#No-Drain Pool Water Treatment
zooeytang · 1 year
Have a cool factory tour with us, fascinating rainwater harvesting modular tank workshop
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shadowsandshapes · 5 months
𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐈𝐓 𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 | afab!Reader/Geto Suguru
◇ summary: Sometimes you forget Geto is just a guy. But then he shows a sense of vulnerability that surprises you. After a particularly emotionally draining battle, you run him a warm bath and take care of his aches. ◇ contains: Friends To Lovers, Pining, Reverse Comfort, Splish-Splash Water Activities, Casual Nudity, Fluff ◇ tag: @the-milk-anon ◇ wc: [4.1K] (Ao3)
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Suguru Geto was just a man.
You tended to forget about that fact every once in a while. To most people, he was this mysterious, enigmatic Buddhist priest — a healer who never turned away a soul in need. A kind, smiling man who received the ill and distraught and cured their worries with a simple wave of a hand. It was a carefully crafted image that came almost naturally to Geto. You had to admire his acting skills. The truth was much, much darker than that. Geto was building an army of curses and those people were merely tools he used to achieve that, a means to an end. Their pain meant nothing to him. Only a select few people ever got to see the real Suguru Geto, the man behind the polite smiles and unparalleled poise — and they better pray to whatever god was listening they never crossed him in a bad way.
He was so kind, patient and understanding with fellow curse users. There was a deep, caring fondness in his eyes whenever Geto looked at you or the little girls he had adopted all those years ago. Every sorcerer under his wing had his seal of approval. More than just that, you were a family in Geto’s eyes — with him as your just but stern patriarch. He cared for you in his own way and built his entire philosophy on wanting to see his fellow curse users thrive in a world that had been cruel to their very existence.
A beautiful wish — in theory.
It was easy to forget that only a lucky few received such gentle treatment from him.
Each time Geto cut down a civilian, you were reminded of how monstrous he could truly be. They were ants beneath his boot. Inferior, useless beings not even worth keeping as a pet. He didn’t even blink as their blood tainted the earth beneath his feet, pooling toward him and staining the bottom edge of his robes. Their cries for mercy went unheard, morphing into a chilling scream as one of Geto’s many curses tore them limb from limb. No matter how often you witnessed the man’s cruelty manifesting like this — it never got any easier to digest. The crunching of bone and snapping of tendons sent a chill down your spine, each brutal rip of flesh echoing in your brain as you closed your eyes to the horrors. 
Curses were easy to kill — humans were not.
Geto’s eyes were cold, devoid of any emotion as their lifeless bodies slumped to the ground. He didn’t care. They weren’t people in his eyes. Dealing with them was as easy as snuffing out a candle or flipping a switch. You approached him, as you always did, and placed a hand on his shoulder. A subtle tension settled in his muscles as you touched him — like every inch of his body was on high alert, burning with adrenaline and subdued rage.
Those people, those insects, they were inferior to you and him in every way. Monkeys. Nothing but the scum of the earth.
But Suguru Geto was a man. And no matter how much he liked to pretend the faces of the people he killed didn’t haunt his dreams, he couldn’t lie to himself forever. You saw the emptiness in his eyes and knew it was difficult to distance himself from what he was doing to these people. Even if he genuinely believed it was necessary. 
“Let’s go home,” you offered, wanting nothing more than to take him away from the nightmare he had created. Geto nodded — the movement of his head was slow and sluggish like he wasn’t quite there, present in the moment with you. You couldn’t blame him. 
As soon as your soft fingers brushed against his palm, Geto blinked, regaining some of his senses. A smile returned to his face but you couldn’t help but notice how the shine didn’t quite reach his eyes. This was merely a feeble attempt at saving face — he wanted to show you how strong he was for you, for everyone, but you knew better. 
He followed you in silence, using the grasp of your hand as a tether to keep him grounded in reality. No matter how dark things got, Geto could always rely on you to bring him back to the light. How did you do it, he wondered, shuffling after you as you led him back home, staring at the back of your head while his mind came down from the mental paralysis brought about by his misdeeds. Killing the weak, shaping humanity for the next step of evolution — it was easy to get lost in his own head doing what he did. All for the greater good. Some days Geto wondered if and when he’d lose his mind. It was a grim prospect.
Perhaps he already had.
It wasn’t until you made it back to Geto’s borrowed estate that the man was able to come back to earth. His eyes locked onto his reflection in a hallway mirror as he passed by. The blood and sweat caked to his skin burned like a raging inferno as he caught sight of it. He looked — cursed. Monstrous and vile. It wasn’t right. Geto didn’t want to feel this way anymore — this soiled, broken image of a tyrant wasn’t how he wanted to be perceived. But even he couldn’t deny the truth the mirror was showing him. 
Something had to be done.
“Would you draw me a bath?” His voice was quiet, barely rising above a whisper. You almost thought your ears were deceiving you when he first asked the question.
Such an honest request — its simplicity caught you off guard for a second. When you looked at him now, you didn’t see your fearless leader or the enigmatic priest – Geto just seemed lost instead. His brow was furrowed, taut with concern and uneasiness. Deep lines, ones you had never noticed before, carved their way across his forehead, making the man look much older than he really was. Your hand tightened its grip on his palm and he smiled at the touch. It was a small and insignificant gesture, but it was enough for him. For once in his life, Geto was asking for help. He needed you.
Maybe not you, specifically, you told yourself. But you would not deny him this vulnerability.
“Of course.” You tugged the man along behind you as you headed for the bathroom without delay. Geto followed quietly, letting you be his guide both mentally and physically. You wouldn’t lead him astray, he trusted you in that and more. His sweet, loyal little sorcerer. The world was desperately yearning for more people like you. It was starved for the type of tenderness your touch could provide — Geto himself could relate to that sentiment, more than he would ever admit out loud. 
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You sat on the edge of the bath, waiting for it to fill up and making sure the water's temperature was to his liking. Suguru came up behind you and gave you a pat on the back, a tired smile tugging at the edge of his lips. He was exhausted but your presence felt like a comforting blessing. This life would be miserable for a regular person but you were one of the few people able to understand his struggles.
From the corner of your eye, you spotted Suguru disrobing. Without another word, you left the tub to fill up and assisted in removing the layers upon layers of ceremonial garb. His eyes softened as he watched your deft hands loosening his robes. It was always such a hassle getting them on and off—you knew he tended to struggle with that. He didn’t even have to ask for help, you just appeared whenever he needed you. 
Your brow creased as you tugged at the silks, your frustration apparent in the soft huff that escaped your lips.
“I know, I know—why do I wear this thing in the first place?” Suguru asked, anticipating the question floating around in your head.
“I know why. Showmanship. It sells the whole holier-than-thou act.” You slid the first layer off his shoulders, carefully folding the garment so it wouldn't crumple. “Doesn't make it less annoying to take off, though.”
Suguru laughed. “It's a good thing you're here then. I can use the extra hands.”
You were so adorably meticulous as you helped him undress, Surugu couldn’t help but smile at the way you carefully folded and stowed away each layer of clothing. For all your complaining about his little priest get-up, you sure did show it a lot of respect. Even though you knew it was essentially just a prop, you moved his clothes onto the bathroom counter with the utmost care. Suguru noticed the way your fingers lingered against the fabric as you smoothed out any wrinkles.
So gentle. Soft. 
In contrast, Suguru was jagged. Marred with blemishes that would never truly heal. He was willing to risk life and limb for his cause and the evidence of that could be found within the deep, unsightly scars on both body and soul.
You caught sight of these marks as Suguru removed his hadajuban—laying himself bare. This wasn’t the first time you’d seen him naked and you knew better than to pry about his healed injuries. Sorcerers who could heal others were in short supply, doubly so for your little family of rogue curse users. As a result, any injury sustained in battle would have to heal the natural way—which left a myriad of scars behind. This time, he’d gotten away with just a few bumps and bruises but that didn’t mean Suguru would be as lucky next time around. You couldn’t help but release a sigh. He looked tired. Dried blood crusted his hair and trailed down the side of his neck and chest. You made a mental note to take care of that as soon as possible. 
When the bath was full, Suguru didn’t waste time sinking into the warm water and closed his eyes with a satisfied grunt.
"Do you want me to leave you in peace or should I wash your hair?" you asked, moving a little side table closer with all kinds of soaps and shampoos, brushes and sponges. If he wanted to be by himself, you would respect his wishes but a part of you really wanted to be there for Suguru. He didn’t seem quite himself tonight.
"You can stay, sweet girl," he replied simply and opened his eyes to meet you with a faint smile. As much as Suguru loved being alone, he was always comforted whenever you decided to stick around. "Your company is nice," he added as your eyes followed the movement of his hand as he splashed the bathwater, the realization of what Suguru was implying slowly setting in. “Why don’t you join me?”
Oh. Okay.
"Give me a minute," you said and scooched to the corner of the room to unrobe.
His eyes never left you—you could feel his gaze in the back of your head as you shed each and every layer of clothing until you were completely bare. Despite this sense of awareness, you felt comfortable. Suguru had that effect. Any other man laying eyes upon you like this would make your skin crawl, but not him. The bond of trust between the two of you was stronger than that. You didn't feel the need to hide from Suguru—there was a sense of respect to his gaze, an appreciation for your body as if it were a priceless artifact.
