#NoHo Calendar
sweet-pineapple · 2 months
Pre recording!
Will and James were going to record a video for Will's second channel when James accidentally discovered a secret about Will.
Ler! James Marriott lee! Willne
The two came back from the coffee shop that they always go to, sipping their drinks as they walked into the office where they recorded. The two were chatting about the video that they were going to make. Will placed his iced coffee on the table as he walked over to the shelf where his calendar was.
Will looked at the calendar and back at his phone, James kept sipping his coffee. "Whatcha doing?" he asked, Will looked up from his phone, "the crews coming in a bit" he said as he continued to type on his phone. James walked over behind Will and looked over his shoulder to see what he was doing, Will didn't mind. Until James accidentally scratched Will's side as he placed his coffee onto the shelf. Will yelped and turned around. James look surprised.
"You alright?" James asked. He was afraid that he hurt Will. Will nodded profusely "Yeah, I'm good" James nodded. But it was still in the back of his head, what if Will was hurt? James decided to do it again to see Wills reaction better. He poked the boys side and Will jumped.
"Oh...oh," James smirked looking at the boy who got all nervous.
"Is someone ticklish?" he asked as Will kept walking backwards,
"James I swehahar to gAHAHD JAMES" Will screamed as James tackled the boy onto the floor. "James wait we can talk abohout thihis plehease" Will whined, trying to get the boy off of him. James smiled "I haven't touched you yet" he laughed. "I'll go soft on you, alright?" he added. Although James loved the thought of his best friend begging for mercy, he didn't wanna tire him out before the recording.
He began lightly scratching the boys sides, giggles started pouring out of Wills mouth, "jahames" the boy laughed softly, james heart soften. He had never heard Will laugh like that before, this laugh sounded genuine. "this is adorable" James said and laughed when Will scrunched his face. "Noho ihitis nohaht nohow stohop youhuhu dihihck" Will Whined with giggles pouring out as he covered his face with his hands. "That is not a way to treat your guests!" james scolded and decided to mess with the boy a bit. James dug his hands into Will's arms. Will screamed and threw his head back, thrashing beneath the boy. "JAHAHAMES NOAHHAHA" was all he had to satisfy James. James smiled and decided to stop. He slowly got off the boy and sat beside him, "I hahate yohuh" Will groaned and James laughed.
Suddenly someone started knocking on the door. "I guess thats the crew" James said as Will got up. "I'm going to get you back once they leave" Will said and unlocked the door, sending shivers down James' spine.
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nohoartsdistrict · 5 years
NoHo News: Ritmo Thursdays. NoHo Dance Studios. Makin' A Movie. Solofest. Acting Class Guide. L.A. Theatre District via www.nohoartsdistrict.com
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homaikaike · 4 years
Kaʻu Mau Noka no ke Kilo Mahina
Notes on Observing the Moon (English at the bottom)
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He hoʻolauna kēia i ka ʻalemanaka Hawaiʻi a me nā inoa o nā mahina Hawaiʻi. Ua kākau au i nā ʻepaki mahina a me ka hoʻolauna ʻana i nā inoa mahina. Hoʻokahi mahina wale nō, a laila aia ma kahi o kanakolu mau inoa like ʻole. Hōʻike nā inoa i kahi kūlana o ka ulu ʻana o ka mahina. Mai Hilo ā Muku, wehewehe nā inoa o ka mahina i kāna mea e hana ai.
Eia kaʻu mea i aʻo ai, a me kaʻu mau memo ʻē aʻe:
Hoʻohui ʻia nā ʻepaki mahina i mau malama, a me hoʻokahi malama ka wā Hilo ā Muku. ʻO ka mea maʻamau, ʻokoʻa nā inoa o nā malama mai mokupuni a mokupuni, a me ka ʻaoʻao o ka mokupuni ou e noho nei. Aia ʻekolu mau wā i loko o ka malama; ʻo Hoʻonui, ka wā o ka hoʻoulu ʻana, ʻo Poepoe, ka wā o ka hoʻopoe ā hoʻopiha i ka mahina, a me Hoʻēmi, ka wā e manono ai ka mahina. He mau anahulu kēia mau wā mahina. ʻOiai ka manaʻo o ia "anahulu" he ʻumi mau pō, kēlā manaʻo o ka "anahulu" e pili me ka lā. ʻO ka anahulu mahina, i loko o nā anahulu ʻo Hoʻonui, Poepoe, a me Hoʻēmi, aia nā hui liʻiliʻi o ʻelua-ʻehā mau mahina. Eia nā inoa mahina:
Anahulu ʻo Hoʻonui: Hoʻoulu ka Mahina
Muku, Hilo, Hoaka (he hoʻomaka ka hana)
Nā Mahina Kū (he kūkulu ka hana)
Kūkahi, Kūlua, Kūkolu, Kūpau
Nā Mahina ʻOle (he hoʻomaha, noʻonoʻo, hoʻolālā ka hana)
ʻOlekūkahi,ʻOlekūlua, ʻOlekūkolu, ʻOlepau
Anahulu ʻo Poepoe: Hoʻopoe ka Mahina
Huna, Mōhalu, Hua (he hōʻike ka hana)
Nā Mahina Piha (he hoʻokō, hoʻoikaika ka hana, he wā mana wahine)
Akua, Hoku, Māhealani, Kulu
Nā Mahina Lāʻau (he hoʻomālie, lapaʻau ka hana)
Lāʻaukūkahi, Lāʻaukūlua, Lāʻaupau
Anahulu ʻo Hoʻēmi: Hoʻēmi ka Mahina
Nā Mahina ʻOle - mahele ʻelua (he hoʻoliuliu, hoʻonanea ka hana)
ʻOlekūkahi, ʻOlekūlua, ʻOlepau
Nā Mahina Kāloa (he huikala, hoʻomaʻemaʻe, hoʻokuʻu ka hana)
Kāloakūkahi, Kāloakūlua, Kāloapau
Kāne, Lono, Mauli, Muku (he hoʻohanohano, hoʻāno, ʻoki ka hana)
Kūpono kēlā me kēia Mahina no kekahi mau hana. Ua ʻike ʻia he mea nui ka Mahina ma ka mahiʻai a me ka lawaiʻa ʻana. Hōʻike ia i ke kahe o ke ola i ka honua, i ke kaiāulu, a i ke kanaka. I kēia manaʻo, hoʻopili ʻo Mahina i ka nohona o kēlā me kēia kanaka. ʻO ke kilo ʻana i ka Mahina, kōkua ia hana o ka nānā ʻana i ka mahina iā kākou e hoʻokele i ka huakaʻi Mahina. Ka manaʻo o Kilo i ke nānā aku, a me ke aʻo ʻana i ka honua. ʻO ke kilo ʻaʻole ia he ʻike ma ka maka wale nō, he ʻike ma ke kino, ma ka naʻau kekahi. ʻO ia ke kilo ʻana e hoʻopili i ka lani me ke kino, me ka ʻāina.
Ma ka ʻŌlelo Haole
This is an introduction to the traditional Hawaiian calendar, Mahina (the moon) and her moon phases, and their names. While there is only one moon, there are around 30 different names. Each name describes a place in the moonʻs evolution. From Hilo to Muku, the moon names give insight into what she (the moon) is doing. 
