#Node js tools for visual studio mac
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veworturk · 2 years ago
Node js tools for visual studio mac
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Some old versions of Electron shipped malformed config.gypi in their headersĭistributions, and you might need to pass -force-process-config to node-gyp nfig object of the running Node.js instance. Should use -dist-url or -nodedir flags to specify the headers of theĪlso when -dist-url or -nodedir flags are passed, node-gyp will use theĬonfig.gypi shipped in the headers distribution to generate buildĬonfigurations, which is different from the default mode that would use the When building modules for thid party Node.js runtimes like Electron, which haveĭifferent build configurations from the official Node.js distribution, you If it's not a compatible version, no further Python executable, it will be used instead of any of the other configured orīuiltin Python search paths. If the NODE_GYP_FORCE_PYTHON environment variable is set to the path of a Then that version will be used, if it is a compatible version. If the PYTHON environment variable is set to the path of a Python executable, Npm config set python /path/to/executable/python
by setting the -python command-line option, e.g.:.
Version node-gyp should use in one of the following ways: If you have multiple Python versions installed, you can identify which Python Node-gyp requires that you have installed a compatible version of Python, one of: v3.7, v3.8,
To target native ARM64 Node.js on Windows 10 on ARM, add the components "Visual C++ compilers and libraries for ARM64" and "Visual C++ ATL for ARM64". If the above steps didn't work for you, please visit Microsoft's Node.js Guidelines for Windows for additional tips.
Launch cmd, npm config set msvs_version 2017.
(using the "Desktop development with C++" workload) (using "Visual C++ build tools" workload) or Visual Studio Community
Install Visual C++ Build Environment: Visual Studio Build Tools.Install tools and configuration manually: Install the current version of Python from the Microsoft Store package.
Alternatively, if you already have the full Xcode installed, you can install the Command Line Tools under the menu Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> More Developer Tools.
Install the XCode Command Line Tools standalone by running xcode-select -install.
XCode Command Line Tools which will install clang, clang++, and make.
A proper C/C++ compiler toolchain, like GCCĪTTENTION: If your Mac has been upgraded to macOS Catalina (10.15), please read macOS_Catalina.md.Interactive Window- We can see the results immediately in the Node.js Interactive Window.Depending on your operating system, you will need to install: On Unix NPM Integration - You can nstall packages from a rich user interface, explore packages and their dependencies in the npm tree view. IntelliSense - NTVS have powerful IntelliSence. And you can use scaffolding tools to generate your project. Project templates - You can use built-in templates in visual studio. Node.js, io.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and JSON support.Integration with other Visual Studio features and 3 rd party tools.NTVS supports Editing, Intellisense, Profiling, npm, TypeScript, Debugging locally and remotely (Windows/MacOS/Linux), as well Azure Web Sites and Cloud Service. NTVS is a free, open source plugin that turns Visual Studio into a Node.js IDE. Visual Studio IDE not build in support for Node.js. Node.js ia a platform for building fast, scalable application using JavaScript.
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awesomehenny888 · 3 years ago
10+ Framework Pengembangan Website Terbaik di Tahun 2021
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Membuat dan mengembangkan website atau web akan jauh lebih sulit bila tidak menggunakan framework. Pada artikel kali ini, kami akan membahas beberapa framework yang terbaik digunakan oleh web developer untuk mengembangkan website di tahun 2021. Yuk, simak ulasan berikut di bawah ini.
Framework Pengembangan Website Terbaik di Tahun 2021 :
1. Angular.js
Angular JS diciptakan oleh engineer Google yaitu Misko Hevery dan Adam Abrons, dan dirilis pada tahun 2012. Kerangka kerja JavaScript yang paling kuat, dan efisien adalah AngularJS. Pun, framework ini bersifat open-source dan biasa digunakan dalam membuat single page (SPA) berbasis website. Selain itu Angular JS juga sering digunakan untuk membuat menu animasi di HTML.
2. React.js
Framework yang satu ini dikembangkan oleh facebook. Dalam waktu singkat, React JS telah mendapatkan popularitas dalam waktu singkat. Dengan menggunakan React JS, developer bisa membuat berbagai user interface yang bisa dibagi menjadi beberapa komponen.
3. Vue.js
Dikembangkan pada tahun 2016, kerangka kerja JavaScript ini telah masuk ke pasaran, dan membuktikan nilainya dengan menawarkan berbagai fitur. Dual integration mode adalah salah satu fitur paling menarik untuk membuat single page (SPA) kelas atas. Selain itu, framework ini pun digunakan untuk membuat User Interface. Vue sendiri diciptakan untuk memberikan alternatif framework yang jauh lebih ringan dibandingkan framework lainnya.
ASP.NET dikembangkan oleh Microsoft pada tahun 2012 untuk membantu pengembang aplikasi web yang menggunakan Object – Oriented secara dinamis. Teknologi ini diciptakan oleh Microsoft untuk pemrograman internet yang lebih efisien. Untuk mengembangkan web, ASP.Net dibantu oleh tools lain seperti SQL Server, Visual Studio, dan Browser.
5. ASP.NET Core
Framework ini ditujukan untuk developer yang tidak menggunakan OS Windows, tapi menyukai ASP.NET. ASP.Net Core dapat digunakan oleh pengguna Linux dan Mac OS.
6. Spring
Spring adalah framework open source berbasis java yang dirilis oleh Red Johnson sebagai alternatif dari JEE (Java Enterprise Edition). Spring bertujuan untuk mengatasi masalah desain sistem dalam pengembangan enterprise.
7. Django
Tahun 2005, Adrian Holovaty dan Simon Willson menciptakan kerangka kerja web server-side berbasis Python yang mengikuti pola arsitektur MTV. Django merupakan framework Python yang bisa digunakan untuk pengembangan aplikasi web dengan cepat, mudah, dan sedikit kode.
8. Laravel
Laravel adalah framework bahasa pemrograman PHP yang cukup populer dan terbaik di Indonesia, dan juga dunia. Setiap versi barunya laravel memunculkan teknologi baru yang bisa digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan aplikasi web.
9. Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails cocok digunakan bagi developer yang sudah memahami ruby. Rails bertujuan untuk menyederhanakan pembuatan aplikasi berbasis web.
10. Jquery
Framework web yang satu ini diciptakan untuk memudahkan pengembang yang ingin mengembangkan website dengan bahasa pemrograman JavaScript. Jquery sangat populer digunakan karena bisa digunakan di berbagai platform.
11. Express
Express atau ExpressJS menggunakan modul http bawaan dari Node JS. Framework ini menawarkan beberapa fitur seperti routing, rendering view, dan middleware, Karena Express adalah salah satu framework yang fleksibel, developer bisa membuat web server HTML, aplikasi chat, search engine, dan lainnya.
12. Flask
Flask merupakan framework yang berasal dari bahasa pemrograman Phyton. Dengan flask, developer bisa digunakan untuk membangun web tanpa perlu membangunnya dari nol. Flask sangat ringan dan tidak bergantung oleh banyak library dari luar
Baca Juga: 10 Framework PHP Terbaik yang Banyak Digunakan Oleh PHP Developer
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masterdemolitioninc · 4 years ago
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hirereactnativedeveloper · 4 years ago
Dive into React Native for Android Development
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If you’re new to mobile development, Expo CLI is the best place to start. Expo is a suite of tools centered on React Native, and while it has many capabilities, the most important one for us right now is that it can start developing React Native App Development Services in minutes. All you’ll need is a current version of Node.js and a phone or emulator. Snack may be used to test React Native straight in your web browser before installing any tools.
If you’re already experienced with mobile programming, React Native CLI can be a good choice. Hire Dedicated React Native Developers to get started, with Xcode or Android Studio. If you already have one of these tools installed, you should be up and running in a matter of minutes. You should anticipate spending around an hour installing and configuring them if they are not already installed.
Let’s take a look at the things we should keep in mind:
React Native styling
Use CSS-in-JS wrapper library
Use Expo-Kit only when needed
Choose the right navigation library
Convert any web project into mobile easily
The purpose of developing React Native Apps
Scaling your software to work on a variety of devices and screen sizes
Years passed, and React Native talents were in high demand. Since it had been a long time since I had learned something new, I figured why not give it a shot?
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Install the necessary tools to get started with React Native
Setup Visual Studio Code (or your code editor of choice)
Download and install Android Studio for Windows. By default, Android Studio installs the most recent Android SDK. React Native requires the Android SDK 6.0 (Marshmallow) or later. We recommend that you use the most recent SDK.
Make the following environment variables for the Java SDK and Android SDK:
Enter “Edit the system environment variables” in the Windows search bar to launch the System Properties window.
Select Environment Variables…, then New… under User Variables.
Fill in the Variable name and value (path). The following are the default directories for the Java and Android SDKs. If you’ve decided to install the Java and Android SDKs in a specified place, be sure to edit the variable paths properly.
JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre\jre
ANDROID_HOME: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
Download and install NodeJS for Windows. If you will be dealing with various projects and versions of NodeJS, you should consider utilizing Node Version Manager (nvm) for Windows. For new projects, we recommend installing the most recent LTS version.
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Make a new React Native project.
To build a new React Native project, use npx, the package runner tool included with npm. from Windows Command Prompt, PowerShell, Windows Terminal, or VS Code’s integrated terminal (View > Integrated Terminal).
npx react-native init MyReactNativeApp
Open your new “MyReactNativeApp” directory:
cd MyReactNativeApp
Connect a USB cord to your computer if you want to run your project on a physical Android device.