After safely stowing away your own garments, you climbed into the warm water right alongside him–leaning on the opposite side of the tub with a blissful sigh on your lips.
"You may be the prettiest sorcerer I've ever seen," Suguru commented, the heat of the bath and the exhaustion of the day making his voice raspier than normal. Damn–he was exhausted.
"You're just saying that."
"Am I?" Suguru questioned back, staring as you waved a hand, dismissing his compliment, and grabbed a sponge to lather your skin. “Am I lying?” he prompted again–pushing you to look at him and truly think about it.
This was not the first time the two of you had bathed together–and in that time he had always found a way to steal a glance or two whenever he could, discreetly admiring just how utterly breathtaking you were. But there was no hiding his appreciation this time. There was a raw honesty to his expression that took you by surprise, making your hands pause mid-scrub as you let out a quiet chuckle in response.
"You're not lying, you're being polite," you said. "Come here, you've got blood on you."
You leaned forward in the tub, placing the sponge on his chest and rubbing it in small circles to loosen up the grime stuck to his skin.
Each stroke and drag of the sponge had an almost ritualistic quality to it. With these gentle, careful touches you managed to banish all of Suguru’s burdens and aches. If he didn’t know any better, Suguru would have thought you were casting a spell on him. He let you clean him, his heart skipping a beat as he felt the gentle touch of your hands. In the midst of everything he does, this moment, this feeling was the closest thing he had had to being human in a very long time. You were careful and concentrated as you worked, taking care to clean and wash him properly. His chest, arms and stomach all got a gentle scrub. When the grime and dirt were all gone, you turned your attention to his injuries. Nothing too serious at first glance but your brow still furrowed with worry. Your focus then shifted to his older injuries, scars that told of many battles. Your fingers reached out and traced them gently, almost absentmindedly as you quietly admired his strength.
"You know, you deserve a little tenderness every now and then," you said. It almost sounded like you were scolding him for being so rough all the time but Suguru knew you didn't mean it that way.
"A little tenderness, huh?" he echoed—wondering if he truly qualified for such a luxury.
"Mhm," you hummed in agreement, placing the used sponge back on the side table. You would take care of yourself later—right now Suguru needed some attention. Something to wash away not just the literal grime of the day, but also soothe his mind and soul. If you could help with that, you would. You scooted a little closer into his arms, sitting on your knees. "Let me wash your hair...c'mon. Then we can get out of this tub."
He was surprised by your forwardness and your little maneuver to get into his arms in particular. Suguru did not mind it one bit. He had always been curious to see just how far you'd take things between the two of you. No matter how much he wanted to deny it, nothing made him feel as safe as letting you be near him.
"That sounds nice," he replied, smiling softly at the idea.
Your fingers gently massaged his scalp, running through his long hair to detangle it gently. Your eyes remained focused on Suguru as you worked, soaping up his hair and running your fingers along all the little pressure points you could find. The touch was soothing and relaxing, rubbing away the tension on his brow and scalp with each pass of the fingers.
The more you worked, the more his stress melted away. After a while, he couldn't help but let out a quiet moan from the satisfaction your hands provided. Your touch was different—it felt genuine. There was something almost otherworldly to it.
He let his eyes drift closed, allowing the sensations to overcome him as he leaned his head onto you for more comfort. Seeing him this blissful and happy did bring a smile to your face. When his hair was thoroughly shampooed, you took a small cup from the side table and filled it with bath water. One of your hands rested against Suguru's forehead, preventing water from cascading down his face as you rinsed the soap from his hair with the little cup.
"Feeling good?"
"Very," he replied with a smile, his eyes still closed in blissful relaxation. There were few people in the world who could make him feel like this. Few people he trusted so deeply that he'd ever put himself in a situation where he was truly relaxed, vulnerable and at your mercy. "What about you? Are you feeling well?" he added with a tilt of his head, his breathing slightly shaky from your touch.
You nodded quietly, fishing a bottle of leave-in conditioner from the side table. It was yours, but you didn't mind sharing it with Suguru for once. You spread the product between your fingers before gently running it through his hair. It smelled just like you.
"I'm just glad to see you finally relaxing a little," you said, massaging the leave-in conditioner onto his roots.
Normally he would be against the idea of someone taking care of him like this. He was the strong one—the protector, after all. But he decided to surrender his pride to you and let you be the one in charge for now. You were a special case. You were the one friend that he trusted so dearly.
"I was only able to relax because..." he trailed off, deciding to show his vulnerable and honest self for once and finally admitting the truth. "Because of you, sweet girl. You always go above and beyond for me," he added, letting out another satisfied sigh.
The gravity of those words made you halt your movements for a second. But only for a second. Suguru could see you took what he had said to heart—a small, genuine smile forming on your lips as you continued to pamper and care for him. As soon as you were satisfied with your work, you rinsed off your hands in the water.
"I'm glad I can bring you some peace," you whispered. 
"I'm glad too."
You were done. Bathed, pampered and cleaned from top to bottom, which meant it was time to get out of the tub. He watched as your smile flourished and found himself smiling back as well. You always managed to brighten up any room, just by being you. No matter what misery Suguru found himself in, you were a spark of hope. Of love. And if he were a braver man he’d tell you this.
Suguru took hold of your hands and helped you up, a warmth growing inside his chest when you took his hand. "Shall we get out of here?"
"Yeah," you said being careful not to slip and fall on the slippery surface as you rose from the tub. One of the racks on the wall held clean towels: you handed Suguru one and took another for yourself, then returned to the tub to drain the water and stow away all the things you had used. Suguru took the towel and started drying himself off. Once he was finished, he returned the towel to you and put on his robe before stepping over towards you.
"Come here. I have something I'd like to show you," he said in a low tone of voice. It felt different when he spoke to other people. He had such a way with words when it came to you, and it caught you off-guard every time.
You had retrieved one of the robes too, wrapping it around yourself and tying the ends of the waist shawl to keep it closed. Your eyes found Suguru's as he approached you: they widened ever so slightly when he placed a hand on the back of your neck.
"What is it, Geto?"
He continued to gaze at you quietly, a slight grin tugging on his lips.
"Close your eyes," he said after a small pause. His voice was soft and quiet. There was a different kind of warmth to it now, a hint of intimacy that he had yet to display with you. "I have...something I feel like showing to you." Suguru could feel your skepticism even as you obeyed this command, chuckling at the suspicious little pout on your lips. You were wary of him–but decided to place your trust in his hands regardless. "No funny business. I promise."
Suguru was being a little disingenuous right now, he knew that. All he really wanted in this moment was to admire you for a moment, to work up the courage to speak on what was in his heart. But it was hard. He'd faced countless horrors and consumed the rot of the world all for the sake of his unfathomable dream. In that pursuit, he'd felt lonely. And then you came along. You meant the world to him—and the fact that you weren't aware of this was a most unforgivable deception. 
What are dreams if they’re not shared with the one you love most?
He sighed. His hands moved to cradle your face, gently resting against your cheeks as his thumbs stroked the soft skin beneath his palm. You were so beautiful—Suguru could stall no longer. He should bury these feelings. Really. It was the safer bet, but it would kill him to keep lying to you.
"Open your eyes please." As soon as you did what he asked, a smile spread across his face and his eyes immediately locked with yours. "What do you see when you look at me?" he asked. The question carried something raw–a vulnerability you were not used to seeing from Suguru. You immediately knew this was serious. "Do you see someone worthy of your time? Worth your trust?"
"What–of course I do, Geto. You have my trust and time. Always."
You could hear the relief in his breath. The pure affection shining in his eyes was in such contrast to the coldness he normally expressed that it was difficult to grasp the truth. This wasn’t one of those fake, practiced smiles he had mastered in the name of manipulation—no. Suguru looked thoroughly smitten—almost miserably so.
"I just... wanted to make sure." His voice was shaky and unsteady. "I don't want to lose you."
"You're not going to lose me," you assured him.
"Promise me you won't leave me," he replied, his voice shaking with intensity. Too many people had let him down—too many souls had left his care.  "I don't have anything without you."
"I promise," you affirmed—voice steady and certain. The only thing you wanted was to make him happy. To bring him relief and peace when he needed it. Leaving him was the furthest thing from your mind. You were in this together.
"Thank you," he whispered.
"You have nothing to thank me for, Geto," you said, brushing your thumb against his cheek. This must have been difficult for him to do, you realized. Confessing one's true feelings and desires was never easy. For a man like Suguru, doubly so. "Now that your cards are on the table, what's next?"
"I...I want to kiss you more than anything," he replied quietly. "I want you and I need you. Is that too much to ask?"
How could you refuse him? You couldn't. Not when he was this vulnerable and real for once in his life. The hand on his cheek continued to gently caress his face, even as you leaned in to grant his wish. Your lips found his as you kissed him, answering his question in the only way you could.
Suguru Geto was just a man. And he would never be too much for you.
He wanted this more than anything, and the moment you felt his lips on yours, a wave of relief washed over him.
Suguru wasted no time pulling you closer as he let out a quiet moan into your mouth. It felt almost unreal that he was showing this much intimacy to you. All other thoughts were lost as you let the moment wash over you, allowing yourself to sink into his kiss. Suguru felt like he couldn't possibly get enough of you. This was love. It couldn't just be a passing fancy or lust. You meant so much to him that the very thought of anyone or anything taking you away from him made him sick.
