#Nobody went to see Doctor Strange to see you
msclaritea · 1 year
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Is Hayley Atwell outing herself as an ungrateful asshole, too? Nice job. Just go out with Cruise and leave us alone. That's the best you'll get.
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I must have been right. It's been nonstop shitting in the tags on Twitter from the likes of Rightwingers, Penske and COS. So Hayley IS in Scientology, isn't she? The rush to make her trend after my post, for no reason. I'll bet those blinds about Tom Cruise asking her out were plants to make her seem like an outsider. And that's why she'll say what they tell her to. It's always jarring when a celebrity says something off-brand. She was also very silent while Elizabeth Olsen beat up her character in Doctor Strange memes for months, so much cruelty as promo. Almost like she knew. She knew.
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classypauli · 6 months
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x fem!Reader
Summary: You catch the eyes of the last person you would expect
Word count: 5.8k
a/n: Working on Doctor´s treatment part 2, if you have any ideas, requests, questions message me!
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Nevermore academy, education soil for creatures of kinds you would never even dream of. But preferred by many, you could hear about them as Outcasts. No human with a healthy mind would ever think about walking by their land or the woods. Vampires, werewolves, sirens, gorgons,... you name it. They guarantee you don´t want to mess with them.
Clearly, that´s from a human´s perspective.
As for Outcasts themselves, they don´t feel that way about them. Of course, the dirty looks that are shot their way everytime they step into the Jericho make them a little cheerless, but that wasn´t their image. That is what people created in their heads based on actions and incidents where they weren´t even present.
Wednesday was skeptical about this school, her parents used to go there for a couple of years but she isn´t like them. Or at least that is what she felt and she was sure of it. Breaking rules and always be right is like her second name and looking just at the gate of the Nevermore she knew, this school wouldn´t be any different than others. It won´t hold her inside for too long. And her roommate already persuaded her about her plants as soon as she stepped into the dorm.
The werewolf girl showed her around and explained the system of the school. The girl must admit, it was catching her attention, being around outcasts was indeed more enjoyable than around people, even though sometimes outcasts were more predictable than humans. But still, this reason wasn´t big enough to make her stay.
She wanted to escape and the girl had it planned to the last dot. Packing her things, going to the festival, and meeting up with Tyler. He would then drive her far far away. And it would have gone like this if Rowan didn´t touch her. The vision made her follow him, Wednesday went to warn him about the danger that waits on him in the trees. It turned out that he was the danger waiting for her.
And the thing she witnessed... Wednesday was sure what she saw was real, that it wasn´t just a figment of the imagination. He said that she would destroy the school and everyone in it. But the strange part was that everyone kept declining that as if she didn´t see him all bloody yelling in agony. And that made her stay.
Wednesday was now sitting in Botanical Science class. Unfortunately, she needed to sit next to Xavier who was trying to impress her with his ability. She wasn´t scared of the spiders, otherwise, she was drawn to creatures like this. The spider was slowly coming her way and now everyone was watching the interaction, waiting for the girl´s response.
On the millisecond the annoyed face appeared on Wednesday´s face as she went to slam the fake eight-legged animal but was stopped by a blue flame that was shot straight to the spider. Everyone knew who’s the fire was. You were just sitting there a couple of tables from them looking at the Xavier with an unimpressed look on your face as you held up one finger with the blue fire above. Then the fire suddenly disappeared and you went back to doing your work.
The students around the school knew you, you were unique and a lot of them wished they could do what you can. You hated that, everyone only wanted the power but nobody saw the background of it. Even though they were used to your power, it didn´t stop them from being in awe every time.
The goth girl saw you a couple of times around, she didn´t know under what category of outcasts you belong. Enid only said that you weren´t what most of them were, nothing more. And her roommate wanted but even the biggest gossip girl around the school knew barely minimum about you.
Wednesday shot her eyes at you without moving her head, slowly scanning you. She must say she didn´t expect that. This was the first time she had ever seen something like that. You shot the ball of fire straight at the fake spider and burned it into the ash in seconds, the spider stood zero chance against the fire. It didn´t touch Wednesday but she sure could feel the hotness of the flame.
„Thank you Y/N. Well it looks like Wednesday wasn´t really mesmerized by your skills Xavier.“ Mrs. Thornhill commented and went back to teaching. The boy only put his eyebrows together as he looked at you and then faced the other side of his seatmate in embarrassment. The class laughed under their breaths at the sight of Xavier’s sulking after failing to impress their new classmate.
After the class, Y/N took her books and started to walk away. She isn´t much social person and she doesn´t care about it. The girl likes it better on her own, it feels calmer that way. Y/N only talks when it´s needed, so with her teachers, parents, or her only friend in the school. She doesn´t even have a roommate which is like a win to her.
„Next time your rescue isn´t needed.“
Y/N turned around to the voice and saw a girl who sat with Xavier. She knew of course who she was, she was the talk of the week of course. This was the first time she had seen her from this close, or almost close. It was clear Wednesday doesn´t like crossing the personal barrier between two bodies. But even from this apart Y/N could notice her deep brown eyes which were staring straight into hers and barely seen freckles across her face.
The taller girl only nodded, breaking the eye contact, and walked away from the girl. Wednesday kept looking at your fading figure in the hallway till she could hear tough steps approaching her.
„She caught your eye, huh?“ Enid smirked at her new roommate as she leaned carefully so as not to touch her. „I can´t blame you, she´s really something.“ Enid sighed dreamely at the thought of you and Wednesday now looked at the girl with a slightly disgusted face before turning around to leave.
„Leave these comments to yourself.“ Enid only laughed at her as she started to follow her to their next class.
Wednesday kept thinking about you almost the whole day. More like about your ability. Hate to admit it but it was interesting. Enid said you aren’t wich or some magician that you can just control fire, or more like it´s just coming out of you.
When Y/N is not around they call her a Dragon of Nevermore or just a Dragon, they know better not to call her that when she is near, the girl doesn´t like that. And when she´s somewhere around they don´t talk about her so she wouldn´t hear, for their own safety.
Now was Wednesday´s writing time and she just kept sitting there staring blankly at the empty page. She wanted to continue with her new book but her mind went back to the blue flame every time. She sighed in frustration and went to her bed. Thing saw her thinking hard, she had something in her mind and he was glad that something ripped the thoughts of leaving this school away.
Students were now sitting outside, enjoying food and chatting with each other. Wednesday saw her roommate eating and talking loudly with her vampire friend and a couple of others. She wasn´t a fan of a lot of people but she also couldn´t care less if the attention wasn´t placed on her. She was scanning the pentagon looking for a place to sit. Preferably alone. The girl felt a soft tap on her black boot, there was a Thing facing her.
„What are you doing? You want to be seen by somebody?“ Wednesday hissed at him, trying not to look suspicious. Thing only pointed his finger somewhere. She looked up from him in the direction and found you sitting by the table on your own, quietly eating while looking down at your plate.
Wednesday sighed and made her way to you. She didn´t know why, her mind started to recalculate her options of where to sit. And understandably you were the safest option, she knew you wouldn’t try to talk to her.
And so it was like that. You barely looked at who sat beside you, Wednesday somehow felt like you could feel that it was her, that´s why you didn´t need to look at the new intruder. Students looked their way, now silently watching the invisible interaction between the two of you, looking for any change of behavior they were used to seeing from both of you. But nothing. You just sat there next to each other eating food, minding your business. The girl felt a soft tap on her boot again, this time only to tease her, Wednesday kicked him away not showing any emotion on her face.
The werewolf girl saw you both sitting next to each other, smiling softly at the image. She liked the idea of both of you together, you would look good. It was clear that you nor she were good at social interaction, and this? This was definitely unexpected. Most of the time when someone wanted to sit with you, you looked at them, not saying anything because it wasn´t even needed. They understand very fast what you meant.
You didn´t shoot Wednesday one look.
„How does your ability work?“ Wednesday asked without looking at your side profile as you chew on your food. You kept your stoic face without any unnecessary muscle work not understanding her question. The girl was slowly getting annoyed by you, it seemed like you ignored her.
Wednesday was getting used to people asking her useless questions or pleasing her attention which she ignored. Sometimes she made savage comments to shut them down. This was the other way around, now she tasted her medicine.
Y/N looked at her scanning her facial expression, why would she want to know about her? Of course, not a single muscle moved but her mind was the opposite, jumping from one thought to another not understanding the girl right now.
The young Addams was getting frustrated at the girl beside her. She wasn´t getting a single thing from her.
„Uhm... I don´t understand.“ Y/N finally said looking around to find something to take her mind off of the conversation and the look she was giving her. She didn´t like talking about that.
„Why is it blue?“ Wednesday of course knew why sometimes flame was a different colour than red. But she wanted to know if you could control it to that part when it changed it’s shade or if it was always like this.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and went to eat again, that action completely thorn off the new girl. Wednesday saw that this was getting nowhere so she let it be, but she will get her answers.
Unconsciously, you just become her new prey.
A couple of days went by since the joining of the new student, and everyone slowly started to come back to their things, forgetting about it. There were still students that liked to get on her nerves but most of them now didn´t mind her. They were quite afraid of the goth girl and she obviously had not a bad word for it.
„Y/N! Hey!“ the cheerful voice greeted you as you slowly approached the construction. This was one of your favorite places to go to. Not a lot of people went to this place so it was always so calm in there. The boy had a beekeeper´s suit on holding some equipment in his hands.
„Hey Eugene, how are the bees?“ The girl asked looking at the thing her friends currently work on. He was the only person who made her comfortable to talk with.
They knew themselves since the boy came. He was shy, he still is but back then it was much more, always looking at the ground, not looking at anyone, minding his business. At first, it was like a nightmare to him, he didn´t want to tell his moms that he had no friends, wanted to save them from being worried so it was better to keep that information to himself.
Minding on his own of course didn´t stop the bullies. Why would it, be right? He had never understood why they acted like that to him, it kept bugging him for a long and to the point when he was afraid to go out of his dorm room.
It was like this until it was Outreach Day, it was his first time to go here and he didn´t know what to expect. Eugene was set to work at Pilgrim World and he found him again. It was much worse this time because no one was around to interrupt them from what they were going to do. Unexpectedly someone came, at first the person was trying to talk them out of it but as the boys started to treat that person too, they got beat up. It was Y/N that came to save him. It was like a dream, the boy saw the tall girl a couple of times at school, he always thought that she looked savage, not caring about things that weren´t important. And he wanted to be like her but his mind wasn´t strong enough to believe in himself.
From that day the girl would keep him company wherever he wanted and like a sibling, you had each other's backs. Y/N was Eugene´s role model, someone he looked up to, his moms were so happy to hear that he had someone like her.
„They are good but they missed you!“ Y/N smiled softly at the short boy´s words. It was true, recently they weren´t spending much time together, but it was nothing serious, they just had separate things to do.
„I missed them too.“ She whispered and looked at the bee´s hive outside the window.
Wednesday was walking in the forest. She had to think about this dreadful place, her dead classmate and her loud roommate made it impossible. She enjoyed walking alone through the dense tree foam. It created a dark atmosphere. A lot of people were afraid of woods, but on Wednesday there was nothing to be scared of, she would walk there even in the darkness. She came by the lake as her boots were taking steps along the stones around. There was an old, wooden dock jutted into the water and the waves were dancing along the gentle wind.
Suddenly she heard something from the other side of the lake. She turned her head to the noise, her hunting instinct was now on looking into the center of the sounds. The girl could see a person standing there, hands together in a praying-like position with their head down. It looked more like they were praying or meditating. Wednesday could see slow breaths based on the small shoulder movements along with the person´s chest.
She took a small step to the front to have a better look at the scene. Suddenly the person turned their face in front of them, one leg moved back making them lean a little. One arm was moving up above their head and the other one was stretched in front of their body. Both hands were slowly turned into fists. And what happened next made Wednesday stand in awe.
The fire splutters out of one of the hands into the wind. The person took a step and jumped up turning their body high in the air kicking with their leg along with the hot flame. When they came down they turned their back around now jumping backward landing on their hands as they bounced back into the feet before doing a backflip layout. The blue fire was spewing all around, changing directions like it was listening to your body.
It was absolutely known who it was. You were the only one with the ability to control a blue fire. Wednesday couldn´t tear her gaze away from you. In situations like this, it was hard not to show an interest. The young Addams wasn´t someone who pretends.
The waves of water were lazily moving like a rhythmic melody along with your movements. As she was now standing there from the other side of the water, looking at you almost without blinking, it created the feeling of a border. As if the lake was a boundary separating her and you, separating her body from the unknown, from things that she wanted to know about but didn´t know how to move, how to make the step. So desperate to explore the untouched land.
It has now been a couple of days, the case was moving painfully slowly. Wednesday shared some evidence with the sheriff´s son and Enid. The girl didn´t like getting a lot of people into her soup but at the same time, she wanted others thoughts, even if it didn´t matter to her.
Thing has been quite a handful even with his remarks on someone. The young Addams have been sitting with you every lunch break, without a single word or glance. Just sitting there, quietly eating not bothering each other. Enid and Thing were great at getting on her nerves by teasing her about it.
Why they were like that? Wednesday didn´t know, she was only sitting with you at lunch, without any interaction at all.
Since that time in the forest, she didn´t see you use your fire. You barely use it. A lot of students were shocked when you burned that spider-like they weren´t used to seeing that, and now Wednesday knew.
They are currently having a class, she and Enid were sitting together paying attention, or at least one of them.
„Hey.“ Enid whispered leaning her head slowly into her classmate's direction. „Do you know where is Y/N?“
„How am I supposed to know the answer?“ Wednesday answered with a low voice, taking notes on the paper.
„Well, you are pretty close so I thought you would know.“ Enid shot her a quick glance before facing the teacher again as if she was listening this whole time.
Wednesday stopped her writing and turned to her roommate. „We aren´t close one bit. Just because we are sitting together doesn´t mean we are close.“ Her gaze was sharp looking straight at the side profile of the girl next to her. Enid didn´t mind her, she was now used to Wednesday´s behaviour so she only smirked.
After the class, she went to Eugene. Now as a member of hummers, she needed to spend some time also in the hives. She owned him for having her back at times when she went to investigate. He was exactly like her brother Pugsley, defenseless against the pitfalls in the world. Somewhere inside of her, she grew a soft spot for him but she didn´t want to accept it. Like always.
„Hey Wednesday, would you mind if we left earlier today? My friend is sick and I need to bring her some medicine.“
Her eyes were enough for her to see that her only friend of him was Y/N. Eugene didn´t talk about you a lot, only sometimes, like that you are also a member of hummers but nothing more. She could see the two of you sometimes in Jericho, walking around or after classes, like two siblings.
But now she knew the reason for your absence.
Y/N was lying on her stomach with a pillow over her head. Even though her room was already dark because of the covered windows, it still felt like there was a lot of light. The bed under the girl was like lying on tough ground. The thought of lying on the ground crossed Y/N´s mind a lot of times. Her body was on fire.
It has been like this for a couple of days, only in her room, without any light or social interaction. The only one she could see this awful day was Eugene, he was so sweet. Where would she be without him, only God knows. He brings her food and all the needed medicine. Even though he was trying so hard to help you nothing worked. And it wasn´t his fault.
Because of your ability your body gets too heated up sometimes, most of the time when you use flames too much. That´s why it´s better to train more so you can control it better and at the same time your body heat. But these were the consequences of the success.
No medicine could help, or at least you thought there was nothing. When this happens you are dealing with it just like this, waiting till it stops.
The knocking on the door tore you away from thinking about this uncomfortable position your body was put into. You just wanted to ignore it, even if it was Eugene but another knocking was heard, this time more louder than the first time. It was too much and your head started to spin around the room as soon as you got up.
Slowly opening the door, leaning against the door frame. You were waiting for Eugene with the food in his hands, you were waiting for Principal Weems with her questions about your absence, and you were waiting for Thornhill with the class work you missed.
What you weren´t waiting for was Wednesday Addams standing right in front of you with a bag around her shoulder.
She was looking at you with her signature stare, staring right at your face. She noticed your fallen eyes, bags under them, and lowered shoulders.
„You look horrible.“ That was her first word as soon as she saw her classmate. It was nothing like compared to the first day she saw you.
„Appreciate it.“ Y/N whispered back at her, not moving a single muscle in her body. The taller girl thought that maybe Wednesday made a mistake and she didn´t want to go into your room. But the Addams never makes a mistake.
She slightly pushed you into the room as she stepped inside, closing the door behind her. She could feel the heat of your body as she touched your chest in that millisecond. It was too hot and of course, the dark-eyed girl's body was most of the time under the normal temperature of a human body so everything compared to her felt warm. But this was too much, it was like touching a fire with a bare hand.
„What are you-“
„Sit down.“ Wednesday commanded to you, cutting you from sentence and you like a good dog listened to her. You kept your eyes on her the whole time, she went to your table by the wall, pulling up her bag with some things, and she started to do something. You didn´t see what she was doing because the only thing you could see was her back.
Wednesday then turned around to you, holding something like a small cup with some strange liquid in it. You wanted to gag at the smell of it, it didn´t look drinkable.