If you wish to run your project on an Android emulator, you shouldn’t have to do anything because Android Studio comes with a built-in emulator. If you wish to execute your software on a certain device’s emulator. In the toolbar, choose the AVD Manager button.
Enter the following command to start your project. This will launch Node Metro Bundler in a new console window.
npx react-native run-android
C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\tools\bin\sdkmanager –licenses
To make changes to the app, enter the My React Native App project directory in your preferred IDE. We prefer Visual Studio Code or Android Studio.
The react-native init project template includes a primary page called App.js. This page is pre-populated with a plethora of relevant links to React Native development resources. Fill the first Text element with text, such as the “HELLO WORLD!” string seen below.
<Text style={styles.sectionDescription}>
Edit <Text style={styles.highlight}>App.js</Text> to change this screen, and then return to check your changes.
To see the changes you made, reload the app. There are various approaches to this.
Enter “r” in the Metro Bundler console window.
Double-tap “r” on your keyboard in the Android device emulator.
Shake the device to bring up the React Native debug menu and select ‘Reload’ on a hardware Android device.
Here are the Benefits of React Native for Android app development :
Easy to learn
Constantly improving
Huge number of libraries
Actively growing community
Native components for both platforms
Expo eliminates the need to possess a Mac in order to build for iOS.
There will be no longer limitless construction times with live and hot reloading.
A code-base shared between Android and iOS apps, with just small changes necessary to match platform experiences.
Reduction in labor resources while some Android/iOS native development may still be required, it will be rare.
Final Thoughts:
One of the main reasons why React Native is one of the greatest cross-platform frameworks for mobile applications is its superb UI rendering. Hire React Native Developers to provide React Native mobile app development services for both Android and iOS devices.
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rlxtechoff · 2 years ago
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thinktanker · 2 years ago
17 Top Node Js IDEs For Modern Application Development
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For a business to grow in terms of income and clientele, its owner must be willing to accept and even embrace change. In app development, it is essential to have a technology stack that enables the development of apps that operate at an extremely rapid rate and also perform effectively on the market. All these reasons have contributed to the tech stack's rise in popularity among programmers. However, it is important to highlight that developers need more than just a tech stack that facilitates rapid app development in order to complete activities like debugging and editing. This ensures the designed applications can work efficiently. Here is when the use of an IDE becomes crucial. This article discusses the list of 17 top node js IDEs for modern application development used by node js experts or node js programmers.
What is Node Js and IDE?
When it comes to executing JavaScript code, no other runtime compares to Node.js's capabilities. Given its widespread adoption in corporate application development, it is currently the go-to choice for programmers.
By using Node.js, your app can easily manage many, simultaneous connections, even if they arrive at different times. For the same reason, it is being utilised to create quick and efficient apps. As a result,  end users and application owners want Node.js application development services on a regular basis, developers must speed up and properly streamline the SDLC of NodeJS applications. Fortunately, IDEs have saved the day by combining a number of useful tools—including a code editor, build automation, code completion, debugger, compiler, and more—into a single, user-friendly programme with an intuitive graphical user interface.
The greatest integrated development environments (IDEs) and development tools are essential for creating state-of-the-art and efficient apps using Node.js.
So, if you are an upcoming node js development company or want to work with node js programmers, here is the complete list of 17 Top Node Js IDEs. 
List of 17 Top Node Js IDEs for Application Development 
IntelliJ IDEA
IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) that has been ranked #1 among the top seventeen Node.js IDEs that quicken the pace of mobile app development. IntelliJ IDEA facilitates collaborative efforts in which node js programmers may finish and inspect codes simultaneously.
Eclipse Che
Eclipse Che is a top contender among integrated development environments. It's a server that hosts a JavaScript integrated development environment and a developer's workspace in the cloud, or, as they describe it, "truly next-generation." Eclipse is the finest Node.js IDE for big projects with several teams in a  node js development company and individuals contributing to and reviewing the code. Eclipse Che is a multi-purpose IDE that may be used in a web browser or standalone.
Many NodeJS programmers recommend Cloud9. It's another cloud-based IDE, and it's free. It's useful for creating apps in Node.js, PHP, and many other languages. In addition to being a robust IDE, its key-binding editor also includes a live preview of the programme and an image editor.
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a code editor used for refactoring and other code-related tasks. The goal is to make it easier to create apps that run smoothly and can be easily debugged.
Microsoft's code editor gives Node js experts more options in terms of running tasks, managing versions, and so on, and it's available for use on several operating systems.
Komodo IDE
Komodo may be used to develop programmes in node js, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby. This IDE works equally well on Windows, Mac, and Linux. This helps to back up the multilingually designed software. Komodo also provides all the features necessary for developing node js apps quickly and effectively.
When it comes to creating NodeJS applications, WebMatrix is among the best and most powerful IDEs available. It's an integrated development environment (IDE) that operates on Microsoft's cloud. Those interested in developing with Node.js can get WebMatrix for free. This web development tool is connected to the cloud, making Node.js development fast and easy for a node js development company.
Sublime Text
You can easily move between projects, divide code for comparison, tailor the editor to your needs, and a host of other features with Sublime Text. Furthermore, Sublime Text editor has a number of shortcuts that can help you work more quickly, such as in the areas of variable name, file management, going to, etc.
If you are a development team wondering whether NodeJS IDE free would be perfect for designing the future applications, Codenvy is the finest IDE for node js development. It provides a cloud environment where node.js developers may work with portable Docker runtimes. If you've caused a disaster, Codenvy has a version control system you may use to roll back to a previous revision. Additionally, it is based on Eclipse Che.
The latest version of Aptana Studio, version 3, is a professional and open source development tool that allows users to create and test whole web applications in a single setting. You may quickly publish your Node.js applications in this IDE since it supports all the most popular languages, including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, Python, etc.
When it comes to writing JavaScript, Brackets is without a doubt the top Node.js integrated development environment. Adobe created this open-source IDE that operates in a web browser.
CodeLobster's autocomplete feature means you won't have to memorise any of the functions, attributes, tags, or arguments. You may streamline and simplify PHP coding with the help of the IDE. File transfer protocol is a part of Codelobster, and it comes with a number of plugins to help you out with your framework of choice.
Although it's not technically an IDE, Vim may be used to create Node.js apps because of its many useful capabilities. It's compatible with Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux.
Atom is a cross-platform Node.js editor that features customizable user interfaces (UIs), skins (themes), and a built-in electronic framework (e.g., webpack). It's free and supports a variety of programming languages including HTML, CSS, Node.js, and JavaScript. It has its own built-in package management.
The well-known Java IDE, NetBeans, is also accessible as a Node js IDE. It's a programming environment that's both adaptable and based on industry standards. If you wish to hire Node Js developers and want to work along with them, NetBeans is a good option for you. 
The CodeLite IDE is another well-known open-source IDE that supports languages including PHP, C, C++, and Javascript. Compiler, debugger, memory, and code completion for Node js are all supported.
Gitpod is a free, open-source IDE for Node.js that uses the Visual Studio Code editor. Built-in npm, Node.js, JavaScript, and Typescript support is included. You have the ability to tailor the surrounding conditions to suit your needs in this IDE. Gitpod provides the whole OS environment for executing Node.js code, so you can see your hard work in action immediately.
Koding is a new company that has developed the infrastructure for running an IDE in the cloud, allowing developers to work together on projects from any device. It employs programming languages like javascript (Node), MySQL, Ruby, and others, and offers a good quality programming interface. Koding is a popular IDE because it allows developers to evaluate their code, highlight their syntax, organise their workspace, and use multiple cursors simultaneously.
Development of Node.js is growing rapidly in the IT industry. This runtime is renowned for enabling developers to create lightweight apps and also speeds up the entire development process.  You need to simply utilise the finest integrated development environment (IDE) for Node.js development to improve the efficiency of your projects. However, If you want to add smart, creative people to your team, you should hire Node js developers online to save time, money, and get your app up and running faster.
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axelanec · 3 years ago
Microsoft visual studio 2013 free download 無料ダウンロード.Visual Studio 2013
Microsoft visual studio 2013 free download 無料ダウンロード.最新の Visual Studio はお試しになりましたか?
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                                                                          Surface デバイス.Visual Studio Tools のダウンロード - Windows、Mac、Linux 用の無料インストール
    Visual Studio IDE または VS Code を無料でダウンロードします。 Windows、Mac で Visual Studio Professional または Enterprise エディションをお試しください。 Dec 30,  · Visual C++ 再頒布可能パッケージは、Visual Studio を使用してビルドされる C++ アプリケーションを実行するために必要なランタイム コンポーネントをインストールします。これらの再頒布可能パッケージの更新版については、サポート情報 をご参照く こんにちは。 Visual Studio 無償評価版 は、現在はどこからダウンロードすればよいのでしょうか。 Visual Studio Professional with Update 5 がありますが、試用版との表示や試用期間の表示などはないようです。. 試用期間はどのようでしょうか。    
Microsoft visual studio 2013 free download 無料ダウンロード.Visual Studio 無償評価版をダウンロードする場所について
Visual Studio Dev Essentials – 上記のすべてと、追加の特典 これらすべての無料のツールとサービスに加えて、Pluralsight トレーニング、Azure クレジット、ダウンロード、その他を無料で Visual Studio Language Pack. Visual Studio Test Professional Language Pack. Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Express Team Explorer for Visual Studio Visual Studio SDK. Visual Studio Modeling SDK. Visual Studio Agents. Visual Studio Express for Web. Visual こんにちは。 Visual Studio 無償評価版 は、現在はどこからダウンロードすればよいのでしょうか。 Visual Studio Professional with Update 5 がありますが、試用版との表示や試用期間の表示などはないようです。. 試用期間はどのようでしょうか。         
 Visual Studio Professional with Update 5 がありますが、試用版との表示や試用期間の表示などはないようです。. 方法: 評価版の Visual Studio からアップグレードする. 無償となっているのは Express と Community のみとなっていて、それ以外のものは90日間の試用期間以内にライセンスを取得する必要があったかと思います。また、私の認識では、ダウンロードできるイメージは製品版と同じもだったと思います。.