Here is what I learned, as well as some of my other notes:
The moon phases are organized into months, and a malama is a cycle from new moon to new moon. Traditionally, the names of the months differ from island to island, as well as which part of an island you live on. The three periods of the month are often described as growing, round, and waning (hoʻonuʻi, poepoe, hōʻemi). These three stages of the moon cycle are called anahulu. While an anahulu is often thought of as ten nights, kumu Kalei says that definition is more related to the sun. As for the moonʻs anahulu, there are smaller groups of 2-4 moons. Here are the different names of the moon:
Anahulu Hoʻonui: Mahina is growing
Muku, Hilo, Hoaka (new beginnings)
Kū moons (working, building, growing)
Kūkahi, Kūlua, Kūkolu, Kūpau
ʻOle moons (Rest, reflection, planning)
ʻOlekūkahi,ʻOlekūlua, ʻOlekūkolu, ʻOlepau
Anahulu Poepoe: Mahina is becoming round
Huna, Mōhalu, Hua (flowering, fruiting)
Full moons (Fulfillment, energy, feminine power)
Akua, Hoku, Māhealani, Kulu
Lāʻau moons (Rejuvenation, healing)
Lāʻaukūkahi, Lāʻaukūlua, Lāʻaupau
Anahulu Hoʻēmi: Mahina is waning
ʻOle moons - part two (Rest, reflect, refine)
ʻOlekūkahi, ʻOlekūlua, ʻOlepau
Kāloa moons (Cleanse and release)
Kāloakūkahi, Kāloakūlua, Kāloapau
Kāne, Lono, Mauli, Muku (Honor, ascension, completion)
Each moon is ideal for certain activities. Moon calendars emphasize the role Mahina plays in farming and fishing, and shows the flow of life in the natural world, the community and within the self. In this context, Mahina continuously influences how every person lives. As for kilo, that helps us to navigate through the moon cycle. Kilo means to observe, and to study the natural world. When you kilo, the experience of life should be felt as well as seen. Thatʻs the kilo that connects the heavens to the body, to the earth.
nā kumu/sources
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 1 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Welcome to the start of this, my 2019 festive project. Last year, I did a mega Christmas fic, the year before I did a massive New Year's fic, and this year....you will all be getting an SFW, ego tickle fanfic every single day from the first of December, right up until the 25th, aka Christmas Day. I have been stressed as hell over this project, but I am still proud of it and I've enjoyed writing every segment, and I hope you all enjoy these fics too. Now, without further ado....let's begin, with Day 1!
TAGGING: @anti-switch-glitch
In my view, festivities only really start in one particular fashion. With complete anarchy. Anti’s eyes were wide as he looked over the piles and boxes of gleaming decorations…that HE was in charge of. Tinsel, wreaths, baubles, ornaments, individual advent calendars, mini trees, strings upon strings of white, rainbow, gleaming, flickering lights, hand-made carvings and ceramics, plushies, festive throws, blankets, cushions, mini fricking train sets, stockings, bags of potpourris, candles, incenses, garlands, paper chains, mistletoe sprigs, holly bunches….and Santa hats. Rest assured, Anti intended on using EVERY single piece of decorative material before him, and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
Now, I understand that you may be shocked at the notion of Anti solely being given the mammoth task of decorating every room of the Ego household, but you need not worry, he had help. Namely the organised, efficient Harold B. Darrensworth. However, as with any and all creative projects involving multiple brains, clashes can occur….and were occurring right now.
‘No! NO! ABSOLUTELY not! Those collections of tinsel do NOT mix colour wise, and they’ll be a FIRE risk if they’re draped about the main kitchen!’
Harold stomped his foot, his nostrils flaring as he stood with his arms folded at his chest and with distress on his face as he looked at Anti, who was whining at having his wild creativity repressed.
‘Well how else are we meant to decorate the main kitchen then?! We can’t leave the room fuckin’ bare, we wouldn’t be doin’ our damn job!’
Anti huffed whilst throwing a length of turquoise tinsel over his shoulder like it was scarf, folding his arms too. He knew Harold wanted to decorate well, and Anti did too, he wanted every inch of the place to be decorated to perfection….but it seemed that Anti’s and Harold’s perceptions of ‘perfection’ were a little different. Harold stalked up to Anti, and despite his shorter stature, squared up him as he straightened his spectacles.
‘I ASSURE you that I do not intend to leave ANY room undecorated! But you have to face facts! We MUST prioritise proper order and colour co-ordination, and that’s FINAL!’
Harold had his lips pursed as he looked up at Anti resolutely…but then what started off as a creative disagreement, turned into something a little more. Anti narrowed his eyes down at Harold. Don’t get him wrong, Anti loved the guy and the fact that he was just as dedicated to the decorating task as he was….but he was stubborn. Very stubborn, and frankly a tad arrogant with his bossiness. Anti could see that Harold saw himself as the authority of the venture, and Anti couldn’t have that, they were meant to be partners in this after all.
‘I hope you’re not trying to dictate to me Darrensworth, I don’t really take kindly to being told what to do.’
Anti’s voice had lowered to a growl as he stepped closer to Harold so he was very nearly looming over him….but of course Harold, stubborn as he was, stuck to his guns. He wasn’t going to let himself be intimidated!
‘With respect Anti, I’m afraid you’ll just have to SUCK it up!’
Harold’s shoulders were raised as he huffed out a determined breath through his nose, usually he wouldn’t use such crude language, but Anti just had to be told! Harold’s determined defiance however, was to be his downfall. In a flash Anti had snarled, gripped Harold by his shoulders, and pushed him against the nearest wall, pinning him there as his eyes flicked to black. Poor Harold yelped with shock, and the poor guy started to tremble, worrying that he’d actually angered Anti and brought out his wrath.
‘AH! O-O-Oh n-no I-I-I’m s-sorry I’m s-sorry! P-Please d-don’t h-h-hurt me!’
Harold stuttered as he looked up at Anti fearfully, and immediately Anti’s expression softened….I mean, he knew he could be scary, but to have Harold actually be terrified? Anti certainly didn’t want that! Anti’s cold expression morphed into a more playful sneer, and he squeezed one of Harold’s shoulders as he purred.
‘….well clearly me and you need to hang out more, I’m not gonna hurt you ya doof!’
Harold blinked a few times as he processed Anti’s words and the reassuring shoulder squeeze, and he bowed his head a tad embarrassedly at jumping to such a conclusion. Anti shook his head slightly, but then remembered why he’d pinned Harold against the wall in the first place; his voice dimmed into a low growl as he continued.
‘However…people who act like this big authority reeeeally rile me up. I have a thing ya see. A thing about people putting themselves on a bossy little pedestal…I just feel like I gotta knock ‘em off. D’ya understand me?’
Harold gulped as Anti raised an eyebrow down at him, very much expecting an answer from him. Harold of course burst out into apologetic babbles. I mean, he didn’t know exactly what Anti might or might not do to him…but Harold had had a glimpse into Anti’s wild creative mind and decided that the reasonable, safer option would be to concede as quickly as possible and hope that Anti would just want to carry on with the task at hand.
‘Uh huh, yes, I ENTIRELY understand you Anti, COMPLETELY in fact!’