Suguru allowed himself to be weak—just this once.
"...I want you," he said, breaking the kiss with a breathless sigh.
Hearing those words, that spontaneous admission of desire, made your heart skip a beat. Suguru, who was always so deliberate and collected, was desperate enough to say something like that in the heat of the moment.
"You already have me."
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Reading about the cultural and social importance of bathing throughout Chinese history (because I am exactly the kind of person who spends hours reading about the cultural and social importance of bathing throughout Chinese history for no particular reason on a Tuesday night) and obviously now I'm imagining the sects all lowkey competing with regards to their public baths -- or at least the ones meant for visiting disciples and dignitaries.
The Jin are obviously doing The Most and being incredibly tacky about it. The floor of the bath is made of gold tile that dull super quickly and the whole tub needs to be frequently drained so the tiles can be deep cleaned and polished, and of course once they're shiny they reflect light up and through the water in a way that's actually really distracting. The bath bean has crushed pearls and seventy four different types of flowers in it. The benches are intricately engraved and inlaid with gems in places that pinch your butt when you sit on them.
The Nie have a natural hot spring that they have turned into their main public bath. The massive cavern houses a number of varying-sized pools, some of which interconnect and others of which are freestanding. The free standing pools are typically treated with different soaks to give the water various medicinal properties (most often for things like muscle aches or minor injuries, but also for skincare and such.) I imagine the Nie recipe for bath-bean would include animal fat and pancreas, making it very rich and cleansing.
Part of me wants to say the Jiang would just bathe in the lake but that seems cheap to me, so instead: Through a combination of well-placed pipes and clever array work, the Jiang bath house feels like a mini indoor rainstorm, with water falling in thousands of warm droplets from the ceiling above to fill the pools, which are more shallow that a typical bath would be. There are built-in overhangs you can sit under to get out of the "rain" while still being in the water. If requested the rain can be "turned up" and the lights dimmed, and cymbals crash so you feel like you're really standing out in a raging thunderstorm, which some people find incredibly soothing and others find terrifying. I can't think of anything unique for the bath bean other than lotus flowers but I do think, given the proximity to the river, that mud wraps would be a common treatment offered.
The Lan... probably have the worst public baths, actually. They may not even actually have a public bath at all. If they do have one, it's not meant to be a place of luxury or entertainment, although of course it would be tastefully decorated and comfortable. Rather they'd find some way to make public bathing less about socializing and more about silently meditating while pretending you aren't surrounded by other naked people. I guess the cold springs kind of sort of count as a public bath but not really. Bath bean smells distinctly medicinal, but obviously whatever is in it works, because the Lan all look Like That.
The public bath in Qishan stopped being a popular attraction when Wen Ruohan stopped having visitors, but for years their bath was one hell of a marvel. Massive, bronze statues of phoenixes would be heated until glowing-hot and then lowered into the stone tub, filling the air with thick steam. Patrons would sit around the room on their benches, sweating it out until the statues had cooled enough for the water to be safe to enter. If you wanted a cold bath, the adjoining room was also home to a massive bronze statue, this one of a dragon that sat in the center of the tub and poured cool water out of it's mouth. Bath bean was made with plant ash rather than rice or soybean powder, and the water was all treated with volcanic ash.
And, because I am Me, the Wei sect: I'm imagining a dark hall deep in the cave systems, the floor lined with man made in-ground pools of varying sizes not entirely unlike the Nie baths, however these pools aren't connected to an outside water source or each other. There are illusion arrays carved into the walls that send out glowing, ghostly shapes of fish and otters and other river creatures swimming through the air. The pools are filled through overhead pipes that pour water, oils, and herbal mixtures into the pool, and each pool has access to it's own set of labeled levers, so a person or group of people can customize their bath while they're having it, adding more cool water, hot water, or various add-ins. The bath bean is more of a paste due to the addition of a ton of collagen. (They get it from the kitchen's bone broth. The bones are not human, but that doesn't stop visiting disciples from scaring each other about it. Don't piss off the Yiling Louzu or you'll end up in the soap.)
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sloshed-cinema · 1 year
Thank You for Smoking (2005)
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Shit’s fucked, yo!  American corporate capitalism is a well-oiled machine with everyone looking out for number one while stepping on the necks of the masses.  Industries peddle their wares to easily bribed politicians and poison the minds of a gullible populace with a narrative of rugged individualism and personal responsibility.  News agencies seek out the latest news bite, chumming the water with controversy and rage in order to draw out the most dramatic moment from the news cycle.  And those individuals enacting out these larger machinations on a personal level, well they just have to do what they have to in order to get through the day.  Nick Naylor is just paying the mortgage.  Heather Holloway uses unconventional means to get her exposé.  Lorne Lutch seethes with anger at the industry over his treatment following his cancer diagnosis after years of representing them as the Marlboro Man, but couldn’t turn down a buyout to support his family.  Sen Ortolan Finistirre seethes with anger at the industry over their callous disregard for human life, but is outplayed at every turn in verbal sparring.  It’s a fucked up world, and this film can only cackle madly as society circles the drain.  But where the strength of this satire lies is in its respect for the audience and its characters.  None of these characters are pure evil or wholly good, and the acknowledgement that everyone has their price is simply the world we live in.  It’s zippy and splashy and has the same multimedia collage treatment as the likes of The Big Short or Don’t Look Up, and yet it never draws attention to the freeze-frames, subtitles, and graphic inserts.  Rather, they’re simply that: sight gags and one-off bits, a commercial treatment for a worldview of a man who would sell death itself and put a positive spin on it.  Perhaps Adam McKay should be forced to watch this on loop Ludovico Technique style before he’s allowed to dip his toe into the pool of satire again.
Aaron Eckhardt sells the huckster Nick Naylor effortlessly through his snappy delivery and wry grins.  Yet when he winks, there’s a hint of shark eyes there: does he truly care about anyone or anything?  He’s self-aware to a fault, and knows how to construct an argument, and yet there’s always that libertarian devil on the shoulder.  A discussion with his son about whether America has the bestest government in the history of ever begins with the exhausting air of that opening Sorkin speech from the first episode of The Newsroom.  But there’s a twist of the knife here.  Naylor knows that America’s system is fucked up, but he’s perfectly content to exploit those flaws.  He knows that an argument isn’t so much about winning, or proving himself correct, but rather convincing the popcorn-munching masses that the other person is wrong.  It’s kind of heartbreaking to see his son take this in, start to get all of the wrong ideas from this No U Fox News approach to rhetoric.  And yet it’s unsurprising.  Shit’s fucked, yo!
Someone says ‘tobacco’.
Voiceover narration begins.
Someone names a year.
Insane acronym.
Lobbyists meet at their regular restaurant.
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Best Varicocele Treatment: Effective Ways to Cure Varicocele Naturally Without Surgery
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Varicocele is a medical condition that affects the veins within the scrotum. It's akin to varicose veins found in the legs. This is a very common occurrence in males, specifically those between the ages of 15 and 25 years old and is the primary reason behind a decrease in the quality and quantity of sperm produced and can lead to infertility. This article focuses on varicocele in-depth, as well as its causes, possible complications, triggers from diet and the importance of homeopathic varicocele treatment without surgery.
It's an abnormal enlargement of veins in the scrotum. It is particularly evident in the pampiniform-plexus region which is a vein network which drain blood from the testicles. The condition is caused when the valves within these veins which regulate blood flow fail and blood pools and causing swelling.
Complications of Varicocele
While not all varicoceles create problems, they can contribute to significant problems, particularly if the best varicocele treatment is not adhered to:
Infertility: It is the most serious complication of varicocele. The accumulation of blood in the veins could result in an increase in scrotal temperature that can negatively impact sperm production and quality. In time, this may cause a decrease in sperm count, reduced mobility, and a poor shape. Varicoceles occurs in approximately 40% of males who are who are tested for infertility. So, the best varicocele treatment should not be delayed for a long nick of time.
Atrophic Testicular Muscle: Varicocele may cause atrophy or shrinkage of the testicle. The reason for this is not clear however this is thought to be linked to the increase in pressure and heat that comes with the formation of blood pools within the veins. Testicular atrophy may affect the production of hormones and sperm formation. But varicocele natural remedies can help you solve the issue.
Affected Testosterone Production testicles make sperm and testosterone, a hormone. A varicocele may affect Leydig cells, which are responsible to produce testosterone, result in low testosterone levels that could affect libido, energy as well as muscle mass and overall health.
Chronic Pain: In a few cases, patients suffering from varicoceles complain of persistent discomfort around the scrotum. The discomfort can be caused through physical exercise or standing for extended periods.
Foods That May Trigger Varicocele or Aggravate Symptoms
While varicocele is predominantly a vascular disease, certain lifestyle choices and foods can cause more symptoms by affecting circulation and inflammation. If you're taking varicocele as a natural remedy, then your doctor may suggest following an eating plan that requires that you avoid or limit certain food items. There is no evidence that a specific food causes varicocele. However, certain diet practices can aggravate the condition:
High-Sodium Foods: A diet high with sodium (salt) could cause water retention that can raise blood pressure and aggravates vein insufficiency. Foods processed, canned items fast food, and salty snacks must be consumed with caution.