デベロッパー センター. 機能とソリューション Office の優れた点 Office UI Fabric Microsoft Graph Better with Office Word Excel Powerpoint Access Project OneDrive OneNote Outlook SharePoint Skype Yammer. Android ASP.
NET iOS JavaScript Node. js PHP coming soon Python coming soon Ruby coming soon. Office アドイン Office アドインの可用性 Office アドインの変更ログ Microsoft Graph API Office コネクタ Office REST API SharePoint アドイン Office UI Fabric Office ストアに提出する すべてのドキュメント. クイック アクセス. Remove From My Forums. Visual Studio Development. Visual Studio 共通 フォーラム. nishimori 0. こんにちは。 Visual Studio 無償評価版 は、現在はどこからダウンロードすればよいのでしょうか。 Visual Studio Professional with Update 5 がありますが、試用版との表示や試用期間の表示などはないようです。 試用期間はどのようでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。.
aspx 上記のページの下の方に「Visual Studio 」とありますので、そこをクリックすると無償評価版をダウンロードすることができます。 また、「Visual Studio Professional with Update 5」の試用期間は 90 日となっております。 個人でのご使用でしたら、Visual Studio Community���お勧めです。. 編集済み kenjinote MVP 年4月13日 回答の候補に設定 星 睦美 年4月15日 回答としてマーク 星 睦美 年4月21日 製品版と同様だったと思います。 製品版へのアップグレード時に再インストール等は不要です。 評価期間とアップグレードについては以下を参照されると良いかと思います。 方法: 評価版の Visual Studio からアップグレードする. 回答の候補に設定 星 睦美 年4月15日 回答としてマーク 星 睦美 年4月21日 返信有難うございます。 ダウンロードしてみます。 私はのライセンスで止まっていて、ちょっとだけ他者の開発アプリを確認したい事項が出てきたので、まずは試用版と思った次第です。結局、購入する事になるのかもしれませんが・・・ 今回は仕事関係ですが、個人ならVisual Studio Community ですね。 ところで、少しそれますが、ご案内頂いた場所からダウンロードできるものは全部無償版なのでしょうか。それとも製品(ダウンロード版)との区別はなくて必要なときにライセンスを取得する形になっているのでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。.
ご案内頂いた場所からダウンロードできるものは全部無償版なのでしょうか。それとも製品(ダウンロード版)との区別はなくて必要なときにライセンスを取得する形になっているのでしょうか。 無償となっているのは Express と Community のみとなっていて、それ以外のものは90日間の試用期間以内にライセンスを取得する必要があったかと思います。また、私の認識では、ダウンロードできるイメージは製品版と同じもだったと思います。 ライセンスの詳細につきましてはマイクロソフトにご確認いただいたほうが確実かと思います。 よろしくお願いいたします。. 編集済み kenjinote MVP 年4月13日 返信で頂いたwebページから、インストールしました。ISOファイルからインストールしようと思いましたがDVDに入りきらないためwebインストーラーで行いましたが問題なくできました。私の環境では1時間半弱かかりました。 皆様 有難うございました。.
コミュニティ リソース. 使用条件 商標 プライバシーに関する声明.
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atomicangelcreation · 4 years ago
Download Python Tools For Visual Studio Mac
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Python Tools For Visual Studio Mac
Download Python Tools For Visual Studio Mac Download
Download Python Tools For Visual Studio Mac Install
Python is a popular programming language that is reliable, flexible, easy to learn, free to use on all operating systems, and supported by both a strong developer community and many free libraries. Python supports all manners of development, including web applications, web services, desktop apps, scripting, and scientific computing, and is used by many universities, scientists, casual developers, and professional developers alike. You can learn more about the language on python.org and Python for Beginners.
Python support is presently available only on Visual Studio for Windows; on Mac and Linux, Python support is available through Visual Studio Code. Download and run the latest Visual Studio installer for Windows (Python support is present in release 15.2 and later). Nov 11, 2020 5) Visual Studio Code. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is an open-source environment developed by Microsoft. It is one of the best Python IDE for Windows that can be used for Python development. Visual Studio Code is based on Electron which is a framework to deploy Node JS applications for the computer running on the Blink browser engine. Macos 10.14 macos 10.15 macos 10.13 xamarin editor debugger project solution xaml fixed in: visual studio 2019 for mac version 8.0 performance crash android ios visual studio ide Setup fixed in: visual studio 2019 for mac version 8.1 fixed in: visual studio 2019 for mac version 8.3 fixed in: visual studio 2019 for mac version 8.2 macos 10.16. Oct 08, 2018 Python Tools for Visual Studio Mac migrated from uservoice Python uservoice votes 230 uservoice supporters 230 visual studio for mac Feedback Bot reported Oct 08, 2018 at 07:37 PM.
Visual Studio is a powerful Python IDE on Windows. Visual Studio provides open-source support for the Python language through the Python Development and Data Science workloads (Visual Studio 2017 and later) and the free Python Tools for Visual Studio extension (Visual Studio 2015 and earlier).
Python is not presently supported in Visual Studio for Mac, but is available on Mac and Linux through Visual Studio Code (see questions and answers).
To get started:
Follow the installation instructions to set up the Python workload.
Familiarize yourself with the Python capabilities of Visual Studio through the sections in this article.
Go through one or more of the Quickstarts to create a project. If you're unsure, start with Create a web app with Flask.
Go through one or more of the Quickstarts to create a project. If you're unsure, start with Quickstart: Open and run Python code in a folder or Create a web app with Flask.
Follow the Work with Python in Visual Studio tutorial for a full end-to-end experience.
Visual Studio supports Python version 2.7, as well as version 3.5 through 3.7. While it is possible to use Visual Studio to edit code written in other versions of Python, those versions are not officially supported and features such as IntelliSense and debugging might not work. Python version 3.8 support is still under development, specific details about support can be seen in this tracking issue on GitHub.
Support for multiple interpreters
Visual Studio's Python Environments window (shown below in a wide, expanded view) gives you a single place to manage all of your global Python environments, conda environments, and virtual environments. Visual Studio automatically detects installations of Python in standard locations, and allows you to configure custom installations. With each environment, you can easily manage packages, open an interactive window for that environment, and access environment folders.
Use the Open interactive window command to run Python interactively within the context of Visual Studio. Use the Open in PowerShell command to open a separate command window in the folder of the selected environment. From that command window you can run any python script.
For more information:
Rich editing, IntelliSense, and code comprehension
Visual Studio provides a first-class Python editor, including syntax coloring, auto-complete across all your code and libraries, code formatting, signature help, refactoring, linting, and type hints. Visual Studio also provides unique features like class view, Go to Definition, Find All References, and code snippets. Direct integration with the Interactive window helps you quickly develop Python code that's already saved in a file.
For more information:
Docs: Edit Python code
Docs: Format code
Docs: Refactor code
Docs: Use a linter
General Visual Studio feature docs: Features of the code editor
Interactive window
For every Python environment known to Visual Studio, you can easily open the same interactive (REPL) environment for a Python interpreter directly within Visual Studio, rather than using a separate command prompt. You can easily switch between environments as well. (To open a separate command prompt, select your desired environment in the Python Environments window, then select the Open in PowerShell command as explained earlier under Support for multiple interpreters.)
Visual Studio also provides tight integration between the Python code editor and the Interactive window. The Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut conveniently sends the current line of code (or code block) in the editor to the Interactive window, then moves to the next line (or block). Ctrl+Enter lets you easily step through code without having to run the debugger. You can also send selected code to the Interactive window with the same keystroke, and easily paste code from the Interactive window into the editor. Together, these capabilities allow you to work out details for a segment of code in the Interactive window and easily save the results in a file in the editor.
Visual Studio also supports IPython/Jupyter in the REPL, including inline plots, .NET, and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
For more information:
Project system, and project and item templates
Visual Studio 2019 supports opening a folder containing Python code and running that code without creating Visual Studio project and solution files. For more information, see Quickstart: Open and run Python code in a folder. There are, however, benefits to using a project file, as explained in this section. Microsoft wireless multimedia keyboard 1.1 driver windows 10.
Visual Studio helps you manage the complexity of a project as it grows over time. A Visual Studio project is much more than a folder structure: it includes an understanding of how different files are used and how they relate to each other. Visual Studio helps you distinguish app code, test code, web pages, JavaScript, build scripts, and so on, which then enable file-appropriate features. A Visual Studio solution, moreover, helps you manage multiple related projects, such as a Python project and a C++ extension project.
Project and item templates automate the process of setting up different types of projects and files, saving you valuable time and relieving you from managing intricate and error-prone details. Visual Studio provides templates for web, Azure, data science, console, and other types of projects, along with templates for files like Python classes, unit tests, Azure web configuration, HTML, and even Django apps.