As he spoke, Harold nodded with a shaky smile in place. He felt so flustered, whether it was Anti’s intimidating demeanour, the fact that he was trapped, or the implicit threatening nature of Anti’s words; Harold could just feel flustered chills going through his system. Anti meanwhile, was enjoying this very much. Seeing the ordered, neat Harold Darrensworth so frantic was very satisfying…but…Anti wanted to see more. He smirked as his plan formed in his mind, and he purred, leaning closer so he and Harold were nearly nose to nose.
‘Mmm…you say that but ah, well, words aren’t always the most trustworthy things. However, I do have a little method I use when it comes to properly knocking people off pedestals. How about I show ya?’
Before Harold could even open his mouth to protest and potentially persuade Anti against whatever his plan was…Anti’s hands had darted forward to Harold’s ribcage, where his fingers pinched and scratched at the area experimentally. Oh how Anti’s experiment was rewarded.
‘AAEEE! N-Nohoho nohohoho plehease n-nohot the tihickling not tihihickling!’
Harold bent double almost instantly in an attempt to escape Anti’s tickling digits, but now Anti was just eager beyond belief to tickle the order and serenity out of Harold Darrensworth.
‘Ohhhoho thihis is gonna be so much fun!’
Anti cackled evilly as he eagerly snuck his fingers under Harold’s shirt so he could scratch at his bare ribcage, which made Harold snort and attempt to jump and/or squirm away from Anti’s tickling…emphasis on the attempt part.
‘Nohoho noho l-l-lehehet mehehe gohoho!’
Harold was blushing a bright pink and pushing desperately at Anti’s chest, but the glitch was far too strong and determined to let any weak defence halt him for even a second. He cocked his head down at Harold fondly as he cooed.
‘Oh I don’t think sooo! Someone needs to learn not to be such a big bossy pants, yes they do yes they dooo!’
….needless to say, Harold had not expected Antisepticeye to baby-talk him, which was clear by his darkening blush and widening eyes. He ended up spluttering amidst his torrents of giggling.
‘Ihihi d-d-dohohon’t! D-Dohohon’t tahalk t-to mehe lihihike thahahat!’
As Harold wriggled desperately against the wall, Anti’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe how much the baby-talk affected him and how much it embarrassed the generally measured man! And you bet that Anti was going to use this information for a loooong looong time. Anti used his thumbs to massage Harold’s bottommost ribs as he got right in his face, cooing in the most babyish voice he could muster.
‘Ahaaaww what’s thiiiis? Can ickle baby Harold not take the tickly wicklies on his itty bitty ribbies? Poor baaaby, all mine to ticky tickle for ever and ever and ever!’
If dictionaries had pictures next to words and their definitions, Harold’s current facial expression would be depicted next to the word shook. His mouth and eyes were wide, his cheeks were crimson, and the noise that came out of his mouth was somewhere between a squawk and a squeal as his knees threatened to buckle.
Harold cried, and also I need to correct myself; Harold’s knees no longer threatened to buckle, they did buckle. Harold crumpled to the floor consumed by his frantic giggles, and immediately started trying to scrabble away from Anti on his hands and knees; he had never looked more frantic in his entire life. Anti laughed aloud, this was too precious. He watched Harold’s cute, giggly, crawling form for a few seconds, before striding over and gripping one of his shins with a chuckle.
‘Where do you think you’re going? I’m not done with you yeeet!’
Harold squealed as Anti grabbed both his legs, playfully dragging him across the fluffy rug as Harold spluttered giddily.
‘N-Noho p-plehease let me goho let me go-EEEK!’
Harold had squealed, since Anti had moved to grip his thighs in prep to flip him over for more torso tickling…but now Anti found a more interesting target.
‘Well, well, well, what have we here Mr Darrensworth?’
Harold spluttered as he felt Anti straddle his butt, and stroke his fingers down the backs of his thighs; Harold was trembling and smiling and squeaking nervously.
‘N-Nohothihing i-i-it’s nohothing!’
It was SO not nothing. Harold’s thighs in general were prime tickle spots, but the backs of his thighs? Those were the real hot spots. Harold’s reactions were utterly melting Anti’s heart as he kept gleefully tracing the ticklish areas, very much enjoying Harold’s utter lack of decorum.
‘Oh? Then what’s with all those cute giggles? Did I miss a joke?’
Harold spluttered and whined into the carpet as he giggled harder, Anti’s teasing was REALLY not helping the situation…well, at least from Harold’s point of view. Harold’s mirth just kept on increasing as Anti increased the intensity of his tickling. He made the process last too. Anti had a manic grin on his face as he transitioned from tracing, to gentle fluttering, to light scratches, to harder scratches, he was being truly merciless.
Anti hummed happily as Harold’s loud, bright mirth filled his ears. Harold’s silk pyjama pants offered him no protection, so the ticklish flesh at his thighs was all Anti’s to tickle torture. Also, Anti was making sure his verbal teasing was just as torturous as the tickling.
‘Huh, that joke must have been really funny, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh this hard!’
Anti snickered as Harold wailed, Anti knew he was being a mean, evil little shit….and he absolutely lived for it.
Harold cried out as he squeezed his eyes shut amidst his mirth, and Anti let out a soft shocked laugh….he couldn’t believe Harold was begging so outwardly like this! Anti hummed musingly, flicking his blunt nails over the thighs before him as he replied.
‘Begging huh? I wonder, what would you do to get me to stop?’
Harold had an immediate answer for that one.
….oh how Anti LOVED that answer. He let out a devious hum of thought, before taking his time to mull over all the things he could possibly ask for from his sweet, sensitive victim. Harold meanwhile was thrashing and laughing his poor head off, he’d never been tickled like this before, it was so wild and evil! Soon, Anti smirked and replied playfully.
‘Anything huh? Would you consider say….agreeing that my creative decorating ideas are valid and should be tested?’
Harold literally would have done anything for mercy right now, so he just hollered.
Anti’s eyes widened at Harold’s sudden jolt and shriek, before Anti looked down to see that his fingers had accidentally drifted down to the backs of Harold’s knees. All Anti could think of was what a delightful treasure trove of ticklishness this guy was, and eagerly traced behind his knees as he purred.
‘Oh this must reeally be your death spot….say, if I have mercy on you, will you ACTUALLY do anything I ask?’
Now, even amidst his mad, shrieking mirth, Harold still got chills regarding what on earth Anti might want him to do…but Harold knew he needed mercy more than anything.
….of course, as Anti pinched Harold’s knee-pits, he had to drag it all out.
‘Are you sure?’
Harold was a sweaty, red-faced mess of nodding and struggling as he replied desperately.
Anti smirked, leaning down to coo playfully into Harold’s ear.
‘Are you super duper sur-?‘
Anti burst into giggles at Harold’s interruption, but did ultimately have mercy on the poor guy; Anti didn’t want to kill him after all. Harold became a mess of shivers and gasps, remaining sprawled on the floor even after Anti had gotten off of him. Harold had never been tickled like that in his life, he hadn’t thought it was POSSIBLE to be tickled that much, yet here he was….bedraggled to hell.
‘….thahat was…s-s-soho m-mean….’
Harold panted, which made Anti snicker as he looked down at him fondly.
