bite the alien wakaba
>"Wakaba-chan! You can't go eating weird things like that, okay!?"
chapter 3 end
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so is she referring to actual blossoming here or what
>A foul smell hit her the moment she stepped inside.
chikage's in a bad place
chikage's in a really bad place
>They both cursed her existence.
>Those who had hurt her once were now trying to get on her good side.
garbage people, the lot of them
>(My worth... is in being a hero...)
oh no this won't end well
>It allowed her to exist in seven different places at once. She wouldn't die unless all seven were killed at the same time.
and this is even one of the fairies mentioned in that report.
chapter 4 end
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??? I don't get it
oh hey gemini
>"I see! So then maybe we can use the udon as a diversion if it reacts to it!" there is absolutely no way this will work.
>untamarable what kind of pun is that
chapter 5 end
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wait a second is that part talking about udon did they censor udon and intelligent? why the hell would the taisha censor information about instant noodles 
>The one who saved her was Yuuna. She suddenly appeared in the midst of the swarm and started holding them off instead of Wakaba. are you sure yuuna's not the protagonist here
so to temporarily stop the vertexes the taisha allegedly went aztec on what were allegedly six mikos those wouldn't happen to actually be these six characters somehow, would they? and I guess Yuuna would be a zombie...?
end of chapter 6
so apparently the divine tree is blaming humans too? fuck that tree.
guess hinata's hair is purple now.
>"...Her consciousness still hasn't returned." so are comas normal for yuuna
this group is a lot less stable than the other ones.
>Now that it had been denied... just how should she fight from now on?
wakaba freaking out about her girlfriend leaving is cute
ah, anzu's trying to cheer her up by point out how many people she’s been helping.
>(But now... I have to get over it.) :V guess the therapists all got eaten
and Chapter 7 ends with another timeskip.
>And perhaps they would keep on changing. *glances at gin's funeral*
>Aki Masuzu clamoured in misery as she changed clothes. oh boy another new character
>However, all communications with Suwa had ceased after last September.
and another tree circle is confirmed just to be killed off lemme guess, they'll disappear one by one until shikoku's all that's left?
>Finally, the Shinju appeared at the end of the path. hup
even in a light novel, the tree isn't described
>Several of the small stars combined into a brilliance unlike anything I've ever seen... leo again?
>There are two kinds of honetsukidori. Chick uses spring chickens while hen uses more mature chicken meat. Chick is more plump, tender, and easier to eat, while hen has a deeper flavour that oozes out the more you chew on its tougher meat. stop it, you're making me hungry
>All Yuuna was doing was cheerfully humming as she cleaned Wakaba's ears-- but not even Hinata was a match for a technique like that. even in other characters' stories, yuuna reigns supreme
>The fierce battle foretold in the oracle in the midst of the war of humanity's last stand would later be called the Battle of Marugame Castle. Oh, so we're getting into a fight that's actually important?
[End of chapter 8]
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hmm. you know what, there's only so long you can string me along with splotches of whiteout before I get desensitized to it.
>Would they just blindly increase in size, or would they guide their evolution into an intentional form? The latter.
>By that time, the black shadows wrapping around her foot had already disappeared. what the heck
>Suddenly, Tamako collapsed to her knees. really shouldn'tve tempted fate back there.
>The fairy she had extracted from the Shinju was Minamoto no Yoshitsune, a general with superhuman martial arts thought it was a divine tree, not a throne of heroes.
end of chapter 9.
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So are they going on a "trip" outside the wall? Wonder if it's as much of a primordial hellscape as it is in present times...
>Many buildings had been blown out from the inside as if a chemical explosion had occurred within, and traces of heat-deformation could be seen. That's the first unpleasant thing they saw? Guess the vertexes haven't done... whatever to destroy the atmosphere yet.
>For dinner, they were boiling water in a pot to cook some udon they had brought from Shikoku. It was a dry-noodle kind of Sanuki udon that kept well. of course they're eating udon.
>After dinner, everyone went into the river to wash off their sweat. oh boy another fanservice scene bet there's a cg for this too yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.
>"If I become a hero and do my best fighting the Vertexes, I can save people. If we keep saving people, then we can slowly but surely take back the world and bring it back to normal. At least that's what I think!" Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero, after all.
>After the heroes had annihilated the Vertexes, they decided to resume moving for the day. even the story is getting bored.
>"Th... there was supposed to be an Osaka-famous rare book store here! How terrible! The last copies of incredibly precious books could be lost to the world now!" all that devestation, and that's what makes you freak out?
>Instead-- they found a heap of several skeletons. That's... odd. They haven't found any bodies so far, have they? I figured the Vertex don't leave anything behind.
>Wakaba noticed a notebook on the floor. She picked it up and looked inside. It was the diary of someone who took refuge in this underground mall.
oh are we going to read a diary in a diary?
chapter 10 end
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let-them-fight · 1 year ago
superbowl today. thus after like fifteen fucking years I make a new poll
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wholesomeyuri · 7 years ago
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✧・゚: *✧ Kissing with Half-Closed Eyes ✧ *:・゚✧
♡ Characters ♡ : Hinata Uesato ♥ Wakaba Nogi
♢ Light Novel ♢ : Nogi Wakaba wa Yuusha de Aru (AL, KIT, MAL, NU)
☆ Source ☆ : pixiv
.。*゚+.*.。 Art by iTaRo 。.*.+*゚。.
♥*♡+:。.。 check out r/wholesomeyuri for more wholesome yuri goodness ~ 。.。:+♡*♥ + *゚ 。. The artwork(s) belong to the respective artist, please don't remove the credits .。*゚+
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heroicxadvent-blog · 6 years ago
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thanks to my friend for making this
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