„Drink it.“ She pushed it even further to your mouth as you only pushed your head back away from it. Was she trying to poison you? You wouldn’t be so surprised, it was Wednesday after all. She was getting frustrated by your childish actions so she took the back of your head and brought you closer to the cup. The taste of it was awful, you just wanted to throw up.
„Swallow it.“ And you did. You could feel it as it went down your throat it was cold but so refreshing after your high temperature.
„Now lay down, you will feel better. Believe me.“
And you did. Lying in that uncomfortable bed, praying to fall asleep quickly.
„It´s because it´s hotter than red. I can’t control it.“ You said with your eyes barely opened. Wednesday kept looking for you to continue. „Blue fire is hotter than red. That´s why it´s like that.“
„I know.“ She whispered back. You don´t remember much of how you fell asleep but before the Hypnos took you away you could see her sitting on your chair looking at you. 
The next day Wednesday was sitting eating her lunch at your table, again without you. She must admit it felt strange but nothing she couldn´t manage to get over.
Suddenly she felt a presence next to her, and the dark-eyed girl slowly turned to the person who dared to sit next to her. Her eyes were met with the person she helped yesterday. She didn´t expect you to recover that quickly, she was guessing you would be fine by tomorrow, but here you are the next day.
„I see you feel better.“ She commented looking at your figure, as if yesterday you weren´t dying from high temperature.
„Yes, thanks to you.“ You still kept looking at her, your eyes were wide staring at her silently thanking her. Wednesday looked at her plate, not giving you another glace, her plate with food was now the most interesting thing.
„You don´t have to thank me.“ You only smiled at her actions, it was cute like she was embarrassed for helping you. You need to pay her back.
A couple of days went by and a lot of things changed. The two girls started to talk more, it was most of the time on the lunch break or sometimes when they caught themselves in hives. They weren´t friends yet but this was a great road to start the friendship between them. Wednesday even told Y/N about her case and her progress from the start.
Y/N was an intelligent, really open-minded person. It was good to have someone like her nearby if the shorter girl needed some opinions. Y/N was always available, she never turned Wednesday down. They spend more and more time together, the young Addams sometimes sits with her in class, or goes to her dorm just to talk or for help, you even told her about your ability more. Wednesday didn´t want to accept it but somewhere deep inside of her she knew, she had grown a soft spot your you
Now it was soon to be Rave´N Dance and you were thinking about it. Going there didn´t even cross your mind in the past, you had no one to go with so every time it came you and Eugene went out and did something. But now it was a little different. Maybe she wouldn´t even go, this didn´t seem like her cup of tea and why would she even go with you? There were a lot of other candidates who would have a bigger chance than you. Or maybe she would say yes, why are you doubting yourself if she didn´t enjoy your presence you wouldn´t be spending so much time together. You need to at least try. And that´s exactly why you were now standing in front of her dorm.
After a soft knock was heard on the door Wednesday did not expect to see you. You were standing before the door a couple of steps back as if you were afraid to disturb the dorm of the two girls. You were wearing your casual clothes, a black oversized hoodie and some big sweatpants, hands behind your back.
„Hey...uhm... I-I´m sorry for disturbing you, I just wanted to ask you if...“ you didn´t even look at her, your head was down looking at your shoes. Your voice was low and Wednesday barely caught the sentence that left your lips.
„Y/N you need to talk louder than that, I can´t hear you.“ She just kept looking at you, trying to find the answer by your body language. You were nervous, because of what?
You sighed and turned your head in her direction, looking straight at her face. „I wanted to ask if you would go with me on Rave´N Dance.“
The young Addams for the first time in her life felt like she didn´t know what to say. It was unexpected. Sure it wasn´t like she would decline your offer. She liked you, as a person. You were currently number one closest to her, beside her roommate of course but with Enid it was different.
„Y/N… I already have someone to go with.“
Ouch. Well, it was something you were prepared for but it still hurts a little. Yeah, like she would go with someone like you. God, it was embarrassing.
The taller girl only nodded her head looking everywhere but at Wednesday. She pushed air out of her lungs and slowly pushed her hands from her back. „Y-Yeah okay... don´t need to worry I just thought I would ask.“ You smiled awkwardly and gave her the black rose that was hidden behind your back.
„Here... This is for you.“ You looked into her black eyes, this was the first time you saw her like this, so vulnerable, but only her eyes showed that. „Well I´ll go, you don´t have to feel sorry, I get it.“
She took the flower from your hand as you turned around and started to walk away down the hallway. Her eyes kept watching you till she didn´t see you anymore, her eyes went to the black rose in her hands. It was beautiful.
Wednesday could tell that you were the only person who she ever felt so much emotions because of. And now she felt miserable.
Today was the day of the Rave´N Dance and you were lying on your bed, staring at the ceiling. You wanted to spend some time with Eugene but he had some plans which he didn´t say what it was about so you were just by yourself.
Wednesday wanted to talk to you about it but every time she mentioned it you said it was okay, so she stopped. You didn´t want to know who she went with and if your ego would take it.
The small paper slid under your door, you stood up and took it into your hands. You didn´t know who´s writing was it.
Meet me by the entrance at 9 pm.
It was sure it wasn´t Wednesday's handwriting. You saw it a couple of times when she was giving you class work which you missed the days of your sickness. But it was her initials because you didn´t know anyone with the WA.
That´s why you came to her dorm looking for answers. You knocked on the door and waited. The note is still in your hands. The dark-eyed girl opened the door, looking at you with a questionable look in her eyes.
„Hey, what brings you here?“
You showed her the note in your hand. „I saw this note, I didn´t know i it was from you or not. You are the only one I know with a name that starts with these initials.“
Wednesday studied the note. It looked like a cheap version of her writing. As if someone was trying to copy her handwriting. It was sure who it was. She´s going to kill him.
Shouldn´t she be preparing? You just noticed her and how she still was wearing casual clothes. The dance started in a couple of hours and she still hadn´t even started.
Wednesday saw in her peripheral vision Thing, he was behind the door giving her thumb up. If he had a face she was sure he would be smiling from ear to ear.
„Yes, it´s from me. I wanted to ask if you would go with me to the Rave´N.“
What?! You were shocked, she wanted to go with you? But, but...
„But you said you are already going with someone?“ Wednesday leaned her head a little to the side, not meeting your eyes.
„Yes but something changed.“ She was still facing the other way but it took you too long to answer to she looked back at you with raising an eyebrow. „Well? Would you go with me?“ You nodded with your head.
„Great, meet me down at nine.“
And after that, you ran as fast as you could.
Wednesday closed the door and looked at Thing with dark eyes, he ran under the bed to hide from her. She just sighed and looked at the rose standing in the jar with a water on her table. She wasn’t really mad.
Your hands were shaking and your body felt hot. What were the main two things you could sense at that moment? You were standing exactly where Wednesday told you to, coming a bit earlier because it´s better than late and you could only imagine what would Wednesday do if you came late.
Looking around the passing by students somewhere double looking to make sure it was you. It was the first time they saw you in formal clothes like this. You didn´t feel very comfortable with all the glares and on top of that those tight clothes.
These things were forgotten at the same time as Wednesday came down. She was wearing a dark black dress and her hair was done perfectly. She looked beautiful, like always. You were glad that you were matching even though you didn´t talk about your clothes. You were also wearing all black.
„Hey.“ She gently greeted you as she came to you. „Are you ready?“
You nodded at her smiling softly, you offered her your arm, didn´t know if she would take it but to your surprise she did. And just like just like that you walked to the ball room. As soon as you stepped in everyone´s eyes were on both of you. It was shocking, sure a lot of people saw you these days together, but you were almost the same. But they didn´t expect to see either of you on Nevermore ball.
Enid was smirking at the two of you, glad it was you instead of Xavier. It was her plan after all and with a little help from Thing it became real.
The two of you decided to drink something and as you were standing there chatting a little with Enid, you saw Xavier´s glarings. Why is he staring at you like that? You didn´t break the eye contact, not letting him win. The dark-eyed girl saw you and took you by your hand.
„Come.“ She was really gentle that night, like a whole new person. But only you could catch that, she didn´t let anyone else see but you.
And you were having fun dancing around, chatting, and drinking. It was so refreshing, you didn´t have this much fun in a long time.
„Thank you for going with me.“ You said as she had her hands around your neck slowly dancing to the song. She kept looking at you with wide eyes. This was the second time you saw her eyes like this, the first time was a couple of days ago when you came to ask her to the dance.
This was the first time you were close like this, your hands around her slim waist and her around your neck. Looking at each other, to others around it looked like you were talking with your eyes. Your body was too hot compated to hers.
Wednesday’s heart was cold, that’s was people around her said and they weren’t far from the truth. But now as she stands infront of you and you are looking at her and holding her like she’s the only one in the world… her heart warmed.
„No need for that. I would do it twice.“ Wednesday said before she smiled gently at you.
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hoshikarasu · 3 months
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❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀featuring :   choso , nanami kento , higuruma hiromi , getou suguru
❛❛ ⠀Am I ready for love? Or maybe just a best friend? Should there be a difference, do you have instructions? ⠀❜❜ ⠀or ⠀being in a queer platonic relationship with jjk men !
❛ ⠀♡ . ˑ⠀notes  :   male reader. either the reader / jjk men, or both, can be seen as arospec. queer platonic relationships are just as important and equal to romantic relationships! all qprs are different from each other and are all valid. not proofread. divider by cafekitsune.
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⟣   CHOSO   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤIt was a struggle to put his feelings into words when it came to you. Nothing that he could possibly weave together ever grew close to accurately describing his emotions and how he viewed the relationship between you and him. You are important to him. Of course you are. Just as much as Yuuji is important to him. Except… he didn’t view you the way that he did with his brothers. Those feelings didn’t push him to see you as more than that at the same time.
All that he knew for certain was that he adores you and you adore him. The way you look at him with smiles has his heart grow in multiple sizes. A label wasn’t necessary to place on you for him to know that he cared deeply for you. That he would do all that he possibly could to ensure your happiness and safety.
There’s not a doubt in his mind that you share this sentiment. He senses it in the way you reach for his hand to hold and squeeze tightly as if you plan on never letting go. The way you nudge him to open up his arms for you to give him a hug the second you notice anything off before he even realizes it.
You openly express your affection for him that his heart squeezes far too many times to the point that he wonders whether he should visit a doctor. 
It makes him pause whenever you two are asked if you’re dating. He never knows what to say. The love is mutual between you two for sure, but that doesn’t mean you’re both in love with one another. 
Yet he knows saying such a thing would garner strange looks or comments how you’re both confused or shouldn’t be using the word love to describe such a dynamic if it isn’t a romantic relationship. But he sees nothing wrong with using the word when it comes to you. 
He loves you. He loves you so much and will gladly let the world know it even if nobody else aside from you would understand.
⟣   NANAMI KENTO   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤMany people (read: one particular Gojo Satoru) joked or assumed that you and Nanami were together. There wasn’t a day that went by without someone making a comment about the two of you. You were always seen together doing just about anything and everything. All of Nanami’s spare time was dedicated to you, and you fussed over him like a concerned boyfriend. Why weren’t you two together? 
The pestering always annoyed him. This insistence that a relationship between two people had to be one way or the other. Or that people were that invested over somebody else’s relationship. What did it matter to them? 
All he wanted was to exist. With you specifically. 
Whenever a mission would get too rough, his mind would drift to his thoughts of retiring and running away to Malaysia. In each and every single one of them, you were there right by his side. He yearned for solitude so deeply, but for a solitude that included you as well. 
Where there would be no prying eyes to how the two of you interacted with one another. Nobody would make any jabs at both of you guys’ indifference to ever developing a romantic relationship with one another. No judgment would be made, not that he paid any attention to how people may perceive the nature of your relationship and interactions with each other, on the love shared between you two.
It’s very easy to imagine taking a stroll on the shore of the beach and having you hand in hand.
The next time that Gojo cracks a joke upon catching the two of you visiting Nanami’s favorite bakery, hands full of his favorite bread and your favorite pastries, and linked arms, Nanami is ready with a response. He waits to hear the familiar question of whether you two are together to answer with a simple, 
“I’ve always been his.”
⟣   HIGURUMA HIROMI   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤNot once has Higuruma ever considered that he would find himself in a relationship quite like the one he has with you. Granted, the possibility of having any sort of close and intimate relationship with anyone always came across as impossible. There wasn’t time for him to spare for anyone else. He was too caught up with his own work and wrangled up in his passion for justice. At least that was the case until he met you.
Your presence in his life has redefined many things for him. A new passion in him sprouts and blossoms with every passing second that he spends with you. One that is devoted to you and only you, and it grows at the mere sight or thought of you.
Nobody else understands him the way that you do. 
Each time he is weighed down by a trial that has led to an unjust verdict for his client and he catches a glimpse of their expression, you are the one who seeks for comfort. You very easily understand what he needs without any need for words. Despite being a rather tall man, he succumbs to making himself so small while being gathered into your arms. 
It’s easy to sense how all he wishes for is the comfort and warmth you never fail to provide him. His soul feels intertwined with yours and his heart wants to be held with those gentle hands of yours. Said gentle hands that always seek out to cup his face and gently him closer to look at you directly. 
Without fail, you whisper to him sweet reassurances and nothings. You are always determined to make him feel loved and cared for. And as he gets lost in staring into the warmth of your gaze, being placed looked at with such a loving stare, there’s only one thought that lingers in his mind.
I’m lucky to have you.
⟣   GETOU SUGURU   ⏖   ♡   !   ㅤㅤIt’s rather funny to Getou how Nanako and Mimiko can fully understand the intricate bond between you and him compared to other grown adults. Plenty of people assume that you are together or married. Nanako and Mimiko’s habit of referring to you as their other dad most likely plays a factor into that. 
Or maybe it’s also due to the fact that he never fails to lean close and kiss your nose or your cheek or wherever he can reach. It could also be the fact that you openly address him as your other half, your husband, and other sweet terms of endearment that has his heart skip a few beats.
Anyone who dares to assume that something romantic is going on between you and Getou are quick to receive odd looks from you, Getou, and your girls. Then again, he supposes he can’t expect that for anyone outside this little family of yours to fully know how strong this bond is that it goes beyond their comprehension of love and relationships.
Both of you are fairly affectionate with each other, whether you’re out in public or alone in the privacy of your home. As mentioned earlier, he presses a kiss to any inch of your skin he has access to and pairs it with a reminder of his love for you. And you slot yourself into his side with ease like you belong there (which you do). Your head gets tucked under his chin and it doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall asleep together. 
There’s nothing to hide from you. You know full well his heart is for yours to hold and that your heart is kept safe in his.
Thinking about the future used to be grim, but knowing that you will be there every day in his future with the girls brings him comfort.
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
In my mind now that I think abt it, it's very possible after seeing Arthur get hurt and die multiple times either he has to go with him to a doctor to be assured nobody is going to do something to him or John can't go with because seeing people do anything in the realm of tests just instantly sets him off as seeing Arthur die esp by the witch who cut him open on a table could cause a level of trauma regarding ideas of tests and surgery.
I was going somewhere with this but i forgot what so here I'm presenting the concept of
Arthur: thank you John for raising my blood pressure even higher with that description. The only pain I'm feeling right now is that of embarrassment.
No I can definitely see him freaking out about a stranger prodding Arthur with strange medical utensils.. he went with him once and had to be escorted out bc he almost tackled the doctor when Arthur had to get his blood drawn. Now Noel or Oscar takes him and John just stands near the window of Noel’s apartment waiting for him to return (hopefully in one piece, he’s really trusting the other two to not let Arthur get killed by a stethoscope)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
I have an idea for the next part in teenagers:
Miles and Gwen and Hobie and reader go on a double date/just hangout. Reader tells them about everything that happened with Miguel. Later when they’re hanging out at reader/Miguels place, Miguel gets a little lighter on all the rules for you all (door still stays open though)
𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬... 𝐏𝐭 𝟖
I had to add onto how you were dangerous so this is a lot 😭
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“Yeah, and the file said she was dangerous, how can this cute little thing be dangerous?” Hobie said, ruffling your hair as you explained what happened to you and Miguel, because they noticed it was a little awkward.
“If anything she’s the least dangerous person here.” Gwen laughed, and pointed a fork at you.
You rolled you eyes. “Okay, okay, fuck all of you.”
“Even me?” Hobie gasped and feigned offense.
“No.” You kissed his cheek, and miles and Gwen both rolled their eyes at you guys.
Hobie laughed as he saw their faces.
“Anyways, you all comin’ with?” Hobie asked.
“Yeah.” Miles and Gwen said at the same time.
Then you guys went into an alley, and hopped into the portal.
“Hey, Mr. O’Hara.” Gwen said when she saw him on the couch.
“Hi.. you didn’t tell me they were coming.” He looked at you.
“Right.. sorry. I didn’t kn-“
“It’s fine. Just don’t forget to leave the door open.” He said.
“We won’t. See you.” You said.
He’s been quiet ever since you both fought. He’s let you do whatever, and you didn’t mind.
“Hey, once they’re gone, we need to talk.” He looked at you before you entered the room. He was done with the secrets.
“Alright..” you said, a little confused, he just avoided your gaze and looked back at the TV.
You all talked and hung out for a while, throwing popcorn and pillows at each other.
“Alright, I’ll see you guys.” You said to miles and Gwen, as they both opened portals.