‘But necessary.’
Harold let out a soft ‘hmph’ as he sat up, rubbing his legs as he meekly replied.
‘S-So….wh-what is it y-you want?’
Harold looked to Anti tentatively and nibbled his lip nervously when the glitching man grinned and slung an arm gently around his shoulders.
‘I want you….to decorate with me, not against me.’
Harold blinked a few times, and smiled bashfully when he saw how kindly Anti was smiling down at him. Harold reasoned that he had perhaps been being a bit harsh, and given the wild myriad of decorations they had, it made sense that not everything was going to end up perfectly ordered.
‘I think I can do that.’
Anti grinned, and pressed his forehead against Harold’s temple gently….but that sweet serene moment ended up being interrupted….by a thump and a yip. Both men turned around to the entrance of the living room, and their eyes widened when they saw that Gooper had hauled a particularly large bin bag into the room and was now letting out little exhausted huffs as he settled under a couch for a well-deserved nap.
‘…please don’t tell me that’s why I think it is.’
Anti groaned….and a bauble rolled out of the bag. Harold and Anti shared a look, before whining and giggling at the fact that a) they were going to have to do even more organisation before decorating, and b)…the ego household was going to be the wildest winter wonderland…ever.
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Monday May 27th: Sugarlife plays the ‘Abasement’ series @ Max Fish  (120 Orchard Street, LES)
Saturday June 1st Sugarlife plays Rubulad   (389 Melrose St, Bushwick) https://www.facebook.com/events/334323383932511/
Tuesday June 4th Day So Far plays Niagara   (112 Avenue A, East Village) https://www.facebook.com/events/638817396580731/
Thursday June 6th Transcendental Dissonance Quartet (w/Pamelia Stickney) plays Barbès (376 9th St, Park Slope) https://www.facebook.com/events/2321827411396571/
Sunday June 8th Mitra Sumara plays Drom   (85 Avenue A, East Village) https://www.facebook.com/events/434160413800779/
Tuesday June 11th Sugarlife plays Muchmore’s (2 Havemeyer St, Williamsburg) https://www.facebook.com/pg/muchmoresnyc/events/?ref=page_internal
Thursday June 20th Peter Zummo Quintet plays Outpost (1665 Norman St, Ridgewood) https://www.outpostartistsresources.org/calendar
Saturday June 22nd ODES & fragments (w/Pamelia Stickney) plays The Stone Series @ happylucky no.1 gallery (734 Nostrand Ave, Crown Heights) https://www.facebook.com/events/368325027063895/
Sunday June 23rd Barbez plays Joe’s Pub (425 Lafayette St, NoHo) https://www.facebook.com/events/291115411838052/
Saturday June 29th Transcendental Dissonance Quartet (w/Pamelia Stickney) plays The Owl (497 Rogers Ave, Prospect Lefferts Gardens) https://www.facebook.com/events/623125591441792/
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abraham-sanieoff · 3 years
Exploring the Big Apple: Where to Shop in New York City Abraham Sanieoff
New York City is many things to different people: “The Big Apple,” “Gotham,” “the City that Never Sleeps.” But to retail enthusiasts, it’s only one thing—the hub of shopping districts.
NYC’s retail sector is a booming industry, with over 7,382 chain stores as of 2020. From luxury outlet malls to vintage stores, New York offers something for shoppers of every style and taste. With so many options, there’s just one problem: where to begin?
Editor and lover of life Abraham Sanieoff shares this guide for locals and tourists alike who want to explore NYC’s bustling shopping scene. You might be surprised with what you’d be able to find.
Fifth Avenue
Stretching north from Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village to West 143rd Street in Harlem, Fifth Avenue ranks high among the most expensive shopping streets in the world. Here, you’ll find fashion’s most coveted brands. Think Cartier, Prada, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Valentino, Tiffany & Co., and many more! If it’s got bling or if it costs a fortune, you’ll probably find it here. Fifth Avenue is undoubtedly every luxury shopper’s paradise.
Greenwich Village
For guilt-free shopping (well, almost), head to Greenwich Village. It offers a diverse selection of up-and-coming labels. The historic neighborhood, divided east and west by 5th Avenue, boasts specialty shops, record stores, and quaint bookstores that you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else in the city.
During World War II, South of Houston or SoHo was once home to large manufacturers such as textile firms and printing plants. Since then, however, most of the warehouses have been converted into chic loft spaces, high-end boutiques, and trendy restaurants where most of New York’s elite shop and dine. You’ll find luxury shops such as Channel and Bloomingdale’s nestled in between Forever 21, H&M, Hollister, and Zara. While you’re there, don’t forget to grab a bite at one of the district’s many cafes and bars.
Sitting at the nexus of popular shopping districts like the Lower East Side, Noho, and Soho is the quaint and vibrant neighborhood of Nolita (short for “North of Little Italy”). The area is brimming with stylish boutiques, cozy coffee shops, and unassuming restaurants.
Here, you’ll find many brands that will make your shopper’s heart happy. We’re talking about Odin and Gant, White Chalk, Calypso, Vince, Poppy, Lord Willy’s, and many others. For chic home decor, be sure to stop by Canvas and De Vera. Bookworms will also have a thrilling time browsing the shelves at the McNally Jackson bookstore.
Union Square
Located at the intersection of Broadway and Fourth Avenue, Union Avenue has a little bit of everything. Shops like Nordstrom Rack and Whole Foods are often seen packed with people year-round. During the holidays, the district is dotted with makeshift stalls featuring all sorts of trinkets, baked goods, craft items, knitted scarves, and more.
On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, local farmers showcase their organic fresh produce at the Greenmarket.
Madison Avenue
Madison Avenue from 59th Street to the ‘90s is lined with high-fashion stores like Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Tom Ford, Carolina Herrera, and Hermès, designer shoemakers like Jimmy Choo and Roger Vivier, and fine jewelry brands such as Cartier. Be sure to get your credit card ready if you do drop by. And even if you don’t end up buying, just peering into the window displays of Hermès, Graff, and Fred Leighton is already an experience in itself.