Refined carbohydrate and sugary foods Sugars and refined carbs could cause weight gain and insulin resistance both of which can negatively affect circulation. Poor circulation may cause swelling of blood within the veins, which could lead to worsening varicocele-related symptoms.
Fried and fatty foods Saturated and trans fats in processed and fried foods cause the development of inflammation and poor blood vessel health.
Alcohol: More Alcohol can dehydrate your body and cause vasodilation which can cause varicose veins to worsen and possibly varicocele-related symptoms.
Caffeine: While caffeine consumption is generally safe, however excess consumption can cause the loss of water and higher blood pressure that could aggravate the condition of venous insufficiency.
A diet high in anti-inflammatory food items, fibre and water may help to improve circulation and help overall health of the vascular system. Incorporating vegetables, fruits whole grains, lean proteins and nutritious fats such as those from fish and nuts can aid in managing symptoms.
Is Surgery a Painful Process for Varicocele?
Surgery is the most common method of treatment for varicoceles that are symptomatic, especially when it interferes with fertility or causes discomfort. The most popular surgical options are varicocelectomy and embolisation.
Varicocelectomy is an operation performed openly that involves the surgeon ligating (ties to cut off) the veins that are affected and allows circulation of blood through the normal veins rather than. The procedure can be carried out using various methods, such as laparoscopic or microscopic techniques.
Embolisation is a non-invasive procedure in which a radiologist inserts an instrument into a vein inside the neck or groin before guiding it to the varicocele, and then stopping it using the help of a coil or agent. This blocks the flow of blood to the vein that has been enlarged.
The extent of pain and recovery after surgery varies according to the procedure. In general, the procedure for varicocele is regarded as minimal, with patients enduring discomfort, but not severe discomfort. If you opt for a traditional varicocelectomy there may be some post-operative discomfort, swelling and bruising of the scrotal region are typical however these symptoms typically diminish within a few days to a few weeks.
Embolisation can be more comfortable and has a quicker recovery time when compared to varicocelectomy. Most patients get back to normal in just a few days. But, pain levels vary between individuals, and certain sufferers may have prolonged discomfort or even complications like the possibility of infection or hydrocele (fluid accumulation in the testicle).
The homeopathic remedy is an effective natural cure for varicocele
Homeopathy provides a natural, non-invasive cure varicocele without surgery that is a natural option for varicocele. Homeopathic remedies address the root of the problem by activating the body's healing processes, promoting harmony in the vascular system, and relieving symptoms.
homeopathy cure varicocele naturally. Each patient is treated holistically, which means that treatments are adapted to each patient's general constitution and the symptoms. Although there isn't much evidence of scientific research supporting the effectiveness of homeopathy varicocele natural remedies, many doctors and patients have reported good results, especially in early-stage varicocele in the early stages.
Varicocele is a very common condition that can result in serious complications, especially when left untreated. Understanding the causes of occurrence, symptoms, and complications is essential to controlling the problem. Although a natural cure for varicocele is a viable option, natural therapies like homeopathy provide a less-invasive method for those who are looking for alternative options. Furthermore, eating a balanced diet and lifestyle choices can reduce symptoms and improve blood flow, which could reduce the effect that varicocele has on fertility and general health.
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Signs It’s Time to Drain Your Pool: Don’t Ignore These Red Flags
Most pools need to be drained every 3-5 years to maintain water quality. Neglecting this can lead to various problems that affect your pool’s lifespan and your enjoyment. Draining your pool at the right time is essential for effective pool cleaning services henderson. Below are some key signs that indicate it’s time to drain your pool.
1. Persistent Algae Growth
If you notice that algae keeps returning despite regular cleaning and chemical treatments, it's a sign that the pool water needs to be replaced. Algae can become resistant to chemicals over time, making it harder to eliminate. Draining and refilling the pool can give you a fresh start, allowing you to control algae growth more effectively. Regular swimming pool weekly service helps keep algae at bay, but sometimes a complete water change is necessary.
2. Difficulty Maintaining Chemical Balance
When your pool's water chemistry becomes difficult to maintain, it's a strong indication that draining may be necessary. Over time, the water in your pool can accumulate minerals and chemicals that make it challenging to keep a balanced pH, chlorine, and alkalinity level. This can lead to cloudy water, skin irritation, and even damage to pool equipment. If you're constantly adding chemicals without success, it's time to consider a swimming pool draining service.
3. High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) refers to the total concentration of dissolved substances in the pool water, including minerals, chemicals, and debris. When TDS levels get too high, it can make the water hard, affecting the effectiveness of chemicals and the comfort of swimmers. High TDS levels often cause the water to taste salty or feel gritty. If you suspect high TDS levels, draining and refilling your pool is the best solution.
4. Water Stains on Pool Walls
Stains on the pool walls, especially those that don’t go away with scrubbing, are a clear sign that the water may need to be replaced. These stains are usually caused by metals, minerals, or algae buildup over time. Draining the pool and cleaning the surfaces can help remove these unsightly marks and prevent further staining. Regular swimming pool care near you can help prevent stains, but when they persist, draining is often necessary.
5. Unpleasant Odor
If your pool water has an unpleasant smell, it might be caused by a buildup of organic materials such as sweat, oils, and debris from the environment. These materials can overwhelm the pool’s filtration system and lead to a foul odor. When this happens, it's often a sign that the water is no longer clean and fresh. A swimming pool draining service can help eliminate the odor by giving you fresh, clean water.
6. The Pool Hasn’t Been Drained in Years
Even if your pool looks clear and seems fine, if it hasn’t been drained in more than three years, it’s time to do so. Water quality deteriorates over time, no matter how well you maintain it. Regular swimming pool weekly service can keep your pool in good shape, but nothing replaces the benefits of a complete water change after a few years.
Don’t Wait—Schedule Your Pool Draining Today!
Ignoring the signs that your pool needs to be drained can lead to costly repairs and health risks. Regular maintenance, including timely draining, is crucial for keeping your pool safe and enjoyable. If you've noticed any of these signs, it's time to schedule a pool drain services with a professional.
Taking action now will help keep your pool in excellent condition, ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.
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bandhearthmoving · 20 days
Adelaide Pool Removal: Benefits, Costs, and What to Expect
If you’ve been considering a change in your backyard landscape, pool removal might be the perfect solution. While having a pool in Adelaide might sound like a luxury, maintaining it can often become a burden. From rising maintenance costs to limited use during the colder months, many homeowners are choosing to remove their pools and reclaim their outdoor space for more practical purposes.
This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Adelaide pool removal, including its benefits, the costs involved, and what you can expect from the process. Let's dive in!
Why Consider Adelaide Pool Removal?
There are several compelling reasons why you might decide to remove your pool. For some, it's a matter of cost; for others, it’s about lifestyle changes or environmental concerns.
First, pool maintenance is both time-consuming and costly. With regular cleaning, chemical treatments, and repairs, the cost of maintaining a pool can quickly add up. Removing your pool eliminates these expenses and can provide a clean slate for new landscaping ideas.
Second, a pool can significantly limit the usability of your backyard space. By removing it, you open up possibilities for a lush garden, a children’s play area, or even a new entertainment zone. This flexibility is especially appealing for those who want to maximize the functionality of their outdoor area.
Lastly, with rising concerns about water conservation, especially in Adelaide’s climate, many people are opting to remove their pools to reduce their environmental footprint. This decision aligns with a broader trend towards sustainable living, making pool removal both a practical and eco-friendly choice.
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The Benefits of Pool Removal in Adelaide
Opting for pool removal comes with several benefits that extend beyond just cost savings. Let’s explore some of these advantages.
One of the most significant benefits is increased property value. While pools can be a selling point for some, they can also be a deterrent for potential buyers, especially those with young children or pets. Removing the pool creates a safer environment and may attract a broader range of buyers when it’s time to sell.
Another benefit is the reduction in liability. Pools can pose a safety risk, particularly for families with young children or pets. By removing the pool, you eliminate these risks and any associated liability, offering peace of mind.
Lastly, pool removal allows you to repurpose your backyard for a variety of uses. Whether you want a new garden, a play area for children, or an outdoor entertainment space, removing the pool opens up numerous possibilities, allowing you to create a backyard that better suits your lifestyle.
Understanding the Costs of Pool Removal
Understanding the costs associated with Adelaide pool removal is crucial for making an informed decision. The expenses can vary widely depending on factors like the pool size, location, and the method used for removal.
The primary cost considerations include demolition, removal, and disposal. On average, a simple pool removal in Adelaide can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000. However, costs can increase if there are complications such as difficult access, a larger pool size, or the need to remove additional structures like decking or fencing.
There are also different types of pool removal to consider, each with its own cost implications. For example, partial removal, where the pool is drained and filled in, tends to be less expensive but might not be suitable for future landscaping plans. Full removal involves demolishing and removing the entire structure, which is more thorough but also more costly.
It's essential to consult with a professional Adelaide pool removal company to get an accurate estimate tailored to your specific situation. This way, you’ll know exactly what to expect in terms of budget and can plan accordingly.
What to Expect During the Pool Removal Process
The pool removal process can seem daunting, but knowing what to expect can make it much smoother. Here is a step-by-step overview of how Adelaide pool removal typically works.