For more information:
Docs: Manage Python projects
Docs: Item templates reference
Docs: Python project templates
Docs: Work with C++ and Python
General Visual Studio feature docs: Project and item templates
General Visual Studio feature docs: Solutions and projects in Visual Studio
Full-featured debugging
One of Visual Studio's strengths is its powerful debugger. For Python in particular, Visual Studio includes Python/C++ mixed-mode debugging, remote debugging on Linux, debugging within the Interactive window, and debugging Python unit tests.
In Visual Studio 2019, you can run and debug code without having a Visual Studio project file. See Quickstart: Open and run Python code in a folder for an example.
For more information:
Docs: Debug Python
Docs: Python/C++ mixed-mode debugging
Docs: Remote debugging on Linux
General Visual Studio feature docs: Feature tour of the Visual Studio Debugger
Profiling tools with comprehensive reporting
Profiling explores how time is being spent within your application. Visual Studio supports profiling with CPython-based interpreters and includes the ability to compare performance between different profiling runs.
For more information:
Docs: Python profiling tools
General Visual Studio feature docs: Profiling Feature Tour. (Not all Visual Studio profiling features are available for Python).
Unit testing tools
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Discover, run, and manage tests in Visual Studio Test Explorer, and easily debug unit tests.
For more information:
Docs: Unit testing tools for Python
General Visual Studio feature docs: Unit test your code.
Azure SDK for Python
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The Azure libraries for Python simplify consuming Azure services from Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux apps. You can use them to create and manage Azure resources, as well as to connect to Azure services.
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For more information, see Azure SDK for Python and Azure libraries for Python.
Questions and answers
Q. Is Python support available with Visual Studio for Mac?
A. Not at this time, but you can up vote the request on Developer Community. The Visual Studio for Mac documentation identifies the current types of development that it does support. In the meantime, Visual Studio Code on Windows, Mac, and Linux works well with Python through available extensions.
Q. What can I use to build UI with Python?
A. The main offering in this area is the Qt Project, with bindings for Python known as PySide (the official binding) (also see PySide downloads) and PyQt. At present, Python support in Visual Studio does not include any specific tools for UI development.
Q. Can a Python project produce a stand-alone executable?
A. Python is generally an interpreted language, with which code is run on demand in a suitable Python-capable environment such as Visual Studio and web servers. Visual Studio itself does not at present provide the means to create a stand-alone executable, which essentially means a program with an embedded Python interpreter. However, the Python community supplied different means to create executables as described on StackOverflow. CPython also supports being embedded within a native application, as described on the blog post, Using CPython's embeddable zip file.
Feature support
Python features can be installed in the following editions of Visual Studio as described in the installation guide:
Visual Studio 2017 (all editions)
Visual Studio 2015 (all editions)
Visual Studio 2013 Community Edition
Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web, Update 2 or higher
Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop, Update 2 or higher
Visual Studio 2013 (Pro edition or higher)
Visual Studio 2012 (Pro edition or higher)
Visual Studio 2010 SP1 (Pro edition or higher; .NET 4.5 required)
Visual Studio 2015 and earlier are available at visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/older-downloads/.
Python Tools For Visual Studio Mac
Features are fully supported and maintained for only the latest version of Visual Studio. Features are available in older versions but are not actively maintained.
Python support2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Manage multiple interpreters✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Auto-detect popular interpreters✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Add custom interpreters✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Virtual Environments✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Pip/Easy Install✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
Project system2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+New project from existing code✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Show all files✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Source control✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Git integration✔✔✔✔✔✔✔1✗
Editing2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Syntax highlighting✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Auto-complete✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Signature help✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Quick info✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Object browser/class view✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Navigation bar✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Go to Definition✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Navigate to✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Find All References✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Auto indentation✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Code formatting✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Refactor - rename✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Refactor - extract method✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Refactor - add/remove import✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔PyLint✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
Interactive window2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Interactive window✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔IPython with inline graphs✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
Desktop2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Console/Windows application✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔IronPython WPF (with XAML designer)✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔IronPython Windows Forms✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
Web2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Django web project✔✔✔✗✔✔✔✔Bottle web project✔✔✔✗✔✔✔✔Flask web project✔✔✔✗✔✔✔✔Generic web project✔✔✔✗✔✔✔✔
Azure2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Deploy to web site✔✔✔✗✔✔✔✔2Deploy to web role✔✔✔✗✔4✔4✔3✗Deploy to worker role???✗✔4✔4✔3✗Run in Azure emulator???✗✔4✔4✔3✗Remote debugging✔✔✔✗✔6✔8✔8✗Attach Server Explorer✔✔✔✗✔7✔7✗✗
Django templates2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Debugging✔✔✔✗✔✔✔✔Auto-complete✔✔✔✗✔5✔5✔✔Auto-complete for CSS and JavaScript✔✔✔✗✔5✔5✗✗
Debugging2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Debugging✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Debugging without a project✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔Debugging - attach to editing✔✔✔✔✗✔✔✔Mixed-mode debugging✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✗Remote debugging (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)✔✔✔✔✗✔✔✔Debug Interactive window✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔
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Profiling2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Profiling✔✔✔✗✗✔✔✔
Download Python Tools For Visual Studio Mac Download
Download Python Tools For Visual Studio Mac Install
Test2017+20152013 Comm2013 Desktop2013 Web2013 Pro+2012 Pro+2010 SP1 Pro+Test explorer✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✗Run test✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✗Debug test✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✗
Git support for Visual Studio 2012 is available in the Visual Studio Tools for Git extension, available on the Visual Studio Marketplace.
Deployment to Azure Web Site requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.1 - Visual Studio 2010 SP1. Later versions don't support Visual Studio 2010.
Support for Azure Web Role and Worker Role requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - VS 2012 or later.
Support for Azure Web Role and Worker Role requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - VS 2013 or later.
Django template editor in Visual Studio 2013 has some known issues that are resolved by installing Update 2.
Requires Windows 8 or later. Visual Studio 2013 Express for Web doesn't have the Attach to Process dialog, but Azure Web Site remote debugging is still possible using the Attach Debugger (Python) command in Server Explorer. Remote debugging requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - Visual Studio 2013 or later.
Requires Windows 8 or later. Attach Debugger (Python) command in Server Explorer requires Azure SDK for .NET 2.3 - Visual Studio 2013 or later.
Requires Windows 8 or later.
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0 notes
holytheoristtastemaker · 4 years ago
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Disclaimer: I’m writing about my experience with major OS (Windows 10, macOs High/Sierra, Ubuntu/Manjaro) using a Solid State Drive. It has a huge impact in term of speed and it could be different from your own experience.
Hello there. To begin with, this post isn’t about what’s the best OS for everyday programming, it could depend on the stack used, Misc programs and specially YOU, so i’ll try to describe all the good/bad things that happened during my everyday workflows.
But before that I should let you know my programming stack so you won't get confused later. I mainly use:
PHP frameworks and CMS
nodejs frameworks for frontend
react native/ionic for mobile dev
Photoshop (with CssHat) for HTML Integration, banner for mobile apps.
ms office due to my current job.[1]
Ubuntu (Unity/Gnome):
By the end of 2015 and after a good run with Windows 7 and using Ubuntu just occasionally in virtual machines I thought I would give it a shot with a daily usage so I installed the 15.10 version. back then i was programming in PHP, Java and C# (because of my Software engineering Studies), php and apache had great performances locally, same for java but used a windows 7 VM for Visual Studio, Ms Office and Adobe Photoshop, because all the alternatives (Darkable/Gimp, Open office) weren't at the same levels. I tried but the more you use them the more you notice their weak points such as ease of use, backward compatibility.
I had a good (exactly 2 years) run switching between Unity and Gnome DE (I was the n°1 hater for KDE btw), but over time and even with SSD it felt a kinda slow (I was always stuck with 16.04 LTS) and honestly, I wasn’t fan of the Ubuntu’s PPAs either and then I discovered the Hackintosh community.
macOs (10.12/10.14)
So after a hell of an installation process I managed to run macOs Sierra smoothly on a laptop that has hardware near to macbook pro late 2012 (HP elitebook 840 G1). Apps installed with one simple drag n’ drop (applies to android studio too). It run the Android Virtual Device smoother than windows 7 and ubuntu with the same laptop, i was very surprised, the memory management, the apps integration and the overall stability was so great. At that time I finished my studies so no more Java or .Net programming, and the adobe/ms office suite was a strong point compared to Linux in general so every program ran natively without the need of any VM, with our beloved Unix cli.
The only drawback I had with mac, or with hackintosh, is the system updates/upgrades it was so painful to do it breaks your system every time, I was backing up the whole bootable system image whenever I attempted to update. Because the Kexts (Kernel extensions or “drivers”) weren’t always backward compatible.
So in the end i was thinking to go back to linux again but not sure which distribution i will stick with again, I wanted a stable distro that i forgot completely about something called upgrades of “big updates”. In the meantime I give Windows 10 another shot after hearing it got better and better in the last years.
And again, after 2 years with no workflow complaints I backed up my hackintosh installation and installed the last build of windows 10.
Windows 10.
I’ll resume my experience with one line: “not great, not terrible” Compared, again, to mac os the system was very smooth in every way, snapping windows, switching virtual desktops, programs and files search in the start menu, no problem but! I already missed the unix cli. Yeah I know there’s cmder and other tools. The overall performance was okay but there was some latency when compiling node js apps. My workflow didn’t change. I used Laragon for all my php projects with phpstorm and it was perfect honestly. On the other hand Android Emulator was terrible even with 8gb or ram and ssd, mac os was handling it way better.
In the meantime I played with some linux distros in VMs and made the choice: Manjaro, KDE flavor.