Explore New York’s Finest Shopping Spots
When you visit New York, you surely won’t leave empty-handed. Stores across the five boroughs carry the latest apparel, vintage finds, tech gear, household essentials, gourmet goods, and more. If you’re looking for retail therapy, then this is the place to be. Be sure to mark your calendars for huge seasonal sales, such as Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Abraham Sanieoff is a writer, traveler, editor, and devoted father who enjoys life, one destination at a time. If you’re looking for exciting activities to do during your next New York getaway, be sure to check out his recommendations here
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kayprism · 6 years
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Mark your calendars! #10minute #play festival in #noho August 17th-19th including my play Everything directed my #gooddaughter director @jennifer_mummerellejones_11 !!! See ya soon! #playwright #rehearsing #secretrose #theater #losangeles #moredetails to come!!! Thank you @chapstck !!! See you and rest of my fellow playwrights including @saadiqak @zorin7 #marlowwyatt (at Secret Rose Theatre)
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maxcarymusic · 6 years
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***NEW SHOW ANNOUNCEMENT*** We’re really stoked about this one ya’ll. Wednesday 10/3, we’re gonna be making our first appearance at Skinny’s Lounge where we’ll be opening for RAHK Wednesday’s! We’ll have more info for ya’ll soon but in the meantime, mark your calendars and get ready to Rock with us next Wednesday🤘🏼🤘🏼 . . . @rahkaraoke @skinnys_lounge #altrock #rockmusic #rockandroll #hardrock #rockband #live #localmusic #localband #livemusic #california #losangeles #northhollywood #noho #guitar #drums #bass #singer (at Skinny's Lounge in NOHO) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoKl_VFBKOe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kj20qdt2rfjv
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A few dates to mark on your calendar. We are planning several events during the 40 days of your Lenten journey. (For more info, link in bio under EVENTS). . . . #Lent #LentJourney #UpcomingEvents #AshWednesday #PalmSunday #MaundyThursday #GoodFriday #EasterSunday #HollywoodUMC #Hollywood #Community #HUMC #HarmonyTL #TolucaLake #NoHo #StudioCity #Burbank #Inclusivechurch #affirmingchurch #churchfamily #AllAreWelcome https://www.instagram.com/p/CLPMs-LLbfO/?igshid=1xqyv04wg8qo1
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myepisodecalendar · 6 years
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Hawaii Five-0 Season 9 - Episode 15: Ho'opio 'ia e ka noho ali'i a ka ua AirDate: February 15th, 2019, 09:00 PM
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nohoartsdistrict · 7 years
What are you doing in NoHo this weekend? Here's the NoHo News, your guide to what’s going on in the NoHo Arts District. www.nohoartsdistrict.com
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News
Millie Bobby Brown is the Latest Celebrity to Bewilder Fans in Skincare Tutorial
Earlier this month, the skincare community was up in arms over a video posted by Harper’s Bazaar featuring Bella Thorne as she walked viewers through her nightly skincare routine—in which, notably, the actress applied an acidic and abrasive mixture of lemon juice, sugar and olive oil to her face. Ouch. This week, the skincare world turned its dubious gaze to Stranger Things’ Millie Bobby Brown, after a tutorial was posted on YouTube by Florence by Mills, the new skincare line fronted by the actress. Many things about Brown’s quote-unquote-tutorial should cause viewers with even a basic modicum of skincare knowledge to scratch their heads: first, Brown has eyeliner on and thoroughly in tact throughout the entire clip. Second, and even more bewildering, is this order of product use: a face mist, followed by a scrub to remove makeup (“I do still feel some of the makeup on and I know this will fix it”), followed by a face wash, followed by a moisturizer. Millie, just why? Skeptical viewers have also suggested that Brown doesn’t actually use any product throughout the video, instead going through the hand motions and giving it her best performance. If anything, it’s the only saving grace of this lesson in how not to care for your face.
Avon Unveils New Vegan Skincare Line
Best-known for their multi-level marketing structure, Avon is the latest beauty brand to rebrand for the clean-and-green-hungry millennial market by going vegan. The Distillery will launch with nine products, including an overnight mask, a facial oil and a cleanser, and will hover around the $30 price point.  “There’s an increasing number of well-informed and socially conscious customers who have a huge amount of choice,” Avon’s Gina Ghura, director of the brand’s future innovation team, told WWD in an interview. “Distillery comes after years of scientific research so customers still get the performance they require knowing we’ve been respectful about ingredients.” The products will also come in smaller, more concentrated formats, supposedly to reduce the line’s carbon footprint, in addition to being packaged in recycled glass. According to Ghura, Avon’s “goal for Distillery is to be 100 percent recyclable by 2025.”
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Just swipe and go 🏃‍♀️💨 Our #ColorStay Foundation Stick is easy to apply and lasts up to 24 hours – so you can get ready in a minute and stay put for a day! #foundation #foundationstick #24hourwear #motd
A post shared by Revlon (@revlon) on Sep 12, 2019 at 6:05pm PDT
Revlon and Adwoa Aboah Are Opening a Free Salon for 24 Hours 
Londoners, mark your calendars: there’s a free beauty salon set to open in Fitzrovia at the end of the month. Revlon and Adwoa Aboah are behind the project, which will aim to spread the word on the brand’s popular ColorStay 24HR Longwear Foundation. All treatments—blow-outs, manicures, pedicures, makeup applications—at the salon will be free of charge and will also come with a complimentary foundation for every guest. The salon will open its doors at 7am on Thursday, September 19th and will close for good at 7am on Friday, September 20th, operating out of Noho Studios.
Photography courtesy of Dior
LVMH Recherche Announces Research Partnership Between Dior and Kyoto University
This week, LVMH’s research arm announced an exciting new scientific partnership between Dior and Kyoto University’s Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA). The project will focus on the advancement of research on skin metabolism—the rate at which skin cells turn over and self-exfoliate, essentially—or, in technical terms, how “oxidative metabolism affects skinkeratinocyte self-renewal or differentiation capabilities.” The laboratory’s efforts will be overseen by Associate Professor Knut Woljen, with the centre providing “cells from healthy elderly donors and expertise in genome editing” to Dior’s scientists, marking the first partnership of its kind for the university. It’s a natural fit for Dior, a skincare brand with a two-decade-long history of stem cell research.
The post This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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franklyshipping · 5 years
Day 4 ~ Christmas 2019 Ego Fanfics
Alright people, Day number 4! Now, I personally think we're lacking a cute little zombie right now....LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @robbie-lee-zombie and @jack-leeboyman
I don’t know about you guys, but I for one like eating foods at times when society says you’re not meant to eat them. I think you all know what I’m about to talk about, but I’ll elaborate anyway. Advent calendars. Chocolate for breakfast that is not only socially acceptable, but it is in fact expected! I have to say that it is one of the most wonderful, delicious inventions to grace the mess that is humanity, and on this here day it is what we shall be focusing on. Needless to say….every single ego had their own personal advent calendar, but I think Robbie the Zombie’s was the absolute cutest.
The art depicted on the front of his had been designed by all the Septics and printed by the Googles, and it depicted stunning artwork of Robbie being cuddled by all the Septics, plus some purple pugs because why the heck not. Robbie was wiggling with excitement as he stroked his fingers over the three empty days, he was excited to have chocolate number four. However, as we all know, getting those little perforated cardboard flaps open can be darn fiddly, so someone always gave Robbie a little help with his; this morning it was Jackie-Boy Man.
‘Alright, I got one of the corners there, ya think you can do the rest?’
Robbie nodded with a determined grin as he narrowed his eyes at the little cardboard square.
‘Uh huh, I open it!’
Jackie laughed softly as he watched Robbie scrutinise everything, before delicately opening the little cardboard door. Robbie squeaked with delight when he achieved it, and looked at Jackie giddily.
‘I did it!’
Robbie purred when Jackie affectionately ruffled his hair, before the hero replied jovially.
‘Good job! Make sure you don’t miss any of that chocolate!’
Robbie nodded with a giggle, making Jackie smile fondly. The hero had never anticipated the prospect of having a child-like zombie for a little brother, but here and now he just couldn’t imagine his life without Robbie. He was so pure and special and perfect and Jackie loved him so damn much. Jackie sighed softly, wiggling in his lying-down position on the carpet so he could get comfy, when suddenly he felt something seemingly bump into his butt.
‘What the-? Oho, do you need some help too bud?’