“Bye, thank you for today. It was fun.”
“Yeah.” Miles agreed, and they both left so it was now just you and Hobie.
Miguel walked in the room, looking at Hobie.
“Should I go or…”
“You can stay. I think you should hear this.”
You looked at Miguel confused, as you went on your bed.
Hobie looked at Miguel then you, then Miguel again.
“So, you read the whole thing right?”
“Not the whole things.. just the part about how I was taken by you, and how I was dangerous and had to be watched.”
“Do you know why your dangerous?”
Hobie leaned back, interested.
Miguel sighed. “I didn’t wanna tell you this, but, you remember how I told you about the doctor strange guy from earth 19999?”
“Yeah.. why..?”
“Basically, when you were younger, you had powers, nobody thought you could control them, until he came by, and hid them away. In this file, it tells you exactly what powers.” He handed you it.
Type: Superhuman individual.
Sex: Female.
Parents: Unknown, it is believed that a parent dropped her off on earth 712 for someone else to pick her up, to which they never did.
Potential parent/s: Pietro Maximoff because of their similar powers, Stephen Strange
Guardian: Miguel O’Hara.
Age: 4 years old.
Powers/abilities: Superspeed (Estimated to be about as fast as quicksilver from earth 616). The ability to change time, she does not know how to control it.
“The fuck..? You’re joking.” You looked up at Miguel.
“I wish. You were a pain in the ass when we tried to catch you, always running away. And accidentally turning back the time over and over. Dr strange had to step in.. and hide them.”
“Well, I want no part in whatever the fuck that is…” you threw the file at him.
Hobie just stared in amusement.
“Don’t know why but that makes you even hotter.” Hobie mumbled.
“Well, I just wanted you to know… you don’t have to.” Miguel shrugged, picking up the file.
“Goodnight, Miguel. Thank you..”
“No problem.” He said, smiling softly, before leaving.
“Well, look at my girl, you’re more powerful than me.”
“Was I not before?”
He snickered “Definitely not.”
“Hey! I could be totally scary!” You hit his chest.
“You punch like a baby.” He yawned.
You huffed and rolled your eyes.
“Love you though.” He laughed, and wrapped his arms around you. You smiled and laughed as he started to tickle you.
“Stop! Stop! Hobie!”
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crystallilytarot · 8 months
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(sorry for the lighting, it's getting dark here)
Your soul family. Choose a crystal
Pile 1 amethyst
There is a masculine energy here, probably older. Can be a father, grandfather, a teacher. Someone who can teach you a lot of things. Very wise, friendly, calm and caring. I see a bear, strong and powerful but soft like a real teddy. I feel this person can give you what you need. They can help you, if you need an advice, go to them. Even if you need money. Or a hug, they can be very good at hugs. For some of you, they can be a future partner too, there is a lot of emotions here, but I feel for most of you, it's not romantic. Also you probably have a friend or friends, who feels like family. Sisters or brothers from another mother. They belong to your soul family too. I think they are not childhood friends for most of you, you probably meet them or will meet them later in life. It feels more light hearted than with that masculine energy, you are still close, but you will have a lot of fun together. A lot of laughing, if you are sad, these friends are always there to cheer you up. I think it's possible that you will meet them at work, maybe in the university and you will work on a project together, after that you will get closer.
Pile 2 malachite
There was a time in your life when you felt hopeless, you didn't know what to do. Or you couldn't move on from a bad experience. And then you met this person. For some of you, it will happen in the future. They helped you, I think even mentally and emotionally, so you were able to go on, and find hope again. You two maybe even met at the hospital/at a psychologist office. I even see church or a pharmacy too. Maybe it's strange but I feel like it can be that this doctor /psychologist or other type of helping people is from your soul family. They aren't just healing your body, but your soul too. They are a little bit more traditional, can be older, but not very much. Patient, loyal, practical. You will probably even find your passion after that. And I think this will lead you to meet your future partner, who can be from your soul family too and who will be a little similar than this helping person.
Pile 3 opal
Oh so this is your soulmate, your future partner, they are from your soul family. I feel you went through a lot, there are a lot of heartbreaks, a lot of conflicts. Maybe you don't feel like you belong. Maybe you feel like nobody understands you really. Now, this person will understand you. They will bring balance, harmony and hope in your life. You will finally live in peace. You will be more patient, have more self-control too. I think you two probably move to another city or country. And you will finally feel like you belong there, you will find friends who are similar or have similar interests too. You will enjoy your life. I think communication is key here, maybe you have a trauma, but you need to say if something is bothering you, because this person doesn't want to hurt you, but they are not a mind reader either. I feel they are a little bit like an angel physically too. Maybe not exactly, but their energy. Bright but also wise. You will be perfect matches to each other.
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darkdemeter · 1 month
◤✘BUCKY BARNES SERIES/AU'S | CATALOGUE Winter Soldier x Female Reader ISSUE NO.#2
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WARNINGS❕ ↳ 18+ Psychological and sexual thriller — mention of previous supposed "dub-con" encounters, stalking, minor medication usage and trauma — paranoid reader — small SMUT scene, depicted as non/con sleep sex — unprotected sex — dark Winter Soldier — possible grammar/punctuation errors — I think that's it? SUMMARY ↳ Things are getting out of hand. You feel like you're a ship slowly sinking into the dark depths below. You're being hunted, you just know it, but perhaps there is hope in the form of the friendly local deputy. Little do you know what the Winter Soldier is always watching your every move.
✎ 3.4k
@kandis-mom @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsnikstan
Nobody believes ghost stories. That’s the advantage he carries, you have found. He’s a ghost and thus, any mention of his haunting presence is absolved to the grave of a dismissed and silenced voice. A cry for help. 
You feel so alone here. This home that you founded for yourself, made an attempt to lead a life of normalcy and peace. A life where you weren’t spending your tired hours looking over your shoulder and praying that rounding the next corner wouldn’t be your last. 
He had invaded the sanctity of the very place you were meant to feel safe in. He robbed you of the only comfort you had to cling to after everything else went so wrong. 
Every shadow that creeps and waves past the drawn curtains sends you into a frenzy, feet shifting and muscles locking up with the flight or fight response kicking in as electrical surges through your skin, your gut churning and your heart rapping tight against your chest. Every inkling of something dark moving in the hallway has tears prickling the corner of your vision, imagining those cold blue eyes locked on you. Every closet, every corner — every room is now under siege of being a possible hiding place for him. 
You’re forced to undertake that terrible fucking feeling that your soul has jumped out and is latched like tar to your spine. 
Your doctor didn’t believe you. Nobody ever did. It made you feel alone in this town, this heavily pitched, “We’re a tight-knit community that cares for all its residents!”. Putting the product to the board really begins to measure up this so-called community and their nosey personality to happily peek into your life. Did they all know and were too scared for their own lives to help?
You couldn’t blame them, though you probably should. You just can’t. 
He can be anywhere. Even now…
In the broadness of daylight you still suffer the tiresome weight of fear that steeps over you, drawing you out into a state of exhaustion that leaves you further vulnerable. You just… sense him. He’s around though you can’t pinpoint his exact location, you just know deep down in your gut that he’s watching you right now while you walk through the streets.
The leathery scuffle of your boots are trimmed by the cause of a car horn blurting out. “Hey, watch where you’re going!” the driver yells, face red and scrunched up like a swollen balloon ready to pop. 
He slams his fist down on the horn again in a frightful warning. A loud, treacherous horn that signals the arrival of something dangerous, someone that can kill you – but he doesn’t. He moves like he intends to, but he never commits to the final strike. It’s like he gets aroused by the painful implication that he inflicts upon you. 
It’s sunny but the air is smothered by a strange aura of fog, cloudy but not entirely that you can still see several blocks up ahead. You can see the local diner. 
Just a little more. 
You hear the clobber of footsteps behind you, by your guess without arousing suspicion and looking, you’d estimate… 5 feet in distance, give or take?
He really did turn you into a little paranoid freak. They’re heavy, keeping a steady pace that thins out a constant line of anxiety, each step you take he mimics it with one that echoes in the bounds of your mind. Your heart rate thumps with a bruising beat, it’s beginning to put a straining ache on your ribs. 
It’s someone else.
It’s… it’s someone else…
It’s— it’s him, it’s him!
The footsteps pick up to heave a faster pace, the sickening pound of heavy combat boots floods your train of thought. You remember a time of running through the dingy lit halls in Hydra’s underground base. Their brain-fried dog easily keeping track of you no matter what corner you turned, what darkened environment you broke into in your haste to escape. 
“It’s a training montage. It will ensure that he can keep track of his target.” That was what Rumlow had said to you. 
You’re caught in a half spin, almost stumbling over on the sidewalk to meet him face to face, only to falter back when he looks at you with a furrowed decline to his features, confused by your reaction. 
“U-uh, sorry,” you mumble and lower your gaze down. It’s someone else. Dark brown eyes, sandy brown hair cut short and tousled.
He passes you easily to meet with a girl. She’s quite pretty, you don’t believe you’ve seen her around before but maybe you have. It gets hard to finalise and familiarise faces, names and their personalities when you holster yourself up in the town’s wooded outskirts. 
You like the privacy it gives you, however much it’s now put you at risk. 
The joined couple talk with a cheerful ambiance of their romance, happily flourishing and unawares of the troubles you face and they turn into a nearby shop to browse its contents. 
Meanwhile, you continue on towards the diner. 
It’s hard to enjoy a moment of fresh air when you know you’re being hunted, being stalked by a lowly predator that hides in plain sight. 
But by some divine intervention, you finally reach the parking lot of the diner. Weaving through the parked cars and across the wetted tarmac from the morning’s earlier spittle of rain, you hurry along like the obedient rabbit of his chase, hopping quickly to the false security of a burrow. 
You stop just mere feet away from the inviting pavement to see the car at your side. A smile almost spreads on your lips and a sigh escapes you, your shoulders unbunched from the tension they held. You enter the diner far more eagerly, still tinged by the bleeding trail of your fear but you now hold to hope. 
You avoid the eyes of the other customers that stare at you, feeling like you’re committing a walk of shame as you move with quickly paced rumbles steps, the thickened hide of your heels much louder in the soft bustle of the diner. 
You see him sitting in one of the center booths that line the window panes. A fresh refill of coffee steaming from his mug, a finished palette of breakfast and now munching in a rewarding muffin as he reads over what you assume to be his latest report. 
His shining deputy badge being your saving grace in this nightmare. 
He only looks up to meet your eyes that smile equally as his lips do, beautiful dark honey orbs glistening with a vibrancy that’s warm and inviting. 
“Hey, Y/N,” he says smoothly over the rim of his next sip of coffee. 
You shoot back quickly and out of breath. “Hi, Riley.”
His detective instincts kick in immediately, sensing something amiss by the dishevelled state of yourself. Eyes sunken in by dark circles yet sorely irritated and puffy from crying. Your breath is practically rabid as you breathe in and out with attacking panic. 
“What’s up, are you okay?”
“No, I’m not,” you answer shortly. His hand gestures for you to take the booth seat before him and you do, sliding down into it. “Riley, I need your help. I’m in trouble and I have nobody to turn to.”
He nods, tousled lengths of his sandy blonde hair move over his temples and forehead. His large arms cross over themselves and rest on the table. 
“Of course. What’s going on?” 
Your eyes fog over with that familiar heat of tears. You want to cry, to let it all out, finally finding an anchor at port in the safety Riley made you feel. Honestly he was the only good thing about this town. He was everything you needed. Maybe everything you wanted. If only you weren’t so terrified after the repercussions of your prior intimacy with the very man who now won’t leave you in peace. 
Your throat starts to choke, tightening until it hurts as you try to suppress the tears and theatrics. Riley’s brows furrow and he reaches a hand forward, a strong hand that guides and protects, and he takes hold of your quivering arm. His thumb absently strokes the slivered reveal of your wrist between your sleeve and glove. 
“Hey,” he whispers, “It’s alright. Deep breaths for me, that’s it, nice and slow. Talk to me, what’s going on?”
How his eyes solemnly swear that everything will be alright and that he will protect you. So why is it so hard to tell him? Is it shame that you’ll scare him away, that he’ll think you’re batshit crazy if you tell him—
“I’m being stalked.”
Something in the corner of his brow twitches, arching. A shiny spark emits in the pools of his dark eyes, catching the light from outside and revealing a vulnerable trigger that you think you misconstrued as something more than a concerned friend or an officer taking his job seriously. 
“Do you know by who?” he questions with a firm press of his voice. 
Shakily, you nod. “Yes.”
His eyes shift, the dark onyx pivoting left and right with a contemplative gate. Then, Riley looks back to you, almost silently pressing for you to answer. And it’s then that you hesitate. You stutter over your response, the words too heavy to speak and he understands. 
“How long has this been going on? Does anyone else know?”
You want to laugh and you half-heartedly do, the sound dry and cynical in your throat. Your back presses straight into the booth seat. “I-saw saw him a few nights ago in my home!” your voice is a sharp whisper, “and I told my doctor and— and she told me that I was hallucinating, that it was just a mental relapse and I—” 
Your body jerks forward as your hands cup your face, tears sting the line of your vision. You just want to live life normally. All you want is to be left in peace. Why couldn't the past just let you go?
“I— I don’t know what to do, Riley… I really don’t.”
The muscles beneath your skin contract and pull tightly, almost painfully so, your body begins to tremble with vibrating distress. “I feel like nobody believes me, I thought I could ask for your help or the Sheriff’s— Riley, I— can’t do this. I can’t…”
Your breathing becomes terribly shaken, sniffling as you attempt to calm yourself. Your body falls forward more and the instinct to crawl into a ball is powerfully overwhelming. You can feel the condensating judgment of the other diner dwellers, eyes shifting uncomfortably between you and their own business. The way that someone clears their throat loudly, stool squeaking under their weight and the ruffle of a newspaper obscuring one of the lonely patrons in the back booth, your blurry vision unable to comprehend the printed bold title or the gloved hands that hold it. 
You press your head against your folded arms that lay on the table, barely making out the quickened hush of Riley’s voice coaxing you. 
“Hey, hey, look at me.” His hand reaches out for you and it touches you, you feel the warmth of his hand against you. 
“I believe you.”
Your tear ridden eyes raise up to meet Riley’s eyes, a gasp hitched in your throat. You choke out softly. “Y-you do?”
“Yes.” He leans forward that bit closer. “And I will protect you.”
His words are a relief, a form of assurance to cling to like a lifeline. That’s all you wanted to hear. You try to mirror his smile before the waitress comes over, coffee pot held in her grip. 
“Need anything else, Deputy?” she asks and Riley motions to you with a nod of his stubbled chin. Cheeks flushed with a rosy tinge and eyes puffy, you wipe away the stray rivers of drying tears and lower your eyes away from the waitress.
“Just a coffee to go, her usual. Put it on my tab and uh…” Your heart almost skips a beat the way he looks to you, dimpled cheeks as he smiles a bit wider and his dark eyes seemingly aglow with a honeyed tint. “Some apple pie or that new chocolate chip muffin cake they got?”
“Thanks again, Riley,” you say, hand rumbling the paper back in your palm a distant tune as you take a small sip from your coffee. Already, you were beginning to feel better as you walked with Riley out to his car. 
“No problem. Told you I’d look out for ya when you first moved here, didn’t I?”
The memory of your first meeting brings a small smile to your lips, eyes once sunken and gloomy lighting up through the thin stream from the coffee cup. “Yeah. Still, I’m grateful for all you’re doing. I had hope but… I didn’t want to count on anything, you know, just in case you didn’t believe me.”
“Just know that you’re not alone. Anything, and I mean it, anything else happens or you don’t wanna be alone up there,” he says and pulls out his notepad and pen. He scribbles something down and hands the torn out page to you, his touch mingling against yours as you take it from between his fingers. “Just call me and I’ll be right over. Don’t worry about the hour or anything, on duty or off, I’ll find a way to you.”
The coffee and muffin cake, the caring personality, giving his private phone number to you; what could it all mean? For a split second you forget that you’re in the midst of a stalker case, that you are being haunted by the very manifestation of your past. Something in your brain offers you a second’s respite that this is just an ordinary meeting between two people, a regular occurrence that feels like a date. It’s nice to feel this sense of normalcy. 
But in staring at the digits of his number a little longer, that facade falls away, leaving you to remember why he was helping you; giving you so much attention. 
“Again, thank you.”
“I’ll also pass it on to the Sheriff and get his say on it. Find out what we can do to catch this guy.” 
You nod as though to agree, that there is a chance that they will catch him. You wish it were possible but with what you’ve seen, what you have come to know about the Winter Soldier… all capture of him is impossible. Even if they somehow manage to track him down, he’ll be gone before they can dream of getting him. 
He’s a ghost among men. 
“Do you think the Sheriff will believe it?” you ask Riley, watching carefully as he clicks his tongue and the skin under his eye wrinkles. 
“He’s dealt with a few cases like this before when he worked in the city. There haven't been many stalker cases here.” He shrugs then, looking around. “But even if he doesn’t, then just know you have me. I’ll make sure that you never have to worry about him again. You’re going to be okay. I’m here for you.”