“You said you hated KDE right?” well yes but for a cause, one I didn’t want to bring back the Gnome memories i had with Ubuntu and second, I disliked is because its similarity in UI compared to Windows in general, 10 specially then I found how very customizable was and again i’ll resume it with one line: “everything is a widget”. So in term of UI I made my simple comfortable setup.
Now in term of programs and workflow I still use PhpStorm for my php and nodejs projects, npm and yarn installed globally and surprisingly npm run very fast compared to windows and mac; git already installed, but for my php projects I migrate all of them to docker with docker compose, majority of projects were based on Laravel, Prestashop, Wordpress and old native php apps. I managed to dockerize some of them from scratch, some with Laradock.
Java/.Net: RIP.
For mobile development there were some struggles during configuring ionic and react native’s first run but done with them quickly, no problem with android studio but the emulator “again” wasn’t that good as mac os, but not that bad like windows. And I discovered a helpful package that cast my connected android device to my screen and it’s shown as a virtual device but a physical one, called scrcpy from the genymotion team!
And finally these are just some of the benefits why I picked manjaro:
No big breaking updates.
A rolling release distro.
Fast security patches.
The Great Arch User Repository (AUR)
Snap and Flatpak support (but why?)
Very stable.
But still there are some drawback, linux’s ones in general:
Still needing photoshop and lightroom.
Ms Office for work purpose (Managed to use Web version since we have ms365 but still miss Excel for heavy use)
Finally and personally I’ll stick with linux for these main two reasons: native support for docker (future projects could be deployed with it) and the unix environment similarity to production servers (cli, ssh and packages’ configuration). I understand many of you will disagree for many things said in the post but that’s okay! because, finally, we choose what will help us to give the most of us in terms of productivity.
Thank you all for reading the most boring post ever made on Dev.to platform! I would gladly hear from you some of your thoughts and experiences as well. Thanks again! [1]
[1]: edit. added used stack and a conclusion.
0 notes
t-baba · 6 years ago
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TypeScript 3.4, the console API, and not needing jQuery
#431 — April 5, 2019
Read on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
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Getting Creative with the console API — If console.log is as far as your knowledge of the console object goes, this could be very handy. There are so many useful functions in there that’ll help you out while debugging.
How We Used WebAssembly to Speed Up Our Webapp by 20X — A case study exploring how to speed up web apps by replacing slow JavaScript calculations with compiled WebAssembly. (Note: WebAssembly is becoming so important lately that we're working on a special issue about it. Watch this space.)
Robert Aboukhalil
SQL, Python, and R. All in One Platform. Free Forever — Mode Studio combines a SQL editor, Python & R notebooks, and visualization builder in one platform. Connect data from anywhere and analyze with your preferred language. Custom viz (D3.js, HTML/CSS) or use out-of-the-box charts.
Mode sponsor
You Don't Need jQuery: Doing Things the Vanilla JS Way — There have been a few projects of this sort over the years (such as You Might Not Need jQuery) but seeing how to perform common DOM related operations with vanilla JavaScript always gets a thumbs up from me. Note: jQuery is still a great library and has many valid use cases. Don’t migrate away if you don’t want to!
Announcing TypeScript 3.4 — The optionally static typed JavaScript superset takes another step forward introducing faster incremental builds, type inference improvements, and const assertions.
Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft)
'Make It Hard to Screw Up'-Driven Development — Great points from Chris Coyier here. “We’ll always be screwing up code, but we can also always be finding ways not to.” Those ways include leaning on tools like linters and JSX, and even your co-workers.
Chris Coyier
💻 Jobs
JavaScript Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers. Work from anywhere with the world's leading brands.
Product-Focused & Driven Frontend Engineers in Stockholm — Join our 30-person team of A-players, solve problems at global scale & help us become the most trustworthy online health company.
Diet Doctor Sweden AB
Find A Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in dev roles and is completely free for job seekers.
📘 Tutorials and Opinions
Why I Publish and Manage Shared JavaScript Code with Bit — Bit is an interesting system for publishing and managing components and here we get to see where it can be useful. Note: This is published on Bit’s own blog, so be aware.
Chidume Nnamdi
What is this? The Inner Workings of JavaScript Objects — A good understanding of how this behaves will save you a lot of time debugging tricky issues.
Eric Elliott
How to Build a Blog with Nest.js, MongoDB, and Vue.js
DigitalOcean sponsor
Web Components Will Replace Your Frontend Framework — A bold claim but Danny makes a lot of good points and shows off the basic concepts well.
Danny Moerkerke
Understanding Event Emitters — Ever written your own event emitter from scratch? They can come in handy quite often and this is a neat introduction.
Charles Peters
How to Use create-react-app with a Custom Node Server on Heroku
Mars Hall
A Basic 3 Step Functional JS Example — If ‘functional programming’ seems above you, these are the simplest, basic examples of a few of the concepts that you can get.
Alex Nault beginner
undefined: The Third Boolean Value? — It’s neither true or false, and sometimes that third option might be what you really want.
Kushagra Gour
🔧 Code and Tools
Tumblr media
Codelyzer: An In-Browser TypeScript and Angular Code Checker — The creator introduces what this is about in this talk.
Minko Gechev
PreVue: A Prototyping Tool for Vue.js Developers — Built in Electron (so Mac, Linux and Windows builds are available), this is a tool for prototyping Vue.js components. GitHub repo.
Hubert Lin and others
DeepScan Makes Your JavaScript Better — Use this static analysis service to find problems in your JavaScript, TypeScript, React & Vue on GitHub. Try it free.
DeepScan sponsor
Aurelia Unveils Its Web Components Plugin — This is interesting because it lets you use Aurelia custom elements as Web Component elements enabling interoperability with other frameworks.
Rob Eisenberg
Node's Popular request Module is Going into Maintenance Mode — request is a long standing Node module for making HTTP requests, but it’s going into deep freeze to make way for alternative, more modern options.
Mikeal Rogers
Formal: React Form Management Primitives for the Hooks Era — Formal provides a variety of primitives to help you manage your forms’ state & validations.
Kevin Wolf
is-online: Check If The Internet Connection Is Up — Works in both Node.js and the browser. Uses Apple’s public captive detection page behind the scenes.
Sindre Sorhus
Deploy Only the Parts of Your Application That Have Changed & Build Better JavaScript Apps Faster
Buddy sponsor
React Native CarPlay: Build CarPlay Apps using React Native? — It’s at an early stage but an interesting idea if you have a car that supports Apple CarPlay.
Birkir Gudjonsson
Tumblr media
VexChords: JavaScript Guitar Chord Renderer — It’s niche, but well executed.
Mohit Muthanna Cheppudira
Stepper: An Animated Numeric Stepper Component
Valery Alikin
by via JavaScript Weekly http://bit.ly/2UC14hV
0 notes
rlxtechoff · 2 years ago
0 notes
rafi1228 · 5 years ago
Develop a full DAPP | ICO | Setup Private network in next 2 weeks using Web3J, TruffleV4, MetaMask, Ganache, Solidity ++
What you’ll learn
Leverage the Ethereum tools/software such as Wallet, Geth, MetaMask, Remix, TruffleV4, Ganache….
Create an ERC20 Compliant token to launch an Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Setup Private Blockchain Networks using different Consensus (PoW, PoA)
Develop Smart contracts in Solidity using multiple tools such as Web3/Ganache/TruffleV4/Mocha framework
Comfortably describe how Ethereum Blockchain works | Ethers, Gas, POW, POS, Nodes …
Describe how the Blockchain technologies work | Distributed Ledgers, Consensus, Mining ….
Develop UI/front end for Decentralized Application in HTML/CSS/Javascript using web3 libraries
Develop end to end Decentralized Applications (DAPP) on Ethereum platform
Setup private Ethereum networks for development & experimentation
Identify and use the right design patterns for developing smart contracts
Architect, Design & Build real use cases on Ethereum platform
Student must have basic idea of Blockchain technology; heard of Bitcoin
Student should have hands on experience with Javascript *or* Java *or* NodeJS
Student must be comfortable in learning new language, design patterns & an architectural paradigm
Good to have knowledge of some Javascript frameworks but not needed
Basic understanding of Javascript DOM model
Fundamental knowledge of basic design patterns
Please do NOT join the course if you are not comfortable with coding
This course starts from the Basics so if you are an expert you may already know first few sections. Do take a preview before joining.
This course will NOT teach you Javascript or any Javascript framework.
Please read the Pre-Requisites before signing up
Focus of the course is Ethereum hence it was decided to use HTML DOM JS API instead of Angular/JQuery & other JS libraries.
What students should know (Pre-requisites) ?
To build Ethereum Decentralized applications you will need to learn a couple of skills. This course can help you learn all of those skills but there are some prerequisites for the course:
Experience with either Javascript or Java. Course will NOT teach Javascript
Basic understanding of the Javascript/HTML DOM model
Access to a PC or MAC with access to the Internet (Minimum 4GB needed 6 GB preferred)
Comfortable with new software installation & hands on coding
Course Approach?
This course takes the approach of “Learn by doing”. Students are encouraged to try out all aspects of the technologies on their own after each lecture. Almost all of the concepts discussed in the lectures are shown in action by way code samples etc. The demo code used in the lectures is available for download from GitHub so that students can change the code to try out new things.
Front end of the Decentralized applications are typically created as single page or desktop applications using Javascript/HTML/CSS. Since there are multiple Javascript frameworks, it was decided to keep the lectures independent of any specific JS framework. Students are free to use any one or more JS frameworks of their choice.