Jackie shifted with a grin when he saw that it was none other than Gooper who had bonked his booty with a whiny gurgle, whilst dragging his own special advent calendar in tow. Everyone had made it especially for him, and instead of it being filled with chocolates it was filled with Gooper’s favourite thing in the entire world. Paperclips. Jackie eased up the corner of the little cardboard door with his fingernail, before grinning and nodding at Gooper.
‘Have at it!’
Gooper squealed and eagerly started poking and prodding and pulling at the little cardboard door, before it popped open to reveal a light green coloured paperclip. Gooper hopped up and down giddily before he absorbed the little piece of stationary into his body, for safe-keeping until he could add it to his stash later. Jackie giggled when the creature proceeded to nuzzle against his kneecap, and he scratched his underbelly gently.
‘You’re too frickin cute ya lil globbins!’
Gooper squealed and gurgled in delight from the underbelly attention, before he gurgled cutely in farewell and went about returning his advent calendar to its proper place. Jackie sighed happily as he absently looked back to Robbie….but then his eyes widened; the zombie was trying to open up next day’s door!
‘Ah, ah, ah buddy you know it’s only one choc per day!’
Jackie reached to get the advent calendar from Robbie, so he wouldn’t be tempted, but to the hero’s surprise Robbie gripped it to his chest and stuck his bottom lip out. Frankly, Robbie had come to the conclusion that these chocolates were very tasty and there was no reason why he shouldn’t have them all now.
‘Nuh! Robbie want chocs!’
Jackie raised an eyebrow at him, lowering his voice into his more reprimanding tone.
‘Robbie, give me the advent calendar.’
Robbie shook his head, and a little growl came from the back of his throat.
Jackie let out a surprised laugh….wow, Robbie must really have wanted these chocolates, and Jackie couldn’t really blame him. There’s always something about advent calendar chocolates that makes them so much more irresistible. However, Jackie knew he had to exercise discipline with his little brother. He stood, and easily snatched the advent calendar from Robbie’s weak hold, making the zombie whine and growl as Jackie pointed a finger down at him.
‘Sorry Robbie, I don’t make the advent calendar rules.’
Jackie went to go and put the calendar back on the mantle….not realising for one second….that he had awakened a beast. Robbie wanted those chocolates, and he wanted them badly, they just made him so fricking hungry! However, if Jackie was going to keep them from him, then Robbie figured that he’d have to find a substitute snack to satiate his hunger. He narrowed his eyes at Jackie as he crawled towards him deftly and silently. Then, he grasped Jackie’s shins.
‘I’m huuungryyy!’
Jackie jumped at the sudden grip on his shins, and his eyes widened when he saw Robbie snarling up at him; then, before the hero could even react, Robbie had grasped him and pulled him down to the floor.
‘W-Woah hey-HEY! L-Look we can f-find you another snack okay bud, w-we have other chocolates!’
Jackie gulped and shivered as Robbie crawled on top of him; as sweet as his little brother was, Jackie had to admit to himself that sometimes Robbie’s growls and snarls sent little chills down his spine. Especially now, when he was pinned down. Jackie hoped that Robbie would remember that the house was full of delicious snacks and thus let him go….but that was not to be the case.
‘Nuh uh….I want a waaarm snack. Waaarm and wriiiiiggly…'
Jackie gulped as Robbie pinned his arms above his head, leaning over him with a wide, toothy grin. The zombie was going to make his big brother sorry for taking away his chocolates, he was going to play a game with him….he was going to pretend he was his snack.
‘Wr-Wriggly? What k-kind of s-snack is wriggly?’
Jackie squeaked out, sounding a lot more nervous than he’d intended, which made Robbie giggle….and coo in happy delight.
Jackie’s eyes went wide, and he let out quite the high-pitched squeal as Robbie dove down to attack the crook of his neck with sloppy nuzzles and nibbles. Of course, Jackie’s whole body wriggled in response to the tickling; it was the hero’s number one weakness.
‘N-Nohoho n-noho I-I-I’m nahahat aha snahahack!’
Jackie cried out amidst his giggles, flustered as all hell as he prayed to whatever power existed that no-one would walk in on this, he’d never live it down! Oh god he could imagine Anti now, cooing about how he’d been bested by their littlest brother by just a few tickles, it didn’t bear thinking about! Robbie meanwhile, was already excited to gush about this to everyone else later.
‘Are toooo! So taaasty and soooft! Taaasty taasty taaaaasty!'
Jackie shook his head desperately, his cheeks turning a bright, flustered pink as he replied with flustered splutters.
‘N-N-Nohohoho b-behe quihihiet oho god be quihihihieeet!’
Robbie giggled into Jackie’s neck, making obnoxious slurpy noises at his skin teasingly as he cooed in response.
‘Robbie will be quiet if Jaaackie can be quiet!’
Jackie flushed almost as red as his crimson pyjamas as he writhed and snorted at Robbie’s eating noises, his giggling was non-stop now as Robbie absolutely gorged on every sensitive inch of Jackie’s neck.
‘Buhuhuhut Ihihi cahahahan’t! R-Rohohobbihie plehehehease!’
Robbie giggled and reared up and away from Jackie’s neck, letting out a giggly squeak when he saw how blushy and smiley his big hero brother was, he was so cute! Robbie figured that Jackie probably had other nummy tickle spots, so he cast his gaze over Jackie’s torso, humming to himself.
‘Hmmm….wheeeere should Robbie snack neeext?’
Jackie gulped at the sight of Robbie’s predatory gaze, and tried to struggle as he shook his head VERY adorably.
‘N-Nohowhere nowhere!’
Robbie giggled down at Jackie fondly, before setting his sights on where Jackie’s pyjama top had started to ride up. The grinning zombie slowly used his nose to push up the rest of the top, thus leaving Jackie’s lean belly exposed and on display. Robbie let out a soft, teasy purr as he brushed his lips over Jackie’s tummy, all while the hero tried and failed to suck it in.
‘But Rooobbie still huuuungry…sooo veeery huuungry….’
Jackie had goose-bumps all over and was trembling like a leaf….no-one, not even Anti, had made him feel so flustered with tickles until now, it was like it was Robbie’s superpower or something! Jackie had a shaky smile on his face as he looked at Robbie imploringly, his soft blue eyes were wide with nervousness.
‘P-Plehease R-Rohobbie, p-plehease nohot there!’
Robbie giggled at Jackie’s whimpers, before he grinned a frankly feral grin.
‘But Jackie tumtum looks so taaasty!’
Jackie’s eyes widened, and he let out a yelp and a snort, which soon became a plethora of snorts and cackly laughter as Robbie eagerly dined upon Jackie’s belly. Jackie was kicking his legs haphazardly, his feet hitting the carpet frantically as one of Jackie’s prime tickle spots was just absolutely tortured.
Robbie happily ignored his brother’s pleas, nipping the sides of his tummy eagerly as he crooned lovingly.
‘So sooft and nuuuummy, and so preeetty tooo…’
Jackie desperately hid in his forearm out of embarrassment, that kind of comment on his tummy flustered him so damn much; the hero wasn’t used to compliments like that, so the sweet guy just didn’t know how on earth to react aside from rejecting them.