That’s all he needed to hear. So, this Riley would now be an obstacle of justice in his way. Newspaper hiding the device sat on the table, the wired bud linked to his ear to listen to the bug he’d placed in your bag. 
He had to listen to the way Riley was sweet talking you, how he made you feel safe. Protected. Something burns a hole in his chest and makes his blood run hot at the sight of another man making you smile. He had to sit back as he offered to drive you back home and further insist when you at first refused, only to then give in. He had to watch from the cover of his position as you dare get into another man’s car after he opens his door for you. 
Of course, how could he blame him? You were a pretty little doll. But you were his pretty little doll. His little rabbit that he took great delight in chasing after, watching you whimper and fall apart under him, around him during those late and intimate hours. 
His bright, icy blue eyes grow darker, colder with hate and seething possessiveness. He won’t let a badge stand in his way. Six long years it’s taken him. He lost you once and he will make sure that you never leave him again. 
After Riley had dropped you off, you had made the rounds of alternating the security system and changed the digital pins. You did it every day to ensure that nothing was left to chance. 
When nightfall broke over the valley and you were left in a dark, snowy solitude by yourself, you drew all curtains to close, gritting your teeth at the chattering of the rings on the pole. 
You ignored the rattling tap of the tree branch you still haven’t managed to deal with. You did what work you could, tried to relax after making yourself some dinner and a warm beverage, all the while caught in a silent and haunting conflict.
You knew that Riley was just a call away. Anytime, anything you needed and he was there. But you still can’t shake the feeling of being watched by a predator. 
Now you lay in bed, fast asleep around the 12:15am after you took some of that medication to help you sleep. It did wonders for nights that felt restless. They just still seem to not impact the side effect of waking up with a scream in your throat at the cost of your nightmares. 
But tonight, it seems you’re granted respite. Your hips roll against something that in turn mimics the action against you. A soft, crackly whimper parts your lips and you feel a jolt of pleasure shoot through your abdomen, twisting blissfully and you moan aloud.
He loves the sounds you make for him in your sleep. They way that even when your conscious mind isn’t awake, your body complies to the pleasure he gives you. He doesn’t want to think about Riley having you like this. It only speeds up the ruthlessness of his thrusts that ring your cunt walls around his length, your slick coating him as he sheathes in and out, in and out fast and unfashionably quick. 
A mix of flesh and metal hold you down on the bed by your hips, fingers leaving a painful reminder on the supple there; a small puzzle piece for you to discover in the grand scheme of plan for you. 
You moan again but it’s cut up, jostled with a bubbly whine as you struggle to breathe air into your lungs. Your thighs tremble and squeeze tight around whatever force that pistons between them. Your voice chokes on a whimpered sound of a name.
His heart sinks…
Your walls clench around him when he hits that spot and you cry out, stirred from your dreams and the creaking of your bed is heard in the otherwise deafening silence. That and muffled, masculine pants.
Your vision is blurred by the cover of sleep but your reaction doesn't take long to take place. 
Your eyes are shot wide open and your mouth falls agape with a scream, “Solda— mmm! Mmfmm!”
His gloved hand shoots out to cover your mouth and nose, muffling the sound of your terrified screams and he forces his thrusts to quicken. He doesn’t pay any sort of worried attention to the reflective glisten of tears in your eyes, highlighting the colour of them beautifully. You cried so much from the pleasure he brought you to in those late hours that he can no longer tell the difference. He grunts at the way your slick and hot walls surround him. How he’s missed this. 
Your stomach churns and twists, but your body visibly shakes and your skin goes between cold flushed and heated surges as your cunt swallows every single inch he gives you. His pace has only increased, the bevel between his dark brows shows and nothing else you can see — want to see — is hidden by that mask. With a final groan he cums, pulling out just as the first spurts paint over your outer folds and clit, smearing across your lower belly. You feel like your body has become numb with fear. 
“He stays away from what’s mine… or he dies.”
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inkskinned · 2 years
everyone talks about the clothing store and honestly everyone is expected to wear stuff from that store and you're a little young and curious, and what's the harm of looking. it's in all the magazines and everyone knows okay some of the things are ugly but! like generally everyone thinks we should be wearing these clothes. they're elite. they're precious. they are a symbol of wealth and status.
you walk into the clothing store and see a very nice sweater and you've been wanting to stay warm so you pick up the sweater. it turns immediately into a horrible fizzing froth, rushing over your skin, faintly acidic. it's tacky, it leaves behind a residue. horrified and a little ashamed - did you do it wrong? - you reach out blindly and your hands find a shirt. that one dissolves too. you think of the phrase you break it, you bought it. how much money did you just accidentally spend on that shirt and that sweater, both things that you'll never be able to wear.
more confused than anything, you turn to the first person you see, but she's experiencing the same thing, her brows furrowed. "i've been here since i was 13," she says. "one of these days i'll actually get to try on something."
you were raised with horror movies, so you look for an escape instead of trying to stay. you go to the front desk and wait in the front line and when you finally get to the front, a very angry man is sitting there, scowling at you. "i think your store is broken," you say to him. "i can't pick up any of your clothes. they don't work."
it is as if you have said something vile. every person within earshot takes a step back from you. the man gives you a cool look. "these clothes are good for you," he says.
"no, i know that," you've read about them, "but i can't seem to actually hold them."
again, everyone seems to think you've said the wrong thing. some of them are holding shirts, so obviously some clothes work. those are the people you hear whispering first. lazy. someone murmurs. i managed fine, you hear. i just had to keep trying.
the man taps a sign next to him. in big bold print: not everyone can have this.
"okay, um. if you're not going to be helpful, i'm just going to... not buy this," you manage, feeling yourself flush with heat. why are you so embarrassed? their clothes are the thing that aren't working.
"i don't have time for people who don't dress themselves well," he says. "it's disgusting."
you don't know what else to say because actually you dress fine, you're pretty sure, you're just not in their clothes. you leave the store.
but your hands are still tacky from before. you find yourself weirdly sensitive about your clothes. maybe you should go back in, try again? there were people who were able to make the clothes stay present, you might have just been doing something weird.
plus there's the rest of the world. how people look at you in airports. how shame rushes over your cheeks during job interviews, worried you don't look "professional" enough. the people across you are all wearing those clothes, and you're not. in the doctor's office, the nurse's eyebrows skyrocket. are you sure you actually went into the store and tried on the clothes? you're staring at her - i'm here to see about my cough, not about my wardrobe.
but of course it fucking matters. when you google it, you find out that most people can only hold onto the clothes for about two years or so, and then they fizzle out too. that the clothes only "stick" for 5% of customers. it just means that any person in those clothes matters more. it's a scarcity. at first, you're horrified by the idea of something that almost never works. but you learn it soon enough: being in the 5% means you have taste, class, are exceptionally pretty.
you try to ask why exactly it's these clothes, but you usually are answered with an eye roll. you ask why the prices are so high. why nobody seems to care about the way their clothes leave that weird strange residue for years later. there's a sizing chart online you find, hoping it might explain your weird inability to lift anything. most of the news articles all read the same thing - this chart was made by someone cruel and definitely isn't accurate, but for some reason it is still used as our golden rule.
so you go again. you fall too. it's worth it to try. even kind of ironically. even kind of privately, shamefully. this time you go and manage to hold onto socks, but it means you sometimes get that strange residue on your floors. you get used to the tackiness after a while, but when you manage to hold onto pants, you discover the tackiness spreads. sure, it's irritating - this sense there's a barrier between everything you touch, even you and your friends - but it's worth it, because people notice you're in those pants. and you don't want to be one of the 95% who lose them after all this fucking work you put in, so you let the tack get all over everything until it dries down into a fine powder that coats your floor in a brick red flurry. when you walk, your footprints look bloody, so you just learn to step gently.
and since it worked for you once, like gambling - you will come back. you will teach others how to get into the store. you will tell your own children - oh, you just have to keep trying at the clothing store. you will let others treat you badly when you are not wearing the right things. you will spend all that money over and over and over again and you will feel ugly if you are not wearing their brand. you are simply treated better if you dress like this. you feel better if you dress like this, secretly winning over your friends who are between sizes. it doesn't matter how much time you spend at the store, missing birthday cakes and parties because you're trying to make a dress look nice before dissolving. what matters is that when it works, all that relief and joy and peace rushes in. when it works, people finally love you again.
the diet industry promises you - it'll all be okay, once you're thin.
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navstuffs · 2 years
ezio auditore x shy!fem!reader ?
Il Dottoressa
Pairing: AC2!Ezio x ShyFem!Reader
Summary: Ezio has a crush on you, the doctor's daughter; or where Ezio gets hurt on purpose to see you.
Warnings: non-canon compliance, non-history compliance (i had to adapt), LONG ONE-SHOT, no description of reader, FLUFF, blood, injuries, italian translated using translator
Author's Notes: hii, thank you so much for requesting <3! i hope you enjoy reading it because i had tons of fun writing it! just a reminder: my requests for ezio are still open! click here for more info!
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You should consider yourself a lucky woman. Your father Giuseppe was a man of Science, a doctor who always cared about your well-being and education, especially after your mother's death. He didn't obligate you to wed or have kids like most parents.
For him, for you to carry the family's legacy was to become a doctor. So you did your best to learn as much as possible, in secret. To the rest of society, your father suggested you be portrayed just as his errand daughter. Nobody knew the full extent of your abilities. So you advised treatments, assisted your dad in the shop he had, and turned out to be every child's favorite doctor. They were easier to talk to than most adults. You meet Ezio on your first day alone at the shop. Your dad had to help a patient with an urgent matter in another town and gave you clear instructions on how to proceed.
"They will try to bargain but do not drop the price too much. Let them think they got a deal."
The day went by relatively easy. Two regular clients pass by to get some medicine and talk a little. After a few hours of boredom, you open a book and let your eyes wander through the pages. Your dad may allow you to help with surgery next time if you gather more knowledge. You also needed to focus on having a steady hand...
Startled by the sudden voice, you held your book close to your chest so it wouldn't fall. When you turn around, you immediately recognize the man: Ezio Auditore. Your dad had alerted you about him: the questionable man with a white robe and hood that always paid the total price. Your dad ordered you not to over-extend the conversation with the strange man. Your attention goes to his arm, where he was holding a torn, bloody sleeve. You don't need to predict he will ask you for a curative. You point to the chair, and Ezio sinks into the chair.
You get some alcohol and some clean cloths. You have no reason to be afraid or nervous; you are in the middle of town, and the man won't do anything. And now, most importantly, he was a patient.
Ignoring your internal concerns, you focused on working. His torn sleeve was soaked with blood, but you no longer saw any blood dropping out of the cut, so you concentrated on cleaning the blood from the injury with alcohol. Like most people, Ezio didn't react to the pain, so you continued. Then you begin to wrap his arm in a bandage. That cut had to be done with a sharp spear.
"Where is the other Signore that stays here?" Ezio asked, his voice sounding tired.
"My father had business somewhere else," You responded, focusing on finishing the bandage. When you are done, you make sure it was all secured. Looked perfect.
"So I won't lose my arm anytime soon, Signorina?" Ezio attempted to joke, giving you a faint smile, and you ignored him. You placed your stuff on the shop's cart and waited as he checked your work.
"Grazie. I haven't seen any women doctors around town. What is your name?"
"It will be 30 florins, Signore."
"Va bene," Ezio put the money in your hand, and you counted. It seems he gave you an extra five florins. He was already gone when you lifted your head, disappearing in the middle of the people. You want to call his name and catch up to him, but you shake your head. He either purposely did that, or it was just a mistake. 
After that day, your dad decided you could stay in the shop alone. You were so excited and thrilled. Your dad could now go to another town as a doctor while you cared for his business. 
You glow with pride and happiness. You see Ezio Auditore once or twice, jumping around buildings, doing who-knows. He didn't seem to notice you, which you thanked mentally. You had asked your dad what exactly Ezio was doing, and your dad affirmed it was neither your business nor his to know, it just looked dangerous. Ezio only appeared in his shop with parts of his body hurt, cut, bruised, or broken more than the average person. As curious as you are to ask, you understand your dad is done with this conversation.
The next time you see Ezio, he has a dislocated shoulder. You try to give him something to bite, but he shakes his head, gritting his teeth. You want to ask how he got this, but it is not your place. When you pop his shoulder back into place, Ezio grunts. You recommend that he avoid using that shoulder for more vigorous activities. Ezio gives you a half-smile as if he knows something you don't.
"It will be 50 florins this time."
You feel he gives you more florins when he hands you the money.
"You are giving me too much, Signore."
"As a thank you. Can't I do that?"
You don't really know how to respond to that. It is his money. Extra money even. Before you can answer, he grabs your hand and kisses it lightly. You freeze in your spot, unable to move.
"Name is Ezio Auditore. Can you tell me yours?"
It is your first time giving a good look at Ezio Auditore. He seems to have brown hair. He has a scar across his lips, now with what appears to be a naughty smile, which just makes him more charming. He is staring at you, really staring at you. You want to protest, but your voice dies down your throat. You gulp, trying to find something to say, but nothing comes out.
"We shall see each other around, Dottoressa."
And you do end up seeing him, now what it seemed once at least every week. Ezio appears with a horrible bruise on his back and watches, delighted, as you look away, mortified, when he lifts his robe. He appears a few days later with a raspy cough. Then, comes back three days later, alleging he fell to his head and had a horrible headache. You want to ask him if there are no other doctors in town, but hold your tongue. And Ezio was sincerely trying to make you smile and laugh most of the time.
Like when he appeared with a bow attached to his back. You took it out carefully, ensuring you didn't hurt him too much or cause him to die. Besides, you were thankfully thanking his presence at this point: the rate Ezio got injured, he would end up being your first surgery.
"Does it look like I die today, Dottoressa?" He exclaims as you finish cleaning the hole. Why he has to say that in such a sexy way?
"Not today, Signore Auditore."
"Ezio," He corrects you, as the other times, and you roll your eyes, ignoring him. When you are done, Ezio gives you more money than he should.
"I should not go far, probably. I will get hurt and come here for you to repair me." You answer him with a half-smile, too nervous to say anything else. You know he is getting hurt on purpose; he probably knows that as well, and instead of sending him away, you continue seeing him.
"Oh, mhm, I almost forgot," Ezio taps his body, takes out a book, and handles it to you. It seems to be about different kinds of poisons and diseases.
"What is this?"
"For you, Dottoressa. I have seen you read books about it and presumed you would like it."
You are surprised, flipping over the book with care. It looks expensive and updated. That would help you so much with your studies. You couldn't believe Ezio got you something like this.
"Signore Ezio, I can't accept it. "
"Per favore?" Ezio's voice sounds like he imploring, "You have done so much for me. It is the least I can do."
You want to say no and argue that he has already given you more money than he should, but Ezio appears so anxious for your answer. You feel the heavy book in your hands, and your desire gets the best of you. You nod, and Ezio's worried expression turns into a big smile.
"I will see you around, Dottoressa."
"Grazie, Ezio." You finally say when he is too far away to hear it.
After that, your relationship with Ezio got closer. Although you hadn't said your name, he seemed satisfied to watch you flustered when he called you "Mia Dottoressa favorita" or "Il Dottoressa Bella." Or when he continued to bring you more books. When you finally open them at home, they would have different flowers inside.
It wasn't hard to keep all of that hidden from your dad. Your father was out of town almost daily, traveling around Italy. It was also challenging to just not tell Ezio your name. Before, it was for your sense of security, but now, there wasn't much reason to keep it hidden. Ezio was nearly like a friend. Yes, he could be cocky and a little show-off, but he also had a gentle and entertaining side. He could listen to you speak for hours about how crazy the human body could be. He never interrupted you or seemed bored. On the contrary, it was like nothing else existed except for you. 
"Are you going to be a Dottoressa at the end?"
"Si, Signore Ezio. Your books are helping me a lot." You confessed, feeling breathless like always when he was around. Gathering all your courage, you finally ask him, "Can I ask you something?"
"Si?" Ezio's gaze looks full of hope.
"You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Why are you always so hurt? Who are you fighting?"
Ezio ponders for a moment before answering.
"For mi familia. I would tell you more, but- " You certainly felt like you shouldn't have asked now. Idiota, you think.
"Well, if that might help you... I am your Dottoressa after all."
"Oh, you are my Dottoressa?" The way he emphasized the word my! You wish a hole had just opened in the ground so that it could eat you as a whole. This was something regular now: Ezio always says or does something to leave you without words. One of those days, you will gather all your courage and do the same to him. 
But until then, you are happy that Ezio sticks around. Always afraid he will be one of these days badly hurt, and you won't be around to help him. You could only hope he would always come back to you.
You are almost home when a few guards rush in your direction, screaming and pointing at the sky. With your heart shrinking, you look up, wishing that Ezio is safe tonight. Almost at your door, you hear a loud thumb next to a haystack pile. Looking around and assuring there is no one, you investigate the origin of the noise. To your surprise, you see Ezio badly injured. You run to kneel at his side, checking the extension of his wounds. It doesn't look well.
Merda merda.
"Ezio? Can you hear me?" He is semi-conscious, his eyes struggling to stay open. You can hear more guards getting close. With no choice and all your strength, you pull his body towards the haystack, hiding and praying that the guards won't see the trail of blood behind you.