Multiple quizzes in each section will validate student’s knowledge. Coding exercises will help them understand the concepts better & gain confidence.
Students will download the source code for a fully built DAPP – this DAPP shows/teaches all of the web3 API that students need to learn. Code walk through is covered in the lectures.
Course is divided into 10 sections:
Introduces the Blockchain & Ethereum technology
Drills deeper into the Ethereum Blockchain technology
Concepts, Wallet
Hands-on:  Install Wallet, Mining for Ethers, Transactions
Ethereum Client
Hands-on: Install Geth, Try out the geth commands & options
Section#4 Geth Javascript Management API
Hands-on: Try out the various API i console and by writing scripts
Web3 API
Hands-on: Develop Javascript/HTML front end for executing contracts on TestNet
Getting ready for Smart Contract development
Learn about the various tools & frameworks used for developing smart contract
Hands-on: Installation : Visual Studio, Truffle framework version 4.0, Ganache, Meta-Mask
Solidity for smart contracts development
Learn the concepts of Solidity language
Hands-on: Code simple contracts in Solidity + write test cases for testing
Solidity &Infrastructure patterns
Hands-on: Code smart contracts
End to end application walkthrough
Hands-on: DIY Project & Solution
Covers the setting up of private networks
Tools for managing private networks
All about Initial Coin Offering & ERC20 Standard for creating and launching a coin
Students will learn how to create a coin and manage it in common tools
Demand for Blockchain technologists is going up as multiple enterprises (& startups) are looking to achieve efficiencies or/and create new business models enabled by the Blockchain technologies. Ethereum is the leading Blockchain platform and is accepted as the most mature platform for Blockchain applications. Ethereum technology is quite complex but the approach taken in this course “Learn by doing” will accelerate the learning process and make it easy for the students to understand the concepts. Please refer to “Introduction to Ethereum” below for a high level overview of Ethereum.
Why learn Blockchain/Ethereum?
If we are to believe the pundits, Blockchain will change the way software is built for business transactions. Almost all industries are looking to leverage this new technology to gain efficiencies and/or to create new business models & opportunities. Organizations are looking for talent in this new technology and facing difficulty in finding developers/architects who can design and develop Blockchain applications.
Taking this course will prepare you to innovate using this cutting edge technology that promises to change the world around us. It will prepare you for the future.
Introduction to Ethereum
The digital cryptocurrency Bitcoin was the first Blockchain application. Success of Bitcoin led to the creation of the Ethereum platform. Whereas Bitcoin is a “Blockchain Application”, Ethereum is a “Blockchain Platform”. Ethereum not only supports a distributed ledger but it also supports Smart Contracts.
Smart Contracts are computer programs that has the code that implements contractual agreements (rules) between two or more parties. The rules coded in the smart contract are triggered by events in the physical world and automatically carry out some predefined action(s). All of this happens without any intermediary, web servers or back end databases.
Let me give you an example – Ebay is the intermediary between the buyer and seller. EBay makes $ every time a buyer buys an item from the seller. In a decentralized bidding application a smart contract can replace EBay the intermediary. The rule coded in the contract will be that when buyer will pay, the seller will ship the item to the buyer. The funds will be held in the smart contract till buyer confirms the receiving of the goods. Once the buyer confirms the receipt of goods the funds will be released to the seller. Smart Contracts are executed on the Ethereum network nodes as opposed to a centralized server infrastructure owned by an intermediary (e.g., Ebay). Nodes are Ethereum client processes running on the network participant’s computer.
Anyone can write Ethereum decentralized application, so in other words you can create your own Bitcoin like Cryptocurrency or Ebay like application on a public Ethereum network. Please note that all applications are not a good candidate for Blockchain technology for example building a static website on Blockchain technology is not the right use of the technology.
Who this course is for:
Technologists interested in learning Ethereum Blockchain
Architects wanting to expand their skills to Blockchain technology
Developers willing to learn Blockchain by doing that is coding
Experimenters curious to learn how Blockchain technology can change the way we do business
Entrepreneurs with technology background interested in realizing their business idea on the Blockchain
Anyone interested in ERC20 Tokens & ICOs
Created by Rajeev Sakhuja Last updated 6/2018 English English [Auto-generated]
Size: 1.33 GB
   Download Now
The post Ethereum : Decentralized Application Design & Development appeared first on Free Course Lab.
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manualtestings-blog · 6 years ago
Selenium Automated Testing Tools: Selenium Automation - Tech Trainers Online
Selenium Automated Testing Tools: Selenium Tech - Tech Trainers Online
Tricentis Tosca Tosca by Technology firm Tricentis was created with Agile and DevOps in mind. It is well-known to be a comprehensive tool for all testing needs, but it's still simple to use it jointly with any testing software that the business is already using. The same as TestComplete, Tosca supports cellular, internet, and background (just Windows; Mac and Linux with virtualization tools), doesn't require writing script but manual code writing remains potential.
online selenium training,
The sales team Will aid you with custom pricing though the reviews say it is about the other side. Considering the breadth of Tosca's capacities, the cost may be justifiable, but you can always start with a trial to be certain.
Why it is good: the experts of Tricentis Tosca Great for Constant Integration. Tosca fits perfectly in the Continuous Integration workflow. This is a contemporary approach capable of radically decreasing development time and running numerous tests a day. Employing scheduling tools, Tosca can run test cases directly from them and transfer the results back within an xml file.
As the instrument Was intentionally made to be employed by non-developers, it's simple to set up and learn, allowing you to begin automation tests right away.
Where's the catch: the cons of Tricentis Tosca Limited knowledge base. You won't Although the documentation is easy to navigate, you may end up restricted after coping with much more popular options like Selenium.
Tosca is ideal To get Agile development with integration of various CI technology available. It's a comprehensive testing tool with a low entrance point used by Accenture, Capgemini, Deutsche Bank, and many others.
Katalon Studio Katalon, constructed on Selenium WebDriver, is known as Selenium's rational and improved follow-on. It provides templates and frequent activities for keyword-driven testing, may be integrated with multiple programs for Continuous Integration, and contains a wealthy, analytics-filled dashboard.
At first glance, Katalon Studio has all other tools lack.
Why it's good: the experts of Katalon Great for both experts and non-techies. Katalon hides all of the complexities behind its interface but still allows skilled developers to attain the scripting manner.
Unified bundle. Pretty simple as you just need to download additional software if you examine on cellular (Appium + XCode/Node. js).
Katalon has a Well-organized library of tutorials together with videos and images that will help you out. Aside from the official help, you will find lots of free classes and YouTube lessons from other testers online.
Katalon Automatically transforms your testing results in handy charts to permit you to clearly see how implementation goes.
Where's the catch: the drawbacks of Katalon Poor vocabulary support. For now, you
Small (although rising ) community. Which means you are going to have difficulty finding updated posts and reviews.
Katalon is Actively employed by startups, small and moderate teams with restricted tech capabilities. Even  learn software testing expert testers can locate the tool massively helpful with its long list of features and an advanced scripting mode. But if you are not utilizing its paid dedicated service, Katalon is not suitable for large businesses. Big projects require stronger and better support along with a more mature community, which Katalon can not yet provide.
UFT, originally Called QuickTest Professional, is a commercial instrument by MicroFocus which was obtained by Hewlett Packard in 2006. In its Magic Quadrant for Software Test Automation 2017 report, Gartner named it among the leaders on the current market, followed closely by Tricentis Tosca. This collaborative and easily incorporated tool lets you execute testing using both keywords and guide scripting. It supports CI tools, supplies web, cellular, and API testing, and has a smart object recognition function.
Why it's great: the experts of UFT Automated evaluations from manual. UFT makes manual Testing simpler by allowing developers to record previously manual evaluations and export them as automated ones. With its Sprinter applications, you are able to convert implementation reports to automation test instances.
Collaboration capabilities. UFT includes a Shared repository where members of you team can save artifacts, purposes, and clocks.
Where's the catch: the drawbacks of UFT Only one language supported. UFT utilizes VBScript as its scripting language. However, obtaining a reputation as one of the easiest languages to code and use with, it may not be such a major con, particularly for pros.
Cost. The tool is One of the priciest on this record, considering it doesn't allow for analyzing desktop programs like TestComplete does. Despite being less than reasonable, it can be a huge stepping stone for several developers. A year's seat-based license will cost you $2,500 and a concurrent one -- $3,500. UFT doesn't offer any group discounts though they may provide one in their customized enterprise package.
Only Windows support. Much like Several other testing tools which we have featured, UFT can't be employed on a Mac without further software.
Big groups can Leverage its cooperation and web/mobile/API testing features when working on a bigger project. To gain from UFT and justify its price, you need an established testing framework or has to be prepared to set one up.
Watir Despite its open Origin and fundamental character, Watir (Web Application Testing in Ruby) can be used by such huge companies as Slack, Yahoo!, and HomeAway.
Why it is great: the pros of Watir Selection of languages. Watir is just one the Few tools which allows writing scripts in Ruby programming language. Ruby is quite popular for testing since it is user-friendly, simple to understand, and quick to code with. However, if Ruby is not your language of choice, there's also a means to use Watir. Script with Java or .NET and leverage Watir's simplicity with its sister-software: Watij and WatiN.
Where's the catch: the drawbacks of Watir Could possibly be too straightforward. Watir doesn't try However, it can only be utilised in combination with other tools.
Small neighborhood. You will find Not a lot of complaints regarding the software online but there's not enough written complete. Not only is it hard to find fellow developers, the documentation and also donated content is limited to exactly what Watir lists on its website.