Jackie cried out, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to block it all out. Robbie meanwhile, was absolutely flabbergasted! How could Jackie not know how pretty his belly was? Robbie thought it was one of the prettiest bellies he had ever seen! It was so smooth and warm and ticklish AND it had lots of cute little freckles dotted everywhere, like pretty stars in the night’s sky! Robbie couldn’t have Jackie denying his prettiness.
‘Is too! Say it!’
Robbie growled into Jackie’s belly, nibbling harder and sloppier which made Jackie arch his back desperately. The poor guy couldn’t harness his brain cells long enough to answer properly.
Robbie growled even more, which made the poor hero wail amidst his mirth; Robbie wasn’t going to let up on Jackie’s belly until Jackie admitted how pretty it was!
‘Say you have pretty belly! Saaaay iiit!’
Jackie was a mess of laughter, and he could feel himself sweating from all the energy he’d spent struggling; fun fact, Robbie’s strength outmatched all the Septic’s, even Jackie’s superhuman strength. Jackie knew he couldn’t escape, so agreeing was his only way to mercy.
Robbie hummed….then nibbled under Jackie’s navel. He knew his hero brother could do better than that.
Jackie shrieked, and complied pretty damn fast.
Robbie giggle, nuzzling Jackie’s belly one last time before leaning up with a fond giggle to his, now panting, brother.
‘Good Jackie-Booooy…’
Robbie cooed, whilst Jackie whined. His neck and tummy felt so tingly, and his face was so hot you could probably fry two darned eggs on it! He tentatively looked up at Robbie, speaking oh so preciously and meekly.
‘P-Plehease lehet me goho, I-I-I’m sohorry Rohobbie!’
Robbie cocked his head at Jackie fondly, Robbie just couldn’t get over how absolutely precious and adorable he was! Robbie decided then and there that he was definitely going to tickle Jackie more often, he was so ticklish and soft and precious; plus, Robbie loved being the evil tickler, he loved the feeling of making Jackie laugh and beg (this was totally not Anti’s influence). Robbie grinned, bringing Jackie’s arms down to pin them under his knees as he wiggled his fingers in the air over Jackie’s body.
‘But Jaaackie! Yooou’re so fuun to tickle! So so so so so fun!’
Robbie had seen his brothers do this sometimes, they’d hover their wiggly fingers in the air to make the tickles more teasy and the trapped person more giggly! Robbie giggled as he watched Jackie smile and squeak nervously beneath him, constantly watching his moving fingers as he stammered.
‘Thihis i-ihisn’t fahaaaair! I-I sahaid I wahas sorry!’
Jackie squirmed about, giggling despite his efforts to compose himself; the hero was definitely going to somehow have words with Anti regarding the influences Robbie was picking up.
‘Mmmm….yooou stiiill took my choooocs!’
Jackie gasped and squealed, but rather than descending into some climactic form of hysteria, he was encompassed by fit of squeaky giggles as Robbie used his blunt nails to lightly scratch at his hipbones. Robbie loved to see Jackie giggling, Jackie’s giggles were Robbie’s favourite giggles.
‘Ihihihi’ll gehehet yohohou mohore! Ihihihi’ll doho ahahanything!’
Literally, at this point Jackie was ready to do just about anything to get mercy, all this tickling was really tuckering the poor guy out, and they hadn’t even reached lunchtime yet! Robbie hummed curiously at Jackie’s words, wondering if he really would do anything to stop the tickles.
Jackie nodded frantically, gazing up at Robbie red-cheeked with the giddiest, most flustered grin known to man in place. His hips were tingling from Robbie’s scratches and his energy was waning.
‘Yehehes yehehehes!’
Jackie’s eyes were starting to water as Robbie thought for a few moments….before having mercy and humming. Jackie caught his breath and looked up at Robbie, nervously wondering if the cheeky guy was going to get him to do something silly or embarrassing…but what Robbie asked was not what the hero had been expecting.
‘….build fort with Robbie?’
Robbie was slumped on Jackie as he looked down at him nervously. Robbie had always wanted to build the biggest, best blanket fort ever with Jackie…but Jackie was nearly always out on mission, or training in the gym, or training with Silver, Dark or Anti. Robbie knew Jackie was an important busy hero, but he was Robbie’s special inspiring hero too, and Robbie always wanted to spend more time with him.
‘You….you just wanna build a fort?’
Jackie asked curiously, to which Robbie nodded softly, and Jackie softly smiled. Jackie knew he wasn’t there for Robbie as much as he should be, he was a busy guy…but one thing Jackie was going to take from this year was that time with his brothers, time with Robbie, was more important than anything else. Jackie smiled and sat up, spurring Robbie to shift, and when he did so, Jackie cupped Robbie’s face in his hands lovingly.
‘Oh Robbie, we’re not just gonna build a fort….we’re gonna build a super hero headquarters! A special base just for me and you, with password protection, fairy lights, cushions, blankets….and tons of snacks. Does that sound good?’
Robbie’s eyes had been getting wider and wider the more Jackie talked about what he wanted to build with him, and when he’d finished all Robbie could do was squeal and eagerly hug Jackie, before they set about building the most amazing heroic base that anyone has ever seen. And you can bet that they ate all the damn chocolate that they could lay their hands on too.
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nqbuddy · 6 years
Let's stop being snobs about Northampton Town Festival
Let’s stop being snobs about Northampton Town Festival
Northampton Town Festival has been the victim of snobbery over the years.
Among the eclectic mix of events that make up the public social calendar in a Noho summer, this is the one that is ‘the commercial one’.
A lot of the traders and food concessions are festival pros who buy pitches at festivals all over the country. The arena events are packed with acts that travel in the same way.
But as I…
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lifewithoutmeds · 7 years
march 27th
so much happens these days that i literally need to look at my calendar to figure out what’s been going on.
so last i wrote seemed to be last wednesday?  don’t really remember much of what happened.  per Yelp, i seem to have gone to meet the boy in burbank at The Blue Room at or around 8:30 and i have a few beers while I wait and then have a few beers while he’s there.  i’m my new weirdly affectionate self, hugging him, and constantly having my arm around him or touching his head like some new weirdo person.  we go out and smoke and meet people who smoke and they ask about us and he hugs me and says, “this is my best friend.”  i think afterward .... i think, shoot, i think we might’ve gone to SG.  i think his bud M was there so we go over and maybe have a few beers?  i don’t remember.  i do remember though as soon as we go in, this girl makes a beeline for me, and stands right next to me, slightly touching me while we sit and i awkwardly sort of nod and say hi and don’t know how to escape, as normally i’d be flattered but ahhh, i’m with a guy right now.  at some point she leaves and the boy talks to her and she sort of shrugs and says, “but she’s my type” and after that i’m kind of keeping an eye on her throughout the night.  right before we leave i bump into her in the bathroom and excuse myself for not having tipped her earlier and give her the rest of my money, which happens to only be like $3 or $4 and she unexpectedly leads over and kisses me briefly on the lips, and i am floored.  i am always floored by the lip kiss.  i awkwardly stumble away.
thursday....not sure what happens.  but i think friday i go to meet the boy for sushi in noho, and he wants to hang for a bit after, and we throw around some options before he reluctantly settled on SG again.  i was like, what’s the hesitation?  it’s nearby, it has cheap beer, and i think he was like, why do we always end up there, but whatever.