First, you’ll need to obtain any necessary permits. Your pool removal contractor can often handle this on your behalf, ensuring that everything is in compliance with local regulations. It's important to check with your council for specific requirements to avoid any potential fines or delays.
Next, the demolition phase begins. This involves draining the pool, demolishing the structure, and removing debris. Heavy machinery such as excavators is usually required, so be prepared for some noise and disruption during this stage. Depending on the pool size and location, this process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks.
Finally, the site will need to be filled in and leveled. After the pool has been removed, the area is filled with soil or gravel, compacted to ensure stability, and then leveled off. Some homeowners choose to landscape the area immediately, while others might wait a bit for the ground to settle. Your contractor will provide guidance on the best approach for your specific circumstances.
How to Choose the Right Pool Removal Service
Choosing the right contractor for your Adelaide pool removal is vital to ensuring a smooth process. Here are a few tips to help you make the best decision.
Start by researching local pool removal companies and reading reviews from previous customers. Look for companies with extensive experience in pool removal, as this ensures they have the expertise needed to handle any challenges that may arise.
It’s also a good idea to get multiple quotes before making a decision. Don’t just go for the cheapest option—consider the company’s reputation, experience, and the quality of their customer service. A reliable contractor will provide a detailed estimate, outline the removal process, and answer any questions you may have.
Lastly, make sure the company you choose is fully insured and licensed. This protects you in case of any accidents or damages during the removal process and ensures you’re working with a reputable provider.
What Comes After Pool Removal? Your Next Steps
After the pool is gone, it’s time to think about what you want to do with your newly reclaimed space. There are countless possibilities, depending on your budget and lifestyle preferences.
For those interested in gardening, you can transform the area into a lush, green oasis with a variety of plants, flowers, and even a vegetable garden. Alternatively, you could install a new patio or deck, creating the perfect outdoor entertainment space for hosting family and friends.
If you have children, consider turning the area into a play zone, complete with a swing set, sandbox, or even a small basketball court. This creates a safe and fun environment for your family to enjoy for years to come.
No matter what you decide, be sure to consult with a professional landscaper or designer to ensure your new space meets your needs and enhances your home’s overall aesthetic.
Adelaide pool removal can be a transformative decision that offers numerous benefits, from cost savings and increased property value to improved safety and environmental impact. By understanding the costs, what to expect during the process, and how to choose the right contractor, you can make an informed decision that suits your needs.
Ready to reclaim your backyard? Reach out to a local Adelaide pool removal expert today and start planning your next steps!
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aluminumroofingblog · 25 days
Deck Waterproofing Services: Ensuring Longevity and Protection for Your Deck
Decks are a beloved feature of many homes, providing a versatile outdoor space for relaxation, entertainment, and enjoyment. However, exposure to the elements can lead to significant wear and tear, making deck waterproofing a critical maintenance task. Waterproofing helps protect your deck from damage caused by moisture, thereby extending its lifespan and maintaining its aesthetic appeal. This guide explores the importance of deck waterproofing, the services available, and how to choose the right solution for your deck.
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Why Deck Waterproofing is Essential
Preventing Water Damage Decks are constantly exposed to rain, snow, and humidity. Without proper waterproofing, moisture can penetrate the wood, leading to rot, warping, and deterioration. Waterproofing creates a barrier that prevents water from seeping into the deck’s structure.
Extending Deck Lifespan By protecting your deck from water damage, waterproofing significantly extends its lifespan. Regular maintenance and treatment prevent costly repairs and premature replacement, ensuring that your deck remains a valuable part of your home for years to come.
Maintaining Aesthetic Appeal Water damage can lead to unsightly stains, mold, and mildew growth. Waterproofing helps maintain the deck's appearance by preventing these issues and preserving the natural beauty of the wood or decking material.
Improving Safety According to Dillon Roofing Newmarket, a well-maintained deck is safer for use. Waterproofing helps prevent the growth of mold and algae, which can make surfaces slippery and increase the risk of accidents.
Types of Deck Waterproofing Services
Sealants and Stains
Penetrating Sealants: These products penetrate the wood to provide a protective barrier against moisture. They help prevent water damage while allowing the wood to breathe, reducing the risk of trapped moisture and rot.
Film-Forming Sealants: These create a protective film on the surface of the deck. They are effective in repelling water but may require periodic reapplication and maintenance.
Stains with Waterproofing Properties: Many deck stains also offer waterproofing benefits. They provide both color and protection, enhancing the deck’s appearance while guarding against moisture.
Waterproof Decking Systems
Elastomeric Coatings: These flexible coatings create a waterproof membrane over the deck surface. They can accommodate the natural expansion and contraction of the deck and are ideal for high-traffic areas.
Liquid Applied Membranes: These membranes are applied as a liquid and then cure to form a seamless, waterproof layer. They are highly effective in sealing joints and seams.
Decking Materials with Built-In Waterproofing: Some decking materials come with built-in waterproofing features, such as composite or PVC decking, which are inherently resistant to water damage.
Draining Systems
Under-Deck Drainage Systems: These systems are installed underneath the deck to collect and divert water that passes through the deck surface. They help keep the area below the deck dry and protect the structure from water damage.
Gutter and Downspout Systems: Installing gutters and downspouts around the deck can help manage and direct rainwater away from the deck’s surface, reducing the risk of water pooling and damage.
Choosing the Right Waterproofing Solution
Assess Your Deck’s Condition Evaluate the current condition of your deck to determine the most suitable waterproofing solution. Look for signs of damage, such as warping, cracking, or mold growth, which may influence the type of treatment needed.
Consider Your Deck Material Different materials require different types of waterproofing. Wood decks may need sealants or stains, while composite or PVC decks may benefit from built-in waterproofing features or elastomeric coatings.
Evaluate Your Climate Consider the local climate and weather conditions when choosing a waterproofing solution. Areas with heavy rainfall or extreme temperatures may require more robust waterproofing methods to withstand environmental stressors.
Budget and Maintenance Different waterproofing solutions vary in cost and maintenance requirements. While some methods may have higher initial costs, they may offer longer-lasting protection and require less frequent reapplication. Assess your budget and maintenance preferences to choose the best option.
Professional vs. DIY Decide whether to handle waterproofing as a DIY project or hire a professional service. Professional services ensure proper application and long-lasting results, especially for complex or large-scale projects. DIY options may be suitable for smaller decks or simple treatments, but they require careful adherence to product instructions.
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Finding a Deck Waterproofing Service
Research Local Contractors Look for reputable deck waterproofing contractors in your area. Check reviews, ask for recommendations, and ensure they have experience with the specific type of deck and waterproofing service you need. Hop over here to find out more. 
Get Multiple Quotes Obtain quotes from several contractors to compare pricing and services. Ensure that each quote includes details about the products used, the scope of work, and any warranties offered.
Check Credentials and References Verify the contractor’s credentials, including licenses and insurance. Ask for references or examples of previous work to assess their expertise and reliability.
Review Warranty Options Discuss warranty options with your contractor. A good warranty can provide peace of mind and protection against future issues related to the waterproofing treatment.
Bradford deck waterproofing services are vital maintenance tasks that ensure the longevity, safety, and aesthetic appeal of your deck. By understanding the types of waterproofing services available, assessing your deck’s needs, and choosing the right solution, you can protect your investment and enjoy your outdoor space for years to come. Whether you opt for professional services or a DIY approach, proper waterproofing will help keep your deck in excellent condition and enhance your outdoor living experience.
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mullinplumbing1 · 1 month
Septic System and Aerobic System Services
Call Now (918) 922-7867
Looking for septic service in Broken Arrow? Mullin Septic has you covered!
Since 1973, Mullin Septic has been providing septic tank services for residential customers in the greater part of Oklahoma. We are a 24-hour same-day septic tank service near me located in Broken Arrow, here when you need us most! At Mullin Septic, we have trained professionals to handle all your septic system service needs, from septic tank inspection, clean-out, and septic pumping, and we can even repair your septic tank system!
Septic Services
Septic Repair
Septic Pumping
Septic Maintenance
If you live in a rural area, chances are your property depends on some type of specialized wastewater treatment system to handle sewage. Failing septic or aerobic systems can cause messy, smelly, and downright dangerous problems. That’s why relying on Mullin Septic for professional repair services is crucial to get your system back up and running properly.
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How Do You Know If You Have a Traditional Septic or Aerobic System?
Unsure what type of wastewater treatment system is on your rural property? Traditional septic tanks and alternative systems like aerobic units or media filters all look similar underground. 
Some clues to identify your system type include:
Age of Your Home – Newer systems are more likely advanced treatment designs
Manufacturer Stickers – Small metal plates or stickers may be visible with brand info
Control Panels – Aerobic systems have electrical control panels, standard septic tanks do not
System Documents – Install permits or home records may have system details
If still uncertain what you have, our Mullin Septic technicians can inspect and identify your property’s wastewater system. 
What is a Septic System?
Septic systems are underground wastewater treatment solutions commonly used in properties not connected to municipal sewer lines. A typical septic setup includes a septic tank and drain field built from perforated pipes leading away from the tank.