Ruby programmers Will find Watir really enjoyable to use (unless we're talking about Watij or Watin). As you can see in the list of its users, companies of any size can successfully execute it into their testing efforts. If you'd like flexibility and are building your testing toolkit, Watir may be worth a try.
Ranorex Ranorex is One of the most expensive and most comprehensive resources we're covering now. It supports net, background (Windows only), and cellular testing, a lengthy list of technologies and languages to choose from, automation both for inexperienced users and innovative crawlers, and personalization with third party frameworks.
Why it is good: the pros of Ranorex Selenium WebDriver integration. You are able to make Selenium WebDriver in the Ranorex environment and leverage the capabilities of the greatest automated testing framework. Such close integration allows Ranorex to correct all of pain points Selenium nevertheless has.
Seamless integration with CI tools. To successfully use Ranorex in CI growth, you can easily incorporate it with Jira, Jenkins, Bamboo, or even TeamCity, the most frequent continuous integration services.
Sophisticated GUI testing. Visual Port testing is a complex task usually assigned to manual testers. Ranorex simplifies it by employing object recognition and following different user scenarios while preventing testing staff from repetitive jobs.
Price. It is a Fairly inexpensive tool for the amount of functionality it offers. You can grab it's one user license for $2,800 and include additional users and machines to get an additional $850.
Where's the catch: the drawbacks of Ranorex No Mac support. Ranorex is Yet another framework that doesn't run on Mac OS and doesn't allow for testing Mac apps.
Brands like Siemens, Lufthansa, Cisco, Dell, and IBM trust Ranorex to automate their testing. With this tool, you might have an all-in-one environment which could be easily enlarged with more popular technology. It may not be the initial choice for a small development team, but companies with big budgets may safely invest in Ranorex.
If you are Interested in a more comprehensive description, read our post focused solely on Ranorex.
Final Takeaway There is a whole lot to Consider when choosing a testing software since most of it is costly or requires extra learning. Utilize our wikipedia  guide to filter different options and find the ones your team would really like to use. Ensure you request free trials of proprietary tools to permit your testers to ease in the workflow until the official testing begins.
Let's quickly Recap the important points you and your staff need to think about when deciding upon an automation tool:
Programs and languages. As Possible See, not all options offer a wide range of scripting languages to select from, so it might be a fast no from one to the tools that don't provide your favorite technology. The market is especially little for Mac users, so you may wish to think about getting a virtualization program.
Coding skills. You definitely Want some flexibility in regards to your testing staff. Even if you're not yet planning to encourage less proficient testers to your team, the time might come when you would like your professional programmers to work on harder projects. Select a solution that provides this liberty.
Continuous Integration. CI is Becoming a standard in the development and testing world so it's better to focus on Tools which were constructed to work easily in an Agile environment. See that of Your preferred scheduling tools they support and what additional capacities your Team can make use of.
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simplythetest · 7 years ago
Putting Down the Coffee: Using Selenium Without Java
In the corporate software world, Java is something of a lingua franca. I'd wager that most large companies that have large codebases have at least some of their code written in Java. In many enterprise organizations, it's the go-to language. This also tends to the be case with large Selenium-based test projects in many firms.
Java has several advantages, particularly for large-scale projects, such as excellent packaging for importing and exporting portions of a codebase and mature well-developed tooling. But Java is also a verbose language, and establishing a new project in Java can be cumbersome, particularly for novice developers. Java can also be, frankly, not very fun to work with. My standard opinion about the Java programming language is as follows: I love my family. I love my cats. I don't love Java.
The Selenium community supports Java bindings of the WebDriver client and the Selenium server is written in Java, which makes Java seem like a natural choice of language for many projects. There are four other language bindings for the WebDriver API that the Selenium project supports, however. These are Ruby, Python, C# and Javascript. Each of these languages and bindings have their own advantages that could make them an ideal fit for many browser test automation projects.
In no particular order, here some reasons you should consider using each of these language bindings instead of Java.
Ruby: Ruby is the sleeper hit of Selenium test automation. Not only is Ruby a flexible, concise language but there's also good tools that have been built on top of Selenium specifically for browser test automation. Capybara is a test framework that is included with Ruby on Rails, the popular BDD framework Cuccumber has a large Ruby following, and there's the excellent Watir library, which pre-dates the Selenium WebDriver (and which I've blogged about before). Most of all, there is an excellent community that has developed around test automation using Ruby. This community is highly active and constantly improving approaches and collaborating to make tooling even better. I would highly recommend any team starting from scratch with a choice of language stack to look into Ruby.
Python: Python is a lovely language to write code in. Due to syntax, all Python code looks very similar. It's also cross-platform, working effectively on Linux, Mac and Windows OSs. Test tooling in Python is straighforward to use with the low-overhead of the Py.Test framework. Python also has great related libraries for handing HTTP requests called requests and parsing HTML/XML called Beautiful Soup which can be extremely helpful for test frameworks that need to include testing beyond browser test automation. Python is fantastic for scripting small one-off tasks but can also scale up to meet the the demands of larger projects such as enterprise test frameworks.
C#: In some ways, C# is the better Java. From a language standpoint, it has a similar feel to Java being mostly class object oriented but with less strictness over file conventions. C# is also a first-class member of the .NET ecoystem which can provide two major benefits on Windows OSs. The first major benefit is Visual Studio, Microsoft's flagship IDE and one of the best developer environments around. Visual Studio seamlessly combines many developer tools together, from test runners to performance profilers to souce control systems. The second benefit is that .NET on Windows can integrate well with other OS level tools such as COM interfaces for desktop applications or MS SQL Server for database integrations. If you're testing applications built primarily for Windows, C# can offer quite a bit of value.
Javascript: NodeJS is the new hotness and people are flocking to it. Server-side Javascript is exciting because many front-end developers are familiar with Javascript and now have the opportunity to write full-stack applications. As well, the rise of front-end frameworks such as Angular and React has become the basis for getting into Node for other aspects of software development. Along with this interest have come a flurry of libraries and tools for using WebDriver with NodeJS, including the original WebDriver JS bindings, the increasingly popular WebdriverIO project, frameworks such as Protractor for Angular, and all kinds of related modules for integrating these with other tooling in the NodeJS ecosystem. If you want libraries and tooling that are fresh and new with growing interest, Javascript via NodeJS is something to definitely look into.
Before you reach for Eclipse, think about the above options and what else you can use for your test automation project that suit your needs and desires.
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mbaljeetsingh · 7 years ago
My Favorite Front-End Development Extensions for Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code is one of the newest kids on the IDE “block” and it’s making a lot of noise. It’s taken a little while to gain traction, perhaps because it’s one of Microsoft’s few open source products, but it’s taken the open source community by storm. Developers who once swore their allegiance to Sublime Text 3 and Atom are slowly being converted by the power and simplicity of VS Code–not to mention its incredible library of extensions.
I began my own coding life on Sublime Text 3, moved to Atom, then PHPStorm, then after my subscription expired with JetBrains I thought I’d give VS Code a try. It continues to make my life easier and by doing so, makes me a better developer.
This introduction will take you from zero to hero, getting you up and running with VS Code, focusing specifically on my favorite front-end development extensions, making sure that every aspect of your workflow is covered.
I’m going to assume a few points for this article:
Your front-end development stack is not opinionated. I’m going to assume that at some point you will have the need for jQuery, ES6, React, Vue, PostCSS, or whatever floats your boat.
You’re using Git for version control.
You already have Node and NPM installed and setup correctly.
Some of the extensions listed below require some configuration outside of VS Code, I’ll let you know what does and doesn’t, but if you need any help, feel free to ask!
First things first, if you don’t already have VS Code installed, head over to Visual Studio Code’s website. VS Code is cross-platform so our configurations will work on Windows, Mac and Linux.
VS Code is also available as a Homebrew Cask package on Mac: brew cask install visual-studio-code
A step that I find a lot of tutorials often leave out is the ability to execute VS Code from the terminal. There are a few ways of doing this. If you already have a .bash_profile setup you can add this:
export PATH="$PATH:/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/bin"
Or, for a more cross platform approach, hit the Command Palette shortcut: Shift + Command + P and type the word shell - this will give you an option called: Install code command in PATH - hit enter and you’re done. Now, you can launch files and folders anywhere from the terminal by typing: code path/to/file/or/dir
Lint your code–it’s the best way to stop errors before they cause you any undue stress!
If you’re running the latest version of ECMA Script, then ESLint is for you. This extension integrates the ESLint pattern recognizer straight into VS Code and aids you with common mistakes that developers make with the new syntax. It does require that you have the NPM ESLint package installed either locally in your project or globally.
For those of you who enjoy writing more programmatic Sass, Sass Lint provides you with an easy to use set of configurations for writing standards-compliant Sass.
JS Hint is another great JavaScript Linter that aids you with logic, syntax and more, depending on your configuration.
If you’re a TypeScript fan, then the TSLint extension is your best friend. With TypeScript being a precompiled language, you have full control over what the compiler lints for you as well as auto formatting options.
These extensions all offer Git friendly ways of managing custom / shared configurations between developers on your team namely in .eslintrc and .sass-lint.yml  or .jshintrc
I’ve purposely left our HTML Linters here. Whereas I’ll use an extension like Beautify for formatting and tabbing my HTML according to an .editorconfig I find that HTML Linters perform quite poorly. They don’t consider semantics and tend to do a bad job of helping you with accessibility concerns. As the meaning of HTML can be relatively ambiguous, it’s better to use a set of tools that do smaller jobs. 