The guards finally arrive, and your heart bumps against your chest as they investigate everywhere. You feel Ezio's rapid breath as you lightly place your hand on his chest as if keeping you there alive with you.
Ezio moans low, and you bend to his ear, whispering frantically.
"Shhh, I am here, Ezio, it is me. We will be okay."
When the guards finally leave, after what seems to take an eternity, you leave the haystack pile, making sure no one is around. Not hearing anyone, you hurry back to Ezio, attempting to make him fully conscious.
"Ezio, per favore, you have to focus on me. On my voice. We need to get you out of there, we need to bring you inside!"
"Dottoressa?" His voice sounds so weak it just breaks your heart. You hold his cheek, and his skin feels hot. A fever? What if he has been poisoned? You have to get him in your house, but you are afraid to pull him, and he dies, afraid you might be found by the Guards, and he dies. 
There is no time for this, Dottoressa. This is your patient, and you better save him. 
You pull Ezio's body with your arms to your house entrance. With difficulty, you place him on an old sofa-like, not caring about the mess. With not a lot of options, you rip his destroyed robe and his shirt. At this point, Ezio is shaking with cold, despite his body being extremely hot. You start disinfecting his injuries, checking how bad they are. It doesn't seem that he was punctured. While you clean, you notice the rest of his body for damages. You take his boots out, and with hands shaking, you rip his pants. Praying mentally for no injuries, you cut until his upper thigh. Nothing. Relieved, you focus on his head, letting go of his ponytail. No extensive injuries. Good. You continue cleaning and give him some medicine for his fever, covering his body with a clean sheet.
You let yourself get distracted by how long his hair is. You always theorized it was much shorter. You pass your finger through his hair, and Ezio lets out a long sigh. 
You know the following hours will be crucial. Ezio might react badly; you must stay awake if he needs you. If he was poisoned, he might respond during the night. You bring a chair close to Ezio, watching him peacefully sleep. You implore him to survive. You plead for him to be healthy. 
When Ezio wakes up in the morning, he is immediately aware of being in a strange house, not a cell. He tries to move, but his body just hurts so much. Last night, when he was on his way to see you with a small cut on his finger, he ended up getting in the middle of a mess. After fighting his way out, he was still followed. Tired and exhausted, he didn't know the extent of his injuries until he passed out and fell from the top of a building.
He examines around, finding you sound asleep in a chair. How he ended up there? Ignoring the pain in his body, Ezio sits down, roaming his eyes through his body. It could have been worse. He lifts the sheet, notices you cut his pants down and chuckles low. That seems to wake you up, and Ezio feels slightly guilty about it. 
"Dottoressa?" He calls you. You promptly get up, touching his head and arms to check for any signs of fever. Looks normal. You were glad you didn't choose the leeches last night.
"How are you feeling, Ezio?"
"I am fine, probably thanks to you. How?"
"I heard something falling from a building last night. When I went to check, I saw you badly injured. Had to hide in a haystack while the guards were looking for you. Brought you here and kept an eye on you for the rest of the night."
"How come if you have slept, Dottoressa?" He jokes, and you laugh, glad to see him alive.
"Now I owe you my life. How much is this even going to cost me, Dottoressa? Am I going bankrupt?" Ezio questions in a teasing tone.
"N-no? I am just glad you are alright, Ezio. I was so afraid last night that you were going to di-"
"You saved me, mia bella. Just to prove you should be my particular Dottoressa. Not anybody else's. Mine." He provokes you again, confident that you wouldn't answer.
"Do you want me? To be just yours?" It is funny to watch Ezio lose all the color on his face. For the first time, he is the stunned one, left without an answer, "What happened, Ezio Auditore? Is something wrong with your tongue? Should I check for you?"
You don't know if it is last night's stress or Ezio looking like he is losing his mind, but you laugh until your belly hurts. Ezio is confused at first but smiles, understanding your joke.
"Very good, mia cara. Very good. Joking with my feelings like that. I could have died last night, you know."
Cleaning the tears in the corner of your eyes, you pull your chair close to his. Ezio observes, curious, while you grab and hold his hand into yours.
"I wasn't joking when I said I could be yours."
Your confession makes Ezio's mouth drop slightly, but he quickly recomposes himself. He cleans his throat, with his other free hand calling you closer. You get up from the chair, your legs shaking, and he starts by caressing your chin. You close your eyes, and Ezio follows his touch to your cheeks and lips. He traces your lips with his fingers, admiring you as the most beautiful piece of art he has ever seen.
You melt in his arms when he brings you closer and finally kisses you. Holding into his shoulder gently, you kiss him back, letting yourself fully stroke his hair. Ezio's hands are placed on your cheeks. When you two finally break apart, you are both breathless, wishing for more. Your heart, your soul, asks for more.
You shake your head, smiling, and finally tell Ezio your name.
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star--anon · 2 months
headcanoning things is great because you can just say things, and they will be true inside your head
Gally went mad after what he saw in the Changing and spent weeks speaking in garbled words and behaving strangely
he fell out with Minho after trying to beat him to death
then rational sense came back to him, and he stopped talking completely
the Med-Jacks chalked it up to shock because it was the only thing they could do. He was released from Homestead with a Bagger assigned to watch over him
(it was literally right now that I remembered Baggers even exist. They literally had a job for burying Gladers. what the fuck) (they're also police)
The event was brushed off and eventually forgotten when Gally regained his ability to speak. Partially because Gally became extremely bitter and unlikeable, and nobody felt like feeling bad for him anymore.
during the first few months of Paradise, Thomas doesn't speak a single word. The doctors think it's the ash inside his lungs, but when he's let go from the hospital, the reason for his muteness is reassigned to shock.
Minho does everything he can to stay by Thomas' side, everything he can to make the burden lighter. Gally helps him, silently by Minho's side whenever Thomas needs help. They don't say a word to each other.
The truth is, all those years ago, Gally wanted Minho by his side. He watches the way Minho stoically accepts it when Thomas, locked in dreams that only he can see, kicks and punches at him, and he wishes Minho did that for him too.
Minho doesn't say it, but he wanted to stay with Gally. But he was scared. And once he left, he knew Gally would never take him back (Gally knows it, and he hates himself for it). It's a truth that only a Minho with nothing to fear would say. But right now, Minho is terrified he's about to lose Thomas too.
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psithurista · 1 year
approach shift pt. nine
pairing: Peter Parker x f!reader (TASM/Andrew Garfield version) length: 4.3k rating: explicit 18+ warnings: Mentions of death, fingering, a quick wristy (lol)
Peter Parker is a weirdo. A hot, distracting, irritating weirdo. And you can’t afford distractions right now. So there’s only one thing to do.
a/n: Last full chapter but there will be an epilogue in the not-too-distant; I'll probably have more notes then. Thank you x
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The back of your head is torturously itchy. 
You try surreptitiously to press your knuckles to the spot, just to relieve the worst of it. The nurse sitting closest to you glances up at you from over the top of her monitor and guiltily, you clasp your hands back down into your lap. 
It smells sour in here, like soft plums left to rot. Whichever industrial cleaner it is this hospital uses, it’s definitely not one anybody’s trying to market for domestic use. It’s probably cheap as fuck, you contemplate, your hand drifting back up towards your head.
“You can go in now,” a new nurse says beside you. You jerk your hand away. “He’s awake. I let him know you’ve been waiting.”
“Oh, thank you,” you say, unpeeling yourself from the plastic waiting room chair. “I won’t be very long. I just wanted to say hi.”
She gives you a mild, distracted okay-that’s-nice-whatever smile and disappears. You push open the door to the room she’d just exited and duck inside. 
It smells far better in here. There’s a vase of opening lilies leaving red pollen-stains on the table in front of the window, and the lavender-powder smell of clean sheets. Doctor Brant is propped up in the bed, frowning hard at the tablet in his hands.
“I hope you aren’t working while you’re meant to be resting,” you say.
He tilts his head down to peer at you over his glasses. “Oh, no. It’s just sudoku. It’s good to see you.”
“You too, Doctor. How are you?”
He nods, and sets the tablet aside. “Well, they’ve finally taken me off the oxygen so I expect I’ll be allowed to leave soon. All things considered, a little smoke inhalation injury at my…advanced age could’ve been far worse.” His eyes glint a little bit. “Were you injured?”
You shake your head. “A concussion, but I’m fine. The. He. Um. You know. He got me out, before he went back for you.” 
“You shouldn’t have stayed to look for me.”
You sit gingerly on the very edge of the chair next to the bed. “I thought. I didn’t think he’d made it to you in time. I thought you were both.” Your voice starts to sound weird, so you stop talking.
He folds his hands together over his chest. “It’s strange. I remember the first time I saw him. I didn’t understand what was happening. I thought it must have been a stunt, or an advertisement for something. Silly, really. And yet he’s saved Oscorp from itself more times than it deserved. After Connors and Dillon and that whole terrible disaster with young Harry. It’s too much. There’s no reason for anybody to endanger themselves in that place ever again.” He takes his glasses off and sets them beside the bed. “Which is why I’ve resigned.”
You stare at him. “You. What?”
He smiles at you; the expression a little indulgent. “All those years of work, gone. And for nothing. I’m sure you’ve already heard what happened?”
You have. It’s been all over the news the entire week. First the speculation: was it an attack? Was it political? Was it another disgruntled ex-employee? A competitor? And then, later, the worse, more boring truth: regular old corporate negligence. An undertrained technician who’d tried to prematurely purge a vac test chamber with concentrated oxygen. An alarm system two years overdue for maintenance. And floor upon floor of laboratories filled with dangerous substances, improperly stored.

Nobody else in your department was seriously hurt. But others weren’t so lucky.
“When I started with Norm, it was all about changing the world for the better. And in the end, we’ve helped nobody.” He shakes his head. “If you’ll forgive my language…Fuck Oscorp. I’m ready to start over.”
You grin at him, even though it feels a little watery. “I’m…really happy for you.” And you are. In the brief time you’ve worked under him, his passion has been obvious, but he’s always seemed so bogged down by the minutiae of red tape; appeasing a board of investors with no interest in the importance of his life’s work beyond its potential profitability. 
But it also makes your already-uncertain future with the company even foggier. You’ll need to find someone else willing to offer you a similar graduate position, and you already know you won’t find anything else quite as specialised as the work he’s been doing. 
He takes a sip from the glass of water beside his bed, then sits back with a sigh. “Publicly-funded research is a far less glamorous world than that of private enterprise. We’ll be relying primarily on grant funding and academic support. There won’t be any glass fountains or vertical gardens, I’m afraid.”
You nod sympathetically. “I can imagine. It’ll be a big change.”    His eyebrows draw together at you. “I would understand if your answer is no.”
You blink. “My answer?” you say, like a genius. 
“If so, I would, of course, write you a glowing recommendation. And I have plenty of contacts I could put you in touch with, if you’d prefer that.”
Holy shit. Is he…? “Hold on. Are you offering me a position with you?”
“Well, yes.”
He grunts as you dart in and hug him. “Oh! Yes! I mean, of course! I would love to. Thank you so much. You won’t regret this.”
You lean back as he smooths his blankets down. “Sorry,” you say, a little sheepish. “That was unprofessional.”
He tries to look stern, but it’s unconvincing. “Well, yes,” he says again. “But I’ll choose to ignore it just this once.”
You stop by to see Bear on your way home. The roller doors in the alley beside the grimy little theatre are propped open so you can see all the half-painted set pieces inside, and there’s a bunch of people dressed all in black gathered around smoking. 
“Are you gonna be home tonight?” you ask, watching her inhale the deli sandwich you’d brought after correctly guessing she hadn’t stopped rehearsing long enough for lunch.
“I can be if you want,” she says, her mouth full of half-chewed food. “But I was kind of planning on staying at a friend’s.”
You press your knuckles absently against the back of your head and leer at her. “Would this friend happen to be the same person who wanted you to move in after one salad date?”
“If you don’t stop scratching your stitches I’m calling the hospital and narcing to your doctor. And yes.”
You make a face. “I’m not even touching them!”
She stuffs the rest of the sandwich in her mouth and wipes her hands on her jeans. “I’m seriously cool not to go, though. It’s totally fine.”
She’s barely left you alone since you got back from the emergency room, even setting alarms and checking up on you throughout the first couple of nights. You know for a fact she’s had to cancel other plans for you—again. You shake your head. “No, go. I kind of want some alone time anyway.” 
It’s another cold, bright afternoon. You walk into the feet of your shadow and spread your fingers beside your body as your arms move, watching them elongating out on the pavement in front of you, lost in thought. You’ve been lost in thought a lot, lately.
You’re just past the end of your block when you catch sight of the figure sitting on the stairs outside your building. Long legs in faded jeans are stretched out and crossed over at the ankles, and there’s duct tape around the toe of one sneaker. You slow to a halt on the sidewalk. A woman behind you huffs with irritation, veering around you, a giant paper grocery bag clutched in her arms.
He looks up from his cracked phone screen as you draw level with your door. His hair is as chaotic as ever, stuck up in every direction, except for at the nape of his neck, where it curls gently around in little flicks. He looks tired. He’s always looked tired, the whole time you’ve known him, but you notice it differently now. Like the holes in his jeans, and the bruise on his jaw, and the angry-sore-looking blisters on his knuckles. 
He smiles a little, jerking you out of your silent staring. “Hi. Sorry. I didn’t wanna just show up unannounced. I’ve been trying to call, but,” he holds his phone up, and you shake your head.
“My phone was—”
“Yeah, I figured.”
The wind lifts the edge of your scarf and shivers under the neck of your coat. There’s something sweet in the air; like cinnamon sugar, maybe someone baking from one of the open windows overhead. “Do you want to come inside?”
His expression is soft as he considers you, looking up through his lashes. “Okay.”
Neither of you speak on the trip upstairs. Your hand accidentally brushes his as you reach out for the elevator buttons, and you both pull away, as awkward and over-polite as strangers. 
He stands a respectful distance back as you open your door, and you lead him inside, waving your hand vaguely toward the sofa. “Do you want a drink?”
He folds himself into the seat nearest the window, hunching over and shoving his hands between his knees. A cold drift of sun touches his jaw. “Um, no thanks, it’s cool.”
You sit down beside him, folding your hands across your lap like you’re about to get a class picture taken. 
He chews his lip, runs his thumbs over his burned hands. Outside, a car horn beeps. “It’s not because I didn’t trust you,” he starts. “If you’re wondering. I don’t want you thinking that’s the reason.”
“It’s okay,” you say. “You don’t need to explain.”
“I just want you to know—”
“I know.” You try to smile at him, and it feels a little watery. “I get it. I know why you couldn’t tell me.”
His brows bend together just enough to mark out a pained line. “I’m sorry.”
You shake your head. “Really. Don’t be.”
It falls silent in your living room. The little clay pinch pot in the centre of the coffee table Bear had brought home from the artists’ market watches you both watching one another; soft-skinned and tender as nervous newborn things.
“You might die doing this,” you finally point out. “One day. All those times you’ve been hurt. You might…not come home.”
He nods at the floor. “Which is why I couldn’t really ask you to, you know. Waste your time with—” he waves his hands vaguely back and forth between your bodies. “It’s not worth it. And, like, trust me, I would never, ever want to drag you into any of the shit I’m involved with. I didn’t mean to fuck you around so long, knowing you wouldn’t...” He looks back at you, his dark eyes soft. “It was just. The happiest I’ve been in a really long time. I couldn’t stop myself. I’m sorry. It was shitty of me. Selfish.”
You stare at him for a few seconds in stunned disbelief. Then you laugh. You don’t mean to, and his head jerks back, startled. “Are you serious?” you manage.
His eyes are huge. “Uh. Yeah?”
You laugh again. It sounds a little manic. “You’re unbelievable.”
He flushes. “Could you maybe quit laughing at me when I’m trying to—”
“Peter. You saved my fucking life. Twice. Even after I was a total asshole to you. You saved me.”
He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. “Yeah, look, I don’t want you to feel weird about that. Like, it’s totally, one-hundred-percent not a big deal and I never want anybody to feel like—”
“You help people. Strangers. Every day. For nothing. And they aren’t even grateful. The things people write about you.” He hasn’t moved, and you realise you’re talking louder than you need to, considering he’s right in front of you. “You’re the least selfish person I’ve ever met,” you tell him, emphatic, needing him to get it. “You’re a good person, Peter. I’m so sorry I didn’t see that before.” Your voice breaks a little and it’s embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as the fact that your vision has gone blurry and your cheeks feel suddenly too hot.
You stop and breathe for a few moments, willing yourself not to cry. He doesn’t say anything, just studies the edge of the rug as though he’s pretending not to notice, and you’re grateful. 
Then, quietly, he takes a breath. “I was going to tell you. Before the fire. I saw May, and she told me she saw you, and that you’d talked, and. I wanted to explain everything.”
You remember the way May had looked that day in the park; her small, sad mouth, and the way she’d spoken slowly like she was choosing each word carefully. “Does she know?”
Peter half-shrugs. “We’ve never talked about it. But, like, I know she knows. And she knows I know she does.” He gives you a little smile. “It’s easier if we both keep pretending we don’t, though.”
“Does anyone else?”
His smile turns tight. “I guess not. Not really.”
“So you’ve been doing this all on your own? The whole time? How?”