Inside the septic tank, heavy solids settle out, lighter solids float to the top as scum, and a clarified middle layer of effluent forms between. Natural bacteria breaks down some contaminants. The clarified effluent then drains from the tank to the perforated pipes of the drain field where it percolates down through layers of soil and gravel that filter out remaining impurities.
4 Signs You May Need Septic System Repair:
Slow Draining Sinks or Toilets: If your fixtures are sluggish, your system could be backed up. Slow drainage indicates sewage isn’t exiting your septic tank properly.
Gurgling Noises from Plumbing: Loud gurgles from your drains or toilets may mean sewage is attempting to back up due to a clogged septic tank. Gas bubbles can also cause odd plumbing noises.
Sewage Backups into the Home: Water pooling around drains or outright sewage backups into sinks, toilets or tubs mean your septic system is severely clogged. Immediate repair attention is needed.
Strong Sewage Odors: If you smell unpleasant odors around your yard or home, gases may be leaking from your system. That can indicate a failing drain field or broken pipes releasing sewage under the ground.
Call Now (918) 922-7867
Septic tank clean out. He did a great job. Very professional. Will definitely use again.
Donna Williams
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Had a very good experience with mullin plumbing. Dealing with a huge water leak with tons of company at my house was a bit stressful but Israel got right on the problem. He knew what to look for and found our problem in no time, he explained everything where it was easy to understand and had a calming presence over it all. He was very stilled and fixed what he could and called someone else to clean out our septic tank . They came within a few hours of calling and got it done same day. We have used them in the past and being a business owner myself know the value of customer service. Definitely call them again for any plumbing needs. Jason and Rachel
Jason Rowe
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Google Revi
Our Septic System Repair & Maintenance Services:
Septic Tank Pumping: We vacuum out built up solids to restore needed capacity and prevent clogging. Regular pumping is key to system longevity.
Pipe & Drain Field Repairs: We use camera pipe inspection to check for leaks or damage. Drain field repairs may involve replacing gravel, pipes, or soils.
Filter Cleaning: For systems with outlet filters, we remove and clean filters to maintain proper flow.
Component Replacements: If certain parts like inlet tees or baffles break down, we replace components.
Annual Drain Field Inspections: Inspection and testing helps optimize performance and identify problems early.
Septic System Replacements
While Mullin Septic doesn’t handle installing brand new septic systems, we do specialize in septic system replacements. We are fully licensed to replace all parts and components of failing or damaged septic systems. A full system replacement is often needed in cases of:
A collapsed septic tank
Extensive drain field pipe deterioration
Quarantined drain field areas
Insufficient capacity for the home
Drainage problems unable to be repaired
Our professional replacement process involves:
Design – We create a custom replacement plan meeting state codes and property needs. This includes tank size, pipe layouts, drain field sizing and more.
Permitting – We handle all permitting documentation required for county health departments.
Installations – Our team completes full system installs, connecting all parts from interior plumbing to the underground treatment system and drain field.
Inspections – Mullin Septic schedules necessary inspections before backfilling underground structures.
System Startup – Once the replacement system passes inspection, we activate treatment systems so drain fields can be brought online.
With Mullin Septic as your local septic service provider, you can count on our experts to guide you through necessary system replacements or difficult repairs seamlessly. 
Contact us to learn more!
Call Now (918) 922-7867
What is an Aerobic Treatment System?
Aerobic systems are a modern alternative to traditional septic tank setups. In aerobic units, effluent from the clarifying chamber passes through an aerator before reaching the drain field.
The aerator injects oxygen and mixes in aerobic bacteria. It facilitates further breakdown of viruses, waste, and pathogens. An advanced treatment process lets effluent safely percolate through a significantly smaller drain field.
Monitoring panels and alarms alert homeowners if repair attention is needed. Aerobic systems also require more routine maintenance than standard septic designs. But provide effective, eco-friendly rural wastewater management.
4 Signs You May Need Aerobic System Repair:
Aerator or Pump Not Working: If the aerator or effluent pump shuts down, sewage won’t receive proper treatment. The monitoring panel should indicate failures.
Treatment System Alarms: Any activated alarm light indicates something isn’t working right internally. Only a technician should reset alarms.
Backups and Clogs: Slow drains or sewage backups usually mean a clog before or after treatment. Clogs block wastewater flow.
Unpleasant Odors: If you notice sewage-like smells around the system, hydrogen sulfide gas may be releasing. This points to potential issues.
Our Aerobic System Repair & Maintenance:
Aerator Cleaning & Repair: We clear debris, test functionality, and replace worn parts like air diffusers or chlorinators if not working.
Pump Maintenance: Pumps experience wear and tear over years of use. We inspect pumps, clear obstructions and replace failing effluent pumps.
Pipe Inspections & Clearing: We use meticulous pipe camera checks and professional hydro jet clearing to remove stuck-on grease, waste and obstructions in pipes.
Filter Replacements: Internal microfilters trap suspended solids but require replacement every 2-3 years typically as pores clog up.
Panel Repairs: Faulty electrical panels mean vital system components aren’t receiving power. We troubleshoot and source solutions for panel issues.
Professional Servicing for Optimal Performance: Annual tune-ups optimize aerobic units. We follow manufacturer specifications for replacement parts and maintenance needs.
Rely on the Mullin Septic Experts for your Wastewater Treatment System Needs
Aerobic System Awareness
Do you find yourself unfamiliar with aerobic system warning lights? We hope this allows you a better understanding of your aerobic systems’ needs!
Red light:
Orange light:
The alarm will sound with either the red light or the orange light. The alarm may be muted at the control panel until a highly experienced technician can examine the system. You can mute the alarm by going to the control panel or aerator pump and either clicking the silence button or pushing the alarm switch. The light will remain on until the issue is resolved.
Mullin Inc. recommends that you flush one fizzy tablet a month to enhance the beneficial bacteria in your plumbing lines and septic systems! We sell fizzy tablets in house, or they can be shipped right to your door! They are sold in a 12-month supply for only $45!
How often should you pump out a septic tank?
We recommend pumping every 3-5 years. More frequent pumping may be needed if you have a smaller tank, newer home, or use a garbage disposal often. Inspections help determine when tanks need to be emptied.
What are disadvantages of using a septic system?
Septic systems require ongoing maintenance like pumping. They have a limited lifespan and will eventually need full replacements. Aerobic systems reduce, but don’t eliminate, those downsides.
What impacts does a septic system have on the environment?
Untreated sewage overflowing from failing septic systems can impact groundwater and aquatic ecosystems. Well maintained systems filter effluent properly to avoid negative effects.
How do septic systems work to treat waste?
Solids settle and separate in baffled tanks as waste breaks down partially. Clarified effluent disperses through drain field pipes and gravel where more filtration occurs before soil absorption.
How much daily laundry is safe for a septic system?
We advise limiting loads to 6-8 per week. Compact HE washers use less water. Excessive water flows strain systems. Stagger laundry instead of doing multiple loads at once.
What signs indicate your septic tank needs to be pumped?
Slow drains, gurgling sounds, the presence of sewage odors, overly damp ground or lush grass around the tank or drain field point to a potentially full tank needing service.
Does homeowners insurance cover septic system failure?
Unfortunately homeowners insurance typically does not cover repair or replacement costs related to failed septic systems or drain fields. Some insurers may assist marginally if sewage backup damages the interior home structures and possessions. But the septic system itself and related issues like pipe repairs, pumping, drain field replacement etc. falls under normal maintenance excluded in policies. We advise discussing add-on septic coverage with providers to offset some potential expensive repair bills.
Why is my aerobic system alarm going off?
Alarms on aerobic units indicate issues with components like the aerator, pump, or treatment levels. Only qualified technicians should interpret alert codes and troubleshoot causes. Call us right away when aerobic alarms activate.
How long does an aerobic septic system last?
Properly maintained aerobic systems can last 20-30 years. Key components like air pumps, chlorinators, and control panels do wear out over time. Quality repairs and parts replacements extend system lifespans when needed.
How do you reset an aerobic septic system?
Resetting alarms requires pinpointing the trigger reason first, then addressing it. Alarms won’t deactivate until underlying problems get resolved. Technicians verify normal operation before conducting resets. Don’t bypass alarms without repairs.
How often should aerobic septic sprinklers go off?
Rotating sprinkler heads in aerobic drain fields should spray effluent across all sections evenly. Excessive spraying in one area overloads soils. Contact us if sprinklers run too frequently, not enough, or seem out of balance.
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pooldoctorxandspa2 · 1 month
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How Often Should I Drain and Fill My Hot Tub?
Owning a hot tub can be a wonderful way to relax and unwind, but maintaining its cleanliness and functionality is key to ensuring a pleasant experience. One important aspect of hot tub maintenance is knowing how often to drain and fill your hot tub. At Pool DoctoRX and Spa, we understand that this can be a bit confusing, so let’s break it down to help you keep your hot tub in top shape.
1. Why Draining and Filling is Necessary
Draining and filling your hot tub is essential for several reasons:
Remove Contaminants: Over time, even with proper filtration and chemical treatment, contaminants such as oils, lotions, and other residues can build up. Draining and refilling helps remove these impurities.
Maintain Water Quality: The water in your hot tub can become imbalanced due to high levels of dissolved solids. Regularly changing the water helps maintain optimal chemical balance and water quality.