To extend the HTML functionality in VS Code I use the following:
AutoClose Tag
It could use a bit of improvement, but I always liked Sublime Text 3’s auto closing tag functionality. The above mentioned extension will help you out with this in VS Code.
AutoRename Tag
This is another useful HTML extension which allows users to click inside an HTML element and rename it, while simultaneously renaming the closing tag.
I moved away from Grunt sometime ago, but coincidentally there don’t seem to be any Grunt extensions on the marketplace, at least not with enough traction to make much of an impact. The extensions below are mainly focused on Gulp and Webpack as they seem to be leading the race in the task management world right now.
Gulp Snippets
This extension allows you to use the Command Palette in VS Code for easily injecting useful Gulp configurations into your Gulpfile.js; a must have if you’re still a little shaky about setting up Gulp.
Setting up Webpack can be one of the scariest tasks a developer has to commit to. The Webpack extension for VS Code takes the fear out of it by providing you with a minimal webpack.config.js to start your project. If you’re a progress person, and you don’t like being left in the dark while your Terminal thinks about things, then the Webpack Progress extension is for you. It provides a nice progress bar for when Webpack is doing its thing.
One of the most powerful extensions for version control in VS Code is:  
Git Lens
For newcomers and advanced users alike, Git Lens is powerhouse. It makes an easy job of making Git and its many intricacies more manageable and visual. I’ve enjoyed using it so much that other than using the Terminal to add, commit, branch and push, I’ve completely scrapped Git GUI’s.  
Almost every setting is customizable. Git Lens provides real-time feedback of Git data while you’re coding. Want to know who wrote that function that isn’t working? Want to see how much the code has changed over the last few commits? Not sure how to handle a merge conflict in a file that you never wrote, or have little context of? Git Lens handles this all for you. 
Language Support and Intellisense
Where as other IDEs have full on support for the majority of languages, VS Code leaves it up to you for the most part. As and when you require it, you can add Language Support for whatever technology you’re dealing with, out-of-the-box HTML and CSS, as well as JavaScript are provided, but if you have need for Python it’s just a click away. In my workflow I use Python every so often, but Node was a big thing for me. 
Intellisense essentially takes care of completions. You can hit tab or hover over a file path, for instance, and VS Code will do the hard work for you. 
Babel ES6 / ES7
If you’re one of those people that loves using new technologies in your workflow and you’re crazy about the new edition of JavaScript then the Babel ES6 / ES7 linter is for you. 
File System Path
This is a brilliant extension that autocompletes / suggests file paths while you’re typing. If you come from a PHPStorm background, you’ll know the feeling!
A great extension when using require() or import {} in Node.js, this extension autocompletes file paths to Node Modules.
CSS Class Names
This is a very useful extension for auto completing CSS class names defined in your linked CSS files. If you’re a Bootstrap, Foundation or just a framework fan in general, this will save you a lot of time!
For the precompiled CSS fans, this extension makes intellisense possible for imports, mixins, includes and functions in SCSS.
If you’ve yet to come across PostCSS then you’re missing out. It’s an advanced and extremely forward thinking set of plugins for CSS that makes CSS a lot more powerful. I use two PostCSS extensions: Syntax and Sorting; one enables syntax support for new CSS Level 4 modules like nesting and the other allows me to sort CSS properties alphabetically.
While not really Intellisense alone this is a great extension for Vue.js development. It’s an all-in-one solution for adding linting, intellisense, and formatting to Vue.js development and already includes some of the extensions I've mentioned above.
React / React Native
This is a full solution for developing React Native applications. By default, VSCode has a ton of support built in for React.
Accessibility and Health
You spend a lot of time in front of your IDE, so making sure it’s easy on the eyes and legible is just as important as any other aspect I’ve mentioned.
VS Code Icons
First, get some folder/file icons so that you can easily distinguish the files you’re using.
Cobalt 2 Theme from Wes Bos
Cobalt 2 is not too dark, not too light, and has great contrast for an editor theme. It also has a corresponding colour setup for ZSH Terminals.
If you haven’t heard of Dash, it should be your new best friend. Dash is an API documentation app for Mac, but this extension plugs right into VS Code. By clicking any method, it will open up Dash to the respective page. The same plugin supports Zeal which is a Windows and Linux alternative.
As I mentioned earlier, the Beautify extension is a great tool if you’re adamant about code formatting and editor standardization. It also allows you to set a .jsbeautifyrc file which you can commit to Git repos for collaboration. Beautify can also be used as a replacement for .editorconfig if you don’t support it. Beautify formats JS, CSS, Sass, JSON and HTML.
More and more IDEs are providing support for EditorConfig, which allows you to include an .editorconfig in your project repos. This gives your fellow developers IDEs and linters to read from one file to standardize tabbing and spacing as well as line ending across projects.
For a more robust solution, try out Prettier. Prettier follows the same configuration paradigm as ESLint, providing you with a .prettierrc file which an be committed to repositories. It will also read from the .editorconfig file if it exists. In fact you can get rid of ESLint and Sass Lint and use Prettier as your one stop solution. It has its own extensions for EsLint, StyleLint and more.
I recently moved over to ZSH which has completely transformed my terminal experience. Whilst not being a direct extension of VS Code, it can be integrated through the Terminal pane. I had to do quite a bit of configuration to get it working on Mac, especially with colors and themes. 
ZSH features functionality like tab completion for directories, files, Git branches and more. You can read more about setting up ZSH on the Github repo or leave me a message in the comments below if you’d like to learn more.
Visual Studio Code comes with Debugging JavaScript right out of the box. You can take it a step further using the following extensions:
Debugger for Chrome
This extension allows a direct sync between the VS Code Debugger and Chrome Developer Tools allowing you to set breakpoints and jump straight into the code.
That about wraps up my extensions setup for Visual Studio Code–which are your personal favorites? Before I go though, don’t forget that coding should be fun; you may need some tunes to help you along. The Spotify extension adds a tiny inline media player to the VS Code UI.
More Visual Studio Code on Tuts+
Visual Studio
Visual Studio Code: My New Favorite Code Editor
Adi Purdila
Visual Studio Code
Essential Extensions for Visual Studio Code
Craig Campbell
via Envato Tuts+ Code http://ift.tt/2oeCvWZ
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lesterwilliams1 · 8 years ago
80% off #From 0 to 1: C Programming – Drill Deep – $10
C Programming is still a very useful skill to have – and this is the course to pick it up!
All Levels,  –   Video: 12 hours,  60 lectures 
Average rating 4.4/5 (4.4)
Course requirements:
The course assumes that the student has a way to write and run C programs. This could include gcc on Mac or Unix, or Visual Studio on Windows.
Course description:
C Programming is still a very valuable skill – and its also surprisingly easy to pick up. Don’t be intimidated by C’s reputation as scary – we think this course makes it easy as pie!
What’s Covered:
Conditional Constructs: If/else and case statements have a surprising number of little details to be aware of. Conditions, and working with relational and logical operators. Short-circuiting and the order of evaluation Loops: For loops, while and do-while loops, break and continue. Again, lots of little details to get right. Data Types and Bit Manipulation Operations, again full of little gotchas that interviewers and professors love to test. Pointers: Memory layout of pointers and variables, pointer arithmetic, arrays, pointers to pointers, pointers to structures, argument passing to functions, pointer reassignment and modification – complete with visuals to help you conceptualize how things work. Strings: Strings, Character pointers, character arrays, null termination of strings, string.h function implementations with detailed explanations. Structs and Unions: These seem almost archaic in an Object-Oriented world, but worth knowing, especially in order to nail linked list problems. Linked lists: Visualization, traversal, creating or deleting nodes, sorted merge, reversing a linked list and many many problems and solutions, doubly linked lists. IO: Both console and file IO Enums, typedefs, macros
Talk to us!
Mail us about anything – anything! – and we will always reply
Full details Write solid, correct and complete C programs Advance – quickly and painlessly – to C++, which is a natural successor to C and still widely used Ace tests or exams on the C programming language Shed their fears about the gotchas and complexities of the C programming language Make use of C in those situations where it is still the best tool available
Full details Yep! Computer science or engineering majors who need to learn C for their course requirements Yep! Embedded systems or hardware folks looking to make the most of C, which is still an awesome technology in those domains Yep! Any software engineer who will be giving interviews, and fears interview questions on the tricky syntax of C
Full details
“Its very good and detailed course. Great if you want a brief overview of C at a glance” (Aditya Mehta)
“This course teaches the ins and outs of the language. That is its purpose. Fully achieved – the longer the course, the better it gets.” (H2m2)
“It would have been better if they would actually show practical examples by running it on ide and explaining the flow of code.” (Nitin Ainani)
    About Instructor:
Loony Corn
Loonycorn is us, Janani Ravi, Vitthal Srinivasan, Swetha Kolalapudi and Navdeep Singh. Between the four of us, we have studied at Stanford, IIM Ahmedabad, the IITs and have spent years (decades, actually) working in tech, in the Bay Area, New York, Singapore and Bangalore. Janani: 7 years at Google (New York, Singapore); Studied at Stanford; also worked at Flipkart and Microsoft Vitthal: Also Google (Singapore) and studied at Stanford; Flipkart, Credit Suisse and INSEAD too Swetha: Early Flipkart employee, IIM Ahmedabad and IIT Madras alum Navdeep: longtime Flipkart employee too, and IIT Guwahati alum We think we might have hit upon a neat way of teaching complicated tech courses in a funny, practical, engaging way, which is why we are so excited to be here on Udemy! We hope you will try our offerings, and think you’ll like them
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