He runs his hand back through his hair. “Yeah. Well, I guess I’m pretty good with DIY now, you know? I wasn’t always. I had to learn. Shit went wrong a lot in the beginning. Shit still goes wrong a lot.”
You lean in a little, curling into the cushions. “What’s the hardest part?”
You’re expecting him to say the fear of discovery, or the isolation, or the sheer physical exhaustion. But he wrinkles his nose. “God. The sewing. It’s so hard. And it’s constant. I swear I pop a different seam every day.” His face goes blank for a moment and he looks at you as though a brand new thought has just occurred to him for the first time. “It’s actually really nice. Getting to talk about this.”
“Am I allowed to ask about the outfit?”
He slaps his hands over his face. “You are absolutely fucking not allowed to ask about the outfit.”
Your mouth drops open in outrage. “I wasn’t gonna laugh! I just want to know why—”
“Look, I was going for, like, a velodrome thing. Like for speed and better flexibility and less wind-resistance and then like, anonymity as well, obviously, and originally—”
“What about the, uh, pattern?”
“Yeah, okay, okay, it seemed cool at the time! I was fifteen!”
The thought of Peter as a child, alone, in danger, no doubt even ganglier and nerdier than he is now, sends a fresh pang of sadness through you. You try not to let it show. “Do you eat the webs?”
He stares like you’ve just asked if he’d like to swap heads with you. “What?”
“Certain types of spiders go back and eat their webs after they’re done with them. Like, to replenish the protein they expended making them. Do you ever eat yours?”
The expression on his face is the funniest thing you’ve ever seen. “Uh, no. It’s inorganic. Like, it’s a, like essentially a nylon polymer composite. It’s not edible. I mean, I’ve never tried, but it’s designed to dissolve after a few hours, so I guess if you did really want to eat it, it wouldn’t hurt you…” He trails off, sheepish, looking at you sideways. “You’re fucking with me.”
“Yeah,” you say, unable to stifle your smile any longer. 
He grins and ducks his head. He hasn’t shaved today, you note; there’s a little bit of stubble along his jawline. 
Your chest hurts. Seeing him, being close to him, just like before. It pulls open the ache of missing him, turning it from a bruise into a wound. You know you shouldn’t. You tell yourself not to. But you do it anyway.
“I miss you.” Your voice is barely louder than a whisper. 
He looks so fucking sad. His eyes are huge and pained and so close, and then they dart down to your lips, and you see it; the precise split-second the urge hits him, then the one after as he fights it, and your heart sinks and you’re about to lean back but then his mouth is on yours and it’s soft and it’s warm and unbearably gentle as his hands sweep up to the base of your neck.

It’s not the best kiss you’ve ever had. 
You’re twisted uncomfortably to face him. Your hands lay shocked in your lap, and you’re pretty sure he can hear you attempting not to sniffle too much with your breathing, and you’re so busy worrying about it that you forget to open up to him; his tongue touching the edge of your lips. His fingertips brush the stitches at the back of your head and you flinch, pulling away.

“Oh, shit, sorry, I’m sorry,” he says, visibly mortified. 

“It’s okay,” you say. “Didn’t hurt. It’s just sensitive.”
“For kissing you,” he clarifies. “I know we’re not, like…you know. Anymore.”
That hurts. You shake your head. “We could be. We could try.”
“I can’t ask you—"
“No. Don’t do that. What do you want?”
He exhales through his nose and a tiny, pained sound escapes with it. “It’s not that easy—“
“It is. It is that easy. What do you want?”
“You have no idea,” he says, suddenly. “God. You have no fucking idea how bad I want you. I want this. You’re the only thing I. Fuck.” He knuckles at his eyes, frustrated. “You just have no idea how bad this could go.”
“I do,” you tell him, gently. “I know exactly how bad it could go. And I’m sorry, Peter. I’m so sorry that happened. It’s so, so fucked up that that happened and I’m so sorry, and I know nothing I can say will ever make any of it any less fucked up, but fucked up things happen. They happen all the time for normal people, too. And fucked up things are going to keep happening and it’s inevitable and it’s part of being alive and that’s why we just need to take that risk every day, and choose to—to try to just be happy in as many stupid fucking hopeless ways as we can anyway, because we deserve to be happy. You deserve to be happy.”
He’s staring at you like he wants to believe you. Like he wants to cry. “You need to know,” he says, reaching his hand out, pulling it back. “I can’t promise you this’ll be okay. If you still wanted…I would try. I would try so, so hard for you. Harder than I’ve ever tried at anything. But I—I still just have no way of knowing that it’ll be okay.“
You smile at him, shaky and sure. “That’s any relationship, Parker.”
This time when he kisses you, you’re ready. Your mouth opens eagerly under his, catching the faint metal-salt of his skin, the dryness where his lips are ever-so-slightly windburnt. 
All the breath leaves your body in a rush. You shove your hands up through his hair, lifting up onto your knees and sliding across his lap until you’re straddling him on the couch. 
He tilts his head back to work his tongue into your mouth, one of his hands sliding up underneath your shirt to find the edges of your bra, and it’s awkward and clumsy and you’re both breathing hard by the time he manages to get your jeans unzipped and his hand cramped into your underwear. 
“Holy shit,” you gasp, half-dizzy from kissing without pause. You almost bite him when his fingers find your clit. “Can you—yeah, like that, oh, my God—"
“Hold on, it’d be better if, let me…” he murmurs, frustrated, and you let out what could only be described as a yelp as he lifts your entire weight up to easily shove your jeans and underwear the rest of the way off your legs before settling you back down over his lap. 
You’re stuck between trying to grind down against the front of his jeans and trying to give him enough space to work his hand back between your legs, ultimately deciding on the latter as he finds your clit again, this time his attentions unhampered by clothing. 
His body hasn’t forgotten yours. It only takes a few moments of searching before he has you melting into the palm of his hand; your bones soft and hot inside you as you roll your eyes closed. It’s easy with him, just like before, but better.
You’re almost close when he eases two fingers inside you, and that’s easy too, so easy, the way you give for him. Your forehead rests against his as your lips come apart; too focused for kissing anymore.
“I missed you,” he breathes, working his wrist. “God, I missed you. I missed you so much.”
You flex your thighs as you rock with the movement of his hand, and that’s when you need to touch him, urgently. It takes a little repositioning before you manage to open his jeans and ease his cock out, wrapping your fingers loosely around him. 
You feel him tense and shudder as you stroke him, too slow to really get him anywhere, too lost in the way his long, firm fingers curl inside you. 
He noses along your jaw, mouthing lazily at your damp skin, his eyes closed, and then he’s there, right where you need him, and you’re clenching and biting down on the sounds trying to escape as you come apart sudden and hard around him.
You’re still loose-limbed and shaky when he pulls his slick fingers free, gently moving your hand out of the way to grasp himself instead. You feel a little guilty; you’d almost forgotten about him straining in front of you, but he doesn’t seem to care as he jerks himself quick and short in his fist. His other hand cups the swell of your ass as he huffs hot breath into your hair, your neck, coming sudden across the inside of your thigh.
You slump your weight against him. 
Neither of you speak for a while. Your hand is curled between your bodies, trapped where it’s warm and you can feel his heart slowing in his chest. He runs his hand absently from your hip to your thigh, then back again.
“Peter,” you murmur.
“You do need to promise me one thing, though.”
He moves, just enough that he can look up at you. His cheeks are flushed. “What?”
“We can never. And I mean never. Tell Bear we fucked on her couch.”
His eyes widen in horror. “Oh, my God. She already hates me.”
“I know. But it’s okay, because we’re not gonna tell her.”
“I just don’t know if I can keep that secret; I’m not good at subterfuge, y’know, I’m just not that kinda guy—"
“Yeah, yeah, okay—"
“—and you should see me under pressure; I fold like origami—"
You kiss him again, just to shut him up, and feel his lips curling up against yours. 
Your thighs feel sticky and gross, and you’re starting to get cold, and when you get up you nearly fall over from the cramp in your leg from sitting so awkwardly, but you’re too happy to care in the slightest. 
You stand together in the bathroom, cleaning each other up. Every time his eyes meet yours in the mirror you both smile again, giggling and getting in each other’s way, like idiots.
It takes twice as long as it should to get back out to the couch, and you’re hoping he’ll curl up with you again but then you catch him glancing toward the window. “You need to go,” you say. It’s not really a question.
He hedges. “I kind of do, but…”
You offer him a little smile. “It’s okay. Go.”
He nods. You walk him to the door, where he pauses. He chews at his thumbnail, looking at you sideways again from under his eyelashes.
You watch him for a few seconds, waiting. “What?” you finally say.
He presses his lips together, runs his hand through his hair. “So. It’s probably, like, kind of weird. To ask. At this…uh, juncture.”
He’s nervous, you realise. It’s excruciatingly endearing. You nudge him. “I feel like weird’s kind of our thing.”
He grins. “Yeah. I guess. So. I was gonna ask if you’d like to go out. For dinner. Friday night.”
There’s absolutely no way to prevent the smile slowly pulling at your mouth. “Peter. Are you asking me on a date?”
He laughs, a little self-conscious huff. “Uh, yeah. Like. I mean, I wanted to way sooner. But. I guess I wanna try doing things properly this time. If you want.”
You can think of a thousand different things to say, but most of them are embarrassing, so you settle for keeping it simple. “Yes. Fuck yes. Obviously.”
He blinks. “Oh, okay, awesome, holy shit. Okay. Should we…? I don’t have your new number.”
“Oh, yeah, I need to get yours again too.” You pull your phone out and make a new contact before handing it to him.
He stares at your screen for a second, then he snorts. “You have me in your phone as ‘p.p.’?”
You wrinkle your nose at him. “Why? What do you have me as?”
He laughs again, quiet, shaking his head. “Doesn’t matter.” He hands your phone back. He takes a few steps out the door, then he sticks his hands in his pockets. “So. I’ll see you?”
“You will,” you tell him, watching the way his jaw juts crookedly when he smiles. 
He’s halfway to the elevator, walking backwards, his hands still in his pockets when he calls back to you. “Friday, Miss Jersey.”
You laugh. “Quit disturbing my neighbours.”
You stay there long after he’s gone, leaning against your doorframe, smiling to yourself, aching with stupid, giddy affection.
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cozage · 7 months
A Journey of Two Cooks
Chapter 3: Conspiracy
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Masterlist | Read on AO3
Word Count: 1.2k CW: some family trauma/manipulation done to the reader Characters: female reader x Sanji
You and Kline stumbled to the ship. He was much heavier when you had to hold him by yourself, and nobody on the ship seemed to be paying much attention to your struggles. 
“Hurry up!” Berk called when he saw you. “The Navy is coming in hot!”
As soon as you and Kline were on board, the crew realized he was injured. 
“Fuck,” Berk whispered, staring at the bruised marking that was growing across Kline’s face. “He’ll just sleep it off, won’t he?”
“I’m not a doctor,” you snapped. 
You were still irritated with how he had treated you when you left for your date. You were angry that your date had gotten ruined, that Sanji had beaten up your crewmember. You were furious that the Navy had chosen today to come to this random little island. Everything would’ve been perfect if they hadn’t shown up. 
“Where’s the Navy ships? Shouldn’t that be the priority?” You looked out to sea, searching for the blue crest of your enemy. 
“Out there.” Berk pointed to the far left. Five Naval ships, heading for the island. 
“Then let's move.” You went to adjust the sails to catch the wind just right. You could hear the crew talking softly about your bad mood, but you chose to ignore it. 
You and the crew easily maneuvered around the Navy ships that were approaching the island. There were a few stray canon balls, but they mostly left you alone. 
“That’s weird,” you noted, watching them fade from view. “Why aren’t they coming after us?”
“Takes a lot to turn a ship that big,” Kodak, the navigator, noted. “We’re going the opposite way. Too much time to turn. We’ll be gone from view by the time they start heading this way, and they have no idea which way we went. Looks like we dodged a bullet.”
You nodded, but said nothing. His rationale made sense, but you never knew of a Navy ship that would turn down a chance to take down a pirate ship. The Navy, by design, was not rational. It felt strange…almost as if it were planned. 
The thought quickly left your mind. You were back on the high seas, the place where you felt the most free. At least, it had been until you had met that lovesick cook. 
You wanted nothing more than to see him again. To apologize for the way you acted. But you knew it would be a while before you saw him again. If ever. 
A few days later, right before you walked into the kitchen to begin dinner, you heard Berk and Kline talking softly. 
“Any updates in the News Coo?” Berk whispered.
“None.” Kline let out a sigh. “They must’ve escaped too.”
“That’s impossible!” Berk hissed, and you could hear him snatching the paper from his second in command. “They were the only other pirates on the island! The Navy knew they were there!”
“I dunno, Captain. It hasn’t been announced, and I think the Navy would be pretty quick to tell the world about the capture of the Strawhat Pirates.”
The name of the notorious pirate group sent a shiver up your spine. The Strawhat Pirates. Their captain had made a name for himself at Marineford, when he managed to free hundreds of prisoners from Impel Down and his brother from execution. His brother had still ended up dying, but the feat itself was not something to be overlooked. 
And the crew was just as strong as their captain.
But then the Strawhats had all collectively disappeared for two years. Some people had thought they had died, others thought their captain had lost his will to be a pirate. Still others thought they were biding their time, waiting for the right moment to reemerge into the pirate world. You weren’t sure what you believed, but you knew they were out there. 
Had you all been on the same island as the Strawhats? Had your captain met theirs? God, what was the name of that captain?
With a horrifying realization, you remembered: Monkey D. Luffy. Surely it wasn’t a coincidence that Sanji’s captain was also named Luffy. 
You felt sick to your stomach thinking about it, but it also gave you butterflies in a strange way. You had caught the eye of a man who worked right next to the Strawhat Luffy. There was some level of confidence-boosting that was caused by that fact. 
The only way to know for certain was to ask Sanji himself. So the next time you saw him, you would ask him if he was a part of the legendary crew. And then, you would ask him what on earth he saw in you. 
Every time you stopped at an island, you searched for him. You waited in the marketplace, searching for his sunshine-blonde hair. You spent so much time searching that you frequently lost track of time and someone from your crew had to come retrieve you when they were ready to leave. 
On the ship, things were tense. Especially between you and Berk. You weren’t sure why, but every day he seemed to grow more irritated. He was the first to read the News Coo every day, and his mood instantly soured after he had read it. After he had seen there was no news about the Strawhats. 
You didn’t know that for certain, but you had to guess. It was like this giant elephant in the room. All of the crew seemed to be a part of this plot they had explicitly left you out of. Berk hardly even spoke to you anymore unless he was barking orders. You did what was expected of you. Nothing more, nothing less. 
“We’re going to pull a honey trap at the next island,” he said over breakfast one morning. 
It had been about three weeks since you had last seen Sanji, and you were afraid you were never going to see him again. He visited you frequently in your dreams, and you spent most of your days thinking about him.
You frowned, afraid you had heard him wrong because of your daydreaming. “A honey trap?”
“That’s what I said.”
“No.” You shook your head. “We agreed not to do those anymore in the New World. Last time showed us. It isn’t worth it.”
“We messed up last time,” Berk said. “We’ll be fine.”
“I’m not doing it.” The last time had been a close brush with death for everyone on the ship and had caused some fatalities, but you had been personally scarred by that deranged captain. “We said-”
“We need the money.” Berk glared at you, trying to will you into submission and agreement.
“No.” You glared back. “You promised we wouldn’t do that.”
“Don’t be a bitch,” he hissed. “You don’t mind putting out for that lovestruck pirate.”
Rage coursed through your veins at his words. “You don’t know shit, Berk. It’s not-”
“Kline said that scummy pirate was willing to do anything for you. Maybe if you had put that level of effort in last time, we wouldn’t have lost three members of our family.”
You stood up from the breakfast table. You struggled to keep the fear out of your voice, replacing it with anger instead. “Fuck off. I’m not doing it. Kick me out if you want, but I’m not doing it.”
You locked yourself in your room, hoping they couldn’t hear you cry yourself to sleep over their cruel words. 
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thelittlewriter · 2 years
Wake Up
Pairing : Bakugou x Reader
It's the second part of this (just so you get the context)
Next Part
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Your eyes suddenly opened. Everything was white. Your last memory came back violently from the back of your head.
Civilians in danger.
Where were they ? Where were you ? Where was he ?
"Everything's fine. Stop moving."
You immediately recognize his voice. You opened your mouth to call his name but Hawks put a finger to your lips.
"Not now," he said. "You should rest a little more."
You had so many questions, but it still felt reassuring to see a familiar face. You closed your eyes. You were gone again. Gone, but not dead. The way that thought felt reassuring to you was rather... uncanny.
"You missed her."
You were still hearing Hawks' voice, though so faintly you thought you were dreaming.
"She was awake ?"
Bakugou. Was he there too or were you dreaming ? You hoped he was fine, and wished he was really there.
You opened your eyes again. Hawks was gone. Bakugou was sitting on a chair, sleeping. You looked around for a while. It was nighttime. You didn't remember what time it was when you had first woken up. If he was still allowed to be here when visiting hours were over, he must have had yelled a lot. You looked at your limbs. Your body seemed to have recovered... well... Almost too well. For how long had you been asleep exactly ?