Prevent Equipment Damage: Old water can lead to scaling and other issues that may damage your hot tub’s components. Draining and refilling helps prevent these problems and extends the life of your equipment.
2. Recommended Frequency
The frequency with which you should drain and fill your hot tub depends on several factors, including usage, water quality, and the type of water treatment you use. As a general guideline:
Light Usage: If you use your hot tub infrequently, it’s typically recommended to drain and refill it every 3 to 4 months.
Moderate Usage: For regular use, consider draining and refilling every 2 to 3 months.
Heavy Usage: If your hot tub is used frequently or by multiple people, draining and refilling every 1 to 2 months may be necessary.
3. Signs It’s Time to Drain and Fill
In addition to following the recommended schedule, keep an eye out for these signs that indicate it’s time to drain and refill your hot tub:
Cloudy or Discolored Water: If the water becomes cloudy or changes color despite proper chemical treatment, it’s time for a change.
Unpleasant Odor: Persistent odors can indicate that the water is no longer clean and fresh.
Foam and Residue: Excessive foam or residue on the water’s surface can be a sign that the water is saturated with contaminants.
4. How to Drain and Fill Your Hot Tub
Draining and refilling your hot tub is a straightforward process:
Turn Off Power: Always turn off the power to your hot tub before draining to ensure safety.
Drain the Water: Use the drain valve or pump to remove the water. If your hot tub doesn’t have a drain valve, you may need to use a submersible pump.
Clean the Interior: After draining, clean the interior of the hot tub to remove any residues or buildup.
Refill with Fresh Water: Once cleaned, refill the hot tub with fresh water. Ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for water levels.
Add Chemicals: After filling, add the necessary chemicals to balance the water and ensure it’s safe for use. Test the water and adjust chemical levels as needed.
5. Professional Assistance
If you’re unsure about the process or need help maintaining your hot tub, consider reaching out to the experts at Pool DoctoRX and Spa. Our team can provide professional advice and services to keep your hot tub in excellent condition.
What Our Customers Are Saying
Alice K. "Draining and refilling our hot tub used to be a hassle, but following the guidelines from Pool DoctoRX and Spa has made it so much easier. Our hot tub always feels fresh and clean!"
John R. "We use our hot tub frequently, so we follow the recommended schedule for draining and filling. It’s made a big difference in water quality and overall maintenance."
Nancy L. "Pool DoctoRX and Spa’s tips have been invaluable. Our hot tub is in great shape, and the water quality is always top-notch. Highly recommend their advice!"
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Knowing how often to drain and fill your hot tub is crucial for maintaining clean and comfortable water. Regularly following the recommended schedule and being aware of signs that it’s time for a change will help you enjoy your hot tub to the fullest. For more information and expert advice on hot tub maintenance, visit Pool DoctoRX and Spa. Our team is here to help you keep your hot tub in perfect condition.
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What is Swimming Pool Draining and Refilling Service
Swimming pool draining and refilling service is the process of maintaining the quality of pool water. Swimming pool draining is very important because pool experts mix chlorine in water to maintain its Ph temperature. Firstly pool experts drain the whole water of the pool after that clean and wash the pool, its walls and equipment. Then pool experts refill the pool with fresh water.
Complete Pool Servicing Company provides the best swimming pool draining and refilling service in Henderson Nevada USA. Complete pool servicing company always provides whole swimming pool services like cleaning, maintenance, draining , refilling and pool repairs.
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There are many Benefits of Pool Draining and Refilling ➖
1. Improved Water Quality: Draining and refilling eliminates the accumulation of minerals, chemicals, and contaminants, resulting in fresher, clearer water.
2. Balanced Chemistry: Refilling allows you to reset the water chemistry, making it easier to balance pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels.
3. Algae and Bacteria Control: Removing all water helps eradicate algae, bacteria, and other microorganisms that may be difficult to manage with chemical treatments alone.
4. Equipment Maintenance: Draining the pool provides an opportunity to inspect and service the pool equipment, such as pumps, filters, and heaters, ensuring they are in good working order.
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5. Leak Detection and Repair: When the pool is empty, it's easier to identify and fix leaks or structural issues, preventing future water loss and damage.
6. Aesthetic Improvements: An empty pool allows for thorough cleaning of the pool surfaces, tiles, and grout, enhancing the overall appearance of the pool.
7. Temperature Control: Refilling with fresh water can help control the water temperature, especially in warmer climates where water can become too hot for comfortable swimming.
8. Winterization: In colder climates, draining and refilling the pool before winter can prevent damage from freezing and thawing cycles.
9. Resetting Stabilizer Levels: If stabilizer levels are too high, draining and refilling is the only effective way to reduce them.
10. Preventing Scale Buildup: Regular refilling can prevent the buildup of calcium scale and other mineral deposits on pool surfaces and equipment.
It's important to note that draining and refilling a pool should be done with care and possibly under the guidance of a pool professional to avoid damaging the pool structure or equipment.
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luxpool11 · 2 months
The Essential Guide to Swimming Pool Maintenance Companies
A swimming pool is a luxurious addition to any home, offering a place to relax, exercise, and entertain. However, maintaining a pool can be complex and time-consuming. This is where professional swimming pool maintenance companies come into play. These businesses specialize in keeping your pool in pristine condition, ensuring it remains a safe and enjoyable feature of your property.
Why Hire a Professional Pool Maintenance Company?
Expertise and Experience: Pool maintenance companies employ trained professionals with extensive knowledge of pool systems, chemistry, and equipment. They can diagnose and address issues that might be overlooked by an untrained eye.
Time-Saving: Regular maintenance involves tasks such as cleaning, chemical balancing, and equipment inspections. Hiring a professional frees up your time and ensures that these tasks are performed consistently.
Preventive Care: Regular maintenance helps prevent minor issues from escalating into costly repairs. Professionals can identify and address potential problems before they become major concerns.
Safety and Compliance: Pool maintenance companies ensure that your pool complies with safety standards and regulations. They check for potential hazards and maintain proper chemical levels to prevent health risks.
Long-Term Cost Efficiency: While hiring a professional may seem like an additional expense, it can save you money in the long run by extending the life of your pool equipment and preventing expensive repairs.
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Services Offered by Pool Maintenance Companies
Routine Cleaning: This includes skimming the surface for debris, vacuuming the pool floor, and brushing the walls. Regular cleaning helps prevent algae growth and keeps the water clear.
Chemical Balancing: Professionals test and adjust the water's pH, chlorine, and alkalinity levels to ensure a safe and comfortable swimming environment. Proper chemical balance is crucial for preventing skin and eye irritation and avoiding equipment damage.
Equipment Inspection and Repair: Pool maintenance companies inspect and maintain equipment such as pumps, filters, heaters, and chlorinators. They can perform repairs or replacements as needed to keep the pool operating efficiently.
Algae and Contaminant Control: Companies use specialized treatments to manage and prevent algae growth and eliminate contaminants, ensuring the water remains clean and clear.
Winterization and Opening: Many companies offer seasonal services, including winterizing your pool in the off-season and preparing it for use in the spring. This involves tasks like covering the pool, draining equipment, and reassembling and balancing the pool when it’s time to reopen.
Water Testing and Quality Control: Regular water testing is essential for maintaining optimal water quality. Professionals use advanced testing methods to ensure that the water remains safe and balanced.
Choosing the Right Pool Maintenance Company
Reputation and Reviews: Look for companies with positive customer reviews and a strong reputation in your area. Word-of-mouth recommendations can also be valuable.
Certifications and Experience: Ensure the company employs certified technicians with extensive experience. Certifications from organizations like the National Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (NAPPS) can be a good indicator of professionalism.
Service Agreements: Many companies offer various service packages. Evaluate these packages to find one that fits your needs and budget. Look for transparency in pricing and what is included in the service agreement.
Customer Service: Good communication and customer service are essential. Choose a company that is responsive, offers clear explanations of their services, and is willing to address any concerns you may have.
Insurance and Licensing: Verify that the company is properly licensed and insured. This protects you in case of any accidental damage or issues that may arise during maintenance.
swimming pool maintenance in UK play a crucial role in ensuring your pool remains a safe, clean, and enjoyable part of your home. By entrusting your pool care to professionals, you benefit from their expertise, save time, and avoid potential headaches. Whether you’re dealing with routine upkeep or specific issues, a reputable maintenance company can help you keep your pool in top condition throughout the year.
In the end, investing in professional pool maintenance is not just about convenience; it’s about preserving the quality and longevity of your pool while ensuring it remains a delightful feature of your home.
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realestate786 · 2 months
Shreekhetra Greenpark: Where Luxury Meets Nature in Bhubaneswar
Shreekhetra Greenpark is located in the heart of Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar offers 3&4 BHK apartments with sizes ranging from 2026-3017 sqft. The project is spread over an area of 4.811 acres of land. It consists of 2 buildings with 22 floors and 240 units to offer. Each apartment is fully independent of the other. Internal Decent Planning, abundant ventilation, and provision for modern automation in all apartments. RERA ID: RP/19/2023/01009. Amenities of Shreekhetra Greenpark are Pergola, Entrance Lobby, Video Door Security, Senior Citizen Site out, Party Lawn, Piped Gas Connection, Electrification(Transformer, Solar Energy etc), 24X7 Water Supply, Car Parking, Intercom, CCTV, Storm Water Drains, Landscaping & Tree Planting, Vaastu Compliant, Maintenance Staff, Visitor Parking, Fire Fighting System, Sewage Treatment Plant, Amphitheater, Yoga/Meditation Area, 24x7 Security, Kid's Pool, Sports Area, Power Backup, Children's Play Area, Cycling & Jogging Track, Lift(s), Gymnasium, Swimming Pool.