so we go, and we each get a pitcher of beer and things are rolling and i’m keeping my eye on the clock and it’s 7:30 and i want to be out by 8, before the 8 pm shift, partly to get him home, and in the event that the DJ is on the late shift, and right on cue, at 7:30 she walks in and strides right up to me and it takes me a second to register who she is and i get off my stool and she hugs me while saying, “hello, stranger.”  for a second there is an awkward pause and she excuses herself to go fix her hair, and the boy is staring at me and my staring into nothingness and notes that my hand is shaking and keeps asking, what’s wrong?  What’s wrong?!  i quickly drain my beer and we head out to the car just as she gets onto the stage, and i weepingly tell him things in the car, and he is pretty pissed.  i think he’s like, why would you bring me, a guy who likes you, to a place where you like a girl?  how rude is that?  which is true.  the DJ is texting me asking me where i went and when the boy leaves in a huff, shakily i head back to the bar and sit myself down, order another pitcher of beer, and sit down, ready to self-destruct.
we chat some, i see her dance out of the corner of my eye, she’s as good as i would have imagined, she checks in with me now and then, her bud nora arrives and i take a look and they go and sit at a table together.  i see her give a very sensual lap dance here and there.  and i’m drinking and meeting random guys and hours later, we’re all have a rollicking good time, and i’m friends with everybody, and they’re hugging me and giving me advice and all seems fine and dandy, and i see the girl from the other night, whom i will call Stripper #3, and i’m making eyes at her but she’s not approaching today for some reason, and by the end of the night a guy leans over to her and points to me and says something like, “i think we both have a crush on you.  let’s party tonight” or something but she’s like i can’t, i have this thing tomorrow.  at 2 am the bar closes and the bouncer ushers us out and i give her my phone number and the guys are like, ‘let’s keep this party going!  let’s keep drinking!’ and i’m like, “yheaaa!” and we’re all ready to go who knows where when it occurs to me that this is insanity and i suddenly take off running to my car, crouch down, and nap for two hours until i’m ready to drive home.
saturday i’m depressed out of my mind and can’t move.  the DJ texts and is asking if i will tell her what’s going on, and that people were worried about me, that coked up strangers were asking about me, and i sort of shrug and am like, whatevs, who cares.  i meet AL for breakfast and i tell her things, and she listens, wide-eyed, and i get alternately hysterical and very sad, and when she leaves, i feel extra depleted, feeling stupid and sad and drained and the boy is mad and the DJ is mad and Stripper 3 hasn’t called.  that night i ask if the DJ wants these doggy bags i had bought for Stripper 2 and she says ok so i drive over to the valley and sit for a while with my club soda until i see her and push them over to her.  we chat for a few minutes before i leave, feeling sad and stupid and that so much had been wasted.
sunday fortunately i have plans to go to church with lanz.  we meet up, go to church, eat indian food for lunch, and walk to old town where she buys some shoes and i let her read the letter and she hugs me and cries and says to remove the last two paragraphs and don’t give it to the DJ, that she doesn’t deserve it.  she goes home, and i go home, and i’m sad and lonely and things feel stupid.
monday i sleep in till nearly noon, pretty depressed out of my mind, and then clean some and then decide i need to see people so i go to Damon’s and order a prime rib and get super shit faced on mai tai’s.  i then proceed to drunkenly text the DJ, forward her the damn letter, text DL, take a call from the boy, and then text the DJ all the way home, even falling flat on my face as i held the phone, and then upon arriving home, GY calls and i lose my shit, sobbing, wailing, unraveling, confessing, and having what could be called a nervous breakdown.
today at work, exhausted, yawning, and trying to stay awake as per usual, i get concerned follow up texts from the GY, and now even in the library i get a series of angry, frustrated texts from the lanz, as apparently GY had texted her urgently at 11:30 last night, trying to figure out how best to help me.  they all want me to stop going to these places, to stop spending my time and money there, to stop chasing strippers who don’t want me.  makes sense.  but.  i’ve got a new crush.  and i want to see her one more time.  it’s stupid.  but i do.  and i’m waiting on facebook’s update so i can see if she’s there tonight, because if she is, then i will be too, and then i’ll stop.  because i know it’s not right, but i just want to see her one last time.
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cseeds89 · 7 years
growing cannabis outdoors
Massachusetts' highest court docket recently issued a first-of-its-kind ruling that says employers can't fire employees simply for being medical marijuana patients. Anxiety disorders have a tendency to persist, even in day-to-day life. Cannabidiol Reduces the Anxiousness Induced by Simulated PRESENTING AND PUBLIC SPEAKING in Treatment-Naïve Social Phobia Patients. At Noho's Finest, a medical pot dispensary in the Los Angeles area, Damaris Diaz bank checks the scent and stickiness of her products. She observed an Israeli documentary from that 12 months that confirmed children with ASD changed by medical cannabis. It was at the beginning of 2017 whenever a research study was published when a six yr old child, affected by a specific form of autism, for approximately six months was cured with Healing Cannabis with high THC items. I consume because it makes my nervousness and melancholy much simpler to deal with; when I smoke, the part of my brain that will keep telling me to be concerned calms down. Used accurately, medical weed reduces several symptoms - including nausea and trouble eating. Because of this, especially combat-veterans who have accessed their cannabis cards have come out in great support of how medical marijuana is changing their lives and lowering their panic and depression. Thus far, research on cannabis as a cancer tumor treatment is mostly limited to cells and animals. Musty RE, Rossi R. ministry of cannabis big bud auto of smoked cannabis and oral Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on nausea and emesis after cancer chemotherapy: a review of state professional medical trials. Which means that after the patient is becoming familiar with the oils use, each medication dosage they can be ingesting will equal 8 to 9 drops every 8 hours and in many cases, I've seen patients which may have got no trouble ingesting even far more. Co-Author of the analysis, Dr. Carrie Cuttler , said, The actual effects of cannabis on stress do may actually extend beyond the time of intoxication.” Having looked at 40 test topics, who experienced used cannabis regularly during the last calendar year, and 42 people who acquired taken it only ten times in their life, and not at all in the previous year, the analysis discovered that regular cannabis users enjoy a muted stress response to those who don't take the herb. Cannabis-In-Cachexia-Study-Group, Strasser F, Luftner D, Possinger K, et al. Evaluation of orally implemented cannabis extract and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in dealing with patients with cancer-related anorexia-cachexia symptoms: a multicenter, phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled scientific trial from the Cannabis-In-Cachexia-Study-Group. In 2013, the diagnosis shifted to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Mothers Advocating Medical Pot for Autism (MAMMA) is a mother or father advocacy group with chapters in seven U.S. claims (Az, Georgia, NY, Pennsylvania, Tx, Iowa, and Illinois). We are well aware of the issues around drug costs and availableness - for example, the recent situations with abiraterone and vemurafenib - and we are moving for companies to make new treatments available at a good price. Studies have shown cannabis assisting prevent cancer skin cells dispersing and infecting healthy skin cells. We pride ourselves in offering a huge selection of strains of prize receiving, artisan, and hand-trimmed cannabis blooms with varying degrees of THC and CBD.
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