"You're awake."
You turned toward the voice. He had enormous eye bags and looked like he was the one who needed to be in a hospital bed. You opened your mouth to speak but Bakugou stopped you.
"You're supposed to rest your voice."
You sighed.
"I'll call a nurse," he announced.
He stood up and left the room. He didn't look hurt. But again, maybe he wasn't hurt anymore. A nurse came into the room a few minutes after.
"A doctor will come and check up on you," you heard her say. "You're recovering well, if you keep going like this, you'll be out in a couple of weeks."
You looked at her with begging eyes. It wasn't that your physical state wasn't important but...
"Oh, you must be wondering about the young man. He went to get a coffee, but between you and me, I think he just wants to give your privacy while you talk to your doctor."
She giggled and murmured something you didn't catch under her breath.
"If you want my advice," she said as she was leaving the room. "Send that man home. I don't think he ever got out of here enough to get a good night sleep."
She winked and disappeared. Shortly after, a doctor came into the room. She told you everything you needed to know. You had been asleep for a week, your body had mostly recovered but you would need a little bit of time to get back to work. You weren't allowed to speak for at least a few more days. But more importantly :
"Your mission was successful. Nobody was hurt, including the hero you were with."
So he hadn't been hurt at all. You were relieved. You closed your eyes. You were still a little bit tired. When you opened your eyes again, the sun was slowly rising.
“Good morning.”
Hawks was here again. Even though the two of you knew each other quite well, you didn’t expect him to come and visit you that much. 
“I just came back from my night shift. I’ll be going soon.”
You couldn’t talk. You wanted to ask him some questions. It had been a while since the two of you talked to each other.
“I’ve been well,” he said as if he was reading your mind. “He hasn't.”
He pointed his finger at Bakugou, who was sleeping on a chair. He looked awful, tired, stressed out. 
“He’s been there since you got here.”
He wasn’t the first to tell you that.
“At least, he’s sleeping now. He stared at you for a whole day, you know ?”
You couldn’t imagine it. It felt strange to know you had people around you if you were hurt. That people would show up.
“Bakugou,” you said.
Your voice was hoarse and weak and it hurt to speak. You could see Hawks had a disapproving look on his face. You understood why you shouldn’t speak yet. It hurt a lot. But still, you could see him suddenly wake up right after you called him. He stood up.
“Are you ok ?”
You shook your head.
“What is it ? Are you thirsty ?”
He looked around, probably looking for water. It could have been funny and you could have teased him about his concern if he didn’t look so exhausted.
“Y/N wants you to go home.”
He looked at Hawks and then at you. You swore you never saw him looking that... hurt. Still, you nodded. You took a deep breath. You knew you should rest your voice but still you said :
“Go to sleep.”
You promised yourself it was the last time you would speak until you were cleared. Bakugou sighed. You gestured him to come closer. He complied without resistance. You took his hand. It was rough. You never really touched his hands in such a... relaxed setting. You couldn’t even say what you wanted to say. You just looked at him in the eyes as an attempt to convey all of your emotions. It failed, obviously, as Bakugou just looked away.
“It means thank you.”
You even forgot Hawks was there. But at least, he got you. You nodded.
“How do you even know ?”
“Isn’t that obvious ?” Hawks asked, as he exited the room.
He looked at you with a smile before leaving the room, waving goodbye at you.
Bakugou moved his hand away from yours and put it back in his pocket.
“I’ll get you water... and then I’ll go home.”
You sighed in relief, which seemed to irritate it a little.
“Do I look that bad ?”
You couldn’t say no, and the face you made seemed to tell him everything he needed to know. He stormed out. You couldn’t even explain what you meant to him. Not being able to speak was frustrating. He came back, holding a bottle of water.
“I’ll go now.”
You nodded. He looked at you for a while, unmoving. You nodded again. He looked like he wasn’t ready to leave.
“I’ll be back in a few hours.”
You punched your hospital bed furiously. It hurt a little, made no noise and probably looked very embarrassing. But still, Bakugou seemed to understand what you meant.
“Tomorrow. I will be back tomorrow.”
He got out of the room. He hated to leave you alone, but he understood that you also needed to rest. As he walked home, he suddenly felt the impact of these past events on his body. It ached all over and he needed to sleep. You even told him to go rest when you needed it the most. He didn't look that bad, didn't he ?
He looked at his reflection through the window of a shop. His eyes were swollen, red and his eye bags were dark and deep. He looked like he hadn't slept for a week. He hadn't slept much this week.
"Shit," he muttered, looking away.
He was terrifying. But again, it had been stressful. He had been forced by the hero commission to "take time for himself". Apparently, it was protocol when things like that happened, but he didn't expect it to last that long. However, seeing himself now, he clearly wasn't in the best condition. He decided he would rest properly before going back to you. Still, he was sulking on his way home.
He had no idea you knew Hawks, pretty well it seemed. The way he knew what you thought and wanted without you having to say it was making him angry. It just reminded him that despite how you acted, the two of you weren't that close. It's not like you didn't try. But maybe you had just stopped trying along the way.
He didn't like that. You used to beg him to let you in his life and you weren't doing that anymore. He hated that. He hated that he missed his chance but most of all, he hated that he almost lose all his chances at getting to know you better. You almost died. He had almost lost you.
He had so many opportunies now. His promise to cook for you had yet to be fulfilled. He didn't really care before, he never thought he might never be able to do it. But he would. Starting tomorrow, he would be by your side, as more than just a hero partner.
"But first", he mumbled. "First, let me go to sleep."
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Hey ! I decided to write what happens next... I wasn't supposed to, I just thought we'd never know but I don't like ending with angst so... here it is ! I hope you liked it, I think I'm gonna write a few more about the development of their relationship...
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whereserpentswalk · 11 days
Human space has always been large. Generations ago when ftl was first invented humans used it to create far off colonies, but then those colonies created colonies, and so on and so fourth, until nobody even knew where human space ends.
You were on an exploratory mission, and your ship ended up flung way further and faster out into the universe than you thought you could go, and ended up way past what you wanted to explore. You were lucky to still be in human space, but the culture was entirely unknown.
The first system you went to was filled with humans wearing hoods and masks, and clothing that covered their entire bodies. When they met you they made you wear the same clothing as them, and you quickly learned that in the local cluster of planets any skin being shown was completely taboo, even the smallest inch on any part of the body. The closest they had to revealing clothing were tighter fitting garments, and more humanoid masks. They started helping you repair your ship, but it would take a few years.
And while you were there it seemed strange at first. You felt sad for the mask wearers, knowing that people would never know the appearance of their closest freinds, their siblings, their parents. Even eating was strange, being done with the same privacy as a shower would be on your planet. It felt as if the masked people had lost some element of humanity.
As time went on, and as you got used to wearing their clothing it stopped feeling that way though. You had close freinds on those planets now, and you found it weird to want to see their faces, it would be weird to, perhaps it was better with them choosing how they looked. And soon the idea of someone having an exposed face seemed weird, at least it was when you left. Part of you wished they hadn't fixed your ship, you had a life there. But they did, and you left.
When you got to your ship again you spent months avoiding pirates and androids before getting to your next safe planet. When you got there the people looked strange, most of them had prosthetic body parts, many of them looking so cut up that they didnt even look human. You learned that it was the custom there in those local systems, to slowly remove body parts as people aged, until they completely lacked biological forms, and were purely mechanical beings.
The custom was horrifying to you for your first few weeks there. And you knew it would be awhile since your ship needed fuel. People celebrated their first amputation, discarded limbs would be preserved like baby teeth, and it was all so casual a mutilation. You knew a young woman there who would talk so cheerfully about how they were going to remove the bottom part of her face, and how excited she was. You couldn't bare to look at anyone.
But as months became years, and you had a job as a professor of far off cultures, you began to understand. Not agree but understand. They could live forever, and never be disabled by old age. Children could visit their great great grandparents. And soon the amputations that disgusted you became commonplace enough to ignore. You even agreed to have a broken arm replaced, as so few doctors knew how to mend one. But you left, and you wept as you left, for all the people you'd never see again.
It took you awhile to find a habitable planet again. You were lonely for a time. And when you found one again it was like a drowning person finding water. The people in the new planet you found looked strange, they were hairless and androgynous, many of them either underweight or chubby, or somehow both, and all with a softness to them. Pretty soon you found out that their civilization reproduced using machines, and removed their children's testicles or ovaries as soon as possible, never letting them go through puberty.
Even having seen many worlds these people disturbed you. Their bodies were so broken looking, being so obviously incomplete to you. They thought of you as an oddity but they didn't even know what was taken from them. None of them had or desired sex, their genitals remaining childlike and useless, and because of that they were naïve to any hint of sexuality, they'd shadow publicly, and it was normal for friends to kiss and cuddle naked. It felt as if they had lost so much of what made someone human, and like you had no way of telling them.
But as time went on it too became normal. Even though you told yourself it wasn't. Sex seemed weird and useless when nobody had it, and bodies seemed normal when they were the only kind around. You thought they were missing something at first but they just weren't, they were as human as you, they could still live full lives. And in time it was all ok. After spending years there you ended up with a wife there, and though you never were allowed to have sex you loved eachother. But you eventually left, you had to, even though your wife wept as you said goodbye, it was in your nature to leave after years as it was in their nature to castrate children.
You've come to your next planet now, and they seemed to be serving human flesh alongside all the normal meats like pig and cow. It's disturbing to your right now but your sure it'll all be normal in time. Everything is normal in time.
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kaulitzsblog · 1 year
What's happening..?
Bill x fem reader
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Summary : Y/n has been feeling ill after fainting during her performance. Nobody knows what's happening with her. Will they find out what's wrong with their bandmate..?
Word count: 421
Y/N had been dreaming of this moment for years. She had always been a huge fan of Tokio Hotel and when she heard they were looking for a new backup singer, she jumped at the chance. She had submitted her audition tape and to her surprise, had been chosen.
She had been rehearsing for months, going over every song, every step, every note, until she had them all memorized. She had even had the opportunity to meet the band members, Tom Kaulitz, Bill Kaulitz, Georg Listing, and Gustav Schäfer, and they had all been so welcoming and kind.
Finally, the day of the big concert arrived. Y/N was so excited, she could hardly contain herself. She had never performed in front of such a large crowd before, but she wasn't nervous. She knew she had prepared for this and that she was ready.
As she stepped out onto the stage, the crowd erupted into cheers. She could see Tom, Bill, Georg, and Gustav waiting for her, their instruments at the ready. Y/N took a deep breath and began to sing.
The first few songs went off without a hitch. Y/N was in her element, singing and dancing along with the band. The crowd was loving it, and Y/N could feel their energy feeding her own. She felt like she was on top of the world.
But as the concert went on, Y/N began to feel strange. She felt dizzy, like the world was spinning around her. She tried to shake it off, but it only seemed to get worse. She could feel herself starting to pale, her vision fading.
Suddenly, everything went black.
When Y/N came to, she was lying on the floor backstage. She could hear the sound of the concert still going on, but it sounded distant, like it was coming from another room. She tried to sit up, but a wave of nausea washed over her, and she had to lie back down.
She could hear people talking around her, but their voices were muffled and distorted. She could make out the sound of someone running towards her, and then she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Y/N, are you okay?" It was Bill's voice. Y/N tried to speak, but her throat felt dry and scratchy. She managed to nod her head, and Bill helped her sit up.
"What happened?" Y/N asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You fainted," Bill said. "We're taking you to the hospital."
The next few weeks were a blur for Y/N. She was in and out of consciousness, her body wracked with fever and pain. The doctors ran tests on her, trying to figure out what was wrong. They did blood tests, MRI's, and CAT scans, but nothing seemed to reveal the cause of her illness.
Y/N was terrified. She didn't know what was wrong with her, and she didn't know if she was ever going to get better. She missed the band members terribly, and she worried that she had ruined her chance to perform with them ever again.
Part 2 coming soon..♡
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angel-of-the-moons · 13 days
Nothing Is Lost
Khonahu x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: Mentions of drugging/roofies, allusions to rape but nothing happens, murder, kidnappings references, Khonshu being an asshole but one who won't just leave you hanging, Reader gets her baby wings!
A/N: Thanks to everyone who voted in the poll! Just a reminder; every single variation had hints as to what's happened in the past; and little Easter eggs >:3.
Taglist: @drinkingwithkhonshu @astrosphereblog @themostegotisticalgirl124 @patchesofwork @lialiwasneverseen
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Chapter 14:
Starting Lessons
"Try again." Khonshu sighed boredly, resting his long beak on his knuckles as he sat on the boulder nearby.
You panted, your body sagging with exhaustion as you glared at him, "Alright, you goddamn vulture!" You wiped some sweat from your brow. The cheeky old fucker gave you his staff to practice with, and your arms were tired.
The inherent magical properties helped focus your magic as if under a magnifying glass, helping you figure out the right "flow" that best suited you, Khonshu had told you. It was going to be used as a tool to focus your skills until you didn't need the "crutch" anymore. Until you could weave spells and cast them with your own hands.
"This fucking thing is heavy." You wheezed, callously letting the golden moon at the head dip into the soil and snow, scratching a groove in the snow to reveal the dark earth beneath.
Khonshu rolled his head a bit--if he had eyes, you knew he'd have been rolling them--and stood up with a raspy grumble, "Whiny little runt." He calls you.
Every lumbering step he took only made your irritation grow, even as he stood before you in his full imposing height.
"What more do you want from me?" You groused, not backing down. You didn't even so much as flinch when he leaned down, invading your personal space.
He reached out with a large, long finger and tapped the staff; and instantly it felt lighter. Almost the same weight as the broom you usually pushed at work.
"There. Will you stop your whining?" He scoffed as he leaned back again.
You lifted the staff and drop it a few times, gawking, your mouth agape. "You're telling me you could have done that the whole time??" You look back up at him, "Why didn't you lead with that?!"
"You did not ask." He stated with a casual shrug, returning to sit on his boulder.
"And, aren't you concerned at all about anyone seeing us?" You asked, sweeping your arm out before you. You two were sitting in the middle of Central Park. Yeah, it was half past midnight... But there were plenty of homeless people and police that walked the park at night.
Hell, even the wayward superhero or two...
It was as if Khonshu could pick your thoughts out of thin air; "I placed a ward. Nobody will see us if I do not let them. Not even that sorcerer, Strange."
"Strange? As in Doctor Strange?" You gasped.
"Of course. Do you have rocks in your ears?" He asked, tipping his head to the side. The bastard.
"I'm not deaf." You hissed, your hands tightening around the ancient staff in your grip.
"Then why ask obvious questions? Now--again. Trace the rune I showed you."
You groaned loudly and sighed in defeat, holding the staff out like you were going to stab the air.
Now, the rune went like--
"Gah. Widen your stance. If you cast it improperly you will be thrown aside." Khonshu scolded, waving his hand. You widened your feet, twisting the staff in your grip.
But apparently, that wasn't what he wanted. It was obvious when he got up once again, muttering beneath hushed breaths as he marched back up to you. He reached out to you, spreading your hands down the shaft much wider than before. Then, with one of his feet, nudged one of yours until you are standing, wide-legged.
He put his hand in between your shoulders and pressed lightly so you hunched inwards just a bit--the staff now in a perfect position to guard your upper body if you were struck.
However, you were flustered--and not in the fun way--when he just... did that to you. He didn't seem to notice, or even care, at all as he stepped back away.
"There. Now," Khonshu sighed, sounding as though he were a disappointed father scolding his child.
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Your shoulders ached. Your back ached. Your legs ached. Your everything ached.
"Motherfucking--bitch ass bird-headed bitch." You grunted under your breath.
Your jerked forwards and stumble, earning a few weird looks from two women leaving the bar you'd passed. They couldn't see what you felt, however. Or hear what you heard.
What you felt was a hefty smack to the back of your head--like a parent brain-dusting their rowdy child for causing a ruckus in a church--and what you heard was a rather snide voice:
"You will learn respect, you little pest."
"Go get bent, you old bastard." You muttered, shoving your hands in your pockets with a huff.
You felt a chill slip down your spine as a lock of your hair was pinched and twisted back. Almost like a child pulling their sibling's hair. You wondered, honestly, why Khonshu didn't do more.
If he hated this so much, surely someone with his god-forsaken ego would lurch at the chance to abuse their power? Hell, someone with his powers in general... should have abused them by now, right? So, why...
That's when it hit you. It wasn't that he didn't want to...
He couldn't. Something was stopping him. That had to be it, right? What, you wondered, could stop a literal god from--
"Go back to that bar." He commanded suddenly.
"As much as I'd like to drink, Khonshu, I'm going home to go to sleep." You sighed, shaking your head.
Your jacket was yanked on, making you stumble back and almost fall on your ass into the slushy snow. "What the hell--"
"This is not a request. Do not order anything alcoholic." He hissed at you.
Though you couldn't see him, you knew he was hovering; judging by the chill that so easily penetrated your otherwise warm clothes. What was his damn deal? Why was he so insistent that you go into this hole-in-the-wall?
"Why?" You grumbled. "What's so interesting about--"
"Do not question me!" He hissed, shoving you back towards the bar. "I will instruct you in what to do. Now go!"