Visit us on- https://shreekhetra-greenpark.directbuilder.in/
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feikemasanitation · 2 months
Services offered by Waterproofing Companies in Munster
Waterproofing companies in Munster offer several offerings aimed at protecting residential and commercial enterprise buildings from water damage while maintaining their structural integrity and lifespan. These offerings are vital in a place in which high water tables and frequent heavy rains position buildings at severe threat if suitable waterproofing measures aren't taken.
Basement Waterproofing
Basement waterproofing is one of the main offerings that waterproofing companies in Munster supply. Water intrusion into the basement can cause mildew, structural harm, and dangerous dwelling situations. The installation of sump pumps, waterproof membranes, and interior and external drainage systems are standard services. While external remedies can include digging around the foundation to build a waterproof barrier, interior solutions frequently involve sealing cracks in the walls and flooring.
Foundation Repair
Another vital service that waterproofing professionals provide is foundation repair. Underpinning, foundation crack repairs, and different stabilization strategies are supplied with the aid of waterproofing companies in Munster to hold and restore the integrity of the muse. In addition to fixing present problems, these remedies aid in averting further harm.
Exterior Waterproofing
The construction of drainage systems, such as French drains and outside membranes that stop water from penetrating the foundation, is included in exterior waterproofing services. Properties in areas with high groundwater levels or inadequate soil drainage must implement these solutions. These systems aid in the preservation of a dry and sturdy structure by rerouting water away from the foundation.
Additional Services
Waterproofing companies in Munster may also include gutter installation, mold removal, and landscape grading in addition to these core services, to further shield homes from water damage. In addition to installing gutters and managing water flow around the property to minimize seepage and pooling, mold treatment guarantees that any existing mold is securely removed.
Using specialist waterproofing techniques, shield your property against moisture intrusion. Waterproofing companies in Munster offer crucial services that shield buildings from the harm that comes from water intrusion. Feikema Plumbing & Sanitation protects your home from water damage with drain tile installations both inside and outside. They maintain the safety, dryness, and structural integrity of residences and commercial buildings by utilizing a blend of external and interior solutions.
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michaelwilsonseo · 2 months
DIY Pool Maintenance: Tips & Tricks For Keeping Your Above-Ground Pool Clean And Pristine
Maintaining an above-ground pool doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right knowledge and a bit of effort, you can keep your pool clean, clear, and inviting all season long. In this blog, we'll share some DIY pool maintenance tips and tricks to help you maintain your above-ground pool like a pro.
1. Skim and Vacuum Regularly
One of the most important tasks in pool maintenance is skimming the surface and vacuuming the bottom regularly to remove leaves, debris, and other contaminants. Use a skimmer net to skim leaves and debris off the surface daily and invest in a pool vacuum to clean the bottom of the pool weekly.
2. Check and Maintain Water Chemistry
Regularly test the water chemistry of your pool using a pool water testing kit and adjust the pH, chlorine, alkalinity, and other chemical levels as needed to maintain proper balance. Aim for a pH level between 7.2 and 7.6 and a chlorine level between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm) to keep your pool water clean and safe for swimming.
3. Clean the Filter
The filter is an essential component of your pool's circulation system and helps remove dirt, debris, and contaminants from the water. Clean the filter regularly according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure optimal filtration and water quality. This may involve backwashing, rinsing, or replacing the filter cartridge, depending on the type of filter you have.
4. Shock the Pool
Shocking the pool is a crucial step in maintaining water clarity and preventing algae growth. Use a pool shock treatment or chlorine-based shock to oxidize organic contaminants and kill bacteria and algae in the water. Shock the pool weekly or as needed, especially after heavy use or rainfall.
5. Maintain Proper Water Level
Keep an eye on the water level of your above-ground pool and ensure it remains at the recommended level, typically halfway up the skimmer opening or the midpoint of the waterline tile. Add water as needed to maintain the proper level and prevent damage to the pump and filter.
6. Winterize the Pool
Properly winterizing your above-ground pool is essential for protecting it from freezing temperatures and ice damage during the offseason. Drain the pool, remove the pump and filter, and clean and store pool accessories to prevent damage. Cover the pool with a winter pool cover to keep out debris and protect the liner.
7. Inspect and Maintain Pool Equipment
Regularly inspect and maintain pool equipment such as pumps, filters, heaters, and cleaners to ensure they are functioning properly and efficiently. Clean or replace worn or damaged parts as needed and schedule professional maintenance or repairs as necessary to keep your pool in top condition.
By following these DIY pool maintenance tips and tricks, you can keep your above-ground pool clean, clear, and pristine throughout the swimming season. With a little time and effort, you can enjoy crystal-clear water, refreshing swims, and endless hours of poolside fun with family and friends.
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Best varicocele treatment without surgery
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Varicocele is a condition where veins in the scrotum become enlarged, akin to the varicose veins that can develop in the legs. This condition is a common cause of low sperm production and decreased sperm quality, which can lead to infertility. While surgery, such as varicocelectomy, is a well-known treatment option, many seek varicocele treatment without surgery due to various reasons, including fear of surgical procedures, cost concerns, or a preference for natural remedies. Here, we will explore the best varicocele treatment options that do not involve surgery, focusing on varicocele natural treatment methods.
Understanding Varicocele
Before delving into non-surgical treatments, it's crucial to understand what varicocele is and how it affects the body. Varicoceles form when valves inside the veins in the spermatic cord prevent blood from flowing properly. This leads to blood pooling and the veins becoming enlarged. This condition is most commonly found in the left testicle due to the way the veins drain from the scrotum. Symptoms of varicocele may include a dull, aching pain, feeling of heaviness in the testicle, visibly enlarged veins, and reduced fertility.
Non-Surgical Treatments for Varicocele
Lifestyle Changes
One of the most effective ways to manage varicocele without surgery is through lifestyle changes. These modifications can help improve blood flow and reduce the pressure on the affected veins.
Exercise Regularly: Engaging in regular physical activity can improve overall blood circulation, which may help reduce the symptoms of varicocele. However, it's essential to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities that might exacerbate the condition.
Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in antioxidants can support vein health. Foods high in vitamins C and E, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids can help improve blood flow and reduce inflammation. Examples include citrus fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, and leafy greens.
Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy blood circulation. Drinking plenty of water can help prevent blood from becoming too thick and reduce the risk of varicoceles worsening.
Herbal and Natural Supplements
Herbal and natural supplements can be an effective varicocele natural treatment. These remedies have been used for centuries to promote vein health and improve blood flow.
Horse Chestnut: Horse chestnut extract is well-known for its ability to improve vein health and reduce swelling. It contains aescin, a compound that strengthens the walls of veins and reduces leakage, which can be beneficial for those with varicocele.
Butcher's Broom: This herb is known for its anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties. Butcher's broom can help reduce swelling and improve blood flow in the veins, providing relief from varicocele symptoms.
Pycnogenol: Derived from French maritime pine bark, pycnogenol is a powerful antioxidant that helps improve blood flow and strengthens blood vessels. It can be an excellent supplement for managing varicocele naturally.
Physical Therapies
Certain physical therapies can also be considered the best varicocele treatment without surgery. These therapies aim to improve blood flow and reduce the pressure on the affected veins.
Scrotal Support: Wearing supportive underwear or a scrotal support garment can help alleviate the discomfort associated with varicocele. This support helps lift the scrotum, reducing pressure on the veins and improving blood flow.
Yoga and Stretching: Yoga and stretching exercises can enhance circulation and reduce the pressure on the scrotal veins. Specific yoga poses, such as the shoulder stand and legs-up-the-wall pose, can be particularly beneficial for promoting blood flow and reducing varicocele symptoms.
Pelvic Floor Exercises: Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through exercises like Kegels can improve blood circulation and support the veins in the scrotum. These exercises can be performed discreetly and are easy to incorporate into a daily routine.
Ayurvedic Treatments
Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, offers various natural treatments for varicocele. Ayurvedic remedies focus on balancing the body's energies and improving overall health.
Ashwagandha: This adaptogenic herb is known for its ability to reduce stress and inflammation. Ashwagandha can help improve blood flow and support vein health, making it a valuable addition to varicocele natural treatment.
Triphala: Triphala, a combination of three fruits, is commonly used in Ayurveda to improve digestion and detoxify the body. It can help reduce inflammation and promote healthy blood flow, which may benefit those with varicocele.
Guggul: Guggul is a resin from the Commiphora mukul tree and is used in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce swelling and improve vein health, making it a useful remedy for varicocele.
While surgery is a common treatment for varicocele, there are numerous varicocele treatment without surgery options available. From lifestyle changes and natural supplements to physical therapies and Ayurvedic remedies, individuals can explore various non-surgical methods to manage their condition. The best varicocele treatment will vary depending on individual needs and preferences, but many find success with a combination of these natural approaches. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen to ensure safety and effectiveness.
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