You grunted in frustration, but relented. If it got the old bastard to shut the hell up, you supposed you could at least grab something sweet to boost your mood...
The bar stunk. It smelled of body odor from the old bikers and few homeless who were pissing away their few bucks for some liquor; as well as the sickly-sweet scent of marijuana and cigarette smoke.
The latter normally wouldn't have bothered you overmuch--but combined with the smell of spilled liquor (and even a hint of someone having pissed themselves, or thrown up on their own clothes) it had you nearly nauseated.
You shouldered your way through the noisy, rambunctious crowd. You felt a gnawing pit form in your stomach because you knew eyes were on you.
You'd never been to this bar before; this was unfamiliar territory for you, and you feared it brought you the wrong kind of attention... What was the old man thinking?
You awkwardly sit in the bar stool; the seat cracked and the stuffing poking out as it squeaked and creaked under your weight. The older woman behind the bar has a cigarette hanging out of her mouth--and you having worked at previous bars knew that was a big no-no, that it was not only a safety hazard, but also a sanitary one--as she was cleaning out a pint glass with a ratty cloth.
You suppressed your urge to shudder at how gnarly it looked and smiled politely at her, "Do you have a drink menu?"
She laughed, her voice slightly scratchy, "The hell kinda place you think this is, toots? Do we look like a bougie-ass cocktail club?"
You smiled thinly, the corner of your mouth twitching in irritation--customer service was clearly not high on this woman's purview. Not that you enjoyed it yourself back in your days as a bartender; but you knew that ensuring your patrons were happy and had fun were great ways to get big tips. This woman on the other hand, didn't care.
"Um--can I have a virgin daiquiri, please?"
Her nose crinkled and she flicked her cigarette ash into a nearby tray, "You come to a bar and order something with no booze? You a church girl?"
"Ha... I suppose you could say that, now..." You reply stiffly, your fingers tapping the sticky countertop. You didn't want to even think about how long it had been since the damn thing had been properly cleaned and disinfected...
"Gah, fine, girly." She turned, looking for the proper mixers and glass. She eyed you over her shoulder, quirking a thin, penciled-on eyebrow at you, "You want strawberry or peach? 's all we got, sweet cheeks."
"Ah... Peach is fine."
"Riiiiiiiight." She replied with a short, going to mix your drink.
"Basic bitch." You heard her mutter under her breath.
You gritted your teeth; feeling eyes take over your body and making goosebumps creep up your spine and making your hairs stand on end. You have a casual look around the bar and spot a small table with three men and one woman.
One of the men had their arm around the girl, laughing obnoxiously in her ear at something one of his friends said. You weren't sure why, but something had you on edge.
Whomever was looking at you before, didn't seem to be doing it, now. But the uneasy feeling didn't subside.
"Do not panic," Khonshu's voice murmured in your ear. "I am here. I will talk you through this."
You sucked in a tight breath and let it out, relaxing your posture a bit. Despite being annoyed at how he had been invading your personal bubble the past few whatever-it-had-been at this point... you were thankful you weren't currently alone in no-man's land.
She slid the drink to you, the contents sloshing a bit, no ice cubes to keep the drink chilled. Most places, you found, tended to serve them with ice by default. You yourself had yet to meet a person who liked them at room temperature.
"Thanks." You muttered, looking into the glass. You weren't sure yourself if you were thanking her or Khonshu for his reassurance.
She noticed how you stared at the drink and sneered, "Sorry if it's not to your likin', princess--but you didn't say if you wanted it on the rocks or not."
"Oh, don't worry--" You lie quickly, grabbing the drink and sipping it. It was sickeningly sweet. Too much mixer and syrup; the crushed peaches mixed in were bitter and unripe. "--It's fine."
"Yeah, I'll take your word for it." She says, rolling her eyes as you slip a few bills onto the counter--overpaying more to get her away from you than to be generous--and stuffing them into her bra. Again, another unsanitary thing that made you shudder.
You watch with disappointment as she takes shots with a few patrons, smiling and joking with them as opposed as to how cold and rude she was to you. Poor conduct, how on earth was this place still even in business? You had half a mind to report them to--
"The table you spotted before." Khonshu's voice said to you. "The men with the lone woman."
You casually spin your stool around, leaning back on the bar as you take a hefty swig of your drink, letting him continue as you discreetly glanced towards the party he mentioned.
The man hanging on the woman seemed to be getting too handsy with her--the poor thing looking like her skin was crawling from the way her nose scrunched.
"They intend to drug her." He told you, almost making you choke on your beverage. "You will stop them."
You turn back around and hunch over your drink, muttering, "Easy for you to say, old man. You're like, nine feet tall. I appreciate the confidence in my baby magic skills, but seriously--"
"You can do this task," He says matter-of-factly. "All you need to do is act inebriated. They do not know your drink isn't mind-altering. Nor do they know if you had been drinking elsewhere before coming here. They are not paying close enough attention to you to see you are able-minded."
That... made sense. But what were you...
Once more, he seemed to pluck your thoughts like low-hanging fruit: "Act as though you are nearly incapacitated. Drink your fill in one go to put on an effect. Spill the young woman's drink on her before the man has the opportunity to slip the drugs in her drink."
He paused a moment, allowing his words to absorb before continuing to speak to you once again, "You will leave this bar with them, and bring them to the alley past the next street corner. Continue to act inebriated. I will be with you the whole way, do not worry."
You shivered, adrenaline beginning to thread its way into your bloodstream when you feel Khonshu recede; as if he was the music that was being drowned out by the crowd in the bar. You fist your drink tightly before tipping your head back and shotgunning it, trying to get into your best "shit-faced" mode. You've never been the whole "blackout drunk" type; so you had to draw on from what you've seen firsthand from others as well as online.
You pretend to be unsteady on your feet, wobbling as you step off of your stool, beginning to sing along to the radio in off-key, slurred speaking--even going so far as to pretend to hiccup and wretch--as you made their way over to their table.
Their demeanor shifts as you close in, the men becoming guarded as you approach them on shaky feet.
"Heyyyy!" You croon, slipping your arm around the woman's shoulders, knocking into her and discreetly tipping the glass of bright, cherry red cocktail onto her nice pastel pink top.
She gasped and immediately pulled away, her mouth agape as you cover your mouth and overdramatic shock, "Ohhh! I thought you were my fr--frriend!" You say, trying to wipe at the stain, only making it worse, "I'm sh-sorry!"
"Ah! I don't know you! You ruined my--" She whined, her pained expression making you feel very guilty. You could tell that was probably her favorite too; one she would now have to throw away because of this stunt you were pulling.
"I--I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She groans, turning to stomp away towards the back, her leather boots squeaking on the floor.
You turned to the mean, swaying slightly as you pouted, "I jus' thought she was my frien'.... was s'posed to meet me here after I left tha other place..."
You felt a disgusting viper strike at the inside of your belly when the men shared looks and toothy grins, "Ah, well," The oldest one said, adjusting his flaking faux-leather jacket. The prick was trying too hard to lean into the 80s greaser stereotypical biker look, and the smell of whatever disgusting cologne had you wanting to blow your nose all over that shitty Walmart-brand plastic jacket of his.
"Hey, you're here, now, baby." He continued, slipping his arm around you, instantly making your fear spike and your mind struggling to fight your "fight or flight" mode. "Come on, party with us. We'll keep you company, right boys?"
His two friends nod, raising their beers and drinking messily with laughter; the way their eyes gleamed at a conquest--willing or otherwise--made panic rise in your gut.
"Calm down. You are not alone. Play into your role." Khonshu's voice rumbled to you, "They will not harm you. They will be lucky to survive what you will do to them."
You kind of hated that what he was saying sat right with you--you weren't really the "beat someone within an inch of their life" kind of person. Even when it came to self-defense. You believed in incapacitating them long enough to get away. But if what Khonshu said was true, about their intentions with that poor women...
Rapists of any kind deserved to be castrated. Among other nasty and violent things you fantasized about when you'd heard horror stories from other women--hell, even the things you saw on Law & Order--and from what you yourself had narrowly dodged.
The viper in your belly calmed somewhat; a fiery rage it began to coil around for warmth took precedence.
"What d'you say we take our party somewhere else? I know a bar with waaaaay better drinks than the shit Tilly serves." The man holding you said in your ear, his breath slimy as it dropped down the sweaty skin on your neck.
"Okay..." You replied out loud, keeping up your drunken facade--you could just barely make out a shadow passing over the table, the silhouette undeniable.
"Aaron, pay the tab." He ordered, swinging you around to head towards the door, his other friend following quickly, leaving the third behind to rush up to the bar and pay before following suit.
The cold outside immediately hit you; making you shudder.
Even the typical stench of the city that you'd become accustomed to was more welcome than the oppressive scents in that dive. You let the men continue to lead you, subtly influencing their steps as you followed the route Khonshu instructed you in.
And, he was right. Past the stop sigh at the corner, there was an alley that was lit by a nearly burnt out light to your immediate left.
You took the opportunity to lurch forward, pretending to get nauseous and gag. This didn't seem to deter the men, even as you fled to the alley to curl over the nearest trash can.
Like stupid lemmings, they followed you.
And predictably, one of them grabbed you and pushed you up against a nearby wall, his hand gripping your jaw tightly as your heart sped up; beating against your ribs like a frantic animal.
"Press your index finger to his chest and trace the rune I showed you earlier. Flick your wrist like you are swatting a fly."
You do as he says quickly, your finger shaky and snagging on his jacket as you do, but you manage to trace the rune--the symbol faint and golden as it hung in the air between you. Your assailant looked down at it, his brows furrowed.
Before he could process what was happening, you flicked your wrist out and watched as he went flying out into the street, slamming into a nearby car hard enough to deny the metal; the alarm blaring viciously loud in the cold night air.
"Holy shit." You breathed, staring at your hands in sheer awe. The adrenaline was pumping like a powerful drug within you and you turned, getting into a ready stance like Khonshu had bullied you into practicing. Yes, you didn't have that obnoxious staff, but it made you feel more steady on your feet as the other two rushed at you.
Time slowed almost to a crawl as Khonshu instructed you once again, "Curl your thumb into your palm and thrust your hand out, after that, duck and roll away. Do it, now!"
You took in a sharp inhale, and right as the men reach your space, you reached out for the closest one; thrusting your palm out and shuddering at the sound of bones cracking beneath an unseen force. He didn't go flying like the first one, instead he fell to his knees, gasping desperately for air and clutching his body gingerly.
When the other man swung his fist out to punch you, you ducked down, spinning into a roll; the icy slush helping it be more fluid than it would have been any other day--albeit messy--and watch as he stumbles, crashing into the wall you were just in front of, your chest heaving with heavy breaths as you watched his friend collapse into unconsciousness.
"Rise to your feet and kick between his legs--" Khonshu quickly instructed you, "Then I want you to slam the heel of your palm into his face."
You rose to stand with a slight bounce on your heels, trying to stay light on your feet as the man turned to glare at you, "You little bitch! When I'm done with you, you'll be beggin' for--"
You cut him off by swinging your leg up as hard as you could, right into his groin--feeling a sick sense of satisfaction as his voice left him in a strained wheeze. You squeezed your fingers together and when he fell to his knees to look up at you accusingly, you slammed the your hand up into his nose, the crunch of bones once again assailing your ears and the coppery scent of blood filling your nostrils as he fell onto his ass and into the dirty snow and ice.
He spat out a glob of blood, shakily climbing to his feet as his eyes narrowed on you in pure blind fury; "You fuckin' little whore! I'm just gonna fucking kill ya!"
"Fuck you!" You spat back, your palms itching furiously, the faint glow coming from beneath your skin again.
"Now, trace the--"
You didn't give Khonshu the chance to finish speaking. You balled your fist and punched as hard as you could, sending his head knocking sideways with a gnarly twist; unbeknownst to you, severing his spinal cord.
As soon as he tumbled down into a limp heap, you surveyed the carnage you wrought with Khonshu's guidance. The adrenaline giving way to pure euphoria, and the knowledge that you'd very likely saved a woman from being brutalized, traumatized--or even worse--making your heart and mind soar with the feeling.
"Ah..." You sighed, your voice shaky as everything soaks in. Khonshu appears before you, nudging the last corpse with distaste.
"I did not tell you to--"
"Ah--HAH! Hahahah!" You began to laugh hysterically, bouncing on your feet as you ran your fingers through your hair, spinning in place.
You stomped your feet, pointing at the bodies both dead and unconscious-- "Fuuuuck! You!"
You looked up at Khonshu, your eyes wide as you pointed, "I did that! Me! I did!"
"Yes, you needn't prance about like a cat bringing home a dead bird." Khonshu sighed at you.
"I--! I just--I fucking saved somebody, and..." You felt your body lurch from within--like you were on an elevator that came to a sudden stop.
"I--I did--I did--I--!" You wobbled on your feet as Khonshu turned to stare at you. You felt something warm and wet drip down your face.
You swiped at it and stared at the bright red blood on your sleeve that continued to drip steadily from your nostrils.
"I... Oh, that doesn't look too--"
The last thing you were aware of was Khonshu leaping towards you in a blur, and then--nothing.
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Khonshu sighed as your body went limp in his arms. He cradled you as though you were comparable to a sack of rubbish; hanging off of him in sheer dead weight.
You learned quickly, it seemed. It was both relieving to know and frustrating at the same time. Relieving because it meant he would not need to tutor you overlong in the ways of ancient magic--frustrating because you so quickly took to it that you became overconfident in your own abilities and knocked yourself out.
"Troublesome little pest." Khonshu muttered, looking around at the scene you'd created--painting some of the dirty white with bright red--some of it your own.
Yes... you may have overworked yourself. But you did do a good job of following his instructions up to that point, saving that woman the men had planned to essentially torture.
Khonshu adjusted his grip on you, brushing the blood rivulets from your face with his wrapped fingers.
The car alarm finally silenced, and Khonshu was aware of frantic shouting heard--the young woman and others. The siren of a police car could be heard getting closer and closer.
"Hurry!" He heard the woman shout. "I think I saw them drag her this way!"
He leapt up into the sky, perching with you still draped in his arm as he watches the woman scream, her mouth agape in horror at the scene as several other concerned patrons and citizens rushed into the alley where you had been moments before.
Khonshu huffed to himself, feeling pride in the fact that there were still some people willing to come to the aid of strangers who needed or--or at least, whom they thought needed it.
Justice, he felt, was served this night. The young woman could go home safe, only mourning the loss of her shirt. The men you had felt watching you were not sizing you up out of malicious intent--but because they saw a young woman alone in the dead of night in an unfamiliar location. They were concerned for your safety.
Bodies were collected, the living transported to the hospital.
Khonshu knew the mortals would find out that the men you'd fought had careers stretching well into their youths. They had become so confident in their abilities that they willingly left DNA in the women and young girls they would drug and abduct--and in some cases, killing and dumping.
The city would rest easier from now on, knowing three monsters had been dealt with. Justice had been served.
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The first thing you were aware of was the feeling of sand beneath your feet; the grains shifting to flutter over your skin and slide between your toes.
Your breath leaves you in a ragged gasp as you look up, and see the walls of a narrow canyon stretch for untold lengths up into the sky--the faint ribbon of blue almost invisible from how high it was from you. You look ahead, and behind, nothing but the rocks and sand to greet you.
Your feet feel like lead weights as you walk on into the canyon; "H-Hello?" You called out desperately, wrapping your arms around yourself.
"Is anybody there?"
The further you walked, the colder it got and the more the canyon seemed to close in on you. When the canyon began to squeeze down on your shoulders, you turned to try and flee back the way you came; panicked and scared.
But, the way had changed. It was just as narrow as the way you had been headed. You felt a sob creep into your throat as you pressed on; headed forward once again, no choice but to endure as it squeezed you more, and more, and more...
Until you couldn't breathe. You flailed, and screamed, trying to get something--somebody--to come and save you.
But your squirming only made it worse; you felt the sand shift beneath you, flooding the canyon like water as gnarled, withered hands began poking out of the roiling dunes to claw at your skin, grabbing onto your dress and staining it with their dirty fingers.
You screamed again as the hands closed around your face, beginning to cover your nose and mouth, until only one of your tear-filled eyes stared at the sliver of sky above you.
And when you blinked, you were on your hands and knees in a temple.
You patted your body down, checking for any injury; and, upon finding none, you sighed with relief, staring up at the statue before you.
You say like that for however long had passed, watching as the paint and gold began to flake away into a decrepit, withered facsimile of what it had been moments before; blood dripping from the eyes and flowing like a stream towards you.
You panicked again, shuffling to your feet as you turned to run.
But as you did, something hit you so quickly it was a blur--the air punched from your lungs in a sharp gasp.
You retained your footing, and when you looked down you saw it. The blood from the statue running between your feet like a swollen creek breaching its banks, as red as the blood that seeped out and soaked through the white dress you were wearing; dripping down your body from where your belly had been so callously... stabbed? Sliced?
You didn't know, all you know is that you were frantic, trying to stop the bleeding even as you fell to your knees.
Your body was growing colder, your vision going dark around the edges as your essence seeped from you like a flood.
Everything around you sounded muffled, like you were under water.
You could just barely make out a voice, so soft and almost inaudible:
"I'm sorry. I do love you."
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Chapter 15: Link
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